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Community News
October 2011
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Hadleigh Craft & Food Fair Returns! Also keep an eye on our web site for all our past event details and also news on our events to come. See you at the Craft & Food Fair, Cllr Trev Clarke Hadleigh Entertainments Committee, Hadleigh Town Forum
Christmas is creeping up slowly so its time to start planning those presents. The ideal place to start looking is the Hadleigh Craft & Food Fair which will be on the 30th October in the Town Hall complex 10am4pm. We have all types of crafter's confirmed including card makers, jewellery, bath products, knit wear, wood turning and not forgetting our food hall which which will have savoury snacks, jam makers, home made cakes, sweets and cook wear. We use all the rooms in the Town Hall Complex which starts in the Grand Hall for which we have access via a lift or the stairs, then make your way further up the stairs which takes you to the Old Town Hall. The next room is the Council Chamber then down to the Guildhall which we are using as our Food Hall. We also have the dining room which is open for refreshments after you have spent out on all your Christmas gifts and treats for yourself. To find out more information on our craft fair visit www.hadleighents.webs.com where you can see which crafter's are attending. All money raised at our craft fairs goes towards free events in the town like the Lighting up which this year is on the 4th December 2011 and also summer events and carnivals which we are in the process of planning at the moment for next years Queens jubilee.
Shrubs, Conifers, Trees Perennials, Fruit Bushes
WINTER PANSIES SEASONAL VEG PLANTS We also offer a Picture Framing Service Open every day except Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm
Hadleigh’s Finest Dining 18th - 23rd October
Autumn Shellfish Week Christmas Menus Now Available HADLEIGH’S WIDEST CHOICE OF REAL ALES AND CIDERS Lunch and Dinner daily and now serving 11.30 am - 8 pm every Sunday
TEL: 01473 828855
w w w. k i n g s h e a d h a d l e i g h . c o. u k
Plastics Window Federation
FENSA Registered Company
Visit our new showroom: 4 Seager Court, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh IP7 6RL 01473 822415
Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am12pm SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am 12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. Saturday 1st October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 4th October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 5th October 7.30pm Churches Together Worship Group - Salvation Army Thursday 6th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Hadleigh URC, Community Room Friday 7th October 12.15pm Ansell Lunch Club – Ansell Centre Saturday 8th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 3.00pm Peggy Crabtree Thanksgiving Service – Hadleigh URC Monday 10th October Hadleigh U3A. 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. Annual General Meeting Monday 10th October HADLEIGH & DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB meeting 7.30pm down-stairs in Town Hall Hadleigh. “KINGS SEEDS” illustrated talk by Tony Ward. Members £1 visitors £2 includes refreshments. Tuesday 11th October 7.30pm Hadleigh & District Flower Club meeting at Beaumont School, Hadleigh. A.G.M. FOLLOWED BY a flower arranging demonstration by Mrs Crystal Dyball from Norwich “Inspirations in Glass”. Members practise piece is an arrangement which includes Glass. Members £1.50, visitors £4 includes refreshments. Tuesday 11th October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 12th October 7.30pm Churches Together Forum - Salvation Army Thursday 13th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 15th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 15th October Baby & Toddler Table Top Sale at the Ansell Centre, 9 am to 1 pm, contact Jenny on 824974 for a pitch. Tuesday 18th October 7.30 pm HADLEIGH EVENING WOMENS INSTITUTE meeting 7.30pm in the seminar Room above the Library Speaker David Cawdew will be giving an illustrated talk about “A life in Music”. The competition is “ Pumpkin Lantern”. Visitors welcome, £2. Tuesday 18th October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 19th October 12.15pm Wednesday Lunch Club, Ansell Centre Thursday 20th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Hadleigh URC, Community Room Friday 21st October 10.00am HIP Coffee Morning - Ansell Centre Saturday 22nd October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 22nd October Community room, URC, Market Place Hadleigh. General Knowlewdge Quiz with light supper & raffle. Sat 22nd October at 7.30, all welcome. Tickets pre-booked please £7.50 from Kath @ The
Community News
To contact us please ring Kelvin or Matt on 01473 823366 or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
October 2011
Framestore. A Hadleigh & District Twinning Association fundraising event. Tuesday 25th October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 26th October 8.00pm What Do You Think?, The George Thursday 27th October Fidelis Monthly Meeting: 7.30 pm. In The Dining Room (opposite the Ram). “Local, Seasonal Cuisine”. Cookery demonstration by Smugglers’ Chef, Simon Cook plus a minisale of gifts and cards. Sec. Barbara Tryon 01473 824 417. Friday 28th October RNLI Jacket Supper at Priory Hall, Benton Street 7.30 pm. Tickets £10 including your first drink. Tel 01473 823570 for tickets. Saturday 29th October Friends of St Mary’s Church Annual Meeting 2011 at 7.30pm Saturday 29th October The Foresters Friendly Society is holding a Coffee Morning in support of Guide Dogs for the Blind, 10 - 12, in the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh. Saturday 29th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 30th October 10 for 10.30am Cafe Church – Ansell Centre Saturday 29th October at 7.30 pm The Friends of St. Mary’s Church, Annual Meeting 2011, Roy Tricker, who has compiled a new Church Guide, will be speaking about the amazing wealth of beauty and interest that he enjoys as a visitor
Happy 18th Birthday
Happy 65th & Retirement
Lots of love from you know who! XX
Love Mum, Dad, Jordann & Laurren XXX
EXECUTIVE & WEDDING SERVICE USING MERCEDES VEHICLES Website: www.townandcountry-cars.co.uk email: admin@townandcountry-cars.co.uk
TEL: 01473 828999 FAX: 0870 7505324 MOB/TXT: 07909 771321
7600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Milden, Monks Eleigh, Kersey, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Raydon and outlying homes We welcome all your contributions Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF
• Keeps you in the loop? Immediate feedback and peerless communication
Class of 1991 Reunion
• Does the legwork for you? Nurturing your sale through to completion • Offers a risk free service to you? No minimum contract term
Contact us today for free, friendly and professional advice: The Black Barn, Cygnet Court, Swan Street, Boxford CO10 5NZ 01787 510123
On behalf of myself, Carl Beer, Elaine Evans and Emma-Lyn Ratcliffe, we would like to thank everyone that attended our Hadleigh High School class of 1991, 20 year reunion on Saturday 10th September. As well as being a School reunion it was also an event to raise money for the charities associated with Andrew Hambling and Alison Kettlewell, who sadly are no longer with us. To date we have managed to raise £563 resulting from money taken on the night, from two generous cheques and you Helping from the Just giving page Elaine has set up, if any of you that couldn't with your move, make the evening but would like to donate to the charities please visit your www.justgiving.com/teams/hhs1991. It was greatnot to just catch upsale! with 'Old friends' and even a few of us who didn't want the night to End ended up going up town (thank you Colin Branch for being the Taxi!) Hopefully we will see you all at the next one in 10 years time !!!! John Broomfield
M Sa
The Estat e Age n t Helping you with your move, not just your sale!
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Please join us for our FREE Property Surgery on Thursday October 20th Preparing your home before viewings security? Accompanied viewings at the Boxford Village Hall, where you can listen• to Ensures our guestyour speaker – ● Ensures your security? Catherine Greenhough from Handwing Ecology. Accompanied viewings and peerless communication • Keeps loop? Immediate feedback Catherine will be chatting about problems associated withyou batsininthe your ● Keeps you in the loop? home or garden and how to deal with them. She will also be giving advice • Does the legwork for you? Immediate Nurturing your sale through to completion feedback and peerless communication on barn owls and other protected species and species of nature ● Does the legwork for you? conservation concern such as great crested newts, badgersaand • Offers risknesting free service toNurturing you? No term yourminimum sale throughcontract to completion birds including swifts and swallows. For further information ● Offers a risk free service to you? www.handwingecology.co.uk. Christine Hamilton and Brigette Currin, the No minimum contract term Directors of Elizabeth Valda Estates will also be on hand to answer any Contact us today for free, friendly and professional advice questions about selling, buying, home staging, de-cluttering – or in fact Contact us today for free, friendly and professional advice: any property related topic. Why not come along for a drink, a chat and the possibility of winning a meal for 2 at The White Hart in Boxford? The Black Barn, Cygnet Court, Swan Street, Boxford CO10 5NZ The Black Barn, Cygnet Court, Swan Street, Boxford CO10 5NZ Don’t forget – eve@evestates.co.uk Telephone 01787 510123www.evestates.co.uk Thursday October 20th at 6.30pm at The Boxford Village Hall. 01787 510123
Elizabeth Valda Estates The Black Barn, Cygnet Court, Swan Street, Boxford CO10 5NZ
eve@evestates.co.uk www.evestates.co.uk
Telephone 01787 510123
Mill Pharmacy is Expanding
mill pharmacy at Hadleigh Health Centre Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday
Open: 8.00 am – 6.30 pm 9.00 am – 6.00 pm 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
We welcome ALL PATIENTS for dispensing prescriptions and other Pharmacy needs join our PRESCRIPTION COLLECTION SERVICE for hassle free ordering of repeat prescriptions. FREE DELIVERY of prescriptions and shop items to your home. FREE dispensing into DOSSET BOXES if you have difficulty remembering when to take your medicines. PHARMACY SHOP with helpful staff
As you probably remember last month I mentioned that Mill Pharmacy was expanding into the old fire station next to the Hadleigh Health Centre. Work is progressing well and everything appears to be on schedule for us moving at the end of November. Lesley, our dispensary manager (see picture) is a hard task master and has been making sure the builders are getting on with the work! We have had lots of suggestions coming from you as to what they would like us to stock in the new pharmacy and we are taking it all on board so please keep them coming in. We want our new pharmacy to be your new pharmacy too and will try and accommodate your suggestions as much as possible. One of the concerns that has been raised by you is that the Pharmacy will move whilst the Dispensary remains where it is. I can reassure you that that is definitely NOT going to be the case. BOTH the dispensary and the pharmacy will be moving to the fire station. This arrangement has worked well in the last two years and we want that to continue. This will be of particular benefit to Dispensing patients who will be able to continue to take advantage of our extended seven day opening hours. I also want to take this opportunity to introduce you to a new FREE SERVICE we are offering to all our customers which will help them get the greatest benefit from their prescribed medicines. This NHS NEW MEDICINES SERVICE will benefit you if you been prescribed a medicine to thin the blood or to treat one of these conditions: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, and hypertension. It does not matter who prescribed it for you – doctor, nurse or hospital – and it is an open conversation between you and our pharmacist to discuss any concerns you might have about your medicine. It can take place over the telephone or in our consultation room. The first consultation will probably take about 15 minutes and you will get a telephone call a couple of weeks later (or meet in the pharmacy) to resolve any outstanding issues – or you can at that point be referred back to your GP if you need more help. REMEMBER THAT THIS SERVICE IS FREE AND APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY. If you have not been prescribed a new medicine but feel you could still benefit from having a chat with our pharmacist about medicines you have been taking for a while you can still take advantage of our other free service – the medicines use review. Our pharmacist will be happy to talk to you in complete confidence in our private consultation room . Please come and ask at the counter if you wish to make use of this service. Taj West is the Superintendent Pharmacist of Mill Pharmacy located within the Hadleigh Health Centre
Full range of Pharmacy Services including:
Trained pharmacists and dispensers to advise on all medicines and minor ailments
Healthcare advice, including healthy diets, stopping smoking, holiday and travel healthcare
Confidential Sexual Health advice and FREE Chlamydia testing kits (16-24 year olds)
Medication Useage Review appointments with the Pharmacist
Disposal of unwanted medicines
Disability Living Aids and services, items and advice
FREE DELIVERY on products to patient's home
Thanks from Betty Very many thanks to husband Doug, my family and all my wonderful friends and neighbours for looking after me and giving so much of their time supporting me during this current difficult period. Many thanks to everyone on Somersham Ward, Ipswich Hospital, to Dr Flather and all the staff at Hadleigh Health Centre. Thanks to all the girls at Slimming World (I now don’t have to feel guilty about eating Mars bars!) and for Sandra an extra special kiss XXX! I am going to kick this thing right up the a..e! Betty Feveyear
Tel: 01473 820136 Fax: 01473 824895
Happy 65th Grandad
www.millpharm.co.uk Email: pharmacy@millpharm.co.uk
Lots of love, Sue, Kerrie, Sheryl, Simon, Chris, Mailey and all the family
Love from Chloe, Amy, Sophie & Mia
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Often some of the most interesting places to visit are right on your doorstep! Gainsborough’s House in Sudbury is this year celebrating the 50th anniversary of opening to the public as a museum. It is marking the event with some outstanding shows and events. From 1 October to 17 December, Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop is holding an exhibition of selected works. Some of the UK’s best printmakers are members of the Workshop, which welcomes artists of all levels of ability and which runs courses on a regular basis. It has been a vital part of the Museum’s life for over thirty years and therefore it seemed appropriate that a show based on its work should conclude what has been a most successful year. Works on show will be selected by a small group of art specialists, and will be examples of the very best that the workshop has to offer. The exhibition will also include a selection of unframed prints which will provide an additional opportunity to purchase Members' work. Free gallery talks and demonstrations will be given by Printmakers every Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm from 6 October until 15 December. Gainsborough’s House is the only artist’s birthplace museum in the UK. Over the last 50 years its exhibits have grown in number and the House now owns an outstanding collection of Thomas Gainsborough's work. In addition to oil paintings and drawings, visitors can see memorabilia related to the artist’s life, and also works by his contemporaries, and by his only assistant, his nephew, Gainsborough Dupont. The House’s lovely garden is a further attraction. Come and sample a cup of coffee or simply enjoy the peace and quiet. The inimitable Maggi Hambling will be holding a "Question & Answer' evening at Gainsborough's House on Friday 14 October at 6.30pm for tickets and further information please telephone: 01787 372958.
Howard at Chateau de Noizay
For those of us who enjoy our motoring pursuits, there is no better way to roar along than over the highways in France. At the beginning of September, I spent a week in the Loire Valley based in Amboise with the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club when some twenty six cars took part. Trunks had been sent-on and thus my chauffeur Frank had the week off and I became an owner-driver. I took a drop-head vehicle and was rewarded with some lovely weather. The roads are in beautiful order and free of people and traffic. Tolls can though be expensive on the motorways totting up to £40 or more over 350 miles on my journey. France has a land mass of some three times that of the UK and thus congestion is avoided. These tours always include a special lunch one day and on this occasion it was at Chateau de Noizay where I am pictured above. I know that many of you love your horses. One of my visits was to Le Cadre Noir at Saumur a French horse riding academy and part of the French culture. We watched a fine display. I went to see a number of chateaux and their wine producers. Chateau de Nitray was a smaller chateau and was a family home. It produced various wines and several sparkling. I was intrigued to learn that the chateau would typically keep thousands of pigeons in one of its towers for meat and eggs. Some friends of mine took a motor yacht on the Norfolk Broads for a several days. I was delighted when I was invited to join them for a few hours for lunch on board. My cook, Maria, made up a hamper of scotch eggs, smoked salmon sandwiches and an apple turnover with fallers from the orchard and some pop. Frank delivered me to Acle in Norfolk where I met the vessel. A lovely interlude on the water. Many of us in the countryside have private drainage systems of one sort and another. Some Government Regulations of 2010 (as part of the European Union Water Framework Directive) called for registration of private drainage systems or otherwise to procure an exemption. To my mind this is a ridiculous requirement and of course would cause problems upon the sale and purchase of a house. It seems that the Government is currently reviewing matters and so the registration process has been put on one side for the time being. It is something though upon which we should all keep a weather eye open. Howard Gibbons
Excellent Rates
133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ
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E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv
As a special promotion to readers of this publication, present this article at the coffee shop until the end of December and you will receive a free cup of coffee! (Sorry, offer not available on Tuesday afternoons).
Hadleigh Evening WI At the September meeting of Hadleigh Evening WI Geoff Evans gave a fascinating talk about his trip to Alaska entitled Bears, Bears and more Bears which was accompanied by his own Power Point presentation illustrating the spectacular Alaskan scenery home to large brown bears and the salmon and other fish that provide their prey. Geoff judged the competition “Teddy Bear”. The winner was Beryl Allen who’s a musical bear played Jerusalem Hadleigh Evening’s Darts team Carole and Clare Cranston, Ann Porter and Val Curtis were delighted to win a knockout darts match between teams representing seven West Suffolk Federation WIs. Unfortunately they were defeated in the final match against the East Suffolk Federation team. The next meeting will be held on 18 October in the Seminar suite above the Hadleigh library starting 7.30pm. David Cardew will give a talk entitled “A Life in Music” Visitors and new members are welcome Philippa Carruthers 01473 823057
Hadleigh Executive Travel Reliable, Affordable, Luxury Travel
Bar Manager Hadleigh Cricket Club is seeking a responsible, hard-working individual to act as the club’s bar manager/licensee. You will be an important part of a thriving club at the heart of the community, and when not serving will get to watch some quality cricket! Duties will include: - Ordering and buying stock - Serving at functions, club events and matches - Maintaining accounts - Attending appropriate training courses where necessary Previous experience would be an advantage, but not essential as full training would be given. Please note that although this is a voluntary position, the successful candidate will receive a remuneration package. For more details please contact club secretary Gary Wiles on 07962 455267 or gdwiles@btinternet.com
Wills and that Free Lunch
0 Spend over £1 a e te and enjoy fre o tw or coffee for our by the fire in ! Hotel Lounge
at Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa - an Aladdin’s Cave of festive goodies! Come along to Pippin for unique, quality and delightfully quirky Christmas gift ideas – there’s something for everyone! • “Pick your Own” Hampers - exquisitely packed on site • Fantastic handmade jewellery, bags and scarves • Delightful toys, games and china • Unusual festive decorations and cards • Indulgent handmade chocolates and confectionary • Quality jams, chutneys, cakes, wines and local beers • Wide selection of ladies’ designer golf and leisurewear
Pippin is open 7 days a week from 8am - 7pm. For information or advanced hamper orders please call 01206 265823. Keepers Lane, Leavenheath, Colchester CO6 4PZ www.stokebynayland.com
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Trevor Dodwell set up The Will Business as a will writing service for our community at the start of the recession almost three years ago. Since then it has become an established service – but now there’s a lot more to it than just writing wills. Clients ask important questions, like ‘how do we protect our home if one of us – we’re an unmarried couple - dies unexpectedly’. Another question – ‘we’re married, how can we appoint guardians of our young children left behind if we die in a crash’. Also, there are regular questions about arranging powers of attorney for older clients (not always those expensive ‘lasting powers’) and saving family homes from a forced sale to pay for care home expenses. Just as ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch’ there’s no such thing as a cheap will. Your will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign. With an increasing number of players in the will writing field, it is a good time to think about the steps you can take to make sure that you choose the right professional to ensure that your will works effectively and as intended. Getting the will right isn’t just about having the right wording. There are strict legal formalities involved, and ignoring these can result in the will being declared invalid. Only last month the courts overturned a will because its two witnesses had not fulfilled an essential requirement, namely being present at the same time as the will was signed. The result? The deceased will-maker’s wishes were ignored and his estate of close to a million pounds was declared intestate and split completely contrary to his wishes – a disaster for his named beneficiaries (all men) but a lottery win for the less favoured members of the family (all girls!). This takes us back to the question – how do you select your will writer? The tests are: • The first (and best) test - make a few phone calls, be pushy - get a recommendation from a good friend or respected family member, or a reliable business colleague. • Next, having found your prospect, check his or her experience (how long established/ are references available?). Does the website look right? • Call the will writer. Outline your plans, explaining any complications, and ask for a quote – checking that there are no add-ons like VAT and ‘disbursements’ which bump up the quoted fee. • Make sure that the service you select includes personal will witnessing from your will writer with two witnesses to ensure that your will is provable as being properly executed. Trevor Dodwell, The Will Business Ltd
Making your will I offer a home visit will writing service for clients living close to the Essex/Suffolk border. As a retired solicitor with many years of will writing experience I help my clients to make a well planned will at a very competitive price. Please call 01206 263420 or email me at trevordodwell@aol.com
Print Ad quarter HCN CANVAS WRAP:Layout 1
Lady’s Afternoon on the Orwell The good ship ‘Orwell Lady’ hosted the Fidelis’ summer meeting, a cruise along the river of the same name from Ipswich to Harwich return. The outward journey was full of interest as the Captain knowledgeable pointed out significant landmarks along the way. These were easy to see from a somewhat windswept vantage point on deck. Chugging leisurely along the ship passes a bizarre folly, an old brewery, peregrine nesting boxes and a bright green observatory to name just a few of the locations worthy of a mention. As the vessel approached the choppier waters of Harwich, the heavens opened. Fortunately this unwelcome precipitation coincided with the appearance of an elaborate afternoon tea - but not from above. Members beat a hasty retreat below deck and thoroughly enjoyed the sumptuous spread of homemade sandwiches, cakes and unlimited cuppas. By the time the Orwell Lady passed through the Prince Philip Lock to return to her berth our hardy sailors were warm, dry and oblivious to the inclement weather raging above. The following day there was a blue sky and hours of sunshine. Perhaps the sun does only shine on the righteous……. Jan Devey
For top quality printing, friendly advice and quotations on any printed item
Simply call Kelvin on 01473 823366
We print your image on to a high quality thick canvas and wrap over a solid 44mm frame ready for you to hang on the wall Variety of sizes available Superb quality An ideal gift!
Fran 9th September 1975 - 14th August 2011 Sadly Fran lost her fight after 3 and a half years. She never complained and was the bravest person we have ever known. We would like to thank everyone who has helped and supported us in so many ways. We have a tribute site on Breakthrough Breast Cancer and your donations will be sent there soon. Margaret, David and Gary
Need urgently?
We offer a same day service if required - just ask! Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
James Daniel Now Open!
A touch of luxury comes to Hadleigh! Owned and run by established barber James Hellyer, ‘James Daniel’ is located on the High Street in Hadleigh (opposite Weavers Spice and Groves Garage) and is a true luxury men's grooming experience. James, who grew up in Hadleigh, has established a successful barbering career in the town, previously working at The Barber Stop, The Men's Room and Scissor Happy. So what was the inspiration behind James Daniel? Owner, James Hellyer comments: “I always felt that Hadleigh was in need of a luxury men's grooming salon which offered the full package at affordable prices and our stunning new premises just presented the perfect opportunity. We will soon be offering additional services including cut throat shaves as well as sports and Swedish massage, along with unique wedding and party offers”. James Daniel offers a great value, luxury walk in service, with prices starting from just £8.00. Even better, a further 15% saving is offered to all armed forces personnel, NHS workers and students! Along with flexible opening times - this barbers really is a cut above the rest. James Daniel Opening Times Monday and Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.30pm Wednesday: 9.00am - 8.00pm Thursday: 9.00am - 5.30pm Friday: 9.00am - 8.00pm Saturday: 8.00am - 4.00pm Sunday: Appointment Only James Daniel, 20 The High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5AP 01473 823616 Twitter: @jamesdanielltd Facebook: /jamesdanielltd
Luxury men's grooming salon comes to Hadleigh Offering a great value, luxury men's walk in barbering service in a relaxed environment. Cut throat shaves and massage coming soon! 15% off for students, NHS and armed forces on production of relevant ID card
20 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5AP 01473 823616 Twitter: @jamesdanielltd
Facebook: /jamesdanielltd
All images are courtesy of nickilottphotography.co.uk
A Taste of Mauritius for the animals Been to the takeaway? Done the curry nights? Fancy a change? Book your tickets for "A Taste of Mauritius" on 7th October and get away from it all for an evening of tropical delights. A Mauritian meal is a sociable occasion where guests relax and chat with drinks and starters. The Hintlesham George aims to recreate the holiday mood, with a Mauritian Quiz thrown in White Staffie cross Angel for fun. A wide selection of main awaiting a leg operation, shown courses will be offered, accompanied by Creole music and energetic diners with her "hearing dog" Harvey. can have a go at traditional Sega dancing. All the dishes will be homemade by mother and daughter chefs, Rosie and Tasha, from traditional recipes handed down the generations. The food includes ingredients used in Indian and Chinese cooking, with a French twist, but with the heat turned down the The George customers. Tickets ÂŁ12 per person, including a ÂŁ2 donation to Suffolk and Essex Small Animal Welfare. The charity will also receive proceeds from the raffle and waitress Lizzie is donating her wages for the evening. Phone 01473 652408 to book, arrive 7pm for 7.30pm.
Little Tinkers Toys
Unit 2 Seager Court Crockatt Road Hadleigh IP7 6RL
Stuck for a present? Don’t want to drive to Ipswich? Don’t worry 2'0 )% ) (%'%!Little Tinkers Toys are in Hadleigh and deliver , $ , /33'!- (!free of charge. Little **( ! *, &%.Tinkers Toys is an online toyshop based - *,)! **&in Hadleigh, a family run business aiming to $*( - .$! )& )#%)! provide fun affordable toys. We have a $! /++!. *(+ )2 fantastic range of fun educational items from --*,.! *2Orchard Toys and Usborne Books, along Free local delivery with more traditional toys such as Thomas The Tank Engine, Sylvanian Families, The puppet Company and more. For something really special have a look at our beautiful Room DÊcor Kits & Stickers which can be used to decorate a whole room in minutes or create a feature wall. Our Funberry Farm wall stickers are displayed in Hadleigh Health Centre waiting room. So look us up at www.littletinkerstoys.co.uk and remember free delivery in Hadleigh (delivery cost refunded on delivery) . www.littletinkerstoys.co.uk tel:01473 824703
111 '%..'!.%)&!,-.*2- * /&
Tel: 01473 810088 • Fax: 01473 810055 Email: sales@plumbmateltd.co.uk 8
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 9AM - 1PM ANSELL CENTRE, MARKET PLACE, HADLEIGH (to the right of United Reformed Church) ÂŁ5 Per Pitch 20p Entrance - Kids Free 50p For A Cuppa And A Biscuit Free Squash For Kids Sellers keep their profits all other proceeds in aid of Playstation Playschool and Station Road Nursery Contact Jenny Davies For A Pitch On 01473 824974 Or 07900 667856
Hadleigh Thrift Shop Limited In June of this year a 40ft container lorry went to Albania. It was full of ex-NHS equipment and clothing etc to be donated to three hospitals, a disabled centre, an orphanage and a school. Everything was on board including a scanner for the maternity hospital, beds, wheelchairs, a birthing bed, commodes, bedside tables, sewing machines, feeding tubes, drip stands and bandages etc. The lorry driver was from Macedonia and couldnt speak English or Albanian so we had a few problems there! Not to mention the customs who were, as usual, very difficult, but in the end all was well and everything was distributed. The school had white boards, writing equipment, computers, TV’s etc. Many thanks go to all the people that made the trip possible, i.e. donors, customers and all our volunteers. Organisations we have recently helped include The Porch Project, Sue Ryder, Future for Africa, Angel Court, Hadleigh Hares, Elmsett Village Hall, St. Mary’s Primary School, St. Johns Ambulance, Hadleigh Elderly Peoples Welfare Committee, Hope for Laura.
WORLD of Adnams in
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Hadleigh Healing Society Autumn is upon us with its beautiful colours, darker evenings and colder mornings. Nature has worked hard to give us food and now whe is quietly resting until the start of another productive year. We are so lucky to be able to watch the crops grow in the fields, animals grazing in quiet contentment and know this cycle will continue as it has done for hundreds of years. This cycle has to be protected and held with respect because it is a gift. Our environment is under threat, we must protect and not abuse it. We each can do our bit to maintain the balance. Think more about where our food comes from and how many miles it has travelled to reach our plates. If anyone would like help and support to cope with today’s problems our healers are only too willing to lend that “listening ear” in the strictest confidence. Please telephone: 01473 823282 (answer machine) or log onto www.hadleighhealingsociety.org. Try us!
We look forward to seeing you soon.
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Adnams Cellar & Kitchen store, 73/75 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DY Tel: 01473 827796 adnams.co.uk
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Pensioner raises over £1100 in aid of EACH by Sky-Diving from 13,000ft Hadleigh resident Terry Price (72) would like to thank all who sponsored him when he made a tandem sky-dive recently in aid of funds for East Anglia Children’s Hospice. There are far too many to thank all of you by name, but he would particularly mention members and staff at Hintlesham Golf Club, staff at Anglia Case Management (Tostock), staff and friends at the King’s Head Hadleigh, Technical Sergeant Scott Richards & guys at U.S.A.F. Lakenheath, family & friends in Kent, Manchester and Bury St Edmunds, neighbours and friends. He would also like to thank daughters Kate and Judith, and his grandchildren for their support on the day.
Hadleigh Wives Group We are a small, friendly group who meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at Hadleigh Library at 8pm. Come along and join us, we celebrate our 35th birthday in February 2012. Our thanks go to Val Parmenter who has retired as our chair person after 5 years in office. Autumn Programme 2011 13 October A visit from Andrew Henstead - Exotic Garden. 27 October A talk by Craig Hutton - Youth Worker. 10 November Demonstration by Fusion Glass - items available to purchase. 24 November Dick Beechner & Jimmy Wilding - A talk about their Charitable Cycle Ride. 8 December Christmas Meal - Arlingtons, Ipswich. Guests are always welcome. For further information ring 01473 823914.
Hadleigh Community Primary News New Nursery Team This term, we have some new members in our Nursery team. Mrs Lee, an experienced Foundation Stage practitioner who taught in a school in Clacton for thirteen years, is now our full time Nursery teacher (Mrs Pitt is now teaching in Years two and three). She has been joined by our Nursery Apprentice, Miss Shelley Horwood. They are both settling in well, along with the new Nursery children who are learning their new routines quickly. Mrs Lee will be bringing lots of new initiatives to our school including Forest School activities, which involve learning in a natural environment. Additional Teaching Assistants We have been very fortunate to be able to appoint extra teaching assistants to support years 2, 4 and 6. Miss Scott is now working full time in Year 2, Mrs Day is supporting Year 4 and Mrs Johnson is based in Year 6. We feel very privileged to have been able to make these appointments – particularly considering the present economic climate! New Reception children This term, we have been able to welcome seventy-four children into Reception, in three classes. They have taken part in our induction programme including being invited to have lunch with their parents. The children have adapted very quickly to school life. Year 6 go to war! When walking down the Year 6 corridor, it is rather like wandering into a time tunnel as, suddenly, two huge World War I trenches come into view! However, there is no need to suddenly find a helmet and a gas mask – it is all part of Year 6’s topic on Twentieth Century Britain. In keeping with tradition, the trenches have been named ‘Old Kent Road’ and ‘Piccadilly Circus’. In Science, the children made periscopes so that they could look over them. Apparently, later in the term they will turn into Anderson Shelters – watch this space! Tesco Vouchers – Thank you so much! We were so fortunate to receive thousands of vouchers last term - over 30 000, in fact! As a result, we have been able to purchase the following equipment: • 2 x Outdoor Boomwhackers – these can be used outdoors for children to make music with and are great fun! • 1 x butterfly house • Chembakolli artefacts – to really bring the Year 4 India topic alive • 6 x pairs of binoculars • 6 x ankle skips for the children to play with at lunch time • Slates and pencils and Dips pens – to really bring the Year 5 Victorian topic alive • Social situation stories – to enable children to understand PSHE issues more easily • Visualiser – For a teacher to be able to show any page on a book and give all children in the class access to this page as it will appear on the whiteboard. Invitation to view the school for prospective parents Open week – Monday 21st to Thursday 24th November. Would you like to view our school and see what we can offer you and your child? Our Headteacher, Neil Jackson, would like to invite prospective parents to tours of the school at 10 a.m. on any of the days above. Please contact the school to register your interest. 01473 822161 Email : office@hadleigh-pri.suffolk.sch.uk
The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea Registered in England and Wales (209603) and Scotland (SCO37736). Charity No. CHY 2678 in the Republic of Ireland
Jacket Supper Join us for jacket potato with a choice of filling in the company of Shadows in the Shade with their selection of sea shanties Friday 28th October, 7.30pm Priory Hall, Benton Street, Hadleigh Bar, raffle and excellent company! Tickets £10 including your first drink To book tickets please telephone 01473 823570
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Jerry’s Diary Delightful Dual Registered Nursing and Residential Home offering care to 34 residents
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August passed all to quickly, and I was late for September’s ‘Jerry’s Diary’. August saw some rain, but still not enough for the Giffords site to hold some water to bring in the waders. The small lake beside Aldham Church has almost dried out. This attracted several Green and Common Sandpipers. 6 Green and 3 Common Sandpipers were feeding on the mud 13th August. On the 19th August, 2 Greenshank were also seen here. Other sites with these 3 species of wader were Shelley Reservoir, Holton St Mary and Layham Pit. 2 Juvenile Little Ringed Plover were seen at Shelley during August. A first for my local patch was of 2 Great-Crested Grebes fledged 2 young at Shelley Reservoir. The first migrant Passerines passing through were Juvenile Wheatear at Towermill Lane, 16th August. Whinchat (2), Stonechat (Juvenile) and Wheatear at Giffords, 19th and 21st Aug. All three species were side by side on barbed wire. 5 Fledged Yellow Wagtails with 2 agitated adults at Raydon Airfield on 30th Aug, with 2 Hobby over the area. Swallow flocks were 170-200+ feeding between Riverwalk and Holbecks Park during the first week of September. The second week of September saw 180+ Housemartins also feeding in the same area as the Swallows, Hobby was hunting over Holbecks for several days. 41+ Sandmartins were feeding over stubble at Hill Farm, Layham, early evening on 12th September. The first Meadow Pipits were in the stubble at Hill Farm 12th Sept. 3 Swift came very low over the same stubble field. A pair of Swift were still going to nest site up to the 6th September. At Stoke by Nayland a Short-eared Owl seen hunting near and over Park Road by Matt Garnham. Damselflys - Several red-eyed, which Adam Gretton believes are the much rarer, small red eyed damselfly which we saw at Shelley Reservoir on 10th July with Common and Blue tailed damselflys. A few Black-tailed Skimmers were at small res and ponds during July. On the 17th August at Raydon Old Airfield site, a lizzard dashed across the concrete track 30 yards in front of me. I haven’t seen a lizzard for many years, though I don’t look for them. The Fuzz/Railway, Broomhill/Conch, and Redhill Pit were the best sites to see lizzards. 2 Swift, 1 Hobby over garden on 18th September. Jerry Oxford
???? Quiz Night ???? Saturday, 22nd October 2011 at 7.30 P.M. in Community Room, URC, Market Place, Hadleigh For Teams, Groups, Couples or Singles on tables of up to 6 Light Supper and Nibbles included. (Bring your own drinks & glasses) TICKETS Price: £7.50 per person Please contact Kath, The Framestore, 3 High Street, Hadleigh 01473 822334 Fund raising event for Hadleigh and District Twinning Association
For the efficient delivery of your Newspapers and Magazines in Hadleigh and the surrounding villages
KEITH AVIS 68 High Street, Hadleigh
TELEPHONE 01473 823131
We have the widest selection of Greetings Cards in Hadleigh 12
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Community Playgroup Before the end of the summer term, Hadleigh community playgroup was inspected by ofsted. I am very pleased to say that we achieved a ‘Good’ ofsted report, which is a great score to receive for the first ofsted report in the new building. This ‘Good’ report would not have been possible without the very hard work from Janet, the playgroup leader and her supportive staff, Vicky, Sam, Christine and Megan, who have gone out of their way to make this playgroup a happy safe place for your children to come too. Also a thank you to the committee who work very hard behind the scenes in their spare time. If you wish to read our ofsted report, you can either go onto the ofsted website or visit our website where you will find the link directly to the report. I am also pleased to report our new parent and toddler group ‘little hands’ has been shown with great interested. The little hands parents and toddler group is for toddles of 1 to 2 years old, which takes place on a Friday afternoon. When the toddlers are playing the parents can enjoy a much earned cuppa. If your interested in coming along to little hands then please visit our website for further information, or ring to check for places. If you wish to come and have a look at the playgroup, we are holding an open day on 11th October, from 9:30am till 12pm. This day is also a celebration for us, as it will be a year on this day when we first open the doors to the new building. Everyone is invited to come and have a look around the playgroup, and to try activities out with your child. If you would like to send your child to the playgroup, we have spaces available after the half term holiday. For an application form and prices please visit our website www.hadleighcommunityplaygroup.co.uk
Congratulations To Matthew and Amy on the birth of your daughter Leah Laura on September 8th. Another Great Grand Daughter for Terry and Margaret.
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Plum Green & The Suffolk Flower Company launch new website Following new ownership earlier this year Plum Green and The Suffolk Flower Company at 82 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5EF have recently launched a brand new state of the art website along with its sister company the long established gifts, home and living shop Plum Green. The site features an on line store with over 2500 different gifts, home and living items and for the first time a full flower selection available for sale. Orders for flowers that are placed using the online shop will be made up to order from fresh flowers by our fully qualified florists and either delivered by van locally or shipped in special flower boxes for nationwide delivery. As well as over 2500 already available gift, home and living products, new Plum Green items are being added every week and can also be purchased online for nationwide delivery for gifts or any occasion with the option of a full gift wrapping and card service also available. Go to www.plumgreen.co.uk or www. suffolkflower.co.uk and take a look.
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Ebony’s Blog My life at The Shelley Centre
Thewebsite families of Steph & Wayne Visit our newGreen would like to congratulate 'MAGGIE' BROOMFIELD!! them on the birth of their daughter www.taylor-and-sons.co.uk Lots of love George, John,Teresa Ellie-May. Born 25th August 2011,
Guess who's 60 on 3rd October?
and all the family xxxxx
weighing 5lbs 12oz. Love from all
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The Cock Inn Polstead
I am pleased to be settled back into my normal busy routine with the rest of the herd, and to see all our friends enjoying their rides again. Summer seems a long time ago now. Thanks to those of you who responded to last month’s request for more helpers. We have interviewed some new riders and hopefully will be able to get them started before too long. Several of our existing helpers have not been able to continue this term, for various reasons, so if you are still wondering if helping at The Centre would suit you, why not come and watch a ride in progress, and have a chat with us, we’d be delighted to see you. The more helpers we have, the more riders we can take. Telephone to make a date! I had an exciting evening in September when a group of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from Langham came to see me – well to be truthful I think they were more interested in my hairy friends – but they had raised some funds to Sponsor one of the ponies, and it was really good to meet them all. Don’t forget that with Christmas on the way, Sponsoring a Pony makes an excellent gift, and with the rising costs of hay and feed, and electricity for me! we would all be really grateful. Details are on our Website or ring Di at The Centre. Also do look out for the picture of my friends on our new Christmas card this year. Cards are on sale at The Centre or in the Hadleigh Thrift Shop. It is only October so I mustn’t wish the year away too quickly, we still have many more weeks of happy riding, so let’s hope the weather keeps fine for us all. Website: www.rda-east.org.uk/shelley.html Tel: 01473 824172
For our friend Fran Fran instigated the local pub crawl in Hadleigh in October last year to gain support for recognition of cancer and the related effects on family and friends. Almost £850 was raised. We probably all know someone who has suffered with this illness. It can be difficult to know what to say or how to cope with a situation like this. Most sufferers want to be open and honest about their illness, as was Fran. Talking helps. Please take part - come and join us on the next pub crawl on October 21st to celebrate the life of Fran, who sadly lost her fight against cancer in August. She would want us to remember her as the very happy person she was. We would like to raise even more money for a very good cause, Breakthrough Breast Cancer. With fond loving memories from all who knew you. Remember the date - October 21st 2011 starting at 7pm at The George. Raffle tickets will be available from The George from 14th October and will be drawn on the 21st October at 9pm. Further details from Barbara 07899 766736 or The George
Surprise, Surprise!
I would like to say a special thank you to Jo, Paul, Shelly, Kev for my surprise 60th Birthday Party. Also thanks to Steven and Rosemary for the use of their garden and Robert and Jack. Last but not least to my family and friends for making my day a special one! Love and kisses to Ben, Daniel, Reece and Robson. Love Nanny Duck
Monthly Changing Evening Menu Thinking of a Festive Family Gathering or Works Party for December?
BOOKINGS NOW BEING TAKEN Set Menus or Buffets available Please telephone for details THE COCK INN, THE GREEN, POLSTEAD COLCHESTER CO6 5AL
TELEPHONE 01206 263150
Lots of love, Ebonie, Bailey and Bronte XXX
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
07734 858573 01473 241455 peter@hadleighlifesavers.org.uk
FIREWORKS DISPLAY FRIDAY 4th NOVEMBER AT THE MILLFIELD Fire lit at 7.00 pm Fireworks begin at 7.30 pm Licensed Bar - Hot Food FULLY INSURED EVENT PROFESSIONAL FIRING ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT KEITH AVIS & PATEL’S NEWSAGENTS Prices Held! ADVANCE TICKETS Adults £4.50 Under 16s £3.50 Under 5’s FREE PAY ON THE NIGHT Adults £5.00 Under 16s £4.00 15 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk 17
Rotary Review
FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Wed 19 Oct Sat 29 Oct Wed 23 Nov Wed 11 Jan Thu 12 Jan Sun 15 Jan Wed 18 Jan Tue 31 Jan Thu 2 Feb Thu 2 Feb Thu 9 Feb Thu 9 Feb Thu 22 Mar Thu 22 Mar
The 39 Steps ..............................................£41.50 Wizard of Oz ..............................................£93.50 The Lion King.............................................£66.50 Wizard of Oz ..............................................£65.50 Ghost .........................................................£62.00 Shrek .........................................................£61.50 Les Miserables ...........................................£61.50 Jersey Boys ................................................£57.00 Phantom of the Opera ................................£54.75 Dreamboats & Petticoats ............................£42.00 Ghost .........................................................£67.00 Blood Brothers ...........................................£43.00 Billy Elliot ...................................................£51.50 Million Dollar Quartet.................................£51.50
All Shows Are Matinee Performances, Price Includes Top Price Ticket And Luxury Coach Travel
SENIORS DAYS Kensington Palace, Fish & Chips Lunch & ‘Billy Elliot’ Thursday 8th December ~ £62.00
Queens Gallery, Fish & Chips Lunch & Million Dollar Quartet Thursday 26th January ~ £63.00
Tower Bridge Experience, 2 course Carvery Lunch & Blood Brothers Thursday 8th March ~ £57.00 Inc.
EXCURSIONS All prices below are for adults - please enquire for OAP and child prices Wed 5 Oct 8,9 Oct Sat 22 Oct Sun 23 Oct Wed 26 Oct Sun 20 Nov Wed 23 Nov Sun 27 Nov Sun 27 Nov Thu 1 Dec 3,4 Dec Fri 16 Dec Sat 17 Dec Sun 18 Dec
London Shopping & Sightseeing .................£22.00 Knitting & Stitching Show @ Alexandra Palace (inc) .£31.00 London Shopping & Sightseeing .................£22.00 Disney On Ice @ London O2 (inc) ...............£45.00 Disney On Ice @ Wembley Arena (inc).........£46.50 The Motorcycle Show @ Birmingham NEC (inc) ..£45.50 London Shopping & Sightseeing .................£22.00 The Good Food Show @ Birmingham NEC (Travel Only).£29.50 London Shopping & Sightseeing .................£22.00 London Shopping & Sightseeing .................£22.00 The Clothes Show & Dance Show @ Birmingham NEC (inc) .£58.50 Olympia Horseshow Evening Performance (inc) .£73.50 Olympia Horseshow Matinee Performance (inc) .£73.50 CO-OP Juniors Christmas Spectacular (inc)..£32.50
London Shopping/Sightseeing Weekend 8th-9th October ~ £96.00 Halloween Special Jack the Ripper & London Dungeons Weekend Sat 29th - Sun 30th October ~ £139.00 The Trafford Centre Sat 26th - Sun 27th November ~ £76.00 Christmas Markets in Paris 2nd - 4th December ~ £192.00
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www.beestons.co.uk 16
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
CLUB ACTIVITIES: The summer outing for members and partners took place at the beginning of Septemberand comprised of lunch at The Boathouse restaurant in Dedham with a planned walk along the river afterwards.The weather was not nice enough for the walk but an excellent lunch made up for this loss. SPEAKERS: 1 Peter Hopper, a former member of Ipswich Orwell Rotary Club, spoke about his passion for researching family history. He has traced his father's ancestors back to the 17th century when they were millers in Yorkshire. Later his great great grandfather became coxwain of the Humber lifeboat whilst his great grandparents kept a public house by the castle in Lincoln where prisoners were taken for a last pint before execution. His wife who was adopted as a baby has traced her mother to Australia and is now in touch with her half sister. Peter encouraged everyone to try this fascinating hobby. 2 Members were very pleased to welcome Dick Beechener and Jimmy Wilding to a meeting to give a joint presentation of their recent End to End cycle ride.They chose to ride from Lands End to John O'Groats as the prevailing winds would be generally behind them. The journey took 13 days covering 941 miles and with Dick being aged 65 and Jimmy 70 this was no mean feat!! Between them they recounted many stories of their experiences some amusing, some exciting, some heartwarming and some positivly dangerous due to treacherous weather, heavy traffic and steep hills. They were full of praise for the support team without whom they would have been unable to complete the journey namely George Wyatt, Chris Rose, Michael Groom and Colin Brown who looked after all their needs and gave great encouragement all the way. They were also most impressed with the support they recieved from the public along the route who were generous in their donations. Dick announced that the sponsorship total had reached about £14000 including a contribution from the Club presented to him by Club President Mike Sands. This is a magnificent result which is just reward for their epic journey. 3 Chris Dobrowolski, a regular speaker at the Club, reprised a talk given 2 to 3 years ago about the Flying Flea. When some years ago he discovered a book written in 1935 giving instructions on how to build a simple aircraft it caught his imagination and he determined to build one himself. Some research on the internet uncovered a Flying Flea Squadron and he soon got in touch only to find that they did not possess an aircraft. Furthermore they told him that the book was banned in 1936 because of a number of crashes. However they now had the information which would make the plane safe to fly and threy encouraged him to build one. Of course nothing Chris constructs is straightforward so that he decided to make to fusilage out of old tea chests, the engine came from a 2cv Citroen, the wings were made of old newspapers and the rudder from pages of the original book. When the plane was ready to fly he took it to squadron HQ only to learn that they expected him to fly it. Having got that far he had to take the final step so the intrepid pilot got into the cockpit and after a few abhortive attempts the plane actually became airborne reaching a maximum height of 4 metres for a distance of a few hundred metres. Eventually it crashed and remains at squadron HQ to this day. He accompanied this hilarious talk with a short black and white, grainy, film of the flight complete with musical soundtrack which was impressive indeed!! Everyone agreed that the talk was worthy of repeating. 4 Douglas Pulham, a new member to the Club, gave the customary talk about his former businees life. After training in finance and accountancy he joined an american bank in the City in the early 1970's but soon moved to a swedish company after 2years and stayed with them for 30 years. The Company was established in 1929 to run paper mills in Sweden but by the time he joined it was a global business specialising in all kinds of
Sharon’s Alterations Zips Replaced Hems Shortened/Lengthened Roman Blinds Curtains made for Caravan, Home, Awning etc. Other alterations available please call for further information
Call Sharon on 01473 832501 or 07790 227488 If no answer, please leave a message and I will get back to you on my return
paper products such as wipes, tissues, packaging and newsprint with 45000 employees worldwide and a turnover of £10bn. He started at the company depot in Tilbury Docks and in due course became financial controller responsible for negotiating contracts with many of the national daily papers amongst other things. When the company begaan a new venture in Kent to set up a newsprint mill he moved to this associate company as commercial and logistics manager and by 2001 he was Managing Director but in 2007 the parent company decided to outsource this business and sell the site so he grabbed the opportunity to take early retirement. Wishing to move out of Essex where he had lived for most of his life he searched Suffolk and eventually settled in Hadleigh. MEMBERSHIP: Although the Club has successfully recruited 3 or 4 new members during the past 2 years there is plenty of room for more especially ladies to join the one lady member. If you have recently retired from business or are about to do so Hadleigh Rotary Club is there to help with new interests, new friends and new challenges.. Please contact us to learn more and attend a meeting. FUTURE PROGRAMME: October 6th Business meeting, October 13th Speaker Meeting, October 20th Membership and Website discussion, October 27th Speaker Richard Gates Battle of Britain For all information about Hadleigh Rotary Club please contact Rotarian Alan Williams tel no 01473 830229
THE GEORGE HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151
CHRISTMAS MENU NOW AVAILABLE Bookings Being Taken 3 Course Meal, Mince Pie & Coffee Crackers & Poppers
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1st 2nd 8th 15th 22nd 29th
Back Porch Band, 9pm Charlies Quiz Night, 8.30 pm Matt White & The Emulsion, 9pm Stiff In The Morning, 9pm Bouncing Off Concrete, 9pm Skapamaster, 9pm
Email marcus@tlchimneys.co.uk
The Ram Market Place, Hadleigh Tel: 01473 822171
Christmas Menu Join us around our log fire for your Christmas Meal Starters Prawn Cocktail served with crusty granary roll Homemade Winter Vegetable Soup served with crusty granary roll Pork, Plum and Brandy Paté served with granary toast Breaded Camembert served with caramelised onion chutney
Mains Traditional Turkey or Beef both served with roast potatoes and parsnips, pigs in blankets, stuffing and a selection of seasonal vegetables Butternut Squash stuffed with Chickpeas and Moroccan Spices served with roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables Salmon Fillet topped with Pesto and Salsa Breadcrumb served with roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables
Desserts All served with Cream, Ice Cream or Custard Traditional Homemade Christmas Pudding French Apple Tart Belgium Chocolate and Raspberry Tart -Cheese and Biscuit Platter Cappuccino and Homemade Christmas Cake
£17.95 per head Live Entertainment Disco/Karaoke and Bands - See our boards for details 18
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Would you like to be a Hadleigh Friend of The Hospice? A new Friends of St Elizabeth Hospice group is being set up in Hadleigh. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to attend drop-in information sessions on Thursday October 13 at The King’s Head in High Street, from 12 noon-2pm or 5pm-7pm. Friends Groups are made up of volunteers and supporters who wish to work together to help raise money for the charity, which provides specialist services free of charge for patients throughout Suffolk, including the Hadeigh area, and family support. The informal information sessions will include a rolling presentation about the Hospice and a chance to meet Hospice staff and members of other Friends groups. Refreshments will be provided. St Elizabeth Hospice costs £6.6m a year to run and relies on fundraising and donations to meet the majority of these costs. To find out more email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk or call 01473 723600
Did you know there is a Santander in Hadleigh? We can be found in the Market Place, we are open 6 days a week and we offer a great range of financial products and services. We are enjoying getting to know our customers here in Hadleigh and the surrounding areas. We are going to be marking our anniversary and would love you to join us to celebrate with tea, coffee, and cakes on Friday the 25th of November, from 10am till 4pm. We specialise in savings accounts, current accounts and credit cards - we are proud to offer an efficient, professional and personal service. Whether you're visiting just to say "hello", or to find out about our latest range of great savings rates or have a full financial review, you're guaranteed a warm welcome, and excellent service. Why not come in and see what we can do for you, we may be able to make you money, and save you money. Our staff here are experienced and friendly. Julie, Dan, Avril and Sharon look forward to seeing you soon, why not give us a call on 01473 822280.
Your local Santander is now in Hadleigh Open Monday to Friday 09.00 - 5.00, Saturday 09.00 - 1.00
2 Victoria House, Market Place, Hadleigh IP7 5DL
TELEPHONE 01473 822280 The Friends of Hintlesham and Chattisham Churches Are pleased to present
Songs for All Seasons Saturday 15th October at 7.30pm In the Community Hall An evening of songs and well known operatic arias Performed by Julia Parrott Julia’s career has included performances on the West End stage (in Mack and Mabel and a Royal Variety Performance), the operatic stage and concert performances. Julia now runs the Polstead Music Studio. Tickets £17.50 each including a 2 course meal Tickets available from Peter Hollis 01473 652566, Chilli & Chives and Avis News Agents.
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GEL & ACRYLIC EXTENSIONS £25 AROMATHERAPY 15% OFF Now in: GELISH 21 DAY GEL POLISH £15.00 MEN’S CUTS £5.00 Open until 8.00 pm Wednesday, Thursday & Friday To book an appointment call in or phone
01473 829968 20
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
News from The Station Hello Readers, and welcome to this month’s edition of news from the Police Station. Having just been involved in the Policing of the Tour of Britain cycle race on Saturday 17 September, I would like to thank all residents for their patience and understanding who lived on the route through Hadleigh. As many of you will be aware, the organisers had to apply through the Council for the prohibition of parking on the route, which meant several hundred residents having to rethink their parking arrangements. Whilst the Police had no involvement in the prohibition, it was left to us to ensure the roads were clear, and thanks to your cooperation, they were. The day did raise an interesting thought, however. Where did everyone manage to park? I can’t answer that, but I have to say that if we can refrain from parking illegally for an event like this, when normal parking is restricted, why can’t we as a Town keep double and single yellow lines clear for the rest of the year? At the time of writing we are also heavily involved in the investigation into five arson attacks that occurred on 17 September. Two wheelie bins, a hedgerow and conservatory, a car and stock from Buyright were all destroyed by an offender who showed a complete lack of thought for the safety of others. If it wasn’t for the quick thinking of several local residents I fear the results could have been catastrophic. Should any of you have any information regarding these fires, you can contact me at the police station, or crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. Halloween is coming up at the end of the month as well as bonfire night at the beginning of November, please consider others on both of these nights and all can have a good time. Suffolk Police are urging you to consider the effect your actions may have on others this Halloween and Bonfire Night – and to respect those may not want to take part in the festivities. Traditionally both Halloween and Bonfire nights are busy for police with a large number of calls during the end of October and beginning of November relating to anti-social behaviour by a minority who take trick or treating too far and firework-related incidents. We want people to enjoy their Halloween and Bonfire night celebrations but we also want those taking part to have consideration for others. There is a need for everyone taking part to behave responsibly. We would ask parents to ensure they supervise their children, for their own safety and to ensure they do not call at addresses where the occupants do not want to take part, and that anyone trick or treating only visits homes where they know the residents. Most residents that do like to take part normally have some form of Halloween gimmick outside their property. Halloween and Bonfire night can be genuinely scary for many older residents please don’t cause them any unnecessary distress. There is a line between high spirits and anti-social behaviour and we are well aware there are small minorities who will ignore our appeals and we will be out trying to cause trouble. A series of posters has been produced which address the issues surrounding Halloween. One is designed for those who do not want to take part while another asks parents if they would normally let their children call on a stranger’s home unsupervised. These posters will be put up around the county and are being widely distributed to schools and businesses, (look out for these nearer the time in your local shops, also at Hadleigh police station). Don’t forget the clocks will go back at the end of the month. This is a little reminder I use to remember which way and when to change the clocks: spring forward (1 hour forward in the spring time) and Fall back (1 hour back in the fall/autumn) Until next time, Matt PC 1455 Paisley Hadleigh Police Station 01473 613500 Matthew.paisley@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
OK, time to confess! Who was it that bought the last of the tarragon from Partridges? I was astonished they had run out, having successfully sourced it from there on several previous occasions, although I discovered subsequently that the dried version will do the job. Risottos can seem rather labour intensive, but they are such versatile dishes that in my by Sarah Thompson opinion, they are worth the effort. Having had the distinct pleasure of teaming up with Adnams this month, I am keen to make some recommendations. The recipe I have chosen, calls for a dry white wine, so I wanted to find one that was reasonably cheap but also drinkable in its own right. I am partial to a small glass of wine whilst cooking, although please don’t mistake me for Keith Floyd! If you cheat and use really cheap wine, or worse still wine flavouring, it will reflect in the overall taste of the dish. Luke Crawley, store manager for Adnams, suggests Chilean Casa Rivas Chardonnay at £6.50 a bottle. If you are making this for a dinner party or family gathering, you might also like to consider the Tattybogler Pinot Gris at £11.99 a bottle. I hope you enjoy making and eating this truly delightful dish, and don’t forget to apply the rule of BASIL. (Buy And Source It Locally) Leek Risotto – Serves 4 Ingredients 4 large leeks (trimmed and sliced) Large portion of butter for frying Handful of tarragon – approx 8 stalks 400 g (16 oz) risotto rice – use only risotto rice eg arborio 350 ml (10 fluid oz) dry white wine 1 litre (1 pint 15 oz) chicken stock salt and freshly ground black pepper parmesan cheese shavings – enough for 4 Method Put the butter and sliced leeks into a large frying pan. (A wok will do just as nicely) Strip the tarragon stalks of their leaves and add the leaves to the leeks. Heat the mix gently and stir occasionally for about ten minutes. Add the rice, ensuring that it is completely coated in the butter. Pour in the wine, turn up the heat a little if necessary, and stir. The mixture should bubble gently and the wine will evaporate. Add the stock a little at a time, stirring frequently. Continue this process until the stock is absorbed. It is important to note that you may not need all of the liquid. What you want to end up with is a creamy texture to the risotto, but with the rice retaining a slight chalky bite. This should take about 20 minutes. Season and add parmesan to individual tastes. Relax and enjoy the culinary compliments. Optional Extra – Parmesan crisps. These make an impressive addition to the meal and don’t be put off, they are surprisingly easy to make (just don’t tell that to your fellow diners!) Make these in advance of the risotto, so they have a chance to cool down. All you need is a shallow non-stick pan, some parmesan cheese and a little bit of patience. Method Using 20g (¾oz) parmesan per crisp, grate the cheese into a bowl. Spoon measured amounts of cheese into the pan in a heap and flatten with a spoon to create a circular biscuit shape. Fry gently over a low to medium heat so the parmesan melts and bubbles. When it is crisp on the bottom, turn it over gently using a spatula. Cook the other side for a couple of minutes and remove from the pan to cool. Do not be disheartened if you have to experiment with these – you will soon get the hang of them. Place one crisp in each risotto and serve. Sources Items were all sourced locally including the weekend market stall, Partridges farm shop, Ferguson’s Deli and The Co-op. Wine from Adnams who, incidentally have got a food lovers ‘Bake-Off’ coming up on October 14th
Recipe for Success
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“What Did You Do At Playgroup Today?�
Hi I’m Toby and I'm three. I have attended Layham Playgroup since I was two years old. I'm going to share one of my typical days at Playgroup with you. Mummy and I walk to Playgroup in the morning as it's only five minutes from our house. On our way we see lots of my friends who go to Playgroup too. Some of their Mummys bring them by car because they live in Hadleigh. I’m always excited when I'm going to Playgroup, because I don't know what we might be doing or making! Once we've arrived and we've been greeted by Michelle, Liz, Claire or Jenna and our Mummys, Daddys and carers have gone away, we settle down for our register and are told what we will be doing for the morning. Often we make cakes & biscuits, which is my favourite! Sometimes we get to visit Partridge’s Farm, which is always fun. Here we get to see the animals and some We are currently accepting new tractors (and sometimes in the summer we get to try/pick the soft fruit and vegetables). Today we're talking about our summer holidays and the dental patients Hadleigh Family Dental Practice is an dental practice 'Harvest'. I have brought some tins from home to donate to the harvest situated in the centre of Hadleigh. boxes. We are going to celebrate 'Harvest' with St Andrew’s church and # ' # ! # " & will be doing some art work on the theme, maybe even making some environment, We offer a modern and high specification ! # " #$ # # #! scarecrows. How exciting! Next we are going outside to play, it's a lovely including full disability access and facilities. day and Rosie the horse comes to visit us from the field next door. ! ! " # % ! # Sometimes she nibbles our Playgroup fence! We've got lots of different To register, please either telephone the practice $ $ " #' "" toys # " to play with outside. Soon it'll be time for 'snack', where we sit on 01473 823999, together and share different fruits, crackers or try new tastes. Whilst we register on line at www.denticarelimited.co.uk ! "# ! " # ! # are # all! # having lots of fun, our Playgroup workers take photographs for our or just call in.
! "# ! Mummys, # Daddys and carers to see on the computer when they come to pick us up. This lets them know what we've been doing whilst they've been &&& # ! # $ To help you maintain good oral hygiene, you can now arrange ! $"# away from us all morning. Wow, it's tidy-up time already and the time has to see our Hygienist on a private fee basis. flown past! I can't wait to tell my Mummy all about what I've been up to!
details. Please call us for further I'm really looking forward to making a scarecrow. I'd better go and get my stuff together ready for our 'time to go home' song. Bye for now, Toby. Hadleigh FamilyHadleigh Dental Practice Family Dental Practice Layham Playgroup is a feeder group for all three Primary Schools in Hadleigh. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 2 – 4yr 15 Meadows Way, Hadleigh, IP7 5DX 15 Meadows Way, Hadleigh, IP7 5DX old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a Tel: 01473 823999 visit, please contact Linda on 01473 828974 or email us at admin@layhamplaygroup.co.uk. www.layhamplaygroup.co.uk
Hadleigh Family ! Dental Practice
We currently accepting new We are are currently accepting new dental dentalpatients patients
' # ! # " & # ! # " #$ # # #!
! ! " # % ! # $ $ " #' "" # " ! "# ! " # ! # # ! #
! "# ! # &&& # ! # $ ! $"#
01473 823999
Hadleigh Family Dental Practice 15 Meadows Way, Hadleigh, IP7 5DX
Tel: 01473 823999
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
It’s along the Railway walk! Some very pretty Fungi Many among us see fungi as being the mundane items that we see on Supermarket shelves. These generally all look very similar– white on one side and brown-“ish” on the other. Occasionally I come across someone who knows the name of the fungi on which we see the models of the pixies/fairies sitting, but most describe them simply as “Toad-stools” which is rather vague Both of these fungi are “brackets” which grow directly from their host without any stems (unlike the edible mushroom which have stalks). On the under-surface of both there are thousands of small tubes producing a continuous supply of spores (seeds) that fall out for dispersal by air currents. Both are doing the same thing: destroying the wood on which they live (are Saprophitic), returning the nutrients to the soil as part of natures re-cycling process, They are however doing it by attacking different elements of the timber, in different ways. One is doing it from the inner “core”, the other from the outside layers! What are these pretty fungi? Sulphur Self (Laetiporeus sulphurous). These can be found on both living and dead timber and are quite large, growing up to 30 centimetres or more in diameter.. “Sulphurs” attack the heartwood of timber (the darker coloured “core” of most trees), destroying the long fibres (the cellulose) and leaving behind the brown material that gives timber its “hardness” (the Lignin). First it will break the heartwood into small cubes, and eventually brown dust, giving it the common names “Brown” or “Heart” rot, which is frequently the cause of old Oak trees hollowing out. In living trees the organisms have usually entered through wounds where branches have broken away. The name suggests that the fungus is coloured sulphur-yellow, which is not quite true. As you can see in Photo 1 they come in a variety of orange and yellows. Undisturbed they can survive for several years, growing a new ring of cells around the edge each season (you can see them around their perimeter). In young specimens the top of the fungi feels sort of “leathery” (like suede), with the underside almost white and quite rough (the open ends of those small tubes). When immature it is said to be edible with the taste of chicken, leading to one of its other common name, “Chicken of the wood”. Turkey tail (Trametes Versicolour) This one gets its name because its appearance is similar to the tail feathers of wild turkeys. (Photo 2) It is another bracket fungus, but much smaller than the “Sulphur”, producing large numbers of small “carps”, each around the size of a 50p coin. Those in the photo are growing from the end of a cut log and are grey/green in colour, but this can vary considerably due to the presence of the algae living inside their cells. “Turkey-tails” attacks the Sapwood – the lighter coloured outer layers present in most trees - destroying the brown material in the timber (the Lignin) and leaving behind only the long, white “fluffy” cellulose strands, explaining one of its more common names, “White-rot”. Its attack on the outer sapwood layer is completely different to that of the “Sulphurs”, which attacks the inner, heartwood layers. They’re both destroying the wood but in totally different ways. It is said to be edible but I don’t really see how you could collect it without including lots of bits of rotten wood. Personally - not being a very good mycologist (someone who knows about fungi) - I don’t see either of them as a culinary delicacy. To me they’re just two “pretty” fungi, best left for others to admire! Mick T
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
Annual General Meeting 6.00pm, Thursday 17 November 2011 Priory Hall, Benton Street, Hadleigh The Chamber extends a cordial invitation to all, members and nonmembers alike, to join us at our forthcoming AGM. We welcome involvement from anyone interested in promoting our local economy. Apart from transacting formal AGM business, the AGM is the occasion to review the Chamber’s activities over the past year and its plans for the forthcoming year. We hope also to have a keynote address from an invited speaker. Light refreshments will be available. The AGM starts promptly at 6pm and we expect to clear formal business within 15 minutes or so, leaving ample time for our speaker to provoke a lively dialogue. It is always an informal and enjoyable occasion and we hope to see many new faces and, even better, one or two with an interest in becoming involved with the workings of the Chamber.
Electing Officers and Committee We are always on the look out to get members more involved. If you would like to nominate yourself or a friend, please get a nomination from either the website www.hadleigh4u.org, or call James Walters or any of the committee. If you wish to stand yourself please just complete the form, if you wish to nominate someone else, please get their signature to indicate their willingness. Then send the form to James Walter, Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce, 89 High Street, Hadleigh to arrive no later than close of business on Monday 20 November – to give us time to prepare the election slips required. The Chamber Officers positions are up for election every year. Committee members stand for 2 years at a time and half the committee stand down or are up for re-election on rotation. This year there are 4 officers positions and 3 committee posts for nominations and election. Your Officers are currently: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary
Roger Bannister Jonathan Rands James Walter Vacancy
Nominations forms will be posted out in early October. downloadable version on the chamber website.
Review 2011 and Looking Ahead We will keep the reports to a minimum but this is your opportunity to comment on what has been done this year, review the Chamber finances and suggest projects (or volunteer) for 2012. The Chamber has had a number of successful years and we are looking forward to growing further and improving business and commercial opportunities in Hadleigh and the surrounding area. If you have any issues to raise and would like to give members some prior notice to think through your suggestions, please get some background information to James Walter at least a week beforehand so that we can email or post information to everyone. Roger Bannister President, Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce
Join the Chamber on-line today www.hadleigh4u.org for an annual subscription of just £20
Letter from Layham Parish Council The main points discussed at the August meeting of the Parish Council were: • A long discussion was held about the request from Babergh District Council that parish councils put forward suggestions by which money might be saved in the coming years. Councillors agreed to make their considered contributions ready for the September meeting. • Speed checks made by the police on Upper Street revealed no serious speeding. The Council has pointed out that the time of measurement (between 15.50 and 16.50) is a relatively quiet time. A more appropriate time will be suggested for any future exercise. • It has been confirmed that new residents of Upper Street and Mill Lane will need to sign a licence if they wish to use the grass-crete track for access to their rear gardens. It is also confirmed that they may use the narrow strip of land between the track and their boundary fences as they wish. • It was agreed that in future, wherever possible, when issues need to be raised with residents that a visit would be used rather than a letter sent. • It was agreed to write to Pam Walker to thank her for 10 years of service as the Local History Recorder for Layham. • The revised welcome booklet is now ready and will printed on an asneeded basis when new residents arrive. It is downloadable from the Parish Website should any current resident wish to have a hard copy. • The village Recycling Centre will be officially ‘opened’ at 11am on Saturday 1 October. • Further enquiries are being made to find someone to clean down and paint the two telephone boxes. They will be held on the inventory at a value of £700 each. • The website is now up and running. Thanks are to be sent to Jon Woods who has done the work. • Suffolk County Council Highways Dept. is not prepared to sweep the length of road passing through Layham which is part of the National Cycle Route. Enquiries are to be made with Sustrans. • Several names are being put forward to the National Grid to take part in the Hadleigh area Community Forum where further discussions on the route of power lines will take place.
St. Andrew’s – your local church October 2 9 16 23 30
Sundays 10.30 am Family Harvest Eucharist 9.15 am Sung Eucharist 9.15 am Said Eucharist (BCP) 10.15 am Café Church 9.15 am Family Eucharist 10.45 am Benefice Eucharist followed by Hot Sunday Lunch.
Hot Sunday Lunch Layham Village Hall, 30th October 12.30pm 2 courses including coffee £8, Vegetarian option Reductions for children Please book by 25 October Phone Audrey on 822081 or Sonia on 822220 Make a note in your diary Quiz Night with Bangers and Mash Supper £6, 19 November 7.30 pm More details in November HCN
village taking responsibility for the fabric of the Church, whether churchgoers or not. We then heard from our resident architect Robert Keeble about the findings of the Quinnenial review completed in 2007 and what he regards as the immediate priorities, and finally Richard Cranfield explained how much we hoped to raise and what we were hoping for by way of one-off donations or regular giving. Gift Aid forms, which sets out the suggested membership levels, plus a standing order form, are available by email from friendsofstandrews2011@hotmail.com, or from any committee member listed below. In round terms we have received over £6000 in donations plus annual donations of c£1000 pa. To this can be added Gift Aid and donations in kind, the principal one of which is Robert Keeble giving his time for free (at a cost to him and his partners of several 000s of pounds in foregone fees). This is a very good start. However we need to demonstrate to English Heritage and others, that we continue to play a role. The two immediate fundraising priorities are to gather in the final donations from well-wishers who couldn't be there, and to try and increase the committed annual payments from £1000 to £2000. To this end we urge everyone to think about whether they might commit to a small annual donation. On the more mundane but important level, we have opened a bank account and have been registered as a charity with the Charities Commission. We also plan a couple of further activities; details will follow and we would be grateful for feedback and support and help! We thought we would organise some music in the church, probably some time in the New Year, and then we would have a First Anniversary party in May 2012 to celebrate what we have achieved, and try and keep our momentum going. The most immediate priority is our application for grant support to English Heritage, due by end September. This requires work from Robert on the application, and putting forward the best case about our efforts to date to raise money. We will keep you informed on progress. Committee Members The Dean (822218) , Louise Allen (827812), Janie Barbiaux (810067), Richard Cranfield (827596), Allison Dunn ( 824353), Rebecca English (828006), Robert Keeble (828382) and David Pearce (822669).
Layham Playing Field 100 Club The winners of the August draw were: £15 Ticket No 33 Spalding £10 Ticket No 52 Stone
Old Orchard When the exhibition of Lucy Harwood’s paintings took place it was attended by Peter Fairbrother who lived during the 1950s in No 2 Orchard Cottages – just two doors from Kiln House (Lucy Harwood’s home). His bedroom looked out onto the road, over the ‘old’ orchard and then down to the river and to the fields beyond. At that time there were no bungalows. The whole of the stretch between The Marquis of Cornwallis and Stowe’s Cottage was an old apple orchard. Before the river flow was regulated as well as it is now there were frequent floods in the valley. Peter has provided the Layham Archive with photographs of an impressive flood taken from his bedroom window in the 1960s. Lucy Harwood also looked out on almost the same view from Kiln House and amongst several entries about flooding in her diary, the following appeared on 16 March 1964: “I have painted a landscape (almost a seascape) of the floods from my bedroom window today. It rained heavily all the day before yesterday carrying on through the night till it sleeted all yesterday...the floods were superb stretching as far as I could see.”
Friends of St Andrews The Friends of St. Andrews (a charitable trust with registered charity no 1143552) was launched earlier this year with a party at Water House Farm on Sunday 8th May. This was well attended with over 60 adults and several children. Delicious food was provided by the Committee out of their own pockets, and the evening was fully sponsored, so at no cost to the fund raising efforts. We were addressed by the Dean, who reminded us about the importance of the 24
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
National Grid Community Forums Now that the preferred corridor for the Bramford to Twinstead power line has been announced, National Grid is entering into Stage 2 of their consultation. Four Community Forums are being set up and Layham is included in the Hadleigh grouping. The preferred corridor follows the existing line with the smaller (132kV) pylons being dismantled and a second line of taller (400kV)
pylons erected. With parallel lines of 400kV cables it will be necessary to increase the distance between the two lines which means looking very carefully at how close they pass to homes. It is possible that some lengths of the new cable might be buried underground. An independent cost analysis of pylons v. undergrounding is taking place and when that is published campaigning for undergrounding could step up. It is the wish of your Parish Council that the new cable crossing the Brett Valley is undergrounded. The Hadleigh Forum will meet several times in the coming months and members from Layham are: Michael Woods (Chairman Layham Parish Council), Louise Allen, John Curran and Robert Keeble. If you wish to have your viewpoint heard, then please send observations in written form to Jane Cryer, Clerk to Layham Parish Council on email: layhampc@gmail.com
NOW AVAILABLE 2 courses £13.50, 3 courses £17.50
Sustrans National Cycle Network National Cycle Route No 1 (Dover to John o’Groats via the eastern side of UK) is the main north/south cycle route through Suffolk, forming part of the Fakenham to Harwich route via Norwich, Ipswich, Colchester and Felixstowe. The Ipswich to Colchester section passes through Hadleigh, Lower Layham and Shelley – the indicator signs are to be seen on signposts along the way. The picture with this article is of a sign on the signpost out of Lower Layham towards Shelley. Sustrans is a UK charity encouraging people to travel by foot, bike or public transport. You can phone Sustrans on 0845 1130065 to obtain advice on how to get free maps covering parts of Suffolk or order from their website: www.sustrans.org.uk where for £8 you can purchase a series of maps covering the East of England showing a system of routes along traffic-free paths, quiet lanes and traffic-calmed roads.
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Peter’s wife and family would like to thank everyone for their many cards, condolences and kindness throughout this difficult time. It has been a great comfort to us all.
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Aye Aye Me Pumpkin Hearties
Hollow Trees Farm in Semer near Hadleigh will be hosting their annual Family Fun ‘Holloween’ Festival. The festival promises ten days of great pumpkin fun but this year keep a watch out for the Pumpkin Pirates! Walk the Pirate Maize Trail and find some colourful characters guarding the Black Pumpkin Galleon. Imagine you are on the high seas as you jump on the Giant Haystack and bounce on the Pirate inflatable but keep calm as you walk through the Witches Wood and find yet more spooky surprises. New this year is Frisbee Golf and a Pumpkin Shy but popular favourites like the grain play pit and pumpkin carving will still appear. The Holloween Festival is held on the existing farm trail that already has farm animals see and feed as well fun things to do like Welly Throwing, a Giants chair and a very Slippy Pole! There will be plenty to eat and drink in the Old Bat Cafe and the refreshment barn. Good food is guaranteed 8092 Hollow Trees Holloween A5 Layout 22.8.11 22/8/11 10:00 Page 1 with Hollow Trees home produced beef burgers, sausages, sandwiches, cakes and bakes on sale. If you spend a day at the Hollow Trees Farm ‘Holloween’ Festival this October half term and you will not be disappointed. Have a great value for money day out with the pumpkins and pirates! Entrance price is £3.50 per person (2 years and under free). This price covers all activities with only refreshments and any pumpkins purchased being charged separately. The festival runs from Thursday 20th October to Sunday 30th October inclusive and opens at 10am until each day with last entry 4pm. 8092 Hollow Trees Holloween A5 Layout 22.8.115pm 22/8/11 10:00 Pageat 1 Find Hollow Trees Farm in Semer (IP7 6HX) on the A1141 Hadleigh to Hollow Trees Holloween Layout 22.8.11 22/8/11 10:00 Page 1 809222/8/11 10:00 Pageroad. 1 A5Just 8092 Hollow Trees Holloween A5 Layout 22.8.11 Lavenham 3 miles from Hadleigh, 10 miles from Ipswich and 18 ayout 22.8.11 22/8/11 10:00 Page 1 miles from Bury st Edmunds and Colchester . Visit www.hollowtrees.co.uk for more details - Tel 01449 741247 email shop@hollowtrees.co.uk 8092 Hollow Trees Holloween A5 Layout 22.8.11
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
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Beaumont School Report For us at Beaumont the start of the school year is always exciting as we welcome new pupils into the school. We have 16 children starting in our Reception year and 17 children joining us in the Busy Bears Nursery, as well as several new arrivals in other year groups, taking our numbers on roll up to 133. It is amazing how quickly these new children settle into their new environment and learn the school routines, helped on by pupils returning for another year at Beaumont. This year sees the commencement of Picture of Nadia Johnson and the 2 year European funded Oliver Graham Beaumont Comenius Project, with the first visits School’s Road Safety Officers, being made to partner schools this with their gold certificate. term. Beaumont school has been involved in this project in the past and is now embarking, as a lead school, on forging new links with various European schools new to the project. The Comenius project aims to develop knowledge and understanding among young people and education staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages. It aims to help young people to acquire basic life skills and competences for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship. The focus for the participating schools will be the work that goes on in Early Years education (Nursery and Reception classes). Here at Beaumont we feel privileged to have excellent Nursery and Reception classes and feel we can share our good practice with our European neighbours, at the same time as learning from their strengths. During the project the schools will undertake study visits to partner schools, observe demonstrations of good practice and trial new ideas. As a school we also pride ourselves on the links we make with our local community. As part of this we make available our school hall to local groups for use in the evenings. Groups that have used our facilities include the HADS – Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society, Hadleigh and District Flower Club and The Hadleigh Orchestra. Please contact the school office if you are interested in organising a letting. The end of last year was an emotional one as we said goodbye to our Year 6 leavers. On the last day of term they performed their leavers’ assembly, ‘A Journey Through Life’, brilliantly. It was especially poignant as some of the leavers were the first children to have been all the way through the school since it was opened in 2004. It’s always good to stay in touch with the leavers and we have already seen some of the Year 7’s back at Beaumont to let us know that they are having a great time at Hadleigh High School! Lastly, at the end of the Summer term 2 pupils from Beaumont, Oliver Graham and Nadia Johnson were fortunate enough to be awarded a gold certificate for their work as Junior Road Safety Officers. The award was well deserved as the pair worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the safety of the pupils at Beaumont as they travelled to and from school. They organised competitions, designed posters, promoted safety procedures and even carried out crossing patrols during their year. They were awarded their certificate at Endeavour House in Ipswich by Councillor Guy McGregor.
We are pleased to announce our new season menu is now available Lunch time and Daily specials always available from £6.95 3 course Dinner menu from £17.75
Christmas Party Menu 2011 First up… Roast parsnip soup Partridge and pear salad Ham hock and cranberry terrine Smoked salmon and Gravalax sauce Deep fried breaded brie, berry coulis
The main event… Local roast turkey, pan gravy with all the seasonal trimmings Braised beef seasonal spiced gravy, on ‘bubble and squeak’, seasonal vegetables Poached salmon on crushed potatoes, dill and mustard sauce, seasonal vegetables Winter vegetable ragout, roast potatoes
For the big finish Traditional Christmas pudding and Brandy cream Mulled wine sorbet or Eggnog ice cream Chocolate torte, Chantilly cream Yule tide crumble and custard
Our Party Menu is available any night except Sundays starting from 25th November
Book now for our ‘Party Nites’ £19.95 per-person. We can accommodate large parties.
Hadleigh Elderly Peoples Welfare Committee Christmas Voucher Scheme
Friday Nov. 25th, Dec. 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd
Last year the value of the voucher was increased to £8.00 and I will be at least this amount in 2011. Distribution will commence in early December and anyone who has not received a voucher previously and would like one this year should apply before 31st OCTOBER. Applicants after this date will not receive a voucher until 2012.T o be eligible you must have attained the age of 70 before December 31st, live in Hadleigh itself and have lived in the town for more than 6 months. Please apply in writing stating date of birth and length of time in the town to: DAVID STOKES, RAVENBANK, UPPER STREET, LAYHAM, IPSWICH IP7 5JZ Some £4000.00 is required to fund the scheme and the Committee is indebted to businesses and organisations in Hadleigh for their tremendous support over many years. The Annual Appeal will take place in December and it is hoped that everyone will give as generously as possible in these very difficult times.
Book now, Telephone 01473 810200
when will be providing an after dinner Disco and Dance
email s.s.donkey@btinternet.com We can also provide music and entertainment on alternative nights, subject to conditions
For more information or to book
Telephone: 01473 810200 email: s.s.donkey@btinternet.com Stone Street, Hadleigh IP7 6DN www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 4th August 2011 Present: Miss J. Nevard, (Chair) Mrs J. Byrne, Miss P. Cook, Ms Y Free, Mrs. J. Haylock, B. Lazenby, P. Matthews, L. Munson, T Sheldrick and R. Whiting APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Amin and Clarke. These apologies were duly accepted. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 7th July 2011 was confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING The Clerk informed the Committee that a letter had been sent to Babergh District Council with regard to the Tesco decision and a copy of the reply had been tabled for their information. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/11/00794/FHA 5 Ramsey Road Erection of single-storey side extension and erection of 2.1m close boarded fence. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/11/00803/FHA Ivy Tree Farm, Ivy Tree Lane, Erection of garage and garden boundary wall. Construction of new vehicular access. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/11/00809/ROC Unit 5, Seager Court, Crockatt Road, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Application for removal of Condition 2 on approved application B/11/00408/FUL (Operating hours). Approval was recommended (voting was 7 for and 2 against) B/11/00818/FHA The Old Forge, 2 Bridge Street, Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations (following demolition of existing porch). Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/11/00819/LBC The Old Forge, 2 Bridge Street, Application for Listed Building Consent – Demolition of existing porch and outbuilding and erection of single-storey rear extension and internal and external alterations. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) B/11/00828/LBC 102 High Street, Application for Listed Building Consent – Internal alterations. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous). Councillors felt that the plans submitted were nothing short of useless as it was impossible to see where the road was, neither did it say that it was a plan of the first floor and there was no indication of north/south/east/west. B/11/00851/ROC Hadleigh United Football Club, Tinkers Lane, Application under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) to vary condition 2 attached to P.P. B/91/509/FUL to allow floodlights on for a period of 6 hours per week instead of 4 hours per week. Approval was recommended (voting was unanimous) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS Cllr Byrne reported that she had attended the Babergh District Council site meeting for the retrospective application on the Benton End paintballing No B/10/01237/FUL. The Town Council had recommended refusal and it was felt that the Town Council should speak at the Development Meeting and voice their concerns. The Committee agreed that a Councillor would attend the meeting once the date had been confirmed. The Clerk informed Councillors that under the documents tabled for their information was a letter written by a local shop keeper with regard to the Tesco decision as well as a copy of the reply he had received from Babergh District Council. Cllr Sheldrick voiced his concerns over the untidy state of the land by the swimming pool where the new community facility is due to be built. He was informed that building works were due to start at approximately the end of September. Cllr Byrne reported that she had attended the official opening of Canterbury House Care Centre on Gallows Hill and had been most impressed by what she saw. She did, however, voice her disappointment that although the whole of the town appeared to have been invited no official invitation had been received for the Mayor or the Town Council to attend. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:15pm. Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 1st September 2011 Present: Miss J. Nevard, (Chair), Mrs S. Angland, Mrs J. Byrne, T. Clarke, Miss P. Cook, Ms Y Free, Mrs. J. Haylock, P. Matthews, L. Munson, T Sheldrick and R. Whiting. Non-attendee - N. Amin. The Chair welcomed Mrs. Angland to her first meeting following her co-option to Hadleigh Town Council. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Lazenby. This apology was duly accepted. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 4th August 2011 was confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING Councillor Cook asked if the Clerk had been notified of the date of the meeting regarding the paintballing at Benton End. The Clerk advised that to date nothing had been received. Regarding the state of the land by the swimming pool – Councillor Byrne 28
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
advised that following a meeting with Babergh District Council their Solicitor insists that the fencing stays in place until building work starts. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/11/00888/ROC Land South of Lady Lane and North of Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh. Variation of condition 12 of Planning Permission B/06/01488/OUT development of up to 170 no. dwellings, 5 hectares of industrial/commercial, provision of open space and highways infrastructure to allow revisions to previously approved access visibility splays. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00890/FUL Birchlands, Lady Lane. Erection of 8 dwellings with garages and car parking (4 dwellings comprising an amendment to plots 163 to 166 approved pursuant to application for approval of reserved matters – LPA ref: B/09/01431/RES) and erection of double garage for the existing dwelling. Refusal was recommended (Voting was 10 for and 1 against). The application was refused on the grounds of overdevelopment although the Committee were pleased to see how many affordable houses were included in the application. B/11/00913/FUL Health Centre, Market Place, Erection of covered walkway (to link pharmacy with health centre). Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00919/FHA 27 Cranworth Road, Erection of part two-storey/part single storey side extension and front porch. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00920/FHA 51 Tayler Road, Removal of conservatory and erect single storey extension. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00922/FHA 31 New Cut, Alteration and extensions of existing porch and erection of single storey rear extension. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00951/FHA 26 Emmerson Way, Erection of single storey rear extension Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00981/LBC 3 Station Yard, Application for Listed Building Consent – Replacement of single glazing in roof with double glazed units. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/11/00984/TCA 85 Angel Street. To fell seven trees in garden. This application was noted. B/11/00994/FUL Ivy Tree Farm, Ivy Tree Lane, Change of use from agricultural to residential curtilage, proposed erection of garage, driveway and new vehicular access and proposed garden boundary wall. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority, details of which are listed in the Schedule. B/11/00803/FHA IVY TREE FARM, IVY TREE LANE. The Committee noted that this application has been withdrawn. DRAFT NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK It was recommended that the Clerk would provide Councillors with dates to meet and work through this policy. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from Babergh District Council concerning application number B/11/00533/FUL – Land east of Duke Street, Hadleigh – erection of replacement shed (retention of) as amended by flood risk assessment received 22nd July 2011 advising that on a Planning Officer’s decision the application had been refused, the reasons being that the shed was in the conservation area. It was agreed that a letter be sent advising that the shed was not in the conservation area and asking why this decision had been taken. This application had been approved by Hadleigh Town Council on the 7th July 2011. Councillor Cook asked if any information had been received regarding the change of use of the Daisy Chain shop in the High Street as she had heard a barber’s shop was opening. The Clerk would investigate and report back. Councillor Byrne raised concerns over the state of the land in front of Hadleigh Hall which now appeared to have people camping in it. It was agreed that this would be raised at the next Town Council meeting to receive a response from the Police. Councillor Byrne reported that the Hands Off Hadleigh Group is getting a lot of interest from the press at the moment and a documentary has been made about shopping in small towns. Councillor Haylock will be attending the next SALC meeting where a talk will be given on the issue of travellers and traveller sites. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm. Mrs. Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk
HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings: Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 20th October 2011 Thursday 17th November 2011 Planning Committees Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm
Thursday 27th October 2011 Thursday 24th November 2011
RNLI Fundraising News A street collection outside the Hadleigh Co-op on Saturday 9 September raised the grand total of £402.50 – many thanks indeed to all for your generous donations. Quilt Lottery: A wonderful and unique lap quilt (50” x54”) has been specially created in America for the Hadleigh and District RNLI Fundraising Committee, and features, on the reverse, the Southwold Lifeboat, the “Leslie Tranmer”, and the Harwich Lifeboat, the “Albert Brown” (see photograph). Lottery tickets at £1 each will be offered for this quilt, to be drawn at our wine tasting event on 24 February 2012. Initially tickets will be sold at our Jacket Potato Supper at the Priory on 28 October, and then at the Guildhall Craft Fair on 30 October, when the quilt will be on view on the Lifeboat stand. We hope to be able to inform you of additional outlets for Quilt Lottery ticket sales in the November edition of HCN. Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire a really beautiful and distinctive piece of work RNLI Christmas cards and calendars: These will be available at both the Jacket Supper on 28 October and at the Craft Fair on 30 October – buy early to avoid disappointment!! Don’t forget to order your tickets in advance for the Jacket Supper when the sea shanty group Shadows in the Shade will entertain, by telephoning 01473 823470.
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Celebrate Christmas and New Year in Style at Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa
and bring your party to our party!
Hadleigh Footpath Volunteers October Walk 2011 - Saturday 15th October, leaving St Mary’s School, Stonehouse Road, at 10 am. Everybody welcome, dogs included. Strong shoes, or preferably walking boots should be worn, as the ground is rough in places. The walk is 7.5 miles in length, and the route will pass through Kersey, Lindsey, Chelsworth and on to Bildeston. We will return to Hadleigh by bus arriving back at 2.35 pm. There are some wonderful views on this walk, which will include walking along the historic monks path to Kersey, and the water meadows near Chelsworth. This walk is definitely well worth the effort. Further information regarding this walk, or any of the footpath volunteers’ other activities can be obtained from Hadleigh’s Footpath Warden, David Warner on 07749 732941.
At Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa this Christmas a warm welcome awaits you, along with an open fire, great atmosphere, lots of fun and amazing food. So come and enjoy the festivities with your friends, family and colleagues.
Christmas Party Nights Tickets from just £19.95!
New Year’s Eve Gala Ball Tickets £85 including 5 course dinner and dancing to ‘Soul Kitchen’
Three and Four Night Christmas Breaks
Hadleigh Town Forum
This year’s Christmas Street Lighting will take place on Sunday 4th December 2011 from 3 til 6pm in the Market Place If there are any local charities wishing to have a stall at the event please contact Mrs. Elaine Root at Hadleigh Town Council on 01473 823884 or by e.mail on staff@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk by Friday 4th November 2011
From £399 per person
New Year’s Eve Two Night Party Break £195 per person – including Gala Ball ticket and dinner 2nd night Mouth-watering Festive menus are on offer at our Lakes Restaurant including: Christmas Day Lunch, Festive Dinners, Festive Lunches and Boxing Day Brunch Download our online Christmas/New Year Brochure at www.stokebynayland.com For bookings and information please call our Sales Team on 01206 265818/837 Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa Keepers Lane, Leavenheath, Colchester CO6 4PZ www.stokebynayland.com
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed Lunch 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm
TEL: 01473 823374
4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm
9.00pm 9.00pm 9.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.00pm
SOUTHERN FRIED Lip Licking Flavour
169 Angel Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk
TEL: 01473 823374 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Caroline Gibson Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: office@hadleighhigh.net Website: www.hadleighhigh.net
Excellent GCSE Results
Open Evening
Our core purpose at Hadleigh High School is to enable our young people to develop the confidence to be happy and successful and have the skills required to reach their full potential both within and beyond their lives in school. We were delighted with the fantastic GCSE results achieved by our Year 11 pupils in August with 63% gaining at least five GCSE courses at grade C or better including gaining at least a C in both English and Maths – one of the highest proportion to achieve this national benchmark in the school’s history! Pupils have achieved this level of success because they have demonstrated their understanding that learning and achievement are the product of hard work, commitment and persistence. We are immensely proud of their outstanding attitude to their learning and the success this has brought them is well earned. In such pleasing results, many pupils excelled. However, some pupils’ results really stand out as being some of the very best results in the school’s history – Alice Partridge gained 6A* and 6A grades; Gabriella Baker gained 9A*grades, 1A grade and 1B grade; Matt D’Souza gained 8A*, 4A grades and 1 B grade; Jennifer Anderson gained 6A* grades, 5A grades 1B grade; Imogen Player gained 5A* grades, 6A grades and 1B grade; Alice Highland and Anastasia Wyatt both gained 5A*, 6A and 1B grade; A; Callum Clarke gained 5A* grades, 3A grades 3B grades and including a 100% score for his Geography GCSE.
Our Open Evening is taking place on the 6th October between 6.30 - 8.30 p.m. There will be a great deal of activity across the school’s site with many of our pupils demonstrating the learning we undertake at school and encouraging Year 5 and 6 pupils to take part in the wide range of activities on offer. Year 10 pupils will be providing tours of the school and there will be 2 talks by Mrs. Gibson. This is always a lively and engaging event and we look forward to welcoming all our visitors to share this experience as well as meeting our staff and pupils.
Walter Wright Working Together with The High School To Produce Future Business Leaders
News from the Science department The science department is currently working with Cambridge University in a research project known as Pistamy. The school hopes that this opportunity will improve the learning of students within Science lessons. Next week members of the Science department will be taking Hadleigh Community Primary pond dipping. This is one of many activities that the Science department have arranged for the primary schools. Also members of 8 different primary schools in the area are joining Hadleigh High for a Space Camp. This will be an exciting day that will aim to improve the children’s knowledge of space through many different activities.
Sponsored Walk On Tuesday 29th September, the Hadleigh High School sponsored walk will be taking place. It is a popular tradition that takes place every two years and as usual we are all really looking forward to it. We hope to raise Walter Wright (in the top bit and projects then underneath) lots of money for our chosen charity and that the school leadership team feel will benefit the pupils. Look out for us in our crazy Planning After The Emergency Budget Seminar outfits and costumes! Tuesday 29 June 2010 at Hintlesham Golf Club 7.30am Registration for a 7.45am start Numbers are limited so please contact Anita Postle on 01473 822143 as soon as possible to book your place. School’s have in really well making an Fornew more pupils information visitsettled www.walterwright.co.uk
Our New Year 7’s
Hadleigh High excellent start to the term and year. Their enthusiasm has shown both in and out of lessons, and we hope they will be just as successful in their future years at Hadleigh High.
New Tax Year New Tax Rules
Drama At Hadleigh High
Our production of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ will be taking place on the 1st November at The New Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich. Rehearsals are in full Planning After The Budget Seminar swing and we are looking forward to our workshop at The New Wolsey Wednesday 30 March 2011 at Hintlesham Golf Club later this month. ’I am looking for forward performing in a professional 7.30am Registration a 7.45amto start Numbers are talented limited so please contact Anita Postle onMichael 01473 822143 theatre, and working with actors in a workshop.’ Sextonas soon as possible to book your place. Grant (Year 10) Meanwhile, rehearsals for the Hadleigh High 2012 For more information visit www.walterwright.co.uk Production of ‘We Will Rock You’ are just beginning, and the show in mid February promises to be full of the usual song, dance and excitement. ‘I am glad of the opportunity to perform in another outstanding school play,’ says Emily Kitchen of Year 10.
Planning After The Budget Seminar New Community News Teams The start of another school year means another new group of Hadleigh 30th High Year 10’s taking up the rolesWednesday of the community newsMarch team. We’re looking forward to the opportunities will bring andGolf hope Club that you’ll at this Hintlesham enjoy our updates about what‘s going on at Hadleigh.
7.30am Registration for a 7.45am start
Profit from our Experience
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Smith Brothers Succeed at Sailing Regatta
limited so please contact Two Hadleigh High studentsNumbers took part are in the RS Tera Inland National on 01473 Sailing Championship Regatta Anita on thePostle 10th and 11th of 822143 September. as Smith soon love as possible to were bookpleased your place. Brothers Matthew and Dominic sailing and with For more visit www.walterwright.co.u their results. In Matthew’s firstinformation ever competitive race he came a respectable 24th finishing slightly ahead of his brother who came 28th. The regatta lasted 2 days and both brothers had a great time; we wish them luck in all of their future races.
A Warm Welcome To The New Teachers... On behalf of Hadleigh High School, we would like to give a warm welcome to all of the new staff that have just joined us here at Hadleigh: Mrs Beach (Head of History), Mrs Macdonald (Learning Support Assistant), Miss Blyth (Science Teacher), Mr Browne (Geography Teacher), Mrs Warren (Learning Support Assistant), Miss Crossley (PE SCITT Teacher in Training), Miss Henly (English Teacher), Ms Kitchingham (MFL Teacher), Miss Laing-Buisson (Art Teacher), Miss Macey (Head of Music), Miss Rowland (Geography Teacher), Mrs Sibley (Subject Development Leader for MFL) and Miss Stearns (MFL Teacher). We hope that your stay here at Hadleigh is productive and enjoyable! Good Luck.
Hadleigh High Leisure Centre OCTOBER HALF TERM ACTIVITIES Mon 24 Babergh Day Camp Tues 25 10-11am Try Trampoline
October Happenings
2-4pm Roller Skating
MFL The MFL Department are currently looking forward to the arrival of two new Foreign Language Assistants, one from Germany and the other one from France, at the beginning of October.
Eco Warriors An update from the Eco Warriors: the outdoor classroom is coming along well. The fence around it was put up over the summer and we hope that it will be ready to use very soon!
Fri 28 10-2pm Strikers F/B Casual and Club Football A few slots left on our Astro on week nights and weekends. We also have a full size grass pitch with occasional weekend morning availability
Open Evening Open Evening is taking place on the 6th October 6.30 to 8.30. We have enlisted the help of a large group of Year tens who we know will ensure that the valuable first impression will be as good as it can be.
Half Term Opening hours Mon 8am - 2pm & 5 - 10pm
Post-16 Options Evening
Tue 8am - 4pm & 5—10pm
On the 13th of October Hadleigh High will be holding a Post-16 options evening from 7 - 9:30pm. Parents and students are all welcome to come and speak to the colleges, local employers and the army careers about future options and jobs. We look forward to seeing you there! Written by: Frankie King, Michael Sexton Grant, Tori Hale, Kate McIntosh, Harriet Cutler, Abbie Brown, Collette Motteram and Yasmin Tampion.
Greener Hadleigh Our Green Skills and Ideas Fair on Saturday the 17th September was a great success and we would like to thank the exhibitors, contributors and visitors who made it such an interesting event. We hope to repeat this next year and look forward to seeing you there. October is really autumnal and one traditional event is apple picking. Over the years our orchards and many traditional varieties have disappeared, in part due to foreign imports. For over twenty years Apple Day has been celebrated on or around the 21st October, so why not take the opportunity to visit a farm shop or grower of local apples to taste and support local produce. If you are lucky enough to have an apple tree, but don't usually pick them perhaps this year you could invite friends and neighbours to help, or even have a picking party. Look for ways to store and preserve them and different recipes, such as apple charlotte, apple brown betty and jams and chutneys. Traditional games are competitions for making the longest peel and apple bobbing amongst others. An apple event in Ipswich on Saturday the 22nd October is to take place in Holywells Park between 11.00 and 14.00 more information from Peter Scotcher 463860
Wed 8am - 4pm & 5—10pm Thu 8am - 12 noon & 5—9pm Sat 8am - 1pm. Sun 9am - 12 noon
Don’t Forget! - We have a Fitness Studio & Exercise classes. You can hire single indoor courts for Badminton & Table Tennis and we have hard courts available for Netball. Join Karate, Badminton, Boxing & Basketball clubs and we run Diddy Strikers for Toddlers 31/2 - 5yrs. EVERYONE IS WELCOME 01473 824441 for info.
Hadleigh Naturalists Society Invite members and visitors to the following meetings MONDAY 3rd OCTOBER Illustrated talk, The Wild Flowers of Greece, Dr Stephen Clarkson SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER Fungus Foray at Brandon Country Park Leave 1 pm from Swimming Pool car park, RD ÂŁ5 Contact Jill Taylor 01473 823787 MONDAY 7th NOVEMBER Illustrated talk, Natural History Rambles in Australia, Ann Boufoy Visitors ÂŁ2.50 Talks held at Town Hall Dining Room Market Place, Hadleigh at 7.30 pm
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A member of the Dedham Vale Network of complementary therapists and practitioners www.dedhamvalenetwork.com
Whatfield Players Trio In Waiting, our next show - November 17th & 18th at Whatfield Village Hall - is a group of one-act comic plays with a common theme of ‘waiting’. Here be Dragons - by Brian J Burton, is set in a doctor’s waiting room ruled over by a very domineering receptionist - a slice of life which will have you laughing. In Terminal Chat - by Jim Sperinck, takes place in an airport waiting area, where eight passengers grappling with their own problems, meet the biggest problem in one man, who is determined to bore them all with his advice and opinions. The Help Committee Try Again - by Peter Assinder - the empty vicarage awaits it’s new incumbent - but is someone already there? The members of the ‘Help Committee’ are more than a little disconcerted when they arrive to spruce up the house. Tickets will be on sale from mid-October at The Idler bookshop, Tel 827752. Whatfield villagers can book by calling Diane on 822000. Including a light supper and bar facilities, tickets will be £7.00. Our chosen charity will be announced next month - BOOK EARLY - we sold out last time!!
Whatfield Playground Latest News! Please help us win a NatWest CommunityForce Award of £6,000 towards our Playground by voting for our project between 26th Sept - 25th Oct Vote by calling the NatWest CommunityForce helpline number 0800 2100 245 or online: http://communityforce. natwest.com/project/751 These details are all we have been given at the moment - so please keep an eye out for our posters and flyers which will have all the finalised information on how to vote. Each person should have three votes as far as we know - so please make sure you vote for us as many times as you can - we need as much help as we can get! Last April we were so close to winning another grant decided by public vote (thank you if you voted for us), so this time we are going to make sure we do win - Whatfield needs YOUR help!
Sunday 8am & 10.45am (see website for details) 7-9pm Porch Project Illuminate (for teenagers) in Church Tuesday 11am at The Row Chapel. George Street 6-8pm The Porch Project (for teenagers) Wednesday 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist followed by breakfast Friday 9.30am to 12noon Cafe Church 7.30 - 10pm The Porch Project (for teenagers)
St Mary’s The Parish Church of Hadleigh www.stmaryshadleigh.co.uk Dean - The Very Revd Martin Thrower Tel: 01473 822218
The Benefice Office at St Mary’s is open From 10 am - 12 noon on weekdays Tel: 01473 824987 32
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Harvest Celebration Sunday 2 October, 10.45am Worship for all the family with contributions from St Mary's School & The Guides Harvest at The Row Chapel Reading & Music - Tuesday 11 October at 11am St Luke's Day Tuesday 18 October, 7.30pm High Mass with Healing Ministry All Soul's Service Commemoration & Thanksgiving for all those who have died Sunday 30 October, 4pm (No service at 10.45am)
Hadleigh Folk and Acoustic Music Nights Our second Hadleigh Folk and Acoustic Music Night on Friday 7th October, as announced in the previous issue of the Community News, will be an evening with The Candle Thieves. This duo from Peterborough will be bringing their pop/folk self-penned songs, played on guitar, keyboard and assorted toys. An entertaining evening is promised. As before, we will have a support artist, this time it is singer/songwriter Matt Haines. At the beginning of the evening, there will also be "floor spots", an opportunity for anyone to sing or play a few songs or tunes. Friday November 4th is the next date for your diary when we will be back in the folk tradition with popular local duo Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer. Vicki and Jonny perform traditional and contemporary songs and tunes accompanied by guitar, flute, smallpipes and nykelharpa, a traditional Swedish instrument. If you want a taste of their music, log on to www.myspace.com/smallpiper. The support artist will be singer / guitarist Phil Lyons. If you are interested in performing a floor spot on either of these nights, please ring us on 01473 828745 or 07818 417780. We hope that you will enjoy these musical evenings and look forward to seeing you there. The evenings start at 8pm and admission is £5 and £2 for performers and concessions. Remember that there no bar at the Ansell Centre but you can bring your own drinks or buy them at the well-stocked shop Mixers on the corner of High Street and Church Street. Simon and Val Haines
Thankyou I would like to thank my wife Sheila (Nurse Gladys), Lorraine, Michael, Paul, Maxine, Frazer, Kimberley and Ruby May and also friends and neighbours for their help, support and kindness following my recent successful hip replacement operation. May I also thank Mr. S. Pryke and his team on Martlesham Ward at Ipswich Hospital. Stephen Mason
The Friends of St. Mary’s Church Annual Meeting 2011, Saturday 29th October at 7.30 pm Roy Tricker, who has compiled a new Church Guide, will be speaking about the amazing wealth of beauty and interest that he enjoys as a visitor and pilgrim to St. Mary’s Church. He will share with us some of the features which inspire and amaze him and also some of the mysteries which baffle him. Roy is a Licensed Reader, an Emeritus Lay Canon and has been a crusading church-crawler since the age of four! Wine and nibbles will be served during the evening.
ALDHAM COMMON CHARITY Registered Charity No. 207881
The Charity exists to provide support for people of all ages in the Hadleigh area in cases of family hardship. For further information or application form Tel: 01473 822199 or email: aldhamcommoncharity@hotmail.co.uk
Dr Kenneth Wright
OPEN DAY Sunday 23rd October, 10am - 4pm Introducing Diode Light Therapy An anti-ageing, rejuvenating and healing treatment which harnesses the positive effects of both red and blue light to replenish and repair skin cells.
Many Opening Offers We are pleased to introduce Jan Turner, a practitioner with many years experience in
The Bowen Technique Treatment for: Back and Neck pain • Frozen Shoulder • Sports Injuries Sciatica • Joint Pain • Strokes • MS • Fatigue Plus many more, this technique is a non-manipulative therapy. Jan would be pleased to give free consultations on the day.
Our resident Hypnotherapist Graham Howes will also be available for free consultations for: Stop Smoking • Anxiety/Stress Fears • Depression Weight Loss with the Hypnotic Gastric Band
Worried about applying your eye shadow? Then come and see the latest craze from America - Instant Eye Shadow. Our therapists will be on hand to show you how easy it is to achieve beautiful eyes.
Sunbed October Offer ONLY £20 (Normally £30) for 60 minutes use Many special offers available on the day, so please call in the salon for your tickets. Only £1.50 (entered into raffle prize for £50)
MA, BM BCh, M Phil. (Psychiat.), MRCPsych.
Psychoanalyst Individual and Marital Psychotherapist Member of Institute of Psychoanalysis, Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists and British Society of Couple Psychotherapists and Counsellors BCP registered For initial consultation: Tel. 01473 828976 e-mail: kjt.wright@doctors.org.uk 6 Queen Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5DZ
01473 828805 Victoria House, 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
0299 Hadleigh Com News (Sept) x135_Layout 1 07/09/2011 07:45 Page 1
It’s the Game Season at The Bildeston Crown –
Enjoy! • INDIAN GAME DINNER – FRIDAY 4TH NOVEMBER The Cinnamon Club’s Vivek Singh visits Suffolk to cook with chef Chris Lee for a very special Indian Game Feast – £70
and this year it is especially spicy! Vivek Singh from London’s Cinnamon Club is to be guest chef at The Bildeston Crown as part of the Suffolk inn’s game season this year. Other attractions include the specially designed “Shoot with the Chef” stays and the regular Game Tasting dinner with the BASC.
Indian Game Dinner with Vivek Singh – Friday 4th November
• SUNDAY DINE AND STAY: Dinner, Bed & Breakfast (Sunday menu) from £125.00 per couple
October and November are Game season at The Bildeston Crown. Locally supplied game will be a constant feature on the new Autumn menus but the focal event will be on Friday 4th November when The Cinnamon Club’s Vivek Singh visits Suffolk to cook with chef Chris Lee for a very special Indian Game Feast:
See our website for more seasonal offers
Freshly baked breads accompanied by a selection of three Cinnamon Club chutneys _ Pre- starter - Prepared by Chris Lee Tandoori style breast of Suffolk Pigeon, smoked paprika raita Prepared by Vivek Singh _ THE BILDESTON CROWN 104 High Street, Bildeston Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 7EB
Telephone: 01449 740510 Visit: www.thebildestoncrown.com
Confit of partridge pie - Prepared by Chris Lee _ Rajasthani spiced saddle of venison with pickling sauce Selection of vegetarian sides, lentils etc. Prepared by Vivek Singh _ Pre- dessert - Prepare by Chris Lee _
Church of Eng d l e i la a tf le
h ontrol d Primary nd C y r W nt a Sch Set in the beautiful oo u l l rural Suffolk countryside Vo Offering exciting educational opportunities and exceptional standards in a stimulating environment
Contact us at: Whatfield CEVC Primary School Rectory Road, Whatfield, Suffolk IP7 6QU. Tel: 01473 823309 Fax: 01473 828406 E-mail: whatfieldcps@talk21.com www.whatfield.suffolk.sch.uk Head teacher Lynne C. S. Golding 34
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Tasting of pumpkin desserts, tart, brûlée and pumpkin chutney roll Prepared by Vivek Singh _ Coffees and petit fours The Indian Game Dinner will be £70 per person or £100 per person to include a flight of wine. Chef Chris Lee is delighted to have the opportunity to welcome Vivek to Suffolk: “I’ve known Vivek for some years and find his culinary style just mind-blowing. It has been said that he has liberated Indian food combining the best of Indian flavours and spicing with western styles. I am going to really enjoy cooking alongside him and seeing first-hand how he takes traditional English game produce and creates dishes in his very own Indian style.”
WEEKEND DEAL Indian Game Dinner Accommodation deal: Diners at the Indian Game Dinner qualify for The Friday Night Unwind special room rate of only £120* B&B (* standard room – 2 sharing). For this weekend only, we are extending the special room rate to the Saturday for those staying Friday. Bildeston Crown, High Street, Bildeston, Suffolk, IP7 7EB Telephone: 01449 740510
Desktops and Laptops spares and repairs New and Second User XP machines Speed up your system and remove those bugs! Inkjet Laser cartridges supplied etc., etc........
Two Hundred Years of Suffolk Freemasonry The Lodge of Virtue & Silence No 332 Earlier this year on March 1st, the Lodge of Virtue and Silence, No 332, celebrated two hundred years of Freemasonry in Hadleigh. By any standard this is an achievement that could never have been envisaged by the Founders in 1811. At that time in every community such as Hadleigh there were numerous Commercial Inns and Hotels. They provided a natural interface between every level of society, providing stabling for horses and equipment, accommodation and refreshment for travellers and residents alike. These premises naturally became meeting places for a diverse range of clubs and societies and this is exactly what must have occurred at the Shoulder of Mutton Inn, Hadleigh. It was here that the Lodge was founded on February 27th 1811 and it continued as the Lodge meeting place up until the death of the tenants in 1825. The Lodge then moved to the White Lion Inn, where it remained for the next 150 years, before circumstances of space, popularity and increasing numbers, caused a move to the Town Hall in 1975. The Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity Trustees having agreed to let out the Old Town Hall, the Kitchen and Committee Room for use as a Temple and Dining Room. However, this move was to be short lived. In 1986 news was received from the Trustees that the building had failed to meet the Antient Apron, discovered required safety standards and that it would during the renovation of a be closed for remedial work. This meant property in Hadleigh Market another move for the Lodge, this time, out of Place and believed to have the town to the newly refurbished Raydon belonged to one of the first Village Hall. The estimated time to restore members of the Lodge and update the Town Hall was three years, however due to differences between the Architects and English Heritage, a further three years was to elapse before the Lodge eventually returned to the Town Hall in 1993. The founding of the Hadleigh Lodge, as it was known in the first letters of petition, seems to have been the inspiration of Brother, William Corrie Golding, a Fellmonger (dealer in skins) and Tanner whose premises were situated at and behind his home at the corner of Pound Lane. He was already a Freemason, having been initiated into the Angel Lodge, Number 57 in Colchester in 1801. The other important signatory on the petition was Worshipful Master, William Catchpole, a Woollen Draper of Ipswich, who was then currently the Master of the Perfect Friendship Lodge, in Ipswich. The remaining six signatories were all Hadleigh men who had been initiated into the Perfect Friendship Lodge; Askew Bickmore, a school master; John Grimwade, a school teacher and bookseller, with a sideline in selling tea; William Scott. a plumber; Thomas Cuddon, a basket maker; Thomas Preston, an Innkeeper and George Bateman, a maltster. The new Lodge got off to a good start. The records show that new members were being drawn from a wide variety of areas and backgrounds, Dedham, Langham, Kersey, Whatfield, as well as Hadleigh itself. The trades and professions were also just as diverse, blacksmiths, whitesmiths, plumbers, drapers, tailors, farmers, auctioneers, an officer of excise. Some two years later, in November 1814 a Warrant from an expired Lodge in North Wales was obtained by Grand Lodge in London and transferred to the Lodge of Virtue and Silence in Hadleigh. The document covering the Consecration meeting is an extremely long and detailed one. This was a major event for the town, with a procession of Lodge members and guests, together with Masonic dignitaries from the Province of Suffolk, all proceeding from the Shoulder of Mutton to the Assembly Room for the ceremony at 10 o'clock in the morning and returning for a banquet at the Shoulder of Mutton at 3 o'clock. This was to be the first of five subsequent visits by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk to the Town, the last being in 1935. The first doctor member, Dr J. T. Muriel was initiated into the Lodge in 1855 he was the first of several members belonging to the medical profession. The longest serving of whom was Dr J.C. Norman 1877 – 1923 and the shortest
serving being a Dr Thomas Hicks from Great Wenham, who was initiated, passed and raised at consecutive monthly meetings and then went of to South Africa to possibly serve in the Boer War. The Lodge celebrated it's centenary with a small ceremony at the White Lion Hotel in 1911. Later that year the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk visited the Town, when the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Dr Joseph Clement Norman served as Master, the Earl of Stradbroke Master three times. He was initiated in 1877 and died in 1923. This presided and presented the memorial plaque, unveiled in 1925, Lodge members with their can be seen in St. Mary’s Church Centenary Jewels. Afterwards, two hundred people sat down to dine in the Town Hall and two special trains were laid on for the visitors to get to and return from Hadleigh. After the Great War, Virtue and Silence continued in it's popularity, so much so that moves were afoot to limit the applications of initiates and joining members to a six mile radius of Hadleigh. At the start of World War 2 and due to the proscription and persecution of Freemasonry and Freemasons in the Axis Countries, the Lodge Warrants were sent to the United Grand Lodge for safe keeping and it is recorded that the minute books, other documents and items of Lodge equipment were packed and removed to a place of safety, “Known only to certain Brethren”. However, the Lodge continued to meet regularly throughout the period of hostilities and at the end of the war a report was sent to London, stating the activities of the Brethren and concluding with “no member had lost their lives or were disabled”. The result of the continued upwelling of interest in Freemasonry after the war, led the Lodge of Virtue and Silence to sponsor a daughter lodge at Nayland in 1986, Court Knoll Lodge, No 9194. A few years later in 1992 a second daughter lodge was sponsored, this time in Hadleigh, Brett Valley Lodge, No 9479. During the last two decades Masonic Charity has been formalised at the centre to enable assistance to be given more evenly to medical research, education, welfare of the elderly and other national and international causes. There has not been recent disaster in any part of the World that has not received a donation or help from the charities supported by United Grand Lodge. Even so, local issues and organisations, have been and continue to be, supported by local Masons. The 1st of March 2011 was a day of celebration. The attendance was limited to 120 members and guests, consisting of representatives of the United Grand Lodge, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk, one each from our Founding Lodges and our Daughter Lodges. The day started with a reception in the Town Hall, after which an extra-ordinary meeting was convened when the main business was the presentation of the Bi-centenary Warrant to the Lodge by the Grand Secretary. A brief history of the Lodge was read out and all the Brethren then retired to the Grand Hall for a dinner. In the two hundred years since that small gesture by eight men to found a Masonic Lodge in Hadleigh there has been a total membership of approximately five hundred. This membership has covered a vast spectrum of people from all walks of life and backgrounds, the majority coming from within the area of South Suffolk but also a substantial number from away, bringing with them a wealth of experience and knowledge. The common theme, to be a part of the heritage of Hadleigh and to make a contribution to those less well provided for. Of one thing we can be assured, Freemasonry has taken a solid root in the fabric of this Town of Hadleigh, and it will be no surprise to find that in 2111 Masons will be celebrating a third century of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Gordon Spindler
1899 - The first known photograph of the Lodge of Virtue & Silence
They Also Served (1939 - 1945 ) Warrant Officer Willie (Bill) Banks R.A.F.V.R. When the nineteen years and nine months old Yorkshire man enlisted in the Royal Air Force in February 1943 he little realised what fate was in store for him. On completion of initial training at I.T.W., R.A.F. St. Athan, he volunteered for aircrew training as a pilot, passing the acceptance tests. However he was assigned to be trained as a flight engineer in heavy bombers recognition of having completed indentured training as a motor mechanic in the five years since leaving grammar school in his hometown of Sheffield. After the intensive specialised flight engineer’s course came the final hurdle at an Operational Conversion Unit where he met for the first time his future fellow crew members, some of whom were already operation hardened flyers, reassigned to form a new crew to replace operational losses. In the process enabling the newer intake to familiarise more readily with the Handley Page Halifax and the Avro Lancaster. When they had fully trained up they were posted to Bomber Command’s senior bomber squadron No. 100, based at R.A.F. Waltham near Grimsby, (motto,” Do not stir up a hornets nest”), who were then flying Lancs. Bill received his flight engineer half wing and promotion becoming Sgt. Flt./Eng. W. Banks of Lancaster HW-B, the crew continuing to attain full operational efficiency. Upon satisfying the Squadron Commander as to their readiness for operational duty they embarked on their first tour of operations (Ops.). One of their targets included the ball bearing factories at Schweinfurt, one of the most heavily defended industrial complexes in the Ruhr. It was on one of these night Ops that Bill’s mid upper gunner a pre-war regular, Sgt. Raiment, distinguished himself by shooting down a German night fighter with only 90 rounds of .303 in each of his twin Brownings. However it was to be the night of 9th of April 1944 that became the defining moment. For the crew of HW-B, on Bill’s eighteenth operation. A total of 103 Lancasters from Nos.1 and 5 Groups assembled to carry out a sea mine laying operation in the Baltic, specifically to block off the harbour area of Danzig, (now Gdansk), which was believed to be sheltering a German pocket battleship. Each aircraft carried a total of six mines that were to be dropped by parachute from a height of 14,000 feet as opposed to a normal mine laying height of 500 - 1,000 feet. There were a number of reasons for
We need a PART-TIME CUSTOMER ADVISER to help deliver our award-winning service For more information pop into our branch at 94 High Street, visit www.ibs.co.uk or give us a call on 01473 827373
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this departure. The risk contained in a large number of aircraft flying low over a confined target area, plus the desire to make use of any cloud cover available as the moon was full, (normally all night operations would be suspended for a week either side of a full moon), together with the saturation of the target area reducing the need for complete accuracy from a low height. The route plotted from Grimsby was a direct line across the North Sea to Copenhagen then turning south east to Danzig across the Baltic avoiding the heavily defended areas of North Germany. As they approached the target area they could clearly see shipping anchored in the area known as the Danzig Roads. The bomb aimer reported “mines dropped successfully”, and pilot Flt. Lt. Alex Dickie, a Canadian, turned onto the course given by the navigator who soon advised they would clear the Danish coast in seven minutes time, so far all seemed to plan. It was then that the rear gunner reported over the intercom that he could see the exhaust flame of an aircraft taking off. Shortly afterward the Lanc shook violently as cannon shells ripped through the vulnerable underside of the fuselage starting a fire and affecting the controls. They had been attacked completely unseen from below by a Junkers night fighter, a Ju 88C equipped with two fixed upward firing 20mm cannons, “schrage musik”, (jazz music). This was a very recent addition to the Ju’s normal heavy fire power which was also equipped with the latest bomber seeking radar Lichtenstein and Monica which plotted the course of enemy bombers for the German pilot, giving him all the aces. Alex Dickie tried to control the burning stricken plane but as it went into a spin he ordered the crew to bale out, four were to jump from the side hatch, Bill who was in the bomb aimer’s bay released the nose hatch which with the sudden change of air pressure got stuck diagonally across the space. Standing as best he could he kicked the hatch free then kneeling rolled out into the night head first and away from the blazing aircraft, saying a silent prayer as he went. Pulling on his parachute pack rings the pilot ‘chute released, which in turn pulled out the main ‘chute but a strap hit him and momentarily stunned him. On regaining his composure he looked up and saw the white canopy above him as he swayed like a pendulum in a grandfather clock below it. His prayer had been answered ! Meanwhile during his descent the Lancaster had exploded taking both the pilot (Dickie) and the rear gunner, Sgt. Price, on it’s earthward plummet. Bill landed safely in a recently cultivated field and hurriedly shook of his harness and gathered up the chute to hide under the nearby hedge, legging it into a small copse. At daylight Bill was pondering his next move and was seen by a farmer who told Bill he would have to report him to the police or risk imprisonment himself or worse if not, returning soon after with two German soldiers. Bill accepted that the farmer had little option and bore him no ill will, he also confirmed the fairness of the treatment he was to receive from his German captors, both then and at all times during his captivity, a direct contrast to the way with which the German’s dealt with captured American airmen. A tense initial interrogation followed and over the next fourteen months he was moved to five different PoW Camps all containing R.A.F. air crews. During these journey’s he witnessed the devastation that both the R.A.F. and the U.S. 8th Air Force had wreaked all across Germany. In June 1945 his camp was released by the British 6th. Airborne Division and suffering from acute pleurisy he was flown back in a Dakota to an R.A.F hospital. He was to receive The 1939/45 Star, The Air Crew Europe Star and The War Medal. His greatest source of pride was his election to The Caterpillar Club exclusively for those who had jumped to safety from a disabled or crashing aircraft. On recovery and after six weeks home leave on double rations he returned to take charge of No. 41 M.T.U. at R.A.F. Fradley, having already been promoted to Flight Sergeant he was advanced to Warrant Officer. The irony of which being that he now had two German PoW’s to look after his quarters!! Bill was demobilised in March 1947, married in 1949 and came to live in Suffolk in the early 50’s. working for his wife’s relatives transport company until retirement, although his marriage ended in 1965, he has one daughter who lives in Poole. If you see a silver Virgo disability scooter around town, step aside - out of respect !! Fred Breyer Footnote: Parachute instruction consisted of an afternoon demo on how to fit on the harness before boarding the aircraft. The parachute itself was hung close by the user’s position to clip on if required. Bomber Command alone lost 55,573 aircrew in action, 9784 crew were shot down and taken prisoner.
Stoke by Nayland Country Lodges due to open in early 2012 Work is progressing well on the five new self-catered Country Lodges which are being constructed by Stoke by Nayland Hotel on the former Women’s Land Army Hostel site in Plough Lane, Leavenheath. Weather permitting, these should be completed by the early spring. The two storey Lodges are being built to a very high specification and their position just above the The Lodges under construction 17th tee of the Gainsborough golf course commands outstanding views over the lakes, golf courses and Constable Country. Susanna Rendall, Managing Director of the familyowned Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa says, “The Country Lodges will provide our guests with an idyllic escape where they can come for extended breaks with family and friends or colleagues and relax whilst experiencing the tranquillity of this beautiful corner of Suffolk. They will be able to take advantage of the excellent spa, golf and dining facilities offered at the hotel during their stay. We are hoping that the Lodges will also be used by local residents to accommodate their families and friends during visits for the holidays and festive season.� A central feature of the site is the original water tower from the Women’s Land Army Hostel. The top floor of the tower will provide a unique observation point for visitors to enjoy the stunning views over the lakes and beautiful countryside and will host a collection of pictures and memorabilia of the site from its original use during the 2nd World War. The Lodges nestle sympathetically within the landscape – the roofs are tiled with Red Cedar shingles and the exterior walls are clad with stunning Iroko wood. Emphasis has been on renewable energy sources for all services. Each Lodge will have solar photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, solar thermal panels for heating water and air source heat pumps for central heating. The official opening for the Lodges is planned for the early Spring.
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Hadleigh has Talent 2011- The Live Final Friday October 7th at 7.30 sees the live final of Hadleigh has Talent 2011. Its time to put our best talent onstage in front of a panel of expert judges and the public. Entrance to the event is only ÂŁ2 or ÂŁ1 for children, so why not come down to Hadleigh Town Hall and join us, to find out who are our brightest local stars. The contest is run by Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society in conjuction with the Hadleigh Town Council entertainments forum and our winners will be centre stage at the Towns Christmas fair as well as receiving cash or studio time as prizes.
Monks Eleigh CEVC Primary School Pupils of Monks Eleigh CEVC Primary school have returned to school after the summer break to a new and exciting future. Following extensive consultations the school has formed a Federation with Boxford CEVC Primary School. In 2009 Boxford was accredited as an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;outstandingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; school and we will be sharing this expertise. The Staff of Monks Eleigh are working closely with their colleagues at Boxford and Mr Robert Giles is the Executive Headteacher of both schools. Our Pupils are benefitting from working alongside their peers at Boxford including joint curriculum activities such as music tuition, sport and language. Already an educational visit has been arranged for the children from both schools to Colchester Castle as part of their study into the Romans. Over the summer, Staff and Governors have been working really hard to create a new and exciting learning environment. They have established a new library, art and craft area and carried out extensive refurbishment. This will complement an outstanding outdoor area and other excellent facilities including full size football pitch and a woodland trail. In addition a new village hall is going to be built on our school grounds which we will be using for PE and games.
The school is holding an Open Afternoon on Tuesday 18th October 2011 from 1-3pm Please come along and join us for light refreshments and see our new school. www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Lady’s Afternoon on the Orwell
but not all insurers provide specialist home insurance for high value homes and lifestyles.
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The good ship ‘Orwell Lady’ hosted the Fidelis’ summer meeting, a cruise along the river of the same name from Ipswich to Harwich return. The outward journey was full of interest as the Captain knowledgeable pointed out significant landmarks along the way. These were easy to see from a somewhat windswept vantage point on deck. Chugging leisurely along the ship passes a bizarre folly, an old brewery, peregrine nesting boxes and a bright green observatory to name just a few of the locations worthy of a mention. As the vessel approached the choppier waters of Harwich, the heavens opened. Fortunately this unwelcome precipitation coincided with the appearance of an elaborate afternoon tea - but not from above. Members beat a hasty retreat below deck and thoroughly enjoyed the sumptuous spread of homemade sandwiches, cakes and unlimited cuppas. By the time the Orwell Lady passed through the Prince Philip Lock to return to her berth our hardy sailors were warm, dry and oblivious to the inclement weather raging above. The following day there was a blue sky and hours of sunshine. Perhaps the sun does only shine on the righteous……. Jan Devey
The Children’s Society Coffee Morning We do right by you
Agent of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited.
The great sum of £167.90 was raised at this event held at St Mary’s Church on the 9th September. Many thanks are due to those who dropped in and also to the ever willing volunteers who filled the breach when circumstances caused the absence of others. Thanks also to those who gave raffle prizes, cakes and other items for consumption or sale. Everybody’s effort is truly appreciated. Sue Mitchell, Parish Co-ordinator, The Children’s Society
Flu Vaccinations 2011 Following the success of last years flu sessions, we will be holding our sessions again at
HADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL LEISURE CENTRE in the sports barn on SATURDAY 8th OCTOBER 9 am - 12 noon SATURDAY 5th NOVEMBER 9 am - 12 noon no appointments necessary The Community minibus will be collecting people every half hour (starting 8.30am) from Magdalen Road (bus stop) up to the High School. We are also holding a flu session at
BOXFORD VILLAGE HALL TUESDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 9 am - 12 noon & 2 pm - 4 pm no appointments necessary (no community bus for Boxford)
For Patients registered at the Hadleigh and Boxford Surgeries only
Telephone 01473 822961 www.hadleighhealth.co.uk 38
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
The Caribbean comes to Hadleigh Along with hot opportunities, canapés and cocktails The silky white sands and clear turquoise waters of the Caribbean may seem a million miles away, but the remarkable investment opportunities from this exotic part of the world are being offered right here in Hadleigh. DB International Homes, who work in conjunction with Harlequin Property, will be hosting an exciting Caribbean Investment Evening at the Town Hall, Marketplace, Hadleigh on Tuesday 1st November at 7pm. The exclusive event will be a free introduction to their self-financing freehold investment properties in five stunning locations across the Caribbean, targeting the luxury end of the market where property rentals are achieving the best results. With a reservation fee of just £1000 and guaranteed rental returns, DB International Homes are keen to showcase just how affordable Caribbean property investment can be. Suffolk based consultant, Aaron Foster, together with Directors, David Blackwell and Roger Galton-Davis, are delighted to bring these investment opportunities to the residents of Hadleigh. David explains, “Investors want capital growth and high returns out of their property and now that’s achievable by targeting the luxury end of the market where rentals aren’t affected by the recession.” Meanwhile, the developer of these properties is keen to attract individual investors and will be selling off-plan so you’ll pay a lower price for your property than it will be valued at completion. The property developments are located in Barbados, St. Vincent, Dominican Republic, St Lucia and Brazil. Between them, David and Roger have invested in properties in St Vincent and the Grenadines at the ‘Buccament Bay Resort’. Offering state-of-the-art facilities, ‘Buccament Bay Resort’ is the first luxurious five star familyoriented resort on St Vincent. With a marina, bars, restaurants, fitness and spa facilities, fresh water swimming pools, diving and water sports, music and entertainment, which can enjoyed in all year round sunny weather, it’s already attracting the many American, Canadian and British visitors keen to holiday in the Caribbean. This also means investors are already experiencing excellent returns from the resort, which opened just a year ago. Spaces are limited so please telephone Aaron Foster on 07533 986733 or visit www.dbinternationalhomes.co.uk to reserve your place at the Caribbean Investment Evening, Tuesday 1st November 2011, 7pm for 7.30pm start at The Town Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh IP7 5DN
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Marketplace, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DN Wine and refreshments will be served
at Hadleigh Guildhall 10 am & 12 noon on Tuesdays Elaine 07946 815148 5.30 & 7.30 pm on Thursdays Yvonne 07971 921093
A Juicy Tour On arrival at the vast premises of Copella Farm, Boxford we were greeted by our guide, the company’s Quality and Safety Manager, Dave Smyth. He started with an informative talk about types, blends and seasonal varieties of apples used in the production of Copella's Copella’s Dave Smyth with Fidelis ladies ‘dressed’ for the tour juices. Production statistics at the plant are staggeringly impressive with 1 kilo of apples yielding approximately 700mls of juice and a total of 100,000 litres each day! Then came our hilarious transformation into the ‘safe’ dress code for the next stage of the tour. All ladies had to shed their jewellery and don hairnets, hard hats, steel toe- cap boots/shoes plus extra-large shirt-type over-garments! Once appropriately kitted out for the factory, we observed all stages of production. Crates of apples are washed, pulped, squeezed into juice which is then pasteurised before being bottled, labelled and packaged. In addition to safety, Copella is also very environmentally aware. The juice containers come in plastic pre-forms which are blown into the required shape by a wonderful piece of machinery. The complete automation of the factory ensures round the clock production 24/7 with the 92 employees, multi-tasking and working a 14-day shift cycle. Apart from these efficiency considerations, the company has joined forces with botanist and environmental campaigner Sir David Bellamy and the National Trust. Through their ‘Plant and Protect’ scheme they are hoping to help reverse the worrying decline in the English Apple and bees by encouraging the general public to grow more fruit. After our enlightening tour, we thanked Dave for making our visit so enjoyable and it was with considerable relief that we slipped out of our mandatory 'uniform'. Sustenance was definitely needed after all the walking in heavy boots, so we adjourned to The Crown at Stoke by Nayland, where an excellent lunch was enjoyed by all. Jan Devey
Two Films to start our Autumn Season Friday 14th October at 7.30 pm
RED (12A) All action comedy starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren as former CIA agents. Friday 28th October at 7.30 pm
ANOTHER YEAR (12A) Acclaimed British director Mike Leigh returns with this tale of a kindly, well-adjusted couple coping with their dysfunctional friends. Starring Jim Broadbent and Ruth Sheen.
Ansell Luncheon Club says goodbye to two ‘old’ friends In August the Ansell Luncheon Club said au revoir and thank you to Pam Jacobs and Betty Scarfe. After six years Pam feels she can no longer take the full responsibility of being our cook - we shall miss her greatly, as we will Betty, who supported Pam. We hope after a rest Pam may come back and help us in some way, not least in an advisory capacity to the rest of us who are now on a steep learning curve as far as the kitchen is concerned!
Admission for both films is £3 on the door (accompanied children £2) You will find Hollywood in Hadleigh in the Ansell Centre MARKET PLACE, HADLEIGH
CONTACTING THE ACC • Call Eve on 827888 • Call Jan on 823413 • Email Jan at jan@dicks.plus.com • Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk
WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access through the church garden. 40
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Invest in yourself, invest in your health
October coincides with the beginning of ‘Flu season’, so now is a good time to pay some extra attention to your immune system. Strengthening your general immunity will help protect not only against specific strains of flu but also against the full spectrum of seasonal infections. At holon we have a range of highly effective homeopathic immune boosters and can offer practical advise on dietary and lifestyle strategies to help you stay healthy this autumn and winter. STOP PRESS-Now offering Pilates classes with Paige on Tuesdays 6pm and Saturdays 9.30am. Call 01473 826232 for more details
Integrated Personal and Environmental Health Care Alexander Dent B.Sc. (Hons) OST 01473 826232; 07800 542901 holonhealth@gmail.com www.holonhealth.co.uk
News from Home-Start Babergh The summer is now nearly over and once again has proved to be a busy time for everyone at Home-Start Babergh. In July we held our AGM at Brett Vale Golf Club in Raydon, who continue to support us for which we are extremely grateful. It was an opportunity to share the experiences of the previous year and thank all the volunteers, directors and staff for their hard work and dedication. With just time to catch our breath, we then took a number of our families on a summer seaside outing to Walton on the Naze. A fantastic day was had by all; the children (and parents) thoroughly enjoyed messing around on the beach and braving the cold for the odd paddle! It was a shame that the glorious British summer left us for that day; however, despite a few drops of rain in the morning, it remained dry. I would personally like to thank Councillor David Grutchfield who kindly funded the cost of the coach for the trip from his locality budget. He has also contributed to the rent and running costs of our Hadleigh Family Group which is now held in Hadleigh Baptist Church. We also held a Race Night on Friday 30th September at Brett Vale Golf Club. This was an opportunity for people to come along and support Home-Start Babergh with the whole family. Thanks to Lance, Penny, Mick and Mel for organising a fun evening and once again to the Golf Club for hosting it. These events are essential to ensure that we raise the funds needed to be able to continue offering the valuable support our volunteers provide to the families from the Babergh area. There are many ways that people support our scheme; volunteering, donations, donating unwanted children’s clothes and toys, IT support; we are grateful to all of those who help . The current economic climate has impacted greatly on charities searching for funding from the large trusts, with many approaching the same pots of money resulting in smaller, or at times no grants being awarded. If you are interested in our work or would like to volunteer for us please contact me at the office on 01473 822822 or e-mail info@homestartbabergh.co.uk We also have a website were details of our work and forthcoming fundraising events can be found: www.homestartbabergh.co.uk Sarah Mann, Scheme Leader
Call now to schedule your appointment. Free 15 minute consultations also available Unit 23, Hadleigh Business and Learning Centre Crockatt Road, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 6RD
Pied Piper Childminding P= I = E= D=
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Please contact Karyn Cuthbert on 01473 810035 or email kazthepiedpiper@yahoo.co.uk to discuss your childcare needs.
Thankyou Jane Savoury would like to say a thank you for all the help and kindness shown to me in my recent time of trouble.
elmsett storshops We offer clean, secure, easy access storage from £50/month and workshop options from £75-£400/month Access all hours 24 hour CCTV & Security Barrier Flood Lighting Parking available adjacent to unit
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2012 Diaries at Keith Avis Our selection of 2012 diaries are now in stock: A4 - Page a day ÂŁ4.25 ÂŁ2.50 A4 - Week to view A5 - Page a day ÂŁ2.50 A5 - Week to view ÂŁ1.50 Pocket Dairy 90p Student Diary ÂŁ1.75 Wall Planner ÂŁ1.50 Salmon Calendars Various Prices 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EF - Tel: 01473 823 131
112a High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EL
A J Carpets is a family run business with 30 years experience in floor coverings
We offer a friendly and personal service: Free Estimates Free Advice Fitting Included
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Parish Report September 2011 Councillor David Grutchfield 1 Stockton Close, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5SH Tel: 01473 822883 E: david.grutchfield@suffolk.gov.uk Lucy Robinson appointed as Interim Chief Executive Earlier this month Lucy Robinson was appointed as the interim chief executive at Suffolk County Council. She has been employed by Suffolk County Council since 2002 as the Director for Economy, Skills and Environment. She had previously held a number of other roles across local and central government, and had been covering the role of Chief Executive since the previous Chief Executive was put on â&#x20AC;&#x153;gardening leaveâ&#x20AC;?. The role is initially for six months, during which time the recruitment of a permanent Chief Executive will take place. Mrs Robinson has been appointed on a salary of ÂŁ150,000 pro rata. Petitions â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Concessionary Passes At the last Full Council meeting the Liberal Democrat Group submitted a motion recommending that concessionary bus pass holders should be allowed to travel from 9am instead of 9:30am. In addition we recommended that those who hold concessionary bus passes due to a disability should have no time limit on use of the bus network. The decision will be referred to Cabinet at some point in the near future as it was the original decision making body. In the meantime Lib Dem County Councillor Caroline Page has launched a petition to highlight the public support. If you would like to sign the petition please go to; http://petitions.web-labs.co.uk/suffolkcc/public/Bus-Passes--we-need-to-travel-before-9-30A printable version of the petition is available from: http://carolinepage.blog.suffolk.libdems.org/2011/07/15/bus-passes-newhope-for-the-elderly-and-disabled-of-suffolk/ Libraries Update The latest on the Libraries is that the administration has put forward a number of different options for the future structure of the service. As part of the report to Cabinet on the 19th of July, these options below will go through a best value evaluation; â&#x20AC;˘ A Council Business Unit â&#x20AC;˘ A Council owned company/enterprise â&#x20AC;˘ Independent Company/Enterprise This will be reported back to Cabinet on the 8th of November. In addition to this the administration agreed to a consultation regarding the future of mobile libraries. The Council has also moved to set up pilots for community run libraries. The pilot libraries are: Aldeburgh, Bungay, Eye, Debenham and Stradbroke, Sudbury, Thurston, Wickham Market, Gainsborough, Chantry, Ipswich, Stoke, Rosehill and Westbourne â&#x20AC;&#x201C; working together. These projects will begin in April 2012, and will look to increase the amount of local decision making, fundraising and activities and look to include more public services under one roof. I will update you further when I have more information. You can find a copy of the press release sent out by the Council on this matter, at this address; http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/News/CommunityLibrariesPilotProjectsGetThe GoAhead.htm Mobile libraries A consultation on mobile libraries, runs from Monday 5 September to Friday 14 October. The council is consulting on the plans set out in the July Cabinet paper, which were: â&#x20AC;˘ to move from fortnightly to monthly or four-weekly stops, as neighbouring library authorities have done, and â&#x20AC;˘ to remove stops in communities that are served by a static library. This would save an estimated ÂŁ225,000 a year, while maintaining the mobile library service to communities that do not have a static library. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yet have any further details, but the consultations should appear online at: http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/CouncilAndDemocracy/Consultations/ A report on the outcome of the consultation and subsequent recommendations will go to Cabinet in November, and full Council in December. Suffolk County Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Broadband Bid Success Suffolkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bid to improve Broadband across the County has finally been approved. The ÂŁ41m scheme, which has up to ÂŁ10m backing from the County, was given the green light by the Government early last week. This follows a revised bid by the County Council in which they upped their bid significantly after the last submission was rejected. The total funding from the Government for this scheme will be ÂŁ11m. The private sector will be matching the bid from the public sector to reach the ÂŁ41m total. I will update you further when I have more information about the timetable for this plan. A12 Campaign Update The campaign by local Lib Dems, and local residents to improve the safety of the A12 between the Copdock Mill interchange and the Essex border highlighted recently that the cost of
accidents and fatalities along this stretch of road amounts to £17.5m over the last five years. This figure, along with the previous research, justifies the calls for a speed limit of 60mph, with average speed cameras and the closure of the central reservation gap at the B1065. Unfortunately the Highways Agency disagrees, and has branded the suggested changes as uneconomic, even though they have spent £70m on electronic road signs for the A14, which will not reduce the level of accidents. I will keep you updated with further developments on the campaign to increase the safety of the A12. Public Questions at Full Council & Cabinet As usual members of the public can ask questions to the administration at both Full Council and at Cabinet. In order for your question to be picked for either of the meetings, it must be submitted four days prior to the meeting at 12 o’clock. This means that for those questions to Full Council, which takes place on the 22nd of September, they have to be submitted by the 16th. For more information, about the type of question that can be submitted, and for whom to send your question to, please head to the link below; http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/CouncilAndDemocracy/DecisionMaking/Public QuestionTimeatMeetingsoftheCountyCouncilandCabinet.htm Pylon Update As you probably already know National Grid has announced its intention to build pylons along Corridor 2, travelling past Hintlesham, between Hadleigh and Upper Layham, and through the AONB before getting to Twinstead. Curiously National Grid has failed to say whether it favours Corridor 2a or 2b. As part of Stage 2 of the consultation, National Grid has been holding a number of community information events, and will in the future be looking to create community forums along the route to involve the local population. This second stage still allows responses to the decision, and the form for doing this can be found on the website at; http://www.bramford-twinstead.co.uk/have-your-say.aspx According to their website, the next stage of National Grid’s plan to build a new line between Bramford and Twinstead, will give greater consideration to mitigation measures such as woodland planting, shorter pylons or using underground cables. The Lib Dems continue to oppose the use of pylons across Suffolk’s valuable countryside. The effect of building an overhead transmission line could damage both the local tourism economy, as well as lower house prices in the area affecting residents. We believe that undergrounding is a viable option to prevent the irreparable damage that could be caused, and studies have shown the cost of this is not the 12 to 17 times that has been quoted by National Grid, but is actually less than 4 times the cost of overhead lines. As previously reported we are also interested in future technologies that would see electricity transmission taken undersea to places of great demand, preventing need for pylons to be constructed.
Royal British Legion
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St. Joseph’s Long Bessels, Hadleigh The Catholic Parish of Sudbury with Hadleigh Parish Priest: Fr Peter Brett (01787 372703) 07785 562518 (Emergencies) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367) Mass times at St. Joseph’s Hadleigh Sunday: 11.15 a.m. Mass followed by tea and coffee Wednesday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) Friday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) For more details and for week-day Masses at Sudbury and for any changes to the times of week-day Masses in Hadleigh please consult the Parish Newsletter or refer to the web site www.sudburywithhadleigh.net or contact Father Brett or Deacon Andy The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is also available at 10.30 a.m. in Sudbury or after Sunday Mass at Hadleigh, or by arrangement with Father Brett.
Hadleigh Branch & Club Friday 7th: Special Needs Party Sunday 9th: Quiz Night with Charles Monday 10th: Summer Darts League Finals Night - All welcome Saturday 15th: The Martells, a brilliant local band Sunday 30th: Quiz Night with charles Snooker League starts 6th October Dixon Darts Winter League starts Monday 7th November Special offers: John Smiths Cask & McEwans Lager £2.20 pint Double JD or Southern Comfort £3.20 Branch News The Hadleigh and District Royal British Legion Branch will hold their next meeting Tuesday the 11th October 2011 at 19.30 hrs. Would you like to join the Branch Committee? Then please come to the Royal British Legion Club in George Street. The Poppy Support is there to help service personnel, their dependents and all ex-service personnel. If you would like more information on this, please contact the Branch Secretary Sabine Harvey via the club in George Street. Women’s Section News The Women’s Section meeting will take place on Tuesday the 4th October 2011 at 19.30. We are having a games evening, please bring your favorite game and challenge someone to have a go. Don’t forget to bring a raffle prize.
Dont forget our Hall Hire: Lounge 30 people, Main Hall 100 people Ring 824874 for details
All members, old and new, very welcome! www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Hadleigh & District Garden Club Well now, the start of the Clubs’ new season was nothing if not different, very different! First, we were in our new venue which threw us somewhat as we got to grips with a new system for teas, layout etc added to funereal lighting which was thankfully relieved by a member who understood the lighting system enough to gain a reasonable level so we could actually see the exhibits. (Note to self - find out where those controls are for future occassions). It had looked like the beginning of a disaster as our booked speaker was unable to attend, (wife about to produce!) but the replacement he sent was absolutely terrific, phew! After that it turned into a rather hilarious evening as he was a young man, Guy Barker, with a great sense of humour, a seemingly unlimited knowledge of his subject and more passion for his plants than I thought possible for a young man of only twenty six. The evenings subject was herbaceous plants for Autumn Colour on this particular occasion but he assured us he had several other talks he could give. A very driven and inspiring speaker. A really happy and informative meeting with loads of room to move around, so roll on the rest of the season. And, for us gardeners, please mother nature, send us a nice average year, a proper winter at the right time, ditto spring, a summer that coincides with the right months and an autumn - well, a season of brilliant colour and benign weather, no drastic droughts or deluges - is that too much to ask?! Probaly, as “average” and “English Weather” are a contradiction of terms! Oh well, there’s nothing like hoping! Of course, to serious gardeners, this is really the beginning of the 2012 season as this is when all the organisation, planning, seed ordering and alterations need to be done and more particularly, the preparation of the soil for the next growing season so it is friable (some frosts please M.N.) and easy to knock down. Some planting is of course done before Christmas, in fact new strawberry runners now, some broad beans, onions and shallots soon - heavens, here it all goes again, still time to put your feet up with the shorter days though - good luck. Our next meeting - a talk by Tony Ward from Kings Seeds. For more information phone Ruth Allen 822323
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STIHL’s new range of cordless garden power tools offers unparalleled performance and convenience.
District Councillors Kathryn Grandon and Brian Riley will be holding their monthly walk in surgery on Saturday 8th October at Hadleigh Library from 11 until noon. You are welcome to drop in or to call 07866 581 556 to discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town. Appointments are not necessary.
COFFEE MORNING Saturday 5th November 11 am - 2 pm Hadleigh Royal British Legion Cake Stall, Tombola, Name the Teddy Guess the weight of the cake, and much more...
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Tel: 01473 823839 Fax: 01473 824999 Email: sales@wjgreen.co.uk www.wjgreen.co.uk 44
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts One of the pleasures of gardening is that no matter how old you are you can continue to learn. I enjoy watching "Gardeners World". It has been a pleasure to have Monty Don back in charge this year. A lot of the things he suggests are perfectly standard gardening techniques, but occasionally he comes out with variations on the "normal", and occasionally I am moved to try them. This year I tried two suggestions. The first was the "Chelsea Chop" which involved pruning perennials quite heavily about the time of the Chelsea Flower Show with the idea of getting them to flower later and improve the late Summer border. I did this on a group of Phlox, and they are now flowering well in mid September weeks after the unchopped group are over. So this worked, and I am thinking about how to use the idea next year. The second was the idea of planting marrows and courgettes under runner or climbing french beans. Monty Don's beans were growing on wigwams, mine were in rows. My marrows and courgettes survived, but they did not crop very well. I do not think they got enough light. I shall not be doing this next year. One of the Runner beans that I grow is called "Painted Lady". It is attractive because it has red and white flowers. I like it because although the beans are not as long as "Enorma" the other variety that I grow, it continues producing beans later in the season. When I was picking the other day I thought about the name, and realised that this year I had not seen a single "Painted Lady" butterfly. Then I realised that there had not been nearly as many white butterflies in my garden as usual. The white butterflies can be a real menace, but I love to see all the other pretty butterflies flitting around. Sadly the Open Gardens season has come to an end, but in October there are usually Apple Days that are worth visiting to celebrate the wonderful variety of English apples. The only one in Suffolk that I know of as I write this is the Suffolk Wildlife Trust one at Redgrave & Lopham Fen on October 16, but if you are interested watch out for adverts. Weather Records In August we had 73.8 mm (2.9") of rain, which is well above our average monthly rainfall.At the end of August the 3 month running total figure stood at 213.7 mm (8.4") , which is about 40% above the average figure. In August the maximum temperature was 29 Cel (84F) which is warmer than we have had for a few years, but no where near the 36 Cel (97F) which occurred in 2003. The minimum was 9 Cel (48F) which is about average for August. In my garden the ground temperature in mid September is 13 Cel (55F) which is normal. Hints October is the month to start the Winter clear up while enjoying the last of the Summer flowers, and harvesting and enjoying the vegetables that you have grown. There is an increasing interest in planting Spring Bedding and Containers, and this is the time to get on with this job. The popular plants are Pansies and Wallflowers (correctly Cheiranthus), although there are other plants such as Bellis (the double daisy) that can be used. I am a little wary of buying Wallflower plants, because they belong to the crucifer family, and are therefore susceptible to the "Club Root" disease which affects cabbages and related vegetables, and I do not want to risk introducing this into my vegetable patch. Where no vegetables are grown this is less important. October is a good month to lift and replant Crocosmia & Montbretia. Throw away the old tubers and replant the best of the new ones. It is also important to remember that we can have a damaging frost by the end of October, so it is a good idea to either protect or propagate tender perennials. We do not know what the coming Winter will be like, so we should be prepared. One can get very good sweet pea plants by sowing them now in pots or root trainers, and overwintering them in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. Enjoy your gardening, John Rye
HADLEIGH & DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Monday 10th October Ground Floor of Town Hall, 7.30 p.m.
Kings Seeds an illustrated talk by Tony Ward ÂŁ1 member ÂŁ2 visitors includes refreshments
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Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk
Dear Sir In the last Newsletter Les Selby sang the praises of Ainger Holbrows; I would like to do the same for the Hadleigh Mobility Centre, and in particular Elaine, who went to considerable trouble to obtain a spare part for my mobility scooter. And she kept me informed during the 4 days it took to obtain and fit the part. So, thanks very much for your efforts, Elaine. My daughter and family from Berkshire recently walked the River Walk and returned via the High Street. They had considerable praise for the variety of independent shops in Hadleigh as they can only shop at branches of the big, soulless chain stores where they live. In their view, Hadleigh needs a branch of Tesco like a hole in the head! David Bishop, Boxford
Dear Sir Reader David Hammond wants another supermarket in Hadleigh, a reader from Kersey wants a supermarket store with a 24hour garage and Tesco want a waterfront store. David Hammond also states that the river walk is overgrown and the Brett works site a mess. If David reads either the broadsheet or tabloid newspapers he will have seen that when supermarkets cannot get planning permission, they let the site get run down until the more gullible members of the public say that we ought to have a store here. This tactic has been used on more than a dozen occasions across the country. The solution is simple, build a supermarket in Kersey. If it were built by the ford, Tesco would have its waterfront store, the reader from Kersey wouldn't have to go to Lady lane for his petrol, David Hammond would get his beloved Supermarket and we wouldn't have to have this awful store in the middle of our town. David Hammond also offers his congratulations to the towns people of Manningtree on getting a Tesco store next year, I assume he is offering this to the townspeople that wanted a store, however, commiserations to the majority who did not want a Tesco store in the town but have had one forced upon them. I agree with David Hammond on wanting a Tesco store, provided it is built at least 50 miles from Hadleigh. Jim Bottley
Dear Sir If you are reading this in the ‘Hadleigh Community News’ you are surely part of the community of Hadleigh. Why then are not more of you supporting events/functions organised within the community for the community? On 19th August we went to a coffee morning in the Ansell Centre arranged to benefit the Inclusion Project (adults with learning difficulties). The atmosphere was lively and happy. Coffee and biscuit is just 50p, coffee and crumpet £1. Yet so few people were there. It is held the third Friday of the month, so please do support these in future. On 21st August we went to the courtyard garden of Angel Court. It was a warm, sunny and breezy afternoon. Entertainment was provided by Lindi Lou, a charming vocalist, and a cream tea (lovely scones) was just £2.50. Many of the residents were enjoying the afternoon and apart from ‘Friends of Angel Court’ who organised the event, carers and two relatives, we were the only guests! Shame on you! Support these events/functions or there will no longer be a “community”. Maggie & David Nicholls
Dear Sir Congratulations to David Hammond on opening up a debate on the state of the Riverside Walk (HCN September 2011). Over the past few years there appears to be a policy of destroying this once attractive walk with its numerous shrubs and trees into a haven for stinging nettles. This policy has now been extended to the borders of the Babergh D.C. car park in Corks Lane where maintenance free shrubs have been grubbed out, only to be replaced by weeds. Along the river the nettles are battling with the attractive but invasive Poor Mans Orchid. This plant with its orchid like pink flowers give a welcome relief from the nettles though it would appear that the stinging nettle lobby are being assisted by the
FORRESTERS COFFEE MORNING 29th October, 10 am to 12 noon at The Ansell Centre
In aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind All Welcome, further details from 01473 822026 46
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
systematic uprooting of the flowers. The Poor Mans Orchid has a bad name because it produces abundant nectar which detracts from the pollination of other flowers, it is also an annual which leaves the river bank open to erosion during winter months. But as there is nothing to pollinate except the stinging nettles and the river is slow moving along the river walk what is the point of this action? So there we have it, stinging nettles or Poor Mans Orchid along the river walk unless we can convince the likes of Babergh D.C. and Hadleigh T.C. that this fantastic amenity is worthy of cost effective long term management. Having recently fished out a shopping trolley from the river I cannot see that Tesco will be its saviour. Paul Mellor
Dear Sir On behalf of the residents, staff and volunteers at Sue Ryder – The Chantry, We would like to thank all those who came to Fun in Chantry Park on August Bank Holiday Monday. The show of support from Hadleigh and the local community was really tremendous and through the funds raised we can really make a difference to the lives of the people we care for here at Sue Ryder. The day was a huge success and we are happy to announce we raised £4733.07 with still a little more to come. Thank you once again for your support and we look forward to welcoming you to the Christmas Fair on the 19 November 2011. Joanne, Sue Ryder Volunteer
Dear Sir Are the disabled treated equally in the Hadleigh community? Having lived in Hadleigh as a physically disabled resident all my life, now 25, I continue to face many challenges and struggles... I transferred from Ipswich to Hadleigh into the exact same job role with 4 years' experience, only to discover 2 of my working days were to be based elsewhere with an external agency, my capabilities were questioned and it was stipulated that I would need full time supervision from a carer. This setback was followed by car parking issues with another local charity, where my parking became a source of contention, forcing me to decide between a 10 minute walk which causes severe pain or risking getting a parking ticket for leaving my car on double yellow lines. Three cars are parked there on a daily basis. I am shocked that not one of these car users, after discussion and polite asking, was sympathetic and caring enough on occasions to give up their space for the less able when needed, preferring me to walk. Two public amenities have shocked me with their unwelcoming and backward approach to disability. It saddens me that, still, so much inequality exists within a close knit community such as Hadleigh, so much so I have lost faith in my local community and have returned to Ipswich to work. Having written this, however, it is important to stress that there are many kind people who have come to my rescue over the years, there are good people out there...and it's very much appreciated. P.S. For all those people who fill the disabled parking bays unnecessarily, who are more than able...I urge you please, please think again. Catherine Parmenter
Dear Sir St Mary’s Church of Hadleigh is a wonderful example of 13th & 15th Century architecture which not only Hadleigh but Suffolk should be proud of. It is enhanced by the Deanery Tower, the Medieval Guildhall and numerous listed buildings resulting in the whole area being one of wonderful historic beauty. Unfortunately it has become blighted as it is now the unofficial base for local drunks. On some days the drinking commences about 8am and will continue until the individuals are too comatose to return home. The noise although distracting and quite noxious throughout the day is tolerated because it seems to be an accepted thing in this country today, but the accompanying abuse and detritus of these individuals behaviour has become something even this town should be ashamed of. To see drunks crawling around the churchyard because they cannot stand, urinating on headstones whilst a funeral is in progress or just passed out is something to behold. It seems that, although contacted frequently, the local police seem more happy to ask them to just keep the noise down, and Babergh DC after being contacted on numerous times over the years appear nonchalant, with a “as long as it’s not on my front door” attitude. Unfortunately Hadleigh promotes tourism and having personally seen tourists being verbally abused and leaving the area in disgust at the sights we have to offer, I can only recommend that the whole area is cordoned off to visitors and mention of this beautiful area is deleted from any tourism promotion to avoid further shame. Also if a bottle bank and aluminium recycling bank could be placed in the middle of the churchyard at least some good can come of situation. As a resident of Hadleigh I would also like to deeply apologise to the bereaving families who have had to witness this appalling behaviour during a sad time. M. Waspe
The 2011 Montane ‘Lakeland 50’ In Aid Of Xanthe Carter After 10 months of preparation the BIG day finally arrived, with clear blue skies & the promise of soaring temperatures. The capacity 500 strong field nervously filtered into the school hall at the race headquarters & finish in Coniston, to attend the final prerace briefing. Nervous banter broke into cheers of delight, as the race organisers got all the runners to participate in a ‘Mexican wave’, followed by rapturous applause for the guest of honour, fell running legend Joss Naylor. Buoyed by Joss’s warm words of encouragement the competitors eagerly climbed the fleet of waiting coaches to be ferried to the start at Dalemain Country Estate south west of Penrith. After a long & twisting journey though the beautiful Lake District countryside, we arrived at the start to be greeted by blazing sunshine & searing heat. It was going to be a long, hard day! Kisses & handshakes all round for my brilliant support team, last nervous tie of the shoelaces & then we were off on our 50 mile & 11,000ft of climbing epic! Whatever lay in store it was going to be an event that stayed long in the memory! What a day it was! The scenery was stunning, the climbs where monstrous the descents bone shaking & the heat draining; but everyone competed with a smile on their face & a shared comraderie that only comes through the collective knowledge, that you were in the privileged position of competing in a unique, truly wonderful event. The organisation was faultless & the support from the checkpoint teams was fantastic, with cheers of encouragement, drinks, food & a pat on the back before we headed back out into the wilderness. Confidence ebbed & flowed through the day as bad patches came & went, but the thought of just getting to that next checkpoint & the ultimate goal of arriving in Coniston spurred you on. The terrors of the third checkpoint in Kentmere at 27 miles, were quickly forgotten by the elation of running through a packed Ambleside on Saturday night, deafened by cheers & applause. The delight of seeing familiar faces at checkpoint 4, with 35 miles completed & only 15 to go, gave you a boost of confidence & lightness of step which lasted all of a mile! With darkness descending it was head torches on & very careful map reading, to make sure you got to the finish without making catastrophic navigational errors. The final two checkpoints were a welcome oasis of light, with head torches like specks of starlight appearing then disappearing into the blackness. Only the climb through Tilberthwaite slate quarries then the treacherous rocky descent in to Coniston to go! I had recced this section knowing I would have to complete this section in the dark & fuelled with a big mouthful of Jelly Babies, was feeling strong & confident. By the start of the final descent a group of 12 runners had taken up close formation of which I was one. Everyone was starting to smell the finish & as soon as we hit the good running of the miners track into Coniston everyone ‘went for it’ as the street lights of the village come into view. The finish was frenetic & very exciting as I managed to ‘win’ a big bunch sprint down the High Street & into the finish at 1.20am Sunday morning. A fitting finale to a brilliant day, or so I thought. As we walked into the school hall we were greeted by a standing ovation from the runners who had already finished, the army of supporters still waiting for there loved ones to arrive & the beaming organisers. Now that was a finale, every finisher came away feeling they were a winner. The result: 50 miles, 11,000ft of climb 72nd position, 12hours 57 minutes. A very BIG thank you to everyone who sponsored me so generously, the final total is still to be finalised, but currently stands in excess of £1300. Thank you to Pat , John, Peggy & Chloe who were brilliant on the day, but most of all a big thank you to Debs for her endless patience, encouragement & support. You can be assured that everything raised will help to make a big difference for a remarkable little girl! Many thanks for your kind support.! Mathew Blacoe, Wincer Kievenaar Architects & Hadleigh Hares AC
Breakthrough Breast Cancer Fundraiser Fantastic prizes including Limited Edition GHD Straighteners Raffle Tickets £1 - On sale now
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Playstation Pre-School How time has gone by so fast, we are now starting our new school year and would like to welcome all of the children who have recently joined us and for all the other children that will be joining us shortly. We do have some Playstation polo tops and fleeces for sale, the polo tops are £5 and the fleeces are £10, so if you do want to buy any then please come and see a member of staff at Playstation. We would all like to say a huge thank you to Donna Button and the team at Barclays Bank who spent a whole morning one Saturday during the holidays trimming back our overgrown garden. Barclays also funded some new gardening equipment including a compost bin and a vegetable patch, which we are looking forward to putting to good use. Barclays also matched the funds we raised during our open day in July thanks to their £ for £ scheme. On Saturday 15th October is the Baby & Toddler Table Top Sale 9am – 1pm at The Ansell Centre, where some of the proceeds will be split between Playstation and HCP Nursery and would like to thank Jenny Davies for organising this. On Monday 24th October Bentley Photographic will be here at the Playstation between 10am and 12 noon. A great opportunity to have your family photos taken ready for Christmas. This is not just for the children at Playstation it can be for anyone, to book your time slot please contact Playstation on 01473 824271. Also we are now collecting the Morrisons “Let’s Grow” vouchers so if you do have any please bring them into us. Please do not forget that if your child did not receive a Nursery placement, Playstation can provide the government funded sessions (upto 15 hrs per week) for your child. We can be contacted at playstationhadleigh@btconnect.com. If you are currently considering a playschool for your child, why not come and take a look at what we can offer? Please telephone Playstation on 824271 for enrolment details , a prospectus or to arrange a visit, or visit our website at http://www.playstationhadleigh.com
Babergh looks for special people to celebrate its Community Achievement Awards anniversary year Babergh District Council is on the lookout for young people, individuals, voluntary groups and businesses that make its communities special - as it launches its 20th Anniversary Year awards scheme. Babergh’s Community Achievement Awards aim to honour those individuals and groups who strive to make a real difference in their communities to make them better places in which to live and work. Nomination forms have already been sent to schools, parish and town councils, businesses, voluntary groups and charities and Babergh is urging anyone who knows someone who may be eligible to quickly grab a form and nominate! The award categories are: • Outstanding contribution made by a young person or group of young people 18 years or under. • Selfless service by an individual (over 18) to a voluntary body or to the community; • Voluntary or community group that improves the quality of life for residents in our district. • Outstanding business contribution to the well-being of the community. The deadline for return of nominations is November 30 2011, with judging taking place in early December. All winners will be notified by Christmas and invited to an awards ceremony being held on March 7 2012 at the Stoke by Nayland Club. Jill Barton, Babergh’s Community Development Officer, said: “This is our 20th anniversary year and we want to celebrate by awarding those really special people in our communities who give up their time voluntarily to serve others - and we can’t wait to hear about them. “Without these special individuals our towns and villages would not thrive and grow and this is our way of saying a huge thank you by recognising their dedication and commitment with a community award.” Mark Murphy, from BBC Radio Suffolk will compere the achievement awards ceremony and Prolog, of Sudbury, will sponsor the event for the 11th year. Further information and nomination forms are available from Jill Barton, Community Development Officer, Babergh District Council, Corks Lane, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 6SJ, by calling (01473) 826674 or emailing jill.barton@babergh.gov.uk.
LHKG adv 09v2
Peggy Crabtree (1916 - 2011) Peggy Crabtree passed away on the 30th May this year shortly after her 95th birthday. A thanksgiving service will be held at 3pm on Saturday the 8th October at the United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh, with music from the Serendipity Choir. Peggy moved to Hadleigh in 1956 and in 1974, she became the first ever woman to be elected Mayor of Hadleigh. She continued to be a Councillor for many more years and was elected as Mayor again in 1982. She actively supported many voluntary groups, especially those for the elderly and disabled, including Meals on Wheels, lunch clubs, Books on Wheels and the Disability Income Group. Peggy was an Executive Member of the Hadleigh Elderly Persons Welfare Committee and was appointed the first woman trustee for the local almshouses. She played a significant role in the provision of the swimming pool in Hadleigh and in setting up the St Elizabeth’s Hospice Charity Shop. She was an active member of many social groups including the WI, Trefoil Guild, Bowls Club and Choral Society. She will be sadly missed by all the family and her many friends
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Pause for Thought Along with thousands of others I missed out on a ticket for the 2012 Olympics. One ‘ticket’ that I would not wish you to miss out on is your ‘ticket to heaven.’ In order to go to heaven we need not enter into an elaborate application process or hand over our credit card details. This ticket to heaven is FREE as Jesus paid the entrance fee for us by dying on a cross. Jesus told us how we can get to heaven when He said: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ John 14 v 6 Greg Frost
HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY AALIYAH HICKS on the 5th October lots of love from all your family & friends
Hadleigh Carpet Bowls Club
Happy 18th Birthday
The Peter Holbrow Memorable Trophy After the sudden and unexpected death of our friend and brilliant player Peter, the committee decided, with the approval of all our members, that it would be a fitting tribute to Peter that we purchase a trophy that Chairman Ray Gant presenting the cup to would be a yearly Nayland’s Captain, Mervyn Farthing challenge against Peter’s favourite club where he had many friends and loved to play, that is Nayland Bowls Club. Unfortunately for us, Nayland had a fantastic summer league having won all their matches and consequently presented us with a difficult competition which resulted in a one sided victory of seven games to one. But, as we say in Hadleigh, onwards and upwards, and look forward to next year when we are sure to bring the trophy back home. We are always looking for additional members where a warm welcome awaits and tuition given to those who are new to the game. We play in the hall at the County Primary school on a Monday and Thursday. Please ring Russell on 01473 311653 for further information.
on 3rd October Love Mum, Dad, Ryan & Connor XXX
Congratulations Corey
HALLOWEEN DISCO Happy Retirement
RICHARD Love from Mum, Trevor, Justin & Ewa
We are so proud of your achievement in passing your NVQ3 in Stonemasonry with distinction. Emily, Dan & Kids, Grandma & Grandpa, Becky, Sara, Mum & Dad
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Family Fun Night Saturday 29th October, 7 till late DRESS UP IF YOU DARE!!
Adults £5.00, Under 16s £2.50, Under 10s Free Telephone 01473 652513 or 07790 066625 All proceeds gong to the Hintlesham & Chattisham Village Halls
Local talent shines on the Mic Amy Bennett from Ipswich has been given the big thumbs up by judges at the Open Mic UK auditions. Along with other impressive acts, Amy has made it through to the Regional Finals and will now be performing at the live showcases of Open Mic UK 2011 accompanied on guitar by Nic Keeble of Dunn Close Hadleigh at the Townsgate Theatre in Basildon on Sunday 2 October. Open Mic UK 2011 is the exciting national talent competition which searches for the UKs best singers, singer/songwriters, rappers and vocalists of all genres who perform either covers or original material. One contestant who has evidently caught the judge’s eye is local talent Amy, now competing for a place in the National Final at The O2 in London and the chance to grab a breakthrough recording contract. Thousands of hopefuls entered nationwide and hundreds of auditionees queued patiently on the day for their turn to impress the judges. They’ll be performing in front of hundreds of audience members and a professional judging panel to win a place at the National Grand Final. The competition is divided into age categories; 16 and under, 17-22 and 23 and over; all types of singers, vocal performers, groups and acoustic singer/songwriters are invited to enter Open Mic UK. There’s over £50, 000 in prizes up for grabs this year and the overall winner of Open Mic UK 2011 will be offered a recording contract, with up to £30, 000 investment! They’ll also have the opportunity to tour across the UK. The winners will not only get to perform on stage at The 02 at Live Fest, London’s largest indoor festival, but they will be thrust into the media spotlight through television, radio and print media and will be invited on the Open Mic UK Tour, which boasts 100 gigs across the country. For more information go to the website www.openmicuk.co.uk or better still come down and support Amy & Nic performing! You can purchase tickets from the website www.openmicuk.co.uk or on the door subject to availability or directly from Amy (abennett206@hotmail.co.uk).
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FunDancing F unDancing formerly formerly k known nown as as SlimDance-Babergh SlimDance-Babergh
Hadleigh Cricket Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group So another season has ended, a rather wet one at that. The rain, welcomed in May to put some life back into tinder-dry wickets, was all too frequent a visitor. The 1st XI finished in 3rd place in Division Two, just nine points shy of promotion – crucially, five matches were cancelled or abandoned, more than any other team. One of those was away at Brightlingsea, a decision that was investigated by the Two Counties committee after an inspection by the appointed umpire found the pitch to have been fit for play. In such cases the match can be awarded to the away side. Unfortunately our appeal in this instance was not successful. However, it was still an exceptionally good season for Tim Rix’s side. To only lose 3 games all summer was a great achievement. Murray Spence was the leading wicket taker in the division, claiming 53 scalps at an average of 15, and he also weighed in with 435 runs. Josh Davey was the pick of the batsmen, scoring 534 runs but just missing out on a century twice. With such a young, talented side there is every reason to think the team can go one better next season. The Second XI found life hard going at times in Division 4, but a good run of form in mid-summer pushed them away from danger. Nadie Abdul and Richard Checketts were an outstandingly consistent opening pair. Checketts scored 681 runs at over 52 – an incredible average over a season in a struggling side. Abdul made 582 runs at 41. Robbie Smyth had a disappointing season by his high standards but still averaged 34. Dave Hinsley, Greg Hayton and Dave Bird toiled manfully with the ball, and there were promising performances from youngsters Brett Crisp and Dominic Manthorpe. These lads had begun the season in the newly formed Academy XI and it was a pleasure not only to see their progress over the season, but the depth of young talent the club now possesses. On many occasions the adults in the team were not required to bat or bowl, or when they did, as I know from my own experience, the juniors got them out of trouble! Another new development, our girls team, received some instant publicity recently when they were seen on Anglia Tonight showing their skills in front of the all-conquering England Ladies team at East Bergholt. Several of the girls have already had county trials. Finally, best of luck to our chairman Gary Girling, who goes to Lord’s on October 17th for the National cricket OSCA awards as the Suffolk winner in the NatWest Cricket Force category. Farmer www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh
Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Lady01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Lady 01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk Tel: 822318Estate, Fax: 01473 824953 Lady01473 Lane Industrial Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk TIMBER & BUILDING BUILDING BATHROOM SHOWROOM Tel: 01473 822318 Fax: 01473 BATHROOM 824953 SHOWROOM TIMBER & TIMBER & BUILDING BATHROOM SHOWROOM email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk
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Stoke By Nayland - Silver Trophy Runners Up After only two seasons in Essex County Golf Competitions Stoke By Nayland finished as runners up in the Silver Trophy. They met a vastly experienced Chelmsford team in the final but were unable to match the golf that their opponents played on the day. The Final was played, at Benton Hall, in wet conditions more typical of Autumn but the Stoke By Nayland supporters braved the weather to be with their team. The Trophy and Runners Up Shield were presented by the County President, Bridget Logan. The Stoke By Nayland Team: Laura Lowe, Jude Hanner, Sue Latham, Sybil Paton and Fran Thomas. Team Captain, Fran Thomas, in her speech thanked the team and caddies for their hard work in reaching this stage of the competition. There was a special mention for Head professional Roly Hitchcock for the part he played in preparing the squad during the season. On September 9th the Stoke By Nayland Harris Bowl team face Benton Hall, at Colne Valley, in the quarter final of that competition.
Star Westwood gives tips to Newton’s Jed World number one golf challenger Lee Westwood has given a promising Suffolk school boy tips on how to follow in his footsteps. Newton Green’s Jed Seeley played six holes with the super star along with one of England’s top girl hopes Charlotte Leathem. They had been among skills test winners in earlier events organised as part of Westwood’s national academy scheme, and qualified to play six holes with him on his Lindrick, near Worksop, home course. Jed, the 14-year-old Suffolk junior player and Sudbury Upper School pupil, who has halved his handicap to eight in the last six months, initially played 13 holes with Charlotte, who at the age of 16 plays off scratch and is one of England’s rising young stars. Jed, who would eventually like to turn professional, said: “Charlotte and I were very evenly matched, although no scores were kept as it was for fun. We then played six holes with Lee and were able to relax as we both started by hitting good tee shots. He gave us advice on the importance of continual practice to develop our shot making, and we both gained a lot from the day.” Jed initially qualified for the day by winning a qualifying skills test event, having been put forward by the junior section of the Suffolk Golf Union.
Hadleigh United Under 9’s
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Pictured is the full squad of Hadleigh United Under 9's who after a succesful first year have now been entered into Division 1 of the South Suffolk Youth League. This is the boys first competitive season of football and have already played their first league game at home against Chantry Grasshoppers. The boys have shown continued improvement and will no doubt always give 100% in every game they play. We would like to wish them the best of luck and thank the parents for their continued support, it gives the boys a great boost to know you are there supporting them and to hear all your encouragement. We play our home games at Layham Road on Saturday mornings; for all fixtures and results please check out our website at http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/hadleighunitedyouthfootballclub
Hadleigh United Under 13’s APPROVED BODY SHOP
Hadleigh United leave the pitch after their first win of the season Hadleigh United under 13's season got off to a great start when within the opening minutes of the first half, during a goalmouth scramble, Arran Tampion got a neat kick on the ball to put Hadleigh into the lead. The boys settled into the game and piled the pressure onto the Claydon side. A mistake by Claydon in the box saw Hadleigh awarded a penalty and Captain Oliver Peters steeped forward. A great strike was saved by the keeper but Oliver struke the rebound and increased Hadleigh's lead. Hadleigh continued to push forward and Arran Tampion's cross into the box was swiftly finished off by Callum Morrin. Play flowed well and when Claydon made the breaks, Hadleigh defenders William Simmons, Harry Seager, Jackson Crisp and Luke Wolfenden together with keeper Rhys Mitchell, played strongly, not allowing Claydon the breakthrough they needed. Hadleigh continued to pile on the pressure and this once again paid off for them when a pass into the box from Tyler French was tucked into the back of the net by Oliver Peters to see the half time score Hadleigh 4 - Claydon 0. The second half continued at a quick pace and Claydon defended strongly. Some neat passing sequences from Tommy Thorby, Luke Brown and Jack Lambert saw Oliver Peters again in a position to increase Hadleigh lead and he made no mistake with his fine strike to gain his hat trick of the match. Continuing to push forward Hadleigh gained a final goal when a superb strike from the edge of the box from Oscar Cutting left the keeper with little chance. Final score Hadleigh 6 - Claydon 0.
Hadleigh Hares Athletic Club NOTTINGHAM MARATHON On Sunday 11th September head coach Clive Pinnion ran the Nottingham Marathon. It was extremely windy with the tail end of Hurricane Katia blasting the runners at various points and from mile 20-23 the head wind was so strong it made them feel as though they were nearly standing still. Nevertheless Clive finished strongly, and although he didn't get a PB, finished in a very respectable 3 hours and 12 minutes, 60th overall and was 7th for his age group. He ran in aid of Xanthe Carter, who Hadleigh Hares has chosen to be their charity this year, raising to date approximately £500. Congratulations! JUNIOR HARES On Monday 12th September, 3 junior Hadleigh Hares went to Ipswich Jaffa's open 1500m race. Out of 76 competitors we had Alex Baxter age 11, who came first a good 15 seconds in front of the next competitor with an impressive time of 5:07. Following him we had his younger brother Ewan Baxter age 9 who finished 12th in a time of 5:59, closely followed by Michael Carrigan age 11 who came in 18th place with a time of 6:17. It was fantastic to see Hadleigh Hares competing on the track. This event was open to all age groups up to age 16 which makes it all the more impressive that Hadleigh have done so well. Well done to you all. COME AND JOIN US – EVERYONE WELCOME! Hadleigh Hares Athletics Club run three sessions a week for adults (all abilities & ages welcome) one for juniors (age 8-16) & one for youths (1625); see below for days & times – every session meets at the Hadleigh Leisure Centre: Monday Night: 7.00 pm – 8.00pm (Beginner / Intermediate) Tuesday Junior Night: 6.00 pm – 7.00pm Tuesday Youth Night: 7.00 pm – 8.00pm Tuesday Ladies Night: 7.00 pm- 8.00pm. (All abilities welcome) Thursday Club Night: 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm (Intermediate / Advanced) Please turn up at the start of one of our sessions and have a chat with our coaches if you are unsure about attending. Alternatively please look at our website www.hadleighhares.co.uk
TEL: 01473 747117 FAX: 01473 240509
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Hadleigh United Under 10’s
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Firstly we must start by thanking Toby from ‘The Mens Room’ for sponsoring the boys team jumpers for this new season His kind support is highly appreciated Kesgrave vs Hadleigh (A Team) 10th September 2011 The team has had a few friendly matches over the summer, but last week was our first competitive league match away at Kesgrave’s ground. The team were focused and our players skills have obviously matured over the summer. Great passing and ball control was seen that day. Marcus had a forceful shot at goal but this was only just saved by the Kesgrave goal keeper. Ellis was awarded a free kick with his shot just skimming the woodwork. The scores were still 0-0 at half time. After some encouragement from the management the team were even more determined. Jake Philips and Ellis’s reliable defending prevented Kesgrave having many chances. Excellent goals were scored by both Thomas (2) and Owen (1). Final result Kesgrave 1 - Hadleigh 3 The B team also had an equally enthralling match against Kesgrave. With our team taking control and expertly passing the ball forward. Nat’s shot at goal just ricocheting off the paintwork. Kane also had several attempts at goal as did James Hughes. Jake Ingram managed to lose his markers and put the ball through the legs of their goal keeper. Finally Marley managed to break Kesgrave’s defences and score the second goal of the match. Final result Kesgrave 0 - Hadleigh 2 Well done Hadleigh !!!
Hadleigh United Under 12’s/13’s to Go On Tour Netherlands 6th - 9th April 2012 In approximately 6 months the Hadleigh United under 12's and 13's will be departing for their first ever overseas football tour. The boys have been given a fantastic opportunity to attend a unique event to be staged in Amsterdam on the Easter weekend. The joint tour includes: an executive coach, Dover - Calais ferry crossings and 3 nights' accommodation at Center Parcs - Zandvoort Aan Zee with full use of all facilities. Whilst on foreign soil, our teams will play in both a competitive European tournament and a friendly match against a comparable local side on their main pitch. The children will also visit the famous Ajax football stadium. We intend to hold a number of fund raising events before we depart to raise some much needed funds for this brilliant opportunity for our local boys. Specific details will be provided in due course and we hope that many local people will offer their support.
ROCK COVERS NIGHT Live music with TUSH @ The Hadleigh United Football Club
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FORGE GARAGE George Street, Hintlesham, Ipswich IP8 3NH
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Saturday 8th October Doors open @ 7.30pm Ticket price £3
Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group and Toppesfield Ltd. www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk The FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium next May seemed a million miles away as Hadleigh United travelled to Stanway in the opening round of this years competition. A god cup run is worth its weight in gold for clubs like Hadleigh so we set off for Stanway on 20th August, nine months before the Wembley final. Hadleigh made a great start when Danny Allen scored and they soon added a second goal when a free kick from Chris McLaughlin ended up in the net. Stanway scored early in the half and things got worse for Hadleigh as the Essex side drew level. A thrilling contest developed on a wet afternoon but things ended happily for Hadleigh and their supporters as Ben Deacon scored to give Hadleigh a narrow win by three goals to two. The next round saw Heybridge Swifts at the Millfield. The Swifts play at a higher level than Hadleigh but the first half was even although Heybridge were one goal ahead at the interval. The second half saw the Essex side score a couple more early on to leave Hadleigh three goals behind and an exit from the FA Cup looking almost certain. Hadleigh eventually scored twenty minutes before the end when Ben Deacon netted with a header and for a while there were hopes that we would at least force a replay down at Heybridge. But a recovery never came as our visitors scored again to inflict defeat on Hadleigh by four goals to one. So our FA Cup hopes were over for another year. The other national competition was the FA Vase with Hadleigh at home to Stowmarket. An evenly balanced game developed with the game still goalless at the interval. But Stowmarket went in front four minutes after the interval to leave Hadleigh with everything still to do. Worse was to follow as Stowmarket added a second goal before Ollie Canfer narrowed the gap with only a couple of minutes remaining. Hopes were high of extra time being forced but we gave away another goal in the final seconds to lose by three goals to one. So we were out of another major Trophy competition. Our Ridgeons Youth team travelled to Leiston in an eagerly awaited match in the FA Youth Cup. A great game ended with a first half goal by Patrick Armstrong giving Hadleigh a narrow victory and a home match against Histon in the second round. These lads play all their league and Cup games in midweek and are well worth watching. The Reserves did well in a Suffolk Cup match with a win at East Bergholt by two goals to one. Deasko Garner and Luke Waugh scored for Hadleigh while Bergholt replied from the penalty spot. Our Reserves have made a steady start in their league matches. Our first team have been inconsistent in league matches but injuries have been a big problem. A six goal win at Woodbridge have slowed the potential in the slide. Prizewinners in the latest monthly draw were Stuart Crawford, Neil Henderson and Gary Hayward.
Mark Beer & David Spraggons
Plumbing & Heating Engineers
Bathrooms and Tiling Gas & Oil Boiler Installation Tel: 01473 829863 Mobile: 07766 446200 15 Dunton Grove, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5HD
Hadleigh United Fixtures First team fixtures for Hadleigh United in October begin with a long trip to Wisbech on Saturday 1st. Then Diss travel to the millfield on Saturday 8th before an away match on Saturday 15th at Wroxham. Local rivals Woodbridge will be looking to avenge a heavy defeat when they come to Hadleigh on Tuesday 18th and then we will be looking to overturn a heavy league defeat when Brantham will be entertained in the League cup on Tuesday 25th. An away match at Gorleston ends a busy month on Saturday 29th. The Reserves begin at home to Long Melford on Saturday 1st. Then Whitton will be at Hadleigh on Tuesday 4th before a trip to Wivenhoe on Tuesday 11th. Wivenhoe then come to the Millfield for a quick return on Saturday 22nd while we go Felixstowe on Wednesday 26th before ending October at home to Brightlingsea on Saturday 29th. Our Ridgeons Youth team go to Whitton on Tuesday 4th before entertaining Woodbridge Town on Thursday 13th. A home match against Haverhill follows on Thursday 20th while a busy month ends at Wivenhoe on Wednesday 26th. Supporters should note that fixtures could be altered as cup matches will take priority. All latest information will be on the club website.
Just read this? So will your customers! Advertise to 7600 homes Contact Kelvin on 01473 823366 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk
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Hadleigh Tyre Group
First year success for Hadleigh Bowling Club For the first time in the clubs history, in addition to playing under the Bowls England banner, Hadleigh Bowling Club entered a team in Division H of the Ipswich and District 2 Wood Federation Bowls League and will be promoted as champions. Indeed at the time of writing the club are awaiting confirmation that they may be the highest scorers in the entire 8 divisions of the league. Congratulations to Alex Terris and his team on a great effort. Federation Bowls is an independent organisation from Bowls England with their own rules and is only played in the East of England stretching from East Anglia to the North East as far as County Durham. This format has proven so popular with the playing membership that the club is considering entering a second team for next season. Although the Bowls England format still remains the principal core of the clubs competitive teams. On Tuesday 6 September the club played host to the Suffolk EBA President’s team and although it was an enjoyable afternoon the weather was very disappointing with the match was restricted to just 16 ends. A busy week at the club concluded with us hosting the presentation match for the Sudbury Mixed Triples League with 2 matches on Saturday 10 September, the League Champions, Sudbury Vs The Rest of the League with Sheila Lardil and Dave Kemp representing Hadleigh in the Rest of the League team who ran out winners by 58 to 50. Mean while on rinks 1,2,&3 the more serious business of the Millennium Cup Final between Royal Mail Woods and Three Clubs, both of Colchester, was being played and Three Clubs were the worthy winners by 63 to 43. We send our congratulations to them.
Hadleigh Table Tennis Club Tyres from Wheelbarrow to Earthmover Exhausts, Batteries MOT’s Servicing - 7 ramps available Computer Diagnostics 24hr Emergency Tyre Breakdown Cover Collection & Delivery Service Courtesy Car Available
For the 2011/12 Season two teams will be competing in the Ipswich and District Table Tennis League. Last Season’s Division Two Champions, Hadleigh “A”, will play in Division 1 and the current team of Mike Emmerson, Stephen Holland and Peter Wright will undoubtedly be strengthened by another experienced Division 1 player, Graham Mortimer. Hadleigh “Owls” who finished in a mid-table spot last season will again play in Division 3. An addition to the team will be the capable Mick Pollard who is returning from injury, and has past experience in Divisions 1 and 2. Regretfully, Hadleigh “Condors” has dropped out of the League this season due to the players having other commitments. The “Condors” started in Division Four in 2004 and consisted mainly of the Club’s Junior players. To their credit they reached a very good standard in Division 1.
Hadleigh Tyre Services Calais Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EW
Play Badminton
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
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Please support these local businesses! Have your company listed for £6.25 + VAT per month (Min insertion 4 months) For more information call Matt on 01473 823366 Aerial Services MJS Aerials ...............................01473 328833 Accountants / Financial Services Burac Accountancy....................01473 826160 Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Hadleigh Financial Solutions......01473 824283 Santander ..................................01473 822280 Architectural Services Tim Moll ....................................01473 829061 Beauty Beauty Rooms ...........................01473 828888 Beauty-licious............................01473 829968 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 Emmersons Builders .................01473 270264 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 L.J. Norman...............................01787 210831 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Hadleigh House Care .................01473 829200 H.P.M.........................................01473 823704 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 Eco Sweep (Chimney Sweep) ....01359 232335 BLC plastering ...........................01449 615556 P. Crisp Carpentry......................01473 415727 Keeble Builders..........................01473 310491 Hadleigh Buildbase ....................01473 822318 Lee Cross Prop. Maintenance....01473 822431 Suffolk Cleaning Services ..........01473 408487 Kingswood ......07768 976065 / 01473 828854 Hadleigh Heating Service...........07824 594839 Daniel Moriarty Joinery .............07932 754250 RH Plumbing .............................07507 157645 Business Services March Consulting...01449 740285/07939 837939 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Parts Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 Kersey Car Sales........................01473 827038 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 S. T. Services Simon Tydeman ..07783 033401 Mansfield 4x4 ............................01206 396644 Car Wash Valeting .....................01473 827437 Crockatt Garage.........................01473 824342
Child Care, Activities, Goods Birch Farm..................01473 652152 / 652249 Lavender Hall.............................01473 826100 Karyn Cuthbert (Child Minder)...01473 810035 Cleaners David & June Green...................0800 6951472 Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Surefix .......................................01473 827004 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Hadleigh Glass...........................01473 822415 Drainage and Fencing Academy Building Contracts......01473 826014 Driving Instruction Peter Cutts.........01473 822937/07786 735285 Pass with Pete ...........................07734 858573 Dry Cleaning / Home services Press Gang ................................07881 810710 Sharon’s Alterations ..................07790 227488 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 B. V. Hicks Electrical ..................01473 822005 Electricians Spartek ......................................01787 242005 Coromar ....................................01473 828210 Estate Agents Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 Morton Smith & Sands..............01473 828121 Elizabeth Valda Estates ..............01787 510123 Boydens ....................................01787 883700 Taylor & Sons ............................01473 828280 Farm Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Florist Suffolk Flower Company............01473 827698 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Steve Blake ................................07813 814623 Garden Services Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 The Landscaper .........................01473 824107 Golf Clubs and Tuition Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Hairdressers Hair Academy ............................01473 822772
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The Hair Lounge ........................01473 829089 Sylvia’s ......................................01473 822177 Baiss & Co.................................01473 250405 Fizz E Cuts .................................01473 810222 James Daniel .............................01473 823616 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Hugh Clover...............................01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Mill Pharmacy............................01473 824895 Dr Kenneth Wright.....................01473 828976 Sally Mowles Chiropodist ..........01473 822902 Home Design / Improvement Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Birkfield Computers...................01206 298479 Kennels / Cattery Rylenes Cattery .........................01473 658747 Kitchen Fitters Kingswood ......07768 976065 / 01473 828854 David Scott ................................01787 282263 Languages French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 French Tuition, S Scott Fox........01473 827941 Leisure Hadleigh High Leisure Centre ....01473 824441 Wolsey Theatre..........................01473 295900 Miscellaneous R.R. Beechener Headstones ......01473 823575 Singing Lessons ........................01473 824833 Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Toppesfield Cottages .................01473 829129 Major Flatpack ...........................01473 819442 Suffolk Time ..............................01473 828875 Home School Tutoring...............01473 823671 Anne Hemmings Dog Training ...01787 377480 Mobile Hairdresser Alice Robeson ...........................07855 024422 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing Homes Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 Piano/Dancing/Singing Lessons
Andrea King...............................01449 740601 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase......................01473 828509 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Buddha ......................................01473 828581 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ..............01473 829741 S P Plumbing ............................01473 823912 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 The Cock Inn, Hadleigh..............01473 822879 The Cock, Polstead ....................01206 263150 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head Hadleigh...........01473 828855 Grays Fish & Chips ....................01473 823374 Royal Bengal .............................01473 823744 Bildeston Crown ........................01449 740510 White Horse Edwardstone .........01787 211211 India Villa...................................01473 828599 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 G&L Waste Bags .......................01449 741999 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi/Wedding Cars Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Tree Surgeons Oakdene Tree Services...............01473 652117 Eco Systems..............................01449 741255 Weight Loss and Fitness Slimming World ........................08700 754666 Slim Dance ................................07506 350455 Val Lord.....................................01449 737113
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