Hadleigh Community News, January 2010

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Community News

January 2010


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Lin raises £850 in two hours for Cancer Support These takings would please any high street retailer. It certainly delighted Lin Slaughter when she discovered that this was the total income from the recent sale of her craft items. Although the money was collected in such a short time, it would be impossible to calculate the number of Lin hours which had gone into producing the myriad of attractive decorations and novelties on sale. The choice of gifts and range of crafts available meant that there was something to suit every taste and budget. As Lin’s chosen charity is Macmillan Cancer Support, their local representative, Luke Wheeler, was very happy to come to Hadleigh to accept Lin’s cheque on behalf of the organisation. “This amount could provide a grant for a family to spend some precious time together. This would be just one of the many positive ways we could use such a generous donation” he said. He was amazed to hear that every inch of space in Lin’s bungalow, which had been crammed with goodies at the beginning of the sale, was virtually empty by the end of the morning. Delicious cakes, coffee and a raffle provided further income and also turned the morning into something of a social gathering. It seems more than 70 visitors had come to support her initiative. Like Lin, many of the shoppers have had direct

BUFFET EAT AS MUCEH! AS YOU LIK Child £4.50 Adults £8.95 / Under 5’s Free

experience of the work of the charity and know all too well what a difference their care made to loved ones. “Using my craft skills to raise money each year for this worthwhile cause is one way of saying thank you but if family and friends didn’t come it would all be in vain. I really appreciate their support “Lin said.”It also gives me a focus and reason for cutting, sewing, sticking and knitting throughout the year.” Long may the tradition last so that Macmillan Cancer Support, Hadleigh folk and Lin can all benefit from her extraordinary talents. Macmillan Cancer Support Luke Wheeler Tel 01603 724365 lwheeler@macmillan.org.uk www.macmillan.org.uk/norfolk

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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am-12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. All welcome DANCING CLASSES AT ST MARYS SCHOOL, HADLEIGH Saturdays: 9:30-12:00 am From 4 years upwards , Come along and join the fun Tuesday 5th January 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Thursday 7th January 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 9th January 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Monday 11th January Open meeting of the Armchair Players at 7.30pm in the King’s Head pub, High Street, Hadleigh. Monday 11th January HADLEIGH U3A 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. Monthly Meeting, including a talk entitled “Creating a Living Landscape for Suffolk” by Michael Strand (Suffolk Wildlife Trust) Monday 11th January 7.30 pm HADLEIGH AND DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Meeting in the Community Room at the rear of the United Reformed Church access from Duke Street. GROWING VEGETABLES IN POLY TUNNELS Members £1 Visitors £2 includes refreshments. Tuesday 12th January 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 13th January 7.30pm Churches Together Prayer – Salvation Army Monday 13th January WEA Spring Course, Impressionism in Music, 2pm, Hadleigh Library Thursday 14th January 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Friday 15th January Hadleigh Cricket clubs Annual Winter Quiz. First question 8pm at the pavilion. Maximum 4 per team. £8 per person which includes quiz entry and chilli and rice supper. Book your team with Michael Howe on 07833 171017 or e mail michaelsurfhowe@hotmail.com Saturday 16th January 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 19th January 7.30 pm HADLEIGH EVENING WOMENS INSTITUTE meeting in the Seminar Suite above the Library, High Street, Hadleigh. A LIFE WITH MUSIC by Margaret James. Visitors welcome, no charge for first visit.

January 2010

Tuesday 19th January 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 20th January Hadleigh & Flying, by John Bloomfield in Hadleigh Old Town Hall. Free to members of the Society; for others there is a charge of £2. Thursday 21st January 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Saturday 23rd January 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 26th January 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 27th January 8.00pm What do you think? – The George Thursday 28th January 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Thursday 28th January Fidelis Monthly Meeting: - 7.30 pm, URC Community Room. “Trash or Treasure” Members’ evening. Sec Barbara Tryon 01473 824417. Saturday 30th January 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 31st January 10.30am Cafe Service – Hadleigh URC

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HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 21st January 2010 Thursday 18th February 2010 Planning Committees Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm Thursday 14th January 2010 Thursday 11th February 2010

Community News

To contact us please ring Kelvin or Matt on 01473 823366 or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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A total of 7600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Monks Eleigh, Kersey, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Raydon and outlying homes We welcome all your contributions Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF

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An established ex local authority semi detached house situated a short distance from local amenities. The property offers good size family accommodation and has the potential to be further improved. 3 Bedrooms, Sitting Room, Gas Fired Central Heating, Double Glazing, Off Road Parking, Front & Rear Gardens

An extended and much improved detached house offering well planned, spacious accommodation. The property is located with easy access to the town centre and also benefits from a south facing rear garden. 4 Bedrooms, Sitting Room, Kitchen / Diner, Dining Room / Study, Gas Fired Central Heating & Double Glazing, Garage & Off Road Parking





A smartly presented terraced bungalow situated in this sought after village location. The property has been well maintained and decorated throughout and benefits from being offered with no onward chain. 1 Bedroom, Living Room, Double Glazing, Storage Heaters, Landscaped Rear Garden, Off Road Parking

This Grade I listed building is situated in one of the best retailing pitches on the High Street. The property is split into 3 commercial and 2 residential interests. Licensed Restaurant / Coffee Shop / Offices, Dental Surgery, Printers, 2 separate 3 bedroom heavily timbered maisonettes, Rear gardens (potential for further development S.T.P.P), Double Garage & Parking for 5 cars





A deceptively spacious ex local authority house, smartly presented and situated a short distance from Hadleigh High Street. We strongly recommend viewing this property internally to fully appreciate the accommodation on offer. 3 Bedrooms, Sitting Room, Kitchen & Utility Room, Gas Fired Central Heating, Double Glazing, Off Road Parking

An exteremly well presented modern detached home extensively extended on the ground floor providing spacious well planned accommodation. The property is situated at the end of a quiet cul de sac with views over open countryside to the rear. 3 Bedrooms, Sitting Room, Kitchen / Diner, Downstairs Cloakroom, Study, Gas Fired Central Heating, Double Glazing, Garage & Off Road Parking



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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Meeting of the Council held on the 19th November 2009 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), D. Buchanan, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), K. Grimsey, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, B.L. Lazenby, P. Matthews, Mrs. M. Munson, and Miss J. Nevard . In attendance: PC Matt Paisley (Suffolk Constabulary), Councillors R. Whiting & B. Riley (Babergh District Council) and one member of the public. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Miss P. Cook due to illness and Councillors N. Amin and T. Sheldrick due to work commitments. All these apologies were accepted. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the 15th October 2009 were taken as read and confirmed and signed. Matters Arising from the Minutes: Council Chamber Bookings The Clerk reported that since the September meeting she had been advised that abstention votes do not count. Therefore as the voting on the motion that the Council Chamber is let free of charge to all political groups was 4 for, 3 against and 6 abstentions the motion was carried and ‘not carried’ as previously minuted. Car Parking Charges Councillor Grutchfield reported that the District Council had held a meeting and agreed to charge for long term stay parking. Councillor Lazenby corrected Councillor Grutchfield in that the meeting was held to agree that this item would be an Agenda item at a future meeting. Finance & Personnel Committee Councillor Grutchfield asked the Clerk if the work had been carried out to establish a need for grit, litter and dog bins on the newly adopted roads in the Town. The Clerk reported that the Services Officer has investigated the areas but did not feel that there was any need for any extra bins at present. It was pointed out that grit, litter and dog bins are usually sited in areas where requested by the residents, therefore it was agreed that an advert would be put in the Community News advising residents of whom to contact should any of these bins be required in their area. Babergh Community Achievement Awards 2010 The Clerk reported that of the four nominations made details had only been received for two of the nominees. It was noted that of the four nominations made - one had been put forward by another organisation and no details had been received for another Therefore Hadleigh Town Council would be making two nominations - details of which will be held in the office. Public Adjournment. The Clerk reported on an e.mail received from the Environmental Protection Department of the District Council pertaining to the details raised by the member of public regarding anti-social behaviour in Stonehouse Road Car Park. PC Matt Paisley reported that the police, working along side the District Council’s Anti-social Behaviour Officer, had been able to deal with the problems satisfactorily. The Clerk reported that there is an ‘out of hours’ telephone number to report anti-social behaviour – 0845 6013390. POLICING PC Paisley presented the Police Report for October and it was noted that 37 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 4 common assault and battery, 4 criminal damage – vehicle, 4 arsons, 4 fraud, 3 assault occasioning ABH, 3 theft – other, 3 theft in dwelling, 2 criminal damage – dwelling, 2 theft from motor vehicle, 2 burglaries, 2 thefts of pedal cycles, 1 criminal damage – other, 1 theft from shop, 1 theft from automatic machine/meter, 1 causing an affray. Of theses crimes 5 had been detected. 19 parking tickets had been issued during October. PC Paisley answered questions relating to CCTV, lorries parking dangerously on the industrial estate and lorries travelling along Benton Street. SPEED WATCH SCHEME The Clerk reported on the meeting held with Councillor Sheldrick and Matt Paisley. Councillor Sheldrick had provided Councillors with a written report. Councillors saw no problem with providing funds for the equipment but concerns were raised over members of the public carrying out the work. Councillor Byrne requested that the police find out where the scheme is being run successfully so that more information could be obtained. Councillor Grutchfield asked the SALC Representative to ask if they hold any details of the scheme running within their area. At this point the meeting was adjourned to allow the Mayor to present Mrs. Black with a plaque and bouquet. She was thanked for her ten years service and especially for the work she had undertaken for the youth of the town. MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS The Clerk reported: i) that the co-option notices for both vacant councillor positions would be in the December edition of the Hadleigh Community News with the closing date of the 31st December 2009. Interviews would take place at a meeting in January 2010. ii) The request for a 20mph zone in Benton Street has been turned down by Suffolk County Council iii) letter received from Hadleigh Society regarding their history day in which

they thanked the Council for their support. Councillor Byrne and Mrs. Townsend were thanked for their help on the day. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £20,051.80 be approved for payment. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 15th October and 12th November 2009 were noted. BUDGET ESTIMATES 2010/2011 The Clerk presented Councillors with a budget update provided from the new accounting system which showed possible income and expenditure for 2010/2011 but this would not be finalised until at least December. Councillor Lazenby complimented the staff on their presentation of the accounts. ST. MARY’S CHURCH The Clerk reported a letter received from St. Mary’s Church reporting on the damage to the bell tower stair turret. They requested financial support from the Town Council as they had an anticipated shortfall of £6,000 to date. It was agreed that a £3,000 grant would be made under Section 137 and the Clerk was to offer an interest free loan for any outstanding amount once the total required was known. HADLEIGH WAITING RESTRICTION REVIEW The Clerk reported a letter received from Suffolk County Council requesting yellow lines to be put at the entrance to Raven Way. There were no objections made to this request. The Clerk also reported a letter received from the Dean of St. Mary’s requesting yellow lines in Church Street and Queen Street. The Clerk and Councillor Byrne have already met with officers of Suffolk County Council who are advertising and working on yellow lines being put in place at the bottom of Church Street. Councillor Grutchfield reported that Keith Bridges was retiring from Suffolk County Council on the 31st December. TRANSITION TOWNS Councillor Haylock reported on a presentation she had attended regarding Transition Towns and requested Hadleigh Town Council’s support in providing a room to hold the first meeting and assistance with photocopying to see if Hadleigh residents were interested in working towards Hadleigh becoming a Transition Town. A representative from the Lavenham Group is prepared to attend and provide information on the project. Councillors agreed to the provision of a room for a first meeting and assistance with photocopying. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Whiting reported that he had attended a full District Council meeting, a Seminar and Development Committee meeting. Matters for the 2010/2011 budget are still under consideration including charging for Long Term Car Parking.


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Councillor Munson reported that she had attended a full Council Meeting. Annual reports had been received from the Overview and Scrutiny (Stewardship) and the Director of Finance had introduced a paper relating to the Council’s medium term planning, savings and efficiencies and the development of the 2010/2011 budget. She had attended the State of the District Debate which was followed by a Seminar. She has requested that the Tourism Point in Hadleigh Library be reassessed and a letter has been sent to the Chief Executive regarding East House. Councillor Riley reported that he had attended the “State of the District” debate and would be questioning some of the contents. Councillor Grutchfield reported that he had attended the Licensing Committee meeting and congratulated members and staff of this committee on the work they carry out. He had attended the Stewardship Committee which discussed the Capital Programme. He made reference to the District Councils Report Numbers J131, J135, J136 and J 133 which can be viewed on the District Council webpage. REPORT OF THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Grutchfield reported that Suffolk County Council is short of money and presented Councillors with figures to support this statement which were taken from the County Council’s Budget Briefing Document 2009-2010. CONFIDENTIAL ITEM In pursuance of Section 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the Press and Public shall be excluded for the next item of business on the grounds that it is likely to be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings. FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Councillor Byrne as Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committee provided a confidential report to Councillors following the Confidential meeting of the Finance & Personnel Committee held on Monday 16th November 2009. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50pm Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 12th November 2009 Present: Miss P. Cook (Chair), L. Munson (Town Mayor), N Amin, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, Mrs M. Munson, Miss. J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick. Not present: P Matthews APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Grimsey due to work commitments. His apology was accepted. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 15th October 2009 was confirmed as a correct record and signed. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/09/01154/FUL Unit 2 Seager Court Crockatt Road, Installation of shutter door. Approval was recommended – voting was unanimous B/09/01160/FUL Layham Road Sports Ground, Erection of ball stop netting The Committee noted this application as the applicant was Hadleigh Town Council B/09/01177/FUL Land south of Fullers Close, Erection of 8 no detached houses and associated garaging. Construction of vehicular access and landscaping. Approval was recommended – voting was 6 for and 2 abstentions. Councillors commented that care would need to be taken with regard to other residents privacy in their homes given the new development was close to their gardens. It was also commented on that any above ground utility poles should not be in the bounds of the properties if at all possible. B/09/01251/TCA Monks Cottage 69 Angel Street, Coppice 1 no. Hazel tree and fee 1 no. Ash tree to stump level. The Committee noted this application but offered no comments. B/09/00814/FUL 15 Long Bessels, Ground floor change of use – Office to Residential. Approval was recommended – voting was unanimous SCHEDULE OF DECISION This Schedule was noted. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Several Councillors had attended the National Grid event in the Dining Room concerning the four options for new pylons. Councillors were disappointed that the letter they had received had indicated a briefing would be taking place from 6pm to 9pm but the event was basically the same exhibition that had been staged for the public. Councillors also made the observation that there was no written information available regarding underground cabling which appeared to be a subject of interest to most people that attended the exhibition. Councillor Grutchfield reported that the Council should note that part of Layham Pit/Gravel Site is in the Hadleigh Parish and there could be a much greater volume of traffic with lorries being routed to the pit in the future. Councillor Sheldrick commented that he had read in the Suffolk Free Press that Babergh DC had turned down a supermarket application on the site of Cinches and asked if anyone knew anything about this. There did not appear to be any other information regarding this. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55pm Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons)

Mayor’s Diary Friday the 4th Dec. Mary and I hosted an At Home in the Ansell Centre for local organisations and Mayors from nearby towns. Music was impressively rendered by the Flute Ensemble from the Hadleigh High School. It proved a very good link to those in the community and conversation enthused. A short talk from a representative of St. Ellizabeth's Hospice gave an insight into their marvellous work. 9th Dec. we enjoyed a Carol Service at Endeavour House hosted by the Chairman of the County Council which was led by the Bishop of Ipswich and St Edmundsbury. Children from Ixworth Primary School took part. 10th Dec. Suffolk New College hosted an evening of presentations and awards in the Ipswich Corn Exchange. A team from the Performing Arts first term students provided a lively dance and singing routine from Hairspray. I was present on the 14th Dec. at the presentation of certificates and awards to members of the St. John Ambulance, Hadleigh Branch. We were warmly received and enjoyed refreshments afterwards. The Branch does stirling work for our town and area. On Saturday the 13th February, 2010 I will be hosting a Charity St Valentine's Dinner and Dance in the Town Hall complex. Tickets £20. I do hope you feel you can support this event for my two charities, Suffolk Young Carers and St Elizabeth's Hospice. Enquiries and tickets Hadleigh Town Council Office.

10 Week Course commencing 13th January 2009 at 2 pm in the Seminar Room, Hadleigh Library, on

Impressionism in Music (Using Art, Poetry etc) Tutor:Prof. Bill Tamblyn Further details Tel: 01473 824105

Enjoy a 2 course lunch for just £12.00 per person Monday to Saturday

Free house wine with every evening meal for 2 persons Throughout January & February

New Years Eve 7 course Celebration meal Places still available ! Please contact for bookings: George or Lizzy

GSOLICITORS IBBONS Howard leaning on a lamp-post I am putting pen to paper to meet the copy deadline just before Christmas. When you come to read these jottings you will probably have almost forgotten the burst of cold weather and snow that we suffered. So, gird up your loins and keep warm. My word, I have been engaged in some travelling about in recent weeks. I had to undertake two return trips to Bangor. On the first occasion, I stayed at a Travel Lodge. I thought that it would be cost-effective and convenient but I will not be frequenting one of these establishments again. I booked a room with twin beds and was greeted with a double bed. I ended up making up a bed on a sofa. There were a few sheets of toilet paper in the bathroom which meant I was chasing toilet rolls at midnight following my arrival. The Travel Lodge company appears to maintain a faceless existence and where telephone calls to their offices are charged at 10 pence per minute. On the second visit, I stayed at Seiont Manor Hotel in the foothills of Snowdonia. An excellent hotel where the dinner, bed and breakfast rate was very reasonable. My return from Wales through mountain passes was on each occasion blighted with severe rain storms. On the night that the snows arrived, I had to go to a dinner in London. The journey home became something of an adventure and I arrived in Suffolk a little before four in the morning. A blizzard blew down the A12 where there was a single track along which one could perambulate. Fortunately, I left the road at Colchester where it was jammed ahead. Cars were abandoned all over the place. We gave a lift to a poor chap who had walked miles from Colchester Station and was freezing. Albeit that I was being driven, I thanked my lucky stars for my trusted Range Rover which has seen me safely through so many difficult conditions. As my readers gathered together with their families at Christmas perhaps the talk turned to the need for making a Will. Why not spend a little of that Christmas money in having a Will drawn-up. You know it makes sense. Give me a call to make an appointment. As we shiver in this Winter, there are just a couple of months to go to Easter on 4 April!

Howard Gibbons

Tel: 01473 810200 Stone Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6DN (B1141 Lavenham/Bildeston Road)


133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ

Tel 01473 822488 E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Taylors Half



Page 1

Mill Green Brewery win award for Beer

18 Angel Street, Hadleigh - £500 p.c.m Taylor & Sons are pleased to offer this mid terraced property situated on level ground with Hadleigh High Street TO LET. 2 Bedrooms, Lounge / Diner, Courtyard Rear Garden, Gas Fired Central Heating, Close To Town Centre.

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6 Smock Meadow, Bildeston - £495 p.c.m A smartly presented terraced bungalow situated in this sought after village location. The property has been well maintained and decorated throughout and is available TO LET now. 1 Bedroom, Living Room, Double Glazing, Storage Heaters, Landscaped Rear Garden, Off Road Parking

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Mill Green Brewery, Edwardstone, is pleased to announce that it has claimed another award. This time the Brewery has been recognised for the quality of its beer, after recently also receiving top industry awards for their environmental standard and innovation in the brewing process. Mawkin Mild has received a Gold award in the SIBA (Society of Independent Brewers) Eastern Region Beer Competition. Judged at Batemans Brewery, Lincolnshire the competition is judged by a host of beer experts that agreed Mawkin Mild is top of its class. Mawkin Mild beat of competition from dark beers produced over 8 counties to claim top prise in the Mild category and now goes up against 7 others in the National competition held in Nottingham in February. Mawkin Mild has only been brewed for a year and is one of the weakest beers available in the country at 2.9% ABV. The beer is almost black in colour with a frothy cream coloured head. The use of 11 specialist malts and traditional English hops in the brewing process give the beer a smooth mouth-feel and a bitter-sweet finish. At 2.9% ABV it is a beer that is soft on the head but deceptively full of flavour. In an age when customers are increasingly looking to lower their intake of alcohol units while wanting high-quality full-flavoured local products, Mawkin Mild seems the perfect beer. Mild is a historical drink that has been produced for 200 years and for the majority of those was the most popular style of beer in England. After World War II paler bitters became more popular. In the last 20 years the style has been brought back from the brink of extinction by the many micro breweries. Mawkin Mild is an extreme version with less alcohol and more flavour than most. Mawkin Mild is always available at the White Horse, Edwardstone and occasionally in Suffolks’ better free houses as well as beer festivals around the East. It will be available soon in bottled form soon. For more information please e-mail me on t.norton12@yahoo.co.uk or phone on 01787 211118 (if I don’t answer please leave a message or ring brewery owner John Norton on 0178 7210899)

Jerrys Diary Redwings and Fieldfares are thin on the ground so far this winter. My first Redwings were over Ramsey Wood on the 18th October, just two birds flying west. The next ones were a flock of 70 birds near Noakes Farm, Kersey, on the 1st November, flying SW over Aldham Common. 83 birds were in this group. During the rest of November and early December there has only been small flocks of 15+ birds, but any cold weather could bring in flocks of 200+ Fieldfare and Redwings. Whinchats were still passing through the area in the first few days of October, 4 were in game cover near Ramsey Wood, Hintlesham, and 3 were at Hill Far, Layham. The Hill Farm site also held 4 stonechats in game cover on the 10th October. Two more Stonechats were at Gallows Hill allotments on the 12th October. The Stonechats are not true summer migrants like the Whinchats, but some move further south for the winter. Small flocks of Siskins and Redpoll are now turning up in many areas. The River walk is the best site to see these birds. They feed on the Alder trees and come down to drink and bath in puddles on the path. Both Siskin and Redpoll will come to bird feeders. Another winter Finch to look out for is the Brambling, less often seen than the other two species. The white rump on the Brambling is the most striking feature of this bird, most obvious in flight. They are often seen with Chaffinch flocks. The main food in winter is Beech Mast (seeds of the Beech tree). When Beech Mast has exhausted they will feed with other finches on arable land, feeding on weeds etc. Orchards and wild bird cover are another important food source for Bramblings. During the winter of 1951-52 an estimated 70+ million Bramblings congregated in Switzerland. The country may have held almost the whole population of the Urals. In Britain a flock of a few thousand have been reported in the past, but such numbers are very rare these days. Tawny Owls have been calling during the last 3 weeks. If there is any cold weather there should be flocks of Lapwings and Golden Plover moving through. On the Brett river there could be the odd Goldeneye, Goosander or Smew. The cold snap last year saw a Bittern in the Stone Street area, disturbed by a shooting group. With all the hedges flailed everywhere what are the song birds going to eat. There are no berries (etc) left. Jerry Oxford

Supper in the Parlour for Fidelis Parlour at The Hintlesham Hall was the ideal location for the Fidelis group to celebrate their fifth Christmas. Both Hall and the ladies looked elegant and Christmassy making it easier to get into the party mood. A delicious meal was much enjoyed by all with chocolate novelties, crafted by (Left to right) Lin Slaughter, Lin Slaughter, to go Nanette Ward and Carole Burne with the coffee. This was followed by praise for the efforts of the entire committee for their contribution to the continuing success of the group. For the second year running, the walkers section or Super Tramps singled out Nanette Ward as their most dedicated participant. Carole Burne proudly presented Nanette with the much coveted Silver Welly Award 2009 for her 100% attendance. Much to their surprise, Super Tramps chief organisers and route masters, Carole Burne and Lin Slaughter were each given a custom built compass or ‘Fidelis Finder’ to ensure all walkers reach base safely in 2010. The presentations were followed by some updated nursery rhymes and an appropriate brief song for Fidelis. Hugs and seasonal greetings completed the evening and members took their carriages back to Hadleigh. It was generally agreed that we could all get used to ‘the Manor born’- style of living and we will be back for more in the New Year. Jan Devey

Crabtrees Cafe Bar

Hintlesham Golf Club www.hintleshamgolfclub.com

VALENTINES DINNER DANCE Saturday 13th February 2010 £31.00 per person 7.30 pm Arrival drinks to be served 8.00 pm 3 Course Dinner to be served followed by live music from the ‘Replay Band’ Full payment and menu pre-orders will be required in advance

If you would like to book a table for two or for a group, please contact Catherine or Andrea on 01473 652761

Your revenge on everyday life... Our Friday night live music continues through January with some fantastic acts lined up. ‘Jabs’ the singer will be performing one night of soul music which we are looking forward to. We are also excited about the return of ‘This Boy Wonders’ who were recently voted in the top 5 of ‘battle of the Bands’. This brilliant folk/indie band writes and performs their own music as well as covering other bands such as Kings of Leon, Jack Johnson, Eric Clapton and Red Hot Chili Peppers. A great act and one not to be missed! Check out our websitewww.crabtreescafebar.co.uk for further dates and acts. Everyone welcome, Free entry We will have a new menu from the beginning of January which will reflect the excellent seasonal produce available this time of year and as always almost everything will be made from scratch by our very own chefs. Homemade bread, soup, scones, cakes and much more are all available daily. So come on in and enjoy!



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Offer ends 31st January 2010

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The start of the New Year is an opportunity to make New Year Resolutions. Here are some which will support the local economy and help reduce food miles:1. Shop locally and buy fresh produce 2. Waste less food by buying only what you need 3. Grown your own vegetables where possible 4. Home cooking tastes better. Get the family to join in and try out new recipes. 5. Buy food in season - it tastes better and is cheaper. Happy New Year and Good Eating for 2010.

Brighten up your January with a salon treat .BSL 5IPNQTPO $PNQBOZ %JSFDUPS



Hadleigh Chamber Of Commerce Hadleigh Local Food

Add a touch of colour to those dark, dreary winter days with an unbeatable offer from The Hair Academy, Hadleigh’s number one salon for fashion cuts and colour. The Hair Academy celebrates three years of successful trading in Hadleigh this April and as a special thank you to all their clients are offering an amazing ÂŁ10 off full head permanent colour or full head foils until January 29*. Owner, Amanda Lammin says, ‘after all the excitement of Christmas and the New Year, January is the perfect month to give yourself a treat’. During its three years of trading, the Hair Academy has gained a reputation for fashion cuts and colours at value for money prices. They are open Tuesday to Saturday for appointments and walk-ins for ladies, gents and children with cuts starting from just ÂŁ6.50. Colours, perms and chemical straightening are also available and a FREE relaxing head massage with every shampoo. The Hair Academy also offers a variety of Schwarzkopf styling products to keep your style looking its best between salon visits. Add a touch of colour and brighten up the winter months with this special offer from The Hair Academy! For more information contact The Hair Academy on 01473 822772 * Terms and conditions apply see accompanying advert.

The Hair Academy 112 High Street, Hadleigh

Specialising in fashion cuts and colour. Also available are gents and children’s cuts, perms and chemical straightening. Contact us for a free consultation

osis 01473 822772 Walk in customers always welcome

The Hair Academy ÂŁ10 OFF

Full head permanent colour or full head foils including trim and blow dry on presentation of this voucher

For appointments call 01473 822772 TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY - OFFER ENDS 29/1/10


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Record attendances at Kersey Christmas Fayre in support of Teenage Cancer Trust The Kersey Christmas Fayre held at St Mary’s Church on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th November helped to launch the festive season with a wide variety of high quality gift stalls, mulled wine, mince pies, seasonal fare, carol singing and record attendances. Organisers were delighted by the impressive turn-out of visitors to this highly popular annual event and the high standard of merchandise on offer from a variety of stallholders. St Mary’s Church provided a wonderful candlelit setting for the event, that was packed with visitors from Kersey and surrounding towns and villages. Proceeds from the Fayre will be donated to St Mary’s Church and The Teenage Cancer Trust. The total raised is expected to surpass funds raised in previous years, thanks to the record turnout and the continued and generous sponsorship of Carter Jonas. “We are really thrilled that the event has raised over £2,000 for the nominated charities” Linda Newbigging organiser of the Fayre said. “There are so many people that helped to make it such a success. Tess Salter, the Fayre co-organiser, and I would especially like to thank the visitors, Kersey residents for providing such delicious produce, the many stallholders, the volunteers who helped to set up and assist with the catering, the young people of Kersey, Hadleigh High School and beyond for their unstinting help, Kersey CEVC School for the decorations, Festive Notes for the lovely Carol Singing, Cook To Order for the delicious food and most of all Carter Jonas for their invaluable and deeply appreciated support.”











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COFFEE MORNING In aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society Hosted by The Foresters Friendly Society

Saturday, 30th January 2010, 10-12pm Ansell Centre, Hadleigh Come along for a chat and enjoy a coffee and a cake whilst raising money for a valuable cause!

Bric-A-Brac Stall And Raffle Children Most Welcome - Face Painting!! For further information, please contact our secretary, Adriana Shackleton On 01473 823275 Court 2948 Princess Royal

Rendall & Wright The








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Hintlesham and Chattisham Primary School take a trip over the rainbow On Friday December 11th, visitors to Hintlesham and Chattisham Primary School were magically transported along the yellow brick road, as they were treated to an ‘Outstanding’ Christmas performance of the ‘Wizard of Oz’. The children aged from four to eleven years, enthralled their guests with a mixture of dance, music, singing and acting during their adaptation of the popular film, which is currently celebrating its 70th Anniversary. Mrs Cross, headteacher said: “It was wonderful to be able to show parents and the wider community just some of the reasons why we have been judged as an ‘Outstanding’ school. The performance was not only vibrant and exciting; it also gave the children the chance to enhance their communication skills and their ability to work together as a team. I was very proud and it was undoubtedly a huge success!” Art and drama are an important part of the curriculum at Hintlesham and Chattisham Primary School. Children are provided with exciting and diverse ways of exploring this area through workshops, plays, dance, drama and music clubs.

Eddie Rose 1916 - 2009 On 4th December 2009 the family and friends of the late Eddie Rose gathered in Hadleigh Baptist Church to give thanks for a life spanning 93 years. Eddie lived in Sydney Brown Court for nearly 12 years and in that time contributed to the community of Hadleigh and made many friends in the town. His strong Christian Faith was evident in his many interests and activities and his ‘free gardening services’ were renowned as with shears and a broom he worked his way through any hedge or church garden that needed a makeover. He will be sorely missed.

Banish those winter blues with Just Peachee Let Just Peachee put a spring in your step this New Year Banish those winter blues with a fresh healthy lifestyle • One to One personal training • Group training • Weight loss • Toning • Pre and Post Natal exercise • Therapeutic and sports massage • Skiing and Snowboarding fitness training

We do all this and more, in a location of your choice. Contact us for further details on how Just Peachee can help you.

Josie Brown

tel: 07792 334 443 email: josie@justpeachee.co.uk 12

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Local personal trainer and masseuse Josie Brown understands that being fit and looking fabulous isn’t just about being able to run a race, ski down a mountain or losing weight, it’s also about your wellbeing and feeling good. For the New Year why not promise yourself that you are going to banish the winter blues and start an exercise programme that is not only going to get you fit but also make you feel great. Personal training may sound scary, but it’s not, it’s an enjoyable experience which is fun and motivating. It’s not all about jumping, running or high impact aerobics, it’s about you and your wellbeing. If running, jumping and aerobics aren’t for you a personal trainer could still be your answer. I meet with you first before any sessions take place and we discuss your goals. They could be that you want to feel healthier, you want to take part in some cardiovascular workout but would like most of your session to be based on stretching, you want to lose weight, you want to be fit and ready for your skiing holiday, you have no idea about which exercises are right for you and you just need a kick start. Whatever your goals are, we work on them together. I train people with all different goals but they all come back to one main goal -everyone wants to feel healthy and look great. So don’t put it off any longer, make a promise to yourself for 2010. Just Peachee offers 1 to 1 personal training, group sessions, Skiing or Snowboarding fitness, weight loss, pre and postnatal exercises and much more all in a location of your choice. For further details or to book a free consultation contact Josie on 07792334443 or email josie@justpeachee.co.uk

Peake Fitness leads the way with £300,000 Gym Equipment upgrade Peake Fitness at The Stoke by Nayland Hotel has this month updated its state-of-the-art gym with the latest cardio and resistance equipment on the market. The £300,000 upgrade indicates that the hotel’s continuing commitment to provide the very best standard of equipment for its loyal base of members is as strong as ever. It will be the first gym in the country to have the entire new range in one location. The new equipment being installed is the latest hi-tech range from market leaders “Technogym” and opens the world of fitness up to a much wider audience, with its fully-interactive machines, including widescreen TVs, Ipod connectivity, mind games, and video guides for those who are new to exercise. Aside from this the ground-breaking “Vario” machine allows users to step, ski, or run to their individual stride length making restricted range of movement a thing of the past. The Kinesis1 allows for unprecedented 360˚ resistance training – ideal for specific sports requirements. Stuart Mann, Peake Fitness Club Manager at the hotel said “This is a really exciting development for the Club. The equipment we are installing comes with the most innovative digital platform seen in the UK. It will entertain and educate our members, communicate with them, and also enable them to monitor their workout results even more closely to ensure they achieve their optimum results quickly”. In addition to the state-of-the-art gymnasium, fitness classes, luxurious poolside facilities, and highly-trained staff, Peake Fitness and Spa includes 11 treatment rooms where both men and women can enjoy a wide range of relaxing Health and Beauty therapies. These treatments are available to both members (with a discount) and non-members, and provide an ideal way to recover from the excesses of the festive season! Gift vouchers are available both online and over the telephone. STOP PRESS: Peake Fitness is offering a special 14 day FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP during January so you can experience these amazing machines first hand! Just call the Club on 01206 265820 or 265822 to find out more or email stuart.mann@stokebynayland.com

Saturday 13th February 2010 7pm - 12.30am Enjoy an evening of fun and romance at our popular annual Valentine’s Ball

Tickets £39.50

Experience the Romance of Beautiful Constable Country...

Set in 300 acres of beautiful Suffolk countryside... ... a unique venue with superb facilities Come along to our exclusive

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£34.50 per person

To include a welcome glass of Buck’s Fizz

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For rates and bookings please call Debbie or Abbey on 01206 265818/837 or email sales@stokebynayland.com The Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa • Keepers Lane • Leavenheath • Colchester • CO6 4PZ

www.stokebynaylandclub.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Elmsett & Aldham Players proudly present their 30th annual pantomime Dick Whittington

THE BARBER STOP! No Appointment Necessary Free Parking Late Opening The Barber Stop would like to thank everyone who has helped make our first year such a successful one. In our continued effort to provide our customers with a value for money service as well as a quality cut we are extending our current offers and more into 2010.

OFFER 1 – ‘DADS & LADS’ DEAL !!! For every Father having their hair cut we’ll continue to cut their son (under16) for half price on the same day.

OFFER 2 - OAP CREDIT CRUNCHER!!! Proving ever more popular we are happy to continue cutting our Senior Citizens hair for the ‘credit crunching’ price of £4.50 on Mondays & Tuesdays


Our 2010 pantomime is Dick Whittington and runs from Thursday 18th February to Saturday 20th February 2010. The tale of Dick Whittington and his search for fame and fortune on the streets of London and his battle against the King Rat is well known but the Elmsett & Aldham Players will no doubt give it their usual twist to provide a brilliant time of live entertainment for all the family.A great script, imaginative direction, a live band to accompany the songs and an enthusiastic cast look set to deliver a fantastic show, even at this early stage in rehearsal, so book you tickets early to avoid disappointment. Ticket prices have been kept the same as last year and are good value for what always turns out to be a great show. Thursday and Friday evenings (at 7:30pm) and Saturday afternoon (2:30pm)- Children & Concessions £3.50; Adults £4.50 Saturday evening – All tickets £5.50 (no Concessions). Tickets will be available from January from the Village Shop or contact: Owen Corble on 10473 658726

Why not take advantage of our new ‘Loyalty Card’ and qualify for the following benefits: • For every 9 haircuts you receive we will be pleased to provide the next, free of charge • In addition your ‘Loyalty Card’ will then be entered into our 2010 Christmas draw giving you the chance to win a brand new

42" HD Plasma TV Monday 9.00–5.00 Thursday 9.00–5.00

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Call 01473 826000 for further details These services arewww.nwes.org.uk also available at South Suffolk Business Centre

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366 in Sudbury


Hadleigh Community Primary News As usual, the lead up to Christmas has been an extremely busy time at Hadleigh Community Primary School. Every child has had the opportunity to be in some kind of performance! In the Foundation Stage, Nursery and Reception have been rehearsing their performance of ‘Shine Star Shine’. They look absolutely wonderful in their costumes and have been working really hard. Years one and two have also been working together to prepare their play called ‘Ralph the Reindeer’. One pupil, Florence Grist, was particularly brave as she sang a solo in front of all of the pupils and parents – amazing for a child so young! X Factor had better watch out! On Wednesday 9th December, the whole of Key Stage two went to St Mary’s Church for their annual carol service, and told the story of how the carol ‘Silent Night’ was first written. It was a beautiful service with excellent performances by the violinists, recorder players, hand bell ringers and choir. The story was very clearly told and acted out by members of Miss Cook’s Year six class, the children all sang very clearly and the church was full! We are very proud that we are able to bring the school into the community in this way. Our choir and instrumentalists go out into the community The choir, bell ringers and recorder players have been particularly busy over the festive period, and have had many performances to members of the wider community. On 2nd December they were the entertainment for the Hadleigh Baptist Church community Christmas lunch, on 4th December they entertained the residents at Sydney Brown Court, on 9th December they sang and performed at St Mary’s Church and on 11th December, they entertained residents at Angel Court. Christmas Dinner another success for Mrs Vicary On 10th December, we had our annual Christmas lunch, where governors, friends of the school and helpers are invited to join us in a celebratory meal. Amazingly, Mrs Vicary and her team were able to provide nearly 400 Christmas meals, including a vegetarian option, meaning that 85% of our children had a school meal that day. Incredibly, there was a very calm but happy atmosphere, the time keeping was perfect, and it was an enjoyable experience for all involved (although we did all end up with rather full tummies!) Year Six extended journey to Aylmerton On top of all the things mentioned previously, Year Six also managed to participate in a residential visit to Almerton Field Study Centre for a week. Here is what they had to say about it: ‘On the 16th November 2009, all of year 6 went to Aylmerton for a whole week to continue learning about our history topic: World War 2. We went as evacuees who had been sent to the countryside. Our journey began at Stowmarket railway station, wearing our gas mask boxes and carrying our I.D cards and ration books. We were extremely excited and didn’t know what they had in store for us at Aylmerton Field Study Centre. We certainly never expected to see shooting stars, the Milky Way and to be so close to real life seals. The week was action packed full of adventure, fantastic activities with lots of surprises along the way. We learnt how hard it was for people to live during World War 2 and how lucky we are today; but we also learnt a lot about ourselves and how we work as a team. We returned exhausted but it was well worth it. We all had the trip of a life time with memories that will stay with us forever.’

HADLEIGH KITCHEN & BEDROOM STUDIO 86-88 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF Tel/Fax: 01473 827666 Est 1997 Fully fitted or DIY, you will still receive the same personal service and attention to detail

William Ball, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Crown, Kingswood and Cuisine Pyram Kitchens Neff Master Partner All other leading brands of appliances Opening hours: 10am-5pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am-4pm Saturday www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Out of School and Holiday Club in Hadleigh Term Time: 3.15pm to 4.30pm or 6.00pm & School Holidays: 8.00am to 6.00pm

For further information telephone: 07944 204120 or Email enquiries to: schools.out1@hotmail.co.uk With New Renovated Facility, New Equipment, New Outdoor Area & Hot Meals for those attending until 6pm

FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Tue 23 March Tue 23 March Sat 27 March Sat 27 March Sat 10 April Sat 10 April Sat 10 April Wed 21 April Sat 24 April Thu 29 April Sat 1 May

Phantom of the Opera ....................................£48.25 Jersey Boys.....................................................£55.00 Billy Elliot .......................................................£59.00 Mamma Mia ...................................................£81.80 Billy Elliot .......................................................£58.00 Jersey Boys.....................................................£88.75 The Lion King.................................................£82.00 Oliver.............................................................£60.25 Les Miserables................................................£49.50 Hairspray .......................................................£49.50 Sister Act .......................................................£59.50

Tickets now available for the New Andrew Lloyd Webber Show

“Love Never Dies” Saturday 10th, 17th & 24th April 2010 £92.50 inc. Please note a deposit of £10 per ticket will secure your booking, with the balance owed being paid 4 weeks prior to date

SPECIAL EVENTS Sun 11April Sun 18 April 28 & 29 May Thu 17 June Sat 10 July

Manchester Utd Museum & Stadium Tour ............£56.00 Dancing on Ice @ London O2 Arena ....................£69.50 Chelsea Flower Show (Inc)...................................£65.00 Royal Ascot Ladies Day (Inc) ...............................£62.00 Hampton Court Flower Show (Inc).......................£45.00

Many more Special Excursions available - details can be found on our website - www.beestons.co.uk

FORTHCOMING TOURS 2010 Monets Gardens and Paris - 11th/13th June Landeck and Austrian Tyrol - 25th June - 2nd July Rhine and Moselle Valleys - 12th/16th July Weekend in Paris - 6th/8th August Prices to be advised

Jersey Boys Weekend Includes 1 night Bed and Full English Breakfast @ 4* Guoman Tower & ticket for Jersey Boys 27th - 28th March 2010 £139.00

Fenals, Costa Brava, Spain Express Night Traveller Price includes 6 nights Half Board @ Surf Mar Hotel 18th - 26th September 2010 £389.00

Please note all our Excursions, Short Breaks and Holidays Pick-Up in Hadleigh For further details on our great value-for-money excursions and short breaks, call in to our Office at The Coach Depot, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh or phone (01473) 212521 or 823243

www.beestons.co.uk 16

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Thank You! Sending out a massive 'THANK YOU' to the kind soul who came to my rescue when my dog kindly found the strength to pull me out of my electric wheelchair whilst walking the Railway Walk a couple of weeks back - not only did you get me from the ground back to my chair, when it became clear I wasn't going to get anywhere due to a damaged controller you proceeded without hesitation to push me all the way home, ensuring both Blake, I and one wheelchair made it home safe and sound. For that I am truly grateful, I really appreciated your kindness and support, it's heart-warming to know that someone would freely give their time and energy to help others. Many thanks once again. Catherine Parmenter

Local ladies lose baby weight and become Golden Girls! Katrina (right of picture) joined Weight Watchers in 2007 when her husband was deployed to Afghanistan. Her plan was to avoid comfort eating and maintain her current weight but she found the Weight Watchers’ Plan so easy that 18 weeks later she’d reached her target within a healthy BMI of 20 – 25, and was awarded Gold Membership (free membership for life!). Katrina says “I like weight watchers because you can still eat what you like, you just have to plan for it!” After Katrina’s daughter Elizabeth was born, even though she was well over her original goal, Katrina was able, as a Gold member, to attend Weight Watchers free for six months so that she could shift that baby weight. Since coming back to meetings she has got back to her original target and has not had to pay a penny! Katrina has had the added bonus of seeing her friend Hayley (left of picture) get to her goal weight and become a Gold Member too! Hayley joined the Monday morning class at the Salvation Army Hall in July 2009 and found following the Discover Plan really easy, she says, “The quick start recipes in the folder were a God-send as being a new mum I had little time to trawl through books and I used these tasty meals for the first few weeks. I like the Discover Plan because I found that it fitted in very well with my baby William who is now over six months old. With Weight Watchers you don’t actually have to cut out anything which I found good as I didn’t feel that I was losing out on treats.” Hayley reached her goal weight in just 7 weeks! “The benefits of being a Gold Member are the fact that you get to go to the meetings free and still get the same five star treatment which you had as a paying member and I like the fact that I get to see familiar faces each week for a chat and to motivate each other as well!” Weight Watchers leader, Caroline Kent says, “It’s certainly a joy for me to see Katrina and Hayley each week and to see their little ones thriving. They usually start the day with their weigh-in, have a cup of coffee and a chat with the other members and then make a morning of it by going on to a local coffee shop before the weekly trip to baby clinic. It’s a real thrill to feel that I have played a small part in these two young mums regaining their fabulous figures and bags of confidence at the same time.”

Hadleigh Meetings: 8.30am Monday The Salvation Army Hall, Duke Street, Hadleigh IP7 5DP 6.00pm Tuesday St Mary’s Primary School, Stone House Road Hadleigh IP7 5BH

Phone Caroline on 01473 823671 or email caroline@suffolk-life.org.uk for more details Weight Watchers Customer Services: 08457 123000 or on line www.weightwatchers.co.uk

The New Year’s Resolutions that will Save You ££££££££s! Save your internet connection bill…and enjoy FREE internet access any time at your local library - you can even book a slot in advance! Save money (and the environment) by popping in to the library to read your daily newspapers and magazines. Saveon buying books: before you buy a book, check out our shelves or our catalogue on www.suffolklibrariesdirect.co.uk We may already have a copy or can get one in. (You’ll be helping the environment too!) Save on DVD’s, CD’s and Playstation/ Wii games. We have a wide selection available to hire and starting from just £2 for a one week loan. Save on a Playstation! Our Playstation is available for you to enjoy every Sunday. Save on birthday presents! We always have an excellent selection of withdrawn books, most of which are still in very good condition. Prices start from just 10p so why not buy a few. (Again helping the environment!) Save on electricity! Look out for our new energy monitors due to be launched early next year. You’ll be able to borrow one and work out how much your carbon footprint at home is costing you! Prepare to be shocked! Get out more! All our activities are FREE! • If you are over 55 come along to our Toptime session (Wed 10.30am12.00pm) where we have talks, quizzes and friendly chat. • If you have a baby make sure you don’t miss ‘Baby Bounce, on Thursday mornings, nursery rhymes, action songs and loads of fun. • If you have young children come and join us for ‘Story Time’ on Sunday mornings where we follow our story with craft activities. (Look out for new activities for 6-12 yr olds in January.) Learn a new skill! Would you like to use the internet and email but have a dread of computers? Book a FREE session with one of our members of staff and make 2010 the year you learnt to 'surf'! Volunteer in your community! Would you like to pass on your love of reading to others? Perhaps you could help us with our children's 6 week Summer Reading Challenge or would like to join the wonderful team of volunteers who deliver books to those less able to get out. Ask in the library for further details. Join us in adopting the resolution to make Suffolk the Greenest County! Best wishes for the New Year 2010 from all of us at Hadleigh Library

Hadleigh Community Playgroup We start this year on Wednesday 6th January and are very much looking forward to seeing familiar faces again and welcoming the many new children to our playgroup. This term our activities are based on the very wintry topic of Penguins, snow and ice and we have many exciting things in store for the children to make and do. We finished last term amid the snowy, chilly conditions and would like to offer our sincere thanks to DJ Trev who threw a terrific party, even though he wasn’t able to get all his equipment down to playgroup. Everyone had a wonderful time, playing games and marvelling at the balloon creations. The morning ended with a visit from Father Christmas to whom we are also very grateful for finding the time to visit us at such a hectic time of year and for bringing such brilliant presents. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit, please phone Rachel on 01473 822647 or e-mail us at hadleighcommunityplaygroup@googlemail.com

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CAFÉ CHURCH at St Mary’s Every Friday morning from 9.30am to 12noon

St Mary's Church, Hadleigh

­ Fresh coffee – croissants – a look at the newspapers ­ Toddler and children’s activity area ­ 10am Join us for a short all-age communion service ­ Use the chapel as a place to stop and be still for a while

New For 2010! Sunday Club The Dean writes…….. Dear Friends JOURNEYING TOGHETHER The season of Christmas continues throughout January. On Wednesday 6 January we celebrate Epiphany. There is a service of High Mass in St Mary’s that evening which will include incense. Epiphany means the ‘making known’ or ‘revelation’ – so for Christians it is about the ‘making known of Christ to the Wise Men’. That ‘making known’ came at the end of a long journey. You can read the story of that journey in Matthew’s Gospel (chapter 2 verses 1 to 12) and it tells us that: • The wise men were on a journey of faith • They were not so much searching for Jesus as being led (by the star) to Him • The light (the star) revealed where Jesus was There is a pattern for us here – as the church in the communities of Hadleigh, Layham & Shelley. We are also on a journey – a journey of faith. The idea of journeying together is very much at the heart of our working together. We recognise that we are all different, but we are still journeying together to learn more about Jesus Christ and share the working-out of that with others. We too are not so much searching, as being led. As we journey onwards we want to be following the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we work together, trying to fulfil God’s purposes and to carry out His mission. My prayer is that the church here will, like the star, in its way be a light in the community in which it is set – a light that will reveal Jesus Christ to others and will make Him known. When the Wise Men met with Jesus, they bowed down and worshipped Him. That too, we also do as the church – individually as the three parish churches, but also together as a benefice (the group of three parish churches) and as Churches Together in Hadleigh. Together we are called ‘to bow down and worship the one who is God’. With my love and prayers – as we continue to celebrate the birth of Christ together

On the first Sunday of each month – beginning on 7 February – we are starting SUNDAY CLUB. Parents are invited to take children of primary school age directly to the Guildhall between 10.30 & 10.45am. It’s a time to learn and have fun, based on the Christian faith. Leaders will then bring children into church to join us for communion together. Look out for more information over the next few weeks and in next month’s magazine.

Ministry Of Healing & Anointing It is a fact of life that we experience times of sickness, sadness, emotional distress, or we are brought to a point where we need to make important decisions about the future. These times often mean we encounter feeling hurt, pain, brokenness and indecision. As Christians we are to have the hope and belief that Jesus Christ can heal broken lives and bring clarity and healing (wholeness) to body, mind and spirit. When He died on the cross and rose again from the dead, He mended our shattered relationship with God. He carried our sins, our sorrows and our diseases, so that we might know His wholeness - all because he loves us. Every month there is a focused opportunity to open ourselves to God, seeking His touch in every aspect of our lives. This afternoon/early evening Healing Eucharist (see this month’s calendar) provides time to reflect, to be prayed with and for, and to be anointed in the context of a communion service. When we are anointed with holy oil it reminds us that we are set apart as God’s child, precious and loved by Him. There may not be instant healing, although it is an ever-present possibility. Our expectation is that by laying ourselves open to God, He will pour His healing love into the very depths of our being, allowing us to find God in both our joy and our pain. All of this means placing our trust in God – trusting and allowing Him to make us whole in His time and in His way. If you would like to know more about any of this, please contact the Dean.

John and Peggy Price Hope all their friends in Hadleigh had a “Very Merry Christmas” and wish you all a “Happy New Year”.

Mulberry Maids

at Hadleigh Guildhall

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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WINTER YOGA from 4th January BRANTHAM Village Hall, Monday 7:15 - 8:45 pm SEMER Village Hall, Wednesday 11 am - 12:30 pm KERSEY Village Hall, Wednesday 6:15 - 7:45 pm HADLEIGH URC Community Room, Thursday 12 - 1:30 pm Keep warm and flexible during the cold, dark months and maintain a positive mental and emotional state. Come and join us stretching, strengthening, relaxing and revitalising. ALL WELCOME. One-to-one tuition also possible

NEW, WORLD HEALING CIRCLE Wednesdays 8:15 - 9:15 pm at Kersey Village Hall from 20th January Each week we will have a healing focus e.g. our earth, trees, global communication etc; and, spend an hour in guided meditation and visualisation, prayer and positive thought to send healing energy. Come and contribute or simply take part. Power in numbers!

REIKI HEALING AVAILABLE For information and queries please contact:

LOUISE CARPENTER 07766 488847 / 01787 211862

1st Elmsett Girls’ Brigade PLEA FOR HELP There has been a Girls’ Brigade Company in Elmsett for over 45 years. We now have 24 girls and desperately need help to continue running effectively and legally as our Explorer Leader is leaving. Explorers are the youngest group aged 5 – 8 years. We meet at Elmsett Methodist Church on a Wednesday evening, term times, from 6.15pm – 8.00pm (7.30pm for the Explorers). Girls work for badges and guidelines for this are laid down by Girls’ Brigade headquarters and are easy to follow. Obviously it is a commitment but we are flexible and cover for each other when necessary. A CRB check would be needed. If anyone feels they would like to know more and could offer their help please contact Margaret Leek on 01473 658413 or pay us a visit on a Wednesday evening to see what we get up to.

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All the girls had ugly gym slips It took five minutes for the TV to warm up


Nearly everyone's Mum was at home when the kids got home from school

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Your Mother wore nylons that came in two pieces All your male teachers wore ties and female teachers had their hair done every day and wore high heels You got your windscreen cleaned, oil checked, and petrol served, without asking, all for free, every time. They threatened to keep children back a year if they failed . . . And they did it! When a Ford Zephyr was everyone's dream car... And people went steady No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in the car, in the ignition, and the doors were never locked Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles? Bottles came from the corner shop without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger When being sent to the head's study was nothing compared to the fate that awaited the student at home Basically we were in fear for our lives, but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc. Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! But we survived because their love was greater than the threat. As well as summers filled with bike rides, cricket, Hula Hoops, skate hockey and visits to the pool, and eating lemonade powder or liquorice sticks. Blackjacks and bubblegums. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with tinfoil tops. Hi-Fi’s & 45 RPM records. Do You Remember a Time When.. Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-moe'? 'Race issue' meant arguing about who ran the fastest? Catching tiddlers could happily occupy an entire day? It wasn't odd to have two or three 'Best Friends'? The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was 'chickenpox'? Having a Weapon in School meant being caught with a catapault? Cigarette cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle? Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?

Didn't that feel good, just to go back and say, 'Yes, I remember that'? 20

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Playstation Pre-School

www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk ibs-Outdoor and-bobs.Play co.uk www1.b No. For www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk N o . 1 F o r O u t d o o r P lay www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk No. 1 For Outdoor Play www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk Once cherished children’s, nursery No. For Outdoor Play For Outdoor Play No. For Outdoor No.www.bibs-and-bobs.co.uk 1No. For111Outdoor Play Play

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No. 1 For Outdoor Play and items. Once cherished children’s, nursery Once cherished children’s, nursery Once cherished children’s, nursery Once cherished children’s, nursery Contact us tomaternity sell your items on a Once cherished children’s, nursery and maternity items. Contact us to sell your items on a and maternity items. maternity items. and and maternity items. Once cherished children’s, nursery and maternity items. and items. on a basis. Contactcommission uscommission to maternity sell your items basis. Contact us to sell your items on on Contact us to sell your items on a on Contact usto to sellyour your items aa and maternity items. Contact us sell items aaon Contact us to sell your items commission basis. commission basis. commission basis. Contact us to sell your items on a commission basis. commission basis. commission basis. commission basis. TPTPCentre CentreofofExcellence Excellence Super Tramp Stockist Super Tramp Stockist Centre of Excellence TPCentre Centre of Excellence TP of Excellence TP Centre ofof Excellence TP Centre Excellence TP Play Houses Play Houses Super Tramp Stockist Super Tramp Stockist Super Tramp Stockist Centre of Excellence TP Super Tramp Stockist Centre of Excellence TP Go-Karts Super Tramp Stockist Go-Karts Play Houses Play Houses Play Houses Super Tramp Stockist Play Houses Ride on Toys Super Tramp Stockist Play Houses Ride on Toys Go-Karts Go-Karts Go-Karts Play Houses Go-Karts Go-Karts Ride on Toys Play Houses Ride on Toys Go-Karts Ride on Toys Ride on Toys Ride on Toys MassiveGo-Karts range of outdoor Ride on Toys

Happy new Year! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas! December was a busy month with the lead up to Christmas and the children making their individual Christmas bags and crafts for you - we hoped you liked them! The Christmas parties went well, the children all loved the puppet show and magician as well as the face painting and we had lots of singing and dancing as well! Of course no party would be complete M a ssi v e ra nge o f o u t do or without a visit from someone special- see the picture below! We are now Ride onoutdoor Toys Massive range of outdoor outdoor play equipment Massive range of Massive Massive range outdoor playplay erange qrange uequipment ipof mof eof noutdoor toutdoor looking forward to the new term when we start back to school on Massive of Massive range playpequipment lay y eq q uip p ment Wednesday 6th January and seeing you all again then. We wish all the play equipment equipment play equipment children who are moving on to nursery or school the very best- we will Massive range of outdoor Where you can play TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Where you can TRY BEFORE YOU BUY miss you all. We are looking forward also to welcoming our new children. Where you can TRY BEFORE Where BUY College Open every W hyou ere Farm ycan ou cTRY anplay TBEFORE RYequipment BEFOYOU RE YYOU O U day BBUY Uexcept Y Milo our bear mascot (and his sister Milly!) will also be back from quite Where you can TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Where you can TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Hintlesham Sunday and Monday College Farm Open every day except College Farm Open every day except College Farm OpenOpen everyevery day except Where you YOU a few outings and both are looking forward to some more so if you have College Farm can TRY BEFORE dayBUY except Ipswich 10am –4pm. Hintlesham Sunday and Monday Hintlesham Sunday and Monday Hintlesham Sunday and Monday College Farm Open every day except College Farm Open every except got something exciting planned like a holiday or a trip, or just fancy a new Hintlesham Sunday andday Monday College Farm Open every day except IP8Ipswich 3NT Bank Holidays and out of 10am –4pm. Where you can TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Ipswich 10am –4pm. Ipswich 10am –4pm. Hintlesham Sunday and Monday household member for a few days please feel free to take Milo or Milly Hintlesham Sunday and Monday Ipswich 10am –4pm. hours by appointment. Hintlesham Sunday and Monday IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out of IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out Ipswich 10am –4pm. home with you- all we ask is that you take some pictures for their album IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and outof of IP8 3NT Bank Holidays andof out Ipswich 10am –4pm. Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk College Farm Open every dayofexcept Tel: 01473 652550 hours by appointment. Ipswich 10am –4pm. hours by appointment. which the children love looking at and sharing after, especially when they IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out hours byappointment. appointment. hours by IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out of 01473 Sunday and Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk Bank are in it!! Tel:Tel: 01473 652550 hours by appointment. EEmail: m ail: aadmin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk dHintlesham minIP8 @bib3NT s-and-bobs.co.uk TTel: el:01473 0 1Holidays 4appointment. 73 652550 6652550 52and 55Monday 0 out of Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk hours by If you are currently considering a playschool for your child, why Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk hours by appointment. Tel: 01473 652550 Ipswich 10am –4pm. admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk Tel: 01473 652550 not come and take a look at what we can offer? Please telephone Email: Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk Tel: 01473 652550 IP8 3NT Bank Holidays and out of Playstation on 824271 for enrolment details, a prospectus or to hours by appointment. arrange a visit.

Email: admin@bibs-and-bobs.co.uk

District Councillor Brian Riley regrets that due to family commitments he will not be holding his monthly surgery on Saturday 9th January in the Hadleigh Library. You are always welcome to call him on 07866 581556 to discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town

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Suffolk Constabulary New year Message


Well it’s that time of year when some children are moving on to nursery and school in their next step of their learning journey. We wish them well on their way. This month we had a Christmas outing to the Giggle Factory the children really enjoyed it, so did the grownups, the children especially were looking forward to going for a ride on the bus. Thank you to Kate who helped arrange it, the parents who helped on the day and those who took part in our fund raiser Red Alert monies raised went towards the outing. Samuel collected the most items and Alyssa the most unusual, a old penny king George postage stamp. The children decorated pots and planted crocus earlier in the term watching them grow before taking them home for Christmas. We collected Morrison’s lets Grow vouchers which will enable the children to grow their own herbs and vegetables in the new year. We hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy New Year to you all. The Spring Term starts on Wednesday 6th January and we welcome all the new children who will be starting with us If you are currently considering a playschool for your child why not give us a call on 07931770421 to arrange a visit

Poets Corner Today is the day Will all your hopes and dreams come true In this New Year, as we start anew This is the opportunity to brush away past mistakes. To give our all, whatever it takes. Let the winter sunshine lift your soul. Brush the cobwebs away and take control. Like a fledglings first venture from it’s nest. Flying free, so high, you too can push yourself to be your best. If you never try, you will never know if you will succeed. So step out, reach for the stars and find everything you need. Work hard, play hard, always smile and have an easy laugh. Today is the day to let your future take a better path.

Ms. Sue Ann Williamston

The New Year is a time of new beginnings and new starts and that is why it is an ideal time to get the message out to everyone about crime prevention. Following Christmas and the mountains of food and drink we have consumed over the festive period there is a tendency to relax and take things steady as we progress into the New Year. However this is an ideal time to start afresh, committ to new proceedings and replace the window locks or mend the garden gate. I urge everyone to remain vigilant and take care, particularly of their Christmas presents and New Year sale bargains. By just following a few sensible tips or simply reminding yourself of how to keep your home and belongings safe, you can help prevent becoming a victim of crime. The chances of being a victim of crime in Babergh are much lower now than a few years back and we are working hard to drive down crime still further, but it is a constant challenge and there can never be room for complacency. Tips for a safer New Year: 1) Keep your Christmas gifts and other valuables out of sight inside your home. Use an ultra violet marker pen and write your house number and postcode on all valuables and equipment and ensure you may a record of any serial numbers. 2) Ensure ALL doors and windows are closed and securely fastened when you leave your home, even if for a few minutes. Use timers on lights, radios and TVs. Draw blinds and curtains at nightime to maintain a normal, everyday appearance . Consider installing a burglar alarm. 3) Have a trusted neighbour collect mail, cancel milk and newspapers if you are going away. Consider asking a neighbour to park in your usual place. Don't leave empty boxes and packaging from gifts outside your home, it's an easy clue to items inside. 4) Don't let anyone into your home until you're satisfied they are genuine. Only open the door to people you know / are expecting. Look through the window first to see who's calling and use a chain when answering the door. If in doubt, check the caller’s identification by phoning their company’s landline. 5) Don't leave valuables or equipment, including 'sat navs', on display in your vehicle, or in the glove box. Permanently security mark equipment using your vehicle registration number and house number and etch all glass surfaces. If you own a car and have a garage, use it – you are 80 per cent less likely to suffer vehicle crime if you do. If you leave the car, take the 'sat nav' and support cradle with you and wipe away tell-tale sucker pad marks from the windscreen. 6) Never leave keys in the ignition or leave doors / windows open. Beware of leaving the car running unattended while defrosting windows. 7) Keep personal items such as jewellery, MP3 players, mobile phones and sat navs tucked away inside pockets and closed bags whenever possible. Make a note of your mobile phone IMEI number by dialling *#06#. Register mobiles with your network operator. Only use your mobile or MP3 player where it safe to do so. 8) Consider joining or setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in your area. If you are interested in setting up Neighbourhood watch in the Babergh area, please contact Tony Simpson, email Tony.Simpson@suffolk.pnn.police.uk or on 01284 774313. And have a very and safe Happy New Year. Verity Line, Babergh Crime Reduction Officer, Suffolk Constabulary

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Happy 40th Amanda Bendall Love from James, Kira, Alisha, Robbie, Rach, Hollie, Neil & Karen

10 Years, 01-01-2000 Love Mum, Dad, Ky-anna, La-varney, Kerenza, and all your family XXX

Dont Miss out, Book your tickets now for the

News from The Station Welcome to the latest news from Hadleigh Police Station. Following the recent Neighbourhood Panel Meeting at Pinewood Community Centre, the three Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team priorities have remained unchanged. They are: 1. Target anti-social and illegal use of motorcycles in Bobbits Lane, Belstead, and Bourne Hill Wherstead on Sunday afternoons. 2. Public reassurance patrols Capel St Mary village and recreation ground – Friday evenings targeting youths being a nuisance and littering the area. 3. Vehicles mounting the pavement, large lorries and coaches using this route causing danger to pedestrians in Benton Street, Hadleigh.


Ring Janet on 01473 822589

Residents in the Benton Street area have been surveyed in the last few weeks, and we intend to use the results to concentrate on the key issues. For updates on the work being done in relation to these priorities, please visit our website www.safersuffolk.org.uk/eastbabergh The next neighbourhood panel meeting is on Monday 18 January 2010 at 7pm, in the Babergh District Council offices, Corks Lane, Hadleigh. This is an open public meeting where all residents of Babergh East are invited to discuss all local issues and to set the three priorities that we intend to focus on. Over the last four weeks we have also been taking a closer look at those who continue to park illegally on our roads in Hadleigh. The result is that at time of writing, 55 parking tickets have been issued, mainly in the High Street, Angel Street, and Benton Street. We know that this is only the tip of the iceberg, but it should act as reminder to all that we do carry out enforcement action, and we do take this matter seriously. We continue to work strongly with Babergh District Council, and recently we jointly issued 3 acceptable behaviour contracts (ABC’s) to individuals in the Town who have shown signs of regularly being anti-social. These contracts are designed to monitor and improve the behaviour of the persons involved. As always, we are interested in hearing from you if you have any questions about local policing, feel free to contact us or visit our website to find out how and where you can meet the team. Until next time, Matt PC 1455 Paisley Matthew.paisley@suffolk.pnn.police.uk





HADLEIGH CHARACTERS Frank & Joyce Rolfe Frank Rolfe and his wife Joyce were born and bred in Hadleigh. They are a well suited couple, a sense of mutual empathy is evident in all they say and do. They have a comfortable home in Calais Street. It backs on to the Brett. Their garden is a joy to behold. Frank said with pride, “We have lived in this house ever since we married, a short 60 years ago. I went to Bridge Street School until the age of 14 and then joined the Coop. Joyce also worked at the Coop, and maybe it was at work that we first fell in love.” I remarked on their lovely garden. Frank replied, “As a boy I used to do odd jobs with my father. He was ‘in gardening’ and I learned almost all I know about gardening from him. He continued, “In 1942, aged 18, I went into the Royal Navy and did my basic training at HMS Ganges.” I warned Frank not to get carried away and tell me anything he didn’t want his wife to know, most ex sailors have a tale or to two to tell. He grinned a little shamefacedly and replied “I left the navy as innocent as a lamb.” Joyce gave him an affectionate look and an understanding smile! Frank’s navy career was hard and testing, Drafted to a new ship, HMS Anson which after sea trials at Rosyth, was put on convoys to Russia, “Casualties were hellish but Anson survived. In one convoy the majority of escorted merchant ships were sunk. The Germans fought hard to interrupt supplies to Russia. Thanks be to God we never had to abandon ship. Survival time, in the bitterly cold Arctic waters, was assessed at about three minutes. The welcomes extended us in Murmansk were anything but enthusiastic. “I dunno whether we were too big a ship for Murmansk harbour, or the Russians didn’t want us to go in, but we were never allowed ashore. The merchant ships always unloaded in harbour as quickly as possible and we then headed back for Blighty pronto.” Interestingly, Churchill, in his war memoirs, is scathing about Russian attitudes towards British sailors. Frank, however, takes justifiable pride in holding two Russian medals plus the British Arctic Convoy Medal and the Ipswich Council Medal, the latter awarded to all who took part in convoy aid to Russia. Able Seaman Frank Rolfe left the Anson in 1944 on transfer to the destroyer Penn, bound for action in the Far East. Based at Trincomalee, Ceylon - now Sri Lanka – Frank has fond memories of a short holiday in Ceylon: a Chinese restaurant which served wonderful banana fritters; buying a watch which only worked for half an hour after purchase; kindly ladies, “but I avoided them like the plague!” There were also itinerant fortune tellers who assured all servicemen, despite the war, that we would all live to 80 plus.” Frank Rolfe ended speaking about the Far East on a sad note. “We bombarded Sumatra together with HMS Elizabeth and other ships. We were also one of the first boats into Penang after the dropping of the atomic bomb. A lasting trauma, something I can never forget, is the emaciated condition of soldiers, sailors and airmen released from the Japanese prison camps. Frank came home in the February of 1946. He went back to the Coop for a year or two on just over £9 per week, and then joined Henchers, an upholstery company, on Aldham Road. He stayed with them for five years and then worked for Alston’s Furniture Factory for seventeen years. The plant changed locations a couple of times, between Colchester and Hadleigh. When Alston’s moved permanently to Colchester, Frank took redundancy and retired at the age of 63, “I came home, messed about a bit doing general gardening and I also had an allotment. We grew all our own vegetables. I became keen on football and cricket and follow the fortunes of Ipswich Town and Hadleigh Cricket clubs.” Questioned about changes in Hadleigh over the years, Frank said he remembered helping his Dad take pigs to market, 24

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

“We used to drive them down Bradfield Avenue, it used to be Bradfield Farm then, down Angel and High Street into Market, and you never saw a motor or a car, nothing like that now.” Asked if changes were for the better or worse, Joyce and Frank both agreed life in Hadleigh is better in the sense there is not as much poverty as there used to be, but not in other ways. They thought people were happier and more contented in years gone by, “the newspapers and politicians divide people and cause confusion, “One lot say one thing and another lot something different. People do not know what to believe. They feel newspapers and politicians no longer speak the truth. There is also too much double talk, political Frank whilst doing service on HMS Penn correctness, saying one thing and mean something else.” The Rolfe’s believe what we need is a national government working for the good of the country and not for the good of this or that political party, “In the past you might not have agreed with your MP or the ruling party, but you did think they were honest. Not now. As late as the 1960’s if a politician behaved badly, out he went. Today anything goes.” Discussing youth today, Joyce and Frank both felt there were many more well behaved youngsters than rowdy ones, but the few bad ones hit the papers, “The young have always been mischievous, it is part of growing up, like a young kitten”. Adults tend to be over critical. But something has changed. Young people, scouts for example, used to carry sheath knife but one never heard of teenage knifings, not even where youngsters were brought up in criminal prone areas” And how about you Joyce, I asked, how do you feel looking back on your life? Joyce told me she had worked off and on at Holbrows Garage, the Coop and so on, “like Frank, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else than Hadleigh, but there so many newcomers now. Some know nothing about the town or its history and maybe don’t want to know either. It is just a place to live and they never become part of the community. Of course, there are others who do contribute.” Complimented on his home and garden, Frank said, “We always done our own work, gardening, growing vegetables, decorating, house, repairs. We are now at a stage when we cannot and need help. We have one son, retired now. He gives us a hand. He worked in the bank, 33 years and was able to retire at 53. Reminiscing, Frank said sailors ashore in far eastern ports usually carried a naval issue jack-knife. Complete with spike, primarily meant for undoing knots, he still had his. I asked Joyce, “What is it like living with a devil like Frank?” She responded, “I have had a wonderful life, I got my man, I had my son, Graham, and we see him often, and I have a lovely home and garden. What else could one want?” No wonder Frank’s contentment is plain to see: a lucky man, there are not that many women about these days whose joy is bounded only by husband, family and home. Frank at 86 and Joyce at 82 are a couple to be envied. R.L. O’Shaughnessy

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ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY Staff at local hearing care specialists, The Hearing Care Centre, have today received some fantastic news, finding out that they have been shortlisted for three of the most prestigious business awards in the East of England. The Company has been successful in reaching the finals of the 2009 East Anglian Business Awards for the high quality of its Customer Service, and is also amongst the finalists in the category for Training and Development and the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Year of Skills. These nominations all recognise the investment that The Hearing Care Centre has made in a solid base of skilled employees. The Anglian Business Awards, now in its eleventh year, has this year attracted a huge number of entries, across a wide variety of 16 business categories. Karen Finch, owner and Managing Director of the business, put her home on the line to set up The Hearing Care Centre Ltd back in 1998. Karen said, “I was so delighted when I heard the news that we had been nominated as finalists for 3 awards. This is a tribute to the hard work of our entire team, who without them we wouldn’t be where we are today.” The Hearing Care Centre along with the other finalists will find out whether they have been crowned the champions at a glitzy awards ceremony at the end of November, hosted at the Trinity Park Conference Centre in Ipswich. The Hearing Care Centre provides independent, holistic and ethical services to the hard of hearing in Suffolk. As well as its premises in High Street, Ipswich it also operates from 12 further centres across the County, including the Health Centre in Hadleigh. It now employs 12 members of staff including five qualified hearing aid audiologists.

Hadleigh Chamber Of Commerce Christmas Tree The Chamber would like to thank Hirebase (01473 828509) for lending vital equipment and people to help decorate the Christmas tree on a cold Saturday morning. Our thanks are also extended to Rob Partridge who sourced the tree at short notice and put it up very early on that same Saturday morning. Without this assistance, there would be no tree. Thanks also to Elaine and Glenn Root and their helpers for organising all the trees on the High Street. They do a tremendous amount of work coordinating electricians etc Events The next breakfast meeting is on January 7th at the Eight Bells, beginning at 745am. The guest speaker is Philip Moston from Hintlesham Hall talking anecdotally about his long and varied career in the hotel industry. Please refer to the website www.hadleigh4u.org for more information and to book your place. The next luncheon event will be in March 2010. Car Parking Charges Please be aware that Babergh are considering bringing in charges for car parks. There is a shortfall in the budget of approximately £1.4million and charging for car parks is one of the options being considered as part of the solution to plug this gap. Please refer to www.babergh-southsuffolk.gov.uk/ for the most up to date information on the process. Finally, the Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce would like to wish one and all a prosperous and productive 2010.

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh Evening WI

St. Mary’s Christmas Bazaar

At the December meeting of Hadleigh Evening WI Gill Taylor hosted a Christmas program of readings by fellow members of poetry and prose. There was a selection of extracts from childrens’ letters to Father Christmas, an account of Christmas shopping (a very tiring past time) and details of typical presents and toys, including a teddy bear. Dressed in a tiara and wings, Gill read an amusing poem about a bedraggled elderly fairy on top of the Christmas tree. Readings also included description church bells, candle light, carol singers and a typical infant school nativity play. This was followed by the singing of “Away in a Manger” and “Silent Night”. Josie Budd has recently attended lip reading classes. She provided everyone with paper and instructed us all to draw a Christmas tree. The drawings were passed round each member adding a further item of decoration having lip read Josie’s instructions. Eventually everyone went home with an original unique card. Continuing with the Christmas theme mulled wine and home made mince pies were served. The best pies were adjudged to have been provided by Naomi Partridge. The meeting was concluded with the singing of “We wish you a “Merry Christmas”. Visitors and new members are always welcome to our monthly meetings that are held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Seminar suite above the library starting 7.30pm. The program for 2010 includes some interesting speakers:19 January Margaret James A Life with Music 16 February Sheila Steer Saga Holidays 16 March Bob Baker Ballooning 20 April Catherine Dell Spain in the footsteps of Laurie Lee 15 June Bill Baston East Anglian Birds 20 July Ray Tricker Enjoying Old Churches 21 September Geoff Evans Life of a Racehorse 21 December Chris Miller Suffolk Punch horses 18 Jan 2011 Jonathan Lambert Pearls For further details you are welcome to phone me. Happy New Year. Philippa Carruthers, President 01473 823057

A big thank you to everyone who helped and supported us enabling us to raise the grand total of £1540.00 the proceeds being shared between the church, our soldiers in Afghanistan and the Chris Corder Fund. Also a big thank you to Hadleigh Thrift Shop for their kind donations to the raffle.

Churches-Together in Hadleigh Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th to 25th January 2010 Theme is You are witnesses. 18th Jan 7.00 pm St Joseph's Church Meditation 19th 10.15 am United Reform Prayer and coffee 19th 8.00 pm Monks Eleigh URC Prayer, praise and Bible study 20th 7.30 am St Mary's Eucharist and breakfast. 21st 9.30 am Kersey parish Church Kersey Communion and coffee. 22nd 9.25 am St Joseph's Morning Prayer and Mass 22nd 7.45 pm Salvation Army Prayer, praise and fellowship 24th 6.30 pm Elmsett Methodist Church Joint Service 25th 9.00 am United Reform Church Celtic Morning Prayer. All welcome at these events, come and be part of the Christian Family.

TOPPESFIELD COTTAGES We have two stylish properties in the Hadleigh area accommodating 2 or 4 people Family or friends wanting to visit, but no space to put them up? Why not offer them a pleasant break in one of our comfortable cottages. Bookings for weekends and short breaks are available throughout the year.

Contact Gale for more details 01473 829129 / info@toppesfieldcottages.co.uk

Hadleigh United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL The United Reformed Church is a national, mainstream Christian denomination with its roots in the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. We worship one God, expressed in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to Jesus in our worship and by loving and caring for all without exception. Here in Hadleigh we are part of Churches Together in Hadleigh and have good relationships with all the other Churches. We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am and worship in an informal, but reverent manner, balancing the best of traditional and modern worship. At the same time there are activities in Sunday Club for children and young people of all ages. At other times of the week we meet for prayer, Bible Study and friendship. We are also very much involved in our community through the many activities that take place in our buildings, and especially through our links with the Ansell Community Centre. For more information call Jim on 827895,

A New Decade What have you done with the first 10 years of this brand new millennium? What might you do with the new decade stretching out in front? Much has changed in the last 10 years and much is very uncertain about the next. God has created the universe and given life to each one of us. In an ever changing world, God is the only constant and God is love. Our only realistic response to such love is to love in return. As we embark on this new decade together, why not accept each new day as a gift from God, give thanks and try to take every opportunity to share God’s love with someone during the day? If everyone just tried to do that, just imagine what a difference it would make to the world. God’s blessings for 2010. For more information call Jim on 827895

A Cafe Service Sunday 31st January, 10.30am This is a very informal time of worship. Coffee will be served from 10am. Worship starts at 10.30 and as we are seated at tables we can take part, listen in or even read the newspaper. Why not see if this way of worship might be right for you? For more information call Jim on 827895.

What do you think.... about your legacy....over a drink? At the start of a new decade, we might look back on the millennium so far and ask what positive impact we have made. Looking forward into the new decade we are challenged to think about the legacy we would like to leave for our children and grandchildren. We could think only in financial terms, but if climate change or war, or terrorism or injustice matter, then perhaps we should be planning to make a positive contribution there also – for the sake of those who follow us. What legacy would we like to leave? This is an informal discussion group for men, who want to talk about important issues. Come and enjoy a drink and air your ‘Pints of View’! We don't expect to have all the answers, but we do enjoy learning from the different insights that we each bring. Simply turn up to see what is going on. Next meeting: 8.00pm Wednesday 27th January The George Public House (back room) All welcome! For more information, contact Jim (827895).

www.hadleighurc.org.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Ebony’s Blog My life at The Shelley Centre Welcome to 2010! I hope you have all enjoyed the Christmas festivities and that 2010 will be a good year for all of us. I mentioned the Helpers Supper in my last Blog and am now coming back to it, as promised. I heard talk outside my room the other day that during the evening two of our Helpers received special recognition for their services to the Shelley Centre. Jan Derbyshire, our Chairman, made the presentations. In the first instance, Elaine received recognition for her 30 years as a volunteer helper and instructor at the Centre which is a remarkable achievement and I am sure she is both proud and satisfied of the help she has given to so many people over the time; we are. Secondly, Brian Davies, or “Uncle Brian” as some Riders call him, was presented with a special Certificate from the RDA, Eastern Region, as an Outstanding Volunteer, in recognition of his services to the Shelley Centre during the previous year. Both awards are well deserved and in Brian’s case especially so because not only does he work as a Helper with our Riders but, he is also Volunteer in Charge of the Maintenance Team and when not patching and repairing helps Lyn, our Stable Manager, aided by his wife Julie, to look after the Herd. As you will gather, Brian is a man of “Many Hats”. However, whilst his contribution is invaluable, he is not alone among the Helpers who also wear “Many Hats”, in particular, those who serve on the Fund Raising Committee. They have a very important if difficult job trying to think up events that you will be keen to support and when a suitable fund raising event has been agreed upon that is just the beginning…... It is doubly difficult in our present economic climate as funds are not so freely available. Even so, people are still generous and donations continue to come to us with the latest offering coming from the Rotary Club of Bury St. Edmunds who kindly raised a total of £2,676 for the RDA of which £1,433 came to the Shelley Centre; many thanks to all of those involved, the funds are most welcome. With the New Year, are you looking to make a New Years Resolution? If you haven’t already done so, why not resolve to Sponsor a Pony? If you have always wanted to own a Pony and cannot, for whatever reason, why not share? Contact Diane at the Shelley Centre and she will send to you the details. For as little as £25 per annum, you can sponsor one of the Shelley Centres’ Ponies and help with its upkeep. In return, you will receive a photo of the Pony you have chosen, details of its history and an update on what it is doing on a regular basis; you will also know that you are doing something worthwhile to help others; you can even come to visit the Centre and meet me too! Well, it’s time for me to sign off as I need to prepare my circuits for the new term. Don’t forget Riders! The new term starts on Monday 11th January! Did I hear someone say “Oh no it doesn’t” Oh yes it does! (Well, it is the Pantomime season?). Website: www.rda-east.org.uk/shelley.html Telephone: 01473 824172


Slurp Our Soups on Friday 29th January 12 noon - 2 pm at the Ansell Community Centre Soup and Bread £2.00 Everyone Welcome

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The Brewers Arms Bower House Tye, A1071, Polstead, CO6 5BZ Serving Food Mon-Sat 12pm-9pm Sun 12pm-8.30pm

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CLUB MATTERS: At the beginning of December a Special General Meeting was held to elect the officers for the Rotary year 2010-11. The folowing were elected: President Brian Havis, Secretary Derek Cranston, Treasurer Roy Watling. The following week the Club held its Christmas dinner in the Town Hall with 14 members and wives attending this enjoyable event. At the time of writng this article the Christmas Collection is about to start and it is hoped that the weather will be kind. A full report will appear in the next issue. SPEAKER: Tony Dagnall gave an account of the history of Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope illustrated by slides. Sir Bernard Lovell who lectured at Manchester University and studied cosmic rays during 1930s was its creator. During the 2nd world war he developed air to sea radar for detection of enemy shipping and invented the Magnetron allowing bombers to detect targets through the clouds. Returning to Manchester afterwards he sought a quiet location to continue his cosmic ray research and found Jodrell Bank about 20 miles from Liverpool. He built a static disc and aerial telescope discovering radiation coming from space. However to track this radiation properly he needed a moveable, steerable dish and he started building this in 1952 at an estimated cost of £50,000 but many difficulties were encountered and costs soared to about £1,000,000 and there were long delays in raising the funds. The telescope was finally completed in 1957 and it was the only one in the world which was able to pick up the signals from the first Russian 'Sputnik'. At that time it was the largest telescope of its kind in the world, weighing 3200 tons, with a maximum height of 90 metres and with an area of 1 acre. It is now grade 1 listed and has been superceded by a more powerful version. NEW CLUB: If you have seen the recent publicity about the formation of a new Rotary Club in Hadleigh and are still wondering whether it might be of interest to you do not delay but MAKE A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to register for the information meeting by contacting Brian Havis tel 01787 210116 or email: brianhavis@btinternet.com FUTURE PROGRAMME: January 7 business meeting, 14 Steven Robinson - cycling in the Himalayas, 21 Speaker to be announced, 28 Speaker to be announced For all information relating to Hadleigh Rotary Club please contact Rotarian Alan Williams tel no 01473 830229


Rotary Review



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Home-Start Babergh It has been a busy few weeks here at Home-Start Babergh. We have recently finished our latest new volunteer preparation course, which is excellent news, as we now have some fresh faced volunteers ready to support families facing difficulties. On the 7th December, we held our Families Christmas Party at the Stevenson Centre, Great Cornard, where Father Christmas made an early appearance and delivered gifts to 37 children. Everybody had a lovely time and were spectacularly entertained by ‘SMILE it’s a Party’ – you would never believe there were so many children present – they were so quite listening to the puppet show! We would like to take this opportunity to thank, Usborne Books, TBS Book Supplies, Waitrose, Roy’s and the Co-op for their generous donations (either money or gifts to help Father Christmas) towards our party costs. Without such help it would not be possible for us to bring a little happiness to some families who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Once again Sudbury Churches Together have supported Home-Start Babergh, by collecting and donating hampers for distribution to our families, which were delivered by Staff and Directors in time for the festive season. Home-Start Babergh would like to thank everyone who has supported us during 2009, from our wonderful volunteers (without them our scheme would not be able to continue), individuals who have donated money, items to help our families or their time, to our funders. Thank you to you all, we are extremely grateful and hope you will be able to continue to support us in 2010. Here at Home-Start Babergh we are always looking for ways to raise funds: our next big fundraising event is our annual Dinner Dance at Brett Vale Golf Club, Raydon on Saturday 6th February 2010. Tickets cost £27.50 each and include Bucks Fizz on arrival, a three course meal, a grand raffle with fabulous prizes and music from ‘Bits and Pieces’. If you would like tickets or further information, please contact either: Penny on 01473 311040 or Pam on 01473 311700. Book early to avoid disappointment!!

Utility Installation Projects Limited Valleyhigh Park, Hook Lane, Hadleigh, You may have seen us installing voltage cables; Suffolk IP7 5PH in addition to these works we now have a small Telephone 01473 824480 works Fax 01473 division who can undertake the 824474 following: Email info@uiprojects.com www.uiprojects.com

Fencing Drainage & Water Repairs and Installations Horse Menage Driveways Plant Hire with/without Qualified Operator Thrust Bore in Utility Services Trenching Works Pond Design, Clearance and Construction Landscaping Grass field maintenance Call us now for free advice and a quotation Utility Installation Projects Limited Valley Park, Hook Lane, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5PH Fax 01473 824474 Email info@uiprojects.com

Telephone 01473 824480 www.uiprojects.com www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


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Dear Sir I should like to thank all who helped erect the christmas trees in the High Street. The comments received from members of the public during the day show that this is a much appreciated festive adornment for our town. We were lucky with the weather (unlike other years) and managed to get them all up with the aid of Cherry Forbes much appreciated sausage rolls before it rained. Special thanks go to Fork Rent who provided the cherry picker and to Buildbase for manning it, the Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce for the main tree in the Market Place, Cowles Electricals for putting on the lights. It should be noted that all of the above gave their time and machinery free of charge. Now to the volunteers on the ladders, they are: Glenn Root, Brian Loftus, Peter Matthews, Colin Ulph, Bob Vince, Andy Forbes, Charlie Dawson, Farhad and Cameron Abdly, Stuart and Samuel Cairns, Graham and Tom Linge. And without the support of Kenny McGhee and Mike Ager there would have been no ladders for them to go up. As in previous years, the trees are purchased from Hollow Trees Farmshop. A big thank you to them for delivering them on time and providing such lovely trees. I must not forget Elaine Root and Sarah Loftus our two lighting ladies. This is shining example (no pun intended) of community spirit so once again thank you to all. Peter Matthews, Hadleigh Town Forum

Dear Sir It was a very sad day when we at Theshers were telephoned to be told our company had been transferred into the hands of administrators. Over the following few days we also heard that our store would be one of the 373 shops that would be closing. As far as I am aware, the shop has been an off licence for at least 30 years and has always striven hard to maintain high standards of customer care and assistance to all our regular and most loyal customers. I and my staff would like to thank all those that have supported us over the years and their genuine concern for our futures has been greatly appreciated. I have been manager for the last 9 years at this store, and in that time have enjoyed my times and can think of many funny things that have happened. (I won’t be writing that proverbial book though!) Hadleigh is a very special place, and other managers who have visited us, have always been quite envious that we had such excellent surroundings to work in. I sincerely hope Hadleigh keeps Tesco’s out of the town as this would be most destructive to the high street – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise – just look at similar towns. Please support your local businesses, because its true what they say, Support Us Or Lose Us. Once again thank you for your support and good luck Hadleigh. James Sheen

Dear Sir There have been a number of people in the town fund raising individually for the all Armed Forces charity Help for Heroes throughout this past year. Would they be interested in joining with me to organise an event on a larger scale in addition to their own individual fund raising? I can be contacted initially by email at fred.breyer@virgin.net and would be pleased to receive any suggestions of an event on which we can combine. Fred Breyer

Dear Sir One way of reaching potentially every household in Hadleigh is to write a letter to the Hadleigh Community News! So, using this medium, I would like to thank all the parents, grandparents, other family members and friends who, once every year give up a precious Sunday afternoon to ensure that scores of young children can be welcomed into our lovely Parish Church of St. Mary’s. Once inside they enjoy a person-friendly act of worship, in a colourful, warm, safe, and fun environment, which is planned with young children in mind, and, at the same time, accommodates the aforementioned adults ……… I refer, of course, to the annual Christingle service which this year was on 6th December. The safety aspect is ensured by the presence of St John Ambulance personnel, and members of St. Mary’s congregation 32

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

who marshal the 200+ Christingle holders as the children file round the church prior to lighting their Christingles (oranges, with a candle fixed firmly on top!) Finally, the money collected at the service, together with the cash in the children’s “purses” is sent to the Children’s Society, which is a national organisation which assists children, young people and families who are “at risk” for a variety of reasons, using prevention and intervention where appropriate. This year, our total raised so far is £400.50 (plus gift aid); since 1973 a conservative estimate would put our total at nearly £12,000. So, again, a heartfelt thank you to all concerned, and please continue to support us again next year: book the date now, Sunday 5th December 2010 at 3pm in St. Mary’s Church. God bless you all. Philip Mann

Dear Sir Being a member of Slimming World which I attend Tuesday mornings in the Guildhall we are planning on doing a sponsored slim for January with the proceeds to be given to Chris Corder whom we wish a speedy recovery. So if you want to make a difference and get over that over indulgence at Christmas and the New Year come and join us by helping yourself and a worthy cause. Teresa Talbot

Dear Sir I am sure that former Friends of Hadleigh Guildhall will be delighted to learn that their efforts to improve the building have been acknowledged by the Hadleigh Society. At the December meeting I was presented with a Noel Turner Award for the refurbishment of the Second Floor Room and the garden. Although the award was given to me, I feel that it really belongs to all those who worked hard to raise the money for the Guildhall. I am immensely grateful for all the support I received over the 11 years the organisation existed. Jane Haylock

Hadleigh Cricket Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group The club’s Bicentenary year has got off to an excellent start, with the news that we have been successful in our application for funding towards a set of new mobile pitch covers, which will be in place for the start of the season. We are already working hard towards our special week in July, when the club will be playing host to the MCC and Suffolk, amongst others. Local companies interested in supporting the week are welcome to contact club president Richard English on 01473 658559. At the recent AGM, several new officers were elected. Tim Rix, after leading the 1st team on a temporary basis for much of last season, became permanent captain, alongside new vice-captains Michael Howe and Ian Thoroughgood. Our Secretary Brian Fowler stepped down after nine years of outstanding service, and is succeeded by Gary Wiles, who in turn relinquished his position as fixture secretary to Richard Pettitt. Winter nets are already underway at Ipswich School, on Thursday nights from 8-9.30pm. The club are actively seeking new players for the 2010 season and prospective new members are welcome to come along to the nets or contact captain Tim Rix on 07540 432440 or tim.rix2009@googlemail.com. Farmer

Hadleigh Healing Society A peaceful new year to everyone. The start of a New Year is the time for taking stock of one’s life and perhaps implementing some changes that will make us feel fulfilled and give us more time to do enjoyable things. This is what we hope. It does not always work out that way. We drift back into our old ways and feel dissatisfied with our lot. Our intentions are good but.... We have all said, tried and fallen by the wayside. With the world situation as it is both economically and environmentally you ask yourself what difference can I make. If everyone tries just one thing to make the world a better place it will help and make a difference. You will feel you have done something positive. We, the healers, are trying to do our ‘bit’ for the planet and humanity. If you would like to talk about your concerns we are always there to lend a friendly ear, in confidence, Please contact us on 01473 823282 or log on to www.hadleighhealing society.org.

Hadleigh Thrift Shop Everyone involved with the shop hope you had a good christmas and a happy new year. The shop is now in its 11th year and continues to flourish. There are now about 22 people helping to make sure everything runs smoothly. Because of this, plus the many donations we receive so many organisations in Hadleigh and district have been helped with the money raised. We plan to send a container full of ex-NHS equipment to Albania in May. The Aid to Hospitals Charity in Bury St Edmunds will source everything we need, from bandages to scanners, which otherwise would end up in a land fill site. Helping to fund this will be The Ark of the Lord Church in Ipswich and Leiston Charity Shop. Recently helped include: Angel Court Day Centre, Hadleigh Hares, MP3 Players for Soldiers in Afghanistan, Hadleigh and District Brownies, St Elizabeth Hospice. Any organisations needing help should write in telling us what the money is for, and a telephone number.

Friars Hall Nursing Home Where Care and Dignity Go Hand in Hand A home for you with nursing care in the heartland of beautiful Constable Country A FEW RESIDENTIAL BEDS ALSO AVAILABLE

Tastefully furnished Visiting Library Hairdresser Chiropodist Excellent Food


Hadleigh Black Cat Club December was more of a “Ho Ho Hic” than “Ho Ho Ho” as we had two Christmas activities; the first was a meal at the George and the second at the club where members all brought a taster of goodies to share. We had our usual “adult” game of pass the balloon and a gift to take home from our complimentary raffle. Jane gave everyone a copy of our winter programme and everyone was pleased with the items that were coming up especially as in February we have a talk by Janet Hazell on her memories of her parents – the Mayor and Mayoress of Peterborough, and a talk by Tracy Alexander on our Soldiers in Afghanistan and what we can all do to help them. It has been an exciting and packed year and we have all made new friends, had fun and learnt from our speakers. On behalf of the committee and members we would like to wish you all a happy, prosperous, and safe 2010. Lynn Todhunter

Baker Interiors KITCHENS, BEDROOMS & BATHROOMS Excellent range of kitchens & bedrooms available from leading manufacturers including Zimmer, Sigma, Crown & our entry level kitchen Crown Lifestyle. We also supply appliances from leading brands.

Baker Interiors offer a complete service from design & supply to a full installation service including building, tiling & electrical work. Contact John or Jo on 01473 828366 or email jo@bakerinteriors.co.uk Visit our website www.bakerinteriors.co.uk



Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Cathy Tooze BA (Hons) Deputy Head: Mike Taggart BA Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: office@hadleighhigh.suffolk.sch.uk Website: www.hadleighhigh.suffolk.sch.uk

Farewell to Mrs Tooze Dear Reader, I would like to introduce myself to you all as I commence my role as Headteacher in January. I have been Deputy Headteacher at Honywood Community Science School in Coggeshall, Essex. Honywood is an outstanding school and I have spent six highly enjoyable years working there as a Deputy, undertaking the full range of school leadership roles and responsibilities. I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead Hadleigh High School and I look forward to working with pupils, staff, governors and local community groups to build upon the school’s many strengths. Caroline Gibson Headteacher

HADLEIGH HIGH LEISURE CENTRE Phone 01473 824441 for details or booking. Monday - Friday 8-10.30am & 5-10pm Sat 8am - 1pm Sun 9am - 12 noon

To look after yourself Whether your goal is to improve fitness, lose weight or feel better. Come and visit our friendly fitness studio which caters for people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. We also run exercise classes for people who want to get fit and make new friends. There are a number of clubs and sessions for children, so you could get fit whilst they do.

No membership, No Direct Debit, No pressure. If you are ready to start; pop in to have a look around or visit our website


Astro-turf will soon be available to book! 34

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Our former Head Teacher, Mrs Tooze, left the school at the end of the Autumn Term. She is embarking on a new journey at the Herts & Essex High School. Everybody here, staff and pupils alike, will miss her, and we wish her the best of luck in the future. However, school life goes on under the guidance of our new Head Teacher, Mrs Caroline Gibson.

Thumbs Up To Belstead Several groups of students from Belstead Special School in Ipswich have toured some of our facilities: Salon Services, Food Technology, Textiles and DT rooms. These tours not only promote our resources, but also familiarise the Belstead students with these different learning environments, so that when they enrol at Suffolk One it will be less daunting for them. We wish them the best of luck.

Library Book Fair The recent book fair held in the library from 2nd - 8th December was a great success, selling £500 worth of books. There was a wide selection of books available as well as a range of stationery and posters. £150 of the money raised from these sales has gone towards new books for the ever growing library.

Gifted and Talented Congratulations to Brodie Farrow, Gus McGill, Joel Sherwin, and Rowanne Willett, who are the selected few chosen to take part in the Suffolk Gifted Linguists Project: “Going Global with Languages”. They will attend two Saturday workshops to research and produce a presentation based around a global citizen issue of their choice, all in the target language! Bien cuit!

News from the Music Dept The music department have got off to a flying start this term, with an abundance of news and performances. On the 10th December 2009, Hadleigh High’s Sports Hall was transformed into a concert venue for one night only. The familiar activities of sport and exercise were replaced by an electrifying plethora of musical entertainment. These acts included some unparalleled soloists: Adam Tutt, on piano; Miriam Jacobs, on violin; Megan Baldry, singing; and Natasha Benée, singing, while accompanied by Alasdair Newbigging. Other acts included: Voice Squad, Swing Band, Wind Band, Orchestra, Samba Band, CHACM, as well as the Crumhorn Group, performing a charming medley of Christmas classics, with the audience singing along. We were also joined by the cast of HHS’s latest production, Bugsy Malone, singing ‘Fat Sam’s Grand Slam’. More information about this production, due to be performed in February, will follow in later issues.

St Mary’s join forces with Hadleigh High students at the Christmas Concert.

Music to open the Bury Festival Year 11 students Nic Keeble and Luke English opened Bury St. Edmund’s annual Christmas festival this year, with a few of their own songs, which were closely followed by the HHS Flute Group, of Kim Guest, Rowanne Willett and Harriet Benstead. This group has also recently performed in an event organised by Babergh.

been a particular highlight, with 24 students showcasing their talents at RHS; where a magnificent performance from the Year 10 and 11 boys’ squad secured them top spot, a school record. Hockey has been another area which has produced pleasing results, with all teams looking forward to using the new astro-turf as they look to continue that good form into the New Year. The school’s football teams have also been in impressive form, displayed by the fourth round appearances for the Year 8 and 10 teams; a feat never achieved previously by the school. The Year 10 team are also through to the quarter finals of the John Turner County Cup where they hope to retain their title. However, the first silverware of the term has been won by the Year 7 girls, who have become South Suffolk 5-a-side Champions, subsequently qualifying to play in the National stages next term. The high standards set by students at Hadleigh are displayed by the numerous Suffolk representations. Most recently, Georgia Howard and Ella Delves swam for their county, with Suffolk winning the Inter Counties gala against Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. Also, this term, the Under 16 girls’ football team have played 3 matches in the County Cup. The first game was against Debenham, where by the end of the first half, Hadleigh were 3-0 up. Even though Debenham managed to score 3 goals in the second half, Hadleigh scored another 2, bringing the final score to 5-3. They went on to beat St Benedict’s 2-1, but suffered a disappointing defeat to Sudbury Upper School, thus relinquishing the Cup. Written by Jake Grimsey, Martin Greenacre, Samuel Clarke, Liam Self, Lucy Evans & Georgia Redgrave

Walter Wright

n Association With adleigh High School Congratulations! Working Together for the Future of Hadleigh

In other news, congratulations are in order for Sophie English (an ex- student of Hadleigh High School) who has recently been accepted at Trinity College. There have also been plenty of achievements in school with many successful candidates in this term’s Guitar and Theory examinations.

Need to free up valuable time Outsource your Payroll to us Contact Carole Bourner for a free no obligation quotation

Dancing Queen During the Autumn Term, Year 8 student Jazmin Print won the Eastern Counties Free Dance Championship, and went on to represent East Anglia in the National Finals. Considering the competition, Jazmin did an outstanding job and finished in a very respectable 5th place. On behalf of Hadleigh High School: well done Jazmin!

Sporting Successes Coming to the end of the calendar year, it has been a great first term for sport at Hadleigh High School. Cross country has www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Letter from Layham St Andrew's - your local church January services 3rd 10.30 am Family Worship 10th 9.15 am Sung Eucharist 17th 9.15 am Said Eucharist (BCP) 10.15 am Cafe Church (see below) 24th 9.15 am Family Eucharist 31st No service at Layham. Benefice Eucharist at St Mary's at 10.45 am (Education Sunday) Café Church A warm welcome to come along with the family and join us for a coffee, activities and informal worship. Hot Sunday Lunch Thanks to those who supported the hot Sunday lunch. This excellent social event was thoroughly enjoyed by all, especially the splendid meal. It was great to see a full house resulting in £445 being raised for church funds. Layham Playing Field Bluebells The Playing Field Management Committee raised a small grant from the Woodland Trust with which to purchase some native wild bluebell bulbs. During the autumn a small area of ground has been cleared and mulched well with leaf mould (much of which was supplied by Liz and Nick Reid from Overbury Hall). One weekend in November Jo Moat, Ken Quedley and Michael Woods planted 200 bulbs. They are just inside the conservation area to the right of the upper entrance and should show a few flowers in the spring. They may take a year or two before they mature and start to spread. Enjoy them! Playing Field 100 Club The winners of the draw for November were: £15 Ticket No 6 Short £10 Ticket No 2 Wilder Layham Hedgerow Survey After two years of work the Hedgerow Survey Team has completed the task of walking 370 hedges and recording the species of shrub and tree in each of them. Putting aside the odd garden shrub that has strayed into a hedge here and there, over 50 species have been found growing in the Parish of Layham. The ‘top ten’ in terms of profusion are: Bramble; Hawthorn; Blackthorn (Sloe); Field Maple; Ivy; Elm; Elder; Hazel; Oak; Wild Rose. It has been good to find a couple of key conservation species in the Parish – Wild Service Tree and Small Leaved Lime. These are both indicators of ancient hedgerows and the Lime is quite plentiful in parts of Lower Layham. It has also been interesting to find some Elm that appears to be developing resistance to disease and is growing into hedgerow trees once again. We are grateful to the sixteen landowners who have allowed the team access to their land. It has been a privilege to see parts of the countryside normally out of sight. The team has been Richard and Sonia Groom; Carolyn Webb and Sheila Roberts; Jane Gales, Lesley and Peter Garnett; Sally and Martin Looker; Bob and Doreen Sillett; Richard Cromwell and David Pratt; John McLeod and Michael Woods; Jonathan Oldham. 36

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hedge in Church Lane If you have young children take them up Church Lane and watch out on the right hand side for a blackbird’s nest that has been revealed now that the leaves have all gone. It is wonderful to see how a bird – using only its beak - can weave vegetation and carry mud in such quantities to make this structure.

Layham Playgroup ‘Playgroups Festive Fun!’ Christmas is always a delightful conclusion to the Autumn term, with the children having a lovely time preparing for Christmas. As ever the Village Hall has been a ‘hive’ of activity with the children engrossed in sticking & glueing, painting, modelling & baking Christmas gifts, displays & decorations. An eagerly anticipated interlude was the visit to Partridges Farm where the children enthusiastically helped Charles select & ‘fell’ the Christmas tree for St Andrews Church, made tree decorations & then proceeded on to the church to carryout the decoration themselves. We have had many lovely comments since on what a wonderful job we’ve done. As ever the Christmas party was to be a fitting finale to a fun packed term, but due to the ‘unseasonal’ heavy snow we had to postpone, but don’t worry, we will rearrange a Spring term treat. A big thank you to the staff & parents who have helped so eagerly in making such a fun & relaxed atmosphere. Well done! Our attention now turns to the start of a new term & would like to welcome our new children, Dominic, Joshua, Tayla, Jensen, Max & Fiona. We hope you thoroughly enjoy your time with us. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 21/2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Clare on 01473 828626 or email us at layhamplaygroup@hotmail.co.uk LAYHAM PLAYGROUP CHRISTMAS FAIR ‘Playgroups Christmas Cracker!’ What a brilliant day!!! After months of meticulous preparation everything fell into place beautifully. A wonderfully festive Ansell Centre complete with Christmas tree, festooned hand made bunting & even a snow machine welcomed hundreds of enthusiastic visitors. Such was the overwhelming support throughtout the day, even the cake stall supplied by the now legendary Layham lady bakers felt the pressure, but as ever they were up to the task & the bountiful displays of delicious cakes just kept coming! Over 20 quality craft & gift stalls provided something for everyone, ranging from millenary, interiors, toys, cards, dinosaurs & even rheindeer food! Face painting, nails, hair braiding & temporary Christmas tattoos helped to entertain the younger visitor. Highlight of the afternoon was the visit of Father Christmas, the buzz of excitement & anticipation was almost tangible as hoards of children & parents greeted his arrival. Despite his busy schedule Father Christmas took time to speak to every child & give them a free gift, what a star! Quickly following behind was

the draw for the Christmas Raffle, eagerly awaited by many. The raffle table groaned under the weight of so many generously donated gifts by the business’s of Hadleigh & the surrounding area. The success of such a large event takes considerable time & effort & Layham Playroup are indebted to the wonderful & heartfelt support we have received. Special thanks must go to Becki, ‘Wonder’ Shirley & their fantastic team, Wincer Kievenaar for being main event sponsors & the following businesses who contributed so magnificently to the day; Hollow Trees Farm, Corncraft, Hadleigh Maid, Ferguson’s, Chilli & Chives, Plum Green, Adnams, Boots, Buildbase, Sunflower, Comic Capers, Katies Tearoom, The Orangerie, Peake Fitness, Tesco, Morrisons & Stanley Tools, but most of all the wonderful people of Hadleigh & Layham who supported the event so brilliantly. Thank you!!!

How to keep your New Year Resolution We have all done it. We make New Year resolutions, maybe struggle to keep them for a few days, make ourselves miserable and then lapse back into our old habits. Consider why people make resolutions. It is usually because there is some aspect of their life that they want to change for the better. Then, instead of focusing on the great benefits that they will achieve, they focus on what they are giving up so, of course they fail. In this life you attract whatever it is that you think about the most. If you think about negative words like giving up, stopping, doing less or changing something that you have enjoyed for years, then it is inevitable that your subconscious will rebel to ensure that it does not happen. Instead, think about how you will look, feel and sound rather than thinking about what you may be giving up, think about what you will gain. Remember too that there is no success or failure; there is only a result. So don’t beat yourself up if the result is not what you planned, just change something and start again. Trying to change the habits of a lifetime overnight usually results in failure, because the human mind and body do not work like that. The task may be too great to achieve in such a short time. Coaching sessions will help you to fully appreciate why you want to make the change and the options you have to facilitate it, and to examine your commitment to the change. It will also help you to define strategies for creating the change with small action steps that will bring you gradually closer to attaining your goals. Achieving solutions begins with setting them correctly and then having support to make them happen in a timescale that the body and mind can and will accept. New Year resolutions are great if they get you thinking about your life. The power of personal change is just too good to be limited to the first few days of the year. Contact Julie at Lloyd-Davies Coaching and keep your New Year Resolution. 01473 823757

Claire and David Ford We hope all our family and friends have had a happy and enjoyable Christmas. A donation was made in lieu of sending Christmas cards to the Woolverstone Wish, for improvements to the Cancer department at Ipswich Hospital. Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

Happy New Year Maggie and Fudge, my wonderful yellow guide dog, would like to wish everyone in Hadleigh a happy new year, may it be everything you hope for, bringing you prosperity and above all good health. Many thanks to all of you that make our working walks so much more enjoyable by your kind thoughtfull acts to aid us on our way. A cheery hello goes a long way to help us both feel a real part of the town life, so please keep it coming for 2010. Cheers from Fudge and my sidekick Maggie

Are you leading the life you want to? Are you reaching your potential? Coaching is a flexible tailored approach to change or development, it can help you to clarify what you really want and plan how to achieve it. I will help you to refocus and bring about changes in attitudes and behaviours which in turn may lead to a more effective performance. Coaching can help with: • career development • work / life balance • confidence • managing life changes • making tough decisions • handling stress •physical and psychological well-being

For a free 30 minute consultation call Julie at Lloyd-Davies Coaching on 01473 823757

Armchair Players have fun for Pudsey Bear In a special event on November 21st 2009 the Armchair Players supported the BBC Children in Need Campaign. Attended by members and their friends and family; it was an evening of theatrical fun with sketches, duologues, monologues, poetry, quizzes, games, raffles, a cake stall and a greeting card sale. Amazingly, we raised a whopping £183.25 pence for Children in Need. Thank you to all of our members for their enthusiastic support and participation on that very special night! We have lots of plans in keeping with our aims of doing more than just reading plays. These include a presentation by the New Wolsey Theatre management in February, attending Noel Coward’s Bittersweet at the Theatre Royal in April and a celebration of our first anniversary in May with a rehearsed Play Reading directed by Peter Finch and open to the public for a minimal charge. Our next regular meeting is on January 11th, 7:30pm at the Kings Head pub in Hadleigh. We will be reading J B Priestley's Dangerous Corner. Why not join us? Come along, grab a drink from the bar, and join the fun of taking part in a play from the comfort of your chair or just relax and listen. Our regular meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at the Kings Head. Join us when you can. Armchair Players wish you all a very peaceful and happy New Year! If you would like to know more about us, call Maddie Labinger on 01473 824033 or visit our website: www.armchairplayers.org.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


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Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Branch News: The Branch Committee is standing as it was last year as we have had no new volunteers. The branch is ticking over fine at present. We would like to wish everybody a very Happy Christmas and a good start into, hopefully, a prosperous New Year. .Next meeting to be confirmed. Sabine Harvey. Branch Secretary. Chairman’s Report: January Entertainment; See Notice Board. First of all I must report the sad loss of our President Fred Seager who passed away in the early hours of Wednesday morning, the 16th December. Funeral arrangements will be announced as soon as we know. Fred was a British Legion man through and through. More about his career in the next issue. Myself and the Management Committee wish all members a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Arthur Bell. Chairman. Royal British Legion Women’s Section. There will be no meeting on 5th January 2010 Memories. Following the heavy fighting in 1914 that followed the German invasion of Belgium and the outbreak of war between Gt Britain, France, and Germany, the onset of winter saw the fighting stabilise into trench warfare. The bitter cold weather of January 1915 was not conducive to pitched battles and the front line trenches became covered with a thick layer of snow and swept by bitter cold winds. The war however continued, and the Germans were well equipped with trench warfare weapons such as Trench Mortars which could drop a heavy mortar bomb into opposing trenches, catapult slings which could throw a hand grenade far enough to cause damage and snipers armed with rifles equipped with telescopic sights were a constant danger. The sentry on duty on the fire step wrapped up in his great coat against the cold, and using a trench periscope to avoid putting his head above the parapet and become a target for the ever alert enemy snipers. With the crash and flash of exploding shells and the occasional chatter of a machine gun as an alert and nervous machine gunner saw, or imagined enemy movement, your sentry waited for his tour of duty to end. He could then retire to the comparative safety of the deep dugout dimly lit by fluttering candles and flicking oil lamps, and warmed by a coke brazier fire. There, he could enjoy his rationed tot of rum and his supper of bully beef. The sporadic fighting continued throughout the winter, and the subsequent winters, but with greater sophistication until the start of that winter in 1918, when on that memorable day of 11th November, all guns fell silent on all battle fronts and the soldiers were saved from yet another cold and snowy winter in the trenches. The trench lines are covered with a carpet of snow, Across which the bitter icy wind doth blow, The snipers bullet still whines by, The cause of many a soldier to die. (Peter R. Lee)

Daisy Chain We would like to thank everyone who supported our three open evenings which were a great success. We will definitely be having more in the New Year. We visited the Commanding Officer of Wattisham station Col. David Turner and presented him with a cheque for the soldiers. Also we presented a cheque to help the wives and children whose fathers are at Wattisham or in Afghanistan. Daisy Chain is also helping the Church Porch Project for the youth of the town.

January Sale

TEL: 01473 747117 FAX: 01473 240509

For the month of January only there will be a 20% discount on all jewellery and 30% discount on all new boots and shoes. A Happy New Year to everyone


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Experienced teacher and singer (Opera, Shows, Musicals, Jazz etc) 38

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Great News! Patients now have more choice We are delighted to inform you that Mill Pharmacy opened within Hadleigh Health Centre on 16th November 2009. This means that if you are registered with Dr J Flather and Partners or for that matter any medical practice, you can now choose to have your entire healthcare provided under one roof. Until now dispensing of prescriptions at the Health Centre has only been available to patients living outside Hadleigh. However, with the advent of the new pharmacy ALL patients (those living in Hadleigh as well as those in the outside villages) can take advantage of having their prescriptions dispensed at the pharmacy located within the Health Centre if they choose to do so. The procedure could not be easier. If you are a patient who already has your prescriptions dispensed at the Health Centre you do not need to do anything as the existing arrangements still stand. If currently you do not collect your medicines from the Health Centre but you wish to do so in the future you will be asked to complete a simple form to enable you to do so in the future. It could not be easier. In addition Mill Pharmacy is open seven days a week 8am - 6.30 pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm Saturday and 10am - 2pm Sunday. It will also be open on bank holidays. It provides the full range of services that are available in all pharmacies plus a great many more. There is a Pharmacy shop where you will be able to purchase some of the commonly available over the counter medicines, First-Aid items, medical sports products, incontinence products, stop smoking aids and disability aids. In addition you can access many of the NHS services such as Chlamydia screening, smoking cessation, and medicine usage reviews. Pick up one of our practice leaflets for more information about the full range of services available at the Pharmacy There is disabled parking available in the car park as well as wheel-chair access and toilet facilities. The Pharmacy also has a comfortable and totally confidential consultation room where you can speak to either of our two pharmacists in private. Both our pharmacists, Taj West and Alison Williams, are registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain which requires them to participate in Continuing Professional Development. This ensures that their knowledge and training is always maintained to an extremely high standard. Just pop in and introduce yourself to them. They will be pleased to talk to you. Finally, and most importantly, all the staff in the existing dispensary will remain there but in addition we have recruited a number of new staff to enable us to deliver you a fast and reliable service.

Would you like to open your garden in aid of the Hospice? St Elizabeth Hospice is looking for people to open their garden to the public with all proceeds benefiting the charity. Every spring and summer residents across east Suffolk open their gardens for an afternoon for visitors to admire – in return for a donation. Gardens of all shapes and sizes, formal or informal, cosy or large are wanted. This year around 20 gardens opened raising a total of £11,000. And this year we would like to see even more opening in every corner of east Suffolk including the towns, coastal areas and villages. St Elizabeth Hospice would love to hear from you if you are interested in opening your garden in either May, June, July, August or September 2010. For more information, please contact Rachael Mittell, community fundraiser at St Elizabeth Hospice on 01473 707034 or email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk

Monday - Friday, 9.15am - 12.15pm Polstead Village Hall Spaces Available for 2yrs - 5yrs FUN AND CARING ENVIRONMENT - LUNCH CLUB ‘TILL 1PM SAFE, SECURE INDOOR & OUTDOOR PLAY AREAS Fees per session £6.50 • Lunch Club £1.50 Monday – Friday 9.15am – 12.15pm Polstead Village Hall

For more information please call Aimee Perry: 01206 263959 / 07799 706927 Ofsted Registered • Charity No: 1022728

Spaces Available for 2yrs – 5yrs Fees per session £6.50 Lunch Club £1.50 For more information please call:

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d Church of Eng l e i f la n at trolled Pr

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Two film presentations in one month! A happy new year to all readers of the Hadleigh Community News from the Ansell Community Centre committee. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who help us to provide the Ansell Luncheon Club, Ansell Snacks and Hollywood in Hadleigh and without whom we would not be able to function. Please note that Ansell Snacks will be taking a break in January, but we have two films to entertain you at this rather bleak time of year. Both are on the subject of love, but the theme is treated very differently in each. Refreshments will be available at a suitable break in both films as usual. We look forward to seeing you!


THE READER (15) £3

Friday 15th January at 7.30 pm LAST CHANCE HARVEY features one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors, Dustin Hoffman. He plays the part of Harvey Shine who is visiting London for his daughter’s wedding. Long divorced he encounters Kate Walker - played by Emma Thompson - and tries to chat her up at a Heathrow Bar. She, a spinster, has suffered blind dates in the past and tries to give Harvey the brush off. However all that is about to change ! Last Chance Harvey is a well executed, life-affirming story with intelligent acting by both Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson that at times is profoundly moving. The film is enhanced by a visual feast of fabulous London locations as the plot unfolds.

You will find Hollywood in Hadleigh in the Ansell Centre

CONTACTING THE ACC • Call Eve on 827888 • Call Jan on 823413 • Email Jan at jan@dicks.plus.com • Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk

WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access through the church garden. 40

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Friday 29th January at 7.30 pm Our second presentation in January is THE READER. As readers of this acclaimed novel will testify, the book contains scenes of nudity and graphic sex and the film therefore carries a 15 certificate. As a result, it is not considered suitable for people who may be easily shocked. The film falls into three parts. In the first, a 15 year old Michael played by David Kross falls in love with taciturn Hanna, played by Kate Winslet. From their initial encounter Michael loses his virginity and subsequently the two embark on ardent love-making. Michael discovers that Hanna shares his enjoyment of his reading aloud to her - everything from Chekov to Tolstoy. But one day she disappears without warning or trace. Some years later Michael is now a law student and attending the hearings of the war crimes trials. He encounters his former lover, now known as Hanna Schmitz, who is on trial for her work as a guard in a concentration camp. From the evidence submitted by Hanna she reveals that she is illiterate - and Michael, now an older man played by Ralph Fiennes, must come to terms with his feelings of horror at the trial’s evidence, coupled with his own capacity for tenderness towards this German SS guard. During her years in prison Michael sends Hanna tape recordings of classic novels and endeavours to help with her illiteracy. It would be unwise of us to reveal how this film finishes since THE READER never asks for sympathy towards Hanna Schmitz and never directs you as to how you feel about the film’s subject matter. Stephen Daldry’s unfussy direction extracts from both Kate Winslet and Ralph Fiennes the very best in understated acting and is faithful to the tenor of the 1995 novel. If you have read the book you will not be disappointed with this adaptation.

Whatfield Players Just 10 months ago you may have enjoyed ‘Three for a Laugh’, with the plays ‘Heads, you lose’, ‘Poor Fred’ and ‘Holiday Snaps’. We follow this popular idea for an evening’s entertainment with ‘Three more for a Laugh’, another trio of plays, with the emphasis on fun and big smiles. On Friday 29th and Saturday 30th January at 7.30pm, Whatfield Village Hall will be the venue for... ‘Mrs Markby’s Secret’, ‘Patient Pending’ and ‘What A Turn Up’. Your £6.00 ticket will include a plated supper. There will be bar facilities and a raffle. Funds will be donated to ‘Riding for the Disabled’, and contributions to programmes will go to the Green Room Fund. Tickets will be on sale at The Idler, High Street, Hadleigh, tel: 827752. Whatfield villagers can obtain tickets from Mel & Roy Plumbly, 17 Wheatfields, 822315, or from Diane Armour at Crummels, 822000. Laughter is a good tonic - cheer yourself up after Christmas and join us in our comfortable hall, with easy parking. Whatfield Players will be able to give you a warm welcome. Diane Armour

News from Kersey School

Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO Registered Osteopaths Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 820123 Mobile: (07913) 417020 Home visits available where appropriate

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"The Star Attraction" - a traditional nativity performed to 300! Each and every one of the children of Kersey School had a important part to play retelling the story of the first Christmas in their annual play last week. "The Star Attraction" a new play for 2009 was a very fine performance of acting, dance and the best singing Kersey has ever heard. Performances took place in the village hall last Friday 11th December. Over 300 very proud teachers, governors, parents and many grandparents watched the production. A festive hamper raffled by "The Friends" of Kersey School" raised £280 towards enrichment activities for the children next year. Family Worship for Christmas A Christmas service of carols, readings and prayers was held in St Mary's Church, Kersey yesterday December 15th 2009. The service was a shared opportunity for the school families and community to worship together. Prayers lead by year 5 and 6 pupils Emily and Rosie, readings by governors, Georgina Strutt and Rev Trish ffrench and pupil Josie Partridge were enjoyed by a congregation of 150. Lindsey Moye, the music tutor led the singing of both traditional and modern carols. Everyone really enjoyed this celebration and reflection on the real meaning of Christmas. Donations totalling £47 were received for "The East Anglian Air Ambulance."

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Well, what an evening. We started off the Christmas meeting of the club with a tribute and small presentation to Don Hunniset, the last of our founder members, who stood down from the committee at our last AGM., but for various reasons, has been unable to attend our monthly meetings since then until this month. He has given of his time and engergies for forty years as an officer in various positions on the committee and during that time has given remarkable service and for that generosity we thanked him most sincerely, fully understanding that as he lives away from the Hadleigh area he doesn’t expect to be able to attend often, but he is welcome any time as our only life member. After the presentation we moved on to our love/hate quiz, that two of our members have devised for the last few years. It suceeds in amusing, annoying and infuriating us in equal measure as it tests our knowledge of gardening you might expect - but think on! Chris and Phillip Streeting very kindly give of their valuable time to dream up these quizes to keep us on our toes and prevent us from vegetating! This year all pretence of being a gardening quiz finally left the scene altogether so we found ourselves struggling with foreign national currencies, dog breeds, birds and famous monuments from around the world amongst other things! Needless to say there was quite a bit of hilarity, a lot of noise and thankfully, good humour! Thanks once again Chris and Phil, great fun! We were then on to some Christmas fare to finish our festive evening and I must add many thanks to those kind souls who mucked in and helped with the clearing up, completely un-asked, very much appreciated, thank you. Just room to add; a Very Happy Christmas and New Year to one and all and a prayer for good gardening and produce year for all of us crazy, mad people who enjoy back-ache, wet and cold, thorns in places you would rather not and blisters ditto, permanently dirty finger nails, cracked finger ends and all in the name of lovely fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers to look out upon and to sit and enjoy come full summer, God wiling. And, yipee, I’ve just spied the first embryonic snowdrop spears getting ready to encourage us forward in those efforts, Mother Nature is truly amazing isn’t she, when the year is at its darkest and most miserable From cutie to beauty! she starts the cycle of life all over again - tempting us to keep up our Happy 21st efforts- come on 2010, we Kayleigh Snowling gardeners are ready. Ruth Allen 822323 on 4th January




Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts My Dahlias finally got lifted on the 10th of December. I think that is the latest that I have ever lifted them. Since they were a bit wetter than I like when I lifted them I shall dust them with Sulphur. After quite a lot of rain recently I am now hoping for some dry days to get on with Winter pruning Currently I am meditating on the conflict between encouraging wildlife in my garden, and the problems some of that wild life causes. This year my production has suffered due to moles, squirrels, and muntjac deer. An article in the current "Organic Way" magazine called "The misunderstood mole" suggests that none of the "cures" really work, and that if you can not tolerate the problems the mole causes the only answer is to bring in a professional mole catcher. It should be possible to control the squirrel/deer problem with more use of netting, but one does not really want to convert the vegetable patch into an obstacle course. The current edition of another magazine "Natural World" contains a pull out "Wildlife Gardening Calendar" suggesting things that you ought to do each month to improve your garden for wildlife. There are two suggestions for January the first is to create a wood pile with bits of dead wood, and the second is to start to keep a garden diary. This is something that I always mean to do, but never get round to. Weather Records In November the rain came ! We did not suffer as badly as some parts of the country, but we had 109.6 mm (4.3"), which is about double our normal monthly rainfall. This brought the 3 month figure to 176.4 mm (6.9") which is a bit above average. Unless December gives us more rain than November, 2009 is going to be a very dry year. The maximum temperature in November was 16 Cel (61F), and the minimum was 3 Cel (37F). 16 Cel equals the highest November maximum and 3 Cel is the highest minimum temperature since I have been collecting these figures. Ground temperature in mid December was 4 Cel (39 F) , which s fairly typical. Hints By the end of January one should have a clear idea of what one wants to grow in your garden during this coming year. If you are going to grow plants from seed, then the seeds should be ordered. Greenhouses should be nice and clean, and pots and trays should be washed up ready to use. The mower should have been maintained, and be ready to cut the grass. If the weather is kind one can get on with Winter pruning. If the weather is too bad one can always sit down with a good gardening book and study what other people are growing. Finally I will close by wishing everyone good gardening in 2010. John Rye


Monday 11th January In the community room at The United Reformed Church, 7.30p.m.

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Hadleigh Community Primary School We are pleased to offer you an opportunity to view our school at our

Open Morning on Tuesday 12th January 2010 If you have a child born between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006, you need to apply for a school place by 15 January 2010. You are welcome to view the school at our Open Morning, though in view of the tight deadline for applications, if you would like to view the school prior to our Open Morning, then we would be delighted to make a separate appointment for you. Please contact the school to arrange.

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Shaun & Ali would like to say... Thank you to all our family and friends who came to our wedding and reception, you all made it special x. We had a brilliant time and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Thank you for all the cards and gifts xx

Charity Concert with Steel Pictures Steel Pictures is a rock band made up of 5 members (in year 11 at Hadleigh High School) - Luke English Nick Keeble, Andrew Kitchener, Michael Whittle and Harry Challis. They write and perform a number of their own songs mixed with various covers from the last 5 decades. The band are increasing in popularity having performed at a number of events and school concerts and they have just completed the professional recording of a Mini CD. With the increased fan base, Steel Pictures felt the time was right to raise some money for a local charity they could in some way relate too. EACH (East Anglian Childrens Hospices) supports families through out their experiences of caring for children with life threatening conditions and complex health care needs. They will be performing at Chamberlin Hall on Friday 29th January. Special guests will be the Hadleigh High School Vocal Squad - made up of approx 50 singers who will be supporting Steel Pictures and performing a number of contemporary songs. The evening will offer a taste of the diverse talent coming out of Hadleigh and surrounding villages. It is recommended tickets are ordered asap for this event and so support this excellent cause. Please ring 01449 741121 for further details/tickets.

Hadleigh Liberal Democrats working for you by putting people first The LibDem Team would like to wish everyone in Hadleigh, and all surrounding villages, a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year – in fact, a new decade. We are now out of the “Noughties” and are becoming New Century Teenagers. With all the razamatazz of Christmas now behind us, thoughts will be turning to New Year Resolutions but before we completely leave Christmas we want to thank each and every one of you who helped in the National Grand Christmas Draw, either by buying or distributing tickets, which took place in Sudbury Town Hall on 12th December. We raised more than any other area (again!) by selling over 1500 tickets and six of the winning tickets were held by Hadleigh residents (but not me – and I was SO sure I was going to win !). Thank you all so much. We spent an enjoyable evening amongst many friends, had a lovely dinner and had the privilege of listening to a charismatic and compelling speech by Chris Huhne, MP who had come all the way from Westminster to conduct the Draw for us. A reminder of a couple of useful telephone number (though we all hope we’ll never need them) are the freephone number for Crimestoppers. If you see anything you wish to report call 08000 555 111 and the number for the Police (so as not to tie up the emergency lines) is 01473 613 500. If you need Road Grit to be delivered, in the event of a cold snap, call Suffolk Highways on 0845 606 6171 Don’t forget to consider registering for a Postal Vote. This is not just for the elderly or infirm – anyone can apply. It is a great way to save your time on polling days if something crops up at the last minute and you can’t attend a polling station to vote. Also if you find it difficult for any reason in getting there to vote or are away on business or on holiday. Save yourself having to think about it and just pop your vote in the post from the comfort of your home at a time convenient to you. Babergh District has now placed a Citizens Advice Bureau Unit in the reception area of their Corks Lane offices in Hadleigh and this facility is available to anyone who may wish to make use of it. If you have any concerns, requests or suggestions to improve things in our community, or something you require help with, do not hesitate to let us know. We are all actively busy on your behalf on many matters and we are here to help you in any way we can and so make Hadleigh a town in which we are all proud to live. With our very best wishes for 2010. The Hadleigh Lib Dem Team Contact: Cllr Jessica Nevard, 822671 (jessicanevard@btinternet.com) or Cllr David Grutchfield, 822883 (david.grutchfield@councillors.suffolkcc.gov.uk)

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Christmas Wreath Making Workshop In Aid of British Diabetic Association Pauline and Dennis would like to express our thanks to those who supported our above function at Hintlesham recently. With special thanks to Ann from Burstall for her expertise, and those who donated refreshments and prizes and contributed to the raffle. An enjoyable and fun afternoon helped us to raise £150 for the above charity.

Newspapers and Magazines delivered Sunday to Saturday from only 80p per week!


We have the widest selection of Greetings Cards in Hadleigh www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Kingsbury & Saunders Funeral Service For all of your needs - a caring and thoughtful service 24 hours a day • Monumental masonry service • Floral tributes • Arrangements may be made in the comfort of your own home

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Local Golf Club thinks outside the box A LOCAL club has been praised for the way it is going about getting people to join up for membership. Newton Green Golf Club has been congratulated for “thinking outside the box” by Steven Peet, regional development officer for the English Golf Union, who believes others could learn from the Suffolk club’s approach. Although the number of golfers nationally has been rising in recent years, membership of clubs has been sliding, with the recession making the situation worse. A recent Sport England survey revealed 948,000 people play golf at least once a week and 1.58 million once a month. Of the larger figure, only 28% are members of clubs. Altogether, it is estimated by the EGU around 2.5 million people play at least half a dozen times a year. Mr Peet recently visited Newton to help asses the club’s recruitment efforts and afterwards wrote to say he was impressed how much the club was already doing. He continued: “It is clear you are working extremely hard and in my opinion are working on the right things. “In these difficult times for golf clubs and membership, it is vital that clubs are proactive in how they try to attract new members and retain their existing ones, and I was delighted to see that you are clearly doing this. “It is also refreshing to see that you are prepared to think outside the box and try some more innovative ideas. If more clubs were prepared to do this I dare say they might not find themselves in such difficult positions. “It is clear you have a great team driving the club forward, and I would like to thank you for your dedication and commitment.” Paddy Lockwood, club chairman, said Newton was encouraged by Mr Peet’s remarks. In the last year it had launched a raft of ideas to find new recruits and try to keep existing members happy. More than 90 newcomers had joined the ranks. The next initiative would be a survey amongst the full membership to gauge customer satisfaction and gather ideas on how the club could continue to progress. He said from January 1 it was offering 15-month full and Davey memberships for the cost of 12 months, plus a three-month trial membership costing only £100.

Hadleigh RFC under 11s v Felixstowe RFC

Hadleigh Catholic Parish Wishes all readers a Happy New Year Parish Priest: Fr Michael Vulliamy (01473 823989) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367)

Sunday: Sacred Heart, Nayland: 9.15 a.m. St Joseph’s, Hadleigh 11 a.m. Monday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh Tuesday: Sacred Heart, Nayland Wednesday: Thursday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh

Mass Mass (followed by tea and coffee)

9.25 a.m.

Mass (includes Morning Prayer)


Mass No Mass

9.25 a.m.

Mass (includes Morning Prayer)

Friday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh

9.25 a.m.

Mass (includes Morning Prayer)

Saturday: Sacred Heart, Nayland

9.30 a.m.

Latin Mass

For any changes to the times of week-day Masses please consult the Parish Newsletter, or contact Father Michael or Deacon Andy. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after week-day Masses, or by arrangement with Father Michael. 46

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Sunday 13th December 2009, Hadleigh 10, Felixstowe 0 Hadleigh under 11’s played a mixed under 11’s/under 12’s side from Felixstowe in what was often a scrappy but thoroughly competitive and physical game. Both sides found it difficult to hold on to a slippery ball for extended periods and all too often good play ended with a knock on or a forward pass by the home side. Subsequently this fixture was typified by plenty of scrummaging, which largely favoured the home side who won a number of balls against the head. Elsewhere the breakdown was keenly and aggressively contested by both teams, and Hadleigh in particular showed a desire to move the ball away from the forwards even if they struggled to do so. The game was won with a try in each half. The first was a fine individual effort from centre James Brown who gathered a loose ball at a ruck and ran two-thirds of the pitch to score in the right hand corner, the second a forwards’ try from Joe Colcomb whose strong and determined drive for the line put the match beyond Felixstowe’s reach. Hadleigh should be pleased with their spirit and by their forwards’ dominance in the scrummage but otherwise will know that they can play better, and on other days will surely do so. Scorers: Tries: James Brown, Joe Colcomb. Match Squad: Jonah Beadle, Freddie Braybrooke, James Brown, Gregor Campbell, Joe Colcomb, Ben Dulake, Kurt Grimsey, Oliver Knight, Jamie McGrath, Robert Redmore, Harrison Reed, Arthur Romer-Lee, Logan Unwin.

Donald Charles Seager We would like to thank all those who attended Don’s funeral and for the many cards and kind messages we have received. Our thanks also go to the Rev. Jim Dalgleish for the lovely service and Messrs. Kingsbury & Saunders who ensured the funeral was conducted with such care and dignity. Don was a very loving father and grandfather and will be greatly missed by his children Alan, Diane & Tracey and all his grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Babergh’s ‘Free Swim’ Programme saved One of the few councils in Suffolk to fully fund free swimming at its pools has pledged to retain the scheme – in spite of a higher-than-expected take-up and the fact it is facing a massive budget shortfall. Earlier this year Babergh District Council agreed to fully fund its share of the Government’s Free Swim programme for both the under 17s and over 60s, across all of its public swim sessions at both the Kingfisher Leisure Centre and Hadleigh Swimming Pool. Yet a far higher take-up than was ever anticipated has meant that five months into the scheme annual participation targets have been exceeded and the project is significantly overspent. According to Paul Little, Babergh’s Community Safety & Leisure Manager, “this is a classic case of the Council being a victim of its own success, especially as unlike other neighbouring councils Babergh did not apply any restrictions as to when ‘free swims’ could be taken”. “We knew that funding such a service would be popular. Just how popular the scheme has become has taken everyone by surprise. In fact around 14,000 residents have signed up to the programme”. “The extra and unbudgeted costs associated with such a massive take-up, which include the need to employ extra lifeguards in order to comply with health and safety requirements along with increased water, utility and chemical costs, are quite simply unaffordable”. With Babergh facing a £1.4m budget gap next year, the Council felt it could not afford to fund the expected yearly overspend of up to £60,000. However, Babergh remains committed to the principles of offering free swimming to those who qualify. As a result, Babergh and South Suffolk Leisure - who manage both facilities on behalf of the Council - have emailed as many free swim subscribers as possible informing them that free swimming will still be on offer, albeit during specific times of the day. From the start of November, free swimming will remain available during the sessions outlined in the timetables for both sites. In essence, there will still be 33 free swim hours per week during term time and 35 hours outside of term time at the Kingfisher Leisure Centre and 39 hours during both at Hadleigh Swimming Pool. “The ‘Free Swim’ programme supports our priority to promote healthy living and we are pleased to have been able to have saved it for the enjoyment of all who qualify” added Paul Little. Tracey Copping, Chief Executive for South Suffolk Leisure said, “We have been overwhelmed by the success of the free swimming programme. A far higher take-up than was ever anticipated has meant that a year’s worth of free swims have taken place in the first five months alone, resulting in the project being significantly overspent. We haven’t seen participation levels like this in over 20 years”. “The health and safety of our swimmers is our main focus along with ensuring that customer service and cleaning standards are met. To enable us to operate to these levels costs have escalated beyond control. These include water consumption, chemicals, cleaning and staffing. “We are working closely with Babergh to ensure that free swimming continues and while we are not able to do this for every session we hope that our users will continue to enjoy swimming on our new timetable”. Timetables are available from both sites or from the SSL website at www.ssleisure.co.uk.

Hadleigh Orchestra We thank our many supporters and friends who came to our annual Christmas Concert in December at St. Joseph’s. We think it was one of our very best concerts and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We are very grateful to the Catholic Church for hosting us once again and to you for giving so generously. This goes a long way to helping to pay the costs. I would also like to pay a special tribute to our Conductor, Ute Cooper, who was ill during the week before the Concert and, as you heard, her voice had not fully recovered. You may like to know that the following Sunday afternoon, for the third year running, we also gave a Christmas Concert at the Lodge Nursing Home in Copdock. Now we look forward to another term. Rehearsals will restart on Monday January 11th. 7.30 p.m. at Hadleigh County Primary School, Station Road. This is the ideal time to join the Orchestra. We start with new music and our summer concert in early June is a long way ahead. So, if you want to try your hand for the first time, or want to get back into orchestral playing (as many of our members have done) after an absence of some years, NOW is the time to join us. If you would like to know more, please give me a ring on (01473) 827242, or Alison on (01473) 823765, or Josie on (01473) 741055. Please be assured, you will be very welcome, John Druce, (Chairman)

The Hair Workshop 111 George Street, Hadleigh 01473 829700

We are now taking new clients for Rachel who has joined our team

Cllrs Laurie & Mrs Mary Munson Hadleigh Town Mayor & Mayoress Will be hosting

A Charity Valentine’s Dinner & Dance on Saturday 13th February at Hadleigh Town Hall, 7.00 pm Start

Music by Maureen Wilson Tickets £20.00 per person Available from: Hadleigh Town Council, The Guildhall, Hadleigh Tel: 01473 823884 All proceeds to the Mayors Charities, St Elizabeth Hospice & Suffolk Young Carers Dress Code: Black Tie or Lounge Suits, Posh Frocks

A Social Dance in aid of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices

to be held on Saturday 6 February 2010 7.30 to 11.30

at The Grand Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh, Suffolk Ballroom , Latin American & Old Time dancing Live music from LIQUEUR

Maximum 72 attending Tickets (£10) & further info from Mary Pipe 01473 822978 07715 056 668 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


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To accommodate a growing membership, the Club is now open for an extra evening each month. We are still accepting new members, so if you feel this is a sport you might like to try, visit us on a club night and take a look. We have two main shooting disciplines: Firearms, using .22 target rifles on a 25 yard indoor range, and air guns (pistols and rifles) using a 10 metre indoor range. The minimum age limit is 14 (by law) for firearm shooting, but we will consider responsible youngsters aged 12 and upwards for air gun shooting (under 16s must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or authorised adult). We now participate in inter-club postal competitions for firearm, air rifle and pistol shooting. Club weapons are available for use, and tuition will be provided where required. You will be welcome to pay us a visit – we are open in the Drill Hall, George Street, Hadleigh from 7.30pm each Tuesday, and also on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. You will find more information on our website at www.hadleighrifleclub.co.uk.

Local Groups get welcome cash boosts

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The Illusions Majorettes were helped with a £2,000 grant for new equipment and uniforms for the expanding group based in Pinewood, near Ipswich.

Hadleigh URC Church. It was awarded £2,000 to help install a stair lift to enable disabled people to access the first floor meeting rooms.

Woodlands Road, Raydon IP7 5QE

St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Hadleigh. It was given £2,000 to help with the installation of disabled toilets and kitchen improvements for further use by the community.

Hadleigh Junior Tennis Club. It was given £1,387 to help develop the tennis club by running after school and weekend tennis coaching.

Kersey Parish Council. It has been awarded £450 to help with developing table tennis opportunities in the parish.

Courses now running Wednesday mornings and evenings

Cllr Penny Clarke, Chairman of the Babergh East LSP, said: “All of these groups awarded money provide vital services to their residents and contribute to making sure the district we live in is vibrant and maintains a strong community spirit. “The LSP is delighted it is able to help so many people with these grants which have covered such a diverse range of projects.”

Tel: 01473 311636 or 07940 521266 Gift Vouchers available

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Closed Lunch 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm

TEL: 01473 823374 48

Community groups and parishes across Babergh have been receiving much-needed cash boosts from a Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) grant programme. The Babergh East LSP has dished out more than £11,000 in funding to a variety of projects from its small grants fund. Bids were sought for projects from parish councils and community groups that promoted young people’s participation in positive activities, adult participation in sport and recreation, help for vulnerable people to achieve independent living and promoting inclusion. Preference was given to applicants where it was demonstrated there was a high degree of volunteer involvement and where other funding was also in place. Local projects supported by the LSP were:

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

TEL: 01473 823374

ITFC SCORE is a fun and exciting way to keep the kids occupied this February halfterm. Replacing Holiday Soccer Camps, ITFC SCORE is designed for both boys and girls throughout Suffolk aged between five and 12 years, offering fun football coaching to children of ALL abilities. Players can expect a wide range of brand new fun activities and football related team games, providing children involved with the opportunity to improve their football skills as well as improving confidence and the chance to make new friends. Each player will get the chance to join a crew dependant on their age from MINIS (5/6 year olds) and ROOKIES (7/8 year olds) through to YOUTHS (9/10 year olds) and SKIPPERS (11/12 year olds). Year by year each child will graduate to the next crew. SKIPPERS will be encouraged to support those in the younger age groups and will be rewarded for doing so on the Points Score System. The Points Score System gives players the opportunity to win points for their team, from the very start to the last minute of the course. The team with the most points will be crowned champions and receive trophies at the Awards Ceremony at the end of the two day course, where each player who took part will collect a medal. ITFC SCORE kicks-off at venues in Bury St. Edmunds, Framlingham, Thetford, Elmswell, Felixstowe, Saxmundham, Woodbridge and Ipswich. Courses will run for two consecutive days either on the 15th and 16th February or 18th and 19th February and cost just £20 per child. ITFC SCORE also offer specialist one day courses which include: Soccer 4’s: A two hour course taking place in Bury St. Edmunds and Ipswich which is specifically designed for those aged between four and six years who are beginning to show an interest and gain confidence in playing football. Cost: £5 per child. Goalkeeper Training Camp: A four hour course taking place in Bury St. Edmunds and Ipswich, specifically focusing on goalkeeping skills and techniques. Cost: £10 per child. Girls Only: A four hour course at Ipswich Town Football Club covering the same skills and techniques as a general course, the only difference being only girls can play. Cost: £10 per child. Pan Disability Soccer Camp: A three hour course run at Portman Road offering the best possible football opportunities for children with learning difficulties, physical disabilities or mental health issues. The session is specifically designed to meet the needs of those taking part. Cost: £10 per child. If you would like to book your child a place on one of the ITFC SCORE courses or would like more information about times and dates for specific courses then please call 0845 1369 333 or visit www.itcommunitytrust.org.uk

Hadleigh Goldstar Athletic Football Club (Sponsored by Taylor & Sons Property Agents ) After our defeat against Rickinghall in the Sunday Shield and our next two matches postponed our next match on 22nd Nov was a stern test of character as we made the short trip to Capel-St-Mary to take on Capel Plough in the League Cup, a tough match in its self as Capel play in the Premier League. Capel started and tried to stamp their authority on the match, by once we settled into our stride we competed on level terms, with our pressure and solid play playing off after 40 mins when Chris Cowan put us ahead, followed 2 minutes later by a "Beachy" header to give us a comfortable half time lead. "Dilly" scored our third after 65 minutes, but Capel fought back as we defended deeply to run our 3-2 winners with a splendid all round performance on the day. We now meet Locomotive at home on 17th Jan Our next match took us to Holbrook (our bogey team) this was a "top of the table clash", with the superb win the week before at Capel, we thought we stood a good chance, but after taking the lead with a goal by "Rope's" we put in a below par performance to run out 4-1 losers on the day, as I said our "bogey team" in fairness to them played the better football on the day. Next up we hosted Lions Head Athletic who we just managed to beat them away earlier in the season 6-5, after 18 minutes we were two goals up with "Snowy" and yes again "Rope's" on the score sheet, but we let Lions score, before Chris Cowan put us 3-1 up, but Lions made it 3-2 just before half time. A rare Tim Rix goal gave us a two goal lead, but we took our foot of the pedal and allowed Lions to score two more for a 4-4 draw, although near the end"Beachy" & "CC" saw shots go just wide. In the Lions Head match we welcomed back "Gildy". He has been missing for the last few weeks as he has been on a "Cricket Coaching Course ", after all the years he has played he's now learning how to play properly!! (He thinks if he does some more courses he could be the next Shane Warne!! time will tell). Information has been relayed that "Rope's" Roper and Danny "C" have ben watching the X Factor, and have been loved up over Cheryl Cole, as Secretary Keith commented "Goldstar do not pay enough money to supports WAGS". I missed out last month in wishing everyone a "Happy Xmas & New Year", so from everyone at Goldstar belated greetings. Finally, hearty congratulations to Manager Kevin & Wife Shelly on the early but safe arrival of the "Twins" Robson and Reece. (two future Goldstar players). Kevin has had to change one of his "catch phrases" from "Nice 1" to "Nice 2". Kevin & Shelly again congratulations from all at Goldstar. January Matches 3rd Away at Trimley, 10th Home to Taverners, 17th Home to Locomotive, 24th Home & 31st Away.

Thankyou Angel Court Residential Home would like to say a huge thank you to all who attended their Christmas Fayre, we raised a massive £845.50 which will go into our Amenity fund. This pays for trips out, entertainment etc all of which enriches the lives of our residents. Also a very special thank you to all the local business who very generously donated many fabulous prizes for our raffle.





No charge for advice and estimates A free fitting service for all carpets and vinyl supplied (over 10 Sq. Mtrs.)

DAVID POTT - HADLEIGH (01473) 822700 10 Ann Beaumont Way, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 6SA www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh Hares A.C HADLEIGH 10 The Hadleigh Hares would like to congratulate everyone who took part in the annual Hadleigh 10 mile and junior 2k fun run. We had a bright & breezy start to the day with the forecasted torrential rain only letting us down towards the end of the race. The course set off from the town's football ground and headed quickly into the beautiful rolling countryside home to the Brett Vale. The hills at two & particularly eight miles take some stamina to conquer but 329 athletes weren’t to be deterred and completed the 10 mile course with Chris Sellens from Colchester Harriers bringing them home in a magnificent time of 55:03. Natasha Belsom from Ipswich Jaffa, with her second Hadleigh 10 victory in three years, was the first female in an excellent time of 01:05:09. Many congratulations to the eight Hares who made it to the start line:– times were as follows. Adam Johnson: 1.06.20, Steve Cox: 1.17.17, Gordon Funnell: 1.17.35, Sara Nicole: 1.26.38, Anna Clafrey: 1.28.05, Sarah Hunt: 1.28.35, Corinna Hussey: 1.31.10, Matt Blacoe: 1.32.07 Congratulations also go to our 13 junior Hares who were brought home by James Sanders (winner in his age group, Under 16’s) in a time of 7 minutes 24 seconds. We would also like to extend our deep gratitude to the numerous volunteers, not all members of the running club, who selflessly gave up their time to help run the event – without you the race wouldn’t have happened. Many thanks also to Hadleigh Buildbase for their continued support in lending vital equipment. We hope to see you all again on November 21st 2010. NORWICH HALF MARATHON On Sunday 29th November & as part of their build up to Ironman France, Richard 'Big Wig' Hanley, Neil 'Captain Amazing' Crisp, 'Average' Doug Grimwade and Marianne 'The Chubster' Aitken took part in the City of Norwich Half Marathon. A minor miracle occurred, when after hours of heavy rain the sun broke through one minute before the race started, and stayed until the race finished. This turned what could have been a torturous experience into a fun event for the 2,233 finishers. As usual Grimwade's pacing was awful and cost him the race. Having gained a two minute lead on Hanley at the half way stage, Grimwade faded badly and was disappointed but not surprised when Hanley caught him at the 12 mile stage and went on to beat him by a minute in a time of 1:37:00. An impressive performance from Crisp in his first half marathon for nearly 20 years saw him finish in a time of 1:45:51. Suffering from the effects of a hard turbo session the previous day, a tired Aitken finished in a time of 2:10:50 claiming that the event was harder than a half-ironman. Congratulations to all. Times / positions were as follows: 314 Richard Hanley 01:37:00, 359 Doug Grimwade 01:38:00, 677 Neil Crisp 01:45:51, 1764 Marianne Aitken 02:10:50 ESSEX VETS CROSS COUNTRY Well done to Mike Rosbrook who took part in the Essex County Veteran Cross Country Championships at Chigwell Row on Saturday 5th December. Weather conditions were ideal but the heavy rain of recent weeks ensured that the 5 mile course was very muddy & therefore extremely challenging. Despite this Mike put in a sterling effort finishing in a brilliant first position in the over/70 group. 53-12 CROSS COUNTRY - HYLANDS PARK It was another good turnout for the Hares at the second 53-12 Cross Country event of the season, hosted by Springfield Striders. Seven men and two ladies from Hadleigh competed in a field of 252 runners. It had been raining heavily the previous night so the ground was wet, muddy & slippery, but thankfully it stayed dry for the race itself – which is more than can be said for the runners! Evidently the organisers were trying to see exactly how many water filled ditches could be fitted into a five mile course. (L/R Mike Rosbrook, John Norman, Along with the Steve Hunt, Sara Nicole, Dave Ingleby, specially constructed Corinna Hussey, Andrew Stewart, maze of loose soil and Brian Airlie, Adam Johnson) a long, twisty and 50

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

muddy section through the woods which made for a very challenging but varied course. In the ladies’ race Sara Nicole came 47th and Corinna Hussey finished 54th. The men finished as follow: Adam Johnson 40th, Brian Airlie 80th, Steve Hunt 110th, Andrew Stewart 128th, John Norman 130th, David Ingleby 132nd, Mike Rosbrook 137th . Well done also to Nathan Dickson , our sole junior representative who came a very creditable 16th (4th in his age group) in the junior race. 53-12 CROSS COUNTRY – HALSTEAD Race three of the 53-12 Cross Country league hosted by Halstead Road Runners was held at Gosfield. In gloriously muddy & tough conditions, six male Hares along with two ladies competed with 236 other runners. In the ladies’ race Trudy Avis finished 36th & Carol Nokes came 54th. Well done to Dan Nokes for taking the plunge & competing in his first cross country race. The men finished as follows. Brian Airlie 87th, Daniel Nokes 102nd, Dave Inglby 139th, Mike Rosbrook 144th, John Norman 151st. In the junior race Nathan Dickson came in 27th (5th in his age group). LONDON MARATHON 2010 Many congratulations to Trudy Avis who on behalf of the East Anglian Air Ambulance, has been selected to run in next year’s London Marathon. We wish Trudy all the best as she embarks on her 16 week training programme (watch the mince pies Trudy!). Good luck to Francesca Dowie who will also be taking part. Hadleigh Hares Athletic Club run three sessions a week for adults (all abilities & ages welcome) & one for juniors (age 8-16); see below for dates & times: Monday Beginners Night 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Tuesday Junior Night 6.00pm – 7,00pm meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Tuesday Ladies Night: 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre (All abilities welcome) Thursday Club Night: 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Please turn up at the start of one of our sessions and have a chat with our coaches if you are unsure about attending. Alternatively please look at our website www.hadleighhares.co.uk Finally we would like to wish all our members & their families a very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you for a new start in 2010!!

Hadleigh RFC Minis Vs Harwich & Dovercourt RFC Hadleigh RFC Minis travelled away to take on Harwich and Dovercourt at their seafront ground on Sunday. Undeterred by wet, windy conditions the Hadleigh youngsters achieved some good results. Under 9's Hadleigh's Under 9 team took on a mixed age Harwich side which included several players from their U10 and U11 teams. Although Harwich enjoyed height and weight advantage across the pitch, the Hadleigh players stuck to their task and achieved a creditable 4-4 draw, with tries from Cillian Walker (2), Henry Bezant and Finlay Sinclair. Under 8's Hadleigh Under 8's initially struggled to find their rhythm in the blustery conditions, allowing their Harwich counterparts to open up a 4-1 lead by half-time in the first of two matches, with Alex Watts scoring Hadleigh's only try of the half. A second half fight-back saw Hadleigh's Ryan Ellis score with a fine solo effort, changing direction superbly to wrong-foot the Harwich defence. Isla Romer-Lee added a further try following a neat pass from her brother Tommy. Despite a strong finish, Hadleigh could not overcome the first-half deficit, losing the match 6-4. With sunshine breaking through the clouds,the Hadleigh youngsters brightened considerably in the second match. Will Robling (3), Oliver Webb (2), Harry Green and Luca Beadle all scoring tries. Although Harwich battled bravely, they appeared a spent force from their exertions in the previous game. Hadleigh hung on to win by seven tries to five. Under 7's Hadleigh's well drilled Under 7's side proved too strong for their Harwich opponents. Ryan Croft and Joshua Kavanagh were in fine form as Hadleigh won the first match by five tries to two. The Harwich youngsters, nicknamed 'The Buccaneers' and resplendent in black 'Skull and Crossbone' shirts, proved more able to repel frequent Hadleigh raids in the second match. But Hadleigh were the more swashbuckling of the two sides, gaining a second win of the morning by a narrower margin of four tries to three.

Hadleigh Hares Triathlon Awards Night The Hadleigh Hares Triathlon Awards Night took place at the King's Head in Hadleigh on Friday 4th December. After a sumptuous banquet, 12 awards were presented. After an exceptional season that also saw him win the British Triathlon Eastern Region Races Series, Karl Purdy easily won the 2009 Hadleigh Hares Triathlete of the Year award and just managed to keep his nose ahead of Richard Hanley to also pick up the Most Richard Hanley, Doug Grimwade Improved Triathlete of the Year award. After a stunning first full season of triathlons, Richard Hanley narrowly pipped Neil Crisp for the Hadleigh Hares Novice Triathlete of the Year award. Club stalwart, John Chisnall deservedly won the Most Prolific Triathlete of the Year award for competing in 9 events this season and Marianne Aitken was rewarded for her versatility by winning the All Round Triathlete of the Year award. Marianne had another superb season finishing second in the British Triathlon Eastern Region Races Series and also scooping the prestigious Hadleigh Hares Triathletes' Triathlete of the Year award. This award is voted on during the awards evening and is given to the athlete that the other triathletes deem to be 'the best' based on whatever criteria they choose. Finally, Tim Bowman was awarded the 250m Track Sprint Champion Award for his stunning win at the Manchester velodrome. After the main awards, several comedy awards were handed out to reward those athletes that had entertained their fellow competitors during the season. Competition for these awards were fierce but after months of deliberation the winners were chosen as follows. Nick Salway won a 'certificate of incompetence' in the Worst Crash category thanks to his losing an unseemly altercation with a badger whilst on the bike. Sadly neither Nick nor the badger could attend the awards night. Steve Bowen picked up a 'certificate of incompetence' in the Worst Navigation category for managing to get lost on the Fritton Olympic Triathlon run course, adding an extra 2km to an already gruelling 10km route. Doug Grimwade was unchallenged in the Worst Puncture Record category having put together an almost perfect season of tyre related incidents. Martin Alabone was rewarded for his efforts in the Worst Transition category with a much deserved 'certificate of incompetence'. And finally, in the most hotly contested category, Worst Clothing Choice, John Baker triumphed for flinging caution to the wind and wearing a fetching little pink number to training. Whilst much admired, it has sadly not been seen since. Hopefully the presentation of a 'certificate of bad taste' and some exquisite matching red hot pants will see the cycling top back out on the roads. Summary of awards Triathlete of the Year - Karl Purdy Novice Triathlete of the Year - Richard Hanley Most Improved Triathlete - Karl Purdy Most Prolific Triathlete of the Year - John Chisnall All Round Triathlete of the Year - Marianne Aitken Triathletes' Triathlete of the Year - Marianne Aitken 250m Track Sprint Champion - Tim Bowman Worst crash - Nick Salway Worst navigation error - Steve Bowen Worst clothing choice - John Baker Worst transition - Martin Alabone Worst puncture record - Doug Grimwade

Brian ‘Fuzzy’ Gowers The family would like to thank everyone for their cards and kind messages of sympathy and support following the very sad loss of Fuzzy. It was lovely to see so many friends at the Church on 26th November. Thank you, also, for the generous donations, totalling over £400, to the Children’s Society in his memory.

AINGER HOLBROWS LTD The Specialist Car Centre 115 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EJ Telephone (01473) 823286 Fax (01473) 824559

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Hadleigh Youth Rugby

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CHRISTMAS CRACKER MEMBERSHIP DEALS AND VOUCHERS THREE months’ trial £100 DAVEY Membership £220 15 MONTHS’ full membership for price of 12 £615 – saving £153 WINTER SPECIAL: 18 holes/brunch £21

Colchester U15s 10 Hadleigh Youth 15. The major difference between the teams on a wet and windy day was the aggression and ferocity of the Hadleigh defence. For most of the game, despite greater possession, Colchester were harried into making numerous mistakes. Credit must go to the character of the Hadleigh side who responded positively to an early try from Colchester. Dixon finished off a flowing move with a strong drive to the line after 15 minutes. Hadleigh continued to drive forward, led by Adam Moore, Howard and Cain. Dixon scored his second try before half time after poor Colchester tackling let him through. Hadleigh made life difficult for themselves by allowing Colchester to counter ruck too many times. However the defence right through the team kept Hadleigh ahead. The start of the second half saw the Hadleigh team on the attack. Partridge and Watts constantly harried the Colchester half backs while the forwards raised their game. Adam Moore scored a deserved third try after 10 minutes. In the final quarter, the conditions and tiredness caused the Hadleigh team to give their opponents more space. The resultant Colchester try made the last five minutes a nervous time for Hadleigh players and supporters. The final whistle blew on a game that Hadleigh deserved to win. They have now won four games on the trot. Hadleigh have one of the smallest squads in the county but they are showing that hard work and commitment can overcome larger, better resourced teams.

Hadleigh Bowling Club Those of us who attended the Cheese and Wine evening had a super time. Plenty of merriment and a very generous raffle. We are still taking applications for new members. There will be free coaching at the beginning of the 2010 season. Anyone interested please 'phone our membership secretary on 01473 822482.

01787-377217 www.newtongreengolfclub.co.uk

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Based in Hadleigh



MOTs arranged TYRE & GA Trudy’s Marathon Lift Off My name is Trudy Avis, I am 37 years of age and married with two children. I work at Keith Avis in Hadleigh. I will be writing a blog in the next three issues of the Hadleigh Community News keeping you updated with the progress of my training and fundraising. It was my ideal challenge when I saw an article in the local paper inviting people to run the 2010 Virgin London Marathon in aid of East Anglian Air Ambulance. As an applicant you are asked to write in explaining why you would like to take part. East Anglian Air Ambulance makes such a big difference to so many peoplee, some of them being incidents involving people known to us personally. On the 9th December I received a telephone call from the Air Ambulance congratulating me on being allocated one of their Golden Bond places. I had feelings of mixed emotions but felt ready for the challenge. I am a member of Peake Fitness at Stoke By Nayland who have kindly offered me guidance with my training programme. Also I enjoy spending time running and after recently qualifying as a Level 2 UKA Coach, coaching with Hadleigh Hares. I am currently involved coaching beginners in running and the juniors in athletics. Between now and the end of April I will be raising money through sponsorship and other fundraising events. If you would like to sponsor me there are sponsorship forms available at Keith Avis and the Hadleigh Leisure Centre.


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Polish your boots; comb out your tassels then weave and grapevine down to The Ansell Community Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh

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The Hadleigh & District Twinning Association are hosting a



social evening with Jean & Ted of J.T. Steppers Everyone welcome; beginners will have the chance to learn simple sequences and more experienced dancers can enjoy challenging routines. Tickets £7.50 from Kath Freeth, The Framestore, 3 High Street, Hadleigh. 01473 822334.



Mobile: 07973 823978 Web: www.lseaves.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


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SMALL CARS 2003 53 REG MINI COOPER 1.6i GREEN JUST 2 OWNERS FSH CLEAN CONDITION ....................................£6995 2006 06 REG RENAULT CLIO CAMPUS 1.2 3DR BLACK JUST 27213 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY ...............£4495 2005 55 REG RENAULT CLIO RUSH 1.2i 5dr RED SERVICE HISTORY 17289 MILES VERY CLEAN....................£4495 2005 55 REG NISSAN MICRA 1.2i 3dr ONLY 26169 MILESN CLEAN CONDITION ALL ROUND GOLD.................£4295 2004 54 REG RENAULT CLIO EXTREAM 3 1.2i 3DR BLACK SH 46383 MILES 2 OWNERS..............................£3695 2004 04 REG PEUGEOT 206 1.4 5DR BLACK AUTOMATIC JUST 45194 MILES CLEAN CONDITION ...................£3995 2004 04 REG FIAT PUNTO ACTIVE BLUE 3dr 1.1i NEW M.O.T ON PURCHASE P.A.S C/L...............................£2995 2003 53 REG RENAULT CLIO 1.2i 3dr BLUE ONLY ONE OWNER FSH NEW M.O.T.......................................£3495 2003 03 REG RENAULT CLIO EXPRESSION 5DR 1.2i RED 52178 MILES FSH 2 OWNERS .............................£3495 2003 03 REG CITROEN C3 EXCLUSIVE 5dr BLUE FSH VERY CLEAN 44527 MILES ......................................£3995 2002 52 REG TOYOTA YARIS VVTI COLOUR COLLECTION 3DR 1.0i 44409 MILES 1 OWNER .........................£3495 2002 52 REG NISSAN MICRA TEMPEST 3DR 1.0i ONLY 21625 WARRANTIED MILES FSH ............................£2995 2001 51 REG RENAULT CLIO 1.2i 3 DR 72497 MILES BLUE CLEAN CONDITION INSIDE AND OUT ...................£2795 2001 51 REG VAUXHALL CORSA SXI 1.2i 5DR GREEN VERY CLEAN CONDITION NEW M.O.T ........................£2795 2001 Y REG FIAT PUNTO MIA 3DR BLACK 1.2i 62024 MILES SERVICE HISTORY NEW M.O.T ........................£1995 2001 Y REG HYUNDAI AMICA SI 5DR RED 0NLY 14238 MILES FULL SERVICE HISTORY ..............................£1995 2001 Y REG FORD FIESTA FINESSE 5DR RED ONLY ONE OWNER FROM NEW 69735 MILES F/S/H..................£2195

2003 53 Reg Renault Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique

2006 55 Reg Ford Ranger 2.5 Diesel 4WD

Full Service History New MOT

White, 5 Speed 1 Owner, New MOT



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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


Hadleigh Utd Under 12’s Sorry for our absence last month. Well it just keeps getting better and better, so far we have played 11 matches and only lost 1, that was to Ransomes from Ipswich who are in Division 1, (we’re top of division 3). We are going from strength to strength!! Our top goal scorer Owen Clemson is No 1 in the stats charts on the South Suffolk youth league website, with 22 goals. Well done Owen, Keep it up!! There are 6 of our boys in the top 10 ranging from 22 goals to 4 goals. Check out the website!!! We had a local derby in December against Bildeston and I’m pleased to say we won that 7-0. Sorry Bildeston, but you did put up a good fight , so well done!! I’ve been advised not to try to report on any matches as apparently I don’t know what I’m talking about, says my husband. Who says I don’t understand the offside rule??? So I’ll just say Well done Hadleigh keep up the good work, next season Division 2!!!!! Once again we’re still looking for help with sponsorship , so if you are able to help please contact me on 01473 828626. Many thanks. For the new year, our first match is on Saturday 9th January, following which the team will be mascots for the Hadleigh first team in their match in the afternoon. Please come along and support us. So from all of the boys, management team and supporters we wish everyone a prosperous and happy new year. Please look out for our page on Facebook!! And continue to support the under 12’s.

Hadleigh Under 8's v Brantham Athletic, Hadleigh were away at Brantham Athletics' ground on Saturday 5th November. Hadleigh's first team dominated the match, with many attempts at goal by our under 8's. Noticeably by both Marcus and Max. Max's efforts just hitting the woodwork. Ellis also deserves a mention in the way he defended and Ewan's goalkeeping skills kept Brantham on their toes. What a superb goal by Jake Ingram into the top of the Brantham netting, which resulted in Hadleigh winning 1 Nil. The second match again saw another fantastic performance. Again Hadleigh were a force to be reckoned with. Brilliant play by James Smith, Thomas and Nat. His shot hitting the post and skimmed the length of goal line but unfortunately just did not go in. The second half saw a penalty awarded to Hadleigh, but unfortunately their goalkeeper dived the right way. The result for this match was Brantham 0 - Hadleigh 0 Man of the match awards went to Jake Ingram in the first match and James Smith in the second. Each week we are seeing the boys improve their skills which is a credit to both Brett Girling and Russ Francis the managers of the team. Well done Hadleigh! Nick & Carol Hughes

Play Badminton Hosted by the Suffolk Badminton Association

Hadleigh High Leisure Centre, Highlands Road on Friday evenings 7.00 - 9.00 pm restarts Friday 8th January 2010 All players are welcome. Help and advice on hand if required, equipment will be provided if necessary. Cost 33.50 per evening for adults and 32.50 for under 18’s No need to book but if possible call Alan Hughes 01473 823517

Hadleigh Rugby Club Eastern Counties Div. 2

PLAYERS WANTED YOUNG OR OLD, EXPERIENCED OR NOVICE EVERYONE WELCOME TRAINING ON THURSDAY 7.30 – 9.00PM Call Alan Murray 01473 652448 Jim Hammond 01473 827965 or Club Coach Adam Miles: 07766 067823 or Just turn up for training!

Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group


This months Hadleigh United notes begin with belated sympathy to the family of Brian “Fuzzy” Gowers who died in November. His passing came just too late to catch last months notes. Fuzzy was one of our best players in his day and the Millfield flag flew at half mast as a tribute. He was 61. On the field the first team made the long trip to Wisbech and a goalless draw took place in high winds and heavy rain. Both teams tried to play good football in difficult conditions and one point each was a fair result. A minute’s silence in memory of Fuzzy Gowers preceded the League Cup match against Haverhill at the Millfield. Haverhill scored first but Kris Rose headed in a free kick from Chris Cowan for our equaliser. The visitors regained the lead but Chris Sadler headed in another Cowan free kick to set up a penalty shootout. This ended in victory for Hadleigh. The next match was a league fixture at the Millfield against Mildenhall which ended in a win for the opposition by three goals to one. Ronaldo Wright scored for Hadleigh but he later received a red card. Mildenhalls third goal came from the penalty spot. Next up for the first team was a home match against Histon Reserves which ended all square at one goal each. Chris Cowan scored for Hadleigh but Histon equalised late on. In stoppage time Liam Jennings received a red card. Hadleigh Reserves beat Long Melford by four goals to one at the Millfield. Matt Chinnery scored two with others from Jason Curtis and an own goal. Curtis was on target with two more goals at Felixstowe as six goals were shared. Matt Chinnery was again on the scoresheet. A home match against Braintree Reserves resulted in Hadleigh Reserves winning by three goals to one. Dale Munson opened the scoring and then Curtis netted a penalty before Matt Chinnery scored a header. Braintree replied in the last minute. A trip to Stanway ended at three goals each with Kieran Dilloway equalising in stoppage time. Earlier goals had been scored by Dilloway and Daryl Alexander. Behind the scenes we have bid farewell to assistant groundsman Alan Tilbury who has left us for personal reasons. We thank Alan for his dedicated service over the years. Also stalwart defender Stuart Crawford has been forced to retire because of a knee injury. Prizewinners in the latest monthly draw were, Peter Tampion, Rolf Beggerow and M Rattigan. Brettsider

Hadleigh Tyre Group

Hadleigh United Fixtures First team fixtures in January for Hadleigh United begin with a trip to Wivenhoe on Saturday 2nd. This is followed with a home match against Felixstowe on saturday 9th before an away fixture at Mildenhall on Saturday 16th. A home game against Newmarket in the League Cup is on Tuesday 19th. Next up is Ely who come to Hadleigh on Saturday 23rd before a busy month ends with Newmarket making another trip to the Millfield on saturday 30th, this time for a league match. The Reserves entertain Wivenhoe Reserves on saturday 2nd before a trip to Witham on saturday 9th. A home game against Mildenhall in the Suffolk reserve Cup is scheduled for saturday 16th and then it is away to Harwich on saturday 30th. Our ridgeons Youth team entertain Brantham on Tuesday 5th and Cornard on Tuesday 12th. Another home game follows against Long Melford on Thursday 21st before January ends at Clacton on Thursday 28th. Fixtures correct at time of writing but could be changed as cup matches take priority. Latest news can be obtained from the club website which is updated daily. Terry Adams

Superb Win for Youths Hadleigh United’s Ridgeons League youth team returned to action after a spell of wet weather with a trip to highly placed Wivenhoe. We gained a great single goal win with Daryl Alexander on target in the first half. The next match should have been at Brantham but a frozen pitch caused a postponement.

Hadleigh & District Angling Society Would be pleased to welcome new and lapsed members, for more information please telephone David George on 01473-657893 or Mark Snowling on 01473-827004.

Tyres from Wheelbarrow to Earthmover Exhausts, Batteries MOT’s Servicing - 7 ramps available Computer Diagnostics 24hr Emergency Tyre Breakdown Cover Collection & Delivery Service Courtesy Car Available

Hadleigh Tyre Services Calais Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EW


(01473) 827827 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Dixon Dart League


16th November Northcrofts Andy Batih took out the highest available checkout of 170 (60-60-Bull ), to finish in 12 darts against the Cock A`s Tony Smith. for a 6-5 win for his team. Eight Bells had a narrow 6-5 win at home to the Ram Jets, Paul Leathers, Andy Chilton, and a last game decisive win from Geoff Macfarlane sealed it for the Bells. British Legion B Lost 10-1 to the George A, T. Hellyer winning his singles against Tim Reynolds for their one point. Well done to Ashley Weeding who recorded his first win of the season at the Brewers B, Brewers however went on to win the match 9-2. Ram A had a cracking 9-2 win against the high flying Legion A side 3 180`s this week from Derek Cole, Ted Harvey,& Michael Green.

E L E C T R I C A L S E R V I C E S Qualified registered Electrician. Friendly and courteous service. No job too small, please call for an estimate. Electrical wiring Inspections and Testing undertaken.

Proprietor: M Bundy 5 Drapers Close Hadleigh, IP7 5DH, Suffolk

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keeblebuilders Domestic/Commercial Quality work from an established company EXTENSIONS ALTERATIONS RENOVATIONS CONVERSIONS DESIGN SERVICE MAINTENANCE GRANT/INSURANCE WORK WELCOME Registered Office and works: Hadleigh Road, Raydon, Ipswich IP7 5LG

Tel/Fax: 01473 310491

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

23rd November George A beat the George B 9-2 in their derby match, George B captain John Martin producing a dazzling display in his captains game to beat George A captain Colin Hynard, his first defeat since February 2008 a run of 44 consecutive games unbeaten, it had to come to an end one day. Brewers A Jerry Brown continues his good run of form hitting a 180 in his singles win as his team won 6-5 in a tight match against the Legion A. A 9-2 win for the Ram at the Cock closed the gap to just one point behind the Brewers A for second spot. Brewers B were on top form, recording an 8-3 win away at the Eight Bells, singles wins from Tim Allen, Liam Mcleod, Carl Webber, S.Ranensdale & Les Norman gave the Brewers their well deserved win. The Cock A went four up at home to the Kings Head, Head then pulled a couple of games back but wins from Tony Smith, Kevin Lambert, & Bob Morphew gave the Cock a 7-4 win. 30th November The Ram pushed the George A all the way to narrowly loose 6-5, a superb 143 (60,51,32) finish from Geoff Parmenter topped a great evening of quality darts. Wins from Hammy Squirrel, Stuart King, Pete Vanstone, & Tony Corbett helped the Wheelers to a 7-4 home win against the Kings Head, Wheelers Trevor Bryant also scoring a maximum 180. Eight Bells started well at the Northcroft winning the first two triples, but suffered with their finishing after that to go down 7-4, Kevin Sparkes did manage to hit his doubles as he beat Andy Batih, and Kenny Scarfe dug deep to over come Dennis (the menace) Hibbens. 7th December Previously unbeaten players all lost their 100% record as the George A beat second place Brewers A in what was somewhat of a strange match, George won all the triples and doubles games to go 50 up, Andy Taylor won the first singles for the brewers, previously unbeaten Curtis Hammond was a tad unlucky to loose to Derek Cole, the Georges unbeaten pair of Colin Hynard & Geoff Parmenter lost their respective singles before Tim Reynolds won to seal a 7-4 win for the league leaders. Legion A player Mick Stuart also lost his 100% record as he lost to the Kings Heads Colin Thackery, Head went on to win the match 7-4. Kersey Bell won their first match of the season, winning all six singles to record a 9-2 victory at Hadleigh Cock Hair raising events at the Ram saw the A side go down 6-5 to an inspired Jets side, it took a last game decider from Jets Chris Cowan finishing on 130 to beat Russel Hynard for an excellent win for the Jets. Two 180`s to record one each from Jerry Brown & Andy Batih. Colin Hynard LEAGUE TABLE – week 10 (07 December 2009) Team P W L A George 'A' 10 10 0 21 Brewers Arms 'A' 10 9 1 28 Ram 10 7 3 32 Royal British Legion 'A' 10 6 4 47 Ram Jets 10 7 3 50 Northcroft Social Club 10 7 3 52 George 'B' 10 6 4 52 Cock 'A' 10 5 5 58 Brewers Arms 'B' 10 3 7 58 Eight Bells 9 6 3 50 King's Head 10 4 6 64 Naughton Wheelers 10 3 7 65 Kersey Bell 10 1 9 68 Royal British Legion 'B' 10 3 7 73 Cock 10 2 8 80 Hintlesham Social Club 9 0 9 71 CAPTAINS CUP TABLE – week 10 (07 December 2009) Pos Team P L W 1 George 'A' 10 1 9 2 King's Head 10 2 8 3 Brewers Arms 'B' 10 3 7 4 Northcroft Social Club 10 3 7 5 Cock 'A' 10 4 6 6 Kersey Bell 10 4 6 7 Naughton Wheelers 10 4 6 8 Ram 10 4 6 9 Royal British Legion 'A' 10 4 6 10 Cock 10 6 4 11 George 'B' 10 6 4 12 Hintlesham Social Club 9 6 3 13 Ram Jets 10 7 3 14 Brewers Arms 'A' 10 8 2 15 Eight Bells 9 8 1 16 Royal British Legion 'B' 10 9 1 Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

F 89 82 78 63 60 58 58 52 52 49 46 45 42 37 30 28

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Period Building Specialists GENERAL BUILDING, RENOVATION GRANT & INSURANCE WORK EXTENSIONS, NEW BUILDINGS 138 COLCHESTER ROAD IPSWICH, SUFFOLK TEL: 01473 270264 MOB: 07941 184231 Telephone Telephone Community Community News on News 01473 on 01473 823366 823366

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Beaumont Cars


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Keith Gardner

Please support these local businesses!

01473 828574 07880 716171

Have your company listed for £6.25 + VAT per month (Min insertion 4 months) For more information call Matt on 01473 823366

Accountants / Financial Services Burac Accountancy....................01473 826160 Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Edward Jones Investments........01473 829147 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 D.J. Upson.................................01473 829364 Emmersons Builders .................01473 270264 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 L.J. Norman...............................01787 210831 R.D. Sears .................................01449 743117 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Hadleigh House Care .................01473 829200 H.P.M.........................................01473 823704 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 Eco Sweep (Chimney Sweep) ....01359 232335 BLC plastering ...........................01449 615556 P. Crisp Carpentry......................01473 415727 Peter Grant Plastering ...............01473 828360 Strawstone Decorators ..............01473 827338 Brian Stacey Roofing .................07860 775509 Trevor Guyton Security ..............01473 652165 Keeble Builders..........................01473 310491 Butchers Andrews ....................................01473 827720 Jolly Meat Company ..................01473 810119 Cafe/Coffee Shop Katies ........................................01473 828884 Crabtrees ...................................01473 828166 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 David Pott..................................01473 822700 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Parts Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 Kersey Car Sales........................01473 827038 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 SHR Auto Services ....................01473 824581 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 Jump Start.................................01473 822111 Ceramic Tile Merchants Bromley & Fitch.........................01473 829339 Child Day Care Birch Farm..................01473 652152 / 652249 Lavender Hall.............................01473 826100

Airports & Special Events Doctors & Hospital Appointments

Cleaners David & June Green...................0800 6951472 Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Alton Windows ..........................01473 716318 Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Surefix .......................................01473 827004 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Drainage and Fencing Academy Building Contracts......01473 826014 Driveways / Patios Morlan .......................................01473 823396 Dry Cleaning Press Gang ................................07881 810710 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 B. V. Hicks Electrical ..................01473 822005 Electricians Andrade Electrical......................01473 412353 Coramar Electrical Services .......01473 828210 K. Ruffell....................................01473 828464 Estate Agents Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 Morton Smith & Sands..............01473 828121 Taylor & Sons ............................01473 828280 Farm Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Firewood NWT Distribution.......................01473 680021 Florists Rosebud Florist .........................01473 823703 Suffolk Flower Company............01473 827698 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Garden Services CLA & NJ Martin........................01473 652881 Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 Belinda Gray Garden Design ......01394 384712 Golf Clubs Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Hairdressers Tresses ......................................01473 823592 Barber Stop ...............................01473 829635 Hair Academy ............................01473 822772 Jon Cutter..................................01473 823688

Phone Les 01473 827096 Mobile 07850 318582

Karen Waspe .............................07763 577093 The Hair Lounge ........................01473 829089 Hair Workshop ..........................01473 829700 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hadleigh Osteopaths..................01473 828585 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Hugh Clover...............................01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Home Design / Improvement Baker Interiors...........................01473 828366 Kitchen & Bedroom Studio ........01473 827666 Paul James Blinds .....................01473 206090 Rendall & Wright .......................01787 375076 I.T. Services Birkfield Computer Services ......01206 298479 Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 J.C. Computers..........................01473 657283 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Jewellery / Gifts The Jewel Box ...........................01473 824862 Kennels / Cattery Rylenes Cattery .........................01473 658747 Kitchen Appliance Repairs Colin Lockwood.........................01473 730534 Leisure Hadleigh High Leisure Centre ....01473 824441 Perris Archery............................01473 311636 Miscellaneous Co-op ........................................01473 681650 French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 R.R. Beechener Headstones ......01473 823575 Singing Lessons ........................01473 824833 Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Toppesfield Cottages .................01473 829129 Weight Watchers .......................01473 823671 Val Lord Cambridge Diet............01449 737113 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing Homes Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334

Plant Hire Eastern Contractors...................0800 3161365 MTM Plant Hire .........................01787 312007 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Buddha ......................................01473 828581 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Hadleigh Heating Services.........01473 824957 Roundhouse ..............................01473 829741 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways China Garden.............................01473 828838 Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Queen’s Head, Layham ..............01473 827789 The Cock Inn, Polstead..............01206 263150 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head .........................01473 828855 The Ram ....................................01473 822171 White Hart, Boxford...................01787 211071 White Hart, Hadleigh..................01473 822206 China Garden.............................01473 828838 Grays Fish & Chips ....................01473 823374 Pizza Town.................................01473 829999 Weavers Spice............01473 829104 / 828825 Brewers Arms............................01787 210441 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 G&L Waste Bags .......................01449 741999 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Tree Surgeons Eco Systems..............................01787 229138 Weight Loss Just Peachee .............................07792 334443 Slimming World ........................08700 754666 Word Processing/Secretarial Services Office Matters ............................01473 822860

Paul Wilding Motor Services TYRES





MOBILE: 07836 338288


Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.



3 bedrooms

50% Share £90,000


1 bedroom


1 bedroom




2 bedrooms



3 bedrooms




2 bedrooms



3 bedrooms



off road parking



4 bedrooms



3 bedrooms



5 acres (sts)



4 bedrooms

3 bedrooms




1.5 acre building plot

Open 7 days per week • Open until 8pm weekdays 76 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF sales@frostandpartners.co.uk


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