Hadleigh Community News, March 2010

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Community News

March 2010

ST. PATRICKS DAY GIG AT THE GEORGE The annual St. Patricks celebrations at the George Public House in Hadleigh takes place on Saturday 20th March, and, as usual, the locally based Irish folk band, Shebeen, will be performing. Tori and Paul from the George and Shebeen, have decided to use the gig as a way of raising money for Chris Corder and his family. All proceeds on the night will go to the family. Specially designed tee shirts will shortly be available at the George, and demand is expected to be high. Also on the night, a raffle will take place, and hopefully the main prize will be a voucher for two people to spend a weekend in Dublin. Collection buckets will also be handed around during the evening. Well respected Hadleigh musician, John Pipe, and his six piece band regards the venue as their spiritual home, as the concept of forming a traditional Irish music band, actually began in the George. Charlie Ralph (Shebeen)

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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am-12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. All welcome DANCING CLASSES AT ST MARYS SCHOOL, HADLEIGH Saturdays: 9:30-12:00 am From 4 years upwards , Come along and join the fun Tuesday 2nd March 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 3rd March 7.30pm Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Thursday 4th March 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 12 noon Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Saturday 6th March 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Monday 8th March Hadleigh U3A 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. Monthly Meeting, including a talk entitled “A Way with Words” (Performed reading), a talk by Janet Dann Monday 8th March Open meeting of the Armchair Players at 7.30pm in the King’s Head pub, High Street, Hadleigh. Monday 8th March HADLEIGH AND DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Meeting in the Community Room at the rear of the United Reformed Church access from Duke Street. A.G.M. and Social meeting includes refreshments. Tuesday 9th March Hadleigh and District Flower Club Beaumont School, Hadleigh. A flower demonstration by Miss Heather Shaw from Boston, Lincs. “With a European Touch” Members £1 visitors £3, all welcome. Tuesday 9th March 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 10th March 7.30pm Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Thursday 11th March 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 12 noon Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Thursday 11th March 7:00 to 9:00pm HADS Acting Workshop for Adults in conjunction with the HADS and the New Wolsey Theatre; everybody welcome. Saturday 13th March RNLI Quiz Night, 7.00 pm at the Ansell Community Centre, Teams with a maximum of 6 people. Tickets £5 per person including Ploughman’s Supper. Bring your own drinks! Tickets from Kate 823570 or Biddy 822285 or on the door on the night Saturday 13th March 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Sunday 14th March 10.30am Mothering Sunday Service – Hadleigh URC Tuesday 16th March 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Tuesday 16th March 7.30 pm HADLEIGH EVENING WOMENS INSTITUTE meeting in the Seminar Suite above the Library, High Street, Hadleigh. HOT AIR BALLOONING by Bob Baker. Competition three spring flowers in a jam jar. Visitors welcome, no charge for first visit. Wednesday 17th March 7:30pm Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society’s Annual General Meeting to be held in the Ansell Community Centre (URC) in Hadleigh. All are welcome.

Community News

To contact us please ring Kelvin or Matt on 01473 823366 or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

March 2010

Wednesday 17th March 7.30pm Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Thursday 18th March 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 12 noon Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Saturday 20th March 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 23rd March 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 24th March 7.30pm Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army, 8.00pm What do you think? – The George Wednesday 24th March Hadleigh Community Transport Group, Annual General Meeting, 7 pm, Hadleigh Business and Learning Centre, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh Thursday 25th March 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community , 12 noon, Churches Together Lent Group – Salvation Army Saturday 27th March 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room April Sun 4th 9.00am Easter Breakfast - Hadleigh URC, Ansell Centre, 10.30am Easter Celebration – Hadleigh URC Thursday 25th March Fidelis Monthly Meeting: - 7.30 pm, URC Community Room. “Matters of the Harp” by Celtic Harpist Elaine Holton. Sec Barbara Tryon 01473 824417 Saturday 27th March 01473 ADULTS & CHILDREN OF ALL AGES, St. Mary’s Spring Fair, 10 am - 2 pm, tea, coffee, lunches, raffle, stalls. Full 824833 STYLES WELCOME details ABILITIES in March HCN,&Enquiries to Patsy 823295 or Sue 823376. Experienced teacher and singer (Opera, Shows, Musicals, Jazz etc)

HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Meetings Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 18th March 2010 Thursday 15th April 2010 Planning Committees Date of Next Meeting at 7.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010 Thursday 8th April 2010


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A total of 7600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Monks Eleigh, Kersey, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Raydon and outlying homes We welcome all your contributions Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

HADLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Extra Meeting of the Council held on the 28th January 2010 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), N. Amin, D. Buchanan, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), Miss P. Cook, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, B.L. Lazenby, P. Matthews, Mrs. M. Munson, Miss J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick In attendance: 6 members of the public APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. The Chair explained to Councillors the reason for calling this extra meeting was to deal with the co-option of two new Councillors and welcomed the six candidates who had attended the meeting. At this point the meeting was closed to allow the candidates present the opportunity to speak to the Councillors and answer any questions raised. VOTING Councillors were provided with voting slips to carry out the secret ballot. Richard Whiting and Trevor Clarke both received a majority of the vote and were invited to join the Council. The Chair thanked the other candidates for the interest shown and time taken in applying for the position of Town Councillor. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm. Report of the Meeting of the Council held on the 21st January 2010 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), D. Buchanan, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), Miss P. Cook, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, B.L. Lazenby, Mrs. M. Munson and Miss J. Nevard. In attendance: PCSO 3092 Jo Adams (Suffolk Constabulary), Councillor B. Riley (Babergh District Council) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor P. Matthews due to family commitments, Councillor T. Sheldrick due to work commitments and Babergh District Councillor R. Whiting due to a prior engagement. These apologies were accepted. Non-attendee – N. Amin and K. Grimsey DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Haylock declared a personal interest in the Payment Schedule as there was an item to be paid to the Idler Bookshop of which she is the owner. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the 17th December 2009 were taken as read and were confirmed and signed. POLICING PCSO 3092 ADAMS presented the Police Report for December and it was noted that 16 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 4 thefts; 4 criminal damage – dwelling; 3 criminal damage – vehicles; 1 robbery; 1 minor wound without intent; 1 conspiracy to defraud; 1 fraud by false representation and 1 fear of provocation of violence. Of theses crimes 2 had been detected. 46 parking tickets had been issued during November. PC Adams informed Councillors that the police had been concentrating on traffic concerns on Benton Street and PC Paisley would provide a more detailed report at a later date. PC Adams answered questions relating to vandalism at the new fire station site, the minor wound incident and if any progress had been made on the arson attack at Priory Hall. Councillors Cook and Nevard raised concerns over the increased incidents of dog fouling on the pavements. The Clerk would make Babergh District Council aware. MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor thanked all the Councillors for their support, help and experience passed on to him. The events for his Charities have been successful through the year and the Valentines Dinner Dance tickets are selling well. The Clerk reported that the Benton Street 7.5T HGV Signing plans had been received prior to the Agenda being finalised. Suffolk County Council advised that these were a copy for our records. All attending Councillors were provided with a copy of Mr.Young’s letter, received the morning of the meeting, this being his reply to Suffolk County Council’s accompanying letter. STANDING ORDER NO. 24 Councillor Grutchfield asked that when information comes forward can Councillors be informed on LGR? Councillor Byrne asked the Clerk to obtain answers to the following questions: 1 At the moment we provide grit bins, and will presumably now be getting requests for a lot more bins, and county provides the grit. With all that we are hearing about ‘suing for accidents’ who is responsible if an accident occurs, County for supplying the grit, Town Council for providing the bin or the individual who shovelled the grit? 2.Years ago I read that if I cleared the pavement outside of my own home I could be liable for accidents but if I told the Council that I was clearing the snow then I was covered under the councils insurance. At that time I informed the Clerk that I would clear snow outside of my House. Whether this was recorded or not I do not know. Question – is this action relevant and if so which Council do I inform, do they keep a record, and do I have to inform them on an annual basis? ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to ÂŁ16,726.55 be approved for payment.

PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 14th January 2010 was noted. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Grutchfield reported that Babergh District Council is looking at their finances. He had attended the Scrutiny Committee Meeting where he had voted against the proposal to introduce car parking charges and raised the matter of East House to which he has not received a satisfactory reply. Councillor Riley reported that he had attended: i) the Licensing & Appeals Committee where regrettably taxi and car hire permits were having to be increased. ii) the Overview & Scrutiny – Stewardship & Community Services meeting where the District’s budget changes were outlined. These include long term car parking charges. iii) Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting where Benton Street problems were prioritised. He thanked the Police for their work in enforcing various restrictions along Benton Street. Councillor Munson reported that she had attended the combined committees of Overview and Scrutiny, Stewardship and Community. Reports were received on the Council’s current discretionary rate relief policy which will come into effect on the 1st April 2010 and another report regarding the Financial Strategy 2010/2011 budget. It invited the joint committees to scrutinise proposals before being considered by full Council on the 28th January. It was noted that the Tourist Point within the library was under threat of closure and Councillor Munson has been in discussion with the Tourist Manager regarding this matter. Councillor Whiting had tendered his apologies but provided Councillors with a written report in which he advised that the District Council were working on the Local Government Unitary Re-organisation proposals and determining the budget for the next financial year. He reported that at the Development Committee Meeting it was approved that work to Hadleigh Swimming Pool would go ahead to improve an area of the exterior and the changing rooms. REPORT OF THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Grutchfield reported on the gritting that had taken place around the County and most of the major routes had been kept open. There was now a problem with potholes which needs to be dealt with. Suffolk County Council would like local residents to report road damage to them on 08456066171 so that repairs can be organised. Councillor Grutchfield was asked by Councillor Cook to recommend to Suffolk County Council that they also provide an e.mail address for residents to submit information as this would be easier.


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THE GEORGE HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151

What’s on in March Sunday 7th March, 8.15 pm

Charlies Quiz Nite Saturday 13th March, 9.00 pm

Smoking Hogs Sunday 14th March. 12 noon - 6.00 pm

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Councillor Byrne asked Councillor Grutchfield about a newspaper article which appeared in the Evening Star on Saturday 9th January concerning Benton Street. i) She asked Councillor Grutchfield to ensure that a copy of the speed data collection survey is sent to Hadleigh Town Council ii) In the article it reported that a detailed report prepared by the Benton Street Interest Group and sent to Suffolk County Council, Babergh District Council and Hadleigh Town Councils was ignored. Councillor Byrne asked that it be minuted that Hadleigh Town Council staff had ensured that all documentation, once completed, had been sent to Suffolk County Council and would he ensure at County level that Hadleigh Town Council have not ignored any reports relating to Benton Street. Councillor Grutchfield went on to report that Benton Street has been deferred to Officers at Suffolk County Council. The Police are not in a position to enforce 20mph limit. Mr. Pembroke (leader of Suffolk County Council) is aware of the situation. Reports from Hadleigh Traffic Management Working Party are presented to Hadleigh Town Council. SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL i) Waiting Restriction Review. Councillors were in receipt of the document. No comments were raised. ii) Footway Feasibility Study – B1070 Layham – Hadleigh. Councillors noted that this study would be taking place shortly iii) Taylor Close. Councillors were in receipt of the details of the proposed footpath scheme being proposed by Babergh District Council and working with Suffolk County Council which were noted. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 14th January 2010 Present: Mrs. J. Haylock, (Vice-Chair), N. Amin, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), K. Grimsey, D.G. Grutchfield, P Matthews, L Munson, Mrs. M. Munson, Miss. J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick. In the absence of the Chair, Councillor Haylock (Vice-Chair) took the meeting. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Miss P. Cook due to work commitments. This apology was accepted. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 10th December 2009 a copy of which is included in the Minute Book, was confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING Councillor Grutchfield asked if the Clerk had been advised if the Fullers Close Application had been approved by the District Council. The Clerk reported that nothing had been received to date. Councillor Grimsey asked for clarification on the White Lion Application as he had not been at the last meeting. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/09/01213/FUL 17 Benton Street. Erection of two-storey detached dwelling (following demolition of existing garage) Approval was recommended (Voting was 8 for and 1 abstention) B/09/01402/ROC Supreme Petfoods Limited, Stone Street Farm. Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) Variation of Condition 03 attached to P.P. B/08/01324/ROC – to allow for the operation of machinery and any processes to be carried in the hay and straw processing building between the hours of 0700 and 2300 on Mondays to Fridays and 0800 to 1400 on Saturdays. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/01447/LBC 28 George Street. Application for Listed Building Consent – Insertion of flue within existing chimney on west elevation; siting of 2 no. extract units to west elevation. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/01464/DPA Calais Street Pavilion, Calais Street. Application under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Erection of community building and security fencing; construction of play area and associated works (following demolition of existing community building). Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/01478/FHA 1 Place Farm Close. Erection of extension to existing garage to form guest accommodation. Refusal was recommended (Voting was 6 for and 2 abstentions). The Committee felt that this application amounted to overdevelopment of the site and also that the appearance is not in keeping with the surrounding area. B/09/01264/FHA – 72 ANGEL STREET ERECTION OF SINGLE-STOREY REAR EXTENSION The Committee noted that this application is regarded as ‘permitted development’ by the District Council. SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATION B/09/01112/CDP ST. MARY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL, STONEHOUSE ROAD The Committee noted that this application was lawful within the meaning of Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 by Suffolk County Council. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm

The Mayor's Diary 15th Jan: Hadleigh Health Centre invited Mary and I to the official opening of the new pharmacy by the Assistant Chief Exec. of The Ipswich Hospital. 24th Jan: The Ipswich Mayor and Mayoress hosted a Burn's Night in the Town Hall. A most enjoyable evening with lively conversation and a tasty meal of Haggis. 26th Jan: We attended the funeral of Mary Cappaso J. P. at St Pancras R.C. Church, Ipswich. Mary was known to me when I worked for Ransomes Sims and Jefferies and was an ex nursing colleague of Mary's. 6th Feb: We travelled to Haverhill Arts Centre to attend a charity dance and buffet supper hosted by the Mayor and her Consort. It was a well attended occasion. 9th Feb: On a very cold afternoon The Dean held a short service at the Rowland Tayler memorial. It is over 400 years ago when this very brave man was burnt at the stake. The service was followed by a most welcome cup of tea and cake served in St. Mary's Church. 13th Feb: Mary and I hosted my Valentine's Charity Dinner and Dance in aid of my chosen charities. I am sure a good time was had by all. The raffle attracted a generous response and donations from people unable to attend. A very big thank you for all the support, raffle prizes and help that contributed to such a great evening Laurie Munson

GSOLICITORS IBBONS Howard at the Walpole Bay Hotel in Cliftonville

Hadleigh Healing Society The start of 2010 has been difficult with the cold weather, snow, ice and still the uncertainty of jobs. The government tells us we are out of the recession but does the ordinary person feel that is true. We think not. People can still see shops closing, redundancies and public services being cut. It all adds up to added pressure on families to cope with their everyday lives. Over a period of time this pressure tells on your health and you begin to experience the symptoms of stress. Sleepless nights, joint pains, stomach trouble and many other discomforts. Does this all sound familiar. We, the healers can help. We can listen, all in the strictest confidence. Unloading your problems is the first step to beginning to feel you can cope once more. Why not telephone us: 01473 823282 for an appointment or log onto www.hadleighhealingsociety.org. Help is at hand.

Are you ready for this year’s General Election? Babergh District Council is urging residents not to wait until a date for a General Election has been announced before they secure their right to vote. The Council sent a registration form to every property in the Babergh area last autumn but if you are not sure you returned it, or if you have moved house since then and have not registered with your new details, you need to register now. “The time between the election date being announced and the last chance to register to vote can be a matter of a few days,” warns Senior Democratic Services Manager, Ray Amesbury. “If you are not on the electoral register, you won’t be able to vote.” Registering to vote only takes a few minutes. You can print off a form from www.aboutmyvote.co.uk, the website of the independent elections watchdog, the Electoral Commission, or telephone Babergh’s Democratic Services on (01473) 825713.

Concert by the Ipswich Gilbert and Sullivan Society Friday 26th March 2010 at 7.30 pm at Hadleigh United Reformed Church in aid of St. Mary’s Church, Aldham Tickets £7.50 to include a glass of wine available from 01473 822504 or 01473 828612

My dear readers, I do hope that this rather grim weather that has been lurking about is not getting the better of you. I have been feeling quite gloomy with it all. My spirits were lifted though by the various Valentine’s cards that I received and I much enjoyed. One in particular was most elaborate and was all about a travelling bear who drank Bombay gin. The picture finds me on a jaunt to a Sunday lunch at the Walpole Bay Hotel with the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club. The hotel was built for discerning (naturally) guests in 1914 and is a testament to its period. I do enjoy gallivanting for my column! One just never knows what is around the corner. I crossed the High Street from my hallowed office at about 6 one evening. My chauffeur, Frank, had the night off and so I would be driving myself home. These days there is no shame in being an owner/driver. My car was facing in the direction of the traffic and so I would be boarding from the road side. I was just about to open my car door when I was taken from behind. I was not sure what was happening. It turned out that a motor car had passed so close that it took me with it on its wing mirror. Fortunately, the vehicle was travelling at no speed and I did not suffer any bodily injury. The moral of the story is that you should not cross the road unless you have been to see me to make your Will and indeed a Lasting Power of Attorney. I am sure that an AGA is to be found at the heart of the houses of many of those that follow my column. In spite of a service not so long ago, my AGA extinguished last week. It transpires that an EU directive has meant that the sulphur content of our oil has been reduced and this is causing carbonisation of the wicks and fuel lines of our AGAs. All oil supplies are the same. I have spoken to my supplier (Stiffs of Kersey Tel 01473 807623) who are able to provide an additive. We are beset with threats to our countryside and our historic town of Hadleigh. Please be sure to make your representations to the National Grid concerning the proposals to erect new pylons affecting swathes of land from Bramford to Sudbury. Furthermore, Tesco has made a fresh planning application for a store in Hadleigh. Should you wish to object, please make sure that you do so. A glance at a plan of the area covered by the planning application demonstrates its significant size in comparison with the High Street overall. Let us not be trampled-over and make our voices heard. Howard Gibbons

133 High Street Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5EJ

Tel 01473 822488 E-mail: HowardGibbons@gibbons.tv www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Jerrys Diary With all the berries and apples etc which have been eaten up during the cold weather of the last 7+ weeks, by the flocks of Fieldfare, Redwing, Blackbirds and Thrushes, I believe they could now find it hard getting food when they pass back through the country on their way north to the breeding grounds. If there are any sharp frosts in March then they will find it hard to get any worms and grubs from the ground. Everywhere I go, most of the hedgerows have been flailed back, so any berries which had been left by the birds have now been removed (far too early) the hedgerows will also have many species of spider and ladybirds which are eaten by Long Tailed Tits, Wrens, Robins, Dunnocks, Goldcrests and Blackcaps that may be over wintering. Many birds roost in these hedgerows for shelter, when they return to a flailed hedge they will need to find a warmer roosting site. The Buzzard is now a more common bird in the area. Pairs are now starting to display. Any land that is flooded for a while will attract wildfowl and wading species. For example, a small flooded field in the Lower Brett Valley near Shelly has in the last 8 years attracted 23 wader species, over 14 duck species and 7 goose species, Common, Arctic and Black Tern, Little Gull, Bittern and a Spoonbill. On the 14th February this flooded field held, 1000+ Wigeon, 300+ Teal, 46 Gadwall, 14 Shelduck, 10 Pintail, 7 Shoveler and 6 Malard ducks. There was only three wader species here, 140 Golden Plover, 75 Lapwing and 6+ Snipe. But the best birds for me and my friend Adam were a pair of Peregrines that were feeding on something on the ground for 20 minutes. One bird was clearly bigger than the other, so a male and female, the female being the bigger bird. The first summer migrants will be arriving from the second week in March, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Wheatear and Blackcaps. Jerry Oxford

Whatfield Players As a result of the success of our last production ‘3 More for a Laugh’, Whatfield Players will be donating £250 to the Shelley Centre. An evening of plays, a delicious supper and now the ability to feed one horse for a year is very satisfying to all our members. Our thanks to our very supportive audience, who we hope will watch out for future news of shows at Whatfield Village Hall. Members and interested newcomers are invited to our next general discussion meeting on Wednesday 3rd March at 7.30 pm.


Sunday 14th March 12.00 - 5.30pm


Tel: 01473 810200 Stone Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6DN 8

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Sign Up for Midnight Walk



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TV news presenter Susie Fowler-Watt with Hospice staff at the Midnight Walk launch. Ladies are invited to sign up for St Elizabeth Hospice’s Midnight Walk 2010. BBC Look East news presenter Susie Fowler-Watt is a supporter of the work the Hospice does and is urging women to sign up for the fundraiser, which takes place on Saturday 22nd May 2010. Women of all ages and abilities can take part in the eight mile circular walk, which leaves Ipswich Town Football Club in Portman Road around midnight. You can register online now at www.midnightwalkipswich.co.uk Susie said: “I am a supporter of the work St Elizabeth Hospice does and the Midnight Walk is their biggest fundraising event of the year. “Every penny raised will really make a difference to the support the Hospice gives to its patients, their families and carers throughout East Suffolk.” Men have a part to play too and can volunteer to help out on the night. St Elizabeth Hospice is an independent charity which costs £5.9 million a year – or £11 a minute to run. The Hospice improves the quality of life for people in East Suffolk who have an illness from which they will not recover. For more information about Midnight Walk 2010 call 01473 707043 or email midnightwalk@stelizabethhospice.org.uk

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4 Masterlord Office Village, West Road, Ipswich IP3 9SX

01473 716318 4 Masterlord Office Village, West Road, Ipswich IP3 9SX

Milner Road, Chilton Industrial Estate, Sudbury, Suffolk. CO10 2XG. www.xmwahx.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk










On Sunday the 31st of January Grace Knock, RudĂŞ Grimsey and Chloe Craig walked Nedging. Smith Farrier & to General (6 miles there and 6 miles B. P. Lambert was established in back!!). We walked with March 1977,Nicole primarily being involved two adults, Knock in Emma horse Jay. shoeing and The walkbut now concentrates on repairs, handforged took us 4 hours and 15 ornamental and structural iron work. minutes to walk there and Orders can be taken for all types of back. We walked up metal work, bespoke items, a Snake Hill then through speciality, from a simple hook to a Aldham Tye, we then full set of gates. Be it in the Home, walked Gardenthrough or WorkWhatfield, Place, a traditional after that followedcan the give that piece of we ironwork long to look. Nedging. specialroad unique A wealth of experience means we can find the When eventually got needs. Many B. P. Lambert commissions can solutionwe to your individual there we inhad lunch atplaces including Eye, Shotley, Felixstowe, be seen numerous Nedging for well neededand rest.Long We got excited about call making it there Hadleigh,park Boxford, Sudbury Melford. Please to discuss but realised we had to walk another 6 miles back to Hadleigh!! yourthen needs, collection and delivery of large items by arrangement. Although it was a long day we all enjoyed doing the sponsored walk to raise money for the Haiti earthquake disaster. Thanks to all friends and family that sponsored us.

B. P. Lambert

B.Hadleigh P. LAMBERT RSS Baptist Church, George Street EST. 1977


COFFEE Registered Farriers MORNING 31st March & GeneralWednesday Smith 10 am to 12 noon HANDFORGED ORNAMENTAL & STRUCTURAL IRONWORK Coffee,Tea, Cakes and Chat Proceeds to Blythswood Care


01787 210634

A ‘Two-Ly’ ROYAL OYAL YAL AL Bengali Bonanza BENGAL NGAL AL N LPeople Two Course Two New Main Meal For Two G


The Royal Bengal Tandoori Restaurant is now offering RESTAURANT URANT R R T a special meal of the day from Sunday to Thursday inclusive TANDOORI RESTA RI R

Choose from: TAKE-AWAY WAY TAKEWA AY Y Starters: Onion Bhajis or Meat or Vegetable Samosa MENU ENU Main Meal

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or Lamb Akbori (a new dish with fresh coriander, fried onion and capsicum, mild)

Both main meals served with pilau Rice and Chapatti

Only ÂŁ16.95 for two peopleET


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


TEL: (01473) 823744 823744

Lavender Hall Blossoms Young green fingered enthusiasts from Lavender Hall Kindergarten have their very own allotment in Hadleigh The children from Lavender Hall kindergartens in East Bergholt and Hadleigh, have the opportunity to visit the allotment where they plan, plant and harvest their own flowers and vegetables. Plenty of tomatoes, potatoes, courgettes and runner beans, not to mention sweet williams, sunflowers and sweet peas. The children have been encouraged to learn about food production, healthy eating and organics, as well as developing their communication skills by working together with other children. Lavender Hall Kindergarten Principal, Andrea Lewison, said “it is so lovely to see the children discovering the joys of watching their seeds and plants grow, whilst having fun they obviously have a good dig at the same time and find the occasional worm! “ It stimulates all their senses, as well as getting lots of fresh air and is a terrific place to learn about the healthy benefits of eating fresh vegetables. We are looking forward to another bumper crop this year. Lavender Hall’s two kindergartens in East Bergholt and Hadleigh provide day care for children aged six weeks to five years. Activities and outings are themed around seasons and topics where the emphasis is providing a happy, caring and stimulating environment where the children are encouraged to learn through play. For further information regarding our kindergartens, please contact Lavender Hall Kindergarten, Hadleigh, on 01473 826100 or Lavender Kindergarten, East Bergholt, on 01206 299511 or visit us at www.lavenderhall.com











Headstones & Memorials ❖ ❖ ❖


R. R. Beechener ‘Beeches’, Churchill Avenue, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 6BT

Tel: 01473 823575 Mobile: 07801 444167

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Ipswich Divorced and Separated Club

WEEKLY DISCOS (different venues) BADMINTON CLUB / QUIZ NIGHTS Divorced, Separated, Common Law, Bereaved, Alone? Come and start a new social life with the IDS Club, We can offer good company, safe and friendly environment, a warm welcome and lots of things to do! Don’t worry about coming along on your own - walking through that door may be just about the best thing you have ever done!

Tel: Marion on 01473 829811 for further information Write to: IDS Club, PO Box 97, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5WD Visit: www.ipswich-divorced-separated-club.co.uk Meal Nights Pub Nights Pool & Darts Curry & Fish & Chip Evenings Fun Bingo

The Hair Academy Don’t be alone out there

112 High Street, Hadleigh

Specialising in fashion cuts and colour. Also available are gents and children’s cuts, perms and chemical straightening. Contact us for a free consultation

osis 01473 822772 Walk in customers always welcome

Ipswich Divorced and Separated Club Ipswich Divorced and Separated Club – IDS Club – What are we all about? Set up over 35 years ago to help people going through a divorce or separation. At that time, there were very few places to go. All these years later, and with many hundreds (if not thousands) of people coming through the door, we are still here! What we try and offer our members is a helping hand and a kick start to get back into a social scene (which can sometimes fall apart at the same time as the marriage!). There are all sorts of reasons why people find themselves alone. This could be through divorce, separation, a break up of a common law relationship or bereavement. If you join the IDS club you can come along and meet people in the same position in a safe and fun environment. We have weekly discos, a badminton club, quiz nights, fun bingo, meal nights, a once a month Sunday lunch club, curry and chilli evenings and cinema nights together with the old favourite - the pub night! If you are not keen on one thing, there is always something else to try. Perhaps more importantly though is that you get the opportunity to meet new friends, try different things, go to new venues and the bonus could be, you might just meet that special someone! There is a new life out there if you are brave enough to take it. It’s never easy - the first step never is - but once you’ve made it, you are on your way - with a reason to get out from those depressing four walls and hopefully heading towards a brighter future. Don’t be alone out there - make that call. It’s worth a try - what have you got to lose. 01473 829811 Marion IDS Club

Trash or Treasure? Sometimes there is a very fine dividing line between the two. This was apparent when members of Fidelis brought their coveted items to the monthly gathering. What an interesting collection it proved to be. Once settled in small groups the A Sample of Members’ Trash or Treasure Items ladies took it in turns to explain the reason for their choice. This resulted in a room full of laughter and often amazement. There were tales of misspent youth, eccentric relatives and employees, travels and past careers. Exhibits ranged from a potato peeler to a staff nurse’s belt and all treasured by their owners. Marion Jackson then entertained us all with a brief reading from an old, faded book of poems which were so politically incorrect it was hard to imagine they had ever seen the light of day. Margaret Jefferys reminded us of the strike bound 70’s when, during a power cut, a small hand bell replaced the automatic transfer of telephone calls to her bosses in the busy solicitor’s office in Hadleigh where she had worked. There was a lot more hilarity until we finally stopped for a much needed cuppa and sustenance. The evening gave us an opportunity to find out more about each other in a light-hearted, entertaining way and to appreciate that ‘trash’ to one can be ‘treasure’ to another. Jan Devey

Visit out new website www.taylor-and-sons.co.uk 12

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Simply call Kelvin on 01473 823366 for friendly advice and quotations on any printed product


Press House 30 Lower Brook Street Ipswich

Artwork and Design

Suffolk IP4 1AN Telephone 01473 230023 Editorial Fax 01473 324850 Advertising Fax 01473 324626 Marketing Fax 01473 324883

Letterheads, Compliment Slips, Business Cards

We use most of the current software packages and can produce printed items from your ideas, or of course, your supplied artwork and we will always provide full colour proofs for you to check before proceeding with your order.

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We supply these items on a massive range of papers, from our standard laser guaranteed stocks which enable customers to use a plain letterhead for letters, quotations, etc, through to high end papers such as the popular Conqueror range as well as many others. Stationery can be printed in one to full colour, one or both sides and we can apply foil blocking, blind embossing and thermography. Business cards are produced either digitally on our Xerox Docucolour for customers requiring small quantities or the better quality litho process in one to full colour, again with the option of foil blocking, blind embossing and thermography.We have literally hundreds of previously produced examples for you to choose from. Just call in.

Press House 30 Lower Brook Street Ipswich

with compliments

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BOOKLETS 4 page to 100 page Magazines, Programmes and Newsletters Any size, single to full colour, digital or litho, wire stitched or perfect bound, we can produce as few or as many as you need. Designed, printed and bound completely in house from your supplied text file or from artwork which we can produce for you. We have many samples of previously produced work for you to look at and we can provide a same day quotation for pretty much any booklet you need, just ring Kelvin. Need urgently? No problem!

BUSINESS FORMS Absolutely any form you may use in your office! We are the experts in carbonless forms! Supplied printed in one fo full colour on standard no carbon required paper, numbered sequentially if required, perforated in any position and drilled to fit your filing system. Glued into sets of two upwards or stapled into books with covers and a writing shield glued in.Available in any size you need. Just ask.

BROCHURES & FOLDERS Company and Product Brochures Promote your business with high quality colour brochures, the most popular sizes being A4 and A5.These can be produced on any material of your choice, but for best colour reproduction stick to coated gloss, matt or silk papers.These coated stocks are now available using recycled fibre and are superb! Just call in, any time, without appointment and we will be happy to show you samples of recent work or perhaps even watch a colour brochure come hot off the press! Presentation Folders with pockets also available.

DIGITAL PRINTING The most cost effective solution for short runs Traditional print quality, consistent vibrant colour, we print on any material from 80g bond to 350g heavyweight boards, matt, silk or gloss finishes. Suitable for pretty much any printed item when you don’t need a large amount.Again we have many, many samples, call in and be amazed at the range of jobs and the quality we achieve.

COMPUTER STATIONERY Invoices, Statements, Credit Notes, Letterheads, Advice Notes, etc. Continuous stationery is one of those items which frightens a lot of those office staff who have to order them! Don’t worry, just give us a call and we will guide you through it.We supply any size form for use in office printers, horizontally or vertically perforated if required. Instead of using plain forms from your software supplier why not ask us for a quote to supply you with your own individually designed stationery?

PERSONAL STATIONERY Noteheadings, Correspondence Cards, Weddings, Change of Address, Labels, Invitations We have been producing these items for over forty years! Top quality, huge range of papers, typefaces, designs and colours.We can supply printed plain or thermograph for you for that added touch of class! Need urgently? No problem, our delivery on these items is usually 2-3 days, and that includes the proofing!

THE EXOTIC! Anything unusual? Try us! For any item which is out of the ordinary, strange shape or material or maybe you need a promotional item printed with your details - give us a ring.We have probably produced something similar, or if not - we will guide you to a man who can!

Why not try us next time you have a printing requirement You are welcome to call in at any time or, if it is more convenient, we will be pleased to visit you. Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

THE BARBER STOP! No Appointment Necessary Free Parking Late Opening The Barber Stop would like to thank everyone who has helped make our first year such a successful one. In our continued effort to provide our customers with a value for money service as well as a quality cut we are extending our current offers and more into 2010.

OFFER 1 – ‘DADS & LADS’ DEAL !!! For every Father having their hair cut we’ll continue to cut their son (under16) for half price on the same day.

OFFER 2 - OAP CREDIT CRUNCHER!!! Proving ever more popular we are happy to continue cutting our Senior Citizens hair for the ‘credit crunching’ price of £4.50 on Mondays & Tuesdays

OFFER 3 – INTRODUCING OUR 2010 LOYALTY CARD Why not take advantage of our new ‘Loyalty Card’ and qualify for the following benefits: • For every 9 haircuts you receive we will be pleased to provide the next, free of charge • In addition your ‘Loyalty Card’ will then be entered into our 2010 Christmas draw giving you the chance to win a brand new

42" HD Plasma TV Monday 9.00–5.00 Thursday 9.00–5.00

Tuesday 9.00–5.00 Friday 9.00–8.00

Wednesday 9.00–7.00 Saturday 8.00–4.00

3 Market Place, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DL

TELEPHONE 01473 829635

HADLEIGH KITCHEN & BEDROOM STUDIO 86-88 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF Tel/Fax: 01473 827666 Est 1997 Fully fitted or DIY, you will still receive the same personal service and attention to detail

William Ball, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Crown, Kingswood and Cuisine Pyram Kitchens Neff Master Partner All other leading brands of appliances Opening hours: 10am-5pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am-4pm Saturday 14

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Semer Airgun Society 2010 has got off to a flying start for the society. Since our article in the December 2009 issue of this magazine we have had many new recruits. February saw the start of the first round of our indoor competitions of 2010, these are designed to suit shooters of all abilities from the first timers to the most senior marksmen among our membership. We cater for all shooters from the age of twelve including the disabled for whom we have full facilities. We also serve light refreshments to all who attend. Our members are all eagerly looking forward to the lighter evenings when we will be able to use our outdoor range together with our 10 metre indoor range held weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm at Semer Village Hall. The Semer Airgun Society has members from all walks of life including students, builders, businessmen, local government officers, military personel and pensioners. These people all help to create a great atmosphere towards a very enjoyable evening. One of our younger members Matt Forster age 14 from Sudbury was recently asked why he is a member of Semer Airgun Society. His reply was "I have been a member of Semer Airgun Society since October 2009. I attend every week with my dad and brother Lewis age 15. We find it really enjoyable and good fun but most of all it's a good way of having some good quality family time together along with friendly people who treat my brother and I like adults". If there are any groups or clubs ie. WI, scouts, cadets etc. that would like to try target shooting please do not hesitate to contact our secretary via our website to arrange a meeting. A recent published artical stated that ladies make excellent shooters so come on girls give it a try. The Semer Airgun society has new members who are on the lookout for secondhand weapons so if any reader has an air rifle or pistol for sale please contact us. If you have a vermin problem on your land we have experienced insured marksmen at the society that are available to help you solve your problem. Future events planned include a trip to the British Shooting and Countryman Show which takes place 27th & 28th February 2010 at the Newark Showground. At our Easter Bunny competition we are holding a draw for a brand new Co2 powered rifle which has been kindly donated to us by The Mallard Barn Farm Shop at Wattisham. For further infomation contact us at www.semerairgunsociety.co.uk T Sanger (President)

B. P. Lambert Farrier & General Smith B. P. Lambert was established in March 1977, primarily being involved in horse shoeing but now concentrates on repairs, handforged ornamental and structural iron work. Orders can be taken for all types of metal work, bespoke items, a speciality, from a simple hook to a full set of gates. Be it in the Home, Garden or Work Place, a traditional piece of ironwork can give that special unique look. A wealth of experience means we can find the solution to your individual needs. Many B. P. Lambert commissions can be seen in numerous places including Eye, Shotley, Felixstowe, Hadleigh, Boxford, Sudbury and Long Melford. Please call to discuss your needs, collection and delivery of large items by arrangement.



01787 210634

GREAT NEWS!!! - Mill Pharmacy is open to ALL customers The exciting new Mill Pharmacy was officially opened in the Hadleigh Health Centre in Hadleigh Suffolk by Mr Julian Herbert the Deputy Chief Executive of NHS Suffolk on the 15th of January 2010. The Mayor and Mayoress of were also present at the event. Mrs Taj West the Superintendant Pharmacist of Mill Pharmacy said that she was "pleased that all people who live in Hadleigh as well as the surrounding area can now use the services of Mill Pharmacy should they choose to do so". She went on to say she wanted, along with Alison Williams the second pharmacist "to combine the traditional 'family' pharmacist service with the best that a modern pharmacist can deliver". She said that "we are open 8am-6.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am to 6pm on Saturdays and 10am-2pm on a Sunday including lunchtimes and like all modern pharmacies we can provide a delivery service on request as well as dosset boxes and all the normal services available from pharmacies. As well as the usual range of over the counter products available we will order any goods that people require". Mrs West finished by saying “we want to offer the best service we can and we encourage our customers to ask for a service or product and our approach is if we can we will”.

Hadleigh Buildbase Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom New Showroom Manager New kitchens and Bathroom suites on display At Hadleigh Buildbase we have invested a lot of time and money into our kitchen and bathroom showroom and are now proud to welcome both the trade and the public for viewing. Offering great customer service we are dealers of all top bathroom manufactures and offer a great range of luxury kitchens. We have 9 kitchens from Omega and Symphony on display and can source many others. Free Plan and Design service Your one stop shop for your new kitchen supplying everything from the cupboards and drawers to the worktops, sinks, taps and appliances. We have over 25 bathrooms and shower enclosures on display from top brands such as Twyfords – Ideal Standard – Armitage Shanks – Roca – Daryl – Mira and many more!! With years of experience the new showroom manager Sean Phillips will be pleased to help you with your every bathroom and kitchen need. With competitive prices and a well presented showroom for you to look around why not come and have a look Tel: 01473 822318, Fax: 01473 824953 Email: hadleigh.kitchens@buildbase.co.uk

Hadleigh Hadleigh Hadleigh


Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ Tel: 01473 822318 Fax: 01473 824953 email: hadleigh@buildbase.co.uk Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ




















www.buildbase.co.uk OPENING HOURS Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.00pm Sat: 8.00am-12.00noon

www.buildbase.co.uk www.buildbase.co.uk OPENING HOURS HOURS Mon-Fri: Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.00pm 7.30am-5.00pm Sat: Sat: 8.00am-12.00noon 8.00am-12.00noon OPENING



HADLEIGH RIFLE CLUB Indoor .22 rifle shooting on 25yd indoor range Also Air rifle & pistol shooting on 10yd range Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm in The Drill Hall, George St. Hadleigh. Call in on a club evening or telephone 823684 or 823694 for details or see our website at www.hadleighrifleclub.co.uk

FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Tues 20 April Wed 21 April Wed 21 April Sat 24 April Sat 1 May Sat 1 May Sat 12 June Sat 12 June Sat 26 June Sat 26 June

Jersey Boys.....................................................£55.00 Oliver.............................................................£60.25 Lion King........................................................£58.50 Les Miserables................................................£49.50 Sister Act .......................................................£59.50 Senior’s Day - Lion King, Fish & Chips and London Aquarium ..........................................£63.00 Sister Act .......................................................£59.50 Billy Elliot .......................................................£60.00 Priscilla ..........................................................£91.50 Mamma Mia ...................................................£88.75

Please note a deposit of £10 per ticket will secure your booking, with the balance owed being paid 4 weeks prior to date

SPECIAL EVENTS Sun 4 April Sun 10 April Sun 11April Sun 18 April Sun 1 May Sun 2 May Wed 12 May 28 & 29 May Mon 31 May Thu 17 June Sat 10 July Sun 11 July Wed 28 July Sat 7 August Fri 13 August Sat 21 Aug

London Eye & Thames Cruise (Inc) ......................£50.00 Cadbury’s World (Inc) ..........................................£36.50 Manchester Utd Museum & Stadium Tour ............£56.00 Dancing on Ice @ London O2 Arena ....................£69.50 Spalding Flower Parade .......................................£22.50 London Eye & Thames Cruise (Inc) ......................£50.00 London Shopping & Afternoon Tea at The Strand Palace (Inc) ....................................£34.00 Chelsea Flower Show (Inc)...................................£65.00 Mississippi Paddle Boat & Wroxham (Inc).............£23.00 Royal Ascot Ladies Day (Inc) ...............................£62.00 Hampton Court Flower Show (Inc).......................£45.00 British F1 Grand Prix Silverstone (Inc)................£155.00 Sandringham Flower Show (Inc) ..........................£25.00 Clarence House (Inc) ...........................................£28.50 ‘Westlife’ at Newmarket Races (Inc) .....................£48.00 Buckingham Palace (Inc)......................................£35.50

Many more Special Excursions available - details can be found on our website - www.beestons.co.uk

FORTHCOMING TOURS 2010 9-11 April 15/16 May 15/16 May 17/18 May 5/9 June 11/13 June 12/16 July 6/8 August 11/12 Sept 18/26 Sept

Celebrity London Weekend Break ......................£157.00 Sister Act Weekend ...........................................£175.00 Dirty Dancing Weekend.....................................£175.00 Mamma Mia & Jersey Boys Short Break ..............£175.00 Harrods Weekend - Shopping & Tea ...................£139.00 Monet’s Gardens & Fabulous Paris .....................£154.00 The Rhine & Moselle Valleys..............................£297.00 Weekend in Paris...............................................£148.00 Wisley Gardens Weekend Break .........................£109.00 Fenals, Costa Brava, Spain.................................£389.00

Since February 2010, energy monitors will be available to borrow for free from all Suffolk libraries. The scheme wants to help householders to reduce their electricity bills by showing them instantaneously from inside the comfort of their home, how much electricity they are using and what it is costing them in £s and pence. By raising awareness and changing behaviour, these devices typically save householders between £25 and £75 off a £500 electricity bill. Why not compete with friends, neighbours and family to see how much you can reduce your electricity use by? The more energy you save, the more you pocket! Here are some top tips to reduce your electricity bill: • Switch off all unnecessary lights and appliances • Wash clothes at 30 degrees and only when the drum is full • Use the dishwasher on the economy setting • Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need • Use a washing line to dry your clothes - it also makes them smell fresher! Tell us how much you have saved and what your top tips are and you will be entered into the monthly prize draw to win an energy saving Power-down plug. Not only will you be saving money but you will help to create Suffolk as the greenest county. So, take up the challenge today, and see who out of your friends and family can save the most. For advice on how to reduce your energy usage, visit www.greensuffolk.org or call the Suffolk Climate Change and Energy Helpline 0800 0288 938 or you could follow us on twitter.com/greensuffolk

Table Top Sale & Car Boot Sales @ The Football Club Our Table Top & Car Boot Sales return to the Hadleigh United Football Club every Sunday morning, starting Sunday 7th March. Table tops will be available inside the club house and car boot pitches in the car park. The cost of a table in the club house or a pitch in the car park is £5, there are limited table tops in the club house, therefore pre-booking is advisable. There will be the usual hot and cold drinks and food available from the club house all morning and licensed bar from 11am. Arrive at 7.30am to set up, gates open at 8am for buyers & browsers. To pre-book a table top ring Donna Ramsey on 07917 730516. For details of events organised by the Football Club visit our website www.hadleigh-utd.co.uk click on club and then choose club events from the drop down menu.

The Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding Presents

Please note all our Excursions, Short Breaks and Holidays Pick-Up in Hadleigh

1960s Party Night Dinner Dance to celebrate our 20th Anniversary

For further details on our great value-for-money excursions and short breaks, call in to our Office at The Coach Depot, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh or phone (01473) 212521 or 823243

Saturday 24th April at Elizabeth Hotel, Copdock, 7 for 7.30pm

www.beestons.co.uk 16

Save money and take up the energy challenge

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Dancing to Solid Gold. Licensed Bar. Dress Theme : 1960s Tickets £30 per person available from the Shelley Centre, Layham Rd, Shelley, Nr Hadleigh IP7 5QY, cheques payable to the Shelley Centre

What’s on at Crabtrees Mother’s day 14th March We will be open as usual. Why not call in for lunch and a glass of wine, relax and make your mum feel special. We are open from 10am to 3pm and will have our full menu plus delicious homemade desserts. Music We are continuing with our music every Friday night. Music includes swing, soul, jazz, acoustic folk & indie electric AND we are adding new acts all the time. There’s something for everyone. Pick up a leaflet with details at Crabtrees or take a look at our website www.crabtreescafebar.co.uk for further info.

East of England Co-operative supports Macmillan Cancer Macmillan Cancer Support has been celebrating after receiving an amazing £19,000 from the East of England Co-operative Society. Representatives for the charity from Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex each collected cheques for a third of the money to be used to help people with cancer in their county. Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer by providing practical, medical, emotional and financial support and pushing for better cancer care. Richard Samson, Chief Executive of the East of England Co-operative Society said: “We are delighted to be able to present Macmillan Cancer Support with this fantastic donation which will help a very worthy cause working across the East of England.” Lorna Willis, Norfolk and Suffolk Fundraising Manager for Macmillan Cancer Support said: “Macmillan Cancer Support in Suffolk would like to thank the East of England Co-op for their very generous donation of £6,334. This is a fantastic amount of money which will make a huge impact in helping us to provide our vital services. “To give some examples of these services, we currently have over 50 Macmillan professionals across the county; including, nurses, social workers, therapists and support workers. The cost of a Macmillan nurse is £184 per day. “As we rely on donations, your money will make a huge difference in helping us to improve the lives of people with cancer. Once again we thank the East of England Co-op for supporting Macmillan Cancer Support in Suffolk” The fantastic amount of money donated to Macmillan came from a charity event hosted by the Co-operative Retail Trading Group (CRTG) – the buying group for Co-op food stores across the UK. The event was attended by hundreds of guests from Cooperative organizations and industry suppliers from across the country. Each Co-operative Society could then nominate a charity to receive their share of the collective fundraising. The cheques were handed over at the recent Members’ Events which were held at the Society’s Supermarkets in Long Stratton in Norfolk, Felixstowe in Suffolk and Stanway in Essex. The events offered Members and customers the chance to meet Society Directors and Managers, as well as a range of events and activities from cooking demonstrations to children’s face painting.

rabtrees C cafe bar FUNCTIONS Our beautiful 15th century building may be the perfect venue for your function. We cater for birthday parties, hen nights, engagements, baby naming, business presentations and meetings.

Please take a look at what we offer and if you would like to discuss your requirements please don’t hesitate to contact Sharron

on 01473 828166 or email info@crabtreescafebar.co.uk

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News from St Mary’s School

Happy 60th Birthday DAD & GRANDAD

Happy 18th Corin

Lots of love from Steph, Martin, Erin & Jake XXX

Love Mum, Jason, Astra, Aidan & Sophie

Delightful Dual Registered Nursing and Residential Home offering care to 34 residents


After what seems like a very long time the Courtyard at St Mary’s School is getting ready for a major facelift! Former pupils from years ago may remember the area housing a small swimming pool. For the last few years it has however housed a lovely paved area with a stage, which has been used for drama productions. However, over the past couple of years, the stage wood and the surrounding boards have started to rot, The stage starts to disappear making it unsafe for anyone to use. It was certainly desperately in need of a major refurbishment. The diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich offered us a grant to help start the process and our Parent Support Group have worked tirelessly during the year to provide the 10% contribution, which as an Aided School we have to contribute. We will have to fund the second part of the project from our Capital money that can only be spent on projects such as these. The County Grounds Department have taken on managing the project for us and have completed the plans, which will mean the area will have different types of surfaces, a small two room structure, a smaller theatre area and several different areas of seating. It is hoped that all the school will be able to use the area, with the Foundation Stage particularly being able to make good use of it. On Monday 25 January the equipment arrived and the old structures were removed. As the week progressed the concrete The digger removes the was broken up and piece by concrete base piece the area was cleared. These photos were taken by Connor – Year 6 – who is following the project each step of the way!) We are now looking forward to the project going out to contract shortly, with the hope that it can be completed in the very near future. Watch out for more details and pictures as the work is completed.


Hadleigh Branch Quiz Night Saturday 13th March at 7.00 pm at the Ansell Community Centre Teams with a maximum of 6 people. Tickets £5 per person including Ploughman’s Supper Bring your own drinks! Tickets from Kate 823570 or Biddy 822285 or on the door on the night

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Carter Dawes IFA Solutions comes to Suffolk and Essex CarterDawes was established in December 2002 by Mike Dawes and Simon Carter originally from a small office in Devon. They have continually grown and are delighted to now have a representation in Suffolk and Essex. They are proud of their mission statement: “CarterDawes’s aim is to grow our business by treating our clients with the utmost integrity at all times, giving fair independent advice without product, provider or commission bias”. They have adhered diligently to their mission statement over their first eight years and will continue to do so. 80% of all new business is now provided by their existing clients making unsolicited personal recommendations to friends, family and business associates. Their advice to clients is based on a holistic approach. It is vital that they know their clients existing plans, their short and medium term aspirations and importantly, their long term goals. This allows them to offer truly individual and impartial advice. Since the formation of our Company they have continuously reviewed, improved and adapted their advice processes, to be completely compliant, working fully with the necessary Regulation of Financial Services, ensuring that their clients feel confident that they have received entirely appropriate and sound advice, receiving the most appropriate product to meet their needs from the whole of the financial services market. They have grown to a team of twelve Independent Financial Advisers, of which six live and work in the local area including Chris Edgar who lives and works in Hadleigh. Lovis Passfield-Taylor has brought her wealth of experience to the Company in her position of Office Manager. CarterDawes are committed to building and maintaining long term relationships with both new and existing clients and look forward to welcoming you.

Felaw Maltings, 44 Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ Telephone: 01473 407939

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Page 1

Lavender Hall Kindergarten for little minds to flourish

For children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 52 weeks of the year.

At Lavender Hall Kindergarten we provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to learn through play.

Hadleigh 01473 826100 East Bergholt 01206 299511 www.lavenderhall.com


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Tesco Supporters Group Following the submission of a further, improved application for a store on the Brett Works site, Tesco need our further support, to show our solidarity, by writing to the Chief Planning Officer at Babergh District Council offices, Mr. N. Ward. A one-liner expressing support for Application Number B/08/00311/FUL to provide us with a top quality store supplying a wide range of products of good quality at reasonable prices, will be sufficient. We need to write in numbers to overcome the letters of our opponents, who will, no doubt, adopt further gimmicks such as reintroducing a Welsh Comedian into our affairs, and possibly titled people, to try to prevent us having the store we need and want. Remember wildlife is not a real issue. Babergh District is one of the richest areas for wildlife habitat in the whole of East Anglia and the Brett Works site, most of which has been covered with concrete for 60 years, is but a pin prick in the overall picture. The effect on wildlife will be less than minimal. Write your support today - it is important. R. H. H. Smith, Tesco Supporters group, Hadleigh

Hadleigh Black Cat Club January started a bit bleak with severe weather causing our first meeting to be cancelled, however everything was soon back to normal and the “troops rose to the challenge” We all came to the next meeting ready for a good night which is exactly what was on offer. We had a cheese tasting (no wine!!!!) and our palettes did us proud. Not the same could be said for our knowledge of the cheeses we had to guess. Our next meeting was hosted by Janet Hazell who gave us an insight into her parent’s time as Mayor and Mayoress of Peterborough. Janet told us that they were the only couple to have held all 4 offices. She showed us some photos and scrap books which highlighted her parent’s personal commitment to local government and also the charitable work which they undertook. We were all intrigued to see photographs of her parents with dignitaries and royalty and thanked her for sharing her personal memories with us. We had a committee meeting to finalise our summer programme, which once again is full, and should enable us to support some worthwhile charities whilst having fun and interesting evenings to share. Lynn Todhunter

Thank You Chris, Peter and Helen Ansell would like to thank the doctors and nurses in the oncology clinic, and also on Somersham Ward at Ipswich hospital for the wonderful care and kindness they gave to Karen during her brave fight with cancer, also Dr Fairwether at Bildeston Surgery for her support over the last 5 years. We would also like to thank everyone who sent cards, and for the wonderful messages contained within, we have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown to us and by the large number of people who attended Karen’s funeral. We knew Karen as a kind, caring and loving wife and mum, with a great sense of humour. We loved her dearly and from what we have experienced a very large number of people were very fond of her too. Chris, Peter & Helen

Going Green For the past three years Suffolk County Council has been promoting a campaign to make Suffolk the Greenest County. A number of communities in this area including Lavenham, Sproughton and Nayland have already joined this campaign. If you feel that we should be trying to make Hadleigh Greener by growing more food, reducing the amount of energy we use which, incidentally, will save money, find out more about it at a meeting to be held on Wednesday, 3rd March in the Town Hall at 7.30 p.m. The speakers will be from the County and from Lavenham. Admission is free and tickets are available from The Town Council, Sunflower and The Idler. Alternatively e-mail townclerk@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk or phone 01473 827752 to book a place

The Brewers Br ewers Arms Bower House T Tye, ye, A1071, Polstead, CO6 5BZ Serving Food Mon-Sat 12pm-9pm Sun 12pm-8.30pm Tel: T el: 01787 210441

Carvery C arvery Every Every Day Day D DIARY IARY D DATES ATES £7.95 £7.95 MOTHERS DAY DAY Offering O ffering 3 succulent succulent roast roast jjoints oints along w ith sseasonal easonal vvegetables egetables aand nd p otatoes along with potatoes 14th Mar March ch Plus P lus M Main ain Menu Menu & Snacks Snacks

Fish & Chips Every Friday £4.95

Over O ver 60’s 60’s Carvery Carvery ST. ST. P PATRICKS PA ATRICKS ££5.95 5.95 D AY DAY Every E very Tuesday Tuesday Lunch Lunch & Dinner Dinner 17th Mar ch March Not N ot to to bbee used used iinn conjunction conjunction w with ith aany ny oother ther offer o ff e r

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from fr om £35.00 per night inc. Br Breakfast eakfast

Charity C harity D Darts arts on on 29th 29th January January

rraised aised in in eexcess xcess of of £286 £286 ffor or E ast Anglia’s Anglia’s Childrens Childrens Charity. Charity. T hank yyou! ou! East Thank

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Gant & Nayler Building Contractor Ltd

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Hadleigh’s Footpath Volunteers 2010 Season Activities Do you enjoy walking along our local footpaths, then why not join us, and help to keep them open and usable. We are a friendly group of people from all walks of life, and from all age groups. The work we undertake includes undergrowth clearance, hedgerow maintenance, repairs to signposts, fences, and styles. We also produce maps, and guides of the area. We organize walks to locations of interest, both within the parish, and around the local area. The group works in partnership with Hadleigh Town Council, and also with Suffolk County Councils Countryside Service, through the parish paths partnership. If you would like to join us, or would like more information please telephone David Warner, (Hadleighs Footpath Warden), on 07749 732941 daytime, or 01473 823156 in the evenings, or at weekends. Our first walk of the 2010 season will be on Saturday 27th. March. Leaving St. Marys School, Stonehouse Road, Hadleigh, at 10am. (There is plenty of free all day parking on Stonehouse Road Car Park). We will walk to Polstead via Layham, Shelley, Giffords Hall Park, and Withermarsh Green. The walk is 7 miles in length, and we will return to Hadleigh by bus arriving back at 2.42pm. Everyone is welcome on our walks, including your dog, who must be in close control when passing farm animals. We recommend that strong shoes, or preferably walking boots should be worn as some of the paths are rough and wet in places. Dates for the rest of this seasons walks are as follows. 17th April, 21st. 22nd, 23rd May (Hadleigh`s Footpath Festival), 26th June, 24th July, 21st August, 25th September, 16th October, 13th. November. We will be holding an informal meeting on Tuesday 23rd. March at St. Mary’s School starting at 7.30pm. We will be discussing this seasons activities, and everyone is welcome to attend. Please come and have your say.

Hadleigh Evening WI At the February meeting of Hadleigh Evening WI Sheila Steer treated members to a trip round the world with a Power Point presentation about holidays. The hotels were all luxurious and for those preferring to cruise there was considerable choice of ships visiting many exotic destinations. Sheila works as an Ambassador for a well known Company specialising in holidays for the over 50s. The service provided should satisfy the requirements of the most discerning clients. Sheila judged the competition a Holiday photograph won by Philippa Carruthers whose entry included a family picture taken in 1922. Hadleigh Evening WI was formed 45 years ago and will be celebrating this anniversary with a conducted tour and lunch at Hintlesham Hall. Over the next few months everyone will be busy making crafts and home made preserves, cakes and savouries in preparation for the Hadleigh May show. The WI tent is always an attraction and everyone is welcome. Visitors and new members are always welcome to our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Seminar suite above the library starting 7.30pm. On 16 March speaker Bob Baker will be talking about “Hot Air Ballooning” Philippa Carruthers President 01473 823057

Jessica Brown

Listed Building Work, Flint Work, Patios etc Offering a high standard of workmanship and a professional service at competitive rates For free estimates and advice please contact: Russell Gant Tel: 01473 827856 Mobile 07790 035130

Happy 18th Birthday


‘Willowbrook’, Overbury Hall Road, Layham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5NA

Lots of love, Mum, Emma, Lee, Mellisa, Naz, Dad, Angie & Emma XX

Love Mum, Kayleigh and all the family All the best for your future XXX


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Happy Birthday 18th Birthday

News from The Station Welcome to this months edition of Police News. As part of the Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team, we currently have 3 priorities that have been selected by the Neighbourhood panel, and the public. These are: 1. Target anti-social and illegal use of motorcycles in Bobbits Lane, Belstead, and Bourne Hill Wherstead on Sunday afternoons. 2. Anti-Social behaviour in Capel St Mary mainly around the playing field and shops (new 17/02/2010). 3. Vehicles mounting pavement, large lorries and coaches using this route causing danger to pedestrians in Benton Street, Hadleigh. Regular enforcement has been conducted in Benton Street. In 2010 we have issued 6 fixed penalty notices for excess speed, one driver has been reported for summons, and a further 24 have been verbally cautioned where their speed has not met the prosecution threshold. We have also issued 6 fixed penalty notices to lorries abusing the 7.5 tonne weight restriction and spoken to a further 22 lorry drivers whose vehicles legitimately met the weight requirements. In addition to this, one fixed penalty notice was issued for a driver for not wearing a seatbelt, and another driver was issued a fixed penalty for using a mobile phone whilst driving. The lorry management division of Suffolk County Council Highways department will be carrying out a new sign initiative in March 2010. This will involve replacing and updating 12 road signs relating to the 7.5 tonne weight limit throughout the restriction. This will be backed up with enforcement from Trading Standards and us. We continue to robustly enforce the parking restrictions on our roads in Hadleigh. Recent complaints have been received from the public concerning the pedestrian part of George Street, Hadleigh, and the junction of Toppesfield Gardens with Duke Street, Hadleigh. We have reviewed the traffic order for George Street and this is a no waiting zone. There is appropriate signage up for this area, and fixed penalty notices will be issued for vehicles that are parked, and are not loading or unloading. There are provisions under the Road Traffic Act 1988 that allow us to issue penalty notices to vehicles that cause an obstruction at junctions. We have already issued 6 to vehicles parked on the junction of Duke Street, and have found that some of these relate to people who are parking to then work in the Town. Parking on the corner of junctions can be dangerous and does cause an obstruction. The next neighbourhood panel meeting is due to be held at the Pinewood Baptist Church on Thursday 11 March 2010 at 7.30pm. All residents in the Babergh East area are invited to attend. For more details on local events, and how to meet your local team, please visit www.onesuffolk.co.uk/safersuffolk/eastbabergh. Until next time, Matt, PC 1455 Paisley, Hadleigh Police Station 01473 613500, matthew.paisley@suffolk.pnn.police.uk

Mulberry Maids The Domestic Cleaning Experts Family Business offering: all Domestic Cleaning, Regular Cleans Spring Cleans and One-off Cleans Holiday and Rental Properties All tailored to meet your needs Contact Max on 01473 827338 or 07736 715792

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The Gift Basket has a refreshing new range of gifts to suit any occasion. We also offer a fine selection of jewellery which gives you the perfect mix of classic to trend led designs for 2010.

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School Term Time Out of School Club: 3.15pm to 4.30pm or 6.00pm Price: £4.50 until 4.30pm (includes refreshments and healthy snack) £8.00 until 6.00pm (includes refreshments, healthy snack and meal) 10% discount for siblings. We collect from: Hadleigh Community Primary, St Mary’s Church Primary & Beaumont Primary School Holiday Club: 8.00am to 6.00pm/8.00am to 4.00pm or ½ days available (details on request) 10% discount for siblings. Booking in advance required. (Meals, snacks and refreshments provided – details on request) For further information telephone: 07944 204120 or Email enquiries to: schools.out1@hotmail.co.uk We have a new renovated facility, new equipment, new outdoor area, themed sessions, hot meals and snacks. www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


St Mary's Church, Hadleigh The Dean writes…….. THE UPS AND DOWNS OF LIFE It doesn’t matter who we are, or where we are from, we all go through the ups and downs of life. As you read this you may already be thinking in your mind that you are currently ‘up’ or ‘down’. When we are on the ‘up’, everything is great: we are happy, bouncy, longing to tell others how we feel – in fact they can probably see it in the way we look or act. Life is wonderful and we see everything around us with open eyes – even the difficult bits we treat as a challenge, and relish the thought, eager to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in. When we are on ‘a downer’, we look in on ourselves: we look sad, feel tired and life is generally gloomy – maybe depression sets in and the question is asked “is life really worth living?” Our reactions are understandable – after all, we are only human. But what we often forget is that God is in our ‘ups and downs’. He is in both. The season of Lent takes up the whole of the month of March. It’s a time when we remember Jesus in the wilderness – what we might describe as ‘a time of being down’, or perhaps a time where God seemed distant or wasn’t around. In fact I often hear people say that they are in, or have encountered, a ‘wilderness experience’. What they are trying to say is that they have been through a time when they thought God wasn’t around. But take a fresh look at the story: God was very much in Jesus’ wilderness experience – God’s Son kept his focus on His Father and that’s something important to remember in our own wilderness experience. In hindsight, we often discover that it was a time of testing and growth for us – painful though it may have been at the time. Whatever we encounter, Jesus knows what it is alike – he was

The Jolly Meat Company Ltd

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tempted by the devil, he stumbled and fell under the weight of the cross – twice. Jesus has to “…enter into every detail of human life. Then, when he came before God as high priest to get rid of the people’s sins, he would have already experienced it all himself – all the pain, all the testing – and would be able to help where help was needed.” (Hebrews 2: 17-18 The Message Bible) God is in our times of being down, and knows what it’s like and is there to help, if only we were to ask. What we need to remember is that we encounter these times in the absolute promise of the resurrection experience. God is longing to be in our times of being ‘up’ too. Sometimes we forget him and he is not consciously involved in our celebrations – our resurrection experience, if you like. What he longs for is to be part of our rejoicing. God is in the ups and downs of life – our life: Because he wants to be, and essentially because he loves us beyond our understanding. With my love and prayers

CAFÉ CHURCH at St Mary’s Every Friday morning from 9.30am to 12noon Fresh coffee – croissants – a look at the newspapers Toddler and children’s activity area 10am Join us for a short all-age communion service Use the chapel as a place to stop and be still for a while Notice is hereby given of the following

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS Hadleigh : Thursday 18 March, 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church Shelley: Tuesday 13 April, 7.30pm in Shelley Hall Layham : Thursday 15 April, 7.30pm in Layham Village Hall PALM SUNDAY - Sunday 28 March Join us as we celebrate with Churches Together in Hadleigh Gather in Hadleigh High Street, outside Greggs at 10.15am for ‘Liturgy of the Palms’ and then process to the United Reformed Church for worship together. There is NO 10.45am Service that morning at St Mary’s Church

Reasons to be Jolly part 9



Page 1


Something fishy at The Jolly Meat Co – in a good way! We are proud to announce a new and permanent fishmonger at The Jolly Meat Company. Courtesy of Crystal Waters, the company that visits Market Square on a Friday, we now have a wet fish counter in the shop. From 9am until 1pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, fresh fish will be available as well as a large selection of frozen and smoked fish all week.

New Butchers Shop, specialising in locally sourced, high welfare produce Opening Times: Monday - Saturday 8am - 5pm The Jolly Meat Company Ltd, 83 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5EA Tel: 01473 810119

We believe that Crystal Waters - a family firm, share our values in providing the best quality possible, and will add an extra dimension to The Jolly Meat Co. So whether you fancy a fish pie, bangers and mash or something special we are definitely the people to come and see! And if you can’t make up your mind, come and visit us for inspiration! As always we are delighted to try and help. Please feel free to call the shop for any special request for meat and fish, or simply advice or just to place an order for collection to save you time. For decent sized orders we are always willing to deliver within the town free of charge. If you are elderly or struggle to get into town for any reason, then please fell free to call us for help.

Don’t forget that Tuesday is ‘Jolly’ day and all meat is discounted 10%. 24

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Adult Acting Workshop from HADS Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society in conjunction with the fantastic New Wolsey Theatre invites all adults interested in the performing arts to join us at this unique event. Here is your chance to learn new skills or polish existing skills. Experts from the New Wolsey Theatre will be covering a range of acting techniques from character-building to voice control, all this for the nominal fee of £2:50. Even if acting or performing is not your thing, a workshop such as this will benefit anybody who has to stand up in front of an audience and ‘perform’. Whether you plan to give a speech at your friend’s wedding or you need to make a business presentation to work colleagues or an interview panel, this workshop will help build your confidence and speaking skills. No matter how much or how little experience you have, here is your opportunity to boost your confidence and improve your performing skills. Niki Seager, one of HADS’s leading directors with a track record of running highly praised junior workshops for many years is now turning her talent to us adults. Niki and the team from the New Wolsey Theatre promise that this will be an evening of fun and inspiration for all. There is no need to book or buy tickets in advance, just turn up at 7:00pm on Thursday 11th May at the Beaumont Community School, Durrant Road, Hadleigh. (Post code IP7 6GD for all you Sat Nav users.) A nominal fee of £2:50 to cover costs will be charged at the door. Participants will also need to join HADS on the night (at no charge) for insurance purposes. For more information contact Niki on 07531 184234 or Peter on 01473 824033.

Hadleigh Thrift Shop We are still kept very busy processing all the donations that are gratefully received from all you very good people. Despite the weather sales are as good as ever, meaning we can continue to help lots of organisations such as Haiti Appeal through Lloyds Bank, Hadleigh URC Church, Sue Ryder Care, Angel Court Day Centre, Charity Mayoral Dinner, Shelley Riding Centre, Hadleigh Church Spring Fayre, Home Start Babergh, Brownies Centenary Celebrations, Girl Guides, Air Ambulance.

Hadleigh Wives Group A small friendly group, we meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday in the month at the Library Room. All welcome, come along and join us, you will be made most welcome. Programme: 11th March Spring Quiz 25th March Pearly King & Queen 22nd April Antiques Road Show, please bring along items for valuation 13th May Humorous Poem by Jane Mower 20th May Ascension Day Service 7.30 pm 27th May TWAM - Tools with a Mission 10th June Visit to Green Lawns Bonsai, N.B. early start

Armchair Players Host The New Wolsey Theatre In keeping with our aims of doing more than just reading plays, the Armchair Players hosted an ‘evening with the New Wolsey Theatre’. Sharon Jenkins, the theatre’s Press Officer attended our regular meeting in February and presented an overview of the theatre’s objectives and future productions as well as an interesting insight into the roles and responsibilities of key theatre staff including Directors and Stage Managers. As a follow-up event a tour of the Theatre is being arranged for later in the year. The second Monday of each month is our regular meeting slot and we’ll be back at the King’s Head pub in Hadleigh on Monday, March 8th, 7:30pm. At this gathering we’ll be reading ‘Loot’ by Joe Orton. Why not join us? Come along, grab a drink from the bar, and join the fun of taking part in a play from the comfort of your chair or just relax and listen. Everyone is welcome! In the coming months the Armchair Players will be attending the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmonds to enjoy Noel Coward’s Bittersweet and plans are also taking shape for something a bit special to celebrate our 1st Anniversary in May. If you would like to know more, call Maddie Labinger on 01473 824033 or visit our website: www.armchairplayers.org.uk

Hollow Trees Farm Plant Centre New In: Large Shrubs for Instant Effect Family Friendly Snacks, Light Lunches and Teas FIND US IN THE VILLAGE OF SEMER ON THE A1141 HADLEIGH TO LAVENHAM ROAD

Open Mon - Sat 8.30 - 5.45 Sun and Bank Holidays 9.00 - 5.00

Tel 01449 741247 www.hollowtrees.co.uk

Friars Hall Nursing Home Where Care and Dignity Go Hand in Hand A home for you with nursing care in the heartland of beautiful Constable Country A FEW RESIDENTIAL BEDS ALSO AVAILABLE

Tastefully furnished Visiting Library Hairdresser Chiropodist Excellent Food


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NWT Distribution Limited www.northernwood.co.uk



Two more black belts at Stoke by Nayland Karate Club! Stoke by Nayland Shotokan Karate Club has achieved a double success - Matt LayFleurrie and Phil Toogood were recently graded to 1st Dan Black Belts. The National Grading in Reading saw over 60 students go for 1st Dan, with Matt and Phil part of a handful of students who passed the tough examination that day. The Karate Club is very proud of Matt and Phil as they have trained Matt and Phil being congratulated by extremely hard over the past years and now bring Tamara Unwin, Director of the Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa, and Chief the number of Black Belts Instructor Sensei Peter Heal. training there to 8. There is a membership for both seniors and juniors of all levels and new members are encouraged to join anytime. The Karate Club trains twice a week at Peake Fitness at The Stoke by Nayland Hotel on Tuesday and Friday evenings – here it enjoys some of the best training facilities in East Anglia. Those interested in joining should call Peake Fitness on 01206 265820 or email peakefitness@stokebynayland.com. For more information please visit the karate website at www.snskc.org.uk and come and see if Karate is the sport for you!

Hadleigh & District Twinning Association The Hadleigh & District Twinning Association had an amazing evening of Line Dancing thanks to J T Steppers whose varied selection of music and dance suited all abilities and tastes. The Ansell Hall was jumping to the taps, rocks and weaves of line dance steps from Twinning members and guests. Thanks to the committee for all their hard work in organising yet another successful event. Our next happening on Friday 9th April is going to be another evening of interesting entertainment again in the Ansell Hall. “The Artichoke Collection; Labels For Less” will be presenting their new Spring Collection with a Fashion Show and Clothing sale. Modelled by local girls you will be able to view fantastic clothes from British and European designers and buy them at a fraction of their retail price. There will be one or two posh frocks but most of the collection is fairly casual and designed for country living. Tickets which include a glass of wine are £6 each; in advance please, from Kath at The Framestore, 3 High Street, Hadleigh, 822334. The HDTA Annual General Meeting is this year on Monday 15th March in the United Reform Church Community room at 7.30pm. All welcome and tea and biscuits will be served after the meeting. This year it is our turn to welcome representatives from our French twin towns of Rousies, Ferriere la Grande and Ferriere la Petite to Hadleigh. They will arrive on Friday 21st May and leave on Monday morning 24th May. If you are interested in entertaining a French person, couple or family in your home for this weekend contact our chairman Peter Matthews (828233) who will fill you in on the finer details.

Hadleigh High School Association

EASTER BINGO AT HADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY 26TH MARCH F i r s t g a m e s t a r t s a t 8 . 0 0 pm R e f r e s h m e n t s a v a i la b l e - R a f f le A c c o m p a n i e d c hi l d re n w e l c o m e F U N F OR AL L TH E FAM I LY If you r equir e a lift r ing An it a on 01 473 8 29777 26

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Ebony’s Blog My life at The Shelley Centre Well, we’ve reached the end of February with a mixture of fill ditch black and white but, the upside is that the nights are drawing out which I look forward to above all; not much fun standing in my room when it’s dark inside as well as out for so long, even if I’m on shutdown. Recently the Stables have been alive with a rumour that a TV crew are coming to film; as it happened, it turned out to be true. On Wednesday 3rd there was frantic activity, grooming and sweeping, to make us all look our best but, above all, most attention was given to our celebrity. Yes, you guessed it, Strikey! That’s why they were coming to the Shelley Centre, to film and interview our “RDA 40th Anniversary Pony Pin up Boy” as well as talking to Helpers and Riders alike; I was even included with one of the crew taking a turn on my back to understand what I could do; impressed he was too; I think I may even be seen on film? From what I can understand the finished work will be shown via Sky TV during the month of May or June in a programme entitled Animal Nation. Apart from Strikey; Shannon, Holly and Jet went through their paces for the crew with Riders, Lily and Isabel: Hannah and Bethany: Alasdair and Rowan and Logan and Nathanial. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and none were shy of the camera either; what a professional lot we have at the Shelley Centre? You may remember that I mentioned Breyer UK, who make collectable equine models, during one of my blogs last year? Well, they have now released the model of our Strikey and I must say it looks great as we have now received some for display at the Centre. The model is in a display box with a special RDA 40th mention on the front. Models are available by going onto the RDA Website www.rda.org.uk and click on “Shop”. It’s good to know that a percentage of the sale price will go toward the RDA. I admit I am a tiny bit envious of all the attention Strikey is getting these days but, to be honest, it’s great for the entire Herd and People at the Centre and we are all so very proud of him. The Shelley Centre Year Book has just been published and with it our events programme (Yes, I’ve a Blog in there too) and some of this information is now on our Website. A bit of advance notice to those of you who enjoy a night out; we’re hosting a 60’s Party Night Dinner Dance at the Hotel Elizabeth, Copdock on 24th April to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Shelley Centre, so if any of you fancy a “Twist and Shout” why not come along. Perhaps it will be an ideal time to meet a few faces from the past and reminisce or for those of you not involved with the RDA just to have a fun evening. Information and tickets are available by contacting the Centre: email theshelleycentre@aol.com or by telephone. The 60’s were a bit before my time so I’ll do a bit of Web Surfing to get up to speed on that era? Oh! While I remember, Lyn and the Maintenance Boys have been dropping big hints to me to remind you that it’s now the start of the gardening season and that there is a very good way to give your garden or allotment a very special treat. Why not give it a spread of well rotted horse manure? The Herd are good at producing this 24/7, so give us a call and come and collect a bag or two or three; just telephone the number below to arrange it. Well, must go, have to supervise the filling of the bags to make sure they are ready for when you collect. Come and get it…….!!! Happy 90th Birthday Website: To a very special Mum, Nan and rda-east.org.uk/shelley.html Great Grandma on March 24th Telephone: 01473.824172 Love from all your family XXX

Elsie George

Hadleigh Community Primary News January and February 2010 Unfortunately, our article for January was ‘lost in the ether’, and so we will give you two months’ news this month! Our new year didn’t begin exactly as planned following the large amount of snow (and particularly ice), in the school grounds, but a valiant band of parent helpers offered to clear the playgrounds for us so that the children could resume normal playtime activities. It was great to see them organise such a team effort (via a notice on the school notice board), and the children greatly appreciated being able to play their normal lunchtime games again the following day. We would like to thank all the parents involved for their support, and hope the weather is kinder for the foreseeable future! News from the nursery The new children in Nursery settled in very well. This half term, they learned about Winter and Cold, focussing on Antarctica penguins and ‘Winnie the Witch in Winter’. If you saw lots of Winnies around casting spells, you now know why! Welcome to our new Reception children The new Reception class settled in quickly and enjoyed sharing lunch with their parents. There is a very busy atmosphere in their classroom, with lots of collage making and focussed play activities. Year Six build on our links with Sydney Brown Court. At the end of last term, Year six invited residents from Sydney Brown Court to come to the school to share their experiences of the second world war with the children, as part of their whole-term History topic. It was a very valuable and moving experience for the children to hear first hand what it was like to live with the reality of war. The children asked a good range of questions and at times, it was very emotional. We would like to thank the volunteers who visited the school and hope they enjoyed it as much as we did. We are now hoping to continue links with the residents with the children making return visits on a regular basis. Education Sunday On Sunday 31st January, all of the schools in Hadleigh were invited to take part in the Education Sunday service at St. Mary’s Church. Eleven of our children kindly offered to represent our school by singing ‘Believe’, a song that we had been learning in our ‘Going for Goals’ assemblies. We felt that this was a very appropriate song to reflect the ethos of our school – each child is valued individually and is encouraged to do their very best. We would like to thank the children who sang so beautifully, and their parents who supported them. Year 4 have an outbreak of spiders! 514 to be precise according to the script! The year 4 children made a superb job of performing ‘Wilbur and the Web’ in the week before half term, and their performances were enjoyed by all. Once again, our children have done us proud – writing part of their scripts, learning lots of words, preparing the backdrop and some props (including lots of baby spiders), and working as a team.

Daisy Chain Dress Agency A big thank you to our customers and volunteers, by shopping at Daisy Chain YOU have helped us raise money for the Wattisham HIVE which offers support for families of soldiers serving abroad. The money donated has been used for three different areas at the HIVE at Wattisham; the Brownies group for play equipment, Mums and Tots for craft equipment and ride on toys and to open a children's library. Your custom also enables us to continue to support St Mary's Church Porch Project, Hadleigh. Mother's day is almost upon us and to celebrate that special mum we have a brand new range of costume jewellery. Or why not treat your special mum with a beautiful handbag, outfit or gift voucher. We have a fantastic promotion for March - all our brand new boots are now half price or less. We have listened to our customers who have been asking if they can pay by debit card and this facility is now up and running. Daisy Chain is now accepting clothes for the Spring season.

Hadleigh United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL The United Reformed Church is a national, mainstream Christian denomination with its roots in the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. We worship one God, expressed in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to Jesus in our worship and by loving and caring for all without exception. Here in Hadleigh we are part of Churches Together in Hadleigh and have good relationships with all the other Churches. We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am and worship in an informal, but reverent manner, balancing the best of traditional and modern worship. At the same time there are activities in Sunday Club for children and young people of all ages. At other times of the week we meet for prayer, Bible Study and friendship. We are also very much involved in our community through the many activities that take place in our buildings, and especially through our links with the Ansell Community Centre. For more information call Jim on 827895,

Celebrations! In the coming weeks we will be having two major celebrations that we would love to share with you. Mothering Sunday, 14th March, 10.30am in The Ansell centre We give thanks for God’s love as shown by mothers and others. This will be a short time of worship and it will include flowers, story, dance and song. Everyone is welcome. Easter Sunday, 4th April, 6.26am on Constitution Hill A Sunrise Service, 9.00am in The Ansell Centre An Easter breakfast, 10.30am In Church An Easter Communion Service Everyone is welcome. For more information call Jim on 827895

For more information call Jim on 827895

What do you think ... ...about TV & Internet..over a drink? Is the prevalence of TV and Internet, not to mention social networking sites, making it harder for many people to interact socially? What has happened to good conversation and debate? Are they really in danger of extinction? This is an informal discussion group for men, who want to talk about important issues. Come and enjoy a drink and air your ‘Pints of View’! We don't expect to have all the answers, but we do enjoy learning from the different insights that we each bring. Simply turn up to see what is going on. Next meeting: 8.00pm Wednesday 24th March The George Public House (back room) All welcome! For more information, contact Jim (827895)

www.hadleighurc.org.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


News from Beaumont Community Primary School

Film Review with Mat Lucas

The Princess and the Frog (U, 97mins, Ron Clements & John Musker) Once again Disney lights up the film world with a spectacular take on the classic tale The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker. The Princess and the Frog is a return to Disney’s classic 2-D animation, and their first feature film using the traditional process since Home on the Range in 2004. With Disney Pixar making stunningly crisp computer generated animations such as WALL-E, Up, and Toy Story 3 it is good to know that the conventional technique can still do more than simply match up. The directing pair of Clements and Musker, known by many as the best animation team today, are already responsible for The little Mermaid, Aladdin and Hercules. The film stars Anika Noni Rose as Tiana, the first ever AfricanAmerican princess in a Disney. Also lending their voices are Bruno Campos as Naveen, Keith David as Dr. Facilier and Michael-Leon Wooley as Louis. As audiences have come to expect in Disney films, the characters are colourful, funny and beautiful yet also creepy, scary and dangerous. The funniest couple are Louis the trumpet-playing crocodile and Ray the firefly. Both characters are scripted superbly, and supply witty jokes and hilarious actions throughout the film. Although they are only sidekicks to Naveen and Tiana, there is no harm done when they occasionally take the lead. As well as fantastic characterisation, The Princess and the Frog also benefits from a strong, if occasionally drawn-out, narrative. Tiana, a little girl when first seen, has a dream with her father to open a restaurant when she is grown up. Her father (Terrence Howard), a hard working, caring man, fills her with support and love along with Tiana’s mother (Oprah Winfrey). Their family is poor and, although Tiana is hopeful, her dream is a long way off. At the other end of the spectrum there is a young girl called Charlotte, who gets everything she begs her dad (John Goodman) for. Disney films are known for putting opposites together, however in this instance Charlotte is fairly lovable and quite thoughtful. The plot moves forward slowly at points, with some unnecessary stoppages. However these points are almost completely overshadowed by the amazing settings that the characters visit on their travels. With some scary moments and some unexpected twists, The Princess and the Frog is sure to satisfy everyone in the family. 28

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

The first half of the spring term has whizzed by! The children have been involved in lots of exciting activities. The year 6 children reached the final of the pyramid basketball tournament in January, displaying excellent skills and teamwork. Children from the Rhinos class participated in a country dancing festival held at Hadleigh High School. They have enjoyed learning country dancing with Mr Wiles and put on a tremendous performance for the other schools. We were delighted to participate in Education Sunday at St Mary’s Church. All of the schools were Hadleigh represented and had the opportunity to put on a presentation for the congregation. Thank you very much to the three children who volunteered to give up time to attend the service and talk about Beaumont. Also, thanks to Dean Thrower and St Mary’s Church for the invitation. Our three volunteers are pictured below. Why are they each wearing a hat? The Year 6 children decided to raise money to support the people of Haiti. It was a great idea and the whole school got involved in a ‘Hats for Haiti’ non-uniform day. Altogether we raised more than £200 for this worthy cause. Following the success of the parents’ lunch with the Owls class last term, the Pandas class invited their parents and younger siblings to lunch. It was a really popular event, which allowed the parents to sample school meals and see the activities children participate in at lunchtimes. Thanks to Mrs Hawken for cooking lots of extra dinners! The Wise Owls class learned all about the Victorians through taking part in a ‘Play in a Day’. First, they practised using their voices, facial expressions and movements to convey different emotions. Then they had to learn and rehearse a whole play about the Victorians. They were ready to perform by the end of the day and the rest of the school came to watch. Congratulations to the children for working hard acting brilliantly, and thanks to Lynne, who ran the workshop – the children had a great time! The children in the Squirrels and Penguins classes enjoyed a fantastic ‘Castles’ theme day. In the morning, there were a range of activities to choose from, including calligraphy, sewing, bread making and designing a coat of arms. This was followed by a banquet and dramatic performances, in which children played the roles of jesters, acrobats and jousters. It was great fun and the children learned a lot about life in castles! Finally, we would like to give a warm welcome to our new office staff, Mrs Bridge and Mrs Murphy.

Ambitious new plans for HADS THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME: With its extremely strong financial position and top class stage, sound and lighting assets, Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society has ambitious plans to work with local groups and bring together the cream of amateur acting and performing talent. At the February general meeting, members voted unanimously to broaden the Society’s activities to include collaborations and joint ventures with local dramatic and performance groups and societies. Included in this will be workshops for adults and youngsters covering all aspects of stage performance. Under a new management structure designed to accommodate joint ventures and productions, the Society’s aims will be to improve and increase the opportunities for drama and community entertainment in the South Suffolk area. If you would like to be part of this exciting new development as a participant or supporter, or would like to know more about how your club or society could benefit please get in touch. NEW TREASURER REQUIRED: The Society is also looking for a new Treasurer to work with the committee and our auditors Walter Wright. Thanks to the support and guidance generously given by James Walter of Walter Wright, and thanks to the efficiency of the current Treasurer, the transition to new Treasurer will be smooth and easy for anyone who likes working with numbers and has a good eye for detail. If you think you can help or know someone who might be interested in taking on this very important role please get in touch. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The new management structure for Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society will be finalised and inaugurated at the forthcoming AGM at 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th March 2010 in the Ansell Community Centre (URC). Members and non-members are invited to attend. Contact Peter Finch on 01473 824033 or email hads@opensecret.co.uk.

VOLUNTEER TREASURER REQUIRED Hadleigh Amateur Dramatic Society is seeking a Treasurer The role includes working with the HADS management committee, attending quarterly meetings, helping to set budgets and manage the accounts for productions, workshops, subscriptions, bookings and insurances; and preparing accounts for annual review. In return for 4-5 hours a month you will be helping a forward-looking organisation to encourage and promote amateur performing arts in South Suffolk.

Call 01473 824033 or email hads@opensecret.co.uk

Happy 50th!

Primary School Mathematicians reach the Finals Two boys from Hintlesham and Chattisham Primary School - judged as ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED for the second inspection running, will have the honour of representing their school in the finals of the national Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC). Having sat the initial test in November 2009, the boys, both in Year 6, received the news in early January that they had made it to the finals, placing them in the top 4 per cent of participating mathematicians. Mrs Cross, Headteacher at Hintlesham and Chattisham Primary School said: “This is very exciting for us, we are a small village school and to have two pupils in the finals of the national Primary Maths Challenge is exceptional. As a school we pride ourselves on our outstanding numeracy results, and throughout the school we encourage the children to really enjoy numeracy by using interactive games, IT and role play. I wish both boy’s the best of luck for the 3rd of February.”



Happy Birthday Kevin

Love from Mum, Paul, Sveta & Lorna

lots of love from all the family

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Visit our website to see our stock of restored chairs for sale

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Do you remember Saady’s? Mr Saady – in the early 1960’s was a founder member, with other business people of the town, in starting the Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of promoting Hadleigh.



One of the first undertakings was to collect funds so that Hadleigh could enjoy a Swimming Pool. With this in mind, they organized “Hadleigh Week”. This consisted of a weeks range of activities including an egg & spoon race which was held in the High Street from the Kings Head to the Market Place against Hadleigh, America, who were represented by American ladies from Bentwaters. The Chamber of Commerce also organised a Carnival Procession, Comic Football and Cricket matches. The last event of the week on the Saturday night was the Hadleigh Week Ball, where the Carnival Queen was crowned – whose duties were to represent Hadleigh at future events.

(Who Wants to be a Millionaire) Saturday 6th March, 7 for 7.30pm Proceeds to the Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding Teams of 4. Licensed Bar. Tickets £10 per person to include fish and chip supper (vegetarian option available if advanced notice given) Tickets from the Shelley Centre or send sae to Diane Godfrey, Stable House, Tye Lane, Bramford Tye, Ipswich IP8 4JZ, cheques payable to the Shelley Centre

The photograph of the Comic Cricket Match shows members of the team, which includes the late Mr Saady – he is the one with the check shirt, trilby and pipe. His son is the umpire in the cap (middle back row). Other players include the late Aubry Pierpoint, the late Edgar Frost, the late Ron Croxall, Vic Allen and with the umbrella Mr Mitson who had a shoe repair shop in the town.

The photograph of the football match players include Mr Tommy Groves, Vic Allen, Miss Halls, Mr Burt Keele, (of Keele Engineering), Miss Carter, Mrs Rolf, and the late Mr Mulberry (who had a Fish & Chip shop) Mr Harry Seaman (Manager of the International Stores) and Mr Totty Warren (Who was the licensee of the White Hart Public House). After several years of activities and grants, the Swimming Pool was finally completed. This was achieved by those named above and others too numerous to mention, who organized many events to obtain the final total required. G. V. Lindsay-Allen 32

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Listen Up: Charity Quiz Night for Hearing Dogs needs your support! Karen Finch from local hearing care specialists, The Hearing Care Centre, will be trading her audiology role for one of a Quiz Master this month to help raise money for charity. Together with the help of local entrepreneur Florey from Steve Hudson Signs, the two will be raising muchneeded funds for Hearing Dogs For Deaf People. The quiz night will take place on Thursday 25th March (7.15pm) at Greshams Sports Club, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich and your support is needed to make it a fantastic night. Karen Finch MD of The Hearing Care Centre, based locally at Hadleigh Health Centre said “Bring your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, the man/woman who claims to know everything(!) for a night of camaraderie, fun and spirited rivalry. It will be a great night out!” Teams can include between 4 - 8 members. If you have less than 4 then you may be able to pair you up with others. If you have more than 8 then you will have to split into 2 teams. Entry is £5.00pp, including a delicious sandwich supper, with the opportunity to win lots of fantastic prizes. Hearing dogs change lives. They alert their deaf owners to sounds we take for granted, providing greater independence, confidence and security. Most are selected from rescue centres or donated as unwanted pets. It costs £5,000 to train and keep one hearing dog for its entire working life. To purchase tickets call Matthew at The Hearing Care Centre on 01473 230330 or buy online at www.hearingcarecentre.co.uk/quiz.

Clairvoyant Medium Evening Wayne McHugh is returning to the Hadleigh United Football Club, club house on Wednesday 24th March for an evening of clairvoyance. Doors open at 7.30pm, tickets are on sale at £10 per person which includes a complimentary glass of wine, admission is by ticket only. To book your ticket ring Donna Ramsey on 07917 730516. This has become a very popular evening with the last being a complete sell out. It is advisable to book your tickets early to avoid disappointment as they are already selling fast.

Look who’s 50!!

on 31st March A very happy 50th, all our love from family & friends

Hadleigh Helps Haiti So shocked and upset by the plight of the people and particularly the Children of Haiti, two young ladies from Hadleigh, Ellen Clarke and Katie Green took it upon themselves to try to do something to help. Using their own initiative, they sorted and collected various saleable items and held a Table Sale outside their homes, at which despite the weather, in a period of five hours, managed to raise a total of £100.00 which they are donating to the cause. There is still a lot of good in the young and efforts like this just prove it. Well done Girls. Your kindness and efforts will be much appreciated in that devastated area.

Would you like to see entertainment back in Hadleigh? Would you like to see events like the street fairs and carnivals back again? If you would like these back we need YOUR help. I am holding a open meeting at the back of the George pub in Hadleigh on the 17th March starting at 7:30pm. This is open to anybody of any age who think they could help organise and have ideas about events in Hadleigh. We need lots of people to attend who are committed. Lets get the Entertainment back in Hadleigh please visit the website www.hadleighents.webs.com or visit my face book page just seach for the ‘Hadleigh Entertainments Committee’ and I’ll see you at 7:30pm on the 17th March. Trev Clarke

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Happy 40th Sara Congratulations and love from Mum, Dad and all the family

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in Ipswich www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Caroline Gibson Deputy Head: Mike Taggart BA Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: office@hadleighhigh.suffolk.sch.uk Website: www.hadleighhigh.suffolk.sch.uk

HEADLINES I have now been at Hadleigh High School for 6 weeks and time has passed very quickly. The strong community feel within the school and the town makes settling in very easy. Our pupils have been very busy this half term, raising money for Haiti. We have already raised over £1000 which will be used to support children in Haiti through the work of ‘The Save the Children.’ Over the last few weeks pupils and staff, supported by members of our wider school community have been rehearsing and performing in our production of ‘Bugsy Malone.’ We were delighted to have 76 pupils from Hadleigh Community Primary, St Mary’s CEVA Primary and Beamont Primary schools attend our dress rehearsal. This has been a fantastic testament to the commitment, creativity and teamwork of our pupils.

Caroline Gibson Headteacher

Hadleigh High Leisure Centre

We like to say “NO” NO membership NO direct debit NO stress, pay as you go Children’s Easter Holiday Fun Strikers Football and Multi-sports, Extended Schools and Babergh’s holiday activities, check website www.hadleighleisurecentre.co.uk

Phone 01473 824441 or pop in for leaflets 34

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

HHS: Always ready to take a challenge head on... On Thursday 4th February, 70 Year 9 and 10 students participated in the Intermediate Maths Challenge. The school has already risen to this challenge numerous times before this, and first-class results have been produced every time, with students receiving a few Gold awards, and several Silvers and Bronzes. The challenge is launched nationwide and any students from Years 9 – 11 can participate. We look forward to receiving the results in the near future, and know that they will be positive. Thanks go to: • Georgia Redgrave, Ryan Irvine, Matt Partridge and Izzy Print for politely greeting and escorting the SWISS Headteachers to their meeting at our school on Friday 5th February. • Liam Self for the virtuosic solo he provided at the Education Sunday Service at St Mary’s Church on Sunday 31st January. • Drew Goodyear and Adam Steer for volunteering to help our midday staff in managing the dining room at lunchtimes on a regular basis. Congratulations go to the following pupils who have passed their County Instrumental Examinations: Sarah Stock – 8E (Grade 2 Flute), Arthur Glazin – 8E (Grade 3 Trumpet), Alice Highland – 10D (Grade 3 Flute), Sophie Hooper – 11I (Grade 3 Oboe) and Anna Gordon – 11E (Grade 4 Oboe). Budding Musicians of Hadleigh High Our Year 11 band, Steel Pictures (Luke English, Nic Keeble, Andrew Kitchener, Harry Challis and Michael Whittle), who had a radiant end of last year with their recording session at Monkey Puzzle Recording Studios, have had a very gratifying start to this year, with their recent gig at Chamberlain Hall in Bildeston. The money raised on ticket sales was donated to EACH (East Anglian Children’s Hospice), and the final total was over £600. The gig was unquestionably one of the finest performances the band has ever given, and attracted both young and old. The HHS Voice Squad supported the band splendidly and got the gig off to a flying start. Thanks go to the band and all of its supporters for an incredible night enjoyed by all. Catherine Johnson set to visit Hadleigh High On the 25th February, the award winning novelist and screenwriter, Catherine Johnson will be visiting Hadleigh High to talk to years 7, 8 and 9 as well as doing some workshops about writing. Her books are available to borrow from the library and Catherine will be happy to sign her books, which will be on sale on the day for £5.99. For more information please visit her website: www.catherinejohnson.co.uk. The CDT department welcomes… ...a much anticipated arrival of a Gerbil Cutter (I should mention that it cuts plastic not gerbils). The machine was bought with some of the money raised by September’s sponsored walk and the Gerbil Cutter will go

hand in hand with the Vacuum Former (a machine that shapes plastic) which was rarely used due to a problem with its inability to trim the waste from around the edges. The machine cost a lot of money but will be used well by the department and should give many good years of service. There and Back… On Saturday 30th January, Kieran Clements (Y11) ran for Ipswich Harriers and finished 4th in the Southern Counties’ Cross Country Championship, held at Parliament Hill in London. Kieran, along with Toby Rankin (Y9), Seth Philbedge (Y7) and Sophie Demetriades (Y10) were chosen to represent Suffolk in the Eastern Counties cross country championships held at Huntington on Saturday 6th February. Kieran easily won the interboys event and Tobias finished in 7th place; he was also the second Suffolk runner to finish. Both these students have done enough to be selected for the All England Schools Championships to be held in Manchester in March. In the minor boy’s race, Seth finished in an extremely respectable 43rd place, and Sophie finished 63rd in the combined Inter and senior girls race; this is a great achievement as she was running against girls up to three years older. Their performances bode well for the future. Well done to all. “We could have been anything that we wanted to be…” Every year, HHS perform an all singing, all dancing hit musical. This year we proudly present… Bugsy Malone! On the 10th, 11th and 12th of February, students from all years will be appearing as The Hoods in Bugsy Malone Hoodlum Gangsters - ready to splurge! and Dancehall Girls in the 1930s. As well as an amazing set, and props (all devised by various members of the Art Department) we have even incorporated the signature prop- the splurge guns. Dandy Dan’s gang especially appreciate this! Bugsy Malone promises to be one of the most technically advanced and outstanding performances yet! Mrs Randé is once again demonstrating Hadleigh High’s musical talent as she and the band beautifully accompany the action on stage. For this, we are all grateful. Mrs Reader and Miss Barker (collectively known as ‘the directors’) are owed a massive thanks for all their time and effort contributed towards this production. Our thanks also go to Miss Betts for the fabulously choreographed chorus numbers, to Mrs Taylor for the superb set, Miss Elliott, Mr Moore, Mr Gordon and Mr Quinn for their support and effort backstage, to Mrs Quinn and Mrs Charles for the costume and to everyone else who helped in any way. The main cast includes: Olly Hanley as Bugsy, Eva Shepperson as Blousey, Jake Cardy as Fat Sam and Becca Pittway as Tallulah. The overall effort has been overwhelming and compliments to everybody involved. Break a leg!

George and Alex Collis, organised and took part in an 8-mile sponsored walk in their own time, at the weekend, which was greatly supported by parents and pupils alike. This activity alone raised over £330! Other pupils have also selflessly used their own time to raise money for this important cause. In addition to the pupils, the teachers have also made a substantial effort towards the cause, raising money with a recent ‘Dance Mat’ competition. Our Haiti appeal is continuing to raise money, and we are very grateful for all donations received. You’re Hired! Over the past fortnight, the Year 11 pupils have been ‘living the dream’; participating in mock interviews for jobs which include The Mayor’s PA, a music promoter, and a motor mechanic. These mock-up style interviews are designed to give the Year 11s some practice and more confidence in job interviews, so that they are prepared for the real thing in later years. The mock interviews are part of the Lifeskills programme. The aim is to prepare pupils for the ‘world of work’. The interviews, despite not being real, are treated very seriously. Pupils are obliged to behave in the manner that they would if they were at the real thing – as in, dressing smartly and coming prepared. Therefore, students are also taught about CVs and are given the opportunity to create one. Miss Cook, Head of the Lifeskills department, has said that ‘We’ve received some very complimentary remarks about our students’ performance. I’m very grateful for the help and assistance of local businesspeople, and I’m always happy to welcome new participants’.

Walter Wright

n Association With adleigh High School Working Together for the Future of Hadleigh

HHS Haiti Appeal Over the last few weeks, Hadleigh High School has been hard at work, raising money to help the people of Haiti after the recent earthquake. Money is still coming in, and we have already broken our initial £1000 target! This money was raised by a variety of activities in and around school, including a non-uniform day, a raffle, and many more. In addition to all the fundraising activities in school, four Year 7 boys, Andres Grayston, Tom Seabrook, Tom

Written by Lucy Evans, Liam Self, Georgia Redgrave, Jake Grimsey, Sam Clarke and Martin Greenacre.

New Tax Year New Tax Rules Did You Know? VAT is moving online from April 2010

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Advance Notice – AGM St Andrew’s AGM 15 April 7.30, Layham Village Hall Annual reports and Financial Statement for 2009 will be presented. All welcome.

Felling the burial ground beech tree

Letter from Layham Parish Council The main matters discussed at the meeting of Thursday 7 January were as follows: • The proposed developments at Hill Farm, Lower Layham and Holly Lodge House, Upper layham have been approved by BDC. • The members of Layham Parish Council are of the opinion that future power lines through the area should be taken underground rather than carried by more pylons. The Council is joining with Hintlesham Parish Council to oppose the present plans. • It was agreed to erect some signs in the village as part of the anti-pylon campaign. • The inclination of the Parish Council to adopt the two telephone kiosks when they go out of service is ‘on hold’ whilst further enquiries are made about previously unsuspected costs. • A quotation for the felling and removing of the beech tree in the burial ground is to be recommended to the PCC. • Confirmation of the receipt of £5,665 for use to fund amenity spaces in Layham has been confirmed by BDC. This money comes from a ‘tax’ on the developer of the two homes behind Antrim Cottage and is held by BDC until the Parish puts forward a plan for its use. • A horse chestnut tree that has been interfering with power lines on Overbury Hall Road is to be trimmed by the owner of the land. • The Clerk is to write to the owner of the dogs that have been ‘worrying’ walkers along the footpath from Church Lane to Shelley. • A letter has been received from the Very Rev. Martin Thrower that the PCC is to apply to close the churchyard around Layham Church and hand maintenance over to the local authority (Parish Council or District Council). The Parish Council is to request a meeting with the PCC to think through the implications of this. • The Clerk is to seek advice from SALC (Suffolk Association of Local Councils) and from Babergh District Council on churchyard maintenance. Meetings of the Parish Council are generally held on the last Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and time is provided for visitors to speak. Check the meetings on the Parish notice boards. The Clerk to the Parish Council is: Louise Allen Tel: 01473 827812 Email: Louise@allenbs.co.uk

St. Andrew’s – your local church Services in March 7th 10.30am Family Worship 14th 9.15am Sung Eucharist (Mothering Sunday) 21st 9.15am Said Eucharist (BCP) 10.15am Café Church 28th 9.15am Family Eucharist Pre-Mothers’ Day Activity Event Saturday 13 March Hadleigh Benefice 10.30am – 2.00pm Layham Village Hall Mums and Dads bring your children along to Layham for a Pre-Mothers’ Day Activity Event. Fun for all the family with crafts, songs and stories. Stay or come back later and enjoy a light lunch. For further details contact Trish Pitt on 01473 461913.

HOT SUNDAY LUNCH 21 March 12.30pm £7.50 Please book with: Sonia Groom 822220 or Audrey King 822081 36

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Regrettably, as reported in the late autumn, the fine beech tree in the burial ground must be felled due to fungal infestation. The work will be done during March when, over a three day period, there will be some need for road traffic controls.

Layham Playing Field 100 Club The winners of the January draw were: £15 Ticket No 98 Gales £10 Ticket No 85 Connolly Layham Green Team Our Green Team is not big enough, Nor is it representative enough, Nor does it do enough. Over the past few years we have tried to raise awareness of environmental issues, but now we need more HELP. We feel sure that there are other people in the village who CARE and would like to see Layham becoming one of the greenest villages in Suffolk. The greenest villages around the country are those where the PEOPLE get on with projects and don’t simply wait for local authorities to do everything. • Could we generate electricity in this village? • How many of us have functioning compost bins? • Should we plant thousands of trees to help soak up carbon? • Have you ever helped with a village clean up? • Could there be more car sharing? • Why don’t more of us cycle and walk into Hadleigh? • Should we be promoting more allotment use? We could ask a thousand questions and talk millions of words but what we need is ACTION. Will you come to the Village Hall at 7.30pm on the evening of Monday 22 March and help set up a more active Layham Green Team? Your contribution will be valuable whatever time you can spare. Please consider getting involved.

Layham’s Annual Spring Clean Saturday 20 March 2010 Meet on the Playing Field at 10am Most equipment provided but come with a pair of gloves that you don’t mind getting dirty. This is your chance to show you care and to make a difference…where you live.

What Do I Do With Unwanted Paint Tins? • Dispose of EMPTY paint tins in the black bin. • Dry out emulsion paint by leaving the lid off the tin or mixing it with sand – then put it in the black bin. • Paint that needs to be cleaned out of brushes with white spirit or similar cannot be disposed of in bins or at waste sites. • You need to phone the Refuse Hotline 0845 6066045 to arrange for collection. There is no charge.

Spring supper at the hall! Layham Village Hall Committee are holding a Spring Supper on Saturday 24th April at 7.30 for an 8.00pm start. Come and enjoy a tasty ploughmans selection - followed by a choice of good old fashioned english desserts to celebrate St Georges Day. The tickets are £8.00 each and will be available in march from Partridges Farm Shop.

Layham Playgroup ‘Playgroups Chinese New Year!’ What an exciting & month we’ve had! Bad weather certainly does not stop play! Highlight of the term so far has had to be our Chinese New Year celebrations & particularly our Chinese Restaurant role playing area. Aided by ‘Big Cook Clare’ & ‘Little Cook Michelle’ the service was fast & furious with hoards of enthusiastic little helpers preparing & chopping vegetables, taking orders & serving tables! After such frenzied fun appetites need to be satisfied, this was done seamlessly with a vegetable & noodle stir fry all linked to our healthy eating policy. Compliments to the chef we’ve never seen bowls emptied so fast! The children have really loved the experience. Equally popular has been our animal theme. Many thanks to Dominic for bringing in his Guinea Pigs Charlie & Starlight to show the other children, telling us all about them & what they like to eat. The children have been very diligently keeping the Layham birds well fed, word is certainly getting round as our lovely garden is becoming an increasingly popular stopping off point. We shall continue our animal theme next term with ‘Under the sea’ & the book ‘Rainbow Fish’ along with a sand & sea role playing area. Not forgetting making surprise gifts for Mothers Day & Easter. As ever now time for thank you’s to our brilliant staff, parents & committee. Well done to everyone who made our winter ‘Open Day’ such a success, we have had some lovely comments & further names added to our excited waiting list. Many thanks to our gardening team who worked tirelessly in tidying up the garden, outdoor toy store & playhouse with particular thanks to ‘Mr Fix it’ Robert & the ‘Shed King’ Hugo. Not to mention Jess’s lovely lemon drizzle cake. Layham Playgroup is a feeder group for all three Primary Schools in Hadleigh. If you are looking to creatively occupy your 21/2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Clare on 01473 828626 or email us at layhamplaygroup@hotmail.co.uk

Ladybird Toddler Group Ladybirds is a very friendly parent and toddler group open to everyone. Based at Layham Village Hall, Ladybirds meet every Wednesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 for play, stories, songs & crafts. Everyone is welcome. A great opportunity for creative play & socializing your toddler not to mention the chance for mums & dads to have a ‘hot’ drink & a chat! Don’t forget we have a homemade cake & biscuit sale during the Ladybirds session on the first Wednesday of each month to raise funds for the group. So come along & join in the fun!

Mandy Orriss


Christine and Malcolm

Happy 40th

on your

Love Mum, Dad, Richard, Jasmine, Bradley and all the family

Ruby Wedding Anniversary Love Janet, Dave, Kelly, Emily, Steven

Baker Interiors KITCHENS, BEDROOMS & BATHROOMS Excellent range of kitchens & bedrooms available from leading manufacturers including Zimmer, Sigma, Crown & our entry level kitchen Crown Lifestyle. We also supply appliances from leading brands.

Baker Interiors offer a complete service from design & supply to a full installation service including building, tiling & electrical work. Contact John or Jo on 01473 828366 or email jo@bakerinteriors.co.uk Visit our website www.bakerinteriors.co.uk

TOPPESFIELD COTTAGES We have two stylish properties in the Hadleigh area accommodating 2 or 4 people Family or friends wanting to visit, but no space to put them up? Why not offer them a pleasant break in one of our comfortable cottages. Bookings for weekends and short breaks are available throughout the year.

Contact Gale for more details 01473 829129 / info@toppesfieldcottages.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Royal British Legion Mark Beer & David Spraggons

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Hadleigh Branch & Club Branch News: Meeting held on Tuesday 02-02-2010. The Branch held their first meeting for the year 2010. Branch meetings are to be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 1900 hrs at The Royal British Legion Club in George Street Hadleigh, any Royal British Legion Member is welcome to join the meeting. We would like to offer our condolences to Fred Seager’s family on his passing on. Fred was a very valued Branch Committee Member. He held various positions in his time, being involved with the British Legion such as Branch Chairman, Branch President, Club President and “I” Group President. We will miss you Fred, rest in peace. Sabine Harvey, Branch Secretary. Chairman’s Report: RBL Club Entertainment. March 6th. Triple X (Caribbean Night) Free glass of Tony’s Rum Punch for all those who dress up. March 13th Karaoke Nite with Tony after a whirlwind tour of Upper Layham. March 27th Take Two. Keep your eyes on our Notice Board for details of our monthly quiz with Charles. Probably the best Quiz Master in Hadleigh. - If Carlsberg had done quizzes they would be at The Legion – All Quiz Teams welcome for a night of fun. Special Offers on John Smiths Cask & McEwans Lager – STILL £1.99 a Pint. Arthur Bell. Chairman. Royal British Legion Women’s Section. Tuesday 2nd March – Recipe evening (bake something + bring along to meeting, with the recipe.) Easter theme raffle prize please. Tuesday 6th April Quiz night, please along a raffle prize. 7.30pm start, all women section members welcome. Memories: Monte Casino, a key point in the German Gustav Defence Line which ran across Italy, was a mountain feature of 1700 feet crowned by a Benedictine Monastery and dominating the seven mile wide Liri Valley through which ran Route 6, the only practical highway to Rome and its airfields. The first Allied attacks to take the town of Casino which lay at the foot of the mountain began in January and February 1944, with losses on both sides, but without success. On 15th March 1944, following a massive air bombardment in which 1000 tons of bombs were dropped and an artillery barrage of 900 guns, a further attack was made on Casino Town by 2nd New Zealand Division supported by 2nd New Zealand Armoured Brigade. The 4th Indian Division attacked the Eastern Slopes of Monastery Hill. Substantial Progress was made, but the rubble from the houses and the craters caused by the bombing and shelling held up the tanks, and afforded cover and protection to the determined German defenders, members of the crack 1st German Parachute Division, who resisted the Infantry attack. On 23rd March 1944, the New Zealand and Indian attack was called off with the Germans still holding Monastery Hill. Both sides had suffered heavy casualties the New Zealanders loosing 206 men killed, 1,085 wounded and 101 missing. The Indian Division and actual German casualties are not known, but opening the road to Rome would have to wait for a few weeks more. On Castle Hill the Monastery stood Overlooking Casino Town The Germans fiercely defended both Attempting to prevent the Allies from reaching Rome.



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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366



Rotary Review HAITI EARTHQUAKE APPEAL: On Saturday 30 January the Club held a collection in the High Street and outside the Coop Store to raise money for Shelterbox, a Rotary sponsored charity working in Haiti. A shelterbox complete with contents was on show and this engendered much interest. The box and its equipment will sustain life for up to 10 people until better conditions are available. Contents include a large tent, water purification and storage facilities, basic cooking utensils, tools and clothing. Most members helped with the collection resulting in a magnificent total of £925.01 which is the largest amount ever collected by the Club in one morning. The money will finance 2 Shelterboxes which will now be on the way to the island. THANK YOU HADLEIGH FOR YOUR AMAZING GENEROSITY!! The Club has also sent a Water Survival box from its own resources. This box will provide clean water for up to 12 months and includes other essential items for survival. SPEAKERS: 1 Michelle Carr, Community Development Officer for Suffolk LINk, together with her colleague Tony Bailey Smith explained the work of this relatively new organisation. Its full title is Suffolk Local Involvement Network and this is made up of independent individuals and community groups whose task is to improve local health and social care services. It finds out what local people think about and want from these services, investigates complaints and concerns whilst also suggesting improvements.LINK representatives may carry out spot checks, make reports and recommendations which must receive a prompt response. Major matters of concern and unsatisfactory responses may be referred to local council scrutiny committees. 2 Barry Chaplin, a club member, reminisced about his early life in Sudbury illustrating his talk with photographs from the Sudbury Archive. He remembered Sudbury in the 1950's when there were 2 cinemas, the swimming pool was outdoors and animals were herded through the streets on the way to market. 3 Mike Perkins spoke about Judo and his life long involvement with the art. His interest began when he was introduced to it during National Service and he enjoyed it so much that he continued to practice it when he returned to 'civvy street'. Over the years he has achieved all the various belts and also became a coach, National referee and examiner eventually running his own club in Great Yeldham. He travelled widely with his club in Britain and Europe but is now retired. Judo was founded in Japan towards the end of 19th century as an alternative to the traditional martial arts combining the best features of them all.In due course it spread to Europe arriving in Britain around 1918. The British Judo Association was created and still controls the sport including entry into international competitions. Judo teaches honour and respect for the sport, the officials and the participants unlike some other sports today. NEW CLUB : We are still seeking business and professional people who would like to join a major International Organisation, find new Friends and make a difference in the local community. Rotary today is family friendly, flexible regarding meetings etc and need not take up much of your free time. You may be surprised at how much fun it can be. Please contact Rotarian Brian Havis at brianhavis@btinternet.com or tel 01787 210116. FUTURE PROGRAMME: 11 March Harshaprabha - why I am a Buddhist 18 March Chris Dobrowolski 25 March Howard Kanini - Interior Design For all information relating to Hadleigh Rotary Club please contact Rotarian Alan Williams Tel no 01473 830229

Mothers Day Greeting To our Mummy, Angela, Happy Mothers Day Love from Connor & Summerlily

Aston Caddick

HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY ON 20TH MARCH Love Mum, Zac, Granny, Great Granny and Darren

Happy 18th Corin Love Nan, Grandad, Alan, Lisa, Caitlin and Ryan

Hadleigh Carpet Bowls Club We are now looking for new members to join our friendly club in readiness for the forthcoming ‘summer season’. We have three carpets, a large hall and all the equipment is supplied. Tuition given to all non-players We play on Monday and Thursday Evenings Main Hall, Hadleigh County Primary School, Station Road Starting at 7.00 pm For social and a friendly gathering and play competitively across Suffolk at other times for those of a more adventurous nature.

For more information contact Russell on 01473 311653 any time

BIRCH FARM Children’s Day Nursery Healthy rural setting offering excellent childcare enjoying fantastic facilities from 0 to 8 years. Full or sessional care available from £2.38 per hour FREE education sessions for 3 & 4 years Termly pre-school if preferred. Leave your child confident they will be happy, safe and stimulated all day For more details about any of the above activities on offer at ‘The Barn’ telephone 01473 652152 or 652249 Birch Farm, Silver Hill, Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3NJ

www.birchfarm.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk




The Ansell Community Centre Committee is pleased to announce that, following the success of our Friday Luncheon Club, we will be organising a second lunch club to be held on the third Wednesday of the month. Like the original Ansell Luncheon Club which meets on the first Friday of the month, the Wednesday Lunch Club will be for members only and will provide a two course lunch + tea or coffee for £3. The purpose of the club is to provide a nutritious meal at a reasonable price where members can meet for friendship and conversation. There is no charge for membership but we do ask that members contact us if they CANNOT attend so that a meal is not cooked unnecessarily. We are delighted that we have been able to organise the Community Bus to transport members who could not otherwise get to the Ansell Centre. This will cost an additional £1 per person. The first two lunch clubs will be held on 17th March and 21st April. Members will be welcome to arrive any time between 12 noon and 12.30 pm. If you would like to become a member then please phone Biddy on 822285 or Frances on 823719 and let them know of any special dietary requirements or if you would like transport. Alternatively you may know of someone who would like to become a member – please mention the club to them in case they haven’t seen our adverts. We look forward to hearing from you! Remember the dates –

17th March and 21st April “Can’t British cinema do this sort of thing a bit more often?” These were the concluding words of a film reviewer about our March film THE BANK JOB. To find out whether you agree with these sentiments, come along in time to grab a seat for our next presentation! “The Bank Job” is a dramatic thriller based on the real-life 1971 robbery of a safety deposit vault in a London bank. Fast-paced, energetic and almost completely amoral, the script for the film has been written by those scribe-masters Ian La Frenais and Dick Clement, who fictionalized the events from the news that flooded newspapers for three days following the heist. What happened on day four, popular opinion alleges, was that the British Government stepped in and issued a D-notice silencing the press! Why? The answer lies in what the gang discovered once they had broken into the bank vaults, since most readers of newspapers at the time were never familiar with the second story that lay behind this gagging order. What about the film’s cast? Terry, a bearded Jason Statham, is a small time London crook and a family man with debts to pay. He meets his old flame Martine, played by Saffron Burrows, who has a proposition, and with inside knowledge into the bank’s alarm systems the seeds are sown for the heist! Fans of the cult TV series Life On Mars will feel completely at home in this brilliant recreation of life and feel of the 1970s. The real joy of this film is in the variety of acting from the supporting cast.

£100,000 NEEDED! (AND WE’RE GETTING THERE!) This is the staggering amount of money that is required to repair the roof, windows and floor in the Ansell Centre. Those of you who are regular users of the premises may be aware that the roof has been leaking for some considerable time. Whilst negotiations about a lease between the United Reformed Church (URC) and the ACC were taking place, temporary repairs were undertaken as necessary. Unfortunately, due to various legal difficulties, it has been impossible for the ACC to acquire a lease. The Ansell Centre therefore remains the responsibility of the URC. Over the last six months members of the URC buildings committee have been working incredibly hard to raise the cash to undertake the repairs. Sufficient funding has now been awarded to carry out the necessary work on the roof and it is hoped that this will be completed in the next month or two. In the meantime further funding is being sought for repairs to the windows and the floor.

Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO CONTACTING THE ACC • Call Eve on 827888 • Call Jan on 823413 • Email Jan at jan@dicks.plus.com • Take a look at our website - www.ansellcc.org.uk

WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access through the church garden. 40

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Registered Osteopaths Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 820123 Mobile: (07913) 417020 Home visits available where appropriate

Home-Start Babergh has moved!! The New Year has brought some extremely exciting news, Home-Start Babergh has moved! Gillian Hall, Scheme Manager said “referrals have been on the increase for the past couple of years and we are aware that in order to meet the demands of receiving more referrals we must expand, this move gives us the ideal opportunity to allow our scheme to grow, in return, we will be able to provide support for more families suffering difficulties within the Babergh area. Last year our scheme supported 109 families including 280 children, to date we have already supported 95 families, 237 children with 2 months remaining.â€? Gillian Hall added, “Home-Start Babergh would like to thank Councillors David Grutchfield from Hadleigh and Colin Spence from Sudbury East and Waldingfield, who have both donated money from their locality budgets towards our move, and for which we are all extremely grateful.â€? Home-Start Babergh also rely heavily on donations and goodwill from both individuals and local businesses, one such business, Millarwest from Farthing Road Industrial Estate in Ipswich, kindly helped HomeStart Babergh with their office move. Home-Start Babergh has moved from Hadleigh Business and Learning Centre to Hadleigh Enterprise Park where they have their own facilities including a meeting room where new volunteers will be trained. However, there will not be much time to get boxes unpacked as the next New Volunteer Preparation Course starts Friday May 7th 2010 for 9 weeks each Friday morning, finishing on Friday 9th July. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Home-Start Babergh, please contact Gillian Hall on 01473 822822 for further details. Home-Start’s new landlord is JMS Developments, who said “we are pleased to welcome Home-Start Babergh as new tenants at Hadleigh Enterprise Park, Crockatt Road, and wish them every success in their new premises.â€? Home-Start Babergh receives approximately 50% of its’ funding from Suffolk County Council and Babergh District Council, however, the remainder is raised through donations, grant sourcing and fundraising activities. As a result staff and volunteers are continually exploring new ways to raise the much needed funds to enable the scheme to continue supporting families. One such event was the Annual Dinner Dance, which was hosted and supported by Brett Vale Golf Club, Raydon on Saturday 6th February. The Fundraising Committee; Penny Spraggons, Pam Peers and Melanie Barrett worked tirelessly for the past 4 months ensuring that all who attended had a wonderful evening. Guests received a glass of Bucks Fizz on arrival, followed by a three course dinner then danced the night away to 60s and 70s music by the band Bits and Pieces. Despite the current economic climate approximately a staggering ÂŁ2,900 was raised. The Fundraising Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all the local businesses who supported this event by either providing raffle prizes or donations for the evening. Another way of fundraising is the Home-Start Babergh 100 club. Tickets cost ÂŁ12.00 for the year and winning numbers are drawn on the second Friday of each month. If you would like to become a member of the 100 club please contact the office on 01473 822822 for further details. From Monday 1st February, Home-Start Babergh’s new address is: Unit 2 Hadleigh Enterprise Park, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 6RJ, Telephone: 01473 822822, Fax: 01473 822241, e-mail: info@homestartbabergh.co.uk, www.home-startbabergh.co.uk If you would like further details about the work Home-Start Babergh carries out, please contact Gillian Hall on the above details.

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Visit our Bonsai Nursery and see our Indoor and Outdoor Bonsai, Starter Trees, Tools, Wire and Pots etc. We also run Sunday Workshops by appointment OPENING TIMES: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am - 5pm Sunday & Bank Holidays 10am - 4pm Hadleigh Road, Boxford, Nr Sudbury, Suffolk Tel: 01787 210501 www.greenlawnsbonsai.co.uk

GRO PLANTS "A little piece of Garden Inspiration" • Suppliers of Quality Trees, Shrubs, Herbacious perennials and Garden Sundries • Seasonal promotions and friendly, professional advice. Contact: Vicky on 07748 515294 or Guy on 07880 703593 Find Us at "Green Lawns Bonsai", Hadleigh Rd, Boxford, Nr Sudbury, Suffolk. CO10 5JH

Richard and Sheena Drane Established 1999 www.cactiandsucculents.co.uk Tel: 01284 827105 email: richarddrane@btinternet.com We stock a range of Cacti and other Succulents at the nursery. We also have a selection of Sempervivums which are hardy. Prices start from £2.50 for small plants. We will have a stand at the Hadleigh show in May Find Us at "Green Lawns Bonsai", Hadleigh Rd, Boxford, Nr Sudbury, Suffolk. CO10 5JH


Happy 30th Birthday On March 21st, lots of love from Dan, Amelie, Maya, Mum, Dad, Mark, Charlotte & Gran 42

Happy 60th Tim Lots of love from Jill, Trevor and Sarah XXX

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

New Plant Centre Opening David Paget is pleased to announce the opening of a new plant centre at Green Lawns Bonsai this Easter. GRO Plants will be run by Guy & Vicky Ormes who both have a wealth of knowledge in Horticulture, being in the industry for over 25 years and are looking forward to offering a personal service in the supply of a range of trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, herbs and general garden sundries. They can supply almost any type of plant, using their extensive network and if you are looking for something a little bit different for your garden, then this is the place to visit. Green Lawns Bonsai continues to build on it’s reputation for the supply of quality Bonsai of all sizes and varieties, making an ideal gift to give pleasure for years to come. David regularly runs Bonsai workshops to get you started, or improve your skills and supplies everything you need to carry out this fascinating subject. Within the nursery there is an amazing collection of Cacti and Succulants run by Sheena & Richard. They both have devoted years to this horticultural subject, showing at many venues around Britain and are more than happy to share their passion with you. Their range of plants is extensive and varied and a great place to start a collection. There will be various events through the year at the nursery to help improve your gardening skills so please look out for notices in further editions of the Community News. They look forward to seeing you this Easter.

Hadleigh & District Garden Club The February meeting took place, thankfully as planned, following the cancellation of January’s meeeting, due to atrocious weather conditions. Never the less, I would like to thank all those who did turn out on what was a bitterly cold evening, when I am sure their fireside would have been a more attractive prospect! It was however, a splendid evening enjoyed by us all. Mr Richard Ford visited us and once again delivered a most interesting talk and slide show on the subject of grasses. Anyone who thinks it is “just lawns”, those vicious colonies of pampas or invasive bamboo, think again. Richard left us in no doubt that he could have expanded on this complex subject for days but condensed it to appeal to the assembled company, accompanied by fantastic pictures displayed from his fabulous new equipment. No pauses, changing of cartridges etc; just fast efficient and thoroughly entertaining and of course he had also bought along lots of goodies for us to buy for those odd empty corners. Needless to say, lawns did enter during the question period and I was personally delighted when he admitted, that on retirement he and his wife were determined not to have one! I’m sure that by the time you read this the burgeoning miracle of nature will be well and truely on the move, the early flowering shrubs are doing their bit, the mahonia already over, Viburnum Fragrans in full flower smelling their glorious best along with Winter Sweet not to mention the exotic Oriental Hellebores, but my own personal favourites of spring’s harbinger are those cheery little yellow faces of winter Aconites and the exquiste charm of the seemingly delicate snowdrops in such profussion this year and that along with the catkins will take anything that the weather decides to bring. Rupert Brook springs to mind about English/British flowers and a remark made by Ray Meers on one of his programmes about the seasons. He said he realised he had passed the age when he could not expect to see the events as many times in the future as he had already experienced so he feel it imperative to enjoy every leaf opening, every flower blooming and every leaf change its hue and fall to the utmost and I couldn’t agree with him more - so - too late for Happy New Year but a “enjoy every season as it comes and goes and let us hope this will be a good gardeners year”. Ruth Allen 822323

HADLEIGH & DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Monday 8th March In the community room at The United Reformed Church, 7 .30p.m.

A.G.M. and Social Meeting

Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts I got to this years Potato Day at Stonham Barns and acquired the four varieties of seed potatoes that I wanted at 12p per tuber ( plus ÂŁ1.50 to get in ). As usual there were the 100+ different varieties available, and crowds of people who wanted to buy them. It was quite bizarre queuing to buy seed potatoes in a snow storm. The varieties that I am growing are Rocket - an early round potato, Edzell Blue - a second early with blue skin, floury flesh and a fine flavour, Romano - an early maincrop potato and Anya - a second early salad potato bred from Pink Fir Apple & Desiree. For me Anya has two advantages over Pink Fir Apple (a) it matures earlier, and (b) The tubers are less knobbly making it easier for the cook. My purchases are now set up in trays in my greenhouse to "chit". That is to start to grow some shoots. This is a long established gardening practice described in all my old reference books, but is still controversial. Basically the argument for chitting is that it gets the potatoes off to a quick start and this results in an earlier harvest. The argument against chitting is that the nice warm shoots go into the cold ground and get chilled. I do it because it gives me the opportunity to control the number of shoots per potato, and to discard any dubious potatoes before I plant them. I reckon it will be some time before my ground is ready to plant them. One of my readers this year has a "hole" in his carpet of snowdrops and wondered what pests or diseases might have caused it. Garden bulbs are relatively trouble free and providing one plants healthy bulbs in a suitable position in soil they like they will grow well for years. In this case where there has been a local failure I would suspect one of the pests that loves eating roots like vine weevils and cut worms. All one can do is investigate the soil in the hole and see if one can find any evidence. The large narcissus fly attacks other bulbs besides daffodils., so is a possibility, but generally attacked bulbs produce some growth. Weather Records January was a miserable month. The snow hung around for ages, and we did not have much sun. On the other hand what fell did not amount to much rain. The total for the month was only 41.6 mm (1.6") which was quite surprising when I look at how wet my garden still is. The rolling 3 month figure stands at 224.5 mm (8.8") which is greater than average due to a very wet November. The maximum temperature in January was 8 Cel (46F) and the minimum was -7 Cel (19 F). We need to go back to 2001 to a January maximum temperature as low as 8 Cel.The minimum monthly temperature is very low, but in January 2002 we did have a minimum temperature of -8 Cel. Ground temperature in mid February was still only1 Cel (34 F) the same as last month. This explains why the bulbs are so sl;ow getting going. We badly need some sunny days to warm things up. Hints In March we can hope for some warmer days to tempt us back out into the garden where we shall find a mass of jobs needing urgent attention. In the flower garden we shall find that the weeds are growing much better than the plants and need removing promptly before they seed. There will also be the decision as to what to do with perennial plants that appear to have died during the Winter. Initially it is best to just trim off the obviously dead growth as some of them will throw up fresh growth from ground level. Rose pruning should be completed. If you plan to grow annuals from seed March is the month to get on with it. Hardy annuals can be sown directly in the ground where they are to grow. For vegetables it is again time to get sowing and planting and there are varieties of just about all of the common vegetables that can be sown in March either under cover or direct in the ground. The main problem is likely to be the condition of the ground. It spoils the structure of the soil if you walk on it when it is so wet that a large layer of it sticks to your boots. If you have a long board that you can lay on the ground and work from this it helps. Do not be in too much of a hurry. This year it will probably be mid April before the ground is warm enough for good growth. John Rye

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Steel Pictures from Hadleigh has wowed the judging panel and sailed through the audition stage of Live and Unsigned. Steel Pictures will now be competing against the other most talented bands and artists in the country at the live shows of Live and Unsigned 2010 – all in a bid to be signed! Steel Pictures, all pupils in their last year at Hadleigh High School battled against hundreds of auditionees to secure a spot in the live shows and now has the opportunity to prove that they are the best in the region. Acts that have made it through auditions will now take part in a live head to head battle in front of thousands of spectators and a professional judging panel to progress to the Live and Unsigned Festival at the 02 in London. Live and Unsigned is the biggest original music competition in the UK for unsigned bands and artists. Attracting over 30, 000 entries in the past three years, it has set itself apart from its predecessors by offering and promoting originality. It’s now established as the definitive music competition for original acts and it’s open to all genres of music from Heavy Rock to Rap. For more information go to the website www.LiveandUnsigned.UK.com. Or better still come down and support local talent; you can purchase tickets on the door or from Steel Pictures on 01473 829777 or 07909698860. The year has got off to a flying start for the band made up of Luke English, Nic Keeble, Michael Whittle, Harry Challis and Andrew Kitchener, with two gigs in January raising a lot of money for two very worthwhile charities plus they have won a place to perform at The Ipswich Regents “Star For A Night” on Friday 14 May after beating more than 400 other acts to get in the final line up for the evening. If you would like to know more about any of the events above or would like Steel Pictures to perform at one of your events, please ring Dave on 07909698860.

HADLEIGH ANNUAL TOWN MEETING will be held in THE DINING ROOM, HADLEIGH on THURSDAY 22nd APRIL 2010 at 7.30 pm AN AGENDA WILL BE PUBLISHED IN APRILS HADLEIGH COMMUNITY NEWS All residents are entitled to attend this open meeting. If you wish to have an issue relating to the town discussed at the meeting, please contact the Town Council Office by the 18th March 2010 so that an item can be included on the Agenda. It has been agreed that there will be a change in the format of this meeting to encourage residents to attend. Our theme for the meeting is “Hadleigh – Renovation, Restoration and Progress” Appropriate speakers will be attending. Please see Aprils Hadleigh Community News for further details Councillor Laurie Munson, Town Mayor 44

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Friends of Angel Court As spring is nearly upon us, we thought you might like to hear some of our news. The ‘Friends’ gave an overnight and sponge bag to each resident for their Christmas present. We paid for two professional singers to entertain over the festivities and paid for the residents to go out for a Christmas pub lunch. The Day Centre had money towards their Christmas drinks party. The plan for Easter is a trip to Felixstowe and s we are paying towards the cost of the coach. As you can see the monies we raise is always well spent and the residents get great enjoyment from all the activities. We are planning to hold our AGM on 26th April 2010, and all are invited. If you would like to join us please fill in attached form. To: The Treasurer, Friends of Angel Court, Angel Court, Angel Street Hadleigh IP7 5HA

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Band 1 course of treatment = £16.50 This covers an examination, diagnosis (e.g. X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed and application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealants. If you require urgent care, even if your urgent treatment needs more than one appointment to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge.

Band 2 course of treatment = £45.60 This includes everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.

Band 3 course of treatment = £198.00 This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures or bridges.

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Library Link Community Read We would like you to take part in our Community Read to get everyone reading and talking about books. It’s a Quick Read book called Hello Mum by Bernadine Evaristo. A novella about teenage knife crime told through the voice of a fourteen year old boy. It is a hot summer afternoon. Tension is in the air. A gang of youths on bikes gathers outside a chip shop and a teenage boy is stabbed and left bleeding on the street. Hello Mum is a powerful and moving novel about a frightening current issue. Quick Reads We have had a new stock of Quick Reads which are short, sharp shots of entertainment brilliantly written by bestselling writers and celebrities. Just in ‘Life is too Short’ whether we love it or hate it, work has a huge impact on our lives, a short, sharp shot of laughter and tears. The ever popular Doctor Who in ‘Code of the Krillitanes’, a short, sharp shot of adventure. Alison Weir’s ‘Traitors of the Tower’ a short, sharp shot of royal revenge. ‘Money Magic’ by Alvin Hall, seven simple steps to true financial freedom. With over 40 titles to choose from there’s bound to be something for everyone. Sundays Sunday 7th and 14th March is all dedicated to all those hardworking mums and a chance to make them feel appreciated. Making Mother’s Day cards and paper bouquets of flowers on the first week and gift books for Mothers, including promises, for example ‘I promise to vacuum the living room’! On Sunday 21st we celebrate famous women, discussing their achievements and how they have influenced history. Sunday March 28th is craft activities relating to Easter, talking about the stories and traditions behind Easter. All activities start from 11.30. As usual we have our regular story time for 2-5 year olds from 10.30, listen to stories read by our Sunday staff. Toptime for the over 55s Our regular Toptime session is on a Wednesday from 10.30 to 12.00, this month we are planning a Tai Chi taster session, play reading, a visit from a luncheon club, scrabble or dominoes and a quiz. It’s a very informal group, a chance to chat as well as enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits. Please visit the library for more details. It’s free! Tell your friends and family - It's free to join the library and everyone is welcome. Did you know that with a library card you can borrow up to 20 books for free? You can also borrow CDs, DVDs, computer games and spoken word such as story cassettes/CDs for a small charge – ask our staff for details. You can use the internet for free in every library too – our computer system means that you can book in advance to surf the net or just pop in and see if a PC is free. If you would like to join please bring some formal identification, eg bank statement, utility bill, driving license etc and proof of signature.

Fake Tech Support Call Scam! There is a scam that is parting lots of people from their money and, for good measure, compromising their computer at the same time. It goes something like this: You receive a call from someone that claims to be from supportonclick, systemrecure or Windows or even Microsoft. They tell you that there is a problem with your computer that they can fix online. They persuade you to allow them access to your PC using a service called logmein123.com. Once they have control they can do anything: install Spyware, Keyloggers the works. To add insult to injury you get to pay for the service as well, I have heard of £57 being asked for. The scammer seems to have a very strong accent but claims an English sounding name. There is a phone number that is associated with some of these calls, an Oxford number (01865 521 065) or a Bradford number. They seem to be doing their homework by, at least sometimes, knowing the name of the person that they call. The scammer claims that your computer is infected by viruses or badly affected by junk files or some other such nonsense. They may even show you a directory and claim that the files are dangerous. They aren’t. It is all smoke and mirrors to confuse you. The remote access service logmein123.com has nothing to do with the scam. It is a legitimate tool being used by the scammers. Microsoft does not cold call. If you are the victim of a scam or want to make sure that your computer is secure give me a call. In the meantime for any help and advice contact Nick Kotarski 07790 842 968 / 01206 299 568 nick@kotarski.co.uk or visit kotarski.co.uk. 46

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh and District Flower Club At the February meeting of the Flower Club Mrs Linda Harman from Ipswich gave an excellent floral demonstration entitled “Outside in”. Seven arrangements were created using a wide variety of flowers and folliage, which were eagerly taken home by the lucky raffle winners. The spring arrangement with rabbits (pictured) was constructed using a terracotta planter, a wreath ring made from silver birch twigs wired together, forming the collar to the pot. Into the oasis foam, contorted hazel, fatsia japonnica, bergenia leaves and a lime conifer were placed. the flowers used included green chrysanthums, renunculus, narcissi “Cheerfulness” and red tulips. Linda then showed the audience how to make the base of a pedestall using bamboo, lots of useful tips were given as Linda continued arranging the flowers. The flower club always welcome visitors at their monthly meetings, look in the Diary Dates section at the front of the Community News for details. The club’s charity fund raising event this year will be an afternoon tea and flower demonstration to be held in Whatfield Village Hall on Tuesday 27th April at 2.30pm The charity the club are supporting this year is Somersham Ward at Ipswich Hospital.

Help 4 Heroes The following local businesses have been collecting money for Help 4 Heroes since October ‘09: Partridges Fruit and Veg, The Post Office, Adnams, The George, Crabtrees, Kings Head and Monks Eleigh Post Office. Individuals have also been very generous, sculptress Maz Wheelhouse based in Stratford St. Mary donated a bronze silicone statuet of ‘Harry the Hare’ which over £300. The total collected so far is £1250.00, thanks to you all and please keep going! Les Hymas, 67 High Street, Hadleigh



Dear Sir Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

Dear Sir My wife and I recently spent a week in Hadleigh, visiting our son and his family. We lived in the town for three years before moving to Worcestershire last year. We enjoyed our short visit but I’m afraid to say I was very disappointed with one aspect. Each morning as I walked down George Street with my grand-daughter on our way to school, the melting snow and ice, it was early January, revealed a disgusting trail of dog mess. There was not just the occasional small dropping, but huge piles of foul excrement every few yards. What a health hazard!! It was quite clear that one or more dog owners had allowed their animals to foul the pavement and made no attempt to remove the filth. It is not difficult, as I do for our dog, to carry a supply of poo-bags in your pocket whenever you go out and to deposit the filled bag in one of the many bins provided around the town – full marks to the Council. Such irresponsible dog owners fail to consider that their selfishness gives all dog owners a bad name and I, for one, would be pleased to see such thoughtless behavior punished by a substantial fine. Unfortunately, they must do it under the cover of darkness since I never actually seen the crime being committed. May I, through your magazine, appeal to the decency of all my fellow dog owners in Hadleigh to spare a thought for those people who do not find a huge pile of canine faeces an attractive sight and to clear it up. I hate to say it but the dog owners of Malvern seem to have a more thoughtful attitude to their fellow citizens and you rarely see mess in the street, so why not in Hadleigh. Paul Marshall, Malvern, Worcs

Hadleigh Baptist Church You are warmly invited to an over 60’s

Afternoon Tea and Chat on 28th March at 4.30 pm Transport can be arranged - Ring Paul on 01473 824159

St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh

GRAND SPRING FAIR 27th March 2010, 10 am to 2 pm Raffle 1st Prize £100 Books, Gifts, Cakes, Preserves and much much more Jackie’s Luscious Lunches Morning Coffee Stalls available Contact Patsy 01473 823295 Sue 01473 823376

I have just received the February edition of the Hadleigh Community News and I am very interested in a letter from one of your readers, Mark Burton, as I am one of the ‘older generation’ who were trying to cross the car park to get my ticket. On Tuesday the 5th January I had to visit Hadleigh and parked in the Magdalen Road car park. Although the main roads were clear of snow, the conditions in the car park were still very treacherous underfoot, particularly the spaces between the parked cars, which were covered with packed ice and snow. On driving home to Boxford at about 3.30 pm, as I was crossing the river bridge, I noticed on the left hand side of the road, what appeared to be three or four workmen wearing high visibility jackets, who I assumed to be council workers, carrying buckets and gritting the pavement by hand. My first thoughts were “at last the council is doing what they are paid for”, and then I noticed where they were; it was the pavement in Corks Lane leading up to the Council Offices. Could this have been a ‘trial run’ training their staff so they would be fully prepared for next year? Was it a directive from the ‘Elf & Safety Department’ to look after their own staff? Or does the budget only stretch to a few buckets of grit per year! Les Curtis, Bildeston

Dear Sir I hope this letter reaches you sometime as I have no idea of your address. Do you have a Readers Letters page? Having lived in Bury St. Edmunds for five years now and been driven about in the county by kind friends, I have had occasion to call at ‘Huffers’ in the High Street. Each time I treat myself to one of their all day breakfasts, they are wonderful! Not a spot of grease in sight and everything cooked to perfection. I just wanted to share my pleasure with other folk who haven’t had chance yet to try one. Doreen Foster, Bury St. Edmunds

Dear Sir My husband and I were in “Katies” Café on a Saturday and got chatting to a visiting couple. They were in Hadleigh six years ago and both of them couldn’t believe that Hadleigh still hadn’t got a Tesco. This is because when they were in Hadleigh six years ago all the people they spoke to were in favour for one. “But surely it would bring more people into the town and use the few remaining shops left in Hadleigh?” said the lady. She then commented on all the shops that had gone since the last time they were here and this wasn’t due to Tesco, was it? The couple had walked round by the Brett works and said how disgraceful and disgusting the site looked and that anything would be an improvement. If this is what VISITORS are seeing and commenting on, surely something needs to be done to encourage them to come back again. Come on Hadleigh let’s get in the 21st Century and get what most people want and need before it’s too late!! Julie Stone, Lower Raydon

Festival of Angels Concert by the Ipswich Gilbert and Sullivan Society Friday 26th March at 7.30 pm at Hadleigh United Reform Church Tickets £7.50 to include a glass of wine Entry from 7.00 pm Tickets from 01473 822504 or 828612 in aid of St. Mary’s Church, Aldham


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

St Peter’s Church, Elmsett 13th/14th March from 11.00am – 5.00pm. A celebration of angels and their place in religion and mythology. • Whatever our faith, angels hold a special place in our hearts. • These spiritual beings can bring us comfort, hope, inspiration and assistance. • Anyone can encompass their mystic and mythic power to bring about valuable and rewarding change in their lives. • It is not necessary to believe in the literal reality of angels to feel their power, but by using our imagination we can create a positive force for help and feeling. Light refreshments – soup & rolls, tea/coffee & cakes, served all day. Chocolate tombola and raffle. Saturday 13th at 7.30pm: Cheese and Wine. Tickets £7.50 available from 01473 658743 or 822723.

Hadleigh Goldstar Athletic Football Club (Sponsored by Taylor & Sons Property Agents) At last !!! some football action, although we had to wait until 24th January for our first match of 2010, which was against Locomotive from Ipswich in Flare Recruitment Senior Cup. Surprising all the players were ‘match fit’ after the lay off and with a full squad we were soon on the attack with ‘Beachy’ getting our first goal, Chris Cowan put us two up after thirty minutes, then ‘Snowy’ got our third just before Chris Cowan cheekily lobbed the keeper for the fourth goal just before half time. Locomotive pulled a goal back early in the second half, then just before full time ‘Beachy ‘ had a senior moment to let a forward round him leaving ‘Butch’ in goal stranded as Locomotive scored their second goal, so we moved in to the quarter finals of the cup. Our next match at Aldeburgh was postponed due to the weather again, pity really as ‘Bob the Flag’ wanted a trip to the seaside and had got a new white handkerchief for his head. Supporter Nigel was equally disappointed, as he had organised ‘Deck Chairs & Ice Creams’ for the Supporters. League action on the 7th Feb saw us at home to E&D Athletic, who like us are pushing for a top three place in the league, an even first half saw us 1-0 up at half time, but the pace was upped in the second half with both teams playing some good attacking football and defending well. For E & D then cause was not aided after using their only sub, another player was injured reducing them to ten men who battled hard, we eventually ran out 5-2 winners on day with a Chris Cowan hat trick, one from ‘Shelly’, and a comeback goal from Michael Lewis returning from his nasty leg beak sustained last year. Thanks to Jack ‘the knees’ Warner for standing Valentine's day saw us at home to Ferryboat in the quarter final of the Senior Cup again a full squad (apart from ‘Grimmo’) who came up with a lame excuse (bed was warmer than the High School pitch!!!). Another end to end match with six goals being scored with Goldstar running out 4-2 winners on the day for a place in the semi-finals. With two early first half goals from ‘Beachy’ & ‘CC’, although ‘Beachy’ gave away a penalty, we were 2-1 up at half time, a second half goal by ‘CC’ and a goal by ‘Gildy’ saw us comfortably through. These three matches saw a brilliant team spirit from all the Goldstar players and are a credit to the Club (even the Subs) who didn't get a game, with this spirit there is every chance of promotion and getting into the Cup Final especially as the team we beat (Ferryboat) in the quarter final play in the Premier Division of the Ipswich Sunday League and are currently in third spot, again from the Manager & Committee well done lads!!! keep it up. Secretary Keith was concerned at half time as ‘Ropes’ had three pieces of orange, when questioned he is still ‘WAG’ chasing as it looks like Cheryl Cole may be free shortly!! and trying to keep his strength up. With ‘Beachy’ changing jobs, we have had to change his nickname from now on he will be known as ‘Butcher Ben’, we hope he keeps his fingers intact. On the match front Keith is trying hard to re-arrange matches, both home and away, some of our home matches may be played on the High School pitch, as our normal pitch is being closed down early so a running track can be marked out, if the High School pitch is not available, we have been told we can use a pitch at East Bergholt School. A case of word of mouth where an when we are playing. Late news we have drawn Unicorn in the semi-finals of the Cup, possible match date 11th April at a neutral venue.

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Hadleigh Rugby Club The month of February was filled with mixed fortunes for Hadleigh rugby club at Youth and Senior levels, with training, and matches having to be cancelled due to frost and hard pitches. However, the 1st XV did manage to play their rearranged fixture with top of the table Haverhill at the end of January, only to lose out by 10points having threatened to turn over the visitors on several occasions. The fixture against Harwich was another hard fought event with the league’s second placed team, holding on at home to an under strength Hadleigh team. At last the fortunes of the 1st XV improved along with the standard of play to earn a well deserved win against 4th placed Broadlands from Great Yarmouth. Good Performance but Disappointing Defeat Harwich 20 Hadleigh 3. Following a long lay off with only one fixture in 6 weeks, Hadleigh were not fully prepared for their League encounter with top placed Harwich on Saturday. This, combined with a string of injuries and unavailabilities, forced coach Adam Miles to pick players out of position including his own inclusion as fourth choice half back. This did not seem to perturb the players who started off in a lively pace taking the ball to Harwich and threatening the line three times in the opening 10 minutes. Eventually pressure told and a rucking error enabled full back Bartholomew to convert a simple penalty to put Hadleigh in the lead. Exchanges were equalled out in the ensuing passages of play but handling errors and indecision on both sides spoilt several of the running efforts. After 20 minutes Harwich took a penalty opportunity to bring the sides level. This appeared to stir Harwich who began to put several running moves together and Hadleigh were forced to play a tackling defensive game. Just before half time Harwich won a scrum against the head and quick thinking by the Harwich fly half released the centres to penetrate the Hadleigh line to take the ball over the line and take a 5pts lead. The conversion brought the game to half time and a deserved lead by Harwich. The second half continued in the same vein with both sides taking advantages- Hadleigh winning the rucks but Harwich controlling the running play in the backs. Mid way through the second half this adventurous running by Harwich earned them a deserved try in the corner which was converted excellently by the fly half. Hadleigh can look back at this game and reflect on areas for improvement. Too many kicking and handling errors coupled with poor decision making were evident and coach Adam Miles will be attending to this issue in preparation for the next league game against Broadlands, Great Yarmouth. Meanwhile Harwich can be satisfied in gaining a hard

Hadleigh High School Association

EASTER BINGO AT HADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY 26TH MARCH F i r s t g a m e s t a r t s a t 8 . 0 0 pm R e f r e s h m e n t s a v a i la b l e - R a f f le A c c o m p a n i e d c hi l d re n w e l c o m e F U N F OR AL L TH E FAM I LY If you r equir e a lift r ing An it a on 01 473 8 29777


Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 soloist: John Lill Finzi: ‘God is gone up’ Ireland: ‘Greater love hath no man’ (orchestrated Phelps) Julie Roberts (soprano) Eugene Ginty (tenor) Owain Browne (bass) Hadleigh Choral Society Kelvedon Singers Chapel Choir of The Abbey School, Woodbridge Colchester Symphony Orchestra conducted by Christopher Phelps

SNAPE MALTINGS CONCERT HALL Saturday 27 March 2010, 7.30pm Tickets £18, £15, £12 from choir members or Box office 01728 687110 www.hadleighchoralsociety.org.uk 50

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

fought win, which takes them to the top of Eastern Counties Division 2 and pose a serious threat to Haverhill. Hadleigh Back to Winning Ways Hadleigh 27pts, Broadlands (Gt. Yarmouth) 15pts Having lost the previous two games Hadleigh got back to winning ways on Saturday with a convincing win over fourth place Broadlands at Layham Road. In the first five minutes of play Hadleigh threatened the Broadlands line with a series of fine loose play situations in the forwards enabling the back line to work the ball, and it was a powerful run from Shaun van Rensberg that penetrated the Broadlands line to take him over for his first try for the club. Having converted the try, centre, Bartholomew then increased the lead by kicking a penalty conceded under pressure yet again. Hadleigh continued to dominate the forward play with excellent contributions made by captain Warburtion and young prop forward Clements, and the pressure told with another break from centre van Rensberg who scored a second try under the posts. Hadleigh looked comfortable at half time with a 17 points cushion but continued resistance and spoiling play by the Broadlands back division enabled them to intercept a pass from fly half Powell and run in a try which was converted. It seemed that Hadleigh were relaxing and following several handling errors allowed Broadlands to take another opportunity near to the Hadleigh line and run in a second converted try. Hadleigh had to respond and did so with several fine runs by wingers Crisp and Hutchins who eventually achieved a break through to score Hadleigh’s third try and final points. This display was again erratic and although Hadleigh are showing signs of real ability to create chances through good flowing rugby need to be more consistent and fluent in their passages of play. Hadleigh now prepare to take on Mistley away next week in the knowledge that they will want to take revenge for the heavy defeat inflicted on them at Hadleigh earlier in the season. Throughout this season, the clubs 25th Anniversary Season the club has continued to grow and develop. In addition to the long awaited successes of the 1st XV, there have been several 2nd XV fixtures. The Youth and Mini rugby section is thriving with over 150 regular players at all levels from U-6 to U-16s. One of the most pleasing aspects of this season has been the successful rise into the 1st XV ranks of several of our former Junior Players who have come through the ranks as mini and Youth players to become fully fledged Senior players. Well done, Jake Moore and Sam Bridge on their breakthrough and to Josie Halls, Zac Kerr and Henry Clements who have become regular 1st XV players and who have been proposed for the Suffolk Team trials. As a developing Community Club we are always on the search for new platers. If any one wishes to be part of the club as a Volunteer or Player or just wish to come along and watch there will always be a warm welcome. For further information contact: Alan Murray on 01473 652448 (H) 07835 264 713 (M), John Squirrell, team captain on 01473 652136 (H), 07788 712753 (M)

Hadleigh RFC Under 7s Vs Sudbury Hadliegh RFC Under 7s and local rivals Sudbury overcame Sunday's frosty conditions by sharing the spoils of two hotly contested encounters. The Hadleigh youngsters opened up a narrow 5-4 lead by half-time in the first match. A thrilling display of end-to-end rugby followed, from which Sudbury emerged the eventual victors by a score of 10-9. William Marston was in red-hot form for Hadleigh, scoring 6 times, with Ryan Croft and Oliver Butler also contributing tries. The second match unfolded in similar fashion, Hadleigh again opening up a half-time lead. This time, though, they were able to hang on to claim a 7-6 victory. Man of the match Marston scored another five tries, whilst Croft and Henry Kelly also crossed the line for Hadleigh.

Hadleigh Bowling Club Our winter programme is continuing with carpet bowls and a very successful Valentines Dinner. The planned re-location is progressing slowly and the new Green will be laid in April/May. In the meantime please bring your friends to the open days to ' have a go' at playing bowls with Doug and Sylvia, our coaches. The dates are 24th and 25th April at 2.30pm

Hadleigh Hares Awarded Prestigious Clubmark Hadleigh Hares are pleased to announce they are the proud recipients of the Clubmark standard which was presented on 9th February by James Cudmore,of England Athletics. Achieving accredited club status, attained through 12 months of hard work to meet the strict criteria laid down by Sport England, will ensure our club is now nationally recognized as providing our juniors with a ‘safe, effective and child friendly’ club environment. This award couldn’t have happened without the continued hard work, support & dedication of our coaches who selflessly take time to encourage our young members to improve their talents & hopefully maintain a life - long contact with Sport. Our immense gratitude & thanks go to Clive Pinnion, Liz Palfry, Carol Nokes, Trudy Avis, Jackie Kirk, Brian Airlie, and Barbara Sanders

Following on from our success with the junior section & sensing a need to encourage & support older children & young adults, from the 1st of April Hadleigh Hares will launch a dedicated “youth section” for 15-25 year olds. This is an exciting time for the club given that there are no other local running clubs that currently offer specific training to this age group. We hope this will prove to be as successful as our junior section. GREAT BENTLEY HALF MARATHON - Sunday 7th February 2010 It was a magnificent turn out for the Hadleigh Hares with 25 athletes in the 827 strong field for the Great Bentley Half Marathon. In a rare break in weather the competitors enjoyed sunny still conditions- important on a race which takes place through exposed countryside. Three groups of Hares competed: the tri-athletes who were using the event as training for this year's Ironman (biking to and from the event) the established road runners, and 9 ladies for whom this was their first ever half marathon. On a fast flat course personal bests were order of the day. Clive Pinnion was the first male Hare home with a morale boosting time of 1:27:45 suggesting he is finally over his injury and ready to post a good time in the London Marathon. First female Hare home & also training for London was Trudy Avis with an excellent time of 1:45:56. Well done to all the Hares but especially to those who completed their first ever half marathon. Times as follows: MEN TIME WOMEN TIME Clive Pinnion 1.27.45 Trudy Avis 1.45.46 Richard Hanley 1.35.57 Anna Claffey 1.54.43 Doug Grimwade 1.37.04 Lisa Smith 2.06.13 Brian Airlie 1.38.35 Deborah Stewart 2.08.11 Neil Crisp 1.42.14 Anna Shiress 2.08.42 Martin Alabone 1.42.54 Helen Norman 2.08.43 John Chisnall 1.43.00 Sarah Grimsey 2.14.53 David Dulake 1.44.05 Anne Wilkinson 2.15.32 Steve Bowen 1.46.46 Claire Bartrum 2.19.24 Andrew Stewart 1.48.31 Jackie Kirk 2.19.24 John Norman 1.49.52 Amanda Bendall 2.27.45 Steve Alcock 2.03.32 Emma Nutall 2.27.45 Terrie Redmore 2.27.45 Hadleigh Hares Athletic Club run three sessions a week for adults (all abilities & ages welcome) & one for juniors (age 8-16); see below for dates & times: Monday Beginners Night 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Tuesday Junior Night 6.00 - 7,00pm at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Tuesday Youth Night 7.00pm – 8.00pm (FROM 1ST APRIL) Tuesday Ladies Night: 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre (All abilities welcome) Thursday Club Night: 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Please turn up at the start of one of our sessions and have a chat with our coaches if you are unsure about attending. Alternatively please look at our website www.hadleighhares.co.uk

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Adam Woodhead finishes eighth In Rainy Spain

Hadleigh United F.C. Youth Under 11’s

Newton Green’s Adam Woodhead finished 8th in a rain affected Andalucian Boys’ Open final held at Finca Cortesin – home of the Volvo World Match Play Final. The Suffolk player had been looking for a top three place after finishing 8th and then fifth in the previous two years, but a few reckless drives in the first three of the five rounds scheduled over different courses spoiled his chances. Additionally, his opening round was disrupted when his father, Ian, who was caddying, lost his footing on the steps of eighth tee and finished up in hospital being treated for a fractured wrist. In a strong field of 24 boys who had qualified from throughout the United Kingdom, Adam was seventh after the first round and held the position on the second day, but the third day was washed out. On the fourth day he slipped to 11th, but still qualified for the final round at Finca, where fine blue skies were finally seen and the Suffolk player recorded a seven over par which was good enough to promote his to eighth.

LEARN TO PLAY BOWLS Do come along to the Bowling Club on 24th or/and 25th April to try your hand at this interesting game All you will need is flat shoes For further information please 'phone: 01473 828032

Hadleigh United under 11’s – Future First Team Hopefuls Pictured are Hadleigh United under 11’s (who were the Mascots for the first team) waiting to run out on the pitch. The boys again were lucky enough to represent the under 11’s when they had the privilege of being Mascots for the day for the first team. They also held their penalty shoot out competition in which all the players took part. The final four were Harry Seager, Jack Lambert, Oliver Peters and Callum Morrin. Jack Lambert was victorious in taking the title of Under 11.s Penalty Champion and we look forward to seeing him later in the year at the final. The boys continue to play and train hard and their efforts are paying off with both the A and B team in third position in the league. Results Hadleigh United A team v St Johns 1 – 0 Hadleigh United B team v St Johns 5 – 2 Weekly reports can be found at www.greenun24.co.uk. Fixtures 13.3.10 Away v Witnesham League 20.3.10 Home v Framlingham League 27.3.10 Away v Kesgrave League Please check fixtures as these will be amended as games are rescheduled.

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Trudy’s Marathon Blog…… The last few weeks have been very busy with working, training, racing, coaching, and fundraising as well as being a Wife and Mother (oh and I forgot my birthday, that’s age for you). At the beginning of February I had an invite from the EAAA to go and visit them at their headquarters in Norwich. This was a great experience although slightly disappointing as the main helicopter was out on call at an accident in Cambridge, however the back up helicopter was there; therefore I managed to look around it and tried to imagine what’s involved in a rescue. The visit was also beneficial as some of the other Marathon runners were there, with many of them running Marathons before; it was the ideal chance to get some advice from them. For part of my fundraising I’m organising an Auction of Promises with Dinner Dance (see flyer). I have already received several promises and raffle prizes which include: • A flight in a plane (over your own home) for up to 3 people • Afternoon Tea for 2 at Hintlesham Hall Hotel • 2 x family tickets to Cadbury’s World • Sony Cybershot digital Camera from B V Hicks Ltd • Signed Pennant donated by Arsenal FC • 2 tickets to Ipswich Town v Doncaster • Round of golf at Colchester Golf Club for 4 people • 1 weeks accommodation in a Spanish Villa for 8 people • 1 x ticket Pink concert at Portman Road • Round of golf at Newton Green Golf Club for 4 people Plus many more items, all donators will be mentioned in the April edition of the Hadleigh Community News. Now for my training: 13 weeks to go On Sunday 24th January I took part in the Martlesham X country, the 2 lap 5.2 mile course was mostly flat on tracks and footpaths, this was the 3rd time I had competed in a X country and it was probably the easiest course even though it didn’t feel like it at the time. I was quite pleased with how the race went, finishing strong in 31st place. Even though the X country race wasn’t a substantial distance I felt tired for a couple of days afterwards (that’s what races do to you) so I kept my training light until Thursday when I did 12 miles this being my furthest distance so far towards my marathon training . I took Friday as a rest day to recover from the 12 miles and finished the week off with a spin class on Saturday to get in some cross training. 12 weeks to go On Sunday 31st January I went out with my running friends and did a 9 mile steady social run, my favourite! On Monday I concentrated on speed work with doing 4 x 800 intervals on Hadleigh Rugby pitch, I didn’t enjoy this but speed work has to be done! Tuesday was back to cross training with a spin class followed by working with free weights in the gym. Wednesday was a rest day but not pain free as I had a sports massage, ouch!! I took it easy over the next couple of days with just doing short distances to rest myself for a Half Marathon on Sunday. 11 weeks to go On Sunday 7th February I took part in the Great Bentley Half Marathon along side 24 other Hadleigh Hares. This was my second Half Marathon, my first being last August in Ipswich. This was supposed to be a training run however when I’m in the race environment it’s hard for me to hold back, with the course being very flat I managed to get a PB of 1hr45 beating my previous time by 7 minutes. On Monday I didn’t do my own run but went out in the evening to coach the Hadleigh Hares beginner’s session. On Tuesday it was back to cross training with a spin class in the morning and circuit training in the evening. It was time for a rest day on Wednesday ready for a tempo run on Thursday. This was not to be as the road conditions were far too icy so I decided to play it safe and used the treadmill in the gym, completing 6 very boring miles. I went out with my running friends on Friday evening and I talked them into a hill session, they did thank me afterwards! After that hill session I opted for a spin class on Saturday. 10 weeks to go On Sunday 14th February after attending a Valentines Ball at Stoke by Nayland Club and staying there overnight I decided to get my long run of the week done by running home. I planned the route so the run would be 13 miles, I must say I felt very lonely running on my own but at least the sun was shining. On mile 12 I started to feel a slight twinge in my right knee but with only being 1 mile from home it didn’t cause me too much trouble. With this slight twinge giving me some concern I decided to take it easy on the running and did more cross training for the rest of the week. I have arranged for a sports therapist to have a look at my knee, but I feel quite confident that it’s nothing serious fingers crossed! I would like to say a big THANKYOU to those who have already sponsored me. Sponsor forms available at Keith Avis, Hadleigh Leisure Centre or online at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/TrudyAvis




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ITFC SCORE is a fun and exciting way to keep the kids occupied this Easter Holiday With courses kicking off at venues in Bury St. Edmunds, Framlingham, Wisbech, Elmswell, Felixstowe, Thetford, Saxmundham, Woodbridge and Ipswich. ITFC SCORE are football courses designed for both boys and girls aged between four and 12 years, offering fun football coaching to children of all abilities at a brand new lower price, starting from as little as £5 for the Soccer 4 courses, £10 for specialist one day courses (including Girls, Pan Disability and Goalkeeper training courses) and £20 for two day courses. Each player will get the chance to join a crew dependant on their age from MINIS (5/6 year olds) and ROOKIES (7/8 year olds) through to YOUTHS (9/10 year olds) and SKIPPERS (11/12 year olds). They will then be split into teams made up of different crew members with players from a range of ages, skill and abilities, allowing them to learn from each other. New to the holiday course is the Points Score System, which is designed to give each player the chance to win points for their team from the very start to the last minute of the course. Points will be rewarded for good sportsmanship, good behaviour and positive support and SKIPPERS will be encourage to support those in the younger age groups within their team and will be rewarded extra points for doing so. The team with the most points will be crowned champions and receive trophies at an Awards Ceremony at the end of the two day course. Medals will be given out to all those who took part. If you would like to book your child a place on one of our Easter Holiday ITFC SCORE courses between 6th and 16th April 2010 or would like more information please call 0845 1369 333 or visit www.itcommunitytrust.org.uk. Please be aware that each booking is subject to a £5 cancellation fee and if you give less than three working days notice, no refund will be given. We also no longer take booking from personal callers at our Portman Road office.

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Hadleigh RFC Under 8s Vs Sudbury For the third time this season, frozen pitches meant that the older age groups playing full contact rugby were unable to take to the field, so all eyes were on the younger teams playing tag rugby, as Hadleigh Minis took on Sudbury on a bright but frosty sunday morning. The elevenstrong Hadleigh Under 8 squad faced the unusual situation of playing three different Sudbury sides in a single morning, due to Sudbury having a far larger number of players at their disposal. The Hadleigh youngsters made short work of Sudbury's 'C' and 'B' sides, winnning these matches 9-6 and 5-2 respectively. Oliver Webb was in unstoppable form for Hadleigh, running in five tries over the two matches with a series of bustling runs. Oliver Jervois added a hat-trick of tries, with Luca Beadle (2), Isla Romer-Lee (2), Harry Green and Will Robling completing the scoring. Sudbury's 'A' team presented much sterner opposition, running out 6-2 winners as the Hadleigh youngsters tired visibly in their third straight match of the morning. Despite long spells spent defending, deft retrieval of the loose ball by Alex Watts freed Josh Kavanagh to score for Hadleigh, Will Robling also grabbing a second try of the morning.

2005 05 REG VAUXHALL COMBO WHITE 1 OWNERS SERVICE HISTORY LOW MILEAGE.................................£3695+VAT 2003 03 REG FORD RANGER PICK UP SUPER CAB 4DR 4WD UTILITY TOP 1 OWNER WHITE VERY CLEAN ..........£3995+VAT 2002 52 REG PEUGEOT EXPERT WHITE LOW MILEAGE +VAT....................................................................IN SOON

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Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group


The previous month’s snow and ice had eased just in time for Hadleigh United to entertain Ely City. We were soon two goals behind but Bobby Bethell scored twice in quick succession to equalize by half time. Craig Payne then put Hadleigh in front before Ely scored again to make the final score three each in a great game. The trip to Wivenhoe ended goalless after a poor game on a dreadfull pitch which made good football impossible on a freezing cold night. Wivenhoe adapted better to the bumpy surface but great saves by keeper Aaron Benstead earned Hadleigh a point. A home match against Newmarket was a good contest which resulted in a win for Newmarket. The only goal of the game came in the second half from a penalty kick. We came near to scoring in the last minute when a shot from Chris Sadler was well saved by the visiting goalkeeper. The next match saw Stanway at the Millfield and what a superb match this turned out to be after Stanway had been two goals in front at the interval. In the second half Stanway came under pressure and Craig Payne scored for Hadleigh from the penalty spot. Then Chris Leys headed our equalizer before Payne nodded in to put Hadleigh ahead in what had developed into a thrilling afternoon. But Stanway had the last word with two late goals to win by four goals to three. The Reserves reached the semi final of the Suffolk Reserves Cup by beating Mildenhall at the Milfield by four goals to one. Mark Beer scored twice with other goals from Daryl Alexander and Ben Licence. In a league match Haldeigh Reserves beat Cornard at the Millfield also by four goals to one. Peter Whitwell scored along with Jason Curtis, Liam Jennings and an own goal. Our Ridgeons Youth team won by three clear goals against Long Melford at the MIllfield. Goal scorers were Chris Browning, Reece Ingram and Elliot Doe-Laney. At Clacton we lost by four goals to two with goals from Josh Caraccio and Browning. Winners in the latest monthly draw were Liz Rose, Doug Grimwade and Paul Crawford. Brettsider

Hadleigh United Fixtures Hadleigh United begin their first team fixtures for a busy March on Tuesday 2nd with a trip to Mildenhall. Saturday 6th sees a coach trip to Norfolk to meet Dereham before Felixstowe come to the Millfield on Tuesday 9th. Another bus ride follows on Saturday 13th with a journey to Kirkley and then we go to Leiston on Wednesday 17th before Wisbech pay us a visit for a difficult match on Saturday 20th. A busy month continues as we travel to Walsham on Wednesday 24th before a home match against Norwich United on Saturday 27th. The Reserves will also have a busy time starting at home to Harwich and Parkeston on Tuesday 2nd. Then it is off to Haverhill in the Suffolk Reserves Cup on Saturday 6th before an away match follows at Braintree on Tuesday 9th and a difficult home match against Halstead on Saturday 13th. Long Melford are at the Millfield are at the Millfield on Saturday 20th and then Wivenhoe pay us a visit on Tuesday 23rd. Another trip to Haverhill follows in the Chell Trophy on Saturday 27th. The Ridgeons Youth team travel to Brantham on Wednesday 3rd before a home match against Coplestonians on Thursday 11th is followed by Cornard at Hadleigh for a local derby on Tuesday 16th. Brantham visit the Millfield on Thursday 25th. Check Club website for latest news. Terry Adams

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Hadleigh RFC Minis Vs Harwich & Dovercourt Buccaneers Under 10's Hadleigh's strong Under 10 side put the Harwich Buccaneers to the sword in a series of three games at the Layham Road ground on sunday. In a 6-0 victory in the opening match, strrong running from Henry Ferdinand produced three tries, Louis Breyer added two more, with winger Joshua Cameron completing the scoring. In the second match, tries from Andrew Halls, Oliver Dane and Cameron (2) built a strong lead for Hadleigh, although the loan of the home side's scrum-half Breyer bolstered the ranks of the reeling Buccaneers. Breyer contributed two tries to a Harwich fight back, but the match finished 4-2 in Hadleigh's favour. The disheartened Buccaneers were again overrun 6-0 in the third match. Greg Robson and James Ferdinand scored to give Hadleigh a 20 half-time lead, with Breyer (2), Ferdinand and Cameron also scoring to round off the mornings good work. Under 8's Hadleigh's Under 8's continued their recent good form by beating Harwich in each of two matches. The first match, a convincing 83 win, saw Harry Green, Ryan Ellis, and Luca Beadle each grabbing two tries, whlist Oliver Jervois and Joshua Kavanagh also took full advantage of the space afforded by the large pitch to get their names on the scoresheet. In the second game, early tries for the marauding Buccaneers improved their self-belief and by half-time they had built a 42 lead. But Hadleigh increased their work rate and tries from Green (3), Kavanagh, Beadle, Jervois, Will Robling and Archie Lloyd saw off the raiders. Lloyd's try was a fine solo effort in which he wrong-footed the Harwich defence with deft changes of pace and direction. The final score: 8-6 to Hadleigh. Under 7's Hadleigh's Under 7's were well matched against their Harwich counterparts, both games ending in 7-7 draws. Hadleigh built a 4-3 halftime lead in the first match, only for Harwich to fight back to level the scores by the final whistle. Oliver Butler (3), Henry Kelly (2), Ryan Croft and Nicholas Holloway all scored for the home side. The tables were turned in the second game as the Buccaneers carved out a 5-3 half-time lead. This time it was the Hadleigh youngsters who had to dig in. Ryan Croft proved equal to the task, producing a remarkbale five tries, whilst Butler and debutant Barnaby Anderson also scored to help Hadleigh to a respectable draw.

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Dixon Dart League 11th January High flying Ram Jets had a tough time at Naughton Wheelers grinding out a hard fought 6-5 win, as Michael Sparkes and Ben Goodchild won the last two singles.The Cock A were "cock-a-hoop" as the made chicken feed of their rivals in this local derby,singles wins from Kev Lambert, Bob Morphew, Richard Lyddaman, & the impressive Dan Page saw them comfortably home with a 9-2 win. 18th January Rams Glenn Bently was on top form with a 12 dart leg in his captains match, and a 180 in the doubles as his team destroyed the Legion B 9-2.Legion A however still have their eyes on fourth place, Mick Stuart continues to impress for the Legion side winning the last singles game against the Ram Jets for another good 6-5 win. 25th January A 180 from George A Ivan Clements was the highlight of the night as they won 10-1 at the Cock A.Hintlesham Social Club recorded their first win of the season with a cracking 8-3 result at home to the Kings Head,Social Clubs Ryan Bretspecer proved that perseverance pays off, winning his first singles game having played all 16 games to date. Kersey Bell came from 5-3 down to nick this one 6-5 from the Eight Bells grasp, singles wins from Kevin Ruffle, Charlie Clarke, and Andy Hazell did the damage in the latter stages to secure the win, a 146 away from Andy Chilton and an exhibition shot out of 54 consisting of three doubles (x4,x10 & x13 ) from Kevin Sparkes were the Bells Highlights.Brewers A thought they had the match against Legion B sewn up at 6-2, but ended up scraping home with a 6-5 win when T. Hellyer beat Andy Taylor, S.Macarthy beat Steve Taylor, and John Orriss won the last beating Jim Chaplin.Paramedics were cancelled at the last moment when John Martin from the George B, and Russell Hynard from the Ram A played a last game deciding singles match at the George, John with a trapped nerve in his neck, and Russell with a bad back provided some exciting

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entertainment, Russell should really of won this one, but suffered from double trouble to give John his chance to win it by hitting double seven for a fine 6-5 win for his team. 1st February British Legion A Kenny Morphew checked out with 129 as his team beat Northcroft 7-4.Ram Jets came crashing back down to earth as the George A were in sparkling form to win this one 11-0, a superb 153 (6057-36) finish from Tim Reynolds topped a fine performance from the George side, rumours are rife however that the Jets have some significant signings for next season after a visit to the Circus Tavern at Purfleet, sorry boys don`t think you can afford their bar bill. Matey Chisnall was the only winner for the George B as the went down 10-1 to the Brewers A. Hintlesham Social Club continue their good form picking up 5 points at Naughton Wheelers, Clive Godfrey and Neville Lay taking the last two singles for the Social Club. 8th February Brewers A travelled to the Ram in a bid to secure second spot, it was always going to be a close contest, and so it proved to be as the Brewers side won this one 6-5, Ram started well winning both trebles games, brewers then won all the doubles to lead 3-2 going into the singles, Jerry Brown extended the brewers lead winning his game, before Rams D.Swann pulled one back for the Ram, Mark Chaplin and Curtis Hammond then won their respective games to give the Brewers the six points, Glenn Bentley and Russell Hynard won the remaining singles for the Ram to give them a valuable five points.Brewers B went 2-0 down at home to the George A, but played some great darts to win all the doubles games and take a 3-2 lead going into the singles, Tim Allen pitched some quality darts and was unlucky to loose out to Ivan Clements in his singles game, George then stepped up a gear to take to take all six singles and a 8-3 win.George B Glenn Root hit half centre then the bull for a 75 finish as his team beat Kersey Bell 7-4.Bottom placed Cock A had a terrific win at the Northcroft, singles wins from Dan Collis, Gary Leathers, Dave Stiff, and Dan King did the damage for a well deserved 6-5 win.Five 180`s this week, one each from Derek Cole, Stuart King, Colin Thackery, Les Mayes, and Tony Smith. A couple of reminders, competition entry forms should be returned to Melvin Tilbury by the 3rd March, and teams with cancelled matches should make an effort to play these as soon as possible. Colin Hynard

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

LEAGUE TABLE – 08 February 2010 Team P W L George ‘A’ 18 18 0 Brewers Arms 'A' 18 16 2 Ram 18 13 5 Royal British Legion 'A' 18 12 6 Ram Jets 18 12 6 Northcroft Social Club 17 11 6 George 'B' 18 10 8 Brewers Arms 'B' 18 7 11 Cock 'A' 18 9 9 Eight Bells 17 9 8 Royal British Legion 'B' 18 6 12 Kersey Bell 17 4 13 King's Head 18 5 13 Naughton Wheelers 17 5 12 Hintlesham Social Club 17 1 16 Cock 17 3 14

Pos =1 =1 =3 =3 =5 =5 =7 =7 9 =10 =10 =12 =12 14 15 16

CAPTAINS CUP TABLE – 08 February 2010 Team P L W George ‘A’ 18 3 15 King's Head 18 3 15 Kersey Bell 17 4 13 Northcroft Social Club 17 4 13 Cock 'A' 18 6 12 Ram 18 6 12 Naughton Wheelers 17 7 10 Brewers Arms 'B' 18 8 10 Royal British Legion 'A' 18 10 8 Hintlesham Social Club 17 10 7 Brewers Arms 'A' 18 11 7 George 'B' 18 12 6 Ram Jets 18 12 6 Cock 17 13 4 Eight Bells 17 15 2 Royal British Legion 'B' 18 17 1

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Nursing Homes Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334 Plant Hire MTM Plant Hire .........................01787 312007 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Buddha ......................................01473 828581 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Roundhouse ..............................01473 829741 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Plumbmate ................................01473 810088 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 The Cock Inn, Polstead..............01206 263150 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head .........................01473 828855 White Hart, Hadleigh..................01473 822206 Grays Fish & Chips ....................01473 823374 Royal Bengal .............................01473 823744 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 G&L Waste Bags .......................01449 741999 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Tree Surgeons Eco Systems..............................01787 229138 Weight Loss Just Peachee .............................07792 334443 Slimming World ........................08700 754666 Word Processing/Secretarial Services Office Matters ............................01473 822860

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Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.

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