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Community News
April 2012
07710 081 745 24 Hrs GRANTS AVAILABLE - NO VAT
TAJ MAHAL TO THE PINK CITY FOR WOMEN V CANCER Fiona Crabtree and Kathy Stapleton, both of Bildeston, are taking on the challenge of Cycling 350km from Agra to Jaipur in northern India in aid of Women V Cancer. Funds raised go to Breast, Cervical and Ovarian Cancer charities. Having been treated for breast cancer recently Fiona says “Having been affected by this has made me very aware of how prolific cancer is. We all know someone who has been touched by it. I don’t think the risks of getting cancer have increased, I think the rates of detecting it have improved so much that more people are living with it, rather than dying of it, because it is caught much earlier. Raising these funds will contribute further.” So training has started, as has fund raising, so if anyone would like to be generous, and sponsor Fiona and Kathy you can either do it on line at www.justgiving/fionaandkathy, ring Fiona at Press Gang on 07881 810710, or drop in to Bank House Stores in Bildeston, where Joan O’Sullivan is organising fund raising for the event. Any sponsorship will be gratefully received and is going to a very worthwhile cause
Hadleigh’s Finest Dining April Gourmet Night Friday 27th
6 Courses and Wine Tasting only £39.00 per head
SPRING BEER FESTIVAL 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th MAY 30+ Real Ales and Ciders Live Music afternoons and Evenings 90 HIGH STREET • HADLEIGH • SUFFOLK • IP7 5EF
TEL: 01473 828855
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Plastics Window Federation
FENSA Registered Company
Visit our new showroom: 4 Seager Court, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh IP7 6RL 01473 822415
Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm Every Tuesday Afternoon Knitting, Crocheting & Natter, 1.30 to 3.30pm in the URC Hall Ring hilary 824245 or Maggie 823883 SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am 12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. Tuesday 3rd April 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 4th April 7.30pm Churches Together Worship Group - Salvation Army, 8.00pm Churches Together Forum – Salvation Army Thursday 5th April 10-12 noon Jelly Bean Easter Holiday Club – Ansell Centre, 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Communion – Hadleigh URC Friday 6th April 10.30am Good Friday Procession from St Mary’s Church Sunday 8th April 6.15am Sunrise Service – Constitution Hill, 9.00am Easter Breakfast – Ansell Centre, 10.30am Easter Celebration – Hadleigh URC Tuesday 10th April 7.30pm, Hadleigh & District Flower Club meeting at Beaumont School, Hadleigh. A flower arranging demonstration by Mr. Christopher White from Ireland “The Beauty of Flowers ”. Members practice piece is an arrangement which includes an Egg Cup. Members £1.50, visitors £4 includes refreshments. Tuesday 10th April 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Friday 13th April 12.15pm Ansell Lunch Club – Ansell Centre Saturday 14th April 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Monday 16th April HADLEIGH AND DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB MEETING 7.30pm downstairs in the Town Hall Hadleigh. Getting Started information and advice. Members £1 and visitors £2 includes refreshments. Monday 16th April Hadleigh U3A. 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. Monthly Meeting, to include a talk by our own David Atkins entitled “Hatches, Matches, and Dispatches” Tuesday 17th April 7.30 pm Hadleigh Evening Womens Institute meeting 7.30pm in the seminar Room above the Library - Speaker Alex Love giving a talk about “Life of a Prison Chaplain”. Visitors welcome, £3. Tuesday 17th April 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 18th April 12.15pm Wednesday Lunch Club, Ansell Centre, 8.00pm What Do You Think? – The George (Note: this is a week earlier than usual) Thursday 19th April 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Hadleigh URC, Community Room Friday 20th April 10.00-12 noon HIP Coffee Morning – Ansell Centre Saturday 21st April 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 24th April 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Thursday 26th April “An Extraordinary Woman”. Talk about physician and feminist Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Jennifer Jones.7.30pm in the Dining Room (opposite the Ram). Sec. B.Tryon Tel 01473 824 417
Community News
To contact us please ring Kelvin or Matt on 01473 823366 or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
April 2012
Thursday 26th April 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 28th April 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room
Happy 18th Apes
Wishing you a Happy 40th Birthday on 19th April
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Sheryl, Scott and Fergus xxxxxxxxxx
All our love Leon, Jake & Jasmine
C R AI G CRABTREE T r a d i ti o n a l & M o d e r n
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07734 858573 01473 241455
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Established 1993
TEL: 01473 828999 FAX: 0870 7505324 MOB/TXT: 07909 771321
7600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Milden, Monks Eleigh, Kersey, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Raydon and outlying homes We welcome all your contributions
Hadleigh Evening WI Hadleigh Evening WI celebrated their 47th anniversary with lunch at the Assington Case Restaurant. (See photos). Maraday Robinson hosted a coffee morning in her home. We were delighted that so many members from other local WIs joined us helping to £165.00 for raise Association for Country women of the World an organisation affiliated to the WI whose aims and objectives are:- To raise the standard of living of rural women and families through education, training and community development programmes. To provide practical support to its members and help them set up income-generating schemes. At the monthly meeting we were delighted to welcome visitor Joan Pitcher and hope she will join our membership. The speaker Wendy Atkins gave an account of her honeymoon in New England illustrated by her own photos and videos. The trip included whale watching, a ride to the top of Mount Washington with glorious views of the surrounding countryside a cruise round New York harbour and a voyage back home on the Queen Mary. Rae Stapleton won the competition “An American memento” with her entry of Indian arrow heads. Next months meeting will be held in the Seminar suite above the library on 17 April starting 7.30pm. The speaker Alex Love will talk about his life as a prison chaplain. As always visitors and new members are welcome. Philippa Carruthers 01473 823057
Excellent Rates Tel: 01473 828222 Mob: 07948 761169 w w w. h a d l e i g h e x e c u t i v e t r a v e l . c o. u k
2 Byford Court, Hadleigh opposite the Recycling Centre
Summers Coming!
Easter Competition Fun in Hadleigh Children in Hadleigh are invited to take part in a ‘Spot the Window’ competition with a difference, and have a chance to win a delicious Easter Egg courtesy of Ipswich Building Society. From Monday 2nd April – Friday 13th April fourteen businesses in Hadleigh will be placing an ‘unusual object’ in their window for youngsters to identify. Open to children up to 15 years of age, entry forms are available from Ipswich Building Society at 94 High Street. Entrants are asked to return the form by 5pm on Friday 13th April when all correct entries will be entered into the draw for an Easter Egg. Chloe Brown, Assistant Branch Manager, commented, “We’d like to thank the participating businesses for their support. These are Les Hymas Furniture Restorers, Keith Avis, Tatty Broyds, Partridges Farm Shop, Partridges Ironmongers, The Hair Lounge, The Jolly Meat Company, Andrews, Adnams Kitchen & Cellar, Hadleigh Pet Supplies, Plum Green, Boots Pharmacy and Guthrum’s.”
St John Ambulance - Hadleigh The Hadleigh unit of St John Ambulance will be running a three hour Essential first aid course (all ages) on the 18th April 2012 from 0900hrs. This course deals with serious conditions and incidents. It is ideal if you want to know what to do when faced with an emergency involving a casualty of any age. This course is for members of the public who want to know what action to take in any emergency and want to learn how to deal with accidents and injuries. The course covers emergency life support procedures for adults, children and infants and will be held at the Hadleigh HQ just off Aldham Road in Hadleigh. The course costs £30. If interested please contact St John Ambulance Suffolk on 01473 241500 or visit sja.org.uk and search in the training course section. The unit is also looking for new members. If you would like to know more about the work we do please contact Alex Rose on 07707 701548.
Thank You We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that donated money to the chosen charity, Lupus UK, at Yvonne Norman’s funeral in January of this year. In total we raised over £600, your generosity is very much appreciated. Many thanks! Yvonne’s family
07881 810710
Does your Quilt need freshening up?
Print Ad quarter HCN CANVAS WRAP:Layout 1
For top quality printing, friendly advice and quotations on any printed item
Simply call Kelvin on 01473 823366
Large Format Printing HIGHEST QUALITY POSTERS SIGNS G FINE ART PRINTS G BANNERS PAVEMENT SIGNS G GICLEE PRINTS CANVAS WRAPS G EXHIBITION GRAPHICS You are welcome to call in at any time without appointment or, if it is more convenient, we will be pleased to visit you. Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
Taj’s Tips – Join our Loyalty Card Scheme and save money
mill pharmacy adjoining Hadleigh Health Centre Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday
Open: 8.00 am – 6.30 pm 9.00 am – 6.00 pm 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
Large pharmacy shop full of useful items and gifts for all the family
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Tel: 01473 820136 Fax: 01473 824895 www.millpharmacy.co.uk 4
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Firstly I would like to thank everyone who participated in our Dr Lewinn’s facial day on the 15th of March. It was a great success and we are thinking of doing it again later in the year – so watch this space. Secondly, I would like to introduce you to our PHARMACY REWARD SCHEME - and before you stop reading let me reassure you that it does not involve unsolicited emails or the internet or anything which could possibly breach your confidentiality. It is simply a way of saving money every time you spend money in Mill Pharmacy. If you would like to know more about it come and talk to me or one of the staff at the pharmacy and we will be happy to discuss it with you. Meanwhile, I have tried to answer some of the questions you may have below. WHY SHOULD I JOIN? Our Pharmacy Reward Scheme offers you a loyalty scheme which offers you better value than the multiples and other competitors. It offers you a reward return of 5.2% which is higher than the Boots Advantage Card (4%) and Tesco Club Card (1%). HOW DOES IT WORK? Ask the Pharmacy Counter Staff for a Reward Card. For every £3 you spend (excluding prescription charges) you will receive a free stamp. So if you spend £6 you receive 2 stamps. As we give you three FREE stamps with each card you will only require 19 stamps to complete the card. Upon completion the Reward Card can be used as a voucher worth £3 off your next purchase. REMEMBER…….. You will not qualify for a stamp if you spend £2.99 …you need to spend £3. Stamps are non-transferable between cards and change cannot be given should a completed Reward Card be used on an item less than £3. So you see there are no catches. It is just our way of saying thank you for shopping with us.
Barry Norman On the 25th February 2012, we sadly lost dad, Barry Norman, 71, beloved grandad, great-grandad and the loving husband of belated Yvonne, who peacefully passed away after 2 months of grief and many years of ill health in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn. We would like to thank everyone for their kind support, for the attendance at his funeral on 9th March, and to anyone who donated to the chosen charity, C.O.P.D. Nurses (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) – these honourable nurses did a lot for him; their help was hugely appreciated! Thank you. ‘Mum and Dad Reunited Again’ Shane & family and Sonia & family
Doreen Joan Swaine It is with deep regret that we announce the death of our dear mother, Doreen, who passed away on Tuesday, January 6th March in Friars Hall after a long illness. Doreen Joan Swaine was born in Rawalpindi, India where her family lived and worked. Her late husband, Stanley, had been brought up in German Occupied France during the war and after liberation he was given a crash course in English in order to join the RAF. Doreen & Stan met in Woomera, Australia where she and her mother were living and Stan was in the RAF, and they were married 9 weeks later in Woomera. They were passionate about ballroom dancing, attended a school of dancing in Ipswich and went on to win many competitions, receiving numerous cups, medals and other awards. It was a joy to watch them dancing together. They were both members and devout supporters of the British Legion and played an active part in Hadleigh social life. Doreen will be greatly missed by all her family and many friends. May she rest in peace. Trevor, Corinne and Peter
Hadleigh Inclusion Coffee Morning Friday 19th April, 10-12 at the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh. Cakes, coffee, conversation. All welcome
Local Duo hit the Regent in Ipswich Local acoustic duo Georgette and The Distraction have wowed the judging panel and sailed through the auditions for this year’s Star For A Night. Their prize is being part of this year’s variety show, which showcases the best talent in Suffolk. Georgette Fawley from Nedging and Nic Keeble from Hadleigh, both Music Performance students at Suffolk New College will be playing to a sell out audience at the Star For A Night Concert being held at the Ipswich Regent on Saturday 12 May. The concert raises money for EACH (The East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice) and St Elizabeth’s Hospice in Ipswich. This is brilliant news for the couple who have already had a very busy start to the New Year. They played the New Year in at Bildeston Crown, followed by the Chinese New Year at Barking Fox. They have also entertained at various places including Dance East, The Offton Limeburners and Hadleigh’s Ram in-between rehearsing for their completely different roles of Cinderella and Prince Charming in Bildeston’s recent Pantomine Production. They are now looking forward to a very busy and exciting spring/summer with loads of gigs, private parties, weddings, beer festivals and of course The Regent in May. If you would like to know more about their events, then please visit Georgette And The Distraction on facebook or ring Nic on 07775 937050 or Georgette on 07825 543161
Home Computer Service’s I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me and used Home Computer Service’s in the last year. I cannot thank you all enough for the hundreds of recommendations in and around Hadleigh. I am proud to say that I have made no price increase on my service's in the last three years and will continue to keep prices affordable but with an impeccable personal service. My free of charge diagnosis service has also stayed the same, (where some companies may charge up to £90.00!) I have stayed completely in the home market as promised, which allows time with customers and for email support. All phone calls are always returned. For both April and May I am offering a buy one get one free offer on a full PC spring clean service, this will include virus removal, updates and speed up, all for the fee of just £40.00, so this means you can have two computers serviced for just £40.00 and ready in 48 hours. It is worth noting that when you take your computer to a company that they are professional, insured for your actual computer, insured for data loss, data theft and data should be stored in a secure system that is fire proof where possible. CCTV is in operation 24/7 here at Home Computer Services this offers a further element of security at all times. You will have the security of a large company, with the personal attention of just me. Parking has also been made easier and by appointment there will always be a car space available. Thank you once again to everyone, it is very much appreciated. Neil Bevis 01473 829552, Mob 07815 795662
Home Computer Services Slow PC / Virus / Spyware? A non-working PC or Laptop?
Here is your low cost solution! Local Hadleigh company / 25 years experience Professional, reliable, trusted individual Available 7 days a week including evenings Secure clean office / showroom Straight forward pricing / NO FIX - NO FEE Contact Neil today, Freephone 0800 4488356 Office 01473 829552 / Mob 07815 795662
GSOLICITORS IBBONS Howard with Mitzi, Heidi and Tilly So many of you enquire about Mitzi, Heidi and Tilly. They are all very well indeed and appear here having been rather mischievous. I mentioned in my last column that I had seen “The Iron Lady” having not been to the Cinema for many years. Close on the heels of that film I found myself watching “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”. I really enjoyed my evening; the film had so many well known people appearing in it. The film was set in India where I have been fortunate enough to go on several occasions. I arrived in Bombay from the QE2 and then more recently I stopped at Cochin in the South of India. Having seen the hustle and bustle in the film, I felt that I would like to go to India again. A visit to the cinema in Ipswich is £5 on a Tuesday. The nature of my work causes me to be found at my desk at all hours. I do though like to have the odd outing. If an unusual local venue is mentioned then I will put it on my list to explore. You may not know that Sudbury is a major silk manufacturing centre. One of the producers is Vanners and they supply silk for dress makers in London for ties and such like. The factory has an outlet shop which is on the road that brings one around the back of Sudbury towards St Gregory’s Church. The shop is open on a Thursday and Friday. My mother and I and a good friend spent a happy hour or two buying some very reasonably priced ties and silk handkerchiefs. An excellent place for presents. We roundedoff the afternoon with a cup of tea and a cream scone in The Mill Hotel in Sudbury. Things never seem to stay the same in Hadleigh. We all enjoy a visit to Buy Right. I was sorry indeed that as Morrisons is going to be under the same roof, the traders around the edge of the store are to go. I very much hope that our beloved shoe mender and motor factor will re-locate locally since it is so handy to have them on our doorstep. When someone dies, one may require a Grant of Probate. A Probate is a document to prove that the Personal Representatives are those properly entitled to collect-in assets in an Estate. In order to be able to obtain that Grant, one has to have made a return of assets of the deceased since the position concerning Inheritance Tax will have to have been resolved before the Grant is issued. Do let me know if you need assistance in dealing with such matters. Howard Gibbons
133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ
Tel 01473 822488 E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Ebony’s Blog My life at The Shelley Centre
FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Tues 3 April Wed 16 May Sat 19 May Wed 23 May Wed 30 May Sat 9 June Sat 9 June Tues 19 June Thur 28 June Thur 28 June Sun 22 July Sun 22 July Thur 27 Sept
Mousetrap..................................................£66.60 Les Miserables ...........................................£64.50 Wicked .......................................................£64.50 Singing In The Rain ....................................£70.00 Sweeney Todd ............................................£61.50 We Will Rock You ........................................£60.00 Chicago......................................................£54.00 Jersey Boys ................................................£54.50 Billy Elliot ...................................................£54.50 Phantom Of The Opera...............................£57.75 Shrek .........................................................£64.50 Thriller .......................................................£54.50 Dreamboats & Petticoats ............................£45.00
All Shows Are Matinee Performances, Price Includes Top Price Ticket And Luxury Coach Travel
SPECIAL EVENTS All prices below are for adults - please enquire for OAP and child prices Fri 25 May Chelsea Flower Show (Inc.).........................£74.00 Sat 26 May Chelsea Flower Show (Inc.).........................£74.00 Tues 5 June Warner Bros Tour “Making Of Harry Potter” (Inc.) £49.50 Sat 16 June BBC Gardeners World (Inc.) .........................£51.25 Thur 21 June Ladies Day At Ascot (Inc.)...........................£62.00 Sat 7 July Hampton Court Flower Show (Inc.) .............£54.00 Sat 7 July Cromer “Seaside Special” (Inc.) ...................£39.50 Sun 8 July F1 Grand Prix @ Silverstone (Inc.).............£155.00 Thur 19 July Bletchley Park (Inc.) ....................................£44.00 Wed 25 July Sandringham Flower Show (Inc.) ................£31.50 Sat 18 Aug Cromer “Seaside Special” (Inc.) ...................£39.50 Sat 18 Aug Buckingham Palace & Afternoon Tea (Inc.) ..£58.50 Sun 26 Aug London “Eye” & Cruise (Inc.) .......................£55.00 Mon 27 Aug Mississippi Paddle Boat (Inc.)......................£28.00 Sat 22 Sept Buckingham Palace & Afternoon Tea (Inc.) ..£58.50 11/12/13/14 Oct Knitting & Stitching Show (Inc.)...........£34.00
SENIOR SPECIALS IN LONDON Wednesday 23rd May River Thames Cruise, Carvery & ‘39 Steps’ (Inc.) £65.50 Thursday 14th June Kensington Palace, Carvery & ‘Legally Blonde’ (Inc.) £70.00
Concerts at Newmarket Racecourse An Afternoon or Evening of Top Class Horse Racing, Followed by Quality Musical Entertainment
Saturday 9th June: McFly - £43.00 Friday 29th June: Madness - £54.00 Saturday 25th August: Steps - £43.00 Bookings Now Being Taken For Co-Op Juniors Christmas Spectacular @ Snape & Thursford Christmas Special A deposit is all that is needed to secure your tickets Please Call 01473 823243/212521 For Further Details
Please note all our Excursions, Short Breaks and Holidays Pick-Up in Hadleigh For further details on our great value-for money excursions and short breaks, call in to our Office at The Coach Depot, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh
or phone (01473) 212521 or 823243
www.beestons.co.uk 6
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Looking at the Calendar I can’t believe that Easter is upon us and the winter gone: perhaps it’s because I’ve been so busy! With my circuits being well warm from working hard with Riders, during my cooling off rest, I’ve been mulling over the work of the RDA with special groups and the word “Autism” comes to mind. Researching through the RDA system I came upon some interesting reflections which I would like to share with you. Rhoda Young, an Advanced Occupational Therapist, wrote the following “I am an Occupational Therapist and also a British Horse Society Advanced Instructor. I have previously worked at the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy where I gained my diploma in Equine Assisted Therapy. I am a true believer that horses are a catalyst for change. One rider, with Autism, has found the horse has enabled him to communicate to us just how able he can be, and as a consequence of this his mother is less hands-on with him. Equine Assisted Therapy is a unique and powerful medium that helps individuals to reach their full potential.” Interestingly, another helper has also written about an Autistic rider, which follows: “I am side walking a profoundly Autistic teenager. Though I have accompanied him many times, he doesn’t acknowledge me. He avoids looking directly at any of the helpers. He is tense and stiff as he starts his ride and pulls at the pony’s mane. I attempt to release his hold on the pony – and he grabs my thumb in a vice-like grip. Gradually, he absorbs the pony’s rhythmic gait and begins to relax. He lets go of my hand. I talk to him, encourage and praise him. But I still don’t exist. I am in my world. And he is in his. I continue to look up at him – and smile. Quite suddenly he looks at me – eye to eye. Though his expression does not change, he slowly raises his hand and gives me a thumbs-up. For just a few seconds we share the same world. I wish my rider knew the sheer joy that moment gave to me. Perhaps he did know.” Yes, I know, a bit sombre for Easter isn’t it but, many of you reading this may well identify with the above and I hope from this gain an important insight into the serious side to RDA, The Shelley Centre, and the work of our Horses, Ponies and Volunteers. Do have an enjoyable Easter as well as eating your chocolate eggs! Oh! If you have overindulged, why not join us for the Sponsored Walk starting and finishing at the Centre on Sunday 6th May? Contact the Centre for further details of how to join us; we’d love to see you. Website: www.rda-east.org.uk/shelley.html Tel: 01473.824172
Famous Bricks After the last Fidelis meeting none of the attendees will ever feel the same when they look at The Deanery, the Hadleigh Branch of Barclays Bank and several other prestigious UK landmarks. It was Peter Minter of Bulmer Brick and Tile Company (BBTC) who brought about that change during his fascinating talk entitled ‘Famous Bricks’. Having outlined the logistics of producing hand made bricks, Peter then illustrated the various uses for his bespoke building blocks. The Deanery, Hampton Court Palace and St Pancras Station were just a few of the many challenging restoration assignments undertaken by his long established family business based in Sudbury. As their expertise is in the bricks rather than the actual construction it was not surprising that they were rushed in to advise and ultimately salvage the outside of the local Barclays Bank when its historic façade was being vandalised during a cleaning exercise by nonprofessionals. After careful and tactful consultations with Peter, work continued in a more sensitive vein thereby saving the remaining bricks. The BBTC also has its name on various parts of The Deanery as their custom made bricks were unobtrusively used in its restoration. The talk certainly whetted the group’s appetite for their tour of the plant in Sudbury in April.
Tim Allen Windows Tim Allen trained as a carpenter and joiner at Bury St Edmunds College. He carried out his apprenticeship with Percy Brown Builders in Sudbury. Tim went self employed in 1974 and subcontracted for several different local building companies. In the early 1980’s he was taken on by A & B Glass, a large window company in Sudbury, and has been involved in the window business ever since. Tim decided to branch out on his own and so in 1994 he started up Tim Allen Windows. Over the years the company has built up an excellent reputation for its high quality workmanship. Also for the care and respect in which the installations are carried out and the polite manner of the fitters. The company is a real family affair with Tim’s wife Linda working as the secretary. Our son Scott, along with Spencer Hynard are the fitters. They have over 22 years of experience between them, and our nephew Peter Alleston is the bricklayer who bricks up all the Conservatories and Extensions. We specialise in PVC-u windows (which are one of the most energy efficient windows on the market) and doors, also conservatories as well as PVCu fascias, soffits, bargeboards, cladding and rainwater goods and now Hardie Plank Cladding. Tim Allen Windows also supply and fit aluminium windows and doors, aluminium Bi-fold doors, aluminium secondary glazing as well as timber windows and composite front doors. The company is FENSA registered and they offer Ten Year Insurance Backed Guarantees on the window and door installations. Having gained many years of experience in the building industry Tim also carries out Extensions and building works. He has just finished extensions in Leavenheath and Hadleigh. We carry out much of the work ourselves, using local electrical and plumbing firms. For free quotes and advice please contact Tim on 01473 827086. The email address is tlawindows@btconnect.com and a web site has recently been setup, more information available at www.timallenwindows.com
Tim Allen Windows ears o f trading y 5 1 g n i t a r b Cele Over 30 Years Experience PVC-u Conservatories, Windows, Doors, Fascias, Soffits, Bargeboards etc. Also Extensions & General Building Replacement Sealed Units plus supply only to the trade
T EL : 0 14 73 82 70 86 Mob: 07885 437409 Fax: 01473 829501 www.timallenwindows.com FENSA
Synseal Internally Glazed PVC-U Casement Shield B2 - Rating
Registered Company
10 Year Insurance Backed Guarantee
Romantic Holiday Cottages Wanted
A good News story at last ! In the midst of all the economic doom and gloom a local company has managed to beat the big boys hands down in getting bookings for local Holiday Cottage owners. The Grove Cottages – www.grove-cottages.co.uk – managed to achieve an amazing 97% occupancy for its top cottages and an average of 83% for all of the cottages it represents. In a tough economic climate and when the Big Agencies are all ¾ empty The Grove Cottages has kept its owners cottages buzzing along. Tourism is one of the most important industries to rural Suffolk and success like this helps a multitude of our local shops and businesses. This is Good News as the company is looking for a handful of interesting new cottages to handle and would be happy to hear from you if you have a wonderful or really unusual Holiday Cottage Project. Just call Mark on 01787 211 115 www.grove-cottages.co.uk
We are looking for 3 more cottages to add to our local Agency If you have a really romantic or quirky cottage or are thinking of creating a holiday cottage please call us to make the most out of your investment. We get up to 97% occupancy for the right property.
Doreen Margaret Smith nee Ferguson Roy and Sue would like to take this opportunity to thank all friends and family for their friendship and warm support during this sad time. Their love for Doreen was shown by the sharing of many wonderful memories following the funeral service on March 15th. Thank you R. H. H. Smith
Call us now on 01787 211 115 or visit
Forever young with Feathered-Legged Chickens The legacy of the recent, inspirational production of Forever Young at the New Wolsey, is a fierce determination to follow the ageing cast’s example and stay young at heart at all costs. The members of Fidelis in the audience agreed that this unusual music drama, which includes several familiar songs, magic, Shakespeare, some endearing slapstick plus volumes of humour, was more effective than any anti-ageing pill or treatment. A firm date in the Fidelis diary if it returns. Battling the elements the Fidelis Lunch Bunchers were relieved to seek sanctuary in an old cattle byre at Hall Farm in Stratford St Mary. Happily, there was not a trace of cows, hay or farmyard smells as this lofty outbuilding has been transformed into a warm, welcoming Café Restaurant with magnificent views over the Dedham Vale and the adjacent working farm. Once inside, an aperitif and a glance at the mouth-watering menu soon put everyone in a foodie mood. A fantastic range of delicious dishes, which are home made or hand made using seasonal, predominantly local produce, meant there was something for everyone including the vegetarians. The friendly personnel gave the ladies attentive service at a comfortable tempo. New lambs gambolling in the fields outside and a variety of unusual feather-legged bantams peering through the picture windows only added to the convivial rural atmosphere. When the diners had sampled the cuisine and visited the adjoining Farm Shop they could fully appreciate why both establishments were the proud recipients of several prestigious awards. Jan Devey LHKG adv 09v2
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‘It's The Mutz’ Dog Walking Service
Lavender Hall Kindergarten for little minds to flourish
For children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 52 weeks of the year.
At Lavender Hall Kindergarten we provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to learn through play.
Hadleigh 01473 826100 East Bergholt 01206 299511 www.lavenderhall.com
Hi, my name is Nic Carter and I am starting a dog walking service called ‘It's The Mutz ‘. I am fully trained in dog interaction and have several years experience in handling dogs. I have an enhanced CRB check. A fully insured service is offered for your peace of mind. I am trained in canine first aid to ensure the well being of your dog whilst in my care. My location and style of working will ensure that all dogs will be well exercised, stimulated and most importantly, they will have had lots of fun during their time with Its The Mutz. I offer a free, (no obligation) consultation meeting to get to know you and your dog and to discuss what you would like from It's The Mutz. Additionally I offer a free walk to build your dogs trust in me. My rates are inclusive of pick up, travel time, walking and a settling down period at drop off, (i.e. towelling down on wet days etc) and an average walk time per dog is 1 hour and costs just £8. Costs are subject to flexibility upon discussion. For example, offers available for full week bookings and group (maximum of four dogs) walks. Other services are available upon request such as over night / holiday stays/ day stays and home visits for other small animals - just ask. Please visit my website for more information at www.itsthemutz.co.uk or feel free to call me on 07886124698 / 01473 827481 or e-mail me on itsthemutz@hotmail.co.uk.
‘It’s The Mutz’ Dog Walking Service 07886 124698 01473 827481 itsthemutz@hotmail.com itsthemutz.co.uk Fully insured and first aid trained. Also experienced in dog interaction and handling 8
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Show Saturday 19th May 2012
Catalogue Cover Competition & OnLine Ticket Sales For the second year running, Hadleigh Farmers Agricultural Association held a competition for local primary schools to design a front cover for this year’s Hadleigh Show Catalogue. 230 entries were received in total from Beaumont, Bildeston, Hadleigh Community, Hintlesham and Chattisham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, St Marys and Whatfield Primary Schools. The Theme this year was “Farming at the Hadleigh Show� and five judges met at Hintlesham Golf Club to choose their favourite 30 entries. After much debate the winner was Amelia Whaley from Hadleigh Community Primary with a close runner up Morgan Dee, from the same school. Amelia’s entry will be printed on the Show Catalogue with the top 30 being displayed in the Schools Tent at the Show. Julie Girling, HFAA School Liaison Officer said “Many thanks to the children and staff from all the Schools who took the time to ensure this year’s competition was such a success. We had some stunning entries which were very much appreciated by the judges. Picking a winner is always a difficult decision and we look forward to seeing the winning entry on this year’s Catalogue.� This year for the first time Show tickets can be purchased on-line. Take advantage of the ‘Early-Bird Discount’ by buying directly from the new web site – up to Friday 18th May. As soon as paid on-line your e-ticket will be emailed to you to for printing. Then on Show day take it to the fasttrack gates at either entrance for scanning. In addition you can pre-order your copy of the Catalogue, also at a discounted price. Of course advanced sale tickets will still be available at the usual outlets in the area. Visit the Show website and ‘Tickets’ page for full details of where and how to purchase: www.hadleighshow.co.uk
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Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Show what Suffolk has to offer visitors
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PART TIME MEETING SECRETARY Hourly rate - ÂŁ8.85 Home-Start is a voluntary organisation committed to promoting the welfare of families with at least one child under 5 years of age. Volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to families who are going through difficulties in their own homes helping to prevent family crisis and breakdown. At Home-Start Babergh, we are looking for an experienced meeting secretary who will work with initiative and have the ability to work to deadlines collating and distributing papers for meetings and minute taking for our Board meetings (6 each year); our Strategy meetings (4 each year ); our Fund Raising Events meetings (4 each year) and our AGM. Competent minute taking and IT skills are essential The position offers the opportunity to become involved with a variety of aspects of the Scheme operating across the Babergh District from our office base in Hadleigh. This is a casual contract and you will required to work on an as and when basis to provide the appropriate level of support to our meetings. Applicants will be required to undergo an enhanced disclosure check with the CRB. For further details and an application form, please contact: Sarah Mann Tel: 01473 822822 Email: sarah@home-startbabergh.co.uk Closing date: 27th April 2012 Interviews will be held on: 22nd May 2012 Home-Start Babergh, Unit 2 Hadleigh Enterprise Park, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh, IP7 6RJ Home-Start Babergh is committed to equal opportunities. Registered Charity Number: 1107915
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
If you wanted to show the very Best of Suffolk to a visitor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; what would you show them? More than likely you wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be taking them miles away to a castle or beach â&#x20AC;&#x201C; you would probably take them on a beautiful local walk, ending up at an unspoilt pub with excellent food, maybe pop into a pretty village with a market in the village square and wander round some real shops and have a coffee in a pretty cafe. These are the things that really make our area so special, and we are rich in them. We may take this all for granted but for visitors to the area it is a real eyeopener and these little things are the main attraction for visiting the area. But where can they find out where all these interesting places are? Where can you promote a walk as well as a pub? www.thesuffolkguide.co.uk has been created to promote the Best that Suffolk Has to Offer. It is free for anybody to enter their place or promote their area. Every entry can be â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;commentedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on or this comment facility can be used as an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;event calendarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for places which have a diary of events. The entries are Completely Free but will be closely vetted for suitability in order to show only the Best and most Interesting things to do and see in Suffolk. The website automatically calculates the distance of every place entered from the Location the visitor wants to find out about â&#x20AC;&#x201C; very clever ! Because for a visitor who knows nothing about Suffolk this becomes a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Map of Interestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rather than unknown place names. And of course that visitor may be somebody just a few miles away who never realised just what you have to offer. So if you have a service, activity, shop, pub, restaurant, vineyard, museum, stately Home or favourite walk that people and especially Visitors to Suffolk will be excited about, then letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s put Suffolk on the Map and get our name out there. www.thesuffolkguide.co.uk Please talk to Mark or Millie about this if you are interested but not web savvy on 01787 211 115
A New Community Choir for Hadleigh Can you sing? Would you like to sing with us? A new community choir (male and female) for the people of Hadleigh and surrounding districts is seeking people who would like to sing with a choir and give public performances at which funds will be raised for charity and other good causes. Our aim is to be serious about singing and performing while at the same time encouraging a friendly and supportive environment where all members can enjoy the company of like-minded people. The style of music will be popular and light and the repertoire will range across many eras. The first meeting of the new choir will be on Wednesday 25th April at 7:30 pm in the Town Hall Dining Room (opposite the Ram pub). Entrance will be free and is open to all adults over the age of 16 who would like to learn more about joining this new choir. For more information call 01473 824033 or email: hads@opensecret.co.uk
The Fleece Hotel, Boxford We know it has been long in coming and much anticipated, new Landlords Clare and Jarred Harris will be specialising in traditional English food. The menu reflects our passion for using local produce from local sources and is of course freshly prepared from scratch. We will be sourcing nearly everything from Suffolk - cask ales, lager, meat, vegetables, cider etc. In fact the house beer will be from the award winning ‘Mill Green Brewery’ in Edwardstone two miles away. The Fleece dates back to the 1400’s and was a Coaching Inn situated in the medieval village of Boxford on the highway between Sudbury and Hadleigh. Its origins date back to the wool trade which made this part of Suffolk very wealthy in the middle ages. The Fleece name and sign were symbols of the wool trade/wool merchants, meaning it was quite possible that wool merchants used the Fleece as a trading room. In recent years, under the management of a large Pub Co this historic building was gradually slipping into disrepair and failing to serve the community well. Now The Fleece Hotel has been repaired and decorated restoring the historic character of this traditional Suffolk Inn. There are four public rooms including the Victorian ‘Corder Room’ and atmospheric ‘Guild Room’ upstairs which is available for functions and meals, on the far side of the carriageway will be ‘The Fleece Tea Room’ due to open in April. There are many quiet lanes and footpaths running into the ancient countryside around Boxford, so visitors are welcome to experience the flavour of the area and to eat, drink and be merry at the Fleece, whether they are on foot, bike or car. Opening Times: Mon - Thurs 12 to 3 and 5 to 11, Fri & Sat 12 to 12, Sun 12 to 11 Food Served: Tues - Friday 12 to 2 and 6 to 9, Fri & Sat 12 to 2.30 and 6 to 9 Sun 12 to 2.30 www.boxfordfleece.com Tel. 01787211183
Hadleigh and District Footpath Volunteers April 2012 Walk Our walk this month will be on Saturday 14th., it will be a circular starting and finishing at Bildeston. We will walk through Hitcham, Brettenham, Kettlebaston, and back to Bildeston. The walk is 9.5 miles in length and is suitable for all walkers, including your dogs. There are some superb views on this walk, and you will find the effort well worth while. Strong shoes or walking boots are recommended, as some of the paths are across open fields and can be rather rough in places especially after ploughing. We also suggest that wind, and waterproof clothing should be worn as some parts of the walk are quite open, and for Suffolk quite high up. We will leave Hadleigh by bus departing from Hadleigh bus station at 9.30am (Co-op side) and will arrive at Bildeston at 9.45am. We will return to Hadleigh by bus leaving Bildeston at 2.20pm. and arriving back at 2.35pm. Further information about this walk, or the other activities of the Footpath Volunteers may be obtained from David Warner (Hadleighs Footpath Warden) on 07749 732941, or E-mail at, nottinghamvictoria@supanet.com
THE GEORGE HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151
Sunday 15th, 8.30pm: Charlies Quiz Night AN EVENING OF FRIENDLY WIT & BANTER WISH CASH ROUND
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Children’s Day Nursery 5 Reasons why Birch Farm is Best for your child • Impressive indoor/outdoor facilities: spacious classrooms, playgrounds, two indoor play areas, countryside for nature walks, indoor heated swimming pool • Quality Assured Care and Education offering a combination of Adult and Child led activities allowing children to learn and develop into capable, confident individuals. • Highly qualified, dedicated staff working with high adult to child ratios • Outstanding swimming lessons programmed within our pre-school curriculum • 15 hours per week FREE termly preschool care for 3 + 4 yrs
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You may have seen in last month’s Community newss that your Town Council has organised an E.Petition to the County Council to restore the traffic order prohibiting waiting at the end of Church Street. When paving and cobbles were laid in this area and removable bollards installed to prevent through traffic from Church Lane to the Market Place the intention was to upgrade the appearance of the surroundings of the Guildhall and the Parish Church. Parking is still not allowed in the last sectionleading to the Market Place but the middle bit at the end of Church Street was allowed to lapse. With the removal of the no parking signs car drivers see no reason why they should not park and wait there. This has been the cause of much frustration and in some cases actual distress to users and local residents. The thoroughfare from Pound Lane via Church Lane to the Market Place is a safe route for the elderly using mobility scooters and parents with children in buggys going to playgroups or the surgery thus avoiding the busy High Street. When two cars are parked side by side it is impossible to get through. Large functions at the Church such as the recent service for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Weddings and Funerals which drive round the Churchyard from Queen Street to exit via Church Street have been disrupted and on occasion the Police have had to be called to assist in moving parked cars. Delays could also be caused to emergency vehicles reaching the area. Our Town Council are sympathetic but their hands are tied by Suffolk County Council who will not replace the traffic order, replace a sign or buy special paint for double yellow lines on cobbles. To date no objections to double yellow lines have been raised. All this will cost the County around £2000. A small sum to pay for peace and harmony in our community in what is the centre of our tourist area…. Please may I ask for your support for this petition which requires some 3675 signatures. There are 30 days left from publishing of this magazine to contact http://petitions.web-labs.co.uk/suffolkcc/public/Church-StreetHadleigh---inconsiderate-Parking Please add you support. You will have to register on the site using a current email address. Audrey Tyerman
Dame Vera Lynn Trust Fundraising Events HAIR & SKIN RESEARCH NIGHT, THURSDAY 5TH APRIL Identity Hair & Beauty, 127 Main Road, Kesgrave, The owner Alison is organising this and all of the proceeds are going to the school. Tickets are £10.00 each and you can go along between 4.00pm & 8.00pm for a skin and hair consultation where you’ll find out what are the best ways to work with your personal skin and hair types. There are Drinks and nibbles served and there will be a raffle. If you would like a ticket call. Alison on 07817 483946. DANCE SATURDAY, 14TH APRIL Kirton Church Hall, Kirton. Band, Buffet & Raffle, tickets cost £10 per person and starts 8.00pm – 11.45pm, bring your own drinks! This is being organised by Roger Salter, a family member connected to the school. If you would like tickets contact Roger on: 01394 448631. QUIZ WEDNESDAY 19TH APRIL Seckford Golf Club, Starts at 7.00 pm - teams of 4 - £15.00 per person including prizes and hot buffet! If you would like to book in your team, contact Sara Baxter, Regional Fundraiser on 01473 652880 or pop in the office for a chat!
For the efficient delivery of your Newspapers and Magazines in Hadleigh and the surrounding villages
KEITH AVIS 68 High Street, Hadleigh
TELEPHONE 01473 823131
We have the widest selection of Greetings Cards in Hadleigh 12
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Work In Progress
Headstones & Memorials ❖ ❖ ❖
R. R. Beechener ‘Beeches’, Churchill Avenue, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 6BT
Tel: 01473 823575 Mobile: 07801 444167 Work is in progress on the patchwork quilt for the St Elizabeth Hospice. Team work and patience is the key to the success of the Country Threads Craft Group latest ambitious craft project. An accurate, dab hand with a needle is a highly desirable skill too. Having over 500 Japanese folded patchwork squares to arrange and assemble it’s a daunting task but, with the combined skills of the group and under the watchful eye of Mavis Gordon and Lin Slaughter, the ladies are ready to accept the challenge. The logistics of the project are staggering; started in January 2012 with 15 patch workers carefully hand-crafting the squares from calico and brightly coloured cotton centre, the aim is to finish the double bed sized quilt by the end of March 2012. When it’s complete the unique cover will be donated to St Elizabeth Hospice to raise funds at one of their in-house raffles or big charity events. Mavis, who is no stranger to the exceptional care offered by the Hospice as her sister attends their Day Care Centre, is delighted to combine everyone’s skills to give something back to the charity. A warm welcome awaits anyone who would like to join this friendly group on a Wednesday evening at 7pm in the URC Rooms, Hadleigh. Contact Mavis 01473 824398
Hadleigh Thrift Shop We continue to be able to give a generous amount of money each month because of the generosity of lots of local people in the local area. We have 25 volunteers now who hwelp in the shop and we are in our 13th year. Organisations helped over the past 2 months, Angel Court (2) First Responders T. Foster – Project in India Porch Project Beaumont Community School Hadleigh Elderly Welfare Samaritans Purse Red Rose Theatre Group Suffolk Guides Stars of Light Theatre Co Long Melford Scouts Gymnastics in Ipswich St Elizabeth Hospice Layham Playing Field Marie Curie Nurses Boxford Rovers F.C Wattisham Station Wives Choir Girl Guides Association
Caring For You Home Services Ltd We care about people being able to live in their own home and who need that extra little help to make it possible and enjoyable. We assist with personal care, respite care, cooking, cleaning, shopping, hospital appointments and most of all companionship.
For a no-obligation pre-assessment please call Sue on 01787 379027 or 07908 473743 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
0311 Hadleigh Com News (Feb 12) x135_Layout 1 09/02/2012 11:09 Page 1
It’s along the Railway walk!
• CROWN SET LUNCH 3 Courses £24; 2 Courses £19 Available Monday – Saturday Lunch • SUNDAY DINE AND STAY Dinner, Bed & Breakfast (Sunday menu) £125 (Standard Room) • SUNDAY LUNCH 1/2/3 Courses £15/20/25 See our website for more seasonal offers
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Some edible fruits There are many edible fruits growing wild along the Railway, some more easily recognised, than others. You will only be able to find them if you know what you’re searching for, and you must bear in mind that if you consider them nice to eat, so will the birds. Generally – other than Blackberries (Rubus fructicosus) you will miss them because something will have consumed them before you get there. Don’t expect to find large juicy fruit; these are the original versions from which plant breeders have generated the familiar “domesticated” varieties. What are these wild edible fruit? Strawberries (Fragaria vesca) You may have also come across them under the name “alpine or woodland-strawberries” which are generally considered to be the same plant growing in different situations. They can be found throughout most of the UK except in Fenland areas. The plant generally grows in very short grass, with it’s “crown” very close to the ground and is unique in that it is the only plant to produce seeds on the very outside of the fruit– often actually projecting above the surface (as you can see in Photo). It has three methods of reproduction! One is the seeds on the outside of the berries which are eaten and distributed by the birds. The second are long trailing “runners” (stolons) growing along the surface of the ground. If these happens to grow on to an area of soil they will immediately root, producing a new, very small plantlet before continuing to lengthen. At the end of the growing season the “runner” dies off leaving a string of independent plants. The third is by division of the parent which can happen if animals such as Deer tear the plant apart and drop a bit which then roots and starts again. In the photo you can see the plant, the small white flowers and some ripening fruit - not much to eat, but very sweet! The coin is there to give you some idea of the actual size. Don’t be fooled by a “look-alike” plant known as Barren-strawberry (Potentilla sterillis) which looks almost the same but never produces anything to eat. Gooseberries (ribes uva-crispo) These are a rather straggly shrub that prefer to grow in the bushy “shrub-layers” of woodland. The bush grows to around 1.5metres high (5 feet to us “oldies”) and is “armed” with very sharp spines as protection against grazing animals. It is unusual in that has green flowers, bears green fruit, and can pollinate its self (is “selffertile”). The fruit appears in the early summer, are covered in short hairs (you can see them in Photo 2) and seldom get the opportunity to ripen in the wild because of the birds. If you ever decide to eat the fruit before they’re ripe be aware they are very acidic and an excellent laxative (you wont need any bran-flakes for a while). If you do ever find some ripe ones although small they are very sweet. The leaves are also edible but only in small quantities because they contain minute traces of a poison called hydrogen cyanide to discourage insect attacks. I’ve found both unripe and ripe fruit along the railway but have seldom picked any of them. They’re a lot of difficult, scratchy work for very little gain! I don’t really have sufficient expertise to identify whether these are the truly “wild” variety. Whilst they look like the original version there is a doubt in my mind about whether or not these may be some escapees from a fruit-farm that used to be a short distance away If you want any Gooseberries I suggest that you buy them in the supermarket, or grow a bush your self. You’ll know what you’re eating and it will be a lot easier on your hands! Mick T
OPI Colour at the speed of light
News from The Station In last month’s Community News I talked about the increase in break-ins to sheds and garages in Hadleigh. Since writing that article, we have been assisting our CID colleagues with enquiries into the burglaries. This crime series was isolated to three roads in one area of the Town, in a short space of time. We had countered these reports with stepped up patrols coupled with a crime reduction initiative and house-to-house visits. As a result of the investigation, four persons have been arrested and we have recovered items that have been linked to some of the victims. Enquiries are ongoing and the four detained people are currently on Police bail. During this same period we have also experienced another spate of arson offences whereby various premises have had their bins set a light. The investigation into these arson attacks is on going, and we are exploring any links to previously reported crimes to see if a pattern is forming, and to maximise any identification leads. Whilst some may view bin fires as a harmless crime, fire always carries the risk of spreading very quickly and a small fire can soon cause thousands of pounds worth of damage, and can endanger lives. Arson is not a victimless crime, and it is extremely serious. Anybody with any information is urged to contact Suffolk Police, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Your call could not only prevent further offences occurring, it may also save lives. Remember, you do not have to leave your name or number when phoning Crimestoppers. In other news, I have been addressing concerns with different sections of the community with regards to our streetlights. You will be aware that earlier this year Suffolk County Council started turning off streetlights after midnight as part of efficiency saving measures. The effect of this has caused concerns amongst some of you that we may see a rise in crime and disorder in places where there are no lights. There is no evidence to suggest at this time that crime has risen after midnight. All cameras in the vicinity of the CCTV cameras will remain on, and lights close to major junctions and crossings will also be left on. I will be touring the unlit areas with representatives from the Town Council so that they can see first hand how the lighting has changed, and we are in contact with the County Council over the matter also. The diversion at the top of Lady Lane continues to be a popular subject amongst the public. Suffolk County Council will not change the diversion route; it will remain in its current format until the works on the A1071 are completed in May. We are working very hard with the business users on the Industrial Estate and the Chamber of Commerce in an effort to ensure the roads are kept clear and safe. We are fully aware that this is not always the case, but also have to stress that this is an Industrial Estate, and there are other routes on to the A1071. Please remain patient whilst the works are in progress, but do call us should you perceive there to be an obstruction through the diversion. We still receive a high level of found property at the Police Station. Some of the items handed in are of high value, others of sentimental value. Recently a member of the public has handed in a digital camera, found in the Hadleigh area. There are pictures on the camera of a family event, so I am sure the loser would be desperate to regain possession. If this is yours, please contact us at the Police Station. Finally, we give a warm welcome to another new member of the team. PCSO 3247 Hannah Creasey has recently joined the Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team and she will be assisting Julia and me in the Town. Hannah worked for Suffolk Police in our Control Room prior to taking up her new role, and was a member of the Special Constabulary. She will be an asset to the Town, and is looking forward to meeting you in the future. Until next time, Matt, PC 1455 Paisley Matthew.paisley@suffolk.pnn.police.uk. Telephone: 101
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A Dickens of a story We are a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. John Daniels (Membership Sec) Tel: 01473 824244 Email: johndaniels7@btinternet.com
We were treated to an exceedingly interesting and informative talk at the March meeting of the U3A. Mr. Peter Maggs told the true story of a Victorian clergyman, one Revd. Henry John Hatch who had the misfortune, not only of being a prison chaplain but who was taken before various courts on nine occasions, mainly on the evidence of a lying child, the daughter a drunken mother, who was also called to give evidence albeit that she was under the influence of alcohol. Each time he suffered from the injustice of the Victorian judicial system.. It sounded much more like Dickens than truth. There was, as in Dickens, much humour and in addition we learned much about the Victorian prison system with particular reference to Wandsworth prison. We are indeed fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to such excellent speakers. Daphne Jarvis Next month’s talk in the Ansell Community Centre on Monday 16th April at 2.30pm Hatches, matches and dispatches – David Atkins
Service 90 - Have you & yours signed the petition? Bus Petition – Service 90 which operated the evening service, IpswichHadleigh-Ipswich, Monday to Saturday and the Sunday service which also covered all the bank holidays throughout the year. Do you miss this service? Have you & yours signed the petition? Could you petition on the street where you live? Also if anyone signed at the Hadleigh Thrift Shop perhaps you could sign again, for sadly the forms were lost. Forms are in place at, The Ipswich Building Society, The Co-op (checkouts) and Partridges Hardware store. All the above have kindly agreed to assist us, many thanks to them all. I hope many of you will unite to help us fight this awful “curfew” that we are all under. Welcome to modern Britain. If you can help ring me Shelley Pingo 01473 822677
Would you like to complete the race for life, lose weight, improve your fitness and have fun at the same time? If the answer to any of the above is yes, then Just Peachee personal training may have the perfect solution. We understand that not everyone likes exercise or the gym environment, but it’s all about finding an exercise programme and location that suits you as this will make your goals more achievable. Sometimes you think that this sounds impossible as there are never enough hours in the day and you don’t know where to start. The first place you can start is in our gym, our gym is the great outdoors and like most of you we find the ‘traditional’ gym impersonal and tedious at the best of times, so why use it when we can exercise outside for free. Many of us join a gym in the vain hope that we will use it most days and this makes the membership worthwhile, however the motivation soon slips and you continue to pay the membership but not use the gym. Why don’t you try something different, book a personal training session, once you have had one you will wonder why you have never booked before! We keep our sessions fresh, fun and invigorating. By visiting you at home or work, we can make the most of your time and motivate you to meet your targets. We offer a unique service that is tailored to your individual needs. We pride ourselves on meeting you first, getting to know you and treating you as an individual, we don’t believe that one size fits all. Because we understand how difficult it is to find time just for you, just Peachee will fit in around your busy lifestyle and will ensure that you get a workout that’s right for you. Does this sound like the motivation you need? If you prefer the group environment Just Peachee will soon be offering group workout sessions. These fun classes combine cardio, circuits, boxercise and body conditioning for an all over body workout. Classes are tailored to your level, but get results! All abilities are welcome. For further details please contact Just peachee on 07792 334443 or visit www.justpeachee.co.uk 16
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Capel St Mary
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Love This! We are a mother and daughter team working from the Bridge Farm Barns site in Monks Eleigh and although we have been running The SummerHouse for the last 9 years we have, due to economic pressures, been prompted to diversify by adding a new shop to our existing one. Taking the current economic climate into account and also inspired by women who want to earn money for themselves, we came up with the idea for our dress agency. We have now opened our new shop and its really proving to be quite popular but we could always do with more help to spread the word, especially as it is giving women the option of earning money from recycling their wardrobes. Ladies just need to bring their unwanted clothes into the shop freshly laundered or dry cleaned (no need even to do the ironing as we do that for them too). Then we select the items we believe we can sell and put them out for sale in our boutique style shop. We keep them out for sale for 3 months and pay 50% commission on any items sold. A monthly cheque is then paid if items have been sold. Our first lady into the agency has just received a cheque for £211 and all she had to do was wash the clothes and then bring them to us. The shop also offers buyers a super environment to purchase a bargain. The clothes we select are always very classic or stylish and we are frequently being complimented on our selection process. The shop really gives women the chance to earn money and then treat themselves too, a reverse of the pressures in an economic climate that tells people to cut back and not to treat. The shop itself has been styled beautifully and is 80% built from recycled materials by us. We have a large and smart changing room (frequently commented on) and we are open 7 days, unlike other agencies. Ladies interested in selling their clothes through our agency should visit our website www.lovethisclothes.com to view a copy of our terms and conditions before bringing anything to us. This will detail everything they need to do beforehand and also give them an idea of the clothes we are currently accepting (this changes depending on season, and our current stock levels on certain items/sizes) Open 7 days a week Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 11am to 5pm Bridge Farm Barns, Monks Eleigh IP7 7AY Tel: 01449 741103
including Specialised Dementia Care with attractive secure gardens
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Pause for Thought I used to say to anyone who had been bereaved "I know how you feel". But I didn't, because you do not know how it feels until it has happened to you. I give thanks every day for my faith in God. The inner strength that comes from Him and the comfort He gives is impossible to describe, because it is difficult to react positively when we do not understand "WHY". That piece titled Footprints is so true. God's Son died so that we can be forgiven. God knows best how to console us and lovingly help us along the new path we are on when we lose someone we love. So many benefits are there when we place our faith and trust in God. Jean Chisholm
Q&A: With Hadleigh Audiologist, Michael Shade Q. How many people have hearing loss? Research suggests that 1 in 6 people in the UK experience hearing loss, but only a small percentage of people actually seek help. This figure is high for a number of reasons but because hearing loss is generally the result of advancing years, admitting you don’t hear as well as you used to is almost conceding you are getting old. It’s made worse because there’s still a belief that hearing aids don’t work very well, whistle all the time and are big and ugly – though nothing could be further from the truth. Modern hearing aids are much smaller than they used to be and in some cases almost invisible in use and because of digital technology the quality has improved in leaps and bounds. Q. If you have a hearing loss what can be done? The first thing is to make an appointment for a hearing test. The audiologist will check if you have hearing loss and will advise, if appropriate, on the sort of hearing aids you might use to give positive improvement. They will first have checked for any disease of the ear and if necessary refer you to a doctor or specialist. If all is well, in some cases, you can be fitted with hearing aids there and then, in other cases you will have an impression taken of your ear(s) so that the instrument(s) can be custom made to fit comfortably. Q. What type of services do you offer? The company I work for, The Hearing Care Centre, provides a complete hearing care service: assessment, appropriate therapy including tinnitus management programmes, the provision of hearing aid systems and the necessary rehabilitation. We also offer protection for sportsmen, musicians and others engaged in high noise level activities. Really to sum it up ‘anything under the umbrella of hearing’! Q. Where are you based? We are based locally at the Hadleigh Health Centre, however we have 18 centres spread across Suffolk and Norfolk. Our main practice is based in Ipswich Town Centre. Q. Your job must be very rewarding… It is extremely rewarding! I’ve lost count of the number of patients who describe to me how improving their hearing loss has changed their life immeasurably. I am one of the lucky ones who loves their job. Hearing Care Open Days To encourage people to who are experiencing hearing problems to have a hearing test, The Hearing Care Centre is holding a series of ‘Hearing Care Open Days’ in Hadleigh and offering hearing tests free of charge. The Open Days take place on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th April 2012 (9am-5pm). To book your appointment call 01473 230330 or visit www.hearingcarecentre.co.uk/hadleigh.
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Electrical Retailers
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Playstation Pre-School Hello everyone, what a busy couple of months Playstation have had. The children have been very busy making cards for their Mums and planting seeds for Mother’s Day. The children have also been busy making arts and craft things for Easter. Here at Playstation we are currently fundraising to buy the children an outdoor activity frame, our target is £200. We held an Easter raffle of “Guess The Name Of The Dulux Dog”. We will be able to tell you all next month how much we raised and who the lucky winner was. The children dressed up as their favourite characters for World Book Day and bought in their favourite stories for all of us to share with each other at story time. We are collecting the Sainsbury’s Active Kids and Tesco’s For School’s and Clubs vouchers so if you do have any at home please bring them into us, the boxes to put them in are near the window where the children hang their coats and bags. Sadly we had a few children move on at Easter but we welcome all the new 2 year olds who will be starting after the Easter holidays. We are not sure if any of you are aware that the Government have started a scheme that provides funding for 2 year old children. The Government can provide upto 15 hours a week for 2 year olds to attend Playstation. If you are interested or would like an application form please give us a call and ask to speak to Mandy. A date for your diary:- Thursday 3rd May 7.30pm @ The White Hart is our AGM, it would be great to see you all there, and it gives everyone the chance to see what goes on behind the scenes, to meet the Committee and members of staff, to have your say and voice your opinions on the place your child/ children love to come to. We can be contacted at playstationhadleigh@btconnect.com. If you are currently considering a playschool for your child, why not come and take a look at what we can offer? Please telephone Playstation on 824271 for enrolment details , a prospectus or to arrange a visit, or visit our website at http://www.playstationhadleigh.com
Love Your Linen If you’re spring cleaning, and clearing out your cupboards, why not donate any unwanted or unused linen to your nearest St Elizabeth Hospice shop on Maiden Way, Hadleigh. The Hospice shops will accept any linen including: sheets, pillows cases, blankets, towels, table cloths, and curtains during their love your linen campaign. Fiona Browning, Area Retail Manager at St Elizabeth Hospice, said: “Linen sells really well, including retro linen, so anything you have that you no longer use or need, please donate it to your local Hospice shop. The funds raised through our shops help us provide care free of charge to our local patients and their families.” For more details visit www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk or call 01473 723600 or email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk
71 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5DY Tel: 01473 829089 jo@thehairlounge.co.uk
An Aladdin’s Cave of Beautiful Things
Bill Munson Many thanks to everyone who kindly sent donations to Hadleigh Health Centre in memory of BBill. A total of £495.00 was raised. Mim, Mandy, Ian, Bradley & Jade
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Letter www.layham.org from Layham Layham Parish Council The main matters discussed at the Parish Council meeting of Wednesday 29 February were: • The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 April, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. This meeting is open to all and is an opportunity for parishioners to hear reports from county, district and parish councillors, as well as from representatives of village organisations, on their work over the past year. There will also be a display of material from the Layham Archive. • A public meeting to discuss updating the Parish Plan, organised and facilitated by SuffolkACRE, will be held on Tuesday 12 June in the Village Hall – more information soon. • The bench on the Playing Field commemorating Colonel Hitchcock is to be repaired. • A small sub-group was formed to discuss an Emergency Plan for Layham, which will be brought to the Parish Plan meeting on 12 June. • Pylons - National Grid will make a decision in April on which parts of the route should be undergrounded. However, the independent Chairman of the Community Forum had given an assurance that any decisions would be able to be contested. • ‘Fit Villages’ - the PC is investigating a new initiative by Suffolk Sport, aimed at providing an opportunity for local communities to run subsidised sporting and physical activity sessions in village halls, community centres and on recreation grounds, enabling local people to participate without having to travel further afield. • ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ - these zones are specific geographical areas where residents can state they do not want visits from unsolicited or ‘cold’ callers. The PC will find out more about the scheme. • Babergh District Council’s budget review has been completed. Council Tax will rise by 3.5%, which equates to an additional 9p per week on a Band D property. Free short-term car parking within Babergh will continue. The next meeting is the Annual Parish Meeting (see below) and will be on Wednesday 25th April in the Village Hall. The dates of meetings for the whole year are displayed on the main village notice boards. Information about the Parish Council together with full minutes is on the village website: www.layham.org The Clerk to Layham Parish Council is Jane Cryer who can be contacted on 07920 713940 or layhampc@gmail.com
2012 Annual Parish Meeting The Chairman of Layham Parish Council invites you to the Annual Parish Meeting 7.30pm on Wednesday 25 April, Village Hall Reports will be given by your County, District and Parish Councillors as well as by representatives of Parish organisations. The Annual Meeting is also an opportunity for you to draw matters to the attention of councillors and ask questions about anything affecting village life. Following the formal meeting, there will be an opportunity to view a display of material from the Layham Archive presented by our Archivist and our Local History Recorder. Refreshments will be served Please come along – we look forward to seeing you
Layham Community Email Communication is everything in today’s world! We all know how difficult it is to ensure that information gets to every home in Layham – sometimes it’s a simple matter of timing when we need a response at short notice. Sometimes it’s down to the cost of producing flyers etc – and sometimes it’s just straightforward lack of manpower! So, in effort to make life easier for everyone, the Parish Council is setting up a Layham Community Email system. We want to collect email addresses from as many households as possible so that we can build a mailing list and disseminate information with just one click. The mailing list will be stored on the Parish Council computer system and will only be accessed by Jane Cryer, Layham’s Parish Clerk. If you think this is a good idea, just send an email to layhamcommunityemail@gmail.com stating that you would like to receive 22
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
information in this way - please include your name and address. Communication will be carefully controlled and used only for information the Parish Council thinks will be useful to you. Messages to the mailing list will always be sent by BLIND COPY, so your email address will not be visible to anyone else. If you change your mind, you will be able to opt out at any time by simply sending an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject box to layhamcommunityemail@gmail.com, from the email account you used originally. St. Andrew’s – your local church Services for April 1 Sunday Palm Sunday 10.30 am Family Worship 2 Monday, 7.30 pm Eucharist & Meditation 6 Good Friday, 2.00 pm An Hour at the Cross 8 Easter Sunday, 9.15 am Sung Easter Eucharist 15 9.15 am Said Eucharist (BCP), 10.15 am Café Church 22 9.15 am Family Eucharist 29 10.30 am Benefice Eucharist Forthcoming Event 20 May 12noon Picnic and Praise on the Layham Playing Field – more information in next month's HCN. Music in St Andrew’s There will be a concert in Layham Church on Saturday 21st April starting at 7pm in aid of The Friends of St.Andrew’s. The ticket price of £15 (£12 for Friends) will include a drink and refreshments during the interval. The music will be provided by Maria Camahort and Lucy Driver, a flute and guitar duo, who will play a mixture of mainstream classical music by Bach, Schubert and Poulenc together with a selection Spanish music which is their speciality. Having made contact with the wealth of talented young musicians available from the Guild Hall School (in the case of Maria and Lucy) and also from Aldeburgh, the Friends are considering the re-introduction of a regular series of concerts in the mould of the fondly remembered "Music in Lay ham" series that Ken Riley used to run. A good response to this first concert will encourage them to do so. Please order your tickets from Alison Dunn at Moat Hall Lower Layham IP7 5RB Tel: 01473 824353. Cheques payable to St Andrew’s Church Trust Marriages in Layham Church over the years Our beautiful, historic St Andrew’s Church in Layham, the building of which started in the 1300s, has been at the centre of village life for 700 years. There will have been many marriages celebrated over that time, some of which will have been photographed over the last century. As part of the forthcoming exhibition of Layham archives at the Annual Parish Meeting later this month, I am hoping that people who were married, or whose parents or grandparents were married in Layham Church, will be prepared to share a photograph of those occasions for display on the evening. We can copy your cherished pictures very easily so the original will not be at risk. If you are prepared to help us with this project, please contact Dee Byham by phone: 01473 823277 or by email: johnbyham009@btinternet.com. Thank you Layham Playing Field THANK YOU HIREBASE! Once again, John Robertson of Hirebase in Hadleigh, has made a charitable donation to the work of Layham Playing Field – this time in the form of a free day’s loan of a tracked rotovator. John is shown in the picture giving operating instructions to Colin Brown. Colin, Ron Gunn and Michael Woods then spent several hours preparing ground for the planting of a new hedge on one side of the conservation area. THANK YOU AGAIN HIREBASE! The hedge was then planted by Colin, Ron, Mike, John Millman and Maureen Brown on Friday 9 March. They worked from 9am to 12.30pm – a total of about 17 hours. A big thank you to that willing team. Layham Playing Field 100 Club Winners in the February draw were: £15 Ticket No 42 Millman £10 Ticket No 16 Hughes
U.S. Army Air Force in Raydon The U.S. Army Air Force formally took over the newly constructed airfield in Raydon in the spring of 1944 and the hundreds of personnel based there made quite an impression on the area. Like all young men away from home many sought entertainment in the surrounding towns and villages. Lucy Harwood’s diary entry for 25 April 1945 (67 years ago this month) “....Americans in varying hordes come past my house each evening. They interest me in a way....they seem to shout with laughter and gaiety and good fellowship through this quiet countryside. They are like children playing soldiers. They lift one’s spirit, which is rather filled with anxiety, into lightheartedness - one likes those that rob one of dark sympathies of harassed, oppressed European people and gives one for an evening moment a whole continent’s strange, youthful, gatless gaiety! I wonder if a nation can continue children indefinitely. I feel on the whole we should say “thank you” to this American invasion, not for any patriotic reason, just because they go along this road, largely on small bicycles – exuding happiness.” Our thanks to David Keeble, the Raydon Local History Recorder, for providing this photograph of American airmen on Raydon airfield engaged in “gaiety and good fellowship”. A reminder that Lucy Harwood was a painter who lived on Upper Street for about 25 years and kept a diary throughout that time.
Layham Playgroup A Colourful Half Term! This half term our focus has been different colours. We have been thinking about a different colour each week, and have read associated stories and taken part in various craft activities. As always, the cooking activities were very popular with the children! We made pizzas and added different coloured toppings and also looked at what coloured fillings we could put in our sandwiches. For our ‘red’ week the children made some jam tarts using strawberry jam. They were all delicious! Now that Spring is here we have been thinking about the colour green. The children have been trying to find green items during our walks down the lane, as well as blossom and flowers starting to bloom. We are also looking forward to celebrating Easter during our ‘Stay and Play’ sessions. We will be going on an Easter egg hunt, making cards and decorating some biscuits. The children will also be making some special edible nests! Pamper Evening News We recently held our first ever Pamper Evening in Hadleigh. The evening was a huge success with lots of happy, relaxed ladies enjoying a treatment and a chat. A big thank you to everyone who attended and to all our ‘therapists’. The Playgroup made about £200 which we will use to develop our outdoor area. Our Toddler Group takes place every Wednesday morning, please come and join us for lots of fun and friendly faces. Layham Playgroup is a feeder group for all three Primary Schools in Hadleigh. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact us on 07999 866419or email us at admin@layhamplaygroup.co.uk
Saturday 28th April, 11 am to 2 pm, 18 Bridge Street
Garage Sale If wet, in house! To raise funds for Family Christmas Shoeboxes for Link Romania
VOICES TOGETHER LADIES CHOIR at Hintlesham Community Hall Sunday 29th April, 3.00pm
ALL WELCOME Hadleigh Naturalists Society
SPRING FAYRE 2012 Saturday 14th April, 10 am - 12 noon Ansell Community Centre Stalls, Home-made Cakes, Coffee, Books & Bric-A-Brac Raffle, Plants Display of Natural History Paintings & Photographs Come along and bring your friends PROCEEDS IN AID OF NATURE CONSERVATION
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HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Meeting of the Council held on the 16th February 2012 Present: Miss P. Cook (Town Mayor), Mrs S. Angland, Mrs Byrne, Ms Y. Free, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. D.A. Haylock, B. L. Lazenby, P.M. Matthews, L. Munson, Mrs. M. Munson, Miss Nevard,and R. Whiting. In attendance: PC. Matt Paisley (Suffolk Constabulary) and Councillors Mr. Riley and Mrs Grandon, Babergh District Council; Mr. P. Quirk, Head of Corporate Organisation, Babergh District Council and one member of the press. Non-attendee: Councillor T. Clarke APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors N. Amin and T. Sheldrick. These apologies were accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Ms Y. Free declared a personal interest in the Finance & Personnel Report as she is a member of the Community First Responders. Councillor Matthews declared a prejudicial interest in the Finance & Personnel Report as he resides at Cemetery Lodge. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the 19th January 2012 were taken as read and were confirmed and signed. MATTERS ARISING Short Term Parking, The Mayor asked Councillor Grutchfield if he had been successful in obtaining the number of objections raised against the double yellow lining of Church Street. Councillor Grutchfield advised that he had been informed that this matter has been dealt with by Suffolk County Council’s Public Rights of Way Committee and minutes were available on line. The Mayor reported that the Town Clerk had been successful in setting up an e.petition on Suffolk County Council’s website. This requires in the region of 4,000 signatures before Suffolk County Council will reconsider double yellow lining this area. Report of the District Councillors The Mayor reported that Councillor Mrs Grandon had confirmed in her report that the public toilets in Hadleigh would not be closed during this financial year. Town Matters The Mayor thanked everyone who attended the Service of Celebration on Monday 6th February. It was a fantastic event and she had received nothing but congratulations from people. Councillor Mrs Byrne thanked the Mayor and the Town Council staff for organising the event and the Very Rev’d Martin Thrower for the Order of Service. It was noted that due to the weather the pupils from Beaumont School were not able to attend but the Mayor reported that she and the Dean would be attending a Beaumont School Assembly. TOWN MATTERS (Part 1) At this point in the meeting Mr Peter Quirk, Head of Corporate Organisation at Babergh District Council spoke to the meeting in response to a letter sent regarding the merger of Babergh District Council with Mid-Suffolk District Council. He explained that a local poll was carried out regarding a possible merger in which 60% in the Babergh area voted against and 60% in Mid Suffolk voted for. Following the vote it was felt that there was not a case for a constitutional merger but the Councils would continue to integrate staff for cost effective services and to ensure that front line services would not be cut. There was now a joint Chief Executive, the senior management team and next tier of managers would be reduced. There were no significant cuts to staff on the front line. He then answered questions from councillors regarding recruitment, redundancies, pension fund and building space. He was asked whether Babergh had formed any other partnerships and advised that they had integrated with Ipswich Borough Council for council tax, revenue and benefits. When asked how soon they could go back to the Boundary Commission regarding a merger he advised that there was at present no desire from either councils for a full merger. Concern was expressed over how the public perceived the merger and it was suggested that a press release explaining the situation would be of help. Mr Quirk agreed to come back to the council with
Hadleigh Town Council Hadleigh Town Mayor Councillor Miss Penny Cook will be hosting two events in the month of May to raise money for local charities: Alison Fracella Research Trust: funding research, treatment and elimination of a particular brain tumour known as Glioblastoma Steven Henly Award: for commitment and dedication to sport shown by a third year student at the University of Bedfordshire Brendan Oakes Trust: supporting young people with cancer The first event is to open the Guildhall Gardens for Cream Teas and a Cake Sale on Friday 4th May from 2pm till 4pm. The second event is a Charity Quiz on Friday 18th May 2012 at 7.30pm in the Guildroom. Tickets priced at £2.00 per person – maximum of 6 per team. Tickets available from the Idler and Hadleigh Town Council Office (Tel: 01473 823884) Please make a diary date to come and join with the Mayor and support local charities. 24
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
certain figures regarding final staffing number. A request for a designated officer to liaise with Hadleigh Town Council would be beneficial especially with the formulation of the neighbourhood plan. The Mayor thanked Mr Quirk for attending. POLICING PC Matt Paisley started by reading the document ‘Police & Crime Commissioners’ a hard copy of which is available in the office. He presented the Police Report for January and it was noted that 25 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 9 criminal damage; 4 burglaries; 3 thefts; 1 driving motor vehicle with excess alcohol; 1 fear of provocation of violence; 1 attempted burglary; 1 arson; 1 harassment pursue course of conduct; 1 racial/religiously aggravated damaged – other building; 1 assault occasioning ABH; 1 racial/religiously aggravated harassment, alarm, distress and 1 possession Class B Drugs – Cannabis. Of these crimes 7 had been detected. He reported on the disruption which would be caused on the weekend of the May show by the top of Lady Lane being closed. He advised that a new Sergeant, Chris Day, would be starting on the 15th March. Councillor Mrs Haylock advised PC Paisley that fake £20 notes were in circulation and he would investigate. DPPO (Designated Public Places Order) Councillors noted the documentation received from Babergh District Council which provided a detailed timetable for implementation of a DPPO in Hadleigh. Hadleigh Town Council was extremely pleased to note that this would be in place in September 2012. The Clerk advised that Hadleigh Town Council’s financial contribution is £2,000 and not £5,000 as indicated in the document. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS The Mayor reported a letter received from a Boxford resident regarding the Tesco planning application copies of which were passed to the District Councillors. Councillor Munson gave her verbal report in which she reported attending a seminar on an overview of integration, a housing panel on revenue and benefits, a presentation by Scottish Power on wind farms and workshops on future planning and government issues and a briefing on the core strategy. Councillor Riley and Mrs Grandon had provided written reports. Councillor Riley thanked the Mayor and her staff for the Service of Celebration. REPORT OF THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Grutchfield had provided a written report. He advised that Steve Merry, Suffolk County Council, would be happy to come along and speak to Hadleigh Town Council. It was agreed to invite him to attend the next Environment & General Purposes Committee meeting on 5th April. He reported on a petition to save the bus service and on the future of libraries. The Area Manager for the libraries in the area had met with the Town Clerk but it was recommended that she write formally if any request for funding was required in the future. MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor reported: i) A Healthwatch Consultation Document received from Suffolk County Council. This would be e.mailed to all Councillors for individual responses to be submitted. ii) A letter from Suffolk County Council advising that street lighting would be switched off on 16th February. The Mayor suggested that after the switch off date areas around the town should be monitored and councillors should consider a ‘midnight patrol’. If it was felt that any area met the criteria on the exemption list, a request would be made for the lights to be turned back on. iii) That following her request for a bus shelter by the Holiday Inn for use by the students from Suffolk One having been turned down, she was surprised and pleased to receive an e.mail this week advising that a bus shelter would be available in the near future. STANDING ORDER NO. 24 Councillor Mrs Munson asked if Hadleigh Town Council were in receipt of a report from Babergh District Council on the state of the land at Hadleigh Hall and, if it has not been received, a request be made for the report. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £18,493.10 be approved for payment. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 14th February 2012 were noted. Councillor Matthews requested that Councillor Munson’s apologies be registered as they had been left on his answerphone. Babergh District Council had passed on their thanks for Hadleigh Town Council’s contributions regarding the Core Strategy and has invited Councillors to a meeting to discuss this on 8th March 2012 at 7.30pm. Councillors were advised to let the Town Clerk know if they wished to attend. SPORTS & OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 26th January 2012 was received and accepted.
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings: Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Annual Town Council Meeting Thursday 17th May 2012 Planning Committees Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm Thursday 12th April 2012 Thursday 10th May 2012
FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 2nd February 2012 was received and accepted including the recommendation to provide grants to: i) £250 to Hadleigh Community First Responders to be used specifically for the proposed promotional event ii) £250 to Ipswich & Suffolk Council for Racial Equality iii) £500 to Suffolk Age UK iv) £500 to Suffolk Accident Rescue Service v) £100 to Miss C Bunce towards representing the Girl Guides in India in August 2012 and the Committee also requested that she be asked to contact the Aldham Common Charity and the Ann Beaumont Charity The new rental proposals for Cemetery Lodge were approved with one abstention. The quotation for £1,225 to carry out work to the cesspit at Layham Road Sports Ground was approved. ENVIRONMENT & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 2nd February 2012 was received and accepted. Councillor Mrs Haylock advised that the litter pick would be carried out on Sunday 25th March. Volunteers would meet in Magdalen Road car park at 10am. The Clerk was asked to contact Hadleigh High School prior to the event. TOWN MATTERS (Part 2) Councillor Mrs Angland reported that she had attended two community forum meetings regarding Pylons and an open day event attended by 50 members of the public. National Grid have three decisions to make: i) Where to put the sub station ii) Which route to take through Hintlesham iii) Where are the underground cables to go The first decision should be made by May and this will be where the underground cables are to go. The next meeting is to be held on the 14th March. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.12pm Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk Addendum: Please write to Mrs. Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) Town Clerk, Hadleigh Town Council, The Guildhall Hadleigh IP7 5DN if you are part of a voluntary organisation or community group wishing to be considered for a grant including the following information: • The specific amount of the grant • What the funding is for • Breakdown of costs and any funds already raised • How the project will benefit Hadleigh and its residents. This grant aid is not available to fund individuals, commercial or statutory organisations.
Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 14th February 2012 Present: R. Whiting (Vice-Chair), Mrs S. Angland, Mrs. J. Byrne, T. Clarke, Miss P. Cook, Mrs. J. Haylock, B. Lazenby and P. Matthews. Non-attendees: Councillors Ms. Y. Free. In the absence of the Chair, Councillor Whiting, Vice Chair, chaired the meeting. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors. T. Sheldrick, N. Amin, L. Munson and Miss J. Nevard. These apologies were duly accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mrs J. Byrne declared a personal interest in the Matters Arising Item as she is a Governor of the High School. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 17th January 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING All Weather Astro Pitch at Hadleigh High School. The Clerk reported a letter received from the resident advising that the noise nuisance is not worse on a Wednesday but is constant as the pitch is in use from 6pm until 10pm Monday to Friday and occasionally on a Saturday/Sunday. He was requesting that the hours of use be reduced and no use during the summer months. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the resident advising that Hadleigh Town Council could not support the request for no games to be played in the summer but reiterating to him (copies to the High School and the Police) that Hadleigh Town Council would mediate at a meeting if this was felt to be helpful. The High School would respectfully be asked to contact the hirers of the facility requesting them to keep a check on noise levels and bad language. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/11/01452/LBC 9 Duke Street, Application for Listed Building Consent – Change of colour to window frames from White to Raw Hessian RAL 1015. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/12/00014/FUL Land south of 7 The Green, Erection of two-storey dwelling and construction of vehicular access. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/12/00032/FHA 29 Stone Street, Erection of single-storey side extension. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/12/00035/FHA 74 George Street, Erection of side and rear extensions. Insertion of 1 no. conservation roof window. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous)
B/12/00085/LBC 8 Market Place, Application for Listed Building Consent – Insertion of French doors (following removal of existing window and door to existing rear extension) internal alterations. Approval was recommended in principle awaiting the full application. (Voting was unanimous). Concerns were raised that this was the Listed Building Consent and the corresponding full application had not been received. Councillors requested that Babergh District Council ensure both applications are received together in order that a full decision with all information can be made. B/12/00105/TPO 25 Station Road, Reduce Holm Oak (T1) by 25% and raise crown (covered by Tree Preservation Order BT259). This application was noted. B/12/00108/FHA 37 Castle Road, Erection of porch with monopitch roof and replacement of existing flat roof canopy with monopitch roof canopy. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority. B/11/01441/FUL – W.J. GREEN LTD., LADY LANE, Erection of extension (including mezzanine floor) to existing Class B1 workshop (following demolition of part of existing building used as showroom and stores). Councillors noted that this application had been withdrawn. B/11/01508/LBC – THE ROW CHAPEL, GEORGE STREET, Application for Listed Building Consent – Provision of new handrail to external steps to the entrance. Councillors noted that this application does not require Listed Building Consent MANDATORY CONDITIONS The Clerk reported an e.mail received from a resident raising concerns over mandatory conditions placed on approved planning applications and Babergh District Council’s enforcement or lack of enforcement on these mandatory conditions. The Clerk was asked to write a letter to Babergh District Council advising that it has been brought to our attention by a resident that planning conditions have not been adhered to. Whilst we appreciate that, in this instance, this has been seen by an Officer we are concerned that this system is becoming a precedent. The Council questions why the conditions are not being monitored and asked that it be notified if conditions are rescinded or altered. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS Councillor Miss Cook asked if other members had seen the implement which had been put onto the street lights to turn them off. She felt they were unsightly especially on the ornate lights at the end of Queen Street. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Suffolk County Council advising them that there are very strict rules as to what can be carried out in a conservation area. Did the additions to the lighting columns adhere to the rules and was planning permission required? Councillor Mrs Byrne advised that an application had been received requiring a seven day response for the land at Place Farm and Monastery Garage. The application was for the whole area to be demolished. Babergh District Council had been advised that part of the wall proposed for demolition was, in fact, listed. On receipt of this information Babergh District Council has requested more information and Hadleigh Town Council will be asked to comment when this information has been received. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm. Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk
Hadleigh Town Council In preparation for the future of the town, Hadleigh Town Council have been asked to consider the need for further areas of land to accommodate ever-growing sporting facilities. To this end we would like to begin making tentative enquiries to any land owners who would be willing to consider either donating, renting or selling suitable land to the Council in the future. Any interested parties should contact the Town Clerk at Hadleigh Town Council on 01473 823884.
Hadleigh Town Council Organises E.Petition As you may be aware Hadleigh Town Council has discussed the issue of inconsiderate parking in Church Street on numerous occasions. Suffolk County Council currently are not looking to reinstate double yellow lines in this area due to objections received. Should you wish to support Hadleigh Town Council’s efforts to lobby Suffolk County Council to amend their decision please feel free to sign the e.petition on Suffolk County Council’s website using the link below: http://petitions.web-labs.co.uk/suffolkcc/public/Church-StreetHadleigh---Inconsiderate-Parking Please note you will have to register on the site using a current e.mail address.
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Wills and the second marriage I’ve noticed that a number of clients who have made wills with me recently have done so after getting married for the second time. Although divorce automatically cancels any old bequests to the previous spouse, it makes perfect sense to get everything right around the start of the new marriage by writing a new will. Very often the couple have children from their previous marriage who need to be protected in the new will. For homeowners the house is usually the major family asset and there can be several members of the family with an interest in it and its value. The big question is how to cut the cake fairly for all concerned. Although every case is different, a formula is emerging as the people’s favourite on the following lines.If the house is in the couple’s joint names, the first step is to identify which of the two types of ownership applies (joint tenancy or tenancy in common). If it is a joint tenancy, the house automatically passes to the survivor, whatever the deceased’s will says. A tenancy in common is very different. In this case, the husband and wife each have their own stake in the property, typically 50:50, although this split can vary, and each party can leave their share as they wish. In other words, their share does not automatically pass to the survivor, as in the case of a joint tenancy. It is a very simple process to ‘sever the joint tenancy’, which involves completion of a simple application form to the Land Registry (there is no registry fee). Once done, the couple own the house as tenants in common and although most clients usually leave their share to each other, each is free to leave the share to others. The children of the first marriage (or their children) are a popular choice, because of the concern that the surviving spouse might marry again or be influenced by a scheming new partner to disinherit the children or grandchildren. Briefly, the new will involves the appointment a couple of reliable trustees and leaving the share in the house in trust for the children/grandchildren. The surviving spouse (who continues to own the other share) is given the right to continue living in the house or a replacement, with responsibility for keeping it in repair, insuring it and paying outgoings. The will can also state how the net proceeds on a downsizing are to be distributed or shared. Obviously, every case is different, and with higher value estates there are likely to be inheritance tax issues which will also need to be addressed. The key is to provide a safety net for the children, making sure that they are treated fairly and gain some compensation from the assets earned in the first marriage. Normally, a will is cancelled by marriage, but for many years there has been a special allowance for a new will to be made ‘in contemplation of marriage’. This is a great way for those about to embark on their second marriage to set their stall and tidy up the childrens’ inheritance. Trevor Dodwell – The Will Business Ltd
ShelterBox Generosity Following on from The Hadleigh United Reformed Church ShelterBox Nativity, the Hadleigh Guides took the ShelterBox out on to Hadleigh High Street on Saturday 18th February. We give thanks to those who generously gave and a total of £350 was raised. With the £2500 generously given during the ShelterBox Nativity at Hadleigh URC we have funded nearly 5 ShelterBoxes. Each ShelterBox provides the basic needs for a family made homeless by natural disasters and wars. Thanks again for your generosity. Revd Jim Dalgleish & Mrs Gloria Powell, Guider
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Most of you have probably seen any SuffolkJohn address, bus Hatfield or train station and return you there, following a around Hadleigh. Until last year heday,was one of memorable where time is yours. the town’s hardworking postal workers. But now he’s gone back to his entrepreneurial roots and launched a new business bringing together over twenty years’ of experience, passion and knowledge of the Suffolk coastline (although he Iceni Tours 0770 967 4514 still lives in Hadleigh). www.iceni-tours.co.uk info@iceni-tours.co.uk John’s company, Iceni Tours, has been set up to +%'0+ 61745 provide chauffeur-driven guided tours of both the well-known and the less remarked-upon elements of Suffolk’s beautiful coastline – with both the corporate hospitality and a general market in mind. John said “having set-up a number of businesses in the past that took me far away from Suffolk, I was keen to offer a service that actually kept me in the county and allowed me to offer something unique to business and individual customers alike. I was amazed to discover that nobody was offering chauffeur-driven guided tours along the 40-miles of our beautiful coastline. That is some gap in the market!” Iceni Tours’ basic proposition is an eight-hour long flexible tour, tailor-made and with a specific commentary focussed upon the clients’ particular interests. Making use of the very latest iPad technology, clients can both visit sites of interest and gain extra background information about them from both John and his database of information. Iceni Tours only uses modern seven-seater air-conditioned vehicles aimed at giving clients the perfect experience of the Suffolk coastline and all it has to offer. So if you – or your friends and family when they visit Suffolk want to see our coastline from new perspectives, why not contact John at email info@iceni-tours.co.uk or call him on 0770 967 4514 or 01473 808826. For more info. please go to www.iceni-tours.co.uk Refreshments throughout the tour – from morning coffee to afternoon tea, pub lunches or fish and chips – we can recommend numerous refreshment stops along the way!
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All residents are entitled to attend and speak at this open meeting. If you wish to have an issue relating to the town discussed at the meeting, please contact the Town Council Office as soon as possible so that an item can be included on the Agenda. Councillor Miss Penny Cook, Town Mayor www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Caroline Gibson Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: office@hadleighhigh.net Website: www.hadleighhigh.net Headlines by Caroline Gibson, Headteacher Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development at Hadleigh High School We aim to offer our pupils a very wide range of learning experiences which prepare them for all aspects of their life – academic, social, spiritual, moral and cultural. Many of these aspects feature in a range of lessons which they encounter. However, we support this with additional learning opportunities including enrichment activities, school clubs, trips, visits and interactions with people who come with different cultural experiences and perspectives. We want our pupils to be well rounded individuals who have a good grasp of the world in which they live and a high degree of self awareness and empathy for others. Anti Discrimination Workshop This workshop is made available to all pupils in Year 7 every year as we feel it is very important for our young people to consider the impact of racism and bullying. The actor, Michael Clarke runs the workshop to provide pupils with strategies to stop bullying. His monologues include his experiences of bullying and racism as well as the experiences of some of his friends and how this has affected their lives and relationships. Michael has performed at a number of Suffolk schools where he has been very well received. Year 7 pupils were very moved by the experience and participated really well in the question and answer sessions. Some of their views of the experience are shared below: ‘This workshop made good points about the effects bullying has on people when others say something offensive or racist. It also taught me that even when people say something as a joke it can still have a negative effect on someone.’ Max Tate ‘This workshop showed us that some people pick on others because they are different. No-one should be picked on for this, because we are all different in our own way.’ Melissa Whadcoat ‘I thought the workshop was very touching and made me think a lot. The actor made the point carefully through his acting. I found some parts upsetting and sad, but I enjoyed the experience. Thanks for the workshop. I think it will make me and others think before we speak and act!’ Isobel Field ‘It was good as it shows how sad and hurtful bullying is. It also tells us that everyone is different and there is something fantastic about this. We are all special in different ways.’ Charlotte Storrer
Walter Wright
‘I thought the workshop was very good. When he told us his story I thought it was disgusting that people can bully in this way. I have learned that in the future if I see something like this happening, I should always tell someone.’ Kenya Gray ‘The actor got the point across. It made people realise how critical racism and bullying can be in someone’s life.’ Mica Bridge ‘I think he got the message across that we should not bully other people, you should not put up with racism and that people actually dislike people who are mean and bully. He made it very clear that none of us should have to suffer from bullying.’ Sophie Woods Box Clever Theatre Visit to Hadleigh Last week we also hosted a visiting theatre company for pupils in years 7-9 to learn about Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ The group performed the play for Year 9 and ran a workshop for some pupils in years 7 and 8. Pupils had seen a film version, but many were more convinced by the live performance. Their responses were very positive and some of their views are shared below: ‘The production made the deep emotions of the characters more clear, This was not as obvious in the film as the audience feel less involved in film than when they are watching a performance.’ Katy Gant ‘I enjoyed the modern approach whilst keeping the original language.’ Hollie Gregg ‘I really enjoyed Box Clever’s interpretation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’. The set and the actors were amazing! I would love to see the performance again!’ Elinor Biggs ‘I thought the version I saw was very innovative and a different way of doing the play. I liked the acting and the props. However, the overall play wasn’t as in as much depth as I would have liked it to be.’ Andrés Grayston ‘It was intense. A great performance! It kept me interested the whole way through.’ Evan White ‘I liked how they got everyone involved and I had a great time studying Shakespeare!’ Georgia Clements ‘Really enthusiastic actors. Everyone was allowed to get involved. It was very good.’ Chloe Read Othello After last year’s successful performance of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, we couldn’t wait to start rehearsing for another performance in the autumn term of next year. This year we are taking on Othello, one of Shakespeare’s tragedies. Last year students gained confidence, improved their drama technique and made new friends, so many have come back to perform for a second year. Auditions will be soon, with rehearsals beginning and continuing for the remainder of the school year. German GCSE Day at Suffolk One On Wednesday 29th February a group of seven GCSE German students went on a trip to Suffolk One to take part in a day of fun challenges regarding the subject. The activities were organised by an A-level German teacher, Lisa Proffit. These challenges aimed to help the students to develop skills to help with their GCSEs. One student, Millie Forbes, said: “Overall, the day was incredibly useful and has really helped all of the students to learn vocabulary and new techniques for revision. We would all like to say a big thank you to Mrs Holmes for organising the day for us. A similar day is being planned for GCSE French students; it is hoped that this experience will prove to be as valuable to the students as the previous. It is also hoped that these trips will strengthen the links between Suffolk One and Hadleigh High”
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French Exchange Project Currently, the languages department is researching into an exchange partnership with the Collège Marie Curie in Arras, Northern France. Recently, Aurélie Trassy from Arras spent the day at Hadleigh High; she commented that she was delighted by the politeness and hospitality of the students here at Hadleigh. This week Mrs Sibley is visiting the pupils at Collège Marie Curie in France. The languages department is hoping to establish an email- pen friend system between the two schools; this will allow the students to improve their skills within the French language whilst also improving their communication skills.
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Box Clever Theatre Company Visits On 1st March, Year 9s were treated to a spectacular performance of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. This was a chance to see the classic play that they had been studying in lessons come to life in the Sports Hall. The innovative 4 metre high set created by the Box Clever Theatre Company captured the imagination of the students and put an engaging twist on the 16th Century tale. Box Clever then treated some of our AG&T Year 7 and 8 students to an introduction to Shakespeare workshop. These gave the students a chance to explore the works of Shakespeare in a new and interesting way.
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Netball The Year 7 Netball team have had mixed results this season, both winning and losing their games. One of their most successful victories was their match against Stoke High School where they won 10-0. The Year 8 team have also had mixed results but their best match against Chantry School resulting in an impressive win of 16-2. The Year 9s also did very well, winning the majority of their games. The Year 10 team did well in their area tournament winning 3 out of 5 matches and beat East Bergholt 15-9. 28
Telephone Community Newswww.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk on 01473 823366
Science week In the week commencing March 12th, Hadleigh high school began their science week looking at endangered animals, and the effects our actions are having on our world. Year 8 are visiting Colchester Zoo to continue work on the adaptations or animals, whilst the theme is being continued throughout lessons this week. Maths Challenge Success Recently, Hadleigh took part in the team Maths Challenge at Framlingham High School. A group of four talented mathematicians (two Year 9s and two Year 8s), were placed 8th in the competition, vastly improving on last year’s result. Competitors said they enjoyed ‘using different forms of maths,’ and said the overall experience was enjoyable. We’d also like to congratulate Robert Halls of Year 9 who achieved a Gold award in the written Maths challenge and therefore earns a place in the ‘Grey Kangaroo’ European Competition. This is a fantastic achievement and we wish him the best of luck in the next stage of the competition. Junior Chef Academy Year 10 students, Leon Evans and Josh Lake, have been attending the Junior Chef Academy at Suffolk New College for the past few weeks along with students from other schools. Whilst there, they are taught by a professional chef and caterer, skills and techniques that they will hopefully use in their successful careers! Leon and Josh have been invited to take part in a Graduation Ceremony at the college on Saturday 31st March, where they will be making canopies and putting together a buffet style lunch for parents. Library News We celebrated World Book Day during March. All pupils were given £1 world book day vouchers. These could either be swapped for the specially produced £1 books held in the Library, or used towards a book in participating stores. The book-themed bookmark competition which was run by National Book tokens inspired creativity amongst the pupils and our school winners will be announced shortly. Winners of all the competitions held during our World Book Day promotions will receive a book of their choice. Cross Country Alex Baxter represented Suffolk in the inter-counties cross country championships held in Birmingham at the weekend. He ran well to finish in 153rd position in a race containing 350 of the best runners from all over the country. This is a very creditable performance considering he was up against students who were a year older. In the under 20 event, former Hadleigh High School student Kieran Clements ran extremely well to finish in 3rd position. Year 11 Mock Interviews Recently, the Year 11’s took part in a range of mock interviews. Various employers from outside the school carried out the interviews; they were designed to replicate real job interviews which included a situation question and were each 15 to 20 minutes long. The year 11s could choose the type of job they were interviewed for and these included: teaching assistants, music staff and P.E. teachers. The students also had to prepare a CV and write a letter to apply for the job. One student, Bryony Farrow, said: “The year gained a lot more knowledge of what actually happens in a job interview.” The year group found the process very interesting and helpful and said that they feel they will be more prepared for when they apply for a real job. Sustainable Conference Trip to Belgium From April 18th – April 21st, 5 selected students will be representing the school in Belgium by attending a Sustainable Conference. Pupils will be visiting the City of Ghent and the nearby harbour to see their ways of being sustainable and protecting their environment. Students will also be undertaking other activities including, Swimming, High Ropes Course, Rock Climbing and much more. Students are looking forward to the trip in the upcoming month! Enrichment Day – Friday 16th March Our recent enrichment day was a real success, enabling students to learn in a totally new way. As always, the enrichment day was greatly enjoyed and students benefitted from the opportunities. Year 7 Enrichment Day: Year 7 pupils in H,A, and D became interior designers for the day as they planned how they would paint, re-floor and carpet a room of their choice before planning to decorate it with accessories and furniture. This activity was very beneficial to them as they feel that they are now prepared to decorate rooms of their own in the future! Other Year 7 pupils in L, E and I were studying how languages work in order to create their own language. They had taster sessions in Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and Russian which they thoroughly enjoyed. Year 8 Enrichment Day: Year 8 took part in an ‘animal magic enrichment activity day, carousel’ on the 16th of March. This day included one half of the year going to Colchester zoo and the other half staying at Hadleigh High and making a selection of biscuits, money boxes and finger puppets ranging over all of the technology subjects. The aim of the day is for the Year eights to learn about endangered species and animal conservation, ending the day with a whole load of new animal facts and information! Year 9 Enrichment Day: On March 16th Year 9 went on a year trip to the London Science Museum; around 150 students went and they had to leave school at the early hour of 07:00am. The idea of the trip was to teach the Year Nines all about the three applied sciences; this included all topics from space exploration to human and animal anatomy. Each of the groups got to see a presentation ran by the Science Museum about rocket ships. There is an interactive zone in the museum which is enjoyed by all visitors, given the chance to get interactive with science and join in some really fun activities (such as launching a mini rocket). With an early start the year nines were bound to be tired on the coach ride home! Year 10 Enrichment Day: On Friday, March 16th 2012, Year 10s had been planning the School Fete that they’re organising for Saturday, May 12th 2012. On the day, students were split into 6 of their chosen departments; Finance, Marketing, Special Events, Fundraising, Operations & Logistics and Hospitality. Each group focused on specific aspects that are required when organising a large community event. Students enjoyed the day very much as they felt they had developed many skills for the future!
Music Department Update It’s been a busy month for the music department, with various concerts and performances culminating in a Music Week at the end of the spring term. Snape Maltings: On Tuesday, March 6th 2012, 52 students and 7 teachers were fortunate enough to be able to perform at the Snape Maltings Concert Hall to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Schools’ Music. Members from Hadleigh High participated in the week - long Celebrations which brought schools together from across Suffolk. Altogether, approximately 1500 pupils from 50 schools had the opportunity to perform every kind of music imaginable – all ages and all abilities were brought together in this musical extravaganza. Both students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the experience and performing in one of the best concert halls in the world and wish to have the same opportunity next year! Battle of The Bands: Many students have signed up and formed bands to take part in the Battle of the Bands competition within school. Some members of staff have grouped together to form a staff band which is taking part in the competition too. The competition takes place every Friday lunchtime with the final being held on the penultimate day of term. Both staff and students are looking forward to the final! During the last week of term, the Music Department will also be organising a Music Week in which students will undertake musical activities during form time and within lessons. Hairdressing Showcase: On Thursday 23rd February the Hairdressing pupils at Hadleigh High particpated in a Showcase event. The theme was to create a Hair and Beauty Prom image to an audience of family and friends. Models were required to show their Prom look on the catwalk then pupils work was assessed by visiting judges from Suffolk New College and the Hairdressing industry. 1st place Kayleigh Willams - Hadleigh High 2nd place Laura Braund - Hadleigh High Joint 3rd place Holly Dann & Ellie Ord - East Bergholt High School. Tesco Vouchers 2012 The Tesco “Vouchers for Schools and Clubs” scheme for 2012 is now up-and-running. Over the years, we have been able to use the vouchers that we have collected to buy computers, printers, cameras and other equipment that has been widely used by our students within school to improve their learning experience. Please help us to buy more valuable equipment this year by sending us your vouchers, and ask your friends, neighbours and other family members if they have any vouchers to spare. Thank you very much.
Hadleigh Leisure Centre Highlands Road, Hadleigh IP7 5HU
Phone 01473 824441
Strikers Multi-Sports Thursday 5th April 10 am to 2 pm
Learn new sports, gain skills, confidence and have fun £9.95 per person Phone 01473 828348 to book
Roller Skating Bring your own or book ours for a skating session to music! £2 per person Skate & safety hire £1 per person. All ages. Phone 01473 828348 to book
St Peter's Church Elmsett Bell Fund
Hadleigh Community Primary News
The book sale that was held in March was very successful raising just under £400. By 11 am the hall was buzzing. Thank you to everyone who supported us, either by donating a good selection of books or coming along to buy. Angela Allen
Visiting authors create school heroes Key Stage two were delighted when they were visited by ‘The Two Steves’ (Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore) on Tuesday 28th February as part of our celebrations for World Book Day. ‘The Two Steves’ presented a lively show whereby the children were able to decide on the outcome of the hero in a variety of stories using their ‘I Hero’ books. The children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to decide the fate of the main character in the story, and some of them even had the opportunity to act out scenes! The next day, children in Years four to six wrote one hundred word stories using the idea of heroes. Also, the whole school had the opportunity to dress up as their own hero, for a minimum fee. The money raised will be used to purchase more books for the school. I’m a celebrity, get me out of here! Probably an unusual theme for a Science Day, but this was the focus for the whole school celebration of science and engineering which took place on Wednesday 1st March. Once again, we were ably assisted by the High School – we really could not attempt such a major event without their help, particularly in the planning and preparation stages. We began the day with an assembly which had a jungle theme – lots of jungle songs were enjoyed, and the hall was a sea of khaki. The children then went off to their various activities. In Key Stage one and year three, the children investigated sliding into camp, building rafts, identifying footprints and making insects from a given description. Children in years four to six had to make catapults to send a message asking for food, design a paddle racer, recognise the force needed to pull blocks of wood and they also made escape airplanes from a set of instructions and improved the designs to make a fuel efficient jet. Unfortunately, some activities involved bushtucker trials such as gathering plastic bugs from feely bags or tanks full of black sand or custard! At the end of the day, there was a whole school assembly, where some of the work from the day was shown and competition winners were awarded prizes. The intention of these days is to promote science investigations, and the children certainly appeared to have a lot of fun! Watch out for those beanstalks! Year four have been busily rehearsing for their performance of Roald Dahl’s ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They have been writing extra parts of script, in rhyming couplets to imitate his style, and they have been working really hard to learn the songs. Some children have been very creative when writing music to accompany the action – even including boomwhackers to sound like a hoover handle used to ‘beat’ Jack! The year group are to be commended for their hard work and enthusiasm, and for working well together as a team.
Home-cooking key to slim success says local slimming expert! A recent survey found that only one in four meals is home-cooked yet a local slimming expert from Hadleigh says it’s easy to create healthy and delicious dinners in your own kitchen and far more effective if you want to shape up this year. Yvonne Skinner who runs a Slimming World group in Hadleigh, says: “Often people find it difficult to lose weight because they’re not confident in the kitchen or they’re just too busy to cook so they rely on takeaways and ready meals, which are loaded with salt and fat. They might be put off slimming because they think they won’t have the time to cook healthy meals from scratch. Cooking doesn’t have to be complicated and lots of great classic meals are actually quick, simple and cheap to make at home.” Now a new book of all-in-one recipes from Slimming World proves her point perfectly with 100 mouth-watering meals that can be made easily in just one pot and they’re sure to become family favourites fast. Yvonne says ‘People have so little time these days and busy lifestyles play havoc with our waistlines. Every week at Slimming World members pick up new ways of shopping, cooking and eating healthily with as little fuss as possible, and research among our members has found that they buy more fresh produce and eat less fatty food than before they joined Slimming World. Better yet, they encourage their families and friends to eat more healthily too. They swap recipes ideas and let each other know about supermarket offers they’ve seen so they find they spend less money on takeaways and ready meals. “Slimming World’s new cook book is perfect for those people who want to lose a few pounds and the cold weather means we all crave comfort foods. The recipes in the Extra Easy All in One book include family favourites like Old-Fashion Shepherd’s Pie, Cheesy Vegetable Pasta Bake and Fast Fish Casserole which tick both of those boxes – they’re great comfort foods and great for the waistline!” All the recipes use the everyday, satisfying foods that Slimming World’s famous Food Optimising plan is based on – foods like fruit and vegetables, rice, pasta, potatoes, fish and lean meat – so members enjoy plenty of real food, never go hungry and still lose weight beautifully. When you combine this with the inspiration, motivation and friendly support that members get at a Slimming World group, that’s a powerful weight loss package that’s hard to beat. Everyone’s welcome at the Hadleigh Slimming World group every Thursday at the Guildhall from 5.30pm & 7.30pm and Extra Easy All in One is available in all 8,000 Slimming World groups nationwide at a price of £9.99 or from retailers priced £16.99. For more information visit www.slimmingworld.com or call Yvonne on 07971 921093
at Hadleigh Guildhall 10 am & 12 noon on Tuesdays Elaine 07946 815148 5.30 & 7.30 pm on Thursdays Yvonne 07971 921093
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
The Great Jelly Bean Easter Thursday 5th April, 10-12 noon Ansell Centre, IP7 5DL All children already in class Reception – Year 6 welcome Join us for stories, crafts and games as we find out about The Easter Story More details from Milly 827895 or Michelle 827757
Craft and Hobbies Exhibition St. Mary’s Church Hadleigh 17th - 18th November 2012 We would like to hear from you if you enjoy a hobby or craft that you would care to share with others, and help raise money for yourself and St. Mary’s Church in the process. At a previous event we had many exciting and interesting exhibits, including a restored Mini Cooper, an Aston Martin, a sailing dingy, quilting, jewellery, needlecraft, wood turning and pottery. Whatever your passion we would love to hear from you! To register your interest please contact Jim Wilding 01473 822550 07934535776, Sue Wells 01473 823376, Jane Haylock 01473 827752 or St. Mary’s Parish Office 01473 824987.
Farm Shop
Farm Trail
Coffee Shop
Birthday Parties
Farm Fun
Concert in Layham Church The Friends of St Andrew’s Church Layham were established in 2011 as a registered charity. The object is to enable members of the wider community in Layham and beyond that do not necessarily worship regularly in the church to nonetheless support the work of maintaining the fabric of the building which occupies such a prominent position in both the village and that area of the Brett Valley. As their first fund raising event of 2012 they are arranging a concert to take place in the church on Saturday 21st April starting at 7pm. The ticket price of £15 (£12 for Friends) will include a drink and refreshments during the interval. The music will be provided by Maria Camahort and Lucy Driver a flute and guitar duo who both graduates of the London Guild will play a mixture of mainstream classical music by Bach, Schubert and Poulenc together with a selection Spanish music which is their speciality. The concert will end around 9pm. If well supported this concert could prompt a return to the regular series of concerts run in Layham church during the 80s and 90s. Tickets can be obtained from Alison Dunn at Moat Hall Lower Layham IP7 5RB 01473 824353 cheques payable please to St Andrew’s Church Trust
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Graham H ow esD eep Trance Specialistand NLP GHR Registered GHSC regulated (Ex Harley Street W1) Telephone: 01206 391050 Email: info@edgehypno.com www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Love, Laughter & Learning The Hazels, Upper Street, Upper Layham, Ipswich IP7 5JZ
Telephone 01473 829449
Melanie Atkinson Ofsted Registered Childminder
Full & part-time places from birth, through the Early Years, Pre-School & beyond
Andrew Stewart MSST MRSS Sports Therapist and Shiatsu Practitioner Injury management and rehabilitation Back and neck pain Sciatica, headaches Stress related conditions Joint pain, nagging injury and much more
Practicing in Raydon for over 5 years andrew@raydontherapies.co.uk Tel 01473 652093 www.raydontherapies.co.uk
Melanie’s Minding Melanie’s Minding is a home based, Ofsted registered, childminding service located just outside Hadleigh in Upper Layham. I was born in Ipswich and, having settled with my family in Layham, I am pleased to be able to offer my home and care for children of all ages, from birth, through the early years and to pre school and beyond. I also offer before and after school care encompassing Hadleigh primary schools. Action packed school holiday places are available too. As a mother (and personal secretary to a Member of Parliament in a previous life!), I understand the demands of meeting a happy home and work life balance – as a childcare provider I work with parents to support their needs whilst catering to their children’s learning and development in a warm, loving and fun-filled environment. Relevant qualifications and experience are important and give an indication of the standard of care families can expect to receive from me. I have a BA (Hons) Degree in Childhood and Youth Studies and am fully qualified in paediatric first aid. Ofsted require me to be appropriately trained in providing home based childcare to include aspects in safeguarding children and food hygiene. All of this and I am an expert with a glue stick and in the making of chocolate crispie cakes! Outdoor play and adventure form a large part of the daily routine – with a large and exciting garden to explore and the wonderful countryside just outside the front door, wellie walks, bug hunting and nature trails are a must. Working with local families, creating links with other childcare providers and offering a professional, personal and high quality service, I hope that if you are looking for a childminder, or know someone that is, that you will be in touch with Melanie’s Minding. www.melaniesminding.co.uk melanie@melaniesminding.co.uk
Thankyou I would like to say thank you to the kind gentleman who helped me when I got into difficulties in Hadleigh High Street on Saturday 25 February (sorry I do not know your name) and to Steve Grimsey who also helped. It is very encouraging to know that there are still such kind people about in Hadleigh. John Gould
Sunday 8am & 10.45am (see website for details) 7.30-9pm Porch Project Illuminate (for teenagers) in Church Tuesday 11am at The Row Chapel. George Street 6-8pm The Porch Project (for teenagers) Wednesday 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist followed by breakfast Friday 9.30am to 12noon Cafe Church 7.30 - 10pm The Porch Project (for teenagers) Palm Sunday - 1st April 10.30am Joint service at Hadleigh URC (No 10.45am service at St Mary's today)
St Mary’s The Parish Church of Hadleigh www.stmaryshadleigh.co.uk Dean - The Very Revd Martin Thrower Tel: 01473 822218
The Benefice Office at St Mary’s is open From 10 am - 12 noon on weekdays Tel: 01473 824987 32
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
HOLY WEEK Wednesday - 4th April 7.30pm Mass with incense Maundy Thursday - 5 April 7.30pm Foot washing, Eucharist & Prayer Vigil Holy Saturday - 7 April 10am to 3pm FROGs Activity Day (for primary school children) 7.30pm Easter Vigil Easter Day - 8 April 8am Said Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer) 10.45am Celebration Eucharist Art Exhibition Saturday 20th - Sunday 29th - See separate details
Kenneth Moran 1945 - 2012 Linda, Claire and Karen would like to thank family, friends and acquaintances for their kind words and sympathy cards following the loss of Ken, all who attended his funeral and the ladies at Hadleigh Baptist Chapel for the lovely food and beautiful flowers. It was wonderful to see the Chapel so packed! Also a big thank you for all the donations made, £260.00 was raised for Woolverstone Wish in Ken’s memory.
Beaumont Primary School Spring has sprung here at Beaumont School! As the weather warms it continues to be a busy time in school, with the children taking part in an exciting range of activities. We have some budding reporters in the school, who have compiled the following reports on some of the activities which have taken place. A visit from a graffiti artist, a report written by Oliver Graham I was at school working on my graffiti project in Art, when suddenly I had an idea, I could ask my Uncle Dave, who’s a graffiti artist, to come into school. When he came into school he showed my class how to write their names in a graffiti style which was really cool. He started us off with the basics by showing us that it’s all about following a line. He also told us that most of the best graffiti artists started off with the same method but develop different styles. They all start off with just two lines. To change the style, you change the line shape. He then showed us how to develop our designs by adding more details. We all got started and in a couple of minutes we had all finished our own designs. The result of everyone’s work was remarkable, but sadly after that he had to go. It was the best art lesson ever! Netball report written by James Tapp: On Friday 2nd March 2012, 9 pupils from Year 6, went to a Netball tournament at Hadleigh High School. We left school at 10:30 and travelled by car to the High school where we went to the hall and met with the other teams. There were 6 teams competing from local primary schools including Beaumont, Kersey, Elmsett, St Mary’s and Hadleigh Community. Each team played 5 games which were each split into 5 minute quarters and at every quarter we changed positions. The point system was 4 points for a win, 3 points for a draw, 2 points if you get 50% or more of the other teams score and 1 point for a loss. In the morning we played the first 3 games and then we had a break for lunch, when we also had an opportunity to chat to the other competitors. In the afternoon we played the remaining 2 games. At the end of the afternoon the results were announced and the trophy was given to the winning team. The teams in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded medals. The results were in ascending order Elmsett, Kersey, Beaumont, Hadleigh whites, Hadleigh blues and the winning team was St Marys. We went back to school at 1 o’clock. We had a very enjoyable day, and kept positive even when we were being beaten! This was the third event we had taken part in and are looking forward to the remaining sporting events at Hadleigh High School which include Kwik Cricket and Rounders. The 2 Steves visiting authors, a report written by Scott Fosker In February Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore came to Beaumont Primary School. Steve and Steve are authors who write books which as you are reading them you can make decisions on what happens next. When you get to the end of each chapter there are two or three choices for what could happen next, you make your decision and turn to that page. The books they have written are called ihero books and the idea of each is to decide your own destiny. When Steve and Steve were at school The 2 Steves – Visiting they told us about their books and Authors, with Captain entertained us, all afternoon. We all Scoreboard played a games and they put us into two teams. We had to act out stories from lots of their books. Each team had to decide what happened next at the end of each part of the story. We also played a Yes No game in our teams. Where Steve and Steve asked us questions but we weren’t allowed to say Yes or No, it was good fun especially when our teachers played each other! It was a fantastic day. Before they left we were able to buy their books. I brought a book called Space Rescue which Steve and Steve signed for me. I have read the book five times, each time I chose a different ending. I think these books are a great idea, I have never read anything like them before.
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Fishing Department open for all your angling needs
visit us at: www.buyrightofhadleigh.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
E&OE April 2012. All items are subject to availability. Some pictures are used for illustration purposes only.
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Rotary Review CLUB EVENTS: The 34th Charter Anniversary Lunch took place at the Swan Hotel, Lavenham towards the end of February and almost 60 Members, partners and guests enjoyed excellent food and fellowship. The Hotel is to be commended for its Service, food and hospitality. SPEAKERS: 1 Roger Bannister, President of the Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the past, present, and future of the Chamber which has been established in Hadleigh since the 1950's and, perhaps, earlier. At present the Chamber has about 130 members and covers an area centred on the town but extending to the surrounding countryside not covered by Ipswich, Sudbury or Stowmarket. In the town it provides hanging baskets in summer and the Christmas tree for the market place in winter whilst it has successfully championed free parking in Hadleigh a number of times in recent years. Recently it completed traffic surveys relating to the proposed Brett works retail site. It hopes to become more involved with the wider community and has already supported the Porch Project at St Mary's, giving work experience to some of the youngsters as well as helping them to find jobs. There is always a stand at the May Show and everyone is welcome especially prospective members who may be from the non business community. He believes that the High Street is coping well during the present difficult economic times and that the way forward is to support and encourage the smaller niche businesses. 2 John Aries-Tyler, a student of Japanese History and highly qualified practitioner of Japanese martial arts, spoke about the Samurai who were the warrior class of Japanese society for many centuries until disbanded in 1868. He explained the caste systems which included both men and women from the lowest infantry who fought with staffs to the highest specialists who fought with swords. There were 3 sizes of sword - Kaluna [23"to 25"], Wakazashi [15"to 24"] and Tanto [ 9"to 12"] with the Samurai carrying all 3 into battle. He also described the swordmaking process and methods of fighting. Whilst talking he displayed many slides of warriors in full armour, different types of swords and some photographs dating back to 19th century. MEMBERSHIP: it is very encouraging that enquiries regarding membership are beginning to come in but there is still a lack of interest from the ladies. As the Club is looking forward to inducting its first lady President later in the year it would be super if she had one or two fellow ladies to support her. Hadleigh Rotary Club provides the opportunity to meet new friends, listen to a great variety of speakers, help your local community and you may give as much time as your circumstances allow. There is a new flexibility about Rotary membership now which does not impinge too much on family or business commitments. Have a look at the website and come along to a meeting to find out more. FUTURE PROGRAMME: 5th April Annual General Meeting, 12th April Chris Dobrowolski, regular speaker, 19th April Visit to Stuart Morris Textiles, 26th April Meal with partners at White Hart Boxford For all information about Hadleigh Rotary club please visit Rotary Club of Hadleigh website.
Staff of Light Theatre Company present The Case Of The Missing Spots Wednesday 4th April, 1pm, Ansell Centre, Hadleigh Come and visit Happy Dale and find out what happens when Daisy the cows spots went missing. All welcome.
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
Come and meet us at Stand No. L2 at the Hadleigh Show The Chamber is delighted to welcome an impressive number of Hadleigh retailers and businesses to our stand on Saturday, 19 May. They feature Plum Green for lovely gifts and accessories, Bromley and Fitch will be showcasing their beautiful tiles, Frost and Partners are on hand to offer property guidance, Gotelee Solicitors and Santander will be focusing on business and banking needs. Sweet Memories a Victorian-style sweet shop will be bringing old-world charm to our stand with jars of sweet concoctions for all the family to enjoy. Enter and win themed competitions on the day courtesy of Hadleigh retailers and businesses – prizes include a full day hands-on cookery course with lunch and wine from The Cooking Experience, a three-course meal for two at The George Public House, a full showroom professional exterior and interior valet service from Riddelsdell Garage, hopi ear candling and holistic facial massage from Feathered Angels, a gift voucher from Girls Love Roses boutique, a beauty voucher from French Complexion, a bottle of champagne from Adnams wine and kitchen store, two complimentary tickets from Red Rose Chain for the autumn performance of King Lear, a three-course meal for two at The King’s Head restaurant, a gift voucher from Ferguson’s Delicatessen, a gift voucher from Plum Green, a health and wellness gift voucher from Holon Healthcare and much more. This year, Red Rose Chain theatre and film company is staging Shakespeare’s King Lear at Theatre In The Forest; their outdoor theatre spectacular. Their street performance is appearing outside the Chamber stand at the Hadleigh Show and promises to be high-energy, interactive and child friendly and is inspired by King Lear. It will provide a tease of what audiences can expect from their summer programme in Rendlesham Forest. The performance at the Hadleigh Show will feature members of Red Rose Chain’s community theatre groups and youth company. Why not join the Chamber? Come and meet us and find out more about what we are doing and how we help provide referrals, business exposure and support to our members.
Join the chamber on-line today www.hadleigh4u.org for an annual subscription of just £20 or collect a membership form from the reception of Walter Wright Chartered Accountants, 89 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5EA. Tel: 01473 822 143
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
News from St Mary’s School Well done to the netball team from St Mary’s! The members of the team had a great time participating in the recent netball tournament at Hadleigh High School. As usual, the children displayed good team work and a positive attitude. All their hard work really paid off as they performed brilliantly and won the trophy following a dramatic final match. Thanks to the staff and students from the High School who organised another excellent sports tournament for us. We have been delighted to welcome so many visitors to our Worship and assemblies over the past few weeks. Thank you to all our visitors, including the Very Reverend Martin Thrower, Reverend Jim Dalgleish, Pastor Greg Frost, Ian Copeman, Philip Mann and Jackie Cork. Our Worship sessions this half term have all been focused on the theme of ‘trust’, considering who we place our trust in and why other people should trust us. Our many visitors have helped to bring this topic to life with stories, photos, discussions and examples. A big thank you to all who have helped us! The children from Key Stage 2 attended an exciting workshop with children’s authors ‘The Two Steves’ at Beaumont School. One of our pupils wrote “Exhilarating madness, hilarious humour and teachers nearly falling off their chairs. It can only mean one thing: The Two Steves! By the end of the day, everyone was talking about The Two Steves. Everyone enjoyed themselves and went home with smiles on their faces.” Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow read extracts from their books and got the children involved in fun activities such as dressing up as superheroes. It was a great event, designed to inspire children’s creative writing. Recently, we have celebrated World Book Day and World Maths Day. For World Book Day, everyone, including the adults brought in favourite books to share and read from. There was a real variety of books chosen. Listening to the staff talk about precious books from their childhoods was really interesting. On World Maths Day, the children took part in a variety of maths activities and investigations throughout the day. There were lots of challenges and baffling puzzles, including orienteering, estimating the number of words in favourite books and making structures using only spaghetti and marshmallows! The children had lots of fun while developing their maths skills. Professor Chaos from the Mad Science team visited the school in February to get the children excited about science! All the experiments were exciting and funny. One of the children reported, “By the time it had finished, my sides ached!” Another said, “I think Professor Chaos was full of charisma and it was the craziest morning ever and should be remembered!” The experiment involving children keeping balls in the air by blowing through straws was particularly popular! We were very proud of the children who represented St Mary’s at the Celebration of Schools’ Music at Snape Maltings in March. They joined students from Hadleigh High and several other schools to perform in front of a large audience. Thanks to Miss Staples from the High School who gave up her time to teach the children the songs – they sang beautifully! One of the children wrote about the event: “The evening went on with a spectacular atmosphere that was getting better every minute. We came on at the end of the first half – the excitement was intense! My heart was thumping like fury as we walked onto the stage.”
Hadleigh Heroes (They also served 1939/45) Petty Officer
Herbert Charles Keele Fleet Air Arm At the outbreak of World War 2, Sept 3rd 1939, Bert Keele was 22 years of age and employed in the Pye Electronics Research Division at Cambridge as a scientific instrument technician for which he had completed an indentured 5-year apprenticeship just prior to his twentieth birthday. As his father had done upon the outbreak of hostilities in the Great War of 1914/18, Bert immediately volunteered for service in the Royal Navy. However he found that the Ministry of Labour had placed him in a reserved occupation of the highest grade as one of utmost importance to the war effort, therefore his enlistment was referred back. (He had already developed a method of laminating Perspex more effectively plus, unknown to him at that time, he was working on a section of an advanced Radar system. (To ensure secrecy differing components were made in two or more factories for final assembly elsewhere). Not only was he unable to enlist in the Armed Forces, neither could he change his employment without Ministry permission and only subject to a replacement being available to his employer. The only other way of release was if the Armed Forces had a more pressing need than his civilian employers for his services. Three times he applied for exemption to join the Royal Navy without success until in June 1942 after nearly 3 years trying he finally achieved his release. On arrival at Chatham Naval Barracks he was introduced to 9 weeks Navy indoctrination. This included the edict that footpaths were not for the lower deck, followed by hammock assembly and how to sleep in one without falling out!! Combined with this were a number of trade tests before he was posted to the Fleet Air Arm as FX 99683 Air Fitter Keele H., joining a naval shore establishment sited as near as the Admiralty could find in the heart of England. Starting on an electrical engineering course, being tested at each stage before progressing to the next, he coped adequately and ultimately passed with 89% marking. A posting to H.M.S. Daedalus at Yeovilton, Somerset, meant yet another intensive course of 12 weeks, this time on aircraft instrumentation. Finally on completion of the course he found himself placed in charge of the aircraft instrument repair workshop (H.M.S. Heron) in June 1943 in the rank of Leading Air Fitter, with both naval and civilian staff under his supervision. Still aching to be sent on active service he continually requested a posting but received the same answer from the navy as he had in Civvy Street, “we need you where you are“, however that September things changed. A new group consisting of Marines and Navy was created, Mobile Operational Naval Air Base, (MONAB). Army battle dress was issued but Navy insignia was retained, a small arms crash course and an intensive heavy vehicle driving course completed the preparation of this disparate group for service in the Far East.Three MONAB units embarked at Liverpool on the Empress of Scotland, on their first stage to support the Australians and Americans in the recapture of the Pacific Islands from the Japanese. The Empress of Scotland, a pre-war Canadian Pacific liner converted to a troopship was not equipped to carry the heavy equipment and vehicles of the MONAB units. This was loaded onto a freighter in the same naval escorted convoy to America but once safely across the Atlantic the two ships were allowed to sail independently down to and through the Panama Canal to Australia. The troopship arrived sometime before the slower freighter and thus the time spent awaiting its arrival with their equipment enabled Bert to visit relatives and enjoy some warm Aussie hospitality. Final embarkation for the Pacific theatre of the war took place from Sydney. but not before Bert had the most terrifying experience of his life whilst the MONAB convoy was crossing The Great Dividing Range en route to Sydney. On the journey across the continually twisting mountainous road the clutch on his vastly overloaded lorry failed and he careered onward and downwards with brakes burning out, flying past the other vehicles in the convoy until facing him on a bend he saw an entrance to a disused quarry, ultimately he brought the vehicle under control and to a halt. Rescue was not long in arriving but the Aussie recovery team proved almost as scary as the experience with the runaway truck!! The purpose of MONAB was now clearly defined. To avoid aircraft carriers with aircraft that were too badly damaged for running repairs to be carried out on board having to disengage from action, these aircraft would be transferred to MONAB who were to be based on a specially
adapted repair ship that would follow any ongoing sea action. Well that was the plan anyway! Thus on Xmas day 1943 the group were to leave Sydney onboard a large freighter that had a landing deck fitted above its holds. This proved a spectacular failure but amazingly a second aircraft landing deck had been built some twelve feet above the first (it provided a useful area to sleep under in the still humid nights). Two large derricks, one on either side, were to lift damaged aircraft from their parent carrier onto the freighter’s landing deck thus averting the aircraft carrier’s otherwise complete withdrawal from the action area. However this plan never reached realisation as the naval engagements were so fast and widespread that the monolithic freighter was always likely to be too far out of position to serve its intended purpose, thus a plan B evolved. Bert and MONAB (Flycatcher) were to be offloaded onto a small island but not before the redundant freighter had its little farewell joke. They anchored in the bay of an island called Pittilu, one of the group named the British Admiralty Islands, one and a half miles in length, half a mile in width, no more than twelve feet above sea level and almost on the Equator. A landing craft manned by two American marines came out from a small jetty and Flycatcher’s equipment was loaded into large steel nets and lowered into the small craft below. The ship’s Number One called down to the Yanks to unload the contents but received a strictly negative reply and fingered signal. Without more ado the derrick was reversed and back up came the loaded nets. “You two grab the nets”, Number One barked over the ship’s tannoy. Bert and his Oppo promptly did as ordered but to their horror the derrick continued rising and then swung out and back down again to the small craft below. Thus terrified with legs dangling in midair, they became the first Brits to reoccupy their country’s dependency, after the Americans had turfed out the Japanese from these and the other Pacific islands enshrined in W.W.2 combat history. Flycatcher was made welcome and its crew luxuriated in conditions previously unknown to them but which the Americans regarded as hardship. Bert was finally to realise his long held aim of contributing actively to the war. The island was a carefully laid out coconut plantation but the Yanks had simply bulldozed straight down its centre and created a level but dusty runway. Work on the returning planes, mainly Sea Fires with some Buccaneers, whether they were flown in or brought ashore by landing craft, was continuous and exhausting in the debilitating humidity. This was only relieved by a plunge in the bay amongst the sea horses and a cool shower at the day’s end. The work was never-ending for his small team. There was however one constant problem that could not be resolved and that was the continued failure of the pilots’ oxygen mask regulators which were crucial to high altitude flying. There was no defect to be found but the problem kept recurring with pilots getting ever increasingly frustrated at their having to disengage from action due to this. Bert finally came up with the answer to the problem but adaptations to equipment could not be made without official approval and this took time, which they did not have. He therefore went ahead off his own bat, the pilots and their carriers being more than happy with the result that kept them in flying action. Bert’s enterprise was to rebound on him a short time later but not in the way he was expecting. A senior officer arrived demanding to know why the aircraft serviced at Pittilu were able to operate at high altitudes when other units in his command were unable to. Bert confessed how he had acted on his own initiative, expecting a rocket, only to be told that a plane would collect him the next morning to advise the two other MONAB groups plus the Americans, how to deal with this and other difficulties they were encountering. The adaptation was issued as a standing order and everyone was happy especially the senior officer who regarded it as his personal triumph and saw to it that it was he himself who was credited. Bert’s acknowledgment was to be promoted to Petty Officer. In August news came of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, followed three days later by the second bomb on Nagasaki. The Japanese announced their surrender on August 14th, eight days after the first bomb, a matter that was already on their agenda, although the actual surrender documents were not signed until the following month. The celebrations on Pittilu were similar to those repeated in many similar outposts; A mammoth drinking spree in the Yanks’ designated beer garden and the firing of Very pistols into the night sky and hair-raising Jeep races around the small islands’ dusty tracks and the now redundant runway. It became time to pack away all the paraphernalia that went with MONAB to be shipped back to Oz and prepare for the long voyage home, only this time without the need to keep watch for enemy submarines. This return came via India and South Africa finally arriving in the U.K. and demobilisation on 4th March 1946. With his Civvy Street suit Bert was handed his share of the Navy’s war prize money and three month’s pay plus his 1939/45 Star and Pacific Star and that was it. Bert never found the action he sought but played a vital role in supporting those who did. Fred Breyer/Rosemary Schade
Hadleigh Community Playgroup
Happy 50th Bev
Jennifer and Charlie Petts Congratulations on your Golden Wedding
With love, Stephanie, Carl & Kaz XXX
With love from Fiona, Phil, David, Jo and all your grandchildren
Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO Registered Osteopaths Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 820123 Mobile: (07913) 417020 Home visits available where appropriate
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Funding for 2 and 3 year olds Hadleigh Community Playgroup take children from 2yrs of age to 5yrs, Some 2yr olds will qualify for funding, and the 3yr olds receive 15hrs free childcare a week. (Government Funding) Why send your child to our setting! We pride ourselves on working in Partnership with parents until your child goes into nursery or school. Our playgroup offer a stimulating environment and experienced practitioners and the children will learn through play with our daily activities which include Painting, playdough, nursery rhymes, stories, ball games, mark making etc. The older children will be learning the phonic rhymes and this helps them to start recognising their letters. The playgroup now have a Breakfast Club which opens at 8am, morning session 9am till 12noon or afternoon session 12noon till 3pm. This half term we have..... Celebrated World Book day by getting the children to bring in their favourite story, and had invited Usborne books to come into playgroup so the children could buy new books. In the next few weeks we will start to prepare our garden for new flowers andvegetables, and of course celebrate Easter by having an egg hunt and having lots of lovely Easter activities. Our smartie tube challenge raised £132 for new resources for our setting well done to the families that supported us. Ladies Pampering Evening On Friday 4th May is our Ladies Pampering Evening tickets can be obtained from Janet, Megan and Kelly at the playgroup, or call the playgroup on 01473 827702, Tickets are £7 this includes a glass of wine, and the first 30 tickets sold will receive a gift bag. We have a range of treatments from having your nails painted to a massage or if you want to indulge in some chocolate or a lovely cupcake while catching up with friends then don’t miss out. There will also be many things to buy from a glass on wine to cards, and body shop treats. If you are interested in sending your child to our playgroup please phone Janet on 01473 827702 or for further information then visit www.hadleighcommunityplaygroup.co.uk.
Hadleigh Childminding Group The members of Hadleigh Childminding Group are pleased to offer their services and support to local families in providing the very best in affordable, reliable and flexible childcare. In the same way as nursery and pre-school care, we work within the guidelines of Early Years practice whilst also offering real-life learning experiences like cooking, shopping, gardening, sharing meals and going out to the park and library for children to enjoy. Our flexible and spontaneous approach ensures that children lead varied and enriched activities that enhance their learning and development. We care for small groups of children and take into account the individual needs of each child. Every child is unique. These small groups can include children of different ages where children learn to work and play together. Often siblings are cared for by the same childminder, many families find this convenient and beneficial to their needs. Offering wraparound care from early morning to late evening, including school and nursery pick up and drop off, school holiday activities and even some overnight providers, Hadleigh childminders really do go that extra mile for local families. Over the coming weeks the group will be running activities to include Sports Relief; an Easter themed fun day; supporting the National Childminding Association’s ‘Out and About’ week and holding a Mini Olympics too! Our vacancy co-ordinator would be delighted to hear from you if you are a family looking for childcare or, if you are a newly registered childminder seeking support and activities for children in your care, please contact the Chairperson. Vacancy Co-ordinator: Karyn Cuthbert 01473 810035 Chair: Melanie Atkinson 01473 829449
District Councillors Kathryn Grandon and Brian Riley will be holding their monthly walk in surgery on Saturday 14th April at Hadleigh Library from 11 until noon. You are welcome to drop in or to call 07866 581 556 to discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town. Appointments are not necessary.
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Hadleigh & District Garden Club The Club held their A G M on 12th March, so it was basically the beginning of a new year and marked changes to the committee. After apologies for absence and the usual business of an AGM the President John Rye, delivered his report on the years’ programme and this was followed by the Chairmans report on the more mundane matters such as the change of venue and the resulting difficulties - namely being unable to locate the light switches so our first meeting had to be held with less than ideal lighting conditions! Having thanked the officers and committee for their hard work and other members who do sterling work for the club, the chairman thanked Carole Burne, our retiring Treasurer, for her hard work over the last three years. Particularly as the expenses have risen significantly, as have the speakers fees making her job something of a juggling act. Thanks were also given to those who man the tea and coffee table. Carole Burne delivered the Treasurers report followed by Carole Cranston with the Secretarys report. It was proposed that the committee be re-elected en bloc with Ruth Smith to replace Carole Burne as Treasurer, this was passed and we welcomed Ruth to the committee. There being no other business; we broke for teas and coffees and the scrummy refreshments supplied by the Committee members (or their wives!) and followed this with an informal questions and answer session on gardening matters old and new and even old versus new. This is basically the gist of Aprils meeting, when we are hoping to welcome potential new members and especially those who may be new or newish to gardening. It’s suprising how many tips may be picked up just chatting to other gardeners. We’re a friendly bunch so do come along. We love to talk about our favourite pastime and if new to the district there really are some valuable tips to be had even down to the suppliers of whatever obscure acticle or service you need. For more information phone Ruth Allen 822323
Quilt Lottery Raises £390 for RNLI
enjoy your garden without the hard work ALL GARDENING & LANDSCAPE WORK UNDERTAKEN Mowing, turfing, planting, patios, driveways, fencing, pond construction and maintenance, total clearance. CONTACT ANDY LEEKS ON 07741 448208 OR 01206 337577 FOR MORE INFORMATION 40
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Congratulations to Mrs Jane Gales of Upper Layham, winner of the Hadleigh & District RNLI Quilt Lottery drawn on February 24th. Mrs Gales was delighted to receive this unusual and unique piece of craftwork. A total of £390 was raised with the help of Keith Avis Newsagents, The Framestore, Guthrums, The Hair Lounge and, in particular, Plum Green. All these local outlets were happy to sell tickets on our behalf; Plum Green very kindly displayed the item for us throughout the time tickets were available, and our sincere thanks go to them. Our Winetasting evening held at the Town Hall on 24th February proved a great success, raising a total of £736.50. Our thanks to Adnams, Andrews Butchers, Partridges Farmshop, Simon Cook of Smugglers and in particular Mark David of The Cooking Experience for all their support and hard work. Our thanks go to The Bell at Kersey for hosting our Annual General Meeting on 13th March. Upon completion of this meeting, the Committee enjoyed an excellent meal in comfortable surroundings. You may have noticed that the flag is no longer flying on the RNLI Regional Office in Magdalen Road, Hadleigh. The RNLI is undergoing a wide ranging restructure to ensure it is making the absolute best use of the funds the charity raises. As a result, this office has now closed and all fundraising staff will work in a slightly different way than before. However, we would like to let people know that we as a fundraising Branch are still very active in the Hadleigh area and anyone interested in working with our Committee is invited to contact either of the telephone numbers given below. Future Events: We look forward to seeing you at our Brew for the Crew to be held at Canterbury House, Gallows Hill, on the afternoon of Saturday 16th June. Further details nearer the time. We shall be undertaking house-to-house collections in Hadleigh and the surrounding villages in the latter half of May. If you would like to assist we would be delighted to hear from you – please telephone Kate on 01473 823570 or Biddy on 01473 822285.
Monday 16th April Ground Floor of Town Hall, 7.30 p.m.
Getting Started - Help & Advice £1 member £3 visitors includes refreshments
Garden Machinery
Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts I seem to have slipped behind my planned programme again, so my main gardening thought at the moment is the question of how I am going to catch up. The second thought is the question of drought and hosepipe bans. I thought the coincidental announcement of the hose ban, and the need to build 32,000 houses per year in East Anglia on the same day was telling. Extra houses must inevitably mean extra use of water, although steps could be taken to minimise this by insisting on providing tanks to collect roof water. Returning quickly to gardening the water authorities view of how useful rain is differs somewhat from that of the gardener. The gardener is interested in how much moisture there is in the top 6" of their garden or allotment soil, whereas the water authority is interested in the water running off into streams and rivers, or soaking down into aquifers. For a given amount of rain the amount usefully retained in garden soil will depend on the type of soil, and how much organic material is in it. Pure sand will be significantly different to heavy clay. The three month running rainfall total that I include is a crude way of measuring how much water is available to our plants. The water authority is more interested in annual rainfall. I normally provide extra water to potatoes, and runner beans plus some shallow rooted plants like primroses and phlox. I guess the hosepipe ban will mean smaller crops from the vegetables, and some hard work carrying watering cans to spot water the few plants that I like growing, but are always a challenge in East Anglia. The experts will advise mulching wherever possible. This can work in a small garden, but in a large garden it is difficult to acquire sufficient material at an economic price. Open Gardens It is a sign of Spring that there are quite a god number of gardens open in April. The ones I have included are selected from the NGS scheme within reasonable range of Hadleigh. I will include others when I know of them. 1st April Woodwards Blacksmiths Lane Coddenham 7th & 8th April Tudor Rost Fingringhoe Colchester 8th April Rosemary Rectory Hill East Bergholt 15th April Blakenham Wodland Gardens Little Blakenham 15th April East Bergholt Place East Bergholt 28th April Larks Hill Clopton Rd Tuddenham St Martin 28th & 29th Olivers Olivers Lane Colchester 29th April Riverside House Stoke Road Clare Weather Records The useful rainfall of January was rather undone by the low rainfall in February when the rainfall was only 13.8 mm (0.54"). This made the 3 month figure 131.6 mm (5.2"), which is just a little bit short of the average. In February the maximum temperature was 15 Cel (59F) which is warm. In 2004 there was a maximum of 16 Cel, otherwise this was the highest back to 2000. The minimum was -9 Cel (16F), which is the lowest since my records start in 2000. In my garden the ground temperature in mid March is 5 Cel (41F), so the ground is beginning to warm up. Hints This months first hint concerns growing two plants that seem to be a bit out of fashion at the moment. Sweet Peas grown for exhibition require a lot of work with de-shooting, removing tendrils etc. People have forgotten that this is a hardy annual, and like all hardy annuals will grow quite well sown direct in the ground in late March or April. All it needs is something to scramble over to reward you with some nice flowers and for most varieties a beautiful smell. In a similar way when one goes to flower shows one sees fantastic displays of perfect dahlias. These will have been grown from cuttings and stopped, and groomed with much expenditure of time and effort, but one can get a good colourful display of dahlias in the garden by planting dormant tubers in April. Nowadays one can get dahlias in a range of heights to suit almost any position. Both of these plants will appreciate some organic material in the ground, and in both cases you will need to keep a sharp look out for slugs and snails which love the tender young shoots. The second hint is to remind you to treat your Spring flowering plants well. Let the daffodils die back naturally after they have finished flowering, so that they build up bulbs to flower next year. Divide up any overcrowded clumps of snowdrops while they are still green. Prune your early flowering shrubs like forsythia, and Winter flowering jasmine as soon as they have finished flowering Good Gardening, John Rye
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EASY PARKING www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Dear Sir Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
Dear Sir Congratulations to Hadleigh's professional drummer George Double for initiating the Hadleigh Jazz Club. What a triumph to attract Derek Nash, the vibrant and versatile leading British Saxophonist and his ensemble to Hadleigh. It was a brilliant evening, heavily oversubscribed, in the Town Hall dining room. Bags of atmosphere. Well done George for good marketing and excellent organisation. I can't wait for the next session Tina May on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th April. Roger Young
So then, I hear that Morrisions are taking over the Buy Right site by Christmas - What a great result and hopefuly they will bring a petrol station at competitive prices with them as well. But, where have all antisupermarket brigade gone? No petitions, no rallys, no comments in Hadleigh News - very strange. Also I hear rumours that Edwards is going to be a Waitross store - that's 2 new supermarkets in Hadleigh and still no uproar. Maybe they just were just Anti Tesco and Waitross is a bit posher for the Earl Grey drinkers of HadleigI for one can't wait for all this choice and competitive pricing that is coming and of course if you don't like progress there's always the Estate Agents you can visit. Mr Parker
Dear Sir I would like to thank all my family and friends for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts I received for my 80th birthday. Peggy Hynard
Dear Sir We would like to express our sincere thanks to the unknown good Samaritan from Kersey who transported our friends, from Bedford, who had suffered a serious motor breakdown, in the late afternoon of 7th March from Hadleigh Tyre premises to our home in Shearman Road. Eric & Sylvia
Dear Sir Happy 25th Birthday
Happy 50th Mum
Samuel & Liam Brown
Lots of Love Stacey, Johnny, Tommy, Em, Faye, Jack and Bobby
Love from Mum, Alex, Emma, Emily, Kameron & Nan XXX
A heart warming story. I recently visited a friend at Ipswich Hospital and on posting my £2.80 into the machine for parking, received no ticket. I hammered on the machine, hoping to release it, but to no avail. A young soldier in camouflage uniform was near by and asked what was wrong. When I explained he said “that’s disgusting” and insisted on giving me the money out of his own pocket so that I could use the other ticket machine. I could not embarrass him by refusing his kind action, so thanked him and said that he was earning his halo. If anyone has heard his end of the story, tell him he is much appreciated and he made my day. A not so heart warming story. Driving recently throughout the Babergh District I noticed where the verges have been moved and brushwood cut back an appalling amount of litter has been revealed. Last year I phoned the Street Cleaning Department to report the same thing and was told they would only collect if there was a dumping in one place, and that it would be covered over by the next summers growth. What sort of officials have we? What sort of people live here? Margaret Laws
Dear Sir Most householders are careful about recycling their rubbish. Why is it then that businesses have only one bin, into which all their rubbish goes? This is then taken to a tip and in the words of an operative collecting bins in the High Street on Monday when I asked what happens to it “it all goes into the same hole”!! Why can’t businesses sort their rubbish like we do? Arthur Jacobs
Dear Sir The Council claims that the switching off of the street lights at midnight will save money but will this really be the case. I understand that threre has been a spate of wheelie bin fires, which of course has meant the fire brigade has had to be called out to deal with them, and no doubt we will learn in due course that there has been an increase in petty crime during the hours of darkness. I have had recent experience of “blackout” Hadleigh as recently I had to collect my son from a birthday party from a house on one of the local estates. As it was after midnight all the street lights were off and it was impossible to distinguish one house from another. In the end I had to resort to ringing him to ask him to stand on the pavement so I could see him. This is a retrograde step – bring back the street lights. Hopefully I am not alone in my fears that something terrible will happen before long, if a fire gets out of hand for instance! Does someone have to be injured or worse still killed befor ethe Council take action and listen. Joanne Pointer 42
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
MAY FAYRE, BALL RUN & PLANT SALE Saturday 12th May 2012 2-4pm Entertainment, beer & bbq, stalls, games, gift stands, plants, refreshments,
Plus, BALL RUN with fantastic prizes for the first ball into the SPLASH
St. Joseph’s Long Bessels, Hadleigh The Catholic Parish of Sudbury with Hadleigh Parish Priest: Fr Peter Brett (01787 372703) 07785 562518 (Emergencies) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367) Mass times at St. Joseph’s Hadleigh 11.15 a.m. Mass (tea and coffee after Mass) Sunday: Wednesday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) Friday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated in Sudbury on Thursday 5th April at 7 p.m. The Good Friday celebration of the Lord’s Passion will be held in Hadleigh at 3 p.m. The Easter Vigil Mass will be held at St. Joseph’s at 7 p.m. on Saturday 7th April at 7 p.m. For more details and for week-day Masses at Sudbury and for any changes to the times of week-day Masses in Hadleigh please consult the Parish Newsletter or refer to the web site www.sudburywithhadleigh.net or contact Father Brett or Deacon Andy The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after Sunday Mass at Hadleigh, or by arrangement with Father Brett.
care, reassurance and support, when you need it most 61 George Street, Hadleigh Tel: 01473 823117 Branches throughout Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex www.eastofengland.coop
Jerry’s Diary At Lower Layham the Great Grey Shrike was still attracting birders to the main pit road. Some came from the London and Surrey area to see this bird. Many of them hoping to take better photo’s than on their last visit. This Shrike has chosen to winter in a more excessablesite than most of the others in the South East area which are on heathland or heath like habitat. The Layham bird looks like it’s putting on weight. This is common in species that migrate long distances. They store fat, some species will double in weight, this will give them more energy to fly to their winter / breeding grounds. Some species may need to build up their fat reserves several times before they get to the breeding/ winter grounds. The Shrike could stay here through until April. Not much else to report for our local patch, only an unconfirmed report of 2 Lapland Buntings with Skylarks along the pit road area on 16th March by three birders looking at the Shrike. Jerry
Sign up for Midnight Walk
WEBSITE Apologies for the fact that our website has been down for the last couple of months. We are currently constructing a new website which should be available some time during April. In the meantime the original website is now up and running again.
Ladies only! You are invited to take part in St Elizabeth Hospice’s Midnight Walk on Saturday 19th May 2012. New for this year will be a school disco- themed warm up and two routes to choose from – five or eight miles. The walk starts from Ipswich Town Football Club and goes through Ipswich Town centre at night. The longer route will poignantly pass by the Hospice itself in Foxhall Road, providing a moment for reflection. Registration is £15 including a Midnight Walk Tshirt. Closing date for registration is May 11th 2012. Walkers are asked to raise as much sponsorship as possible. You can sign up online at www.midnightwalkipswich.co.uk or call 01473 707043 or email midnightwalk@stelizabethhospice.org.uk to be sent a form in the post. HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL
A UNIVERSALLY ACCLAIMED FILM FOR APRIL FRIDAY 20th APRIL at 7.30 pm £3 (accompanied children £2)
THE HELP (12A) The Time: Early 1960s The Place: Mississippi The Subject: Racial Segregation Based on Kathryn Stockett's novel is our April film THE HELP, telling the story of Skeeter, a wealthy college graduate, played by Emma Stone, who gets a job as a journalist. After her family’s maid disappears she works secretly with two maids to write a book about what it's really like to be a black maid working for a white family at the time of racial segregation - which meant that black people and white couldn't use the same bathroom or sit together on a bus. This southern melodrama is a hugely enjoyable adaptation of Stockett's best-selling novel. It frames the push for racial equality by Skeeter, the lone -voiced journalist who, despite living all her life in this segregated world, coaxes tales of rage from the below-stairs help and, as a result, ruffles the feathers of the town's dyed-in-the-wool racists. The two black maids are sympathetically played by Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer - the latter recently received an award for Best Supporting Actress for this film at the 2012 BAFTA presentations. How the film develops and what will be its outcome in this hard, brittle world of the 1960s, we will leave our film patrons to find out for themselves. Admission to each film is £3 on the door (accompanied children £2 if appropriate).As always we will be serving refreshments and choc ices at an appropriate interval.
CONTACTING THE ACC • Call Eve on 827888 • Call Jan on 823413 • Email Jan at jan@dicks.plus.com • Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk
WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access through the church garden. 44
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
QUEEN ELIZABETH II’s DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Saturday 2nd June 2012, 10am - 12 noon, Ansell Community Centre FILM AND WORKSHOP for Primary School Aged children and parents Refreshments available St. Mary’s Church open 12noon – 5pm serving refreshments There will also be an exhibition celebrating the life of St. Mary’s. Toilet facilities available. Sunday 3rd June 2012, 12pm to 3pm BIG JUBILEE LUNCH Hadleigh High Street from the Kings Head Public House to the Market Place Turning Hadleigh Town Forum will be providing tables and 300 chairs, Bouncy Castles and Face Painting, Outlets in the High Street will provide entertainment and food Bring your own picnic - It is hoped you will meet and eat with friends and celebrate this event together St. Mary’s Church open 12noon – 5pm serving refreshments. There will also be an exhibition celebrating the life of St. Mary’s Toilet facilities available. Monday 4th June 2012, 7.30pm to midnight, Hadleigh Town Hall 1950’s JUBILEE DANCE Music by Blue Suede Shoes Tickets £7.50 per person available from The Idler and the Town Council office. Why not come and join us – 1950’s costume optional Other Organisations events: Monday 4th June, 10am at Toppesfield Bridge Hadleigh Sea Scouts will be holding their DUCK & RAFT RACES with BBQ & Live Music from 1pm at The George. £2 per Duck – Register your Raft Team at The George More details will be found around the town nearer the time and in May’s Community News or contact Elaine Root on 01473 823884.
News from the ‘ologies
by Peter Finch
This month I’ve come back to earth (after the cosmic scope of last month’s issue) with a roundup of some interesting health-related research. Lack of sleep may increase your appetite for food Having difficulty sticking to your diet? If you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep then that could be the cause. New research by the Department of Neuroscience at Uppsala University in Sweden shows that areas of the brain that contribute to our appetite become more active after a sleepless night. The research was carried out using fMRI scanning to study the brain activity in normal weight people while they viewed images of food, after a good night’s sleep, and after a night without sleep. Dr Christian Benedict who led the study comments: “Bearing in mind that insufficient sleep is a growing problem in modern society, our results may explain why poor sleep habits can affect people’s risk to gain weight in the long run. It may therefore be important to sleep about eight hours every night to maintain a stable and healthy body weight.” Eating fish can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease If you regularly eat grilled or baked fish then you are improving the health of your brain and also reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and School of Medicine, led by Dr Cyrus Raji have discovered that people who eat fish at least once a week maintain the grey matter in brain areas that are at risk from Alzheimer’s disease. A good volume of grey matter in your brain is essential for brain health and working memory and any loss indicates that brain cells are shrinking. Eating grilled or baked fish builds stronger neurons and ensures that working memory is kept to the optimum. "Working memory, which allows people to focus on tasks and commit information to short-term memory, is one of the most important cognitive domains," Dr. Raji said. "Working memory is destroyed by Alzheimer's disease. We found higher levels of working memory in people who ate baked or broiled (grilled) fish on a weekly basis." Unfortunately, eating fried fish does not provide the same benefits. So to keep your brain healthy and to protect against mental decline, eat grilled or baked fish at least once a week. Working too much can cause depression We have all heard that working long hours can be bad for you, and that it is important to have a good work/life balance, but new research from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and University College London shows that long working hours can bring on serious depression. A study that followed 2000 middle-aged British civil servants found that the odds of a major depressive episode were more than doubled for people who worked over 11 hours a day, compared with those who worked 7-8 hours a day. And factors like age, illness, smoking, alcohol consumption, or job strain could not be blamed. To date no explanation for the greater risk has been found but it may be caused by work-family conflicts and difficulties in unwinding after work. So, here’s the health warning, even though we live in tough times and you need to work hard to survive, working too much can seriously damage your health. Red wine is good for you (if you drink enough of it) If you are a red wine drinker then you probably know about the health benefits that one of its key ingredients, resveratrol offers. Typically it has been claimed that resveratrol can lower cholesterol, protect against stroke damage, protect against colds, increase longevity, protect against Alzheimer’s and reduce the risk of heart and cardiovascular disease. However, clinical studies show that the amount of resveratrol necessary to achieve these benefits is about 1 gram per day. Fine you may say, but what does that mean in actual terms like bottles of wine? Well here is the rub, according to the US National Institutes of Health, if you want to consume 1 gram of resveratrol in red wine you will need to drink over 600 bottles of the stuff, perhaps more than even the most ardent red wine lover can manage in a day! News from the ‘ologies is for readers interested in science and research that affects our everyday lives. To comment or give feedback, email: pjf@opensecret.co.uk.
Want to advertise your business?
Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Monday 2nd April Dixon Darts Finals Nite – End of season, all welcome Friday 6th April Good Friday, Easter Bunny Karaoke Company from 8.00pm Sunday 7th April – Easter Saturday, Jim Bob Duo 8th & 9th April – Easter Sunday & Monday Bar open all day for Sky Sports on big screen Saturday 14th April Charity football amtch at Millfield followed by dance at the RBL Club. Prceeds for special needs party in October Saturday 28th April – The Martells, a brilliant local group. TBA – Quiz night with Charles. Zumba classes on Tuesday and Fridays 9.30am - 10.30am Ring 07833 358566 for details Hall Hire 01473 824874 ask Tony for details
Dont forget our Hall Hire: Lounge 30 people, Main Hall 100 people Ring 824874 for details
All members, old and new, very welcome!
Poets Corner My Dear Mum !!! In loving memory of my dear mum who would've celebrated her 69th Birthday on 29th April. Happy Birthday Mum. I love you!!! I loved my mum with all my heart Which broke the day she left me Such a pleasure to care for from the start She always loved to spoil me She was a ray of sunshine To me in my darkest days Times got hard but I was proud she was mine And I loved her for all of her days I’d take her shopping on a Monday After she got her money We had a good time in every way And had such a joke it was funny I know mum’s are supposed to show you up But with us it was the other way round She was always hissing at me to shut up Wanting to be swallowed by the ground I’d really wind my mum up good Like shout and make her cringe Knowing really that she never would Tell me off and make me winge
We deliver 7600 of these magazines direct to homes and businesses in Hadleigh and the surrounding area.
But after all is said and done She was one great lady She was my all my number one My dear mum little Sadie!!
Telephone Kelvin on 01473 823366
Alison Barber XX www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Mark Beer & David Spraggons
Newton Green Golf Club Ladies Section AGM
Plumbing & Heating Engineers
Bathrooms and Tiling Gas & Oil Boiler Installation Tel: 01473 829863 Mobile: 07766 446200 15 Dunton Grove, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5HD The Ladies Section of Newton Green Golf Club held their AGM recently which was chaired by outgoing Captain, Jill Symonds. There had been an increase in membership to the ladies section during the year to 87 ladies and 7 junior girls. Two of Newton Greenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s junior girls, Eloise Aldous and Alice Barlow had been selected to take part in national junior training. The ladies would be entering the Suffolk Senior Shield, which is a new County Competition. Members had raised ÂŁ1660 for East Anglian Air Ambulance, Jill Symonds chosen charity. New Ladies Captain, Di Cunningham, has chosen as her charity, East Angliaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospice. Emily Penfold was presented with the trophy for Golfer of the Year. The following morningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Captainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s drive-in dawned bright and sunny for Di Cunninghamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. It being Shrove Tuesday, she was greeted by members dressed in frilly aprons with frying pans and pancakes ready. Fifty two lady members then played a 4 ball better ball Stableford which was won by Sally Cade and Rosemary Thomson with 25 pts ocb, Angela Chapman and Pam Guilbert 25 pts, Lizzie Johnson & Julie Boast 24 pts.
Hadleigh Hares, Novice/junior triathlon club Introduction to triathlon Meet at Hadleigh High School Tuesday 7-8pm or Wednesday 5-6pm and Saturday 8-9am. Free t-shirt to all new junior members Coaching in swimming, cycling and running, Sessions include transition practice, brick, mount and dismount practice, competitions and much more. Swimming Non triathletes welcome, held at Hadleigh swimming pool, Sunday 8.30-9.30am. ÂŁ3.50 per session or ÂŁ12.50 for a block of 5 (subject to change) Optional coaching cards to follow or a 15min coaching session is offered from 8.45-9am. All abilities welcome. Contact carol.nokes@btinternet.com
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Emma, Steve, Corey and all your family & friends
on qualifying as a Registered Nurse at the University Campus Suffolk in February 2012 WELL DONE With all our love and best wishes for the future Mum, Dad, Luke, Millie, Jonny and all the family XXX
New cycling club in Boxford! It has been an exciting and busy start to the year for the newly formed Boxford Bike Club. The informal meetings of a couple of riders on a Sunday morning turning into a forward looking, organised and official cycling club, with a ever growing membership of over 30 riders. At the beginning of January the club became affiliated to British Cycling, the national body for cycling in the UK. This affiliation has brought with it many benefits, including insurance for the club and its members as well as advice and support. The club has also taken delivery of their snazzy new club kit, which is now being proudly worn by club members. The popularity of the club, in some part stems from the accessible nature of the rides we organise. The club's hour long introductory ride, which leaves the village at 9.30am on a Sunday morning, remains a popular choice for those new to the sport, or just starting off. Those wanting more of a challenge leave the village at 8 o'clock for a longer ride. Although the majority of club rides are road rides, we have organised regular off road or mountain bike rides, making use of the tracks and trails which surround Boxford. Our Wednesday night ride heads out from the village at 7pm and will undoubtedly become more popular as the evenings become lighter. Please contact the club if you are interested in joining us on one of these rides. To help organise and promote the club we have recently launched an exciting new club website which can be found at www.boxfordbikeclub.co.uk. On this site you can find more information about rides, events and membership. We can also be found on Facebook, search for ‘Boxford Bike Club’, and on Twitter @boxfordbikeclub. Although it is still relatively early in the cycling calendar, members have already taken place in various cycling events. The Interbike sportive at Mark Tey saw members complete the relatively hilly (for Essex) 50 mile route, in pleasing times. The more competitive winter mountain bike race series in Thetford saw members compete in the 2 hour race. The freezing fog engulfing the riders for most of the race! As well as taking part in cycling events this year the club will be organising its own events. The first of these will be the Boxford Tornado Sportive on Sunday 15th April. This non-competitive event will consist of 3 signposted routes of 20miles, 40miles and 60miles leaving from the playing fields in Boxford and using the pavilion as the event headquarters. Hopefully this event will attract riders from Boxford, but also riders from further afield. Entry to this event will include free post ride refreshments and access to a carefully chosen scenic routes, that will take advantage of the quiet and picturesque rural roads and lanes which surround Boxford. For more details about this event go to the club's website. In addition the club is organising a family jubilee ride, to take place on the Monday morning of the Boxford jubilee celebrations on the 4th June. This shorter 6mile route will take in landmarks, churches and pubs in Boxford, Groton and Edwardstone, and will involve the children in a treasure hunt activity. The ride will end in Boxford in time for the jubilee celebrations starting at midday. We are really excited about playing our small part in these village celebrations. All of this would not have been possible without the considerable support of two Boxford based organisations that have both contributed financially to help the development of the club. Both the Gareth Weiland Memorial Fund and the Boxford Community Council have awarded grants to the Boxford Bike Club. The money from Gareth Weiland Memorial Fund being used to help design and produce a club kit, affiliate the club to British cycling, and to cover any costs associated with organising and running our own cycling events. The money from the Community Council being used to cover the costs of the new club website. The club members are all extremely grateful to both organisations for their support. Lastly, as a new club we are always looking for new members, so if you're interested why not join us for a ride? For more details on membership, rides and events visit the club's website, www.boxfordbikeclub.co.uk.
GARAGE SALE Timperleys Cul-De-Sac, Hintlesham IP8 3PS 14th and 15th April several garages open over the weekend 10am till 4pm
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Newton Green Golf Club The Golf Club for Sudbury
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Utd U15’s win through to Vase Final Hadleigh Utd under 15 football team have won through to the ‘Ipswich and Suffolk Youth Football League’ Vase final for the second season in succession after an outstanding display against ‘Ipswich Exiles’. Hadleigh Utd FC kindly let the fixture go ahead on the ‘Millfield’ main pitch and the large crowd of supporters were treated to a match that was full of skill and good play from both teams. Hadleigh took the lead midway through the first half with Gareth Wray combining with Tommy Newbigging on the right hand side before the latter squared the ball for Shaun Lloyd to score with a well placed shot from the edge of the area. The Exiles were working hard but the Hadleigh defence were giving nothing away. The Ipswich side who are runaway leaders of Division 2, had not been behind much this season as they boasted an unbeaten league record, and scoring 68 goals whilst only conceding 9 in the process, but behind they were at half time. The second half saw Hadleigh Keeper Darren Bland, pull off a Miraculous save when an Exiles player shot from close range down to his right and somehow Daz managed to push it onto the post before Ryan Bray cleared from under his own bar. This could have been the turning point in the game, as from this Hadleigh broke away and Tommy Newbigging scored when he beat the on rushing Exile’s keeper with a brave header. Ipswich Exiles were pushing to try and get back in the game when the strong running Hadleigh Striker, Louis Hunt-Cole scored a third for Hadleigh that effectively put them through to the Final which will take place on 22nd April against Walsham le Willows at Gainsborough. Thanks must go to the Hadleigh Utd committee for letting us use the ‘hallowed pitch’ and especially to Chris Towell who did some extra pitch preparation for us so that the surface was perfect. HADLEIGH UTD U15 PAINTBALL DAY The boys and some of the parents had a great day Paintballing at, ‘Gunsmoke Paintball’ on 4th February. The money for this was raised by the Tea stall that operates pitchside on home matchdays and was organised by Lyn Henderson. It was the first time Paintballing, for many of the players and I know that talk of a return visit was rife once the 4hr session had finished. Once the ‘War Fighting’ had finished it was of to the team sponsors at ‘HUFFERS’ for food to re-charge the energy levels. Thanks go to Lyn for organising the day, Mekin and all at ‘Huffers’ for feeding us and to all those that help with the tea stall on matchdays: Margaret for serving, and parents for the hot water. Continued support of the stall is essential if ‘player days’ for the future are to be arranged. TEAM BIDS FAREWELL TO COACH ‘SEAN TALMAN’. Team ‘Coach’ Sean Talman leaves us in March to further his coaching credentials with a six month trip to America where he will be coaching with teams in the MLS. Sean helped us for a while last season but has been with us for the whole of the present season where he has helped the team immensely and will be sadly missed. All players, staff and parents wish Sean well on his travels and look forward to seeing him back next September.
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Hadleigh United Under 13’s Win Division One of South Suffolk Youth League
Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh
Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Lady01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Lady 01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Lady01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk & BUILDING BUILDING SHOWROOM TIMBER BATHROOM Tel: 01473 822318 Fax: 01473 BATHROOM 824953 SHOWROOM TIMBER & TIMBER & BUILDING BATHROOM SHOWROOM email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk
Hadleigh United opened up the scoring in the first minutes of their match against Woodbridge XI when a cross into the box from Luke Brown saw Oliver Peters volley the ball into the back of the net. Following some good passing and continued pressure on the Woodbridge defence Oliver Peters had soon scored again. Hadleigh gained the majority of play and pushed forward. Some neat mid field play from Tommy Thorby, Jack Lambert and Chilli Wolf saw Hadleigh push forward again and Arran Tampion increased Hadleigh’s lead when he tucked the ball into the corner of the net. Play continued well from Hadleigh and they had increased their lead before half time when Arran Tampion again got into a good position in the area and finished off the ball for his second of the match. Again Hadleigh had the majority of play in the second half but their defenders Jackson Crisp, William Simmons, Harry Seager and Callum Morrin together with keeper Rhys Mitchell played strongly when needed not allowing Woodbridge the breakthrough they needed. Oliver Peters soon gained his hat trick of the match followed by Tyler French's two goals in quick succession. Woodbridge never gave up and their keeper saved some good attempts made on goal by the Hadleigh boys. With one final push Hadleigh gained their 8th of the match when Oscar Cutting delivered the ball into the back of the net. Final score Woodbridge XI 0 - Hadleigh 8. Man of the Match Chilli Wolf. Hadleigh United had all to play for in their home match against Kesgrave Kestrels as a win would secure the league top spot for them. The boys settled quickly into the game, passing the ball and pushing forward. Tyler French who played a superb match for Hadleigh opened up the score sheet early in the first half when his strike seriously left the keeper with little chance. This first goal spurred the boys on and when Luke Brown delivered the ball into the box from a corner kick, Tyler again put the ball past the keeper with his spot on header of the ball. Kesgrave played a strong game but the Hadleigh defence stood strong and did not allow them through. Hadleigh remained focused and with some neat mid field play, Hadleigh again saw Tyler French in the area and finishing off the ball he gained his hat trick to take Hadleigh into a 3 - 0 advantage at half time. Hadleigh maintained the pressure in the second half and gained a goal when a shot deflected off a Kesgrave player and into the net. Communicating well, Hadleigh pushed forward and Captain Oliver Peters made no mistake with his strike increasing Hadleigh's lead. Play flowed well but Hadleigh gained the majority of play and gained their final goal of the match when Chilli Wolf blasted the ball past the keeper. Kesgrave made one final attempt and gained one back for the final score of Hadleigh 6 - Kesgrave 1. This result secure's Hadleigh United Under 13's place at the top of the league. Man of the Match - Tyler French.
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KATE LODER Love from all the family
Happy belated 30th Birthday for the 22nd March With lots of love from Mackenzie & Lorenzo
Hadleigh Tennis Club
Discounted Membership for Any New Members in 2012!
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Spring is definitely in the air and we are noticing this as more tennis players appear for the sessions of play. The club has registered three teams for the Ipswich & District Tennis leagues, and we are looking to continue building on recent, successful seasons! Membership fees will be due at the beginning of April, remember to pay early and get a discount. Also, if you are registered with the LTA too, you will be eligible for the Wimbledon ticket draw in May. As an added incentive, any NEW members joining the club this year will get a 25% discount on their 2012 membership fees. (Please note that anyone who is currently, or has previously been a member of the club in the past, will not qualify for this offer). If you are not sure whether you fit in with us, why not come along as a guest and meet us? Guest fees are currently £2 per session and you will always be welcome, bring a friend for mutual support if you like! Hadleigh Tennis club plays on three sessions per week: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6.30pm to 9.00pm and Sunday from 9.30am to 12.00 pm. Following this year’s AGM we are pleased to advise that annual membership fees are being held at £100 for adults and £60 for students, (with a £10 discount if paid before April 30th). If you have any queries please contact us via: hadleightennis@gmail.com or contact Paul Knowles 07747 637147
The 5th Suffolk Classic Bike Show SUNDAY 15TH APRIL British Legion Hall, Cordell Road, Long Melford, just off the A134 BREAKFASTS, BEER, BAR, RAFFLE PLUS AUTOS AND TROPHY’S FOR CLASSES In aid of the British Legion For more info contact John Walker on 01787 881803
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group and Toppesfield Ltd www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk Suspensions to key defenders left Hadleigh United thin on the ground for the home match against Stanway. The first half was goalless but Stanway gained control in the second period to win bt three goals to one, with Ollie Canfer heading a fine goal for Hadleigh. The match against Wisbech saw Hadleigh field a side containing several youngsters. The opposition had the advantage in experience and were also on top on the physical side. But Hadleigh took the lead with another splendid header by Ollie Canfer and the score was one goal each at the interval as we conceded on the stroke of half time. Wisbech scored the winner and drama followed as Kris Rose received a red card at a time when an equaliser looked on the cards. But it was not to be as Wisbech won by two goals to one, although their goal led a charmed life in the closing stages. Yet another home match followed with Ely at the Millfield looking to maintain top spot in the league table. The visitors went ahead but Ollie Canfer was again on target to level by the interval. Ely then grabbed the lead for the second time before scoring number three just before the contest came to an end with Hadleigh losing by three goals to one. The next match was again at the Millfield with Wroxham hoping to win the league title. The Norfolk side took amn early lead but Hadleigh were playing well with Ben Deacon firing against the post. The second half provided some fine football but Wroxham clinched a two goal win with another goal just before the end to continue their battle with Ely at the top of the table. Our Reserves had a great win at Brightlingsea by five goals to one with Calum Smith scoring three of them. Luke Waugh and Kieran Dilloway were also on target. The local derby at Brantham was lost by four goals to three with Calum Smith scoring two and Jamie Cowan one. A five goal win at Walsham put our Reserves into the next round of the Peel Cup. Daryl Alexander netted a couple with the others from Calum Smith, Kieran Dilloweay and Kyle Cassell. Our Ridgeons youth team drew a ten goal thriller at Coplestonians with Elliott Crowe getting a hat-trick. Two goals apiece by Crowe and Pat Armstrong earned a four goals to one win at Haverhill while Cornard were beaten two goals to nil by our excellent youth team to keep title hopes alive. Brettsider
Hadleigh Tyre Group
Hadleigh United Fixtures First team fixtures for Hadleigh United in April begin on Saturday 7th with a home match against Dereham. A trip to Haverhill takes place on Monday 9th whilst an away match at Clacton is next on the list on Tuesday 17th. Yet another away trip follows with a trip to Diss on Saturday 21st before Gorleston travel to the Millfield on Saturday 28th. The Reserves entertain Witham on Saturday 14th while Braintree pay us a visit for what is sure to be a hard match on Saturday 21st. A trip to Heybridge follows for another difficult encounter on Saturday 28th. Our Ridgeons youth team face a busy month starting at home to Haverhill on Wednesday 4th. A short trip to Brantham is next on the list on Wednesday 11th while Monday 16th sees a trip into Essex to oppose Witham. A shorter journey to Clacton for a vital match is on Thursday 19th before a difficulty cup encounter at HIRE Brentwood takes place on Wednesday 25th. Alterations will | HADLEIGH PRIVATE be on the club website if necessary. TAKING BOOKINGS FROM MONDAY 13TH FEBRUARY Hadleigh United Winners Prizewinners in the latest Hadleigh Uniteds monthly draw are, M. J. | 07827and 01473 82 Peter 83 84Tampion 011 713Hayward. Rattigan, Gary
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
The last two games of the season saw both the George A, and the Legion legends win comfortably,the Legends securing the division one title.The division two title went to the last game, with the British Legion Dawes winning 6-5 in a close derby match with the British Legion Dogga team, but it wasn`t enough as Naughton Wheelhouse won 10-1 at home to Kersey Bell to take the title by three points. Results-: Division 1 13th February Eight Bells 2 9 George A Brewers B 1 10 Legion Legends George B 3 8 Kings Head Ram Jets 6 5 Brewers A 20th February George A 10 1 George B Brewers A 6 5 Brewers B Eight Bells 2 9 Legion Legends Kings Head 3 8 Ram Jets Division 2 13th February Naughton WH 6 5 RBL Dawes Cock A 7 4 Kersey Bell RBL Dogga 7 4 Hintlesham SC Hintlsham George 7 4 Cock B 20th February RBL Dawes 6 5 RBL Dogga Cock B 5 6 Cock A Naughton WH 10 1 Kersey Bell Hintlesham SC 4 7 Hintlesham George Team Knock Out Cup Results (aggregate score) two legs, last eight to play on finals night. George A 17 4 Brewers B Cock B 7 14 Hintlesham George RBL Dogga 11 10 RBL Dawes Legion Legends 18 3 Ram Jets Brewers A 20 1 Kersey Bell Hintlesham SC 6 15 Eight Bells Kings Head 10 11 Cock A Naughton WH 12 9 George B Final Tables:- Division 1 P Legion Legends 14 George A 14 Eight Bells 14 Ram Jets 14 George B 14 Brewers A 14 Brewers B 14 Kings Head 14
W 14 12 9 9 4 3 2 3
L 0 2 5 5 10 11 12 11
A 26 35 76 76 97 99 100 107
F 128 119 78 78 57 55 54 47
Cpts cup wins 10 13 6 9 2 8 3 5
Division 2 Naughton WH RBL Dawes Hintlesham George RBL Dogga Cock A Cock B Hintlesham SC Kersey Bell
W 13 11 11 8 7 4 2 0
L 1 3 3 6 7 10 12 14
A 55 58 66 74 74 84 95 111
F 99 96 88 80 80 70 59 43
Cpts cup wins 14 6 8 5 9 6 8 0
P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
High shot out in division one is Chris Cowan from the Ram Jets with 144, division two goes to Stuart King from the Naughton Wheel house with 133. Most 180’s in division one is Ivan Clements with four,division two goes to Stuart Bull with three. Most consistent player in division one is a three way tie, with Anthony Nicholls, Curtis Hammond,& Ted Harvey all with 13 wins,division two is Jack Bambling with 14 wins. The captains cup in division is Colin Hynard From the George A with 13 wins, and in division two it is Stuart King from The Naughton Wheelers with 14 wins. The finals and presentation night is at the British Legion on Monday 2nd April 7.30 pm start, good luck to all. Colin Hynard
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Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Hadleigh Glass...........................01473 822415 Driving Instruction Peter Cutts.........01473 822937/07786 735285 Pass with Pete ...........................07734 858573 Payneless Driving ......................07545 772966 Brett Vale Driving School...........07733 008008 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 B. V. Hicks Electrical ..................01473 822005 Electricians Coromar ....................................01473 828210 CC Electrical ..............................07891 723712 Estate Agents Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 Boydens ....................................01787 883700 Taylor & Sons ............................01473 828280 Persimmon Homes....................08442 481232 Farm Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Florist Suffolk Flower Company............01473 827698 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Steve Blake ................................07813 814623 Garden Services Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 The Landscaper .........................01473 824107 Doug Morrison ..........................01473 828720 Golf Clubs and Tuition Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Newton Green Golf Club ............01787 377217 Hairdressers The Hair Lounge ........................01473 829089 Sylvia’s ......................................01473 822177 Weddingcurls.com ....................07903 188827 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Hugh Clover...............................01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123
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Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.
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