Community News
01473 829700
S e a s o n s G re e t i n g s t o y o u a l l ! The Community News team wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year and, as always, we thank everybody for all the regular monthly letters, photos, articles, your phone calls and very kind comments throughout the year. Community News magazines are delivered to 17,000 homes and businesses around Hadleigh, Sudbury, Lavenham and selected villages in the surrounding area, together with many subscribers far and wide who receive a copy by post each month. Special thanks to Paul, John, Mike, Ali, Sue, Joanne and Beryl, our brilliant delivery team who go out in all weathers to deliver the magazines to your door each month. Lastly but most importantly we thank all the advertisers who continue to use Community News magazines to promote their services and we strongly urge all our readers to support these local businesses because without them this magazine simply would not exist. Kelvin Avis
Tel: 01473 828222 Mob: 07948 761169
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Christmas Menus available to 23rd December
27th-31st December
Winter Ale Festival Come and enjoy 10 fabulous festive brews
Mulled Wine & Mulled Cider
Paul Gee & The Retros Sunday 28th December from 8.45 pm 90 HIGH STREET • HADLEIGH • SUFFOLK • IP7 5EF
TEL: 01473 828855
Plastics Window Federation
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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Sydney Brown Court Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am -12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. Together Lent Study Group, Salvation Army Every Monday evening: Duplicate Bridge 7 pm at Hadleigh Football Club Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm Hadleigh Art Club meets every Tuesday afternnon at 2pm until 4pm in the Hadleigh Library Seminar Room. November programme; Nov 4; Draw in pen and ink, using hatching and cross hatching create textures and tones. Nov11; Bring an old item to draw and paint. Nov 18; Draw each other, or using a mirror, draw yourself. Nov 25; Sketch something you can see out of the Seminar Room windows. Every Tuesday afternoon: Chicago Bridge 2 pm at Hadleigh Football Club. Every Tuesday Afternoon Knitting, Crocheting & Natter, 1.30 to 3.30pm at Waterfield House, Ring Hilary 824245 Every Wednesday 7.00 to 9.00 pm at URC Rooms Country Threads a friendly craft group. Magdalen House Care Home - Coffee Morning Every Wednesday 10 am to 12 noon, feel free to come along for coffee, cake and a chat! Every Friday 09.30 - 12.00 St Mary’s Café Church Coffee, bacon rolls and croissants. Optional worship at 10.00. Monday 1st December Hadleigh Naturalists Society illustrated talk, Iconic Plants of Suffolk’s Ancient Woods, Town Hall Dining Room, 7.30 pm. Visitors £2 Tuesday 2nd December 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Tuesday 2nd December Porch Project Christmas Event from 6.30 to 9pm. Localare Community Young Community people again to cook for you and there will be live music, so Newsgoing News come to St. Mary’s, taste some nice food and listen to some good music. Thursday 4th December 9.15 -11am Little Angels Toddler Group, Community Room Friday 5th December 12.15pm Friday Lunch Club - Ansell Centre Saturday 6th December 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room SaturdayLocal 6th December 7.30pm Hadleigh Community Choir’s Christmas Community News Concert with mulled wine and festive fare at Hadleigh United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh IP7 5DL, tickets £7 from The Idler Bookshop or Keith
Community News
16900 copies of Community News Magazines are hand delivered during the first week of each month to homes and businesses in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Hitcham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, Long Melford, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Newton Green & Raydon We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue.
December 2014
Avis Newsagents in Hadleigh High Street. Sunday 7th December 10.30am – 2.30pm Waterfield House Xmas Bazaar Monday 8th December Hadleigh U3A. Monthly Meeting at 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. This will feature a talk by Annie Shead on “The life of a music hall artist” Monday 8th December at 7.30pm Hadleigh & District Garden Club meeting in The Town Hall. Annual Quiz & Presentation of Competition Prize. Members £1, Visitors £3 includes refreshments. Tuesday 9th December at 7.30pm Hadleigh and District Flower Club meeting at the United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh. Alan Smith from Ipswich demonstrating ‘Christmas Crackers’. Bring a festive arrangement. Members £1.50, Visitors £4 inc refreshments. Tuesday 9th December 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Thursday 11th December 9.15 -11am Little Angels Toddler Group, Community Room Saturday 13th December A Celebration of Christmas at St. Marys Church, Hadleigh, 6.30 pm. Hadleigh Choral Society and Hadleigh High School, free admission, come and listen, come and sing! Saturday 13th December 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 14th December 10.30am Nativity service URC – gifts to FIND food bank Monday 15th December No Fidelis monthly meeting but the group’s festive, celebratory 10th Christmas supper at Hintlesham Hall. Normal service will be resumed on 22nd January at 19.30 in the Dining Room (op the Ram) Sec. Barbara Tryon 01473 824 417. Tuesday 16th December 10.00-11.30amCome in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Tuesday 16th December 7.30pm Hadleigh Evening WI meeting in the Seminar Room above the Library. Meg Browne talking about and showing various patchwork quilts. Visitors welcome £3 inc refreshments. Wednesday 17th December 12.15pm Wednesday Lunch Club - Ansell Centre Thursday 18th December 9.15-11am Little Angels Toddler Group, Community Room Friday 19th December 10-12 noon Leading Lives Coffee Morning - Ansell Centre Saturday 20th December 10am Carol singing Co-op, with Salvation Army band, 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 21st December 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight URC – Family worship Tuesday 23rd December 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Thursday 25th December 10.30am Worship to celebrate Christmas Saturday 29th December 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room
As is usual the January edition of Community News will be delivered a little later than normal due to the Christmas and New Year Holiday
Brett Valley Lodge No. 9479 Meet and Dine at The Town Hall, Hadleigh Fourth Friday in September, November, January, March and May
Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month
Our contact details:
(Established 1993)
Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 Mobile: 07771 644716
To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838
Website: email:
Community News Magazines are produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF
Hadleigh and surrounding villages
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
TEL: 01473 828999 or 03331 213141 All major credit cards accepted
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
From Warehouse to Hospice
With Christmas fast approaching the ladies of the Country Thread craft group decided it was time to hold a stock making day so that St Elizabeth Hospice could meet the seasonal demands of its shop. As the charity has an Aladdin’s cave of donated items this was the obvious place for senior crafters, Mavis Gordon and Lin Slaughter, to begin. Once a selection of appropriate materials had been made and retrieved from the warehouse, work began in earnest to create attractive saleable gifts for the ‘reloved’ shop in the Hospice. Mundane pieces of fabric, hairy felt and sparkly stars were transformed into shimmering Christmas tree decoration, attractive table centres and unique hand crafted Christmas cards to name just a few. Energy levels were maintained throughout the day with liquid refreshment, lunch and a lot of laughter. Not content with giving their time for this noteworthy cause, the ladies have also created a stunning array of prizes for the charity’s Christmas raffle which will be held at the Hospice’s Day Centre. If you would like to know more about this friendly group which meet every Wednesday evening at the URC rooms please contact Mavis 01473 824398 or Email
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Waterfield House held a fancy dress for Halloween
Staff dressed up in spooky costumes to amuse the residents who had weird and wonderful themed food that day. In the evening we turned the foyer into a diner and held an Italian themed meal, raffle and quiz. We raised another £199 towards the mini bus bus fund. Now standing at over £1500 in 5 months! Our next event is our Christmas Bazaar. This will be held at Waterfield House on December the 7th 10.30am- 2pm. There will be stalls and Palmer & Partnersrefreshments available.
Dear readers, I can’t believe that I am penning a few words for Christmas. The picture shows me at a champagne tasting in the Champagne Region. If you reach for your jeweller’s loupe you may be able to make out the name of the Champagne house on my glass. Thinking about Christmas – the Church comes to mind. I have had quite a postbag supporting my remarks about the untidy sight inside St Mary’s Church. If these Churches want to rip out the interior seating and such like then they must have the replacements lined up and funded. Even my own Church in Flowton is seeking to be rid of a portion of the Victorian pews and now I have received a request for a contribution! I wish the Church would concentrate on getting bottoms on seats since in ten years time there will be none there. Whilst of course I cannot give investment advice, it strikes me that with careful choosing, a property can produce good returns against bank interest on a similar sum invested. One does naturally require more hands on management but that is something that we could do for you. If you find a property that you would like to buy, why not discuss the whys and the wherefores with me. I have come across a number of purchases recently of flats where the management of the building in which they are found is in a poor state. In one case, there were only five flats and the owners all had an interest in the freehold but they could not agree on how their building should be managed. Two flats were arguing with one another over damage from a leak. Two flats were refusing to pay the service charge. Those sort of problems can have an acute bearing on the value of a property and indeed the situation is likely to be unpalatable to a lender. We had had difficulty in obtaining service charge information and my legal nose knew that things were not as they could be. The buyer is unable to purchase until the issues have been resolved. As you gather around your Christmas tree and sip on a sherry, the chatter may turn to your testamentary affairs - Wills in common parlance. In case you find the sixpence in your Christmas Pudding do ask me to prepare your new Will. More of you are wanting Lasting Powers of Attorney and so ask us to do those too. Maria will be busy in the Kitchen over the festive season. Frank is always bringing things in from the garden and Maria will be sweating his onions for the various sauces that we so love. My favourite is bread sauce but so many cooks seem to avoid it. It is going the way of pickled walnuts which I shall have on my plate on Boxing Day. A Happy Christmas to you all Howard Gibbons
e n u J f o d n e n u J f o end P ** d in m f o cce ind f mHERE.. e oWe’re &
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All meetings are held at the Library at 7.45 pm
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Hadleigh Community Primary News Movember moustache makes mass merriment! We have had a new member of staff recently….a man with a very suspicious moustache, who looks a bit like Mr Peters! The moustached man appears to be growing his furry facial feature in the name of charity – prostate cancer to be precise! Mr Peters would, in fact, be delighted if any parents were prepared to support him in his fund raising ‘Movember’ challenge – a national campaign to raise awareness of a very serious disease. He can assure you he hasn’t just lost his razor and things will return to normal in time for Christmas! Shoebox appeal is a success We are thrilled to say that over 60 shoeboxes were collected for the Samaritan’s Purse charity at the beginning of November. We are delighted to be able to support disadvantaged children in Europe and Africa and would like to thank all of the parents and children who contributed to boxes. We would also like to thank Mrs Scales who coordinated the collection this year. The whole school remembers On Tuesday 11th November at precisely 11:00am, the whole school joined the rest of the country in remembering those who had fallen to give us our freedom during recent and past conflicts – particularly remembering the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. The children’s behaviour was impeccable – not a whisper could be heard. Year 3 visit Ipswich Museum I reported last month that Year 3 were about to have their trip – well here is what they had to say about it: “On Tuesday 21st October, we visited Ipswich Museum where we looked at the exhibits and saw many interesting artefacts. As soon as we walked through the door, we were instantly confronted by a huge woolly mammoth which we especially liked. Also, we really enjoyed the Egyptian exhibition that was dark and mysterious. The mummified cat was awesome! Our history topic is on Prehistoric Britain. We learnt that lots of artefacts from the Stone Age were actually found near where we live. The golden torc from the Bronze Age was amazing” The children ended their trip by visiting Christchurch Park. They had a brilliant day!
Annual Pink Pub Crawl Many thanks to everyone who took part this year on the Pink Pub Crawl, I have sent a cheque for £512 to Breakthrough Breast Cancer for the "In Memory fund" of our daughter Frances Bloomfield. We all appreciated the help of various hostleries in Hadleigh - The George, The Cock, The Kings Head, The Eight Bells, The White Hart, The Legion, The Cooking Experience plus The White Horse Edwardstone and The Kings Head at Bildeston. I am planning a bigger event for next year, so if anyone has anything that we could put in a raffle, please get in touch with anyone who takes part or phone me. Thanks for your generosity. Margaret Clapp 01473 822949
Making Your Will Retired solicitor Trevor Dodwell is local and through his business he writes Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. He offers a home visit service, thoughtful and friendly client care, with career-long advisory experience. The fees are surprisingly affordable.
Please call 01206 263420 or email me at
New look to support growth plans for successful Hadleigh based youth project The Porch Project based in St Mary’s Church in Hadleigh has re-launched with a new look as it plans to refresh its existing range of support and increase the number of young people it reaches by opening other Porch Project’s in rural areas surrounding Hadleigh and other local towns in the area. Since the Porch Project started in September 2009, providing somewhere for young people to meet and socialise; anti-social and nuisance youth behaviour in Hadleigh has significantly reduced and the Police rarely now get calls of this nature. Starting out as two evening drop-in sessions a week, providing a range of recreational activities and hot food, the project then added a media and computer suite to help young people with homework, revision and job search. From originally attracting a handful of young people, over 350 young people are now registered with the project The Project has recently developed a more professional new look that will further raise awareness of its impact and plans to local businesses, professional agencies, potential funding organisations and the wider local community. It has put the young people who use the project and for whom the project was created at the very centre of the new look and local people may recognise a face or two. The project intends to expand the number of learning programmes that it offers, including topics that young people, parents, teachers and the media have highlighted as concerns for young people today. This includes subjects such as staying safe in the real and virtual worlds and developing positive relationships. Young people often say they don’t feel listened to, so the project wants help give young people a ‘voice’ through music development and campaigning. The project wants to support young people to set up and run a local business, so they can develop entrepreneurial skills, while at the same time working alongside and serving the local community. The project also hopes to develop a sports academy and a youth work programme, where young people can achieve qualifications. The project wants to expand its one-to-one support to young people who have issues or concerns that if left, could develop into more serious mental health or social problems. The project’s team of youth workers can work one-to-one with individual young people over a period of time, as well as offering further support through the project’s mentoring or counselling programmes. The project also intends to introduce individual support for parents and young people who are struggling with the teen / parent relationship often seen as the trickiest years in parenting and child development. The project will also run a number of ‘a touch of teen trouble’ workshops for parents where they can get advice about ‘taming their teen’ The Porch Project would like to thank the following local businesses who have sponsored the development of the print materials and web site for the project’s new look: Free-rein, the Hadleigh Thrift Shop and the East of England Co-op The Porch Project is looking for new volunteers to work with the young people attending the project on Tuesday and Friday evenings. We are looking for volunteers from a wide age range, backgrounds and interests. Volunteering with us help keeps you ‘young of mind’ and you can find out what young people are talking and thinking about today. You can also learn new skills and make new friends Contact Craig Hutton M: 07811 315667 E-mail:
Brenda Grimsey Would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will be sending a Donation to the Sue Ryder Home.
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Tel: 01473 829222 Fax: 01473 829212
Hadleigh Schools to pay tribute to the town’s fallen soldiers
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On Friday 7th November 2014 Hadleigh Town Mayor, Councillor Mrs Sue Angland, and Mark Brennan, Chair of the Hadleigh & District Branch of the Royal British Legion, met with 46 pupils representing all four Hadleigh Schools to pay tribute to the town’s fallen soldiers. Mark Brennan provided the pupils with a talk on the soldiers at whose graves the pupils laid crosses. A wreath was laid by the group and left in the cemetery as an act of Remembrance. The Mayor said that to stand by each individual grave and learn a little about each solider made it more meaningful than reading names off the war memorial. It also helped them gain some understanding of what the soldiers went through, that they served all over the world and died from wounds or disease serving their country. Mark Brennan is working on a town-wide project which some of the pupils are contributing to called the Hadleigh Great War Centenary Project. For more information visit The Mayor felt that it had been a successful and worthwhile day and hoped it would help the children remember.
Plumb Mate Ltd, Unit 2a Seager Court, Crockett Road, Hadleigh
Tel: 01473 810088 • Fax: 01473 810055 Email:
Crockatt Garage Ltd Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Air Conditioning - Tyres
WINTER CHECK £9.99 inc VAT LIGHTS ● LEVELS WIPERS & WASHERS TYRE PRESSURE & CONDITION BATTERY ANTI-FREEZE VISUAL INSPECTION (Price includes a £2.00 donation towards our nominated charity ‘Build A School In Gambia’
Open Saturdays 8.30 till 1.00 Other Services and Appointments available on request
Christmas is nearly upon us but not only will you be thinking of presents and turkey, you will also be dreaming and planning next year’s holidays. You've booked the flight and hotel, car park and car hire and made sure your passports are up to date. Everything is sorted, or is it? Something you've forgotten but can't put your finger on it? Then you see a trail of muddy paw prints coming in from the garden and it hits you. THE DOG! You need to find a good house sitter, one you can trust with your home and beloved pets. It’s hard to find someone who is reliable with high moral standards and work ethics these days. So spare a thought for your pets and get their holiday care sorted too by contacting us at Country Pet Services, as 2015 is booking up fast. Country Pet Services wishes to thank all our customers and hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in 2015 Telephone: 014736 52592 Mobile: 07557 302752 e mail:
Country Pet Services Leave home with everything in good hands
Dog Walking • Cat Feeding House / Pet Sitting Small Animal Boarding Small Holdings Accepted
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Country Pet Services - leave home with everything in good hands...
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
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OUR IPSWICH TOURS OFFICE IS ON THE MOVE! Still the same great service just all under one roof! We will be closing our Ipswich Office on 19th December to begin the moving process and will re-open at our new location Head Office, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh on 5th January at 9 am Fully Inclusive London Shows
Special Events
Sat 10th Jan Phantom Of The Opera . . . . . . . £67.00 Wed 14th Jan Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £57.50 Wed 14th Jan Les Miserables . . . . . . . . . . . . £67.50 Wed 21st Jan Charlie & Chocolate Factory . . . £71.50 Wed 21st Jan Lion King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £70.50 Wed 28th Jan Made In Dagenham . . . . . . . . . £72.50 Wed 28th Jan Memphis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £62.50 Thurs 5th Feb Once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £64.50 Thurs 5th Feb The Railway Children . . . . . . . . £62.50 Sat 7th Feb Billy Elliot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £64.50 Sat 7th Feb The Commitments . . . . . . . . . . £78.50 Thurs 12th Feb Beautiful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £57.50 Thurs 12th Feb Miss Saigon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £72.50 Thurs 19th Feb Mamma Mia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £64.50 Thurs 19th Feb Phantom Of The Opera . . . . . . . £67.50 Thurs 26th Feb Billy Elliot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £57.50 Thurs 26th Feb Dirty Rotten Scoundrels . . . . . . £62.50 Wed 1st April Charlie & Chocolate Factory . . . £71.50 All shows are Matinee performances Price includes top price ticket & luxury Coach Travel
Sat 17th Jan ’15 Warner Bros “Harry Potter Studio Tour” (Inc.) .......................From £44.50 Wed 18th Feb
Seniors Day – Freetime, Carvery & ‘Memphis’ (Inc.) ......................£71.00
Wed 1st April
Lord Of The Dance “Dangerous Games” (Inc.) ..............................£57.50
Sat 25th April
Disney On Ice “Magical Ice Festival” (Inc.) ..........................From £54.50
Thurs 30th April Seniors Day – Freetime, Carvery & ‘War Horse’ (Inc.).....................£71.00
Brick Lane Music Hall 2015 Fri 20th March
‘St Patricks’ Show ........................................................(Inc.) £67.50
Fri 24th April
‘St Georges Day’ Show ...................................................(Inc.) £67.50
Sat 30th May
‘50’s’ Music Show & Afternoon Tea ....................................(Inc.) £60.00
Thurs 2nd July
Summer Showcase & Lunch.............................................(Inc.) £67.50
Please note all our Excursions, Holidays and Short Breaks Pick-Up in Hadleigh
We would like to extend Seasons Greetings to all our customers, old and new, A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year For further details on the above, please call us on 01473 823243 or email at any time
The Hadleigh Historian: Issue 25 (December 2014 - January 2015) From 1836 to 1921, Hadleigh Post Office had five different locations and was run in succession by five people from three generations of the same family, the Ellisdons. They were behind the counter during a period of great changes in communications from the time before postage stamps to the setting up of Hadleigh’s first telephone exchange. As Mrs Sarah, Miss Sarah and Mary Ellisdon each served as postmistress, one can imagine their lives as depicted by the character Dorcus Lane, who ran the small-town post office in the recent television series Lark Rise to Candleford. Roger Kennell has loaned a delightful photograph of Mary Ellisdon with her mother and sister outside Hadleigh post office sometime between 1902 and 1912, when it was located at the corner of Market Place. Is something that happened in 1976 really history? Former chairman of Hadleigh and District Horticultural Society Ruth Allen thinks so, as she sent papers to the Editor about the radio programme Gardeners’ Question Time, which was recorded at Hadleigh that year. Pictured with the team of gardening experts are question-master Michael Barrett, members of the society’s committee and Hadleigh town mayor. Having related his World War II experiences, extracts from the memoirs of Frederick Holbrow now concern Angel Street when he was a lad in the 1920s and 1930s. Before the coming of piped water, although some properties had their own wells, the majority of households had to collect their water in pails from pumps in the streets, while the outside ‘lav’ was in the back garden. Fred also remembers Angel Square, later known as Garden City; playing football on the field that is now Magdalen Road car park; and working with Theophilus Spooner at his blacksmith’s forge in Spooner’s Lane behind his famous bicycle shop in Angel street. ‘Who’s been living in Toppesfield Hall’ (part 1) takes the story as far as the early years of the 19th century. For one hundred years from 1586, members of the Strutt family were owners, including Sir Denner Strutt, who Distinguished himself at the Siege of Colchester in 1648. It was not until 2012, when Philip Aitkins carried out an architectural investigation into Toppesfield Hall, that it was discovered to have been entirely rebuilt in the early years of the 18th century. (Part 2 in Issue 26 will bring the story up-to-date.) ‘An inventor at the White Hart’ concerns Thomas Johnson, who was mine host here during the 1860’s. While living in Bermondsey, he patented an invention for the beer-trade but his partner went on to become a designer of brewery production-lines including the famous Allsopp’s Brewery at Burton-on-Trent. Thomas came to Hadleigh and continued to work on his inventions but does not seem to have been able to make a success of things and left under a cloud. Sue Andrews (01449 740673) The Hadleigh Historian is on sale at Avis the Newsagent and Idler Bookshop in Hadleigh and at Hollow Trees Farm Shop, Semer, price £3
Hadleigh Naturalists Society
Invite members and visitors to the following Illustrated Talk Monday 1st December Iconic Plants of Suffolk’s Ancient Woods - Peter Payne Visitors £2.00 Talks held at Town Hall Dining Room Market Place, Hadleigh at 7.30 pm Celebrate Christmas with a Festive Lunch or Afternoon Tea Booking Essential Perhaps you would like to purchase an Afternoon Tea Gift Voucher for someone special
Newton Green Sudbury’s Golf Club We have again been one of Suffolk’s most successful clubs Make a New Year’s resolution to become part of our special club
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Golf Vouchers for Christmas!
Invitation Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting
Saturday 8th November 2014 2.30pm - 4.30pm
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The Copper Kettle Cafe & Tea Room, Call Rosie now on Tel: 01473 827001 Kersey Mill, Kersey IP7 6DP
Now recruiting for time Chef by and Waiting Staff Livepart entertainment “Vocally Vintage” Afternoon teas, Sampling & Stalls Now recruiting ơ
A message from Bob the Christmas Tree Grower and his Happy Helpers From premium grade down to our budget range, we have the trees to suit all tastes and pockets. All our trees are grown by either ourselves on Hollow Trees Farm or from our local partner grower. If you prefer your tree grown in the pot (ideal for planting in the garden after Christmas) then come to us. This year we need to clear one our fields ready for replanting. So as they say, "everything must go!" If it’s a whopper you need for your ballroom or a tiddler in a pot, then Hollow Trees Farm can help. All trees are netted for your convenience, and we can load them into your car. We also have a range of tree stands, lights and Fair to Trade Christmas decorations. I could go on about wreaths, foliage arrangements and lots of Christmas stuff, but why not come and find out for yourself. Trees will go on sale from Saturday 29th November onwards with fresh stocks being harvested regularly. Hollow Trees Farm is just three miles from Hadleigh on the Lavenham road and we are open 7 days a week. Hollow Trees Farm, Semer, nr Hadleigh, Ipswich, IP76HX Ph: 01449 741247
Hadleigh & District Footpath Volunteers
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Our walk this month will be on Saturday 13th December. We will leave St. Mary’s School at 10am and walk to Lower Layham via The Railway Walk, Raydon Great Wood, Raydon Hall, Raydon Church, Lower Raydon, Shelley, and Lower Layham. We will return to Hadleigh via Upper Layham, Hook Lane, and the Railway Walk arriving back at about 3pm. We will have our traditional end of season lunch at the Layham Queens Head Pub. This walk is 8 miles in length, and is suitable for all walkers, older children and dogs. Strong shoes or walking boots should be worn as the walk is wet, and rough in places. If the weather is fine there are some lovely views on this walk, especially looking over the Brett Valley from Layham Broom Hill, and from the top of the hill overlooking the Golf Course. We think this walk will be well worth the effort. Further information about this walk, or the other activities of the Footpath Volunteers may be obtained from David Warner (Hadleighs Footpath Warden) on 07749 732941, or E-mail If you are coming on the walk, and wish to join us for lunch, please contact David Warner so we can let the Queens Head know roughly how many to cater for.
Hadleigh Bridge Club - Christmas Teams event final call Last month we published information for our special Christmas event. This is the teams of four event with the winning team being awarded the 'Gentle Cup'. This will take place on 8 December with winners being awarded the shield at the Christmas party the following Monday with the usual drinks and nibbles. If you have yet to enter, as an individual or pair please do so by 4 December. If you enter as an individual, every attempt will be made to pair up and make a team. Teams are made up on a handicap basis using results since September (if known). This is to avoid the best 4 in the club making an unbeatable team !!! For further information see the club web site, which also has details of the regular Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon sessions.
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Michelle Robertson Michelle Robertson, Branch Manager of the Hadleigh, Ipswich Branch of Allied Healthcare was short-listed for The Putting People First Award for The Great British Care Awards 2014 while she was unwell and sadly passed away in late September. Nevertheless, the Branch Team of Allied Healthcare was invited to the East Great British Care Awards Gala Event at the Peterborough Arena on Friday, 14th November where Michelle won the overall award of the evening for her Outstanding Contribution to Social Care. Michelle’s husband, Matthew and children Daniel and Becky were there to accept the award from Steve Walls, host & compere on Michelle’s behalf to a standing ovation. As a winner, this now leads into the National Great British Care Award event in April. As Branch Manager of the Hadleigh, Ipswich Branch of Allied Healthcare for 5 years, Michelle was a ‘gift’ throughout this time. Near the beginning of her employment with Allied Healthcare a comment was made "can she really be that nice?" All her colleagues in the office and the care team can confirm that over the past five years Michelle was consistently delightful, supportive, totally for others and not herself and a joy to work with. Michelle stood out as someone with the ability to manage an extremely complex and difficult position with great efficiency and quick learning skills which were permanently displayed. Michelle had the ability to make people feel at ease and managed difficult conversations and situations in a manner that was peace making, fair and reasonable. She was blessed with innate wisdom that enabled her to arrive at decisions and conclusions that were best for the company, those being communicated with directly and for the good of Customers and Colleagues. During her short illness Michelle came to the office whilst undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy even on the same day as treatments when she continued to take a real interest in everyone, looking for others' best interests rather than her own. Michelle’s daughter Becky continues to work in the office helping deliver the high standards to our Customers which were so important to Michelle. The Outstanding Contribution to Social Care Award is fitting recognition for someone who has done so much for so many and touched their hearts. Well done Michelle and thank you.
Don’t Forget Christmas is around the corner!
We have
Gift Vouchers ...Ideal if you would like something extra special for a gift! AT KERSEY MILL
We are doing Christmas Party Packages: Wash, Cut & Style - 30% off - £18.55 Men’s Hair Cuts £8 The above offers can not be used with another offer. Please telephone for more information or make a booking on: 01473 829069 or facebook: Kersey Mill, Kersey, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6DP.
01473 823092
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Hadleigh made by
Hadleigh Maid Week after week Hadleigh Maid’s Walnut and Mallow Whirls outsell Mars bars in our stores. This Christmas they’ve unveiled a festive twist on the wonderful whirl.
£1.79 PACK OF 2
pop to the co-op P.S. From luxurious chocolate to handmade mince pies, look out for our range of Sourced Locally products at your local store.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Introducing The Gotelee Solicitors Family Law Team
For your family needs
Helen Stuart, Jane Fowles, Ivana Radovic and Samantha Gray The Gotelee team of family lawyers continues to rank highly in the Legal 500 which states: “Gotelee Solicitors perform on service, response times and costs. Helen Stuart’s team, Jane Fowles and the “clear, concise� Ivana Radovic are recommended.� The Law touches us all – problems at work, buying property, making Wills, divorce, injuries or accidents. When it does, you will need the services of someone who is qualified to help and who understands, listens, gives sound advice and acts quickly on your behalf. Our Family Lawyers will give you the professional legal advice you need, when you need it and with the highest level of courtesy and service. We have an experienced team to advise on the full range of family law issues including co-habitee disputes, divorce, separation, civil partnerships, disputes relating to children, including international issues, financial separation (including in relation to the family business) and family law court proceedings. We also advise on pre-nuptial agreements, post-nuptial settlements and adoption. Our team of lawyers consist of Helen Stuart, qualified as a Solicitor 21 years ago and is also a qualified Mediator. Jane Fowles, qualified in 1998 and Ivana Radovic, qualified in 2001. Our newest team member, Samantha Gray, qualified in 2013 having worked in law firms for the last 9 years. Our team has a wealth of experience. We are discreet yet determined, sensitive but straight forward and when we will fight your corner - you couldn’t be in better hands. We have an office in Hadleigh, Ipswich and Felixstowe. For a fixed fee appointment, completely confidential, you can call us on 01473 822102 (Hadleigh) or 01473 211121 (Ipswich) Our firm as a whole has a long history of providing legal services. For more information visit
Our Lawyers can help with divorce, separation, children matters, pre/ post nuptials and more. 6 Church Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5DU
01473 822102 Offices also in Ipswich and Felixstowe
DELIVERY & TAKEAWAY Open 7 days a week 4 pm - 10 pm
Happy 18th Birthday!
CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR OPENING TIMES Christmas Eve : 4pm - 8pm • Christmas Day : Closed New Year’s Eve : 4pm - 8pm • New Year’s Day : 4pm - 8pm
Happy Birthday Janet Love from Eileen, your friend of 70 years
_ _
on 11th December
Lots of love, Mum, Adam & all the family
Stair Lifts
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for more details when placing your order Please ask
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01473 829999
Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare
Thinking of replacement windows, doors, fascia, soffits or conservatory?
Reg charity no 1124029 It was too good to be true. All was quiet, the visitors had gone, everyone was fed and the kittens were asleep. Mum finally opened the Sunday paper and I settled by the Rayburn with a particularly crunchy biro when the call came. A Staffie bitch was found tied to a lamppost with her five puppies, less than one week old, in a plastic bag, so cold they nearly died. Now Bubbles and her family are safely installed at SESAW, how about someone out there giving them hope for the future after their disastrous end to the old year, being cast aside like a piece of unwanted litter? Given the right home they are lovely dogs, usually their problems start the other end of the lead. If you would like to help this canine family and have internet access, visit Like all of us animals, Bubbles really appreciates the animal food and other products you donate via the SESAW collection bins in the Co-Op and Morrisons in Hadleigh. By the way, when dogs are found wandering locally, they are often brought to SESAW. If your pooch goes missing, it is a good idea to call us and may save you much time and trouble. I know you humans are preparing for Christmas so may I remind you about SESAW Animal Sponsorship? It is the ideal alternative gift for friends, family or those who have everything! Choose one of our residents from our website at or pick up a form from SESAW. As 2014 draws to a close, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and express our deep gratitude to all our supporters and volunteers. Without you, many animals would not have survived and there would be no SESAW. So on behalf of all the animals that have benefitted from your kindness, we thank you And the biggest thank you of all comes from the smallest dog - me, Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua! Suffolk and Essex Small Animal Welfare, Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. 01787 210888.
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Daphne Kennington Daphne would like to wish relatives, friends and neighbours a very happy Christmas and new year, a donation will be made in lieu of cards.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Fidelis Activity News Farewell to Arms:- British theatre company ‘Imitating The Dog’ in conjunction with the Duke’s Playhouse, Lancaster recently performed their stage version of Hemingway’s famous novel of the same name, at the New Wolsey. A moving love affair set against the backdrop of the Italian campaign of WW1, the company made use of video projection, special effects and haunting piano accompaniment to evoke the horrors and emotions of war. They did not shy away from using the mother tongue of the Italian and French characters with sub titles exhibited above rather than below the actors. A compelling performance which was much appreciated by a packed auditorium. Would I Lie to You? Of course you wouldn’t. Well perhaps sometimes. That was the opening gambit of behavioural expert, Aaron Garner, when he came to speak to Fidelis. There followed an interactive exploration of a variety of facial expressions to try and understand how they help us ‘read’ people’s feelings and emotions. Aaron highlighted Aaron Garner, Maureen Adams our ability to mask our & Miki Davies use smiles to communicate emotions for social reasons but even then short lived micro-expressions can often give the game away. This theory was put to the test when the audience were asked to try and identify fleeting micro-expressions. Darwin, chimps, prisoners and air hostesses were all mentioned in relation to this complex subject which impacts hugely on our understanding of others and our own communication skills. A most informative but entertaining evening.
Volunteers are needed to help our Marie Curie Cancer Care Fundraising Group in Hadleigh
01473 828805 Victoria House, 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh
All I want for Christmas.... The party season is here, dare to dazzle and prepare to sparkle! Christmas gifts for that special person this festive season from stocking fillers, to beautiful nails, flawless complexion and wonderful relaxing pampering treatments. We have it all! Gift vouchers are available and our therapists would be happy to give advice needed to make this a truly memorable gift.
We are more than ever in need of more volunteer support, we need you to help the charity raise vital funds for the local nursing service. No experience in any way needed, just an interest in meeting people on a regular basis. The money raised will allow Marie Curie Nurses in your area to provide more free care to people with terminal cancer and other illnesses. This enables people to spend their final weeks, days or hours in their own homes in familiar surroundings with family and friends close by. Fundraising groups organise a range of activities from local Daffodil Appeal collections to Blooming Great Tea Parties or anything that is fun; our groups represent the charity locally by encouraging and supporting local fund raising. If you can help, please contact Angela Bussey on 01449 722596 or email
Betty Doris Sillitoe Susan, Neil, Carl and Craig would like to thank family and friends who attended Betty’s funeral on 25th September. We would like to thank everyone who kindly donated to Hadleigh and Boxford Charitable Trust, and for all the lovely cards and flowers received. We would also like to thank Rev David Steere, Tracy from Kingsbury and Saunders and the Cock Inn for being so kind and helpful. A big thank you to all the staff at Friars Hall for looking after Mum for the last 5 years, and being so kind to myself and Neil.
Happy 18th Birthday
SHANNON Love Mum, Dad, Lucy & Alex
Look who’s 50! Lots of love, Hayley, Max & Harry xxx
Inroads create and provide a range of services for people with a learning disability, autism and other complex needs.
An Open Invitation to make a Real Difference We have vacancies for support workers (children and family services) and personal assistants (adult care) in Stowmarket and Hadleigh. If you are keen to help and support other people and are enthusiastic and hard working then we want to hear from you. /P FYQFSJFODF JT OFDFTTBSZ BT GVMM USBJOJOH XJMM CF HJWFO BOE ZPV XJMM IBWF UIF PQQPSUVOJUZ UP DPNQMFUF B EJQMPNB JO IFBMUI BOE TPDJBM DBSF
Visit our open day to find out more! Taking place on Wednesday 3rd December & Saturday 6th December between 10am-4pm at: Ipswich Oddfellows Hall, 37 High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH
Full & part time positions Flexible working hours Earn as you learn Get a sense of community and friendship Receive excellent training Have fun Good rates of pay
For further information or if you are unable to attend one of our open days, please contact Kim Wallace on: tel: 01621 856 666 | email:
Whatfield man found guilty of over £35k Benefit Fraud A man from Whatfield has been found guilty of dishonestly claiming over £35,000 in Housing Benefit at Ipswich Crown Court. On Wednesday 12 November 2014, the court found Mr Kaj Jenson, of Whatfield Hall, Semer Road, Ipswich, guilty of failing to notify the authorities that he and his wife were receiving Danish pensions and that he had a private pension and held a number of company directorships. He also failed to tell the authorities about two bank accounts he held. The case was brought to court following checks on the Department for Work and Pension computer system. While receiving benefits Mr Jensen was able to spend hundreds of pounds on foreign holidays, restaurants, hotel bills and shopping at upmarket stores. Cllr Derrick Haley, Leader of Mid Suffolk District Council and Chair of the Shared Revenue Partnership said, “This is a fantastic result and the Benefit Fraud Team are to be commended for their hard work and due diligence. The benefits that we provide are there to ensure that local residents who are in genuine need of help receive support. They are not there to fund expensive lifestyles or foreign holidays. This case shows just how determined we are that those who attempt to cheat the system are brought to justice and don’t get away with it.” Members of the public can report suspected benefit fraud online via the Report a Cheat system:
Porch Project Christmas Event On Tuesday 2nd December the The Porch Project and Prepare to Cook would like to invite the members of the community of Hadleigh down to the Annual Porch Project Christmas event. Young people are going to cook for you and there will be live music again provided for you by the young people of Hadleigh. Please feel free to come down and taste some nice food and listen to some superb acts. Starts at 6:30 and runs until 9pm. It would be great to see you all there. Richest Blessings on you as you prepare for Christmas Craig S Hutton, Porch Project Youth Work Co-ordinator Email:
01473 822191 FESTIVE OPENING HOURS: Christmas Eve 8 am to 1 pm Closed 25th, 26th, 27th & 28th December December 29th & 30th 10 am to 4 pm New Years Eve 10 am to 3 pm Closed New Years Day
Sharon, Julie & Staff would like to wish all our customers
A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! Opening Hours Monday 9 am to 5.30 pm Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm Wednesday 9 am to 5.30 pm Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm
Hadleigh Hairloom 78-80 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF Coffee and Wifi available
Stuck for a Christmas Gift Idea? Why not buy that special person a Hadleigh Ram Gift Voucher? The Ram
We would like to wish our wonderful customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 01473 822880 5 Market Place | Hadleigh | Suffolk | IP7 5DL
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Celebrate this
with Cocktails at
The Ram!
19 19 22/11/14 22:21:15
Sports Massage Practitioner Karen Ann Franklin ITEC / VTCT dip • Soft tissue injuries • Sprains and strains • Sporting and non sporting injuries • Pre and post event/match treatments Also available
• Reflexology • Swedish and aromatherapy massage Available at Kersey Mill and Melford Road, Sudbury
Call Karen on 07772 286106
Independent Family Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons R. Gwinnell & Sons pride themselves on offering a full and personal funeral service tailored to you or your family’s wishes, bespoke funeral plans and memorials suitable for any location and we never take commission from florists, probate companies, printers or caterers. We are pleased to offer free information and advice, without obligation.
32 HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH 01473 824440 112 IPSWICH ROAD, COLCHESTER 01206 868585 Members of The National Association of Funeral Directors
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Take care of your Soft Tissue! Karen Ann Franklin dip ITEC/VTCT is a fully qualified Sports massage Practitioner; she has over 15 years of experience and runs successful Sports Massage and Complementary Health Clinics in Sudbury, Suffolk and at Kersey Mill near Hadleigh. She holds diplomas in ITEC Sports massage, Anatomy and physiology, Swedish massage, Aromatherapy and VTCT diplomas in Reflexology and Indian Head massage, also qualifications in Kinesiology Taping (K-Tape), hot stone massage and Hopi ear candles. Registered with The Sports Massage Association Karen Ann prides herself on keeping up to date with training and feels it is vitally important to stay in touch with modern day techniques, she attends workshops and Practitioner training seminars which ensures her clients always get the maximum benefits from their treatments. She regularly trains with Lecturer in Sports Medicine John Gibbons, Registered Osteopath/Sports & Remedial Therapist at Oxford University. During her career she has gained a Sports Injury Qualification with Ipswich Town Football Club and has worked with the Principal Dancers of the Royal Ballet. Karen also spent over five years working in the role of Complementary Health Practitioner within the Oncology Department at Heath Road Hospital Ipswich, treating cancer patients in palliative care. Karen Ann treats all types of soft tissue injury, from sprains and strains to the treatment of sporting injuries, rehabilitation after operations and broken bones. She offers pre/post sporting event treatment sessions and Kinesiology taping (K-tape). Ring Karen on 07772 286106 or email for details or to book a session.
The Suffolk Villages Festival Autumn Concerts 2014 - Artistic Director: Peter Holman
SUNDAY 14 DECEMBER 2014, 6.00 pm The Grand Hall, Hadleigh Town Hall Claire Tomlin Soprano Psalmody & The John Jenkins Consort Hark! Shepherd Swains: Christmas Music from Shakespeare’s Time In our Christmas concert this year we contrast festive anthems, carols and other sacred music for voices and viols by Thomas Tallis, William Byrd, Orlando Gibbons, John Amner, Martin Peerson and George Jeffreys with seasonal secular music bringing Shakespeare’s England vividly to life, including arrangements of popular songs by Thomas Ravenscroft and Richard Dering’s extraordinary ‘Cries of London’, evoking the bustling street life of the capital around 1600. There will be another contribution by the children of Holmwood House in Colchester, following their successful appearance in Handel’s Messiah in the 2014 Festival. The concert is in a warm venue and is suitable for all the family. Box Office: National Centre for Early Music (, 01904 651485
Were you at Sudbury Grammar School? I am trying to locate the following people from the local area who were in my class at Sudbury Grammar School 1948-53: Gordon Harris (Hadleigh), Tom Leeks (Hadleigh), John Ashworth (Assington), David Britton (Leavenheath), Philip Raynham (Assington), Alan Collins (Gt. Cornard), Ivan Chaplin (Sudbury), Terry Hickford (Sudbury), Michael Palmer (Sudbury), Geoffrey Parmenter (Long Melford), John Pawsey (Alpheton), John Ashworth (Assington), David Britton (Leavenheath), Philip Raynham (Assington). I would be very pleased to hear from you, Charlie Barber 01449 721848 email:
Moving? Call us on 01787 377489
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Packing materials Packing service UK, Europe and beyond
Hadleigh Evening WI In 2015 the WI will celebrate their centenary at the Annual National meeting in the Royal Albert hall on 4 June 2015. Since 1 January the centenary baton has been making its way from Anglesey around WI groups throughout the UK. On 14 November Yvonne Buxton transported it from Bures to Hadleigh on her motor bike. She handed it over to our president Rae Stapleton at the Hadleigh Guildhall. There it was passed round to individual members from the West Suffolk Three Valleys Group, who had gathered together for coffee, cakes chat and fun.
Girls love roses Fashions and Accessories
The main November meeting provided an opportunity to reminisce about the years from 1965 when Hadleigh Evening WI was formed. The aim was to attract women who, due to other commitments such as work and children, were unable to make it to the afternoon meetings of the original Hadleigh WI formed in 1919. Of particular interest were our scrapbooks compiled over the years (how young we looked) and the record of the first meeting in February 1965 when local music teacher Mrs Ragge was elected president. Local councillor and member Jayne Haylock told us about the efforts being made to raise the profile of Hadleigh as a tourist attraction. Several local businesses and organisations are involved. Famous as a wool town the theme for the attractions will be sheep. Hadleigh Evening WI members discussed how they could contribute by making and exhibiting their crafts and bunting on this theme in WI tent at the 2015 May show. Next month’s meeting will be held on 16th December in the Seminar suite above the Hadleigh Library. The speaker Meg Browne will be describing the art of Quilt making using examples of her work. Visitors and new members are welcome. For further information please contact email Tel 01473 823057 Philippa Carruthers
Amazing scarves, jewellery, gloves, bags and shoes all at a great price and make fantastic Xmas gifts!
SALE 2nd & 3rd JANUARY 10.30 am to 4 pm
30% OFF Selected items!
Festive Opening Hours:
Please ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ us on Facebook - this will automatically put you in our competition to win a £100 Gift Voucher!
Christmas Eve 10am - 3.30pm Closed Christmas Day Tuesday 25th Dec to Thursday 1st Jan
5 Maiden Way, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EH
Tel 01473 822235
Re-open on 2nd January 2015
RACHEL Ladies Boutique
NEW YEAR SALE Starts 2nd January 2015 30% OFF Selected items!
Labels to Love For new and pre-loved fashion 24 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AP Telephone 01473 807052
Christmas and New Year Opening Hours Late night opening Friday 5th & 12th December till 7pm Saturday 20th: 9.30 - 5.30 Sunday 21st: 11.00 - 4.00 Monday 22nd: 9.30 - 5.30
Tuesday 23rd: 9.30 - 5.30 Xmas Eve 24th: 9.00 - 4.30 Saturday 27th: 9.30 - 5.30
Festive Opening Hours: Christmas Eve 9.30 am - 3.30 pm Closed Christmas Day 25th December to Thursday 1st January Re-open on 2nd January 2015
Monday 29th: 9.30 - 5.30 Tuesday 30th: 9.30 - 5.30 New Year’s Eve: 9.00 - 4.30
Labels To Love will be closed between January 1st - 6th and will re-open Wednesday 7th January Weeks beginning 12th & 19th January the shop will be open Thurs - Sat only due to annual holiday
84 High Street, Hadleigh
Telephone: 01473 823915 21
Andrew’s Quality Butchers quality | provenance | service
Now Taking Orders Now Taking Christmas Christmas Orders
Ourfriendly friendly butchers Our butchers will willhelp helpyou youchoose choose the best meats for the amount you want the best meats for the amount you want to to feed and the amount you want to spend, feed and the amount you want to spend, making the most important meal of the year making the most important meal of the year the most stress-free and the most enjoyable. the most stress-free and the most enjoyable.
Customers Waited On Daily Since 1994 n f ii
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send enquiries to take a peep inside at
The Horseshoes Inn Traditional English Pub OPEN INGLENOOK FIRE, LOCAL CASK ALES & CYDER
Traditional Christmas Menu Available Monday - Saturday, December 1st-23rd Broccoli and stilton soup Scottish smoked salmon over celeriac remoulade and rocket Pork, chicken liver and cranberry terrine with toasted brioche Brie and asparagus baked cheesecake
Roast turkey with all the trimmings Homemade game pie Venison haunch steaks with winterberry sauce Olive stuffed sole with fresh tomato and spinach Chestnut roast with all the trimmings
Spiced apple and blackberry crumble Traditional pudding and mince pie duo Chocolate orange cheesecake Mixed cheese platter
£20.95 per head inc. crackers, party poppers and hats
For reservations and party bookings call 01284 828177 22
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Andrews Quality Butchers strike gold Top-notch Q Guild butchers from the East of England have struck gold in the prestigious Smithfield Awards – and one won a much-coveted diamond award. In Suffolk, Andrews Quality Butchers, based on Hadleigh’s High Street, won a diamond award for its Steak, Mushroom & Adnams Ale Pie, which was judged the best hot eating pie in the entire contest. Andrews also scooped four gold awards Andrew and Claire Belcher with Matthew for its Beef Pasty, Suffolk Fort at the Q Guild Smithfield Awards. Bacon & Mushroom Quiche, Pork Pie and Suffolk Ham & Spring Onion Quiche. Andrews butchers is run by husband and wife team Andrew and Claire Belcher. Claire said: “We’d originally made a steak pie and we wanted to give a bit more choice so we developed the steak and ale pie. In Suffolk we’ve got Adnams and we wanted to use their ale. They kindly recommended their Broadside Ale which works really well. “It was amazing to win gold and to win the overall pie award is incredible. We’re really pleased.” A total of 479 products from 54 Q butchers nationwide, virtually half of the national membership, were entered for the eight categories in this year’s Smithfield Awards, the annual national product evaluation competition. They were judged by independent panels of food and meat industry experts. Awards were announced and presented at the Butchers Hall in Smithfield, London, ancestral home of the Q Guild, by Matthew Fort, food and drink editor at the Guardian for over a decade, author of several award-winning books on food, and expert judge on the popular TV series, The Great British Menu. Q Guild national chairman, West Yorkshire butcher Brindon Addy, said: “Smithfield Awards are among the meat industry’s most esteemed and cherished accolades, recognising and rewarding both product quality and innovation, at the same time reflecting the skills continually demonstrated by our members - Great British butchers one and all.”
The Drama Zone Celebrating and nurturing young people's creativity in the heart of the Hadleigh community. An exciting new club is opening it's doors to young people in Hadleigh to encourage them to get in touch with their creative side. The Drama Zone will run on Wednesdays between 4 and 5:30pm at the Ansell Community Centre. Do you enjoy drama? Would you like to work with others to write and create your own play? Do you want to try your hand at something creative in a supportive environment? The Drama Zone will give young people the opportunity to work as part of a team, develop performance skills, increase self confidence and have creativity nurtured. Participants will be encouraged to devise their own performances, and workshops will include not only drama but script writing, prop, set and costume design and making. The club will open on Wednesday 14th January with a free taster session and will run during the term time. Young people aged from 8 are welcome to attend. Please call 07780 725132 to book your free place or to find out more.
Strong Person Wanted at Synergy Cafe! Could you spare a little time to help out at the Hadleigh Synergy Café which meets every Thursday in the Ansell Centre? Someone is needed to assist with setting up tables and chairs at 10am when the staff arrive, and also to take down and stack away the tables and chairs at 3pm. The Synergy Café is a place for people with dementia and their family and friends to have lunch and socialise with others. The Café would also welcome any volunteers who would like to help with delivering activities, listening to people or helping in the kitchen. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Sally Reed, volunteer coordinator, on 01473 295200 Ext 219
Are you unsure Are you where unsure to start? whereDo to start? you worry Do you about worry whether aboutthe whether installation the installation will be completed will be completed to your standard? to your standard? Well we take Wellthe westress take the out stress of theout process of thebyprocess offeringbyyou offering the complete you the complete package. package.
The Edmund Octet at Monks Eleigh
NEW YEAR, FRESH START! Does the bathroom need a new look? Could the kitchen do with an update? Are you unsure where to start? Do you worry about whether the installation will be completed to your standard? Well we take the stress out of the process by offering you the complete package.
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Creating your vision with our expertise JANUARY JANUARY OFFER OFFER Any kitchens Anythat kitchens are purchased that are purchased and installed andwithin installed the within monththe of month January, ofwe January, will give weyou willagive FREE youfully a FREE integrated fully integrated Bosch Bosch JANUARY OFFER dishwasher.* dishwasher.* Any kitchens that are purchased and installed within the month of January,
we will give you a FREE fullyAnd« integrated Bosch dishwasher.* Monks Eleigh welcomes The Edmund Octet to St Peters Church on Friday And« And… 23rd January 2015. They have agreed to give a concert in aid of the Church Any bathrooms Any bathrooms that are purchased that are purchased and fitted and within fitted thewithin monththe of month January,ofwe January, will give weyou willagive FREE youHiB a FREE Orlando HiB LED Orlando back-lit LED back-lit Any bathrooms that areilluminated purchased and fitted within the month of January, we will at 7.30 pm. They are versatile singers ranging from Mozart to Gershwin, WW1 illuminated mirrored cabinet.* mirrored cabinet.* give you a FREE HiB Orlando LED back-lit illuminated mirrored cabinet.* tributes to scores from current musicals. Tickets are £10 each which includes Why not give Whyusnot a call givetoussee whattowe can what dowe forcan for you.usContact a free, us for no apressure free, nodesign pressure consultation design consultation on 01473 on 805532 01473 805532 a glass of wine and delicious canapés. Do come and support this enjoyable Whya call notseegive usyou.adoContact call tofor see what we can do for you. evening and admire the repairs and improvements to the Church. Or Or email email Contact us for a free, no pressure design consultation on 01473 805532 Tickets are available from Pat Braithwaite 01449 740813 Or email or Ann Currie 01449 743133
Exciting News For Dieters !!!!! Cambridge Weight Plan Introduces “Real Food” Cambridge Weight Plan is generally regarded as a meal replacement programme even though it includes several “with food” programmes!! But now, Conditions: Terms and Conditions: we are delighted to announce the introduction of “real food” productsTerms as and part Terms and Conditions: SMV40T10GB *Free Bosch SMV40T10GB fully integrated fully dishwasher integratedworth dishwasher £379 when worthyou £379 spend when £2900 you spend or more £2900 on kitchen or more furniture on kitchen excluding furniture installation. excludingOnly installation. one offer Only per one kitchen offer per kitchen of the plan. Mushroom Risotto is available immediately, can be used*Free onBosch any purchased. purchased. *Free Bosch SMV40T10GB fully integrated dishwasher worth £379 when you spend £2900 or more on kitchen furniture excluding installation. Only one offer per kitchen purchased. *Free *Free HiB Orlando HiB LED Orlando back-lit LED illuminated back-lit cabinet illuminated worth cabinet £339 when worth you £339 spend when £2600 you spend or more £2600 on bathroom or more on furniture bathroom and furniture full installation. and full Only installation. one offer Only per one bathroom offer per andbathroom and Step and provides 33.3% of the NRV (Nutritional Recommended Value) - justinstallation purchased. installation purchased. *Free HiB Orlando LED back-lit illuminated cabinet worth £339 when you spend £2600 or more on like the current range of products - a great choice of soups, shakes, porridge, Subject to a site Subject survey. to Offers a site survey. strictly Offers on a first strictly come, on first a first purchased come, first basis. purchased Whilst basis. stocks Whilst last. stocks last. bathroom furniture and full installation. Only one offer per bathroom and installation purchased. for details. Subject to a site survey. Offers strictly on a first come, first purchased basis. Whilst stocks last. Ask for details. rice pudding & (chocolate covered!) bars. So if you want to lose weight Ask fast butAsk for details. “couldn’t give up food” now you don’t have to!! All products have between 138kcals and 201kcals, and 3 products* a day provides 100% NRV for minimum calories. Providing complete nutrition at a very low calorie level means that dieters can lose weight considerably quicker than by using conventional diet plans. This year Cambridge Weight Plan celebrates 30 years of helping countless people lose weight and regain their lives while continuing to be at the forefront of the fight against obesity. CWP’s NEW STORE NOW Medical Advisor, Professor Anthony Leeds contributes to many worldwide obesity forums and is heavily involved in ongoing research. OPEN HADLEIGH When you choose Cambridge Weight Plan you have the reassurance of knowing there’s 30 years’ research behind it. You’ll also have the benefit of your own personal consultant who has experienced her own weight loss journey on the programme, understands how you’ll feel along the way and can help you achieve your goal. You’ll get individual support and motivation from accredited Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant Val Lord (with nearly 6 years’ experience). Contact her on 01449 737113 or 07519 177645 or for more information go to Val is also available at French Complexion, Hadleigh by arrangement. Hot on the heels of the Mushroom Risotto will be Spaghetti Bolognese - available in January!! Even more choice!! *Women over 5’8” and all men need 4 products a day when CWP is used as the Sole Source of nutrition.
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Hadleigh Community Playgroup This half term we have been celebrating Guy Fawkes and talking to the children about safety during this time. We have also been thinking about Remembrance Day in which we made some individual poppies and a display one too, we have also been doing some winter planting. We will then be in full swing of our Christmas theme starting with The Gruffalo’s Child. This is a very exciting time of year and the children will be enjoying many activities and fun times within playgroup, including a Christmas Party. We would like to thank all those involved with helping on our Christmas fair, and to all those who came along for the evening. We would like to say a sad goodbye to a valued committee member Janine Lake, and a big thank you for your contribution to playgroup, we wish your family well for the future. We are always asking for new committee members whether you are a parent, grandparent or someone who has a small amount of free time and would like to get involved, please contact us for more information. We rely on having a committee. Just a small change: We run a toddler group on a Friday afternoon from 1.30 – 2.40pm, we welcome all from babies to 2 years, admission is £1.50 for both mother and child which includes a snack and drink while mum gets to have a cup of tea and a biscuit! The group is a great way to introduce your child into the setting and become familiar with staff and other children that may start attending playgroup too. This term we have tried something different for our Toddler group and had a theme for each week from Going on a Bear Hunt to Baby sensory and music sessions. We would love you to come along in the new term and join us for some more fun themed session. We still have some places for January and would urge you if you would like your child to attend playgroup please pop in or give us a call on the number below. We are an Early Years Provision which provides a range of fun and challenging activities, inside and out! All are planned to be age appropriate and suits the interests of the children. In the setting the children play and learn together supported and encouraged by qualified practitioners. Like the Schools we follow the same Early Years Foundation curriculum and have a ‘Good’ Ofsted report. All children are able to stay within Playgroup until they reach the age of reception. We also provide 9am-3pm day care! We welcome children from 2 years to 5 years of age, children that are 3yrs will be able to receive Government Funding and some 2 year olds, if you are interested please contact Janet on 01473 827702 or e-mail
Get inspired to play sport Pay & play or block a court or the astro turf Main Hall 5-a-side Football, Badminton, Netball, Table Tennis, Basketball, Children’s Football Coaching Small Hall Badminton, Table Tennis, Group Fitness Classes, Karate, Gymnastics Club, Opening Hours: Monday 6-10pm Tuesday 5-9.30pm Wednesday 5-10pm Thursday 5-10pm
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
...leading the way to active living.
community who were able to join us! with the school community. Children and parents have worked together on a variety of fun maths games and activities, promoting maths as an enjoyable, practical and useful subject. It was also a chance for teachers to share with parents some of the methods and approaches to maths we use in school. Thank you to all the members of the school community who were able to join us!
News from St Mary’s Primary School
This month, the children have been delighted to welcome their parents and grandparents into school for our Maths cafés. This has been a lovely way to share our maths learning with the school community. Children and parents have worked together on a variety funvisitors maths and Thank youof to the whogames have helped to lead Worship for us this month. We are very activities, promoting maths an for giving their time to talk to the children grateful to Pastor Greg Frost and Donas Topley about the themes of ‘courage’ and ‘creativity’. enjoyable, practical and useful We were treated to a fantastic assembly about the centenary of the First World War put on by Chestnut Class. They shared their subject. It was also a chance for work on the book War Horse, which had really inspired them. Well done to all the children. We can potentially help you: teachers to share with parents some of Thank the methods and approaches to maths you to theat visitors who have helped Also, Janice White visited to talk about the Christingle service St Mary’s Church. Once to lead Worship for us this month. We are very we use school. Thank you to allSociety the members ofChristingle theGreg school community who grateful Pastor Frost and Don Topley for giving their time to talk to the children again, weinare supporting the Children’s throughtoour collections. Retire earlier than planned about the themes of ‘courage’ and ‘creativity’. We were treated to a fantastic assembly were able to join us! about thetocentenary of thewho First have World War put on by Chestnut Class. They shared their Thank you the visitors helped work on the book War Horse, which had really inspired them. Well done to all income the children. Have more in retirement to lead Worship for us this month. We are Also, Janice White visited to talk about the Christingle service at St Mary’s Church. Once veryagain, grateful to supporting Pastor Greg Frost andSociety Don through our Christingle collections. we are the Children’s Achieve better standard of living Topley for giving their time to talk to the children about the themes of ‘courage’ and in retirement were treated fantastic amazed to discover that one of our girls is‘creativity’. now a nationalWe dance champion andtoit a was great assembly about the centenary of the First Regular reviews and updates to to see her trophy! World War put on by Chestnut Class. They Mark Thompson ensure you get the most out of Company Director shared their work on the book War Horse, your pension which had really inspired them. Well done to all the children. Also, Janice White visited to talk about the Christingle It was lovely to see lots of parents and grandparents in school to celebrate the children’s service at St Mary’s Church. Once again, weamazed are supporting theone Children’s to discover that of our girls is now a national dance champion and it was great talents and hard work in our achievement assembly. The children deserve lots of praise for to see her trophy! Society through ourand Christingle collections. all their positive efforts achievements both inside and outside school. We were It was lovely to see lots of parents and grandparents in school to celebrate the It was lovely to see lots of parents and grandparents in school to celebrate the children’s children’s talents and hard work in our For morelotsinformation talents and hard work in our achievement assembly. The children deserve of praise for visit Thank you to Mrs Seed, our Art Leader, and Ruth from Imaging Partnerships, who ran a achievement assembly. The children deserve all their positive efforts and achievements both inside and outside school. We were fantastic photography our children. children learned lots of skills relating to lots of praise for allcourse their for positive effortsThe and composing and taking photographs. They were taught about the ‘rule of thirds’, angles, achievements both inside and outside school. shadows, focusing and when to use landscape or portrait orientations. There were lots of We were toinspire discover that one of our activities to amazed engage and our budding photographers! One of our Year 5 girls took girls is now of a letters national dance photographs created withchampion shapes she and founditin the landscape. She used the lettersgreat to spell name the school and these can be seen on our website. was to the see heroftrophy! you to Mrs our Art Leader, Imaging Partnerships, who ran a Thank you toThank Mrs Seed, ourSeed, Art Leader, and and Ruth from Independent Financial Advisors fantastic photography course for our children. The children learned lots of skills relating to Ruth from Imaging Partnerships, who ran a composing and taking photographs. They were taught about the ‘rule of thirds’, angles, fantastic photography course forto use ourlandscape or portrait orientations. There were lots of shadows, focusing and when children. The children learned of skills activities to engage andlots inspire our budding photographers! One of our Year 5 girls took of lettersand createdtaking with shapes she found in the landscape. She used the relating tophotographs composing to spell name ofabout the school photographs.letters They werethetaught the and these can be seen on our website. ‘rule of thirds’, angles, shadows, focusing and when to use landscape or portrait orientations. There were lots of activities to engage and inspire our fantastically budding photographers! One The of our 5 girls Our Tag Rugby team played at a recent tournament. teamYear played well took photographs of letters created with shapesWe she the well landscape. She together, supporting and encouraging one another. arefound proud in of how they demonstrated fairplay and sportsmanship congratulating playseen and on our used the letters to spell the name ofthroughout, the school and these good can be speaking positively to other schools about their achievements. Their good skills and website. competitiveness were noted too. The children really represented the school well and Our Tag Rugby team played fantastically participated with enthusiasm. We would like to thank Sharon and Steve Clements for at a recent tournament. The helping to train the team and inspiring our team players! FULL MENU 7 DAYS A well WEEK, LUNCHTIMES & EVENINGS played well together, supporting and Our Tag Rugby team played fantastically at a recent tournament. The team played together, supporting and encouraging one another. We are proud: of well ONLY they £7.99 & FULL MENU 12-7:30 encouraging one another. We are proud SUNDAYS Rhow OASTS demonstrated fairplay and sportsmanship throughout, congratulating good play and of how well they demonstrated fairplay speaking positively to other schools about their achievements. Their good skills and and sportsmanship throughout, competitiveness were noted too. The children really represented the school well and congratulating good play and speaking participated with enthusiasm. We would like to thank Sharon and Steve Clements for positively to other schools about their helping to train the team and inspiring our players! achievements. Their good skills and competitiveness were noted too. The children really represented the school well and participated with enthusiasm. We would like to thank Sharon and Steve Clements for helping to train the team and inspiring our players! OUR NORMAL REGULAR MENUS ARE
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Towards the Deep End December brings mixed news. The consultant’s report on accommodation strategies for Babergh has been received but despite previous promises it has not yet been published to the general public. The financials indicate that both councils should be located within Hadleigh but there are pockets of resistance to this solution. But wouldn’t it be great if we could spend the savings on extra front line staff, making life better for our residents or even reducing Council Taxes! Suffolk County Council are holding discussions with Babergh District Council to develop a potential housing strategy for Angel Court Residential Home site. In the meantime Suffolk County Council have entered an interim arrangement with a firm called Ad-hoc who are “property guardians.” Ad-hoc will manage the premises on a day to day basis and sub-let them, on a room by room basis, as short stay residential accommodation. Ad-hoc will pay Suffolk County Council a small charge based on the number of occupiers. The big advantage to Suffolk County Council is that the premises are occupied and security costs are avoided. The arrangements will be for an initial three month period, extendable on a month by month basis. An award for good citizenship should go to David Perfect of D. Perfect & Sons Ltd, hauliers based in Thurrock. One of their lorries was photographed using Benton Street without a good reason. Mr Perfect has advised that there was no excuse whatsoever for their driver to have gone that way... the driver who is Hungarian speaks and reads English to a good standard recalled the event and remembered the gentleman who took the photo too. He did see all the signs but still chose to go that way. He will not be doing it again as we explained he was lucky it was a member of the public not a policeman who would have fined him and possibly given him penalty points. He has also explained the consequences to our other Hungarian chaps. Please accept our apologies for this issue and our assurances it will not happen again with one of our vehicles. On a more informal level Mr Perfect has assured us that we should consider the driver’s backside (toned down version) well and truly kicked. If only all management and executive were similarly aware of their obligations to the community.
Snowys Bait & Tackle New and Pre-Owned Tackle Fresh Maggots, Worms & Casters Boillies & Pellets Frozen Sea & Pike Baits
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This Christmas give a luxury food hamper...
So far I have allocated £20,500 from my County Councillor’s Locality Fund to local projects. On behalf of the community I have assisted with more than thirty projects. The lowest allocation was £100 to support the Hadleigh Open Gardens’ Day and there have been ten allocations of £1,000. Next year I hope to assist with funding of Hadleigh’s Hanging Baskets, the Swimming Club and the Year of the Sheep. But if your organisation needs seed money or a contribution to push your organisation’s development forward then please let me know. Next month I’ll publish full details of the allocations to date. This month among other donations I contributed £350 to the Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society to assist with their pantomime – Cinderella. I called in on one of their rehearsals and was quite taken by their enthusiasm in making Hadleigh a happier place in January. Finally, it is my pleasure to wish all readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. THIS ARTICLE IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF BRIAN RILEY, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR, HADLEIGH NORTH AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR FOR HADLEIGH. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS THOSE OF BABERGH DISTRICT COUNCIL OR SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL
A Celebration of Christmas at St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh Saturday 13th December 6.30pm
We have a range of hampers from Luxury Wicker to affordable, tasteful boxes at set prices. To help get your gifts just right you can select the appropriate contents to suit the recipients taste an your purse!
We have a wide range of chutneys, pickles, jams, antipasti, cheeses, olives and confectionary PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COME IN AND BROWSE...
Hadleigh Choral Society and Hadleigh High School
Come and listen, Come and sing! Join us for mulled wine and refreshments
Free admission, Retiring collection for the Rosa Simon Music Fund
01473 824665 48 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5AL Open 8am - 4.30pm
Hadleigh Library News
Aaron Clarke Accountants Professional accountancy services with a personal touch
Accountancy Taxation Bookkeeping and VAT Management Accounts Payroll Company Secretarial Services Business Start-Up’s If you are struggling with your tax return or accounts... contact Luke Harvey or Ian Chambers for a free initial consultation Main Office 1 The Street Elmsett, Ipswich Suffolk IP7 6PA Tel 01473 657763 Fax 01473 657764
Saturday 6th December 10am – 1pm Hadleigh Library presents Deck The Halls Christmas Craft Event. Only £1.50 per child come along and make a selection of crafts including: Snowman Table Decoration, Christmas Bauble, Angel Tree Topper, Reindeer Santa Stop Here Sign, Christmas Tree and Wreath. Join us for this jolly fundraising event. We look forward to seeing you on the day. Our Hadleigh Library Friends Group has put together a splendid Christmas hamper, plus a cuddly penguin and many other fantastic prizes for a raffle due to take place on Saturday 6th December. Tickets are £1 a strip and on sale at the library. Saturday 13th December from 10am – meet local author Robert Taylor who will be here signing copies of his new book Lionheart. Robert’s debut novel explores the murky world of neo-Nazism through investigative journalist, Sean Bryant. Top Time for the over 55s enjoy a musical morning with Mary and Chrissie on the first Wednesday of December, Games on the 10th December and the following week a Christmas meal at The George, Hintlesham. Top Time meet every Wednesday from 10.00am – 12.30am. Bookstart Activities here at the library – We have two sessions every week: Thursdays join us for Baby Bounce suitable for ages 0 to 18 months and Fridays join us for Tot Rock suitable for 18 months plus; each session is from 10.00am – 10.30am. Bookstart sessions are a great introduction to the library; sharing songs, nursery rhymes and books. Loads of fun for children, parents, grandparents and carers. Have you seen our e-Library service? We offer 3 services to enable you to download audio books, e-books and music. Overdrive for e-books and audio books allow you to borrow 6 titles. Our One Click Digital for audio books allows you to download 10 titles at once. Freegal is a free music service which allows you to download 5 songs a week. There is also a facility to download music videos which count as 2 songs a week. In addition you can stream up to 3 hours music a day. To find out more visit I recently attended a session on becoming a Dementia Friend and helping Hadleigh become a dementia friendly town. It’s easy to become a Dementia Friend and I would encourage as many as possible to sign up online to become one. By becoming a Dementia Friend you can understand a bit more about dementia and the little ways you can help people with the condition. All staff here at the library are dementia friendly; so if you need help, just ask a member of staff. For more information about becoming a Dementia Friend visit Please note that the library will be closed on 24th, 25th, 26th December and 1st January. Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff at Hadleigh Library
HADLEIGH STEERING GROUP Will be Meeting on 8th December 2014 2.00pm - 4.00pm at Hadleigh Pool and Leisure You save over
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Main Agenda item: Potential issues for a future Neighbourhood Plan
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Mulberry Maids The Domestic Cleaning Experts Family Business offering: all Domestic Cleaning, Regular Cleans Spring Cleans and One-off Cleans Holiday and Rental Properties All tailored to meet your needs Please contact us on 01473 827338 or 07736 715792
Six Acre Productions - ‘Murder at The Manor:The Wilderness Years’ We would like to thank everybody who came and supported our shows over the four nights in July this year. It was fantastic to be able to perform to four sold out audiences. We are very pleased to announce that we made a donation of £1000 to ‘The Suffolk Community Foundation’. Thank you to everybody who came along and supported us this year, we hope to see you again next year when we will be doing two shows; a comedy farce and a murder mystery! For more information please visit, you can also find us and like us on Facebook. We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year From all at Six Acre Productions
DATA ADMINISTRATOR VACANCY A great opportunity to join a small, friendly team at Jim Lawrence Lighting & Home in Hadleigh, helping with a wide range of data and production administration tasks. Would suit a bright, organised and proactive person with strong IT skills, ideally with a background in or knowledge of database administration. The role is full time, but we can offer flexible working hours (minimum 30 hours pw), as well as a relaxed and friendly working environment and competitive rates of pay.
Stephen Belcher of Splendid Productions Ltd, looks east to expand his photography business
Please apply in writing, including a CV, to Nicola Halls, Jim Lawrence, Unit A The Ironworks, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, IP7 6BQ or email
Having lived in the area for nearly 30 years, London advertising photographer Stephen Belcher is looking east, and close to home, to expand his photography and production business, Splendid Productions Ltd. With facilities in London and Suffolk, Stephen enjoys the contrast of his studio in hip and gritty Shoreditch, at the East End of London, to his production office in the fantastically peaceful Suffolk countryside. Stephen says he has always been drawn to the Suffolk countryside since he was a child, visiting his rather colourful and spirited Great Aunt Maud. Always a fascinating trip for a small boy traveling up from Essex in the 1970s. Stephen wants to address the lack of advertising photographers in the area. After research, he says “There are plenty of wedding photographers around, but that is a completely different discipline to advertising, PR and product photography. Businesses really can benefit from high quality images of their products or services. For many businesses, an image is their first point of contact with potential customers. With the ever expanding internet and on-line shopping there has never been a more important time to commission high quality photography.” Recent commissions for Stephen have shown very positive statistics. Several of Stephen’s clients have upgraded their basic on-line product images to lifestyle type images of their product, in real, aspirational settings, such as location houses or room sets. Following this, they have seen increases in their on-line sales of between 19% - 26%. A fantastic return on investment. A selection of clients include: Heal’s - House of Fraser - Warren Evans - David Linley - Pure Digital Radio -The Conran Shop - Vivienne Westwood - Andrew’s Quality Butchers of Hadleigh. From well crafted simple product shots, to full creative productions of room sets - locations - food and drink - interiors lifestyle - people. Take a look at Stephen’s portfolio at With flexible fee structures to suit your budget, contact Stephen directly to discuss any projects you have coming up. Telephone 07791 157 324 Email:
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Hadleigh Thrift Shop Limited On 15th November we funded the cost for 53 of our loyal customers, friends of the shop, etc. to go on a Christmas shopping trip to Norwich. We did it last year and it has been so enjoyed by all that we intend it to be an annual event. It anyone has ideas for a different venue please let us know. A note to all our volunteers (well over 24) thank you all for being so reliable and loyal throughout all the years (since August 1999 when we opened). some of you have been at the shop from the beginning. Together with all the wonderful donations - we rely solely on them - and all our customers it makes it possible to during the last month send money to the following Cancer Research Wellbeing Centre at Magdalen House Chestnuts Woodturning Club Rosa Simons Music Fund Home-Start, Suffolk Hadleigh United U'14's Football Club Playstation Pre-School Hadleigh Bowls Club (to buy a defibrillator) Sponsoring the Enchanted Fayre Shopping trip to Norwich We must not forget all the young people who have done, or are still doing, their Duke of Edinburgh Award in our shop - well done to all of you and thank you. Our shop will be closed from 24th December and open Monday 29th December. Closed on New Years Day We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Hadleigh Orchestra CHRISTMAS CONCERT - SUNDAY DECEMBER 7TH 6.30 pm at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Conductor: Ute Cooper Leader: Lucy Symons Our programme is now decided and it is the third movement of Beethoven’s Pastoral symphony that we shall be performing – the part that describes the peasants having a merry time! The other major work is Verdi’s overture to ‘La Traviata’. Other popular favourites include an arrangement of the Emperor Waltz and Warlock’s Capriol Suite. Two other arrangements of Carols will give the concert our usual Christmas flavour, plus the opportunity to sing, accompanied by the Orchestra, four very well-known and well loved Carols. As usual, entrance is free and the concert will probably last just a little over the hour. We shall be asking for the usual donation as you leave which will go towards expenses and a donation to St. Joseph’s church. We are most grateful again to Father Peter and the Catholic church for the opportunity of giving our Christmas Concert here – and one plus is that we know we shall not be cold! John Druce (chairman)
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Membership to the high-tech gym at Peake Fitness
News from The Station Now we are well into the run up to Christmas, it is the time of year when we are all thinking of what to get loved ones for gifts, and also a time sadly when opportunist thieves are on the lookout for expensive items that have been left in vehicles. Please make sure you lock any purchases out of sight, preferably in the boot of your vehicle, and when you get home make sure you remove all items and take them inside to remove the risk of your vehicle being broken into. Don’t make life easy for the minority of people who will think nothing of breaking into other people’s property in order to make some fast, simple money. Use timer switches at home to give the impression of someone being in now that the nights are darker sooner. Try not to leave presents wrapped and visible from windows. The less incentive there is, the lower the risk you have of a break in to your property. Also, if you are thinking of making expensive electric purchases, consider marking them with a security pen. We have these available at the Police station if you haven’t got one. It will be possible this winter of more snow flurries and ice cold temperatures. Make sure that you are prepared for this if using your car on the roads. Make sure your fluids are topped up, and that there are warm clothes or blankets in the vehicle should you get caught in a road closure and can’t get home. Consider taking a flask with a hot drink inside with you, and it is worth having your tyres checked by a garage to ensure they are legal and safe to use on the roads. Many people get caught out by sudden changes in road conditions. Be prepared to drive slower, and plan well ahead for your journey, making sure you allow plenty of time to get to your destination. Suffolk Police will again be taking a zero tolerance approach to alcohol fuelled crime and anti-social behaviour this Christmas. Please drink sensibly when out, and encourage others to do the same. You will not want to be the person who is arrested on Christmas Eve and has to spend the following day in Police custody. We will request any person taking part in alcohol related nuisance to leave the area they are in, and we will remove alcohol from any person in a public place if we believe there is a risk of disorder. Hadleigh is a very peaceful and friendly Town; let’s not spoil it over the festive period. Crime has fallen throughout 2014 in Hadleigh. The Town is a safer place to be, but we can all work harder together as we head towards 2015 to drive the crime rate down and to build better intelligence links helping us to detect more crime. If you have any information about any crime, you can contact us on the details below or crimestoppers anonymously. Remember, the station is only open to the public on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons between 1 and 3pm. You can also follow us on Twitter @Baberghpolice. Finally, from all of the officers and staff at Hadleigh Police Station we wish you a very merry Christmas and a peaceful, prosperous New Year! Matt PC 1455 Paisley, Telephone: 101
LEISA, SI, TASH, STACEY & CHRIS welcome you to Hadleigh’s Cutter & Co
CHRISTMAS PRICES: 1st November - 20th January Ladies Wet Cut.........£10 Gents Cut.................£10 Wash and Blowdry...£10 Shampoo and Set .....£10 Cap Highlights .........£20 T Section Foils .........£20
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Intensive Conditioning Treatment includes Massage £10 Hair Loss Treatment includes Massage £10
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At Hadleigh Pool & Leisure, Stonehouse Road
HADLEIGH OSTEOPATHS Registered Osteopaths CAROLYN CUDDEFORD, D.O. ELIZABETH OATES, BSc. Hons. (Ost.) Hadleigh Osteopaths has been established for over 22 years Osteopathy is helpful for patients with: Back, shoulder and neck pain, Sports Injury, Trapped Nerves, Disc Related Problems, Sciatica, Knee and Ankle Injuries, Arthritic and Degenerative Pain, Tension, Headaches, Repetitive Strain Injuries, Elbow and Wrist Pain, Rheumatic Conditions
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Santa’s Workshop at Kersey Mill
Magical & Unique your childs name on the list?
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For tickets - Telephone 01473 829317 or from Glass & Craft & The Coffee Shop at Kersey Mill
24 32
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Beaumont School Pupils from Beaumont school joined other children from the Hadleigh schools for a very special event to mark this year’s remembrance. The children had been invited down to the cemetery by Hadleigh Town Mayor Mrs. Sue Angland to meet with Mark Brennan from the British Legion and to lay crosses at the graves of soldiers from World War I. Mark told the children about the Great War and the lives of the soldiers who are laid to rest in the cemetery. The children from each school took turns to pay their respect and lay crosses at each grave. The names of the soldiers are particularly familiar to the Children from Beaumont children at Beaumont as they were used to school laying remembrance name the roads on the development crosses at Hadleigh cemetery surrounding the school. Many of our children were involved in other remembrance events on Remembrance Sunday and the whole school stopped for the 2 minutes silence on the 11th. Our Gardening Club is always very well supported by the children and parents at Beaumont school. Mrs. Liggett, who runs the club, comes up with an exciting range of activities for the children to take part in. We would like to thank Morrisons and QD Stores who have both donated resources for the club. The children have been busy outside planting 150 onion bulbs at our allotment in Hadleigh. As the nights draw in the children will now be concentrating on Christmas crafts. As part of the national Film Week Festival all the children from Beaumont had the opportunity to visit the local cinema to watch a film. Very excitedly the children travelled to Cineworld in Ipswich, with the older children seeing Echo and the younger The children enjoying their trip to the cinema children seeing Moshi Monsters. This exciting experience was used to inspire various pieces of work back in school. A team of tag rugby players from Beaumont participated in a tournament at Hadleigh High School. The team competed admirably, displaying good sportsmanship and determination. They played other teams from the surrounding primary schools, and enjoyed pitting themselves against the competition. As a small school it can sometimes be difficult competing against the larger schools, but they performed very well regardless. The BBC’s Children in Need appeal was again very well supported at Beaumont. For a small donation the children were allowed to dress as superheroes for the day. The parents, staff and the local Morrisons store were also very generous in donating cakes for an after school cake sale. This was keenly attended and raised more funds for the appeal. Lastly, we invited the pupils’ grandparents in for a special grandparents’ lunch. This was very well supported, with grandparents coming The children enjoying dressing up as super heroes for from near and far. One grandparent Children in Need commented on how ‘School dinners weren’t like this in my day!’ After lunch the children proudly gave their grandparents a guided tour of the school.
elmsett storshops We offer clean, secure, easy access storage from £50/month and workshop options from £75-£400/month Access all hours 24 hour CCTV & Security Barrier Flood Lighting Parking available adjacent to unit Gate Farm, Elmsett Tel: 01473 822162 M: 07767 290 469
SKy Watch Star of Bethlehem
Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO
The festive season is getting into full swing now and I thought I would keep in the theme by trying to come up with the answer to the age old question; "What was the star of Bethlehem"? Firstly,we must remember that during this particular epoch in human history the sky was watched very closely. Many Hadleigh Health Centre, would try to decipher the objects in the sky and determine if any new event Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN would be a good or bad omen. The Three Kings were religious scholars known as the Magi-revered Babylonian astronomers and astrologers.Their job was to Tel: 01473 820123 interpret the sky for signs of upcoming historical events. They were highly Mobile: (07913) 417020 trained people who would not have missed anything ‘new’ or ‘unusual’ in the sky. so taking this into account we have 3 candidates for the phenomena . 1: COMET. A comet would almost certainly not be the ‘Star’. A comet has Home visits available where appropriate always in human history been regarded as a ‘Bad Omen’, and would have been more comparable to the four horsemen than the birth of the saviour,we can quickly dismiss this one. 2: A NOVA. A nova can appear at any time in the sky and is caused when two stars orbit each other in a binary system. These systems comprise of a small white dwarf star and a more massive red giant companion (a red giant is the stage in a stars life before it becomes a white dwarf). As the stars orbit each other around their common centre of mass,a time comes when they will approach to within a close distance of each other this will trigger a set of events that begin with the smaller white dwarf literally pulling gas off the larger sibling, this gas (hydrogen and helium) reaches the surface of the white dwarf and it begins to burn at a ferocious pace.Temperatures of 20 million degrees kelvin are attained in this interaction.The hydrogen burns very rapidly and converts to heavier elements (carbons) in a run away nuclear reaction,this releases a huge amount of energy that is released from the dwarfs surface as light,this in turn creates the illusion of a ‘new star’. These outbursts typically last for a month as seen from earth. As the stars begin to separate the amount of gas pulled onto the dwarf dwindles and the star will slowly fade. Do we have a record of this event that fits to the time scale? Yes we do. Reports from the far east recorded a nova in 4BC. The interesting thing about this is that this nova would have been placed over Jerusalem at the time.The Magi would have been able to follow this star to Bethlehem which lies directly south. A nova to the Magi would have been seen as a miracle too, a very plausible or 07770 443604 case. 3: TRIPLE CONJUNCTION. The graphic depicts such an event. This is a alignment of Sun, Earth, Jupiter and Venus in the case of the Star of 77High HighStreet, Street, Hadleigh— 01473 823203 77 Street, Hadleigh— 01473 823203 77 High High Street, Hadleigh— 01473 823203 77 Hadleigh— 01473 823203 Bethlehem.This would appear as a 77 High Street, Hadleigh - 01473 823203 very dazzling sight to the naked eye Traditional PetShop Shop offering Traditional Pet Shop offering Traditional Pet offering as both Venus and Jupiter are very fullrange range Quality Pet/Animal feed, a fullaarange of Quality Pet/Animal feed,feed, full ofofQuality Pet/Animal bright planets in our skies. This would be a very strong contender if bedding andaccessories. accessories. bedding and and accessories. bedding it was not for the fact that, as I said before, the Magi were trained DOG/CAT FOOD DOG/CAT FOOD DOG/CAT FOOD DOG/CAT FOOD astronomers and would have known Allmajor major brands stocked, including Barking Heads, All brands stocked, including Barking Heads, All major major brands stocked, including Barking Heads, All brands stocked, including Barking Heads, that these were planets and not a supernatural event. This alone would cast some doubt in my eyes as this would have also been well documented by Lily’s Kitchen, Lily’s Kitchen, Brigadier, Hills, Wellbeloved, Skinners, Burns, etc. Brigadier, Hills, Wellbeloved, Skinners, Burns, etc. Lily’sLily’s Kitchen, Brigadier, Hills, Hills, Wellbeloved, Skinners, Burns,Burns, etc. etc. Kitchen, Brigadier, Wellbeloved, Skinners, others. So the conclusion ? Astronomically speaking I would place a wager on Frozen dogfood. food. Frozen dog it being a nova. The explanations tick all the boxes and the Magi would not Frozen dog food. food. Frozen dog have recognised this type of phenomena as they do not occur so dazzlingly All major brands stocked, including Barking Heads, bright very often at all. Lily’s Kitchen, Brigadier, Hills, Wellbeloved, Skinners, Burns, etc. WILD BIRDSEED SEED WILD BIRD SEED WILDWILD BIRD SEED BIRD So that is it for another year. Before i sign off for 2014 I would like to thank Frozen dog and Reptile food Premium wild birdpeanuts, seed,peanuts, peanuts, blacksunflower, sunflower, hearts etc. Premium wild seed, black sunflower, hearts etc. wild bird bird seed, peanuts, blackblack sunflower, heartshearts etc. etc. Premium wild bird seed, Kelvin Avis for the chance he has afforded me to post my monthly astronomical Premium ramblings. Also to all of you out there who have emailed me or spoken to me Autumn Autumn Special Offer—Peanuts 25kg £29.95! Special Offer—Peanuts 25kg £29.95! Autumn Special Offer—Peanuts 25kg £29.95! Autumn Special Offer—Peanuts 25kg £29.95! as I wander up the high street and passed on your kind words-thank you. Premium wild bird seed, peanuts, black sunflower, hearts etc. Sunflower Hearts 20kg. £27.50! Sunflower Hearts 20kg. £27.50! Sunflower Hearts 20kg. £27.50! Sunflower Hearts 20kg. £27.50! That just leaves me to wish each and everyone of you a very Autumn Special Offer - Peanuts 25kg £29.95! Happy Christmas and New Year SMALL PETS/POULTRY Sunflower Hearts 20kg. £27.50! SMALL PETS/POULTRY SMALL PETS/POULTRY SMALL PETS/POULTRY Clear skies! Neil Norman
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HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Meeting of the Council held on the 16th October 2014 Present: Councillors: Angland (Town Mayor), Amin, Byrne, Cook Free, Haylock, Janas, Lazenby, Matthews, L. Munson, M. Munson, and Whiting. In attendance: PC Paisley (Suffolk Constabulary); Councillor Grandon (Babergh District Council) and one member of the press. None attendee – Councillor Welsh APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Grutchfield and Sheldrick. These apologies were accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the 18th September 2014 were taken as read, were confirmed and signed. MATTERS ARISING Policing - Councillor Byrne reported that the signage was still in place at the Bridge Street Car Park advising its use was for Babergh District Council staff only. Councillor Cook advised that there was to be a car park meeting next week and would raise the matter at this meeting. Hadleigh Sea Scouts Group - The Clerk reported that she had met with David Pizzey, Babergh’s Tree Warden and he was happy for the work to go ahead provided no tree roots were uprooted. The next step would be to contact the Environment Agency. Suffolk County Council – The future of the Children’s Centre Services - The Clerk advised that the appropriate number of signatories had been obtained and the papers for the Corn Exchange to become an Asset of Community Value had been submitted to Babergh District Council. To date no acknowledgement of the request had been received. POLICING PC Paisley presented the Police Reports for September. It was noted that 12 crimes had been recorded with 1 detected. The offences comprised as follows: 4 thefts; 2 dangerous dog causing injury; 2 cause harassment, alarm, distress; 1 criminal damage; 1 driving motor vehicle with excess alcohol; 1 burglary; 1 message, letter, e.mail etc. indecent/threat/false. PC Paisley advised the Council on the next stage of Government cuts and spending review and its effect on Suffolk Constabulary. He reported on the proposed traffic controls to be implemented in Benton Street and the decriminalisation of parking restrictions which should be implemented in this area during the next few years. He had spoken with the managers of QD and Morrisons regarding coach parking but had been advised that any decision would come from QD’s Head Office. He advised that the public consultation day of the Dementia Alliance Group would be on Friday 14th November 2014 at Hadleigh Pool and Leisure Centre commencing at 10am. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner raising the concerns and fears at the proposed spending cuts and the effects on Suffolk Constabulary and would like reassurance on police levels in rural areas. REPORTS OF THE COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Riley had tendered his apologies. Written reports had been received from Councillors M. Munson and Grandon. Councillor Cook raised concerns about the level of care within Suffolk Care homes especially those reported in the EADT managed by Care UK. Councillor Munson advised that she had attended a Medical Scrutiny meeting and they too were concerned about suspension of entry to new care homes. She reported that inspection of a care home is only carried out on average every two years and would encourage any members of the public to report any concerns to Suffolk County Council. It was agreed that Councillor Riley as the County Councillor be made aware of the concerns raised and asked to report back to the next Town Council meeting with an update on Care UK homes within the county. Councillor Grandon reported a response from Babergh District Council on the matter of parking large vehicles on public car parks and the issuing of tickets. She had been advised that an arrangement had been in place for the last year whereby large vehicles could park safely over two bays without incurring a penalty. The Mayor felt that there was a lack of communication if the car park wardens had not been made aware of this facility. Councillor Grandon asked for specific information on any incidents Councillors knew of where larger vehicles had been penalised and would take this information back to the District Council. Councillor Grandon had brought with her the Planning Charter for anyone interested in viewing the document. STANDING ORDER NO. 24 Councillor Matthews asked if the payment had been made to the fencing contractor as the work was still incomplete at Corks Lane Playground. The Clerk advised that payment would not be made until the works were completed. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £15,390.14 details of which are listed in the Schedule contained in the Minute Book. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Committee held on the 18th September 2014, a copy of which is included in the Minute Book, were noted. Following the meeting held prior to the Town Council meeting the Clerk requested full Council approval to the additional monies being spent to produce the questionnaire for the Neighbourhood Plan. Voting was unanimous. FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 2nd October 2014, a copy of which is included in the Minute Book, was received and accepted. Including their recommendations to make grants of: i) £3,000 to Hadleigh Skateparking Trust ii) HADS for one Grand Hall hire charge for the final of has Hadleigh Got Talent iii) £500 to Home Start iv) £250 to Kernos Centre And to provide £1,000 towards the Christmas Event.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
ENVIRONMENT & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 2nd October 2014, a copy of which is included in the Minute Book, was received and accepted. BUDGET 2015/16 The Clerk presented the timetable of events for preparation of the budget which was approved. It was noted that there was one extra meeting on Tuesday 18th November 2014. She requested any Committee Chairman who had not yet discussed budget bids to provide them at the next Town Council meeting. EXTERNAL AUDITORS REPORT The Clerk reported that there had been no queries raised this year. The Mayor thanked the Clerk for the work carried out to produce the final accounts. TOWN MATTERS Review of Town Polling Stations - It was agreed to respond to the consultation and request that there is a review of which streets attend which polling station to make it easier for residents to access their nearest station. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 16th October 2014 Present: Councillors: Matthews (Chair), Angland, Byrne, Cook, Free, Haylock, Janas, Lazenby, L. Munson, and Whiting. None attendee: Councillors Amin and Welsh APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Sheldrick. This apology was accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 18th September 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING Matters Arising - Councillor Byrne advised that she had spoken to the owner of Tye House and it was only when the planning application was submitted to separate the properties that the additional cost arose. The planning application has still not been dealt with by Babergh District Council. Land East of Hadleigh Hall, Pound Lane - The Clerk advised that the letter had been sent to the owner but to date no response had been received. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:Councillor Cook arrived during this application and therefore abstained from voting B/14/00931/FUL Highcroft, Lady Lane. Erection of 2 no. detached bungalows and 1 no. two-bay cartlodge building, including change of use of parcel to south-east of site to residential curtilage, and construction of modified vehicular access. Approval was recommended (Voting was 7 for and 2 abstentions) B/14/001154/FHA 112 Angel Street, Construction of new vehicular access Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01159/FAH 6 Aldham Road, Erection of single-storey rear extension. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01235/TCA 9 Church Street, Fell 1 no. common Fir, 1 no. Abies, 1 no. Wisteria and 1 no. Japanese Maples in rear garden. This application was noted B/14/01252/FHA 70 Aldham Road, Erection of front single garage (following demolition of existing garage) Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority, details of which are listed in the Schedule attached to these Minutes. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The first meeting of the working party had been held on Tuesday 7th October at 3pm. Unfortunately Councillor Matthews was unable to attend. Councillors Cook, Haylock, Byrne and Angland had met with the Town Clerk and had agreed four open questions: i) What do you like about Hadleigh? ii) What do you dislike about Hadleigh? iii) What would you like to change? iv) Any other comments? Because these were open questions and not the original tick box questions the quotation had been given for there would be an additional cost. This was due to the fact that tick box questionnaires could be processed by machine whereas open questions required to be read and the answers processed. It was agreed that the questionnaire needed to be produced. The questions and the additional cost were agreed. Voting was 8 for and 1 abstention. The Clerk had produced an article for the Hadleigh Community News which was agreed. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS The Clerk advised that a response had been received from Babergh District Council on the question raised over the size of the shed built in the grounds of 1 The Green. The Enforcement Officer advised that the shed did not breach planning control. Councillor Cook asked about the new cemetery application. The Clerk advised that Wincer Kievenar were in the process of producing the final document requested by Babergh District Council. Councillor Matthews reported on a six foot wall being built around a development on Ann Beaumont Way. Local residents felt this should not be allowed as per the deeds of the property. The Clerk had spoken to Babergh District Council as the wall is not shown on the planning application and had been advised that as long as it did not exceed the height requirement for planning permission there was nothing they could do. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.25pm. Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 13th November 2014 Present: Councillors: Matthews (Chair), Angland, Cook, Free, Haylock, and Janas. None attendee: Councillor Welsh APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Byrne; Amin, Lazenby, L. Munson, Whiting and Sheldrick. These apologies were accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Cook declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application B/14/01192/LBC – 9a Queen Street as she is a neighbour.
MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 16th October 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING Matters Arising - Councillor Cook asked if the owner of the land East of Hadleigh Hall had responded to the letter sent. She was advised that to date he had not responded. The Clerk reported that Babergh District Council had acknowledged receipt of the nomination under the Community Right to Bid relating to the Corn Exchange, Market Place. The nomination will now be assessed and they will advise Hadleigh Town Council of the outcome by the 28th November 2014. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/14/00931/FUL Highcroft, Lady Lane, Erection of 2 No. detached bungalows and 1 No. two-bay cartlodge building, including change of use of parcel to south-east of site to residential curtilage, and construction of modified vehicular access. Amendment to Application – Revised certificate (Certificate A now signed) and strip of land to the south-east now omitted from the application. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01192/LBC 9a Queen Street Application for Listed Building Consent – Replacement of 2 no. windows in ground floor of rear elevation. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01195/FUL Maple House, California Lane, Hintlesham, Siting of container for use as storage for business. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01272/FUL Friars Hall Nursing Home, Siting of container for use as storage for business. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01287/FHA 155 George Street, Replace glazed conservatory roof with a coated non translucent aluminium roof. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/01306/FHA 19 Ramsey Road, Erection of single-storey side extension to provide annexe accommodation for elderly relative and replacement of flat roof on existing rear conservatory with pitched roof. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) Additional Application: B/14/01260/ROC Land South of Lady Lane & North of Tower Mill Lane, Application under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) to vary conditions 4 and 10 attached to P.P.B/09/01431/FUL to allow parking space to be deleted at plot 10 (known as 21 Mary Clarke Close) Approval was recommended (Voting was 2 for and 4 abstentions) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Clerk reported an e.mail received from one of the residents who had registered an interest in the Neighbourhood Plan at the Annual Town Meeting requesting an update. It was agreed that the Clerk reply advising that the resident survey was proceeding and that all the residents who had expressed an interest in being involved with the Neighbourhood Plan would be invited to a meeting to discuss the public consultation. Councillor Janas had produced a report following the Hadleigh Steering Group Meeting held on the 10th November 2014 led by Bill Newman, Spatial Planning Officer, Babergh District and Mid-Suffolk Councils covering the future use of the Brett Works Site. It was agreed that he be invited to meet, informally, with the Town Clerk, Mayor and Chair of Planning with a view to being formally invited to a full Town Council or Planning Committee Meeting. The Town Clerk and Chair of Planning were to be invited to attend the next Steering Group meeting on Monday 8th December at 2pm at Hadleigh Pool & Leisure. Hadleigh Steering Group would be reviewed in the New Year as it has been part of a pilot scheme to see if it continues. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS Councillor Cook raised three points: i) Parish Liaison Meeting - One of the items discussed was spatial planning policy. Councillors will receive a full report at the Town Council Meeting next week. Local planning and Policy CS11 were discussed and work is commencing on a masterplan for the next housing programme. Hadleigh Town Council will need to be pro-active and be involved in discussions with developers etc. prior to planning applications being submitted. ii) Press Release: Legal Victory Saves Historic Allotments from Developers - A group of allotment holders in Watford had won a landmark legal victory to save their plots from redevelopment which could have important implications for similar sites across the country. This was believed to be the first time the courts had overturned a decision to allow development on allotments. iii) Press Release – A Boards : In an article in the EADT it had been stated that the County Council’s policy on A Boards is to allow one A Board per business so long as it is directly outside the premises. Councillor Cook requested the Clerk to investigate whether there is such a policy at County or District Level. Councillor Free asked if the Clerk would ascertain if planning permission was required when a garage is turned into living accommodation. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.26pm. Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings: Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm
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Merry Christmas from the Jolly Meat Company
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
The countdown to Christmas is well and truly upon us, so give yourself one less thing to worry about and pop into the Jolly Meat Company today to place your Christmas meat order. From the traditional free range white and bronze turkeys to a more extravagant three bird roast, The Jolly Meat Company have it all. This will be Charlie’s last Christmas at their current shop, and comments “We would like to take this opportunity to wish our loyal and valued customers a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. We also want to assure everyone it will continue to be business as usual for us throughout December, and then we look forward to welcoming you all to our new shop from Monday 5th January”. The Jolly Meat Company are also still inviting their customers to make suggestions on what they would like to see in the new shop. If you have any ideas, pop in and let them know - you could even win a £50 meat voucher. Jolly Meat Company, 83 High Street, Hadleigh 01473 810119
Panto at The Quay Theatre Little Red Riding Hood by Andy Gribben Sudbury Dramatic Society are delighted to announce that Angelo Smith, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith of North Street, Sudbury established since 1876, are the sponsors of the 2014 Pantomime Little Red Riding Hood SDS’ Little Red Riding Hood is soooo nice (Oh yes she is…), sooo lovely she makes Spring spring early – which upsets the evil Winterking (Boo Hiss!) who wants it to be Winter forever, so he calls in the Big Bad Wolf to get Little Red Riding Hood out of the picture. Find out the answers in this hilarious traditional pantomime with all your favourite characters, a rollicking Dame, plenty of song and dance and plenty of audience participation Little Red Riding Hood starts on Friday 12th December at 7.30pm and runs for a total of 20 performances, with a variety of evening and matinee performances on offer up until Saturday 28th December at 3pm. Tickets are available now from the Quay Theatre Box Office on 01787 374745 or online at, with a discount of 10% for parties of 10 or more.
THE OBSERVER Armistice Sunday Only due to a late, late enforced change of arrangements was I able to attend the service in St. Mary's but from what I saw of the attendance there and the number taking a breather at the RBL Club, it had obviously been a well supported day and quite rightly so, throughout the Town. The Town Council staff, Dean Martin and his Wardens,the highly organised Chairman of Hadleigh RBL, plus the detachment from Wattisham all played their part to the full. (O.K Dean don't burst into song, it was truly was a key error) Armistice Day A goodly group gathered by the Highstone to pay their respects at the eleventh hour. Barry Nutt played Reveille and Rouse as well as he ever has and the two unheralded standard bearers from the RBL are to be thanked for their unstinting attendance at all the ceremonies over the past few weeks. Would it be possible to repeat the closing of the High Street for those two minutes, as Brian Lazenby so boldly did a few years back? I'm sure there wouldn't be any objection from those who repeatedly do this with their deliveries. A Reflection My very first column in HCN attracted some sharp comment when I raised the subject of heavy dreadnoughts of the road causing problems throughout the Town, as being an anti European comment to supposedly affect the next European elections, which were still months away. Those of my generation were brought up fully conscious of the unstinting support our Dominion’s gave their ‘Mother’ country through two long and wearying wars, (I will probably be corrected for not using the term,’Commonwealth’), when we were literally, “out on our feet”. I admit to a feeling of embarrassment bordering on shame whenever I visit one of these former ‘Colonies’ as their dead are all over the World in the defence of freedom. Today they are regarded as aliens when passing through our passport and customs controls due to the requirements of our present day alliance's. I thought of them on Armistice Day, read into that what you wish. An appeal (to common sense) As winter is now well and truly with us the roads are even more a danger especially after dark. Pedestrian and road users generally are urged to take precautions and to be as highly visible as possible, yet this advice flys over the head of large numbers. A pedestrian may well see a car but can the driver always see a pedestrian if he/she is hooded up and standing away from any light or in the lee of a building or hedge? Drivers of cars, incl. motor and pedal cyclists face penalties if they do not have illumination as the law requires. However, apart from helmets for m/c riders, they are not obliged to have any other easily identifiable clothing or marking. Doesn’t that sound an invitation for trouble? Perhaps P.C. Paisley can give a wider view in one of his Station reports. New businesses I was doubtful a little while ago when an electrical lighting retail shop opened for business up on the industrial estate, as to it's long term future. The same applied when a travel agent opened up after spending a shed load on the former Beer Barrel. We have dealt with both and both businesses are flourishing. Perhaps it is due to the attention and pleasant sevice they give to their customers. Those businesses in the High Street who bemoan their fate as they lapse back into their pre Morrison days mode should take note. There will be a stall on Friday's in the market place, weather permitting, the proceeds of which will go to Armed Forces charities, give me a look please The Observer
Merry Christmas! Wishing all our family, friends and neighbours both a Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year from Denzil, Sue and Kieran. A Donation Will Be Made To Arc.
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Hadleigh United Football Club DECEMBER 2014 EVENTS Supporters’ Christmas Meal Friday 12th December £15.00 ticket includes 3 course meal & 1st drink including fun and games for adults Santa’s Christmas Party Friday 19th December from 5pm - 7pm Under 5’s parental supervision required £6.00 ticket includes tea with santa and a gift Limited tickets available - book early! New Year’s Eve Party from 8pm - late Children £2.00 Adult Members £10.00 Non-members £12.50 Buffet included Grand Prize draw on the night Fireworks at midnight
Drop by the clubhouse or call Donna Ramsey on 07917 730516 for tickets or information
Hadleigh & District Branch of the Royal British Legion As the countries leading Armed Forces charity the RBL provides welfare, representation, comradeship and remembrance and this time of year is always very busy for us. We launched the poppy appeal on Saturday 25 October with a collection in Morrisons, followed a week later with a collection in the Co-op. On both occasions the local community gave most generously. We are currently counting all the donations received from the poppy tins that were distributed in shops and offices all over the town. Once counting is complete we will announce the final figure, but at time of writing we have passed ÂŁ8,200. So we would like to thank all those who supported this years poppy appeal. Tuesday 4 November the Branch organised a trip for veterans to see the Poppies at the Tower of London. After lunch and a look around the museum of flying at RAF Hendon, the group went into central London to join the thousands of spectators to watch the sunset ceremony at the tower. During this moving ceremony 100 names of the fallen were read out and the last post was sounded by a bugler from the Guards Division band. The poppy installation around the tower was an incredible sight and the whole experience was very moving and a fitting tribute. Friday 7 November, the Branch Chairman met the Mayor Mrs Sue Angland and 46 children from the four Hadleigh schools to pay their respects to the soldiers who died in both world wars and are buried in the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cemetery. The children received a talk on the significance of remembrance and were told about the men who had died. The children then placed poppy crosses on each grave. Before departing, a wreath was laid and a moments silence observed to remember all those from the town who gave their lives in the service of their country. Sunday 9 November saw the annual remembrance day parade and church service at St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The weather was fine and the community once again turned out in support. The Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Diana Hunt led the wreath laying at the memorial. As usual the Army, specifically 7 Bn REME from Wattisham Station did us proud by providing a fine marching detachment, an honour guard on the memorial and a fly past by two Apache helicopters. The officers and soldiers were all impeccably turned out and drilled with great precision.
Tuesday 11 November at 11:00hrs, the Branch Standard was on parade at the bottom of George Street to observe the 11th hour two-minute silence. Although this was not advertised, it has been a long standing event and was once again was well supported. As we approach the festive season, life for the Branch returns to a more sedate pace. Our last major event of the year will be our AGM which will take place on Tuesday 11 December starting at 7:30pm. We are always looking for volunteers to join our committee and so I urge any ex-service personnel out there to come along and lend your support. Finally, and with Christmas in mind, if anyone knows of any ex-servicemen or women in this community who will be spending Christmas alone then please let me know (07780 975787).
Christmas in the Trenches - 1914 Territorials go to War Hadleigh man, Private Alfred Jesse Harriss, son of the headmaster at Bridge Street Boy’s School was among the first Territorials to see action in the Great War. The heavy casualties suffered by the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) during 1914 exhausted the supply of regular soldiers and so the men of the territorial battalions were asked to go overseas. Among the first twenty three battalions was the 4th Suffolks, who joined the regulars of the 1st Manchesters on 4 Dec 14 in an area around Bethune in northern France. They were attached to the Jullundur Brigade of the Lahore Division of the British Indian Army. Shortly after arrival in France, ‘B’ Company of the 4th Suffolks distinguished themselves when they recaptured the village of Givenchy on 20 Dec 14. They were mentioned in dispatches by Sir John French the Commander-in-Chief of the BEF. Royal Visitor By December the major battles of 1914 were over. The war which had been relatively mobile, now turned to stalemate as both sides dug in for the winter. This lull provided an opportunity for VIPs to pay a visit. Private Bernard Vince of Duke Street was with the 1st Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby) Battalion as they welcomed King George V into northern France on the 1 Dec 14. As their war diary records “2pm - The Battalion lined the streets of Le GORGUE for the arrival of H. M. the KING who motored through the town on his visit to the British Expeditionary Force. The King was accompanied by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Field Marshall Sir John French, the President of the French Republic and General Joffre. After His Majesty had passed through the town the Battalion returned to billets. 3.45pm The Battalion marched out to relieve the 1st Worcesters in the trenches near RICHEBOURG”. After they had reached the trenches at 10.30pm, the days report concludes: “No casualties”. Christmas Day 1914 The popular image of Christmas Day 1914 on the Western Front is of troops mingling and playing football with the enemy in no man’s land. This romantic image which is currently the subject of a Christmas TV advert, did occur and men from Hadleigh witnessed it. The 1st East Lancashire Battalion of the Army’s 4th Division were in trenches at Le Gheer, 9 miles south of Ypres. As their war diary records; “All quiet no shots being fired at all, an informal truce being held”. Private Sidney Thorpe of George Street Hadleigh was among a number of British soldiers who fraternised with the Germans. A few miles to the north west in trenches at Wulvergem, Privates Frank Oxford and George Hynard were with the 1st Bedfords. For them Christmas Day started with a few early morning shells but then a quiet day after the Germans had semaphored that they were not going to fire. Further to the north west, the 2nd Suffolks who had had their turn in trenches at Kemmel were resting in billets at Westouter. The fraternisation was by no means widespread. For most it was just another cold frosty day, albeit with reduced sniping and shell fire which gave them an opportunity for some hard work on trench maintenance! The war diaries tell us what was happening for some of the other Hadleigh men. For Private Bernard Vince and the 1st Sherwood Foresters who remained in the Bethune area, they celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve and went to the front line at Richebourg on the 25th. For them there was an “informal armistice” arranged with some of the Germans, but the purpose was to recover and bury the dead. Close by in trenches at Rue De Caillpoux, near Essars, Sergeant Robert Ward and Private Fred Holmes serving with the 2nd Grenadier Guards, were having an altogether different day. Waist deep in water, amid sniping and shells overhead, the men were continuing to dig new lines of trenches. At the end of the day 3 of their number had been killed, 19 wounded, 2 missing and 1 hospitalised with frost bite. Merry Christmas! *Note: In November 1914, an advertisement was placed in the national press inviting monetary contributions to a 'Sailors & Soldiers Christmas Fund' which had been created by Princess Mary, the seventeen year old daughter of King George V and Queen Mary. The purpose was to provide everyone wearing the King's uniform and serving overseas on Christmas Day 1914 with a 'gift from the nation'. The response was overwhelming, and it was decided to spend the money on an embossed brass box and contents. (Research by Mark Brennan, Nigel Crisp, Jeff Ward)
Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Christmas & New Year Opening Christmas Day 11am - 2pm Boxing Day 11am - 4pm New Years Day 11am - 7pm Entertainment Saturday 13th December – Buster James Saturday 20th December – The Martells Free entry to members on production of a valid membership card Tickets will be on sale shortly for: Christmas Eve – Sarah Louise New Years Eve - Buzz Meat Raffle held Sunday Lunchtimes Special Offers: **CARLSBERG, FOSTERS, JOHNS SMITHS SMOOTH - £2.60 pint ** McEwans Lager - £2.55 pint Adnams Southwold Bitter - £2.55 pint Desparado/Sol/Fosters Gold - £3.15 bottle or 2 for £5.00 WKD & Smirnoff Ice 2 for £5.00 Jack Daniels or SoCo Doubles (50ml) £3.50 Look out in Club for Saturday night specials and guest beers Women’s Section Tuesday 2nd December – Christmas Party Tuesday 13th January – Health Watch Suffolk Meetings start at 7.30pm. Please bring a raffle prize Subs are now due - Standard £12.00 OAP £8.00 Branch Section Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 7.30pm SUPER LEAGUE DARTS Matches held on Tuesday nights, please see noticeboard for fixtures Don’t forget our Hall Hire: Lounge 30 people, Main Hall 100 people. Ring 824874 for details.
All members, old and new, very welcome!
GREAT WAR NEWS FROM 1914 (as reported in the Suffolk and Essex Free Press of the day)
Thu 3rd Dec In the evening nine wounded Belgium soldiers arrive at Hadleigh Station by train, only to find they should have gone to Hadleigh in Essex. “They did not suffer from the mistake as kind friends hospitably entertained them for the night and sent them to their proper destination on Friday”. Wed 16th Dec Private George Hynard, a scout with the 1st Bedfords writes to his parents living at 120 Angel Street. The Battalion was then in the Ypres area and he talks of the very cold weather with sharp frosts and snow and of loss of life on both sides and the taking of a lot of German prisoners. Wed 16th Dec Privates George Suttle and Alfred Oxford are at home in Hadleigh after having been wounded. Both these men spoke of the daring and reckless exploits of Private Hynard. “One night he crept to the enemy’s trenches and silenced a gramophone with a brick bat. He returned back safely and afterwards paid a second visit to the German lines with a supply of broken bricks which this time he threw upon the heads of the enemy. Again he got off scot free”. Thu 17th Dec In a letter sent to Mrs Harry Garrod, her brother-in-law Pte Bertie Arthur Garrod of the Army Service Corps, thanks her for sending him copies of the Suffolk and Essex Free Press. There was great demand to read the local newspapers. Seeing the way the local inhabitants were being treated by the invading army, leads Pte Garrod to concluded the importance of what is being done, writing “I suppose I must put up with this a bit longer”. When describing his role as a driver taking supplies to the front he goes on to say “it takes almost 3 days to go 10 miles there and 10 miles back, avoiding the little Jack Johnsons”. (Jack Johnsons was the nickname given to enemy shells). Tue 26th Dec In a letter sent to his father, Private Alfred Harriss tells he has received “a big bar of chocolate from Dean Carter (rector at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh), he goes on to say “We, one and all, received Princess Mary’s gift yesterday, consisting of a nice little casket containing a packet of cigarettes, some tobacco, and a pipe, with a photograph of herself. We also received a nice Christmas card on which were the portraits of our King and Queen”.
Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Caroline Gibson
Mark Oldfield gets everyone singing...
Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: Website: Written by the Pupil Community News Team of Hadleigh High School Hadleigh High supports Children in Need Children in Need is a charity that raises money to help children who are in poverty all over the world. Children in need has been operating since 1980 and it has raised over £600 million to change the lives of young people across the globe. Many events occur within schools and other organisations across the nation to help raise money for the charity. One of the many highlights is the annual telethon screened in November held by the BBC. This programme is showed from 7.30pm until 2.00am with the majority of the nation watching every minute of it! But what did Hadleigh High do this year? On Friday 14th November we held a Children in Need fundraising day. All Students had non-school uniform on the day, paying £1 for the privilege of wearing their own clothes rather than school uniform. At lunch time there was a staff karaoke challenge in the Drama Hall. Lots of teachers took part with Mr. Day singing ‘I’m a Believer,’ Mr. Davy singing ‘Behind Blue Eyes,’ Mr. McMillan singing ‘Wonder Wall,’ Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Youngs and Mrs. Rose singing ‘When will I see you again,’ Mr. Wallace singing ‘Blue Suede Shoes,’ Mrs. Garrity and Miss. Norris singing ‘Shake it off’ and the winner, Mrs Macdonald, singing ‘Ghost.’ There was also a ‘beat the teacher’ penalty shootout in the Sports Hall. There was a prize for the student who scored the most goals. Finally a group of Year 8 girls held a cake sale to raise money for the charity. We would like to thank staff and students who were involved in organizing all these great activities. Everyone had a good time and lots of money was raised in a really good cause. The 2014 Shoe Box Appeal This year is the 21st anniversary of Blythswood running the appeal and over 1.7 Million boxes have been donated and distributed through the years. Boxes will go to Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania and Serbia this year. But what should these boxes contain? You could include: stationery, toys, food, books, basic necessities e.g. toothbrush, toothpaste etc. This could help give many children around the world a very merry Christmas. This year, Anna Norman, Year 9, has organised Hadleigh High School to donate filled boxes to the ‘Operation Christmas Child’. She said: “I want to help out with the appeal because it will make them feel happy as they don’t get Christmas presents. It will also make me feel good because I’ll know that I made their day.”
Poets Corner Magical Exquisite, rainbow coloures fairies, in my childlike fantasy Their incandescent beauty, as they flutter delicately. Skating on swirling, twirling snowflakes, as they tinkle with glee. Wings like lace, shimmer in the moonlight, magical to see. Gentle, pretty reflections on glistening ice, so surreal. Pure enchantment, dreamlike qualities, to glimpse but not to feel. This fairytale, comes to life, is a Christmas masterpiece, a glittering affair All in my imagination, as into my glorious snowglobe, I stare. Sue Williamston
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
A group of students who are practising for the Christmas Extravaganza, to be held at the High School on Wednesday 17th December, were lucky enough to be part of a workshop run by professional singer, Mark Oldfield. Mark took them through a range of fun activities to work on such things as voice projection and rhythm before focusing on three songs. This was a lively workshop which had pupils working in groups, putting dramatic movements to key words to help with timing, and even making up choruses about their favourite food! Hadleigh High School students were joined by a number of Year 3, 4 and 5 pupils from Elmsett Primary School who are all members of a new singing group which has just been set up at the school. We were also delighted to be supported by 8 members of Hadleigh Choral Society who took part in the morning event. The idea is that the students will perform at the Hadleigh Choral Society Christmas Concert at St Mary’s church on Saturday 13th December. Thanks go to Moya Quinn, chair of the society, for organizing the event and to the Hadleigh Thrift Shop for generously funding the morning. It’s all happening in PSHEe... PSHEe (Personal Social Health and Economic Education) helps to prepare pupils for adulthood and the responsibilities which we must all take on if we are to be positive contributors to our community and society. Here, at Hadleigh High, we all work hard to ensure that all students are aware of the different forms of bullying and that any form of bullying is never acceptable, whether within school or outside in the community. With this in mind, the PSHEe department are launching the national week this November. The aim of the week is to remind students that it is each members of our community’s job to make bullying unacceptable for everyone, everywhere. This week has been successfully supported by pupils for a number of years now. This week will be followed by Democracy Week and Parliament Week where pupils will consider how communities can impact upon the decisions taken within a democracy. Sports Round Up The school has entered many new teams into tournaments this year, such as the new under 16 and under 14 basketball teams, both the A & B badminton teams (who have qualified for the district finals) and the girl’s netball teams. Furthermore, the school hosted a girl’s netball competition, in which Hadleigh High did very well. The all girl’s football has now started as well as rugby for Years 10 and 11, and Cricket will start after Christmas. Another attribute of the school is that Hadleigh High participates more than any other school in the partnership. Our school is full of high achievers. For example: 3 girls are representing Eastern Counties Rugby, as well as Daniel Squirrel being moved up into the Development Group for The Saints. Mr Cook said, “I am massively pleased with the school’s achievements. I hope the school will win everything in the years to come.” Calling ex Hadleigh High students now in Year 13 This is your last chance to collect your GCSE certificates if you did not do so last year. They will be available from Hadleigh High School reception until 12th December 2014. After this, the exam board requires that they are destroyed. Replacement certificates will not be available from the board, just 'Certifying Statement of Results' which will cost around £40 for every certificate. Ex-Students now in Year 12 If you were unable to collect your GCSE certificates at the Certificates Evening that took place on 27th November, please collect them as soon as possible. It is very important that these certificates are collected, as after 12 months, these will not be available from either the school or from the Examination Board. In addition, a fee will be set if your child requires confirmation of their examination grades at a later date.
Rotary Review CHRISTMAS COLLECTION Once again Christmas will soon be here and the Rotary float accompanied by Father Christmas will be making its traditional tour of Hadleigh. The aim is to visit as many children as possible whilst, at the same time, collect for the benefit of local charities. Please give as generously as these continuing difficult times allow, the routes and venues are as follows: Tuesday 16th December: Malyon Road - Oxford Drive - Emmerson Way (5.30pm - 7.45pm approx). Wednesday 17th December: Aldham Road Timperley Road - Pykenham Way (6pm - 7.45pm approx). Thursday 18th December: Edwin Panks Road - Taylor Road - Yeoman Way/Crescent (6pm 7.45pm approx). Tuesday 23rd December: Clopton Gardens - WilsonRoad Taylor Road - Gaell Crescent (6pm - 7.45pm approx). The float will also be outside the entrance to Morrisons store on Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Monday 22nd times will vary within the period 10.30am - 4pm and on Christmas Eve it will be in its usual place in Hadleigh High Street 9pm 12.05pm approx. It is not always possible to complete the programme owing bad weather or lack of collectors etc. It is hoped that this will not happen but if it does please accept the Club's apologies in advance. OBITUARY It is with great sadness that the Club announces the death of James Cage on 16 November just a few months after the death of his wife, Elizabeth. Jim was a Founder Member and currently an Honorary Member of this Club having relinquished full membership about a year ago when he could no longer attend meetings. In recent months Jim has been a resident of Magdalen House suffering from a form of dementia which left him unable to communicate. When he was fit Jim was a keen and active member fully involved in all social and charitable activities. During his 36 years of membership he held many positions in the Club including that of President. He was a valuable and popular member whilst his other interests included birdwatching, gardening, golf and could identify most birds by their song and tell you the Latin name of most plants. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. SPEAKERS: 1 Richard Whiting,deputy Mayor of Hadleigh, spoke briefly about his involvement in local politics. His main career had been in the Newspaper industry but he became interested in politics in 1970 and since that time he has served as a Babergh District Councillor and a Hadleigh Town Councillor whilst being involved in many other local organisations including, currently, Trustee of Hadleigh Transport group, Chairman of Hadleigh Probus club and has just become an Associate Member of Hadleigh Rotary Club. He talked about the amalgamation of Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils including the combining of the various departments and the thorny decision of where best to locate the new Headquarters.He covered the responsibilities of the Town Council which include sports fields, allotments, tourism and acting as consultants for the district council in some matters. The Hadleigh Market Feoffment also comes within the purview of the Council with responsibility for the Town and Guildhall complex. 2 Mark Brennan, Chairman of Hadleigh British Legion, explained the Hadleigh Great War Centenary Project. This will run from 2014 to 2018 when the Great war ended with the aim of gathering as much information about Hadleigh people who served their country during that time. So far, 12 histories have been completed and there are about 100 more to research.The project will be publicised through the Community News, website, exhibitions and presentations to local groups etc. Some lottery funding and grants have been obtained but further sponsorship will always be welcome. He would like anyone who can help with stories and details of friends, relatives etc who served in that war to contact him whilst there is also a research team seeking information from Forces records, the Ancestry website and other sources to try and put together the various histories. He gave an interesting power point display of photographs of hadleigh servicemen,campaign medals and war histories. If you have any information which would be useful or would like a presentation to your group Mark may be contacted by email 3 Geoffrey Rogers spoke about a lifetime of amateur dramatics. He first trod the boards at the tender age of 10 and is still going strong 60 years later. You may see him in Panto this year at the Bar-clay Musicmakers production of Alice in Wonderland in Claydon. He is playing the caterpillar! He studied at Queen Mary College in London, joining the amateur dramatic society and performing in many plays and comedy revues.Later he moved to a newly built village in north west Kent and there formed a brand new drama group which became very successful over the years performing in the village hall and at local DramaVAT festivals. He and his wife were thereApril 25 years before moving to is moving online from 2010 Claydon in 2001 and joining the Musicmakers. He told many amusing stories and as a final flourish produced a short pantomime loosely based on Cinderella and Strictly come dancing with parts for most members. After struggling throughthe this new with prompts from the writer About penalty regime forit was the decided late that noone really had the talent to take up amateur dramatics. payment PAYE donation to the Disaster EBOLA CRISIS: the Club has given of a generous Emergency Committee to help a little in this terrible situation. MEMBERSHIP: applications for Membership and Associate Membership are Don’t let these small details panic you! always welcome. Check out the Rotary Club of Hadleigh website or telephone Let take01473 the827226 strainforand away Rotarian Davidus Stokes moreworries information.
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Wishes you all a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
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Christmas Fayre Whatfield CEVCP School presents
Friday 5th December
5.30pm – 8pm
;LEX¿IPH :MPPEKI ,EPP Visit Santa in his Grotto & meet some of his real reindeer
News from Whatfield School Whatfield CEVCP School is proud to present their annual Christmas Fayre on Friday 5th December from 5.30pm – 8 pm at Whatfield Village Hall. Come along to a wonderful evening which will start off with Whatfield Primary School children singing on stage. Children will have the opportunity to visit a beautiful Winter Wonderland with Santa in his Grotto and then meet some of his real reindeer. There will be many Craft & Christmas Stalls for that essential Christmas shopping, a Raffle & Tombola, Refreshments including Hot Dogs, plus the Bar will be open. So come along and join the festive fun!
Whatfield Primary School children singing on stage
Pauline Wright
Refreshments inc. Hot Dogs Craft & Christmas Stalls Bar from 6pm Raffle & Tombola
Come and join the festive fun!
Poets Corner
Christine and family would like to thank everyone for their messages and sympathy cards and all who came to the service. Thanks to Reverend Martin Thrower for the lovely service. We would like to extend special thanks to all who helped with the food and to R. G. Gwinnell & Sons for all their help. Thank you for all donations of £285.65 for Cancer Research. We will all miss Pauline.
Sweet Memories What is it, you feel it, you know it, you sense it. Within yourself, the emotional trigger, evoking memories of times past to flit. Across your mind, they emerge and enrich your soul, to make you smile. Part of you, that remembers special moments in your life, from time to time and while to while. Shared laughter along the way. Keep that feeling and carry it in your heart everyday. Times fly by, this is very true. So cherish the amazing, close to you. Is it a song, a place, a scent, or something more. That woke up your memories and brought them to the fore. Whatever it was, just treasure them, in every way. They encompass your journey through life, every hour and every day. Sue Williamston
Hadleigh United Reformed Church
Councillors Kathryn Grandon and Brian Riley will be holding their monthly walk in surgery on Saturday 13th December at Hadleigh Library from 11 until noon. You are welcome to drop in or to call 07866 581 556 to discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town. Appointments are not necessary.
The vision of Hadleigh URC is to challenge the community to respond to God’s love as shown and taught by Jesus Christ.
a church at the heart of our community.
Sundays at 10.30am
worship for all ages – together or in separate groups.
Weekdays · · · · ·
prayer Ansell Centre acƟviƟes for all ages small groups community acƟviƟes
Contact Us
Nigel Crisp 822208 Karen Harman 824765
Ansell Centre & Community Room Bookings: Jan Dicks 823413 42
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.’ Isaiah 9 v 6
Join us for Advent services every Sunday at 10.30am.
Christmas Services
December 14th NaƟvity Service for family worship at 10.30am December 21st Carols by Candlelight for families at 6.30pm December 25th Christmas Day Worship at 10.30am
Wishing you a Christmas time full of peace and joy
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Rosa Simon Music Fund We’re delighted to announce that the Fund has made its second and third donations to widen the musical opportunities for local children. Over £600 has been given to help both a local playgroup buy good quality multicultural percussion instruments and for a large African gathering drum (plus stand and beaters) to be used by one of the town’s primary schools. We would urge all local schools, churches, playgroups and registered child minders to start getting their applications in. Please, please, please don’t be shy – the aim of the Fund is to wisely spend any monies raised in support of great musical projects to inspire our children! You can do this online at: article&id=12&Itemid=127. Meanwhile, please put Saturday June 6 2015 in your diaries as that is the date when the Fund and its supporters will be hosting a series of music workshops, open mike sessions and a concert in memory of Rosa. More details to follow. Many thanks to those who have recently contributed to the Fund, including £172 raised at the recent Lullaby Concerts held at the Hadleigh United Reformed Church, £292 raised at the Birch Farm Pamper Evening and a donation of £500 from a kind individual. The Simon Family would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year
Colin & Patsy’s Golden Wedding Anniversary We would like to thank everybody for attending our 50th Wedding Anniversary celebrations and to all concerned for their efforts in making the evening both enjoyable and memorable. Also a very big thank you for all the lovely gifts and kind donations to Macmillan Cancer Support and Papworth Hospital. Truly appreciated Colin & Patsy
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Our Christmas Menu is available from 19th Dec to 3rd Jan 2015, reservations required Please note: A la carte and Christmas menu available only during this time Mixed Hors D’oeuvres Spring Rolls, Satay Chicken on skewers, Crispy Fried Seaweed, Squid with Salt & Chilli and Crispy Roast Pork Second Course Aromatic Crispy Duck Main Course Stir Fried Broccoli with Crab Meat Sauce King Prawns with mange tout Mandarin Fillet Chicken Special Fried Rice Dessert and Coffee
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Friars Hall Nursing Home
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The Helpers Supper held in November is an opportunity for those from all the groups to meet and enjoy a social evening. Over seventy usually attend this meal and share companionship away from the busy life at The Centre. Our thanks to all who supported us at The Race Night in October, a most enjoyable and successful fund raising event. What could be a more fitting end to the term and our year than a Carol Service. For this annual event over 100 people, riders, their families and supporters attend. The yard looks very festive decked with lights. An important part of the occasion are the ponies, who with decorated head collars observe from their boxes. Every one enjoys drinks and mince pies before a short service at the yard at which candles are lit in the name of each of the horses and ponies. The gathering leaves the yard led by the Shetlands, Squidgy and Camilla, processing along the lantern lit road to Shelley Church for a traditional service. During the first hymn the candles from the yard are each taken by a rider, given to the priest who places them on the altar in the name of each of the horses and ponies. A helper, a parent and a rider each read a lesson. For our riders, as well as riding skills and therapy, we aim to encourage confidence and communication. The challenge, courage and achievement of those reading a lesson is so rewarding. On one occasion the congregation broke into spontaneous applause after a mammoth effort by one little boy, whose wonderful smile said it all. During another hymn a tableau of the nativity assembles. We are delighted to again have a live ‘baby Jesus’ with his mother this year, looked upon by many angels. As the service ends we always feel that the spirit of Christmas has begun. A happy Christmas to you all. Website: Telephone: 01473 824172
24 Hour Nursing Care Tastefully furnished Visiting Library Chiropodist Excellent Home Cooked Food
Clean up this Autumn with a Garden Blower from only
Hadleigh and District Garden Club On 10th November we we offered a ‘Journey to Paradise’ which turned out to be a riveting talk with a continuous picture parade of New Zealand, in all its botanical, zoological and scenic glory. Of course we all appreciate that the exotica available from florists shops and garden centres, come from places where they grow wild and I admit to being absolutely astonished by the vast areas of Anthurium Andreanum on one of our travels; of course foreigners are equally overcome by British woods carpeted in Bluebells. Dudley Chignall and his wife embarked on an extended holiday travelling the length and breadth of the two islands, taking time to enjoy the wonderful scenery via the most empty roads and photographing everything of interest as they went. The scenery changes dramatically from the earthquake zone in the North of North Island, to the mountainous alpine area in South Island, sadly the wonderful views of Mount Cook, reminded me that one of my cousins is still entombed with his climbing companion somewhere in a glacier on the mountain. All in all a talk full of interest from so many points of view, from plants to scenery and the still unspoilt social situation that exists there, perhaps it’s because sheep out-number humans many times over! Ruth Allen 822323
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
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Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts Writing this in mid November, we have still not had a serious frost. The result is that the dahlias are still flowering together with a few late roses. The more surprising thing is that there is quite a bit of flower on the viburnum which is normally at its best in Spring, together with primroses, and campanulas which seem to be hopelessly confused by the weather. It is normal to wait until dahlia top growth has been killed by a frost and then lift them for Winter storage. There is no problem with lifting them whilst they are still in leaf except that one would like the ground to be fairly dry for the job, and it is certainly not that at the moment. The heavy rain in October has made the Autumn clear up more difficult because the soil is now very sticky. I am hoping for a few dry bright days to make it more attractive to get out in the garden and really get it under control for 2015. Weather Records In October at Kersey there was 101.9 mm (4”) of rain, which is twice our average monthly rainfall, and included 36 mm (1.4”) in one 24 hour period. The 3 monthly total at the end of October was 196.2 mm (7.7”) which is well above the average figure. In October the maximum temperature was 20 Cel (68F) which is a typical value, and the minimum temperature was 5 Cel (41F) which is warmer than average. In my garden the ground temperature at writing is 9 Cel (57F), which is warmer than usual. Hints Many people will be buying plants as presents for people at Christmas. Nurseries will have put a lot of effort into getting plants into excellent condition to sell at this time of year, and when you buy them they will undoubtedly look good, but will they last? Most of the problems hinge around what happens to the plant after it leaves the nursery where it was grown. Most at risk are the plants that like it warm, for example the Poinsetta (Euphorbia pulcherima). These are beautiful plants, but they are likely to suffer on an exposed market stall, or if carried around on a cold day without protection. Chrysanthemums, and Azaleas are reasonably tough, and the large flowered cyclamen come somewhere in the middle, but protect all purchased plants from the weather as much as you can. When buying plants look for buds as well as flowers to get a plant that will be enjoyed for a reasonable time Another possibility is to give an Amaryllis bulb perhaps with container. These are very easy to grow indoors and are now available in a wide variety of types and colours. If you have youngsters they can exercise their maths by measuring its height each day, and plotting a graph. Sadly they are not easy to get to flower the following year. We have probably finished with mowers for a bit so why not give it a good clean, and if necessary get it serviced avoiding the rush in the Spring. A Happy Christmas to all my readers and good gardening in 2015. John Rye
Hadleigh Art Club Hadleigh Art Club meets every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm until 4 pm in the Hadleigh Library Seminar Room. December programme: Dec 2, Experiment with colour mixing. Mix unexpected colours together and get unexpected results! Dec 9, Seasonal Landscape from a photograph. Dec 16, Last meeting of the year. “Swap Shop”. Bring unwanted art equipment and swap for something you’ve always wanted! Also bring cakes, mince pies and nibbles. Next meeting January 15.
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Letter from Layham Parish Council The main matters discussed at the Parish Council meeting of 29 October were: • Babergh District Council report Cllr Wigglesworth said there would be a second opportunity to respond to the consultation on Babergh’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Section 106 agreements would continue; CIL would only come into force if there was pressure on schools, roads etc which would add to the need for increased infrastructure. Parishes would then receive 15% of the charge, capped at £100 per dwelling for infrastructure needs; parishes with a Neighbourhood Plan would receive 25% of the charge - but they would be the parishes taking on more development and therefore with greater infrastructure needs. • Speeding JC had asked the Police data management department for a log of accidents in the Benton Street / Upper Layham area; however, she had been required to submit an online request – this had been acknowledged. She had also written to the owner of the Marquis of Cornwallis to ask if he would support the PC’s request to SCC Highways to review the speed limit; he had confirmed that he would. • Pothole audit Roads had been allocated to councillors, who would survey and list potholes requiring repair and report back to the next meeting. • Defibrillators It was agreed unanimously to proceed with the purchase of a defibrillator and case to be located in the telephone box in Lower Layham. Once the defibrillator was installed and training had taken place further information would be put on the website. The plan was to purchase a second defibrillator for Upper Layham, subject to funding and a suitable location being identified. • Children’s Centres The Clerk had written to SCC outlining the PC’s objections to the closure of the Brett River Centre. The consultation period had ended on 16 October and she would request an update. • Path across Playing Field The Chairman said that, in principle, the Playing Field Committee was in favour of a path across the playing field and the various options were discussed. However, it was too late to do anything before the winter; the optimum time for the work to be carried out would be March 2015. • Noticeboards The Clerk reported that, following the erection of the new noticeboard next to the Queen’s Head, the old noticeboard had been refurbished and would replace the board at the top of Mill Lane, which was in poor condition. • Provision of leisure football pitches in Hadleigh The Clerk had written to Hadleigh Town Council and had received a response from the Town Clerk to say that this issue would be considered by the group working on the Neighbourhood Plan for Hadleigh; Layham Road Sports Ground was high on the agenda for improvement. • Planning Councillors had no objections to the erection of a two-storey side extension and detached garage/carport at Squirrels, Rands Lane. However, the Clerk would ask Babergh for confirmation that parking would be restricted to private use only. • Complaint A letter had been received highlighting a problem with chickens owned by a resident of Upper Street, which were roaming free and destroying crops on the allotments and flowers in neighbouring gardens. The Clerk would write to the owner. • 2015 meeting dates The schedule of meeting dates for 2015 was agreed and would be posted on the notice boards. St. Andrew’s – your Parish Church Thumbnail of church in snow please Services in December We look forward to welcoming you to all our special Christmas Services Sunday 7th 10.30am Morning Worship Sunday 14th 9.15am Sung Eucharist Friday 19th 7.30pm Carol Concert Sunday 21st 9.30am Cafe Church Wed 24th 4.00pm Crib and Christingle service, Children, family and friends please come Thurs 25th 9.15am Christmas Day Family Communion
Carol Concert 7.30pm Friday 19th December at St Andrews Your favourite carols, Bible readings and poetry Refreshments 46
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Remembrance Sunday 12 November 2014 The Ceremony of Remembrance held in the burial ground and St Andrew’s Church was rather special in the 100th Anniversary year of the outbreak of the Great War. Members of nine families of men who had lost their lives in that war and are commemorated on the Layham War Memorial were invited, by the Parish Council, to lay wreaths, in addition to those laid by the Parochial Church Council and the Parish Council. The families were connected, in some way, to Albert Hynard, John Miller, Hugh Pizzey, Arthur Rolfe, Ernest Rolfe, William Rolfe, Joshua Rowley, Arthur Steward and George Ward. More than 40 relative attended the ceremony.
Hazel Wilding laying a wreath in memory of her grandfather L/Cpl Ernest Rolfe
Jeff Ward laying a wreath in memory of his cousin Private George Ward
The ceremony had special poignancy as nineteen young people – all residents of Layham - had responded to an invitation to attend an Art Workshop in the Village Hall the week before. This initiative had been made possible through a grant from Babergh and Mid-Suffolk District Councils. The young people had studied the stories of the men named on the memorial, who had lost their lives during the First World War, and had worked for a full day embellishing large wooden crosses – each one made personal to the memory of one of those men.
Luke, Jamie and Philippa Parker in the workshop
Ryan and Ian Dodson with the cross they made in memory of Bombardier John Crisp
The crosses stood in the burial ground during the ceremony and grouped around them were the young people who had made them, members of their families and relatives of the men to whom they were dedicated. Mark Brennan, Chairman of the Hadleigh Branch of the Royal British Legion with standard bearers Len Davis and Frank Bryant and bugler Andy Groves. The ceremony was led by the Rev.John Druce. Members of the Hadleigh Branch of the Royal British Legion paraded standards and provided the live bugle version of the ‘Last Post’ and the ‘Reveille’ as the twenty four men whose names are on the memorial were honoured. The Royal British Legion standards and the wooden crosses were then paraded over the road to the church and presented, one by one, to the Rev. Druce, who blessed each one and stood them round the altar. The church was packed for the service during which the Rev. Druce gave a most moving address using detailed stories about some of the men who died in WW1. The opportunity was taken to make public a book titled ‘Layham War Memorial: the stories behind the names’ written by Michael Woods, the Chairman of the Parish Council. The full text and supporting Dan Partridge, Eliza Bennett, pictures were displayed on screens Jodie Barratt and Jack Parker along the walls of the church. Copies of carrying their crosses to the the book were given to those who laid church wreaths and one will be permanently displayed in the church as a reference for visitors. Following the service, refreshments were served by members of the PCC and there was much
discussion amongst participants. Photographs were provided by Doreen Sillett, John Cryer and Michael Woods.
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A J Carpets is a family run business with 30 years experience in floor coverings The crosses at the altar
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Layham Social Club At our last meeting the thirteen people attending played Trivial Pursuit in teams and there was a great deal of laughter and fun. The next meeting is on 2nd December and the members have requested a Christmas party. Last year we were able to not request any donation from members for eight months and we supplied all the Christmas trappings out of a grant from the Hadleigh Thrift Shop. This year everyone will bring a small plate of something delicious, and a gift that is suitable for either gender, to exchange. Because funds have dipped to virtually nothing, and I would prefer not to ask for a donation from members to pay the rental of the hall for this occasion, the Hadleigh Thrift Shop has kindly offered to give a further small donation to help with this and to meet costs for a few more months. We are extremely grateful for that support. Anne Mayhew Layham Community Lunches These great value and very friendly lunches happen every few months. The last was on Wednesday 12 November in the Queen’s Head when a locally sourced meal was prepared. It consisted of sausages from the Jolly Butcher, vegetables from local people and farms and apple crumble made from apples gathered from the garden of Sybil and Bill Paton and cost just £5 per head (with tea or coffee thrown in!). Steve and Tanith provide support for these meals by allowing free use of their premises – including the kitchens - and they assist with the cooking. Volunteers prepare much of the food, serve at the tables and wash up. Huge thanks are due to the team of volunteers – of Sonia Groom, Sue Curran and Sheila Roberts – led by Lesley Garnett. Places are snapped up (and there is a limit of 35) as soon as the advertisement appears – so keep your eyes open for the announcement of the spring lunch in ‘Letter from Layham’!
Tel: 01473 822240 Email
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Layham Playgroup We have enjoyed looking reading ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, ‘It’s the bear’ and ‘The Gruffalo’. The children went on their own bear hunt with the use of our giant parachute; the best part was curling up inside the parachute hiding from the bear! Did you see Pudsey bear at playgroup? He joined us for children in need and the children brought in their favourite teddies too. We were very lucky to enjoy a picnic in the playgroup hall, which the children thoroughly enjoyed! The children have also made some very scary paper plate gruffalos, I think the parents were a bit scared at home time! The children (and staff) are very much looking forward to starting the Festive activities in December! Layham Playgroup is a feeder group for all three Primary Schools in Hadleigh. Government funding is available for 3 year olds and in certain cases for some 2 year olds. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact us on 07999 866419 or email us at Our Toddler group takes place every Wednesday morning 9.30-11.00am and is open to all children aged 0-5years. Parents are free to enjoy a hot drink (or cold) and a biscuit while their little ones let off steam joining in a variety of activities. Children also get to enjoy a small snack and cold drink in the morning. On Wednesday 10th December our playgroup is hosting its first Christmas Dinner party from 11am1pm. The event is open to our playgroup children and children who attend our ladybird toddler group and will include Christmas crafts, Christmas dinner and a visit from Father Christmas. Please come along to our Ladybird session to purchase a ticket, £5 for children, £6 for parents/carers.
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A Christmas Celebration By the Belcanto Buskers at The Friends Meeting House, Friars Street, Sudbury on 6th December at 3 pm in aid of Amnesty International Tickets from Compact Music in Sudbury or Gill Phillips 01787 377802 or on the door
SUFFOLK PHOENIX BRASS presents in words and pictures
A Christmas Concert from the Trenches At Raydon Church Saturday December 6th 2014 at 7.30pm Tickets £7.50 including Light Supper Children under 12 free Call 01473 310320 In aid of St. Mary’s Fabric Fund So Much More Than a Dance Class No Partners Required Any Age & Ability Very Welcome Shimmy, Shake, Wiggle Giggle to Dance Fitness Fun
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Wednesday at 7pm spaces are limited to reserve yours Call Janet on
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FunDancing has been operating since October 2010 and is owned by Janet Drake
CHELSWORTH CHRISTMAS FAIR FRIDAY 5TH DECEMBER 1.00 pm - 8.00 pm Kick-start your Christmas at the Chelsworth Christmas Fair with shopping, carols and mince pies plus FREE mulled wine, hot toddies or hot spiced apple juice.
£5 Entry (Children Free) All Saints’ Church, Chelsworth 48
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Kersey Mill Newsletter As the year comes to a close and our thoughts turn to Christmas and the New Year, we have some exciting news…the water wheel has turned by water for the first time in 100 years. A short video can be seen on the kersey mill Facebook page. Although not all the new buckets have been fitted yet we reached a stage on remembrance day November 11th 2014 when we were able to lower the new sluice gate that you have heard so much about over the course of the last year and allow the buckets to fill with water, slowly but surely the wheel turned, what a wonderful sight and quite a poignant moment remembering all those years ago when she last turned and the changes that have occurred. A day we shall not forget. Our plans are now to finish the water wheel and sometime in the New Year once some health and safety issues have been addressed in the vicinity of the wheel, we hope to be able to invite the public in to see her in motion. The wheel turning felt like Christmas had come early, talking of that.. Santa’s workshop is in full swing. When the project of Santa’s Workshop first raised its head little did we expect dedication coupled with the enthusiasm of the people who have come to help as volunteers from the Hadleigh Community, all in a bid to raise funds toward the restoration. We hope you will be able to visit The Mill during December with your little ones and help Santa and his elves make presents for the many children of the world from their new base in Suffolk. The experience for your children lasts approximately 45 minutes and begins with a short story of how Santa found himself in Kersey Mill, followed by a visit to the mill, where the elves will be working hard decorating presents, checking names on the list feeding the donkey and much more. The mill that has been transformed into a magical workshop with lighting and sounds of elves working and of course there is Father Christmas to meet, fantastic photo opportunities abound before a well-earned milk shake and cookie. A huge thank you to all those that help with this event and to those attending, last year 99% rated the overall experience as 10 out of 10 and said they would return. Please book early as spaces are limited and tickets are going fast. A fund raising event brought to you by the friends of kersey mill. £12 per child 1 accompanying adult free. Tickets can be purchased from Avis Newsagents or , Tel. 01473 829317 or alternatively on site here at Kersey Mill from Glass & Craft or The Copper Kettle Coffee & Tea Shop. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year from all at t’ Mill.
Hadleigh Healing Society I do not think there is anyone that was not moved by the ceramic poppies that adorned the moat and walls of the Tower of London each one representing a life lost . What great reminder do you need of the sacrifice that was made so that we can today enjoy freedom. That sea of red will remain always in our memories. Christmas also stirs up memories some good, happy and some not so happy. For a lot of people it means loneliness and isolation . Spare a thought for those who do not have family nearby, extend a little goodwill and perhaps make their Christmas a little less lonely. A smile, a greeting does not cost anything but might make someone's day a little brighter. We, at the Hadleigh Healing Society wish everyone a peaceful and joyful Christmas and New Year with the hope that 2015 will bring about peace and harmony in the world. The healers are always there for anyone who needs that “listening ear” in the strictest confidence. Ring 01473 823282 for an appointment or log onto
Panto Tickets Now On Sale The 'Hadleigh Cinderella' is a new pantomime written by HADS own chairman Trev Clarke and tickets for this are now on sale. Everybody knows the story of Cinderella but no one has seen this version before and nothing is what it seems. This family show is taking place in St Mary's Church, which is going to be transformed in to a stage area especially for the show. You can expect bright costumes, laughter and of course singing; to some fantastic singalong songs. Also during the interval a raffle is being held to raise funds for the St Mary's Porch Project. Tickets cost £5 per adult & £3.50 per child with the shows on the 15th, 16th & 17th January 2015 starting at 7:30pm. We also have a matinee performance on Saturday 17th starting at 2pm. So make sure you have your ticket to the BIGGEST party, oh I mean ball tickets in town! These are available to buy at Keith Avis newsagent in the High Street, Hadleigh. A fantastic idea for a Christmas present. If you would like to be on stage at the panto why not try your luck at our Hadleigh Has Talent show on the 12th December. Yes! You stand the chance of winning a place LIVE on stage on Saturdays panto performance to a audience of around 100 people. The show is open for all ages and to take part visit our website or call Trev on 07787 158085 to enter. You can come and watch the show too for £1 per person which starts at 6pm on the 12th December at Hadleigh pool and Leisure, Stone House Road, Hadleigh. Come and cheer on the acts as we look for two winners, one to perform on the matinee show and one to perform on the evening show. We are not only looking for singers but magic acts, comedy, dance, impressions - in fact anything to get our judges to vote for your act to win. The prize is to perform at the show and a pair of tickets to the winning acts for the show they are appearing at. If your act is a group you will still only win one pair of tickets to the panto and the judges discussion is final. As you can see HADS has been VERY busy entertaining Hadleigh and we have more planned for 2015! HADS cast and crew wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Trev Clarke, Chairman of HADS
Hadleigh Christmas Lighting Up Festival Hadleigh Town Council would like to say a huge Thank You to all those listed below without whom the Christmas Lighting Up Event would not have been possible: • Celotex and Becki Lou’s for their sponsorship • Tree Monkeys for donating and erecting the Christmas Tree in the Market Place • The East of England Co-op for helping Father Christmas to prepare all the presents for the children • The volunteers who have erected and decorated the Christmas Trees at the businesses and houses along the High Street – the trees were purchased locally from Hollow Trees Farm Shop • All local businesses and residents who have purchased Christmas Trees for their properties and made the High Street look wonderful • Partridges for donating a new set of lights for the main tree • Cowles Electricians for putting the lights on the main tree and ensuring everything electrical was safe and in good working order • Jonathan Moore of Hadleigh Sea Scouts for arranging the Scarecrow and Ice Sculpture events and all the advertising flyers involved • All the performers who provided their time freely • To everyone who volunteered to help on the day and ensure its success no matter how big or small a part you played • And finally to our very special guests – PEPPA PIG and FATHER CHRISTMAS – we know they have very busy schedules so it was brilliant they made time for Hadleigh and all the children that spent time with them Look out for January’s edition of the Community News for photographs of the event Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons), Town Clerk
Hadleigh Loyalty Scheme
Name .....................................................
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce C.I.C.
Address .................................................
................................................................. The winners of the November prizes are £50 cheque Mrs. Bloomfield and the additional prize ................................................................. of a £50 voucher from Andrews the Butchers has ................................................................. been won by Mrs. Broadhead. In December there ................................................................. will be an additional prize kindly donated by ................................................................. Ferguson’s Deli. The scheme continues toTel. beNo.extremely popular .................................................. and uses between 1200 and 1400 cards each Hadleigh Loyalty Card Scheme month. We are therefore very grateful is supported to by Kelvin Avis for generously providing another years supply of cards free of charge. Telephone 01473 823131
Hadleigh Name ..................................................... Address .................................................
Ha Name .....................................................
Address .................................................
Tel. No. ..................................................
Tel. No. ..................................................
Hadleigh Loyalty Card Scheme is supported by
Hadleigh Loyalty Card Scheme is supported by
Telephone 01473 823131
Telephone 01473 823131
Hadleigh Name .....................................................
Chamber of Commerce C.I.C.
Chamber of Commerce C.I.C.
Name ..................................................... Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce C.I.C.
Name .....................................................
Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email:
Dear Sir I would like to say how heard warming it was to see so many people out on Sunday to celebrate Remembrance Sunday. It was unfortunate to witness one young man, a cyclist, who pushed trough the throng from Benton Street onto Station Road and a middle aged gentleman who during the two minute silence walked through the crowd onto Benton Street. Gentlemen your lack of respect was astounding, however, I celebrate your ability to be able to show it. You can show it because those brave men and women fought and gave “their today so you can have tomorrow” This is our today and we live it in freedom because of what they scarified. Sue Monks
Dear Sir I would like to say a huge thank you to Mike Woods and all his helpers, who made such a tremendous effort to mark the 100 years since the outbreak of the first world war, by organising such a fitting tribute to the fallen service men of Layham, by organising the children of Layham to pay their respects by way of art work, which was shown at the remembrance day service at Layham church . Mike had under taken to contact all the relatives of the service men, so that they could take part and meet the children who created the art work. All the helpers and especially Mike Woods had obviously put in a lot of work to make the day such a success, so once again thank you. Diane Morsman
Dear Sir I was interested to read in a national newspaper a survey from this summer headed ‘Top 20 DIY stores’. As our towns and cities are now dominated by chain stores it follows that DIY would show B&Q, The Range, Homebase etc in the 20, however coming in at number 15 was M. W. Partridge & Co. of Hadleigh! So congratulations to Keith Young and all his wonderful staff for providing such excellent service. David Walmsley
Dear Sir
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Regrettably, at the recent AGM of the Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce we did not receive sufficient nominations for the management committee to continue to operate. This now means there is no committee and most activities of the Chamber have been suspended with immediate effect, though the Chamber lunch on 17 December with the Very Revd Martin Thrower as guest speaker will go ahead. As a result the AGM has been temporarily adjourned and will be reconvened in February when we have been able to communicate the detail of the situation to all members. We will then discuss the options and future of the chamber, the Community Interest Company and the funds in specific detail depending upon whether we manage to get a full committee by then or not. The Chamber Committee handled the day-to-day work representing Hadleigh businesses at Suffolk Chamber, with Babergh District and Hadleigh Town Council, Transport and Infrastructure Group, the Police, Hadleigh Steering Group and the media. The work relates to finance, recruitment, events, promoting the town, running the member database, member communications, Hadleigh Show presence, parking charges, the website and fending off large, un-needed retail development. The Chamber has been involved in specific campaigns ranging from parking, local authority procurement, rates and much more. The Chamber insurance also covered the hanging baskets in the High Street, the Chamber marquee at the Show and the occasional community picnic. It also helped finance the hanging baskets, which are otherwise entirely paid for by businesses and residents in the town. The loyalty card scheme will however be able to continue as it is financed by the traders involved and key donations from individuals, other businesses and generous sponsorship from Keith Avis Newsagents. The Directors of the Hadleigh Chamber have taken steps to safeguard the assets and funds for the benefit of businesses in Hadleigh, and the Chamber is now dormant in the hope that a team of volunteers can come forward again in the future. If you are interested, please let us know – Directors, Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce CIC
Dear Sir
C.H.A.Ps Proudly Present
Although the Remembrance Day Service at St Andrew's, Layham, remembered all of those who have lost their lives in conflict over the last 100 years, the emphasis was on the 19 men commemorated on the Memorial in Layham cemetery who lost their lives in WWI. Some of the relatives of the 19 who crammed into the crowded church were, like myself, meeting family members who have moved far away from their roots for the very first time. Our thanks go to the Layham PCC for their wonderful organisation; the British Legion Standard Bearers; John Druce for his thoughtful address bringing home the unimaginable horror of losing 19 men from population of just over 400; the young people who gave a day to making personalised wooden crosses for all of those named on the War Memorial and, overwhelmingly, to Michael Woods whose painstaking research into the lives and stories of these young men (now published in an illustrated book, Layham War Memorial: The stories behind the names) and tracking down of relatives brought so many of us together to pay our tribute to their sacrifice at a poignant service on a memorable day. Maggie Quinlan
DICK WHITTINGTON At Chamberlin Hall, Bildeston Gala Performance on Friday 30th January 2015 at 7.30pm Adults ÂŁ5 Children ÂŁ3 Saturday 31st January 2015 at 7.30pm A matinee on Sunday 1st February at 2.30pm Friday 6th February 2015 at 7.30pm ÂŁ7 Adults ÂŁ5 Children Saturday 7th February 2015 at 7.30pm ÂŁ12 Adults ÂŁ8 Children including Free Food Tickets on Sale from 5th January 2015 from June Taylor on (01449) 740995
Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Charity Dinner and Auction On Friday 7th November, the staff of The Ram in Hadleigh, provided the venue for Councillor Mrs Sue Angland and Mr. Terry Angland, Hadleigh Town Mayor and Consort, to host a Charity Dinner and Auction. The Ram provided a welcome drink and canapĂŠs for those invited guests, followed by a delicious two course dinner. The Auctioneer, Jonathan Moore, of Hadleigh Sea Scouts fame, rallied those attending and raised over ÂŁ700 for the Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two charities â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Porch Project and Hadleigh Synergy CafĂŠ. Items had been donated by the following organisations: Ainger Holbrows Garage, Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Butchers, Angel Delight Tea Shop, Aqua Springs, Colchester Borough Council, Barrett & Coe Photography, Colchester Castle, Colchester Borough Council, Colchester Zoo, Edgehall Hotel, Hadleigh Historian, Hadleigh Tyre Group, Hintlesham Hall, Ipswich Building Society, Ipswich Town Football Club, Ivytree Services, Lord & Lady Hall, New Wolsey Theatre, Partridges, Press Gang Laundry, Primo Manufacturing Limited, Sue Ryder Charity, The Idler. Hadleigh Town Mayor would like to thank all of those who provided auction items, attended the Dinner and took part in the event to make it such a successful evening. Huge thanks go to Lorna, Izzy and all the staff at The Ram.
There will be no films in December We hope you have a fabulous christmas and hope to see you again in the new year - our films start again in January 2015 Friday 9th January at 7.30pm NOW YOU SEE ME Friday 23th January at 7.30 pm BELLE
CONTACTING THE ACC Call Tom on 823719 or Jan on 823413 Take a look at our website - WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? It is next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access is through the church garden.
Churches in Hadleigh â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Praying for Hadleigh The people of the churches in Hadleigh are committed to praying for our town. Over the course of each year we plan to pray for every street in Hadleigh. During December we will be praying for the following streets: Week commencing Sunday 30th November - Station Road and Station Yard Week commencing Sunday 7th December - Tayler Road Week commencing Sunday 14th December - Tayler Close, Alabaster Close and Bouchier Close Weeks commencing Sunday 21st and 28th December Christmas and New Year â&#x20AC;&#x201C; No streets. If you know people who live in these streets, we would be very pleased if you also would pray for them. If you live on one of the streets being covered during a particular week and would welcome prayer, please get in touch. Hadleigh Baptist Church Greg Frost 823804 Hadleigh URC Wendy Atkins 822535 St Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RC Church Anita Rosbrook 810057 St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CoE Joyce Willis 823165 Salvation Army Liz & John Tubby 464184
C , ort... ...when you need it most Kingsbury & Saunders George Street, Hadleigh 01473 823117
Hadleigh Dolphins Established 1974
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The Tower of London - A History of England with Roger Mannion
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Stoke-by-Nayland WEA presents a series of 10 Lectures starting on Thursday 22nd January 2015, in Stoke-by-Nayland Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Following the 1066 Norman invasion William the Conqueror established the Tower in 1078 as his London stronghold. From then until the present time the Tower of London has been intimately involved with the story of English History, it has been a fortress, palace, prison, armoury, place of execution, zoo and mint. It has served successive monarchs from 1078 until the present time. The Tower has been at the epicentre of dramatic, bloody and frequently cruel events for almost a thousand years. We shall examine the changes to the Tower and the famous inmates, from the Bishop of Durham in 1101 to the future Queen Elizabeth I, Thomas Moore, Anne Boleyn and Jane Grey, Samuel Pepys, Oliver Cromwell, Rudolf Hess and the Kray twins to name but a few. Also in the light of recent discoveries we will review the fate of the Princes in the Tower. Roger Mannion has been a tutor for the WEA for nearly 11 years. He is a retired naval officer with a strong interest in history and has formally trained to teach adults. Roger’s family has a tradition of observing the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower, his grandfather, his father, he himself and now his son have all been part of this historic event which has continued at the same time nightly for the last 700 years. Fees: Adult £48 (payable after the first lecture). Come to the first session or please contact Sue Whiteley for further information. Phone: 01787 210945 or email:
Hintlesham Christmas Songs of Praise
SELECTED USED CARS FOR SALE 2013 Ford Fiesta 1.25 Zetec 2011 Ford Fusion 1.6 Titanium 2002 Ford Festa 1.25 Petrol 2002 Ford Focus 1.6 Zetec 55 06 Honda Jazz 1.4 Dci W Reg Toyota Yaris 1.3 Petrol R Reg Honda Civic 1.8 Vtec
Hadleigh Swimming Club held its Annual Club Championships during October over a series of 7 sessions from October 3rd to the 17th October. All age groups took part from youngsters of 5 years old to veterans. As always there was a fantastic atmosphere of cheering and encouragement from spectators who filled the poolside of the Hadleigh Leisure Centre. Sylvia Barton who came to support her grand-daughter, Alanah Barton, pointed out to me the fantastic attitude of all the swimmers who had the desire to do well but were very supportive of their fellow competitors, cheering them on and congratulating them on their success despite the fact the child or teenager doing the congratulating had just been beaten by their opponent. This healthy competitive spirit is positively encouraged by the Hadleigh Swimming Club and the notion that dedication to training will pay dividends. All entrants achieved a Personal Best (PB’s) in the races of their choice, many were rewarded with medals and certificates. The club Championships was a great success in 2014, with thanks to all the officials and organisers of the event who are volunteers from parents of swimmers past, and present. A special thank you to Adrian Pettitt for organising the officials/ volunteers, Claire Hood and Holly Morsman for collating the results so quickly. The results for all swimmers can be found on our website and if you would like to know more about the club and how to join the website will provide all the information you require.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Led by Elmsett Fellowship Band All Welcome
TV & Audio Solutions (Formerly BV Hicks Ltd)
Are you having trouble setting up or operating your TV / Audio or DVD? Has your equipment stopped working? Does your TV need a re-tune? Help is at hand - Call Toby Hicks 01449 741056 / 07968 686035
Phoenix cards, sold by Sarah Thompson contributed to a very enjoyable and successful morning. Gilly would like to thank all who supported her fundraising morning. Gilly Dutton
Charity Coffee Morning A charity coffee morning in Dunton Grove on Tuesday 18th November raised an amazing £246.50 for WomenVCancer, thanks to the generosity of local friends and neighbours. Home-made cakes, books, a raffle and candles, soaps and Phoenix cards, sold by Sarah Thompson contributed to a very enjoyable and successful morning. Gilly would like to thank all who supported her fundraising morning.
Complete Car Services Ltd 27-29 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5AG
World Premier in Raydon The Suffolk Phoenix Brass will perform a world premier of a piece “Noel” written in 1914 by Fernand Halpen and performed at the front in Picardy on Christmas Day with the famous flautist, Louis Fleury, playing the solo. The piece was written for orchestra and the accompaniment has now been transposed for brass band by Chris Robinson and this will be its first ever performance. The concert – A Christmas Concert from the Trenches – takes place on 6th December at St Mary’s Church, Raydon. The solo part will be played by Andrew Fairley. Andrew has a collection of old flutes and will be showing a trench flute during the evening .This is a remarkable instrument made from the various bits and pieces available to the men in the trenches. The fact that it has survived (considering it is made of fragile materials) is truly amazing – and it is still playable! The concert commences at 7.30. Tickets at £7.50 are available from 01473 310320 and proceeds will go to St Mary’s Fabric Fund
Prudent use of Prunings at Orchard Barn OBee Volunteers show how cherry branches donated by an Offton resident will be used as balustrades on the boardwalk providing wheelchair access to the orchard. In renovating our old orchard as much use as possible is made of fruit wood prunings. In this case we have given a second life (as a hand rail) to a large piece of cherry plum. Volunteers are taught traditional skills using hand tools on the off-grid site. Big Lottery funding is paying for our Access to the Orchard project which is enabling the construction of the accessible boardwalk by volunteers, but has also provided over 140 days of free green wood working training to over 33 local people including 20 newcomers. Participants enjoy using their skills creatively elsewhere and revised their perception of ‘waste’ materials. We’ve still got a few balustrades to craft, so if you fancy having a go get in touch! For more information or call 01473 658193 / 07766 054042
St. Joseph’s Long Bessels, Hadleigh The Catholic Parish of Sudbury with Hadleigh Parish Priest: Fr Peter Brett (01787 372703) 07775 167359 (Emergencies) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367)
01473 828991 Stop Press! Air Conditioning Servicing now available
Hadleigh Tyre Group Tyres from Wheelbarrow to Earthmover Emergency Tyre Breakdown Cover Exhausts Batteries Servicing MOT’s Computer Diagnostics Collection & Delivery Service HADLEIGH Alloy Wheel Refurbishment Courtesy Car Available
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
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................................................................. .................................................................
................................................................. .................................................................
Mass times at St. Joseph’s Hadleigh Sunday: 11.15 a.m. Mass (tea and coffee after Mass) Wednesday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) Friday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) Christmas arrangements in the parish and details of week-day Masses at Sudbury and for any changes to the times of week-day Masses in Hadleigh please consult the Parish Newsletter or refer to the web site or contact Father Brett or Deacon Andy The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after Sunday Mass at Hadleigh, or by arrangement with Father Brett.
Card No.
Sponsored by Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
Hadleigh Tyre Services Calais Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EW
(01473) 827827
Forge Garage Hintlesham SUFFOLK RURAL ENTERPRISES LTD 01473 652232 OR 07889 089000
Forge Garage Car & Commercial Sales
2009 59 Reg Mitsubishi L200 Club Cab DI-D 4WD
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2011 11 Reg Hyundai I20 1.4 CRDI Blue
2007 07 Reg KIA Sportage 2.0 CRDi Titan
66,959 miles £0 Road Tax
New MOT on purchase Service History
2011 11 Reg Peugeot 207 1.4 Access 5dr
2009 09 Reg Ford Fusion 1.6 Zetec 5dr Auto
15,461 miles 1 Owner From New
30,808 miles Finance Available
2009 09 Reg Honda Jazz 1.4 i-VTEC EX
2008 58 Reg Ford Focus 1.6 Style 5dr
Service History PX Possible
1 Owner Service History
2010 10 Reg Vauxhall Astra 1.6i 16V Design
2004 54 Reg Ford Fiesta 1.4 Ghia 5dr
Great Family Car New MOT on purchase
Full Service History Ideal first car
2007 07 Reg Renault Clio 1.2 16V Campus Sport
2001 51 Reg Mercedes-Benz C220 CDI Classic
53,359 miles Ideal First Car
Local Previous Owner PX Possible
Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group and Toppesfield Ltd Hadleigh continued their good start to the season by sharing six goals at Newmarket. We were two goals in front at half time but the Jockeys fought back to take the lead. However, David Lorimer equalised in stoppage time. The next match was a home game against Godmanchester. We lost that one by three goals to two. A goalless draw at Mildehall was followed by another sharing of the spoils against Stanway at the Millfield. A trip to Thetford resulted in a superb win by a four goal margin in our best performance of the season. At that stage we were in fourth place in the league table. The Reserves have been in good form recently with a five goal win at Woodbridge being the highlight. A Cup match against East Bergholt was won before a great match against Felixstowe at the Millfield was also won by five goals to four. Our Thurlow Nunn youth team have been beaten by Witham, Brightlingsea and Woodbridge. But they beat Brantham by four goals to one in a top class performance. Prizewinners in the latest monthly draw were Linda Ward, and Wark Ward. The Ground Improvement winner was Toppesfield Ltd. We thank former player Shane Wardley for doing the draw when he paid us a visit to watch the Stanway match. Terry Adams
Hadleigh United Fixtures First team fixtures for December begin on Saturday 13th in the league with a trip to Haverhill. On Saturday 20th Mildenhall come to the Millfield while we have a real Christmas cracker of a local derby at the Millfield on Saturday 27th against Felixstowe. The Reserves will be at home to Woodbridge on Saturday 6th before entertaining Witham on Saturday 13th. A short trip to Brantham follows on Saturday 20th. Our Thurlow Nunn Under 18 team travel to Clacton on Thursday 4th. A trip to Witham follows on Tuesday 9th before Brightlingsea pay us a visit to round off the year on Wednesday 17th. Supporters are reminded that fixtures are subject to alteration as cup matches take priority. This news will be posted on our club website.
Promising start for Max Hemson Newton Green’s Max Hemson has made a promising start to his career as an assistant to professional Tim Cooper. Hemson recently qualified to begin training as an assistant professional at the club, where he has been a member of its successful junior policy. Working to become a professional golfer is now on a par with a degree course, and in his first outing since his new career began he notched his best score to date – a three over par 72 in the Suffolk Winter Alliance meeting held at Newton. He shared first place with Suffolk PGA stroke play champion Rob Pritchard (Crettingham), and the pair were two shots ahead of Danny Barton (Waldringfield). Hemson has already worked in the Newton shop for a year, and during that time has been making a name for himself in the Suffolk Golf Partnership initiative by carrying out voluntary coaching of youngsters at a number of venues, including the Suffolk Show. He has also been helping co-ordinate Newton’s new Facebook page.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Stoke By Nayland Golf Club Veterans
M J Beer
As a result of the outstanding support from the members of Stoke By Nayland Veterans Section the Captain, Peter Jay, and other members of the committee were able to visit Hillside Special School, Sudbury to present a cheque to the Headteacher, Mrs Sue Upson, a cheque for £5,418.60. Hillside Special School is a community special school for pupils with severe, profound or multiple learning difficulties where the children range in age from 2½ to 19. This is a superb sum which has already been used by the school to assist with the replacement of part of their playground climbing frames.
Plumbing - Heating - Renewables Bathrooms Mark Beer 4, Old House Cottages, Hintlesham, Suffolk IP8 3PB Mobile: 07766 446200 Email:
New Captains at Stoke by Nayland
Jet Washing Cleaning Services
November is the month of change at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club as the new Captains are elected for the coming year. The Club AGM took place on Friday 14th November where the outgoing Club Captain Steve Clark recounted the highlights of his year and presented trophies to all the competition winners. Steve reported on the IPSA Handa PGA Seniors Championship and the LET Access Series tournament, two professional tournaments that the Club had hosted during the year as well as Inter Club matches, Mixed Competitions and Captain Pro challenges that he had played in. He Julian Lamb (Club Captain) also congratulated Captains from the Eileen Hands (Lady Captain) other Sections Roz Clements, Peter Roz Clements (Past Lady Captain) Jay, Barbara Rowe and Tom Hatton Steve Clark (Past Club Captain) on their very successful years. A combined total of over £11,000 had been raised for charities by the Stoke by Nayland members. The Club Champions for 2014 were Ian Carter and Hannah Moul. Ian also collected the Order of Merit trophy while the Ladies Order of Merit winner was Jude Hanner. Julian Lamb was then elected as the new Club Captain with Ian Thompson as his Club Vice Captain. The new Lady Captain is Eileen Hands, Lady Veterans’ Captain Christine McVeigh, Veterans’ Captain Peter Garnett and Junior Captain Alex English. The Captains will be supporting St Helena Hospice, Eden- Rose Coppice, East Anglian Air Ambulance and Helping Hands as their chosen charities. The AGM was followed the next day, on a misty Saturday morning, by the Drive In. Supporters gathered around the first Gainsborough tee to watch Julian and Eileen, nervously, hit good drives down the fairway to get their years off to a great start. Julian experienced an exploding golf ball and a presentation of ceramic ‘lambs’ before he was able to drive off! The members then took part in a Drive In Greensomes Competition on both the Gainsborough and Constable Courses. Results: Gainsborough: 1st D.Slater/D.Wiggins 42pts 2nd D.Norman/A.Leach 41 3rd BShearing/D.Watson 41 4th B.Thompson/M.Thompson 40. Constable: 1st E.Lamb/C.Guy 48 pts 2nd P.Champ/R.Fleuty 44 3rd A.Hooke/D.Jones 43 4th J.Jones/P.Lankester 42.
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Hadleigh Hares electrical Domestic Commercial Industrial
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T: 07977 279970 2 Rosemary Cottage, Church Road, Battisford, Stowmarket IP14 2HF
Cross Country - Gt Notley Discovery Centre - 26th October 2014 18 Hares made their way to the first Cross Country race of the season hosted by Witham Running Club and held at Gt Notley Discovery Centre. A total of 219 males and 101 females completed the course. Hadleigh made a solid start in Pool B with the men finishing 1st and ladies 5th which gave an overall combined placing of 2nd. Congratulations to all who the Juniors who raced. It was a great start to the season with the team coming 10th in the junior league. The 'Performance of the day’ award went to Katrina Rigby who produced a determined run to finish top placed female. Cross Country - Colchester - 16th November 2014
Offering a friendly and reliable service with over 15 years experience Experts in A-Rated gas boiler installations Boiler servicing, repair and system maintenance General Plumbing, Bathrooms, Showers, Taps Power flushing, Landlord and Safety Certificates Fully insured - No job too small Contact Ashley for a free no obligation quotation
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For all your decorating needs For more information see:
An excellent turnout saw 25 Senior Hares head to Abbey Fields in Colchester for the second race in the series. Jasmine Hayward and Elisa Bostock both finished in the top 10 to ensure the ladies topped Pool B, with our 3rd and 4th place ladies (Emma Gorwood & Penny Grayson) the ladies would even have finished 3rd in Pool A. The men finished 2nd which overall pushed Hadleigh up to 1st place in the standings. It was good to see so many Juniors race. Some fine performances pushed the Junior Hares up to 8th position. The 'Performance of the day’ award went to Danny Preece for his excellent placing in the mens race. Juniors - Holbrook v Hares The junior Hares were narrowly defeated by Holbrook in the bi-annual Hobrook v Hares athletic competition which involves Sprints, Relays, Long jump, Javelin and Speed Bounce. The Holbrook coaches awarded the star performances of the evening to Katie Townrow and Robert Preedy.
Building Services Fencing, Decorating, Landscaping, House Clearance, Plastering, Brickwork, Carpentry, Kitchens & Bathrooms Call for a no obligation Quotation
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Plumbing - Heating - Drainage / Blockages
07710 081 745 24 Hrs A. Cutts
Boiler Installation / Service • Bathroom & Kitchens • Power Flushing • Landlord Certificates
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Plumbing & Heating Ltd
25 years Experience
Friendly, Efficient Service
tel/fax 01473 823051
mobile 07775 913854
Local Service for Fire Extinguishers Service & Supply
Call John Chenery
01473 823968 Mobile 07973 889890
Lister Countryside Services Rats • Mice • Squirrels • Rabbits • Moles • Birds • Wasps Hornets • Bees • Flies/Cluster Flies • Ants • Fleas • Bed Bugs Cockroaches • Moth • Carpet Beetles
TEL 01473 712703 ~ MOBILE 07733 420611 Email SUFFOLK • NORFOLK • ESSEX
Chris Leys Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior
General Pest Control Work, Regular Service Contracts Free Advice & Quotes, Fast Response Insured and RSPH Qualified, Over 10 years experience Domestic, Commercial & Agricultural
Tel: Chris 01473 805792 Mobile: 07919 287656
Phil Crisp
Vermoush Pest Control
All aspects of Carpentry and Building Work undertaken in Suffolk up to single storey extensions
Rob Lowson 07805 999544
Carpenter / Builder
01473 415727 07748 988104
All Domestic Installation and repair work undertaken Part P Certified
Telephone: 01473 827975 Mobile: 07787 553117
Trouble with pests?
Fully insured. Level 2 Certificate in Pest Management. Local and reliable. Call Rob on 07805 999544 I use traditional and humane mole control techniques. Competitive prices. Hadleigh based. Or email
Gas / L.P.G. / Oil Boilers Heating Controls Service / Breakdown Plumbing / Heating Mobile 07900 211666
J J DUNN INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR Decorating & Wallpapering Over 25 Years Experience Quality finish at affordable prices Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EP T: 01473 828953 M: 07515 112568 E:
K E NN Y F IS K Established for 20 years
Stacey’s Felt Roofing
in Hadleigh & Surrounding Villages
Specialist with 40yrs experience
Using purified water through a pole system Please let me quote you without any obligation
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Call today for details of competitive rates Telephone 01473 822937 Mobile 07786 735285 Email:
G.C. Property Maintenance
S . C o wl e El e c t r ic a l L t d . Electrical Contractors Your local Part P Approved Contractor Established over 40 years
Design • Installation • Testing • Certification For free estimates contact Contracts Manager on
Building Contractor Ltd
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Russell Gant Tel: 01473 827856 Mobile 07790 035130
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10 Guthrum Road, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5BQ
Call Graham on 07766 056944 01473 823559
Reg No. 107010
‘Willowbrook’, Overbury Hall Road, Layham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5NA
Plumbing & Heating • Gas & Oil Installations Gas Boiler Servicing • Power Flushing Bathrooms, Showers & Tiling
01473 823914 07887 551150
Home improvements & repairs and all jobs the home Home improvements & repairs around INCLUDING OUTSIDE IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS
J R FENCING Timber Fencing At It’s Best! Free Quotes •Fence Repairs • Gutter Cleaning • Soakaways
Jason Folkard - Mobile 07 901 845 7 93 Email jrfencing
electrical CC DYSON CC electrical electrical The CC Domestic&& Commercial Commercial Domestic
& Small Appliance Repairs Local Community Community News
STEVE Steve Johnson JOHNSON Collection and Steve Johnson Mobile: 07891 723712 07891 723712 723712 07891 delivery service in Mobile: Clive Claireaux Domestic Installer Domestic Installer Part P Approved Tel: Claireaux 01473 823065 Hadleigh and the Clive Serving Hadleigh Part P Approved Tel: 01473 823065 and the surrounding area surrounding villages Domestic & Commercial Steve Johnson 07903 963995 Mobile: 07891 723712 Local Community News Clive Claireaux 01473 823762
Domestic Installer Part P Approved
Tel: 01473 823065
electrical Domestic & Commercial Community News
Domestic & Commercial
Steve Johnson
Domestic Installer Part P Approved
To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07891 723712 & Commercial Mobile: 07799 313838 Steve Johnson
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366 Mobile: 07891 723712
Mob. No. 07811 949453
Tel 01787 211687 Email:
C. A. Building All General Building for all your
Extensions Renovations Driveways All Building and Landscaping Work
Tel: 01473 824404 Mobile: 0753 518 5763
ELECTRICIAN Fully qualified
Domestic Installer Part P Approved
07891 723712 Editor: Kelvin AvisMobile: 01473 823366 Mobile: 07771 644716
Steve Johnson
Mark Rowland
Domestic Installer Part P Approved
David Lavender 07853 521333 01473 829753 Email -
Your local business
Have your company listed for £6.25 + VAT per month (Minimum insertion 4 months) and reach 8600 local homes and businesses
Call Les 01473 827096 Mobile 07850 318582
For more information call Matt on 01473 823366 Accountants / Financial Services Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Haines Watts .............................01473 822392 GKM Financial Services .............01473 828280 Aaron Clarke ..............................01473 657763 Butchers Andrews Hadleigh......................01473 827720 Jolly Meat Company ..................01473 810119 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 P. Crisp Carpentry......................01473 415727 Hadleigh Buildbase ....................01473 822318 Cooper & Kelling Builders..........07966 678704 Tony Faulkner ............................01473 822122 GMH Builders ............................07807 217623 Impact Property Maintenance....07934 704554 Peter Grant Prop. Maintenance..01473 828360 JR Fencing.................................07901 845793 Cards, Gifts, Stationery Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 Hadleigh Carpet Care .................01473 396706 Carpet Co...................................01473 810200 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Valet Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 S. T. Services Simon Tydeman ..07783 033401 Crockatt Garage.........................01473 824342 Scuffs & Scrapes.......................01473 824909 Child Care Services, Activities, Goods Hadleigh Childminding Group....01473 810035 Tiny Togs ...................................01787 378955 Chimney Sweep / Fireplace Services TL Chimneys .............................07733 420611 Edwins Chimney Sweep ............01787 312130 Clothes Labels to Love ...........................07889 773593 Rachel .......................................01473 823915 Cleaners Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Cycle Repair Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584
Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Hadleigh Glass...........................01473 822415 Surefix .......................................01473 827004 A&B Glass ................................0800 077 3996 SEH BAC....................................0808 1592846 Driving Instruction Peter Cutts.........01473 822937/07786 735285 Driveround ........01473 822155/07702 380932 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 Hicks TV & Audio Solutions.......01449 741056 Electricians CC Electrical ..............................07891 723712 S Cowle Electrical ......................01473 823179 C. V. Rush Electrical...................01473 824156 Andrade Electrical......................07977 279970 David Lavender..........................01473 829753 Estate Agents, Rental, Mortgages Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 ByChoice ...................................01473 828280 Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Toppesfield Cottages .................01473 829129 Palmer & Partners .....................01787 242540 City Mortgage Solutions ............07809 409004 Florists The Flower Shop Kersey Mill .....01473 805156 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Steve Blake ................................07813 814623 Garden Services 4 Life Landscapes......................01473 828117 Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 The Landscaper .........................01473 824107 Leeks Landscapes .....................07741 448208 Eco Systems..............................01449 741255 Hair and Beauty Sylvia’s ......................................01473 822177 Cutter & Co................................01473 827436 Hadleigh Hairloom.....................01473 822191 French Complexion....................01473 828805 D’Enza .......................................01473 829069 Secret Beauty ............................01449 257367 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Sally Mowles Foot Health Care ..01473 822902 Hadleigh Osteopaths..................01473 828585
Hadleigh Physiotherapy.............07599 959997 Karen Ann Franklin ....................07772 286106 Home Design / Improvement Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 Energy on Tap............................07780 975787 Rendall & Wright .......................01787 375076 James Martin Blinds..................01206 572220 R. Hobley French Polisher .........01449 258257 I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Birkfield Computers...................01206 298479 Kitchen Fitters David Scott ................................01787 282263 Suffolk Kitchens & Bathrooms ..01473 805532 Languages French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 Christine Scott Fox French Tuition.01473 827941 Miscellaneous Singing Lessons ........................01473 809927 All Seasons Marquees ...............01473 559978 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing & Care Services Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 J Dunn Painter & Decorator.......01473 828953 Chris Leys .......01473 827975 / 07787 553117 JLM Decorating .........................01473 828112 Pest Control Vermoush Pest Control .............07805 999544 Lister Countryside Services.......01473 805792 Pets Hadleigh Pet Supplies................01473 823203 Photographer Richard Ferris ............................07814 119839 Stephen Belcher ........................07791 157324 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334 Claremont Framing ....................01473 652330 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase......................01473 828509 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ..............01473 829741 Buddha ......................................07710 081745 Heatsave Heating Solutions .......01473 822775 Spear .........................................01473 829863 M. J. Beer Plumbing ..................07766 446200
Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants, Food & Drink Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head Hadleigh...........01473 828855 The George Hintlesham .............01473 652408 Horseshoes Inn Cockfield..........01284 828177 Memsaab, Lavenham.................01787 249431 Brewers Arms Polstead .............01787 210441 The Ram ....................................01473 822880 Pizza Town.................................01473 829999 Copper Kettle Kersey Mill ..........01473 827001 The Wine Company ...................01206 713560 China Garden.............................01473 828838 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Bridge Farm Barns.....................01449 740456 Health Foods for You .................01787 828262 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 Box Rubbish Removal ...............01787 211289 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Gotelees ....................................01473 822102 Sports & Hobbies Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Newton Green Golf Club ............01787 377217 Snowys Bait & Tackle ................07766 140624 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Surveyors MS Surveys ...............................01473 249020 Taxi/Wedding Cars Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Eco Cars ..........01473 828384 / 07827 011713 Hadleigh Private Hire .................01473 829700 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Travel 2000................................01206 394433 Tree Surgeons Oakdene Tree Services...............01473 652117 Tree Monkeys ..01473 823887 / 07709 876665 Veterinary Surgeons Highcliff Veterinary Practice ......01473 822704 Water Softeners Patmore.....................................01473 713600 Water Softeners.........................01473 715345 Weight Loss & Fitness Cambridge Diet Val Lord............01449 737113 Window Cleaner Ken Fisk.....................................01449 401427 C&D Services ............................01473 828626
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Ask around - our reputation says it New 6 - Seater Now Available
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Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366. Sales EPC Rating: D
2 bedrooms
Monks Eleigh
Site with P.P.
Awaiting EPC
4 bedrooms
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Hadleigh Investment opportunity £495,000
Frost & Partners would like to wish all of our clients past and present a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year
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Lettings Awaiting EPC
2 bedrooms
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£1200 pcm
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Open 7 days per week • Open until 8pm weekdays 76 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF
£635 pcm