Hadleigh Community News, July 2021

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Community News

July 2021

Enjoy the hanging baskets? it’s Hadleigh in Bloom! The hanging baskets appear each year and give Hadleigh residents and visitors so much pleasure. Then they are removed when the contents ‘go over’ and are no longer attractive. That would seem to be a fairly simple activity but is it and who is behind this annual happening? The simple answer is Hadleigh in Bloom namely Stuart Service who also runs The Gables and Visit Hadleigh website. He makes sure that the baskets are planted up at a nearby nursery in plenty of time before they are positioned along the High Street. George, Jamie and Ken helped Stuart put up the baskets, while Rowan waters all 80 of them every other day. This he does before he goes to his day job while Hadleigh sleeps thus avoiding disrupting the day to day activities of the main streets. So next time you look up and enjoy the magnificent array of colours and blooms spare a thought for the quiet, patient persevering group that has made them possible and on a shoe string too. It would be sad day for the town if we had a summer without these gorgeous overhead flowers. Donations towards the maintenance are always needed Contact: stuart@thegableshadleigh.co.uk Tel: 01473 828126


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From 16th July our kitchen will be serving all day every Friday, Saturday & Sunday Breakfast served from 9 am Sunday Breakfast from 11 am Main Menu available 12 noon to 9 pm daily

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The Hadleigh Archive Hadleigh’s History On Your Doorstep 01473 828805 www.frenchcomplexionsuffolk.co.uk Victoria House, 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh

WOULD YOU LIKE TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF WRINKLES YOU HAVE? Here at French Complexion in Hadleigh, we provide an ACCOR treatment which will help you with: • Skin tightening, upper & lower lids, soft facelifts, throat & tummy lifts • Reduction of wrinkles & uneven surfaces, worry lines and lines around mouth and forehead • Reduction of unsightly pigmentation • Scar reduction / improvement • Removal or correction of permanent make-up, skin tags and small tattoos

We are now taking bookings for any of the above on

Tel: 01473 828805


Community News

17200 Community News Magazines are delivered during the first week of each month to homes and businesses in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Hitcham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, Long Melford, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Newton Green & Raydon We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month

Our contact details: Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 kelvin@keithavis.co.uk To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 matt@keithavis.co.uk

www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Community News Magazines are produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

The Bridge Street School, built of brick, was opened in 1853 as the National School for Boys, and was said to be on an earlier foundation. The schoolmasters house was adjacent. The need for further accommodation saw an additional classroom built in the year 1907, although the population of the town was quite static at this time. The West Suffolk Education Committee compiled a regular ‘Return of the Elementary Schools’ and in the April 1939 return, it noted that the accommodation was for 192 boys, and these were taught in Grade 2 – 3 Rooms. For the total number of boys, each class would comprise of 64 boys, however the return states that the average attendance totalled 80, giving a more acceptable total of 26 boys per class. There were three members of staff, with the headmaster being W.A.B. Jones, popularly known from his initials as ‘Wab’ Jones and a name to become well known in local education and local history. There were two further teachers, Mr D. A. Scates and Miss K. M. Dunphy. The school had six managers: Rev. J. Bentley; The Very Rev. E. A. Downes; Dr. J. Muriel; Lady Rowley; Mr. W. Prowse and Miss. A. E. Byers. Within five months of this return this country had declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939. The school attendance register for the w/e 15th September reflected the war situation when ten official evacuees were listed in addition to the local boys. The school stock book later in the war listed: 1 ARP Bucket; 1 First Aid Outfit; 1 cwt. of sand, a long-handled shovel and a Stirrup Pump, fortunately they were never needed to be used. At the end of the war the school’s name changed to the Hadleigh Voluntary Primary School (for boys). In June 1953, the school celebrated its centenary with a series of displays, see the picture. The school closed in December 1968. Image reference: HA 182-C-03. The Hadleigh Archive is administered by the Hadleigh Town Council, Archive Department, The Guildhall, Market Place, Hadleigh. IP7 5DN. A team of experienced volunteers catalogue and transcribe its large number of documents and images, all of which are held in archive-approved conditions. Visitors are welcome by appointment. Email: hadleigharchives@gmail.com Tel. 01473 823884

Keith Green 3 long years have passed since you left us to be a star. Love Heather and all the family.

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own - there really is no opposition!

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Town Mayor’s Update At the Annual Town Meeting, held in St Mary’s Church on 26 May, I announced that my two charities for the civic year would be the Friends of St Mary’s Church and the Porch Project. These two charities support what seem to me to be, in their very different ways, causes that lie at the heart of what our town is. St Mary’s represents the ancient and storied past of Hadleigh, a connection with the many people and events which have shaped this town, and it is one of the architectural glories that mark Hadleigh as unusual and important, even in a county as full of history and ancient monuments as Suffolk. The charity also supports the fabric of the Deanery Tower, which stands as the symbol of Hadleigh to the outside world. The church has an awful lot of work that needs to be done, and the works will require very complex project management. However, there is one piece of the programme that can be done separately from the rest – the vestry, which was formerly the church office, is a magnificent room with spectacular and ancient vaulting. There are already exciting plans to bring the church’s historical possessions out of the vaults and put them on display, to illustrate the church’s central role in the history of our town, and indeed in the history of our country. Being able to restore this fine room as part of that would be a fine way for the residents of Hadleigh to show our pride in our town’s past. By contrast, the Porch Project looks to our town’s future, its young people. The last year has been very hard for many young people, isolated from long periods from their friends and unable to do so many of the things that matter to them, at an age when many lack the mental resilience to cope. In addition, their education has suffered considerable disruption. Helping these young people get back on track and build a good future for themselves is a very labour-intensive business, and relies on highly trained and committed youth workers. We are very fortunate in those we have working in Hadleigh, but they face constant uncertainty about the future of the Project and their own positions, because the whole running cost of the Porch relies on charitable donations. It is this aspect of their needs that I will be concentrating on – raising funds for purpose such as this is not glamorous but it is essential, and I will be working hard to make sure everyone in Hadleigh understands the value of the Porch Project. I hope that from this will come the financial support that it so badly needs. So when an event is planned to help either of these two important causes, please give it your support. Frank Minns, Hadleigh Town Mayor

100 Years of Scouting in Hadleigh This year the Hadleigh Sea Scout Group will be celebrating 100 years of Scouting in Hadleigh and we hope to be able to arrange suitable celebrations once the current Covid restrictions have been lifted. In the meantime we would welcome contact and reminiscences from former Scouts, Leaders and Helpers together with any photographs or copy documentation. We also hope to be able to promote the Annual Duck and Raft Race on the River Brett later this year now that the water level has been restored to its former level and to be able to carry out our usual water based activities such as canoeing and kayaking. Please submit your photos, etc to; kmarsland@btinternet.com (Chairman, Hadleigh Sea Scout Group)


• • • • •

Jewellery repairs and restorations Valuations Bespoke design service Diamond and precious stone specialists Goldsmith’s workshop on the premises

98-99 High Street, Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9PZ www.jonathanlambert.co.uk • T: 01787 881 181 4

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366



Sibarita is a new business, based in Liston, a village in Braintree District close to Sudbury. We import and distribute a range of traditional Spanish foods from family-owned producers. Our high-quality products include cooked, preserved and dried pulses, vegetables, fruits, oils and vinegars, rice, spices and flavourings, pickles, jams and marmalades and everything you need for paella (except the meat and fish). Many of our products also make perfect gifts for food lovers and many are organic. The producers are all private, family-owned businesses totally committed to products of the highest quality, retaining traditional artisan farming and production traditions developed over generations but recognizing and adopting scientific and technological advances. Our policy is to buy directly from a small number of carefully selected suppliers. To give us time to establish our new business, except for certain flavourings, we have limited our range to ambient temperature products, all plant-based for a healthy diet.

INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL OFFER to readers of The Hadleigh Community News On your first order over £30: 10% discount & reduced delivery price of £5 On your first order over £60: 10% discount & Free delivery SHOP SALES: We are not able to serve retail customers at our warehouse in Liston, a village near Sudbury. Click and collect is possible, by appointment.

We would be happy to answer all of your questions; just email hello@sibarita.co.uk or call us on 01787 323933 between 09.00 and 17.30, Monday to Friday.

Sibarita - Spain’s Organic Larder “Sibarita” - Spain’s Organic Larder” is a brand-new business, importing and distributing a range of highquality foods from Spain. It sources products from a small number of Spanish producers, all privately-owned family businesses, and aims to offer a greater choice of each supplier’s products than is generally available online in the UK. The products include cooked, preserved and dried pulses, vegetables, jams and marmalades, oils and vinegars, pickles, rice, spices and flavourings, pickles, and everything needed for paella other than meat and fish. Many of them make ideal gifts. The products are all ambient and plant-based with a large selection of organic. The suppliers are committed to quality, retaining traditional artisan growing and production methods, but adopting modern technology where it can improve a product. A key feature of all the suppliers is the great care they take to use pulses, vegetables and fruits harvested at exactly the right time then processed quickly to ensure perfect taste and texture. Most of the products are from the more northerly regions of Spain from Cataluña and Navarra in the East to Castilla y León and Asturias in the West, regions which enjoy higher rainfall and less extreme temperatures. Of course, some products, such as olives, thrive in the heat of the South, After a long association with and love of Spain, and a lifetime in Logistics and Shipping, founder, Allan Binks was ready for something entirely different: “Having passed the reins of our family logistics businesses to our two sons, I was not ready to retire and wanted a new challenge with the support of younger members of our family. Having worked in Spain in the late 1960’s and having a house in Almeria for the last 30-odd years, something to do with Spanish food was “no contest. Spanish is our default food! We are starting with a fantastic range of products from fantastic producers. But we are already planning the next stage of the development of “Sibarita” with the intention of introducing new and exciting products together with ambient meat and fish products. It is also clear to us that there are many new and innovative small producers in Spain, amongst the best, if not the best, in Europe. A key objective for Sibarita is to support these new businesses and to work together with them, with the support of our family-owned shipping and logistics businesses.”. Readers can find out more about Sibarita by visiting the company’s official website: https://sibarita.co.uk/

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Registered member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh Hares After what seems like a very long winter lockdown, Hadleigh Hares are finally up and running again (excuse the pun)! We’ve been back a few weeks now doing our weekly training sessions for both Senior and Junior members and it’s been great seeing so many coming out to take part. June and the following summer months will also see the inclusion of monthly Track Sessions and our popular 5k Series. Clearly a lot of our members have been busy training during lock-down and have embraced the many races that have taken part since. Samantha Cooper started the ball rolling by completing the 48 mile Peddars Way Ultra on 17 April in her fastest time of 10 hours 21 minutes. This was followed by Scott Ramsey the same weekend, running the Essex Marathon in an impressive 2 hours 30 minutes, finishing an excellent third overall. May saw Carl Cooper completing the 18 mile Bury to Clare challenge on 9 May, Scott Ramsey taking a new Club 10k record at Snetterton on 15 May and Samantha Cooper, Vicky Tapp, Barbara Jousiffe, John Jousiffe and Vicki Jousiffe representing the Club at the Colchester Zoo Stampede 10k on 16 May. A large number turned out on 23 May to take part in the Bromley 10k. A nice flat course, this is a favourite for our members and we had brilliant representation from Stuart Hunt, Joanne Norrington, Karl Feagan, Simon Fenn, Matt Blacoe, Scott Ramsey and Glen Avis, along with another club 10k record for Scott! Not content with her two races already, Samantha Cooper brought May to a close by competing in the Boston Marathon in Lincolnshire on 31 May. And so onto a warm June and the Stour Valley marathon and half marathon on Sunday 6th. This is a self-navigated trail run using the Stour Valley Path, St Edmund’s Way and the Essex Way, and the conditions made this a difficult one to compete. Congratulations to Rachel Bodsworth, Amanda Dunn, Katrina Rigby and Kay Oxford for a great marathon run and Nathalie Hooper for her half marathon. A huge well done to all of our members that have taken part in races so far and good luck for any more that are in the pipeline. www.hadleighhares.co.uk

David Spraggons Bathroom Design and Installations Plumbing & Heating Installations Underfloor Heating, Boilers & Renewables t. 01473 829863 m. 07775 690158 15 Dunton Grove, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5HD www.spear-plumbingandheating.co.uk 8

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


At long last Hadleigh Old School is re-opening as an arts and entertainment venue From July 14 2021 we will stage an exhibition of new wildlife paintings by Cris Coe. The art was inspired by a trip Cris made to Botswana where she supports the Walking with Elephants Foundation and met a 3.5 Metre tall orphaned bull elephant Jabu. There will be a range of oil paintings and sketches for sale along with landscapes of local scenes in Raydon, Shelley and Hintlesham. The gallery will open 11am - 5pm Wednesday to Saturday for two weeks 14-24 July. In addition private viewing appointments can be booked on Sundays 18th and 25th July via email to hadleigholdschool@gmail.com A special meet-the-artist evening is being held from 7pm Wednesday 21st July hopefully with relaxed regulations for social distancing in our large hall. Cris has worked in many mediums, including large oil paintings of elephants and giraffes, wild dogs and red hornbill, to bronze sculptures of monkeys, a caterpillar and giant leaf to sketches in charcoal chalk and pastel. It feels a long time since our open day, in the former Bridge Street School last Autumn, we hope to welcome old friends and new residents too. The hall is ideal for exhibitions and performances - make a note in your diary that something special is planned music wise for Hallowe'en weekend! Ian Grutchfield & Matthew Hodges

Still Waiting for Freedom We were all disappointed when Boris announced that ‘Freedom Day’ will have to be delayed by another 4 weeks but none of us want to go back to the full lockdowns we’ve almost clawed our way out of. If it means we stand a better chance of getting our holidays abroad soon I guess it’s a price worth paying. If not, we’ll have to look at another staycation (not so bad) & save our dreams till next year. This time last year who’d have thought we’d be saying that again now. Thankfully, we are in a better place, but thanks to the new variants that keep evolving, we’re not entirely out of the woods. Another month gives us a bit more time to lose some of the lockdown pounds we’ve hoped would disappear along with the restrictions! Sadly, it doesn’t work like that.. a bit of effort is required! The data has consistently suggested that obesity increases the risk of Covid-19 complications & that 70% of those in intensive care are overweight or obese. Research also indicates that weight loss is highly beneficial for those with diabetes, hypertension & cardiovascular conditions, also high Covid risk factors. THE 1:1 DIET’s Steps plan has been successfully studied in those risk factors. If you need some help, give me a call me for a chat, no obligation, on 07519 177645. For more information go to www.one2onediet.com/valL THE 1:1 DIET has several different plans (including real food if you choose) to suit just about anyone and I will help you decide which one is right for you. It can help reset your approach to food, and crucially, you’ll have your own private support* group (me) who has the knowledge & experience (with over 12 years’ experience as a Consultant). I’ll encourage you all the way through to goal and beyond – helping you maintain your success long term. Consultations are conducted following social distancing guidelines. *Research proves that dieters are more successful with support. Average weight loss is a stone a month*

Art Show CRIS COE Wildlife Paintings + Suffolk Scenes 14-25 July 2021 Hadleigh Old School, 3-5 Bridge Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 6BY

High Welfare Locally Sourced Meat Rare, Native and Traditional Breeds Free Home Delivery within 10 miles Wholesale supply to the trade Gift Vouchers available

Eggs ● Bread ● Deli ● Pies ● Cakes 101 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EJ

Tel: 01473 810119 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366



On All Takeaway Food Collections Monday to Thursday

The Cock Inn Well folks, as I pen this month’s news we have just heard that the government has delayed the opening up of ‘full freedom’ to Mid July. While its rather disappointing, especially to us all within the UK’s hospitality sector, I guess another month could be worth it if it indeed helps to avoid future lockdowns. Locals will know that we reopened Mid-June and things have been tough. The weather was not great at first, however there has been recent sunshine and we have completely replanted our enlarged garden, though later than usual due to the shortage of plants this spring. To make matters worse most of our suppliers have increased their prices and in some cases, with quite high price hikes that we feel will hit the pub industry extremely hard. Many businesses have incurred higher prices together with considerable losses throughout 2020 and during the first half of 2021 and as such, many will be looking to recover loses and build towards the future. At the Cock Inn we have decided not to increases prices at the current time. We believe that our customers have also been hit fairly hard by the Covid pandemic, both emotionally and financially. As a gesture of good faith and as a thank you to our customers both old and new, we have instead decreased the prices of some of your favourite brands. For example, we are now stocking Amstel, an award winning premium lager beer, first brewed in Amsterdam in 1870. Most places will sell this lager for around £5 a pint. Well, you can enjoy an ice cooled pint at The Cock Inn for only £4.00. Carlsberg, a Danish alternative is another great buy at only £3.60 a pint, while cask ale drinkers can enjoy their favourite pint of Abbott for a mere £3.50. (Hey, it’s brewed in Bury St Edmunds too). Wine connoisseurs can try a wonderful 175ml glass of Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon for just £3.50, while those of us who sometimes indulge in those mouthwatering spirts can make their favourite ‘a double’ for only £1.40 extra. ‘Double up’ applies to Smirnoff Vodka, Bells Whisky, Jack Daniels, Bacardi and Gordons Gin. We hope that our efforts to make our customers experience better and more affordable will be appreciated. There is a great summer of sports to enjoy too. Our Sky and BT Sport screenings provide seven day a week coverage of Football, Cricket, Formula One, Tennis, The British Lions Tour of South Africa and of course the Olympics from Tokyo. The Euro football tournament is already underway with England off to a flying start with a well fought win against Croatia (the team who knocked us out of the last World Cup) and its Scotland up next! The final is on Sunday 11th July, so lets hope we are there. Music returns to the The Cock in July with our first Sunday Soiree on the 25th July starting at 2.30pm. It’s the ever popular Three Steps to Heaven and this will be followed by another popular visitor to The Cock in Adam Harrod, who will grace us on Sunday 15th August. We hope to see the return of our popular pub quiz in the early autumn together with our monthly ‘Buskers’ evenings. We are looking forward to getting back toward some form of normality, whatever that may be! The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 879907 www.thecockinnhadleigh.co.uk

Churches in Hadleigh - Praying for Hadleigh The people of the churches in Hadleigh are committed to praying for our town. Over the course of each year we plan to pray for every street in Hadleigh. During July we will be praying for the following streets: Week commencing 4th July Churchill Avenue; Week commencing 11th July Clopton Gardens; Week commencing 18th July Duke Street, Silk Mill Close, School House, Toppesfield Gardens, Tinkers Lane, Holbecks Lane and Layham Road; Week commencing 25th July Edwin Panks Road, Woolner Close and Jordayne Rise; Week commencing 31st July Friars Road and Coram Street. If you know people who live in these streets, we would be very pleased if you also would pray for them. If you live on one of the streets being covered during a particular week and would welcome prayer, please get in touch. Hadleigh Baptist Church pastorchristodd@hadleighbaptist.org.uk Hadleigh URC Wendy Atkins 822535 wendy@whitecat.me.uk St Joseph’s RC Church Anita Rosbrook 810057 a.rosbrook@btinternet.com St Mary’s CoE Joyce Willis 823165 willisjm@lineone.net

An exclusive place to shop Exquisite - Unique - Local Monks Eleigh,Suffolk IP7 7AY Telephone 01449 741553 Showcasing work from East Anglian artists and makers With aWildlife theme

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The Cock Inn A traditional family run freehouse

Always serving quality cask ales from the surrounding areas and guest beers from around the UK Beautiful patio and extended garden at the rear.

New Prices for July

July Events Board

Carlsberg £3.60 pint

Sunday 25th, Sunday Soiree returns. Live music, 3 Steps to Heaven, 2.30pm Start

Amstel £4.00 pint Abbott Ale £3.50 pint Victoria Ale £3.50 pint

Euro Football Finals

Guinness £4.50 pint

The Open, Irish, Welsh & Scottish Open, Golf

Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot £3.50 175ml glass

England v Sri Lanka, Cricket England v Pakistan, Cricket

Make it a double for £1.40 extra (Bells, Smirnoff, JD, Bacardi, Gordons)

British Lions Tour South Africa

All prices, all day every day!

Check our fb page for further details of events

British & Hungarian, GP F1, Moto GP Finland TOKYO OLYMPICS

The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 879907 www.thecockinnhadleigh.co.uk

Hadleigh Hairloom Walk In Family Salon Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm

78-80 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF

Tel 01473 822191 Coffee and Wifi available www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Ebony’s Blog Life at The Shelley Centre

01473 828805 www.frenchcomplexionsuffolk.co.uk Victoria House, 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh

ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO FIND A CONSULTANT THAT OFFERS ELECTROLYSIS? Do you wish you no longer had to shave or wax? Here at French Complexion in Hadleigh, we are one of very few salons locally to offer electrolysis, this is one of the most effective ways to remove hormonal hair and permantley eliminate it.

We have over 30 years experience, to find out more please contact us on

Tel: 01473 828805


Hello Readers, and here’s to you having some summer weather. Its been great to have my door hooked back so that I can see what’s going on in the yard. Fewer feeds are being set down as the ponies are living on grass again, thank goodness. The swallows are back but annoyed with us for bolting the top doors of the stables at night now. Historically too many fan tailed pigeons have had their eyes on our premises for nesting. The humans have decided to keep them out of the rafters this year so unless the swallows can negotiate the louvered windows at the back of the stables they are having to look elsewhere. We love hearing them call as they dash around the yard, almost too fast to be seen. More riders are returning so that some sessions now have four horses or ponies working a lesson; its good to be able to welcome some new riders too, but STILL we can’t help our wheelchair jockeys, they need just too much contact with the volunteers for it to be safe. Also the yard remains closed to the public; all our riders have to dismount and leave straight away. The yard is taken up with saddle horses on which bridles, saddles and equipment can be sterilised after each ride. Boots and hats get the same treatment. It all makes extra work for the volunteers but no one is complaining, we are just glad to be operating. Max, my Friday rider, has kindly allowed me to send in this photo of him doing stretches with the rubber band whilst trotting on me. My riders work very hard at improving their strength and Max is no exception. He can ride fast whilst we are together, guess we both enjoy ourselves. I hope you all enjoy yourselves this month. No more exams for the GCSE students and a long summer holiday ahead for most. Please carry on being careful of yourselves, and mindful of others. We want to be at full capacity for the new school year, with all restrictions behind us by September. Good luck! www.shelleyrda.com Telephone: 01473 824172

Stour Valley u3a For Quality & Personal Service FENSA from Start to Finish

We encourage lifelong learning for those no longer in full time employment and retired from work altogether. Emphasis is placed on making learning active and fun as well as helping in developing friendships. Groups are returning to near normal meeting: art lovers, walking, churches and historic buildings, dining, kayak, getting fit again, garden visits and table tennis. Others may soon follow. Upcoming monthly meetings and lectures – 9 June “Walt Disney: Struggles of a Legend” and 14 July “Getting away with murder LAW AND MEDICINE”. Visit the Stour Valley website u3asites.org.uk/stourvalley for more information. New members are always welcome.

BARKE SCAFFOLDING LTD Local, family run scaffolding specialists

TEL: 01473 823584 • MOB 07885 941615 49 Benton Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AR 12 10

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

www.barkescaffolding.com admin@barkescaffolding.com Please call Jake for a no obligation quote 07528 941018

Suffolk Tax Accountants Group Luke Harvey from Aaron Clarke Accountants, is pleased to announce that following the relocation of the practice to Hadleigh 3 years ago business has bloomed thanks to the continued support of new and existing clients. In order to maintain the high level of service that the practice currently offers Luke has decided to join forces with two local accountancy firms with whom he has a long standing relationship. Along with Alistair Porter and Sue Davies, Luke has now completed a successful merger during lockdown transforming their former practices which include Aaron Clarke, Orwell Accountants and DAA Tax Consulting under the banner of ‘Suffolk Tax Accountants Group’ offering collectively over 75 years’ experience working with local, national and international clients. Luke has always prided himself and his team in having a modern, friendly proactive approach to business, an ethos that is shared by the new partners. With offices at Hadleigh, Copdock and Felixstowe we are able to offer clients the flexibility of locations to meet and drop their records. The transition has enabled us as a practice to pool our staff into teams that are able to share their technical knowledge, ensuring that deadlines are met and the practice is up to date with the ever changing regulations and guidelines. Along with the standard accountancy, taxation and client support services Suffolk Tax Accounts Group will also be able to offer expatriate tax services along with detailed Estate and Retirement planning to minimise any tax burden. Suffolk Tax Accountants Group will also be able to assist clients with the successful integration of the forthcoming HMRC “Making Tax Digital” requirements, we are accredited by all major software providers and our team can help to either train or take the strain out of your MTD requirements. To find out more about how we can help you and your business, please feel free to get in touch for a free no obligation chat. Using our strength you can trust us to provide you with the best advice for your situation. Suffolk Tax Accountants Group

9 Byford Court, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6RD 01473 657000 info@suffolk.tax www.suffolk.tax

Thank You A very big thankyou to all our very kind family and friends for the many good wishes, cards and gifts received when we recently celebrated our Golden Wedding. Beryl & Lenny Betts

Professional accountancy services with a personal touch

Accountancy Taxation Bookkeeping and VAT Management Accounts Payroll Company Secretarial Services Business Start-Up’s Expatriate Tax Advice Estate and Retirement Tax Planning To discuss your accountancy and taxation requirements please feel free to contact us – our initial meetings are free! Hadleigh Office 9 Byford Court Crockatt Road Hadleigh, Ipswich Suffolk IP7 6RD

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07969 525859 www.zoronline.com zoronline.sales@gmail.com Kersey Mill, Stone Street IP7 6DP Open Mon-Sat 10am to 4.00pm

Zor Boutique Get ready for the Summer... With the weather improving we have been busy with customers coming to try on and purchase our summer clothing. Therefore we have received many new styles in the last week, to keep the rails full and to offer fresh stock. One of our best sellers this month has to be the Alice Collins button side dress. Made from a cotton linen blend, this dress is lightweight, breathable and super stylish. Available in 3 colourways. New in this month- we have just started to stock the wonderful Madaraff bags made by artisans in Madagascar from raffia. These bags offer a bright and cheerful option to carry all your essentials, with leather handles and corners for strength and durability. My favourite is the plain coral as its super summery and sure to make you smile. Other styles feature flowers, butterflies and abstract designs. Back by popular demand is our best-selling ponchos- once again these are flying out of the door as they are perfect for layering when it gets chilly in the evenings. We now have over 20 different colours available with the same great price of £16. Once again I would like to thank all of our lovely customers for their continued support. It is wonderful to see you all supporting a small independent business. 07969 525859 www.zoronline.com zoronline.sales@gmail.com Kersey Mill, Stone Street IP7 6DP Open Mon-Sat 10am to 4.00pm

Hadleigh and Boxford Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Have Your Say

Physiotherapy • Clinical Pilates • Reflexology • Pelvic & Women’’ss Health Physio • Acupuncture • Sp Sports orts & Swedish Massage • Respiratory & Paediatrric Physio • The MummyMOT OT

Hadleigh Physiotherapy Limited d The Clinic, 111 George Street, Hadleigh, Sufffolk IP7 5BP Telephone: 01473 810185 Email: enquiries@hadleighphysio.co.uk o.co.uk www.hadleighphysio.co.uk 14

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

The Covid virus has impacted on all of us. It has been an unexpected catalyst for massive changes in our everyday lives. Retail businesses, offices, the leisure sector have all had to meet the challenges of the restrictions. The biggest upheaval has been within the health sector where hospitals and local GPs have had to reconsider their work practices to try and maintain their level of service but still keep their patients safe. This has meant making much more use of IT. Medical matters will still be dealt with effectively but without unnecessary personal visits to the surgery. This has also helped reduce the risk of infection. Some of these arrangements have proved to be so effective that, even without the threat of Covid, they will continue. In an effort to gauge patients’ opinions of a post-Covid medical centre the Practice has compiled a Patient Survey. Although it will not be possible to fulfil everyone’s expectation, it will give the medics and their support team an insight into patients’ concerns. Please take the opportunity to have your say and complete the brief questionnaire. Copies will be available until 31st July, on the Practice website and Facebook page with hard copies at the Mill Pharmacy, in the Hadleigh and Boxford waiting rooms and the post vac Marquees. Website: www.hadleighhealth.co.uk www.facebook.com/Hadleigh-Boxford-Group-Practice-102959274690621/ Email: hadleighboxfordppg@gmail.com PPG: Chair Jan Devey 01473 827091

Hadleigh Foodb bank Charitty welcomes the n HQ High S Sheriff of S Suffolk to new When Ang nggela Grregg, g, FFoounder and TTrrustteeee of Hadleigh FFooodbank Charitty, wa was a contacted by Andrreea Pitttoockk,, the Head of Grraants frroom Suffolk Com mmunittyy FFooundation, she w waas ddelightted e to accept a visit froom the H High Sheriff of Suffolk at the Chaaritty’s’s new headquarte ters Mill on 22nd June. at Kersey M

L-R Andrea Pittockk,, Head off Grants from Suffolk Communittyy Foundationn, Alison Allum, Proj oject Officcer (Hardship and FFooodbanks) from Suffolkk Counttyy Councill,, Denise Leathers (Hadleigh Foodbank Charittyy TTrrustee)) with Angela Gregg (Hadleiigh Foodbank Charittyy FFoounder) receiving thee Suffolk Awarrdd, in recognitionn of the Charitty’s’s outstanding work during thee pandemicc, from TThhe High Shheriff of Suffolkk, Edwarrdd Creaseyy..

Currently there is a High Sheriff serving in every countty in England and Wales and the Office is the oldest Royal appointmen nt with its history and traditions dating back to beffo ore the Norman Conquest! To Today High Sheriffs have a very diff ffe erent role to that of th heir ancestors. In recent years many have been particularly active in promoting crime reduction initiatives as well as assisting Community Foundations and local charities by raising the profile of their valuable work. w High Sheriffs work on a voluntary basis and receive no remunerattion for their year in office. During their visit, the three dignitaries were very ke een to learn more about the work of the Hadleigh Foodbank Charity wh hich was fo founded in 2020, following the devastating eff ffe ect the Covid-1 19 pandemic had on the local community. The Charity has been wo orking hard ever since, with its members and volunteers, to assist in ndividuals in and around the Hadleigh area who need help during th hese difficult and challenging times. Angela commented “When the foodbank was first up and running, our volunteers were delivering to about 10 families, and now we are supporting approximately 47 families a week, delivering d around 165 bags of food and toiletries. The demand and th he need is clearly growing because of Covid Covid-19 19 and the pressures that have come along with that. Our special thanks go out to Morrisons, Co-o op, Fareshare and the community of Hadleigh – their support has been really great”.

Fre resh Start Charritty Shop & Hadleigh FFooodbikes at KKeersey Mill

Hadleigh h Food Bik ke es The Fresh h Start Charity Shop is also the b booking office ffo or a bike rental servic v e, per ffe ect ffo or those who would d like to hire bikes at low cost and help raise funds fo for the Charity. Available to riders of all ages off ages, ffe er e ing regular bicycles, electric b bikes fo for hire, including saffe ety equipment. Fresh Start C-A-F-E (coffee and friends event) Tuesday 20th July 12.30 - 2.30pm The Miller’s Kitchen, Kersey Mill - booking is required. Christmas Craft Fair - Saturday 27th November 10am-4pm The V Ve enue, Kersey Mill. Stalls cost £25 eacch (donated to Hadleigh Foodbank Charity) - booking is required. For further details - please visit www.had dleighffo oodbank.org

There has been an outstanding response fo following the Charity’s relocation from Hadleigh town centre to Kersey Mill, just over 1.5 miles away. Since opening its doors on 20th April 2021, the Fresh F Start Charity Shop has been incredibly busy. With free parking close e by, y it has proven to be very popular fo for those either making donations as well as those looking out for a bargain! The shop is well stocked with w a wide range of previously owned clothing, accessories, children’s toys, t home wares and bric-a-brac. Itt provides p a central hub for the Food dbank Charity, y, its ts various services and fo forthcoming events. Contact details are set out below and further inffo ormation can be fo found on the website. w Fresh Start Charity Shop, Unit 2 Church View, Kerseyy Mill IP7 6DP Open: Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm. We are now accepting donations during store opening hours. h Telephone: 07377 190455 Email: info@hadleighfoodbank.org www.hadleighffo oodbank.org Registered Charity y No. 1191326 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hollow Trees Farm Cafe is now open! The Hollow Trees Farm Catering Team are really pleased to have the Farm Café opened up again and they are really enjoying welcoming everyone back inside. Currently some restrictions still apply so we highly recommend pre booking your table to guarantee a space. This can be done via our web site www.hollowtrees.co.uk Creating great dishes is what Hollow Trees is all about and during the lockdowns the chefs have been busy developing a takeaway menu, suitable for all tastes and all ages. The menu is available to see and order on our web site too. You can pre order your takeaway meal and enjoy a tasty treat either at home, on our picnic tables or, if you are visiting the Farm Trail, why not add a special takeaway treat for everyone? The third way to enjoy what the Catering Team have been cooking up is to indulge in something from our Farm Made range within the farm shop. In the Deli and freezer section you will find fresh and frozen savouries and desserts all cooked from scratch in the Hollow Trees kitchens. Between the Farm Café, Farm Takeaway and Farm Made, as far as good wholesome homemade food goes, Hollow Trees Farm Catering Team have got it covered! 01449 741247 shop@hollowtrees.co.uk www.hollowtrees.co.uk

Hadleigh Table Tennis Club Hadleigh are part of the Ipswich & District League which is hoping to resume its activities season commencing September 2021. The Club plays all home matches at Holton St Mary Village Hall, approximately five miles away from Hadleigh. Away games are mainly in the Ipswich area. Two teams are entered in the League, an “A” side and a “B” side called the Owls. The Owls are currently looking for additional players. The team competes in the bottom tier of the League. Have you recently moved into the area and are looking to join a team, maybe other commitments caused you to hang your bat up and now you would like to play again? We are a friendly Club, would love to hear from you and invite you to a practice evening. Hadleigh Table Tennis Club has been established for over 40 years. Apart from Holton St Mary we are hoping there will be other practice facilities in Hadleigh itself (when current Covid restrictions are lifted). If you are interested please contact Rupert Pyett, the Owls Secretary on 07724 080168


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Welcome to Blush Beauty!


Having qualified in 2020 I am excited to be finally opening my doors up to more new clients wishing to get their Lashes and Nails done ready for summer and potentially those holidays we have all been looking forward to! Appointments are available from Monday to Saturday and I operate under full Covid-19 guidance with full PPE and a safe, calm treatment room. I am located in Hadleigh just off of the town centre and would require bookings for appointments.


Treatments Individual Lash Extensions Full Set £42 Half Set £28 Lash Infills £22 Lash Lift & Tint £32.50 Lash Tint £10 Gel Nail Polish Hands £20 Feet £20 Hands & Feet £32.50 Gel Polish Soak Off £8 Polish Removal and Application £22.50 Hands and Feet £35

New for 2021 – I will be offering a Loyalty Scheme for my existing clients and 15% off for new clients too Contact Danielle 07917 691166

Hadleigh Community Primary School EYFS - Reception The Reception children had a lovely trip to Banham zoo recently. We were very excited to experience our first trip and coach journey! The children really enjoyed looking around the zoo and finding all the animals we had learnt about in school. We were incredibly lucky to get very close to the giraffes, cheetah and penguins! We found the whole experience very exciting and were very tired when we got back on the coach with many of us falling asleep!



Contact Danielle 07917 691166

Nursery Applications If your child was born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018 they can start attending Nursery school in September 2021. We still have a few spaces available so please contact the School Office on 01473 822161 for more details. Premier Education Summer Holiday Clubs Are you looking for something for your children to do during the Summer holidays? Premier Education will be running some Clubs here at Hadleigh Community Primary School from Monday 26th July – Friday 27th August for all children within the local community to attend. If you would like to book a place, please visit the Premier Education website, www.premier-education.com for more details

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Remembering you on the 1st July, we miss you every day. Love from Biff, Heather, Maxie and families.

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89 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EA Tel: 01473 822143. Fax: 01473 827656 www.walterwright.co.uk. info@walterwright.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Due to Covid-19, I am r unable to run my regula advice surgeries. y As such, if you require an e on: assistance, please call m

020 7219 4875

This advert is funded by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for the purpose of assisting James Cartlidge MP in the performance of his Parliamentary duties. Printed by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF

James Cartlidge writes Member of Parliament for South Suffolk I am sure that many readers will have joined in my sense of frustration that Step 4 of the roadmap out of lockdown was delayed by four weeks. Although the majority of my constituents seem to reluctantly accept the case for this pause, for many business owners, delay will have caused considerable concern. We clearly have a case of caution in the face of a new variant, leaving time for many more of us to be double jabbed. I’m relieved that the Prime Minister and other senior Ministers, such as Cabinet Secretary of State Michael Gove, have stressed the strong likelihood of fully exiting restrictions on 19th July. I cannot believe Boris Johnson will have made this decision with anything other than the heaviest of hearts. This remains a very difficult crisis to govern through, but once again, attention turns to the vaccine. Nationally, an amazing 30 million people have now received both doses and locally we have been leading the country on roll-out. As the Health Secretary Matt Hancock has repeatedly stressed, we are in a race between the vaccine and the virus. So, it’s a case of once more to the breach for getting jabs into as many arms as possible. Everyone aged 18 and over is now eligible for vaccination, and we have reduced the gap between vaccinations to just 8 weeks to speed up the rollout. The significance of this last point is that, for all the gloom of remaining in restrictions, we have very positive data on the impact of receiving two jabs of the AZ or Pfizer vaccines, with 92% and 96% efficacy against hospitalisation from the Delta variant respectively. There is only one sustainable way to exit all restrictions whilst minimising wider health risks, and that is to maximise vaccine delivery in the fastest possible time. And for all that the NHS are doing an amazing job, they can only inject this magical source of hope into arms that present themselves in our health centres and other hubs. As such, I repeat my plea to all my constituents to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Free Site Visits and Full Bathroom Design Service Buy 5x25kg Ba of Salt T gs ablet for £42 s .00


Lorry Watch - Benton Street Do you live on or near Benton Street? Do you regularly walk along Benton Street? Do you have a spare few hours every week to help with Lorry Watch? The Lorry Watch scheme aims to help parishes who feel that local HGV weight restriction traffic orders are being abused. It is run by Trading Standards in partnership with Suffolk Highways, who ensure that weight restriction orders are adhered to. These orders are in place to protect old or weak structures, as well as to prohibit heavy vehicles from areas unsuitable for their size (e.g., narrow village roads). The scheme aims to empower residents and prevent environmental damage to some of Suffolk's most sensitive settlements. How the scheme works: 1. Local trained observers note details of vehicles that may be misusing a restricted route 2. A report is sent to Suffolk Trading Standards 3. Suffolk Trading Standards confirm the vehicle weight and registered keepers of the vehicle 4. Investigations are made with the registered keeper and driver of the vehicle 5. Action is taken in accordance with the Enforcement Policy 6. Feedback is provided on a quarterly basis to Lorrywatch zones. https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/lorry-management/lorry-watchscheme/ Currently the Lorry Watch in Hadleigh which monitors Benton Street (weight limit 7.5T) has only 3 active members, 1 of which is the Co-ordinator. Between Jan – March 2021 there were 23 reports. In 20/21 there were 77 reports in total (25 drivers were provided with advice in accordance with the enforcement policy; 49 reports had no further action taken (this can be due to exemptions in the order, such as deliveries within the zone or issues such as incorrect registrations being reported or vehicles which on checking were under 7.5T) The remainder are still being processed. New volunteers are urgently needed. If you can help please contact John Turnbull - j.g.turnbull@btinternet.com

Backs For The Future www.backsforthefuture.co.uk Brick Barn, Kersey Mill, Hadleigh IP7 6DP

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Eco-anxiety Everywhere you go, you seem to run into something about the environment. Sometimes it’s good news - like the fact that more and more of our electricity is coming from renewables. More often it feels like bad news - yes, the weather really is changing, and yes, it really is to do with us. Sometimes it can make you feel helpless, or hopeless or angry - or all of the above. Especially perhaps when you can see the worry in our children’s faces. Dealing with this eco-anxiety is going to be part of our lives so we’d better get used to it. There are no easy answers of course, but it does help to actually do something. It doesn’t matter what – a bit more recycling, or walking instead of using the car. Or come and join one of HEAT’s groups planting trees, researching the river (see picture) or thinking about how Hadleigh could be greener. HEAT’s goal is to help people and organisations in Hadleigh to always take climate change and the resilience of the natural world into account when they make decisions. It is about all of us doing what we can. But it is also about thinking about how we are a community that extends beyond us humans. As global warming progresses, we are beginning to understand just how much our life depends on the world that surrounds us. The river and the fields, the swifts and the insects, are important, not just because they are nice – though they are – but because we humans cannot live alone in our little boxes. We depend on the rest of life to provide us with clean air, reliable water, a stable climate and food. Now is the time to work with the beautiful world that surrounds and supports us. Hadleigh Environmental Action Team - working to help people and organisations in Hadleigh to always take climate change and the resilience of the natural world into account when they make decisions.if you would like to help us, then email hadleigh.heat@hotmail.com

You may have noticed that lorries use Gallows Hill, Bridge Street, High Street and Angel Street when they make deliveries to Lady Lane Industrial Estate. The reason for this is that the Lorry Route in Suffolk has this route as a designated zone distributor route. The current Lorry Route was created in 2011 and had a minor review in 2017. A full review is taking place now and the community part of the review will take place via Parish and Town Councils in the summer. More information on the lorry route review can be found here (a map of the Lorry Routes in Suffolk is also available on that page) - https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roadsand-transport/lorry-management/lorry-route-plan-review-in-suffolk/ The Planning Committee have agreed to ask for comments and suggestions now so we can start collating the responses. Do you think that the Lorry Route should route lorries delivering to Lady Lane Industrial Estate via the A1071 to come in at the top of Lady Lane and then back out the same way or do you think the current route should stay in place? (If the Lorry Route is amended it does not stop lorries delivering to other shops and businesses within Hadleigh such as on the High Street) If you have any comments or suggestions to make or have any evidence regarding the number of lorries who use the roads mentioned above please contact the Town Clerk by email townclerk@hadleightowncouncil.gov.uk or write to Town Clerk, Hadleigh Town Council, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN

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Shop local for your business, school & personal stationery requirements www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh & District Flower Club Flower Club are hoping to restart our meetings ( restrictions permitting ) on September 14th at 7.30 at the United Reformed Church. We welcome all our members back and always pleased to see visitors come along and enjoy our demonstrations and friendly atmosphere. At last we are having some lovely sunny weather enabling us to enjoy our gardens. The picture here was taken in a members garden - a spectacular wisteria. Look forward to seeing you all in September, please call if you are interested in joining the Club. Jenny Leeks 01473 822971.



Tel: 07377 709781

Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh 2021 Hadleigh Visitor Information is now open! Find us at 85 High Street opposite The Kings Head. Open Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 9.00am - 3.00pm (and Bank Holidays). Our trained team of volunteer VIPs (Visitor Information Providers) will be on hand to help ensure you don’t miss what you don’t know. We also have a programme of exhibitions about the life and times of Hadleigh’s townsfolk in the adjacent gallery:

July - We are Hadleigh Clothiers August - Hands Off Hadleigh We will be promoting forthcoming events, selling tickets for the Guided Walks, sharing ideas on what to do in the Wool Towns and Stour Valley area; providing bus timetables, free COVID self-testing kits, masks, gloves and much more... The service is here for both visitors and residents, please call in or telephone 077 487 10598

Thinking of replacement windows, doors, fascia, soffits or conservatory?



There’s still time to send in photos of your gardens for our 2021 competition! Closing date is 31 July. Come on, you can’t go to Portugal, Bulgaria, Curacao (I thought that was a drink), Afghanistan, France, Iraq or the Grenadines (isn’t that a drink too?).....the list is endless, but I’ll tell you where you can go – your garden, with a camera! We’re after up to two photos, one Spring and one Summer photo. So keep snapping and get those entries in to: hiddengardens@gmail.co.uk, adding your name address and telephone number. All contact details will be treated confidentially and the photos put on the website anonymously. The historic Benton End irises are the prizes for winners and runners up in each category. And put Saturday 4 September 2021 in your diary with a big ring round it, when you can visit over 30 open gardens in Hadleigh. More of that later so meantime get in to your garden with a Curacao and a camera and send us your photo.



Update on Jim’s Birthday Walks... Thursday July 8th - Aldham / Naughton / Semer 16 miles (ish) Start 0800hrs @ the obelisk Friday July 9th - Shelley / Withermarsh Green 11.5 miles Start 0800 hrs @ the obelisk

Saturday July 10th - Hadleigh/ Kersey - 9 miles (ish) Start 10.00 hrs @ the obelisk with break for refreshments at Kersey Bell Above walks mostly cross country. Sunday July 11th - Hadleigh Hares 5 & 10 road routes Start 0800 hrs@ the obelisk Look forward to seeing you! Contact me on james4margaret@gmail.com Tel: 07419 325713


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh & District Garden Club There aren't many wild plants that have truly orange flowers but the one in the photograph has. It is a member of the hawkweed family - 'hieracium aurantiacum' the common name is fox and cubs - you can see why with the flower clusters, the main flower reddish orange and the buds a darker brown. With so much encouragement nowadays to keep some patches of grass long for wildlife this is the result, under a normal mowing routine this is something that would have got cut down before there was time for it to flower. Sometimes it is hard to ignore the dandelions that also arrive along with the ox eye daisies, clover and others but it is worth the effort, actually there is very little effort as all that is needed is to wait until the end of September before cutting after the seed is set, and then removing the grass, take your time though, to allow for all the moths that will fly out. Speaking of moths, in the back garden the other day I saw for the first time a cinnabar hawkmoth, bright red with black markings and red circles on the wings really beautiful, apparently the caterpillars are also brightly coloured with black and gold stripes, quite a lot of moths fly during the day so keep your eyes peeled. The season is about a month behind this year because of the cold weather lasting into May but things usually catch up, I have only just sown cucumber, courgette and climbing French beans in plugs and have them in the greenhouse and they are romping away as are the tomatoes planted earlier in the year, I have gone for organic seed this year and they look promising, remember to pinch out side shoots and begin feeding when the first fruits are set. The rain we had a couple of weeks ago has helped with the mangetout, chard and beetroot sown direct into the soil. Continue to earth up potatoes and sow spring cabbage midmonth for overwintering, as well as continuing with successional sowing of salad leaves, hot weather can make them quick to bolt. Finally give your houseplants a bit of a holiday by putting them outside in a sheltered spot when the weather is warm. hadleighgardenclub@gmail.com

Garden Machinery Steve Blake

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A new sign for Community Gardens

A small group of the community gardeners welcome the new sign on the long border at the Market Place. A big thank you to all those, not seen here, who have contributed to making places and spaces brighter and cared for around the town. Just clearing weeds that sprout in the streets in your own neighbourhood, planting tubs/baskets or maybe brightening a piece of ground with bulbs or wild flower seeds all help show Hadleigh at its best. If you want to find out more please contact Jane 07748 710598 or call in at the Visitor Information Centre


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W. J. GREEN Ltd. 7 Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 6BQ

TEL: 01473 823839 www.wjgreen.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk



Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Summer 2021 Junior Cycling Programme Hadleigh Cycling Club is pleased to announce the re-start of its Junior Section with a 6-week programme at the new Northern Gateway Cycle Track, Colchester (off the A12). The programme will run from 22nd July to 29th August (Thursdays, 6 – 7pm). There will be 20 places available for children and these will be allocated on a “first come first served” basis. The course will be suitable for riders who can ride a bike unaided. The focus will be on core riding skills, road discipline and confidence. The course will be led by Marshall Crowe, British Cycling Eastern Region Road & TT Coach and the Club’s own qualified coaches. The cost will be £5 per session and riders will need to be members of the Club. (We are currently running a special promotion which means that adult membership is £10, which can include up to 2 children and lasts up to 31st December 2022. Adult members of the Club will also have an opportunity to experience competitive riding at the Northern Gateway in a safe environment. To find out more and enroll, go to www.hadleighcycling.co.uk The annual Gayford Flyer Sportive will take place on Sunday, 12th September. There will be two new routes of 30 and 60 miles and it is £15 to enter. HCC is running social rides throughout the summer. Our Sunday rides begin at 8am from The George. The average speed is 15mph and there is a café stop. We’re also offering social rides for ladies on Wednesdays. They begin at 6pm from the High School and last 1 - 1.5 hours at the pace of the slowest rider. Both rides are weather dependant so, if in doubt, check our Facebook page @hadleighcyclingclub or visit www.hadleighcyclingclub.co.uk

The Gayford Flyer C y c l e

S p o r t i v e

Hadleigh Cycling Club

12th September 2021

Hadleigh North District Councillor Please contact Dr. Siân Dawson Residents can contact me for private surgery advice and to meet at any time @ the British Legion. This is to meet requests for readily available advice weekday and evenings allowing more availability and flexibility for residents’ convenience. Residents can contact me directly by telephone, email or make a personal appointment for support on Babergh matters at any time. Email: sian.dawson@babergh.gov.uk Tel: 07931 703157

The Hair Hut

Energy on Tap Limited Electrical Services All electrical work undertaken, from minor alterations to major re-wires. We also specialise in Solar PV.


Si and Laura are delighted to announce the opening of their new hair salon ‘The Hair Hut’, which opened on Monday 7th June 2021. The Hair Hut is based in Hadleigh at 5-7 Long Bessels adjacent to The Beauty Hut. We are both professional, passionate and enthusiastic stylists, looking forward to our new place of work. We will be open from Monday to Saturday.

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FOR APPOINTMENTS, PLEASE CALL: Si - 07825 579 529 Laura - 07828 521 791 We welcome new customers and of course all of our wonderful regulars!



Above the Parapet Cllr Mick Fraser - Suffolk County Council Babergh District Council – Hadleigh South

68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

Need a Vinyl Banner? Banners have a multitude of uses, such as advertising, corporate, street campaigns, charity and sporting events. Printed full colour on 450g Quality PVC and eyeletted Need urgently? No problem, we can offer a same day service!

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Suffolk Highways The one service provided by Suffolk CC that requires the biggest attention, and by quite some margin, is highways maintenance. As I enter this second term, the tempo of communications I receive from concerned residents with respect to this service has not ceased. Most issues at this time of year relate to vegetation overgrowth on the highways impairing safe vision at junctions or influencing the driving over centrelines to avoid vehicle nearside damage. Erased road markings, dirty or broken signage, and of course potholes continue to blight our safe travel. In the last FY 20/21, Suffolk Highways repaired more than 18,000 potholes across the county! This is a clear indication to me that our county roads are in a poor condition. Between 2017-21 the conservative led administration borrowed £21m to resurface 1,000 miles, a quarter of Suffolk’s roads. This investment was to improve the quality of roads, reduce the number of potholes and enhance the experience of Suffolk’s road users. It also made sound financial sense as preventing deterioration will avoid the need to spend more money on reactive maintenance over the same period and in future years. Hadleigh benefited by having Benton St, Gallows/Friars, and Magdalen Roads resurfaced. SCC concentrated its efforts in improving our main A, B, and C-class roads, but although these are now in better condition than those of neighbouring Essex and Norfolk, our U-class roads are in a much poorer state. Road users will be too aware of this as they journey along the smaller country lanes of urban side-streets. I will certainly be taking this issue forward during this council to see what I can achieve to improve our town’s roads whose surfaces have clearly deteriorated badly. On the SCC website there is a simple to use fault reporting tool, which can be found at: https://highwaysreporting.suffolk.gov.uk/. I would always encourage residents to use this tool to report any roads faults they observe related to the highways. Should the response from Suffolk Council be considered as unsatisfactory, then bring the matter to my attention so that I can use my councillor influence, or my local budgets, to have them attended to as appropriate. A recent example of what I can accomplish is my delivering of the repainted centrelines along the length of Angel Street. Highways kindly renewed the zebra crossing and mini roundabouts on this road at the same time also. Should you need to speak to me concerning an issue that affects you, then please contact me at - email: mick.fraser@suffolk.gov.uk or mick.fraser@babergh.gov.uk; Tel: 0793 551 2591; or Facebook: @mickfraser4hadleigh, Twitter: @mick_fraser. Highways faults can be reported at: https://highwaysreporting.suffolk.gov.uk/ or by telephone: 0345 606 6171

Nikki Vince completes the Virtual Edinburgh Marathon On the 30th May 2021 I completed the Virtual Edinburgh Marathon (26.2 miles) so far raising £650 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. This marathon was more challenging than any others I have completed as I had to find my own route, run on my own and had no big crowds supporting. I'd like to say a big thank you to SEH (Ipswich) Ltd and Recom Surfacing for their very generous donations, to everyone who have sponsored me, to Kate for accompanying me on my training runs and on the day, to my family and friends who took the time to support me on the day. It was great to see friendly faces around the route and at the finish, it was very much appreciated. If anyone would still like to donate to this very worthwhile charity, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/nikki-vince1

Brett Valley Lodge No. 9479 Meet and Dine at The Town Hall, Hadleigh Fourth Friday in September, November, January, March and May

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Interested in Freemasonry? Dont wait to be asked - www.brettvalley.org.uk We actively support local charities and welcome any applications for funding, email: bvsec@hotmail.co.uk

News from Whatfield CEVCP School Acorns This term in English we have been making sandwiches using instruction writing and giving verbal commands. We have also planted some trees on the field that were donated by Suffolk Agricultural Association as part of the Outreach Outdoors project. We have found out about Pentecost where we made fire and wind streamers. Saplings Have been looking at habitat and making the most of our beautiful grounds. In RE we have been studying the Jewish faith and children made their own Mezuzahs. We have also been doing some excellent Talk 4 Writing using The Twits as our stimulus. Oaks The children in Oaks class have been working hard in maths learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. In English they have used Talk 4 Writing to help with their learning about newspaper reports. The children in Oaks Class have been learning about still life in art this term. They produced pieces in the style of Patrick Caulfield by using oil pastels and brusho. Mental Health Awareness Week To mark the start of Mental Health Awareness week, the children dropped everything at 10am on 10th May, to enjoy reading for 10 minutes. The Happy News! We have signed up to receive free copies of The Happy News: a newspaper which celebrates all that is good in the world. They are giving away copies to selected schools each issue, and in March we were lucky enough to be chosen to receive ten free copies! The children in Oaks Class thoroughly enjoyed reading positive news stories, and this also helped with their English work on writing newspaper reports. We hope to be chosen again to receive more copies in the future! PE Sessions Miss Clarke from Hadleigh High School visited us at the end of April where children in Saplings and Oaks enjoyed some great PE sessions with her. We really enjoyed having her with us for the morning and hope she will visit us again soon. Theatre Royal Workshops Children in Oaks have enjoyed workshops provided by the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds. This project provides them with a memorable end to their primary school education. In a year full of disruption, ‘tiny plays BIG IDEAs’, will provide children with an opportunity to creatively express their thoughts and ideas, to learn new skills and to take part in an end of project celebration with their peers. The workshops focussed on creating characters and writing playscripts. This is a project that 500 children in Suffolk have taken part in, and 20 plays will be chosen to be performed at the Theatre. Oaks Class will be visiting the Theatre Royal on 29th June to see the 20 tiny plays. Allotment Children in Acorns have had a visit to the school allotment where they helped Mr Plumbly plant potatoes; they also identified onions and gooseberries. We would like to express our sincere thanks to John Peet and Ray Clarke who very kindly provided scaffolding boards to repair our raised beds. We are extremely thankful for their kind support. We would also like to welcome Paul Waspe to our allotment helpers. Junior Road Safety Officer News Our JRSO team helped collate information from Walk to School Week. A certificate was given to those who completed part of the week and a certificate and prize was given those who completed the whole week. Children also took part in wearing their ‘Favourite Shoes’ to school. Thank you to all who took part we are extremely proud of your efforts. If you are considering Whatfield Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary as a school for your child, do please get in t ouch with us. We would welcome a visit after school hours due to Covid-19. Please phone the office on the number below or email us. We would love to meet you. Whatfield CEVCP School, Rectory Road, Whatfield, IP7 6QU 01473 823309, admin@whatfield.suffolk.sch.uk


‘Good’ February ‘18


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Reg charity no 1124029

Delicious! A steaming, hot cuppa on a roasting hot day. As I buried my face in Tanya’s mug to glean the last drops of her tea, I couldn’t help earwigging about some good news. Mum was pleased because the last rescued raptor was leaving us. Several birds of prey, including a Buzzard, arrived at SESAW needing intensive feeding due to the wet, cold Spring. One also had a fractured wing which was repaired by our vet. All have now returned to their natural environment including a Barn Owl which is being offered supplementary food to ensure a smooth transition back to the wild. If a run on the wild side appeals, there is just time to enlist in the Nayland 10K on Sunday 12th July. This fun, family event (not a race) for all levels, is well organised and raises lots of money for several local charities including SESAW. Sign up at: www.nayland10k.co.uk As we all adapt to the ‘new normal’ some of our volunteers have moved on, leaving us short of animal carers. If you can help and have a morning to spare each week, please leave a message on our answerphone or email with your details. Jobs include cleaning kennels, dog walking and feeding – which reminds me, it’s time for dinner! Come on Mum, put the kettle on for another brew and don’t forget to save some for me, Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua. Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare, Registered Charity No.1124029, Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Tel: 01787 210888 www.sesaw.co.uk

News from the Early Years at St Mary’s Primary School

"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34

St Mary’s C of E Primary School Believe Inspire Achieve!

Rated outstanding by Ofsted (2020) Give your child the best possible start to their school career at our happy, friendly Nursery, where children are given every opportunity and encouragement to explore their world through child-centred learning. Children thrive in this creative and stimulating environment, both inside and outdoors. Inside, there are two classrooms where Nursery and Reception children can play together or separately resulting in a seamless transition from Nursery to Reception. Not only do the Nursery children develop their social and language skills with the support of experienced and caring staff, they also learn from playing alongside the older Reception children. The classrooms are thoughtfully set up into different areas of learning and whilst there is open space to learn and play, there are also areas where children can play on their own or in a small group such as our purpose-built fort which has a reading and writing den for quieter moments. Children can help themselves to snack during the morning at the snack table or at the snack café where children serve each other. Outside, the children have a large secure playground where they can safely learn to ride bikes and develop their physical skills, essential for brain development. A ‘Trimtrail’, where the children can climb and balance, helps children develop the strength in their arms for writing. Our courtyard area provides an outdoor classroom with a huge purpose-built mud kitchen and covered writing shed. Again, the courtyard is carefully set up with areas for small world and imaginative play, sand and water and role play such as a builder’s yard. Nursery and Reception children separate for adult-led activities such as Phonics, writing and Maths so that they can be challenged and learn at their own level. We teach Phonics systematically from Nursery through to year two and beyond at St Mary’s. Nursery children learn pre-reading skills in their fun Phonics lessons so that they are ready to learn to read in Reception. In Reception, we build on the children’s phonic knowledge so that they become confident readers and writers. In 2020, Ofsted observed that the children in our Early Years Foundation Stage are, “…highly motivated…play kindly with each other, share equipment and cooperate well.” Caring and committed staff, “…help children develop their language and speaking skills effectively.” Part-time and full-time Nursery places and spaces in Reception available for September 2021 If you would like to visit our Early Years, we are offering visits after school at 3.30 pm by appointment. Please contact the school office to make an appointment. 01473 823268 admin@stmaryshad.co.uk www.stmaryshad.co.uk

“Pupils at St. Mary’s are happy and enjoy going to school. The School is a friendly, welcoming place” Ofsted 2020 Rated ‘GOOD’ by Ofsted February 2020 and Early Years was ‘OUTSTANDING’ “Children have many opportunities to develop their interests and enjoy learning in the classroom and outside”

“The teaching is of high quality” “Children in the early years get off toa very good start”

“Children are highly motivated” “Pupils are supportive of each other and show kindness and respect”

“The teaching of reading is of high quality”

“Pupils are proud of their school”

“Adults provide strong pastoral support and care”

‘OUTSTANDING’ SIAMS February 2017 St Mary’s C of E Primary School Stonehouse Road, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5BH Tel: 01473 823268 | Email: admin@stmaryshad.co.uk


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Any quantity, Any area delivered to. Meet Up Mondays will resume again in the George on Monday 12th July With restricted opening hours, we will meet at 11.00 am, which hopefully will suit those who used to attend before the pandemic. For readers who may not be familiar with the concept, MuM is for anyone who may be alone on a Monday or struggling with isolation, or has recently moved into the area, and would like to meet other local people. Our mixed friendly group of young, old, or in between, of all interests, gathers for a chat, in good company. There is no commitment, some attend regularly, some pop in occasionally. No need to book, just turn up and join us

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Letter from Layham www.layham.org

Parish Council Below are the main matters discussed during the council meeting of 26 May: • Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman It was agreed unanimously that Charlotte Britton be re-elected Chairman for 2021/22 and that Michael Woods be re-elected Vice Chairman. • District Council report Babergh had approved community grants totalling £621,939 during the past financial year, providing vital funding for organisations during the pandemic. Babergh and Mid Suffolk had also launched a new grant fund to support the recovery of local businesses unable to access the Government’s Restart scheme. Babergh had received funding of £400,000 towards temporary accommodation for rough sleepers and additional support staff. • County Council report Georgia Hall, the new Suffolk County Councillor, introduced herself and said she would be happy to help take forward any outstanding matters. • Speeding Speed Indication Devices (SIDs) had been ordered for Upper Street. Highways had now approved the location for one near the Marquis, but agreement had not yet been reached on the one at the Mill Lane end; Highways had agreed to make a site visit. With regard to the ANPR trial, the post near the Marquis could be used for both the SID and the ANPR camera; however, an additional post at the Mill Lane end would be required. • Quiet Lanes Suffolk The paperwork for the three routes in Layham and Shelley had been submitted and ‘Notices of Proposals’ would be displayed and also delivered to houses / businesses along the routes. It was noted that, thanks to increased subsidies from Suffolk CC, it now appeared that the cost to LPC would be less than originally budgeted. • National Grid proposals A group response had been sent to the Government by all Suffolk parish and town councils prior to the special meeting called on 28 April. The response concentrated on the way the NG had approached the consultation, and threatened to call for a Judicial Review if the timetable was not extended. At the special meeting on 28 April, the PC had agreed to submit its own letter of objection (as well as being a signatory to the group response) and to undertake an awarenessraising campaign for parishioners; Babergh and Mid Suffolk had also submitted a response objecting to the proposals. Notification had been received that the formal consultation had commenced, with a non-extendable deadline of 8 June. The working party had met to discuss the next steps. They proposed that a paper should be produced objecting to the proposals and calling for the whole route to be put underground. There would be a further Zoom meeting of parish and town councils on Friday 28 May; councillors agreed that, if another joint response was proposed, LPC should be part of this. • Green Team With regard to Babergh and Mid Suffolk’s initiative to plant more trees, hedgerow plants and wildflowers, the initiative would be discussed in more detail at the June meeting. • General Power of Competence The General Power of Competence introduced in the Localism Act of 2011 gave local councils in England ‘the power to do anything that individuals generally may do’ and removed the need for councils to ask whether they had a specific power to act; Layham met the criteria, having a qualified Clerk and two-thirds elected members. It was agreed unanimously to renew the General Power of Competence for 2021/22. Oh dear! Another moan If we own a dog and we take it out for exercise – we are responsible for clearing up any dog mess. What is it that makes people gather up fouling in a plastic bag and then hang the bag on a hedge, a tree or, in this case, on a gate right beside a dog fouling notice?

Our local wildlife photographer Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty had to cancel their Suffolk 50 -50 exhibition last year. This has now been rescheduled to take place at the Art Space Gallery, Woodbridge, from 22nd - 28th July. Local photographer Rosey Nicholls is exhibiting five images at the exhibition. An example of Rosey’s work here shows a female Ruddy Darter.

Football club using field A local Hadleigh youngsters’ football club is using our field for their weekly practice during the morning of Saturday 17 July. We are helping them out on a day that their usual field is unavailable.


01473 823092

Playing Field 120 Club Winners of the June draw were: £25 Ticket No 116 Sephton; £15 Ticket No 30 Hughes Layham Playing Field – box of equipment It was just last month that a photograph of a family enjoying the use of the new play equipment was published in the Community News. Here we are a month later having to publish a photograph of two buckled tennis rackets – deliberately broken by vandals. The box has also been damaged and balls have been punctured. The committee will persevere providing a range of equipment as it has been a delight to see families playing games together before the damage was done. The members of the committee ask all users of the field to keep an eye open for damage being done – and, if you think it is safe, speak to those involved. Thank you.

17/19 High Street, Hadleigh P. J. B. Wilson BDS, LDS, RCS G. SINGH BDS (Hons) MSc & ASSOCIATES www.hadleighdental.co.uk

• • • •


Oh dear! Another moan If we own a dog and we take it out for exercise – we are responsible for clearing up any dog mess. What is it that makes people gather up fouling in a plastic bag and then hang the bag on a hedge, a tree or, in this case, on a gate right beside a dog fouling notice? Layham Playgroup Finally… some beautiful sunshine! With the weather warming up, we have been able to play outdoors more. The children have especially loved watching the cows in the neighbouring field… What noisy eaters they are!! Our caterpillars have arrived safe and sound and are slowly getting bigger. The children have explored mixing colours and making patterns during our butterfly printing activities. Thank you to everyone who supported our Pirate Treasure Trail fundraiser and our Bags to School collection. We successfully raised just over £200 which is a fantastic boost for us. Our next fundraiser will be a ‘bear hunt’! Look out for more info on our website and Facebook page in the near future. Email us at admin@layhamplaygroup.co.uk Find us on Facebook Layham Playgroup is a reg Charity Incorporated Organisation 1160254


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Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

Dear Sir I am so lucky to belong to a lovely little exclusive club. There is only a few of us. A man who runs with his dog and loves Mondays but hates Fridays. A lady with a big white dog and a little brown one. A young fellow who runs as fast as I go. Another lady walking with a greyhound. Most of us don’t know one another but we are friendly. A “Good morning” here, a “Hello” there and sometimes even a wave, we are ageless. The only rules are that in winter you wear lots of clothes and in summer you wear fewer. I am of course talking about the Hadleigh Railway Walk Early Birds Club. The other rule is that you must be out of bed before 6.00 am or soon after. New members are always welcome! Best wishes, The Cyclist (Mr John Brown)

Dear Sir Through the Hadleigh Community News I would to gratefully acknowledge the many people who helped me when my wife recently had a fall. Thanks to Jill and Jamie for their great help and Carol and Caroline for their assistance. A special thank you to David Leeks for all the help he has given to us in the past, it is very much appreciated. Brian & Margaret Beaumont

Dear Sir On meeting HEAT (Hadleigh Environmental Action Team) I showed those kindly attending the invasive weed Himalayan Balsam, Plants by the Brett were also growing near the Sewerage Works near to Layham. Since then on the Hadleigh River Walk I found several more destroying around 2,000 and about 500 near to the Brett River narrow footbridge half way between Hadleigh and Layham. Even a day or two ago I spent an hour finding and destroying 96 well grown plants near to Mill Field Football some four feet tall plants but none yet in flower or seed. As regards the new footbridge over the Brett I have kept the 36 steps clearer. Due to no attention nettles had grown up under and onto the bridge steps which I have destroyed so that those with bare ankles are not stung on the bridge. Further the life saving equipment which had had been hidden in stinging nettles at the town side of the bridge has now been exposed to be able to find and for use if needed! Walking to towards Layham recently, near to Benton End House I found the footpath was completely blocked by a wild rose bush which had grown over the path. I had, by chance, a saw with me so the path now can be used rather than having to walk onto this dangerous road. I hope also to clear Church Walk which is very overgrown with vegetation and needs to be clearer for those using this footway to do so more satisfactorily. John Cunningham

Lavenham Carpet Bowls Club So far the new afternoon session on Wednesdays is going OK, but will be better when we can play 'normal' carpet bowls and not have to wear masks etc. It is also useful to know if a regular attendee is not coming one week, as this helps when allocating bowls and members onto mats. Also helpful if some members can arrive earlier to help set up, as more complicated then normal at present. Thanks to Mike from Cornard for his regular assistance with this, and to everyone who helps to clean and put equipment away. We restarted our evening sessions on Thursdays, and lower numbers attending, in some ways makes it easier, as long as we get even numbers! We are looking forward to getting back to playing friendly matches with other local clubs when conditions permit this. It may be that by the time you read this more restrictions have been removed and it will be easier to play Carpet Bowls again. If you have any questions about the club, please give Marilyn and Jon Beatham a ring on 01787 247805 or email mazzabeatham@yahoo.com


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Bildeston Primary School Learning and Growing Together

Bildeston Primary School

UKS2 Art This term in art children in UKS2 are studying the artist Georgia O’Keeffe. Georgia O’Keeffe is one of the most significant artists of the 20th century, renowned for her contribution to modern art. The children have produced double page spreads about her life and work. UKS2 Victorian Studies Kestrel and Owl pupils have been researching different elements of Victorian Life. They looked at Victorian toys, workhouses, clothes and food. Using their research notes they have each produced a double page spread detailing life for Victorian children. Goldcrest Class Goldcrest Class have been reading the story Handa's Surprise and writing their own 'Would you rather sentences'. All the children worked hard thinking about using adjectives to describe their fruits. Walk to School Week All of our children had the opportunity to take part in ‘Walk to School’ week (17th May 2021). They were each given a card to record any walking they completed during the week and certificates were awarded to those who took part. Elmer Day Children in Robin class enjoyed an ‘Elmer Day’ at the end of half term. Lots of activities took place in class and they all got to dress up for the day! Multi Skills Children in year 6 enjoyed their first sports event at Hadleigh High School on Friday. They thoroughly enjoyed getting out after events had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. If you are considering Bildeston Primary as a school for your child, we would welcome a visit. Please phone the office on the number below. We would love to meet you. Bildeston Primary School Newberry Road, Bildeston, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 7ES Tel: 01449 740269 Website: www.bildeston.suffolk.sch.uk

Hadleigh Town Council Mayor’s Award The Mayor’s Award has recently been updated and there is now a general award which is awarded three times per year (August/November/February) and a separate annual award. The Mayor’s Award recognises individuals or organisations of Hadleigh who have made an outstanding contribution to the community over the last few months. Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond for our community? Do you know a voluntary group that has helped the community? Nominations must be received by 31st July 2021. Please email townclerk@hadleightowncouncil.gov.uk or write to Town Clerk, Hadleigh Town Council, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN. Please include name and address of your nominated person and your reason for nominating them. Recognition from the Mayor will take place at Full Council meetings in August/November/February. Congratulations to Jan Devey who received the Annual Mayor’s Award in May 2021 for her time in organising the Hadleigh vaccination programme

Ofsted “Good” We have a school community which is friendly and purposeful, where all are confident and aspire to do their best. We work as an approachable and supportive team to provide the best possible educational experiences for our pupils and to work together to ensure that all children achieve their full academic potential. To arrange a visit to our excellent school, email office@bildeston.suffolk.sch.uk or call 01449 740269. For more detailed information visit the school website: www.bildeston.suffolk.sch.uk

Learning and Growing Together



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Hadleigh Town Council FULL COUNCIL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Thursday 20th May 2021 at 7pm held in The Grand Hall, Hadleigh Town Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN HTC21.137 Present Councillors Bayliss, Beer, Beggerow, Dixon, Hinton, Knock, McLeod, Loftus, Minns (chair), Pryor, Roberts, Schleip, Talbot and Wilson. HTC21.138 In Attendance Town Council Manager, Town Clerk and 8 members of the public in person (and 9 via Zoom) HTC21.139 Welcome The Chair opened the meeting, and advised that The Council, members of the public and press may record/film or broadcast the meeting, when the press and public are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends the meeting is advised that the Town Council cannot control 3rd party recording. The Town Council will record the meeting. The Chair welcomed everyone to the first Full Council meeting held in public since March 2020. The Chair advised everyone that we are trying to broadcast live and asked everyone to project when they speak. HTC21.140 Election of Town Mayor Councillor Beggerow nominated Councillor Minns as Town Mayor. Seconded by Councillor Pryor. A recorded vote was requested 12 votes for (Councillors Bayliss, Beer, Beggerow, Dixon, Hinton, McLeod, Loftus, Minns, Pryor, Schleip, Talbot and Wilson), 1 against (Councillor Roberts) and 1 abstention (Councillor Knock). Councillor Minns was elected as Town Mayor. Councillor Minns then signed the declaration of office. Councillor Minns continued to preside over the meeting. HTC21.141 Election of Deputy Mayor Councillor Wilson nominated Councillor McLeod as Deputy Mayor. Seconded by Councillor Minns. Councillor McLeod was elected as Deputy Mayor. Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Wilson it was agreed that Councillor McLeod will sign his declaration of office within 7 days of this meeting HTC21.142 Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gordon. HTC21.143 Declarations of Interest Councillor Talbot declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.154 Payment Schedules as he is a member of the Skatepark User Group. Councillor Pryor declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.159 Grants as she is a former volunteer of Hadleigh Foodbank Charity. Councillor McLeod declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.159 Grants as he is a current volunteer with Hadleigh Foodbank Charity. Councillor Beggerow declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.171 Layham Road Sports Ground as he is Chairman of the Hadleigh United Football Club.

68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Councillor Beer declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.171 Layham Road Sports Ground as he is a Committee member of the Hadleigh United Football Club and Treasurer for Hadleigh United Football Club Veterans. Councillor Dixon declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.171 Layham Road Sports Ground as he is a Committee member of the Hadleigh United Football Club. Councillor Roberts declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.159 Grants as he is friends with a Trustee of Hadleigh Foodbank Charity & HTC21.148 Outside Representation as a nomination for the Ann Beaumont is his wife. Councillor Knock declared a non-pecuniary interest in item HTC21.159 Grants as he is friends with a Trustee of Hadleigh Foodbank Charity & HTC21.148 Outside Representation as he is friends with one of the nominations for the Ann Beaumont Charity. HTC21.144 Dispensations There was no consideration of dispensations. HTC21.145 Mayor’s Report The Mayor read out a report giving an overview of the last year including key events, themes and how the community pulled together during the pandemic. HTC21.146 Appointment of members to existing Committees The following appointments were agreed: Council Matters – Councillors Knock, Beggerow, Roberts, Minns, McLeod, Wilson & Schleip. Town Matters – Councillors Beer, Pryor, Dixon, Talbot, Roberts & Gordon. Planning Advisory – Councillors Wilson, Loftus, McLeod, Schleip & Bayliss. Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity – Councillors Knock, Talbot, Beggerow, Wilson, Roberts, Schleip & Beer. HTC21.147 Staffing Sub-committee appointments Proposed by Councillor Wilson, seconded by Councillor Beggerow it was agreed that membership of the Staffing Sub-committee will be agreed at Full Council on 17th June 2021. Councillor Roberts left the room at 7.15pm HTC21.148 Nominations for Ann Beaumont Educational Charity Three requests to be nominated as a Trustee for the Ann Beaumont Charity were received from Angela Wiltshire, Councillor Pryor and Councillor Schleip. A vote was taken and the two with the highest number of votes were put forward to be nominated as Trustees. Proposed by Councillor McLeod, seconded by Councillor Knock it was agreed to nominate Angela Wiltshire and Councillor Pryor as Trustees for the Ann Beaumont Educational Charity. Councillor Roberts returned to the room at 7.18pm HTC21.149 Outside Representations Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Dixon it was agreed that representations for external organisations will be agreed at Full Council on 17th June 2021. HTC21.150 Minutes from meeting 30th October 2019 Proposed by Councillor Roberts, seconded by Councillor Hinton a motion was proposed ‘To agree to defer approval of the minutes from 30th October 2019 until a subsequent meeting to allow the Town Clerk time to review the recording and type up more accurate minutes.’ Proposed by Councillor Hinton, seconded by Councillor Roberts it was agreed to accept the above motion. HTC21.151 Minutes from meeting 22nd April 2021 Proposed by Councillor Knock, seconded by Councillor Roberts a motion was proposed ‘To approve the minutes from the meeting of 22nd April 2021 but that the three questions asked by a member of the public and a reply received from the Chair of that meeting be made public’ Proposed by Councillor McLeod, seconded by Councillor Knock the above motion was agreed. HTC21.152 Reports The reports from County and District Councillor Fraser and District Councillor Grandon were noted. Councillor Grandon passed on her congratulations to the Mayor and the new Councillors. Questions were asked of Councillor Grandon regarding the decarbonisation figures quoted in her report and about Angel Court and green energy. Councillor Grandon will revert to us when she has the answers to these questions. HTC21.153 Public Forum Two members of the public sent in statements which were read out by the Town Clerk concerning the grants policy and why individuals were not able to apply when they had always been able to in the past and asked the Town Council to reconsider this. A member of the public made a statement about the Staffing Sub-committee and gave further information regarding the grant application from Hadleigh Foodbank. HTC21.154 Finance (Payment Schedules) Proposed by Councillor Knock, seconded by Councillor Beggerow it was agreed to approve the attached schedule of payments over £500 whilst noting that the Town Council Manager will approve any payments under £500 in accordance with the Financial Regulations. Councillor Talbot did not take part in the vote as he had declared a non-pecuniary interest. HTC21.155 Suspension of Standing Order 7 Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor McLeod it was agreed to suspend Standing Order 7 so that the agenda item on Governance can be discussed. HTC21.156 AGAR Governance Statement Proposed by Councillor Knock, seconded by Councillor Roberts a motion was proposed ‘To approve the AGAR Governing statement but to include a sentence that all expenditure was approved except the Christmas Trees and that Point 3 should be ticked as No’. After a vote the motion was not agreed. Proposed by Councillor Beggerow, seconded by Councillor Minns it was agreed to approve the revised AGAR Governance statement for 20/21 HTC21.157 AGAR Accounting statement Proposed by Councillor Beggerow, seconded by Councillor McLeod it was agreed to approve the AGAR Accounting Statement for 20/21. HTC21.158 Grant Allocations 20/21 The 2020/2021 grant allocations spreadsheet was noted. Councillors McLeod, Roberts & Pryor left the room at 7.45pm Councillor Knock left the room at 7.50pm

Councillor Knock returned to the room at 7.55pm HTC21.159 Grant Application (Hadleigh Foodbank Charity) Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Dixon a motion was proposed ‘To agree to a grant award of £1,500 for Hadleigh Foodbank Charity towards the purchase of a van. Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Dixon it was agreed to accept the above motion. Councillors McLeod, Roberts & Pryor returned to the room at 8pm HTC21.160 Grant Application (Suffolk Accident Rescue Service) Proposed by Councillor Bayliss, seconded by Councillor McLeod it was agreed to award £300 to Suffolk Accident Rescue Service towards core costs. HTC21.161 Grants Documentation Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Bayliss a motion was proposed ‘To agree to the updated grants policy, grants application form and grants evaluation form and for a new policy for individuals to be presented at the Full Council meeting on 17th June 2021’ Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Bayliss it was agreed to accept the above motion. HTC21.162 Play Area Safety Inspections The contents of the Sports Services Safety Inspection reports for Corks Lane and Timperley Play Areas were noted. HTC21.163 CIL Funding for Play Area Remedial Works Proposed by Councillor Beer, seconded by Councillor Bayliss expenditure of up to £3,662.30 plus VAT to undertake the remedial works to the play areas to bring all risk levels to Low from the CIL Funds held by Hadleigh Town Council was agreed. HTC21.164 Cyber Security Insurance Renewal Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Dixon a motion was proposed ‘To agree the Cyber Security Insurance renewal at a cost of £921.92 (with an excess of £25,000) for one year from 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2022. After a vote the motion was not agreed. Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Wilson a motion was proposed ‘To agree the Cyber Security Insurance renewal at a cost of £1193.43 (with an excess of £15,000) for one year from 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2022’ Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Wilson the above motion was agreed. HTC21.165 Liability, Property Damage & Business Insurance Renewal Proposed by Councillor Beggerow, seconded by Councillor Wilson it was agreed to accept the Liability, Property Damage and Business Insurance Policy renewal for one year from 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2022 with Military Mutual at £6,822.93 (This figure includes £25 admin fee for WPS Hallam Insurance Brokers.) on the proviso that we fulfil the requirements of the insurance and obtain an Electrical Inspection Certificate for The Guildhall & Cemetery Lodge. HTC21.166 Welcome Back Fund application The contents of the Welcome Back Fund funding application being administered by Babergh District Council were noted. HTC21.167 Welcome Back Fund Service Level Agreement Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Talbot it was agreed that the Town Council Manager is able to sign the service level agreement to draw down the funding, with a deadline of 25th May 2021. HTC21.168 Welcome Back Projects It was noted that the Town Council Manager will deliver the projects following Financial Regulations for all payments, with regular progress reports to Full Council. HTC21.169 CCTV Update The CCTV update was noted. HTC21.170 CCTV Service Level Agreement Proposed by Councillor Wilson, seconded by Councillor Beggerow it was agreed to sign the Service Level Agreement and agree to the fee (£7709 excluding VAT per annum, pro-rata for year 1) HTC21.171 Layham Road Sports Ground – Future Management Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Pryor a motion was proposed ‘To consider the report from Layham Road Working Group regarding the future management and agree to proceed with option 2.’ Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Pryor the above motion was agreed. HTC21.172 Future Meeting The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 17th June 2021 at 7.00pm in The Grand Hall. HTC21.173 Exclusion of the press and public Proposed by Councillor Loftus, seconded by Councillor McLeod it was agreed to exclude the press and public in pursuance of Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the Press and the Public shall be excluded for the next items of business on the grounds that it is likely to be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. HTC21.174 Cemetery Lodge Review The contents of the Cemetery Lodge rent review were noted. HTC21.175 Close of meeting There being no further business the meeting finished at 8:55pm Wendy Brame, Town Clerk, 24th May 2021

Rotary Review Club News: During the past 2 months a number of coffee morning meetings have been held and lunches started again in June but outside in accordance with Covid rules. This will continue for the moment and certainly until the end of July so members are hoping for good weather on meeting days. As it is difficult to invite speakers or conduct business sessions meetings are mainly social occasions but guests are welcome and Zoom is still available for business discussions. International News: Although Rotary has been very much involved in helping people around the world cope with the pandemic other problems have not been forgotten and it has continued to support its many humanitarian projects in the third world whilst also responding quickly to any disaster appeals. Good news amongst all the bad is that cases of wild polio in the 2 areas still badly affected by this terrible disease namely Pakistan and Afghanistan have reduced dramatically and in fact no new cases have been reported during the past 3- 4 months. The eradication of polio from the world is so close now. Famous Rotarians: the recent death of the Duke of Edinburgh has prompted a check on other famous Rotarians. The late Duke was an Honorary member of three British Clubs including Kings Lynn which is part of this Rotary District. Here are a few others who have been or are either Honorary or Active Rotarians: Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Edmund Hillary, 5 US Presidents including John F Kennedy and Franklin D Roosevelt, Pope Francis and Pavarotti. Maybe you would like to join this exalted company - Just ring David 01473 827226 (not too exalted!!) Wishing good health to all our readers

Jazz Galore Village fetes, beer festivals, WI events, weddings, charity fund-raisers...all booked for last summer and all cancelled or postponed. That's the story from Jazz Galore but members of the Suffolk group are hoping for better times this year. They play for fun rather than profit and are available in a small format of perhaps three players; alternatively, the full turn-out could be up to eight. Either way they promise not to harm either your wallet or your ear-drums. They also guarantee to play a wider variety of good tunes than most groups. You can make a booking, provisional if you like, by ringing Mike on 07874 034390

Friends of Saint Mary’s Church, Hadleigh, Suffolk The John Bloomfield Memorial Lecture

The Repair of Suffolk Timber Framed Buildings By Rick Lewis A Suffolk timber frame specialist This two-part lecture will discuss techniques for the conservation and repair of ancient timber buildings with consideration to the tools and materials used for good quality, pragmatic and aesthetically appropriate repairs. The second part will use local projects as case studies to show how the myriad of options can be put into practice.

Saturday 25th September 2021 St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh, Suffolk. IP7 5DT Doors open at 9.30 for 10am and first of two lectures, the event closes at 12.30pm Coffee or tea available at 11am TICKET PRICE £10 each. One price only

Happy 21st

Tickets on the door, or pre-sales from the church office at the Deanery Tower, Hadleigh. By post to Mrs. H. Gibson, No.2, The Granary, Hadleigh. IP7 5TJ Cheques only please, made payable to ‘The Friends of St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh’ - an S.A.E. is requested please.


Website: stmaryshadleigh.co.uk Follow the link to the Friends of St. Mary’s Church www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


ALB-Framing If your picture needs framing, we can do it! We are members of the Fine Art Trade Guild who themselves created the standards and guidelines for art framing together with picture printing. We continually work to these requirements. Home or office visits are available. Following discussions about your requirements, in situ you’ll see the various framing options.

Please contact us: 07769 858076 www.alb-framing.com info.albframing@gmail.com

Monks Eleigh Villagge Hall Brand New spacious and light village hall, with large and smaller room available for hire. Fully equipped kitchen, barr, toilets including disabled toilet and disabled access. Audio equipment, projector and large screen. Room Hire suitable for: • Classes • Clubs • Weddings • Social Events E: villagehall.me@gmail.com W: www.villagehall.me Monks Eleigh Village Hall Church Hill Monks Eleigh Sufffolk • IP7 7JL

Sudbury & District Citizens Advice I’ve been saving up to have my kitchen redone, but I’m a bit worried about it. Last time I had any work done on the house, it took more than double the time I thought it would and ended up costing me a fortune. I’m looking for a different builder this time, but how will I know I can trust them? Many of us will take advantage of the warmer weather to improve our homes, and it’s important to make sure the job goes well. Here are some steps you should take when choosing a trader: ● Find a Trading Standards ‘approved trader’ - use the internet to search for one in your area or the Government’s approved trader scheme TrustMark. ● Get references or recommendations - ask people you know or ask the person you hire for examples of work they’ve carried out in the past. Try to avoid contractors who won’t give references - it’s a sign they could be dishonest. ● Find out if they are a current member of a trade body - trade bodies have codes of practice and can help resolve problems if things go wrong, so check your trader is a member. Ask who they’re registered with and then check the trade body’s website. ● Only use certified traders for gas and electrics - it’s dangerous to use someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Check the Gas Safe Register for a list of traders and use a registered electrician who can certify their own work. When you’re having a kitchen fitted, it’s worth checking whether the person you’ve hired will be doing the electrical or gas work themselves. If not, check who they will be using and whether they’re registered. ● Get a written quote - this is different to an estimate. A quote is legally binding and the builder can’t change it without a good reason - for example, if you ask for extra work to be done. Try to compare quotes from a number of contractors to make sure you’re getting a fair price. ● Get a written contract - this should cover exactly what you’re paying for and everything you’ve agreed on, like timings, payments, who will pay for materials and subcontractors. ● Think carefully about payment - opt to pay in stages rather than upfront. Where possible, try to pay by card as this can afford you extra safeguards if something goes wrong. ● Keep copies of receipts - also keep your written contract as evidence, as well as photos of any problems if they arise. If you have a problem with a contractor, and you’re not sure what to do or where to go, call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808 223 1133. If you need advice or information contact Sudbury & District Citizens Advice. We are providing advice by telephone and email, Monday – Thursday, 10am – 1pm. Please phone 01787 321400 and leave a message and someone will call you back when available. We will attempt three times to call you back, so please expect a call from a withheld number. You can also telephone our advice line on Freephone 0808 278 7868 or 0800 144 88 48. Alternatively, contact us via email at advice@sudburycab.org.uk or by using the contact facility on our website www.sudburycab.org.uk

Hadleigh’s 6th Yard Sale back for September Its been a long year with lock down restrictions and in May 2020 I had planned to do a yard sale but of course this was cancelled (we all know why). So onwards and upwards as lots of people have been asking will the Yard Sales come back? The answer is yes. On the 26th September I'm bringing back Hadleigh's 6th Yard Sale. Bookings are now open on the website where you can book online or print a form and read all the rules. Hadleigh Yard Sales are an ideal opportunity to have a good house clear out but from your own home. No need to get up at stupid o'clock to load the car and come back with all your things. Let the buyers come to you. In the past people have come from miles around to come to this event so its good for Hadleigh too. More details will follow soon about indoor sales when I can secure a venue. Book now at www.clarkesevents.uk or if you cannot book online or print a form please phone or text 07787 158085. Lets get Hadleigh back on its feet and yet again enjoy the Hadleigh Yard Sales. Trev, Clarkes Events

Coffee Morning in aid of Marie Curie Friday 20th August from 9 am - 12 noon at St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh Please come and join us to help us to raise much needed funds for terminal illness charity Marie Curie to help them keep their nurses visiting people across our town overnight.

There will be refreshments, Stalls, Raffle and plenty more! All enquiries Patsy Forsyth 01473 823295 36

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

News from Kersey School... Otters (Reception, Years 1 and 2) All Creatures Great and Small After Last half terms learning about some of the greats including lions, crocodiles and many other animals from Africa, this half term Otters class are moving on to learn about smaller creatures. Starting with learning about how important bees are to our world. This amazing book illustrates how busy the bees are, working with the nature around them where our story is set in the French countryside. We will learn about where Belle lives in Paris and compare the differences between the two locations. To learn more about bees we have planned a visit from a local bee keeper and are excited to see all the equipment needed and have a chance to learn from an expert. We will move on to making wormeries and bug hotels in our discovery and exploration of insects. The book ‘Yucky Worms’ has a lot of information and is a fun way to learn about what happens underground! Otters Class are also excited to take part in sports week, including the first sports day for some of our class. The opportunity to try lots of different sporting activities and learn about health and fitness as well as working in our house teams is always an amazing way to learn new skills and have fun. Badgers (Years 3 and 4) In Badger's class this term we cannot wait for all the exciting different areas of learning. We will be focusing on the local area, by using OS maps, Google maps and even taking part in some orienteering! We cannot wait for Sports Week where we will be not only focusing on different sports but also the competitions that come from that such as The Olympics and Euro 2020. We are also really excited to be taking part in the Hour of Code during our computing lessons. Who knows what we'll be able to create by the end of the year! Owls (Years 5 and 6) Owls class have thoroughly enjoyed the story of Pig Heart Boy and are moving on to two further exciting texts; a poetry book, written in the style of a story, and a fiction book based on events during the Peasants’ Revolt, but from a dog’s perspective. We ALWAYS enjoy every book we read together, and can’t wait to get into these texts very soon! In Maths, we are continuing with our work on angles (not ANGELS!) and are getting to grips with our protractors for measuring them. As we move into the rest of this term, we are looking to do more shape work, including rotating and translating shapes on a grid. In other news, we are also planning our leavers’ assembly and leavers’ activities for the end of the term; we never like to say goodbye to pupils but we know that Kersey leavers always achieve their potential! If you would like to know more about Kersey school or you would like to arrange a visit please ring the office on 01473 823397, email admin@kersey.suffolk.sch.uk or visit our new website www.kersey.suffolk.sch.uk

A Crafty Weekend We will be having “A Crafty Weekend” from 11am till 4pm on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of July in Diana’s Art Room. So wend your way up the long and winding road to Stackyard Green, Monks Eleigh, IP7 7BD, where you will find Angela’s Stained Glass, Kate’s Jewellery, Lizzy’s painted stones and Art Work by Julie and Diana. Plus a wild flower meadow and garden to wander in. Donations will be given to Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Ansell Memories Cafe

If you would like to know more about Kersey school or you would like to arrange a visit please ring the office on 01473 823397, email admin@kersey.suffolk.sch.uk or visit our new website www.kersey.suffolk.sch.uk

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As you can see from the photo, members of the Memories Cafe are enjoying being together again in the Ansell Centre, a Covid secure building. The tables are safely distanced, masks are worn when not seated and the food and drinks are served in a Covid safe way. If you would like to find out more about the Memories Cafe, then do pop in for a cuppa one Thursday between 11.30 am and 2.30 pm or contact Sue on 07941 497927.

Keith Avis Printers 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

www.keithavis.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh Walkers July’s walk on Saturday 10th will again a circular walk of approximately 10 miles starting from the Community Centre at Bures and leaving at 0930. This is one of our favourites comprising ancient churches, a dragon carved on a hill, woods, streams, hills etc. etc. Our route passes Fysh Farm, St Stephen’s Chapel (with stone tombs and the dragon), Ager Fen, Farthing Hall, Wissington Church, Wormingford Bridge, The Fir Trees and then back via the Stour Valley Path into Bures by the watermill. The walk will take nearly 4 hours and we will have 2 short stops enroute. When entering Bures from either Sudbury or Assington on the B1508 turn left immediately before Bures church and follow the road for about 400 yards and the centre is on the RHS (Grid ref TL 90853391). If anyone needs a lift from Hadleigh let us know and we will see what can be done. Everyone is welcome, including well behaved dogs. Strong shoes or preferably walking boots should be worn as the ground can be muddy and rough in places at this time of the year. As usual, route maps can be requested from the web site. For further information about these walks go to www.hadleighwalkers.com, email us at hadleighwalkers@gmail.com or contact Mike Keeling on 01787 210104 or 0785 895 5678.

Terry Tildesley Remembering my dear husband who passed away July 15th 2020. God saw him getting weary When cure was not to be He closed his arms around him and whispered “come to me” Please keep your arms around him Lord Treat him with special care Make up for all he suffered And all that seemed unfair A golden heart stopped beating Hard working hands at rest God broke my heart to prove to me He only takes the best So with tears in my eyes I whisper low Rest in peace dear Terry, I miss you so Love you forever Margaret and family

French’s Care Haven Hello to our readers, I hope you are all enjoying the summer. One of our elder volunteers Caroline wrote some encouraging words to anyone who is lonely, of elder age, or suffers with anxiety or depression, she ask if it could go into the local magazine for all to read, so here it is: “As any of you who have been reading the monthly newsletter from Jann Turner, the founder of French's Care Haven, the local Charity and sanctuary for unwanted large horses (8) unloved donkeys (4) elderly Shetland ponies (2) and laminitic ponies (3) will know, Jann's coterie of rescued animals are now comfortably installed on and in the fields and shelters just below Groton Woods. In order to run this menagerie Jann has rustled up a motley contingent of helpers, both as paying patrons and working volunteers and sometime has managed to lasso some of us who do both and goodness, it is such fun. We come from all walks of life, in various states of repair, with ages ranging from 11-77. Not bad! Not all of us have had previous experience of working with and around horses. Some of us volunteer for personal stress reasons, and I like to think we all look out for each other. So why not come and join us! We watch rabbits and birds, we see strange planes fly past in the cloudless skies, we watch the horses having a magical time of freedom and safety, we may sometimes stop and chat to each other in passing, straws in mouth, wheelbarrows in hands, pony nuts in pocket and pass the time of day while doing chores around the fields and shelters. We listen to the natural world in action, and I heard my first cuckoo call last week. There has to be a downside and there is. Horses and donkeys never seem to stop eating, thus never stop pooing! As the eldest volunteer (and self nominated poopicker in chief) I am occasionally gently helped by the youngsters and notice how much fitter, happier, and generally well rounded (well, lockdown didn't help) I am, since I joined the team in February. So, please anyone of any age, who wants to come and join us. I do two or three 2 hour shift’s a week. Frankie the biggest, darkest, softest donkey is my special person, so carrots and grooming are in order when the work is done and I sponsor him with monthly bank payments to French’s. Regarding Jann the founder, she is amazing. She carries the whole charity on her shoulders and even though the cost of running such an outfit is endless, she continues undaunted, with the rest of us backing her up as much as possible. But, and there is always a but. The Centre needs FINANCIAL help most of all. As does every charity and I know we all receive letters showing people and animals around the world suffering terribly. Jann has saved her troupe from fates just like those, and The Haven is a charity on our own doorstep with which we can all perhaps help, either with time, donations or, better still both. Thanks for reading this, Caroline”. Please contact Jann if you would like to volunteer or become a much needed sponsor. Please contact: Jann Turner 01473 833944 / 07747 755556 Email: jann.turner@hotmail.co.uk Website: frenchscarehaven.org.uk

Poetry Corner ‘Shower Time’ When Tom text he’d pop Round in half an hour I said “I’m just about to hop In our brand new shiny shower.” I should of course have said “into” Cos it’s sad but we all know it’s true. You really shouldn’t hop in a shower When you’re almost seventy two Simon Haines I started writing poems a few years ago but have produced them more regularly during the lockdown. The poem here is from a collection

‘Sea Planes and Seed Trays’ a book which can be bought from The Idler and also from me at simonhaines1@icloud.com 38

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

7th Armoured Division Commemorative Fund (The Desert Rats Association) I am Sue Park, new to the area and find the Hadleigh Community News informative and interesting and I would therefore like to introduce myself as Secretary to the Desert Rats Association, a registered charity (1036575). My reason for being involved is that my Dad was a Desert Rat but, sadly, passed away some 45 years ago and I, therefore, would like to help in some way to remember him and all those brave service personnel who made sacrifices during World War II - and to the present day - by helping the Association reach a goal. The purpose of this article is to inform readers of the existence of the Association and, of course, to let everyone know about upcoming events and the major project that we have been fundraising for. Like all charities our fundraising has been severely hit by the restrictions that have been necessary throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and this year and next we will be working hard to complete a Memorial Project, more about this later. A little background to begin with. The Association encompasses all those who served in the 7th Armoured Division or 4th/7th Armoured Brigades or are serving now in the 4th Infantry Brigade (The Black Rats) or 7th Infantry Brigade (the Desert Rats) and also the wider North Africa campaign and the recent Gulf Wars and conflicts.Since 2016 the Association has been quietly working towards erecting a memorial to all “Desert Rats” at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) in Staffordshire. A suitable site has been negotiated with the NMA and the 7th Armoured Division memorial from Sandhurst has been moved for refurbishment prior to it becoming part of the site at the NMA. The centrepiece for the site will be a large steel Desert Rat, the Jerboa. A summary of the plan can be found at http://www.desertrats.org.uk/. The Association also has a small museum and a memorial (a Cromwell tank) at Mundford in Thetford Forest which is where the 7th Armoured Division trained in 1944. So, to the events - which used to be annual! On Suday 11th July we are holding a Memorial Day and Church Service at the aforementioned site in Thetford Forest, a copy of the poster advertising the event is reproduced elsewhere in this edition. The event starts at 10:30 am with a remembrance service at 1 pm at High Ash, IP26 5BZ and entry fees for over 12 years old is £3.50. There will be music, not sure about the dancing!, military vehicles, military stalls, a marching band, various stands plus food and drink - all subject to COVID regulations in place at the time. In addition, we are holding a Fun Dog Show on Sunday 29th August on Narborough Village Green which is in Chalk Lane, Narborough, Norfolk PE32 1SR. If anyone is interested we are still seeking sponsorship for 7 classes at £10 a class. Sponsors name (and logo, if applicable) will feature on the tails of the rosettes for their chosen class. The cost for entering your dog is £2.00 per class. It is a fun day out for you and your pooch, please do try and come along. Lastly, I mentioned our aim to put a memorial in the National Memorial Arboretum. So far the funding for this has been raised by individuals at numerous events and shows (when we were allowed to hold them) and from personal donations. We are still a bit short of our £90,000 total and, so, if they are any individuals or businesses out there who would like to donate, and we sincerely hope you might like to do so, please contact me for more information on desertratsassoc.secretary@gmail.com. Sponsors names, donating organisations and/or donating businesses will be recognised on a bronze plaque around the base of the stone plinth supporting the Desert Rat. www.desertrats.org.uk

What an incredibly busy term! With restrictions easing we have been able to re-open our coffee shop and we are now serving ice creams, lollies and several summer specials. The coffee shop is still restricted on numbers and tables allocated on a first come first served basis, but parents still have the option of a takeaway to enjoy in their cars. British Gymnastics revised our contact restrictions and coaches have been able to physical support gymnasts for a number of weeks now. This has been great for those who need a little help with skills and means that we can get every gymnast up onto the bars and the beam where they build their confidence every week. Lots of our gymnasts have achieved a level on our award scheme this term. For some this comes almost two years after receiving their last level but we hope you join us in celebrating their successes. We have welcomed a group of buddy coaches to our recreational classes and we are really pleased with how they are growing in confidence and being so positive with our young members. This term finishes on Saturday 24th July and the Autumn term begins on Monday 6th September, however we are running a Summer camp programme from 17th August - 1st September with the following classes available to book via our website: Parent/toddler (up to age 6) Free play (age 5+) Cartwheel and handstand workshops An introduction to gymnastics workshop 1:1 coaching sessions We would like to thank all of our members for their support over this challenging year and wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable Summer. If you require further information, please go to our website www.hadleighstarsgymnastics.co.uk or email us at info@hadleighstarsgymnastics.co.uk

Do you know the location of your nearest Defibrillator? Could you please put a request in the Community News for everyone to take the time to become familiar with the location of their nearest Defibrillator. Some of the many locations that readers may not be aware of are: Available 24 hours Scout HQ next to the Rugby Club at Layham Road. Ansell Cetre next to URC Church Behind the Co-Op in the High Street Ipswich Buiding Society in Angel Street Morrisons Supermarket Available when open The Town Hall Morrisons Hadleigh Boxford Surgery Police Station Magdalen Road Gate House at Celotex on Lady Lane Ind Estate. There are many more that individuals or businesses may know of and I would encourage them to share the information with the community. Trevor Sheldrick, Co-ordinator, Hadleigh Community First Responders

Glenn Abbassi writes... I'm not yet in Munich, but should hopefully be there by the end of the month. Having arrived in Frankfurt on 31 May, I have walked just over 200 miles virtually to Mannheim, Stuttgart and Nuremburg and by 21 June there will only be 86 miles to tramp to complete my Hamburg to Munich mission. Added to LEJOG, that will be 1,995 miles under my belt since 1 January. By the time I join JW for his 4 walks, that will form part of my next virtual mission - furthest east from Ness Point to furthest west at St David's in Pembrokeshire, in the region of 350 miles.



Plastic Free Hadleigh - We're on the way! Hadleigh Environmental Action Team (HEAT) and the Town Council have joined forces to try and get Hadleigh recognised as a Plastic Free Community. We've recently all become more aware of the way single use plastics, such as food wrappers, drinks bottles, crisp packets and take-away cartons don't just make the place look awful, but are causing real damage to our oceans. So we've been talking to some of our High Street retailers about what they are doing to reduce single use plastic and the good news is that several of them have now been awarded the status of Plastic Free Champions! They've all taken steps to avoid unnecessary plastics, through using compostable alternatives, re-using containers or asking customers to bring their own containers. And they all plan to do more. So let's celebrate our first Champions! Adnams - Beers, spirits, wines, gifts & kitchenware Adore Nature - All Natural Home & Beauty Products Fork Kitchen and Deli - the best produce the Suffolk larder has to offer Love Refills - store cupboard foods, eco friendly household & bodycare products in the market Mung Bean - health remedies, supplements and wholefoods Sweet Memories - an old fashioned sweet shop Do explore their shops and find out what they are doing to make Hadleigh a more sustainable community! We hope many more businesses will get their awards soon. If you want to help, why not ask next time you go shopping whether your favourite shop has thought of cutting out single use plastic? Can you help take the next step? The next step to Hadleigh itself getting Plastic Free recognition is to sign up community groups - churches, schools, clubs and societies, venues... They can all play their part by raising awareness and agreeing to cut out single use plastics they use. So if you are a member of any local groups, why not ask them to look at this? It’s really simple and worthwhile. More information for businesses or community organisations from Hadleigh.PFC@gmail.com - we'd love to hear from you. Let’s Free Where We Live from Single Use!


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Report by District Cllr Dr Siân Dawson Hadleigh North Ward – June, 2021 High Street Parking And Infrastructure There has been much debate with increased housing about the road layout and nightmare parking problem in the High Street and surrounding roads off with more traffic. An enormous amount of time has been spent talking with local residents, who have off road parking, but chose to use it as a garden and then take up 2 – 3 spaces in the High Street. I look forward to hearing residents’ views on the idea of residents parking permits, which I believe necessary prior to the introduction of any parking tariffs, as this will inevitably lead to displacement of traffic from the car parks to residents parking. Hadleigh’s Virtual High Street Over 55 new businesses have signed up to the Virtual High Street as the site launches in Hadleigh. Shoppers can benefit from even more ways to shop local at a range of high street stores, independent retailers, market stalls, services providers as well as cafes and restaurants. Customers will be able to visit their local shops online to browse stock, place orders and arrange click and collect or a delivery from home or on the move. Over the past 18 months, the way many people are shopping has changed and the desire to shop local and support local businesses has increased. The aim of the Virtual High Street is to bring the local high street and market stalls into the homes of customers before they visit the high street in person, making shopping local and supporting local businesses even easier. To help businesses make the most of the Virtual High Street and improve their online presence both on the Virtual High Street and beyond, Babergh are launching a free digital skills programme. Open to businesses signed up to the Virtual High Street, the programme will include a range of topics including how to get the most out of your individual page on the Virtual High Street, online security, and social media marketing. To find out more about the Virtual High Street or to sign up a business, please visit www.virtualhightstreet.uk. Locality Budget Application A number of people have had made applications to Babergh’s action plan to improve and strengthen wildlife and plant life in the Hadleigh area. Babergh are offering free trees and hedgerow plants, as well as asking for help in locating areas for wildflowers regardless of whether you are planting on council, parish, church, or private land. All you need to do is let Babergh know what you want to plant and where. Helpful tips for submitting your application submit application by Wednesday 30 June 2021. Applications should include details about the area of land available, and any indications of the age and species of trees you would like to plant, for example, this could be new hedgerows, creating orchards, or planting to fill gaps in an existing tree or hedge row line. Applications for more mature tree planting on the edge of developed areas, in towns or villages or as focal points in green open space are welcome. Tree and hedge saplings are expected to be delivered to parishes for planting from mid-October 2021 onwards. Long term care and maintenance of trees and hedges planted under the scheme will be the responsibility of the parish or community group concerned. Any questions, please contact biodiversity@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk or directly to me at my email below. Applications are now open for Babergh Locality Awards funding which will enabling communities to improve facilities, learn new skills and work towards becoming environmentally sustainable. This can be used for a wide range of projects, but must meet the councils’ priorities for grant funding to help: • create strong, thriving and connected communities. • support communities in their response to the climate emergency • promote resilient and healthy communities. Locality Awards grants can be used towards combating loneliness in communities by installing hearing loops, providing Wi-Fi in rural areas, or hosting coffee mornings or lunch clubs. Groups can also apply for funding for sports and play equipment, exercise classes, walking festivals and other initiatives which support the councils’ aim for communities to lead active lives and manage their own health and wellbeing. Applications are also welcome for providing medical skills such as first aid to communities, as well as supporting them in other training including safeguarding, fire safety and anti-social behaviour prevention. Those wishing to apply for funding can visit the Babergh Councils website or further details or to download an application form. All applications must be signed by myself before being submitted to the councils’ Communities team no later than 25 February 2022. The minimum award amount is £250 per application and all payments will be released by 31 March 2022. Lastly a big thank you who gave your support to re-elect successfully for another term our Conservative Candidate County Councillor Michael Fraser. This will enable Babergh and County to continue working closely together on projects for the good of the local community. Cllr Fraser and I have donated towards an Avenue of Remembrance at the St Marys graveyard and look forward to selecting the trees to be planted in the near future. Cllr Dr Siân Dawson sian.dawson@babergh.gov.uk M: 07931 703157

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Welcome Back! Opening hours Monday 7pm till 11pm; Friday 7pm till 11.15pm Saturday 12pm till 11.45pm; Sunday 11.30am till 8pm All staff and committee members would like to say a big thank you and welcome back to the club. We look forward to bringing back entertainment when it is safe to do so, this will be advertised online and via our noticeboard New outdoor seating has been ordered, with nicer weather coming it will be nice to sit outside and watch the world go by while enjoying a drink. We are still required to operate table service with a maximum of 6 people per table, no need to book as we have plenty of space. Members and non members welcome The Royal British Legion is family friendly Club We look forward to making available our facilities available as soon as possible, these include • Snooker • Darts • Bingo • Sky Sports • Discos • Karaoke • Live Music • Fortnightly raffle Hall Hire upon request (free for members £70 for non members) For more details you can find us on Facebook Email: clairew88@hotmail.co.uk Or Call 01473 824874

Welcome back to our digital cinema! Friday 9th July at 2.30 pm and 7.30 pm

1917 (15)

Please book your seat and wear a face mask £4 on the door ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !# !! # ! # "# " "# ! "#! #" # #! # # # ! # " ! " "# ""#! # " "# ! # " Friday 13th August

Downton Abbey (PG) Details will be in August’s Community News. suffolk digital cinema


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Children's Tribute Children in Early Years at Hintlesham and Chattisham Church of England Primary School held their virtual Class Assembly for parents this week based around the day in the life of a child in Ruby Class. Part of this was a retelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. After the assembly Mrs Death, the class teacher, had to break the sad news to the children that unfortunately Eric had passed away. The children decided that they would like to create their own tribute to the author by painting a picture from the book and to use this to display their life cycles work inspired by the story. They chose and mixed paint themselves deciding on the best use of colour to create the picture in the style of the book they had enjoyed together. www.hintleshamchattishamschool.com

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We have had a fantastic Summer term here at playstation with lots of amazing activities linked to key texts such as “Walking through the jungle” and “Once upon a tide.” Our healthy eating week encouraged us to explore food and Helen had an amazing time recreating a volcano with the children in our outside area. As always at this time of year we have to say goodbye to lots of our children as they move onto school nursery settings or into reception. This is always an emotional time for the staff and parents, but the children just take it in their stride. They are ready to move onto new challenges and we wish them all well.

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Our September register has lots of new names on it and we can’t wait to meet all of our new 2 and 3 year olds who are joining us for the first time. The Autumn term beings on Monday 6th September 2021. If you are looking to join us in September please do get in touch at playstationhadleigh@gmail.com or telephone us on 824271

Paul Wilding Motor Services TYRES






News from Stoke By Nayland Club Championship & AJB Cup Results Stoke by Nayland GC held its Club Championship over the weekend of the 5/6th June. Running along side this was the AJB Cup (Presented by A J Baker). The Club Championship (Played off scratch as a medal stroke play competition) & The AJB Cup (A Nett score medal stroke play competition) are both over 36 holes. The Gainsborough course is played on the Saturday and the Constable course on the Sunday. A field of over 130 members try to qualify on the Saturday with the best 30 Gross & 30 Nett scores making it to the Sunday. Both days were generally sunny with a slight breeze. The Club Championship proved to be one of the best tournaments we have ever had with a field that included 3 +handicap golfers! Saturday had Callum Hensby (+2 handicap) as the overnight leader with an impressive 2 under par round of 69 with Matt Eaves (2 handicap) & Jordan Slater (+2 handicap) tying for 2nd place, both scoring level par 71. Max Toombs & Greg Smith were 1 shot further back on 72. Still in touch were Del Prichard on 73 with Andrew Tokley, Ian Carter & Matthew Tunstall on 74. Sunday tee times see the leaders going out last. What a Final Day it was. Overnight leader Callum Hensby, struggled to a 79 taking 5th spot with a total of 148, Andrew Tokley took 4th with a steady round of 73 and a total of 147. 3rd place was Max Toombs with a 74 and a total of 146 which left Matt Eaves & Jordan Slater to battle it out for top spot. So closely matched were they that it went to the 18th hole before a winner was declared. Jordan just missed the green to the left and Matt hit the green. Although Jordan chipped to 8 feet he missed the all important 8 foot putt which meant 2 putts was enough for Matt to win. He duly used both and Matt Eaves became Club Champion for the 1st time! Matt closed with a 71 and a total of 142, with Jordan on 72 and a total of 143. Matt's round of 71 on the Saturday included 7 birdies and chipping in on the 18th, having run up a 7 at the 17th after a lost ball off the tee (which he found after the 3 minutes searching had finished). His Sunday round included just 1 bogey on the Par 3, 5th hole, a crucial par putt on the 15th and holding his nerve down the difficult 18th for a par. The AJB Cup is played at the same time with the players Nett score counting. Max Toombs who finished an impressive 3rd place in the Club Championship, scored 2 x nett 68's which totalled 134 and was enough to take top spot. Chris Williamson took 2nd place just 1 shot back with Nett rounds of 69 + 68 = 137. 3rd place went to Matt Eaves Nett 69 + 69 = 138 and 4th Del Prichard 66 + 74 = 140. Max Toombs The Grandmothers Trophy and the usual Stableford competition for the non Grandmothers. The competitions were held on the Gainsborough course which is in great condition, dry enough to give run on the ball and the greens soft enough for them to be receptive to the ball. The large field of Grandmothers fought hard for the Trophy which saw Fran Chandler win with 37pts, 2 ahead of 2nd place Lesley Hitchcock with 35pts and 3rd place went to Stella Hammond with 34pts ocb. Best front 9 was won by Hilary Cairn with an incredible 22pts and Best back 9 was won by Barbara Rowe with 17pts. Nearest the pin on the 7th was Elaine Davidson and nearest the pin on the 11th was Pamela Randle. The non Grandmothers Stableford competition was won by Clare Nixon with 36pts, 2nd place Corinne Jackson with 35pts. Silver Team The Stoke by Nayland Ladies Silver won their league match on Saturday 12th June 3-2 at home against Theydon Bois. It was another lovely day on the Constable course and the ladies were in good form. Margaret Bentley won her match on the 15th after being all square most of the way round. Catriona Chaplin got back to all square on the 16th then won 17 and 18 to win 2up. Fran Chandler had a great win on the 13th 6/5. Bev Thompson and Katie Clark unfortunately lost their matches after a hard fought battle. Thank you to the sponsors, The LB Group.





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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh and District Angling Society would like to thank Councillor Mick Fraser and The Environment Agency for their support with grant funding which has enabled us to improve facilities at two of our still water fisheries, Bullocky Fen, Layham and Pond Field, Polstead. The funding was agreed in 2019 but the pandemic delayed installation until this year. At Bullocky Fen a fully accessible toilet has been installed and additional car parking created closer to the fishery. Urgent repairs have also been carried out to the access tracks at both of the sites. The Society has been working hard over the past few years to improve the diversity of its membership by encouraging more family’s to join and improving facilities for the less able angler. Based on feedback from our popular open days these improvements will help us to achieve this. The grants were used to purchase the toilet, construction materials and hire equipment. The improvements were carried out by Society volunteers who gave up their free time over a number of weekends to carry out the work. During the summer of 2020 the Environment Agency contacted us to request support in monitoring the River Brett as the nearby River Stour had suffered an oxygen crash at Cattawade. We assisted the EA with monitoring the River Brett and also Polstead Pond (which was suffering from an algae bloom at the same time). By passing on regular reports to the EA it enabled their Fisheries Team to focus their efforts on Cattawade knowing the River Brett and Polstead Pond were in safe hands. The EA have now given the club a new O2 meter to help us to support them in their work maintaining the rivers. Vice Chairman, Bob Talbot is pictured receiving the meter from EA Fisheries Officer Andrew Ward. Hadleigh and District Angling Society have protected the river Brett since fishing rights were first obtained by the late Dick King in 1959. During that time residents of Hadleigh and the surrounding area will have enjoyed using the Brett for fishing, kayaking, canoeing and simply enjoying the river walk watching the wildlife, some will have even been lucky enough to spot natures top angler the otter which like our members are attracted by the large shoals of roach present in the deeper wooded section upstream of Toppesfield Bridge. In addition to the River Brett Hadleigh and District Angling Society also have access to a number of still waters in the area offering fishing for carp, crucian carp, tench, bream, roach, rudd, chub, dace, perch and pike. We currently have over 300 members of all ages making us one of the largest organisations in the town and there is plenty of room for more so if you wish to join us please visit www.hadasangling.co.uk or call in at Snowys’ Bait and Tackle, 1-3 Long Besssels, Hadleigh. Tel: 01473 823043 / 07766 140624

Hadleigh United Football Club With Covid putting pay to the last two football seasons with no matches played and both seasons being declared null and void there has been very little to write about. But as a Club we are still here getting ready both on and off the pitch for the coming season with our First Team matches scheduled to commence on Saturday 31st July, fixtures we are informed will not be announced until mid July. One Important meeting which has to take place is our Clubs ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING which will be held on Sunday 18th July commencing at 11.00 am. All members are welcome to attend, this meeting will be held with the relevant COVID measures in place. The following Pre- Season Friendlies have been arrange again with current Covid measures in place. First Team Tues 6th July away to Ipswich Wanderers 7.30 or 7.45 pm KO Thurs 15th July home to Bury Town 7.30 or 7.45 pm KO Sat 17th July away to Holland F.C 3.00 pm KO Sat 24th July away to Framlingham Town 3.00 pm KO Tues 27th July home to Debenham L.C 7.30 or 7.45 pm KO Reserves Team Tues 13th July home to Needham Phoenix 7.30 or 7.45 pm KO Tues 20th July home to Bramford United 7.30 or 7.45 pm KO Tues 27th July away to Sudbury Academy 7.30 or 7.45 pm KO Any additional fixtures or updates on those above will be posted on the Club website www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk or our Facebook page - Hadleigh United Football Club - Official Lets all hope we can get back to a near normal 2021/22 season in the mean time stay safe

Helen Rollason Cancer Charity announce new Ride for Helen Suffolk cycling event! Following the success of Helen Rollason Cancer Charity’s annual Ride for Helen Essex, the Charity is delighted to announce their brand new cycling event to the 2021 events calendar. Ride for Helen Suffolk will take place on Sunday 5th September 2021 and will offer cyclists the chance to sign up for either 65 or 35 mile routes through some of the beautiful Suffolk countryside. The Ride will start and finish at Trinity Park, Ipswich, home of the Suffolk Show. Social distancing measures will be put in place as required to ensure riders can take part with confidence and guidelines set out by British Cycling will be followed. Choice of two routes: 65 mile route; for the experienced cyclist keen to enjoy some of the beautiful rural Suffolk countryside including Grundisburgh, Clopton Green, Monewden, Kettleburgh, Brandeston, Earl Soham, Saxtead Green, Framlingham, Wickham Market, Tunstall Forest, Chillesford, Melton and Woodbridge. Start time between 8am and 10am. 35 mile route; for the regular cyclist looking for a challenge, cycling on roads passing through Grundisburgh, Clopton Green, Monewden, Hoo, Easton, Wickham Market, Ufford, Melton and Woodbridge. Start time between 10am and 11.30am. To ensure that riders can enjoy a safe and worry-free ride, extensive safety measures will be put in place to look after riders; Covid-19 is still very much a threat so numbers may be limited in line with Government guidelines. Registration is now open Adult tickets from £20 each and Juniors from £10 each. Visit www.rideforhelen.co.uk or call 01245 380719 to book your tickets today!

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Hadleigh Cricket Club Sponsored by Celotex Firstly, apologies for there being no report last month. In truth there was not a great deal going on, since it rained almost constantly in May, and ruined three weekends of cricket. But there has been plenty of action since. The early weeks of the season were played out in a rather eerie environment, with no spectators officially allowed to be present under Covid restrictions unless they were enjoying our outdoor table bar service. So vantage points were secured in the cemetery, over the wall and from within sealed vehicles (which considering the temperatures was not a bad idea). Thankfully all supporters are now welcome, but some restrictions still in place until at least July 19th. Both 1st and 2nd XIs have made impressive starts, with only one loss for either side and both sitting in second place in Divisions 1 and 5 respectively. There have been some notable performances, such as 1st XI captain Ben Wallis's 51ball 93 against Wivenhoe, Tom Piddington's 104 not out against Braintree and Marlon Dias's 118 at Maldon. The latter was instrumental in setting up a successful chase of 273, with the winning runs coming off the last ball. On the same day there was an equally incredible game at the Meadow, where the 2nds won by 1 run also from the final delivery, as Owen Tampion did his finest Jason Roy and threw to the stumps as the Elmstead batsmen scampered in vain for their second run. Alex Milnes had earlier hit an unbeaten 124, and Justin Toombs has once again been the pick of the 2nds batsmen with 350 runs to his name already, including four 50s. Spare a thought for Jaco Engelbrecht, who has been padded up for the best part of two games without actually getting a bat. The Sunday side have one win to their name so far, but are seeing some fine performances so far from their crop of youngsters, including Rhys Willings, who made his senior debut in the match at Nacton and took his first wicket against Long Melford. He would have had two, if it hadn't been for a dropped catch behind the stumps that captain Dave Levitt will want to forget (unfortunately Dave that is not an option, as we will continue to remind you about it forever more). The Ladies team have not had much cricket so far, and were not best pleased to have their game at Maldon called off while they were on their way there, but got their first win on the board over IES with some fine batting by Charlotte and Frankie Stenning helping the team to a testing target of 128. We are delighted to be hosting a number of county age group matches later in the season, starting on 22nd July. A mini cricket week will also be held from 2430 August, comprising T20s, county matches and the Under-19 Final. We are already approaching the halfway stage of the league season, and with the weather improving it is starting to feel almost 'normal' again down at the Meadow. Gary Wiles


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

HUFC U’11s thank Skar Precision Mouldings The Hadleigh United Under 11s football team would like to thank Hadleigh based Skar Precision Mouldings for sponsoring their full match day kit and accessories. Skar have extended their generosity again for the team, having funded their kit for the past few years. The lads are really appreciative and looking forward to ‘looking good in our smart new kits’ when they arrive. The manager and coaches are equally as grateful as they, like most youth teams, rely on the generosity of local businesses to enable them to continue to provide Hadleigh youngsters with the great experience that comes from being part of a youth football team. Hadleigh United Under 11s would also like to thank two of the team’s dads: Lee & his company LJ Baalham Transport Ltd for sponsoring the training kit and Martin, along with his company ECC Timber Products, for sponsoring the kit bags.

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Hicks TV & Audio Solutions....07968 686035 Electricians S Cowle Electrical ...................01473 823179 Andrade Electrical ...................07977 279970 Energy on Tap .........................07780 975787 Estate Agents Frost & Partners .....................01473 823456 Chapman Stickels ...................01473 372372 Thirty3 Property Group.......... 01473 823000 Hizzy .......................................01473 875101 Funeral / Grave Services R. Gwinnell .............................01473 824440 W. A. Deacon ..........................01787 248282 Garage Doors Garolla ....................................01473 396108 Fortress Doors........................01206 332702 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green .............................01473 823839 Steve Blake .............................07813 814623 Garden Services 4 Life Landscapes...................01473 828117 Grass To Glass........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs .............................01473 824315 Tomlinson Groundcare............01449 736060 Gary Newman Garden Maintenance ...........................07707 167428 Plant Advisor Yvonne Bolt ......07821 522699 Hair and Beauty Hadleigh Hairloom ..................01473 822191 Laughter Lines........................07552 740651 Blush Living............................07917 691166 French Complexion .................01473 828805 Hair Hut ........07825 579529 / 07828 521791 Hardware M. W. Partridge........01473 824183 / 822333 Health and Fitness Hadleigh Boxford Practice ......01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery .........01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre................08000 962637 Sally Mowles Foot Health Care .01473 822902 Hadleigh Physiotherapy ..........01473 810185 Acupuncture & Wellness.........07717 314961 Backs for the Future................07818 420029 Equlibrium Therapy.................07903 722746


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I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services .......01473 829552 Vulcan Computer Services......07711 904439 PM Computer Services ...........07805 171647 Locksmith T.J. Griggs ..............................07850 630389 Laundry Services Press Gang .............................01473 558448 Mortgage & Protection Advice GKM Financial.........................01473 898065 Newsagents Keith Avis................................01473 823131 Nursing & Care Services Laxfield House .........01787 247340 / 247495 Magdalen House .....................01473 829411 Runwood Homes ....................07711 365784 Opticians D. J. Dunstone ........................01473 823755 Oven Cleaning East Anglian Oven Cleaning ....07470 903711 Painting & Decorating Simon Farthing .......................07823 333451 Pest Control Vermoush Pest Control...........07805 999544 Lister Countryside Services ....07919 287656 Picture Framing Framestore..............................01473 822334 ALB Framing ...........................07769 858076 Blue Magpie............................07788 508520 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase...................01473 828509 Plumbing and Heating Gallagher ................................01473 828806 Plumbmate .............................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ...........07939 082630 Spear ......................................01473 829863 GJ Watts .................................01473 829644 MSL Plumbing........................07979 288844 CJ Plumbing & Heating...........01473 822775 Andrew Pipe ...........................07766 311575 Printers Keith Avis Printers ..................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants, Food & Drink Battlebury’s.............................01473 828855

The Cock Inn Hadleigh............01473 879907 The George Hadleigh ..............01473 822151 Eight Bells Hadleigh ................01473 822234 Royal Bengal...........................01473 823744 Cobblers Cafe/Waffle Shop .....01473 828577 Scaffolding Barke Scaffolding Ltd .............07528 941018 Security Abacus....................................01473 824601 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services ..........................01473 822694 Shops Hollowtrees.............................01449 741247 Health Foods For You..............01787 828262 Brett Gallery............................01449 741553 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire ..................01473 824256 Solicitors / Wills The Will Business ...................01206 263420 Holmes & Hills........................01787 275275 Sports & Hobbies Snowys Bait & Tackle..............07766 140624 Storage Elmsett Storshops ..................01473 822162 Structural Engineers Brett Design............................01473 822047 Surveyors MS Surveys ............................01473 249020 Taxi Voyager Travel ........................01473 828102 Beaumont Cars .......................01473 828999 Tiles Cut Price Tiles & Bathrooms.....0473 932910 Travel Beestons..................01473 212521 / 823243 Travel 2000 .............................01206 394433 Veterinary Surgeons Highcliff Veterinary Practice....01473 822704 Water Softeners Patmore ..................................01473 713600 Weight Loss & Fitness 1:1 Diet Val Lord .....................01449 737113 Window Cleaner C&D Services..........................01473 828626

Community News

Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 kelvin@keithavis.co.uk To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 matt@keithavis.co.uk


Hadleigh Community News is produced by Avis Newsprint Limited, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.













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