Farewell to a much loved Local Hero - Harry Hughes
Local legend Harry Hughes was born in 1925 at a time when the country was still recovering from the Great War and heading towards the economic slump of the 1930s. He was born in Capel St Mary into a large Su ol family and was given the birth name of aven due to the mop of blac hair he was born with but this uic ly became Harry.
Life for the young Harry and his siblings was tough. The family moved to Hadleigh when Harry was a boy and he attended Bridge Street School, but school was not a priority as he was expected to help to support the family by wor ing with his dad. When he wasn t helping his dad, he would nd whatever wor he could and growing up in rural
Su ol he uic ly became adept at nding a meal for the pot, much to the annoyance of the local eepers who would not thin twice about ta ing a shotgun to any unwanted poachers. nbe nown to Harry at the time, living o the land and avoiding getting shot at would become very useful s ills for Harry in the years to come.
As Harry reached his teenage years the world was plunged into another world war and his older brothers were called up; Jimmy and Ronnie both served with the Army and Charlie was with the RA . Ronnie was with the Su ol s in the ar ast and li e many men from this region, ended up as a prisoner of war. When Harry turned 18 in
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December 1943 he was immediately called up. He reported to the Su ol Regiment the following February and commenced his basic training. At the same time the entire country was in training and gearing up for something big. On 6 June 1944, D Day, when Allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare. Codenamed Operation ‘Overlord’, the Allied landings on the beaches of ormandy mar ed the start of a long and costly campaign to liberate north west urope from Nazi occupation.
Harry’s parent regiment, the1st Battalion, Su ol Regiment landed at Sword Beach on D Day and were tas ed with capturing a bun er system, which they did, but only after losing two O cers and ve men with 24 wounded. When the Su ol s moved inland, replacements were needed and Harry soon received his movement orders. He caught up with the Regiment in Normandy and was immediately thrown into the thic of it. As a member of D Company, Harry fought through France, Belgium, Holland and into Germany right up to Day, by which time the battalion had lost 215 men illed in action and hundreds more wounded.
But that wasn’t the end of it for Harry or the Su ol s, they were redeployed to Palestine to support the Palestinian police who were struggling to control the rising tensions between the Arab and Israeli militias. The British troops often found themselves in the ring line from all sides.
Despite the di cult wor regime, Harry, who was a natural sportsman, still found time to play football and hoc ey for the regimental team. He was demobbed and returned home in September 1947 and settled bac into civilian life. He married June and they had three daughters and by 1953, Harry and family had moved into Guthrum Road, where he remained for the rest of his life. His love for football continued and he became the rst team goal eeper at Hadleigh nited Football Club for many years. He also became a regular on the Hadleigh pub darts scene.
Over the years Harry always enjoyed the pub where he made lots of friends. His hostelry of choice was The George, and in recent decades he would often be found in ‘Harry’s corner’ in the snug where he would sit with his glass of Manns beer and a friendly smile for everyone who passed by. The loud music never bothered him, he simply turned down the volume on his hearing aids.
17100 Community News Magazines are delivered to homes during the first week of each month in Lavenham, Kersey, Bildeston, Chelsworth, Boxford, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Whatfield, Monks Eleigh, Brent Eleigh, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Newton Green, Raydon, Hitcham, Holton St Mary and other outlets in these areas. We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue.
for copy is the 18th of each and every
Harry ept himself very active and even well into his eighties he could be found up on the conch wal ing the dogs, or in his immaculate garden tending to his very productive veg patch or adding more colour to his borders.
In 2015 Harry was recognised for his wartime service by the President of the Republic of France who appointed Harry to the ran of Chevalier in the Order national de la Legion d’honneur. Harry was formally presented with his award, by Mrs Diana Hunt the Deputy Lieutenant at a ceremony organised by the Hadleigh Royal British Legion in the Guildhall.
This year he was a guest of honour at the nation service of commemoration
to mar the 80th anniversary of D Day at the National Memorial Arboretum in Sta ordshire where he met and impressed Prince dward the Du e of dinburgh.
Harry made friends where ever he went and it is no exaggeration to say that he was universally loved by all who new him. One recent comment made following the announcement of his passings said of Harry that he was ‘simply the best’. If towns have national treasures, then Harry was ours and he will be sorely missed.
We all send our deepest condolences to Linda and Mandy and to the wider family at this di cult time. We than you for sharing your dad with us and may he rest in eternal peace. Rest in peace Harry, dear friend. Mark Brennan
Hadleigh and District Flower Club
The October meeting was the club’s AGM. We have had a very successful year including our Spring Lunch which enabled us to support two charities with £550 each. We also welcomed several new members to the club which was very encouraging. Our demonstrator for the evening was Christine Long, with a title of “Loosely around the Solar System” which she depicted with some beautiful arrangements of the sun moon and stars and other planets and giving us some information of the solar system along the way.
In November we have pleasure in welcoming bac David Wright, he has been to us on several occasions and always gives us an enjoyable evening.
We look forward to seeing anyone that wishes to come along, we will be at the URC on Tuesday 12 November at 7.30.
Polstead Gardening Club
Details of our November gardening club meeting are shown below together with information on our February meeting.
Tuesday 19 November at 7.30 pm Growing egetables with Alice Owen from Perrywood Garden Centre 2025 Tuesday 11 February at 7.30 pm Snowdrops with Marc McHearne from Beth Chatto’s Gardens
We loo forward to seeing you at one of the above events. All meetings will be at Polstead Village Hall on The Green in Polstead (CO6 5AL). Free to members. Non members are welcome £5 (cash or che ue please). ntrance includes a drin and nibbles. ueries to gardeningclub olstead yahoo.com
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St Mary’s Renewal
A Community Project
Key: RT Renewal Team DAC Diocesan Advisory Committee
Last Night of the Proms: At the time of going to print this event had not yet ta en place. What is already sure is all the tic ets were sold well ahead of the night. Not surprising, as this very special concert involved the Hadleigh Orchestra and Singers, several soloists and much ‘behind the scenes’ wor by the Renewal Team and many others. Sincere than s to those who supported the evening wearing some wonderful patriotic attire plus the generous donations from The Thrift Shop, Fergusons Deli, Paddy and Scott and Garden Museum’s Benton nd.
Pledges & Go Fund Me Money: Than s to all who have generously given to our grand total of £80,123.16. This is an important contribution towards the new heating and lighting units or coronas. If you are able to add to this impressive sum, David Hoyle is the man to help you. See below for details.
Give to Go Green Initiative: As £8,835 has been raised this will be match funded by this initiative.
Heritage Lottery, Demonstrator Church Status: The bac ground paperwor to all three sources of funding is well in hand and will hopefully result in some much needed nancial support for repairs and the ambitious renewal plans.
Regular Gatherings:- Apart from the special oneo events, Caf Church o ers a warm welcome and a drin to all ages every Friday morning with tabletop craft sales on the 1st Friday in every month. Relaxing lunchtime music recitals can be enjoyed on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Family Pop-Ups are a regular, popular happening but as times vary best chec the colourful St Mary’s Pop-Up Picnic ad elsewhere in this magazine. We hope you will support St Mary’s whenever you can. In addition to these welcoming community gatherings and the regular times for worship, The Last Night of the Proms has adequately demonstrated the many uses for this wonderful space. Its much-needed repair and renewal will ensure these can successfully continue.
olunteers needed at the Caf Church and Po U s. Info at the Church ce.
David Hoyle ledges davidhoyle1 7 gmail.com. R mma Fleming- vens o ce stmaryshadleigh.co.uk 01 73 2 7 Church Website htt s: stmaryshadleigh.co.uk
Hadleigh Christmas Event
Christmas Market & Entertainment
3.00 pm – 8.00 pm in Market Place and on Hadleigh High Street
3.00 pm Hadleigh Community Primary School
Monks Eleigh
Friday 22 November uiz Night at Mon s leigh Village Hall, 7pm for a 7.30 pm start. The Millennium Green Trustees are holding the quiz to raise funds for the up eep of the Green. Get your teams together or just come along to join others. The questions will be for all ages and all abilities. There will be a Bar and Snac s and a Ra e. Tic ets are £5 per person, any size team accepted.
Wednesday 13 November Whist Drive at Mon s leigh Village Hall, 7pm start. We play 18 hands of progressive whist with a brea for refreshments. We hold a ‘bring a prize, win a prize’ ra e. Cost is £3
3.30 pm Miss Lesley’s School of Performing Arts
4.00 pm Diamond Lite Majorettes • 4.30 pm Act First
5.00 pm Military Wives Choir • 5.30 pm Carols
6.00 pm Light Switch On
Craft Fair
12 noon – 6.00 pm in The Town Hall, Market Place
Hadleigh Garden Club
Our spea er at the recent meeting was Roger Hance a well- nown spea er and photographer. Peter’s tal s are always very popular and the tal on “The Secret Life of a Wood” did not disappoint with some stunning photography and excellent narration. It is hard to imagine the patience needed to ta e wildlife photographs and how many hours Peter spends in his hide. The competition was a “Single Dahlia” which was won by Fiona Quinn with runner up Carole Cranston.
Our next meeting will be on 18 November at 7.30 pm in the Guild Room opposite St. Mary’s Church. Our spea er will be Sian Dawson tal ing about “Floral Art”.
The competition will be an “Autumnal Floral Arrangement”. Our ever popular ra e will also be held with refreshments and time to chat afterwards.
Members 2 er meeting and visitors are welcome for a fee of er meeting. For more information contact: Hadleighgardenclub gmail.com or Tel: Angie on 07 7 7
Hadleigh U3a
Our next monthly meeting will be on Monday 11 November, 2.30pm at the United Reformed Church in Hadleigh. This month we have Catherine Myall tal ing about,’Raising a Guide Dog’. If you are retired or semi-retired and would like to know more about the u3a and the events we run lease feel free to come along to the talk, ick u some information and meet us all. r contact us through our website at htt s: u3asites.org.uk hadleigh-su olk home
We are taking orders for our famous Free Range Norfolk turkey and geese, Suffolk chicken, duck, beef, lamb, pork and gammon joints.
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Hadleigh Old School –Festive
Comedy Caper
Hadleigh Old School is pleased to welcome bac the Common Ground Theatre Company for 3 performances of their festive comedy caper this December. Father Brown and the Curse of the Christmas Fairy by Pat Whymar , will be performed at our venue, 5 Bridge Street IP7 6BY on Tuesday 17th December 7.30pm (doors open 6.30pm, with bar service before the show and during interval) and Wednesday 18th December Matinee 4pm (doors open 3pm) and vening 7.30pm (doors open 6.30pm)
The Su ol village of Dangleford is hanging by a thread As Christmas approaches, its veneer of civility is crac ing, li e last year’s Yule Log. A series of poison pen letters, signed “The Christmas Fairy”, threaten to expose corruption at the heart of village life. As the mulled wine simmers, old grudges reach boiling point. ven Father Brown’s renowned frosted plums may fail to get the party going. Father Brown must use all his wits to stop the situation from escalating into a snowball of terror
The show is suitable for age 10 . Box O ce www.commongroundtc.co.u What should you expect if you have never seen a Common Ground Christmas Show? First, a lot of laughs. Second a mystery to be solved. Third a whirlwind pace with chases, special e ects, visual gags and costume changes galore. All in all, an original Christmas Treat.
David Victor Nichols (1936 -2024)
It is, with sadness, Mary Boon (Hadleigh) and Ann Bergdahl (Kirby le So en) announce the passing of their brother, David Victor Nichols on 14 September 2024 at Colchester General Hospital. He was 88 years old. David was born in Bridge Street and spent a very happy childhood there. He attended both the Primary and Boys Schools and after passing his 11 plus examination went on to further education at Sudbury Grammar School for Boys. He attended Sunday school at St Marys Church and was an avid member of the Hadleigh Scout Troop, an association which he remained a een member of all his adult life, albeit in Colchester. David enjoyed his football, playing for the Grammar School boys and as a member of Hadleigh United Football Club where he went on to play for the Reserves and the First Team. Although David was to spend most of his adult life in Colchester and West Bergholt he never forgot his deep roots in Hadleigh. Together with his wife, Beryl, they often visited, sometimes just to see places of interest that he remembered from his boyhood and the changes in the town. He was particularly interested, in later years, in visiting most of the Hadleigh ‘Gardens in Bloom’ and no doubt in his usual ‘chatty’ way would relate to many a garden owner of his own childhood and upbringing in his beloved Hadleigh. David is survived by his wife Beryl, his three children, six grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Apollo Blinds comes to Su olk and Esse
Homeowners in Babergh, Colchester & Tendring can now get exclusive access to the UK’s widest selection of high-quality, made-to-measure window blinds, shutters, awnings and curtains – after a Hadleigh man became part of the Apollo Blinds networ
Duncan Brown has just launched his new franchise business as part of Apollo Blinds – which boasts nearly 30 di erent collections of window coverings and shading solutions, including motorised blinds, energysaving blinds, screw-free blinds, blinds for shaped windows and blac out blinds.
His new business will be serving customers in the Babergh, Colchester and Tendring. He will be o ering free no-obligation home consultations so that customers can see his collections in their own houses.
Duncan said: “I’m delighted to bring Apollo Blinds to the area, and I’m
The ama ing A ollo Blinds roducts
Apollo Blinds o ers timeless classics including Pleated, Vertical, Wooden, Conservatory, Roman and Roller blinds, as well as Roman curtains.
It also has more-specialist products, li e Shutters and Motorised, Smart, Cordless, Twilight and legance S ylight blinds.
Duncan said:
Once the window covering has been ordered, it will be manufactured to the highest standards, with the vast majority manufactured in the UK. A ollo Blinds installs
As well as selling gorgeous window blinds, Duncan will be installing them too.
Duncan added:
installation to those renowned Apollo Blinds high standards. It will be
To nd out more, visit htt s: www.a ollo-blinds.co.uk colchester or call 0120 732 0 for your free at-home consultation.
Hadleigh Choral Society Autumn Concert
Rehearsals are in full swing for Hadleigh Choral Society’s autumn concert which will feature Bach Christmas Oratorio (parts 1 & 2) and Handel’s Coronation Anthems (The King Shall Rejoice and ado the Priest). We’ll be joined by the Colchester Symphony Orchestra and professional soloists, with authentic period instruments to really ic things up a notch The concert will ta e place Saturday 23rd November at 7 30 pm at St Mary’s Church in Hadleigh. Tic ets are £18 or free for those in full time education, and are available online, at The Idler booksho in Hadleigh, or through choir members. For more information visit www.hadleighchoralsociety.org.uk.
Hadleigh And Bo ord Patient Participation Group (Ppg)
Out of Hours Doctor: Need a doctor when the Health Centre is closed, including wee end? Call 111 for advice and details of your nearest ‘out of hours’ duty doctor.
Covid & ‘Flu Vaccines: Patients have responded well to the appointments o ered and to date To date 3197 ‘ u jabs of which 2301 were given at the surgery. 2560 Covid jabs, of which 2191 were given at the surgery. At the time of going to print the last vac clinic had not ta en place so nal numbers will be higher. Sincere than s to sta and volunteers who gave up their precious free time to ensure that all went smoothly and such an impressive number of patients have some protection against Covid and ‘ u before the winter sets in.
RSV Vaccine: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. A single vaccine is now available for 75 to 79-year-olds and pregnant women to boost your natural protection against this disease. The ta e up has been good with patients receiving the vaccine during surgery hours in September. These will continue after a pause for the Covid and ‘ u vacs clinic this month.
Boxford Practice: The engagement exercise and public forum concerning the possible closure of the Boxford Practice ended on 27 October. Further updates will follow.
Call Back O tion: Many patients are still not aware of this very helpful, e cient return call option believing that they will lose their turn in the queue. Rest assured you do not as your call will be returned once it reaches your turn. Choose the ‘call bac ’ option and then hang up.
Non-Urgent A ointments: Avoid the early morning scramble by using consult. Available 24 7 and your requests will be dealt within 48 hours. This will also free up the line for more pressing appointment needs. The NHS A :- Do you have access to this very useful app? You will be surprised how much useful information can be found there. If you ever have reason to use a doctor outside Hadleigh they can immediately access your medical records; saving valuable time and a lot of stress. Not sure how to use it? If you have a long-standing aversion to IT why
not overcome your misgivings and give it a try in the peaceful surroundings of Hadleigh Library. On the rst Thursday of every month a representative from Babergh District Council is there to help the IT wary get online and develop their digital s ills. Why wait? You are never too old to get to grips with an iPad, mobile or a computer. Next beginners’ IT sessions ta es place in the Library on 7 November at 10 a.m.
Re eat Prescri tions: At the Practice dispensary please allow three wor ing days for these to be processed. Pharmacies outside the Practice have their own timetable.
Free De b Training: If the previous training sessions during the day were not convenient maybe the nal gathering will suit you better. This will ta e place on Wednesday 13 November from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.at the Leisure Centre. Highly trained and very experienced Hadleigh Community First Responders will show you how to use this familiar machine and get to grips with CPR. No tests or exams involved. Numbers are limited so be sure to boo . See below for boo ing details.
Volunteer Drivers: Could you give an hour of your time?
Jen astwood, coordinates a group of volunteer drivers who are willing to ta e patients, needing transport, to their doctor or hospital appointments. If you are a driver with a few hours to spare please contact Jen (details below) and support this invaluable service. Insurance issues are addressed when you sign up.
“Professional service, advice, good communication and excellent quality finish to all jobs carried out. Highly recommend”
Art in Practice: We are fortunate to have two displays to brighten the walls and empty spaces in the waiting area. The 3D free standing wor comes courtesy of the students at Hadleigh High School while the eye-catching pictures are indly on loan from students at Hazel Bradshaw’s art classes. Our than s to Katy Miller, Hazel and their students for ma ing the exhibition possible. Some pieces are for sale with 10% of the sale money going to the Practice’s Charitable Trust. Both Practices: 01473 822 961
PPG Art Sales De b: deveys@btinternet.com Chair Jan Devey 01473 827 091 or7881 798999
Practice Dis ensary: www.hadleighhealth.co.u opening-hours
Volunteers Drivers : jen.eastwood8@gmail.com Coordinator Jen astwood 01787 211 853
Website: www.hadleighhealth.co.u
Diamond Wedding Anniversary
Graham and Mary Boon would li e to than their family and friends, including Hadleigh URC and What eld Carpet Bowls Club, for their beautiful cards, gifts and good wishes on the celebration of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 10 October 2024.
contact@constructionone.co.uk 01473 807 754
Victoria House, Market Place, Hadleigh
A chronicle that begins with an ancient prophecy and takes the reader into the lives and experiences of its central characters over a period of three centuries.
A resident of Upper Layham, Robert began his writing journeysoon after retiring.
“THE OX IS SLOW is his rst enture intothe world of published literature.
Robert would ery mu h look forward to meeting you to dis uss this new book
AtFRANKIES –14 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5AP
From 2.00PM to 4.00PM on 23rdNovember 2024
Discover Authentic Italian E periences at ravel Stop’s Dolce Vita Presentation
As the winter draws in, our thoughts may turn to either next summer’s adventure or see ing out some winter sun to help us through the colder days or gloom that the winter often brings. With the travel industry thriving following a strong post-Covid recovery, there are more options than ever for getting away; ranging from mini brea s to cruises, from beach holidays to extensive exotic worldwide tours, and to any tailormade itinerary or adventure you dream of. For those that li e to travel, whether it be ‘o the beaten trac ’ or closer to home, your local and independent travel agency remains on hand to help you navigate the many options and to ensure you ma e the perfect boo ing. The Hadleigh branch of Travel Stop is open from 10.00 am – 2:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays for general enquiries and from 09.30 am to 5:00 pm on Tuesdays for a full and complete service.
In the meantime, we are excited to be continuing with our series of popular presentations which are held upstairs in the Hadleigh shop. Our next complimentary event is on 20th November, with two presentations (one at 4pm and one at 6pm) by Daniele Broccoli, the owner of ‘Typically Italian’, a long established, niche independent supplier from whom we will learn all about their ‘Dolce Vita Wee s’. These are a superb combination of options for coo ery, art and Italian language lessons available at the characterful Al Vecchio Convento, situated in the small village of Portico Di Romagna. Nestled in the beautiful milia-Romagna region of Northern Italy, it is an area that exudes the best of Italy, good food, spectacular scenery and fascinating culture and history. Bridget, Travel Stop’s owner (who many of you already now), was fortunate enough to have participated in one of the coo ery experiences and has visited the region again recently, so she will also be delighted to share her experiences with you rst-hand. She particularly enjoyed wine tasting and tru e hunting and assures us that her Italian coo ing has gone up several notches since her lessons
As well as the Dolce Vita Wee s, Daniele will also tell us about the many wider holiday options available through the ‘Typically Italian’ portfolio and how to ma e the most of any Italian holiday. If you would li e to join us to hear more, please do register either in person in the branch, by calling us on 01473 828728 or by e-mailing us at enquiries@travelstop.co.u . And please don’t hesitate to pop in to discuss any other travel and holiday plans you may have.
Hadleigh Utd is seeking help!
We are loo ing for someone to mar out the pitch lines at our Mill eld site. You do not need to have any experience, just a few hours every wee (variable because of the weather ) to come along to the Mill eld. Free entry to home games with a burger and a drin and the opportunity to become part of a longstanding and much loved football club.
When immediately. How Tracy 07 2 1 7 0 or hufcexecutivecommittee gmail.com.
Some New Faces at Gudgeons
Prentice – and a New App!
As hopefully you will come to see, in these articles each month we li e to write about a change in the law, or something that you might nd of interest. However, this month I would li e to introduce you to four new people who have joined us here recently.
Serena Ely recently joined our established Wills, Trusts and Probate team. Sally Pryke joined the same team towards the end of September. We are very pleased to welcome them to the rm. Both Serena and Sally would be more than happy to assist with any requirements that you might have in relation to ma ing a will or a lasting power of attorney or help and assistance in relation to administering someone’s estate or obtaining a grant of probate.
We now have six experts in this area of the law. We do o er home appointments, where that would be better for you. Otherwise, we are pleased to meet clients in our o ce in the centre of Stowmar et. We are just o the Mar et Place, right next to the Parish Church of St Peter & St Mary – it has a prominent spire, which is easy to see.
We are also very pleased to welcome to the residential conveyancing team Claire Bartram and Pat Smith. Claire and Pat have many years of experience between them in helping clients with the legal necessities of moving house. We are very pleased to welcome them to the rm also.
If that is not enough, we have also now launched our A for Residential Conveyancing, which you can download from the App Store or Google Play. We are quite unique in the local area in having this and have had very good feedbac so far from clients who have used it. This technology allows you to provide your identity documents to us electronically, and complete forms quic ly online. In addition, you can now upload documents straight from your computer and send them to us from wherever you are, with a ‘to-do’ list from us, so that you can stay organised and now what you need to do.
We also handle matters involving Commercial Pro erty and Agricultural Pro erty, along with Matrimonial and Family cases. If we can assist you with anything, then please do get in touch.
Robert Jackson, Solicitor and Senior Partner.
Bildeston Carpet Bowls Club
Hello, Brenda here once again.
At the moment, we are at the top of the league yippee We lost our rst match of the season but won our next two games. We beat Burstall at home and Polstead away. We still have two games left to play in October, and we only have one match to play in November, which is on Tuesday 12th at home to What eld so wish us luc very Tuesday apart from the 12th is roll-up night.
My parents used to play Carpet Bowls, but I never in a million years thought I would be doing the same. However, I have made lots of friends and acquaintances and had an awful lot of fun. So why don’t you come and join us?
Give either Mi e McIntyre or myself a call on 01284 827688, or just come along and see what we’re all about. Looking forward to seeing you!
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he Crown set to open e citing new chapter
The Crown opens a new chapter and enjoys a refresh throughout its charming 15th century pub. Oozing Su ol country charm with each room uniquely decorated, you’re welcomed with open res, extensive menus and a bar stoc ed with the best drin s Su ol can o er.
Nedging Hall state, a group of familyowned Su ol businesses including Mauldons Brewery, too the management of The Crown in house last year. They have made some incredible changes to the running of the business in that time. The state to Plate concept was introduced with produce grown in the gardens at Nedging Hall, less than 1 mile away; the ultimate combination of delicious local seasonal dishes and stylish accommodation.
New Look and Feel in the Pub Refurbishments at the pub included a fresh lic of paint, new wallpaper and prints as well as overhauled furniture. The restaurant is now a continuation of the feel of the bar; a nod to the relaxed vibe that The Crown are going for. Refreshing the Rooms The rooms have enjoyed a refresh and investment. It was ey to eep the history and heritage of the building; the old Coaching Inn has an important place in Su ol ’s history. Harriet asdale, Nedging Hall state, Creative Manager, commented:
Estate to Plate Greig Young, has joined the team as xecutive Chef and feels passionate about ‘estate to plate’ alongside the whole team. This year, the team’s dedication was recognised in with the nvironmental and Sustainability of ast Anglia Award 2024. This award would only have been achievable with the recognition of individual sustainability ideas that have created company-wide changes. They have a team of 4 full-time gardeners who ensure they have the best homegrown produce across the whole year at Nedging Hall. This saw the birth of their ‘estate to plate’ ethos. Still that warm welcome The team are the greatest asset. They welcome guests, remember their names, their favourite food or beverage, and when the team do not yet now these things, it is a priority to learn them. Small but impactful actions such as opening the door or greeting with a smile are unconscious actions. The Bildeston Crown have ingrained this graciousness and hospitality into every member of the team, allowing it to evolve into a second nature that ensures great service is consistently delivered. htt s: www.thebildestoncrown.com 01 7 0 10
GoStart looks or a Manager
Sudbury’s community transport charity, GoStart has started recruiting for a Manager to drive our day to day activities. This will be a paid, part time, xed term position and we are excited to nd the right person for our team. If you now someone that may be interested, please send an email to Trustee David Martin, at gostart.dm@gmail. com and he will share the recruitment pac GoStart ta es people who cannot access public transport to medical appointments, shops and social venues. We rely on volunteer drivers and passenger assistants to provide this critical service to our community.
If you are interested in su orting us as a volunteer or we can hel you with a ourney, sim ly call 017 7 2 211 , e-mail GoStart.ct gmail.com or visit GoStart.org.uk.
Hours: Sunday Closed Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm
a ter a antastic evening with Matt Holland
The Crown in Bildeston recently invited Matt Holland to an evening of entertainment as they re ected on Matt’s career as an ex-Ipswich Town Football Club player with current ITFC Director Peter Over.
The evening brought in people from across Su ol and beyond The success of this event saw The Crown raise over £2,000, that will be donated to support the Ipswich Town Football Club Foundation. The Crown is especially proud to support the club foundation after ITFC entered this year’s Premier League. They will continue to cheer for them throughout the rest of the season
Hadleigh Community Choir Winter Concert
It is that time of year again: days are getting shorter and the air somewhat crisper. Activities are ta ing place indoors, events and parties are planned. And we love to sing It is time for the Hadleigh Community Choir Winter Concert. We are bringing to you a variety of songs with a wintry feel to them, celebrating the season, advent and Christmas time. This year, the concert coincides with the Christmas Mar et in town: we would love to invite you along to our concert on Saturday 7th December at 2pm in the United Reformed Church, Mar et Place. njoy our songs, join us for some carols and get into the spirit of Christmas before going to the Christmas Mar et. xpect a joyful selection from the choir ensemble and some smaller groups, some well nown songs and some more surprising ones. It is a tic etless event with free entry but any donations will be gratefully accepted. Loo ing forward to welcoming you hadleighcommunitychoir.org.uk
Hadleigh Walkers
Our November wal on Saturday 9th will be an away one starting and ending in Sto e by Nayland. We will meet at the car par by the tennis courts on School Lane (what3 words unpainted.coarser.blan ed). a map showing where the par ing area is relative to the church will also be shown on the website. Our route will be Scotland Street, Stour Valley Path, Valley Farm, Thorington Street, Wintermarsh Green, Polstead, Steps Fm and bac into Sto e-by-Nayland.
The overall route is around 7.5 miles. As usual we will depart promptly at 9. 30 am and should be nished by around 12.30 pm. We will have two short refreshment stops along the way.
As usual, we aim to average a not-too-demanding 2.5 mph (4 m hr) and wal ers need to be able to maintain this pace. The route is fairly undemanding. However, any ind of weather is possible so strong shoes or preferably wal ing boots should be worn as the ground may be muddy or rough in places. veryone is welcome, including well behaved dogs. Route maps can be downloaded from this web site.
For further information about these walks go to hadleighwalkers. com or email us at hadleighwalkers gmail.com he Crown raises over £2,000
Delightful Dual Registered Nursing and Residential Home offering care to 34 residents
All rooms are well appointed with en-suite facilities
Nurse Call System: Passenger Lifts: Various Public Rooms: High standard of 24 hour personal care.
Enquiries to: Matron: Mrs Judy Carne RGN, RMA
Proprietor: Mrs. E. P. Knight RGN, RM
Chelsworth Christmas Fair
Chelsworth, often described as one of the prettiest villages in Su ol is also one of the smallest with only around 120 residents. On 30th November 2024 this tiny community will come together for our annual Christmas Fair and we hope that, as in previous years, people from far and wide will come to join us. The beautiful, medieval, All Saints Church, the venue for the Fair, will be decorated for Christmas, providing lots of festive atmosphere.
There will be over 20 stalls selling crafts, gifts, cards and foods as well as light refreshments including mince pies and mulled wine. Other attractions include a bottle tombola and the famous Chelsworth Christmas ra e with fantastic luxury Christmas hampers as prizes. The Fair represents a signi cant community e ort and raises money for the maintenance of the church
Admission is £3 for adults, but children and Chelsworth residents get free entry. There are unfortunately no arking s aces at the Church exce t for disabled visitors but there will be free arking nearby - ust a short stroll along the retty village street. Chelsworth is on the B111 between Bildeston and Lavenham.
Postcode IP7 7HU
Building Community & Well-Being
The Men’s Shed movement is a grassroots initiative that started in Australia in the 1990s and has since spread worldwide. It provides a welcoming space where men, often retired or facing social isolation, can gather to wor on projects, share s ills, and socialise.
These sheds are typically equipped with tools for woodwor ing, metalwor ing, or other hobbies, allowing participants to engage in hands-on activities while building camaraderie. At its core, the Men’s Shed concept addresses issues such as loneliness, mental health, and the transition from wor to retirement. By fostering a sense of purpose and connection, it helps improve overall wellbeing. The informal atmosphere encourages men to tal openly, o ering peer support that can reduce stress and depression. The community driven approach also bene ts the local area, as members often wor on projects that support charitable causes or other community groups.
The Men’s Shed movement highlights the importance of social connection and meaningful activity in promoting both individual and community health. If you would li e to learn more then please come on down, just wal in. We’re at the Black Swan Yard on Benton Street (Mon - m, Wed -1 m & - m, Fri -1 m . Or if you do want more information or have any questions then please email us for at hadleighmensshed@ gmail.com
Elmsett School
Our Ofsted Ins ection
During September OFST D undertoo a 2-day inspection. This was under their new system, where no overall judgement is made, but rather the 5 areas that OFST D inspect are graded.
Our pupils played a huge part during the inspection, and it was a real team e ort of which we are all very proud. We are pleased to report that we received a GOOD grading in all 5 areas.
The quality of education GOOD
Behaviour and attitudes GOOD
Personal Development GOOD
Leadership and management GOOD arly Years Provision GOOD
The ins ectors commented
The Christian values of ‘courage, compassion, wisdom, service, respect, and truthfulness’ underpin the school’s ethos and vision. Pupils now that their actions ma e a di erence to their community and the wider world.’
For the full report please visit our website www.elmsettschool.co.u
Macmillan Co ee Morning
We invited our families and the children enjoyed ca e and refreshments with their parents, friends our at our Macmillan Co ee Morning. Than you to everyone who came along, we are pleased to report we raised an amazing £169.22
S orting Events
A team of U11 boys and U11 girls from our Owls Class went to the School Games Football Festival at Whitton Sports Centre. They all enjoyed themselves and they were able to develop their game of football.
Harvest Festival
We joined together with our children’s families at St Peter’s Church for our Harvest Festival, which included songs, readings and poems. Our families indly brought in donations for foodban FIND Ipswich, who support families in need.
Hadleigh Badminton Club
Club nights are every Wednesday from 8pm to 10pm. Members of all levels from beginners to league players are welcome.
Come along and en oy your rst session free, or for more information see our website: hadleighbadmintonclub.co.uk
Between the Covers: Hadleigh Monthly Book Recommendations
We have read some great books this year, here are our to three:
Paul Murray, The Bee Sting.
If you enjoy boo s based on family stories, then this could be a good boo for you. Based on the Barnes family in Ireland, each chapter is written from the perspective of each member. It is funny and tragic and a de nite pageturner by the end
Ashley Hickson-Lovence, Wild East.
Although this is a YA novel, everyone who has any interactions with teenagers should read this boo about Ronny who moves from Hac ney to Norfol after his friend is stabbed. It’s a verse novel which ma es it ow with emotion but it is funny, uplifting and real.
Robert Galbraith, The Cuckoo’s Calling.
The rst in a series of crime novels (the TV series Stri e is based on this boo , and the author is K Rowling).
The story hoo s you from the rst page to the last, and ‘whodunnit’ not revealed until the end of the boo .
Similar to Slow Horses by Mic Herron, the character of Cormoran Stri e is slowly built up throughout the boo , ma ing you ready for the next boo
Are you art of a book grou , an avid reader, or a writer
We want to hear from you! Share your assion for books by recommending three must-reads. Whether it’s a hidden gem you stumbled u on, a timeless classic you can’t ut down, or a recent release that stole your heart, your recommendations will be celebrated and shared with fellow book lovers in our community. Submit your three recommendations to comnews keithavis.co.uk with 100 words on what you loved about each title.
Mind ul Makers
Mindful Ma ers are a unique community group o ering creative activities, mindfulness practice and an opportunity to connect with others in a safe and supportive space.
We are very excited to be ta ing part in the celebrations at the Hadleigh Christmas vent on Saturday 7 December.
You’ll nd us at the Ansell Community Centre from 2 pm where you will be able to try your hand at a origami or willow star, enjoy free refreshments and contribute to our Gratitude Tree Art Installation which will be on display in the United Reformed Church next door. We’ll also have a ma e and create table where younger artists can explore a range of materials to create their own bespo e star to ta e home to place on top of the Christmas tree
A warm welcome awaits you both in the Ansell Centre and in the URC where members of the church community will be present. Inside the church you will be able to delight in a range of festive wreaths on display created by community groups and curated by the URC. Mindful Ma ers will be launching a programme of events in January 2025. You’ll be able to pic up a lea et about this on the day. Alternatively you can chec out our Faceboo page.
We look forward to meeting and creating with you soon.
Home Visits
Orchard Barn News
Learning from the past how to build a greener future
A look back at our achievements in the last 12 months
Our long term project to reinstate the 1580s Long House as our new teaching space has made fantastic progress this year, than s to many wonderful volunteers and professionals, and the generous donations to our Crowd Funding Campaigns. The earth oor, complete with under oor heating, is nished, and a Masonry Stove is in place, faced with vintage and homemade Clay Lump Bloc s, and Tudor bric s and earth mortar reclaimed from the old chimney. We have even re-used the old bressemer beam, complete with the original Tudor taper mar s Also in that last 12 months we have:
•Wor ed with 81 students
•Run 14 Courses
•Delivered 750 hours of Institute of Historic Building Conservation Continuing Professional Development
•Wor ed in partnership with Su ol New College, West Su ol College, Bury Town Trust and The George Community Pub at Wic ham Mar et.
Recently a Local Authority Heritage O cer said
We still have a way to go to complete our Long House, but we are very proud of our achievements this year, and a massive than you to everyone who has helped us along the way
To nd out more about us and what we do, or to volunteer with us, ta e a loo at our website http: www.orchardbarn.org.u , call Sarah on 07766 054042 or email her at sarah.orchardbarn@gmail.com
Lavenham Carpet Bowls Club
At the Carpet Bowls Club our Annual In-house competitions are progressing well. At the time of writing this report the Triples competition has been completed, with a mixed team of Val, Terry, and Rosemary, being the victors for 2024, seeing o all the opposition. Meanwhile, normal club sessions continue, as we only use one of our four carpets for the competitions, leaving three more for fun, social play.
Most of the competitions are played on Wednesday afternoons. We have gained some regular new players on our Thursday evening sessions, which are normally quieter, with fewer attendees, some of whom prefer less competitive play, but enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the Carpet Bowls Club.
So why not come along and try Carpet Bowls and ta e advantage of two free sessions, on a Wednesday afternoon at 2pm until 4.30pm, and or Thursday evening at 7pm until 9.30pm at Lavenham Village hall. We do occasionally welcome other Carpet Bowls Clubs to a friendly match on some Thursdays.
Marilyn Beatham 017 7 2 7 0
French’s Care Haven
Hello to our readers, I hope as always you have all been eeping well.
Our Fish & Chip Quiz night is fast approaching, another year has passed and we are loo ing forward to meeting you at our quiz, which over the years has been enjoyed by all who have come. Quiz night date is Saturday 23 November 7pm arrival quiz start time 7.30 at The Ansell centre Hadleigh, £16 per person. There will be vegan food available, homemade ca es, a licensed bar, ra e and a night of laughs and entertainment. If you are single or there is just a couple of you that is ne, we will join you on a table that are also short, so no worries just let us now what you would li e and we will wor with you. Boo ings need to be in by 16 November the latest. Please contact Sharon to boo a table at: Frenchs.100club@gmail.com or call her on: 07999051401
We have a Charity Psychic night on Saturday 9 November at the Fleece Hotel in Boxford. The psychic medium has been seen in Ta e a brea magazine, Fate n Fortune and Towie, doors open at 6.30pm, start 7pm. £15 per person please pre-boo . We have had this medium once before and she entertained the locals who came previously, so I am sure those who attend this time will li e what they see and hear from this lady. These two events will of course help raise money for our rescued animals, which is very much needed in these really tough times nancially for our charity French’s. Please consider ma ing a personal donation to us if you can, your help will eep us going and would be very much appreciated by our team and of course our dear rescued animals, my contact details are at the bottom of this page.
Our two photos this month are Mia the cat and Coco the pony, Mia was one of our rescues who is now a very happy and content cat, she is a beautiful little soul. Coco is standing in the rain waiting for his lunch, his open shelter with hay inside is in the m nage near where he is standing, but as all animals that are in a good routine, they have a cloc in their heads and now exactly what the time is, especially when it is meal time, Cocos stare says it all, “where’s my lunch it is 12.30pm” He did not have to wait long, I was wal ing towards the gate with his and the other lunch.
•Jewellery repairs and restorations
design service
and precious stone specialists
workshop on the premises
High Street, Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9PZ www.jonathanlambert.co.uk
If you would li e any information about becoming part of our small team and helping care for our lovely horses and don eys. Plus all donations are welcome with open arms and much gratitude. French’s is a charity on your doorste , can you hel , either with time, donations, or s onsorshi You are welcome to come along and meet our animals. Call me for an a ointment. Jann on: 077 77 or email: ann.turner hotmail.co.uk Website: Frenchs Care Haven.org.uk
Cra t making morning at Sudbury Library
Join us on Saturday mornings on 26th October and 9th November to ma e Christmas decorations and other fancies to raise money for Su ol libraries. Items will be sold for donations on November 23rd when Sudbury Choir will be entertaining us with a morning of festive songs. Come along and support your local Choir and library
We are holding craft ma ing mornings on Saturday, 26th October and Saturday 9th November. We are loo ing for craftspeople rst-timers experts beginners to ma e small Christmas decorations that we can sell on November 23rd. Basic materials will be provided but do bring along your own craft sewing nitting too. We hope to continue this group on a fortnightly basis so do come along.
If you have a special s ill that you would li e to share let us now. We already now one member will be demonstrating tatting (date tbc). The group is free and light refreshments will be available.
Bildeston Primary School
Learning and Growing Together
S orting News at Bildeston
U11 pupils went to a dodgeball event this month. There was some tough opposition, but the children wor ed hard and showed real improvement by the nal game. Children in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 too part in a cross-country event. The sun shone for them ma ing the morning event a lot of fun The under 9 boys did especially well, nishing runners up. Boys in years 5 & 6 went to a football event at Inspire Su ol . They won one of their games, drew two and lost one and really held their own against some tough competition. Well done everyone.
Goldcrest Class
Goldcrest class went on a nature spotting wal around the school grounds this wee Gym Trail sessions started in our reception class this term too. They even used ‘jewels’ to practise their counting. What busy bees you all are
Stone Age Ex erience Worksho
Our year 3 and 4 children, along with the same year groups from What eld Primary, enjoyed a fabulous Stone Age xperience Day in September. Prehistoric xperiences set our hall up to be reminiscent of a temporary hunting camp. There were many artefacts the children were able to enjoy along with re lighting and coo ing outside. A super day
Our PTFA are once again organising Christmas cards for families to purchase so they have been coming in to help the children create their very own designs. Than you so much for your help.
KS2 Art
In KS2 Art this half term, the children are studying Abstract art which uses simple shapes to represent objects and landscapes. Signi cant abstract artists studied include Wassily Kandins y, Piet Mondrian and Marsden Hartley. The children learned that abstraction by shape is a technique artists use to represent objects using shape only.
What a wonderful turn out for our Harvest Assembly yesterday. It was wonderful to see so many parents attending. A huge than you for all the food donations, such generosity which is appreciated. All your donations will go to the Bildeston Food Ban . Than you all.
If you are considering Bildeston Primary as a school for your child, you are very welcome to visit. Applying for a reception class place for September 2025 is available online now at https: www.gov.u applyfor-primary-school-place and closes on 15 January 2025. Please hone the o ce on the number below if you would like to visit our school. We would love to meet you.
Bildeston Primary School Newberry Road, Bildeston, I swich, Su olk, IP7 7ES. Tele hone: 01 7 02 Website: www.bildeston.su olk.sch.uk
Lavenham Library Newsletter
Lavenham Literary Festival – Authors will be signing their boo s in our lovely library, after spea ing at the festival on 2 & 3 of November. For more information about the festival visit their website: www.lavenhamliteraryfestival.co.u
Why not ta e the opportunity to come in and nd out more about our facilities and regular events throughout the year?
Christmas Wreath Making: Tuesday 3 December 1.30 m .00 m
Come along and ma e your own Christmas wreath Cost £10 with all materials provided.
Limited spaces so boo ing essential.
Please phone: 01787 247729
Or email: lavenham.library@su ol libraries.co.u
Or pop into the library and spea to a member of sta
Christmas Charity Cards available
There are many di erent designs to choose from with proceeds supporting Su ol Libraries and other charities.
Contact Details:
Lavenham Library, Lavenham Village Hall, Church St, Lavenham CO10 T
Tel No: 017 7 2 772 www.su olklibraries.co.uk
Email: lavenham.library su olklibraries.co.uk
Hadleigh Evening WI
The October meetings have gone well. At the monthly evening meeting (7.30pm 3rd Tuesday Library Seminar Room) we welcomed a visitor from Medical Detection Dogs.
The Amblers (1st Wednesday) strolled around the village of Newton Green starting from the edge of the golf course, dodging the hoo ers and slicers, nishing up at Foxes Den, always a treat.
The Lunch Bunch (2nd Thursday) enjoyed a meal at Tito’s who opened especially for us. This month the Amblers and Lunch Bunch are joining forces to amble around Bramford on the 6th November before lunching at The Bramford Coc
Boo worms (2pm 4th Thursday Library Seminar Room) enjoyed Richard Cole’s ‘A Death in the Parish’ and loo forward to reading Stacey Hall’s ‘The Household’ this month. Our monthly ‘competition’ re ects a colour theme and the modest sum over a year that is collected from the 5ps donated by members in support of the entries is passed on to Lighthouse Women’s Aid in Ipswich. ach year we give a small donation to Shelley Therapeutic Riding School and some attended their recent Dog Show (always such fun) and Jazz in the Yard, which was a super evening.
We meet on the third Tuesday at 7.30pm in the seminar room of the Library. If you would li e to come for a ‘taster’, contact the secretary Glenn Abbassi on 07870 312409 or the president Sheila Webb on 01473 827554 and we will loo out for you.
The Complete History of Hadleigh Guildhall
The Hadleigh Society History Group
New Book:
A History of the Guildhall,
Hadleigh, Su olk
The Hadleigh Society’s History Group invites members of the public to the launch of their new boo charting the history of a very special building – The Guildhall.
Meet the authors, who will be available for signing, at the Guildhall on Saturday, 2nd November between 10.45am and 1.30pm
Hadleigh Society
An entertaining evening is promised when musical duo, Chanter’s Jigge, use their s ills to perform “A Merry Olde Christmas” – a festive celebration of carols and seasonal music from across the centuries. These will be sung and played with ancient, traditional and modern instruments.
Malcolm and lizabeth have performed together for more than 30 years. Having toured the UK, and internationally, they now perform mainly in ast Anglia, where they weave as many as 20 instruments into their performances drawing on their diverse styles of fol , jazz, traditional and classical music. xpect a hurdy-gurdy, accordion, guitar, saxophone, recorders, bagpipes, chalumeau, whistles, mandola, crumhorn, u ulele, percussion and vocals m Wednesday, December Hadleigh Guildroom, churchyard entrance. Visitors £3, Members free.
Monday 4 November 7.30pm Havergate – Suffolk’s only Island.
History and Wildlife – Steve Everett
Monday 2 December 7.30pm
Birdlife of Eastern Europe – Bill Baston
Meetings held in the seminar room upstairs at Hadleigh Library. Visitors £3
A most ama ing E perience
I am not sure what it is about museums that sends me running in the opposite direction I used to love history, and growing up in London enabled me to see most of them in the city. When it came to O Levels, though, I was told I couldn’t do that subject as I didn’t have the brain for it. I was genuinely distraught. I suspect that my 12 year-old self hated the thought that I wasn’t good enough, and my love of history became a thing of the past – literally Roll on a fair few years to nd that Su ol has reignited my passion for the subject. I love Kentwell Hall and have even performed in Gilbert and Sullivan operas there. I love going to Sutton Hoo and, closer to home, have ta en an interest in the history surrounding King Guthrum. I applaud Jane Snowdon and her ability to bring history to life in our lovely town, although she probably despairs at my feeble attempts at historic dancing
Franklyn Nevard Associates
But I digress…. My latest discovery lies in the heart of Mon s leigh.
On the rst Sunday of every month from 10am to 4pm, (November 3rd being the last for this year) a group of highly s illed individuals open the doors to the public and invite people to explore anything and everything that came before the mobile phone. Who would have thought there was life before mobiles? I suppose what excites me the most is the notion of living history. These are not ancient artefacts (although some of them come close ) and many of them are things I remember from my younger years. The team of real enthusiasts can tell you anything and everything about wartime radio receivers, tv rentals, Betamax videos, the Sony Wal man, and if you’re luc y, they will even let you play a pianola This incredible collection of items belonged to Paul Goodchild, who sadly passed away on 27 February 2023. This thriving mini museum is lovingly displayed and loo ed after by a team of genuine enthusiasts. Sounds of the Past is on the High Street on the right hand side of the road as you drive from Hadleigh to Mon s leigh. One might miss it were it not for the sign indicating the way into what is an old chapel. (Does it still belong to the URC?) I have now been three times, and have every intention of going again on 3 November before the place closes for the winter. It would be easy to assume that the people who run the museum are ancient gee s trying to hang on to the past, but this is not the case. When I went the rst time round, I was shown around by a young student called Ja e, who was inspired by Sounds of the Past and has now built up his own personal collection of audio-visual memorabilia.
The team also have items for sale to help raise funds to ensure the collection can remain open to the public. I am ashamed to say I have only just discovered Sounds of the Past, but now that I have, it is my intention to spread the word to groups, schools, individuals with an interest in history and fran ly anyone who will listen dwin happily too requests on a wind-up gramophone. Jane Snowdon and I found ourselves doing the Charleston – such fun Mi e, Peter and Dan turn their hands to preserving the life of many items, while Dave has a most extensive nowledge of music. Ja e continues his evergrowing collection of audio-visual pieces and, li e The Mousetrap, Sounds of the Past deserves to run and run. So to recap – Sounds of the Past. Sunday 3 November. 10am – 4pm Groups and individuals ali e will receive a warm welcome and if you do manage to get there, tell them Sarah sent you
Ebony’s Blog Life at The Shelley Centre
It’s half term already and our riders have all done so well. Those new to us have begun to enjoy their riding and interactions with the ponies and our returning riders have been learning to cope with the new ponies or ma ing progress on bony, the mechanical horse.
With twelve ponies to care for as well as the Centre to maintain, fund raising is critical to ensure we can continue our therapeutic wor with children and adults. In September we held two events that were both great fun and raised much needed funds – a fun dog show and a jazz evening. The sun shone on our dog show, and we had a wide range of dogs from the tiny terrier to a large Great Dane. Class included best puppy, best oldie, basic obedience, waggiest tail and wor ing dogs, culminating in best in show, which was won by a blac coc er spaniel (see picture of the three top dogs). The Jazz evening was a new venture for us and was enjoyed by all who attended. As with all our events, it was great fun and scrumptious home-made food was available for all to enjoy. Why not join us at some of our upcoming events (see below)? veryone will be made very welcome and it’s a great way to support the wor we do.
We also have a wonderful ‘Sponsor a Pony’ scheme. For a minimum of £25 year you will get a boo let containing a photograph and details of the pony you choose to sponsor and your name (or the person you’ve bought the sponsorship for) will be displayed adjacent to the pony’s stable at the Shelley Centre. This would be a wonderful Christmas present for someone who loves horses. The latest pony to join the sponsorship scheme is Thomas who was featured in the last blog. The other ponies and details of how to apply to the scheme are featured on our website www.shelleyrda.com.
Saturday, 1 th November - Christmas Bingo Night at Hadleigh Football Club. Website: www.shelleyrda.com
Facebook: Shelley RDA Centre Tele hone: 01 73 2 172
Letters to the Editor to the Editor
Please write to: Jason Holder High Street, Hadleigh, I swich IP7 EF or email: comnews keithavis.co.uk
Dear Sir,
Than you for continuing to produce a very informative local magazine. Living in lmsett, I nd it so useful for nding out what is going on locally and in our town. As an example, I saw the advert for ‘The Old Hadleigh Picture Show’ which I probably would not otherwise been aware of. It was so interesting to see and hear from Sue Andrews about Hadleigh’s past and now being a non native of the area, I can loo at Hadleigh in a di erent light. The fact that the second one was sold out says it all Regards, John Sones
Friday 15th November at Polstead Village Hall - Doors open 7pm
The film starts at 7.30pm and will finish around 9.45pm.
Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt dazzle in delightful action comedy
The Fall Guy celebrates the sometimes literal heights reached on the big screen and is right up there with the best of them.
to reserve or buy in Polstead Community Shop
Bar serving wine, beer, soft drinks. Tea, coffee, and biscuits are available and ice cream during the 20 minute interval.
A signi cant investment in Hadleigh’s uture’
Former council o ces converted into homes go on the market
The rst homes developed at Babergh District Council’s former Cor s Lane o ces in Hadleigh have gone on the mar et – with the properties hailed as a signi cant investment in the town’s future.
The rst 11 homes have been completed on the site nown as Bowlers Croft, following a sympathetic conversion of the buildings to preserve and enhance the original structures, ensuring the character and features are retained.
Babergh District Council’s joint venture company Babergh Growth, which is a partnership with Norse Group, wor ed with Gipping Construction on the development. Councillors, directors and project leaders recently received the ey s and enjoyed a tour of the homes.
The development will see the original buildings transformed into 49 new high-quality homes, a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom apartments and one cottage, which are ideally located close to shops, schools, and the town’s amenities.
Councillor John Ward, Babergh District Council’s cabinet member for nance, assets and investments, said:
ENJOY CULTURE, COFFEE & FRIENDS on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m at Long Melford Village Hall CO10 J (o The Bull Hotel WEDNESDAY 20 November
The royal connections were established at an early date by Queen Victoria as it’s Patron in 1875 followed later by her daughter Princess Helena as President. The lecture focusses in particular on the coronations of dward VIII to Charles III and other notable occasions.
Contact: info@tasstourvalley.org.u quoting CN or simply clic the QR code which will ta e you direct to our website www. tasstourvalley.org.u
Burstall Christmas Market
Saturday 25th November 2023 10.30am till 3pm
In Burstall Village Hall IP8 3DU (free entrance & parking) Christmas gifts, Decorations, Crafts, Angel-making workshop, Tombola, Raffle, Cake Homemade soup, tea & coffee
In aid of St Mary’s Church funds
Leavenheath Village Hall Cinema Is showing HIDDEN FIGURES
Saturday 2 November
Drama PG - Based on a True Story
Since Babergh moved out of the council o ces in 2017, the aim had been to use the site for much-needed housing for Hadleigh. This is in addition to the council’s 21 new social housing properties, on the site of the former Angel Court care home in Angel Lane, completed bac in 2021.
The properties at Bowlers Croft are being mar eted by William H Brown
Starring Taraji Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae Running time 2hr 7 mins with 20 mins interval
Arrive 7.00pm. Film starts 7.30pm
Tickets £4.00 per Adult &£2.50 for under 12’s
You can pay by cash or card on the door
Book your tickets online at www.leavenheathvillage.com or telephone Marion on 01206 263301
Refreshments, wine, beer, soft drinks, coffee, tea will be available before the film and also during the interval along with ice creams. Proceeds towards LVH Capital Project Fund (Charity no 262816)
Unfortunately this will be the last Leavenheath film night
Marion Jones, Lesley Collin and Ken Fuller ran the cinema after its inception in 2009. When Lesley moved out of the village in 2019 and Ken’s health deteriorated and was no longer able to help, Marion continued to run the cinema aided by some volunteers. So after 15 years she has decided to step down. She would like to take this opportunity, to thank everybody who came along to the cinema over the years. As a thank you, all drinks on the 2nd November wil be free. Unfortunately no-one in the village has come forward to take over the running of the cinema. So unless someone does, then this will be the last film to be shown. If someone is interested in running the ‘film’ night please contact Marion or someone on the Village Hall Committee.
Community Indoor Craft Market
Elmsett and Aldham Village HallIP7 6PA
Saturday 9th November 2024 10am -1pm
Hadleigh Hares Shine in Autumn Races with Record-Breaking Per ormances and eam Spirit
This month the “Second Saturday Event” in the villageis gearing us up for Christmaswith fabulous handmade items and original art work.
Ourlocal artisan crafters include: Sharon’s cards and glass, Jenny’s jewellery, Dale’s 3D printing & resin crafts, Amy’s beautiful hand-drawn cards, Carol’s scented candles, Mick’s wonderful wooden items, and of course Jan’s Jams.Sabrina will be here with her Tropics range, Liz will have advent calendars and we have two new sellers: - Louise with her stone art and Julia with her Spotlight textile items. Come and find that original present that no-one else will have!
Sue will be taking orders for traditional fresh Xmas wreathes and table decorationsif you are not making your own this Christmas… and Friends ofWhatfield School (FOWS) be serving wonderful home baked cakes and savouries this month, to raise funds for their school.
We will also be selling raffle tickets for a Xmas raffle to be drawn at the December Market. All proceeds to CRUK.
Free parking and entry, warm and welcoming atmosphere. All profits after costs will go to Cancer Research UK. Please support your wonderful village events, and maybe bring someone along who hasn’t been before or is new to the village.
Our local community police officerNiall Johnson will be joiningus again Look forward to seeing you there.
To ic o the Autumn racing season, Adam Chamberlin, continuing with his love of distance ran the Norfol Coastal Marathon on the 21 September. The Marathon follows along a beautiful stretch of the north Norfol coastline, starting at Holme Next The Sea and nishing at Morston Quay. Adam loo ing fresh, crossed the line in 4:01:22. The Lar ing Gowen Ipswich Half Marathon too place on 22 September, starting and nishing at Portman Road, along the waterfront and around the River Orwell. Five of our members too part with amazing results. Claire Jacobs made light wor of the tough course nishing 1st woman & 12th overall in a eld in excess of 2,000 nishers. Well done to Crystal Murray, laine Turner and Laura Pearson who also ran fantastically. Joel Bamsey, a Hadleigh re ghter, too on a di erent role and was proud to help pace and support colleague Paul Shattoc one of the four re ghters running the Ipswich Half Marathon. Paul ran in full protective equipment and breathing apparatus and aimed to set the record in what is a brand new category in the Guinness World Records – the fastest half-marathon dressed as a re ghter with self-contained breathing apparatus and breathing air from the cylinder.
In contrast, on the same day Steve Hunt, Stuart Hunt, Neil Holloway and Nathalie Hooper ran the stunning May ower Trail Half Marathon. The course follows the ssex Way, starting at The Harwich Low Lighthouse, and nishing at Mistley Rugby Club. Fabulous running from everyone with no-one getting lost this year
The following wee end 28 September, Sam and Vic y Tapp ran London Vitality 10. This course guides runners past some of London’s most famous landmar s, including St Paul’s Cathedral and Big Ben. On the lovely sunny morning of 6 October, Kevin Carpenter, Vic y Tapp, Rebecca Martin and Sam Tapp travelled to Cambridge for the Bidwell Cambridge Town & Gown 10 m. This ta es runners through the heart of Cambridge passing many landmar s, historic university college buildings and along the River Cam on what is a at course. Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Stuart Price too part in the Cardi Half Marathon. With a eld of over 27,500 runners and a at, fast course, Stuart was loo ing to get a personal best for a half marathon. Unfortunately, he didn’t achieve his PB, but still nished with an amazing time of 1:19:16. Well done Stuart
Sunday 13 October turned out to be a busy racing day with our members participating in four di erent races across the country. Joel travelled up to Peterborough for the Great astern Half Marathon. Stuart Hunt completed the Tiptree 10 miler nishing in under 1:25 and getting his fastest time in 12 years Geraldine Suc ling was in London for the Royal Par s Half Marathon. The course threads its way through the beauty and majesty of four Royal Par s and iconic landmar s in London.
Finally, 11 Hares competed in the local Capel 5 race. This ve mile undulating road race ta es runners out of the village of Capel St Mary and bac again. This is also one of the races that ma e up the Su ol Grand Prix. Stuart Price stormed over the line, coming in second overall out of a eld of 230 runners and Barbara Jousi e was awarded rst in her age group. We had two ladies teams, one coming 3rd and the other 10th. Amazing running by all our members.
If you would like to oin a friendly and su ortive running club as a member or a coach you can nd out all about us and how to oin at www.hadleigh-hares.co.uk
Advice column
I don’t have a will, but I wonder if I should make one. The roblem is, I have no idea where to start or how to make it o cial.
Ma ing a will can seem daunting, but it’s important to ma e one whether or not you consider yourself to have many possessions or much money. This is because there are certain rules which dictate what will happen to your money, property, or possessions after you die and without a will they may not go to the people or places you would have wanted.
It’s a good idea, although not strictly necessary, to use a solicitor, or to have one chec a will you draw up to ma e sure it’ll have the e ect you want. This is because it’s easy to ma e mista es which could cause problems after your death and result in costly legal fees.
A solicitor will charge for their services, but they should tell you how much their help will cost before they start wor ing with you. Charges vary and will depend on the complexity of the will. Before deciding on who to use, shop around and spea to a few di erent solicitors to nd the best price.
Before you approach a solicitor, you should thin about the major points you want to include in your will. This will save you time and help to reduce costs.
Things to thin about include: how much money and property you have and if any of your possessions are especially important to you; whether you want any of your money or possessions to go to speci c family or friends after your death; and what you’d li e to happen to the rest of your assets, including whether or not you’d li e to leave any gift to charities. If relevant, you should also decide who should loo after any children you may have who are under 18.
You’ll also need to decide who will sort out your estate and carry out your wishes, as set out in the will. These people are nown as the executors. It’s common to appoint two executors, in case one is unable to carry out the tas . People often choose either relatives or friends, solicitors or accountants, ban s, or the Public Trustee, which is an o cial body, to be an executor.
For a will to be valid, it must be made by someone who is 18 or over and of sound mind, meaning someone who is capable of rational thought, ma ing and understanding decisions. It must also be drawn up without any pressure from another person. It must also be made in writing and signed by the person ma ing the will, in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the document in the presence of the person ma ing the will. Lastly, it should be dated. As soon as the will is signed, dated, and witnessed, it is complete.
Once a will has been made, it should be ept in a safe place and other documents should not be attached to it. This safe place might be at home, with a solicitor or accountant, at a ban , or at HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) for safe eeping. For more information visit the Citizens Advice website at www. citizensadvice.org.uk or call Sudbury and South Su olk Citizens Advice on 017 7 321 00 and leave a message and someone will call you back when available. We will attem t three times to call you back, so lease ex ect a call from a withheld number. Alternatively, get in touch by using the contact facility on our website, htt s: www.sudburycab. org.uk contact
We are roviding advice by tele hone and email Monday Thursday, 10am 3 m.
You are invited to join us at lmsett and Aldham Village Hall, The Street, lmsett, IP7 6PA
Wednesday December 4th at 14.00
£10.00 per head, in aid of St Mary’s Church, Aldham
Tell your bridge playing friends and ma e up a four. Pay on the door BUT laces must be re-booked so please contact one of the organisers: Colin and Cherry Crawford 01 73 0 13 cherryandcolin hotmail.com
Kate Sands 01 73 2 1 katesands live.com
ROBBIE GLADWELL coming to Cavendish 21st December 2024 2.00pm - 5.30 pm at Cavendish Memorial Hall, C010 8AD
Limited Tickets £12.50
Tickets from: Jacqui Scott-Burgin 07555 518299
Annette Williamott 01787 282817
01473 807 754 Victoria House, Market Place, Hadleigh
Beer, Wine, Soft drinks, Snacks, Raffle available during performance CASH ONLY
Hadleigh Rugby Club
Sponsorship is vital for grassroots
on their shirts; it is a testament
(Captain) and Will Johnston
We are thrilled to empower
Luke Whitwell, Managing Director
Our than s also to Stowmar et based, Button & Turner, for sponsoring the U14s it and those sponsors who have renewed their sponsorship and, of course, past sponsors for supporting the club over the years.
If you are a local business reading about us – the season has only just started and as ever-growing club, there are many glory days ahead – why not promote your company through sponsorship and bene t from exposure to families in the local community and surrounding areas. There are still sponsorship opportunities available so be part of something special and help to continue to grow Hadleigh RFC. To nd out more contact treasurer@hadleighrfc.co.u
The Men’s team are progressing through the Su ol Cup with a third win against Thurston ma ing it 3 out of 3 league wins. The Women’s team have been regularly training towards their rst game on Sunday, 1 December, ic o at 2pm – meet the team on Faceboo : Hadleighwomensrugbyteam. The strong youth and mini section together with U12s girls-only rugby continues to thrive with new players joining.
To our volunteers for their wor and time, we appreciate you being part of the team. We always need more volunteers and there are lots of ways to get involved.
Find us on Facebook or visit htt s: hadleighrfc. rfu.club. Coaches and members can be found under the ‘Info’ tab on our website.
Come and visit us at Hadleigh RFC, Layham Road S orts Ground, Layham Road, Hadleigh IP7 NE
07717 177190
Hadleigh Cycling Club Juniors
Shine in National Cyclocross and Eastern Series Success
Happy Halloween Bon re Night one and all from us at Hadleigh Cycling Club. This month has been huge on the achievement front from all of our Juniors as we reach the mid point of our o -road Cyclocross season. Cyclocross for the uninitiated is about getting your bi e as muddy as you can whilst trying to drive yourself forwards in pursuit of glory. Well as it happens the past few wee s have been absolutely glorious for our Junior squad who have done our little club proud and paraded the badge up and down the country. Three of the team - Angus and Oli in Under 14s and team leader Ciaran - drove (with some parental help) up to Derby for the rst round of the National Cyclocross championships. The action was hot and extremely fast and was a brilliant experience for all the boys. Ciaran rode excellently to come from near the bac of the 100 strong eld after a hold up on lap one to get up to 62nd at the ag. Angus and Oli, 78th and 80th respectively, were also tangled up after being gridded way bac in their 82 rider line up. Both were exhausted after their massive 30minute e orts but should be proud to say they both made the top 80 in the country. Ciaran has also made a name for himself and the club by being named in the astern Regional School of Racing for both C and Road racing so expect to hear more about that opportunity in the very near future.
As for the rest of the squad, which would you believe sits an unbelievable fth in the astern region Cyclocross team standings from a possible 28 teams, it has been a great month. Denny hasn’t been o the podium all month and is third in the astern series Under 10s whilst also trying his hand at races further a eld, coming within half a wheel of his maiden win in Milton Keynes. Wilfred G (17th) had his best race to date at Colchester in U12s while Archie is doing amazing wor holding ninth in the U12 series in his roo ie season. New Girl Isla had her rst ever C race at Colchester and was straight on the podium The aforementioned U14 duo Angus and Oli are both in top 15 in their rst season of 30min races while team Captain Ciaran is ghting hard with the big boys in U16 and sits a marvellous 2nd in his championship standings.
Not to be out done our youngest racer Wilfred H entered the Semer hill Climb to great fanfare and pic ed himself up a medal too. I can see the club is going to need a bigger trophy cabinet very soon. On the club front we are always on the loo out for new members and also a new chairman so please get in contact via the methods listed and we can get you on the road or better still on the committee The adults can still enjoy their social rides throughout the autumn. Meets are on a Sundays at 9am in the car par of The George. There won’t necessarily be a ride leader so the distance, route and caf stop will be decided by the group on the day. If you have a road bi e in good condition, a helmet and enjoy cycling around 30 miles do come along and join us. “Just turn up and ride ” For u to date news lease head to the Internet for our Facebook age hadleighcyclingclub Twitter HadleighCycling Instagram hadleighcc or htt : www.hadleighcyclingclub.co.uk
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