Community News
01473 829700
It’s Spring Time, It’s Show Time! Plans for the 175th Anniversary Hadleigh Show on Saturday 17th May are nearly complete and we hope you will join us for a fun family day out at Holbecks Park. To mark our anniversary our theme is “How we farm today” showcasing some huge modern farm machinery. Visitors will get the chance to get up close to these machines around the showground and to see them in action in the Main Ring where there will be active demonstrations of a forage harvester, combine, round baler, onion harvester, seed drills and cultivators with commentary from Tom Bradshaw, the North Essex farmer who featured on the BBC Harvest series last year. In the Countryside Ring we have the Welsh Axe Men, the Flying Fergies, Cyril the Squirrel and his Racing Terriers, falconry and YFC Tug-O-War to mention a few. The Sheep Show will be back, as too will the “Land Train” with its stopping stages around the showground. Children can take the “Passport Challenge” and get their card stamped at identified locations before returning to the Membership Tent for a chance to win a goody bag. The traditional rural agricultural show content, however, remains centre stage with more than 150 classes of cattle, sheep, goats and horses on show, not to mention the Grand Parade of winning entries and displays of Suffolk Horses to remind us of the “machines” of our early shows. There is also the Art Exhibition and Sale; Education Tent, Food Hall, Craft Tent and Flower & Horticultural Marquees. Advance tickets can be purchased on-line at as well as the usual retail outlets; Keith Avis Newsagents, Hadleigh; Hollow Trees Farm Shop, Semer; Boxford Stores, Boxford; Bates Wells & Braithwaite, Sudbury; Hall Farm Shop, Stratford-St-Mary. If booking before Friday 16th May, visitors can take advantage of the ‘Early-Bird Discount’, which reduces a Family Ticket (2 Adults with up to 3 Children) to just £24.00. Other Early Bird prices are: Adult - £9 (£12 on day); Child 5-16 – £5 (£7 on day); Senior Citizen - £7 (£10 on day). Parking is FREE; gates open at 8.00am.
Celebrating 10 years of serving great food
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Plastics Window Federation
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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am -12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. Together Lent Study Group, Salvation Army Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm Every Tuesday Afternoon Knitting, Crocheting & Natter, 1.30 to 3.30pm at Waterfield House, Ring Hilary 824245 or Maggie 823883 Every Wednesday 7.00 to 9.00 pm at URC Rooms Country Threads a friendly craft group. Magdalen House Care Home - Coffee Morning Every Wednesday 10 am to 12 noon, feel free to come along for coffee, cake and a chat! Every Friday 09.30 - 12.00 St Mary’s Café Church Coffee, bacon rolls and croissants. Optional worship at 10.00. Friday 2nd May 12.15pm Friday Lunch Club, Ansell Centre Saturday 3rd May 2.00 – 4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 3rd May Jumble Sale at The Ansell Centre 10 am - 12 noon. Proceeds to Whatfield CEVCP School. Sunday 4th May Annual Plant Sale in aid of Chattisham & Hintlesham Church at Walnut Tree Barn, Duke Street, Hintlesham 3 - 5 pm. Plants plus Art Exhibition and a Grand Raffle. Tuesday 6th May 9.15am Little Angels Community Room and Church 10.0011.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Saturday 8th May 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Friday 9th May Quiz Night on behalf of the Steven Henly award at Hadleigh Local6.30 Community News of 6, children welcome, £3 per person. High School, for 7 start. Teams Community News Bring your own drinks. To reserve a table email or 01473 827960. Saturday 10th May, 3.30 pm in Lamarsh Church. An afternoon of musical treats with Stour Winds (lively light classical pieces) and Colin Tait, Accordion (folk melodies). Refreshments. Parking at Village Hall, CO8 5EU. Entry free: donations to the church. Sunday 11th May Deanery Lodge Open Gardens 10 am - 4 pm entry £2.50 adult, 50pLocal child under 14. All proceeds Community News in aid of Girl Guiding Hadleigh and St Mary’s Church
May 2014
Monday 12th May Hadleigh U3A Monthly Meeting, at 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. This month we feature a talk on Whale Preservation by Brian Dicks. Monday 12th May 7.30pm Garden Club Meeting in town Hall opposite the Ram, "Creating a Living Landscape in Suffolk" a talk by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Competition is a vase of Spring Flowers. Members £1 Visitors £3 incls refreshments. Plant & Produce stall. Tuesday 13th May 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Tuesday 13th May 7.30pm Hadleigh & District Flower Club met at The Beaumont School,Durrant Road Hadleigh. Pat Barton from Attleborough demonstrating "The Language of Flowers". Please bring an exhibit depicting Easter. Members £1.50 Visitors £4 incls refreshments. Wednesday 14th May Little Waldingfield History Society Proudly Presents Ancestral Anglia , A historical journey through East Anglia, from the beginning of the C16th to early 1700 with Ancestral Voices. At St Lawrence Church, Little Waldingfield. Licensed bar for interval drinks, truly an evening not to be missed! Bookings: Diana Langford 01787 248 298, Sue Sheppard 01787 247 980 Members £2.00 Non members £4.00 Saturday 17th May 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 18th May Annual Plant Sale at St Andrews Church, Lower Layham 2 pm Tuesday 20th May 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 20th May 7.30pm Hadleigh Evening Womens Institute meeting in the Seminar Suite above the Library. A.G.M. plus a talk by Jenny Gibbs "An English Woman's life in rural Turkey" visitors welcome at £3 incls refreshments. Wednesday 21st May 12.15pm Wednesday Lunch Club - Ansell Centre Thursday 22nd May Fidelis monthly meeting. ‘Bolder & Wiser’ by author, Sarah Dale. Start at 7.30pm in the Dining Room (op the Ram). Sec. Barbara Tryon Tel 01473 824 417. Saturday 24th May 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 27th May 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 31st May Quilt Exhibition, St Marys Church, Boxford 10 am-5pm Saturday 31st May 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 1st June The Big Lunch at Cox Park, Hadleigh 11.30 am - 2 pm. Bring a chair or blanket and a picnic. Wednesday 4th June Charity Coffee and Cake Morning at The Cooking Experience, 9 High Street, Hadleigh 10 am - 1 pm. Further info 01473 827568.
Community News
16250 copies of Community News Magazines are hand delivered during the first week of each month to homes and businesses in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Hitcham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, Long Melford, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Newton Green & Raydon We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue.
Craig & Gena Warner Congratulations! Love Mum & Dad Warner xxx
21 TODAY! Love from Grandma, Mum, Daniel & Lil xxx
Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month
Our contact details: Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 Mobile: 07771 644716 To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 Community News Magazines are produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
TOWN & COUNTRY CARS Hadleigh - Ipswich - Woodbridge
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Bi-fold Doors
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Dog Fouling Babergh District Council has been contacted by the Town Council about dog fouling in Hadleigh, and is asking residents and other dog walkers to help them catch the culprits. Apart from being unsightly and a nuisance, dog fouling can be a health risk, as it often contains the parasitic roundworm Toxocara. Contact with Toxocara can lead to contracting the disease Toxicaris which leads to flulike symptoms and if untreated can lead to eye damage or blindness. Fresh faeces is not infectious (so it’s safe for owners to clean up after their dogs) but if the faeces is left for 2-3 weeks it may become infectious. Each deposit of dog faeces can carry up to 1 million Toxocara eggs. Toxicaris is contracted through contact with faeces through swallowing – this is often through touching infected items such as shoe soles, and toys without washing hands adequately afterwards. For this reason the disease is more common amongst children, so it is especially alarming that people are failing to clear up after their dogs in areas regularly used by children. It is an offence under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 not to clear up after your dog. Babergh District Council is able to issue ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’ fines of £50 as an alternative to prosecution (where the potential fine is £1000), to those caught in the act. Don’t let the thoughtless actions of a few give the dog owners of Hadleigh a bad name - if you have a dog, please ensure that you always bag its faeces and either put it in a dog bin (there are over 33 in Hadleigh) or double wrap it and put it in your black wheelie bin. Politely encourage others to do their duty. Dog waste bags, anti-dog fouling signs and posters are all available from Babergh District Council offices free of charge. If you see anyone failing to clean up after their dog (many people fail to clean up when they think there is no-one else around), please let the Council know who they are – it is possible they could be issued with a fine. If you do not know who they are, but are able to give a description of them and the registration of their vehicle, please let us know so we can follow it up. You can contact the Council by visiting the Council Offices on Corks Lane, calling 01473 826622, or emailing
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Charity Spring Fair
Ansell Community Centre - Saturday 31st May
Howard and his mother at Fowey Cornwall Hello Readers: I hope that I find you rested after your Easter Holidays. I spend most of my time in my office, however, I do escape occasionally. Very sadly John Moring, a family friend of fifty years died after a long illness. Uncle John as I always called him lived in Pinner where I grew up. He hailed though from Cornwall and that is where my mother Brenda and I went for his funeral in mid March. I never like motorways and so we made the 350 mile journey across country and on the return traversed Dartmoor. We stayed at the Crown Inn at Lanlivery where we had a very pleasant room and our dinner was in front of a roaring open fire. I am sure that many of you will be familiar with the nearby Lostwithiel. The picture shows my mother and I in the grounds of Fowey Hall Hotel, a Victorian pile overlooking the sea having had a cup of tea and cream scone. We enjoyed sending clotted cream to our friends from Trewithen Dairy. You will remember that I have previously penned words about the Chapel of the Royal Hospital School at Holbrook and its powerful, fantastic organ. You will know that Peter Compton, the recently retired Head of Music plays the Albert Hall Organ for the annual Remembrance Service there in November. I was lucky enough to be able to play a hymn or two on the organ and on a separate occasion enjoyed a really excellent concert given by the various choirs of the School. Do look up the concerts and try to go – quite an experience. If you are in the market for such a school then I would have thought that the Royal Hospital School and its facilities must be hard to beat. Every year I arrange a Driving Day for my motoring friends. This year a gaggle of classic cars would have been seen en route to The Cold War Museum at Bentwaters. We enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Bentwaters Diner and then a visit to Parham Airfield and the museum in its Control Tower and the secret bunker. You too can go to see these remarkably interesting places. And whilst at the office we continue to provide an excellent service to our clients. I am dismayed that conveyancing is being carried out by some at such a low level. If you are buying a house remember that for legal services, it is as much about service as cost. You cannot see or often speak to an online provider. You can always arrange to come to see me. I am in the High Street and within a few miles of your front door. If you’re thinking of making a Will then speak to me about that too. Do not get dragooned into endless costs with an on-line Will writer.
e n u J f o d n e n u J f o end P ** d in m f o cce ind f mHERE.. e oWe’re Local mums and businesses are gathering together to raise the profile of Cystic Fibrosis and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust by holding a Spring Fair in aid of this fantastic charity. The event aims to raise valuable funds to further the development of a cure for the life-shortening inherited disease that affects over 10,000 people in the UK. Held in the Ansell Community Centre, why not pop in between 10am - 2pm and grab a cup of tea and a delicious piece of cake, browse the stalls offering a variety of products from jewellery, sweets and local produce to wonderful handmade items for your home. You can even take a moment to relax and have a 15 minute express beauty treatment! Thanks to the generosity of local businesses there are some fantastic prizes on offer for the raffle that will be drawn at the end of the event. Prizes include kind donations from Sweet Memories, Hollow Tree Farm Shop, Stoke Sauces, Palmer & Partners Hintlesham Hall and the East of England Co-Op to name but a few!! All ages are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!
HADLEIGH OPEN GARDENS DAY The market leading agent in Saturday 5th&July 2014 11.00 am - 5.00 pm Colchester Ipswich is now A wide variety of gardens both large and small
open on Market Sudbury Ploughmen’s LunchesHill, and Plant Stall in Church 242540 today
Entrance to gardens by programme obtainable from St. Mary’s Church, “The Idler” or any participating garden Adults £5.00 Children (12-16 years) £3.00
Hill premises HillP&premises ee We’re HERE.. **Tel FREE VALUATIONS Let your property with confidence...
end of June We will let your house for FREE until the * ce of mind plus a FREE rent guarantee for your pea Palmer & Partners
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Others 11.2%
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133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ
ARTN one sim ERS ple m essage ...
Howard Gibbons
01473 822488
Fidelis Activity News The White Hart Hadleigh
En-Suite Accommodation Phil & Angie welcome you...
Roast Beef or Roast Lamb on Sunday Lunchtime - only £7.95 Wide varied menu Parties catered for
April text:Layout 1
Page 5
01473 822206
Spring Savings! BWT WS355 STANDARD or BWT WS355 HI-FLOW WATER SOFTENER and FREE COMMISSIONING by a BWT Engineer worth £90.00 Complete with FREE DRINKING WATER KIT
ONLY £450.00 inc VAT
A Harty Lunch:- Lunch bunchers recently thoroughly enjoyed the special two course menu on offer at The White Hart, Boxford. The pub has moved on from its oriental days as a Thai restaurant and now specialises in freshly cooked English cuisine. Meals were attractively presented, piping hot and in generous but not silly portions. All this deliciousness for £9.95 (2 courses) or £11.95 (3 courses) including a drink. It wasn’t quite warm enough to take advantage of their enormous sunny terrace but a private room was a welcome alternative. Lady On Track:- It's not every day that a First Lady comes to call and even more unlikely that she will be dressed as a racing driver. Celia Stevens broke with tradition when she came to speak to Fidelis just recently. Her 'first lady' status was not through marriage or politics but rather self acquired by becoming the first female to pass the racing driver's exam. This much coveted achievement opened the way for Celia to take her place on the grid at many famous UK circuits in a Citroen Peerless alongside an all male cast of hundreds. She and her partner, Liz Wilson and Ian McDonald, had a penchant for racing Celia Stevens classic cars and it was in this class that she found her niche. After experiencing the challenge and excitement of several different British circuits it wasn't too long before Celia had the opportunity to race at Le Mans. With some deft construction work by Ian and further support from a fellow racing driver Antonia Loysen, they successfully completed this demanding competition in 2006 and 2008 in a replica 1932 Citroen C4 Roadster. Since these heady days Celia has not only continued racing but also shared her skills with others so that they can 'experience' the joy of driving a racing car or heavy goods vehicle at speed around a track. Jan Devey
Weeds away - the easy way! Trevor’s customers have been very impressed with his convenient, quick and cost-effective method of weed control for Patios, Block Pave and Stone Driveways, which is hassle free and can cost less than the Do It Yourself alternative. In addition, customers have been able to allow pets and children to play safely in the garden following weed elimination treatment. One of Trevor’s regular clients, Martin Wright, commented “I have used Trevor’s spraying service on two occasions to deal with the recurring toublesome problem of weeds on our patio and paths, the spray used by Trevor is very effective and well applied by him. This deals with the problem over a good period of time and the cost is very reasonable. A much better solution than DIY products which are not very effective and last only for a short time.” Trevor’s Garden Services provides the ideal solution to long term weed termination. Using a special, full-strength Pro Biactive formula, Trevor can easily control your annual and perennial grass problems, as well as those annoying broad-leaved weeds. Trevor also recommends this special formula, 360g/lt glyphosate (which is unavailable in everyday retail outlets) for clearing out-of-control weedy ground prior to planting or sowing. We have had such a fantastic response to our professional spraying services we are booking up fast, so if you have areas of block paving or driveways, patios and paths, or a plot of ground that’s wild with weeds, call Trevor for fast, free quotations on 01473 824315 or 07850 630389 to find out more about how you can make your weeds go away the easy way!
Buy 5x25kg Bags of Salt Tablets for £42.00 & GET ONE FREE! Visit our Trade Counter for fantastic deals on Heating, Plumbing and Toilet Spares, Bathroom and Kitchen Taps, plus lots more!
Don’t Forget! Our Bathroom Showroom is open Weekdays 7.00 am - 5.30 pm and Saturdays 8.00 am - 12 noon Plumb Mate Ltd, Unit 2a Seager Court, Crockett Road, Hadleigh
Tel: 01473 810088 • Fax: 01473 810055 Email: 6
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Weeds away - the easy way! A quick and cost-effective method of weed control for Patios, Block Pave and Stone Driveways, which is hassle free and can cost less than the Do It Yourself alternative.
Experience the Norwegian Fjords with Hurtigruten For stunning scenery and unforgettable experiences join one of Hurtigruten’s voyages along the coast of Norway and reach places not reached by the larger ships. Discover the beauty of Norway’s coastline where every season provides an ever-changing backdrop to a journey of matchless wonder. The Classic Round Voyage with Hurtigruten (Bergen-Kirkenes-Bergen) is a spectacular summer journey. This is the ultimate voyage with Hurtigruten. You will get the opportunity to experience all 34 ports and enjoy the changing landscape of over 2,400km of coastline. Voyage Highlights • Experience Geirangerfjord* and Trollfjord, both of which are at their most beautiful at this time of year. • Above the Arctic Circle you can experience the Midnight Sun and 24 hours of daylight. • Enjoy the views as you sail through the incredible Lofoten and Vesterålen Islands. • See some of Norway’s UNESCO-listed sites - Bergen’s Bryggen District, Geirangerfjord*, the Meridian Column (Hammerfest) and the Vega Islands. The ports that are visited by night on the journey northbound are visited by day on the journey south. In the larger towns and cities you will have plenty of time to go ashore or join the varied excursions on offer. Itinerary Day 1 Embarkation in Bergen Day 2 Ålesund and Geirangerfjord* Day 3 The Royal City of Trondheim Day 4 Arctic Circle and Lofoten Islands Day 5 Tromsø, Gateway to the Arctic Day 6 Honningsvåg and the North Cape Day 7 Kirkenes, the voyage turning point Day 8 Hammerfest and Tromsø Day 9 Vesterålen and Lofoten Islands Day 10 Arctic Circle, Seven Sisters Day 11 Trondheim and Kristiansund Day 12 Bergen, disembarkation *only available June to August. We have a special offer price for Stansted departures on the 11th and 22nd August. Prices start at £1056.00 per person, or the 2nd of September departure where prices start at an amazing £893.00 per person. Join Hurtigruten on one of their Norwegian cruise ships and they will show you an incredible landscape and introduce you to unforgettable people. For further information or to book one of these amazing offers please give Travel Stop a call on 01473 828728
June Jolly St Mary’s Church Raydon 7th June 10.30am to 4.00pm Jolly good Plants • Cakes • Tombola Jolly good Raffle • Bumper Book Sale Win-a-Bottle • Jolly good Children’s Games Jolly good Teas and Coffees all day Massive castaways Sale Working Steam Engine and Military Vehicles BBQ 12 – 2pm • Strawberry Teas In aid of St Mary’s Fabric Fund
Tel: 01473 828222 Mob: 07948 761169
Keep it local at Hadleigh’s new look East of England Supermarket
Thinking of replacement windows, doors, fascia, soffits or conservatory?
Customers and Members of the East of England Co-op’s supermarket in Hadleigh have been reaping the benefits of £90,000 facelift for the store. The whole store, which has been home to the Co-op for nearly 50 years, has been reconfigured to make better use of space, create a welcoming, open plan entrance area and enable a wider range of products to be available. A new feature is the Deli To Go counter with a wide range of self-service deli products many of which are provided by local suppliers. They include Scotch Eggs from Wolff-Evans & Sons of Rendlesham and ham from Hill Top Smokehouse of Stowmarket – all freshly delivered direct into store by the suppliers. The supermarket now boasts an aisle dedicated to chilled wines and beers from around the world but which also includes an exciting new selection of wines sourced from Le Chateau - the East of England Co-op’s specialist wine store in Norwich. This means customers can choose from some of the finest red, white, rose and sparkling wines that the region has to offer. A new hot food counter at the front of the store aims to make it easier for customers on a dinner break or in a hurry to pick up light bites like sandwiches, pies, pasties and sausage rolls. Plus there’s a new checkout at the cigarette kiosk to make the shopping experience quicker and easier. Garry Spink, Store Manager, said: “We’re all delighted with our new look store –the staff are really up-beat about the changes and it’s given us the opportunity to work with more local growers and producers to stock a greater range of locally sourced products which our customers love. With the wonderful range of foods in our new Deli to Go and the new hot food counter I think more and more people will be tempted to support local and shop with us.” To save customers struggling home with bags of shopping or large items, the Hadleigh store offers a Free Home Delivery service (which delivers goods up to 5 miles from store), customers need only spend a minimum of £25.00 – with a small charge of £3.50 for those spending less. Customers simply call into the store, select a home delivery time slot and then start shopping – deliveries can be made the same day and apply to everything from home electrical goods and bulky household items to the weekly food shop. The East of England Co-op is located at 72 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5EF and is open from 7am until 10 pm (10 am until 4pm Sundays). For more information about the East of England Co-op visit:
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Calling all Hadleigh Runners who competed in The 2014 London Marathon As one of the Hadleigh runners I would very much like to contact all those who ran in London so we could arrange to have a group photograph taken both for my records the Community News and one for the town archive. Please contact Jim Wilding 822550, or 07419 325713 email:
District Councillors Kathryn Grandon and Brian Riley will be holding their monthly walk in surgery on Saturday 10th May at Hadleigh Library from 11 until noon. You are welcome to drop in or to call 07866 581 556 to discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town. Appointments are not necessary.
Next Stop
smith& girling SUFFOLK HOM ES
YOUR NEW HOME Come and join us on our vintage tour bus at the Hadleigh Show on 17th May 2014.
We will be offering the latest property market advice, special Spring incentives and hospitality.
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Magdalen House Care Home - In the heart of Hadleigh Spring is now upon us and hopefully a beautiful summer on its way, Magdalen House would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to our coffee mornings every Wednesday from 10am - 12 noon, please come along and enjoy tea, coffee and homemade cakes for just a small donation which will support our residents with special events & day trips out. We would like to congratulate Sarah Tuppen who is now the registered manager at Magdalen House. As you will be aware Angel Court is due to close and the wellbeing centre will be opening at Magdalen House on July 10th, every Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday from 9.30am - 3pm, we’ll be offering a wide range of activities and a home cooked lunch, transport can be arrange to suit your needs. For more information on the wellbeing centre please contact the Homes manager Sarah Tuppen on 01473 829411. A pause for thought to remember a dear daughter, Mother, Wife, Sister & Friend who sadly left us July last year, many of you reading this would of known her, Annika Curtis was a beautiful fun loving girl with a heart of pure gold. We are organising a charity event on the 5th July at Hadleigh United Clubhouse, in order to raise money for Mind. It’s going to be an all-day all evening event, starting off with a car boot sale from 10 am - 2 pm, followed by a Dress auction 6 - 8 pm and then an evening with Paul Gee & the Retro’s from 9pm till late. If anyone has any unwanted dresses please pop them in to the home any day of the week, they would be much appreciated and if anyone could help in any way or for more information please contact Magdalen house on 01473 829411, Marilyn Blowers 01473 828231, Kerry Winter 07961 522237 or Donna Ramsey 07917 730516.
FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Sat 7th June Sat 7th June Sat 28th June Sat 28th June Thurs 17th July Thurs 17th July Wed 20th August Wed. 20th August Sat 6th September Thurs 18th September Thurs 25th September Wed 1st October
WICKED .............................................ÂŁ64.50 BILLY ELLIOT .......................................ÂŁ63.00 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA........................ÂŁ67.00 THE BODYGUARD..................................ÂŁ94.50 MAMMA MIA .......................................ÂŁ60.00 MISS SAIGON ......................................ÂŁ74.50 CHARLIE & CHOCOLATE FACTORY..............ÂŁ71.00 MATILDA ............................................ÂŁ94.50 THE LION KING.....................................ÂŁ97.00 WAR HORSE ........................................ÂŁ72.00 MISS SAIGON ......................................ÂŁ74.50 LES MISERABLES..................................ÂŁ67.50
All shows are Matinee performances Price includes top price ticket & luxury Coach Travel
SPECIAL EVENTS 2014 Wed 21st May Fri 23rd/24th May Sat 14th June Thurs 19th June Fri 27th June Sat 12th July Sat 12th July Sat 19th July Fri 25th July Wed 30th July Sat. 9th August Sat 16th August Sat 23rd August Sat 23rd August Sat 30th August Thurs 11th Sept Sat 13th Sept Sat 3rd Jan 2015
Wimbledon Tour (Inc.) ....................................ÂŁ42.50 Chelsea Flower Show (Inc.) ..............................ÂŁ85.00 Houses Of Parliament & Carvery + Free Time .........................................(Inc.) ÂŁ61.50 Royal Ascot ‘Ladies Day’ Grandstand Seats Only .......................................................(Inc.) ÂŁ108.00 ‘James Blunt’ @ Newmarket ‘Nights’ ...........(Inc.) ÂŁ55.50 Hampton Court Flower Show .....................(Inc.) ÂŁ57.00 Cromer ‘Seaside Special’ End Of Pier Show ..(Inc.) ÂŁ41.00 London Shopping & Afternoon Tea @ The Waldorf ........................................................(Inc.) ÂŁ50.00 UB40 @ Newmarket Nights .......................(Inc.) ÂŁ52.00 Sandringham Flower Show .......................(Inc.) ÂŁ33.00 Buckingham Palace & Afternoon Tea ...........(Inc.) ÂŁ63.00 Bateaux London Cruise & 3 Course Meal ......(Inc.) ÂŁ63.00 Houses Of Parliament & Carvery + Free Time (Inc.) ÂŁ61.50 Peter Andre @ Summer Saturday Live .........(Inc.) ÂŁ43.00 Kew Gardens, Refreshments & Lunch ..........(Inc.) ÂŁ51.50 Seniors Day Out – Inc. Lunch & ‘Mamma Mia’ (Inc.) ÂŁ65.50 Buckingham Palace & Afternoon Tea ...........(Inc.) ÂŁ63.00 Disney On Ice – 100 Years Of Magic @ 02 Arena .................................................(Inc.) From ÂŁ50.50
Hadleigh Evening WI Every year the WI campaign on important issues based on resolutions voted for by all the members throughout the UK. These are debated at their National meeting which this year will be held in Leeds where we will be represented by our delegate Jackie Breeze from Stoke by Nayland WI. At their April Meeting Hadleigh Evening WI were joined by their WI Adviser Brenda Dyer and Elmsett WI to discuss this years resolution dealing with increasing organs available for transplant surgery and thereby reduce the numbers of patients who die whilst waiting for transplant surgery. To achieve this and comply with the resolution Brenda Dyer encouraged WI members to register to donate their organs and make sure their wishes known to those close to them. They should also encourage others to do likewise. After a lively discussion all members voted unanimously for the resolution. The speaker was Alison Briggs from Mercy Ships who gave an impassioned talk about the work of the volunteer surgeons, nurses and staff who treat patients from underdeveloped countries who have no access to medical care. Facilities on the ship include four operating theatres and accommodation for patients, crew and volunteers. Patients often queue for hours to be seen. Her accompanying slides showed pictures of the ship African Mercy and people with deformities such as club feet, cleft palate, huge facial tumours, dental problems,cataracts etc followed by slides which showed their happiness with the improvement after treatment. We are busy preparing for the Hadleigh show on 17th May. Everyone is welcome to visit our tent where there will be an extensive range of home made produce to tempt you and a tombola for you try your luck to win one of the many prizes Next months meeting will be held on 20th May in the Seminar suite above the Hadleigh Library. The speaker Jenny Gibbs will be describing her life as an English woman living in rural Turkey. Visitors and new members are welcome. Philippa Carruthers 01473 823057
JOHN’S TOURS HOLIDAYS 2014 Sun 6th/Mon 7th July Sun 20th/Tues 22nd July Mon 4th/Fri. 8th August Sat 23rd/Mon. 25th August Fri 5th/Mon 8th September Fri 26th/Mon. 29th September Mon 24th/Fri 28th November Sun 7th/Mon 8th December
London Medieval Banquet ..................ÂŁ103.00 Images Of Yorkshire .........................ÂŁ171.00 Torquay.........................................ÂŁ260.00 Downton Abbey ...............................ÂŁ187.00 Dutch Dahlias On Parade....................ÂŁ291.00 Battlefields ....................................ÂŁ293.00 Eastbourne “Turkey & Tinselâ€?..............ÂŁ249.00 Magic Circle...................................ÂŁ113.00
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Details can also be found on Facebook & Twitter.
Please note all our Excursions, Holidays and Short Breaks Pick-Up in Hadleigh For all your coach hire requirements, please call us on 01473 823243 or email at any time 10
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
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Elmsett Modern Detached Property Four Bedrooms Two En-Suites Cart Lodge/Workshop & Gardens
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Towards the Deep End One of the more interesting decisions taken by Babergh in April was to increase the allowances paid to Councillors. Ordinary rank and file Councillors will now receive an allowance of £4,000 p.a. The review of allowances was triggered by the increased integration with Mid-Suffolk and only cost £200. Well you get what you pay for and the initial suggestions included the proposal that Planning Committee members would lose their allowances – despite needing to be trained to a legal standard and despite having to allocate every Wednesday to either formal meetings or site visits. Other allowances for senior positions on the Council were increased and political Group members will now receive £750 p.a. Unlike the Councillors in Mid-Suffolk, Babergh’s Councillors decided against doubling up responsibility allowances. Thus the Chair of Strategy will not be drawing her Leader’s allowance. The only leaders drawing allowances are the leaders of the Liberal Democrats and the Independents. I value the leader of the Liberal Democrats, because her potentially damaging involvement with parking charges encouraged me to run for office in 2007. Similarly I consider the monies devoted to the Leader of the Independents well spent – if only for entertainment value. Who could forget her bravura performance at the Brett Works Planning Application meeting last September where she promoted the cause of her constituents in Polstead who, she said, needed a Tesco in Hadleigh – the side benefit of which would be to provide her with more convenient parking when visiting the vet. One of my more pleasant tasks this month was to take monies out of my County Councillor’s Locality Budget and allocate £796 to Majorettes Diamond Lites for outfits. Majorettes Diamond Lites was formed in 2007 and currently have 36 girls and boys aged from 3 + learning the art of baton, flag and mace twirling as well as learning military marching and pom pom routines. The boys and girls put a tremendous amount of effort into fun routines set to dance music. They perform in carnivals and fetes and compete in competitions around East Anglia and are hosting an inter county event later this year. Visiting one of their training sessions left me overwhelmed in admiration for their dedication. The organization is a member of British Association of Twirling Organisations (BATON) and The Open Majorette Circuit (OMC). The children learn team work, self discipline and manual dexterity. It is an "entry level" activity not requiring vast expense. It is an organisation well worth supporting and I’m pleased to count myself as such on behalf of the Community. Brian Riley THIS ARTICLE IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF BRIAN RILEY, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR, HADLEIGH NORTH AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR FOR HADLEIGH. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS THOSE OF BABERGH DISTRICT COUNCIL OR SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL
Hadleigh Cricket Club Presents…
100th Anniversary of The Great War
“Lets Extend The Pavilion
There is to be a concert in St. Mary's Church on Saturday 20th. September, 7.30 pm. The first half will be music and song from the 1940's, popular in WW2. The second half will be songs from The Great War with an audience sing-along ending with the Last Post Ceremony. Dress of the period will be welcome and Hadleigh Community Choir will lead the singing and perform throughout. If you wish to take part either by way of song, musical instrument or dance(modern or ballroom), please contact by Email:
Midsummer Dinner & Disco!” at Vauxhall Farm at Wenham on Friday 27th June 2014 at 7:30pm Britain’s leading after-dinner speaker,
Bob “the cat” Bevan
will be providing the laughs!
There will also be a raffle, auction and disco provided for your entertainment! Tickets are £40 per person – book now! Contact Simon Gladwell on: 07801 928911 or or tweet him at @bigsi13 10 12
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Happy 40th Birthday
JANE CUTT Love Mum, Sarah, John, Gary, Harry, Owen & Family
Happy Birthday! 34 years young! Love Sebastian & the twins xxx
Did you know that £25 could pay for a Macmillan nurse for 1 hour and £1014 could pay for a Macmillan nurse for a whole week to support a cancer patient and their family through a tough time? To support this wonderful charity we are hosting a charity memorial night in memory of Jean and Mark Davies, Macmillan cancer support were there for them and we wanted to pay something back for the support they showed our family. Jean sadly lost her battle to breast cancer 5 years ago and this year would have been her 50th birthday. So in memory of Jean and her husband Mark who also sadly passed away we are hosting a memorial night and giving something back to Macmillan who helped them and our family so much through the hardest times. We miss them both very much and if you knew them I am sure you do too. The event is on Saturday 23rd August 2014 at the football club in Hadleigh from 7.30 pm till late Tickets will be £5 each and all proceeds with go to Macmillan. On the night we will have special guest singers Martin "Elvis" Lindon and Laura Holland with DJ Dog "Mark Templey" on the decks. There will also be a raffle on the night with a variety of prizes. If you cannot make it and wish to donate please make a donation via Justgiving to show your support for this wonderful cause Tickets are now available from Rachel and Karen Davies. If you wish to attend our event and support Macmillan please contact or or call 07772 50798 or 07738 855013.
THE GEORGE HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151
WHATS ON IN MAY Sat 3rd - The Scargills with Jerimiah Marks Sun 4th - The Swervy World Band Professional Street Entertainers
Sat 10th - Double Barrel Sat 17th - Dizzy-Yak Fri 23rd - Jupiter Ray Motown Soul Sat 24th - Ed Gasket and The Rockers Sat 31st - Back-Trakin’
MONTHLY MEAL DEALS MONDAY - THURSDAY EVENING Buy one meal - Get 2nd meal for £1.50 WEDS & THURS FROM 4 PM - 9PM Any 2 Pizzas from our wood fired oven only £13 FRIDAY Cod or Scampi with Chips & Peas £7.95 SUNDAY ROAST ONLY £7.95 Now Serving Parravani’s Real Italian Ice Cream
Hadleigh & District Probus Club The object of the Club, established in 1998, is "To promote fellowship amongst retired and semi-retired professional and business men". The past year has seen some changes to our routine. To start with there was the sad news of the death of Gianni Baldissin. Gianni had been our friend and host at the Eight Bells since the Club was founded and always provided good food and a genial atmosphere for our monthly lunches. His health had been failing for a long time and eventually he took a well deserved retirement.In recognition of our gratitude he was offered Honorary Life Membership of the club and this he accepted. Sadly, his retirement was short-lived and he died before we were able to entertain him at any Probus function. The new people at the Eight Bells tried hard to accommodate us and though the food was good, the many changes did not provide the ambience that we were used to so, since January, we have been meeting at The George where Tori and Paul have made us welcome on the third Wednesday of each month. The Ladies Lunch was held on 7th August at the Stoke-by-Nayland Golf Club. While this was a little further afield than our usual venues distance was more than compensated for by the excellence of the meal in elegant surroundings and on a perfect day weatherwise. This year we again held our customary Annual Dinner at the end of March in the Town Hall Dining Room. A turnout of 45 members and guests were well served by Jam Tartz of Sudbury. Our Summer outing on 11th September was to Camden lock on the Regents Canal where we could explore the vast and interesting Markets and take advantage of a canal boat ride to Little Venice. In spite of a poor forecast, the weather was kind to us and everyone seemed to have had a thoroughly good day out. We had two lunchtime speakers during the year. In August Councillor Brian Lazenby, Hadleigh Town Mayor, talked about the coming of Hadleigh swimming pool and how it has since developed into the present complex. And in February local solicitor Howard Gibbons gave us a great deal of advice about the pitfalls of not facing up to the arrival of the chap with the scythe. The number of members in the Club is limited, mostly by the accommodation available for lunch, but we have room for a few more. Any person interested in joining should, in the first instance, contact the Secretary, Chris Drake, on 01473 822098, email
For top quality printing, friendly advice and quotations on any printed item
Don’t need 1000’s? Require top quality? Want the best price? Our Konica Bizhub digital colour press combines traditional press quality with extremely low costs so if you want really nice stationery but don’t need 1000’s of copies give us a call on 01473 823366.
Producing print for over 45 years - your guarantee of quality and service. Keith Avis Printers 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF
Ryder Cup stars set to sparkle at PGA Seniors
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Open Saturdays 8.30 till 1.30
TELEPHONE: 01473 824342 3 Seager Court, Hadleigh, IP7 6RL 14
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Jose Rivero who played his part in two of the most memorable Ryder Cups ever contested will be in action at this year’s ISPS Handa PGA Seniors Championship at Stoke by Nayland. This worldwide televised tournament is the flagship event of the European Senior Tour and will be played on the renowned championship Gainsborough course from Thursday 5th – Sunday 8th Jose Rivera and PGA Seniors June. The Spaniard was part of Tony at Stoke by Nayland in 2008 Jacklin’s team of 1985 which famously reclaimed the iconic trophy for the first time since 1957. He was then part of the European team two years later which firmly re-established itself as a credible force in the face of overwhelming American dominance during the 60s and 70s with an unforgettable first ever victory on US soil in 1987 at Muirfield Village, Ohio. Others of the class of ’87 who have regularly competed in the PGA Seniors Championship are Sam Torrance, Ian Woosnam, Gordon Brand Jnr and Eamonn Darcy. Rivero and Brand Jnr were fortunate to never taste defeat to the Americans. Rivero, followed in the footsteps of his fellow Spaniards Seve Ballesteros, Antonio Garrido, Manuel Pinero and Jose Maria Canizares. Many past Ryder Cup stars regularly compete on today’s European Senior Tour and among past players already confirmed for Stoke by Nayland will be Gordon J Brand, Barry Lane and Maurice Bembridge who made four appearances and also once held the course record at US Masters venue Augusta National. Sky Sports pundit Tony Johnstone is also competing – and Wesselingh is trying for a hat trick this year. Advance day passes to see these former Ryder Cup stars on your doorstep are priced at just £10, and advance season tickets for all four days cost just £25 – and these can all be purchased online. Youngsters are also encouraged to come along as children under-16 go free with a paying adult. Saturday has been earmarked as a family fun day. For those who want to enhance their experience, there are a number of quality hospitality packages options from £45 to include entry, light breakfast, and 2 course lunch for those looking to make the 72-hole showpiece even more special. With extensive free parking and a packed tented village centrally located next to the 18th green, spectators are guaranteed a great day out and can even give their own games a boost with a free golf coaching clinic from PGA Professionals. You can buy your entry tickets as well as fantastic value for money hospitality packages by going online to or call 01206 265838 or 265841 or email
Win two VIP Hospitality Packages worth £150 and a chance to watch world class golf in style! All you have to do is enter our short online competition to be in with a chance of winning two all-day hospitality packages to one of the four days of the PGA Seniors Championship at Stoke by Nayland. Your prize would include: Priority parking, entry tickets and programme, coffee and pastries, 3 course lunch with wine, Afternoon Cream Tea, share the hospitality suite with famous Senior Professionals, private terrace overlooking the 9th and 18th greens. To enter, please go and answer the following question:
Which famous local artist inspired the name of the course that the PGA Seniors Championship will be played on? Final date for entries is 28th May and the winner will be announced online and contacted personally.
Hadleigh Orchestra
Hadleigh Thrift Shop We feel we have to keep on telling all of you how pleased we are with the continued support we receive from all the donors and customers for the above shop. Your ongoing generosity enables us to donate to so many varied LOCAL organisations, such as those listed below : Row Chapel, Hadleigh French’s Care Haven Chestnut Wood Turning Club Art Exhibition Angel Court travelling expenses-day centre Suffolk Leisure Trust. Charlotte Woodward (Girl Guide Jamboree) Hadleigh Cricket Club Expenses Hospital Trip, C.Clapham Marie Curie Cancer Care Had. Elderly Peoples' Welfare Comm British heart Foundation
Where there’s a Will, there’s a way! Nobody likes thinking about death and the effect it will have on those left behind, therefore people often put off making their Will. Sometimes the decision to make a Will is left until somebody has received a diagnosis of dementia. This can result in a Will being challenged through the Courts as families disagree as to what their relatives wishes would have been had they made a Will before the diagnosis. In a recent case a business man was in dispute with his siblings over a £2,000,000 inheritance. He failed to convince the Court that his mother was so badly affected by dementia that she lacked the mental capacity to execute a valid Will. Under an earlier Will, the man had been left a property and 16 crucial shares in a family company, which would have given him control of the business. His mother, who died aged 91, made a new Will on her 88th birthday, leaving all but her residue estate equally between her 3 surviving children and the family of her fourth child who predeceased her. The man argued that his mother lacked capacity when she signed the Will. It was argued that by the time the Will was executed his mother could not remember what assets she owned or why she had favoured the business man in a previous Will. The Court found that although she had suffered from dementia for several years and was not as mentally sharp as she once was, she did know what she was doing when she signed the Will. There was evidence to show she had not wanted to benefit one of her children more than the others and that she was aware that her departure from her previous Will would be to the business man’s detriment. There was sufficient evidence that she had made a conscious decision. Had she made a Will before being diagnosed with dementia everyone would have known her wishes and the court proceedings would have been unnecessary. It is natural that you should wish your assets to pass on your death to whoever you choose; therefore it is essential that you give thought to whom that may be and prepare a suitable Will which should be reviewed throughout your life. If you need to get a Will written or updated one of our team of solicitors can assist you. Contact Gotelee Solicitors in Hadleigh on 01473 822102.
Outsource HQ
Conductor: Ute Cooper, Leader: Lucy Jackson Summer Concert: June 8th. 6.30 p.m. St. Mary’s, Stoke-By-Nayland Please do note our change of venue: With great regret we have had to move from Polstead because orchestra numbers have risen. We are most grateful to the clergy and officials at Stoke-by-Nayland for giving us the opportunity of performing in their wonderful building. We have a really great programme prepared: 2 years ago, Nick Cooper (our director’s son) gave a wonderful performance of the Saint-Saens Cello Concerto. He has agreed to come again and this time he is playing the Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations. In addition to this we shall be playing selections from Les Miserables, and West Side Story. We are also including the Can-Can, the Dambuster’s March and the theme music for Black Beauty. As usual, there is no charge for entry but we shall be most grateful for donations as you leave towards our costs. Everybody is most welcome to join us for this annual summer concert. John Druce (chairman)
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Music for Everyone A Concert by the Ipswich Gilbert & Sullivan Society An evening of live music From Musical Theatre and Light Opera to Folk and Pop
Saturday 14th June 2014 St. Mary’s Church 7.30 p.m. Tickets £10 Available from the Parish Office and “The Idler” from Mid-May. Wine and nibbles
31-41 Elm Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2AY 01473 211121 6 Church Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5DU 01473 822102
The Restoration and Re-ordering of the pews at St Mary’s Church In the March edition of the community news Andy Janas had an article on the Restoration and Reordering of the pews at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh. As you read a number of the oak pews are being refurbished by Andy and will be kept in the north chapel and nave of the church, the rest are for sale, and some twenty two were sold on April 10th to people who had identified theiir interest at the Church Fete. There are still some for sale the contact being t 8PSLQMBDF "DDJEFOUT t "CVTF DMBJNT t "TCFTUPT SFMBUFE *MMOFTTFT t %FGFDUJWF QSPEVDU DMBJNT t &MEFS BCVTF DMBJNT t $SJNJOBM *OKVSZ $PNQFOTBUJPO DMBJNT To me it has been interesting to hear the t 3PBE 5SBóD BOE $ZDMF "DDJEFOUT t 8PSL SFMBUFE QTZDIJBUSJD JOKVSZ DMBJNT comments about the changes being made in St Mary’s and the many objections to the removal of the pews.
James Davies
Sian Mullane
Howard Bush
St Mary’s Church interior mid 18th century
Page 1
Lavender Hall Kindergarten for little minds to flourish
For children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 52 weeks of the year.
At Lavender Hall Kindergarten we provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to learn through play.
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Hadleigh Church in the early 18th century before the 1871 modernisation
What I find particularly interesting is why people are unhappy about changing the pews for chairs and yet I did not hear anybody complain when both the Baptist Chapel and the United Reform Chapel removed their pews and replaced them with chairs. The congregation of both of those churches have accepted the moves to modernise and make their large halls to make them both more comfortable and more adaptable for modern use. St Mary’s Church is of course the largest building in our Town, and parts of it are the oldest in a town full of mediaeval buildings. It also is of national importance having the top listing of Grade 1, and in its setting being one of three Grade one listed buildings. When I am taking groups of tourists round our town they are amazed at the size of the church and its setting. I have however for some
Quality Lighting & Electrical Accessories
SALE Ex Display and End of Line Crockatt Road, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh IP7 6RN (Nr the Recycling Centre)
Tel: 01473 829222 Fax: 01473 829212 email: 16
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
time had to explain that the building is in a period of change to make it more useful for community use. Anybody that has sat through a concert, and forgotten to take their own cushion with them, has suffered from the ‘numb bm syndrome’ and an individual chair should not only be more comfortable but enable a more flixible use of the building. No more sitting behind a pillar and not seeing what is happening. Looking back at the interior of the church is I find fascinating. I wish I had some view of what it looked like in the mediaeval period when the guilds had their individual chapels, the walls were brightly painted and it was full of statues, silver plate and highly decorated robes. Unfortunately the earliest picture we have of the church is a painting on the wall in the Deans study dating from 1629 showing the church totally devoid of furniture except for the font part way down the north side by one of the pillars and the guild entrance which was blocked in the 19 century. The Hadleigh Town Charter of 1618 records that the Mayor and Aldermen had stools made to take to church for them to sit upon. The next picture we have is from the middle of the 18th century which shows the box pews, changes around the alter area and the organ and gallery for the ‘singers’ at the back of the church. There are some wonderful references to the box pews in the Hadleigh Curate and Historian Rev. Hugh Pigot’s Hadleigh, written in 1857. “The church is, at present disfigured by lofty pews, as to leave visible scarcely anything but the face of many even of the grownup members of the congregation”. The poor were sat on benches at the back and in Pigot’s view are shutout from public worship, “the young are inattentive and they find safe harbours for irreverence in the lofty structure which encompass them” Pigot hopes for the day when the box pews would be removed, open pews installed and some form of heating. Whether or not Pigot saw the removal of the pews to be replaced by the oak pews we see to-day I know not, but he was obviously of the view that the church should be altered so that all could attend. We have seen that the church has greatly changed every hundred plus years and so it is in the process of change again. I wonder how much Pigot’s congregation objected to the removal of the box pews, or if the previous congregation objected to the arrival of pews we see to-day?. Foot note. You may remember that last year the Community News printed a photograph of an Angel blowing a trumpet, the wooden Angel and also a last wooden text have been given to the Hadleigh Town Archives by the late Mr Colin Bull. Pigot’s History of Hadleigh identifies both pieces of wood and they can just be seen in the photograph of the back of the Church in the Pigot’s time, before the Victorian reordering. Jan Byrne
Julie and Sharron have moved! We look forward to seeing you all at our new premises
Hadleigh Hairloom Walk In Family Salon Bounce into Spring Madness!! 25% Discount for New Clients when booking any colour service with our fabulous new team member Denise.
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Tel 01473 822191 - Coffee and Wifi available
Energy on Tap Limited HADLEIGH WIVES GROUP
WALK PROGRAMME 2014 Open to Non-Members 13th May, 7.00 pm, Meet at Hadleigh Library 28th May - Railway Walk to Raydon Meet at entrance in Station Road at 7.00 pm
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HADLEIGH OSTEOPATHS Registered Osteopaths CAROLYN CUDDEFORD, D.O. ELIZABETH OATES, BSc. Hons. (Ost.) Hadleigh Osteopaths have been established for over 22 years Osteopathy is helpful for patients with:
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Two Rivers Mission coming to Hadleigh Churches in the Hadleigh area are participating in an exciting and dynamic series of events encompassing towns and villages in south Suffolk and north Essex from May 3 to May 18. Involving men and women from a range of local churches from most of the main denominations and a specialist team called Through Faith Missions (TFM), the aim of the fortnight is to meet with and listen to as many people as possible in high streets, pubs and youth clubs with a view to explaining how the Christian faith can change lives and improve communities for the better. Called the Two Rivers Mission, the span of the campaign covers the communities along the Rivers Stour and Colne. One of the TFM team – Roger Murphy – knows better than most how a life going in the wrong direction can be put back on track. Roger is a former football hooligan, a member of the notorious Chelsea supporters’ group ‘The Shed’. Now he works for the Church Army and is keen to meet with others to explain how they too might be able to put their lives back in harmony. The Hadleigh area events are scheduled to take place from the 11th to the 18th May and include visits to four primary schools: St Mary's Hadleigh, Hadleigh Community Primary, Elmsett Primary and Kersey Primary - door-todoor surveys, services in residential homes and evening visits to local pubs to listen to regulars' views on the big issues concerning them. Hadleigh Baptist Church Pastors Chris Todd & Greg Frost sum up what the Two Rivers mission is all about. “It’s a chance to have a dialogue with local people in the places they feel comfortable in, about the big, important issues in our lives. As Roger Murphy’s testimony shows – no one who is in despair or living a troubled life will be turned away." “It’s certainly not a ‘hard sell’ experience, rather we want it to show everyone we meet how unique, inspiring and life-changing Jesus can be." More information about what's planned in the Hadleigh area, please go to: For more general information about the Two Rivers Mission and the events planned along both rivers can be found at: or
Tim Rix Congratulations on completing the Virgin London Marathon. Well done. Love form Nanna, Grandad and all the family.
P meet Garry and the team and see what’s new at your
Supermarket 72 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EF
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh & District Footpath Volunteers In May we will be organising two walks, these will be open to everybody to enjoy. Saturday 10th May our traditional dawn chorus walk to Broughs Meadow. The sights and sounds of dawn breaking on Broughs Meadow are a joy to behold and well worth getting up for. We will meet at the Hadleigh Railway Walk Car Park in Station Road at 4.30 am and we will walk to the meadow. This walk is only 3 miles in length and is suitable for all walkers. Your dog is welcome to join us BUT must be on a lead when we are on the meadow. Saturday 17th May - this walk is a circular one and only 6.5 miles in length and will take about 3 hours to complete. We will leave St. Mary’s School, Stonehouse Road at 10 am and will walk via Tower Mill Lane, Durrants Farm, Valley Farm, Cobbolds Farm, Ramsey Wood Hintlesham, The Old Hall, Coronation Cottages, Old House, Wolves Wood, Aldham Church and return to Hadleigh via Red Hill and Aldham Road. This walk is suitable for walkers of all ages and dogs. We recommend that strong shoes or walking boots should be worn as the paths can be rough in places. Further information regarding these walks, or the other activities of the footpaths volunteers may be obtained from David Warner, Hadleigh Footpath Warden, on 07749 732941 or email
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Peace and reconciliation War is tearing people’s life apart in many parts of the world. Now 42 million people have fled their homes to escape from fighting and numbers are rising. As we look at the situations we wonder when peace comes how will they be able to rebuild their lives and find a safe place to live. In some parts of the world they are now endeavouring to do that and Christian Aid, through local partners, is helping them to achieve this. Their work in Colombia, South Sudan and Iraq is being highlighted in this year’s aims and telling stories of families in these areas. You can help piece their lives back together again by supporting Christian Aid week May 11th -17th in street collections, donating at St Mary’s if your street does not have a collector or supporting our bring and buy coffee morning on Friday 16th May at St Mary’s. Look on their website and see how your gift can help bring this about. Glenda Druce
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Hadleigh Community Transport Group
Giffords Hall Vineyard Join us in celebration of
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We look forward to welcoming you! 01284 830 799 Giffords Hall Vineyard, Hartest, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP29 4EX
Hadleigh Community Transport Group, established in 1997, is one of the oldest and largest in Suffolk. We are an Industrial and Provident Society with charitable status. The aims of our organisation are to provide accessible transport to those in Hadleigh and surrounding areas. We operate seven vehicles from our base in Crockatt Road, Hadleigh. Four are owned by Suffolk County Council: these are used for the Brett and Cosford Link services, known as “demand responsive transport” (DRT), the “Dial-a-Ride” (DAR) service around Hadleigh and the “Wheels within Wheels” (WwW) service which is an accessible car for those who cannot manage buses and is capable of carrying passengers in their wheelchairs. Over the years we have taken part in extensive innovative pilot projects in conjunction with SCC regarding the development of feeder services. Where conventional bus services have been withdrawn, Community Transport (CT) has been utilised in supplying passenger links into designated areas by using demand responsive capabilities. Passengers can pre-book a journey and be collected using CT that will then feed into conventional services. Although commercial operators often view Community Transport as “the enemy” we try to supplement their services, not to compete with them. The Group itself owns three minibuses that are used regularly for the early morning and evening No. 796 service to Manningtree, the Whatfield to Ipswich No. 120 service, the evening and Sunday No. 90 service to Ipswich, for regular contract work, for seasonal services such as the “Dedham Vale Hopper” and are available for hire to local groups. Policy for HCTG is established by the (unpaid) board of Trustees and the Transport Services Manager and her two assistants at Crockatt Road perform day-to-day management. The DRT and service routes are driven by paid drivers (HCTG pay the “Living Wage” as a minimum) while DAR and WwW rely on volunteer drivers. Like other organisations we struggle to find enough volunteers even though training is provided and all our drivers meet Midas standards (the norm for Community Transport Groups) and have DBS clearance for work with the elderly or vulnerable. The major part of our funding comes from Suffolk County Council in payment for operating the Brett and Cosford Links services, DAR and WwW and the subsidy element in scheduled services that would otherwise be uneconomic. The contribution of the local community in supporting our services either as users or backers is very important and essential for our future. (Special thanks to the Co-op for their backing in 2013). We are always looking to maintain and improve our services to Hadleigh and the community and our target for 2014 is to establish a Hospital Service, which, we know, will fill a long-felt, need. We need more volunteer drivers, (full training will be given) helpers, especially those with publicity skills and some to broaden the outlook of our committee, and, as always, money!
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Book at reception or call 01473 823470
Neighbourhood Watch Hadleigh currently has some vacancies for Neighbourhood Watch coordinators in the following areas: Pykenham Way (part of Highlands Road (part of) Station Yard Bradfield Avenue Unfortunately, the regulations governing Neighbourhood Watch Schemes require that any scheme without a coordinator must be discontinued, with the Neighbourhood Watch street signs being removed. While losing the benefit that such a scheme gives to residents in ‘reassurance’ terms, this action will also affect any discount you may receive on contents insurance as a Neighbourhood Watch member. The public liability insurance for the scheme will also lapse. Being a coordinator need not involve long hours of work, the requirements can be tailored to an individual’s circumstances and resident’s requirements. What is Neighbourhood Watch? It’s one of the most successful crime reduction initiatives ever. What are the benefits? • You are far less likely to be a victim of crime • Membership can reduce your household insurance premium • Gives advice to improve personal safety and security of your home and property • Improved community spirit • Become part of an established communication network between the community and Police What does Neighbourhood Watch involve? Schemes vary widely. At its most basic level membership involves being aware of what happens in your neighbourhood, taking simple precautions to prevent and reduce the risk of crime and being alert to anything that is suspicious. NHW is a community initiative owned and run by the community. The Police support this community initiative, they do not run it. Members have a key role in making it a success. Aims of Neighbourhood Watch Neighbourhood Watch aims to develop a close liaison between householders in a neighbourhood and the local Police. • Help people to protect themselves and their property • To reduce the fear of crime by means of improved home security • Greater vigilance • Rapid and detailed reporting of crime and suspicious incidents to the Police • Fostering an improved community spirit Where can I get more information? Please contact your Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team on 101 or email, or contact Jo Moore, Community Watch Liaison Officer: Further information is also available at the Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch website - or Suffolk Police website The Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch website allows you to subscribe to e-mail newsletters providing information and advice relevant to your local community.
Offer of the Month:
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For more details please call 01473 806393 E mail
Whatfield Players The Players have decided that WW1 as a theme for a production will have been adequately covered by other local and national contributers. In a complete change we are now looking towards A PANTO FOR WHATFIELD! Scripts are being studied and firm decisions will soon be made for a show in late November.....but however good the choice, however firm our intent may be,how many local jokes and crazy costumes we can assemble, without the bodies to don those clothes and voices to deliver the words and songs we're stumped! So speak up local talent, join our happy group with members from Whatfield, Bildeston, Hadleigh, and Felixstowe. Our first panto in 1995 was Cinderella, and to name a few others...THE GRAND OLD DUKE OF YORK, ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD, and ROBINSON CRUSOE. Our AGM is being held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 18th Juneat 8.00 pm when we hope to announce the chosen PANTO.....if you cannot make that date give Diane a bell on 01473 822000.
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
News from St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Primary School It is hard to believe that we are already looking forward to celebrating Easter! The spring term has flown by so quickly! We have had a very successful month for raising money for charities! Cathy Couchman visited to tell the children about the valuable work of the NSPCC and how the charity supports children and families in need. Following the assemblies, children took part in a sponsored â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;multiple marathonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and colouring event, which was incredibly well supported by parents. So far we have raised almost ÂŁ1,100 for the charity and we are still counting! The children also enjoyed running a mile for Sports Relief â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the sun was shining and we were pleased to raise money for another good cause. Thank you to all the mums who celebrated Mothersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day by joining their children for a school dinner. There was a lovely atmosphere and the event was really well attended â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it was great to see so many people there! Also, we were delighted to welcome parents and other members of the community into the school to see our Year 5 children put on a violin performance. The whole class participate in weekly violin lessons with Miss Davison. One of our Governors, Brian Hempstead, helps by running a violin club as well. The children have worked really hard and their concentration and persistence paid off. We were all really proud of their achievements. The children from Beech class enjoyed a fascinating visit to Morrisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The trip supported their healthy food topic in science. Also, children learned about all the countries that different foods come from, locating them in atlases when they returned to school. The staff in Morrisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s were so helpful and welcoming. It was interesting to see how they made pizzas and all the different sorts of fish at the fish counter. Our annual Easter Service at St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church was well attended by parents, grandparents and other members of the community. Well done to all the children who contributed thoughtful prayers and did Bible readings for us. The children throughout the school had learned Easter songs and hymns and sang beautifully during the service. Thank you to the Very Reverend Martin Thrower for his talk, which helped the children to understand the message in the Easter story.After the Easter Service, everyone returned to school for a lovely Easter Tea Party. Thanks to the members of the Parent Support Group, who organised refreshments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; your help is very much appreciated! Thanks also to all the parents who donated cakes for the Tea Party. There were lots of prizes given out to children who entered our Easter competitions, including cake baking, making an Easter planter, creating an Easter bonnet, colouring sheets, and designing a miniature Easter garden. All the entries were very imaginative and it was very difficult to choose the winners! Well done to all the children who took part and thanks for your hard work! Thank you to Mrs Bannister, who has been coming into school regularly to help the children to create beautiful mosaics. They are nearly finished and we look forward to putting them up outside in the new spiritual garden we are developing. There are lots of exciting plans to improve and use the school grounds to create a space for children and adults to go for quiet reflection and outdoor learning experiences. Our art club is working towards gaining the Arts Award. As part of their work towards the award, the children had the opportunity to visit the Ipswich Art School recently. They researched artwork produced by local illustrators. It was an inspiring visit, which helped the children to create their own pieces. They also took the chance to visit the Ipswich Museum and explore the exhibits there. We are very proud to say that the children have now completed all their work towards the Arts Award and they will be presented with their qualifications in the summer term. Year 2 spent a very exciting day with Alex and Charleigh from the Ipswich Building Society. Once again, the children really enjoyed taking part in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Money Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. They learned about saving money and using different currencies in countries around the world. The day inspired the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s writing and they all made money boxes too. It was a great opportunity to link the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s learning to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;real lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and we are always grateful for these partnerships with members of our local community.
Making your will Retired solicitor Trevor Dodwellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s company is Polstead based and writes Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. â&#x20AC;˘ Home visits at times to suit you (no loss of working time) â&#x20AC;˘ Easy one-to-one advice (many years of practical experience) â&#x20AC;˘ Wills witnessing service (to ensure legal acceptance) â&#x20AC;˘ Very competitive prices.
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Quality Plants and lots of Memories Grown at Hollow Trees Farm
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Spring is a very busy time At Hollow Trees Farm in the small village of Semer between Lavenham and Hadleigh, especially in the Plant Centre. The wonderful thing about growing plants in spring and summer is the renewed enthusiasm it provides, especially after a long wet winter. Filling your pots and garden with quality plants that give a promise of long lasting colour and happiness is an opportunity not to be missed .When you buy from Hollow Trees Plant Centre we will supply you with top varieties, grown on our very own farm nurseries. Add a touch of 't.l.c.' and your plants will flourish in your gardens so, between us, we can make your year full of colour. We say we are pretty good at growing plants. We also think we are not bad at offering a very unique children's party and creating long lasting happy memories. Within the Hollow Trees team we have a full time party host: Charlotte (aka Charlie).Our parties are all about having fun on the farm .At a typical Hollow Trees Farm party we start with introductions and activities in a dedicated 'party' barn. Then it's all aboard the tractor and trailer for a ride to the field for some outside games. Sometimes our Team Red tractors can be a bit mischievous adding to the fun! We then return to the farmyard and a walk around the Hollow Trees trail to feed the farm animals. There's time for swing on the tree ropes, a whizz down the Foxhole slide and then it's back to the party barn for a bite to eat. All the food for the party guests is produced on site by our very own chefs, including a Piggy birthday cake if required. We can cater for between 10 and 20 children of any age and can accommodate most special dietary requirements. Charlie and her team do the washing up so from start to finish there is no hassle for Mums and Dads at a Hollow Trees! Party guests head home with a party bag and balloon plus lots of memories of a special farm party. For more information on parties contact Charlie on or visit our web site at . For general or plant enquires contact or phone 01449 741247. Whether it is for plants or parties, we look forward to seeing you very soon!
Happy 1st Birthday Labels to Love! Labels to Love celebrates its first successful year of trading this month and Sue would like to thank all her customers for their loyal support. The Boutique opened originally as a Designer Dress Agency. It has now evolved to include new clothing and has also become a Triumph lingerie stockist, providing free bra fittings and advice. The latest addition to arrive is SPANX, the problem solving brand which has become a style-staple for fashion loving women everywhere. The figure flattering shapewear and shaping hosiery is designed to make you look great at all angles! The stunning sheer tights give an airbrushed look on the legs and tummy-taming control. Also in the range are the super power panties which allow you to wear close fitting clothes without worrying about bulges, both items come up high just below the bra line for complete Spanx body shaping magic. The Designer Dress Agency provides a great selection from wedding and occasionwear, cocktail and evening dresses, jackets and casual wear all at affordable prices, with sizes ranging from 8 – 22. All garments coming into the Dress Agency are seen on an appointment basis and are carefully scrutinized, only very good quality items are accepted. They can be brand new with tickets or maybe worn for a few hours at a wedding etc. The new Italian and French collections of dresses and separates from Miss Sugar and Esperance are carefully selected to sit alongside and mix with the dress agency. They include beautiful tops in vibrant colours and dresses for all occasions. To compliment the clothes a large and varied selection of jewellery is available from Gabys and Big Metal and there are handbags and scarves to accessorise. Visit Labels to Love for a warm welcome and unique shopping experience. Tues to Sat 9.30 – 5.30. 24 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5AP.
Oliver Taylor (formerly of Whatfield) The family of the late Oliver wish to thank all who sent kind messages of sympathy following their recent bereavement. Thanks also to those who attended the funeral service and sent such kind donations in her memory. Please accept this as an expression of their gratitude.
Charity Coffee and Cake Morning at The Cooking Experience We are running this Fun Coffee and Cake Morning on Wednesday June 4th 2014 from 10am to 1pm at The Cooking Experience, 9 High Street, Hadleigh. The charity is Suffolk Family Carers, a brilliant organisation whose work will resonate with many of us who are caring or who have cared for a loved one in the past. Suffolk Family Carers have teamed up with BBC Radio Suffolk to raise money for a Mobile Doorstep Carer service, see below. “BBC Radio Suffolk's Appeal raising money for Suffolk Family Carers is called "8 days a week" - "is not enough to show I care". Together with the people of Suffolk we want to raise £525,000 to buy and run a Mobile Family Carers Centre which will tour Suffolk bringing the services that Suffolk Family Carers offers to the doorstep of families across the County.” To find out more go to Our Coffee and Cake Morning here at The Cooking Experience will be an opportunity for everyone to bring and buy cakes, cookies and biscuits, all proceeds going to Suffolk Family carers. Mark and Annie will be producing their own contributions for you to sample and buy. We will also be running a raffle which will include vouchers to be used at The Cooking Experience. You can pop in any time from 10am to 1pm just to sample and buy but all contributions of cakes etc would be most welcome. Please contact us for any further information: 01473 827568
Labels to Love Designer Dress Agency and Boutique 24 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AP Tel: 01473 807052
New Italian & French Collections from Miss Sugar and Esperance Designer New & Pre-loved clothes and accessories Designer Labels & top end High Street names Louisa Cerano • Sandwich Oxmo • Karen Millen • Versace & many other top brands
Stockist of Triu mph lingerie including Amourette, Body Make-Up and Sloggis Free bra fittngs available by Sara Blakely - Shapewear & Shape Hosiery Open Tuesday to Saturday 9.30 am - 5.30 pm NO MENU?
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82a High Street, Hadleigh - 01473 829999
Sharons of Hadleigh Sharon has recently moved her business from Acton, near Sudbury to the Market Place here in Hadleigh, wanting to give local people a base for anything sewing related. Sharon first worked for her aunt Mary Ann and after she retired the business became ‘Sharon at Mary Ann’. Between them they were based in Acton for thirty years. Her curtains, cushions and other soft furnishings grace everything from top hotels, grand country houses and bijou cottages to funky urban loft apartments. Whatever your vision for your home, Sharon can deliver the look from start to finish. Begin by choosing from a range of fabulous fabrics in stock, or bring your own. Select dramatic curtains or simple chic Roman blinds which Sharon will expertly make up. As well as soft furnishings, Sharon is an extremely talented seamstress and will make up your fabrics to order for original one off outfits, alter things to fit or update old favourites. Unfortunately after only being open for 5 weeks, Sharon was taken ill and has had to temporarily shut the shop. Sharon would like to take this opportunity to thank all customers old and new for their patience at this time and the shop will be reopen by the beginning of May.
Speed-watch Despite the bad weather our speed-watch group have managed to be active during the last month. We are still seeing far too many motorists exceeding the 30mph speed limit on their way in to Hadleigh, especially down Gallows Hill, so we are continuing to target the main routes into the town. We record the details of any vehicle that we detect which are then passed to the local police who write to the registered keeper to advise them to be more careful. No nasty speeding ticket from us, but beware repeat offenders can be dealt with by the police. If you think there is a problem with speeding where you live please get in touch and if a suitable site can be found we can conduct a session there to check for you. Many of you will have seen the Speed Indicator Display (SID) around the town. We share this with other groups in the county and can often site it where it is not possible to run a speed watch session due to narrow pavements or other reasons. We need more volunteers. Can you spare just 1 hour a month to help us. For details please contact me by email or call in at the local police station. Trevor Sheldrick
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Lavenham Art Festival Bank Holiday Weekend May 24, 25, 26 This is the weekend when Lavenham, home to so many artists, turns into a walking art tour. Come and join us for three days of fun and activity throughout the village. There will be 11 Open Studios where you can meet and see the work of artists, painters, sculptors, glassmakers, spinners, potters and weavers. One of the highlights of the holiday weekend will be in the Market Place where two shetland ponies will be models for local sculptor Kate Denton, whose acclaimed studio will also be open. You can watch as she creates a life-size sculpture of the ‘very patient’ ponies from head to tail. Also in the Market Place, demonstrating in marquees and in the Little Hall museum, will be weavers, spinners, potters, tapestry and quilt makers. Jeweller Jonathan Lambert and his team will be designing and creating unique pieces of jewellery and children are invited to take part in drawing and painting a huge mural of Lavenham. There will also be the chance for children and adults to try their hand at sketching, painting and drawing and artist Elizabeth de Alwis will be there to do instant pen portraits of anyone who wants to pose for her. She will also paint your dog if you bring it along! Well-known wildlife artist Peter Partington will be drawing live birds of prey -a chance to get up close to owls and hawks. There will be free programmes with a map showing where all the Open Studios and art events are taking place. The Lavenham Art Society is running an exhibition in the church and pupils’ art works will be on show in the school. The Great House restaurant, one of the Top 20 in the country, will be selling food and drink from a marquee and there will be live music throughout the weekend. So come and join us for a feast of art! For more information go to
QUILT EXHIBITION by Students of Shirley Bloomfield
St. Mary’s Church, Boxford, Suffolk Saturday 31st May 10am - 5pm, Sunday 1st June 12 - 5pm Demonstrations, Refreshments and Sales Tables Proceeds to St. Mary’s Church (Sunday) and EACH (Saturday)
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Rotary Review The last month has been a quiet time for the Club with no activities apart from the weekly meetings at which two speakers were welcomed. SPEAKERS: 1 Ian Burne, the incoming Club President, spoke about a period in his life when he worked in Australia. In the late 1980's Ian was Managing Director of a Company in Ipswich when a decision was made by the parent Company to close it down. Ian negotiated a very good redundancy package and as luck would have it his brother in Hong Kong was in the process of starting a business in Australia. It was decided that Ian and his wife,Carole, would go out to join him in the business. It was perhaps a dream come true for Ian as the business involved a 2 year contract to produce golf course guides and Ian is a very keen, low handicap player. After initial difficulties in obtaining a work visa Ian and Carole moved to Australia in 1989, eventually settling in Melbourne and establishing an office there. However his brother then returned to Hong Kong leaving Ian to run the business alone. He was in his element as to produce an accurate guide it was necessary to play every course and measure each hole. This was carried out with Carole's help. It was a niche market as there were very few guides available at that time and Club Secretaries were keen to order. Once advertising was secured the guides were produced in Hong Kong and during the first year some 50 were sold for courses in Melbourne, Sidney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Unfortunately this success was shortlived as 1990 saw the start of a worldwide recession and the business contracted so much that at the end of the second year Ian closed the business and returned to the UK. An opportunity to holiday in New Zealand and Hong Kong was taken on the way back so that it came as a bit of a shock to find 6 inches of snow awaiting them in the UK. All in all it was perhaps an ideal adventure combining work with fun. 2 Barry Chaplin, a former member of the Club now living mostly in the USA, paid a welcome visit and was persuaded to talk about his very recent holiday in the far East where he visited Cambodia and Laos. After a long and tiring flight to Hanoi he immediately boarded another plane to take him to Phnom Penh, the Cambodian Capital. A few days were spent there touring the area including a somewhat harrowing visit to the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. A coach then transported the tour party to Angor Wat, the world heritage site, which was very impressive and included visits to a number of other sites and temples in the area. A relatively short flight then took them to Ventiane, the Capital of Laos on the Mekong river, where visits to more temples were included in the tour of the City but the services of a very good guide helped to make it memorable. From there they went north to Luang Prabang touring a very beautiful part of the country by coach. Both countries are very poor and there were very few cars in evidence on the roads with the main forms of transport being Tuk-Tuks, mopeds and cycles.Everthing sold by street vendors appeared to cost US$1 from a large bottle of beer to a pack of 12 postcards. It was a fascinating and interesting holiday but the Buffet food did not always suit Barry! For all information relating to this Club please visit Rotary Club of Hadleigh website or contact Rotarian Alan Williams Tel 01473 830229
Can you HELP in HADLEIGH? Can you spare 2 HOURS a MONTH? Hadleigh has many visitors. The help is needed to greet our visitors and provide information leaflets from a daily (10am-4pm) Visitor Point based in St Mary’s Church. Will you join the growing team? Some people are offering more than 2 hours, but even so (with around 90 two-hour slots to cover) lots of help is required. (Volunteers will not be working alone, and children may come along too, as there is a play area with toys.) More detailed information and registration forms are available from the Church office (just inside the church) and at society meetings in Hadleigh. If you have already expressed an interest, please return your completed form to the office. Thank you.
TOPPESFIELD COTTAGES We have 2 stylish properties in the Hadleigh area accommodating 2 or 4 people Family or friends wanting to visit, but no room to put them up? Why not offer them a pleasant break in one of our comfortable cottages Bookings for weekends and short breaks are available throughout the year For full details contact Gale on 01473 829129
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67 High Street, Hadleigh Tel/Fax: 01473 829337 -
Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email:
Dear Sir I would like to address a certain gentleman in town who walks around Hadleigh with a black poodle without a lead; whose name I do not know. I have witnessed you walk down the High Street from one end to another. You collect rubbish and then rather than place it in the bins provided by Babergh District Council you place the rubbish in our blue bin. When confronted you said that "if I don't do it, then no one else will". Whilst your dedication to the sanitation of our High Street is commended, we do have first rate street cleaners whom clean the street daily and empty the bins daily too. I would like to ask you to spread your consideration from the rubbish on the streets to our own bin, as we have our own rubbish to put in our own bin. We also do not pay our council tax for you to use our bin. Laura Allen
01787 247082 or 07770 443604
Dear Sir As a member of the Hadleigh Lip Reading Class mentioned in last month’s Community News I would like to pass on my own experiences and benefit from attending these classes. The Lip Reading Class enables me to communicate with the human race again. As our professional teacher, Jill Cox, is hard of hearing too, she knows all about the problems we face. Lip Reading Classes are fun. This, I think, must be largely thanks to Jill, but it indisputably is a fact. And these classes really do keep the grey matter churning. We discuss the different sounds of the letters (both vowels and consonants) and their shapes on the lips. We learn the sounds of the letters that look alike, and indeed some are quite indistinguishable from each other. Jill will sometimes start off (without sound) by telling us of a news item, which we all have to lip read, guess at, and discuss. We will have short quizzes, or work in groups of twos and threes. Sometimes these are regarding numbers and dates (particularly tricky) and discuss ways of making certain that we’ve got things right. I find these discussions of techniques in communications very valuable. We discuss various ways of making sure we are in the best light, or the best position to lip read our neighbours. We also practice such useful skills as finger spelling (very helpful at the beginning of difficult words). I have been attending these classes for several years now, and they are a service!!!!tremendous help to anyone suffering a hearing loss. I have been wearing National Health Service hearing aids of steadily increasing strength for twenty years now. Every time the experts announce that I need a stronger hearing aid and fit it, I come home and feel happier about being able to join in conversations again, and finally being able to hear what the grandchildren are trying to tell me. Having just read this letter, I realise that I’ve missed out the most important reason for writing this letter. And it is that if you suspect your hearing is deteriorating, or you know someone who is having hearing problems of this kind, please tell them about the lip reading group in Hadleigh - It’s easier to learn while you still have some remaining hearing. Mike Horner
Andrew’s Quality Butchers quality l provenance l
New from Andrew’s Kitchen Quality Breads, Baguettes and Rolls
Dear Sir With reference to Mr Huxtable’s letter complaining about youngsters climbing on a garage roof whilst he attended a garden bonfire – he has our sympathy. We have no such problems with youngsters but we do have a problem with elderly gentlemen (and some not so elderly) who insist on fouling the air for miles around with garden bonfires! Living, as we do, at the top of George Street our summer evenings are often ruined by smoke wafting upwards from various garden bonfires and, on occasion, we have had been obliged to retreat indoors and close windows. Nobody wishes to be a killjoy but bonfire smoke can be very offensive and for an asthma sufferer a servere nuisance. Spare us a thought Mr Huxtable and we will keep an eye open for your irksome lads! P. Messenger
Brett Valley Lodge No. 9479
All freshly baked every day !'''F,#$%&')4+,-./0G+/23&%)F27F+@
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Meet and Dine at The Town Hall, Hadleigh Fourth Friday in September, November, January, March and May BR ETT 79 VALLEY 94
There is a common misconception that having a Solar PV system installed is ‘no longer worth it....’ After the well-publicised Feed-in Tariff reduction on the 1st April, there is a common misconception that having a Solar PV system installed is ‘no longer worth it’, because the return on investment will not be as high. This is something we encounter every time the Feed-in Tariff is reduced, and we hear potential customers saying it often. The truth is that whilst the Generation Tariff part of the Feed-in Tariff has been reduced (from 14.9p to 14.38p per unit), the Export Tariff aspect of the Feed-in Tariff has been increased (from 4.6p to 4.77p per unit) to compensate. Having done the calculations, the difference between the old tariff and the new is less than £20 per year. Couple that with the fact that we have reduced our prices in line with the Feed-in Tariff reduction, and potential customers are in an identical - if not better - position to those who had a system installed prior to the deadline. There are so many ‘urban myths’ surrounding the Feed-in Tariff, that we are constantly striving to make sure people are armed with the facts about Solar before they dismiss the concept as a gimmick, or as a waste of money. The Feed-in Tariff is guaranteed by law for a 20 year period. When you have your system installed and we register it for you, you then lock the start rate of your Feed-in Tariff for the first 12 months. Every year after that, for the next 20 years, your Feed-in Tariff rate will rise in line with inflation, as it is linked directly to the Retail Price Index (RPI). This will never be affected by any future change in Government, as the Feedin Tariff is protected by a Government white paper - in other words it is law -
and the UK is committed to the Kyoto Agreement, which states that by the year 2020 we must be producing at least 15% of our national energy requirements from renewable resources. The Feed-in Tariff was introduced as an incentive to encourage homeowners to assist the Government in reaching these targets, and it has always been planned to be phased out over a period of time. During the 20 year Feed-in Tariff period, a system will easily pay for itself and then go on to make the owners a good profit. After the 20 year Feed-in Tariff period on an installation has passed, homeowners will continue to be paid the Export Tariff for the electricity that they give back to the National Grid, and as that rate is also linked to inflation, it will be considerably higher in 20 years time. Couple that fact with the ongoing savings homeowners will make due to generating a large proportion of their electricity at home, and it is understandable why so many people say “why isn’t everybody having this done?” once they have the facts in front of them. We are now starting to see homes on the market with Solar already installed, and the reports are generally saying that these homes sell faster, and at a higher price. The word in expert circles is that if you are thinking about having Solar installed, you are better to do it sooner rather than later, because it is inevitable that whilst the cost of a Solar system continues to come down, it will eventually plateau, whilst the Feed-in Tariff will be phased out entirely. A Solar PV system is a home improvement that makes an immediate impact on the day-to-day running costs of your home, and it pays for itself as well as making you a profit. We hope that this has helped you to see why Solar is so popular at the moment. For more information, or to arrange for one of our Solar Consultants to visit your home and explain everything, and also carry out a free, no-obligation feasibility survey for you, please get in touch and our friendly team will be more than happy to help. Telephone 01473 655655
100 Years of our Diocese in Flowers at St. Peter’s Church, Monks Eleigh from Saturday 24th to Monday 26th May, 10 am to 4 pm Songs of Praise on Sunday 25th at 4.30 pm
Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Caroline Gibson Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: Website:
High Five! On the 24th March, 8 netball teams from 7 feeder primary school visited the High School to partake in a High Fives netball tournament. This type of netball event shows off how well you can play in all of the positions, as it is compulsory to switch where you are playing after every match. This shows your strengths and weaknesses, but also allows you to improve in areas where you are not so confident, therefore trying to build on already existing skills. The Year 9 and 10 netball teams from the high school as well as the female Junior Sports Prefects helped out with the tournament, and were a credit to the school, aiding with umpiring and assisting the children with switching positions. One of the student umpires, Freya Dawson, said: ‘I really enjoyed umpiring and I loved the way I was able to help them improve.’ Another, Elske Kelly, agreed, saying: ‘It was really fun and enjoyable being able to help out and coach them at the same time’. With the tips they picked up from the helpers and their perseverance at positions they would not normally play, all students greatly improved from start to finish. There was a ‘Big Schools’ and ‘Small Schools’ competition, allowing pupils the same level to play each other and in the end, Hintlesham won the ‘Small Schools’ round and Hadleigh Community Primary 2s won the ‘Big Schools’ competition. These teams played each other in a very tense final, with Hintlesham being crowned victors after a nail-biting game. These two teams will both compete in the partnership final on 19th May, which a handful of the Sports Prefects assisting again. Miss Clarke, PE teacher and event organiser, said: ‘it was a massive success and the improvement was amazing!’ A huge thank you is awarded to everybody who helped make the day such a spectacular event.
across the school field. The grand total is to be revealed in the foreseeable future, so we wait with baited breath for the announcement, and we will keep you posted!
GCSE PE Moderations The GCSE PE students’ skills were put into practice when they experienced their first taste of a practical exam. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th of April were set aside for students to boast their excellent sporting abilities with moderations in a variety of sports, including netball, hockey, badminton, cricket and rounders. The Year 11s who opted to take GCSE PE in Year 10 have all been building up to this moment, which is 60% of their final grade. All students have performed exceedingly well, showing off their sporting prowess, and their hard work has been rewarded with some outstanding grades, which will hopefully be reflected when they sit their theory exams. Well done Year 11!
SWISS enterprise programme The SWISS programme allows student from four different schools to attend a series of three hour sessions where the pupils learn how to manage a business and gain confidence in the corporate world. The four students selected from HHS were Caleb ffrench, Kiera Hines, James Courtney-Couch and Lewis Sowman. The programme focused on understanding the students’ weaknesses and strengths and building up their confidence in business. Caleb ffrench said, “This programme was to help us look into the future and also give us advice about setting up our own business.” The group of students had to set up their own business and present it in front of the ‘dragons’; the exercise was aimed at not only building up skills in business but also to boost confidence when presenting ideas. Kiera Hines said, “We took away from the programme better relationships with other people and also how to act in an interview. This programme really helped us all and we would recommend this programme to everyone.” We hope they all have much luck in later life as entrepreneurs!
I would walk 500 miles... Sports Relief has been a very big event this year at Hadleigh, with many different activities all leading to us raising a large amount of money. During lunch times there were numerous events for both pupils to participate in, such as a student vs teacher dodge ball competition, penalty shootout competition and a triathlon where pupils volunteered to run, cycle or row for a certain amount of time, in order to complete 24 hours of these activities. The week was very successful with a great time had by all. However, Friday was the day that everything had been leading up to: it was a non-uniform day where students were asked to wear red to support a cause close to the heart. Students were required to walk, run, hop, dance or even cartwheel (demonstrated by a few pupils) around the field, to raise money for this worthy charity. The Art department created the start and finish signs, which added an extra something to the bustling atmosphere as almost 800 pupils and teachers travelled 30
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
It’s all coming together “The fete is coming together” Mrs Calvino said. As previously mentioned, Year 10 have been organising a fete for the community. The form presidents have been hard at work organising everything, with Mrs Calvino putting in a helping hand. We also had our Enrichment Day that focused on specific departments for organising the fete: fund raising, operations, logistics, hospitality and catering and special events. These departments are now working together to bring together what will be a spectacular fete. The Year 10 pupils will be contacting local businesses for support. The money the fete raises will be donated to form charities so if you have any raffle donations we would be very appreciative. Curtains up On the 1st of May our lucky class of Year 10 GCSE drama are going to watch a touring production of Blood brothers at the Regent in Ipswich as part of their GCSE coursework. Mr Day said, “Blood Brothers is great play to use for our coursework, not only have the students already analysed specific scenes but it is rare to find a play that everyone likes!” The students of the drama group are all eager to see Blood Brothers on stage and learn more about acting techniques and dramatic ideas that they will hopefully try to employ in their own performances. Emma Sharpe 10M said, “ I’m really looking forward to seeing Blood Brothers, it looks really interesting- I think this is the first time I have been excited about upcoming coursework!”
Art Attack In celebration of Easter the Art department hosted an evening dedicated to arts and crafts. The evening not only welcomed pupils but also encouraged them to bring along their parents. Crafts included: Lino cutting, felt making, clay and homemade Easter cards. Similar to the Christmas arts and crafts evening, this event was a huge success for both students and parents. Art teacher, Miss Reed said, “The Art department was buzzing with people willing to get creative and messy. It was great to see parents getting involved with the students’ learning as well.” A parent who attended the evening had similar feelings about the evening. She said, “I enjoyed coming with my daughter and seeing what she got up to! It was brilliant to get involved and it would be nice to see other subjects do this in the future.” Whilst another parent said, “We came to the Christmas arts and crafts event and it was really fun which encouraged us to come tonight.” Overall, this was a very successful evening and we hope to hold more of this events in the foreseeable future! Science day On the 18th of March a small group of Year 10 students were asked to help run
the Hadleigh Community Primary School Science day. The theme of the day was based around Egypt. After every practical they were given hieroglyphics which when decoded created a hidden message. Miss Blyth, who organised the event, said, “It was very successful and the students seemed to really enjoy it. I was pleased that they remembered a lot about the practicals which went very successfully. I think that once the teachers settled into the day they felt much more comfortable and they would like to thank the Year 10 pupils as they could not have done it without them”. Josh Gurden and Tim Jenkins from Year 10 said, “It was a really beneficial day for the students. It was a successful taster for them and it was good for both secondary and primary students. We thoroughly enjoyed it and we hope they did too.” The students involved included: Ellen Seeley, Josh Gurden, Livi Player, Tim Jenkins and Mali Hitchcock-Brown. We would also like to thank Miss Blyth as it was a huge contribution on her behalf. High Score On the Friday 28th of March, Miss Thomas and a group of students went to the BT building in Ipswich for the Robo-Cop National Finals. Matt Smith and Adam Moresman gained an incredible high score and may be through to the World Finals in Brazil. Good Luck Adam and Matt! Miss Thomas said, “I am so proud of them and have watched their expertise at programming grow. They have all done terrifically well.” Matt Smith also said “It was good to have the opportunity to do stuff we don’t do in school. We got the high score of 1580 so we might get to go to Brazil.” Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Expedition 3rd – 6th April 2014. Students from Hadleigh High School took part in a Silver practice expedition on Thursday 3rd of April until Sunday the 6th. They walked over 35km over three days and camping on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. They visited the White Area of the Peak District. Five members of staff supervised them but they were expected to organise all their own equipment. The students from Year 11 have been awarded their Bronze award and have moved onto Silver. Silver means more kilometres to cover on the days away but also they have to do more of their voluntary, physical and skill to be able to obtain the award. D of E is looked for by employers because it is seen as a privilege and extra skill in the job industry, meaning that it will be a lot easier to impress the employer in the future due to taking part in D of E and gaining the award.
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Did You Know? VAT is moving online from April 2010
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Snowys Bait & Tackle New and Pre-Owned Tackle Fresh Maggots, Worms & Casters Boillies & Pellets Frozen Sea & Pike Baits
Tackle Hire Available Open: Monday to Thursday 8am to 6pm; Friday 8am to 8pm Saturday 7.30am to 6pm; Sunday 9am to 1pm
1-3 Long Bessels, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5DB Telephone 07766 140624
Is something upsetting you? We all think of our food as something which should nourish our bodies. But have you stopped to consider that your food may actually be working against you. Approximately 5% of people have food allergies or an immediate allergic reaction to something they regularly eat. However, it is estimated that more than 40% have a delayed reaction which occurs hours or days after a food is consumed. It is this delay which makes it difficult to determine which foods actually cause problems or even if a particular problem is definitely caused by food. Often, food related problems which could be relieved quite simply are left undiagnosed and go on to cause much more serious health problems. Have you stopped to consider that the following conditions could be caused by something you are eating? • Frequent upset stomach • Bloating • Skin problem • Depression and anxiety • High blood pressure • Regular headaches or migraines • Difficulties in maintaining a healthy weight • Chronic fatigue • Fibromyalgia So what to do? The simplest way to find out what may be upsetting you is to contact me at Bespoke Nutrition, where I can determine the most appropriate test for you, identify the offending foods and work on a personalised eating plan which will eliminate them from your diet. Telephone 01473 826232 e:
Chattisham Open Gardens Sunday 22nd June, 11:00 am to 5:30 pm The 6th CHATTISHAM OPEN GARDENS. A great family day out with 14 gardens open in this friendly village. Wide range of types and ages of gardens including Formal, Natural and Aquatic features. Attractions include Crafts, plant sales, Cakes, lunches and cream teas. Competition for Children and Adults. Admission £3.50, accompanied children under 14 free. Tickets on day. All proceeds to Chattisham Church Restoration. Location 3 miles west of Ipswich, 1 mile south of the A1071 at Hintlesham. Sat Nav ref IP8 3QE. Further information. Phone 01473 652359. Email or village website www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.
Pause for Thought
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It was a great idea. A country walk followed by food. The enthusiastic organiser put planning and effort into the event. Everything was under control. Nearly everything. It was cold, windy and exceptionally wet.Walkers would need to cope with vertical rain across exposed farmland. Did anyone pull out at that point? No – we were togged up and ready for the elements. We would enjoy ourselves! Half way round the 7 mile muddy trek we were all seriously fed up. It was horrible – we were wet through. Then the miracle happened – a tractor and trailer was available to give a lift to the starting point! Common sense told us to grab the offer – but pride told us otherwise. Once the first person stoically decided to carry on, few accepted the lift. Pride got in the way. When finally back, walkers admitted their stupidity and regret in not accepting help when offered. Pride. It gets in the way and is potentially deadly. If allowed, pride will keep us from admitting we need God in our lives, need His forgiveness and need to know Him to be whole people. We all have a God shaped hole in our lives only He can fill.By willingly giving His life for us on the Cross, Jesus came to be that Rescuer we desperately need. The Bible says “Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55v6 Christine Hart
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
May 2014 brings around our one year anniversary of Sunny Day Cycleworks and we couldn't be more thrilled! So to thank our loyal customers and welcome new ones we are offering a 10% discount off the total bill for the month of May, with mention of this ad. We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to all the local cycle clubs for their continued support and dedication. During this past year we have seen tremendous variety! Everything from puncture repairs and general maintenance to rebuilding a Campagnolo shifter. A wide range of machines have rolled into our workshop,from unicycles to tandems, from vintage Raleigh 3 speeds to the lightest production carbon fiber road bike. With the countryside in full bloom, now is the time to think of warmer days. Whether it's just planning to forego a trip in the car and cycling to the shop or pub now is the time for a Spring tune up. Or if preparing for a sportive,charity ride, triathlon or full blown cycle tour we have the experience, knowledge and passion to get your bike in top shape. As always collection and return of your bike is available free within Hadleigh. Please contact us by phone, text,email or find us on Facebook and here's to another great Summer of cycling! Sunny Day Cycleworks....Bringing Back Brilliance to the Bicycle Martin Nichols, Sunny Day Cycleworks "Happy Bike, Happy Life" 07807 326267 or 01473 806391
Hadleigh Loyalty Card Scheme The winner of the April Draw is Maureen Cook of Monks Eleigh. It is pleasing to know that residents outside Hadleigh support our High Street and a significant number of cards are received each month from nearby Name ..................................................... villages and a few from further afield.Address Several people ................................................. ................................................................. had told me how much they appreciate the Home ................................................................. Delivery Service which the Co-op provides both in and ................................................................. around Hadleigh. ................................................................. Don’t forget to have your card stamped when you buy Card No. 00000 something in participating shops. Jane Haylock Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
From Classic Bicycles to Cutting Edge Specialising in Bicycle Maintenance, Repairs & Fits
NOW’s A GREAT TIME FOR A SPRING TUNE UP!! Bringing back brilliance to the bicycle Martin Nichols Tel: 07807 326267 or 01473 806391
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Going Organic at Cutter & Co Here at Cutter & Co we believe in providing our clients with the very best in hair care products that's why we use a totally organic range based on milk proteins and honey extracts. Milk_Shake is a range of professional salon hair care products, inspired by nature. The Milk_Shake philosophy is simple; use the power and beauty of nature to achieve gorgeous hair. All of the products are formulated with ingredients that are kind to your skin and hair. Whilst giving amazing results. No inhibition, straight from the cat walks of Milan. No inhibition is unconventional, free thinking, elegant and unique. It embodies the bold desire for excellence and precision. An organic line containing guarana extracts that will refresh and invigorate the hair. Both ranges start from as little as £8!! Cutter & Co, 79 - 81 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EA 01473 827436
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Skip Loading Dumper Breakers Post Hole Borer Turf Lifter Range of Small Tools
Micro Diggers 700mm wide Teleporter Ali Scaffold Tower Concrete Crusher ...and much more
May looks to be a busy month for all of us at The Centre. Looking at the Events Calendar I see we have the Countryside Walk on Sunday 04th starting at 10.00 - 10.30 a.m. covering a distance of 4 or 8 miles, whichever suits you. To take part contact to obtain a Sponsor Form - should be great if the weather is fine. Also, we have a Sales and Information Stand at The Hadleigh Show on Saturday 17th so do please visit us and buy something: usually plants and preserves, that sort of thing. In addition, our Riders are now busy practicing for our Shelley Show which will be held at the end of June where they take part in Dressage and Countryside Challenge competitions. Whilst on that subject, those who have read my ramblings of old will remember my mentioning the Regional and National Dressage competitions which are held at St Albans and Hartpury respectively. However, this year we are taking part in a new venture for The Shelley Centre which will enable our Riders to enter an International competition: no, Jet is not jetting off to some exotic location nor is Rocky visiting his namesake, The Rocky Mountains. It will all be done at Shelley with competing Riders demonstrating their skills in our Arena which will be videoed and through this medium their efforts will be judged by a panel of top Dressage Judges including some Paralympic Riders who will then award places; isn’t it exciting to think this will be in effect a world wide competition. I just cannot wait to see how it goes and wouldn’t it be great if someone from Shelley was amongst the finalists? No doubt from what you have read you will guess that yours truly will be busy during the next few weeks but I’ll still manage to write the June Blog for you, so keep watching! Website: Telephone: 01473.824172
Machines Supplied Self Drive or With Operator We can also provide quotations for Driveways, Drop Kerbs and Vehicular Accesses for which we are a Suffolk County Council accredited contractor
TELEPHONE 01473 652590
COFFEE MORNING Saturday 10th May 10 am until 12 noon at Brettenham Village Hall 50p entrance to include refreshments
Sunday 4 May 10.45am Family Communion Sunday 11 May No 10.45 or 12.15 service at St Mary’s today Sunday 18 May 10.45am Sung Eucharist with FROGS on Sunday Sunday 25 May 10.45am Morning Worship with Baptism and FROGs on Sunday 12.15pm Shortened Eucharist 6.30pm Churches Together in Hadleigh Seasonal Songs of Praise Thursday 29 May at 7.30pm - Deanery High Mass for Ascension Day Art Exhibition Saturday 3 - Saturday 10 May Christian Aid Week – 11-17 May with Coffee Morning on Friday 16 May
St Mary’s
Finchley Chamber Choir Concert – Sunday 18 May at 4pm FROGS meet in St Mary’s on Weds 21 May from 6pm-7.15pm
The Parish Church of Hadleigh
EVERY SUNDAY 8am Said Eucharist (BCP) 7-8.30pm SWITCH-On (for teenagers) in the Deanery Tower
Dean - The Very Revd Martin Thrower Tel: 01473 822218
EVERY TUESDAY 11am Mattins (or Communion on 1st Tuesday) At Row Chapel, George Street 1.30-2.45pm Tadpoles for babies, toddlers & their carers 6.30-8.30pm Porch Project (for teenagers)
The Benefice Office at St Mary’s is open From 10 am - 12 noon Tuesday to Friday Tel: 01473 824987 34
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
EVERY WEDNESDAY 7.30am Morning Prayer & Communion followed by breakfast EVERY FRIDAY 9.30am to 12noon Cafe Church including short all-age service at 10am 7.30 to 10pm Porch Project (for teenagers)
112a High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EL
News from The Station I write this article fresh from running the 2014 Virgin Money London Marathon. This was my first (and quite possibly my last!) attempt at a marathon, but has been an ambition of mine since I was a very unfit teenager at High School. For the many thousands of spectators that lined the streets, the glorious weather made for an excellent day to enjoy a carnival atmosphere. I am not too sure the same could be said for the runners! I completed the distance in 5 hours 5 minutes and 12 seconds and am very proud with my time and to have been part of such an occasion. Thank you to all of those who supported me, especially my wife and family, and to those who donated to my two charities. Money is still coming in, so I will announce a final total in due course. Amongst friends and colleagues who also took part, a special mention goes to local man Jimmy Wilding, who at 73 years old showed true grit and determination to complete the circuit in a little over 6 hours whilst carrying an injury! Well done Jim! Many of you will have read in local media that crime has continued to fall in Suffolk over the last 12 months. Hadleigh is no exception to this, and we have been fortunate to see our crime figures at their lowest for some years. All members of the Safer Neighbourhood Team continue to work extremely hard within the community to ensure that crime stays low, and more importantly, the fear of crime remains low. It is therefore of no great surprise that we are seeing an increase in complaints in relation to driving offences and general traffic nuisance. I want to remind readers that the roads of Hadleigh are no different to any other public highway in the Country. Mini-roundabouts are to be treated the same as any large roundabout which means that you must give way to those coming from the right, and you must go round the island, and not straight over it. This only differs if your vehicle dimensions are such that it is impossible to manoeuvre correctly. We have several pedestrian crossings in Town and all are mandatory. If somebody is seeking to cross at one of these sites, drivers are legally obliged to stop. Those who do not can be issues a fine along with 3 penalty points on their licence. The use of mobile phones whilst driving is still illegal. A £100 fine and 3 penalty points can be issued to any driver found by the Police to be using a phone whilst they are on the highway and the engine is running. Complaints of this nature have recently spiked and I remind you that a Police Officer has to see the offence in order to prosecute it, so if you see it, phone us at the time. When exiting the Magdalen Road carpark turning right, it is not your right of way. There have been several near misses where motorists have seen the green light and either almost collided with pedestrians crossing the road or have caused a collision with another vehicle. This is careless, and possibly dangerous. You can be sent to Court. Finally, parking. Parking on double and single yellow lines is a £30 fine (between permitted hours). Parking in the timed bays along the High Street carries a fine of the same level. We are currently working with local businesses to deal with the timed bay abusers, but the bottom line is that people who park there all day remove the opportunity for shoppers to park in the High Street and use our local shops. We are a small team that has to be flexible, current and dynamic. It is not always possible to enforce every traffic infringement everyday due to our priorities and crime related work. The Council do not have traffic wardens, but for those who feel strongly enough, please canvass your local District Councillor’s opinions on the decriminalisation of parking (a method that would see private operators deal with parking enforcement instead of the police). The Police Station is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 1pm and 3pm. You can also contact us by phone, email, post of Twitter. Details below. Until next time, Matt PC 1455 Paisley
ANNUAL PLANT SALE at St. Andrews Church, Lower Layham Sunday 18th May at 2 pm Cream Teas : Cakes : Plant-a-Seed : Tombola : Raffle
A J Carpets is a family run business with 30 years experience in floor coverings
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Friars Hall Nursing Home
including Specialised Dementia Care with attractive secure gardens
24 Hour Nursing Care Tastefully furnished Visiting Library Chiropodist Excellent Home Cooked Food
Happy 21st Birthday HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY
SHELLY Lots of love, Mum, Dad (Duck) Paul, Jo, Ben, Dan, Bump xxx
Zahra and Bob Henly cordially invite you to a
QUIZ NIGHT on behalf of the Steven Henly award for outstanding commitment to sport
Hadleigh High School Friday 9th May, 6.30 for 7 start Maximum 6 per team - children welcome but at least one adult per team. Cost - £3.00 per person Light refreshments will be available but please feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks There will also be a raffle with great prizes To reserve your table, please e-mail your team name and contact details to: or ring us on 01473 827960
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Planning Committee Meeting held on the 13th March 2014 Present: Councillors: Cook (Chair), Amin, Angland, Free, Lazenby, L. Munson, Nevard, Sheldrick and Whiting. Non attendees: Councillors Matthews and Welsh APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Haylock and Byrne. These apologies were duly accepted and recorded. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were received: Councillor Nevard declared a non-pecuniary interest in application B/14/00180/FHA – 48a Aldham Road – as she knows the applicant. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 13th February 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING Matters Arising - The Chair reported Babergh District Council’s response to the concerns raised about the land east of Hadleigh Hall. They advised that the land is not sufficiently untidy to warrant formal action. They will, however, contact the landowners requesting that they tidy up the area and advise Hadleigh Town Council if they receive a response. Councillor Angland reported on the run down state of the buildings on the Brett Works site and how young people have, once again, gained access to the buildings and are skateboarding in them. This had led previously to a fire starting and concerns with nearby residents were that this may happen again. The Clerk was asked to write again to Babergh District Council advising that Councillors were disappointed with their response and request again that steps are taken to clean up this area and the Brett Works site made safe and secure. The Clerk was asked to contact the Dean and ask he support the Town Council’s requests. Any Other Relevant Business – The financial aid towards the cemetery extension could not be applied for until the planning application had been approved. The Clerk had contacted Persimmon homes regarding the lagoon and they advised that it is regularly inspected and in full working order. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/13/01492/FUL Cobbolds Farm, Ipswich Road. Change of use of agricultural land for extension of existing coach park (inc. spaces for staff and overnight parking for lorries)(Retention of) Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) Subject to Suffolk Highways being consulted and approving. B/14/00030/OUT Land west of 39 Aldham Road. Erection of 2 no. semidetached two-storey dwellings and replacement single detached garage and driveway for 39 Aldham Road. (Resubmission of app B/13/01209/OUT). Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00041/FHA The Barley House, Coram Street. Erection of photovoltaic panels to part of roof on south and west elevations. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00142/FHA 30 Edwin Panks Road. Erection of first-floor front extension, roof alterations over bay window & additional door. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00217/TPO Deanery Lodge, Church Walk. Prune 1 No. Alder, 1 No. Ash tree & Fell 3 No. Cypress trees, protected by Tree Preservation Order WS77/A1 This application was noted. B/14/00180/FHA 48a Aldham Road. Erection of front extension to include car port & canopy roof. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00238/LBC 1 Benton Street. Application for Listed Building Consent – installation of 1 no. replacement timber double glazed window to front dormer. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority. BABERGH CORE STRATEGY & POLICIES The Committee noted that the Core Strategy and Policies had now been approved.
Please write to Mrs. Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) Town Clerk, Hadleigh Town Council, The Guildhall Hadleigh IP7 5DN if you are part of a voluntary organisation or community group wishing to be considered for a grant including the following information: • The specific amount of the grant • What the funding is for • Breakdown of costs and any funds already raised • How the project will benefit Hadleigh and its residents. This grant aid is not available to fund individuals, commercial or statutory organisations.
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings: Thursday 15th May Thursday 12th June Annual Town Council Meeting: Thursday 15th May Planning Committee Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm Thursday 1st May 2014 Thursday 29th May 2014 36
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Chair reported on the informal meeting held prior to the main Planning Meeting with Jonathan Free and Richard Cooke of Babergh District Council. They had provided advice on the procedure which had to be followed should Hadleigh Town Council wish to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. Having taken their advice on board the following timetable was proposed by the Chair: The Clerk had requested a grant of £4,000 which will go towards a post card drop delivered to every resident and a questionnaire. It would also enable the Council to use a company to professionally analyse the results. Then there would be a public meeting organised advising of issues raised and whether a Neighbourhood Plan or a Town Plan would be produced. This must be a community run project. The Chair requested Councillors attending the Annual Town Meeting man the tables around the room, work with the group to listen and facilitate the activities. The results of the Annual Town Meeting would be an Agenda item at the next Planning meeting. This was approved by members. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS B/13/01210/FUL – Compass Specialist Services, Unit 1, Hill Farm, Pond Hall Road, Hadleigh – Alterations to existing vehicular access and widening of access drive – it was noted that this application had been withdrawn. The Chair reported that it had been drawn to her attention that the stairs leading from the end of Castle Road down to the bypass were in a poor state. The Clerk was asked to find out who was responsible for their upkeep and ask if they would repair them. The Chair reported correspondence received from Babergh District Council on the new cemetery application and the Clerk’s response. It was recommended that the Clerk contacts the Planning Officer requesting a meeting to discuss this application. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.09pm. Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk Report of the Hadleigh Town Council meeting held on the 20th March 2014 Present: Councillors: Lazenby (Town Mayor), Amin, Angland, Byrne, Free, Grutchfield, Haylock, Matthews, L Munson, M Munson Nevard, Welsh and Whiting. In attendance: PC Matt Paisley (Suffolk Constabulary) and Councillor Grandon (Babergh District Councillor) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Cook and Sheldrick. These apologies were accepted. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held on the 20th February 2014 were taken as read were confirmed and signed. POLICING PC Paisley presented the Police Report for February and it was noted that 10 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 4 thefts; 3 burglaries; 2 possessions of Class B Drugs and 1 exposure. Of these 4 had been detected. PC Paisley reported that the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Police Constable would be attending East Bergholt High School at 6.30pm on the 9th April 2014 which will be advertised nearer the event. They will also be attending Morrisons Supermarket with the mobile Police Station on the 2nd September between 1 and 4pm. He reported on speeding issues along Pond Hall Lane and questions raised on inconsiderate parking along the High Street and pavements, also issues concerning drinking in the High Street. NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK POLICE COLLABORATION Councillor Grutchfield spoke on this subject and his opposition to this proposal. It was agreed that a letter of objection be sent from Hadleigh Town Council. The EADT have covered this matter in great detail and are running a petition for those wanting to sign. PC Paisley advised that it is proposed only to collaborate the two control rooms. REPORTS OF THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Written reports had been received from Councillors Riley and Grandon. Councillor Grandon updated members on the Eight Bells Application for extended opening hours which will be heard on the 4th April 2014 should anyone wish to attend. Councillor Grutchfield reported that he is still disappointed about the outstanding clearing work required along the river walk following the recent storms that has not been carried. He has brought this to the District Council’s attention. Councillor Byrne commented on the damage caused by excess ivy growth and this should be dealt with and Councillor Haylock wondered if the District Council liaised with Suffolk Wildlife Trust regarding biodiversity. It was agreed that the Clerk write a letter to Babergh District Council regarding the upkeep of the river walk bringing their attention to the matters raised. Councillor Munson had provided the Clerk with a copy of Babergh District Council’s document – Putting Babergh In Perspective – Highlights of Babergh’s Year 2013/14 and advised that this is available on their website. She advised that there is a site visit on Wednesday 26th March at 9.30am at Cobbolds Farm, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £61,645.46 be approved for payment. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee held on the 13th March 2014 were noted. FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 13th March 2014 was received and accepted. Including their recommendations to provide grants of: i) £300 to The Row Chapel ii) £600 to Hadleigh Community Transport Group iii) £300 to Hadleigh Community Choir (this was to be annual grant and reviewed)
iv) £500 to The British Red Cross v) A letter of support for the new Skatepark The recommendation to transfer the Town Council bank account from Lloyds Bank to the Unity Trust was unanimously carried. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm. Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk Report of the Planning Committee Meeting held on the 3rd April 2014 Present: Councillors: Cook (Chair), Angland, Byrne, Free, Haylock, Lazenby, Matthews, L. Munson and Whiting. Not present: Councillors: Nevard and Welsh APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Amin and Sheldrick. These apologies were duly accepted and recorded. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were none. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 13th March 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING Matters Arising - The Chair reported that the Clerk had written a further letter to Babergh DC with regard to the land east of Hadleigh Hall but to date had received no reply. The Chair also reported that Graham Chamberlain would be attending the Planning Meeting on 1st May where he would answer any queries regarding Change of Use applications. Any Other Relevant Business - The Chair reported that Suffolk County Council had inspected the stairs at the end of Castle Road down to the bypass and although they were in an acceptable condition they had arranged for them to be cleaned and swept. The new cemetery application remained an ongoing issue and the Clerk had attended a meeting with Babergh DC and it is hoped this application will move ahead very shortly. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/14/00187/FHA 15 Highlands Road. Erection of single-storey front and rear extensions. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00247/LBC53-55 High Street. Application for Listed Building Consent – Erection of new staircase. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00252/FHA 1 The Green. Erection of a side conservatory. Approval was recommended (Voting was 7 for and 1 abstention). The Council wish to point out that a large workshop appears to have been erected at this property and there were concerns over whether this would require planning permission – the Committee would be pleased if this could be investigated B/14/00254/FHA1 Guthrum Road. Erection of single-storey rear extension Approval was recommended (Voting was 7 for and 1 abstention) B/14/00275/FHA 18 Station Yard. Insertion of replacement doors to rear elevation. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/14/00319/TCA St Mary’s C of E VA Primary School. Removal of 3 no. Betula Pendula Trees. This application was noted. B/14/00082/FHA 24 New Cut. Erection of part two storey, part single storey rear extension and single storey side extension (demolition of side garage). Construction of new vehicular access. Erection of detached cart lodge, and details in drawing no: NC/13/07 received 12 march 2014. Approval was recommended Voting was unanimous TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority. B/14/00015/FUL – 30 HIGH STREET Change of use from Class B1 (office) to Class C3 (residential). The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS The Chair reported that she and Councillor Sheldrick would be meeting Ian Richardson of Suffolk County Council Highways at the Threadneedle Street junction to discuss the recent problems and possible resolutions. Councillor Haylock reported she had received a questionnaire from Babergh DC in connection with a Housing Survey and that she was concerned over some of the questions and their content – she was also concerned that although the survey could remain anonymous if people wished to entered into a draw for £100 in High Street Vouchers they would need to provide their names and addresses. Other Councillors also expressed concerns over financial details being requested on the survey as well as the length of the survey which had made some people simply discard it straightaway. Councillor Byrne reported she had received a letter from Suffolk Police regarding the appalling parking at her end of the High Street and that from 14th April the Police would be clamping down on those parking badly and would be issuing fines to the offenders. Councillor Byrne also reported that a good deal of work was taking place on Tye House but she was concerned over three ties on the property that were extremely modern in appearance and the Clerk was requested to contact William Wall and ask him to investigate the matter as this is a listed building. The Clerk reported the article in the EADT regarding Southwold and their decision to go ahead with a Neighbourhood Plan on their own despite the fact the public wished them to undertake a plan in partnership with Raydon. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8pm. Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk
Professional & reliable service based in Hadleigh 25 Years experience See website for range of treatments available Congratulations!
Happy 21st Birthday
Emma (Whittle) & Scott Spiers Married in Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia 22/02/2014
Love from all your family and friends
Love from Mum and Dad xxx
Happy 21st Tommy
Lots of love Mum, Dad & Family XXX
wishing you a happy 30th with lots of love Mum and Dad Warner xxx
ANNUAL PLANT SALE Sunday 4th May In Aid of Chattisham & Hintlesham Church Restoration Fund
walnut tree barn duke street, hintlesham 3.00pm - 5.00pm Plants for patios and baskets too Perennials, shrubs and bedding plants Herbs and vegetable plants Cakes for sale Cream Teas * ART EXHIBITION * and A GRAND RAFFLE
The 2014 Taste of Sudbury
Taste of Sudbury Food & Drink Festival 22nd June 2014 - 11am to 6pm
Promoting Local Produce & Local Restaurants
'36*5 7&( t $)&&4&4 t *$& $3&".4 t 41*3*54 t $)".1"(/& t #&&34 +6*$&4 t #",&3: t .&"54 '*4) $00,&3: %&.04 -054 .03& Market Hill & St Peters Church, Sudbury From 11am to 6pm - Sunday 22nd June
'3&& &/53: t '3&& 1"3,*/( t '3&& 5"45&34
Contact Jane Hatton 01787 468634
Want to place a Birthday Greeting? Cost is just £5
Happy 30th Birthday
CHARLOTTE Welcome to the 30 club! Love Matt xxx
Contact Matt Barber 01473 823366
The Taste of Sudbury Food & Drink Festival promotes the best food and drink provided by local and national producers, growers and restaurants on the Suffolk/Essex border in the historic market town of Sudbury. Lesley Dolphin of BBC Radio Suffolk will open the event and Mark David from the Cooking Experience will compere the cookery demonstrations which will take place throughout the day by top local chefs including Alan Paton from the Stoke Hotel, Regis Crepy of The Great House, Lavenham and Nick Barrett of Scutchers in Long Melford. There will be a wide range of exhibitors including Hadleys Ice Cream, Rafi's Spicebox, Bowers Beef, Mauldons Real Ale, Copella Fruit Juices and many cafes, pubs and restaurants in Sudbury will be open and offering special deals on the day. Organised by the Sudbury Town Team, a voluntary and non-profit making group representing the interests of local businesses, many of which have sponsored the event. Nick Macleanan, Manager of Booker Colchester said: “I felt very proud to be involved in 2013, it was a great day and the local community was amazing. I look forward to this year's event and sponsoring the stage and demonstrations”. The stage will be located on the Market Hill in the centre of Sudbury and exhibitors will be located on the Market Hill, inside St. Peter’s Church and outside the Town Hall. From 4pm there will be live music provided by local artist Adam Chinery. Phil Davies of Holmes & Hills Solicitors said: “With our newest office in Sudbury, we are delighted to have the opportunity to be sponsors this year”. For up to date information on exhibitors, demonstrations, sponsors and a review of the 2013 event visit
Come join us for a BIG Lunch On the 1st of June 2014 you are invited to come and join us on Cox Park (behind East House George St) for a BIG Lunch. The idea of a BIG lunch is to bring a chair or blanket and enjoy your lunch with family and friends. This annual event takes part every year and in 2010 the first one was held in Hadleigh for the Queens Jubilee. This years event has been sponsored by the Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce with funding from Suffolk county Council via the Locality Fund courtesy of County Councillor Brian Riley. The event is from 11:30 am - 2 pm when you can bring your own lunch or buy your lunch there from one of the tempting treats on offer which will include BBQ from the Scouts or maybe a slice of Pizza which will be on sale. We will also have a coffee van and maybe for dessert some popcorn or candy floss. We have entertainment from the Elmsett Fellowship Brass Band and also Punch and Judy, balloons and magic from Professor Jingles for the young and older generation. We also have a bouncy castle, face painter and a few side stalls to keep you occupied for a few hours. This event is a free event and open to all ages all you need is a bit of money if you would like to buy or own food or take part in any any of the activity's. Hadleigh family events don't happen very often nowadays so please make sure you support this annual BIG Lunch and maybe it will be BIGGER and BETTER next year. Look forward to seeing you there! Trev Clarke, Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
London Marathon 38
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Well done Tim for an excellent finish and raising a lot of money for The Stroke Association. Your very proud Dad, Nick
Hadleigh Community Primary News Where’s my mummy? All of the children in Key stages 1 and 2 were busy trying to solve a mystery on Tuesday 18th March……..who had thrown the mystery bag, containing some very unusual items, into the car park? At the beginning of the day, the children were introduced to the ‘problem’. According to the internet news, there had been a break in at the Natural History Museum, and some Egyptian artefacts had been stolen. A bag was found in our car park and there was a mystery code to break. To whom did the bag belong? The children participated in a range of activites, all with an Ancient Egyptian theme. In Key stage 1 and Year 3, the children participated in archaeological digs, made cosmetics, tested the absorbency of a range of materials and had a visit from Africa Alive who brought a python, hissing cockroaches and african land snails for the children to touch and learn about. The activities for Years 4, 5 and 6 required a lot of support from the High School because so much specialist equipment was needed. The children tested the nutritional value of a variety of foods, using chemicals they do not normally come into contact with and requiring them to wear safety goggles – very scientific! They also made perfume by heating oil and spices. The rooms in that area smelt wonderful! The children also investigated how salt draws the water from apples, making them appear mummified, and last but not least, they got to dissect owl pellets! This activity was particularly popular, and absolutely fascinating. At the end of the day, the children were asked to interpret the message given to them on heiroglyph cards. The message suggested that someone was trapped in the cupboard at the back of the hall and Mr Dawson bravely went to investigate. Suddenly a ‘mummy’ appeared (it was really Mr Lloyd wrapped up in bandages and toilet paper), and the whole school roared with laughter at the sight! We would like to say a huge thank you to the High School who supported us with the preparations for the day, and sent us staff and pupils to ensure it ran smoothly. We really could not have done it without them, particularly Miss Blyth, who had been planning with us since last July! Do you have a child born between 1st September 2010 and 31st August 2011? We will very shortly be reviewing applications for our Nursery class for the academic year starting in September 2014. If your child has a birth date between the above dates and you wish to apply for our Nursery class, then please contact us for an application pack. We anticipate filling all our places in September, so if you have not already applied and wish to do so, please return your application by the beginning of May. If you have not spoken to us about what we can offer you and your child, please do so. We will be delighted to show you our school. Please telephone to arrange an appointment to view the whole of our school and in particular, the wonderful Nursery class and Early Years Unit - school office number is 01473 822161. School website – have you seen our website? Would you like to see what is happening at HCPS? The website will give you a flavour of what we can offer you and your child. Either search ‘Hadleigh Community Primary School’ or use the following link:
Kersey Plant Sale Kersey Plant Sale is being held on 10th May from 2 - 4 pm in St. Mary’s Church. Shrubs, Perennials, Annuals, Basket Plants and much more. Cream Teas will be available. Proceeds in aid of church funds.
01473 823092
17/19 HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH P. J. B. WILSON BDS, LDS, RCS G. SINGH BDS (HONS) & ASSOCIATES • family practice • in house hygienist • cosmetic dentistry • emergency service • evening & saturday morning appointments
St. Joseph’s Long Bessels, Hadleigh The Catholic Parish of Sudbury with Hadleigh Parish Priest: Fr Peter Brett (01787 372703) 07785 562518 (Emergencies) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367) Mass times at St. Joseph’s Hadleigh Sunday: 11.15 a.m. Mass (tea and coffee after Mass) Wednesday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) Friday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) For more details and for week-day Masses at Sudbury and for any changes to the times of week-day Masses in Hadleigh please consult the Parish Newsletter or refer to the web site or contact Father Brett or Deacon Andy The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after Sunday Mass at Hadleigh, or by arrangement with Father Brett.
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1 Cauldwell Avenue, Ipswich IP4 4EB
Foster Care Fortnight 12-25 May 2014 Can You Guess Who Fosters?
Eastern Family Services (East Bergholt based independent fostering organisation) fully supports eastern the UK’s biggest annual fostering campaign, family services Foster Care Fortnight, which is held in May and co-ordinated by Fostering Network. The campaign aims to put fostering centre stage throughout the UK to encourage people to come forward to foster to meet the needs of children in care. With a shortage of foster carers across the UK, more are needed to provide children with safe and caring homes while they are unable to live with their own We can help you become families. This year’s theme ‘can you guess who fosters?’ raises the questions: What does a foster carer look like? At Eastern Family Services weyour havequestio a Let us answer diverse range of foster carers including single and joint carers, carers their by calling Sarahin or Eleano 20’s right through to carers in their 60’s, carers who are parents with children on 01206 299775 still at home and carers whose children have flown the nest, carers who solely foster and carers who work alongside fostering with careers in teaching, our to website plumbing, child minding, engineering, IT, floristry andVisit carpentry name a few! What does it take to be a foster carer? Althoughwww.easternfamilyservic our foster carers are all very different they all share the key qualities that foster carers need: being a great listener, having a good sense of humour, being optimistic and having their feet firmly on the ground and showing resilience when things get difficult. They are also able to offer the time, commitment, space and ability to meet children’s individual needs, to keep them safe and to stick with them to help them improve their lives. We are always looking to recruit more foster carers to join our team - just as children are different, so are foster carers. The best solution for children is to have a wide range of carers to choose from so that the best ‘match’ possible can be made – they will then have more of a chance of staying closer to their families, as well as keeping siblings together or addressing any particular needs that they may have. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Eastern Family Services either by visiting our website (, telephoning us (01206 299775) or by email ( - we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have and to send you our fostering information pack to help you decide whether fostering is right for you!
Thinking of foste
The Suffolk Rock School is back and bigger than ever..
For Quality & Personal Service FENSA from Start to Finish
This unique annual course is running for its third year this summer. Local teacher and creator of the course Tom Price (25) has been teaching in the area for the past five years and founded the Suffolk Rock School three years ago. ‘I teach lots of children in the area and many of them have the same problem of wanting to be in a band but not knowing how to go about it or just having friends who play other instruments.’ The five day course held in the Boxford Village Hall has more than doubled in size over the last three years. The course is specially designed to pair up musicians of similar ages and abilities accommodating children between the ages of 9 and 18. Students involved will experience lessons taught by professional music teachers and will complete tasks involving song writing and performing. On the last day of the course everyone involved will take part in a performance held for family and friends in the gardens of ‘The White Horse’ in Edwardstone. This year the course will be running twice over summer from Monday to Friday on the 4th-8th and 18th-22nd of August. If you are interested in this event or know of anyone who might be then please feel free to contact Tom. Contact Tom on: Home: 01787 210913 Mob: 07712 406376 or Email:
Sharon’s Alterations Zips Replaced Hems Shortened/Lengthened Roman Blinds Curtains for Caravan & Home School Name Labels
TEL/FAX: 01473 823584 • MOB 07885 941615 49 Benton Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AR 40
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Other alterations available please call for further information
Call Sharon on 01473 832501 or 07790 227488 If no answer, please leave a message and I will get back to you on my return
Time for Action - Not Thoughts The sun is out, the days are longer, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost BBQ weather and holidays are not so far away!! So now we start to think about losing weight? Again!! Most people are very good it - working out how much weight theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d need to lose each week to achieve their goal â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in time for whatever event is on the horizon... You decide start on Monday (you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t start before Monday becauseâ&#x20AC;Ś..!) and, of course, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll stick to this new miracle diet come hell or high water! Will you though..? But thinking about reducing your weight wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t achieve anything you actually have to do something about it? So you need commitment, support and motivation. The fact is you do have to do the 'hard work' for a while..! You can read every book on diets and do any amount of research but at some point, if you really want it, there is no choice â&#x20AC;&#x201C; you have to do it! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really hard work pretending to lose weight, finding all those excuses â&#x20AC;&#x201C; why is it so much easier to find excuses rather than putting that energy into something you say you want so muchâ&#x20AC;Ś? The key to this diet madness is not which diet you choose, it's not what day you start or whether you cut out cheese on Wednesdays, or don't eat at all after 6.36pmâ&#x20AC;Śits commitment, encouragement and motivation!! It comes down to how much you really want to be slim and whether you'll let anything or anybody stand in your way. Will you? Why not make the choice today to get the body you want! When you choose Cambridge Weight Plan (proven results for 30 years) youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll get individual support and motivation from accredited Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant Val Lord (with 5 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience). Contact her on 01449 737113 or 07519 177645 or for more information go to Val is also available at French Complexion, Hadleigh by arrangement.
ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY Master NLP Practitioner Overcome problems â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Feel great â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Achieve your goals
HUGH CLOVER (MA Ed), MABCH, MCAHyp 20 years experience in:
Ipswichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Biggest Quiz Night: New Date Announced One of Ipswichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest quiz events, run by hearing specialists at The Hearing Care Centre, has just announced its latest date. The quiz night which has raised more than ÂŁ9,000 for local and national charities is set to take place on Sunday 18th May 2014 (7pm) at Greshams Sports Club, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich. The Hearing Care Centre, based at Upper Brook Street in Ipswich, have held six previous events of its kind, with well over 200 trivia fans attending on each occasion. Teams for the quiz can include between 4 - 6 members. Entry is ÂŁ4.00pp (nibbles included), and there cash prizes up for grabs for the top three teams! Karen Finch MD of The Hearing Care Centre said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our quiz nights are always brilliant fun and every event has been a sellout. Book your tickets quick so you are not disappointed!â&#x20AC;?. This time around the quiz night is raising money for Hearing Dogs For Deaf People and Umutara School For the Deaf, in Rwanda To purchase tickets call Matthew at The Hearing Care Centre on 01473 230330 or buy online at
Armchair Players Cry With Laughter When the Armchair Players met at its April meeting to read Ray Cooneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s smash hit comedy Caught in the Net there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a dry eye in the room. The laughter simply overtook us. Cooneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s masterful way of mixing characterisation with comical situations is a real theatrical treat. As we enjoyed reading this play so much we are adding another of Cooneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plays, Funny Money at the Quay Theatre to our list of 2014 group outings which also includes Joe Ortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Entertaining Mr Sloane at the Royal Theatre in Bury St Edmonds. The Armchair Players are celebrating their 5th Anniversary in May with a party based on the theme of Familiar Theatrical Characters. We will return to our usual monthly play readings in June with Pygmalion. Armchair Players are â&#x20AC;&#x153;keeping drama alive in Hadleighâ&#x20AC;? on the second Monday of each month at 7:30pm in the upstairs room at The George pub, Hadleigh High Street. Reading aloud is not obligatory but listening to and enjoying the plays is unavoidable. Why not join us? Call Organiser, Maddie Labinger on 01473 824033
Caring and confidential help with relaxation, stress, phobias, confidence, sleep, smoking, weight, unwanted habits, and many other psychological, emotional and physical problems. Hugh is experienced working with children and teenagers.
WHY NOT TAKE A LOOK AT HUGHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WEBSITE? WWW.HUGHCLOVER.CO.UK For further information please contact Hugh on 01206 323089 or email (Stratford St Mary - Easy access and parking just off the A12 between Ipswich and Colchester)
"Hugh provides a life-changing service in a calm and trusting environment and has a deep understanding of the human psyche. I believe everyone should try it." Mrs E.K.
Assistants to Department Leaders
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General Assistants
Fresh Produce & Coffee Shop
All roles are permanent ,all year round involving weekday and some weekend work ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH D QHZ FKDOOHQJH VHQG XV \RXU &9 DQG OHW XV NQRZ ZKDW DUHD DQG KRXUV \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ
Email to VKRS#KROORZWUHHV FR XN or in writing to
6DOO\ %HQGDOO +ROORZ 7UHHV )DUP 6HPHU ,SVZLFK ,3 +; Hollow Trees Farm is 3 miles from Hadleigh No public transport ,own transport is essential
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P/T RECEPTIONIST (Job Share - 22.5 hours per week) Receptionist, with experience of working in a busy office environment, required for firm of Consulting Engineers. Good telephone manner essential. Duties also include stationery ordering, copying, franking and additional admin tasks. Good typing skills, using Word and Excel, would be advantageous. Applications in writing marked Private and Confidential with C.V. stating last or present salary to: Tracy Robinson Richard Jackson Limited, 26 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5AP email:
Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Entertainment Saturday 10th May – Sarah Louise Saturday 24th May – Richie Monroe Free entry to members on production of a valid membership card Meat Raffle held Sunday Lunchtimes Special Offers: **CARLSBERG, FOSTERS, JOHNS SMITHS SMOOTH - £2.60 pint ** McEwans Lager - £2.55 pint Adnams Southwold Bitter - £2.55 pint Desparado/Sol/Fosters Gold - £3.15 bottle or 2 for £5.00 WKD & Smirnoff Ice - 2 for £5.00 Jack Daniels or SoCo Doubles (50ml) £3.50 Look out in Club for Saturday night specials and guest beers Women’s Section Tuesday 6th May @ 7.30pm - Speaker from East Anglian Air Ambulance Tuesday 3rd June - tbc Please bring a raffle prize Branch Section Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 7.30pm SUPER LEAGUE DARTS Matches held on Tuesday nights, please see noticeboard for fixtures Dont forget our Hall Hire: Lounge 30 people, Main Hall 100 people Ring 824874 for details
All members, old and new, very welcome!
Saving Mr. Banks (PG) FRIDAY 23rd MAY at 7.30 pm £3.50 on the door (accompanied children £2.50) OUR MAY FILM COMES WITH A PERFECT SPOONFUL OF CHARM SAVING MR BANKS is based on a true story and was made by Walt Disney in conjunction with BBC films. Walt Disney promised his two children that he'd produce a film based on their favourite books about MARY POPPINS by P L Travers. It took him almost twenty years of negotiations with the author before she signed a contract, but agreed only to work on a screenplay for the film, which became one of the most successful Disney films of all time. However, for Travers the making of the film was a disaster because in her books about Mary Poppins the author wanted to bring to life her unhappy upbringing in a remote Australian township but this was completely ignored during the actual production. Walt Disney's film starring Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson is a joy to watch as these seasoned artists come to terms with the opposing views of Disney and Travers during the making of the film – in short sparks flew!! P L Travers’ anger at the way Disney had staged a musical from the ashes of her books led her to issue a writ that at no time in her life would Disney be allowed to make further films based on her books. SAVING MR BANKS is a film that has won critical praise. Come along on 23rd May and enjoy a rather special evening!
CONTACTING THE ACC Call Tom on 823719 or Jan on 823413 Take a look at our website - WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? It is next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access is through the church garden. 42
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
News from Orchard Barn We are thrilled to be able to tell you that we won in the Climate Adaptation category of Suffolk’s Greenest County Awards 2014. This award recognizes our work in helping trainees and volunteers to become ready for climate change and increasing local resilience. The keynote speech was given by Lord Deben, the former conservative MP for Suffolk Coastal and now chairman of the UK’s independent Committee on Climate Change, who said “individuals and communities could make a big difference through such initiatives as local food production, community energy products and waste reduction”. We are very proud that our ability to make a difference has been recognized in this way. Our Managing director Sarah Partridge attended the ceremony on 28th March to receive the award, along with two of our trainees, Cheryl and Kevin, who are both now regular volunteers. You can read more about the awards on their website We were also very pleased to be able to host a visit from Richard Howitt MEP for the East of England recently. Mr Howitt spent an hour touring the site and talking to volunteers and members, and was particularly interested to hear from our Building Sustainable Lives participants, about how their lives had been transformed after being involved in the programme. (The project ran last year and was funded by the European Social Fund.) He commented “This is a brilliant and beautiful project in that young people out of work or suffering disabilities have been supported to learn traditional ways of constructing buildings in which we all now have renewed interest for a more sustainable way of living in the future.” In the photo Mr Howitt is trying out a shave horse. In May we will be running the first of our Care and Repair for your Traditional Building courses this season, 3 days from 12th to 14th. This is professional training resulting in a CPD certification from IHBC, and includes talks, demonstrations and hands-on activities. It is designed to be suitable for anyone who owns, or is involved in the repair of, a traditional building. A few places are still available, so if you are interested please contact Sarah Partridge as below. Looking a little further ahead, we have a Hobby Course planned for 13/14 June, where participants will learn traditional greenwoodworking skills, using locally sourced materials and hand tools to make a shave horse to take home. More information is given on our website or from Sarah Partidge. For all bookings and further information, please contact Sarah at or call 01473 658193/07766 054042 More information on all events and courses can be found on our website
Jumble Sale Saturday 3rd May, Ansell Centre Hadleigh Remember those Jumble Sales of the 1970s? Well they're back and with 1970s prices too! On Saturday 3rd May at the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh from 10am til 12noon. Come and have a rumble in our jumble and find yourself some stylish bargains for adults or children - there will also be refreshments available. In aid of Whatfield Primary School.
Mercury May is already upon us which means for an astronomer the opportunities for observing are shorter but the Sky still throws up some gems. This month offers us a chance to see the nearest Planet to the sun and one of the most rarely seen by public - Mercury. Before we continue with the purpose of this months topic lets have a look at the planets fact-file. Average distance from the sun:- 36 million miles Diameter:- 3,031 miles (Earth is 7,926 miles) Mean surface temperature:- 430oc (day) -130oc (night) Period around sun:- 88 days - Mercurian day length 58.6 days Atmosphere:- None; Moons:- None; Axial tilt:- 0 % Mercury has been known since antiquity and was named after the Roman deity of the same name who was messenger to the gods this is no doubt because of the planets speed, the time it takes Earth to orbit the sun once Mercury has done it 4 times! The day length on Mercury is very long at 58.6 of our days. Imagine being on the sunlit side with temperatures of 430oc for that long with no respite and equally a night of same length with temperatures of -130oc. As you can see Mercury resembles the moon in appearance in fact, Mercury is just 800 miles wider at the equator than the moon so they could easily be twinned in a lot of respects. Mercury along with Venus are called inferior planets because they orbit the sun within the orbit of the Earth. This gives them one distinction the other planets cannot do transit the sun. For a few hours on a certain day you can observe these planets to pass across the suns face in daylight. This will next occur in the case of Mercury on the 9th May 2016, but more on that nearer the time! Mercury can be viewed best twice a year at either Western elongation meaning viewable before dawn or Eastern elongation meaning viewable after sunset and May this year gives us the perfect chance to see the planet at Eastern elongation. For a novice Sky Watcher this can be a tricky task. Mercury is never visible in a dark sky and appears very high above the horizon it isn't the largest object and isn't the brightest either hence why so few have seen it and known just what they are looking at. To begin looking for Mercury you will need a flat as possible horizon now note where the sun sets on your horizon using an object that may act a guide a tree, building etc. Now you must wait 35 minutes after the sun has set. For the seven dates of interest to us I have included the sunset times and also time to start to look for Mercury as followers Date Sunset Start looking for Mercury 5th May 20:30 21:05 10th May 20:38 21:13 15th May 20:46 21:21 20th May 20:53 21:28 25th May 21:00 21:35 30th May 21:06 21:41 6th June 21:08 21:43 As another useful guide to you knowing the height above the horizon will help you greatly astronomers do this by using the measurement of degrees. For this your hands are ideal clench your fist at arms length and hold it with the back of your hand facing you the width you have is 10 degrees. Your 3 middle fingers will span 5 degrees if you hold them out at arms length. These 2 measurements will suffice in tracking down Mercury. Below is the height of Mercury above the horizon on the given dates. Date Height above horizon in degrees 5th May 4 degrees 10th May 6 degrees 15th May 9 degrees 20th May 10 degrees 25th May 9.5 degrees 30th May 6 degrees 6th June 4 degrees So an example is 20th May Mercury will be 1 fist at arms length above the horizon. With luck you will find it easily with the naked eye it will appear as a yellow "Star". Little will change in binoculars but a telescope of 70mm or more will reveal the planet shows phases much the way the moon does. The reward for finding this planet? It is the suns nearest neighbour it's the smallest planet in the solar system and also the hardest to find and know what you are looking at. Good luck in finding this elusive planet and as always if you have any questions please contact me at my email address. Until next month - Clear Skies Neil Norman -
SKy Watch
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Wild Flower Meadow Raising Money for charities for over 25 Years!
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Quality Plantation Teak Garden Furniture at Warehouse Prices Large Permanent Display â&#x20AC;˘ Mix & Match - any combination â&#x20AC;˘ Immediate Delivery
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TEL: 01787 228184
Deanery Lodge Open Gardens Sunday 11th May 2014 10am to 4pm By kind permission of Sir John and Lady Hall Entry ÂŁ2.50 per adult 50p per child (under 14)
Please come and enjoy the beautiful gardens, some tea and cake and games for the children All proceeds in aid of Girl Guiding Hadleigh and St Marys Church, Hadleigh
Garden Machinery Steve Blake
Six Acre Productions are proud to present their second production
Murder at the Manor: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Wilderness Yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; A new Murder Mystery Raising money for â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Suffolk Community Foundationâ&#x20AC;? charity, the group are performing this murder mystery in the picturesque barn on the estate of Manor Farm, Semer, courtesy of James Buckle. Show dates are FRIDAY 4th JULY, SATURDAY 5th JULY, FRIDAY 11th JULY and SATURDAY 12th JULY. Tickets are ÂŁ10 each and include a light supper and dessert. There will also be a licensed bar available. For tickets please call: 07950 477 863 or email: Come and be transported back to the late 1920s and watch the drama unfold in the presence of Lord and Lady Worthington-Jones during their â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;wilderness yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Bring your detective mind and help Inspector Clue solve the case to expose the murderer. We look forward to seeing you all there for a fantastic evening of fun and jollity. Six Acre Productions
Hadleigh & District Garden Club Andy Leader, the new chairman introduced our speaker for the meeting on 14th April who was in fact our President, John Rye. His subject was greenhouses and all things related to their use, size, upkeep, heating and of course aspect. As obviously, not everyone has the space or geographical orientation for ideal positioning which in turn lead to plenty of discussion amongst members. We were also shown slides of John's own greenhouse, the plants he grew in it, the temperature he kept it at, compost requirements etc., altogether a useful insight in to the subject, thank you John. Our next meeting is by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust on "Creating a Living Landscape in Suffolk." (I think I've been there). Ruth Allen 822323
(Formerly of M. W. Partridge & Co)
All makes & types of
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The wild flower meadow at "Bellybones" has been opening its gates to the public for over 25 years.In that time significant amounts of money have been raised for many different charities including Parkinson's Uk and Marie Curie. The meadow created by its owner Patricia James lies in the picturesque village of Foxearth which borders Essex with Suffolk. The field originally was used for agriculture with the main crop being wheat.The Set aside Scheme introduced in the 80's enabled many farmers to take some of their land out of production. Patricia took the opportunity to put her field to better use by cultivating a wild flower meadow. Her family helped in the preparation, seeds were sown a pond dug and a delightful habitat for wildlife created. The first year saw a modest display including Oxeye Daisies, Buttercups, Salad Burnet and Common plantain. The third year marked a successful growth and wonderful display of Cowslips. The meadow was well on its way when Bee Orchids and Pyramidal Orchids "turned up of their own accord" Patricia says. The meadow has been a delight for locals and visitors alike who can relax in the lovely garden and taste Patricia's homemade scones. Patricia says "in the region of one thousand pounds a year has been raised for charity by opening the garden and meadow at "bellybones". That is some achievement and worth celebrating in 2014. The Meadow and Gardens will be open Sunday 1st June from 1pm until 4pm in aid of E.A.C.H.(East Anglia's Chilldren's Hospices) For more information contact tel 01787 373194 or
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
DarreBarton n Barton - -GGardener ardener Darren
A ll types of gardening â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no job too small! â&#x20AC;˘ Hardworking and affordable
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Reliable, hardworking and flexible All types of gardening â&#x20AC;˘x On the committee of Hadleigh and â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no job too small! x On the committee of Hadleigh and â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no job too District Gardenx Reliable, Club hardworking and flexible x District Garden Club x for On the ofincluding Hadleigh and Regular volunteer RSPB including keeping â&#x20AC;˘x Regular volunteer forcommittee RSPB x District Garden Club Wolves Woods clear Woods clear keeping Wolves x Regular volunteer for RSPB including keeping x NVQ Level 2 in Horticulture Wolves Woods clear â&#x20AC;˘x NVQ Level 2 in Horticulture References available x NVQ Level 2 in Horticulture â&#x20AC;˘ References available x References available
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Call for an informal chat on 01473 810 261 or mobile 07780 710447 Email:
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Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts My wife is much improved from last month, and I am making some progress with my garden, although I am still far behind where I would like to be at this point in the Spring. I have managed to get my potatoes planted, and am working on resiting my third cold frame. This job is complicated by another of the weeds that trouble us gardeners. The ground where it is going has some perennial bindweed in it. The roots of this spread underground and go down somewhat further than one fork depth. Also it will regrow from quite small bits of root. This makes it very difficult to eliminate. No matter how hard you try you will probably miss a bit, and then a few months later it will reappear. Weedkillers do not seem that effective against it still it is less of a problem than Japanese Knotweed ! Talking of Japanese Knotweed I am wondering whether the EU can be trusted to get the legislation that it is proposing on introduced plants like Japanese Knotweed right. I think that everyone agrees that Japanese Knotweed is a disaster in this country and should be strictly regulated, but how far should we go ? I have an interesting book called "The Story of England's Flora" by Edward Hyams. This analyses our plants and details when they were introduced to the UK. Very few of our common plants in either the garden or countryside are native. The problem that I see for the legislators is deciding exactly which plants are to be banned. One that has been mentioned is the rhododendron. One of these is rhododendron ponticum, which was introduced in 1763 and has become a weed in certain parts of the country, and I could understand a wish to ban it, but there are hundreds of other rhododendron species, and even more hybrids between species. Legislation will need to be very carefully framed if it is to stop rhododendron ponticum from becoming a worse problem, and not cripple development in gardens like Exbury and Stourhead. A further problem is that the European Union area is large, and as I see it they will need different lists for different countries. It will be interesting to see how things develop. Open Gardens 5 May Bevills Sudbury Road Bures CO8 5JW 10 May Larks Hill Tuddenham St Martin IP6 5BY 11 May Blakenham Woodland Garden Little Blakenham IP8 4LZ 11 May East Bergholt Place East Bergholt CO7 6UP 18 May Old Felixstowe Gardens (3) 41 Westmorland Rd Felixstowe IP11 9TJ 18 May Rosedale 40 Colchester Rd Bures CO8 5AE 18 May The Priory Stoke by Nayland CO6 4RL 25 May Mill Hill House Bury Rd Brockley IP29 4AG 25 May Woodwards Blacksmiths Lane Coddenham IP6 9TX 26 May 22 Shilling Street Lavenham CO10 9RH Weather Records In March at Kersey there were only 17.8 mm (0.7") of rain, which is about 40% of our average monthly rainfall. March rainfall is quite variable, but this is near the minimum of the range. The 3 monthly total at the end of March was 168.2 mm (6.6") which is near to the average. In March the maximum temperature was 18 Cel (64F), and the minimum temperature for March was -2 Cel (28F) which are both typical for the month. Average Daily Temperature (from James Dent) 9 Cel In my garden the ground temperature at writing is 10 Cel (50F), which is normal for mid April. Hints Last month I was warning about black spot on roses, this month I am warning that I am already catching lily beetles. This plain red beetle (no spots) eats lily leafs and other plants like fritillarias from the same family. They need catching and squashing if you want to enjoy your lilies. This is the month to sow runner and french beans together with cucumbers marrows and squashes. I raise my plants in the greenhouse to plant out in June. By May your greenhouse will need some shading applied to the glass. Do not forget to prune early flowering shrubs like forsythia when they have finished flowering, and to dead head daffodils so that they do not waste energy making seeds. Happy Gardening, John Rye So Much More Than a Dance Class No Partners Required Any Age & Ability Very Welcome Shimmy, Shake, Wiggle Giggle to Dance Fitness Fun
"Strictly" style Dance-a-cise held at
Classes also in: - Brantham - Capel St Mary - East Bergholt - Nayland, & - Stratford St Mary FunDancing.Suffolk Fun_Dancing
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Letter from Layham
Plant Sale Sunday 18 May at 2.00 pm. at St Andrew's. Please bring any spare plants for sale or come and buy some new ones for your garden. Or you might like to just come and catch up with the news over a cream tea. Annual Meeting 2nd April Sonia Groom and Audrey King were reelected as churchwardens. Copies of the Annual Report for 2013, which includes financial and other reports, are available in the church.
Are you new to Layham? If you have just moved to the village and would like to know more about it, please visit our website, where you can download a Welcome Booklet. However, if you do not have a computer and printer and would prefer a hard copy of the booklet, please contact Jane Cryer, Parish Clerk, on 07920 713940. Parish Council The main matters discussed at the Parish Council meeting of 26 March 2014 were: • The Parish Council would report the number of potholes in Church Lane to Suffolk Highways, and would also remind them about a similar problem in Rands Road, as well as the need to clear Water Lane. • There had been no reported crimes since the last meeting. However, there had been several thefts of heating oil in the area and parishioners were urged to dial 101 if they saw or heard anything suspicious. Suffolk’s Police & Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore, was holding an open meeting in East Bergholt on 9 April; the Clerk confirmed that this had been publicised on the village noticeboards and via the community email. • Members of the PCC had decided they would prefer to tidy up the entrance, rather than make changes to the area around the War Memorial; the work would be carried out before November 2014. • The entrance to the Playing Field at the Mill end would be resurfaced, partly funded by a contribution from Suffolk County Council’s Locality Budget. • The PC was continuing to carry out research into the feasibility of installing defibrillators in the two telephone boxes, including looking into possible funding sources. • On Saturday 8 March over twenty volunteers were involved in the Annual Spring Clean of the village. • Fourteen volunteers turned out for the first ‘Wildlife Working Day’ on Tuesday 11 March. Work started on the Conservation Area on the Playing Field • The Marquis of Cornwallis had finally been sold and was scheduled to reopen in 2015 as a pub/restaurant with rooms, subject to planning permission. • Following the audit of trees, hedges and shrubs in the village, felling work had already been carried out and planting work would take place in the autiumn. • The next Community Lunch would be held on Wednesday 9 July. • Planning: it was noted that permission had been granted for the erection of two dwellings, garaging and vehicular access at Raworth Bungalow, despite the PC’s concerns. The Clerk would copy Babergh’s letter to members and, if it was felt appropriate, she would liaise with the Chairman and would write again to Babergh. There were no objections to the application for change of use from agricultural land to domestic curtilage at Squirrels, Rands Road. • Brett Aggregates had started work again in the area surrounding Wyncolls Farm in Lower Layham. The PC had checked with English Heritage and discovered that it was not listed and, as it was an historic building, it was agreed to should explore the possibility of asking English Heritage to list it. • Members of the PC would continue to encourage more parishioners to sign up to the community email group, as this was proving to be a very effective and quick method of disseminating information. St Andrew's - your Parish Church Sunday Services during May 4th May 10.30 am Morning Worship 11th May 9.15 am Sung Eucharist 18th May 9.30 am Café Church 25th May 9.15 am Family Eucharist Coffee, Cake and Chat Please call in at the church on Monday 19 May between 11 am - 12.30 pm. All welcome. Sunday Lunch If you have not been to one of the St Andrew’s Sunday Lunches in the Village Hall – then you don’t know what you are missing! Everything is genuinely home-cooked by local people and is great value for money. The last lunch was on Sunday 23 March and the photograph is testament to the popularity of the event. Watch out for the next advertisement. 46
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
St Andrew’s Church Layham proudly presents
‘ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE’ a lively programme of popular songs by Hadleigh Community Choir
Friday 23rd May 7.30pm Admission £5, tickets in advance from Sonia 822220, Audrey 822081 or The Idler, Hadleigh Refreshments available Proceeds to St Andrew’s Church
Layham Playing Field 100 Club February draw: £15 Ticket No 58 £10 Ticket No 11
Bates Strutt
100 Club March draw: £50 Ticket No 81 £15 Ticket No 21 £10 Ticket No 34
Pitcher Dowie Crook
A new surface at the Mill Lane gate Those of you who use the playing field will know that the gate onto Mill Lane became very muddy during the winter. The Playing Field Management Committee made a successful application to our County Councillor Gordon Jones for grant support from his Locality Budget to have the gate area professionally surfaced. We were successful in our request and the work was done at the end of March – the village has received £1600 to cover the work. Thank you Councillor Jones and Suffolk County Council! Felling of the Cricket Bat Willows The Conservation Area at the river end of the Playing Field hosts a valuable crop of Cricket bat Willows. You may have noticed the activity as a dozen trees were felled for sale to a contractor. Only the trunks have commercial value. The branches have been left on site where they will be used to create food and shelter for insects, birds and animals. Willow is chosen for cricket bat blades because it is tough, light and resilient. Growing these trees is a specialised enterprise. They are grown from long cuttings called "sets", raised in special stool beds. When ready for planting out, the set must be perfectly straight and free from blemishes, measuring 3.5m. It is planted with or without roots about 75cm into the soil leaving 2-3m above ground. Cricket bat willows grow best near fresh water streams. In plantations, the sets are in rows 10m apart as they need plenty of air and light. To produce knot-free timber, all shoots and buds must be rubbed off the trunk in early summer to a height of 3m. Cricket bat willows are one of the fastest growing of all trees in Britain and are ready for harvesting after 12-15 years when they measure some 120cm in circumference at 150cm above ground and stand 12m tall. The willows are then expertly felled. The photograph (thank you to John Gurr) shows a particularly tall tree being topped of its branches before being felled. The trunk is then sawn into 70cm lengths and, with the use of wooden wedges, these are then split with the grain into sections called "clefts" - each cleft makes one cricket bat blade. Clefts are then sawn into rough bat shapes which are graded and stacked in drying yards for 9-12 months to season before they are cut down to the correct width and the faces and backs roughly shaped. Each blade is pressed three times during manufacture to help withstand the impact of cricket balls. Special machines cut the splice or V shape in the blade. The cane handle is fitted in this wedge and then turned to make it round. Final shaping or finishing is a highly skilled job, best done by hand using a drawknife, spokeshave and planes followed by sanding and burnishing on machines.
The unusual bird of prey in Layham The appeal for information on this impressive bird has brought a suggestion form Prof.Braun Schmidt whose residence is on the raised ground above where the bird has been seen. He believes it may have been the Yellow-billed Black Buzzard – a species not often seen in South Suffolk
Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh
Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Lady01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Lady 01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ email: email: Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Lady01473 email: TIMBER & BUILDING BUILDING BATHROOM SHOWROOM 01473 822318 Fax: 01473 BATHROOM 824953 SHOWROOM Tel: TIMBER & TIMBER & BUILDING BATHROOM SHOWROOM email:
Guest Speaker Roger Kennel on ‘Recording the History of Hadleigh’ 8pm SATURDAY 10th MAY 2014 TICKETS £6.00 each Please book early Tickets available from 01473 822082 or 01473 827667 Proceeds to the Village Hall
Women’s Cycle Tour of the UK to flash through Layham If you are interested to see the competitors in the 2014 Women’s Cycle Tour of the UK, Stage 5 (Harwich to Bury St Edmunds) passes through Upper Layham on Sunday 11 May. The lead car is estimated to pass along the B1070 at 10.47 followed by the cyclists at 11.06. If you are interested, be there in good time, as they are not likely to hang around! They are estimated to be in Hadleigh just two minutes after Layham (provided Benton Street is clear!).
Layham Playgroup THANK YOU!!!!! The Layham Playgroup pamper evening we held was certainly a popular event and everyone looked as though they were enjoying themselves. Thank you to everyone who came to support us on the evening and to those of you who gave up your free time to help with the running of the event. I think Sharon and Claire both need a mention for organising such a successful event... Well done!!! Our Easter fun morning was also a very popular event this year. The children (and the adults) all enjoyed going on the Easter Trail and hunting down the Easter egg posters in order to win their prize at the end! Once again we would like to express our thanks to all who helped make the day a success, especially to Becki for sorting out the Easter egg trail!!! We hope all of our children enjoyed a well deserved Easter Break and are excited to be coming back to playgroup to start the summer term. OPEN MORNING Our open morning is to be held on Thursday 15th May from 10am-12noon. Please come along to meet our friendly team at Layham and see our playgroup in full swing! We look forward to welcoming you! Our Toddler group takes place every Wednesday morning 9.30-11.00am and is open to all children aged 0-5years. We hold a cake sale every first Wednesday of the month. Layham Playgroup is a feeder group for all three Primary Schools in Hadleigh. Government funding is available for 3 year olds and in certain cases for some 2 year olds. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact us on 07999 866419 or email us at
elmsett storshops We offer clean, secure, easy access storage from £50/month and workshop options from £75-£400/month Access all hours 24 hour CCTV & Security Barrier Flood Lighting Parking available adjacent to unit Gate Farm, Elmsett Tel: 01473 822162 M: 07767 290 469
OPENING HOURS Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.00pm Sat: 8.00am-12.00noon DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE. DAILY
FLOGAS • SALT • CHARCOAL • PLUMBING DULUX TRADE MIXING SERVICE OPENING Mon-Fri: OPENING HOURS HOURS Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.00pm 7.30am-5.00pm Sat: Sat: 8.00am-12.00noon 8.00am-12.00noon OPENING HOURS HOURS Mon-Fri: Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.00pm 7.30am-5.00pm Sat: Sat: 8.00am-12.00noon 8.00am-12.00noon OPENING
Tree Monkeys Pay Monthly Garden Maintenance Agreements Are Now Available ● No Credit Checks! We pride ourselves on providing an affordable, quality service. As a local business we are proud to say that the majority of our work is provided by the residents of Hadleigh and surrounding villages. Please contact us for a Free, No Obligation Quote for any garden work you may have.
Services that we offer: Tree Surgery - Tree Maintenance Tree Houses - Garden Clearances Garden Maintenance - Landscaping Garden Levelling - Fencing Gateways and Driveways Fire Wood and Logs - Wood Chips All Major Credit and Debit Cards Accepted
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May is The Boxford White Hart’s Charity Music Month
Children’s Day Nursery 5 Reasons why Birch Farm is Best for your child • Impressive indoor/outdoor facilities: spacious classrooms, playgrounds, two indoor play areas, countryside for nature walks, indoor heated swimming pool • Quality Assured Care and Education offering a combination of Adult and Child led activities allowing children to learn and develop into capable, confident individuals. • Highly qualified, dedicated staff working with high adult to child ratios • Outstanding swimming lessons programmed within our pre-school curriculum • 15 hours per week FREE termly preschool care for 3 + 4 yrs
To visit, contact Mini or Sarah on 01473 652249 or see our website at
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
On 4th May our usual Open Mic is joining forces with local girl Hannah Maxwell and are hosting Bold & Tuneful in aid of Crohn's and Colitis UK. It is open to everyone of all abilities and genres. You can bring your own instruments, backing tracks or our house guitarist Nic Keeble is happy to accompany you, just pop into the pub in advance and let him know what you would like to sing and he will learn it for you. It is a great way to start out and gain experience whilst building your confidence. There will be special acoustic sets from Ted & Cam. There will also be cakes for sale and a raffle with ukuleles, vouchers, wine and much more to be won. It promises to be a great night in aid of a very worthwhile charity. If you like music but are not into performing then make a note in your diaries now of Sunday 25 May when you are all invited to a fun day in memory of amazing local man, Gareth Weiland, who sadly died 6 years ago. The GWMF (Gareth Weiland Memorial Fund) has raised over £17,000 over the last 5 years, which has been distributed to groups and charities throughout our local area. There will be live music, food and lots for the children to do. The day kicks off at 2pm, Don’t miss out on a great family afternoon, invite all your family and friends and help make this event a huge success. For full details of our events please follow us on Facebook or contact the Hart directly on 01787 211071
The Hadleigh Steering Group The group will next meet in the Hadleigh Leisure Centre at 2 pm on 12th May The topics will include how we can make the most of the LEEDER bid for funding in developing the attractiveness of our town. Steering Group meetings are open to the public and have space on their agenda to listen to presentations from interested residents. email:
Colts & Filles Summer Charity Ball 7th June, Cameo Hotel, Copdock, Ipswich Bar, Live Band, DJ, Good Food and Entertainment. Come and join us for a great night out, singles or couples, bring friends partners or family members. Ticket prices have been kept amazingly low, due to the support of the venue and our entertainment. ÂŁ25 a ticket to book now, contact details below. This monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s photo is of Ethal and Tess the day they arrived, they are the two new rescues we have previously mentioned on joining us. We have found Ethal to be a wise old escape artist, so that has been a challenge for the staff and volunteers!! Thank you for those locals who turned up for our Mutts and Wellies Charity dog walk in Hadleigh, lucky for us our staff, volunteers and their families supported us on the day. We will be planning another later in the year, as those who did attend said they had a nice walk for a good cause and suggested we should hold another dog walk. The Mutts enjoyed their doggy treats donated by Hadleigh Pet Supplies. A big thank you to Barbara Boyd at the Hadleigh Thrift Shop and Aldham Common Trust, for their donations earlier this year, both has helped us tremendously. Frenchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts to stay afloat and help rescue animals and help improve the lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of people with learning difficulties and confidence problems is financially exhausting, so any help and donations of any shape or form are very much needed and appreciated. We have been offered a 4½ acre meadow for hay by Mr & Mrs Camp and the possibility of a 5 acre meadow from someone else, which is brilliant news. Our feed bill is horrendous through the winter so this is good news for us. If you have a grass paddock, you would like to go to a good cause please get in touch with Jann. We also need help with fencing, rails, posts and a good chap to help repair what we have, (as Ethal has tested out our fencing in a big way) actually we need a good chap to help us with our maintenance in general! It is coming up to that time of year when we can be found shaking our donation buckets with pony in hand, enjoying the hustle and bustle on a great day out at the Hadleigh show 17th May. Come and say hello to staff, some of our volunteers and Lady one of our ponies. We will also be at the Suffolk Show for two days on 28th & 29th May. I am sure there are some allotment people or gardens that could do with a spot of fresh or rotted manure, well we have plenty, give Jann a call first then pop along with your car and trailer and take as much as you want, any small donation would be a fantastic exchange, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you think! If you have any unwanted clothing, household or garden items give Jo a call on the number below and she will be happy to collect from you. VOLUNTEERS, SPONSORS AND FUND RAISERS NEEDED. Please contact : Jann Turner 01473 833944 / 07747 755556. Email: Jo Sargent 01473 824865 / 07743 558142
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
TEL: 01473 823839 FAX: 01473 824999 Email:
WHAT DO YOU THINK OVER A DRINK? Our May meeting of the above group (which is always open to all men) will be on Wednesdays 14th May at 8pm in the George, Hadleigh. It will be a special get-together where we will have a speaker, who will be sharing with us an account of his youth, which included being a rather loud Chelsea football supporter, and all that that entails (The Shed!) Please note the date( which is different from our usual pattern) We shall not be meeting on 28th May. An added attraction on 14th will be some â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nibble-typeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; refreshments (free!!) Contact: Philip Mann (01473 822658)
Suffolk Independent Living
Female Personal Assistant (Hadleigh) Do you enjoy an active lifestyle, and love music and dogs? If so, then read on! I am 27, and need some support to access aspects of daily life. Occasional driving may be required. 10 hrs pw, ÂŁ7.50ph rising to ÂŁ8.00. Please call (01473) 603876 for details, quoting SILREF361.
Hadleigh Library News!
All Welcome to
The Great Hadleigh
Duck & Raft races on the River Brett
Will you brave the Pirates and join us at Toppesfield Bridge for good old fashioned family fun
at 10am on Sunday 8th June BBQ and live music from 1pm at The George. Get a Raft Team together for Hadleigh’s wettest event! Put £2 on a Duck and watch it quack its way to the finishing line. Duck tickets are available from The George, Scout Leaders and on the day. Please register your raft team at The George.
Winning Duck Prizes 1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20 4th & 5th £10
We’ve recently had our seminar room decorated kindly funded by Councillor Brian Riley. Our room hire is very reasonable and if you would like more information please contact the library on 01473 823778. Bookstart sessions are a great way to introduce young children and babies to the joys of rhymes, stories and songs. If you would like to come to our sessions we have a Tot Rock group which meets every Wednesday from 2.00pm – 2.30pm and a Baby Bounce group which meets every Thursday from 10.00am – 10.30am. The sessions are informal and there’s a chance for a coffee and a chat. The sessions are available for parents, grandparents and carers. We look forward to seeing you. Fun family craft sessions are every Sunday from 10.30am to 1pm. This month we’re celebrating art and artists. Come along and have a go at creating your own masterpiece. Top Time for the over 55s every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12pm. An opportunity to meet friends and enjoy a cup of tea at the same time. This month’s events are a quiz, a walk around Hadleigh with Jan Byrne, games and current affairs. New online library service opens up access to academic research Suffolk Libraries now provide free access to over 1.5 million published academic articles through the new Access to Research service. The service is ideal for students, small businesses and researchers and can be accessed via the public computers which are available to use across the county's libraries. The subjects covered include art, architecture, business, engineering, history, languages, politics, philosophy, mathematics and science. The service has been made available to public library services as a two year pilot project. To get started you just need to book a computer at your local library and use it to visit You can find out more and see what is available at although you can only view the articles themselves from the library. It’s free! Tell your friends and family - it's free to join the library and everyone is welcome. Did you know that with a library card you can borrow up to 20 books, 6 story cassettes/CDs and 6 e-books free? You can also borrow CDs, DVDs and computer games for a small charge – ask our staff for details. You can use the internet free in every library too – our computer system means that you can book in advance to surf the net or just pop in and see if a PC is available. Hadleigh Library, 29 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5AG Tel: 01473 823778 Email:
Hadleigh United The vision of Hadleigh URC is to challenge the Reformed Church community to respond to God’s love as
a church at the heart of our community.
shown and taught by Jesus Christ.
We worship every Sunday at 10.30am. worship for all ages –together or in We meet for prayer every Tuesday at 10.15am. There are regular Bible study & discussion groups. separate groups. We work together to support those in need. We provide prayer for physical or spiritual needs. Weekdays BapƟsms, funerals and weddings are part of our work. · prayer We provide many opportuniƟes for young people to · Ansell Centre learn more about God. Sundays at 10.30am
· · ·
acƟviƟes for all ages small groups community acƟviƟes
Contact Us
Nigel Crisp 822208 Karen Harman 824765 Ansell Centre & Community Room Bookings: Jan Dicks 823413 50
Be part of the Two Rivers Mission in Hadleigh
May 11th—18th 2014 What do you think over a drink— 8pm Wednesday 14th May at The George, hear Roger Murphy talk about being a young Chelsea supporter. Hot potatoes: Why is there so much suīering in the world? Discuss this challenging quesƟon over a hot potato supper—booking required please, contact Karen Harman
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Established 1974
Kersey Mill Newsletter With summer fast approaching with longer – warmer days – here at the mill we will be taking time to further clear the water courses in readiness for the winter rains. There will be summer rain too - yet not as much – we hope – as we have seen in recent months. This brings back memories for the past residents of the Mill when the owner in the late 1800’s took it upon himself to divert the course of the river without asking the local corporation permission…This resulted in much mayhem in the local corporation (council) office and surrounding landowners. Talking of surrounding landowners, thank you to all the land owners with river frontage who have reacted to our plea for the fallen trees and blockages to be removed from the water course. It is very noticeable how the water level within the tail race now gets away. The head race has seen considerable works this month with a new Oak sluice gate being constructed along with the original guides for the new gate being carefully cleaned of years of lime scale and debris. The guides are now ready to be reinstated ready to house the new gate. Further works to the sluice will continue during the coming months and will be reported on soon. Those of you who have previously visited the mill, perhaps on one of our open days or organised visits will remember how the mill stones were perched precariously on what was originally a substantial Pine Hurst frame. The majority of the frame had decayed considerably following the water ingress during the 1960’s and now being supported only by their drive shafts and looking very unstable. We had to find a way to remove the stones as they were crushing the shaft that needs to be repaired in order for the new sluice gate to operate, and to allow us to work safely, being under 4.5 tons of wobbling French Burr Stone is not ideal. The shaft has been so badly crushed that it has broken the original cast iron housings that would have been forged by millwrights Whitmore and Binyon in the early 1800’s. A lot of engineers will tell you that it is very difficult, some say impossible, to repair cast Iron. Bring on Russell Moye although he himself is very modest, Russell is known as one of the best welders in East Anglia having spent years welding different items including repairing live gas mains. Russell’s knowledge and experience of welding is quite considerable. Russell was able to perfect an incredible repair that is a joy to see. After much head scratching we came up with a plan of how to remove the 6 stones, each weighing approximatly 3/4 of a ton, from a very rotten Hurst Frame which would have been used originally back in 1810 when it was built to lift and install them. We borrowed a heavy 2 ton gantry from Ian Allen together with other blocks and tackle and lifting gear and after much deliberation we managed to remove our first stone. This was incredibly hard, back breaking work for all the volunteers, however as luck would have it, Alex Dent who is a Registered Osteomyologist was very happy to help ease the pains the following day. As we parted the runner stones from the bed stones we found the remains of the flour that was left over from the last time the stones were used to grind which was approximately 85 years ago. Pictures are, 85 year old flour, George de LaraBell, Bill Griffiths, Chris Hulcoop, John Sass and Steve having removed the first stone and Russell Moye welding the Cast Iron Boss. Kevin McCarthy of Needham Fabrications and his team are busy constructing new buckets for the water wheel that we hope will be with us in June ready for the huge task of installing them, watch this space for further news! There are a number of social events to raise funds for the restoration of the mill as follows so please do come along and join us. For those who would like to visit the mill it is open to the public during The Mills Open weekend that is May 10th and 11th from 11am - 4pm. There is another chance to see the mill on June 7th when we will be holding a Summer Ball, a night of wonderful food, dancing and an Auction. £35pp further details and reservations available from Kersey Mill 01473 829317. Keep in touch and thank you to Chris who has provided some interesting information to follow up…keep reading the unfolding saga of Kersey Mill.
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Utd 1994 Championship Reunion Celebration Saturday 7th June 2014 Let me take you back to 1994. Love Is All Around was top of the charts for the 237th week, Diana Ross was missing penalties at the World Cup (still not as bad as Chris Waddles spot kick however), Tony Blair was elected leader of the Labour Party (before he rebranded…a little bit of politics there) and more importantly, something was sturring down the Brett side…for some reason, something came together at Hadleigh Utd in 1994. Alan Dilloway had created a decent team on the pitch and off it, the local drinkers who would usually sit in a pub on a Saturday afternoon, decided to make their way over Toppesfield Bridge and do their drinking at The Millfield bar. Before long, they even started dusting off their passports and travelling to such far flung places as Ely, March and Chatteris…yes even Chatteris, to support Hadleigh Utd. Of course, ‘drunken’ people are not quiet (well that’s my excuse for loudness). Songs started to be made up about the team, the players and even some of the team’s rivals. Such hits as Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Tony Hayward, D.O.N.N.I.E. Donnie Davis is the one for me and Ooh Aah Rod Trotter were heard around the Anglia region wherever Hadleigh Utd played. Rival teams would also have a number of chants…my favourite being the description of how Sudbury lost the league (not suitable for younger readers). As the team on the pitch were winning matches and the supporters were growing week in week out, these were fantastic times at the Millfield. The club in general was getting a lot of good press and a nice reputation of good football on the pitch and fun times off it All this came to a head one dizzy spring night in April when the team and supporters travelled to Cambridge City. A win would give Hadleigh Utd the 1st Division title and despite giving their supporters heart attacks a plenty, a goal in injury time and a pitch invasion confirmed the title was coming to Hadleigh. The celebrations started in the Cambridge City Clubhouse which did not please a happy couple who were holding their wedding reception in the same venue…especially when Ernie started helping himself to the wedding cake before the bride and groom had even had a chance to cut it !! (True Story). We decided it was best to leave the newlyweds to their day and retired to a pub close by before making our way home triumphant. That’s just one story from one day…there were over 50 matches that season and it’s probably safe to say, a different funny story came from every single game. Great days. This was 20 years ago. And on Saturday June 7th 2014, players, supporters and committee will be meeting up for one last time to share these memories, drink those beers and probably sing those songs for one last time Would you like to join us? You can…tickets are £5 and available from Hadleigh Utd Football Club or from myself. Please email me at As well as stories of yesteryear, the evening’s entertainment will be provided by the Ipswich Caribbean Band. It’s going to be a fun night - Hope to see you there! Now, all together… 1,2,3… BRETTSIDERS LA LA LA Tony Holland
Polstead Art Group 2014 Exhibition This is our 14th annual exhibition and will be held in Polstead Village Hall on Saturday 26th July from 10 am to 4 pm and on Sunday 27th July from 11 am to 5 pm. Pictures are on view and for sale. Homemade refreshments will be available
TYRES, BATTERIES, SERVICE & REPAIRS MOTs ARRANGED All makes of tyre always available Unit 35a, Lady Lane Industrial Estate
TEL: 01473 823172
THE OBSERVER A bit uneventful as far as this month goes. We have said cheerio to a couple of faces since the start of the year. Gary our Postie moved to another delivery round and Terry of the Babergh car parks retired. It seems Terry's successor's are a bit more cagey, one of them seems to take photo’s of cars - he probably puts on a "must watch them" list. There is another departure soon, the Agency office of Santander is departing the Market Place within the next couple of month's. From what I gather it is a general reshuffle of the whole Santander banking set up and the possibility is that when the exercise is complete there is the likelihood of a more comprehensive and permanent branch opening in the town. Hopefully some of the sombre faces that I encounter in the other banks here will be obliged to brighten up !! Housing Survey - Did you receive one? Intended to help a group of local Council's obtain a reasonably fair assessment of future local housing needs. I thought no harm in that and in the spirit of good citizenship ploughed through the first few pages, it all seemed reasonable enough. Until it got very inquisitive of one's personal finances and income. I don't think many will complete that section, if they do it will likely be less than accurate. Town Steering Group Well this is running true to form very early in its career. It has explored the possible future use of the former Brett Works site. Their current report in H.C.N. started off with a topographical assessment of the site and gushed about the many options put forward for consideration within the Group. Unfortunately the report ended there so we are none the wiser of their thoughts. The Council hasn’t the money to start talking about a modest Tourist Information outlet so where is the money to pay off the current owner's coming from? That is if it is intended to obtain the site as a town asset. Jazz Club Sold out with a long waiting list for the recent gig. The Editor hasn't got the muscle to obtain his contributor's a Press Pass so I didn't even get on the waiting list. London Marathon Well Jimmy Wilding made it, as did a retired Doctor from Bildeston. I had never seen a marathon finish before and whilst some entrants seemed comfortable enough others were really struggling but determined to get over the line and for that alone they deserve our fullest admiration. I was mindful of something I witnessed as a lad in the wartime forties, whilst sitting in a ditch at 05.30 having a pop at pigeons who were attacking a field of vetch. As the morning sky lightened a lone Hampden bomber came limping into view, labouring to get back to it's Lincolnshire base from a night raid over Germany. I hoped and prayed that those airmen would make it safely, as no doubt they were doing. Well, I got that same feeling on Sunday. Jim will reach his target figure of £2,500 for The British Heart Foundation. Well done Jim, magnificent. The Observer
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Volunteers are needed to help launch additional Marie Curie Cancer Care Fundraising Groups in Hadleigh With our Daffodil Appeal in full swing, we are more than ever in need of more volunteer support, we need you to help the charity raise vital funds for the local nursing service. No experience in any way needed, just an interest in meeting people on a regular basis. The money raised will allow Marie Curie Nurses in your area to provide more free care to people with terminal cancer and other illnesses. This enables people to spend their final weeks, days or hours in their own homes in familiar surroundings with family and friends close by. Fundraising groups organise a range of activities from local Daffodil Appeal collections to Blooming Great Tea Parties and quiz night or anything that is fun; our groups represent the charity locally by encouraging and supporting local fund raising. If you can help, please contact Angela Bussey on 01449 722596 or email or pop into one of our open afternoons for a cup of tea and an informal chat, the next one in Hadleigh is on Friday 9th May at the British Legion between 1 - 3 pm, if you can’t attend but want to know more, contact me to arrange another suitable day/time.
HADS Annual General Meeting Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 19th May 2014 at 7.30pm in the Meeting Room at Hadleigh United Reformed Church. This particular AGM is highly significant for HADS as the Society is currently undergoing many changes. The decisions that the membership take at the AGM could have a dramatic effect on the future of HADS. It is highly recommended, therefore, that anyone interested in the future of HADS should attend this meeting. For further information and nomination forms, please phone HADS secretary, Maggie Addison: 01473 809927.
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Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group and Toppesfield Ltd After carrying everything before them for three quarters of the season Hadleigh hit a slump which saw a number of defeats. A trip to Felixstowe saw a host of scoring chances missed as we lost by four goals to one. The next match was at Kirkley where a defeat by three goals to one was an unexpected setback against a side that we had beaten by seven goals earlier in the season. Another away match saw four goals shared at Norwich United for a deserved share of the spoils. But the next game was yet another journey into Norfolk where a splendid contest ended in favour of Gorleston by three goals to one. That left just four matches remaining until the end of the season. The Reserves have had some good results including a four goal success against Stowmarket with young Brett Crisp scoring one of the goals. The next match resulted in a two goal loss at home to Halstead. A remarkable match against Whitton at the Millfield saw Hadleigh Reserves score six goals in the second half for a brilliant victory by seven goals to two. Whitton were in front at half time but Hadleigh ended with seven on the scoresheet with Sam Sharp getting a hat-trick and Kris Rose a couple. Ben Regan and Brett Crisp were also on target. An away match at Saffron Walden saw Hadleigh Reserves gain a four goal win with goals from Harry Evans, Sam Sharp, Gary Burdett and Lewis Bailey. Four goals were shared against Long Melford with Regan and Evans scoring. The return match against Saffron Walden Reserves resulted in another four goal success with Sharp scoring two and Toby Rose getting a spectacular goal as Hadleigh dominated. Our Thurlow Nunn youth team have also been busy with a hattrick by Sam Sharp earning a win against Stanway in a brilliant team performance. A draw was a fair result at Haverhill with Toby Rose scoring with a shot from the half way line. This youth team lost by two goals to one at home to Halstead with Luke Hines on target. They also lost by two goals at Cornard where goalkeeper Louis Hunt-Cole had a busy time. A five goal win at Wivenhoe saw Sharp score two with Damon Artiss, Ben Regan and Ellis Bullard also scoring. Prizewinners in the latest monthly draw were Louise Hay and Mark Maher. The Ground Improvement winner was John Day.
Hadleigh And District Angling Society Hadleigh and District Angling Society would like to thank Councillor Brian Riley and Hadleigh Thrift Shop for their generous donations which have enabled the purchase of a lawn mower. The mower was purchased locally, refurbished by a society member and will be a great asset to society volunteers whose hard work keeps our waters maintained to the current high standard. We would also like to thank Snowy’s Bait and Tackle who have donated a notice board for Bullocky Fen to keep members up to date with events taking place at the fishery. Membership renewal for the new season will take place at the British Legion lounge on Saturdays the 7th and 14th June 9am to 2pm. New members wishing to join please contact Stephen Mitchell on 01473 823564 or drop into Snowy’s bait and tackle for a membership form. For more details visit
Annual Kersey Summer Fair Saturday 21st June 2014 12 - 2.30 pm at Kersey Primary School, Cherry Hill, Kersey, IP7 6EG Hot Food • Tea/Coffee & Cake • Lots of great stalls • Tombola H Raffle • Games • Entertainment Free Entry
Children’s Entertainer at 2 pm Come & Join us! 54
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Suffolk County Championships
Hadleigh Dophins Team Suffolk County Championships Hadleigh Dolphins had 15 swimmers competing in individual events over 2 weekends. Four swimmers qualified for the Regional Championships Georgia Barton (age 19) who obtained a silver Medal for 50 metre backstroke. Becca Mann, Ben Olive and Lily Clarke also qualified for the Regionals with their 50 M backstroke. Becca Mann achieved a Bronze medal for 100m Backstroke. Sophie Lander (age 9) qualified for 4 events with great performances Sophie ranked 9th overall in the 9 years BAGCAT age group, a fantastic achievement for Sophie. Hadleigh achieved an overall team points score of 36 moving to 11th place in the team rankings a huge improvement on the 13th place achieved in 2013 with only 13 points. Hadleigh took a huge squad to relay day finishing in 10th place in the relay rankings but for many swimmers it was their first big event, and the team spirit was outstanding justifying yet again the reason Hadleigh Dolphins won the the Cup for the best supporting team at the Winter League finals. Sophie Lander Individuals Competing at Counties were Sophie Hadleigh Dolphins Lander, Fern Morrin, Rebecca Mann, Georgia Barton, with Crystal Glass Lily Clark, Ben Olive, Owen Grimsey, Adam Morsman, Award Suffolk Nia Evans, Alanah Barton, Finley Kirk, Ed Seeley, Max Championships Fraulo, Anna Squirrel and Sean Lamble. Carey Fraulo
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Hadleigh Table Tennis Club Hadleigh are still operating two teams in the Ipswich and District League. In the 2013/14 season under Peter Wright’s able Captaincy, Hadleigh “A” earned a respectable 7th position in Division 1, winning or drawing 13 of their 22 matches. Mike Emmerson was again the highest individual scorer at 76% winning 41 games from 54 played. He was also fourth highest individual scorer in the Division’s averages, and was ably backed up by Steve Holland on 50% and Nick Galley on 35%. This was the ninth successive season that the “A” team have played in Division 1. A very good standard of table tennis. Hadleigh’s 2nd team, the “Owls”, again played in Division 3, more towards the lower half during last season. The season was again thoroughly enjoyed by the players, the regular team being Christine Jones, Rupert Pyett and Denise Thompson. Occasional appearances were made by Jane Baldry, Doug Newton and Ken Rodwell. Rupert Pyett topped the averages with 51% off his games won. Unfortunately, the Club are losing the services of both Christine and Denise who after four seasons are returning to play in their local Colchester League. We wish them both well. The Club will be on the look- out for new players and competitive play returns again in September, 2014. Anyone who is interested in playing in the Ipswich League should please contact the Secretary on 01473 823895
Hadleigh Healing Society There is so much strife in our world at this time, so much suffering with loss of life in the name of freedom and democracy. Do we in this country fully appreciate the freedom we have. We can have a say in the making of laws, we can peacefully protest and this the greatest thing of all we have “free speech”. Many do not enjoy these freedoms and suffer by imprisonment or torture for daring to oppose the government line. We all moan about our lot but there many things to be grateful for. Grateful for good health, grateful for peace of mind, grateful for the love of a family and friends. These are all things to be treasured and nurtured. Some people do not have this and feel bereft. We, the healers are there to listen, not make judgement and try to help people come to terms with these feelings. This is all done in confidence. If you would like help contact us by Telephone: 01473 823282 (answer machine) or log onto You are not alone.
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For more information call Matt on 01473 823366 Accountants / Financial Services Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Haines Watts .............................01473 822392 GKM Financial Services .............01473 828280 Butchers Andrews Hadleigh......................01473 827720 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 P. Crisp Carpentry......................01473 415727 Hadleigh Buildbase ....................01473 822318 JustWood Designs ....................01473 828040 Cooper & Kelling Builders..........07966 678704 Tony Faulkner ............................01473 822122 GMH Builders ............................07807 217623 Impact Property Maintenance....07934 704554 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 Olivers Carpets ..........................01473 805040 Hadleigh Carpet Care .................01473 396706 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Valet Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 S. T. Services Simon Tydeman ..07783 033401 The Car Wash Valeting...............01473 827437 Crockatt Garage.........................01473 824342 Hadleigh Car Wash ....................01473 828431 Scuffs & Scrapes.......................01473 824909 Child Care Services, Activities, Goods Birch Farm..................01473 652152 / 652249 Hadleigh Childminding Group....01473 810035 Chimney Sweep / Fireplace Services TL Chimneys .............................07733 420611 Clothes & Ironing Services Labels to Love ...........................07889 773593 Cleaners Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Cycle Repair Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Sunny Day Cycleworks ..............01473 806391 Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Hadleigh Glass...........................01473 822415 Surefix .......................................01473 827004
A&B Glass ................................0800 077 3996 SEH BAC....................................0808 1592846 Driving Instruction Peter Cutts.........01473 822937/07786 735285 Driveround ........01473 822155/07702 380932 Fit2Drive ....................................07932 772430 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 Electricians CC Electrical ..............................07891 723712 S Cowle Electrical ......................01473 823179 C. V. Rush Electrical...................01473 824156 Andrade Electrical......................07977 279970 Estate Agents & Rental Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 ByChoice ...................................01473 828280 Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Toppesfield Cottages .................01473 829129 Palmer & Partners .....................01787 242540 Morton Smth & Girling ..............01473 828121 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Steve Blake ................................07813 814623 Garden Services 4 Life Landscapes......................01473 828117 Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 The Landscaper .........................01473 824107 Leeks Landscapes .....................07741 448208 The Andy Gardener....................07739 556007 Darren Barton ............................01473 810261 Bloomfield Garden Furniture......01787 228184 N.B. Landscapes........................01473 511850 EFD Services .............................07818 020496 J. R. Fencing..............................07901 845793 Golf Clubs and Sports Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Newton Green Golf Club ............01787 377217 Snowys Bait & Tackle ................07766 140624 Hair and Beauty Sylvia’s ......................................01473 822177 Cutter & Co................................01473 827436 Niki’s Nails.................................07517 994276 Hadleigh Hairloom.....................01473 822191 Uppercutz ..................................07582 706603 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637
Hugh Clover Hypnotherapy........01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Sally Mowles Chiropodist ..........01473 822902 Hadleigh Osteopaths..................01473 828585 Hadleigh Physiotherapy.............07599 959997 The Podiatry Place.....................01787 377677 Gautami Woods .........................01473 827746 Footman Mobile Foot Care.........07582 340683 Luoisa McKnight Nutrition.........01473 826232 Home Design / Improvement Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 Energy on Tap............................07780 975787 Rendall & Wright .......................01787 375076 Greenscape Energy....................01473 655655 I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Birkfield Computers...................01206 298479 Kitchen Fitters David Scott ................................01787 282263 Languages French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 Miscellaneous Singing Lessons ........................01473 809927 All Seasons Marquees ...............01473 559978 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing & Care Services Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Magdalen House........................01473 829411 Helping Hands ...........................01473 827006 Caring Home Group...................0808 1661350 Brookwood Manor.....................01787 248062 Office Services OutsourceHQ ............................0844 556 4346
Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ..............01473 829741 S P Plumbing ............................01473 823912 Buddha ......................................07710 081745 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants, Food & Drink Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head Hadleigh...........01473 828855 Royal Bengal .............................01473 823744 Bildeston Crown ........................01449 740510 Kersey Bell.................................01473 823229 White Hart Hadleigh...................01473 822206 The George Hintlesham .............01473 652408 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Health Foods for You .................01787 828262 The Emporium...........................01473 808031 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 Box Rubbish Removal ...............01787 211289 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Gotelees ....................................01473 822102 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi/Wedding Cars Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Eco Cars ..........01473 828384 / 07827 011713 Hadleigh Private Hire .................01473 829700 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Travel 2000................................01206 394433 Travel Stop ................................01473 828728 Tree Surgeons Oakdene Tree Services...............01473 652117 Tree Monkeys ..01473 823887 / 07709 876665 Veterinary Surgeons Highcliff Veterinary Practice ......01473 822704 Water Softeners Patmore.....................................01473 713600 Weight Loss & Fitness Cambridge Diet Val Lord............01449 737113 Slimming World .......................0844 897 8000 Jean Young Pilates ....................01473 810192 Window Cleaner Ken Fisk.....................................01449 401427 C&D Services ............................01473 828626
Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 J Dunn Painter & Decorator.......01473 828953 Chris Leys .......01473 827975 / 07787 553117 JLM Decorating .........................01473 828112 P&D...........................................07738 460492 Pest Control Vermoush Pest Control .............07805 999544 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334 Claremont Framing ....................01473 652330 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase......................01473 828509 Target Plant Hire ........................01473 233333 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806
82 8 3 84
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