Hadleigh Community News, September 2019

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Community News


September 2019

01473 829700 bookings@hadleighprivatehire.co.uk

The Four Old Men of Hadleigh tell their story for the Community Four local men from Hadleigh - Jim Sephton, Jimmy Wilding, Anthony Foster and Richard Groom, affectionately known as the ‘Four Old Men of Hadleigh’, recently completed the gruelling 192-mile Coast to Coast walk across England, in aid of Hadleigh Dementia Action Alliance. The walk took them from St Bees on the Cumbrian coast to Robin Hood's Bay on the North Yorkshire coast, passing through the National Parks of the Lake District, Pennines, Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors. Their story was followed by many local people and now they are inviting the community to join them for an evening of celebration and to hear their stories, including the challenges they faced and the fun they had. They would like to enjoy a glass of wine with as many local people as possible to celebrate and thank 'the amazing community’ that supported them so well during their adventure. The event is free of charge and will take place at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh on Friday 6th September 2019 at 7pm. Tickets are available from St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh Pool & Leisure and The Thrift Shop.


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Breakfast & World Cup Rugby From Friday 20th September we will be open at 8.00 am serving Breakfast and Coffee and showing live Rugby throughout the World Cup X

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 27th September We will be donating all Coffee and Cake takings to Macmillan in memory of past customers lost to cancer. Please come along and join in.

www.battleburys.com 90 High Street, Hadleigh 01473 828855


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01473 822415

Your spouse or partner needs your help with their financial affairs, but can you assist them?

Community News

18200 Community News Magazines are delivered during the first week of each month to homes and businesses in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Bildeston, Boxford, Capel St Mary, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Hitcham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, Long Melford, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Newton Green & Raydon We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month

Our contact details: Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 kelvin@keithavis.co.uk To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 matt@keithavis.co.uk

www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Community News Magazines are produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Commonly with married couples or those in a long-term relationship they each have assets in their own name and in joint names (e.g. bank accounts and the family home). This often leads people to think that they can manage the financial affairs of their spouse or partner, or could do if the need arose; however, this is not the case. Unfortunately, should your spouse or partner become unable to manage their affairs themselves due to ill-health or injury, their individual bank accounts are likely to be effectively frozen and you will not be able to deal with organisations on their behalf. What is needed to be able to help To assist with your spouse or partner affairs during their lifetime you will need to have been appointed as an Attorney. This means your spouse or partner will need to have made Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) with a local solicitor. If LPAs have not been made you will not be able to deal with organisations on their behalf. What happens if I do not have LPAs? Many people need to assist with these matters because their spouse or partner has become unable to manage their affairs themselves. This may be due to physical or mental incapacity, perhaps due to illness or an accident. If you want to help your partner with financial decisions and they did not have Powers of Attorney in place and were incapable of making them, you would need to make a costly application to the Court to obtain the necessary authority. The Court application takes several months and can be stressful and frustrating for those involved. Until the Court authorises your application you are unable to deal with their money and property. Two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney LPAs are important documents that allow someone to give people (often close relatives or friends) the authority to make certain decisions on their behalf. There are two types of LPA: Property and Financial Affairs LPA – which allows an attorney to manage and deal with finances and property related matters (such as selling a home). Health and welfare LPA – which allows an attorney to make decisions regarding health and personal welfare. This type of LPA only comes into effect when a person no longer has the capacity to make such decisions themselves. People often think that if necessary, they would be able to make decisions about where their spouse or partner receives care, what type of care they receive and whether they could agree to their receiving life-sustaining treatment. Without an LPA in place, relatives are not able to make these decisions. Doctors, nurses, medical practitioners or Social Services would make them instead. Discuss Powers of Attorney for yourself or your partner To talk to a local lawyer about Lasting Powers of Attorney and to find out whether you or a relative should have them, call Dean Stanhope at Holmes & Hills Solicitors in Sudbury, Suffolk, on 01787 275275.

Art Club Activities The Hadleigh Art Club begins a fresh term on 10th September at 2 o’clock in the Hadleigh Library Seminar Room. Regular members will be ready to greet newcomers. The annual subscription is only a fiver and weekly attendances are £3 per session, this covers the cost of the room and pays for refreshments. We extend our thanks to the library staff who make us so welcome. The programme for September is as follows; 10th Hands and feet. 17th Children at the seaside. Holiday snaps will be useful here. September 24th. Ferns and Bracken. Bring some in. Looking ahead Claudia Myatt will be conducting a workshop or demonstrating for us in October. Watch this space, meanwhile find Hadleigh Art club on Facebook.



Bychoice are pleased to offer this good size 3 bedroom middle terrace house located in the sought after village of Whatfield. This well established property boasts a large south facing rear garden with far reaching countryside views beyond.

Bychoice are pleased to offer this 3 bedroom end of terrace house in the popular village of Boxford. The property provides good size accommodation & requires some updating.





Bychoice are delighted to offer this substantial 5 bedroom chalet bungalow in the popular village of Elmsett. The property has great potential & is complimented by a generous size plot.

This 4 bedroom detached home was constructed in 2014 by reputable local builders. The property provides well thought out accommodation complimented by a double garage, ample off road parking & large courtyard garden.

Bychoice are pleased to offer this 3 bedroom middle terraced house in a non-estate location. The property has recently been subject to a program of refurbishment & is smartly presented throughout. NO ONWARD CHAIN.

Bychoice are delighted to offer this 3 double bedroomed detached house that has been greatly improved by the present owner in recent years. Internal viewings are essential. NO ONWARD CHAIN.









A unique opportunity to purchase a 4 (double) bedroom detached home on what is regarded as one of the most rarely available roads in Hadleigh. The property requires some updating & is offered with NO ONWARD CHAIN.

An individual modern detached home set back from the road & occupying a plot approaching a quarter of an acre (s.t.s). The property provides good size, flexible family accommodation & views over open countryside to the rear.

A 4 bedroom chalet bungalow with spacious & flexible accommodation, ample off road parking & detached garage. Call now for more information or to arrange a viewing.

PART EXCHANGE CONSIDERED. Bychoice are pleased to offer this modern 4 bedroom town house built on the Wilson Mill Development just a short walk from amenities of Hadleigh town centre. An internal viewing is highly recommended.










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Hadleigh Guildhall and Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity

on your side, at your side...

wills and trusts

01473 822102 www.gotelee.co.uk

For centuries the Guildhall, Market House, Town hall and premises have provided Hadleigh with a range of functions. From workhouse, Police Station, School, to current day use for the celebration of marriages, births, and the remembrance of our dead, the complex has served the needs of its residents. A committee of members of the Town Council was formed recently, and chaired by Councillor Helen Allan, they now have day to day responsibility for the complex, reporting to full council. The work this new committee has to perform is not insignificant. We need to fulfil the obligations of our registered scheme with the Charity Commission. We need to preserve, repair and maintain this grade 1 listed building for future generations. We need to manage a tight budget, which has unfortunately made a loss for the last few years. In the past the complex has enjoyed significant financial contributions from the town council, who to this day use ground floor offices in the Market House. Letting of rooms for local groups, functions, sales and exhibitions produces income, but on the whole this is insufficient to maintain the long term survival of this prestigious heritage building. This week it has been publicly stated on social media that the complex is verging on bankruptcy. We would like to categorically assure the residents of Hadleigh that this is not the situation. The comments do not accurately reflect the total funds held by the Charity. The charity has other savings and investment vehicles. As a charity we have to register our accounts with the Charities Commission on an annual basis, and these accounts are available for all to see on the Charity Commission website. The accounts for 2018 will be available, once we have confirmed some outstanding issues with the accountants who have verified them. The Charity Committee have voted to engage the expertise of the Ethical Property Foundation to give us advise on the best use of the building, which could identify additional or alternative uses to this currently being enjoyed and hopefully provide income funding. Until such time as the results are known, and we have to make decisions on the buildings to ensure their long term survival for the Hadleigh community, we are very much welcoming bookings and have a number of events taking place, that our councillors, staff and valuable volunteers are supporting. We will be showcasing our building at the Hadleigh on show event on 5th October. In addition, we have applied for a loan to cover the costs of replacing carpeting on stairs with anti slip flooring which is easier to clean, and to upgrade an upstairs kitchen into a catering kitchen to make more rooms accessible to caterers for functions etc. Our boilers require replacement, and the charity is looking into the possibility of introducing greener energy options where possible. Our facebook page is currently being refreshed and updated, and all our events will show on the page very soon, together with progress from the committee, items of note, snippets of history etc. We would welcome any assistance from our community – financial, advice, or the volunteer of skills to assist in the ongoing maintenance of the building. Please get in touch or come along to our meetings. This is our towns rich and valuable history – we are merely the caretakers of these buildings for future generations – we welcome your input to ensure we get any decisions right for the community as a whole. Councillor Helen Allan

Hadleigh U3A On Monday 9th September 2019 Hadleigh U3A will be meeting at 2.30 pm in the Hadleigh URC where Tania Harrington will give us a talk entitled, ‘Selfie/History of the Self-Portrait’. All members and prospective members are welcome.

New Strictly Ballroom Adult Beginners 5 Week Courses ÂŁ32.50, Pay as you go ÂŁ7

Starting Tuesday 1st October Ballroom Class: Tuesday 7 pm to 7.40 pm Latin Class: Tuesday 7.45 pm to 8.25 pm

at Capel St Mary Village Hall To book just call Jeannette Gordon

01473 686166 or 07754 199174 Email: jeannette_m_gordon@hotmail.com 4

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh Town Council Update Twelve weeks have passed since the local elections in May and the new Town Council has had to hit the ground running. Councillors have been busy working to address some of the historic challenges faced by Hadleigh Town Council, but have also found time for new initiatives too. The Council has taken immediate action to address the challenges faced by the Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity, which manages The Guildhall. A new committee has formed and all meetings are now open to the public. The committee is proactively fundraising to address the shortfall in income over the last four years and find a sustainable future for complex, in addition to taking short-term steps to address a number of historic operational issues. Work on the cemetery extension, which was already underway before the election, is now complete and the Council has established a new working group to retrospectively develop a sustainable business plan for the site and ensure that all relevant details are shared publicly. Again, this working group is open to the public if anyone is interested in supporting this project. In fact working groups are now a key feature of the Town Council, with further groups developed for Layham Road Sports Ground and the Neighbourhood Plan. Working groups are less formal than Council meetings, so enable residents to have greater involvement, although any actions or recommendations from a working group will still need to be considered by the Council. Two further committees have been established; Council Matters, which focusses on Hadleigh Town Council’s own procedures and processes and Town Matters, which focusses on the wider community and provides an opportunity for local groups and organisations to be more involved, and a new Planning Advisory Committee enables Councillors and local residents to comment on planning applications. The Council has also found time to consider a number of new issues effecting the town; Hadleigh Town Council has joined other Councils around the country in declaring a Climate Change Emergency and a new working group is exploring how the Council, and Hadleigh as a community, could do more to help the environment and reduce its carbon footprint. Community Safety is also an active concern for the Council, which has already met with Suffolk Police to explore a number of potential initiatives and hosted a public meeting about improving safety on Benton Street, at which County Councillor Mick Fraser presented a number of options. Increasing the Town Council’s engagement with the community is a key priority for our Mayor and Deputy Mayor, who are attending an increasing number of community events, as are other Councillors who are formally representing the Council on a wide range of community groups. The first twelve weeks have not been without its challenges; the new Council inherited a number of complex challenges and has not had the benefit of the advice and guidance of a permanent Town Clerk, but steps are being taken to address this as soon as possible. However, the Council is making good progress and we hope to continue to create new opportunities for residents to become involved in our work and benefit the whole community. You can keep up to date with Hadleigh Town Council on our website www.hadleigh.suffolk.cloud and by following us on Facebook (HadleighTC) and Twitter (HadleighTC).

All welcome at Hadleigh WI Meeting Tracy Machness will be telling us how she changed her life around from being a convicted Drug dealer to a Pig farmer. Do come along and hear her story on Tuesday 17th September 7.30pm in the Seminar Room above the Library, High Street, Hadleigh. £3 includes refreshments at Hadleigh monthly WI meeting. Enquires contact 01473 823130.

GIBBONS " ' ') "


133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ

Tel 01473 822488 E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv www.gibbons.tv www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Inspire – Breathing training for Sports Performance

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5 High Street,, Hadleigh,, Sufffolk,, IP7 5AB 55 01473 828129 || info@thepedalhouse.co.uk || www w..pedalhouse.co.ukk

Breathing training is the missing link in your sports performance Earlier this year we became the only clinic in the region to offer respiratory training for improved exercise performance. Since the launch, our respiratory specialist Sarah Fowler has been working with some of the region’s top athletes including GB 50km and three times Brighton Marathon winner Helen Davies. She said ‘using Sarah’s inspire breathing training, I am so impressed by the improvements. For anyone thinking they are struggling or athletes wanting to make those marginal gains I highly recommend seeing Sarah’. Breathing training is not just for the professionals. According to USA Olympic triathlon coach Trevor Grey ‘all athletes, at all levels, in all sports should use this type of training’. If you’re into sport, specialist breathing training will: • Increase your power; • Improve your efficiency; • Lead to better performance. Whatever you’re in to…. Running, Swimming, Cycling, Football, Triathlon…. our individually prescribed Respiratory training can help you meet your goals. Combining the expertise of our Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapist Sarah Fowler, with a state-of-the-art inspiratory muscle training system we will maximise your sporting performance. Our approach is scientific, and the improvements are measurable. Discover the training ‘secret weapon’ that elite athletes already know! For further information please do not hesitate to contact the practice on 01473 810185 and follow Sarah on Facebook (Sarah Fowler Respiratory Physiotherapy), Twitter (@inspirebreath) and Instagram (sarah_fowler_resp_physio)

Well Above the Parapet Suffolk County Council - Cllr Mick Fraser Babergh District Council - Hadleigh South My monthly surgery is held on the third Saturday of the month in the Sharron Elliott room of the Royal British Legion Club, George St. The next one will be on 21st September, 11am – 12pm. Should you need to contact me with an issue then please contact me at - email: mick.fraser@suffolk.gov.uk or mick.fraser@babergh.gov.uk; Tel: 0793 551 2591; or facebook: @mickfraser4hadleigh. Highways faults can be reported at: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/ or by telephone on: 0345 606 6171.

Hadleigh Community Transport Group We havee a fully equipped work w shop for all aspects of maintenancce & repair ALL BIKES WELCOME O Bike services available from £45 - Boook your appointm ment today! Visit us in-sstore to see our fulll range of Pinarello bikes, Raleiggh Electric Bikes, annd an assortment of o quuality clothing & acccessories.

We are pleased to announce the 461/2 Hadleigh to Stowmarket and 120 Whatfield to Ipswich have both been extended by Suffolk County Council until the end of March 2020. But due to cut backs both the 90 Hadleigh to Ipswich evening and Sunday service and the 796 Hadleigh to Manningtree will cease with the last days being Saturday 2nd November and Friday 1st November respectively. We would like to thank all our customers who have travelled with us over many years and especially our drivers who have maintained these services. Our Connecting Communities service continues to serve the Babergh area with rural transport options. Please give us a call on 01473 826242 for further information



Adjustable Beds

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Travel Stop Invites You... Sophisticated Ocean Travel For over a century & a half, the iconic ships of Cunard Line have been defining luxury ocean travel. Striving to go above and beyond your expectations and ensuring the famous White Star Service is always there for you. Cunard Line offers short breaks, fly-cruises and the famous Transatlantic Crossings to name a few. Join Luke from Cunard who will introduce you to a world of extraordinary adventures and experiences on board the Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria & Queen Mary 2, considered The Most Famous Ocean Liners in the World. Presentation on the 27th September at 2.30pm at Travel Stop, 57 High Street, Hadleigh. To reserve your place email enquiries@travel-stop.co.uk or call 01473 828728

Quintessential Italian Charm

The perfect introduction... Sun-kissed islands where life moves deliciously slowly, sweet calypso rhythms ďŹ ll the air and sugar-soft beaches invite indulgent relaxation. Join us: Meet with experts from award-winning specialists in luxury, tailor-made holidays Carrier and Blue Waters & The Cove Suites, Antigua for inspirational advice and assistance with planning your perfect Caribbean escape. When? Saturday 7th September 2019 ~ 10:15am & 11 45am Where? Travelstop, 57 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, IP7 5DY Reserve Your Place: Call 01473 828728 Email FORVJSJFT@travel-stop.co.uk Spaces are limited

Italy offers visitors a wonderful mix of ancient history, modern cities and stunning landscapes. With a rich heritage spanning thousands of years, spectacular architecture, sun-kissed coastlines, exquisite food and high end shopping, it’s easy to see why it’s such a popular holiday destination. There is so much to explore with mountain retreats in the Alps & Dolomites, the northern lakes including Garda & Como and the iconic cities of Rome & Venice plus everything in between. Meet Chelcie from Azure to hear more about this fascinating destination. Presentations on the 12th October at 10.15am & 11.45am at Travel Stop, 57 High Street, Hadleigh. To reserve your place email enquiries@travel-stop.co.uk or call 01473 828728

Acupuncture Clinic - Kersey Mill Acupuncture & Wellness clinic is set in the calm and relaxing backdrop of Kersey Mill. Our location enables you to have some privacy in a discreet location, so it is well suited for any health conditions of a sensitive nature. Ben treats a wide range of health issues from stress, sciatica, injury recovery, chronic pain and migraines. He understands the complexity of menopause, fertility and menstrual problems and has successfully helped many couples with both natural conception and also using acupuncture to increase success with assisted fertility treatment. Extended opening hours by appointment are available to enable you to prioritise your health needs without taking time out of your work day. Acupuncture is a safe, effective and pain free option to help you feel your very best. As a member of the British Acupuncture Council insurance policies usually cover all treatment costs with us by reimbursement. You can visit our website for more information, call us or book a free consultation online. Acupuncture & Wellness, Kersey Mill, Kersey, Ipswich IP7 6DP www.acupuncture-wellness.co.uk

For top quality printing, friendly advice and quotations on any printed item

Simply call Kelvin on 01473 823366


Large Format Printing HIGHEST QUALITY POSTERS SITE BOARDS VINYL BANNERS PAVEMENT SIGNS VINYLS CANVAS WRAPS EXHIBITION GRAPHICS Producing print for over 40 years your guarantee of service and quality 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

www.keithavis.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


‘What a Load of Rubbish!’ This is a new monthly column about Environmental matters that concern us all in Suffolk

‘Don’t be foolish, take your doctor’s advice: Smoke a fresh cigarette.’

Fully Inclusive London Shows F#E9 F#E9 F#E9 ,F$D? ,F$D? *F E2 &F-D8F &F-D8

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CHANGES TO FARES New timetables apply from 2nd September 2019 Our fares will increase from Sunday 1st September: Singles by 50p, Returns by ÂŁ1 and Trips by ÂŁ4.50 For all your coach hire requirements, please call us on 01473 823243 or email info@beestons.co.uk at any time

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

This advert from the 1930s encouraged people to take up one of the world’s deadliest consumer habits. Soon cigarettes were called ‘coffin nails’. Can the same be said of plastic products? Mass production of plastic in the 1940s was viewed as a miracle that was going to change lives. In many wonderful and terrible ways, it has changed our planet forever. Plastic has led to innovations in medical equipment, building materials, transport, clothing and food technology. Can we imagine our lives without it? Slowly but surely, we’ve become addicted to a colourful, cheap, practical but deadly material, which was made to last forever! And there’s the problem: we produce more than 300 million tons of plastic every year and about half of it is used once then thrown away. Yes, you’ve heard it before: overuse and misuse of plastic is now causing damage to our overheating climate, the air we breathe, the land it fills, the food we eat, and the natural world that we are part of, that we depend on and that we love. Suffolk Wildlife Trust reports that each day animals get fatally injured by plastic litter. Hedgehogs, officially Britain’s favourite wild animals, are vital to our Suffolk ecosystem as they eat the pests that damage crops. However, the UK hedgehog population has plunged from 30 million to 1 million in the last ten years, partly due to habitat loss, climate change, and slug pellets. Even more get caught in discarded plastic can holders, netting, crisp packets, lids, cups and elastic bands, tossed or blown away from bins or landfill sites. Let me leave you with another image nobody wants to see: in 2019, on the hottest day of the year ever recorded in the UK, we saw children paddling in seas of floating plastic rubbish. This rubbish wasn’t brought in by the tide, but chucked away on beaches on that single day. And even our carefully recycled plastics can still end up in the sea only to wash up on our Suffolk beaches. What can you, the good people of Suffolk, do collectively and individually to Reject, as well as Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastics? Tell us what you’re doing to help the Environment and you could be our ‘Eco Hero of the Month’: send your replies to C. McKissock at info@wobblylearning.co.uk

Love To Sing? Think It’s Too Hard? It’s Not, You Know! Come and see what a joy it is to be part of a choir. Hadleigh Choral Society is holding a FREE Open Rehearsal at the Ansell Centre Hadleigh (IP7 5DL) 7th September 2019, 2:15 for 2:30 start with an introduction to ELIJAH by Mendelssohn. No audition / no judgement / no solos‌everything provided including refreshments. We just want you and your voice, so come along! Any questions please contact 01473 823791 or visit our website at www.hadleighchoralsociety.org.uk.

Sunny Day Cycleworks Specialising in cycle mechanics for over 20 years Now entering our 7th year of serving Hadleigh and the surrounding area

Telephone 07807 326267 fixme@sunnydaycycleworks.com

The Cock Inn, Hadleigh After 9 happy years Joy and Kevin finally retired from The Cock Inn, Hadleigh. After nearly a decade building up a great traditional pub business it was finally time to sell up and relax. They would like to offer their sincere thanks to the community of Hadleigh for all their support over the years. The pub was acquired by Chris Reeve, a part time Hadleigh resident of the past 25 years. Chris was a past Director at national Pub chain, JD Wetherspoon. He was also the Managing Director of the successful coffee café chain Caffe Nero and helped to float the company on the main London stockmarket in 2001, prior to co-founding BioGen Power, a UK based renewables company that was acquired by International Power plc and ENER-G plc in 2012. Chris hopes to keep The Cock as it has been for the past 9 years. This includes a strong focus on cask ales, pub sports, which include its four successful dart teams, a skillful bar billiards team, both Sky & BT sports, a monthly pub quiz (soon to be bi-weekly) and its famous live music events, including the extremely popular bi weekly ‘Sunday Afternoon Soiree’. Chris, Kim, Sarah, Carol, Shannon and the team are waiting to welcome you. For an up to date list of our guest ales and to see ‘Whats On’ simply visit our website. The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 879907 www.thecockinnhadleigh.co.uk

The Cock Inn A traditional family run freehouse Always serving 5 quality cask ales from Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex in both our bar and lounge. Beautiful patio garden at the rear. Easy Parking - Accommodation Scrummy roll’s available at lunch time too!

September’s entertainment Sunday 8th Blue Sapphire 3-6pm Tuesday 10th Pub Quiz 8.15pm Tuesday 24th Buskers Night 8pm Sunday 29th Jazlorna + acoustics 3-6pm

Darts ✦ Pool ✦ Bar Billiards ✦ Crib Sky Sports ✦ BT Sports ✦ Large Screen The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 879907 www.thecockinnhadleigh.co.uk




Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Heating up @ Nevelli At Nevelli Designer Home Heating & Interiors the temperature is rising! We are looking forward to the relaunch of the business and the official opening of our brand-new showroom. The core of Nevelli continues to be our extensive range of designer radiators; We believe a designer radiator can complete a room rather than limiting the design, this passion has driven our transformation. We have worked relentlessly to create a space that showcases the wide spectrum of both product and services that we can deliver. Ultimately the showroom captures the essence of our vision; to provide our clients with the inspiration to explore a bespoke finish in their own homes. We are passionate about growing our business locally and supporting and working with other businesses to fulfill projects and meet the expectations of the client.

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Profit from our Experience

12 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5AP Tel 01473 828914 www.nevellidesignerradiators.co.uk nevelli@nevellidesignerradiators.co.uk


12 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5AP ~ Tel 01473 828914 www.nevellidesignerradiators.co.uk ~ nevelli@nevellidesignerradiators.co.uk




Chris Corder


4 Drapers Close, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DH

CONTACT FRANKLYN Tel: 01473 372 382 Email: franklyn@franklynnevard.co.uk Web: www.franklynnevard.co.uk E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 8 5

It has been 10 years this month since Chris, now 52, was knocked down and seriously injured. Sadly there has not been a lot of progress, he has not spoken since that fateful day, he cannot eat, drink or do anything for himself and relies on 24 hour care at Sue Ryder Nursing Home in Ipswich, for which the whole family are extremely grateful. We have had ‘highs’ and a lot of ‘lows’ over this time, the highs being that he is still with us and we celebrated his 50th birthday, with family and friends at Sue Ryder. The lows have been pneumonia several times, sepsis, lots of A&E and hospital moments, all of which we took turns to sit with him wondering if he would make it through the night - but he did, because Chris is a fighter and strong man. Chris communicates by making noises - luckily for us he is very calm and can hear and see everyone, following with his eyes and responding to us being with him. He also listens to music and seems content watching TV. I admire my mum and dad who have spent 10 years visiting Chris, day in, day out - they are amazing people. On behalf of myself and my sisters, I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone in Hadleigh who continue to ask how Chris is, people are very kind and it is lovely that he is thought of and not forgotten. Jennie Corder

Thanks for Summer Lunch Support Every Wednesday during the school holidays Hadleigh United Reformed Church was giving away packed lunches - in support of those who would normally receive free school meals during termtime. I would like to thank all of Hadleigh's schools for supporting the initiative, Morrison's supermarket for supplying some of the food, and folks from the church who donated and volunteered to make it all possible. Rev Bryn Rickards



Flu Vaccinations 2019 PATIENTS OVER 65 YEARS OLD

Open access daily from Monday 23rd September PATIENTS UNDER 65 YEARS OLD

Due to the national delay on the vaccine for patients under 65 years old - please ring Hadleigh Health Centre on 01473 822961 NOW to make a pre-booked appointment and we will reserve this vaccine for you.


Telephone 01473 822961 www.hadleighhealth.co.uk 10 12

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Suffolk Bereavement Support Adjusting to the loss of a loved one is often thought of as a matter of ‘moving on’ and something that is only a ‘matter of time’. In reality, as we struggle to come to terms with our loss we may be overwhelmed by many complex and contradictory emotions which are a challenge to move forward from. Holding on to the pain of grief may well be seen as a way of keeping close to the person we have lost and letting go an indication that love for that person is diminishing which is the last thing anyone wants. A topic which we cover in our programme is ‘Moving Forward and Adjusting to Loss’. For us the key is to support our members by encouraging understanding of the role which ‘action’ can play and which in turn can stimulate more positive thinking and feeling. Sharing ideas and experiences of what works for others in the group also helps to support members through the bereavement journey. If this blog is of interest to you in connection with a bereavement, be it recent or further back in time then why not come and join a Suffolk Bereavement Support group? We are here to help! Our afternoon group is held in central Hadleigh on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 1.30pm-3.00pm and our Capel St. Mary group meets in the early evening on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 6.30pm-8.00pm. Each meeting finishes with refreshments and informal chat. Please ring Margaret or Patrick: 01473 824066; 0746 9201 337; email: sbsg246@gmail.com; web: www.suffolkbereavement.org.uk. We would love to hear from you if you would like to join us at any time.

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS 2019 18th November until 24th December Available Monday – Saturday, 12pm – 2pm Includes a glass of Bucks Fizz and canapes on arrival followed by a three course meal with coffee and baby mince pies £33.50 per person (Tables over 6 a £10 per person deposit required)

Mind your back this Autumn

Autumn is most definitely upon us, and there are certain jobs and events that often result in our phone ringing for help and advice. The gardeners among us will be busy preparing the garden for winter. There will be lots of jobs to do, including tidying and cutting back, moving pots and troughs, and clearing out the greenhouse. It’s tempting to try and get everything done on those wonderful days when the weather is fine. Unfortunately, it’s very tempting to keep going, when common sense might dictate that jobs done in shorter bursts may result in fewer injuries. The ground is heavy at this time of year, so digging is harder work. It is worth checking that you have suitable tools for the task, and setting yourself a realistic time frame rather than digging over the entire al-lotment in one go might be more sensible than overdoing things and finding yourself with a sore back. Digging should be with bent knees and hips, not a bent back, and make sure the spade or fork has a long enough handle for you. If you feel a twinge, stop and take a break, even if the job is not completed. We see people at our practice who have spent an entire Sunday working out in the fresh air, who then collapse into a soft chair exhausted, and can’t move the next day.... Common causes of neck and shoulder complaints at this time of year include pruning high branches, raking leaves, and bringing heavy pots in to protect them from frost. It is better to vary your tasks, and set realistic goals for what you hope to achieve. Consider having pots on wheels or casters, or get somebody to help. Ensure the pots are empty if they are heavy or full of waterlogged compost. At this time of year it’s worth sending the lawn mower off for a service before it is retired from duty for the winter. It might not be a bad idea to do the same for the gardener! Hadleigh Osteopaths has been established for over 25 years and currently have a team of two Osteopaths and an Acupuncturist (Sudbury base only). We specialise in the treatment of all joint and muscle conditions, including back pain, sciatica and sports injuries. Cranial Osteopathy is also available (Children over 10 years and adults). To make an appointment please see our website or call us Hadleigh Osteopaths, Hadleigh Pool and Leisure, Stonehouse Road. 01473 828585 www.hadleighosteopaths.co.uk

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Our staff will welcome and show your guests to one of our sumptuous lounge areas where your evening begins from 6.45pm with a complimentary glass of Prosecco and Chef’s homemade canapÊs. The focal point of your evening will be enjoying a delicious three-course Christmas meal, served in our stunning dining rooms from 7.30pm. As the evening progresses, with our resident DJ they will set the party atmosphere for dancing until 12am in the magnificent Salon. Our lounges will also remain available for those who prefer to simply relax during the evening.

Saturday 30th November 2019 .....................ÂŁ59.00 Friday 6th December 2019 ...........................ÂŁ59.00 Saturday 7th December 2019 .......................ÂŁ59.00 Thursday 12th December 2019 ....................ÂŁ46.50 Saturday 14th December 2019 .....................ÂŁ59.00 Thursday 19th December 2019 ....................ÂŁ46.50 Friday 20th December 2019 ..........................ÂŁ59.00 Saturday 21st December 2019 ......................ÂŁ59.00 Friday 3rd January 2020 ................................ÂŁ46.50 Prices quoted are per person. Terms and conditions apply. A ÂŁ20 per person non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is required upon booking. Full payment will be required 6 weeks prior to your event.

Tuesday 31st December 2019, 7pm - Late A spectacular evening to celebrate and welcome the New Year in style! A piper will greet you as you arrive at 7pm for your Champagne and canape reception. A five course meal will be served in the Grand Salon and Parlour dining rooms, followed by dancing until the early hours with our resident DJ. The finale of the evening is a fantastic firework display with a glass of champagne at midnight! ÂŁ165.00 per person Black Tie

HINTLESHAM HALL HOTEL Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3NS Reservations Tel: +44(0)1473 652334 Email: reservations@hintleshamhall.com www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Why Your Market Matters

Hadleigh Hairloom Walk In Family Salon Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm

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Here at Suffolk Market Events we recently compiled a piece of research based on why markets matter to town centres and we found the results were really relevant to Hadleigh Market. Markets can be a major motivating factor for people to come to a town centre; the presence of a regular traditional market, even if it is classed as a small market, adds diversity to the town centre and encourages local residents as well as visitors from a growing catchment area to stay in the town to shop. This means that markets matter economically as they generate footfall increases for town centres helping to increase retail sales not only at the market but also at other shops, pubs and restaurants in the town. We also found that markets matter socially. They are places of social interaction, used by everyone. Markets are where people of different incomes, ages, genders and cultures can meet together and interact and we think that Hadleigh Market is a glowing example of this. Every Friday morning there is a fabulous buzz in the Market Place while locals and visitors enjoy sitting, having a coffee and catching up with friends. This ‘gathering’ means that markets play a crucial role in giving a town its distinct identity that sets it apart from those without such an asset. Finally markets matter politically as they promote sustainability. Environmental and ecological benefits arise from selling locally-sourced products and through serving local communities who mainly walk or use public transport. Plus markets promote community health; the availability of fresh and affordable food and the opportunity for social interaction helps enhance physical and mental well-being. Markets shape the world we live in and are part of our cultural heritage. The concept of a ‘market town’ is ancient and familiar and continues to have a profound effect on town and city centre performance. We are proud of Hadleigh Market. We see it as not just a place where money changes hands but a place where people choose to go to spend their time and we hope that the market continues to thrive for many years to come. Hadleigh Market, Every Friday 10am – 2pm The Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL www.hadleighmarket.com

Ansell Memories Cafe We thank everybody for their support and for the lovely prizes and buying our raffle tickets, we raised £95.60 on our August 1st raffle. Today we enjoyed a singalong with Brian on his keyboard then a lovely lunch Sarah came in with her chocolate to demonstrate and make our own personal gift of chocs plus a nibble to taste. We are here every Thursday 11 am to 3pm call in and have a cup of tea / coffee with a biscuit you will be very welcome.


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hannah is Great Cornard Woman of the Year 2019! A super slimmer has been named Great Cornard’s Slimming World ‘Woman of the Year’ 2019 thanks to her incredible 10st 10lb weight loss. Hannah Squirrell, 32, from Stanstead, has slimmed down my an incredible 10st 10lb from in just 22 months. And now she’s been chosen as her Slimming World groups Woman of the Year. Hannah, who down-sized from a dress size 28 to a 16, says: “When I first joined group I never dreamt that I would be in the position I am now. Losing weight has made such a big difference to my life. My health has improved, I have more energy, I’m happier and I feel more comfortable in my own skin.” Hannah joined Slimming World in October 2017 after being told by her GP that she was pre-diabetic. I successfully lost weight with Slimming World before but I started to put weight back on after having my 2 boys. I tried a number of different ways to lose weight but they usually left me feeling hungry or miserable – or both, in fact. With Slimming World it’s completely different. “My family and friends are all amazed by how much I can eat and lose weight. I still eat all my favourite meals, like curries, chilli and my favourite couscous. I just prepare and cook them differently now – and they taste so much better. I never have to miss out and I don’t have to get hung up on weighing and measuring everything I eat. “I know it can feel like a big step joining Slimming World because you don’t know what to expect, but, right from the first moment I walked into my group I was made to feel at ease, and the support I’ve received has been amazing. I look forward to going each week to catch up with all of my new friends – I just love it!” Hannah lost 9lbs in her first week and was blown away that the changes she’d made had such a big impact so quickly. As the weight started to come off, she started to think about how active she was and Hannah now loves walking with her children and dog. She has even taken part in her slimming world groups team walking a 24hr relay for life in aid of cancer research uk. She says: “I feel like a different woman to the one who walked into Slimming World 22 months ago and winning Woman of the Year is a real honour because there are so many amazing women in our group. I really hope my weight loss can inspire other people to get started on their own journey and know that there’s a whole group of people waiting to support them every step of the way – especially at the Great Cornard 7.30 group. My goal now is to hit my target and stay there for life, which I know I can do.” Kath Hampshire, who runs the Great Cornard group, says: “I’m so proud of Hannah. She’s a fantastic ambassador for Slimming World and what she’s achieved is nothing short of incredible. Hannah has just got married and I was honoured to be part of her special day. Seeing her in her dress brought tears to my eyes! She’s a huge inspiration to everyone in our group and I hope she inspires other women – and men – in Great Cornard to change their lives in the same way.” The Great Cornard Slimming World group is held every Wednesday at 9.30, 11.30, 5.30 & 7.30 at Sudbury Rugby Club. To join or find out more call Kath on 07999 793960.

DO YOU NEED HELP WITH GRAVESIDE MAINTENANCE? Are you struggling to get to the cemetery to tend to your loved ones graves? If so, I may be able to help you. I am setting up a small business to meet the needs of residents in Hadleigh and the surrounding areas. I would assist by carrying out the following - headstone cleaning, grass cutting, and weeding. I will also remove any old flowers and replace with a lovely fresh bunch on each visit sending a photo of the finished area for peace of mind once completed. I would also be happy to help people who would like to visit the cemetery themselves but may need a bit of support to do this, I have worked in the care industry for over 20 years and am DBS checked so you would be in safe hands. I understand that it is difficult for a number of reasons to get to the cemetery, it may be a short term request whilst you are away on holiday or busy with work or a service you would like me to carry out on a regular basis, it is completely up to you!

If you are interested, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs further on 07884 051999 or email eve.foulger@btinternet.com

Sharon 07983 063048 Saturday Great Cornard 8.30 & 10.30 am Thursday Clare Social Club 5.30 & 7.30

Kath 07999 793960 Wednesday Great Cornard Sudbury Rugby Club 9.30, 11.30 am 5.30 & 7.30 pm

Georgeena 01787 373079 Monday Long Melford 3.0, 5.30 & 7.30 pm Tuesday Sudbury Snooker club 9.30, 11.30 am, 5.30 & 7.30pm

Kate 07535 650168 Thursday 9.30,11.30 am 5.30 & 7.30 pm Hadleigh Leisure Centre

Anne-Marie 07985 221053 Monday: Capel St Mary 5.30 pm Tuesday: Holbrook 5.30 & 7.30 pm Vicky 07931 587504 Tuesday Waldingfield 6pm Thursday Lavenham Friday Lavenham

New group Opening 31/08/19 Saturday 8.30am Hadleigh Leisure Centre With Georgeena 01787 373079


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James Cartlidge writes Member of Parliament for South Suffolk I believe that our very special part of the world has the basis for a brilliant tourism offer and every upwards tick in local visitor numbers adds to the positive prospects of our small business owners, who depend so heavily upon traditional trade through their doors rather than clicks in a virtual domain. Tourism is worth about ÂŁ2bn to the Suffolk economy and in 2017 nearly 250,000 people were employed by hospitality businesses in our region. I would also add anecdotally from my experience of enjoying our various pubs and restaurants that the hospitality sector offers a key chance for young people to sample employment for the first time, even if many then go on to careers in other sectors. As such, as the Chair of the South Suffolk Taskforce, I have made one of our workstreams the visitor economy and the industries that it supports. In particular, we have focused on what we can do to make more of our unique cultural offer, with my constituency containing rich, rare links to two of our most famous painters: Gainsborough and Constable. Certainly, there is much to be positive about. On the Shotley Peninsula, the tourism action group is creating exciting events that have drawn more visitors to the area, in particular celebrating the association with Arthur Ransome’s ‘Swallows and Amazons’ adventures. At Flatford, the real-life scene of Constable’s world famous ‘Hay Wain’ painting, the National Trust have recently purchased the last privately-owned property in the hamlet. In Hadleigh, Benton End House, once the home of Sir Cedric Morris - who opened the East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing - has been purchased with the view of opening it to the public and artists. Artists who have previously studied at the property include Maggi Hambling, Joan Warburton and Bettina Shaw-Lawrence. Finally, there is the planned redevelopment of Gainsborough’s House in Sudbury which will create an impressive new gallery and act as a national cultural centre. My first ever Prime Minister’s Question to Theresa May celebrated this ambitious project and I hope it will help to crystallise a resurgent local tourism sector, boosting vital footfall in our shops.

Common Ground Theatre Company Presents

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A Sidecar Named Despair! By Pat Whymark & Julian Harries Touring East Anglia – 13th September to 26th October 2019 Take a ride up the comedy freeway with a tale of mobsters, missing gems and a mashed-up motorbike. Dick’s quiet suburban life is shattered when his brother Julian returns suddenly from The States, for “healthâ€? reasons. But his shady American “associatesâ€? have unfinished business with him, putting both their health at risk. Their dad’s old motorbike and sidecar, which Dick has been restoring, might come in handy as their getaway vehicle! Following our acclaimed 2018 touring production of The Mariner, we present a black comedy (with original music by Pat Whymark) starring Julian and Dick Mainwaring - reprising the characters they created for Common Ground's 2013 comedy, Stuff In The Attic (“Pat Whymark’s latest play is very funny indeedâ€? East Anglian Daily Times, “Good music and plenty of well-judged comic touchesâ€? In Suffolk, “Moments of pure farce alternate with real conflictâ€? What’s on Stage). Expect "The Odd Couple" versus the Mob! Running time - 2 hours (including interval). Suitable for ages 10+ Polstead Village Hall (CO6 5AL) on Saturday 12th October, 7.30pm Adults ÂŁ10. 21 yrs & under/unwaged ÂŁ7 07807 341364 / enquiries@commongroundtc.co.uk

112a High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EL

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

The Hair Lounge unveils eco-friendly salon refurbishment and new branding Hadleigh’s The Hair Lounge unveiled its newly refurbished salon and branding with a launch party and charity raffle supporting Suffolk Mind on Friday 26th July for staff and clients. The busy salon was closed for just over a week to complete the refurbishment of the ground floor and owner, Lisa Ashford, known as Lee to her clients, was delighted to show off the new fixtures and fittings to her team and to clients. Lisa has worked in the hairdressing industry for over 30 years and moved to the Hadleighbased salon in 2007 as manager. Following an opportunity to purchase the business, Lisa became the proud owner in 2013 and this year felt that the time was right to give the salon a new identity to match the many boutique shops and restaurants that line Hadleigh High Street. Lisa commented; “Our clients are at the heart of our business and many can spend a long time in the salon having hair treatments so I feel that it is important to provide the best environment that I can – for them and for my staff.” The new look and feel of the salon demonstrate Lisa’s commitment to using sustainable fixtures and fittings and includes eco-friendly flooring, new wash units with eco shower heads and styling chairs composed of entirely recycled materials. The introduction of a number of plants also gives the modern salon a relaxed and natural environment for clients. Lisa recently changed the products used and sold in the salon to the Davines range of sustainable products that use naturally derived ingredients, are generated with renewable energy and packaged to minimise their environmental impact, all inspired by the ideal of Sustainable Beauty. Davines are a certified B Corporation, which means they meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance. Lisa commented; “I am passionate about sustainability and environmental concerns and feel it is important to not only practice these values at home but also in my business. So, wherever possible I use sustainable and environmentally friendly products, such as biodegradable capes and even the sparkling water I offer to clients I buy in glass bottles.” A brand new logo has also been created for The Hair Lounge, reflecting a softer and more modern image to support the salon’s boutique styling and professional approach. This branding is being implemented across the business, including the website. Suffolk-based builders, Healey Building & Maintenance, led the salon refurbishment and as well as being an exciting time for Lisa and her team to see the salon evolve so quickly, it was quite a challenge to deliver the completed project ready for reopening in just over a week. Lisa said: “We knew we were setting Healey Building & Maintenance quite a challenge when we asked for the refurbishment to be completed so quickly. Testament to their commitment to meeting their customers’ needs, though, we didn’t miss a single appointment and our sustainable new look and approach means we’re already attracting new clients through our freshly painted doors.” The Hair Lounge is now looking for a new apprentice to join its growing team. Tel: 01473 829089 Email: thehairloungehadleigh@gmail.com www.hairloungehadleigh.co.uk

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Hadleigh Steering Group All are welcome at the Steering Group meetings, which are usually held on the second Monday of the month. It is an opportunity for you to share your views and concerns with other members of the community. The meetings are attended by members of the Town Council, local groups and organisations and a representative from Babergh & Mid Suffolk council. A summary report of the meeting held on 12 August 2019, chaired by Anita Young:The report of the meeting in July was approved. Guest Speaker: Zoe Knight, Social Prescribing and Partnerships Manager, NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group. Zoe explained how the new initiative will work with GP’s and their care navigators at surgeries across Suffolk. Many people go to their GP with health problems brought about by other issues. This service will help patients by directing them to other sources of help, where appropriate, and at the same time relieve the pressure from GP’s. Hadleigh & Boxford Patient Participation Group: Health and Art in Practice - The old pharmacy area in the Hadleigh Health Centre has been transformed into a mini art gallery. This is the result of an initiative between Hadleigh Boxford Patient Participation Group (PPG) and the Hadleigh Boxford Group Practice to enhance the waiting room area for patients. The project was born from an idea by PPG member, Jan Devey who, along with PPG member Mike Turley, set about giving the room a makeover. Studies have shown that seeing artwork in a care environment can reduce anxiety and aid recovery. Art can brighten up spaces, reduce anxiety and stress for patients and in some settings provide positive distractions. The first local artist to be featured is 95 year old Hadleigh resident, Margaret Laws. Her work will be on display for three months with other artists from the community following on for the same duration. A brief biography of the featured artist, together with details of the art on show, is also displayed. The artworks will be on sale and 10% of the marked price will go to the Hadleigh Boxford Medical Practice Charitable Trust which helps to improve healthcare in the community by allocating donations to worthy individuals and non-profit making organisations. All enquiries or sales will be handled directly by Jan Devey to ensure that the daily working of the Practice is not affected. Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Council: Kathryn Grandon referred to the Joint Local Plan. As this will last until 2035, she urged people to look at it and send in their comments. Hadleigh Town Council: Hadleigh Town Council having had a difficult start overcoming previous problems has now set up Committees and Working Parties to cover all aspects. Members of the Public are invited to all of these and dates for the coming year will be posted on the website following approval at the next Town Council meeting on August 22nd. The Councillors are now looking forward to making progress and bringing the Community together. On July 2nd 2020 the American branch of the Clopton family, to whom we pay rent of a single red rose every year, will be visiting the Guildhall for an English Afternoon Tea and it is hoped to provide entertainment from local groups. Tidy Town: Volunteers continue to litter pick twice weekly and pleased to report that litter is noticeably declining. Cigarette butts continue to be a problem. Most people know these contain microplastics and are very harmful to the wider environment. They urge businesses to provide a disposal bin for their employees and for people to be considerate and ‘stop the drop.’ They are collecting much more recyclable material. They are looking forward to a tour of the Recycling Centre in September. Visit Hadleigh: Visit Hadleigh Voluntary Enterprise has finally been able to arrange a pop up shop for Visitor Information. We have set up in what most will remember as Angels Delight Tea shop opposite the Kings Head. The house and shop are up for sale but we are delighted that the owner has agreed to allow a pop up there. We will need to close and vacate when the property is sold but this is a step up from a gazebo or an adapted bus shelter! Hadleigh On Show: Hadleigh On Show event to be held on Saturday 5th October 2019, 10:00am4:00pm. Free Entry. 70 groups will be attending with display. As a result of this amazing sign-up, the event has expanded from Town Hall/Guildhall to also include St Mary's Church. Any Other Business: Cllr. Angel Gregg reported: Hadleigh Foodbank is live & operational. We are receiving the donations given in the trolleys at Morrisons and the Co-op and from the residents in Hadleigh, so many thanks for their support. We will receive referrals from FIND and other organisations but we also want Hadleigh residents who are in need of a little help to come forward and ask. We do not discriminate or ask questions, its based on trust and a genuine need for help. We have supplies of food and toiletries. Hadleigh Foodbank will also be arranging other social events locally to use the fresh food also donated so keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates. If you would like to donate or would like our support contact us at HadleighFoodbank@gmail.com Date Of Next Meeting: Monday 9th September 2019 @ 4:15pm., Hadleigh Pool and Leisure. Chair: Jan Devey. Guest Speaker: Maureen Reynel MBE, who founded FIND in 1990, the organisation to help people in need. There will be a collection of food items for the Food Bank at the meeting. 20

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

‘From Field to Fork’ Awesome Artwork at the Hadleigh Show Children from Hadleigh and surrounding villages had a great time learning about the wide range of Suffolk produce as they prepared art work for the Hadleigh Show in May. This year children were asked to explore how the ingredients for your Sunday lunch can all be grown or reared right here in Suffolk, right down to the mint sauce, and the strawberries for pudding! Winning entries to the three competitions included a giant plate of roast dinner, made by children in Reception classes at St. Mary's, a fantastic 3D model bee hive by Key Stage one children at Hadleigh Community Primary, and a wonderful market stall covered with tasty looking Beaumont Primary Schools produce by Beaumont Primary's Key prize winning veg stall Stage two classes. Every piece of art work produced this year was outstanding and the judges, local teacher and Head teacher, Stella Van der Gucht and Andrew MacDonald, had a tricky time deciding how to award the rosettes! Congratulations to Beaumont and St. Mary's who this year jointly share the winner’s trophy, kindly donated by Hollow Trees Farm, with an equal number of points overall. Hadleigh Farmers Agricultural Association also help children learning about agriculture through a partnership with Hollow Trees Farm who host excellent education days for local schools every summer. If you would like more information about taking part in our school activities please contact us secretary@hadleighshow.co.uk

Tribute to Jean Chisholm Sad news. I heard on Sunday 31st July of the death of my dear friend, Jean. We first met at the Co-op in Hadleigh where I worked all those years ago. Jean came and got a job there which she enjoyed very much. She told me at first she found me very scary as part of my job I was to ask different things of people. When Jean left the co-op we lost touch until a few years ago when we met up again by chance at a lunch club. A voice shouted out ‘Caroline, come and sit with me’. That is when we met up again and we became very close friends. So many people in Hadleigh knew Jean and she was an active member of many community and church groups. She was always friendly and cheery and ready to help anyone who had a problem. Jean will be forever in my thoughts. Love you always. Caroline Harvey

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The lash lift is the ultimate treatment that lifts your natural eyelashes from the root, helping to enhance and emphasise the eyes. Unlike the traditional perm, it creates the effect of longer lifted lashes. Followed by an eyelash tint, this will darken them creating the illusion of length and volume - perfect for those hot summer holidays. Enjoy a complimentary hand and arm massage and nailbuff/opi cuticle oil treatment with this offer. Why not add a paint and shape for fingers or toes - just an extra £12.50. AN EYELASH TINT AND PERM TEST NEEDS TO BE CARRIED OUT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE TREATMENT


Music Lessons from Award-Winning Composer and Musician Jason Frederick Jason Frederick is a Canadian multi-instrumentalist and composer for film and television, and is now offering tuition in Hadleigh. After studying with some of most significant film composers of the 20th Century at The University of Southern California and composing for film, tv, adverts and the stage, he relocated to the UK from Los Angeles in 2010. His music can be heard in projects ranging from Disney’s 101 Dalmatians 2 to How Clean Is Your House and Top Gear. Jason is currently offering tuition in Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, as well as theory and composition, following the ABRSM or in popular styles. Contact Jason at info@jasonfrederick.co.uk




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ZOR Boutique at Kersey Mill It’s that time of year again and we have been busy buying ready for autumn/ winter. We took our usual trip to Pure at Olympia in London to find new pieces for the season ahead. We have recently had our delivery of Brakeburn autumn/ winter stock. My favourite pieces have to be the green cord skirt paired with the burnt orange blouse. This outfit is a great smart but casual look for the season ahead. New to Zor boutique is Neve’s Bees lip balm and hand salves. We have recently started stocking these gorgeous pieces which are 100% natural using bees wax from the Cotswolds, and are available in singles or as gift sets. These pieces are made by a mother and daughter duo, and obviously their lovely bees. As always we have received a large amount of new jewellery, handbags and accessories. Proving popular with our customers are the cross body leather bags these come in a variety of different colours. These bags are perfect for everyday use as they are large enough to carry the essentials but not too big that they get in the way. As the weeks go on we are getting prepared for the cooler months ahead. We are putting out many new jumpers and cardigans every few days. These are available in a range of different colours including; navy, black and grey as well as brighter colours such as; mustard, green and red. These are perfect to pair with jeans for a casual look and can be dressed up with a necklace for a more formal look. We look forward to seeing you in the shop. 07969 525859 www.zoronline.com zoronline.sales@gmail.com Kersey Mill, Stone Street IP7 6DP Open Mon-Sat 10am to 4.30pm

Fundraising from Sudbury Memory Walk benefits two local community groups The financial fundraising from this year's Sudbury Memory Walk, was equally divided between Hadleigh Dementia Action Alliance (HDAA) and The Bridge Project’s - Decaf. Each group will receive £1055.15 for much needed funds to keep their various programmes running. Jerry Thatcher community volunteer, now known by many in Sudbury as the memory walk man, presented a cheque to Jill Mason and members of the Hadleigh Dementia Action Alliance. One of the projects that will benefit from the funds raised is the Ansell Memories Café , the HDAA supports this programme with funding each year. A weekly social, creative and physical activity session designed to offer people living with dementia and their family or carers, a relaxed and supportive environment in which they can take part in various activities followed by a light lunch. Tracey Loynds, development director at Abbeycroft Leisure said: “The Sudbury Memory Walk continues to grow every year as dementia affects so many families. There are over 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this is set to rise to over one million by 2021. “We are extremely proud to support this event and the work of the Hadleigh Dementia Action Alliance that we support as part of our commitment to provide active opportunities for our community." Planning work has already started on next year's Sudbury Memory Walk, which saw almost 200 walkers take part this year in May, walking, remembering and raising funds for people and their families living with dementia. Sudbury memory Walk 2020 will again take place in May and the date will be announced soon. The Bridge project will receive their cheque in due course. For more information about Hadleigh Dementia Action Alliance call 01473 823470 or Email: hadleighdementiafriends@ssleisure.co.uk


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Health and Art in Practice The old pharmacy area in the Hadleigh Health Centre has been transformed into a mini art gallery. This is the result of an initiative between Hadleigh Boxford Patient Participation Group (PPG) and the Hadleigh Boxford Group Practice to enhance the waiting room area for patients. The project was born from an idea by PPG member, Jan Devey who, along with PPG member Mike Turley, Margaret Laws & Dr Nabarro set about giving the room a at the mini exhibition makeover. Studies have shown that seeing artwork in a care environment can reduce anxiety and aid recovery. Art can brighten up spaces, reduce anxiety and stress for patients and in some settings provide positive distractions. The first local artist to be featured is 95 year old Hadleigh resident, Margaret Laws. Her work will be on display for three months with other artists from the community following on for the same duration. A brief biography of the featured artist, together with details of the art on show, is also displayed. The artworks will be on sale and 10% of the marked price will go to the Hadleigh Boxford Medical Practice Charitable Trust which helps to improve healthcare in the community by allocating donations to worthy individuals and non-profit making organisations. All enquiries or sales will be handled directly by Jan Devey to ensure that the daily working of the Practice is not affected.

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Stockists of the largest selection of greetings cards in Hadleigh

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Pickled Cherries

I am sure all readers know what yoga is about – in general terms, at least – so I would like to focus this brief article on why anyone would want to practice yoga. What would be the benefits in taking up yoga and maintaining a regular practice ? Movement and Stretching: Although physical movement is only one aspect of what yoga is about, this is the part that most people are aware of and the part that is most often incorporated into group classes in Europe. That is for good reason. One of the most important things any of us can do for our bodies is to move each joint through its full range of movement each day. It is of great value to stretch and lengthen our muscles and fascia, to reduce the risk of stiffness and tightness building up in and around our joints. Additionally, many yoga postures also help to improve muscle tone and strength, particularly in the core area of our bodies. Correct Breathing and Breath Control: It is well-known that much of the time most of us only use a small proportion of our lung capacity. The effect of poor breathing goes beyond the lungs as it also has an effect on our mood, posture and energy levels. Yoga helps improve breath control, breath capacity and the fundamental link between breathing and movement and, more importantly, between breathing and our minds. State of wellbeing Very simply put, this is the essential aim of yoga. Improvements in movement, flexibility, strength and breathing all lead towards a state of physical wellbeing but specific yogic practices can also help calm stress levels or increase energy levels. On another level, meditation and concentration exercises can help centre us and draw us towards a state of full mental, emotional and physical equilibrium or what some yogis describe as “union” – which is actually the literal meaning of hatha yoga. Nick Webber purplenick@btinternet.com 07939 226117 01473 824251 British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher with 20+ years teaching experience

Hatha Yoga Beaumont Primary School, Hadleigh Wednesdays from 19:15 to 20:45

Suitable for those with some experience of yoga or for complete beginners Learn how to improve your ability to stretch, breathe and relax. Let go of tiredness and tension through simple practices combining breath control and classical yoga. British Wheel of Yoga qualified * Also trained at the Dharma Yoga Centre 20 years teaching experience * Qualified in Indian Head Massage and Reiki

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Typically, cherries are preserved in Kirsch and come for the festive season, with an eye-watering price tag. This simple recipe enables you to preserve them yourself for not a lot of money and provides the kudos of being able to present something homemade. Special equipment needed: Kilner jars; 250 ml is ideal, A slotted serving spoon Ingredients 2 kg sweet black cherries, 0.5l or 1 pint water, 500g granulated sugar, 50cl bottle De Kuyper cherry brandy – most others are too sweet Method 1. Bring the water to the boil. 2. Add the sugar stirring vigorously until all of it is dissolved; this will cope with all of the cherries. 3. Introduce the cherries (stone in) in manageable batches to the boiling syrup and blanch until still firm with a slight give - around 2-3 minutes for a batch; it is important not to pit the cherries as a great deal of the flavour comes from the stone over time. 4. Using the slotted spoon remove the cherries and transfer to the jars, ensuring they are well filled; there is no need to sterilise the jars - the alcohol will take care of that. 5. Top up the jars with neat cherry brandy until brim-full and apply the lid to seal. 6. Store in a cool dry place for at least 3 months. They will keep for a year or more without detriment. 7. Open and enjoy. Serving suggestion: these are very tasty on their own; even better with good quality vanilla ice cream.


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Boule-in Fête d’Automne A Creative French Harvest Already renowned for its fabulously creative Fêtes, this Autumn The Boule-in, Bildeston’s French Decorative Lifestyle store, has its very first Artist in Residence to add a further artistic flair to its Fête d’Automne (Friday 20th until Sunday 22nd September). “We’re completely thrilled that Suffolk based artist Anna Dixon-Smith has agreed to join forces with us” says Cathy Bullen, proprietor of The Boule-in. “I am already a huge fan of Anna’s work: she paints with a passion for her subject and has a natural joy in her colour palette. I’m also in complete accord with her idea that ‘objects that have been passed from one person to another are imbued with history’. By incorporating our French objet d’art, jugs and vases within her still life painting and filling them with flowers from her Suffolk garden, she says she is ‘celebrating the role they played in history and enjoying their relevance as beautiful objects today’. She has created a wonderful series of paintings which we are delighted to be exhibiting at our Fête d’Automne, enhancing the beauty of our most recent collection of furniture and decorative pieces for the home and garden.” Cathy clearly loves what Anna has painted - and clearly has a passion for her own business. “Yes, I love the whole thing” beams Cathy “and I’m so lucky that my husband Peter is equally passionate about our Fêtes as he’s largely the man on hand with paintbrush or drill enabling us to create a magical event for our customers.” There’s no doubt that Fête d’Automne will delight everyone who steps through the Tardis-like gateway on Bildeston High Street. The deceptively small entrance - covered in Provençale vines and sheaves of corn from a Suffolk harvest - leading you into a treasure trove of beautiful pleces and inspiringly curated interior rooms and garden. The Boule-in is definitely a wonderful day out for all of us who want Autumn inspiration with an extra artistic flair! Fête d’Automne runs Friday 20th until Sunday 22nd September, 10am - 6pm daily at 77 High Street, Bildeston, IP7 7ER. www.boule-in.co.uk 01449 740359

Hadleigh and Boxford Medical Practice Charitable Trust There are some very generous individuals and organisations in and around Hadleigh and Boxford who, over the years, have given sums of money to the Hadleigh Health Centre, and Boxford Mill Surgery. It has always been the policy of the Practice that the GPs should not benefit personally from such gifts and it was for that reason that in 1996 the Hadleigh and Boxford Medical Practice Charitable Trust was set up and registered as a charity with the object of improving health care in the local area. Since 1996 the trustees of the Charity, after meeting regularly with representatives of the Practice, have allocated funds to a number of individuals and projects such as:• Purchase of defibrillators and ECG machines • Supporting various local organisations such as Success After Stroke and Hadleigh Dementia Friends • Supporting various individuals on health related training courses • Supporting various individuals with travelling expenses for medical treatment • The purchase of various pieces of non standard medical equipment that is used both within the Health Centre and the surrounding area. Anyone who should like to be considered for a grant should please make their request known to the Chairman of the Trustees, Peter Crix at 31-41 Elm Street Ipswich IP1 2AY or peter.crix@gotelee.co.uk

French Interiors & Garden

Fête d’Automne


Friday 20th until Sunday 22nd September 10am to 6pm daily Exhibition Artist in Residence - Anna Dixon-Smith

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Hadleigh Town Council Draft Minutes Of The Town Council Meeting Held In The Dining Room, Hadleigh Town Hall, On Thursday 18th July 2019 PRESENT: Mayor S Allman, Deputy Mayor C Cammack, Cllr H Allan, Cllr J Bayliss, Cllr R Beggerow, Cllr V Faccini, Cllr L Gordon, Cllr A Gregg, Cllr R Hinton, Cllr A Knock, Cllr C Schleip, Cllr G Talbot, Cllr E Wilson-Downes, Cllr E Wright, Locum Parish Clerk – Diana Stroh, District Cllr K Grandon, District Cllr M Fraser, 15 members of the public. The Mayor read out a statement confirming that, in accordance with the changes in legislation, members of the public and Councillors were able to film, record, photograph and use social media to report on the proceedings of the meeting. A full transcript of this statement is available from the Clerk. One member of the public identified themselves as filming or recording the meeting. The Mayor addressed members of the public, stating there had been a lot going on in previous days and that Councillors had not inherited a ‘ship-shape’ Council, but were doing their best to improve things as quickly as possible while being mindful that they were essentially in a ‘volunteer’ role and Councillors were doing a significant amount of work in their own time under the restrictions of legislation, regulations, policies and procedures. 1.7 Apologies, Declarations Of Interest And Dispensations Councillors agreed to accept an apology from Cllr R Twyman. There were no declarations of interest relevant to any items on the agenda. There were no dispensations received. 2.7 To Confirm and Sign the Minutes of The Meeting held on 20th June and review any actions arising. Cllr Beggerow requested clarity with regard to minute item 30, concerning delegated committee powers, whilst stating he had not been present at the relevant meeting. The Mayor stated an issue as to the correct formation of the committees had been identified through S.A.L.C. affecting the implementation of delegated powers at this time. Cllr Wright stated minute item 30, under appointment of the Feoffment Committee Chair, should read Cllr WilsonDownes not Wright. A number of Councillors expressed problems with obtaining relevant documents electronically and Cllr Knock stated he had not received paper copies. The Mayor requested the date regarding Mayoral expenses (page 7) be amended from 2091 to 2019. Cllr Talbot stated the minutes regarding Community Matters didn’t reflect the scope of the discussion undertaken and needed to reflect community safety not just PCSO matters. Whilst noting these amendments, Councillors unanimously agreed to approve the minutes for the meeting on 20th June 2019. The Mayor reviewed actions from this meeting stating relevant paperwork was to be uploaded to the website in advance of meetings after technical problems had now been overcome. He stated that District Cllr Fraser was to make a presentation regarding the Benton Street Working Group at a public meeting on the 19th July. That further work on sorting out the committees was to be discussed as an item later in the meeting. That a copy of the cemetery report had been forwarded to Councillors and was to be discussed as an item later in the meeting. That the Internal Audit report had been uploaded to the website. Cllr Knock stated that he had liaised with the Primary School regarding parking problems and advised Councillors that those affected had intimated they would have to park in the roads around the school or would appreciate free parking permits. The Mayor stated PCSO issues were to be discussed as an item later in the meeting. Cllr Gordon stated more information was needed with regard to local groups, i.e. tree warden, etc. and the Mayor stated he would establish what action had been taken on this. The Mayor, at this point, requested that District Councillor Grandon be allowed to give a report to the Council. District Cllr Grandon stated she had not been sure she would be able to attend and apologised for any confusion. She confirmed the new Joint Local Plan would be available for public consultation from the 22nd July until the end of September 2019, with over 1000 responses having been received regarding the first draft in 2018, which has led to some changes in the latest draft. She identified a section specific to Hadleigh, indicating the allocation of 500 dwellings and 5.5 hectares of employment land north of the High School. Councillors were reminded of the changes to bin collection days and Cllr Gregg stated the online details had been very confusing with District Cllr Grandon taking note. Councillors were also advised that main Council Chamber meetings were now being recorded and available to view on Youtube. The Mayor asked District Cllr Grandon whether potential development in Hook Lane was designated development on the Joint Local Plan, to which she replied it was not but may be considered at a later date. Cllr Talbot asked what a ‘windfall site’ meant and District Cllr Grandon stated this was any small development of dwellings not initially on the Joint Local Plan. Cllr Knock asked how much it was costing the District Council to keep Hawkes Lane and Angel Court empty, to which District Cllr Grandon stated she would enquire and send the Council an update. Cllr Beggerow asked about the Hadleigh High School expansion and the loss of playing field space, indicating that the remaining space would not be sufficient. District Cllr Grandon stated she was not able to respond as she would need to make further enquiries. Cllr Wilson-Downes stated the High School was an academy and not answerable to Suffolk County Council and would this have an impact. Cllr Knock asked about an update regarding the Cricket Club to which District Cllr Grandon stated they were still looking into it. The Mayor invited District Cllr Fraser to present his report, who identified current discussions with stake-holders regarding cuts to bus service subsidies, in an effort to save a total of £13million. 3.7 To confirm and sign the minutes of the EGM held on 15th July and review any actions arising. The Mayor stated the extra meeting had been called to discuss committee structures and staffing matters and the minutes were not available at this time. He stated committees had been identified to deal with internal matters of the Council, external matters and planning, with a number of working groups for matters


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

such as the cemetery. He stated copies of the committee structures and relevant documents would be uploaded to the website as soon as available. The Mayor stated the staffing situation had not been great with the Clerk’s position previously being vacant for 12 months with pressures on existing staff as a result. He stated the Council had appointed a locum Clerk in the interim, and was looking to appoint a permanent Clerk, with a recruitment process due to commence imminently. He stated other staffing matters were not as clear but current staff were working more hours than they necessarily wanted. He stated there was potential to recruit a locum Clerk for up to 12 hours per week and two further staff members for up to 35 hours per week (combined) at an approximate cost of £10k to mid-September. Cllr WilsonDownes asked if the existing staff had been asked about increasing their hours, to which the Mayor stated his impression was they didn’t wish to do this. Cllr Gregg stated the Council had not been directly involved in the issues of the previous week and whether the staff had been asked what they wanted. The Mayor stated the request for a locum Clerk had been unanimously agreed at the EGM meeting and that the staff had been spoken to, indicating they would like more support. Cllr Gregg stated she was willing to volunteer her services to assist the staff and why these matters were not being dealt with by the new committee on internal matters. The Mayor stated the next relevant committee meeting was two weeks away and the issues couldn’t wait that long. Cllr Beggerow stated he felt the support for something to be done quickly was apparent and whether the new locum Clerk should drive the need for staff appointments in a two-step process, to avoid offending existing staff, upon whom the Council rely to undertake processes it has little knowledge of. The Mayor stated the Council had responsibilities as an employer. Cllr Allen stated she had spent some time in the office over the previous week with her offer of assistance gratefully received by staff, but recognised the need for a Clerk in the first instance. She went onto query £10k for two months staffing costs with the Mayor stating this figure was based on agency fees. Cllr Wright asked how long it would take to appoint a Clerk with the Mayor stating suitably trained locum Clerks were not readily available. Cllr Wright asked if the locum Clerk should have managerial experience to support agency staff, with the Mayor stating existing staff should have had better support and that the locum Clerk would line-manage staff. The Mayor went onto state there had been issues in the office over the last few days, with Councillors having voted on an issue regarding the previous locum Clerk, and that Councillors were not being kept in the dark. The Deputy Mayor stated the £10k mentioned, was part of existing funds and not an additional cost. The Mayor proposed that Councillors considered the appointment of a new, part-time locum Clerk and two agency business support workers to assist existing staff. This was seconded by Cllr Schleip and agreed by the Council (one abstention). Cllr Knock asked if this decision could be made if not on the agenda with the Mayor stating it had been an outstanding action from the EGM. Cllr Beggerow asked whether a phased introduction regarding the Clerk and additional staff was appropriate and who was managing HR matters presently. The Mayor stated he was, by default, having been asked to sort out a new locum Clerk and whether anyone was willing to assist with line-management. Cllr Beggerow asked if existing staff were supportive, with Cllr Allen stating she was planning to spend the next few days with staff to assist with administration matters. The Mayor stated he wished to clarify that he was unaware as to why the EGM had been called under Standing Order 64, as he had not disagreed with the agenda as intimated by the former locum Clerk. Councillors in general agreed they had been party to an email trail that clearly identified the Mayor’s early agreement with the EGM agenda. 4.7 To receive reports from Hadleigh Town Council Committees and Working Groups i. Hadleigh Town Council Market Feoffment Charity Committee Cllr Allen stated work had been done on the Committee’s Terms of Reference and these were agreed at the meeting on the 9th July. She stated day-to-day decisions were to be agreed by the Committee, with financial decisions on charity money up to £25K to be considered by the Committee and any Council finances, part or full, to be referred to full Council. She stated signatories were being checked appropriately and that more funds needed to be raised to maintain the ‘status quo’. Cllr Talbot stated more funds would be needed for repairs. Cllr Allen stated the Committee wanted to review the conditions of hire, and circumstances surrounding volunteers, with a working party to potentially look at Council volunteers too. She concluded by stating policies and procedures were to be reviewed at the next committee meeting on the 13th August. Cllr Gregg asked about salaries and was advised this was to be covered on a later agenda item. ii. Hadleigh Town Council Climate Change Working Group Cllr Hinton stated an initial meeting had been held on the 3rd July, with approximately fifteen members of the public attending. He stated they had probably extended beyond the Group’s remit by considering Hadleigh in a broader sense than just the Town Council. He stated two groups were being formed, to come back to the relevant Committee and notes from the meeting had been forwarded to all attendees. He concluded by stating there was not a great deal of money available but actions to date seemed beneficial to the community, and requested that details be added to the Hadleigh Town Council website. 5.7 To receive reports from Councillors representing Town Council on local groups The Mayor advised the Council of requests he’d received to meet with various groups, including the County Council Steering Group on climate emergency contingencies and the way forward regarding increased profits for the Feoffment Charity. He stated he had received a request to visit Abbeycroft Leisure and had been to the High School. He was also liaising with The Royal British Legion with regard to the Freedom of Hadleigh. Cllrs Talbot and Faccini requested an item on the next agenda to consider issues regarding policing. 9.7 Hadleigh Swimming Pool The Mayor advised Councillors of a change of order to the agenda to consider Item

9. Development Director, Tracey Loyndes, updated the Council on a pre-mobilisation meeting with Rose Builders, stating the building of the new pool starts on the 29th July and is scheduled to last for 52 weeks. She stated the new pool is to be built and then connected with the old pool, which will be demolished and the site returned to park-land. She stated the project was currently coming in below budget, but also advised Councillors that finances and time had to be right with regard to what to do with the old site and that ‘green space’ considerations were to be put to the public, originally by the start of June, however this had slipped slightly. Cllr Knock asked if there were any terms and conditions for the Council to consider with regard to the £201K contributions. Ms Loyndes stated a trust had been set up for the original pool and any responsibilities would be taken on by this trust and, whilst the pool was owned by the Council, issues must go through the Charities Commission. She went onto state she was not in a position to advise the Council over such issues as not legally qualified. Councillors requested the Clerk follow up on this matter to confirm the Council’s position. A member of the public asked if the Council had looked into environmentally-friendly building options as the project was now under-budget. Ms Loyndes stated there wasn’t a significant amount of excess budget but that they were working with relevant agencies. 6.7 Friars Road Cemetery and Extension Project i. To receive a progress report on the cemetery extension project. The mayor advised Councillors that some items had moved on since the EGM, with the cemetery extension having been finished that day (18th July), and the Town Council now responsible for the site. He advised Councillors that two previous incidents of criminal damage had been resolved by the contractors prior to the site being signed over to the Town Council, and that any further matters were the responsibility of the Town Council. He stated a Working Group had been set up at the EGM. The Mayor stated he didn’t feel the Town Council had received a complete set of figures and that this should be the role of the Working Group to present back to the Town Council once fully identified. Cllr Faccini stated the barbed wire on the site had now been removed by the contractors. ii. To receive revised income projection figures. The Mayor stated the latest version of the figures had been received but there were still queries. Cllr Knock asked who had compiled the figures and The Mayor stated he didn’t know, before suggesting the matter be referred to the Cemetery Working Group. iii. To conduct the annual review of cemetery charges. Councillors agreed to defer this item to the Cemetery Working Group iv. To consider appointing ICCM to undertake a survey. Councillors agreed to defer this item to the Cemetery Working Group v. To receive a report on the Cemetery Lodge tenancy agreement. Cllr Gregg asked if the update from Abbots Estate Agents had been received as the last rent appraisal had been completed in 2018. She proposed that this item be reconsidered once the evaluation report available for the Council to view. Cllr Beggerow suggested the Council consider legal advice on the current agreement in order to sort out rent rates. The Mayor stated he was not aware of any documentation from Abbots and suggested the matter be deferred to a future meeting once this information had been received. 7.7. Layham Road Sports Ground i. To receive an update on plans to re-develop the Pavillion. Councillors were advised that architects drawings had been submitted, planning permission granted and that the Council had earmarked £60K funds for the Pavillion. It was also pointed out that a Working group had been formed to look at all aspects of the Sports Ground, including funding issues. ii. To undertake an annual review of Layham Road charges. Councillors agreed for the relevant Working Group to look into this. 8.7 Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Schleip advised the Council that The Localism Act 2011 introduced the option for Local Authorities to produce Neighbourhood Plans. She stated the Council’s Working Group had originally been set up in 2015 before being suspended in 2018 and further restructured at the EGM on 15th July. She stated previous meetings with a planning consultant, Navigus, and District Council planning groups had been undertaken and requests for Hadleigh residents to assist with specific skills made in early 2019. Cllr Schleip stated the project was likely to take two years to complete and that the Terms of Reference for the Working Group had been agreed. 10.7 Communication i. To consider the purchase of a new domain name for website and email addresses. The Mayor stated the Council was trying to improve communications and proposed the purchase of a new website domain name and email addresses to unifying the Council’s identity. He stated the Council could apply for the ‘hadleigh.gov.uk’ domain and email address for £80 plus VAT, renewable in two years. Cllr Gordon declared a non-pecuniary declaration of interest at this point and took no further part in the debate. Cllr Gregg asked if the website and email addresses could include Hadleigh, Suffolk, to differentiate from Hadleigh, Essex. The Mayor stated he would look into this. Cllr Beggerow asked if the staff email addresses were to remain generic. Cllr Knock asked if the staff had been consulted over this. Councillors agreed to purchase a new website domain of hadleigh.gov.uk or hadleigh.suffolk.gov.uk if available. ii. To consider changing Councillor email addresses to first name.surname Councillors agreed for email addresses to be changed to first name.surname rather than cllr.surname iii. To consider changing office emails to first name.surname Cllr Faccini suggested this could be an issue if emails were sent to specific staff members when not available, meaning messages could be missed. Councillors agreed to keep generic staff email addresses. iv. To consider appointing an agency/individual to support the Council in communications via newsletter, website and the press. Item withdrawn due a resolution made at the previous EGM. v. To consider appointing an agency/individual to support the Council in

communications via social media channels. Item withdrawn due to a resolution made at the previous EGM. vi. To consider the production of a quarterly Hadleigh Town Council newsletter. The Mayor made Councillors aware of the Felixstowe Town Council newsletter, suggesting that Hadleigh Town Council start a similar publication. Councillors unanimously agreed to commence the publication of a quarterly newsletter. 11.7 Babergh/Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan The Mayor stated he was not proposing the Council consider the Joint Local Plan at this meeting and that it could be deferred to the agenda for August’s full council meeting. Cllr Talbot asked if this was a suitable matter for the Planning Committee, to which the Mayor agreed the Committee could look at it. At this point the meeting was adjourned for a five minute comfort-break. At the reconvening of the meeting, at 9.40pm, the Mayor proposed the Council consider a motion to extend the meeting beyond 10pm to complete the transaction of business, as per Standing Order 25. Councillors agreed to extend the meeting to 10.15pm. 12.7 Public Forum The mayor stated he had received a number of written letters and would commit to responding to these once he has had an opportunity to review the contents, having only been made aware of them prior to the start of the meeting. A member of the public asked, following the dismissal of the previous clerk, whether all bills will still be paid on time. The Mayor stated it was not possible to ‘dismiss’ a locum Clerk and that the Council had complied with the one-day notice period specified but was not in a position to discuss further. A member of the public asked when Hadleigh Town Council was going to engage with planning application matters as Babergh DC were making decisions without the Town Council’s input. The Mayor stated a spreadsheet detailing applications was in progress and that the Planning Advisory Committee would be dealing with this. A member of the public asked how the public could volunteer to be on the various Committees. Cllr Talbot stated the Council wanted the Committees to be more community-focused, with more Working Groups for the community to get involved in. A member of the public asked what the Council’s response was to be for a planning application relating to land east of Hadleigh Hall, suggesting that no response could be seen to favour the application. The Mayor requested the member of the public forward the application number to him. A member of the public, whilst respecting plans for a Council newsletter, asked whether the Council would be making use of the Hadleigh Community News publication, before expressing concerns as to the staff situation and referring to issues over previous two years. The Mayor stated he couldn’t speak on issues related to previous staff members and, as a new Council, was looking to resolve current issues, whilst reiterating a locum Clerk could not be dismissed. He noted the comments regarding the newsletter and Hadleigh Community News. 13.7 Finance i. To authorise July payments over £500, in accordance with financial Reg. 4. Cllr knock queried a number of payments, including the Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity occupational fee (£1,430.75), the Gill Associates cemetery project survey costs (£1,320.00), stating he believed the Town Council had not agreed to this contract, and Quantrill’s professional fees (£888.00). The Mayor stated the Feoffment Charity payment was not valid, that Councillors had been advised at a previous meeting they were contracted to pay the Gill Associates payment and, whilst he believed it to be fees for a staffing matter, it was agreed the Clerk would look into details surrounding the payment to Quantrills. Cllr Beggerow asked if the Hugh Pearl (Land drainage) Ltd payment, for £195,982.91, had been checked against the cemetery extension contract, with the Mayor stating this would be done. Councillors agreed to authorise July payments over £500, whilst excluding the Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity, the Gill Associates and the Quantrills to enable further enquiries to be conducted. ii. To verify reconciliation of accounts against bank statements. Councillors agreed to defer this item to the next meeting as relevant documents were unavailable. iii. To receive a summary of the Reserves Forecast. Cllr Beggerow proposed the Clerk be requested to prepare a five-year forward forecast of Town Council reserves, with the forecast reflecting loan repayments and to follow this year’s budget. Councillors agreed for the Clerk to prepare the five-year financial forecast. iv. To receive a report on payments being authorised by non-members. The Mayor advised Councillors that a number of payments had been made from the Hadleigh Town Council bank account by non-members between May and June 2019. He stated advice had been sought from S.A.L.C. and their legal advisors, with the former RFO failing to take steps to prevent this. He stated there was also an issue within the internal audit. The Mayor stated all payments had now been checked by the new signatories and bank account access issues had also been resolved. He went on to advise Councillors that a further update would be available for August’s meeting. The Mayor stated that, as the Feoffment Charity signatories were not yet in place, there was a problem with the paying of staff salaries by the 29th July and proposed these payments be made through the Town Council bank account and subsequently reconciled against the Feoffment Charity account, on this one occasion. Cllr WilsonDownes asked if the transfer of funds was allowed and the Mayor stated S.A.L.C. had advised this was appropriate. Councillors agreed to pay the Feoffment Charity salaries from the Town Council account to ensure payment by 29th July. v. To consider the renewal of the photocopier lease. a. Councillors were obliged to defer this item due to the agreed extension of the meeting, to 10.15pm, being reached. 14.7 Meeting Dates Councillors agreed Thursday 22nd August at 7.30pm for the next Town Council Meeting 10.15pm, meeting closed

This is a copy of the draft Minutes at 20.8.19 and may be subject to changes www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk





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Gotelee Solicitors are pleased to continue support to the Porch Project The Porch Project was started in 2009 and engages with local young people between the ages of 11 and 20 years. The charity aims to support young peoples’ physical, mental, social, and educational well-being. The project currently engages with over 700 young people in Hadleigh and the surrounding areas through its social activities, learning and support programmes, school visits and street work. “The continued support from Gotelee helps us to provide a youth worker with particular expertise working with teenage girls. Kayleigh Diss has been at the Porch Project since early 2018 and has progressed to senior youth worker. She has helped many of our young people, providing much needed support and guidance.” commented Judith Hermite, Trustee & Treasurer. Most recently the Porch Project team came into the Gotelee office in Church Street, Hadleigh to give the team an update on current activity and plans for the future. “We are keen to be involved and show a commitment, not just in financial terms, but also understanding how our involvement benefits the young people directly. This is a charity doing great work investing in the next generation of the town. Congratulations to the Porch Project on their 10th anniversary, a great achievement,” added Charles Rowett, Chief Executive Officer at Gotelee. For more information about the Porch Project visit www.porchproject.co.uk Meet the Gotelee team at www.gotelee.co.uk

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A Guide to Natural Feeding: Part 3 The Switch Natural feeders sometimes refer to the time they moved their dog onto raw food as ‘the switch’. The switch itself can usually be made instantly. A very small percentage of dogs have to be weaned onto raw food but the vast majority take to it immediately. The only dogs that shouldn’t eat a 100% raw diet are those with a compromised immune system or those that have just undergone bowel surgery. The best approach is to fast your dog for a day and then to start them on their new, natural diet. What about Bacteria? Yes, raw food is covered in bacteria. The problem is, human beings have been made paranoid about bacteria. There’s no getting away from the fact that approximately 1 in 10 pieces of meat off the shelf of your supermarket will have Salmonella on it, more than half contain campylobacter. In fact, there are more bacteria on a shopping trolley handle than on a piece of raw chicken. Dogs are surprisingly well equipped to deal with bacteria. Their saliva contains lysozyme, an enzyme that destroys harmful bacteria. Their short digestive tract is designed to push through food and bacteria quickly without giving bacteria time to colonise. The extremely acidic environment in the gut is also a good bacteria colonisation deterrent. Incidentally, processed dog food is as much of a risk in terms of bacteria “Pet foods, commercial or homemade, provide an ideal environment for bacterial proliferation” (LeJuene, J. T. and D. D. Hancock. 2001. and from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 219(9): 1224.). “The starches, rancid fats and sugars in kibbled foods provide much better food sources for bacteria than the proteins in raw meat do.” Dogs do not carry salmonella in their saliva or on their skin, not even after eating 100% salmonella-infected raw food. But, when they do eat salmonellainfected food, about one-third of them will show a moderate concentration of salmonella in their faeces – yet no clinical signs of being sick. The only way a human can catch salmonella from a dog is by, to put it bluntly, eating its youknow what! Incidentally, dogs eating a processed food diet are just as likely to have salmonella in their system, as it is easy to pick up in parks and elsewhere. What’s in the Media? Sadly, article after article shows the pet food industry, (which is entirely dominated by major dry food companies) continually highlighting the ‘dangers’ of raw. This problem is, it is usually from only one side of the fence. There is often • No mention of the fact people keep getting Salmonella from dry food and no mention of the countless other ways dry food can injure or sicken you or the dog such as aflatoxins, chemical excess, nutrient insufficiency, all of which have not occurred from raw dog food, as they use real ingredients. • No mention of the monthly recalls of dry food, recalls that involve thousands and often millions of tonnes of dry. • No mention of the fact top dry pet food brands such as Hills continue to harm and kill hundreds of dogs from as many recalls. Still not one dog dead from a premade raw. • No mention of the fact that dry pet food continually fail minimum nutritional standards Instead, they do their very best - often using the worst of science - to highlight the possible but as-yet-to-materialise dangers of raw. Post Scriptum What has been described as “the first major, independent British study” into raw dog food has concluded, when balanced, such diets are both safe and nutritionally adequate. The study, entitled “The Raw Proof, took two years to complete and was conducted under European Pet Food Industry (FEDIAF) guidelines and involved an extended version of the food trial protocol developed by the Association of American Feed Control Officials.

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh & District Garden Club Monday August 12th 2019: Our speaker for the August meeting was Dan Wheals, he is a trained herbalist and has founded a not for profit community interest company - Herbaculture. As you can see from the photograph, the speaker's table was covered with plants, many of them common varieties, and all of which he grows on his allotment. Also available were samples of the many teas and tinctures he produces from them. His wide ranging and enthusiastic talk introduced us to a large variety of plants, different parts of which are useful for different problems. We are familiar with camomile or peppermint tea for example, but did you know that the marshmallow plant is good for the digestive tract, wild lettuce is a calming herb and calendula petals have anti fungal and antibacterial properties? The list of helpful plants is seemingly endless, however, he is still trying to find a use for bindweed - I know the feeling! (FYI - re last month's pepper problem - the white fly have gone!) Monday September 9th 2019: Deb Hart is no stranger to the club, she has entertained us with willow weaving and demonstrated how to make a beautiful Christmas wreath using all kinds of natural materials. She is returning this month and she will be showing us how to weave a willow dragonfly and will be talking about a world war two project with with she has been involved. The meeting starts at 7.30pm in Hadleigh Town Hall. The entrance is ÂŁ4 for visitors and ÂŁ2 for members to include refreshments, there will be a raffle and plants for sale. The competition for September is 'the longest runner bean', new members and visitors are always welcome. If you would like to find out more about the club we will be taking part in 'Hadleigh on Show' on Saturday October 5th, we look forward to seeing you there. hadleighgardenclub@gmail.com

Down to Earth ...with Dave What strange weather we have had in August, either very hot or the next day very wet. Sadly some of my standard fuchsias have succumbed to the dreaded fuchsia gall mite and they have had to be destroyed. Some of them are several years old and it is a bit like losing a friend. We had a very enjoyable trip to the Shrewsbury flower show in Shropshire at the beginning of the month, this is a bit like the Hadleigh show but without the animals, it is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. A full day was spent admiring the fabulous displays of flowers, listening to the various speakers such as John Torode the TV chef, and a gardeners question time with a panel including TV's David Domoney and Margaret Thrower, daughter of the late great Percy Thrower. Incidentally Percy Thrower was for many years the head gardener at the park where the show is held, and a lasting tribute to him is the wonderful dell garden that he created in the centre of the park. This is worth a visit on its own, the family still run a nursery in Shrewsbury. All the usual entertainments such as various military bands and the Imps Motorcycle Display Team, who have been to the Hadleigh Show. All the usual trade stands including two stands specialising in fuchsias, at both of these I enquired about the fuchsia gall mite. They both said that luckily it had not reached the Welsh borders yet and, as far as they knew, there was no spray available to the public. The show finished with a pop concert and a firework display, but by then we were tucked up in our beds back at the hotel. If you are away on holiday then it pays to have somebody popping in to water your plants and keep an eye on things, it means you don't have to worry so much, though with the wet weather this is not such a problem. We had only been home a few days when we were off to Bressingham gardens and steam museum at Diss. These unique gardens are a blaze of colour right now, they are privately owned by the Bloom family. There are four linked gardens in a 17 acre site with 8,000 species of plants displayed, also on the site is a large collection of steam engines. Walking round the gardens we noticed lots of small white muslin bags tied to sticks pushed into the flower beds. On making enquiries it seems that the little bags are filled with old fashioned soap shavings, this is to help deter the muntjac deer who have been causing a lot of damage. Right next door to Bressingham gardens is a massive Wyevale garden centre, this was closing down and changing owners on the day we visited, so many plants at silly prices that we came home with a car full. That's all for this time, Dave

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Ansell Memories Café The Ansell Memories Café is open every Thursday between 11am and 3pm. On arrival you are greeted with a cheery face. It is like a family get together. You all get to know each other. You can have a hot meal if you want to for only £4 for 2 courses. You can also pay just £1 and have as much tea and coffee as you can drink and biscuits to go with it. They have a raffle each week. The volunteers are all very kind and make you feel very welcome. They always have a friendly smile and will do anything to help you. They also have all different activities to do or you can just sit and relax and be waited on for a few hours. I hope to see new members at the Memories Café in the near future. It’s up to you if you stay 10 mins or 4 hours. Whatever you want to do. Hope to see you soon. Written by member, Caroline Harvey


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh South District Councillors’ Surgery Hadleigh South Babergh District Councillor Kathryn Grandon’s next surgery will be 12th October. You will be able to discuss any concerns at her walk-in surgery from 11am until noon at the Lounge Room in the British Legion Club (opposite the side entrance of Partridges, in George Street). If you have any concerns before then, you are welcome to contact her by telephone or email. Kathryn Grandon: 01473 824489 or email kathryn.grandon@babergh.gov.uk I look forward to meeting you to discuss your concerns and interest in the wellbeing of our town.

Hadleigh Craft & Food Fair This hugely popular Fair organised by Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity will take place in the Town Hall/Guildhall Complex in Hadleigh, Suffolk on Sunday 3rd November 2019 starting at 10:00 am and finishing at 4:00 pm. There will be several stalls selling foods, drinks and various crafts throughout the Complex. Refreshments will be available in the Dining Room. Anyone interested in details regarding booking a stall for this event should contact Hadleigh Town Council on 01473 823884 and ask for Sue Munson or via email admin@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk. Closing date for bookings is 27th September 2019. Please see our website for forms/further information. www.hadleightownhall.co.uk/events

New Season, New Start Can you believe it’s the start of another school year? Sometimes September feels more like the best time to make changes, we’re refreshed after our summer holidays, the days are still long enough and the weather warm enough to get outside, enjoy country walks or tidy the garden. Perhaps its also the best time to make changes to our diet as well and drop a few pounds before the winter sets in. If you want to look good in your jeans for autumn, now is the time to do something about it, otherwise you’ll be hiding in your big baggy jumpers for yet another winter. We all love the warmer weather, but the temptation of BBQs, beer and ice cream means, suddenly, your waistline has expanded as the pounds have crept on. We can get a shock when we see our holiday photos and resolve never to indulge again! We should, of course, enjoy our time out but most of us find we’ve brought home more excess baggage than we intended! Not only that, its only about 3 months till we hit the Christmas party season. It takes time to make changes permanently. THE 1:1 DIET can help you achieve your goals. With a diet plan tailored to you, a bit of perseverance and personal 1-2-1 support and encouragement from your own Independent Consultant, it can be done! THE 1:1 DIET by Cambridge Weight Plan can help reset your approach to food and is designed to help you lose weight quickly, safely and make long term changes for a healthy future. If this is what you’re looking for contact Accredited Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant Val Lord who achieved her own weight loss with Cambridge, maintaining since 2008 and has over 10 years’ experience helping hundreds of people achieve their goals. All appointments are in private with no group meetings to attend, confidentiality assured. For more information go to www.cambridgeweightplan.com/valL or contact Val today on 01449 737113/07519 177645, www.facebook.com/val.lord.cwp. *Research proves that dieters are more successful with support

News from St Mary’s Primary School As the children prepare to return to school after the summer break we can look back at some of the highlights of the end of last term. The upper KS2 production of ‘Dream On’, loosely based on ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, was an epic, with lots of songs and lines to learn. There were enthusiastic performances all round, with some impressive solo singing, and getting into the character of the parts. Some children took part in a competition, open to all the local schools, to design a logo for the side of the council’s refuse trucks, encouraging no litter or pollution, and the year 5 winner was delighted to see her design on the truck which pulled up alongside the playground, and also to take possession of a large, green frog-shaped litter bin which is now ready for breaktime banana skins and apple cores. Year 1’s castles topic culminated in a splendid banquet in the school hall where they feasted on the bread, gingerbread and apple flapjack they had made, followed by medieval dancing and a jousting tournament with ‘horses’ and ‘lances’. They took their shields and swords home! Music is always a strength at St Mary’s, and year 5 have had great success with their recorder playing. They took part in a whole day of music-making at the Delphi Centre in Sudbury with children from other schools, playing and singing together and then performing a concert for parents and friends. In the last week of term the year 5 recorder players and the year 6 clarinet players gave the rest of the school a taste of their enthusiastic and accomplished playing and singing in a mini concert which put everyone in a happy mood! We also enjoyed an end of term performance from the lunchtime violin group of children from years 4, 5 and 6. Other end of year events included the final achievement assembly, where we celebrated the children’s successes in and outside school – lots of certificates and awards for football, dance, karate, open water swimming, gymnastics, and charity fund-raising. The KS1 and KS2 discos were very busy and celebratory. Finally, the summer term ended in its usual emotional way as we said goodbye to year 6 and wished them well on the next stage of their educational journey. During the leavers’ service at St Mary’s church they reflected on the Christian values of trust, respect, courage and friendship, which they linked with memories of their time at St Mary’s school. Then there was their party, the final assembly and the ritual of shirt-signing, and off they went to new challenges and excitements, with our blessing!

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Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m (or could be) yours! On October 6th at 2pm in the Ansell Centre the Christmas Present Trust are holding an auction of celebrity autographs. A large number of celebrities were contacted and asked whether they would be willing to send us a signed Christmas card to raise funds so that we can once again provide a free meal and entertainment for anyone in Hadleigh and the surrounding villages who, for whatever reason, cannot be with family or friends on Christmas Day. We have been amazed at the response. At the time of writing we have 64 lots including a signed Cold Feet script from Fay Ripley, two signed books from Paula Hawkins and the 2019 Strictly Come Dancing album signed by all the celebrities, professionals and judges, as well as a large number of cards, books and photos. You can find a full list of the lots available in Paddy and Scott’s, where you can view the lots whilst enjoying their range of hot and cold drinks, and the library, where you can also access our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ChristmasPresentTrust on their computers or access their many facilities by joining Suffolk Libraries. Alternatively you can contact us on 01473 829246. We would also love to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer to help us on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or Boxing Day.

Hintlesham and Chattisham Carpet Bowls Club If you are between twelve and ninety years old this is for you. We are a friendly club come and give it a go. Tryouts are free. Call Frank on 01473 652506 or Colin on 01473 652592. We play Tuesday afternoons starting at 2 pm or Wednesday evenings starting at 7.30 pm at Hintlesham Community Hall. Hope to see you there.


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Mayor’s Update At the first meeting of the new Town Council in May 2019, new Town Councillors Steve Allman and Carolyn Cammack were unanimously voted as Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the year. Steve provides a summary of their first three months in office: Carolyn and I are both passionate about Hadleigh and we’re honoured to serve in our roles, which enable us to represent the town and its interests. We’re trying to be more accessible and engage a wider range of groups and we’ve already attended around 25 events between us. Being active in Hadleigh enables us to learn more about the views and needs of the whole community and inform the work of the Town Council. It’s no secret that the new Town Council has inherited some complex challenges and we’re doing our best to engage with the whole community and restore confidence in the Council. In May, I attended the Hadleigh Show and enjoyed visiting displays by local groups including the Great War Centenary Project, HADS and United Reformed Church before joining the organisers for afternoon tea and congratulating them on another successful show. Later that month, Councillors Lisa Gordon, Gavin Talbot, Richard Hinton and myself entered the Hadleigh Duck & Raft Race. Embarrassingly, we were out in the first round, but we were pleased to help towards raising funds for the Hadleigh Sea Scouts. June began with Carolyn and I visiting the Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh, where we were made to feel very welcome and saw some very impressive gardens. I attended Hadleigh Community Primary School’s Summer fete where we asked children what they would do if they were mayor for the day and joined the Hadleigh British Legion to celebrate Armed Forces Day. Carolyn and I have also represented Hadleigh further afield; at various civic ceremonies, marching at Suffolk Pride and at the investiture of the Suffolk Medal. We also represented Hadleigh at Suffolk Day celebrations in Felixstowe and we’re very pleased to announce that Mark Murphy at BBC Suffolk has invited Hadleigh to host Suffolk Day in June 2020, which will be another opportunity to shine a positive light on our town and the whole community. In July, Carolyn and I were joined by Jane and Gill, the Town Guides, at the Clopton Rose Ceremony, an annual event where Hadleigh demonstrates its gratitude to William Clopton for his generous gift of the guildhall to Hadleigh by laying a rose on his tomb. More recently, I’ve attended the Porch Project AGM, Hadleigh Thrift Shop 20th Anniversary celebrations and a coffee morning at Hadleigh Nursing Home. Autumn is already shaping up to be busy for us both and we’re particularly looking forward to Hadleigh On Show in October, where the volunteers organising the event have very kindly asked us to invite mayors from across Suffolk to come and see Hadleigh at its best, with more than 70 groups and organisations represented. If you’d like us to attend your event or come and meet your group, please contact us through Hadleigh Town Council. It’s not all cutting ribbons, we’re just as happy to pop in for a chat.

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Letter from Layham www.layham.org

Are you new to Layham? If you have just moved to the village and would like to know more about it, please visit our website - www.layham.org Parish Council The main matters dealt with during the Parish Council meeting of 17 July 2019 were: • County Council report The public consultation on the proposed Ipswich northern relief road had started on 5 July and would run until 13 September; there would be public drop-in sessions during July. A paper on Family Hubs (Children’s Centres) had gone to Cabinet; consultation would start in early September and would run for up to ten weeks. Cabinet had also considered a paper on increasing funding for speech and language provision. With reference to the ‘Little Feet Walking Challenge’, Councillor Curran said the footpath between Upper Layham and Hadleigh was too narrow to walk side by side; this had been pointed out several times in the past and Councillor Jones said he would raise the issue again with Highways. In the meantime, he suggested reporting the problem online. • Speeding The report from the working group was noted and the conclusions and suggestions in the report were discussed. It was agreed to invite Mary Evans to a future meeting to discuss ANPR cameras; the scheme was to be discussed by the SCC Speed Panel. • Green Team It was agreed that a date for the autumn litter pick / spring clean would be set at the August meeting. The Wildlife Group was now up and running – this was more a wildlife appreciation group and the Green Team was still the action group. • SCC Community Self-Help Scheme Councillor Woods said a great deal of work had been carried out in the village by volunteers in the past; for example, the Green Team had organised litter picks for many years. The scheme offered to help parish councils do more, but he said they would need to spend money to contract out or train people as it would not always be possible for the PC and volunteers to do the work. He felt the scheme would appeal to larger communities with more funding available, but would be extremely difficult for smaller PCs. He proposed writing to the Minister for the Environment to say county councils were insufficiently funded and were therefore trying to move the responsibility on to parish and town councils; this proposal was agreed. Following discussion, more information about the scheme would be requested from SCC, including queries about insurance etc. • Councillors’ roles & responsibilities The draft paper was reviewed and responsibilities assigned – all councillors would let the Clerk know if they felt there should be additions / amendments so that she could produce an updated paper for the August meeting. • General Power of Competence Local councils in England were given the General Power of Competence in the Localism Act of 2011, giving them ‘the power to do anything that individuals generally may do’ – it removed the need for councils to ask whether they had a specific power to act. The Clerk confirmed that Layham PC met the criteria, having a qualified Clerk and twothirds elected Members. It was agreed unanimously to adopt the General Power of Competence for the year 2019/20. Monitoring dangerous driving in Layham During our recently held Parish Review you told the members of the Parish Council that you are concerned about fast and dangerous driving in our village. If we are to obtain further speed limits or get financial help with the purchase and installation of vehicle activated signs we need recorded proof of incidents. If you see any sort of accident or incident we need you to record the date, time and place; a brief description of what happened and registration number of the vehicle. If you have a phone with you and can take a picture that would be very helpful. A few days after this was written, a small white van lost control on the bend at the junction of Upper Street and Mill Lane, hit the kerb, bounced across the road, hit the bank and landed on its side. This has happened several times at this location and indicates a need for more signage. Please send any information on future accidents to Jane Cryer, the Parish Clerk on layhampc@gmail.com or phone 07920 713940. Thank you. St. Andrew’s – your parish church Hadleigh Community Choir presented a programme of ‘Music from the Movies’ in St Andrew’s Church on Saturday 27th July. The church was pretty well full and judging from the 38

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

applause the singing was appreciated. Thank you to those of you who bought tickets and therefore contributed to an excellent profit of £480 for church funds. Thank you also to the members of the choir who gave their time for a good cause. For the month of September Sunday 1 September No service in Layham, but 10.30am Benefice Eucharist in Hadleigh (with farewell to Rev Simon White) Sunday 8 September 9.15am Sung Eucharist Sunday 15 September 9.30am Café Church Sunday 22 September 9.15am Joint Eucharist with Shelley, in Layham Sunday 29 September 10.30am Benefice Eucharist in Layham Coffee, Cake and Chat – Mondays 2 and 16 September, 11am-12.30pm Layham Playing Field 100 Club The winners in July were: £25 Ticket No 88 King, £15 Ticket No 27 Cryer. The winners in August were: £25 Ticket No 64 Hambling £15 Ticket No 79 Gunn Layham Local History Group Layham Local History Group took part in the exhibition of World War 2 ephemera in St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh on Saturday 20 July. The exhibition was timed to coincide with the publication of a new book by Roger Kennell “Hadleigh during World War 2. The Home Front story”. The Layham contribution was to publicise their project to put together pen portraits of the 51 service men and women from Layham who served in WW2 and whose photographs are displayed in a large wooden frame in the bar of the Queen’s Head in Lower Layham. Holding the frame are Sue Keeble and Jeff Ward – two members of the Layham Local History Group. Considerable work has been done with the recording of at least part of the stories of 29 men and women – but that still leaves 22 about whom we know very little. Maybe you can help? Are you a relative of any of the following men and women? Do you know anything about their wartime service? Or do you know someone who might? Fred Bartrum; P. Boreham; Isaac Cook; B. Cracknell; Harold Cracknell; Fred Fleet; B. Gleed; H. Gleed; A. Holmes (female); D. Holmes (female); D. Keeling; S. King (Ernest?); Norman Mann; T. Manning; C. Martin; A. Powell; A. Smyth; W. Songer. It would be great to have everyone’s story recorded and stored in the archive for evermore. If you can help please contact Michael Woods on 823798 or michaelwoods@suffolkonline.net. Thank you. Layham Playgroup As we start a new year at Layham Playgroup we are keen to explore all the changes that have occurred to our garden over the summer holidays. Many thanks to Imogen who has planned and helped to redesign the garden area and to Steve and Tanith from The Queens Head who have provided the new uniforms for the Staff, they look really smart and ready for a new year! We are looking forward to hearing all the news from the summer and getting to know the new children. We wish those starting school well in their next stage of their education. We still have some spaces available for the academic year September 2019 – July 2020, for more information please contact us on 07999 866419 or email us at admin@layhamplaygroup.co.uk Layham Playgroup is a registered Charity Incorporated Organisation 1160254

Sudbury & District Citizens Advice I am renting and have an assured shorthold tenancy. I have been struggling to pay the rent for a few months. I am working full time but my wages aren’t enough. I am only just managing with my other bills and spending. Now I am falling behind on my payments and I am worried about losing my home. What can I do to stop this from happening? It’s good you’ve looked for help. This is the first step to staying in your home. Rent arrears, like council tax debt or mortgage arrears, are a priority debt. Non-payment can cause serious problems, such as losing your home. If the landlord says they plan to evict you, have served you with an eviction notice, or you have letters from court, get advice urgently. Go through correspondence from your landlord. Compare payments you’ve made to the amount of arrears due, to make sure the numbers agree. Speak to them about why you’re struggling with your rent. Create a budget by adding up your essential living costs, such as food and energy, and take these away from your income. Use the www.citizensadvice.org.uk budgeting tool and benefits calculator to see if you can increase your income. Try to find cheaper deals on your energy, phone and broadband. Put any spare money towards your debts. If you’re able to pay off some of the arrears, your landlord may agree to a payment plan, enabling you to pay smaller amounts. Be clear and realistic about your budget. If they don’t agree a plan, or if you feel unable to negotiate alone, go to Citizens Advice. The payment plan should be written down and signed by the landlord. They can’t evict you without going to court. But if you do get evicted, ask the council for help with housing and benefits. Contact them immediately, they can help you stay in your home. For help with your budget, negotiating a rent payment plan, or eviction advice, contact Sudbury & District Citizens Advice, Keyse House, Acton Lane, Sudbury, CO10 1QN. Telephone 01787 321400 or 0300 330 1151, email advice@sudburycab.org.uk or call in to the drop-in advice sessions Mon to Thurs between 10am and 1pm. For further information see www.citizensadvice.org.uk. We also offer a drop-in advice session on the first Thursday of every month at the Ansell Centre in Hadleigh, no appointment necessary.

St Mary’s C of E Primary School Believe Inspire Achieve!

St Mary’s Church of England Primary School is a vibrant, Christian school, in which all children achieve well and are inspired to a lifelong love of learning!

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OUTSTANDING! “The excellent pastoral care and concern for individuals meets the pupils and their families at their point of need within an inclusive Christian family environment.”

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“Every child is expected to do well, underpinned by the belief that all children can achieve.”

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St Mary’s C of E Primary School Stonehouse Road, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5BH

Hadleigh Walkers Our September walk on Saturday 14th will be a new departure for us. Our intention is to catch the Harwich train from Manningtree alighting at Wrabness and walk back along the banks of the River Stour, a distance of 8.5 miles. At the start we will pass Grayson Perry’s much reported house and then follow the Stour to Ragmarsh Farm, cut inland to Bradfield then on to Mistley Maltings and finish at the Crown on Manningtree waterfront. The formal walk will end at the Crown where we can stop for refreshments. Everyone can make their way (timing at driver’s discretion) via the main road back to the station, a 20 minute walk. We will meet at 0900 at St Mary’s School on Stonehouse Road where we will car share to Manningtree Station and catch the 1000 train to Wrabness, a journey of around 9 minutes. The rail fare is £2.50 and occupants of each car are asked to contribute a share of the £6.50 car park charge. This delightful walk along the river is not strenuous and takes about 3.5 hours and we will arrive at the Crown around 1330. If anyone would like to car share it would help if you let us know via the website contact page so arrangements can be made if necessary. Everyone is welcome, including well behaved dogs. Strong shoes or preferably walking boots should be worn as the ground may be muddy or rough in places and there is a spring tide around midday. As usual, route maps can be requested from the web site. Looking further out to October, we are planning a shortish walk from Hadleigh ending at the Kersey Bell. More details next month. For further information about these walks go to www.hadleighwalkers.com, email us from the website contact page or contact Mike Keeling on 01787 210104 or 07483 887658. The Friends of St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh

THE JOHN BLOOMFIELD ANNUAL MEMORIAL LECTURE Saturday 28th September 2019 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. “HADLEIGH AND THE REFORMATION” by Dr. David Cornick Dr. Cornick is a Fellow of Robinson College, Cambridge where he directs studies in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion. He is a United Reformed Church Minister and was General Secretary of Churches Together in England until 2018 TICKETS £10.00 FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE

Telephone: 01473 823268 | Email: admin@stmaryshad.co.uk


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Sing Out Saturdays are back after the summer break

When the schools go back our thoughts often turn to learning something new. Have you ever thought of singing? Research has shown that singing together in a group has amazing health and social benefits. Choirmaster Chris Rowbury believes that everyone can sing, and with his gentle encouragement and finely honed teaching skills, you may find yourself with a new hobby and some new friends. Chris holds a Sing Out Saturday in Hadleigh every third Saturday of the month. The next one is on Saturday 14th September at the Ansell Community Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh IP7 5DL. The singing starts at 10.30am (doors open 10.15am) and runs until 1pm – all for just £9 per person (refreshments included). Sessions are open to all: men and women, experienced singers and complete beginners alike. No musical experience is necessary, there are no auditions or solos, and no sheet music. Chris will soon have you singing in beautiful harmony even if you think you can’t ‘sing’. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary as all songs are taught by ear. All sessions are self-contained with new songs and different people each month. No commitment is required, just come to which ever Saturdays are convenient. Since starting in January 2016, Sing Out Saturdays have tackled a wide range of songs. You can hear some on the website: www.singoutsaturdays.co.uk which also has all forthcoming dates and directions to the venue. Chris Rowbury is based in Woodbridge. He has 30 years’ experience as a patient, charismatic teacher with a relaxed style laced with plenty of humour. He will get you singing in wonderful harmony in a matter of minutes. Find out more at www.SingOutSaturdays.co.uk or email chris@singoutsaturdays.co.uk or phone Chris on 01394 610 486

Ipswich Building Society shows support for The Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding The Hadleigh branch of Ipswich Building Society recently presented a cheque for £2457.46 to The Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding, its chosen branch charity, as part of the Society’s commitment to supporting local communities where its branches are based. Customer Experience Manager, Samantha Bak, commented “We are delighted to have raised this amount for The Shelley Centre and would like to thank all our members who have opened a Mutual Advantage account with us.” You can find out more information about Ipswich Building Society and how they are supporting The Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding by visiting the branch in the High Street, online at www.ibs.co.uk or by calling 01473 827373.

Craft Fair Sunday 13th October 10.00 am - 4.00 pm at Whatfield Village Hall (Sat Nav IP7 6QL) Lots of stalls selling a wide variety of crafts so come along, bring all your friends and family and start your Christmas shopping, buy presents or just treat yourself. All proceeds to go to Whatfield Primary School & Success After Stroke 40

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Fidelis Activity News

Hadleigh Healing Society

Lunch Bunch: Lunch Bunchers successfully dined at The Bull at Brantham. Sadly the weather wasn’t good enough to dine al fresco and enjoy the wonderful views across the Stour. All diners were happy with their choice of food and there was certainly no shortage of conversation topics with PM elections looming. The traditional, friendly, attentive service was slightly slower than usual. This was probably due to an exceptionally quiet group of Japanese students dining at the same time. Walking With Alpacas: Once introductions were complete and we were on first name terms with our soft furry charges we walked them through the beautiful countryside near Hilly Ridge Farm, Wattisham. As alpacas are calm, gentle creatures who prefer to be part of a crowd they were very happy with the additional attention from members. Rambling at an end, we enjoyed light refreshments and heard more about the incredibly soft alpaca wool. This was followed by a visit to the crèche to feed the mothers and their new arrivals prancing about in the enclosure. The afternoon ended with a highly amusing, light-hearted ‘obstacle’ race to test the handling skills of the volunteer participants and their carefully selected competitor. Farm owner, Jo and her assistant, Lindsay, supervised the proceedings and rosettes were presented to the lucky winners. All agreed, being in the company of these remarkable, lovable creatures had been an uplifting, calming experience. Our thanks to Jo and Lindsay for making our visit such a memorable one. King Con: When the audacious con man, Edgar Laplante, came to the attention of author Paul Willetts he decided to investigate his bizarre story. It revealed a character involved in a lifetime of skilful subterfuge, cheek, drugs, women, foreign travel and the rich and famous. This unbelievable but true tale was the stuff novels are made of and so the biographical “King Con” was written. In spite of the excessive heat that evening, Paul entertained members and their visitors with tales of the strange adventures which lead to the rise and fall of the Jazz Age‘s greatest imposter. JD

So many acts of violence happening in ordinary towns, cities and streets you are wondering where next, am I safe and the biggest question of all “WHY”. That is the question everyone would like to know the answer too. Why do youngsters feel that it is necessary to carry knives. Why do people feel they have to attack others and steal their bags, phones, watches etc. There is no one easy answer to this problem. For many especially the elderly they feel very vulnerable and do no feel safe in their own homes. This can cause a feeling of isolation. Our registered, qualified healers are there to listen to your concerns. You are assured of a warm welcome. Please telephone 01473 823282 (answer machine) or log onto www.hadleighhealingsociety.org or find us on Facebook for an appointment. We are holding another Clairvoyant Day on Saturday, 14th September 10am – 4pm. There will be two mediums who can give a 20 minute private reading for £15. If you would like an appointment please book early to avoid disappointment. Ring giving your name and telephone number clearly and we will get back to you.

Hadleigh Craft & Food Fair This hugely popular Fair organised by Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity will take place in the Town Hall/Guildhall Complex in Hadleigh, Suffolk on Sunday 3rd November 2019 starting at 10:00 am and finishing at 4:00 pm. There will be several stalls selling foods, drinks and various crafts throughout the Complex. Refreshments will be available in the Dining Room. Anyone interested in details regarding booking a stall for this event should contact Hadleigh Town Council on 01473 823884 and ask for Sue Munson or via email admin@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk. Closing date for bookings is 27th September 2019. Please see our website for forms/further information. www.hadleightownhall.co.uk/events

Off to University or College? The Ann Beaumont Charity is a local charity that makes grants to students under the age of 25 whose home address is with the parish of Hadleigh. Applications are considered for assistance towards the purchase of course books/equipment on receipt of an application form together with a PRICED list of the items required. Applicants may apply annually during their course. Application forms are available from 89 High Street, Hadleigh. Completed forms should be returned to the same address.

Hadleigh & Boxford Patient Participation Group The new look Hadleigh & Boxford Group Practice website If you’ve visited the Practice website recently, you will have seen that it’s had a complete makeover! The partners hope you like it as much as they do; it was time to refresh the existing site and the new version includes more information on the full range of services for patients. After a couple of months planning, the Practice is delighted to announce the launch of the site and hopes that the fresh new look and the improved navigation will allow you to find the information you need more quickly and easily. The new website has been designed to make it easy for patients to get answers to their questions and quickly access the right help and advice for their needs. The site provides all the information you need to help you make best use of the services on offer, as well as health tips and advice on healthy living. The goal has been to provide you, the patient, with an easier way to learn about the Practice’s services. Regular updates to the website will provide further useful information and news regarding the practice, so please do check back for updates. Your opinion is valued so feel free to submit any suggestions for new information or topics and provide feedback via the website https://www.hadleighhealth.co.uk

KERSEY HARVEST FLOWER FESTIVAL Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th October 10 am - 5 pm Over the weekend St Mary’s Church will host Kersey’s flower festival, arranged to coincide with harvest time. St Mary’s is a Grade 1 listed Parish Church, entrenched in history and set in medieval surroundings. Come and be amazed by this historic village and church adorned in floral tributes worthy of its beauty. ADMISSION FREE, DONATIONS WELCOME Refreshments and light lunches can be purchased in the church. Proceeds to Friends of St Mary’s Kersey and Kersey Projects www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Grazing Land Urgently Required Do you have land, or know someone who has land not being used? Our Charity desperately needs to find grazing land to rent in Suffolk. we require a minimum of 20 acres with ideally a barn and some outbuildings. French’s Care Haven has been long established and has achieved a lot helping Suffolk animals and people. We are in a dire situation and really need a land owner to come forward. Can you help? Or do you know someone who can?

Contact Jann Turner 07747 755556 jann.turner@hotmail.co.uk

Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club September Entertainment

Fri 6th Karaoke Sat 14th Steve Forward Sat 21st Coast Fri 27th Karaoke From all of us here at the British legion we thank you for your support Meat Raffle held Sunday Lunchtimes Thursday nights are Bingo nights, come along for a game from 7:30pm Super League Darts Tuesday nights Watch live sport on our new 110inch wide screen Keep up to date by visiting our Facebook page Membership If you have paid your annual RBL subscription of £17.50 and received your membership card you will also need to come into the Club and pay your Club Membership Fee of £8.00 / £6.00 OAP to obtain your Club Sticker. If you decide not to pay the Club fee you will not benefit from the reduced entrance fee for entertainment nights and will only be permitted to use the Club on two occasions during the month at a fee of £1.00 per visit. Don’t forget our Hall Hire: Lounge 30 people, Main Hall 100 people. Ring 01473 824874 for details.

Fifth Annual Gayford Flyer Hadleigh Cycling Club will be running the fifth annual Gayford Flyer on Sunday, 15th September 2019. The Gayford Flyer is a non-competitive cycle sportive. There are two signed rides of 62 miles (100km) and 31 miles (50km). Full details and the story of Oswald Gayford can be found at www.hadleighcyclingclub.co.uk Entry is via the British Cycling website (www.britishcycling.org.uk ) and the last day is Sunday, 8th September. There is no entry on the day. Riders pay £12.50 to enter and helmets are compulsory. “Last year’s sportive was fantastic”, said Mike Motteram, Chairman of Hadleigh Cycling Club. “Most of the riders and their families stayed around and enjoyed refreshments and live music at The George.” British Cycling said that the Flyer “was a super event – well thought through, well executed and very enjoyable to be part of.” One of the entrants emailed afterwards,”Completed the Spitfire route. Thought it was one of the best sportives I've done, friendly marshals, riders, superb route and great atmosphere, mind you the weather couldn't have been better. I'll be signing up next year.” Our Cycling Club is anxious to offer the broadest range of opportunities for local folk to enjoy cycling. We want to attract the “super fit” and the “less than super fit”. During the summer we have rides on Mondays, Fridays, some Saturdays and Sunday. Why not try our Sunday morning social rides from the George starting at 8am, with a guaranteed café stop, weather permitting. Adults and “capable children accompanied by an adult” are all welcome. The distance is around 25 miles. Check out our Facebook page. Visit www.hadleighcyclingclub.co.uk or connect with the club via Facebook: Hadleigh Cycling Club @HadleighCycling

Panto is coming to town. Are you curious? We at HADS are now in the process of getting ready for our next production planned for February 2020...curiouser and curiouser... With its 100th birthday just through the looking glass, HADS is preparing to celebrate, and you could be part of something truly special. Enlisting the playwriting skills of the brilliantly talented Sarah Clarke, we are excited to announce our 2020 show, Alice in Wonderland - a wonderful, whimsical adaptation of a traditional tale. We are seeking actors, dancers, singers and anybody who would otherwise like to get involved in our brilliantly bonkers production with no experience necessary, and all ages welcome. Come along to one of our open auditions on Sunday 22nd September at Hadleigh Pool and Leisure 2-4pm or on Wednesday 25th September at URC church 7 - 9 pm. For more information please email hadleighents@aol.com or visit our Facebook page by searching HADS Hadleigh. You’d be as mad as a hatter to miss it! As a voluntary organisation, we rely on the generosity of our local community and are currently on the lookout for sponsorship of our 2020 production to assist in covering the necessary costs. If you are interested, and are able to help, please contact us for more information.

Hadleigh Community Choir Donates to local charity Following their very successful concert, Movie Magic, Hadleigh Community Choir presented a cheque to Bumblebees Children’s Charity which is based at Sproughton. They are a specialist centre working together with families to support babies and young children with physical difficulties taking part in a fun filled sensory programme and working primarily with pre-school children. Bumblebees rely solely on donations and private funding, so anyone who wishes to get in touch to find out more or donate independently can contact the charity. Hadleigh Community Choir always look to sponsor local charities and our next concert is 7th December at URC Church 7.30pm. We hope to be as successful again, helping our local community. 42

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Pause For Thought Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

Dear Sir, Thanks are due from us to kind friends who alerted me to the mass of Himalayan Balsam which was growing on both banks and in the River Brett near to Stone Street Farmhouse just a mile from the middle on Hadleigh. After spending several hours by the sides of, and wading in the River Brett at that location to remove these offending invasive weeds, I went to the Mill Pond at Layham where a similar small forest of this offensive weed was growing just downstream from the Mill Pond in order to remove these from the banks and river bed. Some of the plants can grow to three metres high with massive trunks and roots and seed pods containing maybe 800 seeds. The forming seed pods from hundreds of plants have been removed from these locations to prevent their thousands of seeds bursting from the pods and causing more chaos next year at these locations and downstream particularly when effort of several years has cleared our Hadleigh Riverside Walk of this invasive weed. Some growth will continue which will involve a number of return visits to the sites for a couple of months. Such a number of massive roots of these plants can destroy not only native vegetation but also river banks themselves. We all need to be aware of the problems that these imported ‘poor man's orchids’ also known as ‘policemen's helmet’ can cause if attempts are not made to eradicate them. The growing season, I know from experience, can last until October. John Cunningham

Dear Sir, I do not believe that I have seen any expression of thanks to the outgoing town councillors who retired at the last election. Several of them had been in office for lengthy periods quietly and effectively serving the local community. For my part I would like to thank them for all their endeavours and considerable accomplishments. We must all hope that the new council can measure up to the standards set by their predecessors. Personally I wish them every success. Apparently some the Town Council staff have left or are in the process of leaving, and recently with only one staff member potentially in the office – and about to go on holiday – the office closed for a week. So we will have, in effect, a completely new council who have lost the services of precisely those people who are familiar with the recent past and conversant with proper procedures. Furthermore, I am by no means convinced that the new Council understands the important difference between the Town Council and the Market Feoffment Charity which owns the Guildhall/Town Hall complex and of which the Town Council is, I believe, sole Trustee. Perhaps that will do for the moment although I might add that I hope the new council will soon resume the very helpful and open disclosure of their proceedings which their predecessors followed. Thank you very much to the recent retirees and good luck to their successors. J. E. F. Hunt

Dear Sir, Many people who have only recently moved to Hadleigh will not be aware of the loss to the town when the Guildhall was closed in 1987. When the refurbishment of the building was completed in 1994 I was Mayor and I formed the Friends of Hadleigh Guildhall. This group of volunteers shared a common interest of pride in this magnificent building and recognised its historic importance not only to Hadleigh but to the country. In twelve years these volunteers raised over £40,000 and gave their time and energy to create the garden, restore the second floor room, give guided tours and serve teas as well as providing other facilities for the building. Many local groups, including the W.I. and the Rugby Club, also supported the building with time and funding. There are people willing to form a new group to support the building but to do this they must have the full support of the Town Council. Jane Haylock

So will your s? i th d ea r Just customers!

To advertise Ring Matt Barber on 01473 823366

By the time you read this we will have hosted our annual children’s holiday club – 5 days of playing host to around 80 primary school aged children, all of them full of energy and fun. This year our theme was “The Greatest Show: A Million Dreams”, based on that super film, The Greatest Showman. Amidst a plethora of games and crafts we retold the story of that famous character from the Old Testament, Joseph, complete with dreams, multi-coloured coat etc. In many ways Joseph was a foreshadowing of the greatest person in human history, Jesus Christ Himself. So why do we do it? Why do we spend hours transforming the church into a big top, preparing all those games and crafts? Is it just to give frazzled parents a break during the summer holiday? No. Our church’s mission is to introduce people in Hadleigh, the surrounding area and beyond to the Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe, just maybe, some of those 80 children and their families will want to find out more….maybe you do too? Graham Lancaster

Hadleigh North District Councillor Please contact Dr. Siân Dawson Residents can contact me for private surgery advice and to meet at any time @ the British Legion. This is to meet requests for readily available advice weekday and evenings allowing more availability and flexibility for residents’ convenience. Residents can contact me directly by telephone, email or make a personal appointment for support on Babergh matters at any time. Email: sian.dawson@babergh.gov.uk Tel: 07931 703157

Revolutionary Britannia Britain in the age of The French Revolution C.1788-1832 By Simon Doney Stoke-by-Nayland WEA presents a series of 10 weekly lectures starting on Thursday 19th September 2019 in Stoke-by-Nayland Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Study the political and cultural impact of the French Revolution on Britain, focussing on the political and popular response to the revolution, the defence of Britain against Napoleon and the struggles of post-war Britain. Simon Doney is a local lecturer in Further and Higher Education and has taught classes for the WEA over a number of years. Fees: Adult £58. Enrolment for the course should be done directly with the WEA either online at www.wea.org.uk or by telephone at 0300 303 3464. Course Reference: C2226720. Fee payment can be made with a credit/debit card. Advance booking for the course is recommended but you can enrol after the first, free 'taster' session on 19th September if preferred. For further information you may contact Sue Whiteley on: 01787 210945 or email: whiteleysa@hotmail.co.uk

HINTLESHAM GARDENING CLUB AUTUMN OPEN FLOWER & VEGETABLE SHOW Saturday 14th September 1.30 - 4.00 pm in Hintlesham Community Hall Free entry, refreshments, raffle & plants/cakes for sale Schedules available from: www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.net

Also AGM & Open Meeting Monday 14th October, 7.30pm in Community Hall With guest speaker Claire Muckleston of Bourne Garden Centre

Join Hadleigh Craft Group at The Ansell Centre for

The World’s BIGGEST Coffee Morning Raising funds for MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT When: Tuesday 24th September Where: The Ansell Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL Time: 9.30 a.m. - 11.45 a.m. Suggested donations for refreshments £2.50 / per person There will be many items for sale including: ‘Hand-made’ Craft items • ‘Hand-made’ Greeting Cards Home-made Cakes • Book Stall • plus a raffle www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Art Exhibition The room above the Library will soon be featuring a wonderful art exhibition. Hadleigh’s very own artist, Margaret Laws, who is 95, has been painting and drawing for more than 50 years. Although she had no formal art school training she was helped and inspired by the professional artists she met in various art societies and groups. Her favourite subject is still-life in oils but she has also worked in watercolours and pastels. Margaret often pictorially recorded, predominantly in watercolours, many of her overseas holidays enjoyed by her and her husband once they had retired from farming in Hertfordshire. In addition to her love of art Margaret has a large and beautiful garden surrounding her Hadleigh home. Her continuing poise and mobility can be attributed to her years as a classical ballet teacher and daily swims at the Leisure Centre. Margaret has two sons from her marriage to her late husband and school sweetheart, Jack, who was also a prolific artist. Her work, which has been exhibited throughout East Anglia, can also be found in U.S.A., Italy and New Zealand. Margaret’s family actively supports the Albert Schweitzer Charity “Reverence for Life” in Tanzania, which helps people in need to become self-sufficient. Margaret will donate any money from the sale of her pictures to that charity. The exhibition will take place on Friday 11th October 2019, 5 pm until 7 pm Saturday 12 October 10 am until 5 pm Sunday 13th October 10 am until 4pm A preview of Margaret’s work is also on display during September and October at the Hadleigh and Boxford Health Centre, in Hadleigh. This has been organised by their Patient Participation Group. 10% of the proceeds from the sale of any pictures will go to the Hadleigh and Boxford Medical Practice Charitable Trust which supports local community needs and the rest to Margaret’s chosen good cause as indicated above.

Churches in Hadleigh - Praying for Hadleigh The people of the churches in Hadleigh are committed to praying for our town. Over the course of each year we plan to pray for every street in Hadleigh. During September we will be praying for the following streets: Week commencing Sunday 1st September - Canterbury Gardens, Drapers Close, Fullers Close and Tenter Close; Week commencing Sunday 8th September Stockton Close; Week commencing Sunday 15th September - Glanville Road, Aylward Close and Carlton Walk; Week commencing Sunday 22nd September - High Street, Old Fire Station Yard and Topplesfield Close; Week commencing Sunday 29th September - Market Place, Victoria House, Church Street, Queen Street, Pound Lane, Church Walk and Hadleigh Hall. If you know people who live in these streets, we would be very pleased if you also would pray for them. If you live on one of the streets being covered during a particular week and would welcome prayer, please get in touch. Hadleigh Baptist Church Greg Frost 823804 pastorgregfrost@hadleighbaptist.org.uk pastorchristodd@hadleighbaptist.org.uk Hadleigh URC Wendy Atkins 822535 wendy@whitecat.me.uk St Joseph’s RC Church Anita Rosbrook 810057 a.rosbrook@btinternet.com St Mary’s CoE Joyce Willis 823165 willisjm@lineone.net

Whatfield Village Hall Saturday 19th October at 7.30 pm Teams of up to 8, £3.00 per person Bring your own ‘nibbles’ - Bar will be open Raffle

Book your places by calling Christina: 01473 399215

Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare Reg charity no 1124029

Everyone is exhausted after working in stifling heat to prepare for our Open Day which raised £4000. The temperature was back to normal as visitors flowed in, many brought their ex-SESAW dogs to see those who had cared for them. Homemade cakes flew off the shelves and an appreciative audience sang along to well know songs performed by the Hadleigh Ukulele Group. Several declared they didn’t like ukulele music - until now! Most important to me and my pals was the Fun Dog Show and there were plenty of handsome entrants. Naturally I abstained to give the others a chance. Next is our Autumn Fair on 15th September at Great Bentley Village Hall, CO7 8LG followed by our Christmas Fair at the Old School, Long Melford on Sunday 17th November. Tables are available for outside stallholders, to book please visit www.sesaw.co.uk or call 07912 007617. Meanwhile, the routine work continues unabated. Runs, kennels and stables are cleaned out, bedding refreshed, animals are fed and dogs are walked. We always need new volunteers to help generally around the Sanctuary and care for the animals including Bella, an 18 month old lurcher. This lovable girl is as mad as a March hare, loves tummy tickles and cuddles, needs a couple of walks to let off steam before crashing and watching the world go by. Interacts well with similar sized dogs, not particularly interested in cats. Please get in touch if Bella is the dog for you, or if you would like to look after the cats, rabbits, chickens, sheep and dogs including me, Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua. Tables available to hire at the SESAW CHRISTMAS FAIR, 17th November, The Old School, Long Melford, CO10 9DX. Call 07912 007617 or visit www.sesaw.co.uk to downland a booking form. Suffolk and Essex Small Animal Welfare, Reg.Charity No.1124029. Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Tel: 01787 210888 www.sesaw.co.uk Usually open 10-1pm, Thurs-Sunday.

Hadleigh WW2 Heroes This September sees the 80th anniversary of the start of WW2. To mark this significant date the Hadleigh Branch of the Royal British Legion are extending their very successful Hadleigh Great War Centenary Project to include research into those from Hadleigh who are listed on the town’s WW2 memorial wall. There are 39 names listed on the wall and the project aims to tell their story. The results will be posted onto the website at www.hadleighww1.com. In 2005/6, local veteran Fred Breyer carried out some research into the WW2 Heroes and he published many of their stories in the Hadleigh Community News. Fred has very kindly passed on his research notes which will form a solid foundation for our research to build on. We have a small research team and if anyone would like to get involved and join us then please get in touch. Also if there are any relatives of the men listed on the WW2 memorial who may have any information that might help us, then please do get in touch. You can contact us by email at; hadleighww1@gmail.com or leave a message at the Hadleigh RBL.

Brett Valley Lodge No. 9479

Little Waldingfield Flower Festival


Meet and Dine at The Town Hall, Hadleigh Fourth Friday in September, November, January, March and May

St. Lawrence Church on B1115 Sudbury to Stowmarket Road

“A Garland of Song” Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th September 10 am - 6 pm both days Free Admission - Donations welcome Refreshments in the Church - Stalls, Tombola, Raffle Songs of Praise Sunday 6.30 pm 44

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366



We actively support local charities and welcome any applications for funding, email: bvsec@hotmail.co.uk in first instance briefly outlining how our donation is to be used.

National Heritage Open Days at Kersey Mill During September, Kersey Mill is pleased to announce additional Open Days as part of the National Heritage Open Days festival for 2019. This year is a particularly special one as the festival celebrates its 25th anniversary. It’s also your chance to visit Kersey Mill and walk around the grounds, all for FREE! For those of you who haven’t already visited the site, Kersey Mill is set in an area of outstanding beautiful Suffolk countryside, only 1.5 miles from the historic town of Hadleigh. The Mill building, Maltings and elegant Georgian fronted Mill House are surrounded by 18 acres of meadows, beautiful established water gardens and sunken Mediterranean garden, with brooks and streams that flow to the River Brett. The Mill is complemented with a host of diverse local businesses, which are independently owned. These range from a gym, pilates and yoga studios, art studio with crafts and gallery, cake shop, florist, beauty salon, boutique, wedding venue and The Miller’s Kitchen Coffee Shop/Café. Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, which brings together over 2,000 organisations, 5,000 events and 40,000 volunteers. Every year in September, places of interest across the country open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. The Heritage Open Days at Kersey Mill run from 10th to 16th Sept and from 27th- 30th Sept, between 10am and 4pm. For further details about Kersey Mill please visit www.kerseymill.net

Library Life Are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin. Once upon a time in a pretty little market town called Hadleigh there was a magical place where all the townspeople could come together to learn, play, work and make new friends and this place was called The Library. One day, the people who worked at the library were very excited because they had a special announcement to make… Stories are wonderful aren’t they and there’s nothing quite like the pleasure of being read to. I’m sure many of us have wonderful memories of either having a story told to us when we were little, or of sharing a book with children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews or those we are looking after. At Hadleigh Library we are very excited to let you know that we will be starting Story Time sessions from 4th September. Story Time will be on Wednesdays with Barbara from 10a.m. to 10:30a.m. – in term-time only. Although, of course, there is no age limit on stories, these sessions will be aimed at those of around 5 years old. We hope to see many of you come along with your little ones to enjoy listening to Barbara read a story in the children’s area of our library and, afterwards, you can browse our shelves to find something for you to take home to enjoy together. Story Time at Hadleigh Library, term-time Wednesdays 10a.m. – 10:30a.m.

Hadleigh South District Councillors’ Surgery Hadleigh South Babergh District Councillor Kathryn Grandon’s next surgery will be 12th October. You will be able to discuss any concerns at her walk-in surgery from 11am until noon at the Lounge Room in the British Legion Club (opposite the side entrance of Partridges, in George Street). If you have any concerns before then, you are welcome to contact her by telephone or email. Kathryn Grandon: 01473 824489 or email kathryn.grandon@babergh.gov.uk I look forward to meeting you to discuss your concerns and interest in the wellbeing of our town.

Happy 70th Birthday to Pauline Payne Pauline will be 70 on October 11th, she is loved by all those that know her and we would like to wish her a wonderful Birthday with many happy and healthy years to come. She is a volunteer with some blind groups and is always willing to help anyone, she has a heart of gold and is always most generous with her time. Love from all the family and friends in and around Hadleigh www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk



1st 1st SUNDAY SUNDAY WATTISHAM OF OF THE THE MONTH MONTH S T A T I O N APRIL APRIL TO TO OCTOBER OCTOBER H E R I TA G E www.wattishamstationheritage.org www.wattishamstationheritage.org TO BOOK VISIT

The Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding .1+1(*+2

A TALK ON PLANT PROPAGATION by Marc McHearne from Beth Chatto Gardens Thursday 26th September 2019, 7-7.30pm at Polstead Village Hall, CO6 5AN. Light refreshments. Raffle. Tickets ÂŁ10.00 from Chris Southgate at 58aldham@gmail.com --2 ./&11)+2 /2*/2!'12 '1--1 2 1(*.12$/.2!'1.0 1 *,&2 ,),( 2 1 ,+*1.1)2 '0.,* 2 / 2"""

A true story and a British comedy to open our new season Friday 13th September at 7.30 pm

GREEN BOOK (12A) Set in America in 1962, Green Book tells the heart-warming true story of Tony Lip, a working-class Italian-American bouncer who takes on a job as a chauffeur for Dr Don Shirley, a highly-educated African-American classical pianist.

Friday 27th September at 7.30 pm

EATEN BY LIONS (12A) Omar and Pete are half-brothers. When their parents are eaten by lions, they set off to Blackpool to find Omar's real father. What follows is a funny, uplifting journey of self-discovery for both boys. It is the feature-length adaptation of the director's 2013 short film 'Going to Mecca' which won best comedy at the Manchester International Film Festival. Admission to both films is £3.50 on the door (£2.50 for accompanied children) There will be an interval during each film when we will be selling refreshments as usual. Our new season’s brochures will also be available in the Ansell Centre as well as at the usual outlets about town. You can also find details on our website and the Suffolk Digital Cinema website.

CONTACTING THE ACC Call Tom on 823719 Call Jan on 823413 Email Jan at janetmdicks@gmail.com Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram 46

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

A thank you from Roo to you It is with great pleasure that we write this article to the people and business’ of Hadleigh. Firstly, as parents we have been overwhelmed by the support of the community during this difficult period and we feel it is only fair to share Roonagh’s story with everyone. It would be impossible to thank everyone individually as there are too many people to mention but please know that we are eternally grateful for everyone’s support of Roonagh. The story of Roonagh Roonagh was born prematurely on the 29th of March 2018. She was 27 weeks and 5 days gestation when she made her way into this world. The morning of the 29th we were informed that Roonagh had a heart condition and the doctors at Addenbrokes Rosie Hospital were considering sending us to Great Ormond Street for a specialist ultrasound so that they could have a clearer picture for when she was born. Unfortunately we did not make that scan as Roonaghs heart rate was erratic and early that evening Roonagh was to arrive into this world. The chances of survival we were given were slim, less than 10%. However her through fighting spirit shone through and she arrived kicking and screaming that evening. She refused to be intubated and the doctors knew from that moment that this girl was going to cause them problems. Following months in the intensive care unit at the Rosie Hospital we were eventually transferred to Ipswich neonatal intensive care unit. Roonagh began to thrive and it wasn’t long before we officially made it home on the 29th of June 2018. Due to her complex nature Roonagh required lots of care as she had numerous medicines as well as home oxygen to help her lungs develop. We had many trips to hospital between June and October where we were eventually admitted to Ipswich hospital as her breathing was deteriorating and she required more invasive support. From October to December we were at Ipswich Hospital before finally been transferred to the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London for heart surgery. Roonagh had a condition known as Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) which is 4 heart defects in one. Once in London the specialist respiratory doctors examined her and were concerned about her lung development. The cardiac doctors were adamant that once the heart was fixed that her lungs would begin to improve. After having open heart surgery for 8 hours the surgeon was impressed with her repair and Roonagh went from strength to strength. Her breathing improved rapidly and a week later we were home again, just in time for Christmas. Having gone through that ordeal we were relieved to be home and getting to spend Christmas as a family was fantastic. Roonagh showed no signs of slowing down in her recovery and we were looking forward to her post op check up in London in February. The night before we were due to travel to London Roonagh did not seem quite right. Originally, we and the doctors assumed that it might be teething. Having been admitted to the Evelina Hospital again, the paediatric doctor found her liver to be enlarged. After a very quick ultrasound a lump on her liver was found and we were immediately transferred to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. After a biopsy it was confirmed that Roonagh had cancer in her liver. We were then transferred to Addenbrokes Hospital as it was closer to home for her chemotherapy treatment and also to find out if a liver transplant was required. As the cancer was in all 4 sections of her liver, we were sent to Birminghams Children’s Hospital to undergo a liver transplant assessment. The assessment declared that she was fit for surgery and that the transplant could go ahead. Once we had completed 5 rounds of chemotherapy, we got a phone call from Birmingham Children’s Hospital to say that they had a potential donor. We had already gone through this process unsuccessfully on Easter Sunday but the potential new liver was too big for Roonagh. After travelling through the night to Birminghams Children’s Hospital Roonagh was taken down for her

Surgery on the 1st of May. After a 12 hour surgery and with Roonagh back in intensive care we met the surgeons. They explained that there was a few problems encountered during the surgery and that they had to leave her stomach open so that they could finish the surgery in 2 days. Unfortunately Roonagh required a 3rd surgery to complete the transplant and close her back up. 5 weeks of intensive care stay on a ventilator ensued before eventually Roonagh started to breathe again on her own. We finished our last round of chemotherapy in June and after having an imaging scan in August we were fortunate enough to ring the bell at Addenbrokes Hospital. The bell ringing signifies the end of chemotherapy treatment and that the cancer has left the body. Although we have regular check ups now at Ipswich, Addenbrokes and Birmingham Hospitals we are finally staying longer at home and can start to have a normalised family life. We will forever be in the debt of the people of Hadleigh and the wider community. We can never repay the kindness shown to us but when you see Roonagh in the coming months, days and years please remember that you helped get her to where she is now. When she is older and riding a bike or kicking a ball or playing in the park please know that it is thanks to your support and kindness that allows it to happen.

Polstead Dog Show Apologies for this being so overdue! Many thanks to everyone that came along to the Polstead Dog Show on June 8th. Despite the torrential rain in the morning the weather turned fine just in time for registration and 50 dogs - and owners! - came along for a fun afternoon. Thank you to Deborah and Michael at The Cock Inn Polstead for sponsoring this event, Alan Riddleston for providing parking, Tracey Ennew for doing the registration, Nikki Fosker and family for helping set up, run and pack everything away. Also Rita at Morrisons for helping advertise, our judges Chris Mills and Steve Scott and our stewards Sue Scott and Brooke Day. We raised £320 and this was divided between two animal charities - Sesaw in Leavenheath and Helen’s House of Hope in Bulgaria. An additional £20 was raised for Scottie Rescue from the sale of keyrings . Thanks again to everyone who came along to support. Best in Show was won by Archie the dalmation and reserve was George the Staffordshire bull terrier. Well done to both of them! Julie Richards

Happy Birthday for 28th September

Happy 21st Harry

Happy 4th Cruz

Love Mum, Dad, Lauren, Tom & Cruz xxx

Love Grandma, Grandad, Mummy & Harry xxx


Happy 60th Birthday From all the family

Happy 21st Birthday To our beautiful crazy gorgeous girl! We love you trillions Mum, Ollie and family xx

Tim Kliphuis Trio Wednesday November 27th 7.30pm at Monks Eleigh Village Hall Tim Kliphuis is master of the violin and a wizard of sound using classical, gypsy jazz and folk, He has created a unique style that is making waves in concert halls across the globe. Together with Nigel Clark on guitar and Roy Percy on double bass these skilled musicians are renowned for mixing gypsy jazz with classical and folk music. Tickets £20 include light refreshments, these will be on sale from Monks Eleigh Village Shop or by phone on 01449 741447 from Sept 20th. This is an amazing and unique opportunity to see live music from the world stage here in our village as part of the Tim Klipius UK Autumn Tour. www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Congratulations to any expecting or new parents in the area! Some of you may have heard of the award winning Suffolk Babies. They are a not-for-profit, community interest company that are aiming to improve antenatal, postnatal and early childhood education, and to provide families with choices. From September, baby classes will be available on Wednesday mornings at Birch Farm in Hintlesham. You can join in with Explorers Sensory Baby Yoga or Munchkins Baby Massage, which both include lots of opportunities to socialise, have fun and help your babies to develop. Looking forward to seeing some of you there! Please visit www.suffolkbabies.co.uk/hadleigh for more info or to book your place!

Happy 20th Birthday Hadleigh Thrift Shop & thanks for all the shop has done for hadleigh Hadleigh Thrift Shop celebrated 20 years of being in our High Street with a party on Saturday 10th August. During these 20 years it is estimated that the shop has given around £700,000 - £800,000 to huge numbers of charitable causes, most of them based in Hadleigh. Barbara Boyd has been at the helm running The Hadleigh Thrift Shop for most of this time – and Hadleigh organisations have much to thank her and her Kathryn Grandon helps Barbara Boyd 30 volunteers for - as the shop celebrate 20 years of the Hadleigh Thrift where we take all our ‘stuff’ that Shop with a cake that is almost too we no longer need, is needed magnificent to cut! by someone else, and then that money goes to fund so many organisations and individuals. The shop was festooned with bunting and there was a real buzz of happy excitement as customers and volunteers gathered to enjoy the celebrations. Toasts were enjoyed with non-alcoholic cocktails (donated by Adnams) and Kathryn Grandon, District Councillor and Chairman of Babergh District Council, gave a welcome speech and thanked Barbara, her volunteers and customers for all their efforts over the years. The celebrations continued as Barbara cut the most amazingly-decorated cake depicting every aspect of the store made by Erivica, whose shop is in the High Street. After the Mayor’s visit, the town was treated to a dance display by the Boudicca Morris dancers. Children were given balloons and a tube of Smarties – the children are being encouraged to fill the empty tube with 20p coins and return it to the shop as a donation. Barbara was overwhelmed with all the people who came to support the event and said: “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help the community of Hadleigh and district. Without your support it would not have been possible. It has enriched my life over the years, and given me a purpose which I will never forget. Rest assured, the shop will carry on after I am no longer able to do so. Once again thank you all so much.” So thank you Barbara, volunteers and customers and here’s to the next 20 years! Kathryn Grandon

Polstead Gardening Club











Unit 35a, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 6BQ

01473 823172 www.invictagarage.com enquiries@invictagarage.com 48

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Nicky Reynolds from Soil Cinderellas talk about The Women’s Land Army on Tuesday 17th September at 6.30pm at Polstead Village Hall The Women’s Land Army was a British civilian organisation created during the First and Second World Wars so women could work in agriculture, replacing men called up to the military. In the Second World War, though under the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, it was given an honorary head – Lady Denman. At first it asked for volunteers. So in June 1939 members began to sign up. This was later supplemented by conscription, so that by 1944 it had over 80,000 members. The WLA lasted until its official disbandment in October 1949. Members free, non-members £5, which includes a glass of wine, soft drink and nibbles. Any queries please call Susie Weston on 01787 211130 or email gardeningclubpolstead@yahoo.com

Aldham Common Charity Are you hoping to go to College or University in September? Is your child starting school or changing schools soon? The Aldham Common Charity is available to give grants to individuals to help with the cost of uniforms, school trips and college/university expenses. We are also able to help with travelling costs to hospital appointments and replacement of furniture and white goods. To download an application form please visit www.aldhamcommoncharity@hotmail.co.uk email aldhamcommoncharity@hotmail.co.uk or ring 07762 722119

Ipswich Fencing Club We meet every Wednesday at St Alban's Catholic High School, Digby Road, Ipswich IP4 3NJ (near the hospital) from 1900 to 2100 and welcome both beginners and experienced fencers from 10 years old. Coaching is available for both foil and epee. We are running a Beginners Course starting on 6th March for five weeks from 1900 – 2000 and all necessary equipment will be supplied. For more details, please email us at ipswichfencingclub@gmail.com.

Hadleigh on Show - 5th October 2019 70 Groups for you to see - For Free Let’s all celebrate how great it is to live in Hadleigh! It’s time to proudly show off our town. Hadleigh’s first giant Hadleigh on Show community day is taking place on Saturday 5th October and we have over 70 groups waiting to meet you. The show will occupy the whole of the Town Hall building, plus St Mary’s Church. And, even better – it is free. As well as 70 exhibitors, Hadleigh on Show is being organised by a there will be a whole voluntary committee. Back row from left: day of entertainment. Anita Young, Stuart Service, Jessica Janas, On stage you will have Ian Grutchfield, Glen Abbassi, Front row the opportunity to see from left: Jan Devey, Kathryn Grandon an upbeat fashion show, and Liz Wilson. the excitement of belly dancing, a ukulele band, Hadleigh High School are performing and Morris dancers will be wielding their sticks. Lunch and teas from Angel Delight will be available in St Mary’s Church and there will be exhibitors in the Church too. The event will be ‘opened’ Bowza, Hadleigh’s famous hero dog with a little assistance from Hadleigh District Councillor and Babergh Chairman, Kathryn Grandon, at 10am and will close at 4pm. Nearly all the exhibitors are Hadleigh based – did you know there was so much going on? While we would like to list all 70 organisations (don’t worry, there will be a catalogue available listing where to find the exhibitors), here is a little flavour of the range of groups you can see: All Hadleigh Schools will be there, then you can find out about acting, bowling, building, caring, crafting, cycling, dancing, farming, fundraising, gardening, Guiding, healing, kicking, meditating, modelling, performing, playing, praying, relaxing, researching, riding, running, singing, socialising, stretching, tasting, turning, volunteering and a lot more… We would like to thank Hadleigh Thrift Shop, Gotelee Solicitors and Hadleigh Town Council for their financial support for this special event. So there is no need to feel bored ever again! Come and join us for our great FREE Hadleigh event, Hadleigh on Show, celebrating our community on Saturday 5th October, Guildhall entrance (opposite St Mary’s Church), 10am – 4pm. EVERYONE IS WELCOME

‘Who Killed the Fleetwood Mac?” Six Acre Productions are back this September with their brand new interactive murder mystery written by local writer Tom Hitchcock and directed by Ben Cook. Make sure you book your room at the Fleetwood Hotel and meet the owner - Mac, who has just released the ghostly past of the Fleetwood Hotel to the public eye, drawing much attention from many varied and new clientele, each with their own agenda and secret past. Sit back and relax in the gorgeous barn and use your detective skills to help Miss Maple to solve the murder. Throughout the evening you will meet various colourful characters staying at the Fleetwood Hotel and have a chance to interrogate the suspects to solve the case. And possibly find all of the lyrics from famous Fleetwood Mac songs woven into the play. Six Acre Productions look forward to seeing you all again at our ever popular Murder Mysteries located on the beautiful Manor Farm Estate, Semer, courtesy of Mr J Buckle. Show dates are Thursday 19th September, Friday 20th September and Saturday 21st September. A prize for the best table of detectives and for the most songs found are up for grabs. We shall also be raising funds for "The Suffolk Community Foundation" via our raffle. There will be a licensed bar present, courtesy of the Rose and Crown, Elmsett. Tickets are priced at £12 each and include a hot supper. This years food choices are: Jumbo battered Sausage and chips, Fish and Chips, Veggie Burger and Chips - all of which are being cooked by ‘Our Plaice’ located at the Limeburners, Offton . For tickets call 07508 472142 or email: sixacreproductions@live.co.uk Six Acre Productions are proudly sponsored by Elmsett Storshops

Finale for Whatfield Players Following our farewell party, the Committee of the Players met to consider the distribution of funds still remaining in their accounts. Decisions were made as follows: £500 donation to Sesaw, the animal welfare and care charity, in recognition of the years of work Pat and Brian Ferdinando gave to the Players. £500 donation to St. Margaret's Church, Whatfield. £500 donation to Whatfield Primary School, to encourage and support work in the performing arts. Costumes will be offered to HADS, recognising their technical help over recent years. Sincerely hoping that our decisions will please our past members and the public that supported us over 24 years.

Hadleigh Community Choir Our final concert before the summer break was at the church of St Andrew, Layham where we were invited to sing to raise funds for this beautiful church. The font is late thirteenth century and the church has been well maintained and added to over the centuries. It was a joy to sing in like many churches where the sound quality is so wonderful. I’m sure the building has witnessed a great many things over the years though I wonder quite what it made of Mrs Robinson (yes, I’m afraid the woman of dubious morals in The Graduate), but at least James Bond saw the inside of an unused church in Skyfall and just a pity he let himself down by shooting people. The choir is now starting to learn songs ready for the Christmas concert on 7 December at the United Reformed Church. A mix of lovely less well-known melodic ones, as well as some familiar tunes. Before that we’re at “Hadleigh on Show” on 5 October to support the fashion catwalk with songs you’ll know from different decades. We’re always welcoming new members who want to take it up again or want to try singing for the first time. No auditions but enthusiasm welcomed! So come along to the URC on Thursday evenings after we start back on 5 September, or contact John (01473 823791) or Stella (01473 823477) www.hadscommunitychoir.onesuffolk.net Facebook: Hadleigh Community Choir

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HUFC Wildcats Hadleigh United Youth Football Club SSE Wildcats programme has been judged as the county winners of the Grassroots Project of the Year in the FA and McDonalds Grassroots Football Awards 2019. This is a fantastic achievement for all at HUFC. Since starting the Wildcats programme, over 40 girls aged 5-11 years old have been taking part in regular football sessions and festivals across the county. The weekly sessions are designed to inspire and provide girls with the opportunity to play football in a fun and engaging environment. The girls only football sessions take place outside on a weekly basis and restart Tuesday 10th September 2019, from 5-6pm at Hadleigh United FC, The Millfield, Tinkers Lane, Hadleigh. Cost: £2.50 per session - pay as you play. HUFC Minis These sessions will restart on Saturday 7th September 2019 from 9-10.15am. The HUFC Minis programme is for boys and girls aged 5-8 years old. The sessions include fun warm ups, skills and small sided games. These young players are potentially looking to play in future HUFC youth teams. The sessions are held at HUFC and are £4 - pay as you play. For further information on either of the above, contact the lead coach Gavin Peters at: Strikersltd@aol.com

Seniors Presidents Prize


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Ainger Holbrows Ltd Ian Bickers (Seniors Captain) Richard Middleton Lesley Garnett (SbN President) & Allen Smith


On Wednesday the 31st of July, 73 players played in the July Stoke by Nayland Seniors Monthly Stableford and Club President’s Prize. These were 72 seniors and the golf manager, Karl Hepple who carded a 1 over par 72 on the Gainsborough course. Mrs Leslie Garnett, the president of the club, was unable to play but was available to present the prize to the winner. Played in good conditions, as the expected rain did not arrive, the scoring was high. The winner was Richard Middleton with 43 points, beating Allen Smith on countback. Both players have been cut to 19 and 8 respectively.


Hadleigh Hares

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All cars are fully serviced, full MOT, 6 Months Road Tax & 6 Months Warranty


01473 823286 115 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5EJ 50

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


Firstly, a reminder that the Hares’ annual races, the Turners Blinds and Shutters 10 mile, the John Chisnell 5 mile and the Jim Lawrence 2K Junior race, are now open for entries. This year the events will be on November 17th and entries are via the club website, www. hadleighhares.co.uk. Places are limited and fill fast. We are expecting even greater interest in the 10 mile event this year as it is a Suffolk Championship race. Not strictly in August, but the Ipswich Twilight 10k, held on 26th July around Ipswich town centre drew a large field from many local clubs, including ten Hares. Particular congratulations are due to Maria Ward for coming home first in her age category. Well done too to Kitty Rigby and Elliot Davis who took on the challenge of ultra-running at the SVP50/100 on 10 August. The off road event which follows the Stour Valley Path offers courses of 50 or 100 km. Kitty ran the 50km route in 6hours 41minutes while Elliot tackled the 100km course in 14 hours 9 minutes.

Ebony’s Blog Life at The Shelley Centre What happens when riders move? We get very fond of our riders over the years but the child riders will keep growing up! At the end of last term we saw several children move to new schools and had emotional farewells. My picture shows Edward saying his goodbyes to everyone and anyone he could round up to be in his last photo shoot. Good luck in your new venues, all of you. Luckily our adults stay the same and we can really appreciate their long term commitment to riding for the good of their health and well being. Some have been with us the full 30 years! What has been going on during the school holidays? The live herd has been fed, watered and exercised by a team of volunteers; the fields have been kept in good condition by the hard working maintenance team, and the Trustees have continued to look after the affairs of the Centre. No doubt the Fund Raising Committee will be cooking up events to fill the calendar and raise the money that keeps us all going. So on behalf of the herd, thank you everyone! Our Vice Chairman, Margaret Fowler, received the President’s Award in July at Hartpury. for ‘exceptional dedication to the Association over many years’. One person from each Region was there to accept their award from Princess Anne. Country file were also filming for the programme aired on 28th July so those of you who missed it, catch up quick. The Ipswich Building Society’s Hadleigh branch presented us with a wonderful cheque for £2457 following a second year of support for the Centre. Its Staff’s tireless efforts at promoting us as their charity, and fund raising in many ways, is truly amazing. With challenges ahead and people on our waiting list, the more help we can get from local people and businesses the better. A big hoorah for all of you who get involved, and greetings from the horses, ponies and The Only Literate Simulator in the country! Website: www.shelleyrda.com Telephone: 01473 824172

David Spraggons Bathrooms, Plumbing, Heating & Renewables

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Complete Car Services Ltd 27-29 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5AG

Hadleigh Bowling Club The outdoor season is reaching its climax with Finals Day for all the internal knockout competitions on 14 September. Meantime various one day competitions have been held with Maria and Mick Barrand winning the recent 3-wood pairs. Our teams in the countywide games have been doing well. With only one or two games to play, we are currently first in the Federation Triples Division D and E, Samford Wednesday Afternoon, and the Men’s County BE Triples. And again with only a game or two left we are currently second in the County Mixed Triples, Samford Mixed Triples, and Federation Triples Division G. And doing brilliantly as ever, Di Miller has reached the semi-finals of the Suffolk Champion of Champions. The Club is hosting the Hadleigh Cup final on 28 August. The indoor short-mat season starts on 1 September so overlaps with the end of outdoor play and runs through the winter. We run two teams in the external leagues with Sheila Larwill captaining the Weavers and Mick Barrand the Spinners with their first game on 4 September. The social events roll on with over 70 members lined up for the next pie and quiz night. You’re always welcome to watch or try out bowling any time and if you fancy joining us to try short-mat please talk to any member you know or contact Jan Austin on 01473 828212





01473 828991 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh United Football Club

Hadleigh Tyre Group Tyres from Wheelbarrow to Earthmover 24hr Emergency Tyre Breakdown Cover Exhausts Batteries Servicing MOT’s Computer Diagnostics Air Conditioning Collection & Delivery Service Alloy Wheel Refurbishment Courtesy Car Available

Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce



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Hadleigh Tyre Services Calais Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EW



Forge Garage Hintlesham MOT Testing Centre - Classes 4&7 Service & Repairs VEHICLE TESTING STATION

Workshop: 01473 652413

First Team Round Up Unfortunately our start to the new season has not lived up to expectations as we have lost our five opening matches up to August 17th. We have played some decent football but not up to the level to overcome our opponents , but one thing is certain manager Christian will turn things around . Our Results have seen a 3-0 loss at Kirkley followed by a narrow 32 loss at home to Stanway although we were level at 2-2 but they sneaked a late goal to take the points. An away trip to a somewhat breezy London Colney saw us knocked out of the F.A. Cup at the first hurdle losing 2-0 , Tuesday 13th saw a 3-1 home defeat at the hands of big spending Stowmarket, we took the lead through Joel Glover early in the first half , but Stow got before half time and killed us off with two second half goals . A difficult trip to Mildenhall was us leave without any points as we succumbed to a 2-1 defeat Joel Glover again getting our goal Hopefully positive news next month We gave a debut to new signing Reece Dobson at the Mildenhall match Reserves Round Up The Reserves last friendly saw a 3-1 home win over Kirton our goals scored by Ben Regan, Lewis Oakes & Felix Vardon Barber . Saturday 17th August saw the start of their league matches with a home tie against Framlingham Town which we won 3-0 , Sam Sharp scoring twice and Felix Vardon Barber get the other one. Under 18's Round Up Their last pre-season friendly against Long Melford saw a 6-1 loss as manager Tom Camp sets about rebuilding the side following the departure of many players at the end of last season due to being over 18 . Thursday 15th August saw their season commence at Felixstowe where unfortunately the hosts ran out winners 6-2 , which Regan Partridge & Sony Tene scoring our goals. First Team fixture for September Tues 3rd Stowmarket Town away, Sat 7th Gorleston away, Sat 14th Ely City home, Friday 20th F.C.Clacton home, Weds 25th Long Melford away League Cup match, Sat 28th Newmarket away, Friday 4th October Woodbridge home Reserves Fixtures Weds 4th Woodbridge away Chell Trophy, Sat 14th Mildenhall away, Sat 28th Diss away Under 18's Weds 4th Wisbech-St-Mary home F.A. Youth Cup, Weds 11th Kirkley & Pakefield Royals home Suffolk County mid-week Cup Veterans & Vets Brettsiders The Veterans are running two teams this season Hadleigh Utd Vets & Vets Brettsiders Sun 1st Trimley Sports away Vets, Sun 1st Somerham away Brettsiders, Sun 8th Kesgrave away Vets, Sun 8th Lowewstoft home Brettsiders, Sun 22nd Martlesham home Brettsiders. Matches correct at time off going to press July 200 200 Club Winners 1: George Wyatt (2) £100, 2: David Crawford (74) £50 Millfielder www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk Facebook: Hadleigh United Football Club - Official


Lavenham Guided Walks


Bildeston Indoor Market & Car Boot sale

Sales: 01473 652232

Saturday 14th September, 10:30 - 13.00 Chamberlin Hall, Bildeston IP7 7EZ

FORGE GARAGE, GEORGE STREET,HINTLESHAM, IPSWICH IP8 3NH Email: forgegarage1st@btconnect.com 52

The summer season is still with us and the Blue and Green badged guides are taking numerous visitors around the village, telling them about the varied and fascinating history that is around every corner. Earlier in the year the village of Lavenham featured in the BBC production of ‘Pubs, Ponds and Power’ with Ben Robinson, which looked at how Medieval villages survived for 600 years. The walks continue through September and October every Wednesday at 2pm, Saturday at 2pm and Sunday at 11am. All tours start from the foyer at The Swan Hotel, High Street. From November the tours will continue on Wednesday afternoons only at 2pm. (No walk on Christmas day) Enquiries: Dinah James 01206 547959 email: dinahjames10@yahoo.com and on the Lavenham web site: lovelavenham.co.uk. No pre booking required. The popular Christmas Lantern Tour, which starts from The Swan Hotel, High Street will be on Saturday 7 December 2019 at 4 o’clock during the Christmas Fayre weekend. The tour will finish back at The Swan for mulled wine and mince pies. Tickets for this event will go on sale in November. Enquiries: Barbara Butler 01206 512378/Mob: 07808 968766.

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Pre-Booking required: chamberlin.indoormarket@gmail.com

Hadleigh Cricket Club Sponsored by Celotex We’ve had some stellar overseas players in our time, but Kudzai Maunze is proving to be one of the best. Since mid-July he has excelled, scoring three centuries in five matches: 109 not out at Wivenhoe, 127 against Coggeshall and 159 at home to Haverhill – the joint 4th highest individual innings in the club’s history. All three games were won, and with the only loss of the month being to Kudzai Maunze bowling for Hadleigh leaders Witham the 1st XI are riding high in 3rd place in Division 1. That’s five 100s in all for Kudzai, to go with 32 wickets. Like any good overseas player his performances are rubbing off on the rest of the team. Matt Kent is enjoying his promotion up the order to open with Kudzai, and the pair shared 166 for the 1st wicket against Haverhill. Matt is in a fine run of form with the bat, having scored 123 not out and 69 in a recent Suffolk Under-17s fixture. While the title is looking just tantalisingly out of reach (Witham are 23 points ahead with four games left at the time of writing) we have every chance of finishing as Suffolk’s leading club. And, praise be, the 2nds have remembered how to win! After a mid-season break sponsored by St Osyth, the week off seemed to work its magic. Stowupland, one of the strongest teams in Division 5, were despatched with relative ease, with Jamie Colcomb hitting 84 in a seven-wicket win. Then at St Margarets, on a wicket Tom Jones would have fancied, we limped our way to 130, Isaac Toombs making a patient 29 in very challenging batting conditions. But we then exploited the “green, green grass of away� by bowling the home side out for 101, Bloss Tampion taking five wickets. With that win we have hopefully secured our status for next season. The Ladies have had a stop-start month, with two games conceded to them and only one game played. Felixstowe had the better of us in that one, but Nia Evans was once again our key player, making an unbeaten 30 and taking her season’s average to 76! Moving into September, we have the senior T20 side involved for the first time in the Suffolk T20 Final day. We are playing Woodbridge in the Plate SemiFinal at Woolpit on Sept 8th, with the winners taking on either Battisford or Haverhill later in the day. We also proud to be hosting the Final of Suffolk’s Under-19 Blast competition, but we are not sure yet whether our boys will be involved. A dramatic tie in the dark at Melton in our last game was not enough to guarantee our place in the top two, and we are relying on the outcome of Woolpit and Copdock’s final matches. But it will still be an honour to host the Final, which starts at 2pm on September 1st. We are rounding the season off in style with a lavish bash on Saturday September 21st. We have had some great events this year, but this promises to be the best yet, with live music from The Superthings, a champagne reception and none other than 1980s England legend Allan Lamb presenting the awards. We are grateful to Kingsley Healthcare for sponsoring this event. Tickets are still available exclusively online at www.tickettailor.com/events/hadleighcricketclub/278409

Hadleigh Table Tennis Club New Season Starts September The Club who play their home games at Holton St. Mary Village Hall start their next League campaign late September. Both Hadleigh “A� in Division One and Hadleigh “Owls� in Division Three are beginning to assemble their teams. A new addition to the “A� team will be Chris Mayhew who formerly played for Ipswich Sports Club. The “Owls� also have a new acquisition, Richard Oakes, who lives locally. There are still vacancies for one or two more additional players who would like to try their hand at League play. Amongst others there are Table Tennis groups in surrounding villages such as Kersey, Lavenham, Leavenheath, , Lindsey and Polstead. If anyone would like to play League table tennis please contact the General Secretary, Ken Rodwell, by E-mail at rodwell@rosamar.co.uk, or by phone 01473-823895. Alternatively please contact the Owls Secretary. Rupert Pyett, by E-mail at rpyett@btinternet.com.



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J J DUNN INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR Decorating & Wallpapering Over 25 Years Experience Quality finish at affordable prices Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EP T: 01473 828953 M: 07515 112568 E: jjdunndecorating@hotmail.com

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01473 823559 07766 056944

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Architect Franklyn Nevard.........................01473 372382 Accountants / Financial Services Thompson Financial Consulting 01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Aaron Clarke ..............................01473 657763 Butchers Jolly Meat Company ..................01473 810119 Andrews Butchers .....................01473 287720 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Cooper & Kelling Builders .........07966 678704 Tony Faulkner ............................01473 822122 M Jarrold Construction..............07907 312156 J. Doughty Carpentry.................07974 404059 Ashley Short Property Maintenance...07904 875556 Cards, Gifts, Stationery Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 Hadleigh Carpet Care .................01473 396706 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Valet Ainger Holbrow .........................01473 823286 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 S. T. Services Simon Tydeman ..07783 033401 Crockatt Garage.........................01473 824342 Invicta Garage ...........................01473 823172 Chimney Sweep / Fireplace Services TL Chimneys .............................07733 420611 Capel Chimney Sweep ...............01473 313069 Clothes ZOR Boutique ............................07969 525859 Cycle Repair Pedal House ..............................01473 828129 Sunny Day Cycleworks ..............07807 326267 Doors, Windows & Blinds Andy Grimsey................................01473 823584 Tim Allen Windows........................01473 827086 Hadleigh Glass ..............................01473 822415 Surefix...........................................01473 827004 A&B Glass ....................................0800 077 3996 SEH BAC........................................0808 1592846 Ventanilla Blinds .......01787 313677 / 07966 371963

Mr. Misty .......................................0800 2545111 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical .......01473 829222 Hicks TV & Audio Solutions ..........01449 741056 Electricians S Cowle Electrical..........................01473 823179 Andrade Electrical..........................07977 279970 Estate Agents Frost & Partners............................01473 823456 ByChoice .......................................01473 828280 Palmer & Partners.........................01787 242540 Florists The Flower Shop Kersey Mill .........01473 805156 Funeral Services Hunnaball ......................................01473 748808 R. Gwinnell....................................01473 824440 W. A. Deacon.................................01787 248282 Collins & Curtis Masonry ..............01473 250932 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green....................................01473 823839 Steve Blake....................................07813 814623 Garden Services 4 Life Landscapes .........................01473 828117 Grass To Glass ..............................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ....................................01473 824315 The Landscaper .............................01473 824107 Leeks Landscapes .........................07515 538369 Tidy Up Land Management............01787 374798 Hair and Beauty Hadleigh Hairloom.........................01473 822191 French Complexion........................01473 828805 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..............01473 824183 / 822333 Health and Fitness Hadleigh Boxford Practice .............01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery................01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre ......................08000 962637 Sally Mowles Foot Health Care ......01473 822902 Hadleigh Osteopaths .....................01473 828585 Hadleigh Physiotherapy.................01473 810185 Backs to The Future.......................07818 420029 Maggie Thurlow Hypnotherapist..........01473 829729 Sally’s Home Foot Care..................01787 461753 Ben Hymas ....................................07717 314961 Hatha Yoga ....................................01473 824251 Home Design / Services Energy on Tap............................07780 975787 Anne Wright Interiors ................01473 658273 Nevelli........................................01473 828914 I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services..........01473 829552


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Kitchens Howdens ...................................01787 376576 Locksmith T.J. Griggs .................................07850 630389 Laundry Services Press Gang ................................01473 558448 Mortgage & Protection Advice SHK Finance ..............................07538 477590 Dennis Lipton ............................07885 566526 GKM Financial ...........................01473 898065 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursery and Childcare Parkside Pre-School ..................01473 827702 Nursing & Care Services Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Hadleigh Nursing Home ............01473 852857 Opticians D. J. Dunstone...........................01473 823755 Painting & Decorating Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 JLM Decorating .........................07917 877694 CPH Property.............................07717 059370 L. Baldwin Painting & Decorating ...07975 790165 Pest Control Vermoush Pest Control .............07805 999544 Lister Countryside Services.......01473 805792 Command Pest Control .............01787 248049 Pets April Cottage Cattery..................01787 247302 Unleashed Dog Food .................07753 126679 Picture Framing Framestore ................................01473 822334 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase .....................01473 828509 Plumbing & Heating Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ..............07939 082630 Heatsave Heating Solutions .......01473 822775 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Allpress Plumbing & Heating.....01473 828004 GJ Watts....................................01473 829644 Portable Toilets Karzees......................................01473 743991 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants, Food & Drink Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761

The Kings Head Hadleigh...........01473 828855 Royal Bengal .............................01473 823744 The Cock Inn Hadleigh...............01473 879907 The George Hadleigh .................01473 822151 Security Guytec CCTV .............................01473 652165 Abacus ......................................01473 824601 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Bridge Farm Barns.....................01449 740456 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 Solicitors / Wills Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Bates Wells & Braithwaite..........01473 219282 Gotelees ....................................01473 822102 The Will Business ......................01206 263420 Holmes & Hills ..........................01787 275275 Sports & Hobbies Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Snowys Bait & Tackle ................07766 140624 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Structural Engineers Brett Design...............................01473 822047 Surveyors MS Surveys ...............................01473 249020 Taxi Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Hadleigh Private Hire .................01473 829700 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Travel 2000................................01206 394433 Travel Stop ................................01473 828728 Tree Surgeons Oakdene Tree Services...............01473 652117 Veterinary Surgeons Highcliff Veterinary Practice ......01473 822704 Water Softeners Patmore.....................................01473 713600 Weight Loss & Fitness 1:1 Diet Val Lord........................01449 737113 Slimming World ........................07535 650168 Window Cleaner C&D Services ............................01473 828626

Community News

Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 kelvin@keithavis.co.uk To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 matt@keithavis.co.uk


Hadleigh Community News is produced by Avis Newsprint Limited, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.

Hadleigh 1


£160,000 1

Layham 2


£210,000 1

HOW MUCH IS YOUR PROPERTY WORTH? Book your valuation for free with no obligation on 01473 823456

Polstead 4

Hintlesham 4


£320,000 2

Hadleigh 4


£650,000 3

Lavenham 4

Bildeston 3


£210,000 1

FOR SALE 01473 823456


£325,000 2

Raydon 4


£675,000 3

Hintlesham 5


£435,000 2


£760,000 2

Open 7 days per week • Open until 7pm weekdays 62 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF sales@frostandpartners.co.uk Find us on:


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