Community News
December 2009
01473 822111
The Chris Corder Fund and Fundraising Walk As you will have heard, Chris Corder of Benton Street was critically injured in a severe hit and run incident on September 27th 2009. He has severe injuries and multiple broken bones including two broken legs, a badly injured shoulder and a severe head injuries alongside other broken bones. To this day, mid November, he is still in a coma at The Royal London Hospital, where he was airlifted after the incident. His elderly parents have been by his side for the majority of this lengthy period and various friends and family members have helped rally around Chris and his parents to do what they can to help in this difficult situation. Our latest initiative has been to create The Chris Corder Fund to help raise funds for Chris’ care to help him and his family through his lengthy rehabilitation which will take many months and years. As a family we are organising a December fundraising walk from where Chris was hit to where he was airlifted too and where he is currently still in a coma. If you wish to help organise your own fundraising event for The Chris Corder Fund and The Chris Corder Fundraising walk, or you wish to have a collection box or poster in your business, or you have any questions please contact Stuart Hunt on 07805 502796 or Steve Hunt on 07748 623827 or email stuarthuntcufc@hotmail.com.
Chris with his parents and sisters
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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am-12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. All welcome Dancing Class (dates for diary as discussed with Kelvin) DANCING CLASSES AT ST MARYS SCHOOL, HADLEIGH Saturdays: 9:30-12:00 am From 4years upwards , Come along and join the fun Tues 1st December 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 2nd December 7.30pm Churches Together Prayer – Salvation Army Thursday 3rd December 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Friday 4th December The Friends of St Mary’s Church, Christmas Memories Evening at 7.00 pm. Come and listen and join in an evening of memories of the festive season. Saturday 5th December 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Monday 7th December 7.30pm HADLEIGH AND DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Meeting in the Community Room at the rear of the United Reformed Church access from Duke Street. QUIZ NIGHT by Chris and Phil Streeting. Visitors £2 includes refreshments. Monday 7th December Fidelis Meeting: - Members Only. Christmas Supper at Hintlesham Hall in lieu of regular monthly meeting. Normal service resumed Thursday January 28th 2010. Details in January HCN. Tues 8th December 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Tuesday 8th December 7.30pm HADLEIGH & DISTRICT FLOWER CLUB Meeting at Beaumont School, Hadleigh. A flower demonstration entitled “BERRY CHRISTMAS” by Mr Kevin Bernhardt from Ipswich. All welcome members £1: visitors £3 Thursday 10th December 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 12th December 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 12th December Hadleigh Choral Society Christmas Concert at St. Mary’s Church. 7.30 pm. Free Entry. Sunday 13th December 10.30am Nativity Service – Hadleigh URC
December 2009
Tues 15th December 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Tuesday 15th December 7.30 pm HADLEIGH EVENING WOMENS INSTITUTE meeting in the Seminar Suite above the Library, High Street, Hadleigh. Poetry, Prose, Punch and Pies. An entertaining evening organised by members. Visitors welcome, no charge for first visit. Thursday 17th December 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Saturday 19th December 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 20th December 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight – Hadleigh URC Tuesday 22ndDecember 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Friday 25th December 10.30am Christmas Celebration - Hadleigh URC
HADLEIGH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Ute Cooper Leader: Alison Butler
Christmas Concert December 6th at 6.30 p.m. at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Hadleigh Welcome once again to our annual Christmas Concert at Hadleigh’s Catholic Church. It is your opportunity to sing some Christmas Carols accompanied by the Orchestra. In addition our programme will include some of the ever popular ‘Water Music’ by Handel and a shortened version (yes it does have the ‘big’ tune) of Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet overture. In addition there is a very jolly theme and variations by Beethoven and other enjoyable pieces. We expect the programme to last about an hour and it is FREE. Yes it is free but we hope you will want to give a donation as you leave toward the cost of the concert and a donation to the Church. Once again we thank the Catholic Church for its hospitality and we look forward to seeing you at the concert. All are welcome.
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 17th December 2009 Thursday 21st January 2010 Planning Committees Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm Thursday 10th December 2009 Thursday 14th January 2010
Community News
To contact us please ring Kelvin or Matt on 01473 823366 or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
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7600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Monks Eleigh and the surrounding villages We welcome all your contributions Letters - Reports - Events - Opinions Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Meeting of the Council held on the 15th October 2009 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), N. Amin, D. Buchanan, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, B.L. Lazenby, P. Matthews, Mrs. M. Munson, Miss J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick. In attendance: Two members of the public. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Miss P. Cook due to work commitments and Councillor K. Grimsey due to family commitments. Both these apologies were accepted. Councillor R. Whiting (Babergh District Council) had tendered his apologies but had supplied a written report. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations made. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the17th September 2009 were taken as read and confirmed and signed. Matters Arising from the Minutes: Suffolk County Council – Hadleigh Waiting Restriction Review 2009 Councillor Byrne reported that she and the Clerk had met with Suffolk County Council Officers and notices will be put in place to advertise double yellow lines at the bottom of Church Street. Suffolk County Council was investigating using yellow coloured bricks instead of yellow painted lines. Councillor Grutchfield reported that this work should be completed by Christmas 2009. At this point the meeting was adjourned to allow the members of the public to bring to the attention of the Council concerns over anti-social behaviour in Stonehouse Road Car Park and Swimming Pool area and to thank the Council staff for their assistance with work carried out to the war memorial and Roll of Honour in St. Mary’s Church. POLICING Councillor Grutchfield reported that a Police Forum meeting had been held in the Town Hall on Monday 12th October at which the Chief Constable was in attendance and the Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks. Apologies had been received from the Police due to sickness. The Police Report for September had been received and it was noted that 25 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 7 criminal damage other; 4 theft other; 3 criminal damage vehicle; 3 theft from motor vehicle, 2 common assault & battery; 1 burglary dwelling; 1 causing an affray; 1 burglary – other building with intent; 1 assault occasioning ABH; 1 harassment pursue course of conduct; 1 dangerous driving. Of theses crimes 2 had been detected. 27 parking tickets had been issued during September. SPEED WATCH SCHEME As there was no Police presence at the meeting it was agreed that this item would be deferred to the next Town Council Meeting. Councillor Sheldrick asked the Clerk to arrange a meeting between interested Councillors and the Police before the next Town Council Meeting to obtain information on the scheme prior to the next meeting. CAR PARKING CHARGES The Clerk was asked to write to Babergh District Council and issue a press release stating that Hadleigh Town Council is opposed to the introduction of car parking charges in Hadleigh. MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor reported that Councillor Mrs P. Black has resigned from the Council. He thanked Councillor Black for the service given to the Town Council and requested a letter of thanks be sent. The Clerk reported that the advert for Mrs Batty’s vacancy on the Council had closed and there had been no request for an election so co-option can take place. The advert for Mrs. Black’s vacancy inviting an election will close on the 3rd November. It was agreed that the co-option would be advertised after this date to allow for both vacancies to be dealt with together. Councillor Byrne requested clarification and following this the resolution was passed that both vacancies would be advertised in the December edition of the Community News. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £15,642.31 be approved for payment. Councillor Grutchfield requested the Clerk to find an alternative method of postage to the offices franking machine in order that the Town Council’s post would be delivered during the postal strikes. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 17th September 2009 were noted. SPORTS & OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 24th September 2009 was received and accepted including the recommendations: i) £950 be spent repairing the showers at Layham Road ii) urgent safety work on four stones be carried out on the headstones in St. Mary’s Churchyard – the recommended work to the 13 remaining stones would be met in next years budget. FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 8th October 2009
was received and accepted. As the Environment & General Purposes Committee Meeting due to be held on the 8th October had been cancelled the Chairman, Councillor Sheldrick requested a budget bid of £1,000 towards the Access Suffolk Scheme be considered. Councillor Grutchfield reported on the newly adopted roads within the town and requested that the need for grit bins, litter bins and dog bins for these roads be submitted as a budget bid. To ascertain the additional expenditure and bins the Services Officer will investigate the need for any bins and report to the Clerk. HADLEIGH TOWN FORUM The Report of the Meeting of the Forum held on the 30th September 2009 was noted. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Whiting had tendered his apologies but provided a written report for information. Councillor Riley reported on the District Council’s proposal to impose parking charges on the long term spaces within the town. Councillor Munson reported that she had attended a seminar held by the National Grid which provided details of the proposed routes of pylons that are being considered from Bramford to Twinstead. She had attended the local Police Forum where residents raised concerns about public order, drug and alcohol related offences. Members from Anglia Ruskin University had presented Councillors from St. Edmundsbury, Mid Suffolk and Babergh with a presentation on Planning Policy Essentials. Councillor Grutchfield reported the winner of the Village of the Year Competition and BT will be sponsoring next year’s competition. Community Services had received the Pitt review. He reported that if there was a problem with flooding the Babergh Web Site had helpful advice. REPORT OF THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Grutchfield reported that at the full meeting on the 24th September he had asked a question of the police on fatal and serious accidents on the A12 and read the response he had received which referred to the A12 Alliance. Details of which can be found on the Suffolk County Council web page. He went on to report that pupil numbers have risen at all the towns primary schools. BABERGH COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2010 Four nominations were received details of which will be kept in the office and finalised at the November meeting. Councillors were requested to provide written details to the office to support their nominations. TOWN MATTERS Councillor Mrs. J. Haylock reported on Transition Towns and making Suffolk Greener. She informed Councillors on villages within
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Suffolk who were taking part in the scheme and it was agreed that this would be an agenda item for the next Town Council Meeting. Councillor Lazenby reported on the paint balling planning application on Benton Street. Suffolk County Council will not pass the application due to the additional traffic along this stretch of road and possible increase in accidents and asked that the Town Council support this. Councillor Mrs. J. Haylock reported that when walking along the railway walk you can pick up the paint balls. The Clerk reported that on the 11th November 2009 at 11.20am the rededication service at the war memorial will take place. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15th October 2009 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), N Amin, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), K Grimsey, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, P. Matthews, Mrs M. Munson, Miss. J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick. In the absence of the Chair, Councillor Mrs. Haylock, Vice Chair took the meeting. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Miss P F Cook due to work commitments. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Grimsey declared a personal interest in application no. B/09/01059/FHA, 5 Cross Maltings, as the applicant is known to him. He also declared a prejudicial interest in application no: B/09/01089/FHA, 18 Tayler Road, as he is undertaking the work at the property. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 17th September 2009 was confirmed as a correct record and signed. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/09/01031/FUL Land East of Grays Close. Erection of nursing home and eight assisted living apartments, associated facilities, parking and access (amended scheme to that approved on P.P. B/09/00126/FUL). No decision was made on this application due to the following reasons: i) insufficient information, ii) conflicting information The reports supplied refer to water and drainage but it has been noted that they only appear to take into account rainwater and surface water and do not take into consideration the run off from the natural springs. Also the reports refer to eight dwellings on the site and make no mention of the main care home. B/09/01044/FHA 10 Guthrum Road. Erection of a rear conservatory. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01059/FHA 5 Cross Maltings, High Street. Erection of detached garden room (Retention of). Approval was recommended (voting was 4 for; 1 against; 3 abstentions) B/09/01086/FHA 2 Ivy Tree Cottages, Ivy Tree Lane. Erection of a singlestorey rear extension. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01089/FHA 18 Tayler Road Erection of single-storey rear extension and extension and re-roofing of garage. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01099/FHA Friars Barn, Coram Street. Erection of front porch. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01114/FHA 36 Wentworth Close. Erection of single-storey side and rear extension. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01123/FHA 82 Angel Street. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01124/FHA 82 Angel Street. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/09/01132/TCA Bramble Cottage, 83 Angel Street. Felling of 1 no. Ash tree, 1 no. Fern tree and 1 no. Juniper tree. (This application was noted.) SCHEDULE OF DECISION This Schedule was noted, a copy of which is included in the Minute Book. CONSULTATION ON PLANNING APPLICATION WHICH WILL BE DETERMINED BY SUFFOLK COUNTY B/09/: CLU Application – Siting of Shipping container for storage use ancillary to the primary use of the site as a school. St. Mary’s Primary School, Stonehouse Road, Hadleigh The Committee recommended approval of this application. B/09/00926/FHA - PUMP HOUSE, LAYHAM ROAD. The Committee noted that this application has been withdrawn. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Grutchfield reported that the car boot sales on Frog Hall Road were now finished and had not appeared to be successful. Councillor Miss Nevard questioned why Babergh District Council appears to take the opposite view to Hadleigh Town Council on most contentious issues. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.00pm Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk
Beaumont Community Primary School The children in Key Stage 2 enjoyed a golf ‘taster’ session earlier this month. The children enjoyed trying out a new sport. A golf professional from Hintlesham Golf Club helped the children develop their skills. A new indoor golf club will be taking place at Hadleigh High School on Saturday mornings. At the end of October, we held our annual pumpkin competition. As usual we had some outstanding carving and elaborate designs! Congratulations to the winners! The event helped to raise money for the Parents and Friends Association. One of the aims of our European food project, in association with schools in Denmark, France, Scotland and Norway, is to promote eating together with your family and the idea that meal times should be social occasions. In order to support this, the children on the School Council decided to invite parents into school. The Year 6 children were very enthusiastic and wrote letters to invite their parents. It was a fun event and parents appreciated the chance to sample school dinners and find out what their children did at lunch time. Parents throughout the school will get the opportunity to join us for lunch over the coming weeks. The children have had a go at designing a logo for our European project. This will be used on anything produced as part of the project, including recipe book covers and DVDs.
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Charity Draw
In aid of the Adam Rogers Trust Prize draw takes place after carol singing on Dec 17th
Carols around the Tree
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Christmas Eve Buffet
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Howard celebrating his birthday
I am so lucky to have such a loyal band of readers. Following the tease in my last column concerning my birthday, I received telephone calls, cards and of course my favourite, cakes. Someone went to an immense amount of trouble to have a special card printed and sent anonymously with clues. Another dear soul said that the last time I saw “21” was on a front door! To put you all out of your misery, I was 49 (your suggestions kindly ranged from 35 to 47). To celebrate my advancing years, I had a gala dinner at Il Punto (The Mariners) which is a restaurant on a boat moored in Ipswich dock. I had been before, however, I was very taken with standard of our meals, the presentation and pleasant demeanour of the staff. It was a restaurant that was “ a cut above” and as one would expect as it is in the same stable as The Great House in Lavenham. I had a lovely evening and will certainly be going again. If you want to give it a whirl telephone 01473 289748 As my business is one of communication, I am of course heavily reliant upon the use of the internet. A great deal of my communiqués are by Email. What a pity then that the use of the letter has fallen away. I have been a great letter writer since I was quite young. At 16 I had my first letter published in the Daily Telegraph. One can imbue one’s character through choice of paper, pen and ink. I delight in sending a crisp envelope bearing a letter prepared on laid paper and written with one of my Parker 51s. I for one will continue to require the services of a postman. Some confidence appears to have returned to the property market and I am busy advising clients both locally and in London. You will all probably know that the VAT rate will return to 17.5% from 1 January 2010 and on the same date Stamp Duty Land Tax will apply at 1% at over £125,000 (by concession no SDLT has in the last year been payable until above £175,000). Who knows how matters will pan out. And here we are at the Christmas issue. I will be playing for the wonderful candlelit carol service at Flowton Church on Christmas Eve at 6.30 p.m. I wish all of my readers a most Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Howard Gibbons
133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ
All you can eat Thai buffet in the afternoon 60’s 70’s & 80’s music & fancy dress night Booking now on Tel : 01787 211021
Tel 01473 822488 White Hart / Boxford
E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Taylors Half
Mayor’s Diary
Page 1
Sunday 18th October the Mayor of Stowmarket Councillor Mrs Vera waspe, held her Civic Service at St. Peter and St. Mary’s Parish Church, followed by a reception in the church hall. 25th October, Mary and I after viewing an impressive exhibition entitled ‘Peace’ then attended an ecumenical service in the United Reform Church. This was followed by refreshments and I had the pleasure in presenting prizes to those who won a photographic competition covering different age categories. The young showing they are budding photographers. In the evening we drove to the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook. A capacity 19 Station Yard, Hadleigh - £750 p.c.m audience thoroughly enjoyed the Band of the Royal Marines of HMS Formerly the show home of Collingswood who played a varied programme of music with some most this award winning talented soloists. development, 'Mill House' 8th November. The parade of Armed forces, Council and members of local boasts stylish and organisations, and of the British Legion were led by the band of the contemporary living Stowmarket Boys Life Brigade. Wreaths were laid followed by a two minute over accommodation silence. The parade then processed to the United Reform Church for a 3 storeys. 4 Bedrooms, service of remembrance attended by a large congregation remembering the sacrifice of those who died in two world wars and other past and present 2 Receptions, Conservatory, conflicts. Kitchen & Utility Room, Gas 11th November. After observing the two minute silence in the area of the Fired Central Heating, Double Glazing, Double Cart Lodge, Royal British Legion at 11 am we then made our way up to the newly Parking refurbished War Memorial for the re-consecration led by the Dean the Rt rev Martin Thrower who then read out the additional names that have been 6 Smock Meadow, Bildeston - £495 p.c.m added. The gathering was very well supported. A smartly presented terraced Laurie Munson bungalow situated in this sought after village location. The property has been well maintained and decorated Following from two successful “invitation only” events, we have been throughout and is available TO asked on a number of occasions to promote a trial event where anyone LET now. 1 Bedroom, Living can buy a ticket and take part in ballroom, Latin American & old time Room, Double Glazing, dancing. The trial event will be held in the Grand Hall at Hadleigh Town Storage Heaters, Landscaped Hall on Saturday 6 February 2010 from 7.30 to 11.30. After the Rear Garden, Off Road Parking expenditure is taken care of, any surplus income will be donated to East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices. No-one will derive any income or Flat 1, 8 George St, Hadleigh - £295 p.c.m administration fees for organising the event. The third party costs will be A one bedroom first floor flat the hire of the hall, security, live music and a limited amount of available TO LET close to advertising. There will be live music from the talented duo Liqueur and to Hadleigh High Street ensure there is no overcrowding the numbers will be restricted to 72. To and all its amenities. maximise the floor space available for dancing the seating arrangement Sitting Room, Bedroom, will be for 9 tables of 8 with smaller numbers sharing a table. Bathroom, Kitchen, Storage On this occasion it is not intended to provide catering as the price might prove unaffordable for some, and the idea is to gauge whether this type Heating of event could feature on a regular (if not necessarily frequent) basis. The bar will be open and guests will be allowed to bring their own nibbles. This way we can restrict the admission charge to £10 per person. There will be a 30 minute break at 9.30 pm during which a prize draw will be held to raise funds for the children’s hospices. Local businesses are invited to donate prizes and the identity of the donors will be disclosed at the time of the draw unless the organiser is notified otherwise. This is an unusual opportunity to take part in modern dancing without being subjected to the overcrowding that is to be expected in a commercial choose... environment. For further information & tickets contact Mary Pipe on 01473 822978 or 07715 056 668. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Dancing at the Town Hall
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Call for your FREE MARKET APPRAISAL NOW Happy 16th Birthday Nic
01473 828280 8
Lots of love, Mum, Richard, Dad & Di
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Happy 18th Nichola on 16th December Love Mum, Dad, Bee, Luke, Daniel & Family
St Mary’s Church tower stair turret.. Visitors to Hadleigh’s unique group of historic buildings will doubtless have seen what is happening to St Mary’s church tower’s stair turret. Unfortunately poor previous work has now been dramatically exposed. Possibly interesting to historians, this collapse reveals the inner construction of this addition to the tower and clearly shows the absence of any bonding between the inner and outer skin. Accordingly one can speculate that the stair turret might have been added to the tower round about the time of the construction of the Deanery tower, the flintwork being a later modification. However, that aside, what can clearly be seen are the absence of any ties between the brick and the flintwork the rectification of which will cost ‘serious’ money. Over the years the cost of repairs to the church’s structural fabric has largely been met by the efforts of the Friends of St Mary’s, working closely with the PCC in raising many thousands of pounds to maintain the building, thereby freeing the congregation to concentrate on the church’s mission. When the interior repairs and decoration, currently under way, are completed the building will be in good order, with this one exception, the present collapse. With the onset of winter the need to avoid frost damage makes this repair a matter of urgency, if more damage is to be avoided Doubtless the ‘Friends’ will contribute again but there is a gap between the potential cost and the money available and it is by no means certain that grants will be forthcoming. A considerable shortfall is anticipated which will need to be found from somewhere., the first question being asked by any grant making body is what efforts are you making to raise funds? Accordingly, as a first step, if you would like to contribute to the repair of this part of Hadleigh’s special character, by a contribution to the ‘ St Mary’s Church Appeal Fund’ c/o the Parish Office, St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5ED … it would be much appreciated. John Bloomfield for the Friends of St Mary’s, 49 Angel Street
Friday Night Fever II Becky, Val and Liz would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped to make Friday Night Fever II such a success. Like last year, we had a brilliant night and are also delighted to say that £325 was raised for The Shelley Therapeutic Riding Centre. To everyone who supported us and came along, to our fabulous chef, Gemma Haining, our DJ Sarah (Cutting discos), our speedy servers-Becky and Anna, our dashing door-man "Reliable" Ken, the town hall team, Lester and KDS for our beautiful tickets, Kelvin at Avis's for advertising the event, Barclays for our monster cheque and everyone else who helped: THANK YOU! Friday Night Fever also made 'Hadleigh history' this year with an on-thespot live proposal!!! We'd like to wish the now engaged and happy couple all the very best for the future! (There's never a dull moment in Hadleigh!)
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your lifestyle From Homes & Gardens to Horses & Livestock we’ve got them covered Call Jane Hyde or Kathy Muir on 01473 688466 or email info@nfuinsurance.com NFU Mutual in Ipswich Harvest House, Alton Business Centre, Wherstead, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP9 2AX J Whyman, J Girling & J Hyde Agent of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited
Windows (Ipswich) The ultimate in design & quality at affordable prices
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Registered Company 29423
Telephone Maxine Vigus 01473 716318 Telephone Maxine Vigus
4 Masterlord Office Village, West Road, Ipswich IP3 9SX
Please note that due to the Christmas and New Year break the January edition of the Hadleigh Community News will be delivered a few days later than is usual.
01473 716318 4 Masterlord Office Village, West Road, Ipswich IP3 9SX www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Rise ‘n’ Shine Group
Rise 'n' shine would like to announce that Charlotte, Tracy and Cassie have taken over the Monday morning parent and toddler group at the Ansell centre. Rise 'n' shine is a very popular group welcoming mum's, dad's, carers and children every monday in term time from 9.15am till 11.00am for fun, play, craft and a friendly chat. There are plenty of toys and children from 0-5 yrs can enjoy the freedom and interaction of playing with each other. Since taking over the group a few weeks ago some exciting new changes have been introduced such as fruit/healthy snacks for the children with their water or juice and even some weeks a hot chocolate with marshmallows or a cappuccino for the grown ups! The aim is for all to enjoy, meet new mum's and dad's and drop in at any time. There is a small charge of ÂŁ1.50 which allows the group to run, buy new toys and have a christmas party which will be on December 14th this year. If you would like to join us on a monday please feel free to call in and start your week with a smile! We would also like to thank all the mum's, dad's and carers who support rise'n' shine every week and to Jo and Alan at the Brett Vale Children's centre who have helped this year.
ANDREWS Quality Butchers
Local and Traditional Christmas Fare
The Very Best of Suffolk Poultry TURKEY, CHICKEN, DUCK & GOOSE We always consider the animals welfare. Free Range Pork, Matured Scotch Beef, Prime English Lamb & Prime Gammon
Prepared Game, Speciality Farmhouse Cheeses, Pates, Salami and Olives to compliment our own cooked Gammons, our own Pork Pies, Steak Pies, Chicken Pies and other meats in the expanding delicatessen
74 High Street Hadleigh.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
R. R. Beechener Headstones and Memorials Do you have a memorial which needs care and attention? Which may be damaged? Which has sunk, become unsightly and needs raising? I am able to carry out repairs and refurbishment to most types of headstone and am very happy to provide a personalised quotation for you before work commences. The recently refurbished headstone pictured shows the quality result which can be achieved. For more information please contact Dick Beechener on 01473 823575 or 07801 444167
Hintlesham and Chattisham School
Headstones & Memorials ❖ ❖ ❖
R. R. Beechener ‘Beeches’, Churchill Avenue, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 6BT
Tel: 01473 823575 Mobile: 07801 444167
It’s an exciting time at our school as Christmas is approaching fast with many dates to put in your diary! The first of these is our Christmas Play HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to be held on Thursday 10th December and Friday Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151 11th December which the children are really looking forward too!! The Hintlesham & Chattisham Parent Association are organising a ‘Christmas Fayre’ to be held at Hintlesham Village Hall on Sunday 13th December HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Bookings &SAT Enquiries 01473 822151 2009 from 10.30am to 12.30 straight after the Christingle Tel Service at 5th, 9.00 pm: The Marques Brothers Hintlesham Church. Please come along and support this event. SUN 6th, 8.15 pm: Charlies Quiz, free to enter On Monday 14th December the whole school will be taking part in an SAT 26th, 2-5 pm: El Hayes Aladdin Workshop organised by Hintlesham & Chatisham Parent FRI 1st JAN, 3 pm: Shebeen Association. Our next exciting project will be developing a ‘Sensory We would like to wish all a very merry christmas Garden’ in the school grounds. and a prosperous new year. We currently have a few vacancies in school. If you are Please note that all meal deals and crunch menus do not operate interested in your child being part of our school, please contact during December and will return on Monday 3rd January the school office to make an appointment on 01473 652344 or www.thegeorgehadleigh.co.uk view the school via our website www.hintleshamchattisham.suffolksch.uk
THE GEORGE What’s on in December
Rendall & Wright The
Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151 i n t e r i o r f uHIGH r n i sSTREET, h i n g sHADLEIGH pecialists
Rendall & Wright offer a Comprehensive residential or commercial design and furnishing service. Call today to arrange a free consultation TELEPHONE: 01787 375076 FACSIMILE: 08700 639838 E-mail: interiors@rendallandwright.com www.rendallandwright.com G
“Land Girl” Blanche goes to the Palace
Hadleigh Pet Supplies Wishes all our customers a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Traditional Pet Shop offering a full range of quality Wild Bird seed, pet foods and bedding
Christmas gift ideas Dog coats, self-heating pet pads Pet accessories/toys, medicines Wild/Domestic bird seed/feeders Hutches, Arks, cages, aquariums Small pets for sale Frozen minces and reptile food Stock carrots and apples now in!
77 High Street, Hadleigh Telephone 01473 823203 12
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Blanche Ransome had a long day on October 21st. At 93 this was to be her first trip into the middle of London and she had a special invitation to have lunch at the Royal Opera House and to have tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Blanche was a “Land Girl” at Stone Street Farm and was one of 80,000 women who, during the Second World War, volunteered to work on the land. The Women’s Land Army had been set up in June 1939 to maintain if not increase the amount of food grown in Britain and take over from the men who had been called up for military service. In recognition of this important work and exactly fifty nine years after the Land Army was disbanded, ninety former members from across the country went to London. Blanche was one of a contingent of three representing Suffolk. Blanche had received her Women’s Land Army commemorative badge some while ago and had been among two hundred Land Girls invited to the Bury St Edmunds Cathedral in May this year. At the lunch in the Royal Opera House, Blanche was able to talk with the “top man” as she described him, Environment Secretary, the Rt. Hon Hilary Benn MP. She held his hand (photo) and told him of her war time experiences in Stone Street and how the bomb nearly destroyed the ‘Donkey’. Then in the afternoon there was tea in the elegance of the Buckingham Palace Ballroom with music provided by the band of the Welsh Guards. The ladies were seated at a number of round tables with spaces left for members of the Royal family to join the group. Princess Alexandra joined Blanche’s table and Blanche talked to her of farming in Hadleigh. Princess Michael of Kent also had a chat, the Queen was at the next table and Prince Phillip was also present. All in all this was a fitting celebration for Blanche and for all those who worked so hard on the land during difficult times. Nigel Crisp
Hadleigh Evening WI At the November meeting vice-president Patricia Stevenson welcomed members to the Annual General Meeting and auction. The committee remained the same with the exception of the treasurer who retired from the committee after five years service. June was thanked for doing such a splendid job with the finances. We now have a new treasurer and another new committee member and look forward to the new W I year with a full programme catering for all tastes. The Annual Competition Cup was presented to Naomi Partridge. The auction run by Beryl Allen raised £43.60; Beryl was thanked for acting as auctioneer. After tea and biscuits the meeting closed at 9.30pm. Monthly meetings are held every third Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Seminar Room, above the Library. The December meeting will be POETRY, PROSE, PUNCH AND PIES the members are arranging the Poetry and Prose and the committee are organising the punch and pies. It should be a fun evening, do join us. Visitors and new members welcome
St. Mary’s Church, Raydon
A Christmas Concert with the Suffolk Phoenix Brass Saturday 12th December at 7.30 pm Tickets £6.00, Children under 12 free For details 01473 310320 or 312123
TYRES, BATTERIES SERVICE & REPAIRS MOTs arranged All makes of tyre always available Eurospeed Tyre & Garage Limited Two Hadleigh men, Steve Beckett and Richard Dyer, have recently completed the purchase of Eurospeed Tyre & Exhaust. Steve and Richard would like to thank all of their customers past and present for their continued support. Although there has been a slight change to the name of the business Steve and Richard will continue to offer the same level of service customers have become used to. All leading manufactures of tyres and exhausts are stocked and you can always be sure of a very good price. All makes of cars can be serviced and repaired and MOT’s can be arranged. TYRE & GARAGE LIMITED
Steve, Joe and Richard would like to wish all their customers a very merry christmas
Unit 35a, Lady Lane Industrial Estate
For special Christmas gifts Silver Jewellery Scarves - Watches - Repairs - Batteries
The Jewel Box 5 Maiden Way, Hadleigh 01473 824862
Shiatsu Practitioner Andrew Stewart MRSS Dip BSS Back, shoulder and neck pain Sciatica, headaches Stress related conditions Joint pain, nagging injury Fatigue, sleeplessness and much more Clinics at Raydon and Dedham andrew@shiatsu-co.co.uk
Tel 01473 652093
A member of the Dedham Vale Network of complementary therapists and practitioners www.dedhamvalenetwork.com
THE BARBER STOP! No Appointment Necessary Free Parking Late Opening The Barber Stop continues to go from strength to strength and again we would like to thank all for their continued support. In an effort to provide value for money to our customers we will be offering the following offers to new and existing clients.
OFFER 1 FATHER & SON DEAL!!! For every father who has a hair cut his son will receive his hair cut half price. This offer applies to children under the age of 16. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop into the shop and ask.
OFFER 2 OAP CREDIT CRUNCHER!!! In response to a number of enquiries from our older clientele we have decided to 'slash' our Senior Citizens rate to £4.50 on Mondays & Tuesdays. The Barber Stop is mainly a mens walk in Barbers, but we do also offer appointments for the gents who have a busy schedule of just want to skip the queue. Below we have put our prices for all to see. Men’s wet cut. £9.50 Under 16’s £7.50 Men’s wash, cut and finish £13.00 Clipper Cuts £7.50 Men’s highlights and cut £30.00 Monday 9.00–5.00 Thursday 9.00–5.00
Tuesday 9.00–5.00 Friday 9.00–8.00
Wednesday 9.00–7.00 Saturday 8.00–4.00
3 Market Place, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DL
TELEPHONE 01473 829635 14
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Remembrance at Kersey School The pupils at Kersey School were joined by more than 70 parents, Governors and serving Army Officers for a family service of Remembrance at St Mary's Church, Kersey on Friday. Captain Lunn from the Army Air Corps and Rev. Tim ffrench Rector of Kersey lead the worship. During this moving service the children read poetry, sang the song "We will Remember" and led prayers. Head Teacher Belinda Harvey said "Remembrance has been an important feature of our worship during November. For the past five years the whole school community has shared and enjoyed this opportunity for remembering." Several of the school children's Fathers are serving Air Corps Officers who are serving in Afghanistan which makes this service a particularly meaningful feature of school life.
Myrtle Crisp The family of the late Myrtle Crisp wish to thank all those who sent the many cards and letters of condolence. The Church Collection and the donations in her memory, to the Lupus UK Charity realised a total of £735, for which we were most grateful, Thanks to all.
Live Music At Crabtrees Cafe Bar 4th December, 8.30 pm: Body & Soul Anne Burton (violinist in the popular folk/rock band Fiddlers Elbow) who’s voice has been compared to that of Laurel Masse of Manhatten Transfer, will be on piano and vocals with Bernie Hodgkins on bass. Bernie is particularly acknowledged as being one of the few players to bring an authentic, driving jazz feel to both the double bass and bass guitar. 11th December, 8.30 pm: Jabs Well regarded and very popular, Jabs performs the very best of swing with covers from the original Rat Pack. He has also introduced us to American swing His first love though is soul so we will organise a soul evening in the New Year. A brilliant performer. 18th December, 8.30 pm: Blueport Jazz Duo The cool sound of saxophone with brilliant guitar playing and vocals. 25th December: Closed 31st December: Castellani Acoustic Group (Ticket only.) Further dates and acts on our website: www.crabtreescafebar.co.uk
NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY AT CRABTREES CAFÉ BAR, HADLEIGH The Castellani Acoustic Group will be performing for us on New Year’s Eve. Some of the best acoustic music you will hear with superb technical expertise and beautiful vocals. Tickets are £25.00 each which includes a sumptuous buffet Doors open 7pm
Seasons Greeting from Hands Off Hadleigh You may have come across the new full colour Hands Off Hadleigh flier in this month’s issue of Hadleigh Community News. We hope that all our supporters, who do not want a supermarket on the Brett Works site, will display the flier in their windows or cars. We would like to illustrate that there remains widespread and resolute concern about the choice of site and that we are resolved to voice our objections in the New Year. For readers who do not have a flier, a smaller copy is featured alongside this article for you to cut out and display accordingly. WATCH THIS SPACE: At the time of going to print, a date has still not been announced when Babergh Council will actually consider the Tesco’s application. As soon as it is, Hands Off Hadleigh will be ready to spring into action and will call upon our growing number of supporters to voice concerns about the choice of site that is located immediately within the River Brett corridor and adjacent to a nature reserve on Broom Hill. Do keep an eye out in local press for details. WEBSITE SUPPORT: With New Year on the horizon, we would like to call upon voluntary help with maintaining and updating the Hands Off Hadleigh website. If anyone can help in this vital respect please can you contact Jane at The Idler, 37 High Street, Hadleigh , call (01473) 827752 or email bryan@theidler.plus.com. BACKGROUND: Tesco originally submitted the latest application to Babergh District Council on 18th February 2008 to build a 33,000 sq feet (3,055 sqm) class A1 retail unit on the banks of the River Brett, along with a second-class A1/A3 unit of 142 sqm. This application included associated access, servicing, landscaping, relocation of part of the Council’s own car park and neighbouring allotments, removal of trees and hedgerows. The original target date for a decision to be made was 20th May 2008. It was then deferred to end of Summer 2009, as Tesco still had to meet certain criteria with regards to cultivation of land, evacuation procedures and a surface water plan to limit impact of any run-off at the site. KEEP IN TOUCH Almost two years since the original application was made, Babergh District Council have yet to announce a date for a meeting when it will be considered. As soon as a date is announced, Hands Off Hadleigh will step up activity and will send out a call to action to all our supporters. In the meantime, we would like to thank you all for your continued and growing commitment to Hands Off Hadleigh and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Do keep in touch in 2010 by visiting www.hands-off-hadleigh.co.uk
HADLEIGH KITCHEN & BEDROOM STUDIO 86-88 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF Tel/Fax: 01473 827666 Est 1997 Fully fitted or DIY, you will still receive the same personal service and attention to detail
The Children’s Society A sum of £1042.81 was collected from the boxes this year. Many thanks to all collectors and box holders for their continuing efforts and support. Sue Mitchell (Parish Co-ordinator)
William Ball, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Crown, Kingswood and Cuisine Pyram Kitchens Neff Master Partner All other leading brands of appliances Opening hours: 10am-5pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am-4pm Saturday www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Out of School and Holiday Club in Hadleigh Term Time: 3.15pm to 4.30pm or 6.00pm & School Holidays: 8.00am to 6.00pm
For further information telephone: 07944 204120 or Email enquiries to: schools.out1@hotmail.co.uk With New Renovated Facility, New Equipment, New Outdoor Area & Hot Meals for those attending until 6pm
FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Sat 30 Jan Sat 30 Jan Wed 24 Feb Wed 24 Feb Sat 13 March Sat 27 March Sat 27 March Sat 10 April
Phantom of the Opera ....................................£48.50 Les Miserables................................................£47.50 Oliver.............................................................£69.00 The Lion King.................................................£56.00 Sister Act .......................................................£47.50 Mamma Mia ...................................................£81.80 Thriller ...........................................................£47.50 Billy Elliot .......................................................£58.00
Tickets now available for the New Andrew Lloyd Webber Show
Semer Airgun Society Semer Airgun Society was formed in July 2009 with the objective to encourage and facilitate the development of and participation in the sport of target shooting. Since forming the society membership has been steadily growing each week. We have a 4 lane 10 metre indoor range for both pistol and rifle shooting also use of an outdoor field target range where at present we shoot once a month, weather permiting. In November we held our first indoor friendly rifle match to which we invited members of Hadleigh Rifle Club to attend, all those who took part had a good time and are looking forward to another in the near future. Our next Field target shoot is planned for the 30 December 2009 details of which can be obtained on a society meeting evening or via our web site. The Semer Airgun Society meets at SEMER VILLAGE HALL Tuesday evenings at 7.30- 9.30pm and is open for anyone who thinks they might like to try the sport, juniors 12-16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. We welcome newcomers of all abilities and tuition is available at no cost, if you decide after trying for a few weeks that its not the sport for you then there is no obligation to become a full member. The society has its own guns for all to use if you do not own one yourself. Whilst shooting at the society you will be fully insured. Our venue has full disabled facilities and is wheelchair friendly. For further information please visit our web site www.semerairgunsociety.co.uk The Semer Airgun Society would like to take this opportunity to wish all Hadleigh Community News readers a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and look forward to seeing some of you soon. Terry Sanger, 01473 827458
“Love Never Dies” Saturday 10th, 17th & 24th April 2010 £92.50 inc. A £10 per person deposit will secure your booking, with the balance payable 4 weeks prior to date
SPECIAL EVENTS Sat 5 Dec Sat 5 Dec Sun 6 Dec Sun 6 Dec Sun 13 Dec Sun 13 Dec 19/20 Dec Sun 21 Feb 28/29 May Thurs 17 June Sat 10 July
Norwich ..............................................................£11.00 Lakeside or Bluewater .........................................£14.00 Clothes Show Live at Birmingham NEC (Inc) ........£60.00 Thursford Christmas Spectacular (Inc).................£47.50 Winter Wonderland & London Xmas Lights ..........£18.00 Thursford Christmas Spectacular (Inc).................£47.50 Co-op Juniors Christmas Special (Inc) ..................£26.00 “X Factor” The Live Tour (Inc)...............................£60.00 Chelsea Flower Show (Inc)...................................£65.00 Royal Ascot Ladies Day .......................................£62.00 Hampton Court Flower Show (Inc).......................£45.00
SHOW PACKAGES Tues 19th Jan Sun 24th Jan
Legally Blonde & Meal at Maxwells......................£74.00 Hairspray & Sunday Carvery Lunch .....................£62.50
FORTHCOMING TOURS 2010 11/13 June Monets Gardens and Paris 25 June - 2 July Landeck and Austrian Tyrol 12 - 16 July Rhine and Moselle Valleys 7 - 8 August Weekend in Paris 18 - 26 September Fenals, Costa Brava, Spain
The Chris Corder Fundraising Walk Various family and friends of Chris taking part Benton Street Hadleigh to Royal London Hospital (From the accident site to where he was airlifted to)
90 - 100 Miles Over 4 Days 27th to 30th December 2009 Please Donate for the The Chris Corder Fund and The Chris Corder Fundraising Walk At The Ram, The George, Avis’s and St Marys Church or Via Collection Box or Cashier Desk at Lloyds Tsb, Hadleigh Branch or Send Postal Donations to St Marys Church, Church Street, Hadleigh IP7 5DT Stating ‘The Chris Corder Fund’ on the Envelope and/or Cheque www.thechriscorderfund.moonfruit.com if you wish to help organise your own fundraising event for the Chris Corder Fund and the Chris Corder Fundraising Walk, or you wish to have a collection box or poster in your business, or you have any questions please contact stuart hunt on 07805 502796 or steve hunt on 07748 623827 or email stuarthuntcufc@hotmail.com
Prices to be advised
Please note all our Excursions, Short Breaks and Holidays Pick-Up in Hadleigh We would like to wish all our customers a very happy christmas and a happy, healthy 2010, we do hope you will travel with us in the future and thank you for your past custom For further details on our great value-for-money excursions and short breaks, call in to our Office at The Coach Depot, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh or phone (01473) 212521 or 823243
www.beestons.co.uk 16
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Meetings: 9.30am Monday The Salvation Army Hall, Duke Street, Hadleigh IP7 5DP 6.00pm Tuesday St Mary’s Primary School, Stone House Road Hadleigh IP7 5BH
Phone Caroline on 01473 823671 or email caroline@suffolk-life.org.uk for more details Weight Watchers Customer Services: 08457 123000 or on line www.weightwatchers.co.uk
Diamond-Lites Majorettes Wow what a season! The girls have been busy all summer, training hard and it has paid off. For only our second season out competing around East Anglia the girls have had amazing results, both as a troupe and as individuals with 34 fourth place, 24 third place, 15 second place and 6 first place trophies and medals. These results wouldn’t have been possible with out the hard work and dedication of the girls and the trainers. Thank you also to all the mums and dads who come along to every competition to help and support the girls. Well done to Jordanna Leeks, Lauren Cousins, Kim Bussey and Fran Palfreman who were section leaders this year, you did an amazing job! We also held our first competition this year, at Elmsett Village Hall which went amazingly well. A big thank you to the local businesses who sponsored our trophies: HAINES WATTS ACCOUNTANTS, HADLEIGH, IPSWICH (FORMALLY WILKINS MCLEESE), PINNACLE STAINLESS LTD and KMR ENGINEERING. Thank you also to the businesses who donated prizes for our raffle: THE GEORGE, THE JEWEL BOX, BOOTS PHARMACY, PLUM GREEN, FROST AND PARTNERS, ADNAMS, PARTRIDGES FRUIT AND VEGTABLES, STACEY LOUS LADIES AND CHILDRENS CLOTHES SHOP, SHIRLEY TURNER AND PARTRIDGES. Thank you to everyone who gave up their free time to judge and to all the mums, dads and family members who came along to help, without your help we couldn’t have run the competition. Well done to all the girls who worked hard escorting their troupes on and off the arenas all day, you did an amazing job and we were all very proud of you. Thank you to Val and Mark Kennington from St Johns for being at the competition, you were a great help. The girls are now hard at work learning all the new routines for next year. We have 4 sections, tinies 5-9 year olds, juveniles 10-13 year olds and juniors 13-15 year olds. We still have places in our junior section if you would like to have a 2 week free trial or find out more please ring Liz on 07738 571307. Sponsored by Pinnacle Stainless Ltd and Red Hawk Leisure Wear
New Self-Hypnosis Courses starting in February 2010 in East Bergholt. Like to know more? Contact Liz Kotarska (01206 299724 www.lifechangesnow.co.uk or Hugh Clover (01206 323089 www.hughclover.co.uk TEN PERCENT DISCOUNT FOR ALL APPLICATIONS BEFORE CHRISTMAS.
Delightful Dual Registered Nursing and Residential Home offering care to 34 residents
The Hair Academy
112 High Street, Hadleigh
Specialising in fashion cuts and colour. Also available are gents and children’s cuts, perms and chemical straightening. Contact us for a free consultation
01473 822772 osis
Make your Xmas appointment early! Walk in customers always welcome
Tim Allen Windows Celeb rati ng 15 y ea rs of tradi ng
Over 30 Years Experience
PVC-u Conservatories, Windows, Doors, Fascias, Soffits, Bargeboards etc. Also Extensions & General Building Replacement Sealed Units
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Synseal Internally Glazed PVC-U Casement Shield B2 - Rating
Registered Company
10 Year Insurance Backed Guarantee www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
An Invitation from the Churches Together In Hadleigh There’s nothing like a party to bring friends and family together. And Christmas is a fantastic reason to have a party. People can come together from different places with very different experiences to celebrate – in this case it’s Christmas – or you might see it as a birthday party for Jesus. People have parties in very different ways. If you’re a child it may be a football party or a party with a bouncy castle. Those of us who are older may have a few friends around for a meal or invite more people for drinks and food. One of the ways in which the church has a party is to sing with joy and listen to words from the bible – plus lots more too! The churches in Hadleigh invite you to a party! In fact there will be several parties – times to come together and celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world. You will find the list of church services elsewhere. They will be probably be quite different occasions, but there is a great richness in being different. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been to church before, or perhaps haven’t been for a while. You will find people very welcoming and happy to include you in the celebration. Join us as we celebrate the reason for the season.
John and Peggy Page Wish all their friends in Hadleigh a “Very Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year”.
at Hadleigh Guildhall 10 am on Tuesdays Elaine 07946 815148 5.45 pm on Thursdays Yvonne 07971 921093
08700 75 46 66 www.slimmingworld.com
St Mary's Church, Hadleigh The Dean writes…….. Well, it’s that time of year again. Are you ready for Christmas yet? As I write this many of our shops have their Christmas decorations up and shortly the official lights will be turned on in Hadleigh. The shops are stacked with everything we could possibly want to buy for the celebration including, of course, ideas for presents. Are you one of those people who has done everything already: bought the presents and even written down the menus for all the meals over the seasonal period? Or are you a ‘last minute’ person – frantically wrapping presents on Christmas Eve and wondering if you will ever get to bed because there is so much still to do? In our frantic world, the long lead-time to Christmas means that we have lost a real appreciation for the season of Advent. We seem so obsessed with being ready for the big day that we have forgotten the art of waiting. Our culture encourages us to want things now, today. Credit cards mean we can spend money without waiting to actually have it ourselves. Things have to be done today …. There isn’t time to wait. Technology provides us with emails (a brilliant innovation), but we want a reply quickly – now. We’ve forgotten how to wait. Advent comes from a Latin word which means ‘coming’. From 29 November to Christmas Eve the Church looks forward to the coming of Jesus into the world – not just to celebrate his coming as a baby over 2000 years ago, but also his coming again. I am only too aware that the next few weeks will be hectic, and to be honest the Church joins in by frantically packing in carol services and joining schools and others to see plays, concerts and have fun. But – can I challenge you to just consider the lost art of waiting. If you have waited for the arrival of a child then you will know perhaps how Mary felt as she awaited the birth of Jesus. There is great value in waiting. If a child was instantly born there would be no time to consider the implications of its arrival, no time for you and the child to have an intimate encounter, no time to prepare, and no time to realise our part in what is happening. As Christmas approaches, take a bit of time waiting, and whilst you wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus, consider the implications of his arrival and realise that he came to earth so that you might be able to live a life of freedom – a life in which you can encounter the God who created you and loves you for who you are. Have a blessed Christmas.
The Porch Project
Mulberry Maids The Domestic Cleaning Experts Family Business offering: all Domestic Cleaning, Regular Cleans Spring Cleans and One-off Cleans Holiday and Rental Properties All tailored to meet your needs Contact Max on 01473 827338 or 07736 715792 18
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
In September we embarked on fulfilling a vision to welcome teenagers into the church building on Friday nights. The church porch has been a meeting place for many years and we now offer hospitality for around 25-30 teenagers from 9pm every week. They are incredibly grateful for a warm safe space in which they can meet and be given free food and drink. We have a healthy list of those willing to help, but if you would like to provide food or give some money to the hospitality fund, please contact the Dean.
Join us as we Celebrate the saints 7.30pm High Mass at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh Monday 14 December – John of the Cross CAFÉ CHURCH at St Mary’s Every Friday morning from 9.30am to 12noon Fresh coffee – croissants – a look at the newspapers Toddler and children’s activity area 10am Join us for a short all-age communion service Use the chapel as a place to stop and be still for a while
This 3 bedroom bungalow has large gardens and is offered chain free. Plenty of room to extend s.t.p.p.
A very smartly presented staggered terraced property with three double bedrooms.
Capel St Mary
Extended four bedroom detached house in a corner of a cul-de-sac in the popular village of Capel St Mary.
Our latest EXCLUSIVE Mortgage could open the door to your new home • 3 year fixed rate • 85% Loan to Value • £995 arrangement fee • Free valuation (to a maximum of £1,190) • £250 cashback • Limited availability Early Repayment Charge is payable, as well as any cashback benefits. Mortgage availability depends upon your circumstances.
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With a good sized garden this four bed detached family home has an en-suite to the master bedroom.
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An interesting three bedroom detached property situated close to town and benefiting from allocated parking.
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An individual detached house set in good sized gardens to the front and rear. Situated on the outskirts of the town.
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See our ‘Open House’ properties at
Very well presented 3 bedroom modern property situated in a popular area on the outskirts of Hadleigh.
For security reasons anyone wishing to view one of our Open Houses on 5th or 6th December, will require a password for the weekend, which can be obtained from any of our offices.
Offered chain free, this ground floor two bedroom maisonette is conveniently close to the High Street.
This extended detached house is larger than first appears, with three double bedrooms, a study and views to the rear.
A charming grade II listed cottage with a wealth of character features and two bedrooms.
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Page 1
Lavender Hall Kindergarten for little minds to flourish
For children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 52 weeks of the year.
At Lavender Hall Kindergarten we provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to learn through play.
Hadleigh 01473 826100 East Bergholt 01206 299511 www.lavenderhall.com
Having a Christmas clear out? Then why not help the Hospice If you are thinking of updating your evening wear or replacing furniture – you could help St Elizabeth Hospice. The Hospice is looking for donations of good quality furniture to sell in some of its shops, and they will even collect them from your home. The funds raised through the shops enable St Elizabeth Hospice, which marked its 20th anniversary last month, to continue to make a real difference to the lives of their patients and families, friends and carers. This month donations of evening wear are also needed as the party season gets under way. The Hospice is asking people to donate any formal evening wear or party dresses that they do not want anymore during an Evening Wear Amnesty. They would also like menswear, dinner jackets, ties and accessories such as bags, shoes and shawls. You may even find inspiration that week for an outfit to buy for a party this Christmas or New Year. Christmas cards, wrapping paper and diaries are available to buy from the shop in Maiden Way, Hadleigh, and you can also pop in for ideas for festive gifts. If you have any furniture that you would like to donate please don’t call the Hadleigh shop – instead contact the Meredith Road shop, 3 - 5 Meredith Road, Ipswich, IP1 6ED on 01473 744080 Monday – Saturday 9.00am – 4.00pm
New Years Eve Party at The Millfield Hadleigh United Football Club have organised a party to welcome in the New Year at 'The Clubhouse' on Thursday 31st December, doors open at 7pm. Families are welcome, admission is by ticket only purchased in advance. We have live music provided by 'FULL PROOF' with fireworks at midnight. Ticket details can be obtained from Donna on 07917 730516. For details of events organised by the Football Club visit our website www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk click on club and then choose club events from the drop down menu.
The Jolly Meat Company Ltd
5197 Shop Opening Advert
Page 1
“Tis the season to be Jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la”
Yes, Christmas has arrived again and we at the Jolly Meat Co would like to help you have one of the best ever. We are stocking white and bronze turkeys, as well as geese, ducks, cobs and three bird roasts so that whatever takes your fancy we can help you out. All of our birds are Johnson’s Poultry free range and promise to be delicious and succulent. Of course we will be providing all the usual accruements for Christmas too – sausage meat, cocktail sausages, cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon, stuffing...if you can think of it, then we can help you. Please call the shop with your requirements and we can make it happen! We are also offering Christmas presents in the form of ‘Jolly Meat Vouchers’. You can purchase a voucher for any amount, so that your friends and family can enjoy Jolly good meat well into the New Year. Don’t forget our ‘Pig in a day’ butchery course. This New Butchers Shop, specialising in informative, friendly and locally sourced, high welfare produce above all fun course would Opening Times: Monday - Saturday 8am - 5pm make a unique Christmas The Jolly Meat Company Ltd, 83 High Street, present for the person who Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5EA has everything. For further Tel: 01473 810119 details please call into the shop or phone us. Finally Sam, Charlie and Kelvin would like to thank all of our customers for your kind support over the last 7 months. It has been hard work, but with your help most enjoyable. We look forward to developing and improving the Jolly Meat Co into 2010. As always it is your feedback that drives the business so please tell us what you think.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Take, Make but not Bake at Fidelis Fidelis ladies have come to value the extra time spent with fellow members at the few meetings a year without a speaker. The last gathering no was exception. With a variety of Christmas kits on offer and, under the patient guidance of Lin Slaughter, the ladies set about sewing, sticking and gluing to transform the many pieces in their chosen pack into seasonal decorations and cards. Although the work was absorbing, given a women’s innate ability to multi – task there was also plenty of chatter and laughter throughout the evening. Once again, the finished items displayed a great deal of skill and hidden talent in the group. Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for 2010 from all at Fidelis. Jan Devey
Thank You I would like to say a big thank you for all the cards and get well wishes after receiving my new hip replacement, it was very much appreciated. Muriel Waspe
Recognise anyone? Bridge Street School, 1958
Imagine traditional stunning trees, Imagine traditionaldecorations, decorations, stunning trees, thousands of loglog thousands of twinkling twinklingbright brightlights, lights,roaring roaring fires and and that that wafting wafting smell smell of of warm warm mulled mulled wine. fires wine.
Festive Fayre - Festive FayreLunch Lunch
MontotoSat Satfrom fromNov Nov25th 25thtotoDec Dec 30th Mon 30th (Exc.24th, 24th,25th 25thand and26th 26thDec) Dec) (Exc. BucksFizz Fizzand andCanapes Canapesononarrival. arrival. Bucks Choice 3-course meal, coffee andpetits petits fours Choice 3-course meal, coffee and fours - ONLY£33.75pp £33.75pp ONLY
Party Nights- Party Nights
Among those pictured are: Teddy Seager, Stanley Green, David Smyth, Howard Byham, David Jackson, Keith Thompson, Nigel Rea, Alan Keeble, John Leathers, Joseph Eccles, Alan Fosker, Leslie Nicholls, Anthony Whiting, Dennis Hynard, Lenny Spraggons, David Upson, Richard Hill, Graham Elmer, Danny Upson, John Dyball, Les Orris, David Jones The Headmaster was W. A. B. Jones
Bringyour yourparty partytotoour ourparty. party. Bring Bucks Fizz and canapes arrival. Bucks Fizz and canapes ononarrival. Choice pies and Choice3-course 3-coursemeal, meal,coffee, coffee,mince mince pies and dancing dancing‘til ‘tilmidnight. midnight.Midweek Midweek£44.50pp, £44.50pp, Friday Friday £49.50pp, Saturday £55.00pp. £49.50pp, Saturday £55.00pp.
Hintlesham Hall Gift Vouchers Hintlesham Hall Gift Vouchers -
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Happy 20th Birthday on the 3rd November, lots of love and kisses from Ali, family & friends XXX
NICHOLA Happy 18th Birthday Love Mum & Dad www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Many thanks Rosemary As Chairman of the Parkinson’s Disease Society, of Ipswich and East Suffolk, I would like to, on behalf of the Branch, thank Rosemary Ling and her daughter Tracey Woodward for their donation 0f £160.00 to the branch funds. Having walked the “Orwell Walk” a distance of approx 12 miles earlier this year. This is the second time that Rosemary and her daughter have given so generously to the cause. In 2005 they gave June and I funds from another walk, to boost our Round Great Britain trip. It is with the wonderful generosity of the public that so many causes such as Parkinson’s and many other survive to find a cure. Both the Branch, June and I, thank Rosemary and Tracey for their kind gift, and congratulate them both on their achievement. John Gurr
Proposed Hadleigh Community Facility Readers of the Hadleigh Community News may recall that Babergh District Council fenced off parts of the land around the swimming pool in April this year. This was done to prevent its use for sport or pastimes and establish whether the land could be claimed as a town or village green. Should all or part of the land be so classified then Babergh, or any other organisation, would not be able to construct either the proposed new Hadleigh Community Facility (comprising a gym, dance studio and community space) or any other building – including a new swimming pool. Anyone can apply to Suffolk County Council to register open space land as a town or village green for a period of two years from when a piece of land has been fenced off. Following a review of its position, Babergh has decided it is necessary to keep the fencing up for the full period (ie until April 2011). Babergh appreciates that this is a less-than-ideal situation, but hopes that the vast majority of the town’s residents will appreciate that unless this is done the future potential of the site will be lost forever. Babergh – which has already written directly to the near-neighbours of the swimming pool and the site of the community facility - will ensure that a reasonable level of maintenance of the fenced-off areas is provided during the remaining period in question.
Hadleigh Catholic Parish Wishes all readers a holy and merry Christmas Parish Priest: Fr Michael Vulliamy (01473 823989) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367)
Sunday: Sacred Heart, Nayland: 9.15 a.m. St Joseph’s, Hadleigh 11 a.m. Monday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh
TOPPESFIELD COTTAGES We have two stylish properties in the Hadleigh area accommodating 2 or 4 people Family or friends wanting to visit, but no space to put them up? Why not offer them a pleasant break in one of our comfortable cottages. Bookings for weekends and short breaks are available throughout the year.
Contact Gale for more details 01473 829129 / info@toppesfieldcottages.co.uk 22
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Mass Mass (followed by tea and coffee)
9.25 a.m.
Mass (includes Morning Prayer)
Mass No Mass
9.25 a.m.
Mass (includes Morning Prayer)
Friday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh
9.25 a.m.
Mass (includes Morning Prayer)
Saturday: Sacred Heart, Nayland
9.30 a.m.
Latin Mass
Tuesday: Sacred Heart, Nayland Wednesday: Thursday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh
Christmas Arrangements: St. Joseph’s Hadleigh Sunday 6th December 6.30 p.m. Monday 21st December 7.30 p.m. Christmas Eve 5.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. Christmas Day Sacred Heart, Nayland: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh
9.15 a.m 11 a.m
Christmas Concert Penitential Service Children’s Mass Carols followed by. Christmas Vigil Mass (8.30) Mass Mass followed by tea and coffee
For any changes to the times of week-day Masses please consult the Parish Newsletter, or contact Father Michael or Deacon Andy. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after week-day Masses, or by arrangement with Father Michael.
News from The Station
Excellent range of kitchens & bedrooms available from leading manufacturers including Zimmer, Sigma, Crown & our entry level kitchen Crown Lifestyle. We also supply appliances from leading brands.
Dear Readers Welcome to this months Police news item. Babergh East SNT currently has 3 Priorities (areas that you told us we need to concentrate our efforts on) they are as follows: 1. Target Anti Social Behaviour in Target Anti Social Behaviour in Belstead meadows and illegal use of motorcycles in Bobbits lane 2. Public reassurance patrols in Hadleigh Town Centre - Friday and Saturday evenings targeting youths being a nuisance outside licensed premises and the area of the swimming pool 3. - Target anti social behaviour and under age drinking in Shotley/ Shotley beach and Harkstead beach The above priorities reflect local concerns and are in keeping with the Policing Pledge. In the future we intend to hold monthly meetings that will alternate between East Bergholt, Pinewood & Hadleigh. These meetings are open to the general public and will be your chance to voice your opinions & influence future priorities. It is anticipated that the next meeting will be at Pinewood Community Hall on 15th December (please check website and noticeboard outside the station for times) As I am sure many of you are aware that on Friday 6th November a 42 year old Male, of Lady Margaret Road in London was charged with a number of offences following a road traffic collision on Sunday 27th September 2009 Charges are as follows: • Careless driving • Failing to stop at the scene of an injury collision • Failing to report an injury collision • Dangerous driving • Attempting to pervert the course of justice • Driving other than in accordance with a licence and • Driving without insurance. 42 year old Chris Corder was seriously injured in the collision on Benton Street and our thoughts are with his family and friends. PCSO 3092 Adams, Hadleigh Police Station, 01473 613500 Joanne.Adams@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
Hadleigh Black Cat Club Our first October meeting was brightened by the beautiful jewellery displayed by Mary Bradbrook. Mary started by giving a talk on the benefits of the minerals which she uses in her handmade items. Members were invited to inspect her workmanship and were also given the opportunity to make that all important Christmas purchase. On our next meeting we had the chance to “glam up” with a visit from Jo Sheldrake from The Body Shop – no ladies not a new body but some affordable cosmetics and creams, all to try before you buy!!!. We had our usual bonfire night supper with lots of delicious food, a glass of wine and a game. On our next meeting we have Charlie from The Jolly Meat Company coming to talk about his meat and hopefully give us some ideas for Christmas. Lynn Todhunter
CHRISTMAS CONCERT With Hadleigh Choral Society Conductor Christopher Phelps Accompanist John Cooper
St. Mary’s Church Saturday 12th December at 7.30 pm FREE ENTRY Retiring collection for the Children’s Society
Baker Interiors offer a complete service from design & supply to a full installation service including building, tiling & electrical work. Contact John or Jo on 01473 828366 or email jo@bakerinteriors.co.uk Visit our website www.bakerinteriors.co.uk
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Onceand cherished nursery No. 1 For children’s, Outdoor Play maternity items.nursery Once cherished children’s,
No. 1 For Outdoor Play and items. Once cherished children’s, nursery Once cherished children’s, nursery Once cherished children’s, nursery Once cherished children’s, nursery Contact us tomaternity sell your items on a Once cherished children’s, nursery and maternity items. Contact us to sell your items on a and maternity items. and maternity items. and maternity items. Once cherished children’s, nursery and maternity items. and maternity items. commission basis. Contact uscommission to sell yourbasis. items on a Contact us to sell your items on on Contact us to sell your items on a on Contact usto to sellyour your items aa and maternity items. Contact us sell items aaon Contact us to sell your items commission basis. commission basis. commission basis. Contact us to sell your items on a commission basis. commission basis. commission basis. commission basis. TPTPCentre CentreofofExcellence Excellence Super Tramp Stockist Super Tramp Stockist Centre of Excellence TP Centre of Excellence TP of Excellence TP Centre Centre ofof Excellence TP Centre Excellence TP Play Houses Play Houses Super Tramp Stockist Super Tramp Stockist Super Tramp Stockist Centre of Stockist Excellence TP Super Tramp Centre of Excellence TP Go-Karts Super Tramp Stockist Go-Karts Play Houses Play Houses Play Houses Super Tramp Stockist Play Houses Ride on Toys Super Tramp Stockist Play Houses RideGo-Karts on Houses Toys Go-Karts Go-Karts Go-Karts Play Go-Karts Ride on Toys Play Houses Ride on Toys Go-Karts Ride on Toys Ride on Toys Ride onToys Toys MassiveGo-Karts range of outdoor Ride on
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10am –4pm. Sunday and Monday Sunday and Monday Sunday and Monday Open every day except Open every day except Sunday and Monday
College Farm Open every day except IP8Ipswich 3NT Bank Holidays and out of 10am –4pm. Where you can TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Ipswich 10am –4pm. Ipswich 10am –4pm. Hintlesham Sunday and Monday Hintlesham Sunday and Monday Ipswich 10am –4pm.
hours by appointment. Hintlesham Sunday and Monday IP8 3NT Bank Holidays andof out of of IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out Ipswich 10am –4pm. IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out of IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out Ipswich 10am –4pm. Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk College Farm Open every dayofexcept Tel: 01473 652550 hours by appointment. Ipswich 10am –4pm. hours by appointment. IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out hours by appointment. hours by appointment. IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out of 01473 Sunday and Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk Bank Tel:Tel: 01473 652550 hours by appointment. EEmail: m ail: aadmin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk dHintlesham minIP8 @bib3NT s-and-bobs.co.uk TTel: el:01473 0 1Holidays 4appointment. 73 652550 6652550 52and 55Monday 0 out of Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk hours by Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk hours by appointment. Tel: 01473 652550 Ipswich 10am –4pm.
Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk IP8 3NT
Tel: 01473 652550 Tel: 01473 652550 Bank Holidays and out 23 of hours by appointment.
Christmas at Keith Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EF - Telephone 01473 823131
A wide selection of Christmas Cards including Hadleigh and Charity cards 30 Traditional Cards - R.R.P. £4.99 Our Price £2.99 14 Luxury Cards - R.R.P. £4.99 Our Price £2.99 Many other selections available
Special Offer Tinsel 99p each or 2 for £1.49
Wide selection of Christmas Wrap sheets and rolls
Special Offer 6 metre roll R.R.P. £1.99 Our Price £1.25
Gift Bags, Gift Boxes, Bows, Ribbon, Gift Tags, Crackers, Blu Tak, Sellotape, Glitter, Gold & Silver Pens, Cake Decorations, Party Poppers, Balloons, 2010 Diaries & Calendars
2010 Diaries A4 - Page a day A4 - Week to view A5 - Page a day A5 - Week to view A6 Diary Wall Planner
£3.99 £2.25 £2.25 £1.25 99p £1.50
Huge range of Toys and Stocking Fillers! The Directors and Staff would like to thank you for your custom during 2009. We wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Do you suffer from stress? Stress is a term that seems to have infiltrated into our language more and more as we face the ever increasing pressure - and increased pace - of life in the 21st Century. Stress, in fact, can mean different things to different people. But, perhaps, the one common thread that runs through everyone’s experience of stress is the overwhelming discomfort it causes us, which, in turn, prevents us from enjoying a full and happy life. Sometimes, we may feel that we just need that bit of help to get us through the tough times. But where can we look with confidence for that help? If this is how you have been thinking, have you ever thought of complementary therapy or counselling as a way of gaining that support? If you have, have you ever been confused as to where exactly to look for that experienced and trustworthy help that you need? The Dedham Vale Network of Complementary Practitioners was formed in 2005 to help those people perhaps just like you - who were looking to take the complementary therapy route to overcome a whole number of problems of which stress can often be an intrinsic part, but were perhaps not sure where to look with confidence.. The network is a select group of complementary therapists, who have got together to ensure experienced and ethical practice in the Dedham Vale and wider area. Complementary therapy is exactly what it says it is – complementary to mainstream health support using established psychological techniques and natural remedies to treat a wide range of difficulties. So what therapies are available from the Dedham Vale Network and how can these approach the problem of stress? HOMEOPATHY: Therapist Arlene Lyne says homeopathy “is a holistic medicine based on an understanding of the interconnection of mind and body. Homeopathy can stimulate the body’s natural tendency to heal itself. It has been found to be as effective as prescribed drugs in the treatment of anxiety. Homeopathic medicines contain a much diluted amount of active natural ingredients, which do not pose toxicity problems, are not addictive, and can be safely used alongside other forms of medical treatment”. HYPNOTHERAPY: Practitioners Hugh Clover and Liz Kotarska state hypnotherapy “addresses stress in a number of ways. It teaches you how to relax both mind and body. It can help you to uncover the underlying issues which may be behind your stress, and allows you to think about how you can deal with your stress in a more positive way in both the present and the future”. Hugh and Liz also run regular self-hypnosis courses giving you a “self-help kit” for dealing with stress and other challenges as well as positive thinking. REFLEXOLOGY: Marion Gill explains reflexology “works from the premise that the body has its own healing facilities, which are severely hampered when you are in a stressful state. Reflexology aims to help the body unwind and relax enabling it to restore its natural balance. You may also find it beneficial to have a regular treatment to help keep the body in a more relaxed state”. SHIATSU: Andrew Stewart confirms that shiatsu “is by its very nature a relaxing experience. In shiatsu terms stress can be seen as an imbalance in one or more of the energetic systems within the body. It is effective by manipulation of the specific acupuncture points to clear blocks to efficient energy flow, and by the use of some musculoskeletal techniques. Shiatsu does not only help reduce the immediate stress symptoms such as sleeplessness, aches, pains and irritability, it may also help to stop them re-occurring”. COUNSELLING: Amanda Portway offers counselling as “a way to understanding what the underlying causes of stress are for you, and to help you to explore what choices you have to deal with that stress as well as any symptoms you are experiencing - particularly if you are suffering from anxiety or panic.” If you would like to know more about the Dedham Vale Network and its therapists, and how complementary therapy may be able to help you with stress and many other difficulties, why not take a look at our website – www.dedhamvalenetwork.co.uk. We really would love to hear from you.
FRENCH TUITION IN SUDBURY Groups & one-to-one From complete beginners to advanced New classes starting in January 2010 Carole 07905 298 595 frencht@btinternet.com
Which is Witch?
Justine Bergdahl
Twins Elouise and Beatrice Aged 5
Happy 40th Birthday on the 25th Love Carl, Harry, Molly, Mark, Vicky, Oliver, James, Mum & Dad
ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY Master NLP Practitioner Overcome problems – Feel great – Achieve your goals
HUGH CLOVER (MA Ed), MABCH, MCAHyp UKCHO Nearly 20 years experience: Caring and confidential help with relaxation, stress, phobias, confidence, sleep, smoking, weight, unwanted habits, and many other psychological, emotional and physical problems. Hugh is experienced working with children.
WHY NOT TAKE A LOOK AT HUGH’S WEBSITE? WWW.HUGHCLOVER.CO.UK For further information please contact Hugh on 01206 323089 or email hughhyp@hotmail.com. (Stratford St Mary - Easy access and parking just off the A12 between Ipswich and Colchester) Member of the Dedham Vale Network of complementary therapists and practitioners
When the ordinary simply isn’t enough. From a simple stem to a large arrangement we provide your home or event with the wow factor. Our shop in Hadleigh is a veritable treat of brightly coloured flowers, pots, vases and other lovely things, please pop by and take a look.
Open Monday to Saturday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm We now deliver our own flowers Nationwide
82 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF Telephone: 01473 827698 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Your journey to a younger looking skin
Open Day Saturday 5th December, 9.30 am - 4.30 pm Learn about the health of your skin with
The Ultimate Skin Consultation Dr Walker - Susan French - Angela O’Sullivan In depth screen photographs £15 (15 minutes) Half hour consultation which includes photographs, skin analysis and personal programme £30 Please book for camera as we have limited places
Victoria House 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh
T: 01473 828805 info@frenchcomplexionsuffolk.co.uk www.frenchcomplexionsuffolk.co.uk
Daisy Chain says thankyou
News from St Mary’s School
Daisy Chain would like to thank everyone who supported and came to our first Christmas Shopping Open Evening. The money raised is going towards the Afghanistan soldiers appeal. We are currently in talks with the Wattisham army base to find out how they would like to use the money we raise from the next Christmas Shopping Open Evenings to best support our soldiers. By the time this goes to press the third Christmas Shopping Opening Evening on Friday 4 December will be fast approaching, so do come and help us spread festive cheer from 5pm9pm and enjoy a glass of wine while browsing for those perfect Christmas presents for family & friends. Choose from beautiful costume jewellery, evening dresses, brand new shoes and boots, evening handbags, gifts & accessories, new wedding dresses, Suffolk handmade candles and so much more…………Not sure what present to choose? A Daisy Chain gift vouchers makes the perfect Christmas gift. Daisy Chain wishes all our customers and volunteers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Daisy Chain still has a few half day vacancies, if you would like to help, please call Joan on 01473 810177.
St Mary’s Year Six – A Fantastic Week Pupils in Year Six at St Mary’s returned home to a well earned half term holiday rest following a week of jam-packed activities organised by the Aylmerton Field Studies centre in Norfolk. Throughout the week the group completed both team and individual challenges, showing both their teachers and themselves what a great bunch they are. Our base was the historic ‘Pleasaunce’ Christian holiday centre at Overstrand. This provided a great setting for some spooky story telling, as well as a base for beginning to explore and understand our everchanging coast of East Anglia. However, perhaps the most appreciated feature of the Pleasaunce were the comfy beds and great food – a real treat at the end of every exhausting day! Mind you, the adventure playground seemed to help most find yet more energy reserves. Through a study of the coast pupils debated the pros and cons of sea defences and the many forms that this can take. At first hand they witnessed the desperate situation some home owners find themselves in and began to develop some empathy for their situation. We also investigated the rock pools, marshes and sand dunes; learning about the plants and creatures that are adapted to these habitats. Alongside all this learning was a huge element of fun and fresh air (only one day of rain!). The whole group would like to thank all those who made their trip possible, including the Hadleigh Scouts, Hadleigh Thrift Shop, the Forrester’s and of course, last but by no means least, their parents.
The Friends of St. Mary’s Church
Christmas Memories Evening Friday 4th December at 7.00 pm Come and listen and join in an evening of memories of the festive season. The evening is intended to prompt your memories from a range of topics explored one at a time. This spontaneous event is anticipated to provide an enjoyable evening of Christmas nostalgia, helped along by mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince pies
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Office: 01473 826014 Mobile: 07940 935539 24Hr Call Out: 07940 935539 / 07548 997683 Unit 101, Lady Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh IP7 6BQ academybuilders@googlemail.com 28
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Children due to start full time schooling between September 2010 and August 2011 We are keen to hear from any parents who have a child born between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006, as now is the time for them to apply for a school place. If you are a parent in this position and would like to come and look around the school, please ring 823268 for an appointment. We also have a free school prospectus which provides information about the school, or you can look on our website at www.stmaryshad.co.uk. You must make your application by Friday 15 January 2010.
Home-Start Babergh Our Charity Dinner Dance takes place on 6th February 2010 at the Brett Vale Golf Club, 7.00 for 7.30pm, Carriages at midnight. Dress: formal, dinner jacket or lounge suit. Tickets are £27.50 per person, and this price includes Bucks Fizz on arrival, followed by a three-course meal; two bottles of wine are provided per table. A table can accommodate a party of up to 10. Dancing to 60’s and 70’s music from “Bits and Pieces”. Places are limited, so early booking is essential. For bookings/tickets, contact either the Home-Start office on 826190, or John Hall on 823684 (email: john.hall@home-startbabergh.co.uk). Home-Start Babergh is a registered charity, providing support in the Babergh area for families with at least one young child and experiencing difficulty or trauma for any of a variety of reasons. You can find more information on our website at www.home-startbabergh.co.uk.
Playstation Pre-School Well, what a fantastic month November has been with our official opening on Saturday 14th, following our recent renovations! Thank you all for your support- despite the very wet weather you all turned out to join us !! Guest of honour to cut the ribbon was Bob The Builder (along with scoop!) who took time from his very busy schedule to celebrate with us!!! The children loved this, and were queuing up inside to have a very special photo taken with him! Alongside various stalls and competitions the children enjoyed decorating biscuits, colouring in placemats and making Christmas tree decorations whilst showing off their new playschool to friends and family. A big thank you to the kind local businesses that donated prizes for our raffle, and to the staff, committee members and friends and family that helped make this day possible, as a result we raised in excess of £200! We are always looking for different ways of fundraising so if you have any ideas please let us know! With Christmas just round the corner we are now looking forward to our Christmas party! This year we are having a “Sing and Stretch” Christmas party so are dividing the children up to have it over 2 days - this will be held on Wed 16th Dec (1-3.30pm) and Thurs 17th Dec (9-11.30am). The children so enjoy dancing and singing (as do we!) so we are all very excited about this extra special party this year! On the subject of Christmas, for our Christmas craft project we urgently need small tin cans (200gms), if you use these then please recycle your cans to us! Equally if you have any wonderful ideas to add to our planned children activities, over Christmas or anytime, please let us know or even better come and join in! Don’t forget that we have both fleece jackets and polo shirts with the PlayStation logo on available to buy that your little one can wear with us in the colder weather. These are warm, enduring and saves nicer clothes getting soiled as they do like to have fun.. and what better way to learn! If you are currently considering a playschool for your child, why not come and take a look at what we can offer? Please telephone Playstation on 824271 for enrolment details or to arrange a visit Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas from all at PlayStation Pre-School
To get that perfect party tan
All over Body Spray only £20.00 or 1 Hour Sunbed only £20.00
Victoria House 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh
T: 01473 828805 info@frenchcomplexionsuffolk.co.uk www.frenchcomplexionsuffolk.co.uk
The Mens Room
The Mens Room
48 High Street, Hadleigh
Gentlemen’s Barber
Christmas Draw!
No Appointment Required Opening Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am
8.00 pm 5.00 pm 5.00 pm 5.00 pm 8.00 pm 4.00 pm
All customers to the Mens Room during the month of December will receive a free ticket to Toby’s Christmas Draw. The draw is open to adults and children and the winner will win a 15” Flat Screen TV. The draw will take place on 24th December.
Toby would like to wish his customers a very happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Stoke by Nayland Hotel revives the Boxing Day Brunch!
96931 SBN EADT AD A5 Land COL:Layout 1
Boxing Day Brunch in beautiful Constable Country
Boxing Day was made for relaxation and for recharging your batteries in the interlude after all the excitement of Christmas and as we look ahead to the New Year’s Eve festivities. That’s why this Christmas the Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa is reviving a great 100-year-old tradition of Boxing Day Brunch. Boxing Day Brunch is a fabulous excuse to meet up with friends and family for delicious food and chilled relaxation after the excitement of Christmas – and what could be nicer than indulging yourself in Stoke by Nayland Hotel’s Boxing Day Brunch as you recover from all the slog of catering over Christmas? Stoke by Nayland’s unique Boxing Day Brunch menu will feature many staple as well as new elements to this American-based concept. The great traditional British breakfast will be enhanced with dishes such as eggs Benedict, eggs Florentine, and smoked salmon, mixed with American favourites like pancakes and maple syrup and home made muffins with extras such as minute steak and fruit smoothies. The Boxing Day brunch menu which will be available from 11am to 3pm on Saturday 26 December and you will need to make advanced payment of £9.95 per person - but you don’t have to choose the menu or extras in advance – that’s up to your mood on the day! So come and soak up the seasonal atmosphere, relax in comfy leather chairs by the blazing open fire in the new hotel lounge and bring your friends and family to our Boxing Day Brunch in stunning Constable Country. If you are inundated with friends and family over the festivities you may chose to take advantage of the hotel’s extra special room-only rates for Christmas and Boxing nights - from just £30 per person (sharing double/twin room), to include free use of the excellent indoor pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi. For further information or to book your place for the Stoke by Nayland Hotel Boxing Day Brunch, call 01206 265800. Visit the website at www.stokebynaylandclub.co.uk for other hotel offers, Page 1 Spa and Golf breaks and gift ideas.
Bespoke Hampers from only
See also our fantastic range of hand-made jewelry & gifts, wines, local produce and home-made goodies. - plus designer ladies leisure and golf wear. Open 7 days from 9am to 7pm
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Saturday 26th December 11.00am - 3.00pm Give yourself a break from catering over Christmas… Come along to the Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa, relax with your family and friends and soak up the welcoming festive atmosphere whilst enjoying a delicious Boxing Day Brunch. • Scrumptious buffet selection traditional English breakfast fayre with specials such as eggs Benedict and Florentine, smoked salmon, fruit smoothies, and American-style brunch offerings including minute steak and maple syrup pancakes. • Stunning location overlooking the lake and Constable Country • Excellent value for money – from just £9.95 per person (£6.95 for children under 12) Advanced booking and payment is required - please call Reception on 01206 265800 - menu extras can be
selected on the day. Please specify arrival time. Make a real occasion of it and stay overnight!
Gift Vouchers
Tailor Made Vouchers... ...The Perfect Christmas Gift!
Extra special room only rates are offered from just £30 per person (sharing double/twin room) to include free use of our luxurious indoor pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi.
From just £9.95 per person Bookings now being taken Please call 01206 265800
Treat someone special to a Spa Day (from £49!) or relaxing treatment - simply call 01206 265820/822 to purchase a voucher or buy online at www.stokebynaylandclub.co.uk
Golf Gift Vouchers The golfer in your life would love some golf lessons or a voucher to use in our Pro Shop Just call 01206 265812 or pop in for a browse!
The Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa • Keepers Lane • Leavenheath • Colchester • CO6 4PZ
www.stokebynaylandclub.co.uk 30
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF COUNCILLORS BY CO-OPTION HADLEIGH NORTH WARD There are currently vacancies for two Town Councillors on Hadleigh North Ward. These have arisen due to the resignations of Mrs Kate Batty and Mrs Penny Black. Both vacancies were advertised but neither attracted the ten electors required to call for a bye-election therefore Hadleigh Town Council is now in a position to co-opt for the vacancies. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor for Hadleigh North Ward there are certain criteria that you must fulfil: • You must be a Commonwealth citizen (includes British Subject) or Euro national • You must be aged 18 years or over • You must be an elector • You must, over the whole of the last twelve months, resided in the locality or within three miles of it, or occupied as owner or tenant land or premises therein, or had your principal or only place of work there If you enjoy working with people in a challenging and ever changing environment where your voice can make a difference then the opportunity to serve the electorate as a Town Councillor may be what you are looking for. If you would like to be considered for these vacancies please forward a letter of application and CV to: Mrs Carol Bailey, Town Clerk Hadleigh Town Council, The Guildhall , Hadleigh IP7 5DN or send by email to: townclerk@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk by 31/12/09
c/o Hadleigh Community Primary School, Station Rd, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 5HQ
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY OUT OF SCHOOL CLUB School Holiday Club: 8.00am to 6.00pm (or ½ days available – details on request) Dates: Mon 21st, Tues 22nd & Wed 23rd Dec ’09 & Mon 4th & Tues 5th Jan ‘10 Price: £25.00 for full day or £13.00 for ½ day (5 hours) – 10% discount for siblings (Meals, snacks and refreshments provided – details on request) School Term Time Out of School Club: 3.15pm to 4.30pm or 6.00pm Price: £4.50 until 4.30pm (includes refreshments and healthy snack) £8.00 until 6.00pm (includes refreshments, healthy snack and meal) 10% discounts for siblings. We collect from: Hadleigh Community Primary, St Mary’s Church Primary & Beaumont Primary For further information telephone: 07944 204120 or Email enquiries to: schools.out1@hotmail.co.uk We have a new renovated facility, new equipment, new outdoor area, themed sessions, hot meals and snacks.
FOR SALE - BARLEY STRAW £1.25 Bale Delivery Available - 07775 500716
Local Quality Foods for your family this Christmas Christmas Trees,Wreaths & Foliage Open Turkeys, Geese & Hams 7 DAYS
a week Hollow Trees Farm Shop Semer, Nr Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6HX. Tel: 01449 741247. www.hollowtrees.co.uk BUY IT LOCAL, BUY IT FRESH ...we promise you won’t be disappointed! www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Ebony’s Blog
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£65.00 per bag Delivery within 15 mile radius of Ipswich
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NWT Distribution Limited www.northernwood.co.uk
My life at The Shelley Centre As I look out from my room it suddenly struck me, it’s amazing, it only seems a few days ago that I was looking out at the trees with their rich green foliage and now, it has changed to the rich autumn colours of yellow, gold, and brown and soon, with a frost or two and a strong wind, the leaves will be gone, leaving only ghostly branches against the sky. Winter is upon us and our thoughts turn to Christmas but, before I ramble off on that subject let me take you back to the end of the summer, 30th September to be precise. Many of you may now be aware that the RDA is celebrating a 40th Anniversary. As part of these celebrations, on that day, a mammoth riding lesson was held; it was called The Worlds Biggest Riding Lesson! During the day over 200 Centres, world wide, took part with some 5000 riders in all enjoying the day. The Shelley Centre, with its usual enthusiasm, took part. I understand from talk within the Herd that the day had its moments? Marion was directing her Drill Ride only to be thwarted by a leader having a senior moment where left became right and vice versa……Ops! I’m sure you will agree, it wouldn’t be right to name names in public for fear of embarrassment so I won’t mention Jan Derbyshire, our Chairman, in case she pulls the plug on me? Of course, the Herd found it all very amusing and the stables were abuzz with the news for the rest of the day but, that aside, the day went well and was enjoyed by all. An added benefit to the day was that Shelley raised in excess of £800 through sponsorship of the entrants and I think we should say, well done and thank you to everyone, whether as Rider, Helper or Donor. Christmas for us, the Herd, is nothing special as you can guess but, the People are now talking with hushed excitement of the coming celebrations. Shelley kicked off (Another pun?) with the Helpers Supper toward the end of November at The Lion at Leavenheath. As to be expected, it was well attended and I’m sure everyone enjoyed themselves (They’re keeping quiet as they pass by my door but, with patience, all will out?) I might be tempted to tell later, we shall see? By the way, did you visit our Stand on 29th November in Hadleigh when the Christmas Lights were officially turned on? Sorry that I couldn’t make it but, I did send copies of my Blog featuring Strikey for the Helpers to hand out. However, the big Christmas event for Shelley is the annual Carol Service held in Shelley Parish Church; I know of this from the talk about the arrangements and past services. I wish I could be there myself but……yes, it’s the power cable thing again. This year it will be on Saturday 12th December, although attendance is limited to Helpers, Riders and Family or by special invitation only. Everyone comes to the Centre first off for mince pies and sausage rolls and for the adults, a Hot Toddy. It’s great for us, the Herd, as we get to have our stables decorated with tinsel and lights and we usually get spoilt with extra carrots from our friends; I just enjoy it and watch and who knows, perhaps Santa will visit (I wonder what my present will be this year; a new polishing cloth or a tin of real wax or…….?). When all are gathered, lead by Camilla and Squidgy, the whole party goes in procession, with Lanterns lit, to Shelley Church. From what I hear it is a truly “Family” affair, with our Riders taking parts as the Shepherds, the Three Wise Men and the Animals; there is even a real baby to take the part of Baby Jesus in the Crib with the parents as Joseph and Mary……a truly touching, warm event. With the days counting down to Christmas Day, the excitement mounts as, on our final days before the holiday, I can tell you Santa will be visiting. While you enjoy your Christmas Turkey, the Herd will be happy enjoying their hay and more carrots…… I, on the other hand, will be in my room giving my circuits a well earned rest on shutdown. To think, this is my last Blog of the year so from me, the Herd and the People of the Shelley Centre, may we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with contentment and peace……I’ll be back with more news Next Year. The Website: www.rda-east.org.uk/shelley.html Telephone: 01473 824172
Hadleigh Naturalists’ Society Invite members and visitors to the following meetings Monday 7th December Illustrated talk: Chile in the shadow of the Andes, Ian Rose Visitors £2 Talks held at Town Hall (Dining Room) Market Place, Hadleigh at 7.30 pm
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Looking Glass 135x95.indd 1
21/1/09 09:16:11
Proud to serve Hadleigh As Morton Smith & Sands Estate Agents celebrates the start of our 5th year of trading in Hadleigh, we would like to take the opportunity to openly thank those who have supported us so far, reflect on the last year and promote our services looking forward to the new year. The highlight of 2009 has been settling our business into our offices at One Market Place. A landmark property, which we are very happy with, allowing us to showcase our clients homes for sale and welcome buyer enquiries in a stylish and comfortable environment. With market intelligence, we have continued to achieve good sales for our clients throughout this year, despite the economic conditions having an effect on many homeowners. The passion for property ownership, combined with the practical need to move home or sell, continue to exist and bring activity to the market place. As well as helping local people move within the area, we also sell houses to many people drawn to our town and villages by the beautiful surroundings, lifestyle and community. It never escapes us how lucky we are to live and run a business in such a fine market town and have the opportunity to show people the area as we find them their new home. Next year we will continue to evolve and introduce new services to maintain our business at the forefront of residential property sales. January will see the launch of our new website, with new technology and design to specifically help people search the area and find their ideal home. We will be offering full screen virtual tours of our client’s homes to compliment the marketing and aid buyers from outside the area. New media now plays a significant role in marketing properties for sale and finding buyers. Aside from our presence on rightmove.co.uk and primelocation.com, our own website currently receives up to 25,000 visits a month. Our presentation of the client’s properties is an area we excel in and has proved to get a positive response from buyers. Our design team can now tailor make marketing materials for individual houses to increase the homes visibility and make them stand out against the competition in the market place. This is an important factor in attracting and sustaining buyer interest. With more in the pipeline for next year, we look forward to 2010, its challenges and new clients. If you are interested in moving, please feel free to contact us. We are available for free and discreet initial consultation and can help you make the most of your next move. Yours The team at Morton Smith & Sands
One Market Place, Hadleigh t: 01473 828121 w: mortonsmithandsands.co.uk
Lower Layham
Lower Raydon
Monks Eleigh
One Market Place Hadleigh t: 01473 828121 w: mortonsmithandsands.co.uk
Upper Layham
Capel St Mary
A selection of properties we have sold in 2009
District Councillor Brian Riley will be holding his monthly surgery from 11 a.m. to noon on Saturday 12th December in the Hadleigh Library. You are welcome to drop in and discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town
The Friends of St. Mary’s Church
CHRISTMAS MEMORIES EVENING Friday 4th December 2009 at 7.00 pm Come and listen and join in an evening of memories of the festive season. The evening is intended to prompt your memories from a range of topics explored one at a time. This spontaneous event is anticipated to provide an enjoyable evening of Christmas nostalgia, helped along by mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince pies.
Gant & Nayler Building Contractor Ltd
Restoration and Refurbishment Extensions, Barn Conversions Listed Building Work, Flint Work, Patios etc Offering a high standard of workmanship and a professional service at competitive rates For free estimates and advice please contact: Russell Gant Tel: 01473 827856 Mobile 07790 035130 ‘Willowbrook’, Overbury Hall Road, Layham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5NA
Rotary Review CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: Once again, the Rotary Float accompanied by Father Christmas will tour the streets of the town and will visit as many children as possible. All the proceeds of the collection will be distributed locally and even though these are still difficult times we hope that everyone will give as generously as they are able. Collection details are as follows: Wednesday 16 December: Aldham Rd, Timperley Rd, Pykenham Way. Thursday 17 December: Malyon Rd, Oxford Drive, Emmerson Way. Monday 21 December: Edwin Panks Rd, Taylor Rd, Yeoman Crescent Tuesday 22 December: Hadleigh Heights Wednesday 23 December: Clopton Gardens,Wilson Rd, Highlands Rd, Gaell Crescent. Thursday 24 December: High St at junction with George St [ 9am to 12.15pm approx] - all other collections will take place between 6pm and 7.45pm approx apart from17 December which will start at 5.30pm approx. This year there is a larger towing vehicle on some evenings which may not be able to negotiate some of the narrower roads. We apologise in advance if you are missed but perhaps hope to see you in the High St on Christmas Eve. CLUB MATTERS: The publicity about the proposed new Club has been completed and it is hoped that there will be a good response. If anyone is undecided please just book in for the information meeting - you have little to lose by finding out more about Rotary and maybe much to gain.The number to ring is 01787 210116 or email brianhavis@btinternet.com SPEAKERS: This month two of our regular speakers returned to entertain members - 1 Chris Dobrowolski gave an amusing talk in his own highly individul style tracing his inventor's prowess back to his childhood. He produced many toys including a very complicated go cart, some leading him into both amusing and hairraising experiences. He illustrated his talk with a short film. 2 Richard Gates painted a vivid word picture of another second world war naval action. This time he covered the attack on the Italian Fleet at Taranto. Swordfish planes were launched from the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious and using torpedoes and bombs either sunk or damaged 4 Battleships and a number of cruisers and destroyers. The docks were also badly hit for the loss of only 2 British aircraft. The Italian fleet fled to Naples taking them much further away from the British convoy routes through the Mediterranean . The action achieved all its objectives and was deemed a major success. FUTURE MEETINGS: December 3 Special General Meeting December 10 Ladies Christmas Dinner December 17 Christmas Collection December 24/31 No meetings All members of the Club wish every reader a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. For all information relating to Hadleigh Rotary Club please contact Rotarian Alan Williams Tel no 01473 830229
Thank You The Hadleigh Diamond-Lites Majorettes would lie to say a huge thank you to all the staff and customers at the Hadleigh Co-op who supported our collection on Saturday 14th November. We raised a total of £356.49 which will be going towards new dresses and equipment for our ever expanding troupe.
Quality Lighting & Electrical Accessories
NEW WEBSITE for Quality External Lighting www.hadleigh-lighting-direct.co.uk Crockatt Road, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh IP7 6RN (Nr the Recycling Centre) Tel: 01473 829222 Fax: 01473 829212 email: sales@hadleighlighting.co.uk www.hadleighlighting.co.uk 36
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
FULL TIME SALES TRAINEE REQUIRED Contact Keith at Hadleigh Lighting
01473 829222
Hadleigh Healing Society Christmas is fast approaching us. What will this Christmas be like? We are all thinking that we should cut back on presents, buy a little less food and perhaps not throw so much away because we could not eat it all. Christmas should be a time when families get together and enjoy each others company and be thankful for what we have that money cannot buy. Which is companionship, love and friendliness. Some people do not have these for varying reasons, family breakdown, bereavement, or isolation. Spare a thought for these people make a point of saying “Hello” or inviting them to share a few moments with your family. We at the Hadleigh Healing Society understand this and try to help by listening and sharing their concerns. Think about others especially those men and women in the armed forces who are giving of themselves and paying the ultimate cost. Their families are faced with the grim fact that their loved one may not come home to them. You can contact us on the telephone: 01473 823282 for an appointment or log onto www.hadleighhealingsociety.org. The healers and friends of Hadleigh Healing Society wish everyone a peaceful and joyful Christmas and New Year and hope 2010 will bring about peace and harmony in the world.
Friars Hall Nursing Home Where Care and Dignity Go Hand in Hand A home for you with nursing care in the heartland of beautiful Constable Country A FEW RESIDENTIAL BEDS ALSO AVAILABLE
Tastefully furnished Visiting Library Hairdresser Chiropodist Excellent Food
Hot Mikado for Fidelis Amazing, brilliant, vibrant, hilarious and unique the list could on when it comes to describing the recent production ‘Hot Mikado’ at the new Wolsey Theatre. Fidelis members came away from the show uplifted but exhausted at the spectacular display of talent and energy on stage throughout the entire performance. All members of the cast were talented actors, skilled dancers, excellent singers and musicians belonging to The Watermill, Newbury. Costumes were whacky and highly original and the unusual choreography came courtesy of Craig Revel Horwood of ‘Strictly’ fame. After seeing this lively interpretation of the familiar work by WS Gilbert and Sullivan none of us will ever feel the same about any future performances, especially those three little maids. Jan Devey
Poets Corner
UNISEX SALON Elaine and Mike would like to thank all their customers for their continued support. New customers welcome A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL 39a High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5AF
Tel: 01473 810222
Christmas Time Candlelight and fine wine Happiness abounds at this festive time Replete from all the delicious fare. It is a special time for families to share. Savouring the closeness it brings. Thankful for even the smallest things Make the most of the atmosphere As you enjoy your brandy, or your beer. Snuggle down after your dinner. That or play games and be a winner. Invite guests around on boxing day Maybe quiet and relaxed is your way Express the love you feel inside and watch your family with pride
Ms. Sue Ann Williamston
Utility Installation Projects Limited Valleyhigh Park, Hook Lane, Hadleigh, You may have seen us installing voltage cables; Suffolk IP7 5PH in addition to these works we now have a small Telephone 01473 824480 works Fax 01473 division who can undertake the 824474 following: Email info@uiprojects.com www.uiprojects.com
Fencing Drainage & Water Repairs and Installations Horse Menage Driveways Plant Hire with/without Qualified Operator Thrust Bore in Utility Services Trenching Works Pond Design, Clearance and Construction Landscaping Grass field maintenance Call us now for free advice and a quotation Utility Installation Projects Limited Valley Park, Hook Lane, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5PH Fax 01473 824474 Email info@uiprojects.com
Telephone 01473 824480 www.uiprojects.com www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
I Lost a stone a month - You can too! Balanced nutrition • One-to-one support • Flexible programmes Wide range of flavours • Includes stabilisation & maintenance
Tried, tested, trusted…don’t weight another day! For further information contact Val Lord Tel : 01449 737113 Mob: 07519 177645 E-mail: val.lord@ tiscali.co.uk
Hadleigh United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL The United Reformed Church is a national, mainstream Christian denomination with its roots in the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. We worship one God, expressed in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to Jesus in our worship and by loving and caring for all without exception. Here in Hadleigh we are part of Churches Together in Hadleigh and have good relationships with all the other Churches. We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am and worship in an informal, but reverent manner, balancing the best of traditional and modern worship. At the same time there are activities in Sunday Club for children and young people of all ages. At other times of the week we meet for prayer, Bible Study and friendship. We are also very much involved in our community through the many activities that take place in our buildings, and especially through our links with the Ansell Community Centre. For more information call Jim on 827895,
Christmas Christmas is God’s gift of himself to the world. The birth of Jesus, the Son of God, is his statement that he loves the world he created and is intimately involved with his people. As Christians celebrate Christmas, they are rejoicing in the knowledge of God’s unfailing love and his abiding presence. Why not come and join in the celebrations? Details of services are given below. If you want to know more about God’s gift, then please get in touch. 10.30am Sunday 13th December A service for all ages, where the younger children will be telling the story of the birth of Jesus and we will sing some well known Christmas carols. 6.30pm Sunday 20th December. In a beautiful candle-lit setting, we will retell the Christmas story through traditional and modern carols, Bible readings and drama. The service is followed by mince pies and refreshments. 10.30am Christmas Day, Friday 25th Dec. A short celebration service for all ages, when we rejoice in the good news of God’s love in Jesus. The offerings from our special Christmas services will all be given to worthwhile causes as a sign of God’s love for the world. You will find us at Hadleigh URC, The Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL For more information, contact Jim (827895).
What do you think....over a drink? We don’t meet in December, but will be back again in January. Blessings for the Christmas season. This is an informal discussion group for men, who want to talk about important issues. Come and enjoy a drink and air your ‘Pints of View’! We don't expect to have all the answers, but we do enjoy learning from the different insights that we each bring. Simply turn up to see what is going on. Next meeting: 8.00pm Wednesday 27th January The George Public House (back room) All welcome! For more information, contact Jim (827895).
www.hadleighurc.org.uk 38
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
A WOMAN who lost almost two stone in just two months says she feels more confident and happier than she has done for years. Val Lord, from Buxhall near Stowmarket, started the Cambridge Health and Weight Plan at 12 stone 2lbs and within just eight weeks weighed just 10 stone 5lbs. Val, who is in her mid 50s and lives with her partner Graham, a businessman, knew it was time to act as she became less mobile and needed surgery for a new hip. She is now back to the weight she was ten years ago and is walking regularly after having her operation. She said: “I am back to the weight I was at 45 and feel great. I had tried lots of other diets but found them too slow. “I was having an operation and wanted to lose weight, not only to help speed my recovery but also for my general well-being. “The first week was great, the second week I struggled a little, but from the third week I was losing weight steadily. I now eat sensibly and can move so much better, thanks to my weight loss as well as my new hip. “What I liked about the Cambridge Diet was the speed of weight loss and the lack of hunger after the first few days. Along with the encouragement from my counsellor it was so much easier than the conventional diets I had struggled with previously." “I love it now when people say, look at you, haven't you done well” and I’m loving shopping for new clothes and getting into old ones that were far too small before.” For the first few days on the programme Val was hungry as she replaced her usual diet with special milkshakes, soups and chocolate bars. But as the days passed and she started burning stored fat for fuel it became easy, and as the hunger vanished the pounds and stones just fell away. Three (or four for men) Cambridge Diet meals a day provide 100% RDA of essential vitamins and minerals so complete nutrition is assured. Others prefer to mix conventional food meals with the special Cambridge meals to fit in with their lifestyles, and they too shed weight quickly following set menus. Dieters then step up through six different programmes, re-introducing more and more food as their body adjusts, into the maintenance phase. Dieters work on a one-to-one basis with a trained counsellor for support and motivation, which is a very important aspect. Those on the Cambridge Diet may also see their GP first for advice, which is another important aspect. However people lose weight, it has to be done safely. Val, who has now trained as a Cambridge Diet Counsellor, would love to see anyone who would like to shed weight quickly and safely. Why not make 2010 your "New Year"? You can contact Val for more information on 07519 177645, 01449 737113, or e-mail val.lord@tiscali.co.uk
Christmas Greetings I wish all my family and friends a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Ruth Ferguson
Happy Retirement Eileen Adter 35 years at the Library it’s time to hang up your dusters. Many thanks to the Library staff and friends for the cards and presents. Love David, Dawn and Trevor
I am a man in Hadleigh looking for a personal assistant to support me to attend various social activities such as the Art Café & a volunteer job. £7.60 p/h, Tues 8:30-4, Fri 9-4:30 Tel: 01473 603876 Ref: JPGC1
Windows 7 is here, older versions shouldn’t be Windows 7 was launched on 22nd October. Mostly it looks like a tidied up version Vista. It runs well on older hardware and netbooks. A new computer should fly. One downside is that Windows 7 does not come with an email client: XP had Outlook Express and Vista had Windows Mail. It is generally accepted that Windows Mail isn’t very good and certainly not as good as Outlook Express. Of course Microsoft Outlook is better than either. There are many good email clients but Thunderbird is probably the best and is also free. The release of Windows 7 raises questions about older Windows versions. Particularly Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME. Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 95 in December 2001 while support stopped for Windows 98 and Windows ME in July 2006. Virtually no software is available, and particularly no security software, for any of them. None of these three is in any way suitable for use on the Internet. Not under any circumstances. Windows 2000 is still supported, but only just, and is really not fit for use on the Internet either. Now is a very good time to upgrade, computers do more for less money than ever before and should last for several years. I can build a computer to your exact specification. Ring me for some free advice on how to go about getting a new computer. In the meantime for any help and advice contact Nick Kotarski 07790 842 968 / 01206 299 568 nick@kotarski.co.uk or visit kotarski.co.uk
Your Year End Review As this year draws to a close, it is the ideal time to reflect upon the past year and prepare for the forthcoming one. Some American motivational speakers refer to their ‘warm fuzzy file’. This may seem a trifle unacceptable to our ears, but the philosophy behind it is certainly sound. A warm, fuzzy file is simply a list of all the good things that you have done. It seems to be human nature to dwell on mistakes, failures and the negative aspects of life. This is really sad because we all, without exception, have some achievements that are worth rewarding ourselves for. These may be as simple as having a daily ‘To Do’ list and then actually doing everything that is on it; spending some time with someone who is lonely, or smiling at a shop assistant. It doesn’t exclude the big things too, but if you always focus on these it is all too easy to lose sight of those little things that make a big difference. In a few one-hour telephone or face to face conversations, at weekly intervals, Julie, a personal development coach with a practice in Hadleigh invites her clients to review where they are now and where they want to be in the future. Together they create a strategy for getting to where they want to be and define the actions that will produce the desired results. A coach is simply the catalyst for change it is the client who makes the decisions and the commitment. For a great many, the weekly reporting back of progress is the spur that keeps them on target. For others, even small achievements can create motivation to raise their personal goal posts and to aim higher. It seems to be a natural reaction for many clients to focus on what they have not done rather than on what they have done. This is enough to prevent some of them even attempting anything new if it is allowed to pass unchallenged. For more information and a free 30 minute consultation call Julie at Lloyd-Davies Coaching on 01473 823757
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Are you leading the life you want to? Are you reaching your potential? Coaching is a flexible tailored approach to change or development, it can help you to clarify what you really want and plan how to achieve it. I will help you to refocus and bring about changes in attitudes and behaviours which in turn may lead to a more effective performance. Coaching can help with: • career development • work / life balance • confidence • managing life changes • making tough decisions • handling stress •physical and psychological well-being
For a free 30 minute consultation call Julie at Lloyd-Davies Coaching on 01473 823757 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
Dear Sir We are fortunate in Hadleigh to have such beautiful church precincts around St Mary's Church that are so well kept. It is a pleasure to walk around there with the lovely trees and shrubs and other wild life that vary with the different seasons. Many visitors to the town are seen enjoying it. Next to this is the former front garden of Hadleigh Hall. There is beauty here too, for it has many mature trees and interesting features, but needs work doing on it to bring it back to what it could be. Through the letter pages of the HCN, I would like to appeal to the owner of this land to restore it to its former beauty, and to repair the fences or remove them completely and make this area blend in with the beauty of the church yard. If he would do this it would be a service rendered to Hadleigh and its conservation, and many people would be more than grateful to him. Colin Bull
Dear Sir On behalf of CLIC Sargent I would like to say a huge thank you to the youth section of the Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society and everyone who helped make the recent performance of Wind in the Willows such a great success. £285.00 was raised for the charity and this is enough money to accommodate a family at a CLIC Sargent Home from Home for 10 days. Here they can stay together within walking distance of the hospital where their child is being treated, which is often many miles from their own home. Each and everyday 10 families are told their child has cancer or leukaemia and this contribution helps us to continue supporting these families. For more information on the charity please visit out website www.clicsargent.org.uk or call me on 01284 829090. Thank you once again. Karen Roberts, Community Fundraising Manager – East Anglia
Dear Sir Like Babergh Council when it dreamed of a new leisure centre for Hadleigh, I wanted to blow a large sum of money on a fancy building. I paid architects and consultants for drawings and reports, and fenced off a building plot, even though the ground wasn’t mine. Now I find the owner won’t sell. Have I been foolish? Should I perhaps have secured the land before spending so much on a pipe dream? A local authority, with its staff of salaried experts, would never have behaved so recklessly. Would it? K Manders
Dear Sir I am writing as Secretary of the Hadleigh Society to place on record our sincere thanks to both the Hadleigh Town Council and The Hadleigh Thrift Shop for their generous sponsorship of the Society’s History Day for Families held at the Guildhall on 24th October. The Society would like to take this opportunity to extend their thanks to the people of Hadleigh who came along, all the re-enactors who took part, members of the Society who gegenerously gave their time to provide expert knowledge of the different rooms, to Councillor Jan Byrne and Judith Townsend for their help and valued assistance and, not least, to Michael Woods for his sterling contribution at very short notice! The Society is happy to report that at the evening Forties dance, the raffle raised £222 for Help for Heroes. The Society is looking into the possibility of organising a further history day at the Guildhall for the summer of 2010. Finally it must be mentioned that without the foresight and organisation of Society member Nina Sherwood the day would not have been a Success. Steve Sherwood, Secretary. The Hadleigh Society
Dear Sir As we approach yet the end of another year, I thought I would jot down a few of the achievements attained to date in Hadleigh. Namely the Magdalen Road concept, a vast improvement to that area, a few puddles to be Ironed out in the not to distant future. The bonding of the soldiers of Wattisham, with the people of Hadleigh,with a parade through the High Street. The new Fire station is progressing well, I think as it is being built on a flood plain, a 40
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
relationship with the RNLI should be made, a must, in event of the fire crew being stranded by a flood!!!! Further up river towards Pound Lane, there is another flood plain, I have come to understand, although being around these parts for 70+ years, I am not aware of such happening. Where is the proposed Tesco store, that has been talked about, argued, and debated about for ten years now. With the price of fuel to reach £5 per gallon, Is it not time we get another food outlet in this ever growing town of ours. A monopoly we don't need, competition we do need, to bring the cost down for us all. Christmas is just around the corner, i would like the people of Hadleigh to join me in wishing the families of our serving soldiers in Afghanistan a very happy and peaceful Christmas, and a safe return of their loved ones when their tour of duty ends. A happy Christmas to all. John Caley
Christmas Worship 2009 Hadleigh URC, Market Street, Hadleigh. 13th December - 10.30am Nativity Service with children telling the Christmas story. Gifts of toys/games/books for local charities and gifts of toiletries etc. for our soldiers in Afghanistan may be brought along to this service. 20th December 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight. Enjoy the Christmas story with your favourite hymns, Christmas readings and drama. 25th December - 10.30am CHRISTMAS DAY a short, celebration service for all ages. Minister: Jim Dalgleish, 827895 Hadleigh Baptist Church, George Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5BE Sunday 13th December, 10.30 am All Age Family Carol Service, Something for everyone Sunday 20th December, 4.30 pm Afternoon Tea & Chat Sunday 20th December 6.30pm Candlelit Carol Songs of Praise. Individuals will introduce their favourite carols Christmas Day Praise, 10.00 am All Age Family Worship For more information please contact: Pastor Greg Frost 01473 823804 St. Mary’s Hadleigh, Very Rev Martin Thrower (822218) Sunday 6th December: 3pm Christingle. Sunday 13th December: 10.45 am Family Worship. Sunday 20th December: 10.45 am Celebration Sung Eucharist. 6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols. Tuesday 22nd December: 11am Carols and Readings AT THE ROW CHAPEL Thursday 24th December: 4pm Crib Service. 11.30pm Midnight Eucharist. Friday 25th December: 9.30am Said Eucharist (BCP) 10.45am Christmas Family Worship 12 noon Shortened Eucharist Sunday 27th December: 8 am Said Eucharist (BCP) 10.45am Benefice Eucharist. St Andrew’s, Layham (Christmas Services) Sunday 13th December: 3pm Christingle. Thursday 24th December: 4pm Crib Service. Friday 25th December: 9.15am Sung Eucharist. All Saints, Shelley Thursday 24th December:11.30pm Midnight Eucharist Elmsett Methodist Church Carol Service and Parade : 6.30pm December 13th Christmas Eve : Carols with the band outside the church, 7pm. Christmas morning : 10 a.m, Revd Sue Lambert St. Joseph's Hadleigh Sunday December 20 Sacred Heart, Nayland 9.15am Mass St Joseph's, Hadleigh 11.00am Mass Thursday December 24 St Joseph's, 5.00pm Children's Mass St Joseph's, Hadleigh 8.30pm 'Midnight' Mass Friday December 25 Sacred Heart, Nayland 9.15am Mass St Joseph's, Hadleigh 11.00am Mass Sunday December 27 Sacred Heart, Nayland 9.15am Mass St Joseph's, Hadleigh 11.00am Mass
Treetops Records – First Release Hadleigh based record label, Treetops Records, will be releasing their first ep on the 7th of December. Entitled ‘The Sky Inside’ it is by Hollyann & The Katie Winter. It will be available from the major digital distributors: Amazon, I-tunes, as well as E-music. We would call it pastoral, but gentle Folk may be a good description. You can find out more at www.treetopsrecords.com. Two unreleased free tracks can also be downloaded at www.thekatiewinter.bandcamp.com “we here are thinking of a shyly retiring Pentangle performing a campfire duet with a seriously chilled Nico and with that look forward to hearing more - soon.” – Losing Today Magazine
Hadleigh Community Primary School
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Information correct at time of going to press. It is an offence to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. Anyone appearing to be under the age of 25 will be asked for proof of age and no sale of alcohol will be made until satisfactory evidence is produced that the purchaser is 18 or over. All offers subject to availability and valid until 01/12/09. Photographs are for illustration only.
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Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Cathy Tooze BA (Hons) Deputy Head: Mike Taggart BA Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: office@hadleighhigh.suffolk.sch.uk Website: www.hadleighhigh.suffolk.sch.uk
Dear Reader, Welcome to Hadleigh High School’s insert to the December edition of Hadleigh Community News. As usual, our articles have been written by our students. My thanks go to Oliver Hanley, Sophie Demetriades, Chloe Garnham, Molly Green, Lauren Ryder, Jake Grimsey and Drey Wright of Year 10 for their work this month. This is a very busy time in school. A huge number of trips and visits, both in the UK and abroad have been taking place. In Sports, we have been very successful this term. Our Music and Drama have been extremely active, with ongoing preparations for the Christmas Concerts and the February Musical performance ‘Bugsy Malone’. We know that high quality teaching and learning in lessons is key to every student’s success. But students will only learn when they are happy, when they feel valued as individuals and when they are given lots of opportunities. Therefore, lessons are designed to be challenging but enjoyable and we have a vast range of extra-curricular clubs and special activities available. Students and staff are thrilled with the new all-weather pitches which are currently being built. Our thanks go to all those who contributed funds towards this project. Locally, these include Barbara Boyd from the Thrift Shop, Hadleigh Town Council, Babergh District Council, Suffolk Local Strategic Partnership and numerous local sports clubs. We also have exciting plans for a new school hall and a new outdoor classroom. The school goes from strength to strength and it will be with a heavy heart that I will leave this Christmas. I am looking forward to my new post at The Hertfordshire and Essex High School in Bishops Stratford, but Hadleigh is a very special place and I will miss it. Mrs Caroline Gibson will be our new Headteacher from January 2010 and I know that she is looking forward to meeting her new community. I will end by wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. With warmest best wishes.
Cathy Tooze Headteacher
Visitors to the school Hadleigh High are currently playing host to a group of Head Teachers from China. The Head Teachers are here to observe examples of leadership in English schools. They are especially interested in teacher/pupil relationships, behaviour management and how the school uses self evaluation in order to reflect upon its performance.
Hadleigh High Leisure Centre Fitness Studio – Pay as you go from £2. Fitness classes – Daytime and evenings. Sports Hall & Gym – for club and casual hire. Floodlit hard courts – Netball & Football. Grass Pitches – Seasonal availability. Birthday parties – A range of options. Opening times:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
8 – 10.30am & 5 – 10pm 8 – 10am & 5 – 10pm 8 – 10.30am & 5 – 10pm 8 – 10am & 5 – 10pm 8 – 10.30am & 5 – 9pm 8 – 1pm 9 – 12 noon
NEW ACTIVITIES JUDO FOR 14 – 19 yrs, Thu 5 – 6pm Highlands Rd. Hadleigh IP7 5HU 01473 8244441 See website www.hadleighhighleisurecentre.co.uk
Hadleigh High School pupils are looking forward to the completion of the eagerly anticipated Astroturf complex, which was due to finish at Christmas, but is ahead of schedule. The complex will allow pupils at Hadleigh to enjoy a variety of sports including hockey and five-a-side football. Out of school hours, the Astroturf will be run by the leisure centre, meaning local clubs and the general public will also benefit from its construction.
Smashing Sports Events Having got to the half-way point of the football season, players have competed in many hard fought games. Whilst we wait till February to resume league fixtures some teams are continuing their good runs in cup competitions. The boys’ football teams this year have done exceptionally well, with the Year 7 team waiting to play Holywells in the KO Cup. We have beaten all the previous best performances in the ESFA National Cups with the Year 8 and 10 teams currently waiting to play another fixture in round 4, against Rosemary Musker, and Lothingland Middle respectively. Over 850 teams entered this competition and they are now down to the last 100 qualifiers, Hadleigh High School being one of them. The Year 10 boys’ football team is also looking forward to defending their title as county champions as they have cruised through to the quarter finals of the John Turner County Cup; they eagerly await their opponents. The Under 16 girls are also doing well in their County Cup with a quarter final fixture to be played against Sudbury. We wish all three teams the best of luck.
Years 10 and 11: Ils ont visité à Paris. Between the 20th and the 23rd of October a select few Year 10 and
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
11 students were taken to France, accompanied by four staff: Ms Drury, Mrs Chamberlain, Mr Gordon and Mr Hall. During their stay, the students visited le Tour Eiffel, the renowned Louvre (where they saw the Mona Lisa), went shopping in the Opera district (while witnessing the beauty of le Galleries Lafayette), went on a river trip on the Seine, and went shopping at Cité Europe (a huge shopping centre in Calais) before boarding the Tunnel train for home. Overall, a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Enrichment Day On Thursday November 12th, Hadleigh High School organised a whole school Enrichment day. The day offered pupils rich learning activities, allowing them to thoroughly explore and specialise in a particular curriculum area. In Years 7 and 8 the year group was split in half, one half working on a certain activity in November and then rotating to take part in the other activity in March. These are some of the activities that were offered:
Year 7 - Sustainable development day Pupils from year 7 have been exploring making Hadleigh High a more sustainable school. They have written an Eco Code, putting forward ideas for the wildlife area and an outdoor classroom, and explored how we can further tackle litter and waste in our school grounds.
Year 7 Languages Day Pupils learnt about other cultures and traditions and were introduced to languages such as Chinese, Hungarian and Italian. The day was about discovering other people’s ways of life and languages, and involved food tasting, singing and watching foreign films and cartoons.
Year 8 - Science Trip to Colchester Zoo Pupils from year 8 explored Colchester Zoo in small working groups and received a 30 minute talk on Zoos and conservation.
lifestyles as well as learning about budgeting monthly incomes and their roles and responsibilities in the community.
Years 10 and 11 These year groups combined on Enrichment day, with students able to choose an option that interested them. There was a whole range of courses on offer to the students, organised by different departments at our school. Some activities were school based and some were off-site. Some year 10s went to the Essex university to try out some of the sports facilities and also have a look around the campus. There were several trips to London, including an Art trip, and a visit to the Olympic stadium. Another trip offered students a chance to see the show ‘Stomp’ and to meet and question members of the cast afterwards.
Academic Mentoring Day Academic Mentoring day is an extremely important day for our whole school. Students get the opportunity to meet with their Form Teachers and have a one to one talk with them, discussing achievable targets. There are academic mentoring days held once every term, enabling students to achieve their goals. Work is set on the day so our students don’t miss important lessons. This terms mentoring day will be held on Friday 27th November, and we are all very much looking forward to it.
Scholastic Book Fair From 2nd to 9th December Hadleigh High School will be holding a book fair in the library. With a wide selection of books available, students have the opportunity to try new authors or maybe buy Christmas presents for their family and friends. They can also enter a competition to win books.
Walter Wright
Year 8 - ‘Animal Magic’ The Design and Technology Department hosted half of Year 8 for the day to carry out a joint design and make activity. Students were taught in their Design and Technology classes and had the opportunity to work in all four focus areas of Design and Technology – Food, Textiles, Graphic Products and Resistant Materials. The objectives for the day were for students to understand that there are four D&T areas in Hadleigh High School and to create an animal supporters pack for a wildlife centre. Each student had the opportunity to produce an animal themed money box, a gift bag to advertise and hold the other products, a finger puppet and animal shaped biscuits. At the end of the day the year 8 students went home with some fantastic products and were extremely proud of what they had been able to achieve in the day. Feedback from students at the end of the activity showed that they had thoroughly enjoyed the day and particularly liked the idea of a common theme allowing them to produce a practical item in all four DT material areas. We look forward to doing the activity again with the other half of the year group in March 2010!
n Association With adleigh High School Working Together for the Future of Hadleigh
Wishes you all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year
Year 9 - Real Game activity The Real Game activity is a series of classroom based programmes developed to help students learn important lessons about life. Students looked at how various choices can impact upon future www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Letter from Layham Parish Council The main matters discussed at the meeting of Thursday 22 October were: • PSCO Coleman attended the meeting and matters of communication between the Parish Council and the police were discussed. • The war memorial to be cleaned prior to Remembrance Day and a rotting seat to be removed from the graveyard. • A basic plan and costings have been drawn up for the proposed bring site. The Council has agreed to meet some of the cost of building the installation and to assist with gaining grant support. • The Council had no objections to the building of stables at Holly Lodge – although concern was noted at the possibility of increased use of the access to the B1070 by horses. • The Council would prefer future power lines crossing the area to be undergrounded and will join forces with Hintlesham in opposing the proposals for overhead power lines. • Disappointment was to be expressed to Babergh Council that the introduction of parking charges in Hadleigh could be introduced without consulting the parishes – those who most need to use cars into town. • A Budget working group was elected for 2009-10. • British Telecom has offered the telephone boxes to the Parish Council for a nominal sum. Ideas for the future use of these boxes will be discussed at the next meeting. • Concerns have been raised about the positions of the speed limit signs on the Shelley and Stoke Roads. The matter will be followed up. • The Tree Warden reported an alarming fungal growth on the beech tree in the cemetery. This could mean that the tree will need to be felled. The attention of the PCC will be drawn to the matter. • Enquiries are to be made about the future of the marquis of Cornwallis and, in particular, what will be done with the temporary car park which was put in place prior to proposed landscaping. An extra planning meeting was held on Monday 16 November, when no objection was raised to the building of an agricultural building to house cattle on land East of Overbury Hall. Meetings of the Parish Council are generally held on the last Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and time is provided for visitors to speak. The Clerk to the Parish Council is: Louise Allen Tel: 01473 827812 Email: Louise@allenbs.co.uk St Andrew's - your local church December Sunday Services 6th, 10.30 am, Family Worship 13th, 9.15 am, Sung Eucharist 20th, 9.15 am, Said Eucharist (BCP) 27th, No service at Layham. Benefice service at St Mary's, Hadleigh, at 10.45 am Services at Christmas - a warm welcome to all. Please come along and join in these special Christmas services. 13th, 3 pm, Christingle Service for families with children of all ages. Gifts of money go to the Children's Society. 19th, 6 pm, Festival of Music and Carols. A service for the family of carols, readings and music. Stay and enjoy the company, the mulled wine and the mincepies after the service. 24th, 4 pm, Crib Service 25th, 9.15 am, Christmas Day Sung Eucharist Christmas Quiz For a chance to win £25, and help support St Andrew's, why not have a go at our Christmas Quiz. For your copy (£2) please contact Noel Herring on 01473 823320. The beech tree in St Andrew’s Burial Ground It has been ascertained that a fungal infection (Meripilus Gigantius) at the 44
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
base of the beech tree in the Burial Ground is fatal and that the root system will be weakened as a result. The fungi causes white root rot decay and whilst the crown of the tree does not show any distress the whole tree is at high risk of falling when buffeted by wind. The PCC is facing the challenge of this fine landscape tree having to be felled. The position of the tree will make it an expensive operation and the PCC would appreciate any financial help that may be available to assist with this very serious problem. Anyone who wishes to help should contact one of the Churchwardens – Audrey King on 822081 or Sonia Groom on 822220 Layham Playing Field A BIG THANK YOU TO HIRE BASE The members of the Playing Field Management Committee are very grateful to John and the lads at HIRE BASE who let us have the use of a digger and a cement mixer for a Saturday morning AT NO CHARGE when we erected the basketball unit. This was a fantastic contribution to our community project and we send them a BIG THANK YOU. This picture shows Eloise Hewitt and her friend Chloe Guest trying out the new unit. Playing Field 100 Club The first winners in the new 100 Club year (October draw) are: £15 Linge Ticket No 20 £10 Hambling Ticket No 64 Management Committee At a recent meeting Jordan Moat was co-opted onto the committee as a representative of young people in the village. Jordan has a record of helping on the field. Eels in the River Brett If you look closely at the steps of the overflow channel near Layham Mill (from the little wooden bridge) you will see what looks like brushes attached to the vertical rises. These have been put into place as part of a programme by the Environment Agency to assist elvers (baby eels) to get up to the headwaters of the river. Wherever there is a vertical blockage, these brushes are being provided as ‘ladders’ to help the young fish. This is all part of a long term project to revive the drastically reduced eel population in our rivers. European eels have declined in number by 95% since the 1970s. The story of the life cycle of European eels is fascinating. Small leaf shaped larvae hatch from eggs laid in the Sargasso Sea near to Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean. They then drift in the Gulf Stream across the Atlantic. Those that reach the coast of Britain change into small transparent eels known as elvers and many make their way up freshwater rivers to the shallow upper waters where they live feeding and growing into mature adults. As they grow they become a yellow/brown in colour. A male eel can grow to about 40 cm. and a female to a whopping 80 – 100 cm. They live on the bottom of rivers or in lakes and ponds – they can travel over land and feed mainly on insects and their larvae although are known to eat worms and small fish. After many years, if they survive kingfishers, heron, pike and anglers (for example) these grown eels feel the urge to migrate. They battle back across the Atlantic (against the flow of the Gulf Stream) until they reach the Sargasso Sea where the females lay tiny eggs some of which are fertilised by males. The fertilised eggs hatch into larvae and the whole cycle (which can last up to 30 years) begins again. The brushes provided at Layham Mill are a small contribution to helping an eel through its extraordinary life cycle. Autumn ploughing It is a wonderful sight watching the plough turning over the stubble and revealing the soil. The seagulls are certainly appreciative! This photograph was taken from the Layham Road in Lower Layham.
Layham Playgroup ‘Playgroup creates wonderful winter home!’ After the stellar excitement of our fireworks theme, filled with a myriad of cross curricular activities including crafts, literacy, PE and home baking, the children have now turned their attention to preparations for winter and animal hibernation. Never missing the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful countryside setting, the children have enjoyed walking down the lane, collecting leaves to help in the creation of animal winter homes & hibernation role playing. Everyone has enjoyed story telling using puppets & the exploration of the ever popular ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ stories and his animal friends. (My favourite is ‘After the Storm’) Fundraising continues at a frenetic pace with Layhams ‘Phoenix Night’ raising over £100.00. Thank you to everyone who turned out in such terrible weather to make it such an enjoyable and successful evening and our team for their wonderful hospitality. Looking slightly ahead to Christmas, the playgroup is delighted to be invited to sing at the Layham carol service, at the church on Saturday 19th December. The children are very excited and practising hard. Final preparations are now being made for our ‘Christmas Craft and Gift Fair’, to be held in the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh on Saturday 12th December. With all tables fully booked, the Christmas season is sure to start with a bang! Many thanks to our ‘army’ of helpers and a very special thank you to Wincer Kievenaar Chartered Architects who are kindly sponsoring the event. On a final note, we wish our leavers Natalie, Luis and Milo well as you move up to Hadleigh Community Primary School and Milly who moves on to pastures new in Norfolk. We wish all our children and parents a happy and ‘restful’ Christmas and look forward to our eager newcomers in January. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 21/2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Clare on 01473 828626 or email us at layhamplaygroup@hotmail.co.uk
Bloodhounds leave Queens Head Roger Clark leading off the Bloodhounds from the traditional first meeting of the season from the Queens Head, Layham in October. Over fifty riders took part. Also at the Queens Head for Halloween, the first pumpkin carving competition. The winning pumpkin, The Mona Lisa, created by Bob Barbieux and the runner up by Sheila Roberts. All monies raised from the event go to the Queens Head Charity Fund now standing at over £1200.
Picture Ron Hoy
December Craft Fayre Following the success of the Christmas Craft Fayre held at the Hadleigh United Football Club in November, we have been asked to host another on SUNDAY 13th DECEMBER from 10am to 4pm. Anyone wishing to book a table should ring Donna on 07917 730516. The December Fayre bring to an end our Table Top & Car Boot Sales for a short period of time but they will resume on Sunday 10th January 2010 and continue every Sunday morning, starting at 8am. Table tops will be available inside the club house and car boot pitches in the car park. The cost of a table in the club house or a pitch in the car park is £5, there are limited table tops in the club house, therefore pre-booking is advisable. There will be the usual hot and cold drinks and food available from the club house. To pre-book a table top ring Donna on 07917 730516. For details of events organised by the Football Club visit our website www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk click on club and then choose club events from the drop down menu.
Ladybird Toddler Group ‘Fantastic toddler fun!’ What a fantastic fun packed term we’ve had! The children have enjoyed our weekly themes of Fireworks, Autumn/ Leaf printing, Christmas preparations and our ever popular Christmas visit to Partridges Farm. Many thanks to Kim and Charles for your wonderful enthusiasm and generous hospitality. We finish the term as ever with our popular Christmas Party in Layham Village Hall on 2nd December. A big thank you to Kim, Diane and Michelle for your tireless help and organisation. Looking slightly ahead to Christmas, the playgroup is delighted to be invited to sing at the Layham carol service, at the church on Saturday 19th December. The children are very excited and practising hard. Ladybirds is a friendly parent and toddler group open to everyone. Based at Layham Village Hall, Ladybirds meet every Wednesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00, where children can enjoy toys, crafts, singing and snack time, while parents can enjoy a hot drink and a chat! We return in the New Year on 13th January so come along and join in the fun
Christmas Craft & Gift Fair 11am to 3pm Saturday 12th December 2009 Ansell Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh Large number of carefully selected stalls & tea shop selling tea, coffee, mince pies and cakes. Father Christmas will be paying a visit at 2 pm Entry is FREE This is an ideal opportunity to absorb soome Christmas cheer All proceeds will going to Layham Playgroup www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
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Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Branch News: Meeting held on the 10th November 09 at 20.00. The Branch would like to thank every body who attended the Remembrance Parade on 8th of November ‘09. It was great to see such huge support for this on the day. Again the weather stayed dry for us and the Police supported us again by holding up traffic, Apologies to all the drivers having to wait around a bit, but it only really happens once a year and you have missed a very good parade. A thank you to the Armed Forces from Wattisham, for boosting our parade and for supporting the Poppy Appeal and collecting during the Church Service. The Service held in the URC was very fitting and all the Youth Standard Bearers did us very proud. Again, a huge thank you to all for making the Hadleigh and District Remembrance Day Parade a day to remember. Next meeting to be held on 8th December 09. Sabine Harvey. Branch Secretary. Chairman’s Report: Another Year has almost passed us by and members will want to know what’s happening in December. 5th Dec. Rebecca Rat. 12th Dec. FC’s Surprise Night. 19th Dec. Karaoke. 24th Dec. Pea Green (Tickets Only).31st Dec Party Night with Shimmer (Ticket Only). Well done everybody for the turnout for Armistice Service and the 11th at 11 o’clock. Special mention to Barry Knutt and not forgetting the boys from Wattisham and for the refreshments, Plus Buffet to our Steward Tony. A Merry Christmas to all our Members and a Happy New Year. A Polite Reminder. Now is the time to pay your Subs and The AGM Monday December14th at 800 pm. Royal British Legion Women’s Section: We the Committee would like to thank those ladies for their support on Remembrance Sunday. Last day for paying subs is 17th December 2009. If unpaid by this date, will become Lapsed Members. Tuesday1st December 2009 Christmas Meal (fully booked). Fancy Dress Tramps + Trollops. 7.30pm start. Christmas theme raffle prize please. Tuesday, 5th January 2010 there will be no meeting Memories: On 3rd September 1939, at 9pm within hours of the outbreak of war between Gt Britain, France and Nazi Germany the SS Athenia a Passenger Liner of 13,500 tons was torpedoed in The Western Approaches by a U-Boat, one of many which had been strategically deployed in anticipation of the War Declaration, with the loss of 112 passengers, including 28 American Citizens. The Germans claimed that Winston Churchill had placed a bomb on the ship, to alienate American/German relations. So started The Battle of the Atlantic, a battle that would rage throughout the war with much suffering and loss of life by our brave RN and Merchant Sailors, but which they eventually won. The 13th December 1939 saw the first major British victory of The Atlantic Battle when at 6.45am the 8in gun cruiser Exeter, and the 6in gun cruisers Ajax and Achilles caught up with the 11in gun German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf Spee which had been sinking British merchant shipping in The South Atlantic. The British Ships swept into the attack inflicting damage on The German, but the heavy guns of the German ship caused much damage to the Exeter, who with all guns out of action withdrew to The Falklands for repairs. The two lighter cruisers continued with their attack, forcing the German ship to retire under a smoke screen and take refuge in Montevideo on The River Plate. The German ship was only permitted to stay a limited time to effect repairs in a neutral port, with the danger of being interned. At the express orders of Hitler, on 17th December, at 8.54am, Capt Langsdorf sailed his ship into the middle of the river and scuttled her. Two days later he shot himself, saddened at the loss of his ship. So the victory seemed complete. The Graff Spee’s supply ship Altmark, with hundreds of British seamen as prisoners tried to slip through back to Germany, but on 14th February 1940 , she was spotted the Destroyer HMS Cossack and although in Norwegian waters, sailors from Cossack boarded The Altmark and with the cry “The Navy’s here” released over 300 Merchant Seaman prisoners, locked below deck in store rooms and an empty oil tank. So, the victory of the Battle of the River Plate was now really complete. O hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea.
01473 824833
Experienced teacher and singer (Opera, Shows, Musicals, Jazz etc) 46
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Community Primary News News from the Foundation stage. The children from Nursery visited the Peace Is … festival at the Ansell Centre and URC Church. They looked at the various exhibits, decorated a person, placed their person around the world and then made a circle holding hands round the circle of people round the world. At the end they found the Nursery exhibit which they had helped to make of Mr Bear from the story ‘Peace At Last’. After listening to the story they thought about when they needed peace. We would like to thank the URC for inviting us to their exhibition. On 12th November the Nursery and Reception classes joined together for a puppet show. This was thoroughly enjoyed by the children and enhanced their learning in the areas of PSHEE, communication and language skills, and creative development. Key Stage 1 puppets – Design Technology. Carrying on with the puppet theme, the children in year 2 were very excited to have the opportunity to design and make their own puppets. Here are some of the finished results: Key Stage 2: Are year 5 a bunch of bullies? Definitely not is the answer to that question – especially since the children have been preparing a performance of the musical ‘Bully’ to perform to parents in the 3rd week of November, which coincides with anti – bullying week. The children have worked extremely hard, having only two weeks to prepare their performance. It has been a real team effort with children having extra rehearsals at lunchtime, learning parts over half term, and giving up a lot of their free time. Come and Dine with me – a huge success Over 120 parents, grandparents and carers joined their children for a school lunch in the week before half term. We have received very positive feedback and we hope they all thoroughly enjoyed their lunch! We are extremely proud of the quality and value for money of our school meals that comply fully with the Government’s nutritional standards. A big thank you to Mrs. Vicary and her kitchen team for their hard work. An act of remembrance The whole school came to a standstill at 11:00 on 11th November to pay our respects to all who had lost their lives to protect us in wars. This was a very moving experience for us, particularly since Mrs Hinsley, one of our parents, played ‘the last post’ for us at the end.
Hadleigh Community Playgroup So far this half term our theme has been ‘The Family’, and the children have thoroughly enjoyed its related activities. They have made cards for members of their families (sending their love or birthday and get well soon wishes as appropriate), created photographic family trees and visited St. Mary’s Church for a christening. We marked Children in Need day with two separate events to raise as much money as possible. During the week, a cake stall was a huge success with the children wearing spotty clothes, and on the day itself everyone dressed up in as much yellow as they could find and donated 50p to the charity. Meetings between keyworkers and parents earlier this month provided an opportunity to view our children’s Learning Journeys. We are very grateful to all the staff for the time and effort they dedicate in making these such comprehensive and beautifully-presented documents to chart the great progress the children make during their time at Hadleigh Community Playgroup. We would like to thank the Hadleigh Thrift Shop for their very generous donation towards our end of term Christmas party. More details and photos to follow in next month’s issue. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit, please phone Rachel on 01473 822647 or e-mail us at hadleighcommunityplaygroup@googlemail.com.
d Church of Eng l e i f la n at trolled Pr
im n Whntary CoSet in the beautiful ary Sch d oo lu o l rural Suffolk countryside V Offering exciting educational opportunities and exceptional standards in a stimulating environment
Contact us at: Whatfield CEVC Primary School Rectory Road, Whatfield, Suffolk IP7 6QU. Tel: 01473 823309 Fax: 01473 828406 E-mail: whatfieldcps@talk21.com www.whatfield.suffolk.sch.uk Head teacher Lynne C. S. Golding
BIRCH FARM Children’s Day Nursery Healthy rural setting offering excellent childcare enjoying fantastic facilities from 0 to 8 years. Full or sessional care available from £2.38 per hour FREE education sessions for 3 & 4 years Termly pre-school if preferred. Leave your child confident they will be happy, safe and stimulated all day For more details about any of the above activities on offer at ‘The Barn’ telephone 01473 652152 or 652249 Birch Farm, Silver Hill, Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3NJ
www.birchfarm.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
ANSELL SNACKS Special Christmas Menu £3 Friday 18th December From 12 noon - last orders 1.15 pm Pumpkin soup Chicken thigh wrapped in bacon Mince pies Tea/coffee Come on your own or come with friends. You will be very welcome
Winners of Photography Competition Thank you to everyone who entered the competition. The judges found it very difficult to choose their favourites from the wonderful selection of entries, all depicting the photographer’s idea of peace. Congratulations to the winners and runners up. Adult Section: First Prize – Frances Tebbutt for “Deckchairs on Brighton Beach”. Second Prize – Corinne Potter “Alfie in the Daisies”
Friday 11th December at 7.30 pm The year is 1884. London is in the midst of a heat wave. The Savoy Theatre is suffering due in part to the heat, but mainly a lukewarm press for” Princess Ida” – Gilbert & Sullivan’s latest comic opera. Richard D’Oyly Carte who created the Savoy Theatre for their productions realises that they have a flop on their hands. Unfortunately this leads to acrimony between Gilbert and Sullivan – as the latter wants to pursue other avenues of serious music encouraged by Queen Victoria! Plot after new plot is rejected, but Gilbert’s wife Lucy “Kitty” is directly responsible for the seeds of what has become their best loved musical - THE MIKADO. She drags Gilbert off to a Japanese exhibition producing for the pair a riot of enthusiasm for both plot and music – the rest became history! Topsy Turvy is a sensitive film tracing the rehearsals, the music and the actors, woven together in a hugely entertaining film. It also presents the curiously matched personalities of the librettist William Schwenk Gilbert and the composer Arthur Sullivan. To all G + S lovers The Mikado needs no introduction – and Mike Leigh’s film direction of this story is brilliant – it is incredible that the Mikado took less than a year to grace the stage at the Savoy theatre. There’s a memorable cast– Gilbert played by Jim Broadbent, Sullivan by Allan Corduner, augmented by a host of actors who obviously thoroughly enjoyed being part of this delightful musical tribute . As we are in the festive season your committee are planning wine and mince pies both prior to the film’s start and during our usual interval. Tea, coffee and choc ices will also be available as usual.
You will find Hollywood in Hadleigh in the Ansell Centre
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Under 16s First Prize – George Miller “Swan” Second Prize – Helen Ansell Highly Commended – Charlotte Crust
CONTACTING THE ACC • Call Eve on 827888 • Call Jan on 823413 • Email Jan at jan@dicks.plus.com • Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk
WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access through the church garden.
Hadleigh High School Association
BINGO ’09 AT HADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY 11TH DECEMBER First game st arts at 8.00 pm Refreshments available - Raffle Accompanied children welcome F U N F O R AL L TH E FAM I LY If you require a lift ring Anit a on 01473 829777
Hadleigh Evening WI At the November meeting vice-president Patricia Stevenson welcomed members to the Annual General Meeting and auction. The committee remained the same with the exception of the treasurer who retired from the committee after five years service. June was thanked for doing such a splendid job with the finances. We now have a new treasurer and another new committee member and look forward to the new W I year with a fullprogramme catering for all tastes. The Annual Competition Cup was presented to Naomi Partridge. The auction run by Beryl Allen raised £43.60; Beryl was thanked for acting as auctioneer. After tea and biscuits the meeting closed at 9.30pm. Monthly meetings are held every third Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Seminar Room, above the Library. The December meeting will be POETRY, PROSE, PUNCH AND PIES the members are arranging the Poetry and Prose and the committee are organising the punch and pies. It should be a fun evening, do join us. Visitors and new members welcome
Hadleigh Chamber Of Commerce Hadleigh Local Food THE KITCHEN FRONT This was a most interesting talk by Nina Sherwood on the effect of food rationing in the 1940s. Not only did we see some of the utensils in the kitchen and a week’s ration for one person but were also able to taste Christmas Cake with semolina marzipan and Christmas pudding containing potato which replaced some of the suet. We are fortunate today that we are able to use as much dried fruit, eggs and fat as we need. The main difference between food substitutes then and now is that in the 1940’s only natural ingredients were used not the synthetic additives and preservatives which are used today. Many of the calls for economy which were made in the 1940s are again being used by present day Government because of the concern about climate change and carbon emissions. For example: use less wrapping, shop locally, don’t waste food, save fuel. Nina also had a Hay Box which was the forerunner of the Slow Cooker. Traditionally this was a large wooden box filled with hay as insulation. Food which had been heated to the correct temperature was placed in a container with a tight fitting lid inside the box, covered with a top layer of straw and left to “cook” for several hours. Perhaps we shall all be using one of these again if gas and electricity prices continue to rise. Happy Christmas and Good Eating
Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO Registered Osteopaths Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 820123 Mobile: (07913) 417020 Home visits available where appropriate
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Whatfield News The Whatfield Village Hall is now once again open, after being closed to have a new floor fitted. The Hall has been totally revamped, with all the electrics done, new heating system, the roof and walls insulated. The hall repainted, it is now like walking into a new Hall. The Bar area has also been refurbrished, and is open to the public Friday Evenings. We would like to wish everybody a very Happy Christmas, and Healthy New Year. Janet Hogger
Kingsbury & Saunders Funeral Service For all of your needs - a caring and thoughtful service 24 hours a day • Monumental masonry service • Floral tributes • Arrangements may be made in the comfort of your own home
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Hadleigh & District Garden Club
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We enjoyed a very interesting talk and slide show on the 9th November given by Jillian Macready who with her husband run Ickworth Vineyard in what was the old walled garden serving Ickworth House, near Bury St Edmunds. Jillian comes from a background of viticulture as her father had planted vines at the onset of modern vine growing in this country and she subsequently worked in other vineyards before launching out with her husband to start their own in the Ickworth walled garden. As well as showing us most interesting slides of all aspects of vine growing from plant through to harvesting the grapes, she pointed out all the associated problems from the planting, support of these rampant growers to the many disease and predatory ailments waiting to scupper their best endeavors and that is without including the vagaries of weather, which of course, are legion! Clearly these fussy plants are not for everyone as to quote an old winegrowers saying “If you want a small fortune...start with a large one and plant a vineyard! We were then treated to samples of their red, blush and white wines, although sadly not their prize winning “champagne” as not surprisingly, that was in short supply. The problems of course continue with picking the crop at exactly the right moment with weather and developement permitting and getting the crop to their proccessors in Kent all within twenty four hours. Further to that they are always happy to have anyone willing to help with picking on their books, as it is so last minute they ring around and hope to find enough help available more or less, on the day Telephone 01284 723399 if interested. Also they have vineyard Discovery Days during the summer months telephone 01284 735270. Our December meeting is as usual, our annual quiz night, once again devised by Chris and Phil Streeting which always causes unlimited laughter and fun as to date it has been anything but serious, though of course we can never tell with Chris and Phil as they do have a fiendish sense of humour! Food and drink on the house for members, visitors welcome entry £2 Ruth Allen 822323
Hadleigh’s “Peace is...” Festival in October was a resounding success There were displays from over 40 organisations in the town, including clubs and societies, charity supporters, schools and churches. The success was due to all those who willingly gave their time in many different ways. Sincere thanks are due to:• all who prepared a wide variety of displays showing what peace meant for them. They ranged from serious and sad memories to the funny and thought provoking . • all those who visited to enjoy the displays and activities including a day filled with visits from local school children. • the willing volunteers who prepared and cleared the venue, served refreshments and welcomed visitors. • all who entered the photographic competition, and the judges. • Leanne and the children from the LC School of Dance, and the Tai Chi group – all of whom meet in the Ansell Centre. • Serendipity, who gave a wonderful concert free of charge in aid of our charities. • all who took part in the Celebration Service. Though not primarily a fund raising event, due to the generosity of our visitors there is £800 to distribute to ‘SOS Children’s Villages’, the Ansell Centre and the Ipswich Refugee Council. Thank you all, Anita, Joyce and Milly
Can you help? Shelley RDA are looking for several horses/ponies between 12.2hh and 15hh to join our lovely team of equines in this 5 star home. We are looking for schoolmasters (to loan or buy) to help qualify our riders for next year’s RDA dressage National Championships. For the last 2 years our riders and ponies have qualified for these championships where they have been outstandingly successful - everybody has been highly placed and one of our riders actually won their class at National level. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, these riders are now without the horsepower to contest next year’s competitions, so we would be extremely grateful to hear from anybody who might be able to help. For further information, please contact Lyn Bensusan on 01473 824172. 50
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts The weather continues to provide gardeners with entertainment and challenges. We have had an average month for rain, but amazingly no really hard frosts yet with the result that my dahlias are still flowering nicely. In one way this is good but it does mean that when I lift the tubers they will be very wet, and consequently difficult to dry for storage. I still have some colour around the garden. The nerines have been beautiful, and the chrysanthemums are still making a good show. This year I bought a new salvia called "Hot Lips" from Suttons and it has flowered and flowered. Some references suggest that it is not fully hardy, so it will be interesting to see how well it survives. A few months ago I recounted the interesting story of Dow's Aminopyralid hormone weedkiller which had been used on grassland and then the grass had been eaten by animals. The manure then found its way into gardens and allotments and affected the crops been grown. Initially the government banned the product, but now the product has been licensed with restrictions. It will be interesting to see if the restrictions work. Weather Records October gave us 49.6 mm (1.95") which is a fairly average figure. This reduced the 3 month figure to 81.8 mm (3.3") because October was still slightly drier than July. Since 1997 the 3 month figure for October was only lower than this in one year. For the year to date the figure now stands at 385.3 mm (15.2"). Last year at this time it was 607.2 mm (23.9"). The maximum temperature in October was 19 Cel (66F), and the minimum was 3 Cel (37F), These values are fairly typical for our Octobers. Ground temperature in mid November was 10 Cel (50F). This is warm for the month and explains why a lot of plants are still growing. Hints In December the popular point of view is that there is nothing to do in the garden, but if you have got a decent sized garden there will almost certainly be jobs that need doing. The exact ones will vary with the garden, but if you grow vegetables and have empty space it will be worth digging it and leaving it fairly rough for the frost to break down. Then we have already had some strong winds, so it will be worth looking at fences and pergolas to see if they need any repairs. It is easier to see what you are doing in Winter than when they are covered by leafy plants. It is also a good time to look at stakes on fruit trees and roses, and ensure that they have not rotted, and that the ties are not so tight that they are restricting growth. May I wish everyone a Happy Christmas, and good gardening in 2010. John Rye
HADLEIGH & DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Monday 7th December, 7.30 pm In the community room at The United Reformed Church
ANNUAL QUIZ visitors £2(includes refreshments)
Brighten up your garden! Why not contact Trevor on: 01473 824315 / 07850 630389 for full Garden Services Grass Cutting Hedge Cutting Pruning Weeding and Borders Tree Work Garden Clearances Patios Pressure Washed
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Angel Court Residential Home Grand Christmas Fayre 5th December 10am to 1pm Many fantastic raffle prizes including Christmas Hamper, Wines, Vouchers etc. Cake stall, Tombola, Guess the weight of the cake, and many more. Refreshments, Father Christmas and Face Painting
Many other stalls which will enable you to buy your Christmas gifts and stocking fillers. Come and support your local residential home and have a great time.
A FREE invitation to promote your organisation, club, service or activity with the new Young InfoLink online directory The Young InfoLink online directory is managed by Suffolk County Council. The sole purpose of Young InfoLink is to put children, young people, parents and carers in touch with services and activities in their local area. You can view the website by using the link below: www.suffolk.gov.uk/younginfo or Google: Suffolk InfoLink. If you run a sports club, an after school activity or are one of a number of other organisations that rely on word of mouth promotion, we can now help you spread the word to a wider audience. If you would like your organisation added, you can either do this yourself, by logging on to http://suffolkinfolink.suffolkcc.gov.uk/organisations/add.jsp then selecting "Add your organisation", or alternatively the InfoLink team can do this for you. Our contact details are: Keith Burroughs, Young InfoLink Support Officer Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX. 01473 264393 keith.burroughs@suffolk.gov.uk HINTLESHAM SCHOOL ASSOCIATION
CHRISTMAS FAYRE SUNDAY 13th DECEMBER 10.30 TO 12.30 AT HINTLESHAM COMMUNITY HALL Come along and support our local school Decorate a plate for Santa, and enjoy a hot bacon roll Raffle, Grotto, Tombola, Cakes, Refreshments and much more! Registered Charity Number 1114496
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Pre and Post-natal classes in your local area Exercise can be a powerful and positive contribution to pregnancy when applied properly, Just peachee can help you do this. We can guide you through exercising whilst you are pregnant and after the baby has arrived. By exercising whilst you are pregnant and after the birth this will help you return your body back to its pre pregnancy state quicker. Exercising during and after pregnancy has vast benefits to the mother and baby. Exercise has been shown to help with circulation, relieve back ache, general muscle soreness, and strengthen abdominals. Post-natal benefits include increased weight loss, improved posture, and increased self confidence. To help you gain the most benefits Just Peachee is launching weekly classes in your local area. Classes will be structured to meet your needs wherever you are in your pregnancy. There is no need to worry about getting a babysitter as babies are welcome to attend the classes and if you need to stop part way through the class for your baby this is absolutely fine. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet other expectant or new mothers. Just Peachee also offers personal training or group personal training for pre and post-natal mothers, for that more personal touch. Medical clearance will be required before attending the class. To find out further details about the classes or personal training then contact Josie at Just Peachee on 07792334443 or email josie@justpeachee.co.uk
Hadleigh Baptist Church You are warmly invited to an over 60’s
‘Afternoon Tea and Chat’ on Sunday 20th December at 4.30 pm Transport can be arranged Please ring Paul Gant on 01473 824159
Carl and Stephanie welcome you to
Th e Ram
The Yummy Mummy Workout! Nutrition, fitness and relaxation are important both during and after pregnancy. Just Peachee is fully qualified and will help you feel fit, look fab and relax with a programme tailored just to you. Personal training and massage packages • De-stress packages • Special pre and post-natal packages We do all this and more, in a location of your choice. Contact us for further details on how Just Peachee can help you.
Josie Brown
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???Christmas Quiz??? 3rd December, 8.45 start
...P robably Hadleigh’s Oldest Pub Carl & Stephanie would like to thank you all very much for your continued support and wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
NEW YEARS EVE Entry with FREE tickets only, available from Carl or Steph
Sing a long with Marty from 9.00 pm
01 47 3 8 2 2 1 7 1
KARAOKE 3.00 pm All Live Football Matches www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Hadleigh Hares at Manchester Velodrome
Thirty Hadleigh Hares (and friends) visited the Manchester Velodrome over the weekend of the 14th / 15th November to watch some high class racing and to try the track for themselves. On Saturday evening the Hares joined 10,000 other excited spectators at Revolutions 25 - a night of high octane racing featuring many current and future UK and International stars. A great night was had by all with some excellent racing whetting the Hares appetites for the taster session the following day. Excitement was tempered however when several Hares looked over the edge of the track and saw the almost sheer drop of about 10m upon which they were expected to cycle the following day. Several Hares admitted over breakfast on Sunday that they had had little sleep and were terrified of the coached taster session to come at lunchtime, and with good reason. The walls of the velodrome are steeper than a black run and the bikes that are used are single fixed gear with no brakes. This means that a cyclist cannot free wheel and has to pedal at all times or faces being thrown off the bike. Cyclist are clipped into the pedals, so quickly removing the feet from the pedals in case of emergency is also not an option. After the coaches introduction to the bikes and the track there were several pale, nervous looking faces amongst the Hares as they began to wobble slowly around the track. True to form however, the Hares got into the swing of things very quickly and were soon rising up the banking and swooping down at speeds of over 30 miles per hour. After 20 minutes, most athletes had managed to reach the top of the banking and were confident they could be the next Chris Hoy or Victoria Pendleton. After 30 minutes, obviously recognising potential new talent for the 2012 Olympics, the coach decided to test the Hares sprint abilities with a timed flying start 250m sprint. This allowed one lap to build up speed from the top of the banking, followed by a timed lap of lung bursting extreme pain as the athlete attempted to round the track in the fastest time possible. All Hares were up for the challenge - no one wanted to spurn the chance of being the fastest Hare alive on two wheels, and no one wanted to embarrass themselves in front of an expectant crowd of partners and family. Whilst no one received a tap on the shoulder after the event, the Hares acquitted themselves well - no one fell off and all athletes managed to complete the course. With only half a second separating the first 8 competitors it was a very close event. Leading the pack with the fastest time was Tim Bowman with a magnificent 17.85 seconds. Fastest female was Marianne Aitken with a time of 21.31 seconds. To put the times in perspective, a new British U16 record was set at the races the previous night for the same event and the new record holder clocked a slightly faster time than the Hares of 11.30 seconds. With some way to go, the Hares vowed to get closer to the elites on their next visit.
Well done Jake! Following a season of hard work and dedication at Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club Jake Howard was awarded the Osborne Cup for Juniors at the annual end of season presentation. 54
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Christmas ‘Drop n Shop’ with Ipswich Town Community Trust Ipswich Town Community Trust are lending a helping hand during the festive season by running a Christmas ‘Drop n Shop’ Holiday Soccer Camp Course, giving you the opportunity to finish your last minute Christmas shopping without the added pressure of having the children tagging along. These courses offer great holiday entertainment for both boys and girls of all Town players Jaime Peters and Liam abilities between the ages Trotter passed on a few tips at an October of five and 12 years. Half-Term Holiday Soccer Camp. Players who attend the Holiday Soccer Camps can expect a wide range of fun football activities including passing, dribbling and shooting. The courses not only give the children involved the opportunity to improve their football skills, but also improve their confidence and make new friends. Town’s Jaime Peters and Liam Trotter even came along to a Holiday Soccer Camp course during October Half Term passing on a few tips to the budding young footballers and got involved in the afternoons mini tournaments. Book Now! The Christmas ‘Drop n Shop’ Holiday Soccer Course will be held at Portman Road between 10am – 3pm on Monday 21st December and Tuesday 22nd December. Children can sign up to the one day course for £15 or the two day course for £20. To book a place call 0845 1369 333. Soccer Skills Centers Ipswich Town Community Trust’s Soccer Skills Centres will be kicking off again this December for youngsters aged between four and 16 years. Located across Suffolk, the Centres work to provide skills training for both boys and girls of all abilities as well as opportunities to progress onto the Trust’s Player Development Centres for those who demonstrate a more advanced ability. With venues not only located at the home of the Blues, Portman Road, but also in Bury St. Edmunds, Felixstowe, Framingham, Kesgrave, Saxmundham and Woodbridge, you won’t have to go far to find a Soccer Skills Centre near you. Through a variety of coaching techniques, the Soccer Skills Centres not only work to improve the football skills of those who take part, but it also once again gives them the opportunity to meet new friends and increase their confidence both on and off the pitch. The total cost of the 10 week course is just £35 with terms divided into 10, one hour sessions. There are a variety of courses to meet all requirements and abilities and all coaches are FA qualified and CRB checked at an enhanced level. Book Now! For more information about Ipswich Town Community Trust’s weekly Soccer Centres, please contact the Trust on 01473 400749 or to book your child a place call 0845 1369 333.
Hadleigh under 10's rugby at Stowmarket Hadleigh started this match slowly, cautiously probing the Swaffham defence. But tries from Louis Breyer and Robert Bray, running at Swaffham from central positions, provided encouagement for the rest of the side to adopt a more expansive approach. Further tries followed from Andrew Halls, James Hindmarsh and winger Josh Cameron as the Hadleigh youngsters began to use the full width of the pitch. With their defence in disarray, Swaffham could find no base from which to launch attacks of their own, Hadeigh winning comfortably by a margin of seven tries to nil. Hadleigh U10's versus Stowmarket. This proved to be a very physical game with Stowmarket applying early pressure to keep Hadleigh pegged back in their own half. Strong tackling from James Grant, Oscar Pepper and Harry Tabberer meant Stowmarket's frequent attacks could find no way through the Hadleigh defence. With the game still drawn at 0-0 a few minutes from the end, rapid counter-attacks from William Hart and Henry Ferdinand provided Hadleigh's second win of the day. This young Hadleigh side, rapidly gaining a reputation as a tough team to beat, showed today how they are learning to vary their game to win matches, exhibiting either free-flowing rugby or dogged defending to suit the situation.
Hadleigh United Under 10s It has been a mixed bag of results this month for the Barmy Army - the summary of which follows below:Chantry Grasshoppers v Hadleigh United A Venue: Ransomes Sports Ground An away point for the Barmies at the opulent surroundings of Ransomes. Under normal circumstances this would have been deemed a good result after last season twice dishing out , in Basil Fawlty's words, "a jolly good thrashing" to our opponents only to find ourselves on the wrong end of a 2-1 result. Once again Hadleigh performed well with Sowman and Casey (sponsored by L'Oreal and Schwarzkopf - did you know this means "blackhead" in German!! - can't wait for the hair product which means pus-filled carbuncle can you?) running rings round their opponents up front. With ten minutes to go we still managed to find ourselves 3-2 down, having gifted three goals to our opponents. To our great relief Lewis Sowman scored a magnificent strike from the edge of the area. FInal Score: Grasshoppers of Zurich (sorry Chantry) 3-3 Barmies The Bs once again turned in a workman-like performance with lots of huff and puff but were once again hit with a sucker-punch breakaway goal towards the end of the second half. Full marks for endeavour and congratulation to both Guti Smith and "Sticks" Gilbert for excellent performances. FInal Score: G'hoppers B 1-0 Bee Barmies Witnesham Wasps v Hadleigh United A Hadleigh started this match at break-neck speed in truly appalling conditions. The players did well to keep their feet in very slippery conditions - perhaps they had witnessed Paul Casey hitting the deck in the warm-up thus ending a promising career with Watford Veterans. Their hosts however quickly "worked them out" and scored first through a wellworked corner. The Wasps then doubled their lead early in the second half to run out deserved winners on the day. Final Score: Wasps 2-0 Hadleigh The B team were given a torrid time by an ultra-competitive, wellorganised and fluent home side. Both the Hadleigh supporters and players did well to keep up their spirits in a quite dreadful day for the two teams. My own personal highlight of the day was an Ainsley Harriot South Indian Muligatawny Cup-o-Soup (so much more satisfying than the North Indian version, darling!), the bulk of which had coagulated into a powdery MSG mush at the bottom of the cup and a bag of Cheese McCoys that had the texture of marshmallows. I don't think I need to say any more do I? Final Score: Wasps 4-0 Hadleigh Friendly Results: Hadleigh United A 4-1 Trimley - Scorers: Longman (2), Magga, Orriss Hadleigh United B 1-1 Trimley (Carrigan) Kesgrave Kestrels A v Hadleigh United A Date: 7 November 2009, Venue: Kesgrave Hadleigh turned up to this match after the morale-boosting victory over Trimley in good spirits but nonetheless expecting a good "roughing up" by the early division leaders. It quickly became apparent exactly why this was the case with the home team passing and moving fluently across the entire width of the pitch. We were indeed fortunate that Daniel Shanks had managed three Shredded Wheat for brekkie as he made two or three excellent saves in the first five or six minutes. Hadleigh progressively got the measure of their opponents and competed manfully, winning a number of their "one-on-one" individual battles. The referee had his work cut out - the match became increasingly "niggly" and "tetchy," and nowhere was this more evident that with Caeal Casey and his opposite number - a real case of two "Alpha Males" refusing to budge. Casey's adversary was none other than Grange Hill favourite Mark "Gripper" Stebson who, fed up with extorting dinner money from Sixth Formers, has turned his hand to football instead. And what a fine player he is as well. It was no surprise that these two provided the only two goals of a fine game. Casey struck first with a sweetly-struck free from the edge of the area into the bottom corner. Hadleigh's celebrations were short-lived as "Gripper" then fired a sublime strike straight from kick-off into the roof of the Hadleigh net. Genius! That was how the game ended; without doubt Hadleigh's finest hour against a team deservedly top of the division. It is difficult to single out individuals but Shanks, Jeffery, Baxter, and Casey will probably never face a sterner test. All four came up smelling of roses in a match that was occasionally soured by the bitter taste of over-enthusiastic tackling from both sides. Final Score: Gripper 1-1 Tucker Jenkins
H4H Charity Rugby Match
A charity rugby match in aid of Help for Heroes recently took place at Woodbridge Rugby Club. Billed as an Army vs Navy match, players came from all over East Anglia and beyond and Hadleigh Rugby Club were represented by veterans Richard Wiltshire (ex Army) and Neil Farrow (ex Navy). A fantastic crowd turned out and, as you can imagine with a lot of service personnel, it was a well intentioned grudge match which had an equal amount of rivalry and commaraderey. With a heavy pack, the first half saw a rampant RN storm ahead into a 23 point lead with Farrow contributing two classic wing forward tries whilst unfortunately seeing the RN number 10 going off to be stitched up and Wiltshire leaving the field with a torn knee ligament. With a change of the RN front five at half time, the Army slowly but surely clawed their way back and, by the final whistle, eventually stole the game at 38 to 26. The Port and beers beckoned as we were told that the day itself had raised £480 and, with sponsorship and online donations, the figure was in excess of £10,000! I’m sure you will agree, with the recent news of another six servicemen being killed in Aghanistan the Help for Heroes charity is a worth while course and you can still make donations online. Thanks to all who took part and everyone in the background who helped set it up.
Poets Corner Where shall I find Christmas? In the High Streets whirlwind shopping rush Or the pristine park amid the snowfalls hush. On the faces of the folk in town, Fed up, spent out and looking down. In the candles gentle glow, Or the effervescent neon lighting show. In the thousand containers on board ship, Over the seas laden with plastic and silicon chip. The debt and spurious gifts will remain Long after the carollers last faint refrain. In the consumer Crimbo with religious get-out clause Or the quiet cathedral where the spirit bids us pause. Put away your money and you’ll see That the gift of love is entirely free. Merry Christmas.
Elizabeth Buckland Hadleigh United Football Club
Clairvoyant Medium Night With WAYNE McHUGH (BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND)
Wednesday 9th December @ 7.30pm At The Hadleigh United Football Club To book a ticket call Donna on 07917 730516 Tickets priced at £10 which includes a complimentary glass of wine www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Stoke Ladies Autumn Meeting
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4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm
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Stoke by Nayland Golf Club Ladies held their Autumn Meeting on one of the last sunny Thursdays of late summer. Fifty six Ladies took part and the winner of the main stableford competition was Gill Potter with 42 points. She received the Specialist Shield from past Ladies Captain, Joan Fry (left) who had presented the trophy to the Club 30 years ago. The Meeting also marked the end of the Ladies' last season as part of the Suffolk Golf Union. And - dressed for the occasion - Margaret Bentley (left) the current Ladies Captain encouraged everyone to mark the transfer to the Essex Golf Union with a smile and - Yes - plenty of Bling! Susan Grieves
Hadleigh RFC Under 10's v Sudbury Hadleigh and Sudbury Under 10's shared a topsy-turvy series of matches at the Layham Road ground on sunday. Both clubs took the opportunity of a trio of friendly matches to exercise the full extent of their squads. In the first match, Hadleigh fielded a full-strength team and had little difficulty in overpowering Sudbury by seven tries to one. Louis Breyer was in fine form for Hadleigh, running in five tries. Stalwart forward Andrew Halls, and versatile centre Matthew Morris added further tries. Sudbury strengthened their side for the subsequent matches and gained revenge, winning by margins of 3-1 and 4-1. Hadleigh started well in the second match, with Morris again on the scoresheet. Newcomers James Hindmarsh and Henry Ferdinand battled gamely at centre and wing respectively in their first competitive matches for Hadleigh, but could not stem the Sudbury fightback. Sudbury's increasingly confident attacking play took them into a four try lead in the third game. The disruptions to the Hadleigh line-up meant they were unable to build any momentum until the final passage of play, when firm tackling by Oscar Pepper won posession. Pepper fed the ball out to wing Joshua Cameron, who scored a consolation try with a superb run that wrong-footed the Sudbury defence. Hadleigh RFC Youth and Minis Player of the Month Awards September October: U8's: Charlie Tweedy U8's: Caleb White U9s: Cillian Walker U 9's: Toby Braybrooke U10's: Oscar Pepper U10's: Matthew Morris U12's: Cal Dawson U12's: Tim Barber
SOUTHERN FRIED Lip Licking Flavour
169 Angel Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk
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Hadleigh United F.C. Youth Under 11’s
Under 11’s Warming up before Framlingham Cup Match As Christmas approaches the boys thoughts are still firmly on their football training and matches (with some overheard comments on which new boots, shin pads etc they are hoping for as presents). Again some excellent results but some disappointment at being knocked out of the Cup by Framlingham on what must have been the wettest match ever. Reports as always on Greenun24 and Hadleigh United Football Clubs website. Fixtures 13.12.09 Friendly 11 A Side Home V Moreton Hall 19.12.09 Friendly 11 A Side Home V Chantry 09.01.10 League Home V Brantham 16.01.10 League Away V Woodbridge 23.01.10 League Home V Felixstowe & Walton 30.01.10 League Away V Kesgrave We would like to take this opportunity to say a big “Thanks” to Gavin, Bloss, Ian and Jamie for all their hard work and a special “Thanks” to Julia for keeping us all updated with football information. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year.
Hadleigh Table Tennis Club After pre-season appeals for more players Hadleigh Table Tennis Club eventually secured a number of new players so that each team now has the luxury of four players each (3 players required per match). Hadleigh are now pleased to have two teams in Division 1 of the Ipswich and District League. Hadleigh "A" have made a slow start and have temporarily lost the services of Mike Emmerson. However, they have acquired a new player in Steve Holland who also plays in the Colchester League. Currently Sam Broadbent is the most consistent performer winning 50% of his games. Hadleigh Condors in their first season in Division 1 have made a promising start with James Fulker in good form. The recent addition of Bob Bennett, ex-Britannia Gulls, who scored a well-earned maximum against Rosary Green, will give additional strength to the Condors. Hadleigh Owls who are playing in Division 3 have acquired two fresh faces in Dale Kelleher and Peter Witton. Both have made promising debuts and helped the team to fourth place with games in hand on the teams above. Experienced veterans Rupert Pyett and Ken Rodwell make up the remainder of the side. Anyone in the Hadleigh District interested in playing League matches please contact their Club Secretary, Ken Rodwell, on 01473-823895.
Hadleigh Goldstar Athletic Football Club (Sponsored by Taylor & Sons Property Agents) Sunday 18th October we hosted Taverners in a League match, in a match which we ran out 7 -1 winners . Taverners played well but the Goldstar's fitness showed in the final half hour as Taverners ran out of steam. Yours truly was missing for this match so was most of the Committee and Manager which left our beloved Chairman not only in charge of the team, but he was ball boy, sponge man, press officer, the only thing he didn't do was come on as Sub, but as Crippie would say needs must when everyone else is away enjoying themselves. Oh!! forgot to mention Gary was running the line as Bob the Flag was off posing his legs somewhere. This result put us top of the league table and where we still are at time of compling these notes, wilth Holbrook Swan on same points, but we have a better goal difference. Our next match on Sunday 1st November was against Rickinghall in the Suffolk Sunday Shield 3rd Round, and what a match and day it was. Kicking off late Rickinghall took an early lead and were 3-1 up at half time as they tok advantage of the strong wing , by this time we were down to ten men, with only one sub and two players injured but to the Goldstar lads credit they battled hard against a strong team, torrential rain & gales force winds. Rickinghall scored two more in the second half as we did with the score finishing 5-3 in Rickinghall favour. As hardy soles (or fools) who stood there supporting must have been mad. Secretary Keith looked the part in his blue pak-a-mac, Bob the flag said I looked like Shadrach Dingle for some reason, he resembled the drowned rat running the line. Nigel should have had a bigger coat, as his trousers looked rather moist. Nick R turned up in army battle dress but we did lose him at one stage as he blended into the background (he did reappear for a half time coffee ). Biff decided to shelter in the hedge and view the match from distance, we did note a one stage he had a pigeon on one shoulder & and an owl on the other as they shared his umbrella. Thanks to everyone who supported, thanks again to the players for a battling performance. Our next match against Aldeburgh was called off as they could not raise a team, so we were awarded a match win, then our match at Alderton was postponed on the 15th November because of the weather as were most Sunday matches. Hopefully more matches to report on in next months H.C.N if the weather holds. Congratulations to Jack Wilkinson as he played again for the Suffolk County team in a F.A. County Youth match. Finally everyone at Goldstar send the sympathies to the family of Brian "Fuzzy" Gowers who passed away recently, in his time he was probably one of the finest players in Hadleigh.
Big Christmas Sing Why not join us on
11th December at 7.45pm in the Salvation Army Hall? Everyone is welcome! This is part of a National Christian Aid Big Christmas Sing. All you need is some money to put in the collection and a small amount of food for a shared supper. Come and enjoy singing your favourite carols as well as helping Christian Aid. See you there!
No charge for advice and estimates A free fitting service for all carpets and vinyl supplied (over 10 Sq. Mtrs.)
DAVID POTT - HADLEIGH (01473) 822700 10 Ann Beaumont Way, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 6SA www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Stoke By Nayland Karate Club hits the high grades Karate students at the Stoke by Nayland Shotokan Karate Club at the hotel’s Peake Fitness Centre have achieved a special 100 per cent grading success. The 40 students who entered the winter grading are all pupils of the Stoke by Nayland Shotokan Karate Club which was established by Sensei Peter Heal, a member of the Karate Union of Great Britain for over 30 years. Peter set up the club within Peake Fitness over nine years ago. He has overseen the training of many juniors and seniors, many attaining a black belt after four years of hard training. The SNSKC trains in a brand new studio at Peake Fitness inside the Stoke by Nayland Hotel. The ‘dojo’ is among the finest in East Anglia with a sprung wooden floor, floor to ceiling mirrors, as well as being air-conditioned. Peter Heal explains that the students are graded every four months so they can move up to a higher ranking – and his students notched up a 100 per cent success rate this winter, giving every student full grades. The grading assessment was carried out by leading Sensei Andy Sherry, an 8th Dan, the KUGB Chairman and Chief Instructor, and one of the most respected professionals in the Karate world. Peter Heal said: “All the competitors did exceptionally well, showing the true spirit of Karate in their commitment to the sport and having the dedication to train to the highest possible standards.” “For some of the above competitors it was their first competition and they all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. ”It was really a great success and the students did Stoke-by-Nayland proud. The concentration and the pure enjoyment of the children was really something to be proud of.” Many of the youngsters aged from seven to 14 years train twice weekly. There are currently vacancies for older students aged from 15 upwards who wish to progress in the art of self defence and sports karate. Training is every Tuesday from 6:30pm until 7:30pm for junior grades and from 7:30pm until 9:00pm for advanced students, and Friday from 7:00pm until 8:00pm for all students and 8:00pm until 9:00pm for advanced students. Training fees are £5 per session or £20 per month for adults and £4 per session or £12 per month for juniors (7-15 years). All karate ka visiting the area are welcome to train at the club. People wishing to start karate are extremely welcome and their first lesson is free of charge. For further information contact Peter Heal at info@snskc.org.uk or on 01787 279316 or contact Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa on 01206 262836
HADLEIGH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Ute Cooper
Leader: Alison Butler
Christmas Concert December 6th 6.30 pm at St Mark’s Catholic Church, Hadleigh Our Annual Christmas Concert will be at the beginning of next month on December 6th. at the Catholic Church (half way up Angel Street). The programme is still being finalised but will include such old favourites as a suite from Handel’s ‘Water Music’, and a shortened version of Tchaikovsky’s popular ‘Romeo and Juliet’. There will be other pieces we are sure you will enjoy and as usual we shall include the playing of popular carols for you to sing – not often that you have the opportunity of being accompanied by an orchestra! We are most grateful to Fr. Michael and the Catholic Church for hosting our Concert again this year and we do invite everybody to join us for this popular evening. As usual there is no charge for entrance, but we are so sure that you will enjoy the evening, that there will be a plate at the back as you leave for you to express your appreciation and help us to defray the costs of the concert and to make a donation to the Church. Looking forward to seeing you on Dec 6th at 6.30 p.m.
More free lessons for youngsters Two series of free beginner’s classes for youngsters at Newton Green Golf Club have been so successful that Sport England is to sponsor more sessions. Juniors attending recent classes at the club under professional Tim Cooper’s teaching academy have received their passport certificates, with the result a number have gone on to join the club’s junior section and obtain handicaps. Sport England is awarding another grant for further eight week courses to begin in the New Year for youngsters aged 9-13 years, with sessions beginning on Saturday, January 7 from both noon and 1 pm. Furthers details are available from club professional Tim Cooper, who will also be running additional fiveweek lessons for those aged over five years.
A very special Super Mum of St Mary’s Ceva Primary School We would all like to offer our thanks and appreciation to a very Special mum of St Mary’s Primary School. Mrs Justine Huggins recently took on the challenge of the British Gas Great East Swim at Alton Water. Justine completed the one mile swim in open water in just 43 minutes and 18 seconds. She has kindly donated all of the sponsorship raised to the School’s Courtyard Appeal. This has amounted to approximately £400. Well Done Justine and a very, very, very big THANK YOU. Justine has mentioned that she would like to thank all those who sponsored her and supported her through training and on the day itself.
The Hadleigh Society
Hadleigh in World War II
8pm Monday 7th December 2009 in Hadleigh Old Town Hall Visitors £2 (side entrance)
Members Free
Call 827498 for more information
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Newton Green Ladies AGM
Newton Green Golf Club Ladies Section has recently held their AGM. Before the meeting outgoing captain, Carolyn Cocksedge, presented a cheque to Autism Anglia Trustee, Gill Norton, for £864, monies raised during her year. Lady members have also held a Pink Day recently which raised £178 for the Breast Cancer Campaign Golf Club Challenge. Pat Walsh was duly elected as ladies captain for the coming year and said her chosen charity would be St Nicholas Hospice. Jill Symonds was elected as vice captain. The golfer of the year trophy was presented to Glenys Grove and Debbie Howlett who tied for the honour. The section also presented a trophy for the most improved high handicap player to junior member, Alice Barlow. The next morning spirits were not dampened by the weather when Pat Walsh held her captain’s drive in. Lady members dressed in their best bling, looking ready for a trip to Ladies Day at Newmarket rather than the golf course. Winners of the Better Ball competition were Jennie Leech and Dorothy Rattray Allan, 26 pts; Cynthia Chapman and Sue Lockwood, 25 pts; Glenys Grove and Janet Sparks, 24 pts. Nearest the pin was won by Debbie Howlett. Susan Sills guessed the length of the Captain’s drive of 102 yds.
Hadleigh RFC Youth and Minis Hadleigh Under 8's narrowly got the better of a strong Stowmarket side in a series of three matches at Stowmarket's Chilton Way ground on sunday. The first match saw Hadleigh prevail by a margin of five tries to three. Luca Beadle scored twice for Hadleigh with direct running from a central position, with Oliver Jervois (2) and Charlie Tweedy adding further tries. The second match was an even closer affair, Stowmarket's youngsters piercing the Hadleigh defence seven times to ensure a 7-6 victory for the home side. Hadleigh's replies came from the impressive Isla Romer-Lee, (2) , Oliver Webb (2), Ryan Ellis and Charlie Tweedy. In the decisive third match, Hadleigh started strongly to build a 4-2 lead by half time, Romer-Lee, Webb and Beadle again all on the score sheet. Stowmarket mounted a determined fightback in the second half, but fine defensive tagging by Hadleigh's Archie Lloyd and Josh Linegan kept the swift Stowmarket attackers at bay. Further tries by newcomer Frank White and man-of-the-match Jervois sealed a convincing 7-4 victory, and 2-1 series triumph, for the Hadleigh youngsters.
Please note that due to the Christmas and New Year break the January edition of the Hadleigh Community News will be delivered a few days later than is usual.
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Kersey Car Sales Probably the most competitively priced selection of used cars for miles around... DIESEL SELECTION £35 ROAD TAX / 60-78 MPG 06 06 FORD FIESTA ZETEC CLIMATE 1.4 TDCI 3dr, a/c, alloys, cd, 50k, Met Black . . . . . . . . . . . .£5795 06 56 PEUGEOT 207 S 1.4 HDI 5dr, a/c, cd, fogs, abs, e/w, e/m, 49k, Met Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6995 £120/125 ROAD TAX / 50-70 MPG 06 56 CITROEN PICASSO EXCLUSIVE 1.6 HDI, a/c, alloys, abs, cd, e/w, 58k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . .£5995 06 56 FORD FOCUS SPORT 1.8 TDCI 5dr ESTATE, a/c, alloys, cd, 48k, Met Black . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6795 06 56 FORD FOCUS SPORT 1.8 TDCI 5dr, a/c, alloys, cd, 44k, Met Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6995 06 56 VW GOLF S 2.0 SDI 5dr, a/c, abs, c/l, e/w, e/m, cd, 36k, Met Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7995 06 06 BMW 318d SE 2.0d 4dr, a/c, alloys, fogs, cd, Bluetooth, 36k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£12495 PETROL SELECTION SMALL CARS 02 52 FORD FIESTA LX 1.4 5dr, a/c, h/screen, c/l, e/w, e/m, cd, 73k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£3295 03 03 FORD FIESTA GHIA 1.4 5dr, a/c, alloys, h/screen, c/l, e/w, e/m, 75k, Met Blue . . . . . . . . . .£3495 MEDIUM / FAMILY CARS 06 56 PEUGEOT 207 S 1.4 5dr, a/c, abs, cd, e/w, c/l, 59k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5495 06 56 VW POLO E 1.2 5dr, c/l, pas, airbags, cd, 27k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5495 06 56 FORD FOCUS SPORT 1.6 5dr, a/c, alloys, fogs, cd, e/w, 45k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5995 06 56 VAUXHALL ASTRA SXI 1.4 16v 5dr, a/c, alloys, cd, e/w, e/m, fogs, 41k, Silver . . . . . . . . . .£6095 07 57 VAUXHALL MERIVA LIFE 1.4 16v 5dr, a/c, c/l, e/w, cd, 30k, Met Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6495 06 06 VW GOLF S 1.6 FSi 5dr, a/c, abs, cd, e/w, e/m, 56k, Met Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6995 AUTOMATICS 06 56 FORD FOCUS C-MAX GHIA 2.0 AUTO, a/c, alloys, top spec, 47k, Met Black . . . . . . . . . . . .£6495 4x4 / MPV / ESTATE CARS 04 04 FORD FOCUS C-MAX LX 1.6 5dr, a/c, c/l, e/w, e/m, cd, 51k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£4495 06 56 VAUXHALL ASTRA LIFE 1.4 16v 5dr ESTATE, a/c, c/l, cd, e/w, 16k, Met Grey . . . . . . . . . . .£6095 PART EXCHANGES TO CLEAR 96 P VW GOLF CL 1.8 5dr ESTATE, pas, 12mths MOT, ex cond, 126k, White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£795 99 T VW PASSAT S 1.8 4dr SALOON, a/c, c/l, e/w, pas, fsh, 106k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£1695 01 51 FORD MONDEO ST200 2.5 V6 5dr, a/c, leather, ST bodykit, ex cond, 79k, White . . . . . . . . .£2995
I would just like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I would also like to thank all of our customers for using us to purchase their new cars. I check our prices on a weekly basis and we are consistently the most competitive car dealer on autotrader within 30 miles of Hadleigh. Please note that 95% of our stock has had just 1-Owner and comes with a Full Main Dealer Service History. Please ring if you would like to view any of our stock in our indoor showroom. Also on a personal note I would like to wish my son Maddox a fantastic 5th birthday on Dec 17th and not forgetting my little princess Lola Blossom who will be 4 on Jan 5th …….and on their request they have their photo in the Community News! Stuart Crawford
(06/06) BMW 318D SE 2.0D 4DR SALOON, SILVER £12495
(06/06) VW GOLF S 1.6 FSI 5DR, MET BLACK £6995
(06/56) VAUXHALL ASTRA SXI 1.4 16V 5DR, SILVER £6095
(06/56) FORD FOCUS SPORT 1.6 5DR, SILVER £5995
(06/56) VW POLO 1.2 5DR SILVER £5495
(06/56) PEUGEOT 207 S 1.4 5DR (A/C), SILVER £5495
(04/04) FORD FOCUS C-MAX LX 1.6 5DR, SILVER £4495
(03/03) FORD FIESTA GHIA 1.4 5DR, MET BLUE £3495
(01/51) FORD MONDEO ST200 2.5 V6 5DR, WHITE £2995
Telephone Stuart on 01473 827038 62 60 56 44 27 1
Prestigious Golf Mark “High Achiever” Accreditation awarded to Stoke By Nayland Golf Club
GolfMark Achievement: Left to right Roly Hitchcock, Professional, Adrian Bullock, Junior Organiser, Susanna Rendall, MD Stoke by Nayland Club, Matt Manning, Golf & Leisure Director, Mike Verhelst, Golf Secretary Stoke by Nayland Golf Club is celebrating after being awarded the coveted national GolfMark “High Achiever” accreditation which demonstrates excellence and dedication to both junior and beginner’s golf. The award means Stoke by Nayland is now nationally recognised for providing excellent teaching and a safe environment for junior golfers. Stoke by Nayland Golf Club has received this Sport England accreditation from the English Golf Union and English Women’s Golf Association, after a rigorous assessment programme carried out over several months, looking at the quality of coaching, environment and ethics, and child protection and duty of care. Helen Tarttelin, County Development Officer for the Essex Golf Partnership said; “I was very impressed with the whole attitude of the Club and it now gives a standard other clubs should be striving to achieve – Stoke by Nayland has an excellent structure in place particularly for young golfers”. Stoke by Nayland Golf Club already boasts an exceptional track record in training junior golfers, some of whom have gone on to become topflight professionals, such as Jamie Moul who now plays all over the world on the Challenge and some European Tour events. The Stoke by Nayland under 18 Junior team – some of whom now play in the national squad has also won the prestigious Telegraph National Team Award, beating hundreds of other clubs throughout the UK. Susanna Rendall, Managing Director of Stoke by Nayland Golf Club said: “Much of this success is due to the hard work and dedication of our team of excellent professional teachers – Roly, Sarah and Andrew – and our Club staff, together with the great facilities here at Stoke by Nayland such as the covered driving range, practice areas and new clubhouse and proshop which provide a welcoming environment for the Juniors.” The most recent success story is the news that Stoke by Nayland’s 14 year old Charlie Sargent, has just won the Under 16 Suffolk Schools Championship with a level par score, and now goes forward to the National Finals. Stoke’s Head teaching professional Roly Hitchcock has coached Charlie since he was 5 year old. In recognition of the Club’s excellent teaching history and results, Roly has recently been invited to help coach the Essex County Junior Squad, aiming to gain them places in the National Team. For details about Junior Golf tuition at Stoke by Nayland please call the pro shop on 01206 265812. Further information on the GolfMark can be found at www.golfmark.org
Newton Green Golf Club
This year more than 80 new members have joined. They must know something. Find out what. Follow in their footsteps.
CHRISTMAS CRACKER MEMBERSHIP DEALS AND VOUCHERS THREE months’ trial £100 DAVEY Membership £220 15 MONTHS’ full membership for price of 12 £615 – saving £153 WINTER SPECIAL: 18 holes/brunch £21
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LOST CAT - POPPY Small plain cat, no distinguishing marks, no collar. Last seen Alabaster Close 17th October If seen please contact 01473 822297, 01473 748965 / 07825 397139
Mobile: 07973 823978 Web: www.lseaves.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
SUFFOLK RURAL ENTERPRISES LTD www.forgegarageonline.co.uk 2002 02 Reg Mercedes Benz C220 CDI
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GENERAL CARS 2005 55 REG FORD FOCUS LX TDCI 5DR SILVER 77590 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY 1 OWNER .........................£5995 2005 55 REG FORD FOCUS LX TDCI 5DR BLUE 81547 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY 2 OWNERS..........................£5695 2005 05 REG RENAULT MODUS OASIS 1.5DCI 5DR FULL SERVICE HISTORY 1 OWNER 35 RFL CLEAN ....................£4495 2004 54 REG CRYSLER PT CRUISER DIESEL MANUAL BLUE JUST 49517 MILES 2 OWNERS VERY CLEAN.................£4995 2003 53 REG RENAULT MEGANE 5DR HATCH 1.4i FULL SERVICE HISTORY BLUE CLEAN CONDITION .....................£3795 3003 53 REG FORD MONDEO 5DR HATCH 1.8i GREEN 71909 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY 2 OWNERS.................£3495 2003 03 REG SEAT LEON 5DR HATCH 1.6i BLUE SERVICE HISTORY CLEAN CONDITION 3 OWNERS ........................£3495 2003 52 REG CITROEN C3 SX 1.4i 5DR 2 OWNERS FULL SERVICE HISTORY NEW M.O.T VERY CLEAN.....................£3495 2002 52 REG VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 5DR HATCH GREEN FULL VW SERVICE HISTORY 2 OWNERS 74256 MILES ...........£3995 2002 52 REG FORD FOCUS GHIA TDCI BLUE 5DR 83292 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY VERY CLEAN.....................£3695 2002 02 REG FORD FOCUS ZETEC 5DR BLACK 1.6i FULL SERVICE HISTORY 78100 MILES VERY CLEAN..................£3495 2002 02 REG PEUGEOT 307 RAPIER 1.6i 5dr HATCH SILVER 3 OWNERS VERY CLEAN CONDITION..........................£3495 2002 02 REG VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 1.6i 5DR HATCH BLUE FULL SERVICE HISTORY 70750 MILES ...........................£3995 2002 02 REG MERCEDES C220 COUPE DIESEL MANUAL 93560 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY VERY CLEAN ...........£6995 2002 02 REG RENAULT MEGANE COUPE 1.4i SILVER SERVICE HISTORY RECENT CAM BELT VERY CLEAN ...............£1995 2002 51 REG FORD FOCUS 5DR HATCH DIESEL WHITE FULL SERVICE HISTORY 89980 MILES .............................£2895 2001 Y REG PEUGEOT 307 5DR HATCH GOLD 1.6i CLEAN CONDITION 70,000 MILES..........................................£2995 2001 Y REG SUZUKI GRAND VITARA 3DR BLUE 4X4 72251 MILES NEW M.O.T ON PURCHASE .............................£2995 2000 W REG FORD FOCUS ZETEC 1.8i 3DR HATCH SILVER NEW MOT FULL SERVICE HISTORY 3 OWNERS ...............£1995 1999 V REG FORD PUMA 1.7i RED VERY CLEAN 2 OWNERS FULL DEALER HISTORY NEW M.O.T ..........................£2495 1998 S REG FORD ESCORT ENCORE 1.4i 5DR BLUE CLEAN CONDITION NEW M.O.T NEW CAM BELT.......................£1495
2003 53 Reg Citroen Picasso 2.0 HDI Desire 2
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SMALL CARS 2001 51 REG MINI ONE BLACK 1.6i JUST 51823 MILES VERY CLEAN CONDITION NEW M.O.T TAX TILL 05/2010.........£5795 2005 55 REG NISSAN MICRA 1.2i 3dr ONLY 26169 MILESN CLEAN CONDITION ALL ROUND GOLD .........................£4295 2004 04 REG FIAT PUNTO ACTIVE BLUE 3dr 1.1i NEW M.O.T ON PURCHASE P.A.S C/L ......................................£2995 2003 53 REG RENAULT CLIO 1.2i 3dr BLUE ONLY ONE OWNER FULL SERVICE HISTORY NEW M.O.T ......................£3495 2003 53 REG VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2SXI 3DR GREEN 57478 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY .................................£3695 2002 52 REG TOYOTA YARIS VVTI COLOUR COLLECTION 3DR 1.0i 44409 MILES 1 OWNER SERVICE HISTORY...........£3495 2002 52 REG NISSAN MICRA TEMPEST 3DR 1.0i ONLY 21625 WARRANTIED MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY ...........£2995 2001 51 REG RENAULT CLIO 1.2i 3 DR 72497 MILES BLUE CLEAN CONDITION INSIDE AND OUT............................£2895 2001 Y REG FIAT PUNTO MIA 3DR BLACK 1.2i 62024 MILES SERVICE HISTORY NEW M.O.T ON PURCHASE..............£1995 2001 Y REG HYUNDAI AMICA SI 5DR RED 0NLY 14238 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY ...................................... £1995 2001 Y REG FORD FIESTA FINESSE 5DR RED ONLY ONE OWNER FROM NEW 69735 MILES F/S/H ..........................£2195 1998 R REG FORD FIESTA SI 1.25 5DR BLACK ONLY 65935 MILES NEW M.O.T VERY CLEAN CONDITION .................£1395
2005 55 Reg Nissan Micra 1.2S
2006 06 Reg Ford Transit 350 LWB, 135PS
Gold, 26169 miles New MOT
White, 6 Speed Ply lined, New MOT
Hadleigh Hares A.C GREAT NORTH RUN Many congratulations to Trish Kempson, who took part in her first competitive race running this year’s Great North Run on 20th September. In perfect weather condtions Trish finished the 13.1 mile course in a time of 2.29.49. HARWICH DISCOVERY 10K On the 17th October 3 Hares took part in the Harwich discovery 10k race. Steve Hunt was the first Hare home finishing in a very respectable 14th out of 109 finishers. Congratulations also to Darren Allen & Steve Alcock who set new personal bests: times as follows: Steve Hunt: 41.23, Darren Allen: 44.09, Steve Alcock: 52.59 HELL RUNNER Having competed in the renound Grizzly 20 mile race in Devon in the spring and the Midsummer Munroe- billed as the countries hardest Half Marathon, the autumn training schedule for Brian Airlie Steve Hunt and Darren Allen had been focused on preparing for the legendary Hell Runner event in Hampshire. 2500 hardened athletes lined up to face chest deep water hazards, massive sand dune climbs ,12 miles of tough cross country, the hills of Hell and the infamous bog of doom. The race was started by a 10 foot red faced devil appearing from a thick cloud of smoke! None other than Gordon Ramsay! The race didn’t disappoint! Having rained for most of the preceding 24 hours, there was plenty of mud and water to go round! Times as follows: Brian time 01:26:18 position 343 age position 49 Steve time 01:29:56 position 488 age position 78 Darren time 01:37:27 position 858 age position 147 2421 runners completed the event- a further 556 entered but bottled out! Gordon Ramsay finished in 1.35.39! Many congratulations to all! STOWMARKET SCENIC 7 On a beautiful autumnal day 12 Hares joined 275 other competitors in completing the Stowmarket scenic 7 mile road race on November 8th. After the 2 min silence (which was impeccably observed) the runners were on their way! The course consistently undulates with a killer hill just after 4 miles & one with half a mile to go, making it a challenging but fun run. Congratulations to Claire, Barbara, Andrew, John, Helen & Christine all running their first scenic 7, and to Corinna Hussey for posting a personal best. The great tea & cakes at the end made all their hard effort worthwhile! Times as follows: Brian Airlie: 51.21, Andrew Stewart: 55.25, David Ingleby: 55.51, Barbara Sanders: 56.27, Claire Holdaway: 57.36, John Norman: 57.46, Sarah Hunt: 1.00.35, Corinna Hussey: 1.03.22, Christine Breeze: 1.04.43, Lisa Smith: 1.06.34, Helen Norman: 1.09.11, Anne Wilkinson: 1.10.10
COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND 4x4 2006 56 REG CITREON BERLINGO 600 LX WHITE ONLY 38385 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY .......................£3695+VAT 2006 06 REG FORD TRANSIT 350 LWB HI-TOP 135PS 6 SPEED PLY LINED SIDE DOOR NEW M.O.T ..................£5995+VAT 2006 55 REG FORD RANGER DOUBLE CAB 4X4 TD WHITE 1 OWNER FULL HISTORY VERY CLEAN....................£4995+VAT 2005 05 REG VAUXHALL COMBO WHITE 1 OWNERS SERVICE HISTORY LOW MILEAGE.................................£3695+VAT 2004 54 REG LDV 400 CONVOY LWB WHITE 1 OWNER 61855 MILES 3 SEATS ...........................................£2495+VAT 2003 53 REG MITSUBISHI L200 DOUBLE CAB PICK-UP WHITE SERVICE HISTROY ONLY 76510 MILES ...............£4395+VAT 2003 03 REG FORD RANGER PICK UP SUPER CAB 4DR 4WD UTILITY TOP 1 OWNER WHITE VERY CLEAN ..........£3995+VAT
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FORGE GARAGE George Street, Hintlesham, Ipswich IP8 3NH
FINANCE AVAILABLE Subject to status
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
(L/R – John Norman, Helen Norman, Andrew Stewart, Deb Stewart Trudy Avis, Steve Alcock, Corinna Hussey, Barbara Sanders, David Ingleby, Mike Rosbrook, Carol Nokes) HARWICH CROSS COUNTRY 53-12 X/C Hadleigh Hares compete in the North Essex cross country league against several other running clubs with races scheduled between November & February 2010. The first race of the new season, organised by the Harwich road runners took place on November 15th near Mistley. Well done to the 12 hardy souls who bravely took part in the muddiest wettest conditions of the year so far! Unlike road racing it is team position that matters not time. (Next race is on November 29th at Springfield) Hadleigh Hares Athletic Club run three sessions a week for adults (all abilities & ages welcome) & one for juniors (age 8-16); please look at our website www.hadleighhares.co.uk
Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group
Hadleigh United continued their Ridgeons League fixtures with a trip to Ely City and Hadleigh never created a scoring chance. Ely scored the only goal of the game early in the second half. Leading goal scorer Craig Payne was starting a three match suspension. The next match was a league cup encounter at the Millfield against Long Melford. Hadleigh gained an easy win by four goals to one, with goals from Jermaine Harewood, Kris Rose, Chris Williams and Ronaldo Wright. Next up was a league match at home to Woodbridge and a comfortable win by three goals to one. Chris Williams scored two with a third from Ronaldo Wright. League leaders Leiston provided much harder opposition at the Millfield. The visitors won by four goals to nil. Haverhill came to Hadleigh for a midweek match with Payne back in action following suspension. A great goal by Liam Jennings earned a draw in a good local derby. A trip to meet Histon Reserves left a nasty taste in the mouth as Histon had no first team match and fielded five first team players against Hadleigh. Last season Histon beat Swindon Town and Leeds United in the F.A. Cup so Hadleigh faced a massive task. Histon scored three in the fist half and four more in the second period. Hadleigh gave a brave display with goals from Craig Payne and Kris Rose. The Reserves beat Ipswich Wanderers by three goals to one at the Millfield with Dale Munson scoring twice. Young Kieran Dilloway was the other scorer. Dilloway was also on target at Sudbury but the home team scored four for Hadleigh’s first defeat of the season in the ninth match. A Peel Cup match at the Millfield ended with Mendlesham winning a penalty shoot out following a 1-1 draw with Craig Payne scoring. A league match at Brantham ended in a three one loss as a goal by Matt Chinnery was all that Hadleigh Reserves could manage. Diss Reserves were beaten seven nil in a Chell Trophy atch. Dan Chinnery netted twice with others from Dale Munson, Jason Curtis, Daryl Alexander, Aston Leathers and an own goal. A Suffolk Cup match saw a Jason Curtis hattrick beat Walsham by three goals to two at the Millfield. A large crowd watched a superb contest which went to extra time before Hadleigh got their nose in front. This win put our Reserves into the quarter finals. Prize winners in the latest monthly draw were Pam Vardon, Barry Stokes and Matthew Prior. Brettsider
Hadleigh Tyre Group
Hadleigh United Fixtures With the festive season just around the corner, Hadleigh United will be hoping Santa delivers plenty of points starting with the trip up the A12 to Kirkley on Wednesday 2nd December. On Saturday 12th Histon Reserves come to Hadleigh before we go to Walsham on Saturday 19th. Stanway will be at the Millfield for a real Christmas cracker on Boxing Day morning followed by a night game at Harwich on Monday 28th. The Reserves travel to Haverhill on Tuesday 1st before Braintree are entertained on Saturday 5th. Then it’s Stanway away down in Essex on Saturday 12th and then we go to Ipswich Wanderers on Saturday 19th. The Ridgeons Youth team will be at home to Coplestonians on Tuesday 1st. An away match at Wivenhoe follows on Wednesday 9th before we go just down the road to Brantham on Wednesday 16th. All fixtures correct at time of writing but alterations could take place as cup matches take priority. Latest news on club website which is updated daily.
Mixed Bag For Youths Hadleighs improving Ridgeons Youth team had a mixed selection of results with Haverhill being beaten by four goals to one in an outstanding display. Cornard were held at one goal each while the Eastern Cup match at Southend ended in defeat by three goals to one.
Tyres from Wheelbarrow to Earthmover Exhausts, Batteries MOT’s Servicing - 7 ramps available Computer Diagnostics 24hr Emergency Tyre Breakdown Cover Collection & Delivery Service Courtesy Car Available
Hadleigh Tyre Services Calais Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EW
Hadleigh Bowling Club
Those of us who attended our Annual Dinner Dance and Prize Giving in the recently refurbished Whatfield Village Hall, had a super time. Audrey Nelson (next year's Ladies County President) did very well to stand in at short notice, due to the illness of our guest speaker, to make a short speech and present the prizes. We look forward to the rest our winter social programme.
(01473) 827827 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
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Proprietor: M Bundy 5 Drapers Close Hadleigh, IP7 5DH, Suffolk
Phone: 01473 828210 Mobile: 07815 426541 Email: serviceinfo@coramar.co.uk
HARDWOOD FLOORING Supplied and/or fitted
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The new season is upon us again, with 16 teams competing for the honours.One major signing of note saw Russell Hynard leave the British Legion to join league contenders the Ram for an undisclosed fee believed to be pounds rather than pence,while Anthony Nicholls left to join the jets on a free transfer, Paul Clements leaves the George A after talks broke down regarding travel expenses. Six weeks of matches to report hence some are a bit brief. 5th October George A Ivan Clements hit an 11 dart leg in his singles win as his team started off the campaign with a 10-1 win at the Cock A. A last game decider at Kersey Bell gave Eight Bells a 6-5 victory, Kevin Sparkes beating Andy Hazell 2-0 after both players had a sackful of darts at double one before the lights went out at closing time. 12th October Brewers A Curtis Hammond hit his second 180 in as many weeks as his team demolished George B 10-1,Geoff Parmenter took out 127 to set the bench mark for the high checkout as George A won 9-2 at the Ram Jets.For the second week running Kersey Bell lost 6-5 with a another last game decider against British Legion B, Dave Holman being the Legion hero. 19th October Hintlesham Social Club were on top form as they pushed the British Legion A all the way, wins from Derek Knights, and Mick Stuart secured a narrow 6-5 win for the Legion A, before Bobby "the legend" Leathers rolled back the years winning the last singles for the Social Club. Brewers A continued their impressive start with a superb 8-3 win at home to the Ram, Ram captain Glenn Bentley hit a 12 dart leg in his singles to bring some cheer for his team. Ram Jets won the first three games against the Cock, Dan Page/Neil Henderson pulled a game back, but Gildy/Dan Wells put Jets 4-1 ahead going into the singles, Bob Morphew, Keith Lambert & Neil Henderson won their respective singles to level the match, before Michael Sparkes & Anthony Nicholls won it for the Jets. Singles wins from Tim Allen & Shane Ravensdale was as good as it got for the Brewers B as they went down 9-2 to the George A. A close match at the Wheelers saw the Eight Bells snatch a 6-5 win, Wheelers started well winning the first triples, but then had to wait till the third singles for there next win as the Bells won six on the trot, the wins from Tony Corbtt, Alan Squirell, Bill Smith & Alan Toomer gave the Wheelers there well deserved 5 points. 26th October George A Colin Hynard hit a 12 dart leg in his singles win ( 95-140-10066) and team mate Darren Witt checked out on 122 as they beat North Croft 10-1. Cock A Tony Smith hit a maximum as his team lost 8-3 to the Brewers A. Roy Collins was Kersey Bells lone winner against the Ram, as was Kings Head Paul Humphries at the George B. 2nd November Richard Lyddaman & Tony Smith won the last two singles to give the Cock A a 6-5 win at Brewers B. There were plenty of fireworks at the Kings Head as they found the Ram in Sparkling form going down 110.There were two 180`s this week one from Colin Hynard and another from sharp shooter Curtis Hammond his third of the season. 9th November Eight Bells Paul Leathers hit a 180 in his singles win over Ivan Clements, Ivan missing the chance to take a 9 dart 401. Brewers A continue there good form with a 9-2 win at home to the Kings Head. Colin Hynard
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Val Gladwell completed the Great East Swim at Alton Water in September and raised £387.50 for Cancer Research UK. She completed the mile swim in 27 minutes 14 seconds finishing 34th female and 134th overall. A big thankyou to all those who provided sponsorship.
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Tel: 01787 210831 Mobile: 07860 230701 Fax: 01787 210787 Email: les@lnormanwanadoo.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Andrade electrical Domestic • Commercial • Industrial Quinn Andrade T: 07977 279970 E: quinn@andrade-electrical.co.uk
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Period Building Specialists GENERAL BUILDING, RENOVATION GRANT & INSURANCE WORK EXTENSIONS, NEW BUILDINGS 138 COLCHESTER ROAD IPSWICH, SUFFOLK TEL: 01473 270264 MOB: 07941 184231 Telephone Telephone Community Community News on News 01473 on 01473 823366 823366
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tel/fax 01473 823051
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ALL FENCING WORKS DRAINAGE & SOAKAWAYS GROUNDWORKS CCTV DRAIN SURVEYS 101 Lady Lane Industrial Estate Hadleigh IP7 6BQ Tel: 01473 826014 Fax: 01473 826015 Mobile: 07940 935539 academybuilders@googlemail.com
Beaumont Cars
Painter & Decorator Interior & Exterior Phone
Keith Gardner
Please support these local businesses!
01473 828574 07880 716171
Have your company listed for £6.25 + VAT per month (Min insertion 4 months) For more information call Matt on 01473 823366
Accountants / Financial Services Burac Accountancy....................01473 826160 Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Edward Jones Investments........01473 829147 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 D.J. Upson.................................01473 829364 Emmersons Builders .................01473 270264 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 L.J. Norman...............................01787 210831 R.D. Sears .................................01449 743117 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Hadleigh House Care .................01473 829200 H.P.M.........................................01473 823704 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 Eco Sweep (Chimney Sweep) ....01359 232335 BLC plastering ...........................01449 615556 P. Crisp Carpentry......................01473 415727 Butchers Andrews ....................................01473 827720 Jolly Meat Company ..................01473 810119 Cafe/Coffee Shop Katies ........................................01473 828884 Crabtrees ...................................01473 828166 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 David Pott..................................01473 822700 Hardwood Flooring ....................01473 822282 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Parts Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 Kersey Car Sales........................01473 827038 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Cartune......................................01473 822603 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Eurospeed .................................01473 823172 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 SHR Auto Services ....................01473 824581 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 Jump Start.................................01473 822111 Catering Smugglers ...................................01473 82888 Ceramic Tile Merchants Bromley & Fitch.........................01473 829339 Child Day Care Birch Farm..................01473 652152 / 652249 Lavender Hall.............................01473 826100 Cleaners
Airports & Special Events Doctors & Hospital Appointments
David & June Green...................0800 6951472 Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Alton Windows ..........................01473 716318 Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Surefix .......................................01473 827004 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Drainage and Fencing Academy Building Contracts......01473 826014 Driveways / Patios Morlan .......................................01473 823396 Dry Cleaning Press Gang ................................07881 810710 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 B. V. Hicks Electrical ..................01473 822005 Electricians Andrade Electrical......................01473 412353 C.J.W. Electrical.........................01473 823369 Coramar Electrical Services .......01473 828210 K. Ruffell....................................01473 828464 Estate Agents Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 Morton Smith & Sands..............01473 828121 Taylor & Sons ............................01473 828280 Farm Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Partridges..................................01473 822191 Florists Rosebud Florist .........................01473 823703 Suffolk Flower Company............01473 827698 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Garden Services CLA & NJ Martin........................01473 652881 Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 Golf Clubs Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Hairdressers Tresses ......................................01473 823592 Barber Stop ...............................01473 829635 Hair Academy ............................01473 822772 Jon Cutter..................................01473 823688 Karen Waspe .............................07763 577093 The Hair Lounge ........................01473 829089
CJW Electrical Industrial & Domestic Installations • Rewiring • Showers • Security Lighting • Extra Sockets • Replacement Fuseboards • Telephones CRAIG WELLS 8 Jordayn Rise, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5SY Tel: 01473 823369 Mob: 07900 918652
Phone Les 01473 827096 Mobile 07850 318582
Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care D. J. Dunstone...........................01473 823755 Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hadleigh Osteopaths..................01473 828585 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Hugh Clover...............................01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Home Design / Improvement Baker Interiors...........................01473 828366 Kitchen & Bedroom Studio ........01473 827666 Paul James Blinds .....................01473 206090 Rendall & Wright .......................01787 375076 I.T. Services Birkfield Computer Services ......01206 298479 Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 J.C. Computers..........................01473 657283 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Jewellery / Gifts The Jewel Box ...........................01473 824862 Kennels / Cattery Rylenes Cattery .........................01473 658747 Kitchen Appliance Repairs Colin Lockwood.........................01473 730534 Leisure Hadleigh High Leisure Centre ....01473 824441 Perris Archery............................01473 311636 Miscellaneous Co-op ........................................01473 681650 French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 Karen Benson ............................07712 115970 Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 R.R. Beechener Headstones ......01473 823575 Singing Lessons ........................01473 824833 Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Toppesfield Cottages .................01473 829129 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing Homes Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 Pest Control Action Pests ..............................07754 558497 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334 Plant Hire Eastern Contractors...................0800 3161365
MTM Plant Hire .........................01787 312007 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Buddha ......................................01473 828581 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Hadleigh Heating Services.........01473 824957 Roundhouse ..............................01473 829741 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways China Garden.............................01473 828838 Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Queen’s Head, Layham ..............01473 827789 The Cock Inn, Polstead..............01206 263150 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head .........................01473 828855 The Ram ....................................01473 822171 White Hart, Boxford...................01787 211071 White Hart, Hadleigh..................01473 822206 China Garden.............................01473 828838 Grays Fish & Chips ....................01473 823374 Pizza Town.................................01473 829999 Weavers Spice............01473 829104 / 828825 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 G&L Waste Bags .......................01449 741999 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Tree Surgeons Eco Systems..............................01787 229138 Weight Loss Just Peachee .............................07792 334443 Slimming World ........................08700 754666 Word Processing/Secretarial Services Office Matters ............................01473 822860
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Contact Terry on 07754 558497
Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.
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