Hadleigh Community News, October 2012

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Community News

October 2012



01473 829700 bookings@hadleighprivatehire.co.uk

Get On Your Bike!

Council. The club was set up due to demand from local youngsters showing an interest in developing their cycling skills and wanting to take part in competitive cycling. It offers fun and challenging sessions aimed at teaching new and improving existing cycling skills and to prepare participants for competitive racing opportunities. Simon King, Babergh District Council’s Community Sports Coach, is in charge of the junior club and said: “After the success of both the Olympic and Paralympic cycling teams, we are pleased to offer this exciting opportunity for young people in the local area to come and try some competitive cycling.” Hadleigh Cycling Club is run by British Cycling qualified coaches at Hadleigh High School on Wednesdays 6-7pm. The Club’s adult section has recently been set up as a joint effort by Simon King, and local volunteer and business owner Gavin Alexander. Gavin, a Hadleigh resident, approached Simon as he was already running the junior club to see if there was a possibility of starting the adult section. The club has now run a number of free taster rides to get people involved and is looking to run regular weekly sessions. Mr Alexander added: "The free sessions were a great success and participants got involved not just for the cycling but also for the social aspect." The club invites riders of any level of fitness and cycling experience to join and is centred around a Facebook page which also contains details of the junior section activities. You can find the club at www.facebook.com/hadleighcyclingclub and like the page to be kept up to date with the coming rides.

If you fancy yourself as the next Bradley Wiggins or Laura Trott or just fancy getting back on your bike and making new friends then Hadleigh's newest cycling club could be for you! Hadleigh Cycling Club was launched in February this year, starting with a junior section only, supported by Babergh District

Hadleigh’s Finest Dining Autumn Shellfish Week 16th to 21st October Come and enjoy the finest British shellfish including clams, mussels, oysters, lobster, scallops and more.... Lunch and Dinner daily and now serving 11.30 am - 8 pm every Sunday


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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm Every Tuesday Afternoon Knitting, Crocheting & Natter, 1.30 to 3.30pm at Waterfield House, Ring Hilary 824245 or Maggie 823883 SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am -12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. Tuesday 2nd October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 3rd October 7.30pm Churches Together Worship Group – Salvation Army, 8.00pm Churches Together Forum – Salvation Army Thursday 4th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Community Room Friday 5th October 12.15pm Ansell Lunch Club – Ansell Centre, 8.00pm Folk & Acoustic Evening – Ansell Centre Saturday 6th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 7th October 3.00pm Harvest Service – Whatfield Chapel Monday 8th October HADLEIGH & DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB meeting 7.30pm down-stairs in Town Hall Hadleigh. Illustrated talk by Simon White of Peter Beales Nursery. Hadleigh U3A 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. Annual General Meeting. Tuesday 9th October 7.30pm Hadleigh & District Flower Club meeting at Beaumont School, Hadleigh. A.G.M. FOLLOWED BY a flower arranging demonstration. 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Thursday 11th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Community Room Friday 12th October 9 - 2.30pm Hadleigh Health & Wellbeing – Ansell Centre, 7.30pm Digital Cinema – Ansell Centre Friday 12th October Open House Coffee Morning at Waterfield House, Grays Close, Hadleigh. Starts 10.30 am, Come and see first hand our range of ‘Person First’ Services including Residential Care, Dementia Care, Respite/Short Stay, Close Care Apartments. For more information call 01473 829103. Saturday 13th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 6.30pm Musical, Wildfire – Ansell Centre Sunday 14th October 3.00pm Harvest Service – Monks Eleigh URC Tuesday 16th October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC, 8.00pm Prayer & Praise Monks Eleigh URC Wednesday 17th October 12.15pm Wednesday Lunch Club – Ansell Centre Thursday 18th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Community Room 7.30 pm HADLEIGH EVENING WOMENS INSTITUTE in the seminar Room above the Library -” Harvest Supper” Visitors welcome, but please book in phone 823130. Friday 19th October 10.00-12 noon HIP Coffee Morning – Ansell Centre, 7.30pm Prayer, Praise & Fellowship – Salvation Army Saturday 20th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 23rd October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC

October 2012

Wednesday 24th October 8.00pm What Do You Think?, The George Thursday 25th October 9-11am Little Angels Toddler Group – Community Room Thursday 25th October ‘Exquisite Silk’ talk by textile specialist, Richard Humphries, plus an opportunity to indulge in some retail therapy or early Christmas shopping. 7.00 pm in the Dining Room (opposite the Ram). Sec. Barbara Tryon Tel 01473 824417. Friday 26th October 7.30pm Digital Cinema – Ansell Centre Saturday 27th October 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 30th October 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.0011.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC

Gillian & Simon Gibbs Married on 6th September 2012

Would like to thank everyone for their good wishes. And all their friends for making their wedding day so special.

Happy 18th Birthday

DANIELLE Love from Mum, Dad & all the family


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8600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Monks Eleigh, Kersey, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Raydon and outlying homes

www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

We welcome all your contributions

Community News

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Hadleigh H adleigh




Hadleigh H adleigh


Hadleigh H adleigh


A modern modern link link detached detached 4 bedroom bedroom house house with with 2 reception reception rooms, rooms, rrecently ecently fitted fitted kkitchen itchen ccomplete omplete wwith ith aappliances, ppliances, WC, ground C, ensuite WC ground floor floor W ensuite to to master master bbedroom, edroom, together together with with an an attached attached ddouble ouble garage garage & aadditional dditional ooffff rroad oad pparking arking aallll occupying occupying ggood ood ssized ized pprivate rivate ggardens. ardens.

A 3 storey storey m modern odern pproperty roperty ssituated ituated wwithin ithin the the ppopular opular millill conversion. ''Wilsons' Wilsons' m conversion. 4 bedrooms, bedrooms, lounge lounge & separate separate ddining ining area, area, fifitted tted kitchen, kitchen, ensuite ensuite to to master master bbedroom edroom & ddouble ouble ccarport. arport.

Set on a ppopular p development, velopment, p close to local schools & amenities. i i A 3 bbedroom d oom extended d d semii detached d h d hhome benefittingg from large g with separate p diningg room, gge lounge large l g kitchen, ki h , ground h g d flfloor WC WC,, fifirst flfloor bbathroom, garage as wellll ass beautifully & driveway di b ifully kept gardens.

A beautifull cottage g located within walkingg distance of the town. Being B i g built b ilt in the 1800's, features a fantastic timber i ible in most rooms, but in particular fframe, which hiiichh isi visible p in the dy room. 3 Bedrooms, Bd fi floor fl bathroom, b h secondd floo fl or study , first floor eakfast kf t room & rear garden. d kitchen breakfast

Hadleigh H adleigh

Bildeston B ildeston

Hadleigh H adleigh

Hadleigh H adleigh




A modern modern ssemi emi ddetached etached hhouse ouse ssituated ituated oonn tthe he ppopular opular BBrett rett VVale ale ddevelopment. evelopment. TThe he pproperty roperty iiss smartly smartly presented presented tthroughout hroughout & ooffers ffffeers good good size size ffamily amily accommodation. accommodation.

BBychoice ychoice aare re ddelighted elighted ttoo ooffer ffffeer tthis his ddeceptively eceptively sspacious pacious ccottage ottage llocated ocated oonn a qquiet uiet sside ide sstreet treet ooffff tthe he main main ssquare quare iinn BBildeston. ildeston. TThe he pproperty roperty enjoys enjoys ys a ppretty, retty,y, ssecluded ecluded ggarden arden & ffurther urther bbenefits enefits ffrom rom NNOO OONWARD WARD CCHAIN. HHAAIN. NWA

Am modern odern 3 bbedroom edroom detached detached house house having having been been extended exxtended iinn recent recent years years to to provide provide good good size size flexible flexxible accommodation. accommodation. TThe he property property must must be be viewed viewed internally internally to to be be fully fully aappreciated. ppreciated.

Bildeston B ildeston

Hadleigh H adleigh

Hadleigh H adleigh

OIEO £160,000

A nnicely icely ppresented resented 3 bedroom bedroom ssemi emi ddetached etached hhouse ouse wwith ith ssitting itting room, room, kitchen/dining kitchhen/dining rroom, oom, ggarden arden rroom, oom, gground round flfloor oor WC, ith aann attached W C, first first floor floor bathroom bathroom together together wwith attachhed single single ggarage, arage, off off road road pparking arking & 1100ft 00ft rear rear gardens gardens overlooking overlooking oopen pen countryside countryside to to the the rear. rear.

OIEO £300,000

An individually An individually designed designed detached detach ched bungalow bungalow occupying occuppyying a ggood ood size size plot plot & offering offffeering generous generous living living accommodation. accommodation. TThe he property property benefits benefits from from ample ample parking parking at at the the front front & pprivate rivate gardens gardens to to tthe he rear. rear. NO NO OONWARD NWARD CHAIN. CHAIN.


TThis his modern modern 2 bedroom bedroom terraced terraced house house isis an an ideal ideal BTL BTL ppurchase urchhase having having been been LET LET out out by by the the current current owners owners to to a long long sstanding tanding tenant. tenant. The The property property benefits benefits from from off off road road parking, parking, ggarage, arage,, double double glazing glazing & isis offered offffeered with with NO NO ONWARD ONWARD CHAIN. CHAIN.


p sented Victorian home located in central Hadleigh A well presented i hi easy syy walking lki g di distance off llocall amenities. i i The Th within fit from f 3 double d bl bedrooms, bd 3 reception property p p ty bbenefits pti room,, gardens d & parking t the th rear. IInternal t l viewings i i are g rdens p ki to ommended. highly hi hly recommended. dd

Hintlesham H intlesham


A well presented p sented Victorian home located in central Hadleigh i hi easyy walking within lki g di distance off llocall amenities. i i Th The benefits fits from 3 double bedrooms, 3 reception pproperty p ty benefits p d & parking t th t l viewings i i are room, gardens g dens p ki to the rear. IInternal hi hl recommended. dd highly ommended.

Urgently Ur gently g gent t y requir rrequired equir q ed e Over the Over th he last 3 mo months onths w we e ha have ave let 100 100% % of the properties pr operties w we e ha have ve had a available. vailable. If you If you ar are a e look looking ing tto o let yyou ou pr p property, operty, please call Ross Ross on n 01473 82 828280 28280 8G George eorge Street, Strreet, Hadleigh,, IP7 5BB



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Hadleigh antiques to be sold at auction Residents of Hadleigh will no doubt remember the antique shop which traded for many years at 97-99 High Street. Randolph antiques was originally established in 1921 in Baldock, Hertforshire. When the firm moved to Hadleigh in 1967 it was under the management of Baden Marston who in 1946, aged just 14, had been apprenticed to the founder Randolph Brett. Specialising in early oak furniture, mirrors, pewter and brasswork Baden had an extensive knowledge of antiques. He undertook all his own restoration which no doubt further informed his understanding of furniture. In 1969 he was elected as a member of the British Antique Dealers Association and in 2005 was granted the distinction of Honorary Membership. Randolph Antiques exhibited at many of the major antiques fairs including the exclusive Grosvenor House Antiques Fair at which Baden chaired the furniture vetting committee, attesting to the authenticity of antiques at the Fair. In 2005 the business was drawn to a close and sadly Baden died in September 2011. His remaining stock is to be sold together with items from his own personal collection in auction sales later in the year. Oak and related items of furniture and works of art will be offered in Bonhams' Fine Oak sale to be held in Chester on 18th October. Many further items will be sold in Chester on 5th November, when lots will include items of local interest including two mid 19th Century mahogany wheel barometers by Simpson of Hadleigh, each estimated at £100-150. Anybody interested in seeing the other treasures included in the collection or purchasing a piece of Hadleigh history can view each catalogue, fully illustrated online and available approximately two weeks in advance of each sale at www.bonhams.com. The quality of the collection is a testament to Baden Marston's passion and dedication to antiques, sale estimates range from £100-6,000. Daniel Wright, Bonhams Auctioneers 01284 716190

Remember the Angel? A few months ago we published a photograph of a wooden angel passed to the Town Council archives by Mr Colin Bull and asked if anyone had any information regarding this. We were contacted by a resident who remembered seeing the “angel” in a house in George Street but did not know where it came from. The owners of the house advised that their house had been built by a Hadleigh builder in the 1800’s and some of the fittings in the home appeared to have been rescued from older buildings. Since then we also received from Mr Bull a large wooden text reading “Oh! Praise the God of Heaven” with dates of the late 18th and mid 19th century on the back. Again, it was not known where this orginated. You may be interested to know that the mystery has now been solved – In a book donated by Mr Bull to the Town Archives, dated from the 1850’s is a description of the inside of St Mary’s Church and in a chapter describing the history of the organ (which at this time was at the West End of the Church) it states “on top of the organ is a large semicircular ornament in the midst of which, on a blue background is this inscription in large gold letters “Oh! Praise the God of Heaven” and the space below is occupied by golden cherubs”. So the original home of this large wooden text has been identified and our “Angel” would appear to be one of the cherubs blowing a trumpet. The cherub and text have now been reunited and added to the collection of artefacts being put together in the top room of the Town Council offices.

Relax with Reiki Spiritual Healing Glenda Godfrey glendagod03@googlemail.com

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TELEPHONE: 01473 824342 3 Seager Court, Hadleigh, IP7 6RL 4

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

£20 for 35 minute sessions For more information contact 07864 585273

The Hen House needs you! We are a newly established group in the town aimed at women who are aged somewhere between our 30's to our 50's. Every month we have a get together to do something new. Our recent events have covered belly dancing (yes, you may have heard the bells jingling in Layham followed by hoots of laughter). And a cake-a-thon (what more do we need to say - it involved cake eating!). In the pipeline for the next few months we are hoping to do some sloe gin making so that we all have a little bottle ready for Christmas. We are also planning to have an Indian night and do something crafty and suitably festive! The main purpose of the group is to get to know people in the area and have a night away from the sofa and TV. We all like a giggle and natter, the activities are an excuse for us to do this while trying out something new - uncovering new talents is just a bonus! We aim to make each session about £10 which always includes nibbles a few drinks and whatever the activity is. We just cover the costs of the evening, so often the more people the cheaper it is! We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month - next event is October 8th - come and join us! Laura and Becky - email: hadleighhenhouse@hotmail.co.uk


Hadleigh Healing Society After all the excitement of the summer and the ‘golden moments’ we are now settling back into our normal daily routine. Nature is preparing to slow down for its winter hibernation and the clocks will change. Darker mornings and evenings. Nature will still have some beautiful colours in store for us with reds and oranges as the trees are dressed in the autumnal hue. Every season has its colours and beauty. Nature still carries on with its cycle no matter what. as human beings we need to appreciate the glory around us and cherish it because it is so precious. Take the time each day to see and feel what is surrounding us, whether it be city or country. By doing this it can be a moment of peace in a stressful, busy life. Our healers are there to help you unwind and shed the stress that so many suffer with. Ring for an appointment on 01473 823282 (answermachine) or log on to www.hadleighhealingsociety.org We are a stress free zone!

Greener Hadleigh Litter Pick - Keep Hadleigh Tidy Following the successful litter pick in the spring we are arranging another one, in conjunction with Hadleigh footpath volunteers, on Sunday, October 28th. We will meet in Magdalen Road Car Park at 10 am, and will again concentrate on the riverside, Hook Lane and Frog Hall Lane areas. Volunteers need to bring a pair of strong gardening gloves. If there is anywhere else which people think needs attention, or would like more details, please contact Jane Haylock 01473 827752. October is traditionally a celebration of harvest and one event is apple picking. Over the years our orchards and many varieties have disappeared, in part due to foreign imports. For over twenty years Apple Day has been celebrated on or around the 21st October, so why not take the opportunity to visit a farm shop or grower of local apples to taste and support local produce. There are many ways to store and preserve apples and different recipes, such as apple charlotte, apple brown betty and chutneys to make. An apple event in Ipswich is on Saturday the 20th October and will take place in Holywells Park between 11.00 and 14.00 - more information from fohpipswich@gmail.com. Further afield Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Foxburrow Farm have an Apple Day event on Sunday 21st October between 2.00 and 4.00 - contact 01394 380113 Remember - Reduce, repair, reuse, recycle

Home Computer Services Slow PC / Virus / Spyware? A non-working PC or Laptop?

Here is your low cost solution! Local Hadleigh company / 25 years experience Professional, reliable, trusted individual Available 7 days a week including evenings Secure clean office / showroom Straight forward pricing / NO FIX - NO FEE Contact Neil today, Freephone 0800 4488356 Office 01473 829552 / Mob 07815 795662

Howard with Kimberley and her scones Oh, do gather round in a huddle. I was delighted to hear from Kimberley Morton of Little Treats Bakery at Kersey Mill that her scones have been flying over the counter since I mentioned them here. Indeed, I gather that on one fine day there was so much demand that Kimberley’s scones were utterly exhausted. Next day though a newly baked batch was there for the taking, as pert as can be. I thought that you would like to see Kimberley and her scones in the flesh and here they are: fresh from the oven. So if you would like a quick coffee or lunch do pop in to Kersey Mill – it sounds that it is the place to be and you may even bump into me from time to time. I told you that a friend had mentioned the healing qualities of apple vinegar. I had had one or two doses but found it a little tart. One or two people have stopped me in the High Street to say that they have been imbibing apple/cider vinegar over long periods and find it beneficial. The cider vinegar may be more palatable if taken in water. Purchase in Sunflower at 101 High Street Tel. 01473 823219 As I took the letters from the silver salver that is presented to me every morning by Frank, I groaned to find notice of yet another planning application by Tesco for a store in Hadleigh. Just out of town we are shortly to have a Morrisons and one of these Tesco emporia is just not necessary. We have a delightful market town in Hadleigh. We have a supermarket in the Co-Op and we have excellent bakers and butchers. All of that and the local way of doing things is placed under threat. I suggest that if you feel as I do that you immediately despatch your objections to the Planning Department at Babergh District Council and to members of the Planning Committee at Babergh. The dark days of this planning application bring to mind the problems that are left with relatives following a death in the family. We are well placed to handle Probates and the Administration of Estates and so please contact us if we can assist in that regard. Naturally there is a cost to the Estate in having affairs wound-up on a professional basis but it removes a level of worry and anxiety for the Personal Representatives. The Lasting Power of Attorney has been mentioned by me on countless occasions but that does not detract from the importance of having such a document in place. Should one be beset and unable to attend to one’s own affairs, then the arrangements through a Lasting Power of Attorney mean that one’s day to day life would be so much easier. Why not give me a call to discuss. Howard Gibbons

133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ

Tel 01473 822488 E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Remembrance 2012

FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Thu 8 Nov Thu 22 Nov Thu 22 Nov Wed 28 Nov Thu 6 Dec Thu 6 Dec Sat 8 Dec Tue 11 Dec Sun 16 Dec Sun 16 Dec Wed 9 Jan ’13 Fri 11 Jan Sat 12 Jan Sat 12 Jan Thu 17 Jan Thu 17 Jan Wed 23 Jan Wed 23 Jan Sat 26 Jan Sun 3 Feb Sun 3 Feb Wed 24 Jul

MAMMA MIA & MEAL ..................................£76.00 STOMP .......................................................£45.00 BILLY ELLIOT...............................................£54.50 SINGING IN THE RAIN .................................£64.50 TOP HAT ....................................................£64.50 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA...........................£57.75 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA...........................£57.75 JERSEY BOYS...............................................£57.50 SHREK ........................................................£64.50 THRILLER....................................................£54.50 LES MISERABLES..........................................£64.50 VIVA FOREVER (SPICE GIRLS MUSICAL).........£67.50 WE WILL ROCK YOU ....................................£60.00 WICKED ......................................................£64.50 BILLY ELLIOT...............................................£54.50 WAR HORSE ................................................£70.00 SINGING IN THE RAIN .................................£64.50 THE BODYGUARD .......................................£64.50 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA...........................£57.75 ROCK OF AGES ...........................................£70.00 SHREK ........................................................£64.50 CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY .......£70.00

All shows are Matinee performances. Price includes top price ticket & luxury Coach Travel

NORWICH SHOWS @ THEATRE ROYAL Sat 2 Mar ’13 NINE to FIVE (Evening performance) ....................£53.00 Sat 13 Apr ’13 STARLIGHT EXPRESS (Evening performance) ........£57.00

SPECIAL EVENTS 11-14 Oct Sun 11 Nov Sat 17 Nov Sat 24 Nov Sat 1 Dec Sat 8 Dec Sun 9 Dec Sun 9 Dec Sun 16 Dec Fri 28 Dec Wed 2 Jan ’13

KNITTING & STITCHING SHOW (INC.) ...................£34.00 CRAFTS FOR XMAS/CAKE INTERNATIONAL@ NEC £32.00 IDEAL HOME SHOW @ XMAS (INC.) ......................£37.50 ROMFORD ..........................................................£18.00 LAKESIDE ............................................................£18.00 WESTFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE, STRATFORD ........£25.00 WINTER WONDERLAND @ HYDE PARK..................£25.00 CLOTHES SHOW + CATWALK SHOW @ NEC (INC.).£61.50 CO-OP JUNIORS @ SNAPE – MATINEE (INC.) ..........£36.00 WALKING WITH DINOSAURS (INC.) .......................£58.50 DISNEY ON ICE @ WEMBLEY.................................£47.00


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Please note all our Excursions, Short Breaks and Holidays Pick-Up in Hadleigh For further details on our great value-for money excursions and short breaks, call in to our Office at The Coach Depot, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh or phone (01473) 212521 or 823243

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

The Hadleigh & District Branch, Royal British Legion, will commemorate Remembrance 2012 in the following manner. Sunday 11th November, RBL members and supporters will assemble in George Street at 10.45 am to observe at 11.00 am the two minutes silence, followed by the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille. Sunday 11th November, RBL, Standard Bearers, Dignitaries, Wreath Layers and R.E.M.E. Detachment will meet at 1.45 pm at the RBL in George Street to collec Poppy Wreaths. The Parade will muster at 2.10 pm in the George Street to march at 2.15 pm, preceded by the Stowmarket Boys Brigade Centenary Band along the High Street to the War Memorial for the Poppy Wreath laying ceremony. The Band, Standard Bearer and R.E.M.E. Detachment will then march to the playground, the Hadleigh County Primary School, Station Road, to join the Main Parade, who would have already assembled. RBL, Dignitaries and Wreath Layers will make their own way to join the Main Parade to avoid over congestion of traffic at Benton Street. The now assembled Parade, again preceded by the band, will march along Station Road and the High Street to Church Street, to attend the Non Denominational Service of Remembrance to be held in the St. Mary’s Church.

Hadleigh Grand Feoffment Charity The Grand Feoffment is an amalgamation of a number of ancient charities endowed by gifts of land and properties over the years for the benefit of the people of Hadleigh. It was created under the will of Archdeacon William Pykenham who died in 1497. The original almshouses fronted George Street; they were demolished when the present almshouses (The Row) were built in about 1875. The Charity currently has seventeen almshouses in George Street, seven in Magdalen Road, two at Inkerman Terrace and five in Benton Street. The latter are our oldest almshouses, probably dating from about 1525. Each of the almshouses comprise an entrance hall or lobby, living room, kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. The Charity is responsible for all repairs and external decorations and also pays the water rates. There is no rent payable as such but there is a maintenance contribution required currently set at £25 per week. The financial position of applicants will be taken into account when allocations are made. The almshouses are available for occupation by Hadleigh people who are of retirement age. Currently one of the almshouses in George Street is being refurbished and will be available in about one months time; two others in George Street are likely to become available over the next two months. Interested? Please ask the Collector/Managing Agent Geoffrey Dyball for an application form. His telephone number is 01473 417716.

Hadleigh in World War 1 The Local History group of the Hadleigh Society are researching life in Hadleigh during World War 1 in preparation for a presentation next year. If anyone has letters, diaries or photos relating to this period which we could look at, they would add personal touches to the material we already have. If you can help please contact Jessica Bailey on 824247 or jessicabailey@talk21.com

Coffee Shop at Kersey Mill Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm Sunday 10.30am - 2.30pm

Freshly ground coffee, cakes and bakes all made in store and lunches, available all day.


New Function Room & Meeting Room Open from 1st October We are pleased to offer our newly refurbished first floor room for both social and delegate meetings and functions. We can set the room either boardroom, classroom or theatre style. We offer packagers to include tea, coffee and biscuits, lunch in the dining room or hot or cold buffets.

THE GEORGE HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151

Sat 8th Oct: Matt White & The Emulsion Sat 20th Oct: South of The Border Sat 27th Oct: Dog in a Sidecar We include flipchart with pens and a projector with screen, or just room for hire, all packages can be tailored to suit your needs. If you are having a social gathering we can provide you with a hot or cold buffet with friendly service. Please contact Tori, Paul or Stuart for details. Tel: 01473 822151

COFFEE MORNING In aid of the Poppy Appeal

Bookings now being taken for Christmas - call in or phone for a menu FIRST FLOOR MEETING & FUNCTION ROOM NOW OPEN

NEW MENU OUT NOW plus new £5.95 Monday -Friday Lunch Menu During October we will be open on Wednesday Evenings for our Buy one get a second for £2

Saturday 20th October, 11 am till 2 pm HADLEIGH ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Cake Stall, Tombola, Name the Teddy, Guess the Weight of the Cake ....and much more

See our website for menus and all forthcoming events





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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh Pool and Leisure Opens on Saturday 6th October 2012

Tandoori Restaurant

10% Discount After a year of building works and much anticipation - Hadleigh Pool and Leisure is ready to open! Hadleigh Pool and Leisure, the name give to Babergh District Council's Hadleigh Community Facility project, will be throwing open its doors to customers on October 6 at 9:30am. The new facilities, which will be run by South Suffolk Leisure on behalf of the district council , have been seamlessly integrated with the existing Hadleigh Swimming Pool. Babergh District Council, supported by Hadleigh Town Council, invested more than £2.4million in the new centre which includes a state of the art fitness suite with the very latest in exercise equipment and innovation, a group fitness studio, which will offer around 20 classes per week, an osteopath and beauty therapy treatment clinic. The new facility also boasts both large and small community rooms for local groups and organisations to hold classes, events and meetings. A central coffee shop pulls the whole site together, all this with the convenience of having the original 25 metre pool on site. With your support the new centre will become the hub for the local community. Tracey Copping, Chief Executive of South Suffolk Leisure,said: "Our aim is to lead the way to active living. We hope to engage, inspire and provide the local community with everything they need to take part in regular and supported exercise, along with providing a great place for individuals, groups and clubs to meet and hold sessions and events. "We feel that the new facilities provide something for everyone." Cllr Jennie Jenkins, Chairman of Babergh’s Strategy Committee, said: "Babergh - and all who have worked so hard on this project from the very start are delighted that it has finally come to fruition. This first-rate community facility has been a long time coming but this makes the final outcome all the more worthwhile. "I am sure it will attract a wide range of people and further enhance the leisure facilities that Hadleigh already has to offer, making the town an even more attractive place for residents and visitors. "This project is a fine example of partnership working and cooperation between various community groups, including future financial support from Hadleigh Town Council. "I, for one, can't wait to see the finished result." The centre itself features state of the art MATRIX fitness equipment that is designed to ensure those new to exercise find it easy to follow and experienced users are challenged and inspired to achieve their goals. The machines are equip for docking smart phones so the users can listen to their own music or watch their own movies while using the fitness equipment. Those wishing to tone up can use a full range of resistance equipment or enjoy the added benefit of using the My7 Power Plate perfect if you are looking to tone up and look great. For those wanting to enjoy a selection of classes like Pump, Zumba and Yoga they will be able to enjoy a variety of classes each week so there is something for everyone to enjoy. The centre has been offering membership throughout the summer and unlimited use of the facilities is available for under £1per day, meaning that not only is the centre convenient to get to, but you don’t have to break the bank to get in shape. For more information or to visit Hadleigh Pool and Leisure you can call 01473 823 470 or visit www.hadleighpoolandleisure.co.uk or why not pop in and see what you could be missing.

on all collected Take-Away Sunday to Thursday Offer ends 25th November 2012

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Hollow Trees Farm - New Butchery Counter Opens Having had a farm shop for twenty five years and being a livestock farm for a lot longer you may say a fresh meat butchery counter within Hollow Trees Farm Shop has been a long time coming! Hollow Trees Farm in the village of Semer (three miles from Hadleigh, two miles from Bildeston and five from Lavenham) produces its own beef, pork and lamb. This has always sold well within the farm shop but up until now it’s been from our freezer department. However, times have changed and the time was right for the farm to add a fresh meat counter. In August this year The Butchery at Hollow Trees Farm opened. The Butchery product range will be mainly based on home-grown meat from animals that can be seen in the fields and barns as you take a stroll around the farm trail. The cattle, sheep and pigs are all reared to a high welfare standard and grow slowly to produce tender, tasty meat. Alongside the homegrown meat will be other locally sourced meats including chicken and game. Once fully staffed*,The Butchery will be open seven days a week but, if you are in a rush there will be some grab and go meat packs in the chillers and as the Butchery evolves meal solutions such as stir fry and stew mixes will be added alongside your favourite cuts. Don’t be afraid to ask the butcher – we are keen to know what you want! * Whilst the farm shop is open seven days a week,at the moment the butchery counter is temporarily closed on Mondays

District Councillors Kathryn Grandon and Brian Riley will be holding their monthly walk in surgery on Saturday 13th October at Hadleigh Library from 11 until noon. You are welcome to drop in or to call 07866 581 556 to discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town. Appointments are not necessary.


Farm Shop

Farm Trail

Coffee Shop

The Hollow Trees Farm Butchery is NOW open... with home grown and local meat.




Farm Fun

Hollow Trees Farm Shop, Semer, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6HX Tel: 01449 741247 Email: shop@hollowtrees.co.uk www.hollowtrees.co.uk On A1141 Hadleigh/Lavenham Road

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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The Stigma about Hearing Loss


By Karen Finch RHAD FSHAA FRSA, Managing Director and Audiologist at The Hearing Care Centre Ltd One in six people in the UK experience hearing problems, equating to just over 10 million people! What’s even more worrying than this statistic is the big stigma that still looms over the use of hearing aids, and the fact that many people with a hearing loss just don’t do anything about it. But why is this? Many hearing-impaired people are subject to much prejudice and misconceptions: "they are old", "less intelligent", "mentally ill", or "they only hear what they want to hear". These statements just simply are not true. Many people also think that hearing aids are unsightly, uncomfortable and expensive and do not function optimally. In the past this was true. Hearing instruments did tend to be bulky and obtrusive but new technology of the past few years, the so called digital age, has brought endless solutions to this problem. There is now a wide range of hearing instruments, some so tiny they fit completely inside your ear and cannot be seen. Even those which sit behind the ear are so small and light they are practically invisible while others deliberately draw attention to themselves – becoming trendy and fashionable for the young, or young at heart. After all when you buy spectacles these days you don’t hide them……..for many people they are a statement about their personality. Hearing loss is a form of disability and our natural reaction is to shy away from admitting it’s actually happening to us. In the majority of cases the degeneration is gradual, so much so that we don’t realise how bad the situation has become until someone else points it out for us. It can take up to 15 years from the first signs of hearing loss to the point when the individual can’t take any more and finally seeks professional help. But not admitting that a hearing problem exists, we only hurt ourselves because unsupported hearing loss leads to feelings of depression, anger and social isolation. If people can relate to this problem and haven’t sought professional help then I would urge them to make a point of doing so. Contact your local audiologist and book a simple hearing assessment. The improvement to your quality of life will be dramatic. Free Hearing Tests in Hadleigh The Hearing Care Centre is holding a series of big Hearing Care Open Days at its local centre: The Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh. On Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th October 2012 the company will be offering free hearing tests and free professional advice for those who feel they may have a hearing problem, but have yet to take action. Appointments are essential. To book your appointment please call The Hearing Care Centre on Freephone 0800 096 2637 or for more information visit their website: www.hearingcarecentre.co.uk


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TEL/FAX: 01473 823584 • MOB 07885 941615 49 Benton Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AR 12

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Brett River Children’s Centre To all Children's Centre Members: Brett River Children's Centre would like to inform you that as of the 1st October 2012 we will no longer be based at the Hadleigh Health Centre. We will be running all our services from the Old Corn Exchange just a few hundred yards down Market Place. Many of you will already have visited us at this location and we warmly invite all of you who have not, to come and meet us and join in our activities. Our new autumn programme is available at the Children's Centre. Angela Dudman

Beaumont School Report For us at Beaumont the start of the school year is always exciting as we welcome new pupils into the school. We have 17 children starting in our Reception year and 13 children joining us in the Busy Bears Nursery, as well as several new arrivals in other year groups, taking our numbers on roll up to 132. It is amazing how quickly these new children settle into their new environment and learn the school routines, helped on by pupils returning for another year at Beaumont. Our excellent Busy Bees Nursery class, does currently have spaces. A child can join the term after they turn 3. If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact the school office to arrange a visit on 01473 825120. This year sees the commencement of the 2nd year of our European funded Comenius Project, with more visits being made to partner schools this term. Beaumont school has been involved in this project in the past and is now continuing, as a lead school, on forging new links with various European schools new to the project. The Comenius project aims to develop knowledge and understanding among young people and education staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages. It aims to help young people to acquire basic life skills and competences for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship. The focus for the participating schools will be the work that goes on in Early Years education (Nursery and Reception classes). Here at Beaumont we feel privileged to have excellent Nursery and Reception classes and feel we can share our good practice with our European neighbours, at the same time as learning from their strengths. The end of last year was an emotional one as we said goodbye to our Year 6 leavers. On the last day of term they performed their leavers’ assembly, ‘Dreams’, brilliantly. The highlight of the assembly was their performance of the Shakespearian comedy ‘A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream,’ which had everyone laughing! It’s always good to stay in touch with the leavers and we have already seen some of the Year 7’s back at Beaumont to let us know that they are having a great time at Hadleigh High School!

If you wish to object to the proposed Tesco store on the Brett Works / Riverside site Please either e-mail or write to Babergh District Council. E-mail. Planning.control@babergh.gov.uk including the application number B/12/01052. Include your name and address with you reasons for objection. or Complete the ‘Planning Application Comments online’ form which can be found in the planning section at www.babergh.gov.uk or Write to:Planning Department, Babergh District Council, Corks Lane, Hadleigh IP7 65J Some reasons for objecting: Babergh Retail assessment suggests that maximum room for expansion of retail development is 2500sqm. The proposed Tesco store of 2500sqm of floorspace. Morrisons is 4645sqm. Together trebling the recommended allocation. Nearly 70% of residents stated in the Town Poll that they do not want a store on the Brett Works/Riverside site. This has been backed up by the thousands of signatures on three petitions and the hundreds of individual letters sent to Babergh over the fourteen years that Tesco have been trying to build on that site. Increase in traffic. With Morrisons in Calais Street and Tesco entrance in Bridge Street the north end of the High Street and Bridge Street Calais Street corner will not be able to cope with the traffic causing massive backlogs on all three roads. Difficult access to Tesco on the Bridge, particularly for HGV’s. Loss of jobs and small business in Hadleigh. (these are not replaced by the work offered at Tesco) Riverside wildlife will be harmed and the tranquillity of the Riverside Walk will be spoilt. Parts of the site and the access road are in the Floodplain. Every objection counts. Please send your objection to Babergh by the 9th October or as soon after as possible. Please also send copies of your objections to your local Babergh Councillor.


Hands off Hadleigh


COME AGAIN! Some of you reading the Community News may not have been in Hadleigh long enough to know the history of the Hands off Hadleigh Campaign against building a supermarket on the Brett Works / Riverside site. We thought it might be helpful, as we have used the title on our posters ‘Here they come again’ During the second world war R.E.M.E. built the workshop in Calais Street for the repair of Bren Gun Carriers and other large pieces of equipment. When HANDS OFF HADLEIGH the Army pulled out the building was left empty. In the early 1970’s Saga opened a superstore selling ‘do it yourself’ items, the store was then sold to Tesco. Tesco sold anything from fridges to shoes, selling left over ‘mail order’ stock. Their sale of food was limited due to the state of the building. Following the development of their store at Copdock the Hadleigh store was sold to Q.D.Stores. The store was sold with full A1 consent, therefore when Morrisons recently acquired the store they do not need planning consent for their supermarket as long as they stay within the existing store, i.e. they cannot just pull it down and have a new building. We have been asked why we are not demonstrating against Morrisons, and the answer is simply there is no point in demonstrating when there is nothing could be done to stop them. Also the majority of people objecting to the Brett Works site, right from the beginning, have said that if there is a need for another supermarket it should be on the Buyright site.

On to the Brett Works / Riverside site In 1984 a developer wanted to put a supermarket on the land behind Cinch, but after some campaigning and for reasons unknown to us this development was not proceeded with. 1992 The District Council tried to allocate the riverside site in the Local Plan for a supermarket of 2325sqm with pedestrian access to the High Street and vehicular access from Bridge Street. Their proposal was rejected by the Inspector on the grounds that there was no need for a store of the proposed size, its environmental damage and adverse effect on the High Street. 1998 Tesco open their store at Copdock . December 1999 and Tesco identify their intentions to develop a store on the Riverside site knocking down ‘Cinch’ to enable traffic access into the High Street. This application was refused by Babergh District Councillors, against their officers’ recommendation for acceptance. After a five week inquiry in 2001 the Secretary of State’s Inspector upheld the Babergh Councillors’ decision and refused the application. In 2004 District Councillors decided to put the Buyright site in the District Plan but the Officers objected and told the Councillors, in Public, that they could not do that and it had to be the Brett Works site quoting the government planning statement PPS 6. On the 24th December Tesco submitted another application with access onto Bridge Street. This application required the purchase of 9 Bridge Street. Tesco had offered to buy 9 Bridge Street, the owners refused to sell, then a letter was received by the owners informing them that Tesco would be seeking a compulsory Purchase Order. Babergh had agreed to sell part of their car park to Tesco, who also needed part of the Town Council Allotments. To-date the Town Council has refused to sell. Babergh have stated that they would proceed with a Compulsory Purchase of part of the allotments for Tesco. Between 2004 and last year various applications and amendments have been publicised but no application was heard until last July when the Babergh Officers advised that the Councillors agree the Tesco application, but it was refused by one vote. So. Here we go again. Jan Byrne

2013 Diaries at Keith Avis Our selection of 2013 diaries are now in stock:


A4 - Page a day £4.99 A4 - Week to view £2.99 A5 - Page a day £2.99 A5 - Week to view £1.60 A6 Week to view 99p Pocket Dairy 65p Student Diary £1.75 Wall Planner £1.50 Salmon Calendars Various Prices 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EF - Tel: 01473 823 131


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Health and Fitness at Kersey Mill Open Weekend 13th & 14th October 10 am to 6 pm Hi my name is Jamie Llewellyn and I’m the new owner and general manager of Health and Fitness at kersey Mill. I have been working in the industry for over 10 years, starting has as a fitness instructor and progress myself to well respected personal trainer. The new health club has been fully refurbished with band new cardio, resistance equipment and lady’s training area in the main gym. There will be a separate free weights area with cable machines, Squat racks, Bench Press, Olympic lifting bars and weights with professional drop flooring. The gym will have four highly qualified instructor/personal trainers including myself. Our job will be to induct you into the gym to help you achieve your desired goals. If your goals are to slim and tone, increase your lean muscle or achieve a sporting personal best we have the experience and skill to help you. There will be a number of classes running during the week and on the weekend in our two studios, these classes include Kettlebell training, Zumba, Pilates, Circuits and Stability ball. We will also have Bootcamp twice a week using the local environment to give you the ultimate but fun workout! Other facilities within the club will include a sauna which members of the health club can use at their leisure. A tanning studio which will be open to members and non-members helping you kept a tan all year round. As a friendly health club within the local area we have strong connections with Hadleigh Rugby Club, Sudbury Hockey Club and Local athletes. We will be looking to help these clubs and athletes improve upon their performance for the coming season. An extra service the club will provide is Sports Massage – Sports Massage is ideal for those preparing for a sporting event or recovering from one. Massage can also be used for injury prevention and postural conditioning. A regular massage will also help your general well-being and help you to relax. We have an open weekend on 13th&14th of October, 10 am to 6 pm, so this will be a great chance for you to have a look around the club and speak to one of our trainers. Together we can achieve your fitness dreams! Hope to see you soon.. For more details please call 01473 857473 or E mail info@kerseymillfitness.co.uk www.kerseymillfitness.co.uk


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If your goals are to slim and tone, increase muscle or your sporting performance we have the passion and knowledge to help you hit your targets! • • • • • • • • •

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For more details please call 01473 857473 or E mail info@kerseymillfitness.co.uk www.kerseymillfitness.co.uk

Hadleigh Craft & Food Fair 4th November 2012 The Hadleigh Craft & Food Fair is back again on the 4th November 2012 ready for all your Christmas present ideas. The fair takes place at the Town Hall Complex in the Market Place as we yet again fill all the 4 rooms up with delights for all tastes. The fair starts up stairs (or lift) in the Grand Hall (hall 1) this room is full of knitwear, jewellery, hand made cards, bags, books, wood burning to name a few. Up the stairs to the Old Town Hall (hall 2) where we have cushions, jigsaws, Tutu's, wood turning, and Humours gifts. The Council chamber is the next stop (hall 3) which includes soaps, cards, lavender dolls, bags and Jewellery. And last but not least the Guild Room (hall 4) this is our Food Hall which this year is packed with food items including cupcakes, cheese & pies, fruit and veg, pickles and preserves, home brew kits, do-nut's, fresh bread and also some china ware too to display all your bought goods on. We have lots more crafter's - check out our website for more details. We have two entrances which are at the front of the Town Hall complex which starts at hall 1 or opposite St Mary's Church which starts with hall 4. Please note all the spaces are filled in advance which are already full to capacity, we cannot take any stall holders on the day. You can park in the car park next to Barclay's bank or in the large car park behind the Co-op and both car parks are free of charge. The craft fair is open from 10am till 4pm entry is £1 each for adults and 50p to wheelchair uses as limited entry to only hall 1 and 4 due to the building lay out, under 14's are free with a paying adult. This event is organised and run by a voluntary group called the Hadleigh Town Forum who hold events including the Hadleigh Christmas lighting up which this year is on Sunday 2nd December. For more info about the craft fair or any of our events which we hold including pictures and videos from previous events please visit our website www.hadleighents.webs.com or contact Trev on hadleighents@aol.com

AUTUMN FAYRE at The Salvation Army, Duke Street on Saturday 3rd November, 10 am to 1.00 pm www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh Freemasons invade Harwich!

Inside the ‘Redoubt’ - the Napoleonic Fort at Harwich

LHKG adv 09v2



Page 1

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Members of Brett Valley Lodge, together with their wives recently spent a very enjoyable day on a ‘Guided Walking Tour of Historic Harwich’ organised by their new Worshipful Master. After a morning coffee on ‘The Halfpenny Pier’ we set off around Harwich lead by Tour Guides David and Jackie White, where we learnt that the brewer ‘Tolly Cobbold’ was originally ‘The Harwich Brewery Company’, founded by Thomas Cobbold in 1723, but finding a problem with the local water supply moved to its home in Ipswich in 1746. We were also shown the home of Christopher Jones, born in Harwich, who eventually became the master of the ‘Mayflower’ - the famous ship which in 1620 took settlers to Plymouth, Massachusetts. We visited ‘The Electric Palace Cinema’ one of the oldest purposebuilt cinemas to survive complete with its silent screen, original projection room and ornamental frontage still intact. A fascinating stop followed at the site of the old ship yard where vessels were built from the 16th Century and an interesting list of the ‘Men of War’ constructed in the ship yard is shown on a board near the entrance to the yard where also hangs the old shipyard bell, cast in 1666, originally housed in a bell tower and was rung Interior of the Electric Palace daily to summon people to work. Cinema In the afternoon, following a light buffet lunch, we visited the ‘Redoubt’ an extremely impressive 180ft (60m) diameter circular fort, which was built in 1808 to defend the port of Harwich against a Napoleonic invasion. It is the only such example open to the public. Ten guns sit on the battlements. Eighteen casements below would house 300 troops in siege conditions. Part of the fort is now used as a military museum and battle re-enactments and other events are held during the summer months. The fort was restored by the Harwich Society as a voluntary project and photographs of the restoration work being carried out together with many, many other exhibits are on show in the numerous internal rooms. All in all the tour by the ‘Harwich Society’ really is excellent and if like me, you have not been to Harwich lately it is highly recommended! The old shipyard treadmill crane, one of only two known examples in the world.

For more information on these guided walking tours visit www.harwich-society.co.uk/ Kelvin Avis

Hadleigh Leisure Centre Please allow me to thank the customers who turned out to the farewell evening on 31 August for the original Leisure Centre staff. We were surprised and touched by how many people attended and their good wishes and it brightened what we thought would be a sad evening, so thanks again. As their Manager I would like to thank my staff, some of whom worked for twice as long as my 9 years, for their loyal service. Some continue to work with me at East Bergholt Sports Centre but for the others I would also like to wish them the best of luck in finding new employment. Chris Marsh (Mrs) 16

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366



FIREWORKS DISPLAY FRIDAY 2nd NOVEMBER AT THE MILLFIELD Fire lit at 7.00 pm Fireworks begin at 7.30 pm Licensed Bar - Hot Food FULLY INSURED EVENT PROFESSIONAL FIRING ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT KEITH AVIS & PATEL’S NEWSAGENTS Prices Held! ADVANCE TICKETS Adults £4.50 Under 16s £3.50 Under 5’s FREE PAY ON THE NIGHT Adults £5.00 Under 16s £4.00 19 15 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk 17

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Hadleigh Health and Wellbeing Event On October 12th, at the Ansell Centre from 9.00am to 2.30pm On October 12th The Ansell Centre in the Market Place will be hosting the first Health and Wellbeing Event to be held in Hadleigh. There will be advice and information from a wide selection of services across Suffolk. We hope to inform the general public about service providers from both the Voluntary and the Statutory sectors. Many of us do not know who to go to or who to ask when we need help. Sometimes we need assistance for ourselves, but often we can also lack support when we are the carers for someone with a health and wellbeing problem. On October 12th there will be advisors on hand to signpost the public to the relevant agencies. It is important that we know where to go for advice at all stages of our lives and this event will have representatives from Homestart Babergh, The Alzheimers Society, the new NHS Suffolk Wellbeing Service, SNAP Housing Advice, AGE UK and many, many more. All are welcome, please pop in and see what we have to offer.

Playstation Pre-School Welcome back to everyone and a huge welcome to all the new children (and parents) who have joined us this term. A special welcome also to our new apprentice – Leah Clapham. As well as becoming a valuable member of our team, Leah will be studying towards her Child Care and Education qualification throughout her year with us. Our theme for this half term is “Fairy Tales”. We will be sharing our favourite stories, creating wall displays and creations to take home. We will be using the theme to cover all our areas of learning – lots of creativity, counting, literacy and most importantly FUN. Also on Wednesday 31st October (half term) we will be having Tempest Photography visit Playstation between 10am – 12 noon. If you would like to have some photos taken then please speak to Mandy to book a time slot. Please note this is not just for children who attend Playstation, anybody can book a time slot even if their children do not attend Playstation. If you would like to enquire about places at Playstation we can be contacted at playstationhadleigh@btconnect.com. If you are currently considering a playschool for your child, why not come and take a look at what we can offer? Please telephone Playstation on 824271 for enrolment details, a prospectus or to arrange a visit.

Hadleigh U3A On 9th September more than 80 members of Hadleigh U3A learned about “Death Recorded” – capital punishment in Suffolk during the years of 17321900 - from Pip Wright, historian, writer and researcher extraordinaire. With some gruesome details, but always fascinating information, Pip gave us a sharply focussed account of the process of criminal law from the 18th and 19th centuries. Proceedings were enlivened when he included two traditional songs of the period, self-accompanied on the guitar. Several days earlier, in glorious weather on the 5th, a party of 36 members enjoyed a coach outing to the Saville Gardens near Windsor, which was followed by a cruise on the River Thames, with a cream tea aboard ship. Events planned for October are to a matinee performance of Somerset Maugham’s “The Sacred Flame” at the Wolsey Theatre on the 13th, and to the Ipswich Regent Theatre on the 24th for a performance of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s “A Night at the Opera” Full contact details and activities of our local group can be found on our new website at u3asitec.org.uk


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

October Golf Lessons For Beginners!

Celebrate Christmas and New Year in Style

On Saturday 6th October the PGA Professionals at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club will be starting a course of golf lessons for members of the public wishing to give golf a try. The lessons will be held at the Stoke by Nayland Driving Range which was recently awarded by the English Golf Union the prestigious title of “England Golf Regional Training Centreâ€?. PGA Professionals Andrew Tokley and Karl Dunn will be providing the coaching sessions for all newcomers to the game. The group lessons last for 90minutes and run for 4 weeks, giving beginners the chance to learn the game of golf the correct way in a fun and Golf lessons at the Stoke by sociable environment. The lessons start Nayland Club Driving Range at 9am and finish at 10:30am. During this course we will cover all aspects of the game including, hitting irons and woods, chipping, bunkers and putting. The eventual outcome of the lessons will be to give you the understanding and confidence to play golf on the course with friends or new friends you have met during the lessons. Dates: Sat 6th, Sat 13th, Sat 20th and Sat 27th October Time: All lessons 9am – 10:30am Cost: Just ÂŁ15.00 per person for the course of 4 lessons For more information or to book your place on the group lessons please phone Andrew Tokley on 07745 061913 or e-mail drivingrange@stokebynayland.com www.stokebynayland.com

at Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa

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Passed away at home after a short illness on 24th September.

Hadleigh United Football Club


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Local Bird & Wildlife Artist, Ken Oliver makes an exhibition of himself again ! Originally a migrant from Yorkshire, Ken has been native to Layham for over twenty years. Ken’s work has been glimpsed in various galleries in Suffolk, and this year he is holding his 2nd Art Exhibition at his familiar nesting ground, “The Queen’s Head” in Lower Layham. Ken works mainly with a medium of Gouache, Watercolour and IPA. Private Commissions have included Wildlife subjects, Pet Portraits, and favourite Cars and Houses. This year Ken is showing “The Country Collection”, with original paintings of Landscapes, Local Scenes and Birds. He has also created a Perpetual Bird Calendar from his favourite Paintings. There will be a selection of Christmas & Greetings Cards, and a range of prints from the original paintings, so something for everyone. A proportion of any sales will be donated to The Layham Old Queen’s Sport & Social Club Charity which supports many local good causes. There will also be a selection of local Handmade Crafts for sale, so altogether an ideal day to choose special presents. We were overwhelmed by all the kind support of Ken’s last exhibition in 2010 and we hope you will join us for this one, to celebrate the beautiful natural surroundings of Layham and Hadleigh.

“The Country Collection” – by Ken Oliver An Exhibition & Sale of Art (and also Local Crafts) at The Queen’s Head, Lower Layham by kind permission of Steve & Tanith Laing

Saturday 10th November 2012 Lunchtime and Evening An original painting makes a unique and inspired gift for any special occasion, Ken is happy to accept any commissions, large or small;

you can contact him on 01473 823027 e-mail: kenoliver931@btinternet.com

or through his Spidery Cobwebsite: www.kenoliver.webs.com

....We ask the Questions! This month we put questions to.......

Elaine Root Hadleigh Town Council Office Administrator Where do you originally come from and how did you end up living here? I was born in Derby quite a few years ago! I moved to Hadleigh in 1986 as my husband, Glenn was working for Hey & Croft in Witham who were, at that time building houses in Hadleigh. How long have you worked for Hadleigh Town Council and what do you most like and dislike about your job? I started working for Hadleigh Town Council on the 30th April 2001. The people I work with have made my time so enjoyable it is a great team who work very hard for the Town. The most enjoyable part of my job is working for the Mayor as this allows us to promote Hadleigh around the County. I dislike hearing about a complaint that has not been received in the office so Hadleigh Town Council have been unable to resolve. What does your typical work day involve? I don’t really have a typical working day as I never know what to expect! I have a weekly routine which involves preparing Agenda’s and meeting papers for posting on a Friday. Meetings take place on Thursday evening so papers have to be got ready and then minutes have to be finalised. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional with whom would it be and why? I think I would like to be Jamie Oliver for a day so that I could learn to cook as easily as he makes it appear (as I don’t cook this will surprise my friends) If we asked your work colleagues Carol, Sue and Judith what your best and worst points were, what would they say? I did ask them and their reply was that there wasn’t enough room in your magazine! What is your favourite holiday destination? France – love the food and the drink (this will not come as any surprise to my friends) What are you most proud of?At work I am always most proud on the day of the Mayor’s Annual Civic Service held in September. This gives us an opportunity to showcase Hadleigh, St. Mary’s Church and the Town Hall to visiting dignitaries from around Suffolk. It entails a lot of work in the office but we always get positive feedback from the guests on how much they enjoy their visit to Hadleigh. On a personal basis I am proud of my two daughters and without the support of my husband Glenn I would not have been able to dedicate so much time to organising and helping with the events. Whenever there is an event or function in the town you always seem to be around helping out in some way, what makes you do this? What makes me do this is that no-one else will! On reading my horoscope last week in the EADT it did say that being a Gemini I stick my nose in where it isn’t needed and so could be referred to as a Busy Body! Why I do it is because I enjoy seeing all the hard work that the Town Council puts in behind the scenes come to fruition and hopefully it is appreciated by the residents who attend these events. The team of volunteers (mostly members of the Town Forum) make the work on the day of the events enjoyable. Tell us one thing about yourself you wouldn't want us to know! Glenn says I snore! Have you read ‘50 Shades Of Grey’, and if not why not! I haven’t read the book yet – but have read the 50 Sheds of Grey on twitter just to ease myself in slowly! And lastly, dare we ask! Who has been your favourite Town Mayor? They are all my favourites when I am working for them! (Spoilsport! I thought that was the best question I thought up! Kelvin)

Stan’s Quote of the Month! Don’t put off tomorrow, what you can do today.....


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Letter www.layham.org from Layham

A CONCERT WITH ANDREW STIRLING AND HELEN ABBEY 20 October 7.30 pm £12 including supper Tickets from Sonia (822220) and Audrey (822081)

HOT SUNDAY LUNCH Layham Village Hall - 4th November 12.30 pm 2 courses incl. coffee £8.50 Vegetarian option - Reduction for children

Are you new to Layham? If you have just moved to the village and would like to know more about it, please visit our website www.layham.org, where you can download a Welcome Booklet. However, if you do not have a computer and printer and would prefer a hard copy of the booklet, please contact Jane Cryer, Parish Clerk, on 07920 713940, email layhampc@gmail.com. Layham Parish Council The main matters discussed at the Parish Council meeting of Wednesday 28 August were: Code of Conduct Parish Council resolved to adopt the Suffolk Local Code of Conduct for the purposes of discharging its duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct within its area Parish Plan The Clerk had produced a summary of the Parish Plan Workshop held on 12 June. It was agreed that, although many of the suggestions noted were outside the control of the Parish Council, the Council should continue to try to influence where possible. The Clerk would circulate the summary to the community email group and invite recipients to respond to anything that interested them. Lunch Club The first lunch would be held on Wednesday 5 December in the Queen’s Head – details to follow nearer the time, Community Engagement John Snell, Corporate Manager for Internal Audit for both Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, attended the meeting to discuss community engagement and gather feedback, in order to identify strategic priorities as part of the budget-setting process. It is important to lobby for non-statutory activities that were valued and should be retained if possible. There were 8 key questions forming the basis of the consultation: • What’s good about living here? • What do you want to change? • What type of people are involved in community activities? • Who aren’t so involved – and why not? • What community faciltities are there? Which are being well used? Which are under-used? • What should the councils be doing more – and less – of in the future? What can communities do more of themselves? • What do communities need from the Council? • What is the state of the local economy (how well are local firms doing? What are local job prospects like? What opportunities are there for younger people?) However, both Councils were aware that there could be other issues arising out of the consultation. Completed questionnaires could be completed online at www.babergh.gov.uk or www.midsuffolk.gov.uk. The Parish Council would have a further discussion at the next meeting and its response would incorporate feedback from the Parish Plan workshop. Payment methods Concern was expressed over the Government’s proposal that the law restricting councils to one method of making payments (cheques with two councillor signatories) should be removed. The Clerk would respond to the consultation outlining the PC’s concerns. The dates of meetings for the whole year are displayed on the main village notice boards. Information about the Parish Council together with full minutes is on the village website: www.layham.org St Andrew’s – your local church Services for October 7th 10.30 am Family Harvest Eucharist 14th 9.15 am Healing Eucharist 21st 9.15 am Said Eucharist (BCP) 10.15 am Café Church at St Andrews 28th 9.15 am Family Eucharist Events not to be missed - we look forward to welcoming you. SCARECROW FESTIVAL 6 – 7 October 12 – 4 pm Refreshments More details from Trish on 828393 22

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Please book by 30 October - Tel: Audrey 822081 or Sonia 822220 Transport can be arranged - Proceeds to St. Andrew’s Church Layham Village Hall I am Layham Village Hall and November 21st this year will be my eighty-sixth birthday. You will find me just behind St. Andrew’s Church. I am fast becoming unique, in that I am of wooden construction in a style commensurate with my age. For those of you who have had the opportunity to attend one of my functions will know that the atmosphere within is cosy and personal. My Committee have for some time been aware that my roof needed some attention, for there were one or two minor leaks in very bad weather. The other problem was that they also knew that my roof was clad in asbestos tiles. Whilst these were relatively safe if left undisturbed, they considered that, as I am used by a playgroup several mornings a week, it would be prudent to have these tiles replaced with less hazardous modern material. So just a couple weeks ago the work was completed and my roof brought up to present day standards. I am told that the work has greatly improved my appearance to the satisfaction of my neighbours and my Committee. This work was very expensive and would not have been possible without the help of our County Councillor, David Yorke-Edwards, who gave a grant of £1400 from his Community Budget. I was also fortunate to have received a large bequest from a previous Committee member, Mr. Arthur Vincent, who had served between 1990 and 2005. Without these two sums of money the work could not have been undertaken and I would like to thank the donors, on behalf of my Committee. Two generous acts in a month New nets for the goals on the playing field John Gurr approached the Playing Field Committee to see how he could support the work of the group. He uses the field and admires the provision but is not able to help with regular work. His offer to renew the football goal nets is very welcome by the Committee and, no doubt, by the footballers. Pictured here are (from left) John Gurr, Michael Woods (Chairman of the Committee) and Ron Gunn (who we thank for re-painting the posts) – fixing one of the nets in position. A big thank you John from us all – your support is very much appreciated. Only one net will be provided at the moment as the goal at the far end of the field is to have the goalmouth re-turfed. When the new grass is established the single net will be swopped round and the other goalmouth re-turfed. Pat and Mark Alderson provide a new seat on Brett Green Twelve years ago, Pat and Mark Alderson had a seat made in memory of husband and father Ron Alderson who died far too young. Ron had been a great community worker and Pat and Mark first had the seat placed on the playing field where, unfortunately, it was vandalised. Understandably, they took it back into the safety of their garden. With the collapse of a seat provided in memory of Robert Atwell, the Chairman of the Brett Green Residents Association (1968-74) an opportunity has arisen for Ron’s seat to be brought back into public use. Pat and Mark have given it to the community and it is now in place beside the River Brett offering views up the valley towards Hadleigh. A dedication to Ron is carved on the top bar and it has been agreed that the small memorial plaque to Robert Atwell from the original seat should be placed on the back of the bar. Thank you Pat and Mark for providing a valuable community facility. Our War Memorial Following publication of information about Ernest Frederick Rolfe in the August edition of Letter from Layham, contact was made by a descendant of another man whose name appears on our memorial.

Jeffery Ward, who lives in Colchester, is a cousin once removed, of Pte George Frederick Ward, who lost his life at the age of 25 from wounds received in battle on 7th July 1916 whilst serving with the Suffolk Regiment in France. George Ward was a member of a large extended family in Layham and Jeffery has very kindly provided detailed information including a photocopy of a newspaper report from the Suffolk Chronicle and Mercury of 29.03.1918 in which members of the immediate Ward family are featured. George Ward is bottom left in the photograph. Robert and Ellen Ward lived, at the time, in what was then named Hill Cottage, Upper Layham (one of the buildings on the opposite side of the road to the ‘Marquis’ and Old Orchard). Robert was a ‘horseman’ on a local farm and he and Ellen had five sons and two daughters. The newspaper report describes how Robert and Ellen Ward’s four eligible sons and their son-in-law were “…all serving their country. Their names are- (1) Lance Cpl. R.W.Ward, Cameron Highlanders; (2) Pte. G.H.Ward, Suffolk Regiment, died of wounds in France on July 7th 1916; (3) Pte. G.H.Ward, Suffolk Regiment, joined up in 1914, who has seen service in the Dardanelles and is now in Egypt; (4) Pte. B.J.Ward, Machine Gun Corp, joined up on June 13th, 1916, when 19 years of age, and has serves twelve months in France and is now recovering from wounds; (5) Pte. F.Orvis, East Surrey Regt. (son-in-law; after serving fifteen months in France, is now in Italy”. It is difficult to imagine the effect it would have had on a village such as Layham when a whole generation of men were removed for years and, in some cases, never to return. We are still hoping that relatives of those remembered on our War Memorial will contact us in order that we can fill in as much detail about the men as possible. Contact Michael Woods (01473 823798) if you think you can help.

Layham Playgroup The New Term The focus for this half term will be Autumn and Harvest. The children will be busy exploring their environment looking for signs of autumn and collecting some autumn leaves. As part of our Harvest celebrations the children will be busy making a scarecrow for St Andrews Church festival during the weekend of 6th and 7th October. There will be a special scarecrow trail around the village so be sure to keep a look out for Layham Playgroups contribution! The children will also be visiting the church on Friday 5th October as part of our own Harvest celebrations. Vouchers A big thank you to everyone who collected vouchers from Sainsburys to purchase equipment for the Playgroup. We used the vouchers to buy some scarves which we can use for dancing and moving, and also on a windy day. We took the scarves out with us recently on a windy day to watch blow and move about. We also visited the park, enjoying not only the wind but the autumn sunshine. We are also collecting Morrisons Let’s Grow vouchers, any donations will be gratefully received. Bingo Night Friday 5th October Our first ever Bingo Night will take place in the Village Hall on Friday 5th October at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10 and include food and bingo tickets. Full details are available on our Website or our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please come along for a fun evening to raise funds for the Playgroup. We are enjoying our baby and toddler ‘yoga’ sessions with George from the Brett River Children’s Centre who is joining us from 10.3011.00 during our Ladybirds sessions until half term, for only £2 a session. The children have enjoyed learning new movements such as rolling and jumping as well as learning new songs and actions. The parents have also really enjoyed joining in with the sessions and spending time with their children. Layham Playgroup is a feeder group for all three Primary Schools in Hadleigh. Government funding is available for 3 year olds and in certain cases for some 2 year olds. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact us on 07999 866419 or email us at admin@layhamplaygroup.co.uk

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HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 29th August 2012 Present: Councillors Cook (Chair), Angland (Vice-Chair), Byrne, Free, Haylock, Lazenby, L. Munson, Nevard, Sheldrick, Matthews and Whiting In attendance: Councillor Riley (Babergh District Council) and two members of the public. Non-attendee: Councillor Clarke APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Amin due to work. This apology was duly accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Byrne declared a pecuniary interest in B/12/00889/FUL – as she is the applicant Councillor Byrne declared a non-pecuniary interest in applications: B/12/00654/FUL – as she knows the applicant B/12/00991/TPO – as she is a Trustee of the Grand Feoffment Charity B/12/00967/FUL – as she is a member of South Suffolk Leisure Councillor Lazenby declared non-pecuniary interests in: B/12/00967/ADV - as he is a member of South Suffolk Leisure B/12/00991/TPO – as he is a Trustee of the Grand Feoffment Charity Councillor Sheldrick declared a non-pecuniary interest in B/12/00373/FUL as Celotex are his employees. Councillor Cook declared non-pecuniary interests in applications: B/12/00654/FUL – as she knows the applicant B/12/00991/TPO – as she is a Trustee of the Grand Feoffment Charity Councillor Haylock declared a non-pecuniary interest in B/12/00900/LBC as she knows the applicants. All members of the Committee declared non-pecuniary interests in B/12/00889/FUL as they all know the applicant. As more than 50% of this committee know the applicant it is not necessary to record the interests only for public knowledge. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 2nd August 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING The Chair reported that signage to the entrance of Durrant Park has been covered but the two roundabout signs still show directions to Durrant Park. The Clerk was asked to keep in contact with Babergh District Council over this issue. The Chair reported that the Clerk had written to Suffolk County Council for pupil figures for Hadleigh Schools but to date had not received a reply. Any Other Relevant Business The Chair reported Babergh District Council had supplied the Approval Conditions of the Waterfield House Nursing Home which stated that ‘Use of Pilkington Minster glass to glaze the stairwell windows at first floor level in the north-east elevation’ was required. At this point the meeting was adjourned to allow the members of public to speak on application B/12/00654/FUL, B/12/00900/LBC and B/12/00991/TPO TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/12/00373/FUL Celotex, Lady Lane Erection of a metal gantry to side of the building to facilitate tanker off-loading (retention of). Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) B/12/00527/FUL Buy Right, Calais Street. Extension to car park and re-grading of existing car park. Installation of lighting scheme to car parks, as amended by agents letter dated 17th August 2012 and drawing numbers A(100)4 Rev L, A(100)12 Rev A, A(100)16 and 05, all received by the Local Planning Authority on 20th August 2012 and by agents letter dated 20th August 2012, drawing numbers LS20142_2, 06, 7, LS1226/D3 Rev P4, lighting information (Pathseeker 2 AL3150, Trivium AL6310, Orion 2 AL4100 and Trent AL5000) and Flood Risk Assessment Rev A (May 2012), all received by the Local Planning Authority on 21st August 2012. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) Councillor Angland took the chair for the next application: B/12/00654/FUL Land East of Green Acres, Hook Lane. Conversion and change of use of barn to single dwelling. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) Councillor Cook took the chair Councillor Byrne left the room for the next application: B/12/00889/FUL 106 High Street. Erection of a two-storey dwelling and associated parking. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) B/12/00891/DPA East House, 38 George Street. Change of use of East House from community use/office use to 2 no. residential units and erection of 4 no. detached dwellings, associated cartlodges and access to rear. Refusal was recommended (Voting was 10 for and 1 against). Reasons for refusal was the loss of open space; the type of houses – it was felt that the area would be better suited to small private houses suitable for the elderly; and there was insufficient parking allocated for the large houses. The Clerk was asked to copy all letters of objections received to the four District Councillors. B/12/00892/LBC East House, 38 George Street. Application for Listed Building 24

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Consent – Internal and external alterations, together with works of partial demolition, in association with conversion of building to provide 2 no. residential units. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) B/12/00900/LBC 7 High Street. Application for Listed Building Consent – Erection of a conservatory. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) B/12/00991/TPO Land fronting 117 and 135 George Street. Felling of 2 no. Oak Trees protected by Tree Preservation Order No. BT263. This application was noted B/12/00994/TCA Cross Farm House, Station Road. Removal of 1 no. Ailanthus Altissima. This application was noted. Additional: B/12/00827/FHA 30 George Street. Erection of side conservatory. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) B/12/00860/FUL The Ram, Market Place. Erection of a single-storey rear extension. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) B/12/00861/LBC The Ram, Market Place. Application for Listed Building Consent – Erection of a single-storey rear extension. Proposed internal alterations. Partial removal of bar and the erection of a new bar server. The erection of a new glazed lobby following the removal of a internal entrance lobby. Proposed reconfiguration of toilets. Approval was recommended (Voting was Unanimous) Councillors Byrne and Lazenby left the room for the next application. B/12/00967/ADV Hadleigh Swimming Pool Application for Advertisement Consent – Erection of 1 no. externally illuminated fascia sign. Refusal was recommended (Voting was Unanimous). It was felt that the illuminated sign was unnecessary and would cause light pollution and was not in keeping with the surrounding area. A letter of objection received from a local resident was read out by the Chair. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee noted the Schedule of Decisions of the Local Planning Authority. CORE STRATEGY Members were provided with a draft document drawn up following the last Planning Committee Meeting which made comment to the closeness of commercial land to housing and the level of infrastructure especially healthcare and education and drainage issues. This met with approval subject to the addition of small private housing on the flat in the town centre be provided and Hadleigh Town Council would be happy to identify such areas to Babergh District Council and could industrial areas be sympathetically designed and more in keeping with residential areas when being built in close proximity. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Chair reported that a meeting was being held on the 20th September regarding Neighbourhood Plans and a report would be made following that meeting. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS The Chair read a letter received from Wincer Kievenaar about planning application no: B/11/00896/FUL – 109 High Street as they were concerned that this application has not been dealt with by Babergh District Council as it had been approved by this Committee on the 6th December 2011. As this development will provide small town centre properties that Hadleigh Town Council feel are desperately needed they were asking the Committee for assistance to find out why no decision had been taken by Babergh District Council. It was agreed that a letter be sent to ascertain the cause of the delay. The Chair reported a letter received from Babergh District Council regarding planning application B/10/1237/FUL – Benton End Farm, Benton End – Retrospective application for change of use of land and building from a horse riding centre to recreational use for the staging of paintball games and associated activities, associated access and parking, as amplified by applicant’s submission of Transport Statement dated June 2011 and Supplementary letter dated 9 September 2011 and associated enclosures. The Clerk was asked to write to Babergh District Council advising that if the applicant is restricting the lessons to those horses having full livery Hadleigh Town Council have no objection, however, would not wish to see general riding lessons advertised. The Chair reported planning application B/12/00885/TPO – The Gatehouse, Adlham Road – Shorten low limb by 30% and reduce weight on 6 no. lateral limbs within crown by 30% and crown thin by 25% 1 no. horse chestnut, covered by Tree Preservation Order BT237. The Committee noted this application as it was too late to pass comment. The Chair reported an e.mail received from Babergh District Council regarding the plans for their Community Engagement Programme and included

HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings: Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 18th October Thursday 15th November Planning Committee Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 25th October Thursday 22nd November

proposals for transforming the planning service and requesting feedback from Town and Parish Councils. The Clerk was asked to ascertain if there was a date for which replies were required and make this an agenda item at a future meeting and to forward the e.mail to all members of the Committee. The Chair reported a letter received from Martin Robeson Planning Practice advising Hadleigh Town Council that Tesco Stores Limited had submitted a planning application for the Brett Works Site with Babergh District Council but which had not yet been received by Hadleigh Town Council. Councillor Byrne asked Councillor Riley, Babergh District Councillor, if he could ascertain what has happened over the Morrison application regarding the front porches and the objections raised by Tesco which legal advice was being taken and report back. There being no further business the meeting closed at 08:50pm Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk

Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO Registered Osteopaths Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 820123 Mobile: (07913) 417020 Home visits available where appropriate

An Anonymous Birthday! Someone who is nameless, doesn’t want you all to know That she has finally reached the milestone age of big six-o “Don’t put it in the paper, I don’t want any fuss” That is the instruction that she gave to all of us. She really should know better, we never do as told. We couldn’t pass the opportunity to tell the world she’s old. But to save her any blushes, we won’t reveal it all, We’ll just say she is JT and she works at the Guildhall !! Happy Birthday from all your work colleagues XXX

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Out of the Frying Pan When I was first elected in 2007 I was counselled by a good friend in Tendring to set myself up for disappointment. The reason being that hitherto my business life had been characterised by delivering specific results within specified time frames. Local Government was not like that (he said). The focus there is often on process. It didn’t matter what the result was – provided it was reached by the correct process and that the decision could withstand robust challenges. So I was not surprised when recently reviewing my notebook to notice that the entry for September 3rd 2007 recorded that when I attended a meeting of the Suffolk Association of Local Councils a representative of Babergh talked about safer neighbourhoods – how community partnership was a bottom up process and alcohol fuelled anti-social behaviour might be managed by having controlled drinking zones. Of course there had to be consultations but with a fair wind and a downward slope Hadleigh could have a controlled drinking zone within six months (say by Easter 2008). I have campaigned for this both in Babergh and at the Safer Neighbourhood Team meetings for years and in the interim there has been some significant consultations throughout the district at police, town and parish levels. At long last Babergh are now proposing a D.P.P.O. (Designated Public Place Order) for Hadleigh. Its effect is to define an area within which the Police have some additional powers to stop people drinking in public places. It is not a blanket ban on drinking in a public place. The power is exercised specifically to combat anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder. It is discretionary and used where there are actual incidents or where there is a strong likelihood of incidents or crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour linked to the consumption of alcohol. The DPPO concept works very well in other attractive towns such as Woodbridge and Stratford Upon Avon. Babergh are now consulting wider. Residents are invited to make comments via Babergh’s website at www.babergh.gov.uk/dppo-hadleigh to paul.little@babergh.gov.uk or in writing to Paul Little, Community Safety and Leisure Manager, Babergh District Council, Corks Lane, Hadleigh, IP7 6SJ. The period for consultation closes on 5th October 2012. Who knows the D.P.P.O. might be in place by Christmas! This article is the sole responsibility of Brian Riley, District Councillor, Hadleigh North. The views expressed should not be taken as those of Babergh District Council

Flu Vaccinations 2012 Following the success of last years flu sessions, we will be holding our sessions again at


SATURDAY 6th OCTOBER 9 am - 12 noon SATURDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 9 am - 12 noon no appointments necessary The Community minibus will be collecting people every half hour (starting 8.30am) from Magdalen Road (bus stop) up to the High School. We are also holding a flu session at

BOXFORD VILLAGE HALL TUESDAY 13th NOVEMBER 9 am - 12 noon & 2 pm - 4 pm no appointments necessary (no community bus for Boxford)

For Patients registered at the Hadleigh and Boxford Surgeries only

Telephone 01473 822961 www.hadleighhealth.co.uk 26

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

The Hadleigh Historian With Issue 12 (Oct-Nov 2012), the magazine branches out in order to tell the tales of Hadleigh men involved in incidents that occurred at Semer and Wattisham. Millie Goulbourn, a member of Hadleigh Local Studies Workshop, contributes an article concerning part of the group’s investigation into crime and punishment in Hadleigh during the 19th century. Just before Christmas in 1835, there was a violent disturbance outside Cosford Union Workhouse at Semer and Millie presents the verbatim evidence of witnesses and defendants given at the subsequent trial, where those involved in the violence were tried for rioting against the king’s peace. Also looking beyond the bounds of Hadleigh, ‘Dr Tanner and the singular calamity of the Weathersets of Wattisham’ recounts the graphic medical conditions of one unfortunate family in 1762, whose financial future was subsequently guaranteed by the generosity of a Hadleigh rector. Having featured Threadneedle Street School on the front cover of Issue 11 (Aug-Sept 2012), Roger Kennel, Richard Durrant, Sharon Seager and Colin bull have loaned photographs of the school from its Edwardian beginnings to its closure in 1972. Do you appear as a pupil or a teacher in any of the pictures? Another reader, Sandra Cardy, alerted me to the story of Eily Gayford, which now appears in the ‘Women of Hadleigh’ series. Eily, the younger sister of Hadleigh’s world-record holder for long-distance flying Oswald Gayford, changed her career at the beginning of the Second World War (1939-1945) and received national recognition for her contribution towards the war effort. The front cover of the current issue shows the interior of the chancel of St Mary’s Church just before its restoration in the 1850s. There will be a talk concerning various refurbishments of the building on Saturday 27 October at 7.30pm as part of the Friends of St Mary’s Church Hadleigh general meeting. The Hadleigh Historian Issue 12 (Oct-Nov 2012) priced £3.00 is available in Hadleigh at Keith Avis Newsagents and at Idler Bookshop, and from Hollow Trees Farm Shop in Semer.

Cyril Cook I would also like to pay tribute to Cyril Cook, who has promoted history in Hadleigh for well over fifty years. He taught the subject at the High School and, for many years, ran the local branch of the Workers’ Education Association, which attracted adult students from Hadleigh and all the surrounding villages. Up until his recent passing aged 95, Cyril was guiding a group of paleographers in transcribing 16th and 17th century documents at Hadleigh Archive. In 1963, during a casual conversation, Cyril and Will Jones (headmaster at Bridge Street Boys’ School) were alerted to tin trunks full of old papers under the stairs at the Town Hall. On investigation, these were the records of the Market Feoffment Charity dating back to the 15th century. (Much later, Cyril described to me the delight of unfolding scruffy paper covers to find, amongst other things, a medieval royal charter.) Another collection of historical records was acquired from a local solicitor’s office so, under the direction of Hadleigh Urban District Council, a Local History Committee was formed to identify and sort the documents for appropriate storage under the direction of Cyril and Will. In 1974, Hadleigh Town Council took over the archive, which is being constantly added to and is now housed at the Council Offices in the Guildhall-Town Hall Complex. In 1996, I joined Cyril as its other Honorary Archivist, which allowed him to run his transcribing group, while I worked with a group on the catalogue and assisted visitors with their research. Cyril’s guiding hand at Hadleigh Archive will be very much missed. Sue Andrews

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01473 829069 www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Caroline Gibson Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: office@hadleighhigh.net Website: www.hadleighhigh.net

New Features around the School Over the summer holidays, several changes to the school have been completed. On the first day back after the six week break, students noticed the new adjustments made to the one of the restrooms and the dining hall. The dining hall is now more colourful than it was before as new blue and yellow chairs have been introduced surrounding circular tables. This has increased the amount of seating available at lunchtimes. Changes to our outdoor areas have also been made with a new canopy being placed next to the Art department providing students with the benefit of enjoying the good weather at breaks, with their friends, while relaxing on the new benches. Along with these, our Year 10 toilets have been transformed by a complete overhaul. They are very hygienic and a new state of the art hand drier has also been introduced. Our new canopy is comparable to large umbrellas and new picnic benches have been supplied underneath them. Students can have the benefit of enjoying the nice weather at breaks, with their friends, while relaxing on the new benches. New Staff This term, a number of new staff have joined us (replacing staff who have retired, relocated or who have been promoted to roles in other schools). We gladly welcome our new teachers to our school: • Mr Cook – Subject Leader of P.E • Mr Davies –Teacher of Business Studies and ICT • Mr Lloyd – Teacher of Maths • Miss Manford – Subject leader of Art • Mr Payne – Teacher of Maths and Science • Miss Sadler – Teacher of English and History • Mrs Starling – Teacher of MFL • Miss White – Science technician • Miss Lewis – training with our P.E team • Mr Ulph – training with our Music team Caroline Gibson Open Evening at Hadleigh High. On Thursday 11th October from 6.30pm Hadleigh High School opens its doors to the public. This is the perfect opportunity for families of Year 6 children to come and look around at what will be their school! There will be plenty of activities to take part in, so whether your favourite lesson is English, where there will be a ‘poet tree’, a ‘word factory’ and a chance to write your own haikus; Science where you can walk on custard (yes, really!) and take part in a magic bubble experiment, or Music, that will be hosting a range of fun games to help you on the road to learning! So come along and get involved! You will be shown around by your very own Year 10 tour guide who can enlighten you on anything you may be in the dark about. It is a great experience to help you get accustomed to your new environment. We will be happy to greet you and we will look forward to welcoming you to our school community next September. See you there! 28

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Production Rehearsals are now underway for this year’s production of ‘Guys and Dolls’. At the moment participants are working on the dance routines and learning lines. However, soon many people will be involved doing things such as set design and music. Production involves a large number of people and is great fun for all involved. Bethan Garrity, who is playing Adelaide, was very happy when she found out she had a main role as she wasn’t expecting it, although she has been involved with production before. Although she admits to being slightly nervous, she is maintaining a positive outlook. Shakespeare Festival On the 18th October a number of talented students are performing a half an hour version of Othello, displayed to various other schools for the Shakespeare Festival. Adam Earl who has been selected to portray the prestigious character of Othello, feels it is a lot of pressure due to the fact he is the structural backbone of the performance. However he has a positive outlook of the final production which will be presented at Dance East. Our year 11 students participating in this spectacular event, along with the help of Miss Barker, Mr Day and Miss Henley, are working with the other schools in order to improve their performance for the final public show. They will assess and give feedback to the other schools participating. Each individual school will perform a shortened version of one of Shakespeare’s plays. We wish Adam Earl and the rest of our actors taking part the best of luck and we hope they have fun acting! Community News Team Replacing the previous Year 10 Community News team are the new Year 10s. Last year we had a practice at writing for the newspaper and now we are working to write for our two page spread every month in two different groups, alternating every month. This year’s team consists of Evan White, Ellie Pemberton, Cecily White, Natasha Downie, Rachael White, Lucy Vowles, Isabelle Kennedy, Kennedy Martin, Mollie Chammings, Robert Halls, Nick Bundy, Katy Gant, Lucille O’Dwyer, Anna Gretton, Lucy Lewis, Hannah Daniels, Kate Midgley, Joshua Dewes, Alistair Grant and James Muschamp.

Visible migrants through the area were seen from late August and into September, 4 Juv Whinchats were feeding around the horse paddocks at Cobbolds Farm (Beestons Depot) from 3rd September and 3 at Hill Farm Layham on the 5th. Two more were seen along Ivy Tree Lane, Hadleigh from 8th September. Northern Wheateaters were also seen in the first few days of September, single birds at Tower Mill Lane & Hill Farm, 2 more at Benton End horse paddocks and 3 at Holbecks Park, near the Pill Box. Matt Garnham saw Wheateaters along Corn Hatches Lane in Elmsett 8th September, he also saw Turtle Dove, Swift and Spotted Flycatchers between 4th-8th September. I heard several Whimbrels calling past midnight over my garden during the last week of August. Hobbys have been seen at many sites. Flocks of Swallows, 80 - 100+ were feeding over Tower Mil Lane Hadleigh on 12th & 16th September & 130+ at Hill Farm, Layham on the 17th. On the 18th September there were 120+ at Ivy Tree Lane. Swifts were still passing through, several were seen over my garden on September 16th. Housemartin numbers are still very low, the army houses off Aldham Mill Road hold the most breeding pairs in Hadleigh, 170 – 200 were feeding over the field and tree tops opposite Oxford Close in the early evening of 18th September, many of those were young birds. Teapot Cottage in Shelley has a good number of Housemartins that breed there every year. Owen Turner, aged 10 was pleased to see a pair of Buzzards that were circling and calling over his garden in Milden in the early morning of the 22nd August. A very keen birder his grandfather Robert informs me. How many of my readers I wonder, have noticed the white Herb Robert growing alongside the pink and red ones half way down Tinkers Lane, on the left hand side a gentleman sent a picture to the Hadleigh Community News who thought a white flowered Herb Robert was very uncommon. I can only suggest that it is a garden hybrid species. I do come across the occasional white bluebell in wild woods along with the blues ones. I wonder, has anyone else out seen white Herb Robert in the wild?? Jerry

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Macmillan Bake Off! On 28th September the businesses of Hadleigh High Street worked together to raise as much money as possible for Macmillan. Each business baked a cake of their choice and presented it in the Hadleigh branch of Ipswich Building Society for the residents of Hadleigh to taste and vote on with their donation. Our aim is to raise £458 which will enable a Macmillan benefits adviser to spend thirty hours helping people struggling with the costs of cancer to get all the financial assistance they need. Chloe Brown from Ipswich Building Society would like to thank all the businesses who took part. These are Partridges Farm Shop, Partridges Iron Mongers, Frost & Partners, The Jolly Meat Company, The Hair Lounge, Plum Green and Osborn & William Toy Shop. Read the next edition of the Hadleigh Community News to find out the winner of the Macmillan Bake Off and to see if we reached our £458 goal!

Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Saturday 6th October - Mike Solo Sunday 14th October - Quiz Night with Charles - Crackin’ Gromitt Monday 15th October - Summer Darts Finals - All Welcome Saturday 27th October - The Martells - A great local band Saturday 3rd November - Karaoke with Tony


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Did you have to squeeze into the seat on the plane? Were you covered up on the beach while everyone else was swimming or enjoying the sun? Do you hate your holiday photos? If so, now is the time to deal with that excess baggage before we cover ourselves up for winter and pretend we are happy with the way we look! It’s also a great time to prepare for the Christmas party season. Sorry to mention the “C” word but Christmas cards are in the shops as I write! So is now the time for you to change those bad habits – for good? We are all creatures of habit and it takes a bit of perseverance to make those changes permanently but it can be done. There are hundreds – no, thousands - of people out there who have made those changes and are reaping the benefits in their daily lives. With the right diet plan and personal guidance from your Independent Consultant, Cambridge Weight Plan can help you achieve these goals. Not only that, I will be there for you to help you maintain your ideal weight even when you’ve reached your target. Cambridge Weight Plan is not just an effective method of losing weight safely and quickly, more importantly it teaches you how to achieve a long-term balance of nutrition and exercise. Dieters learn how their body responds to certain foods, which foods give them the best nutritional value and the importance of keeping hydrated. As the same part of the brain deals with hunger and thirst it’s very easy to think we’re hungry when all we really need is a glass of water – not that chocolate bar! Val Lord If you would like individual help with a weight problem, Val has been an accredited Independent Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant for over 3 years and can be contacted on 01449 737113 or 07519 177645 or visit www.cambridgeweightplan.com/valL for more information.


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01473 829968 30

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


TEL No: 01206-394433 E-Mail: travel2000@4ourweb.com Travel 2000 is now established at its new location in Manningtree. Many of our clients have already visited us here and we would like to remind all our clients who have been past customers, and any who wish to be new clients, that you may contact us for all your travel requirements. There are still many late Summer 2012 and Winter 2012/2013 holidays available. Summer 2013 brochures are also available and not forgetting Flights, Car Hire, Ferries and Travel Insurance.


Ebony’s Blog


My life at The Shelley Centre Ah Well! Summer’s over and the Swallows have now departed us as we settle into the autumn term. I know the Herd have enjoyed their break but, those in residence were pleased to see the others back again and riding resumed; I think they were getting a little bored with too much relaxation. We did have an additional visitor during the holidays with Thyme joining the Herd for a few weeks as our lodger and he was both well behaved and good company too! Three people, Adam, Steve and Fabian ran the 10k Run in London during July, and finished with times of between 47.1 and 62 minutes; a great achievement which has so far raised £705 for The Centre: and in August there was a Clay Pigeon Shoot held at Feering which I hear was great fun, with both Lyn and Jan (Our Chairman) taking a turn to powder a few Clays……or perhaps not? Whether or not they managed to hit many Clays will no doubt out in the course of time but, it did raise £1,491.36 for The Centre. Charlie, as Herd spokesman, has just put his head through the door to say thank you to everyone who has helped make the fund raising events this year so successful. One of the main events in the RDA calendar is the National Championships at Hartpury which are also held during July (What a busy month!). Unfortunately, The Centre was unable to enter any Riders this year due to our timetable which conflicted with those of Hartpury. However, I’m delighted to say that alongside the riding is also held The RDA National Arts & Crafts Competition and I’ve since learned that David Turner, one of our Riders, won Third Prize for his wood carving titled ‘My Olympic Gold’. This is the second success for a Shelley Rider in this event and goes to show that it is not only in riding that our Riders develop skills! Like me, I know many of you will have watched the Olympics and latterly, the Paralympics: I was lucky having a room to myself and no disturbances. However, when it came to the Paralympics wasn’t it impressive to see what can be achieved giving the extra challenges each individual has to overcome. Well, they all have to start somewhere and to this end we are again asking for those of you out there who are able to devote time, say one morning or afternoon per week, to come along to The Centre and become a Volunteer Helper. By adding more Helpers to our team we are able to offer more places to individuals who feel that horse riding is the best means to manage their condition, while stretching themselves and exploring new challenges and may well include a latent ambition to become a Paralympian. By the giving of just a little of your time you may just help that dream come to fruition……think about it!!! Murder!!......how about attending a Murder Mystery Evening by the Dedham Players; tickets are now on sale for Saturday 10th November via The Centre, should be frightening……and fun! I hear a noise outside, the door opens……it’s Margaret with my next Rider. Website: www.rda-east.org.uk/shelley.html Tel: 01473 824172

The Modelling Eye Zone Mask treatment creates a radiant gaze. A retinol concentrate rich in active ingredients is used to care for and smooth the delicate eye area – perfect for lines and wrinkles around the eyes. The mineral-rich algae mask then cools and refreshes the skin. You feel traces of stress and tiredness disappear. Puffiness and dark circles are clearly diminished. The eye area has a smooth and fresh youthful glow.

OCTOBER OFFER This 30 minute treatment also includes a wonderful relaxing scalp massage

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Whatfield News Dont forget 7th October, 2012 10 am to 4 pm: Whatfield Craft Fair, lots of crafts, in the Village Hall and in the School with food available all day. So come along, you never know you may be able to get some early Christmas Pressies! Janet Hogger 01473 822589

MAYOR’S CHARITY QUIZ Tickets available from: Hadleigh Town Council 09.30 to 12.30 Mon to Fri Tel: 01473 823884 or The Idler Bookshop, High Street

Over 3500 different items in stock

£2.00 per person - Maximum 6 per team Licensed bar ●

FRIDAY 16th November 2012 7.00 for 7.30 start Venue: Guildroom, Town Hall Complex Supporting Local Charities: The Porch Project and CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young)

Plum Green 82 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EF ●

Tel: 01473 822243 www.plumgreen.co.uk



Audition Success I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who turned up and auditioned for The Hadleigh Cinderella and to the team for helping to run it. You all did very well and we are looking forward to putting on a fantastic show in January 2013. For those that are unaware we are a new group, myself having previously run successful Junior Productions in Hadleigh, now I am now planning on putting on a couple of shows a year for both adults and juniors. With the help from our sponsors we are able to hopefully achieve this. Cinderella is being performed at the Scout Hall, Hadleigh 10th, 11th and 12th January 2013 and I hope we will have your support. For all you comedy adult actors I am planning on staging a 2 night show of ‘Allo Allo’ next year so give it some thought (age 16 and over cast only) we would love to see you there. Proceeds from Cinderella will be sent to CRY (Cardiac Risk in Youth) Niki Seager

More People At Annual Deanery Fete

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We were very fortunate with the weather in September for the Hadleigh Deanery Fete & Dog Show. It was a brilliant day and hundreds of people (some with dogs!) enjoyed a wide range of activities. Thank you to all who worked hard, and to those who came and supported it. Events such as these are part of the annual Hadleigh calendar and the money raised helps to keep St Mary's alive and active in the community. The lucky programme number was 410. If that was your number, please contact the Benefice Office (Tel: 01473 824987) between 10am and 12noon (Tuesday to Friday) and arrange to collect the voucher that awaits you. Please remember to bring your programme with you to claim your prize. Sheila Webb, On behalf of St Mary's Church, Hadleigh

C.H.A.P.S Presents

‘ALL OVER BUT THE SHOOTING’ A Murder Mystery At Chamberlin Hall, Bildeston Friday 5th & Saturday 6th October 2012 at 7.30pm Adults £10 Children £8 including food

Box Office Number (01449)740995

Sunday 8am & 10.45am (see website for details) 7-8pm Porch Project Illuminate (for teenagers) in Church Tuesday 11am at The Row Chapel. George Street 6-8pm The Porch Project (for teenagers) Wednesday 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist followed by breakfast Friday 9.30am to 12noon Cafe Church 7.30 - 10pm The Porch Project (for teenagers)

St Mary’s The Parish Church of Hadleigh www.stmaryshadleigh.co.uk Dean - The Very Revd Martin Thrower Tel: 01473 822218

The Benefice Office at St Mary’s is open From 10 am - 12 noon on weekdays Tel: 01473 824987 32

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

DIOCESAN CHOIRS FESTIVAL Choral Evensong Saturday 6 October, 5pm THE FEAST OF ST LUKE High Mass Thursday 18 October, 7.30pm THE FRIENDS OF ST MARY'S Annual Meeting Saturday 27 October, 7.30pm SERVICE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED All Souls Sunday 28 October, 4pm

Firework Phobias





With the days drawing shorter our thoughts will be drawn to autumn and all that it brings. For some and their animals this will involve the dreadful experience of fireworks and bonfire night. Now is the ideal time to prepare for the firework season, as there are a number of measures which can help your animal through the period. Advice on preparing your animal can be found at www.petfireworkfear.co.uk. For dogs and cats pheromone diffusers such as DAP or Feliway can help reduce anxiety; these are available from your vet. Closer to the firework season keep pets indoors during the evenings. Closing curtains and having music or the TV on will provide some distraction. A quiet place such as a pet carrier may provide your dog or cat with a sense of security and comfort. The tendency to comfort or reassure our animals when they are distressed is understandable but will not help the problem. It may reinforce their fear. Hard though it is, ignoring your dog or cat if they are scared will help. Let them hide away and reward them when they are recovered. If you must be outside, keep the animal on a lead at all times and away from bonfires and fireworks. Always make sure your dog or cat has proper identification in case he or she escapes. Talk to your vet about having your pet micro chipped if they are not already. Smaller pets such as guinea pigs or rabbits can be temporarily moved into a garage, or turned to face a wall or the hutch can be covered to reduce sound impact. In some cases of noise phobias, medication may be prescribed by your vet. The most common type will be used in the short term to block the animal’s memory of an event so that the associated fearful behaviour does not worsen. These measures will help your pet cope this year, but for dogs with firework fear working through a desensitisation and counter conditioning programme using recordings of fireworks could prevent problems in the future. This programme is best worked through away from the firework season so ask your vet about ‘Sounds Scary’ CDs and start work in January.


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Council and Police take more strides in fight against crime

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Babergh District Council and Suffolk Police have joined forces to ensure one of its key market towns stays one of the safest places to live in the country. Statistics show that residents in Hadleigh have a very little chance of ever being the victim of crime. Babergh District Council and Suffolk Police want it to stay that way. A new initiative for the town demonstrates this determination to make sure everything possible is done to make the area even better. Every year, Babergh and its Police colleagues look at all the reports of crime and other feedback from the community, including the public meetings organised by the Safer Neighbourhood Team, to decide on the important issues for the local area. Over the past few years one of the main things that has been regularly identified as an issue is the connection between the irresponsible use of alcohol, crime and anti-social behaviour. A variety of action has been put in place, including more effective use of the town centre CCTV system, targeted patrols and joint action between Police and Babergh's licensing officers. This has meant year on year reductions in incidents associated with irresponsible alcohol use. In order to make even more progress, Babergh, supported by the Police, is considering making Hadleigh a Designated Public Place. This would mean that Police would have more powers to deal with irresponsible alcohol use. Paul Little, Babergh's officer in charge of the project, said: “This project illustrates Babergh and the Police's determination to do everything we can to reduce our already low crime levels even further. "A Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) would mean that those involved in being disorderly can be prevented from drinking in public places. "We know that the use of alcohol is a key factor in this sort of behaviour and that this causes problems for residents. "The power would only be used to combat crime or anti-social behaviour and is not a blanket ban. We think this strikes the right balance between efforts to maintain order and the rights of residents." Insp. Paul Crick, of Suffolk Police, added: “We have been working with Babergh on the possibility of a DPPO and we both feel it is a useful additional tool to help us reduce crime and anti-social behaviour even further. "Hadleigh is a peaceful town, but, like other places, there can be disorderly incidents that really affect resident’s rights to peacefully enjoy their homes and their town. "We know from experience and from the statistics that the misuse of alcohol often plays a part and this additional power will help us deal with and prevent these sorts of issues." Babergh District Council is consulting on the proposal with a range of people and groups, the most important group being the people of Hadleigh. If you are a resident of Hadleigh you can find out more detail and have your say by visiting our web-site and completing the consultation questionnaire at www.babergh.gov.uk/dppo-hadleigh.



SSe NNee err ww vii cce e



GET ON BOARD From Monday 20th August 2012, Service 90 will operate a six month trial. Serving Hadleigh, Hintlesham, Suffolk One (some journeys) and From Monday 20th August 2012, Service 90 will operate a six Ipswich. Operating Monday to Saturday evenings, Sundays and monthHolidays trial. (except Christmas Day and Boxing Day) Public

Serving Hadleigh, Hintlesham, Suffolk One (some journeys) and Ip swich. - Saturday Operating Monday to Saturday evenings, Sundays and Monday Public Holidays (except Christmas and Boxing Day) Hadleigh, Magdalen Road, Bus Station (dep) Day 1910 2145 Ipswich, Old Cattle Market


1955 2225

MondayOld - Saturday Ipswich, Cattle Market (dep) 2000 2230 Hadleigh, Road, Bus Bus Station (arr) 2045 Hadleigh,Magdalen Magdalen Road, Station (dep)2315 1910 2145 Ipswich, Old Cattle Market


Sundays & Public Holidays

1955 2225

Hadleigh, Magdalen Road, Bus Station Ipswich, Old Cattle Market Ipswich, Old Cattle Market

(dep) 1000 1200 1345 1545 (dep) 2000 2230 (arr) 1040 1240 1425 1625

Ipswich, Old Cattle Market Hadleigh, Magdalen Road, Bus Station

(dep) 1045 1245 1430 1630 (arr) 1125 1325 1510 1710

Hadleigh, Magdalen Road, Bus Station


2045 2315

Sundays & Public Holidays Operator Contact: Hadleigh, Magdalen Road, Bus Station (dep) 1000 1200 1345 1545 Hadleigh Community Transport: Adverts Ipswich, Old Cattle Market (arr) 1040 1240 1425 1625 Supported By 01473 828202

Ipswich, Old Cattle Market Hadleigh, Magdalen Road, Bus Station 34

Adverts Supported By

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

(dep) 1045 1245 1430 1630 (arr) 1125 1325 1510 1710

Logo to be inserted here.

News from Whatfield School


As I write this we are looking back on a very full year, and looking forward to another exciting term. At Whatfield School we have been very enthusiastic all Summer about the Olympics and Paralympics, and so were delighted to receive some tickets for the first day of term. Year 6 travelled to the Olympic park by car and train, and managed a trip to the top of ‘The Orbit’ as well as to the stadium to see David Weir receive his gold medal for the 1500 metres.


For F or B Boys oys & G Girls irls a aged ged 4 - 1 11. 1. S Set et iin n tthe he b beautiful eautiful rrural ural Suffolk offering S uffolk ccountryside, ountryside, o ffering eexciting ff xciting eeducational ducational opportunities in in a lovely lovely environment. environment. opportunities For For a b brochure, rochure, o orr tto o llook ook a around round the the sschool, chool, p please lease p phone: hone:

01473 823309 Last term we enjoyed our Olympic sports week, and all the children participated in a huge range of sports including climbing, horse riding, badminton, Paralympic sports, trampolining and swimming. The week was a great success, but the most magical moment was when our Olympic Torch Bearer, Mrs Landon, ‘lit’ all the children’s home made torches for our own torch relay.

This term we look forward to harvesting crops from our allotment and cooking with them to supplement our school lunches. We are part of a lottery funded project called ‘Let’s get cooking’, which means that we can run a well funded cookery club with the school children working with one of our parentgovernors. Road Safety is always a priority for us, and we finished last term with the news that we had been awarded the prestigious gold award for all the work our Junior Road Safety Officers, as well as the whole school, had done. We said goodbye to some staff and children in July, and wish them all the best for the future. We were very pleased with how hard our year 6 had worked, and with their incredibly good progress throughout their time with us. This term we have welcomed nine reception children to the school, and hope that they will make a great start to their education with us. If you are interested in visiting Whatfield school at any time please ring to make an appointment, or come along to our Open Morning on the 13th November, when we will be holding our French CafĂŠ, and inviting friends and family to join us for coffee and croissants! Lynne Golding, Headteacher


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Pilates Classes now held in Hadleigh and Bildeston If you want to exercise both your body and mind as well as improving your sense of well being, strength, flexibility and mobility then I truly believe pilates is for you! I am passionate about bringing the benefits of pilates to everyone and as a fully qualified teacher certified by Europe’s largest professional pilates organisation I can help you improve muscle tone and core stability, building strength from the inside out, re-balancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment.

BEGINNER’S CLASSES AND TASTER SESSIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AS WELL AS PRIVATE 1:1’s Whether you are new to pilates or have been enjoying the benefits for years, I feel confident that I will be able to accommodate your needs to achieve results. Call 07855 394703 for more info

OBee Community Interest Company who run the Orchard Barn project are celebrating their 5th birthday this autumn, and to mark the occasion we are holding a Barn Dance in Offton and Willisham Village Hall on 24 November. We hope you can join us for live music and an Auction of Promises. Please bring food to share. Tickets £5 in advance from Sarah Partridge (see below). In August, on the hottest day of the summer, we held our first Plum Festival and Open Day in conjunction with Suffolk Traditional Orchard Group. Around 75 members of the public came along to check out the growing number of different plum varieties on display, to see demonstrations of traditional plum recipes, and to get their own fruits identified. And, of course to enjoy our lovely Barn and the surrounding ancient orchard. Do you own a traditional property? If so, we have some great news for you. In October we are running a 3-day course suitable for amateurs and professionals alike. Care and Repair your Traditional Building, from Tuesday 16th – Thursday 18th, covers practical and theory on Wattle and Daub, Clay Lump, Lime Render and Timber Frames. Do you like to forage for your own food? You are also invited to join us for a Food for Free walk on Friday 19th October. The guided walk will start from Orchard Barn at 10am and will encourage you to look out for edible plants/fruits/berries, aiming to finish by 12.30. Advance booking is encouraged, and if you live locally, please cycle or walk as parking is limited. No charge is made for this walk, however donations to OBee CIC are appreciated. For more information about any of the above please visit www.orchardbarn.org.uk or email sarah@orchardbarn.org.uk or phone 01473 658193 / 07766 054042

The Whatfield Players How about a night og ‘luv’, camping and coffee chat? Whatfield Players next production is a three one-act show ‘TRI-A-LAUGH’, this will be staged on two nights, Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd November at 7.30 pm. ‘The Luvvies’ - by Lynn Brittany ‘Taut Canvas’ - by Jim Sperinck ‘Coffee Time’ - by Lesley Cook Tickets £8.00 to include supper - book at ‘The Idler’ with Jane and Bryan Haylock, or phone Diane on 822000. Funds raised will be donated to the local branch of RNLI and will start a collection for a bench in memory of our past presidents Mona Bruce and Robert James. See you all at Whatfield Village Hall!


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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Losing Four Stone Made Dad So Proud! Karen Moran started her weight loss journey with a trip to the doctors for a problem with her neck ; “I had heard about the Slimming World vouchers that might be available at that time and hoped they would give me that kick start I needed, at that point I weighed 14stone 3lb. As always the doctor said ‘you’re overweight, all the problems you have are due to this- if you lose some weight you’ll feel better’ So I asked about the Slimming World vouchers and he appeared quite shocked.” He granted the vouchers and I vowed to go to the morning group in Hadleigh that next week, knowing I'd be joining the group I asked my Mum for some tips as she had followed the plan before. I began Elaine’s morning Slimming World group on Tuesday 8th February 2011 weighing 13 stone 10lb, amazed to see a 13 on the scales as I hadn't been under 14 stone for quite a while but there was still an element of embarrassment that I'd let myself get that size. Then the thought hit me 'OMG, I've just lost 7lb and I don't know the plan properly yet' “ Every week I stayed to group and everyone was so friendly, full of ideas and support. I was very excited about the week ahead. In my first week I lost 2lb, the next 2 weeks I lost a total of 6lb, was awarded Slimmer of the Week and my Half a Stone award. In March I went on to receive my 1 stone award and Slimmer of the Month. :) 'Wow, this food optimizing is really working for me' That December was a hard month, my Dads health was deteriorating and he passed away on the 27th- all my old treats came out of the woodwork and unable to focus food optimizing went out of the window. I carried on going to group each week and on the 24th January 2012 when I saw 11 stone and half a pound on the scales, I knew I had to get back onto plan and pictured how proud my Dad was when I got to target, that gave me the kick I needed. Back on plan, the next week I came back fighting and lost 4 and a half pounds. Pure happiness hit me on 22nd May 2012 when I weighed in at half a pound under my target at 10 stone 3 and a half pounds, I was half a pound off my personal 4 stone loss AMAZING! Over my year and a half with Slimming World I have been privileged to be part of the best group in which I have made some great friends, they have nominated me for Miss Slinky, Couple of the Year and Woman of the Year. I brought a little black dress after my Miss Slinky nomination ready for the following week; I didn't win the award but won much more, so much selfconfidence and pride in myself! I felt so so great in my dress and I'm really not a dress person. I went on to win Couple of the Year with my fantastic target member friend Mrs. Toni Higgs, such a wonderful feeling! I came in 3rd for Woman of the Year but how amazing to have the nominations and the chance to show pictures of the old me and my old oversized clothes. I lost 3lb that day and won Slimmer of the Week. Knowing Dad was so proud of what I've achieved, I am too, and love my Slimming World family loads and greatly appreciate all their love and support they've given me. The Slimming World Morning & Evening groups are moving to the Hadleigh Pool & Leisure Centre on October 18th, any queries please call Yvonne 07971 921093. Thursday’s, 9.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm

9.30 am, 5.30 & 7.30 pm at Hadleigh Guildhall until 18th October when we move to

The Hadleigh Pool & Leisure Centre Yvonne 07971 921093

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Hadleigh has Talent - the Grand Final At 7.30 on Friday October 19th the most talented people in our community will all be in one place, the Town Hall for the grand final of Hadleigh has Talent 2012. You can join them for the final, it costs just £2.50 per person, so why not bring the whole family for a night of fun, music and the chance to see our local stars live on stage The final is a co production from Hadleigh Town forum and HADS, the arts organisation for Hadleigh Last years final was a really great evening, come along and see if we can top that with the 2012 crop of talent. See you there. Malcolm Hollister

Hadleigh Naturalists Society Invite members and visitors to the following meetings Monday 1st October Illustrated talk, Creating a living landscape for Suffolk, Michael Strand Monday 5th November Illustrated talk, Bears, Bears and More Bears, Geoff Evans Monday 3rd December Illustrated talk, Dragonflies and Damsel Flies (aces of the air), Ian Rose Visitors £2.50 Talks held at Town Hall Dining Room Market Place, Hadleigh at 7.30 pm

A beautiful home for life at the Kersey gateway to Hadleigh. Separate wings with landscaped gardens for frail elderly & dementia care. Excellent personalised care, specialising in: Respite care Convalescence Palliative care Hydrotherapy Long term stays

Contact Matthew Scarlett, Home Manager 01473 824242 canterburyhousecarehome.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


It’s along the Railway walk!

Friday 12th October at 7.30 pm


On 12th October your film committee is delighted to welcome two hosts for a unique evening to The Ansell Centre. AT THE PICTURE PALACE A CENTURY AGO is a delightful presentation of early silent movies – even earlier than the time set in our last film evening in September. David Cleveland will be your host for this evening, guiding you through the birth of the cinema with a piano to accompany him played by Nigel Lister. David is the film expert from the East Anglian film archive and will be using an original hand-turned 35mm film projector. Both hosts will be appearing in full period costume! The evening lasts 90 minutes with an interval for 21st century refreshments.

Friday 26th October at 7.30 pm


On 15th August the Wednesday Lunch Club enjoyed a superb lunch at Canterbury House Care Home at the kind invitation of their manager, Matthew Scarlett. Arrangements had been in place to use the facilities at Canterbury House during the refurbishment of the Ansell Centre – which had been due to take place in July/August. Unfortunately Babergh District Council has not yet granted permission for this much needed work – but the visit to Canterbury House went ahead as planned. It gave all the volunteers at the Lunch Club a welldeserved rest and everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch in a wonderful setting. Many thanks to Matthew, the chefs and all the staff at Canterbury House for their hospitality and their caring community spirit.

The Willow trees Because East Anglian soil generally holds a lot of moisture, Willow (or as they used to be known locally “Sallow”) trees are a familiar sight in this area. Although some varieties can grow up to 25metres high (around 80ft) those along the railway are either stunted by the 1. lack of moisture of have been cut-down at some time and generally you will recognise them only as the lemon yellow “pussy-willow” bushes in the hedgerows during spring. You may have also have noticed the ripe seeds which just “float-away” on the breeze as “willow-down” in the autumn breezes Each tree is single sex (is dioecious) with both sexes bearing catkins; the males are short, 2. yellow, flowery affairs (Photo1) and the females long and slender (Photo 2). How have we used Willows (Salix) to our advantage? The early medicine men (The apothecaries) distilled a concoction from the roots and bark of the White Willow (Salix. alba) and used it to treat minor ailments. These early attempts produced pretty crude medicines which caused major stomach problems, but at the end of the 19th Century an Italian chemist managed to identify the active ingredient and extract it as a pure chemical which he named Salicin. When consumed your body turns it into Salicylic Acid which has the effect of dulling pain, and it became one of the first of the modern painkillers. We still use a synthetic formulation of it today which you’ll probably know better by its pharmaceutical name “Aspirin”. Now-a-days we know that it also makes your blood “thinner” making it suitable for the treatment of other ailments such as Angina. The wood itself has been very useful. All of us have seen “wicker” items (baskets etc) made by weaving together the very fine branches of a species known as “Osiers” (S.viminalis). These are a variety where the trees are grown very close together and cut-back at frequent intervals, resulting in long, fine and very flexible branches that can be woven into very intricate shapes. (there used to be some Osier-beds along part of the River Walk). Historically Welshmen made boats (coracles) with it, fishermen traps and even today it is possible to arrange to be buried in an eco-friendly coffin made from wicker-work. Because it prefers to live in wet situations one of the most frequent places you will see mature Willow trees (Usually “Crackwillow” – S.fragilis) is beside rivers where their shallow, spreading root system (sometimes even on the surface) provides a useful living root-mat along the waters edge which helps guard against erosion. Like all other trees in the past the timber from these trees was not wasted. They were frequently cut-off (pollard) around 3 – 4 metres above ground, forcing them form a large “crown” and provide a crop of fairly straight timber every few years. It had limited uses! It is almost useless for posts because if you use it whilst green it will root and grow, and if dead it will rot very quickly. When dried however the timber is light and easily handled making it ideal for many agricultural uses. A more modern use for Willow is in is zero-carbon “biomass” heating. A very rapidly growing variety similar to Osiers is grown and then mechanically harvested each year to be burnt in special heating systems. It’s not the sort of thing that you and I can do because of the areas of planting and special boilers that are needed, but it does make good use of otherwise wet, “difficult” land on large agricultural estates. It is one of those plants whose traditional use has been overtaken by modern materials, but there appears to be at least some new uses being found for it Mick T

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Entrance to each film evening is £3.50 on the door.

CONTACTING THE ACC Call Tom on 823719 or Jan on 823413 Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? It is next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access is through the church garden. 38

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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Make your Will… in November A surprising number of people have not quite got around to making a Will. Are you one of them? Is it a superstitious fear that thinking about death will bring it closer, or just one of those tasks that never makes it to the top of the list ? Without a Will you leave your estate to be divided in accordance with the laws of intestacy which may not reflect your wishes. Co-habitation, divorce and remarriage are all increasingly common, without a valid Will; partners and stepchildren or your own children may well lose out. Appointing guardians for your children is also an important reason to make a Will making sure that those children are provided for both legally, emotionally and financially. It is not a cheery thought, but deciding who would look after your children tomorrow if something should happen to you today is an important consideration every parent should provide for. You can’t protect your children from the devastation your loss would inevitably cause them, but it is possible to remove the legal complications and uncertainty they may otherwise face. Without a Will are you sure your partner will inherit your assets? There is a common misheld belief that common law marriage exists. Many people believe that co-habiting couples will have similar inheritance rights to those of married couples. This is not correct. Legally, unmarried couples have no right to automatically inherit assets from a deceased partner. On death, property and assets are distributed either according to the terms of a Will or in the absence of a Will, the laws of intestacy. The laws of intestacy will benefit a married spouse or civil partner, children and other family members. They will not automatically benefit a co-habiting partner and they may have to go to court to benefit from the estate. Wills are also extremely important if you have a business or your estate is possibly liable to inheritance tax, you may want to include specific provisions to run that business or to try and reduce the impact a large inheritance tax bill may have. Wills are also useful to create trusts to benefit vulnerable or disabled children and adults. Making a Will is painless and relatively easy to do. It is not only for your peace of mind and financial security, but can have a significant impact on your family’s future. Another good reason to get around to making your Will? Gotelees are offering 25% off the cost of their standard Wills* if you book an appointment in their Hadleigh office on a Wednesday in November. First come first served, phone now to reserve a time: 01473 822102

Wills Wednesday in November Make an appointment for a Will at our Hadleigh Office for any Wednesday in November and receive a discount of: 25% off the costs of our standard Wills* (usual prices £150 + vat single Will, £225 + vat for two mirror Wills) *tax planning and trusts are not included within this offer

Please quote Hadleigh Community News when responding

Freshly Baked Bread • Filled Rolls and Sandwiches Homemade Cakes • Hot & Cold Drinks Sausage Rolls, Pies and much more! Open: Monday 7.00-3.00, Tuesday 7.00-2.00, Wednesday 7.00-3.00 Thursday 7.00-3.00, Friday 7.00-3.00, Saturday 7.00-2.00

Parking available

Telephone 01473 827283 5-7 Long Bessels, Hadleigh IP7 5DB

St. Joseph’s Long Bessels, Hadleigh The Catholic Parish of Sudbury with Hadleigh Parish Priest: Fr Peter Brett (01787 372703) 07785 562518 (Emergencies) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367) Mass times at St. Joseph’s Hadleigh Sunday: 11.15 a.m. Mass (tea and coffee after Mass) Wednesday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) Friday: 9.30 a.m. Mass (preceded by Morning Prayer) For more details and for week-day Masses at Sudbury and for any changes to the times of week-day Masses in Hadleigh please consult the Parish Newsletter or refer to the web site www.sudburywithhadleigh.net or contact Father Brett or Deacon Andy The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after Sunday Mass at Hadleigh, or by arrangement with Father Brett.



Hadleigh & District Garden Club




September marks the beginning of garden planning and preparation for the coming year as some crops do better if planted during Autumn. This of course brought about plenty of discussion on the passing year and the difficult weather we have had to contend with, although it hasn’t been all dreadful. Most of us admitted to good crops of early peas and broad beans so it wasn’t all doom and gloom! Potato and tomato blight was a common problem and the why’s and wherefores so I’ll leave it to a quote from Gardening Which, which tells us that it develops when the weather goes into a “Snith Period� which is;- “a period of at least two days when the minimum air temperature is 10C or above and the relative humidity is greater that 90%� there, now you know as much as I do! Actually the data is available to farmers and horticulturists who can log on to a site which shows were the risk is highest so they can take appropriate measures, i.e. spraying, but we don’t all have access to this service so usually the first we know about it is when the plants begin to suffer. Anyway, the main purpose of our evening was to listen to John Wild giving us a most illuminating talk and demonstration on taking cuttings and the potting up thereof, from the stock plants of fuschias and geraniums and how to care for them and over-wintering them for the coming year. Very many thanks John (a member) for stepping in when our scheduled speaker was unable to keep the booking and doing such a brilliant job For more information phone Ruth Allen 822323

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New Teaching & Support Staff We are delighted that three new full time teachers have joined us this term – Miss R Sills, who is settling well into Year 6, Miss J O’Neill who is our new Year 2 Teacher and Miss R Baker who has been working hard with the rest of our Reception team, preparing the new area for our new intake of 78 four year &DOO RU YLVLW RXU ZHEVLWH IRU \RXU olds, as well as now enjoying the task of teaching them! In addition, Mrs L IUHH EURFKXUHV Bewsher has joined us as a Year 5 teacher for 2 days each week and Mrs H Tassel is our new MFL teacher. We have also appointed two new teaching assistants – Mrs Julie Spice and Mr Sam Bassett who is working in the Reception unit. Furthermore, Miss Kirsty Fisher has joined us as a Nursery Assistant Apprentice and Miss Nicole Ellis-Tattersdale as a Business Admin Apprentice. Already, the hard work of our new teachers is being appreciated by the rest of the team, and we continue to provide the very best education for the children in our care. Forest Schools This time last year, we welcomed Mrs Lee as our new Nursery teacher, and she brought with her the Forest Schools initiative. Very quickly, Reception and Year One also wanted to join in the fun whereby children work in the great outdoors come rain or shine. Indeed, we have now even invested in a ‘Forest Schools’ shed, and the children have special suits to wear in colder weather. The woods even need to be timetabled now!


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Garden Machinery

Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts Long before Twitter, Facebook etc, there was on the internet a system called news groups with loads of different groups that one could join. You posted a message, or query, and everybody following that group would see it, and some would respond. Happily the system still works, and I pick up quite a lot of my ideas for this column from the uk/rec/gardening group. (If you are moved to learn more, type "news group" into your web browser.) I have been on holiday in Cornwall, and I took the opportunity on the journey home to visit Hill Top nursery near Buckfast in Devon run by the husband of one of the regular contributors. In many ways it was a dream. It is set in the grounds of an ex rectory where the garden was laid out by Edward Hyams. The land slopes gently to the South, and there in a collection of very large greenhouses was an incredible selection of plants mostly raised on site. This was where the dream faded. Most of the plants were obviously very happy in South Devon, but very few of them would survive outdoors in Hadleigh. I was led astray by Europs pectinatus, (See picture) but this is only half hardy, so I shall have to take cuttings to be sure of keeping it going. In Hadleigh the mixed results continue. My garden is more colourful at this time than some of the gardens that I visited in Cornwall. Aster frikartii, Dahlias, Sedums and Autumn crocus are all making a good show, but some plants are now suffering from the low August rainfall. I have no gardens for this month, but there are Apple Days run by Suffolk Wildlife Trust on 14 October at Redgrave & Lopham Fen from 1100-1500, and at Foxburrow Farm on October 21 from 1400-1600. If you fancy a real day out the national one at Brogdale near Faversham is on the 20th & 21st of October. Weather Records In August at Kersey there were 36.3 mm (1.4") of rain. This is about 70% of our average monthly rainfall. This rainfall brought the 3 month figure up to 216.5 mm (8.5") which is 140% of the average rainfall. This sounds satisfactory, but in my garden shallow rooting plants are suffering. In August the maximum temperature was 26 Cel (79F) which is similar to the last few years. The minimum was 8 Cel (46F), which is similar to recent years. In my garden the ground temperature at writing is 14 Cel (57F), which is typical for the month. Hints By the end of October we may well have had the first frost, so it is time to think about getting any half hardy plants that you want to keep for next year under cover. It is also a good time to remove dead bedding plants, and have a tidy up. If you have put shading on your greenhouse for the Summer it should now be removed. Have a critical look at your garden and think how you could make it more interesting in October. There are not too many plants that flower at this time. Ones that do include heathers (calluna), some hebe and caryopteris. One can also get colour from berries, and Autumn foliage. Dahlias can be left until they have been cut down by the first frost, but it is wise to at least have cuttings of any other half hardy perennials which you grow. October is the month to finish planting bulbs for a Spring display. It is also a very good time for planting trees, shrubs and perennials. The soil is warm enough that new roots will be made to anchor the plants, and ensure a good start when the weather warms up in Spring. Enjoy your gardening, John Rye


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Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

Dear Sir I note sadly that yet another cat has gone missing, this time from Oxford Drive, last week one from Emmerson Way. Is anyone else asking the question as to where all these cats are disappearing too as it seems to be happening rather too frequently to be the case of them just wandering off, and if they had been involved in accidents where are the bodies? Some of the missing cats have been described as timid, so it's not likely that they've gone off with someone else. I think some investigations need to happen here as to just what's going on...... I know many of you don't like cats, that's fair enough, but for those that do, when their pets go missing and they have no idea whats happened to them, it's causes huge anxiety and heartbreak. Does anyone out there have any ideas as to what's going on here or what can be done about it? Lets see if we cant answer a few of these questions in the meantime - if you have lost a pet please email the details, ie when, where from, time of day last seen, if you let them out at night etc, see if we cant see if there's a pattern somewhere... Please also email me if you have found an animal you think may belong to someone else. Emails to nickipurcell@hotmail.co.uk Nicki Purcell

Dear Sir Where can we buy a fair-trade cuppa in Hadleigh? At the URC in Hadleigh we recently heard a very interesting talk about the many reasons for buying fairtrade goods i.e) a fair price for the producer, better for the environment etc. It was very disturbing to hear though that goods that are not 'fair trade', particularly in the case of cocoa, have often been produced with forced and child labour often from children who have been kidnapped. Whereas to be listed as 'fair trade', produce must be purchased at a minimum price and must not foster environmental harm nor forced or child labour. So it got me wondering......where can we buy a fair-trade cuppa in Hadleigh? We are fortunate to have some lovely coffee shops and pubs in Hadleigh, and perhaps some of them are already serving fair-trade tea, coffee and hot chocolate? -if so that's brilliant! But would we necessarily know? Maybe a mention in the menu or in this magazine, or a 'Fair trade' sticker in the window would help the public to choose which place they enjoy their cuppa in-after all a coffee with a free conscience tastes SO much better. So if you are FT- please tell us! We want to know, and we want to support you. R. Grist

Dear Sir I am sure many Hadleigh residents are already aware that Tesco have again submitted an application for the riverside (Brett works) site. If you have a view, send in your letters or emails to the Planning Department at Babergh urgently. Your views are counted. Kathryn Grandon, District Councillor for Hadleigh South

Dear Sir I hope that plans to build houses on East House car park have included an archaeological assessment. Whereas Ordnance Survey (1885) shows the house and, at the eastern end of the side, a detached stable block, Hadleigh tithe map (1839) also shows buildings between East House and the stable block. This property was copyhold of the Manor of Hadleigh Hall and in 1802 was described in the manor court book as consisting of a messuage (East House itself), 2 tenements and 2 tenements wasted. A similar listing was made in a rental dated 1701. In his will dated 1662, John Orsiby the younger, who owned the main house and part of the site, described this property as a messuage or tenement with yards, orchards and gardens and a cottage or tenement adjoining. So there is plenty of documentary evidence for domestic dwellings on East House car park dating back to the mid-years of the 17th century, which were not new-builds even then. I hope that these facts will be the trigger for an archaeological investigation on the site. Sue Andrews

Dear Sir Having read Mr Angry's letter it made me think about our mini roundabouts....It appears to me that the majority of drivers have no idea how to properly use a roundabout. Wether it be a mini or full size one the rules are the same. You indicate when you wish to leave the roundabout by using your left indicator. Most people seem to think that this is not necessary it they intend to carry straight on (up Angel Street for example). I have sat at the junction assuming that the driver is turning right. WRONG!!! they gaily carry on. Also they do not 42

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

seem to slow down on approaching these hazards either if they intend to carry straight on. Perhaps ‘Keith Avis’ should invest in a good supply of Highway Codes as it seems that quite a few would benefit from reading one. Just don't get me started on the pedestrian crossings. S. A. Mitchell

Dear Sir I live in Aldham Road and the new pathway leading from Beaumont School is so overgrown with weeds, wildflowers and even shrubs there is hardly enough room for a person to walk let alone space for a mum walking to the school with children and a push-chair. I watched the construction (and re-construction!) of the footpath over many months only to see it now virtually unpassable! This is a very dangerous road on a blind sharp bend and THERE WILL BE AN ACCIDENT here before long if people cannot use this path, please Babergh or whoever is responsible - get it cut!!!! D. Avis

Dear Sir As readers will have seen in last months edition of HCN, Babergh District Council plans to build executive houses on East House Meadow (known also by many as Cox's Park). In response to this I would make an URGENT call to readers to tell me or send me, all your stories, photographs, news cuttings and personal accounts of how over the last 20 years, you, your friends, family and neighbours have used the East House Meadow/ Cox's Park for regular or irregular sport, informal exercise, picnics etc. as well as events you have attended like a circus or a carnival. The further back the memories go, the better! I am particularly interested in activities from beyond 10 years ago. By cataloguing this information we stand a chance of saving this beautiful piece of open green space that Hadleigh so desperately needs to retain. Please contact me on 07814675272 or e-mail me at savecoxsparkhadleigh@gmail.com or send it to 47 Edwin Panks Road. There is now an on-line 'Blog' set up to help save the park. The web address is www.coxsparkhadleigh.tumblr.com Do keep checking it for updates on the campaign. Jonas Grist

Dear Sir Many people are now aware of the plan to put 4 executive houses on Cox's Park. I would just like to point out that this decision seems to go against Babergh's own reports and strategies. Last year a playground survey was done and we have seen some good improvements to the playground section of Cox's Park. After this survey a report was compiled called "A Way Forward for Hadleigh's Playgrounds". This report based it's conclusions on Babergh's Open Space Strategy agreed by councillors in 2010, which shows that there is insufficient provision of open spaces in Hadleigh. So, it seems confusing that Babergh would consider building (such a small amount of) houses on this parkland when it knows there is not enough parkland as it is. The report actually concludes that Babergh should identify additional sites! For more information on this and a link to the report aswell as other aspects of this issue please see our campaign website http://coxsparkhadleigh.tumblr.com/ or contact by email savecoxsparkhadleigh@gmail.com. Let's save this park for current and future generations. Gavin Talbot

Dear Sir Babergh District Council like most Council's state they are having to watch their expenditure, yet on Saturday September 15 a posted notification arrived relating to Planning application B/12/01052/FUL, relating to the Brett Works site assume this was posted to all residential properties etc in Hadleigh. On August 8 planning application B/12/00891/ FUL was posted on the Babergh District Council list of application this relates to East House & Cox's Park, it appears this application was submitting at a peak holiday time and with the Olympic Game hoping residents would not notice this. As stated this relates to the lost of amenity / open space land for the use of Hadleigh Residents and Visitors. So why have not Babergh District Council found it fit to notify all the residents by post of this planning application, perhaps the Council think with the hype over the Brett Works site people will show no interest in objecting to the East House application. On other application Babergh have made B/12/00967/FUL relates to an externally illuminated sign for the Swimming Pool / Leisure Centre, why do they need this type of sign when a conventional sign will suffice given that no other premises in Hadleigh are allowed this type of signage. J. W. Chenery Please note that only letters which are supplied to me with the authors full name and address can be published. Yes that includes you Had-----ite.

Library Link Desktops and Laptops spares and repairs New and Second User XP machines Speed up your system and remove those bugs! Inkjet Laser cartridges supplied etc., etc........

elmsett storshops

We had over a hundred children complete this year's Story Lab Reading Challenge at Hadleigh Library. We had wonderful volunteers who listened to the stories that the children had read. All the children were enthusiastic about completing the challenge by reading 6 books during the summer holidays and to carry on reading. One parent commented that it had made her daughter an avid reader. Councillor David Grutchfield and volunteer Linda Stratford presented the certificates and medals to the successful challengers. If you were unable to attend our presentation event, please collect your well earned certificate and medal from the library. October is Suffolk Health and Wellbeing month with displays and information on keeping well around the county. Look out for details in the East Anglian Times. Suffolk Libraries have an extensive website dedicated to mental health and wellbeing and includes topics such as stress, anxiety, depression and online therapy. Please follow the links from: www.suffolklibraries.co.uk You can also reserve related books from the catalogue. If you need any further assistance please contact a member of staff who will be happy to help. We have a welcoming and friendly group of Toptimers who enjoy a varied programme of events. This month is: Cuttings from Newspapers (3rd), Games (10th), Play Reading (17th), Trip to Ipswich Museum followed by lunch (24th), Charades (31st). Sessions times are 10.30 – 12.00. Join our Babybounce group on a Thursday from 10.00 – 10.30 each week. It’s a great way to share stories, songs and rhymes. Sunday family craft activities every week from 10.30 to 12.30. Come along and be creative and have fun on the way. Our first Sunday in October celebrates National Poetry Day and we would like Autumn poems for our display. You can write them yourself or suggest poems you’ve really enjoyed. It’s free! Tell your friends and family - it's free to join the library and everyone is welcome. Did you know that with a library card you can borrow up to 20 books, 6 story cassettes/CDs and 3 Ebooks free? You can also borrow CDs, DVDs and computer games for a small charge – ask our staff for details. You can use the internet free in every library too – our computer system means that you can book in advance to surf the net or just pop in and see if a PC is available.

We offer clean, secure, easy access storage from ÂŁ50/month and workshop options from ÂŁ75-ÂŁ400/month Access all hours 24 hour CCTV & Security Barrier Flood Lighting Parking available adjacent to unit

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Dr Kenneth Wright MA, BM BCh, M Phil. (Psychiat.), MRCPsych.

The Friends of St. Mary’s Church

Psychoanalyst Individual and Marital Psychotherapist

ANNUAL MEETING 2012 Saturday 27th October at 7.30 pm, St. Mary’s Church An ever evolving building This illustrated presentation will show that changes in appearance to both the exterior and interior of St. Mary’s Church, have been taking place from soon after the original church was built during the 1200s. What were some of these changes and how were the funds raised? Using architectural details and documentary sources, this presentation by Roger Kennel and Millie Goulbourn will show an ever evolving church building in Hadleigh. Wine and nibbles will be served during the evening

Member of Institute of Psychoanalysis, Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists and British Society of Couple Psychotherapists and Counsellors BCP registered 01473 For initial consultation: Tel. 828976 e-mail: kjt.wright@doctors.org.uk 6 Queen Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5DZ

Sharon’s Alterations _




Zips Replaced Hems Shortened/Lengthened Roman Blinds Curtains made for Caravan, Home, Awning etc. Other alterations available please call for further information

Call Sharon on 01473 832501 or 07790 227488 If no answer, please leave a message and I will get back to you on my return

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Stair Lifts


Bath Lifts








Gallows Hill Allotments Annual BBQ


Happy 60th Birthday

Happy 50th Birthday


Love Jane, Billie and Abbie xxx

Love from Halle XXX

Join us at the Chelsworth Village Hall

CRAFT FAIR 3RD NOVEMBER 2012 10am to 3pm Free admission, Light refreshments available Donations to Poppy appeal welcome

Bespoke Jewellery Designs, Scarves, Cards, Soaps, Christmas decorations, Stationery, Gifts, Cakes, Jams, Pickles, Chutney, Face Painting, Brook Farm, hand made accessories & many more.

Books & brick a brac stall of which donations will go to the poppy appeal WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Although the Great British weather has presented most allotment holders with some unseasonably wet challenges this year, it certainly was much more obliging for the annual and highly popular Summer BBQ. Under blue skies and much welcome sunshine, the allotment holders, their family and friends assembled on Saturday 8th September to exchange horticultural tips and recipes. The event was well attended and over £240 was raised from a raffle and the BBQ that will help to maintain pathways and contribute toward upgrades to security on the allotment site. The catering was organised by Ann Wells and Jenny Cutts who made use of the newly installed BBQ, situated in the rose garden that was planted in memory of Iain ‘Rusty’ Chisholm. The burgers and hot dogs were accompanied by Pat Parker’s highly popular courgette fritters and a selection of home-baked cakes and biscuits, provided by number of the allotment holders. Special thanks to everyone who donated cakes and the many local Hadleigh businesses and individuals who donated raffle prizes including WJ Green, AJ Carpets, Partridge’s, Suffolk Flower Company, Hadleigh Pet Supplies, The Idler, Adnams, The King’s Head, East of England Co-operative Society, Keith Avis, Sweet Memories, Partridge’s Farm Shop, Sunflower Health Food Shop. If anyone is interested in putting their name on the allotment waiting list please email mail@isal.co.uk or call 01473 810064

Knitting, Crocheting & Natter Every Tuesday afternoon, 1.30 to 3.30 at Waterfield House The cost of the afternoon with tea, coffee and biscuits will be £1

ALL WELCOME If you can’t knit or crochet and would like to learn, come along and someone will help you. For more details phone Hilary 01473 824245 or Maggie 01473 823883

Hadleigh & District Footpath Volunteers Our walk this month will be a 7 mile circular starting and finishing at Boxford. We will leave by bus from Hadleigh Bus Station (Coop Side) at 9.50am. arriving at Boxford 10.05am. The walk will leave Boxford Bus Shelter (opposite the Fleece Hotel) at 10.15am. and we will walk through Edwardstone, Milden, Groton, and back to Boxford. This walk is suitable for everyone including children and dogs. The walk will finish about 2.00pm., we will then travel back to Hadleigh on the 2.15pm. bus from Boxford arriving back at 2.30pm. If you would like to make your own way to and from Boxford please feel free to do so. Further information about this walk, or the other activities of the Footpath Volunteers may be obtained from David Warner (Hadleighs Footpath Warden) on 07749 732941, or E-mail nottinghamvictoria@supanet.com

Bowl-a-Thon 2012

Friars Hall Nursing Home

including Specialised Dementia Care with attractive secure gardens


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“Bowl-a-Thon” - A first for Suffolk


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FRIARS ROAD, HADLEIGH, IPSWICH, SUFFOLK King Pin Bowling and Age UK Suffolk have teamed up to provide a first ever Bowl-a-Thon on the 9th November at King Pin Bowling in Martlesham. A popular past time and fundraiser in the US, King Pin and Age UK Suffolk are looking to find 1000 bowlers to take part raising much needed funding Wallow Lane, Naughton Nr. Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 7BZ for the local and independent charity, who support 5 luxury boarding in a rural location where each cat is an individual over 22,000 older people in Suffolk. The doors Bowling Centre Where: open at 7am and the Bowl-a-Thon will not close until Kingpin 11pm. The event is open OPEN ALL YEAR Gloster Road, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich IP5 3RJ for teams of 4 or 6 bowlers, there will be a competition, prizes, giant raffle and R Reliable, experienced friendly owners When: Friday 9th November, 7am - 11pm some surprise guests during the day. The cost is £5 per person per hour, play Y Young/old felines boarded Who: Teams of 4 or 6 for 1 hour or undertake a marathon session attracting sponsorship from Cost: £5 per player, per hour L Long/short stays friends, families and colleagues. Concessions are available including free Play for 1 hour or raise more by playing for hours! E Extra attention re: medical/dietry needs drinks for children. Age UK Suffolk is particularly interested finding To book, or for further detailsincall: 01473 611111 N Night/Day vet on call organisations who could enter teams as the Bowl-a-Thon is a great team SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE building opportunity and may also provide an opportunity for internal E Essential vaccinations competitions. Because of the generosity of King Pin Bowling all proceeds will S Single/family heated & insulated chalets go directly to Age UK Suffolk, helping to sustain the many services provided Lots of Cuddles and T.L.C. for the older population in our county. If you or someone close to you requires any help or information please ring 01473-359911. Tel: 01473 658747 To reserve your space on the 9th November email: rylenes@btinternet.com www.rylenescattery.co.uk telephone King Pin Bowling on 01473 611111


Registered Charity No. 1085900 www.ageuksuffolk.org



Mark Beer & David Spraggons

Plumbing & Heating Engineers

Bathrooms and Tiling Gas & Oil Boiler Installation Tel: 01473 829863 Mobile: 07766 446200 15 Dunton Grove, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5HD


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Recipe for Success by Sarah Thompson

If I had to choose a favourite season, it would have to be Autumn. However, October can be rather gloomy at times, so here is an offering of comfort food that is unashamedly delicious without being overly complicated. We are blessed with local meat supplies in Hadleigh, so remember to BASIL (Buy And Source It Locally). Enjoy.

Fillet of Pork with Herbs – serves 3-4 Ingredients 1lb (450 g) pork fillet 1 teaspoon crushed rosemary 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons brandy 2 fluid ounces (57g) double cream Parsley Salt and ground black pepper Method: Trim any excess fat off the pork. Cut across the fillet at regular intervals to create approximately 16 medallions. Sprinkle these on both sides with salt, pepper and rosemary. (If they are left for a good hour before cooking, the seasonings will permeate and enhance the flavour) Heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the medallions over a strong heat for 4 minutes on each side. Reduce the heat, cover the pan and cook for a further five minutes on each side. Transfer the medallions to a serving dish and keep them warm whilst making the sauce. Deglaze the frying pan with the brandy, scraping up the residue with a wooden spoon. Let it bubble a little before stirring in the cream. Simmer for a minute or two, then pour the sauce over the pork. Sprinkle with parsley. Delicious with vegetables and potatoes or rice.


For a FREE Quote call



" !


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


News from The Station Dear Readers, welcome to this months news from the Police Station. Some of you may have read in the local press recently of the progress into a proposed Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) for Hadleigh. This has been in planning for some considerable time, and it is something that I have personally been developing with Hadleigh Town Council and Babergh District Council. The DPPO will enable us as Police Officers (and Community Support Officers) to remove alcohol from any person in a public place whom we believe poses a risk of disorder, or who is engaged, or going to be engaged in antisocial behaviour. It is not a blanket alcohol ban for public areas, but it will be extremely useful for us locally to improve the quality of life in Hadleigh. I would urge you to take a look at the details of this scheme and voice support during the public consultation period. I have also read recently of the plans to increase long term parking charges in Hadleigh and Sudbury, increasing the daily charge to £2. I have to confess that I am unaware of the inception date for the increase, however, remind those of you who use the long term waiting zones that we rigorously enforce the parking restrictions away from Babergh’s car parks and will continue to do so, especially if we see a rise in the number of vehicles parked in our residential areas or illegally in the High Street. Since the 1st of January, in excess of 200 parking tickets have been given to vehicles in the Town, a small reminder of the likelihood of being caught! The residents of Hadleigh continue to do their bit for the ‘Big Society’. Our Community Speedwatch volunteers are turning in impressive figures from the various site locations in the Town. Whilst it is difficult to judge the impact this has on traffic speeds, I can say that they are definitely making our roads a safer place. We have also received a high response to the Street Watch initiative, with a launch meeting date set, so over the next few weeks don’t be surprised to see volunteers walking around your neighbourhood with their colourful tabards on. Sometimes we as residents are quick to forget that many people give up their own time free of charge in order to improve the Town and its facilities. I urge you as larger community to give these volunteers all of your support. Any abuse aimed towards any volunteer will not be tolerated. Should you wish to become a volunteer for Suffolk Police, or would like more information on the initiatives that we offer, please contact me at the station. By the time this is published, Halloween will soon be upon us. Please be mindful of those that may not appreciate having strangers call at the door, and we will be issuing posters, as with past years, informing you that trick or treat callers are not welcome. If you could take notice it will mean fewer calls to Police, and a more pleasurable evening all round. You can contact us at the Police Station, opening hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 1pm and 3pm, or by generic email babergheast.snt@suffolk.pnn.police.uk. Alternatively you can phone, or email me direct via the details at the bottom of the page. Until next time, Matt, PC 1455 Paisley Matthew.paisley@suffolk.pnn.police.uk Telephone: 101



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Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh


Hadleigh United under 14’s Win Framlingham Tournament

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On 27th August 2012 the Hadleigh United under 14 boys were invited to take part in a tournament at Framlingham Town. Five matches were played of which the boys won 4 and gained a draw in 1. These positions ensured Hadleigh finished top of the table and won the cup (pictured). Congratulations on this achievement and good luck for the upcoming season. Hadleigh United’s under 14 first league match of the season was away against Witnesham. A high energy game began from the off with both teams playing hard. Hadleigh gained the majority of play and produced some good clean solid football. Play flowed at a fast pace with both teams making attempts. The match continued to unfold with both teams defending well and pushing forward. Witnesham gained the advantage when their strike from the edge of the box hit the back of the net with seconds to the half time whistle. Hadleigh remained focused in the second half and pushed forward. This paid off when Chilli Wolf blasted the ball past the keeper from just outside the box to give Hadleigh the equaliser. With all to play for both teams gave their all. Witnesham again pushed forward to score and regain their lead. Hadleigh remained calm and continued to pass and push forward. With some neat passing Hadleigh bypassed the Witnesham defence and Boris Takem made no mistake with his strike on goal to gain the equaliser. Both teams continued to fight for the winning goal but were denied. Finally score Witnesham 2 Hadleigh Utd 2. Man of the Match - Tyler French.

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

On Saturday 15thth September under the guidance of Jackie Kirk, team manager, Hadleigh Dolphins went to Stowmarket for a novice gala. Other clubs competing were Felixstowe, Leiston and Stowmarket. This was the first competitive swim of the new season and a chance for some to prove whether their fitness was back after the summer holidays. For others it was their first time representing the club. There were 46 individual races and 2 relays and Hadleigh had swimmers in every race even though this meant that some had to ‘swim up’ and not necessary swim their first choice stroke. Although nervous the swimmers soon settled and Katie started the evening with a first place and personal best in the 25 metres breaststroke. This was just the beginning of what was a fantastic night of swimming. By the mid interval stage the team were lying 2nd overall and 21 personal bests had been achieved. After the interval the outstanding swimming continued. There were another 17 personal bests and in the last race of the night the 11-13 year old girls and boys 12 x 25 meters relay Hadleigh stormed home in first place! In total there were 38 personal bests which, for a small club, not only shows the calibre of the swimmers but also that of their teachers and coaches. After all the points had been counted, Hadleigh shared the honours of first place with Leiston with both on 217 points. Stowmarket were third with 206 and Felixstowe 4th with 197. A special mention goes to Isobel and Finlay who as Junior Team Captains looked after and supported their team mates and our thanks go to Jackie for organising the team: Dave for being timekeeper: Adrian for being a judge: Amy and Maria for helping with the team and to all the other parents who made the effort to come and support their child and the team and be part of a brilliant night of swimming. The Team were: Boys: Finlay Kirk (Captain), Adam Morsman, William White, Matt Smith, Callum Coe, Dan Squirrell, Max Fraulo, Jaden Hambling, Owen Grimsey, Lewis Pettitt, Alfie Fraulo, Dylan Salway and Ellis Hambling. Girls: Isobel Field (Captain), Jasmine Sinclair, Emily May, Molly Evans, Fern Morrin, Isabel Chaplin, Catherine Hood, Violet Salway, Mia Kirk, Abigail Craske, Holley Grimsey, Freya Curtis, Sophie Lander, Nia Evans and Katie Craske. Maria O'Donnell

Hadleigh Cricket Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group

AINGER HOLBROWS LTD The Specialist Car Centre 115 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EJ Telephone (01473) 823286 Fax (01473) 824559

Servicing, MOT’s, Repairs, Tyres Diagnostics, 4 Wheel Laser Alignment Batteries and Exhausts

SERVICING MOT’S AND REPAIRS For all makes of vehicle Quality selected, fully prepared, guaranteed used cars. Any make of new car supplied. Courtesy car available on request

SELECTED USED CARS FOR SALE The promotion-winning 1st XI In the pleasant surroundings of Sudbourne Hall, the 1st XI achieved promotion to Division 1 of the Two Counties league for the first time since 1990. After relegation to Division 4 in 2000, it represents a remarkable return to the top during which time every aspect of the club has been transformed. It was a fantastic achievement by Josh Davey’s team, who lost just two games during the season. Both were to eventual champions Witham, but after 22 matches there was just one point separating the teams. The team’s success was built around the bowling unit, with Kyle Tanner leading the attack with 35 wickets, well supported by James Gilderson (26 wickets) and Paul Budd (21 wickets, including 8-58 in the final game at Braintree). They bowled five teams out for under 100, and to dismiss Dunmow for 22 and Abberton for 46 within the same season is almost extraordinary. Tom Piddington was the pick of the batsmen, averaging 57, and he follows in the footsteps of his father Ian who was in the last promotion team under the captaincy of Gary Girling. Marlon Dias and New Zealander Ken Henry also had fine seasons with the bat. If overseas players are judged on their personality as much as their ability, Ken had heaps of both. As Josh Davey said at his leaving party, Ken was everyone’s best friend, and made a great impression wherever he went. We would love to see him back at the club one day. The 2nd team finished in mid-table in Division 4, but it was good to see some younger players coming through during the season. There was double cause for celebration as the Sunday 1st XI won the Hunts County Bats division 2 title and join the galacticos of Bury, Sudbury and Mildenhall in a division that has a fearsome reputation. Captain Martin Grayling is looking forward to the challenge already. Friars Road will certainly be the place to be to watch high quality cricket on Saturdays and Sundays in 2013. Peter Tampion’s Academy XI signed off with a couple of high scoring encounters, and will be pleased with another encouraging season of progress. Daniel Shanks, Oliver Peters and Aaron Tampion are among the latest new recruits. They have made the step up from the boys Under-13s team, who reached the final of the Ipswich & District league in September before narrowly losing out to Woolpit. Already 10 of our juniors have been selected for county squads for next season. All the club’s many achievements throughout 2012 will be celebrated at our end of season dinner on October 13th at Vauxhall Farm, Great Wenham, through which we hope to raise funds for a new roller. Late ticket enquiries can be made to Simon Gladwell (simon.gladwell@copdockmill.co.uk) and Buster Tampion (russelltampion@btinternet.com). Farmer

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Newton Green’s new format Guest Day left to right: Captain Dave Levelle presents prizes to, from left to right, S Mortimer, Robert Watts, Chris Williams, Chris Rout, Trevor Byham and Dennis Watts Run in a new format, Newton Green Golf Club's annual invitatiion day broke all records with 84 players taking part in an 18-hole Stableford pairs competition. The event had been revamped from from its traditional all-day format, with a shorter, half-day experience followed by lunch proving a hit with both members and their guests. An impressive 80 points was notched up by Robert Watts and his guest R. Mortimer, leaving them six points clear of second place pair Chris Williams and Chris Rout on 74, and third place Trever Byham and Dennis Watts 70. Robert Watts was also the leading Newton individual with 42 points and the unrelated Dennis Watts the most successful guest with 40 points.



Hadleigh Cricket Club

Professional & reliable service based in Hadleigh 25 Years experience See website for range of treatments available


Whilst Hadleigh Cricket club continues to have success within their competitive sides they have not lost site of the wider club community. Aedos Cricket is a new and exciting cricket brand based in Suffolk with the aim of providing top quality equipment at competitive prices in the market this local company is actively involved with Hadleigh Cricket Club sponsoring £10.00 per six hit in the Josh Rix inter club memorial match for the Rix Collection Trust and have provided a shield to be presented to the winners of the Annual Club Friendly between the Lads and the Dads. Picture shows Max The lads captained by Max Planck batted first presenting his Dad with the and reached 112 within their 20 overs the shield with Aedos director Dads captained by Alan Planck reached 113 and club head coach, Simon in the 20th over with Charlie Dawson hitting Manthorpe in attendance. the winning runs with 3 balls to spare.

Hadleigh Hares, Novice/Junior Triathlon Club

Introduction to Triathlon Meet at Hadleigh High School Tuesday 7-8pm or Wednesday 5-6pm and Saturday 8-9am. Free t-shirt to all new junior members Coaching in swimming, cycling and running Sessions include transition practice, brick, mount and dismount practice, competitions and much more. Swimming - non triathletes welcome held at Hadleigh swimming pool, Sunday 8.30-9.30am. £3.50 per session or £12.50 for a block of 5 (subject to change) Optional coaching cards to follow or a 15min coaching session is offered from 8.45-9am. All abilities welcome - Contact carol.nokes@btinternet.com

Hadleigh Tyre Group

Tyres from Wheelbarrow to Earthmover Exhausts, Batteries MOT’s Servicing - 7 ramps available Computer Diagnostics 24hr Emergency Tyre Breakdown Cover Collection & Delivery Service Courtesy Car Available

Hadleigh Tyre Services Calais Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5EW


(01473) 827827 50

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

HCC Annual Club Friendly between the Lads and the Dads

Hadleigh & District Angling Society Hadleigh and District Angling Society (HADAS) was established in 1929 and as the result of dedicated and enthusiastic remains a thriving and active community. Whilst the club is steeped in history the current committee have the responsibility to manage a legacy of well-established still waters and rivers which meet the demands of today's angler. The club boasts access to many miles of the River Brett, both upstream and downstream of Hadleigh, and five still water venues of varying size, maturity and character. The latest of these venues is Pond Field, located near Polstead. After a very extensive period of fund raising, planning and finally building the Pond Field Lakes were opened in 2009. Conceived to be a modern but flexible fishery the site consists of two distinct lakes set with full access for able and disabled, young and old anglers. Both lakes have permanent pegs with staging to ensure safe access for fishing. The smaller of the two lakes has a stock of Carp and Silver Bream. Although still a young fishery this lake is already boasting good size fish and catches in excess of 50lb in a single session is not unusual. The second lake, much larger and very much aimed at the match angler has a stock of Crucian Carp, Roach and Silver Bream. Hadleigh Fishing Club has a very active Match programme catering for Juniors, Seniors and also those members in their Retirement. If you are a keen angler, who lives in the catchment area for the club (7 miles from Hadleigh Post Office) who would like to find out more about our waters, would like a tour of our waters or get more information about our Fishing Match programme contact the membership secretary: Stephen Mitchell, Tel: 01473 823564, Mobile: 07720 636132 Also visit our website: http://www.hadleighadas.co.uk

Suffolk T20 Cricket Cup Quarter Final Bury St Edmunds 1st Versus Hadleigh 1st Two Counties Div Two side, Hadleigh travelled to EAPL side, BSE looking to cause an upset in this years Suffolk Cup. Hadleigh were without pace bowler Kyle Tanner which enabled 15 yr old Dominic Manthorpe to make his debut. BSE batted first and started very well with both Rynsard-Perry and Kizis striking the ball well reaching 19 off the first two overs, Rynsford- Perry was caught by Manthorpe off Piddington and Lofts was immediately trapped LBW by Piddington which slowed the run rate. Tom Huggins and Kizis then played very well scoring steadily all around the wicket and looking well set to post a solid total. Manthorpe had the dream debut by taking the wickets of Huggins, Kizis and Ollie Huggins. Nikhill Ellis then accounted for the wickets of Bellward and Nunn leaving McKinney 10 not out and a BSE total of 107 which looked 20 below par. Bury clearly felt they could defend their score and were positive from the outset, Hadleigh lost the wickets of captain Davey and Piddington early but Marlon Diaz and Ken Henry rebuilt the Hadleigh innings and looked well set before Kizis had Diaz well caught - the same bowler produced a maiden in the 17th over and with Robotham and Tom Huggins bowling well to take four Hadleigh wickets the run chase ended 10 short.

Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group and Toppesfield Ltd www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk

Hadleigh United’s hope of a long run in the F.A. Cup looked to be wishful thinking following a routine win at Ipswich Wanderers. A trip to Harlow Town was the outcome and not many local pundits gave us much of a chance against higher opposition. We gave away an early goal and further progress in the world’s highest cup competition looked remote. However, an equaliser by Mark Goldfinch raised hopes and then Lee McGlone hit a superb goal to put Hadleigh in front at the interval. It was backs to the wall in the second half but Hadleigh held on to the lead for a great win by two goals to one. The next round saw Hadleigh at Aveley for another match against a side from a higher league. This time there was no fairytale as we lost by six goals to one with Neil Calver scoring our only goal in the last minute of the game. Calver was also on target in a league match at Stanway but this time the goal was the only score of the match as we gained a narrow win. That was the only league match between late August and late September as trophy matches dominated the first teams fixture list. The F.A Vase saw another trip to Stanway and another win was the outcome, this time by four goals to one. Scott Chaplin scored in the first half while Ollie Canfer, James Blades and Chaplin netted in the second period before the Essex side scored just before the end. Our Reserves managed by Liam Britton, began the season with four successive wins starting with a two goal success against Long Melford at the Millfield. The next match saw Wickham Market beaten by six goals to one in a Suffolk Cup game to set up a match against Capel in the next round. James Blades scored twice against Wickham Market. Newmarket Reserves were then beaten by three goals to one with Tom Driscoll scoring twice after Toby Rose had scored his first goal in adult football. A three goal win against Whitton kept the winning run going with goals from Kyle Cassell paving the way for another impressive team performance by Hadleigh Reserves. Our Thurlow Nunn youth team have lost against Stanway and Whittin in the early weeks of the season. Liam Britton is the new manager of this side. Winner of the ground improvement draw was Paul Crawford. Prizewinners in the latest monthly draws were Donna Ramsey, Pete Tampion and Bob Fletcher in the first draw and Kevin Hay, Gary Hayward and Mary Ashton in the second one.

Hadleigh Cricket Club under 13’s Summer is over and our season is at a close. During the last 9 months we have: Trained hard, thanks to Tim, Dave and Richard. Played well, winning our Division and finishing runners up in the overall Age Group. Developed players for the future who are already starting to play adult cricket. Awarded individual prize's including most runs Callum, most wickets Daniel and Max T. Been proud to represent the club and the community across the County. Well done to all our players, coaches and supporters. Thank you to Brian and those who make it happen. Roll on a dry summer in 2013. Rich

Cub Scouts from Hadleigh Sea Scout Group at the District Rounders Match. The boys and girls played well and secured second place. They looked very smart in their new kit kindly sponsored by Mr. James Buckle of Buckle Farms.




Hadleigh United Fixtures First team fixtures for Hadleigh United in October begin on Saturday 6th at home to Mildenhall. Tuesday 9th sees Needham Market at the Millfield in a Suffolk Cup match while on Saturday 20th we travel to Cambridge for a match against the Regional College youngsters. On Wednesday 24th an away match at Walsham in the league cup will be followed by a home match against Gorleston on Saturday 27th. The Reserves entertain Capel on Saturday 13th in a Suffolk Cup match. A home match sees Felixstowe at the Millfield on Saturday 20th before a trip to Halstead ends the month on Saturday 27th. Our Thurlow Nunn youth team begin the month at Halstead on Tuesday 2nd. A home match follows against Cornard on Wednesday 17th before an away match at Wivenhoe on Tuesday 25th. Hadleigh United have been drawn out of the hat to be at home to local rivals Walsham in the next round of the F.A Vase. The match will be at the Millfield on Saturday 13th October. The Reserves match scheduled for that day will be rearranged. Above fixtures are subject to alteration as cup matches take priority. Up to date details will be available on the club website. www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk.

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For free estimates and advice please contact: Russell Gant Tel: 01473 827856 Mobile 07790 035130 ‘Willowbrook’, Overbury Hall Road, Layham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5NA

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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Please support your local businesses! Have your company listed for £6.25 + VAT per month (Minimum insertion 4 months) and reach 8600 local homes and businesses For more information call Matt on 01473 823366 Aerial Services MJS Aerials ...............................01473 328833 Accountants / Financial Services Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 822143 Beauty Beauty-licious............................01473 829968 Rose Beauty Rooms ..................01473 829069 French Complexion....................01473 828805 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 Emmersons Builders .................01473 270264 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 L.J. Norman...............................01787 210831 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Hadleigh House Care .................01473 829200 H.P.M.........................................01473 823704 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 BLC plastering ...........................01449 615556 P. Crisp Carpentry......................01473 415727 Keeble Builders..........................01473 310491 Hadleigh Buildbase ....................01473 822318 B. Cousins Plastering ................07771 645580 G. C. Kennington .......................01473 827287 JustWood Designs ....................01473 828040 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Parts Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 S. T. Services Simon Tydeman ..07783 033401 Car Wash Valeting .....................01473 827437 Crockatt Garage.........................01473 824342 A&D Motors ..............................07912 794171 Child Care, Activities, Goods Birch Farm..................01473 652152 / 652249 Lavender Hall.............................01473 826100 Sunflower Childcare ..................01787 211363 Chimney Sweep TL Chimneys .............................07733 420611 Hatters Chimney Sweep.............01787 281979 Cleaners David & June Green...................0800 6951472 Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Amanda Hart..............................07854 392225

Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Hadleigh Glass...........................01473 822415 Surefix .......................................07766 140624 Driving Instruction Peter Cutts.........01473 822937/07786 735285 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 B. V. Hicks Electrical ..................01473 822005 Electricians CC Electrical ..............................07891 723712 S Cowle Electrical ......................01473 823179 Estate Agents Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 Boydens ....................................01787 883700 ByChoice ...................................01473 828280 Farm Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Florist Suffolk Flower Company............01473 827698 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Steve Blake ................................07813 814623 Garden Services Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 The Landscaper .........................01473 824107 Doug Morrison ..........................01473 828720 Leeks Landscapes .....................07741 448208 Gift Shops Plum Green................................01473 822243 Golf Clubs and Tuition Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Hairdressers Sylvia’s ......................................01473 822177 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Hugh Clover...............................01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Dr Kenneth Wright.....................01473 828976 Sally Mowles Chiropodist ..........01473 822902 Holon.........................................01473 826232 Glenda Godfrey..........................07864 585273

Call Les 01473 827096 Mobile 07850 318582 www.beaumont-privatehire.co.uk Pilates Works 4U .......................07855 394703 Heating Oil Badger Fuels..............................07582 691111 Home & Ironing Services Press Gang ................................07881 810710 Home Design / Improvement Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 Energy on Tap............................07780 975787 Igloo Heat ..................................07956 946625 I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Birkfield Computers...................01206 298479 Kennels / Cattery / Pets & Supplies Rylenes Cattery .........................01473 658747 Anne Hemmings Dog Training ...01787 377480 Kitchen Fitters David Scott ................................01787 282263 Languages French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 Miscellaneous R.R. Beechener Headstones ......01473 823575 Singing Lessons ........................01473 824833 Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Suffolk Marquee Hire.................01473 559978 Dawn Cox - Maths Tutor ............07736 457673 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing & Care Homes Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Canterbury House......................01473 824242 Waterfield House, Hadleigh .......01473 829103 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 J Dunn Painter & Decorator.......01473 828953 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase......................01473 828509 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ..............01473 829741 S P Plumbing ............................01473 823912 Gas-elec....................................0800 587 9999 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366

Pubs, Restaurants, Takeaways & Food Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 The Cock, Polstead ....................01206 263150 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head Hadleigh...........01473 828855 Grays Fish & Chips ....................01473 823374 Royal Bengal .............................01473 823744 Bildeston Crown ........................01449 740510 White Horse Edwardstone .........01787 211211 Hintlesham George ....................01473 652408 The Boxford Fleece ....................01787 211183 White Horse Hadleigh................01473 810200 The Brewers Arms .....................01787 210441 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Gotelees ....................................01473 822102 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi/Wedding Cars Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Eco Cars ..........01473 828384 / 07827 011713 Hadleigh Private Hire .................01473 829700 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Travel2000.................................01206 394433 Tree Surgeons Oakdene Tree Services...............01473 652117 Constable Country Tree Care .....07545 335845 Veterinary Surgeons Highcliff Veterinary Practice ......01473 822704 Water Softeners Patmore.....................................01473 713600 Weight Loss and Fitness Slimming World ........................08700 754666 Cambridge Diet Val Lord............01449 737113 Kersey Mill Fitness.....................01473 857473 Window Cleaner Ken Fisk.....................................01449 781625



82 83 84



hadleighecocars.co.uk hadleighecocars@yahoo.co.uk Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.

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