Community News
November 2009
01473 822111
Horse Event raises thousands for St Elizabeth Hospice A cheque for £4,000 has been handed over to St Elizabeth Hospice by the organisers of a popular horse event. The money was raised from the Stratford Hills Horse Trials which took place at Hills Farm, Stratford St Mary. The competitive event, which featured dressage, show jumping and crosscountry was organised by Lady Gill Aldous and a team of unpaid volunteers including Hospice trustee Sally Hewetson. Money raised was split between the Hospice, which is based in Foxhall Road, Ipswich, and the Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding in Hadleigh. Lady Aldous said: “This event started in 2003 with the aim of providing an enjoyable competition for riders and to raise money for local charities. We now run over two days with about 500 riders competing. This requires a hard working committee and over 200 volunteers to help and without them the event would not take place. We are thrilled to have been able to donate a substantial amount to each of this year’s selected charities.” Laura Backhouse, community fundraiser at the Hospice said: “It is clear a lot of hard work has gone into organising this event and many people gave up their precious time for free to make it a success. We are extremely grateful to have benefited from it and this £4,000 donation will really make a difference helping us continue to care and support patients and their families from east Suffolk.”
Left to right: Pene Parker, Lady Gill Aldous (organiser), Wendy Lay, Beth Mitchell, Carole Lawrence (assistant organiser) and Sally Hewetson (Hospice trustee).
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Forthcoming Dates for your Diary Every Tuesday morning (term time only) Hadleigh Craft Club at URC Hall (Ansell Centre), Hadleigh from 9.40am-12pm SYDNEY BROWN COURT Coffee Morning Every Monday 10.00am-12.00 - Why not pop in for a cup of coffee or tea and make new friends. All welcome Tuesday 3rd November 2 to 5pm in HADLEIGH TOWN HALL HADLEIGH & DISTRICT FLOWER CLUB PRESENT a floral display entitled “Christmas is Coming”. Entry is free, refreshments are available. Do visit the show and get ideas for decorating your home this Christmas - all welcome. In the evening at 7.30pm Alan Smith will be demonstrating “Seasons Greetings” Flower Club members £1, visitors £3. Tuesday 3rd November 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 4th November 7.30pm Churches Together Prayer – Salvation Army Thursday 5th November 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 7th November 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Monday 9th November 7.30pm Hadleigh And District Garden Club. Meeting in the Community Room at the rear of the United Reformed Church access from Duke Street. Jillian Macready will be giving a talk on Ickworth Vines with tasting Visitors always welcome. Members £1; visitors £2 includes refreshments Monday 9th November 7.30pm HADLEIGH U3A. 2.30pm in the Ansell Centre. A talk by Martyn Roper entitled “The Salt in Britain’s Blood” Tuesday 10th November 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room, 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC URC Thursday 12th November 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 14th November 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Saturday 14th November Open Morning at the Hadleigh Healing Society, The Bungalow, Sisters Court, Calais Street, Hadleigh. 10.30am - 12 noon. Tea and Coffee available. All welcome - please pop in. Telephone: 01473 823282. Saturday 14th November The Playstation - we are holding a grand opening and family fete from 13pm at the Play Station please come along to support us, see our new pre-school and, if you are currently considering a playgroup for your child, why not come and take a look at what we can offer? Tuesday 17th November 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Thursday 19th November 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Saturday 21st November 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Tuesday 24th November 10.00-11.30am Come in for Coffee - Hadleigh URC, Community Room 10.00-11.30am Church open for Prayer - Hadleigh URC Wednesday 25th November 8.00pm What Do You Think?, The George Thursday 26th November 9.45-11am Toddler Group - Hadleigh URC, Community Room
Community News
To contact us please ring Kelvin or Matt on 01473 823366 or email: Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
November 2009
Saturday 28th November 2.00-4.00pm Scrabble - Hadleigh URC, Community Room Thursday 26th November Fidelis Monthly Meeting: - 7.30 pm, URC Community Room. In preparation for Christmas, David Holmes will demonstrate how to “Deck the Halls”. Seasonal refreshments will follow. Sec Barbara Tryon 01473 824417. Saturday 28th November 7.30 pm Hadleigh Healing Society, Evening of Clairvoyance and Psychic Art with Brian Neal and Tina Bird at The Guildhall, Hadleigh. Entrance £4. All welcome. Friday 4th December The Friends of St Mary’s Church, Christmas Memories Evening at 7.00 pm. Come and listen and join in an evening of memories of the festive season.
FOR SALE Quiny Speedi 3 wheeler pushchair in Black Reflection Suitable from birth – 5 years. Loads of extras, Carrycot, adapters to fit maxi-cosi car seat, rain cover sleeping bag/cosy toes, Quinny embroided fleece blanket, changing bag and changing mat. Excellent condition. Cost over £400.00 new, second baby forces sale.
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7600 copies are delivered during the first week of each month to Hadleigh, Bildeston, Boxford, Monks Eleigh and the surrounding villages We welcome all your contributions Letters - Reports - Events - Opinions Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF
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We are pleased to offer this modern staggered mid terrace home which has been extensively extended to the rear to provide spacious family accommodation. 4/5 Bedrooms, 2 Receptions, GFCH, DG, Cloakroom, Garage & Parking
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Unit 1, Crockatt Road, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh IP7 6RN (Nr the Recycling Centre) Tel: 01473 829222 Fax: 01473 829212 email:
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Report of the Meeting of the Council held on the 17th September 2009 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), N. Amin, Mrs. P.A. Black, D. Buchanan, Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), Miss P. Cook, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, B.L. Lazenby, P. Matthews, Mrs. M. Munson, Miss J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick In attendance: PC Matt Paisley (Suffolk Constabulary) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor K. Grimsey due to work commitments. Councillors B. Riley & R. Whiting (Babergh District Council) had tendered their apologies but had both supplied written reports. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor J. Byrne declared a prejudicial interest in the Finance & Personnel Report as a member of the Hadleigh Society. She left the room for this item and took no part in the voting. Councillor Cook declared a personal interest in Suffolk County Council Waiting Review 2009 and also for Land by Hadleigh Hall as she is a nearby resident. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the16th July 2009 were taken as read and confirmed and signed. Matters Arising from the Minutes: Bond of Friendship The Clerk reported receipt of a letter of Appreciation from the Suffolk Constabulary following the Town Council’s letter of thanks for their work at the Bond of Friendship. POLICING PC Paisley presented the Police Report for July and it was noted that 31 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 4 criminal damage – vehicle; 4 cause harassment alarm distress; 3 assault occasioning ABH; 3 common assault & battery; 3 criminal damage – dwelling; 2 arsons; 2 thefts; 1 wasting police time; 1 arson – endangering life; 1 obtain services dishonestly; 1 theft from motor vehicle; 1 assault on police; 1 causing an affray; 1 fraud by false representation of cheque & plastic; 1 harassment pursue course of conduct; 1 burglary; 1 theft – boat. Of these crimes 4 had been detected. PC Paisley presented the Police Report for August and it was noted that 29 crimes had been recorded during the month. The offences comprised as follows: 4 criminal damage – vehicle; 4 thefts from motor vehicles; 3 criminal damage – dwelling; 3 thefts – other; 3 assaults occasioning ABH; 2 cause harassment, alarm, distress; 2 criminal damage – other; 1 theft from shop; 1 driving motor vehicle with excess alcohol; 1 theft of motor vehicle; 1 cause an affray; 1 threaten witness/juror with intent to obstruct; 1 racially aggravated harassment alarm distress; 1 burglary – other building; 1 hoax bomb. Of theses crimes 3 had been detected. 21 parking tickets had been issued during August. PC Paisley answered questions relating to various traffic problems in the town. PC Paisley reported on the Speed Watch Scheme as costs for the camera had decreased significantly. It was agreed that this would be discussed at the next Town Council Meeting where, hopefully, a presentation would be made. DESIGNATED PUBLIC PLACE ORDERS (DPPO’s) Councillors were in receipt of the document which had been presented at the last meeting by PC Paisley. A discussion took place and PC Paisley replied to several questions raised by Councillors. His suggestion was that any DPPO be applied to the whole of Hadleigh. A vote took place and it was agreed that this would be the path that the Town Council would follow. The Clerk and PC Paisley will liaise on progressing this scheme to put forward to Babergh District Council for consideration. SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL- HADLEIGH WAITING RESTRICTION REVIEW 2009 Councillors were in receipt of the waiting restriction review 2009 which was noted. A request had been made for solutions for the area at the bottom of Church Walk on how to alleviate inconsiderate parking. It was recommended that double yellow lines be put from bollard to bollard next to the church. The Clerk will liaise with Suffolk County Council on the exact positioning of the lines. MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor started by thanking all the staff for their support during his first half year and reported all was working well in the office. The Clerk reported: i) letter of resignation received from Councillor Mrs. K. Batty. A letter will be sent to Mrs. Batty thanking her for her service. ii) Babergh District Council affordable housing seminar iii) Babergh District Council Gambling Act iv) National Grid re resiting of pylons Councillors will receive updates once details of proposed meetings are received v) Suffolk County Council pavement work on Bradfield Avenue STANDING ORDER NO. 24 Councillor Grutchfield asked if the powers of the Town Council had been
changed with regard to their being no Town Council Meeting in August. The Clerk informed him that this had been voted on and agreed at a Finance & Personnel Committee Meeting and was ratified at the Town Council Meeting on the 19th February 2009. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £24,776.08 details of which are listed in the Schedule had been paid during the month of August 2009. It was RESOLVED that accounts amounting to £29,309.95 details of which are listed in the Schedule be approved for payment. Councillors were also provided with a budget update and a short budget report for the Quarter - April to June 2009. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 23rd July 2009 and 20th August 2009 were noted. Councillor Matthews was pleased to note that Babergh District Council’s arboriculturist had agreed that the Chilean Pine Tree at the URC would now be pollarded and not removed as previously stated. ENVIRONMENT & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 3rd September 2009 was received. The Chair updated Councillors on his attendance at the Layham Parish Council drop in regarding Layham Quarry. FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Report of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 10th September 2009 was received and accepted including the recommendations to make grants of: £25.00 to the KernosCentre, £225.00 to the Hadleigh Society, £100 to Suffolk Lowland Search and Rescue. A piece of equipment will be purchased for the Schools Out (Out of School and Holiday Club) to the value of £100. The Accountancy package to the value of £1,828.00 was voted on and accepted. The quotation from Stannah was agreed for works to be carried out and the lift maintenance contract to be changed. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Whiting and Councillor Riley had tendered their apologies but provided written reports for information. Councillor Munson reported that she had attended the Overview and Scrutiny Community Services Committee at which three presentations were made: i) Housing Panel Review for 2009 . Details of affordable housing – 428 homes completed; 82 under construction. ii) Choose Suffolk (Suffolk Development Agency Ltd) An informative and enlightening presentation on the run up to the 2012 Olympics, how Suffolk needs to advertise itself and become involved. iii) Ipswich Hospital. The Chief Executive reported on the application for Foundation Status. She has written to the Asst. Chief Executive, Mike Hammond, pressing for information regarding East House and asked for a reassessment of the District Council’s intentions for this site. Councillor Grutchfield reported that work on the Magdalen Road Toilets has been completed although Councillor Byrne reported that the doors are broken and lights remain on all night. He updated Councillors on the Local Government Review. REPORT OF THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Grutchfield updated Councillors on the Citizen Advice project and was informed that this was an agenda item. HADLEIGH TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT WORKING PARTY The report of the meeting held on the 14th September 2009 was noted. The Clerk was asked to investigate who would be carrying out the speed checks on Angel Street. BABERGH COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2010 Councillors noted that nominations could be made until the end of November and would be finalised at the November Town Council meeting. CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Councillor Black reported that there would be a Citizens Advice Bureau kiosk located at Babergh District Council Offices.
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FLU VACCINATIONS 2009 Following the success of last years flu sessions, we will be holding our sessions again at
HADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL LEISURE CENTRE in the sports barn on SATURDAY 7th NOVEMBER 9 am - 2 pm no appointments necessary The Community minibus will be collecting people every half hour (starting 8.30am) from Magdalen Road (bus stop) up to the High School. We are also holding a flu session at
BOXFORD VILLAGE HALL TUESDAY 10th NOVEMBER from 9am-12noon & 2pm - 4pm
COUNCIL CHAMBER BOOKINGS Councillor Lazenby proposed that the Council Chamber be let free of charge to all political groups. This was seconded by Councillor Grutchfield. A discussion took place during which the Clerk reminded Councillors that they were also Feoffees of the Charity therefore they all had conflicting personal interests and this should be considered when voting. They should also take into consideration that although the Town Council lease the Council Chamber from the Hadleigh Market Feoffment Charity it remains a dual purpose room and is not for the exclusive use of the Town Council. Voting took place on the proposal but the motion was not carried. EAST ANGLIAN DAILY TIMES The Clerk reported a letter received from the Editor of the East Anglian Daily Times requesting details of the Council’s meetings. As they already receive agendas and minutes of full Council and Planning Minutes and all details are available via the website it was felt that the Council already provided adequate information. Councillor Cook suggested that it would be a good idea if a reporter from EADT could attend the meetings as press coverage for the recent Bond of Friendship had been exceptionally poor. LAND IN FRONT OF HADLEIGH HALL The Clerk reported a letter of complaint received from a local resident regarding the unkempt area of land and damaged fencing in the Church yard. This issue has been raised in the past and it was agreed that the Clerk write to the owners of the land requesting the area be tidied. The Clerk was also requested to contact Babergh District Council relating to the overhanging trees in the area. TOWN MATTERS Suffolk County Council – Rural Pavements 2009/10. Support was requested to link the new bus stop in Bridge Street to the existing footway network at the corner of Ann Beaumont Way through the rural pavement project. No objections were made. Suffolk County Council – Street Lighting Maintenance and Energy. The Clerk reported the invoice for the period 1st April 2009 to 30th September 2009 had been received and since installing the bollards at Black Hill the increase in costs was over 80%. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm Report of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 17th September 2009 Present: L. Munson (Town Mayor), Mrs J. Byrne (Deputy Town Mayor), Miss P F Cook, D.G. Grutchfield, Mrs. J. Haylock, P. Matthews, Mrs M. Munson, Ms. J. Nevard and T. Sheldrick APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE No apologies for absence had been received. Non attendees: N Amin and K Grimsey DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were none. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 20th August 2009 was confirmed as a correct record and signed. MATTERS ARISING The Clerk was requested to follow up the issue of the Local Plan. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING The Committee considered the applications for Planning Consent, details of which are listed below and upon which the following decisions were reached:B/08/01788/FUL Land West of 2 Cranworth Road Erection of 2 no. semi-detached 2 storey dwellings and construction of new vehicular access. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/00291/FUL Land East of Gallows Hill Erection of one and two-storey buildings to provide Elderly residential care accommodation comprising 56 bedrooms and 8 units, residential facilities, communal areas, staff facilities and external recreation facilities. Construction of new vehicular access, as amended by Drawing No. 2239/01B and Landscape Masterplan Ref. 08/273B (received 7th July 2009) and Drawing Nos. 2239/02D, 03D, 04D, 05D, 06D, 07D, 08B and 2239/101A (received 18th August 2009) and as amplified by the Flood Risk Assessment by J.P. Chick & Partners Ref IE09/28/SB/le dated (23rd July 2009). Refusal was recommended (Voting was 7 for and 1 abstention) Reasons: On the grounds of the proposal being contrary to the Babergh Local Plan – Alteration No 2 – June 2006 – Settlement Policy and Housing, Chapter 3 – Gallows Hill Hadleigh, HS16 as this site has been allocated for
no appointments necessary (no community bus for Boxford)
PRIVATE FLU JABS NOW AVAILABLE £20 each at these sessions or on request
01473 822961 For Patients registered at the Hadleigh and Boxford Surgeries only
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Full Council Meetings Date of Next Meetings at 7.30pm Thursday 19th November 2009 Thursday 17th December 2009 Planning Committees Date of Next Meetings at 7.30 pm Thursday 12th November 2009 Thursday 10th December 2009
10 dwellings. It is also contrary to Special Needs Housing, HS39 which conflicts with the housing policies of the Plan. The Committee also considers that the proposal would be a blot on the landscape in this open area which overlooks the town and by virtue of its scale and size would amount to overdevelopment of the site. The Committee did not feel that the revised plans offered anything new and therefore did not change their original decision. B/09/00912/FHA Edge Hall, 2 High Street Installation of 2.5 metre high gates off Station Road. Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/00926/FHA Pump House, Layham Road Conversion and extension of detached garage to form living accommodation. Approval was recommended (Voting was 7 for and 1 abstention) B/09/00943/FUL Valley Park, Hook Lane Erection of 1 no. two-storey detached dwelling (existing three-storey dwelling to be demolished). Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/00975/FHA 37 Castle Road Erection of single-storey and first-floor side extensions Approval was recommended (Voting was 7 for and 1 abstention) B/09/00998/FHA Garry Farm, Pond Hall Road Raise height of chimney on north east elevation (amended scheme to that approved under P.P. B/03/00600/FHA) Approval was recommended (Voting was unanimous) B/09/01037/TCA 1 Bridge Street Removal of 1 no. Leylandii tree (For Noting). This application was noted and there were no comments to be offered by the Committee. SCHEDULE OF DECISION This Schedule was noted. LAYHAM PARISH COUNCIL SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL WASTE CORE STRATEGY This matter had been raised at the last meeting. Councillor Sheldrick had attended the ‘drop in’ session held at Layham Village Hall on the 16th September 2009 and reported back to the Committee. A discussion duly took place. The Committee expressed concerns over what could happen in future years once the designation of waste had been changed but did not feel this would have any significant impact on a decision that had been made to reduce the mileage vehicles needed to travel in order to dispose of waste. Given this the Committee decided no further action was necessary. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7pm Mrs Carol A. Bailey BA(Hons) – Town Clerk
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GSOLICITORS IBBONS Howard and his generous bank manager
I know that my readers will be racking their brains to think why I should be pictured standing outside my office with a posh young lady handing me a cheque for a Million “nicker” as they say in common parlance. Well, may I introduce Tricia Forrest-Morley who is and has been my bank manager at Lloyds Bank since I opened my practice some seven years ago. Lloyds goes to some trouble to provide its business customers with a personal service. I am dealing with large sums of clients’ monies all the time. I do not have to perambulate around a call centre to get something done. Tricia and her assistants are able to help us straight away. Tricia has a great deal of experience and I know that she will do all possible to assist her customers. Whilst service is our by-word it is becoming increasingly rare in other quarters. If you are not getting the attention that I am – then why not give Tricia a call on 07725 426583. You will remember that a year ago I was aboard an old Clyde steamer to see the liner Queen Elizabeth 2 sail for the last time. It had been intended that the QE2 should become a floating hotel in Dubai. I read now that due to the economic conditions the original intentions have changed. QE2 may go to South Africa for a while for the 2010 World Cup Football. What an uncertain future that vessel has. I was somewhat aghast that some clients of mine were recently driven into an exchange of contracts when there were issues outstanding with their bank. All of this against my advice. Inevitably the bank refused to accept the property in question as security and the clients were put to a great deal of trouble to find finance from else where. Clients are increasingly under threat to complete in a hurry and often producing a real risk of financial hardship. My observation is that very rarely is there any need for clients to be pressed in this way. I continue to seek to protect my clients from such pressures. A change of ownership is one of those occasions when the local authority can review the Council tax banding of a property. Thus if you have bought a house, particularly one that has been extended or such like, then do be aware that re-banding could be sought. My birthday falls on 11 November but how old am I?
Howard Gibbons
Coffee House & ample free parking
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open 7 days, 10-5pm (sun 11-4pm) 6 miles north of Ipswich (B1077) IP6 9JS
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Home Computer Services
Ann Beaumont Way, Hadleigh ÂŁ800 p.c.m A modern detached house boasting generous accommodation and benefiting from a recent program of refurbishment. 3 Bedrooms, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Downstairs Cloakroom, Gas Fired Central Heating, Double Glazing, Garage, Off Road Parking
Being born in Hadleigh and living in Hadleigh all my life has allowed me to offer a personal and flexible service to the people of Hadleigh and surrounding areas. I decided to leave my full time job in early 2009 as Home Computer Services had grown rapidly and I needed to move the business forward and this entered me into my fourth year of trading. With the new office showroom now open customers can now visit me with computer problems as well as have lessons in a clean professional environment. I offer a full computer service from, new systems and laptops, refurb systems and 2nd hand systems, Non working Computers, internet problems and virus issues are all part of my unique fixed pricing policy. A free collection and delivery service in Hadleigh and a genuine no fix, no fee policy. All work is carried out by me and no third parties are used, assuring you of my best attention at all times. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my customers, past and present for supporting me and for recommending my services to literally 100’s of people. It is appreciated. Neil Bevis
Home Computer Services Smock Meadow, Bildeston ÂŁ495 p.c.m A smartly presented terraced bungalow situated in this sought after village location. 1 Bedroom, Living Room, Double Glazing, Storage Heaters, Landscaped Rear Garden, Off Road Parking
Hadleigh Hall, Pound Lane, Hadleigh ÂŁ265 p.c.m A self contained studio apartment available TO LET in Hadleigh Hall, situated just off the High Street and all its amenities. Living Area, Kitchenette, Shower Room, Communal Gardens, Parking, Close To Town Centre
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be assured of a warm and friendly welcome.
! "# ! Hadleigh Family Hadleigh Family Dental Practice ! $"# &&& # ! # $ 15 Meadows Way, H 15 Meadows Way, Hadleigh, IP7 5DX
Tel: 01473 823999 Tel: 01473 PROPERTIES TO LET
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
The Mayor’s Diary
The Civic Service was held in St. Mary’s Church on the 20th September, conducted by the Dean the Rt. Rev Martin Thrower. It was a warm sunny day and proved a most enjoyable occasion. Very well supported by dignitaries from further afield and near, family and friends and Hadleigh people. The Rev Paul Hambling returned to Hadleigh from his parish in Woodbridge to read the lesson. St. Mary’s choir supported by Serendipity were in fine form. A reception held in the Guild Hall spilled over into the medieval garden. It gave guests the chance to engage in conversation with old and new acquaintances. We travelled to Haverhill Arts Centre on the 23rd and enjoyed an evening reception hosted by the Mayor of Haverhill. On the 27th it was the turn of the Mayor and Mayoress of Ipswich when they hosted their Civic Service at St. Mary-le-Tower Church followed by a reception in the Town Hall. Then on 9th October Mary and I were guests of the H.A.D’s when we thoroughly enjoyed a performance of Wind in the Willows. The young cast showed great talent in this colourful production. Well done to everybody who participated on stage, behind the scenes and in front of theatre.
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01473 716318 4 Masterlord Office Village, West Road, Ipswich IP3 9SX
We would like to thank all our customers who have supported us over the last 6 months by bringing in their fashion and designer outfits. This has helped raise money for Suffolk charities which include St Mary’s Church Porch Project which involves the youth of Hadleigh and the Parcel for Soldiers appeal. A big thank you to all our Daisy Chain volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to work half days, if you are interested please call Joan at Daisy Chain on 01473 810177.
thr o rece inv thBring thr 25 oug n a ive ita is oug % hou dis Ohout Nl costu10%tion t t N cou p o me dis o ovem nt on en E vemb jewe coun ber des venin er an l ery t and igne gs. d a t th at t r wed e he O din g pen dre Eve sses ning s.
Friday 6th November from 5pm - 9pm Friday 27th November from 5pm - 9pm Friday 4th December from 5pm - 9pm
Christmas Shopping Open Evening Invitation
Tel. 01473 810177
Daisy Chain Gift Vouchers now on sale
E n j o y a g l a s s o f w i n e , f i n d t h e p e rf e c t C h r i s t m a s G i f t s f or f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s . Beautiful costume & fine silver jewellery, gifts & accessories, brand new shoes and boots, day & evening handbags, new designer sample wedding dresses, mother of the bride outfits, Suffolk handmade candles and so much more...
20 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AP
Not Just Wind in the Willows‌‌‌
Niki Seager, Phoebe Turner and Jasmin Alexander
While the recent youth production of Wind in The Willows gave an enormous amount of pleasure to the cast and its audiences it also raised a considerable sum for two good causes. At the request of the young performers, the proceeds of the raffle held at each of the four performances, would be donated to CLICSargent. This charity gives valuable support to children with cancer and their families. Thanks to the generosity of the visitors to the show and others CLICSargent will receive a cheque for ÂŁ285.00. Although the programmes were free, Niki Seager, Hannah and Ben Warner, the show’s production team, felt that audiences might like to make a donation in lieu of payment. They were aware that two of the Hadleigh Youth group, Phoebe Turner and Jasmin Alexander were both saving very hard to provide ‘extras’ for their dads and others currently serving in Afghanistan. The idea was to top up those savings with the donated revenue from the programmes. On the last night and, to their utter amazement, Phoebe and Jasmin tearfully received a total of ÂŁ120.00. Sincere thanks to the entire production team, performers, family, friends and members of the public for their generosity, making these two donations possible. As a result, this lively, successful musical was much enjoyed by many people in more ways than one. Jan Devey
ANDREWS Quality Butchers
Local and Traditional Christmas Fare
The Very Best of Suffolk Poultry TURKEY, CHICKEN, DUCK & GOOSE We always consider the animals welfare. Free Range Pork, Matured Scotch Beef, Prime English Lamb & Prime Gammon
Prepared Game, Speciality Farmhouse Cheeses, Pates, Salami and Olives to compliment our own cooked Gammons, our own Pork Pies, Steak Pies, Chicken Pies and other meats in the expanding delicatessen
74 High Street Hadleigh.
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Look good and feel great this Christmas with Just Peachee Christmas is fast approaching and before you know it you will be making New Year’s resolutions to get fit, lose weight and make time for yourself. New Year’s resolutions rarely change from one year to the next and in case you haven’t noticed yet, New Year’s resolution statistics are not on your side. Why not make that change today? Do you really need to wait for the New Year to make the change? With Just Peachee you can lose that weight, feel fantastic and get fit in time for Christmas. Look and feel great when you go to the works party and out with friends, wear that special little dress that you have pushed to the back of the wardrobe! Just Peachee is a local personal training and massage company that wants to help you. We decide on your goals and work towards them at a pace that suits your lifestyle. Don’t get stressed about losing weight getting fit and feeling confident call me today and I will help you. Maybe fitness isn’t for you and you just need to relax, you have lots to arrange, the kids are so excited they can’t sleep and the shopping list isn’t getting any shorter. Just Peachee can help with this. We offer therapeutic massage to relax you and ease away your stresses. So after a long day of Christmas shopping you can put your feet up and enjoy a relaxing massage. There is no need to leave the house as Just Peachee will come to you. Vouchers available for that extra special Christmas present. For further details on personal training or massage call Just Peachee on 07792334443.
District Councillor Brian Riley will be holding his monthly surgery from 11 a.m. to noon on Saturday 14th November in the Hadleigh Library. You are welcome to drop in and discuss your concerns and interest in the well being of our town
Sparkle this Christmas and New Year Feel fit and fabulous for those festive parties One to One personal training • Group training • Weight loss • Toning • Running partner • Nutritional advice • Therapeutic and sports massage Personal training and massage packages • De-stress packages We do all this and more, in a location of your choice. Contact us for further details on how Just Peachee can help you.
Josie Brown
tel: 07792 334 443 email:
Rendall & Wright The
Rendall & Wright offer a Comprehensive residential or commercial design and furnishing service. Call today to arrange a free consultation TELEPHONE: 01787 375076 FACSIMILE: 08700 639838 E-mail: G
S.A.Y Lights Up Hadleigh For Christmas Suffolk Acting Youth will be arranging, hosting and inviting all of Hadleigh to the Christmas lighting up on
Sunday the 29th November The lighting up has been a tradition, so when informed that this year’s lighting up was to be cancelled, we, like many others, thought it a great loss. Therefore S.A.Y with support and extra funding from the Hadleigh Town Forum, and the advice of previous head of the Entertainment Committee Trevor Clarke, hope to present to you Hadleigh’s Christmas lighting up for 2009. We invite you to taste the festive mulled wine, to be sold at The Ram, and indulge yourself with seasonal snacks like mince pies from our Charity Christmas stools. The Christmas tree lighting up will be following the Elmsett Brass Band at 5 o’clock in Market square, where the main stage will be hosting performances from 3pm till 7pm, including the multi award winning Diamond Lites. Inside Ansell Hall the kids will love the Bouncy castle, craft stool and having their picture with Santa inside his grotto. In the square they’ll get to see the Fire Engine and Pony brought in from the therapeutic riding centre for the disabled; while the adults enjoy watching the Silly games and listening to classic Christmas carols. If you come fancy dressed for the occasion, kids will get a free candy cane while the adults receive a raffle ticket to go towards winning the Christmas Hamper.
Merry Christmas!!!
Lighting Up in Hadleigh Sunday 29th November 3 pm till 7 pm Ansell Hall Market square AD SPONSORED BY MARK KENNINGTON BUILDER and DECORATOR 01473 827287 12
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Suffolk Acting Youth The production of Saloon after much debate has been cancelled. With University, College and work, S.A.Y has decided that for the time it is unlikely to be putting on any more future plays. However we will all be coming together for what could be the last time to give you all this year’s lighting up celebration. All money left from previous performances will be used for this upcoming event, with any left given to charity. We thank all who have supported us over the years and hope to see you on Sunday 29th of November to start off the Christmas countdown and say a fond farewell. So come join S.A.Y at 3 o’clock in Market Square to start off Advent and make this Christmas Lighting up a memorable one!!
All Fired Up The Fidelis group certainly were just that on their recent visit to the studio with the same name in Ipswich. Once the ladies had chosen their snow white pieces of pottery and organised their materials the transformation began. Inspiration came quicker to some than others who found the blank surface before them a bit daunting. Happily this was short lived and with plenty of encouragement from the less inhibited it wasn’t long before some very colourful, attractive ceramics emerged. The ‘personalised’ creations were then left to be All Fired Up in time for collection at the next Fidelis meeting. It was obvious from the results that many of our members have kept their creative, artistic talents a secret. We await the finished pottery with interest and trepidation. Fidelis Sec Barbara Tryon 01473 824417 Jan Devey
5 Star Award at The Millfield Hadleigh United Football Club have been awarded a maximum five stars out of five by Babergh District Council for high standards of food hygiene. The scheme known as ‘scores on the doors’ started from April 1st this year by BDC. Food Safety Officers at HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Babergh have been visiting businesses Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151 scoring them for their food hygiene at the same time as routine visits to the districts’ food premises. As well as making sure businesses are adhering to strict laws governing food preparation and sales, all premises are now given a certificate with a star rating. Bar & Facilities Manager at the Football Club, Donna Ramsey, said “this is another step forward for the Club, a lot has happened in the last year or so with the opening of the refurbished club house and promotion to the Ridgeons Premier Division for the first team”. Donna took over managing the facilities in February this year and has done a great job in promoting the club. “When I took on the job I knew there was a big challenge ahead of me. The venue has become one of the best in the town for functions. On match days I have two kitchens to manage simultaneously as well as a busy bar. Council hygiene officers visited us on October 13th, a busy day for me in itself as we had a first team game that night and I had match day food to prepare”. The inspection was conducted in the club house and the main kitchen as well as the burger bar outside. Council Food Safety Officers will carry out regular inspections to ensure that we continue to function to the high standards that we have become accustomed to. Anyone wishing to hire our facilities should ring Donna on 07917 730514 or email
Thank You St. John Ambulance Hadleigh would like to thank everyone who contributed to their collection which was held in the High Street on Saturday morning 3rd October a total of £240.72 was raised. All monies will go to the local unit.
FUTUR-TEC SKIN REGENERATOR SYSTEM French Complexion has now added another anti-ageing treatment machine to their wide range of state of the art technology. The Futur-Tec is an advanced machine which benefits from the technological experience from CACI International who are renowned for their face and body lifting machine. The Futur-Tec machine system was developed over a period of 12 years research and study in the field of aesthetics and natural cosmetology created the Futur-Tec as a unique treatment tool. The treatments are guaranteed to be effective by using the very latest technology. Laser, micro-current, ultrasound and vacuum are performed in unison to create an innovative treatment. French Complexion strives to offer the very best in skin care, and understands that the skin being a living and breathing organism reflects as a mirror, and there is little we can hide from. The damage we inflict may well be unintentional for example medication, or it may be out of control due to our environmental changes. However the deep down damage and deficiencies caused by poor diet, high levels of stress and poor health are all very serious influences on our skin’s resilience. The Futur-Tec treats just about every skin problem you can think of and French Complexion are pleased to introduce the machine at a greatly reduced price for clients so that they may try this remarkable and effective treatment for themselves.
November Opening Offers for Futur-Tec
THE GEORGE HIGH STREET, HADLEIGH Tel Bookings & Enquiries 01473 822151
What’s on in November 2nd-8th British Sausage Week A SELECTION OF 12 SAUSAGES WITH MASH & PEAS - £7.95 Saturday 7th November, 9.00 pm
Deep wrinkle treatment
Only £25 (Normally £35)
Anti-Ageing Hand Treatment
Only £25 (Normally £30)
Sunday 8th November, 8.15 pm
CHARLIE’S QUIZ NIGHT - Free Entry Saturday 14th November, 9.00 pm
PAPA ROCKSY Saturday 28th November, 9.00 pm
Victoria House 1a Queen Street, Hadleigh
Bookings now being taken for Christmas
T: 01473 828805
Usual Evening Deals Available
Christmas Shopping Night FRIDAY 20th NOVEMBER 2009 7— 9 pm Elmsett Village Hall Come along to Elmsett Preschool’s 3rd Christmas Shopping event, stalls this year include, Bumble Bee Kitchen, Ann Burchnall, Forever Living, Merry Designs, Phoenix Trading, Pampered Chef and many more. Look out for our special indulgent chocolate fondue stall and exciting tombola. Tickets cost just £2 each and include a Complimentary drink and goody bag.
Tickets available from Elmsett Post Office or Ally Leach 07923 491608
Shiatsu Practitioner Andrew Stewart MRSS Dip BSS Back, shoulder and neck pain Sciatica, headaches Stress related conditions Joint pain, nagging injury Fatigue, sleeplessness and much more Clinics at Raydon and Dedham
Tel 01473 652093
A member of the Dedham Vale Network of complementary therapists and practitioners
THE BARBER STOP! No Appointment Necessary Free Parking Late Opening The Barber Stop continues to go from strength to strength and again we would like to thank all for their continued support. In an effort to provide value for money to our customers we will be offering the following offers to new and existing clients.
OFFER 1 FATHER & SON DEAL!!! For every father who has a hair cut his son will receive his hair cut half price. This offer applies to children under the age of 16. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop into the shop and ask.
OFFER 2 OAP CREDIT CRUNCHER!!! In response to a number of enquiries from our older clientele we have decided to 'slash' our Senior Citizens rate to £4.50 on Mondays & Tuesdays. The Barber Stop is mainly a mens walk in Barbers, but we do also offer appointments for the gents who have a busy schedule of just want to skip the queue. Below we have put our prices for all to see. Men’s wet cut. £9.50 Under 16’s £7.50 Men’s wash, cut and finish £13.00 Clipper Cuts £7.50 Men’s highlights and cut £30.00 Monday 9.00–5.00 Thursday 9.00–5.00
Tuesday 9.00–5.00 Friday 9.00–8.00
Wednesday 9.00–7.00 Saturday 8.00–4.00
3 Market Place, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DL
TELEPHONE 01473 829635 14
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Ebony’s Blog My life at The Shelley Centre November! Gunpowder, Plotting and Guy Fawkes! Bonfire parties and lots of noise! Yes, all of that and more. I hope you enjoy yourselves but, don’t forget us, your animals? We don’t like it so please keep us safe and away from it all…… Welcome back to my loyal reader and following on from that important advertisement I have two memory challenges for you. Do you remember my mentioning a while back the Cross Country Horse and Pony Ride; you do? Well, it turned out a very nice day for all, with sunshine and a pleasant temperature for a ride through the Countryside. A sort of midway stop was organised at Polstead Village Green, where stands the Polstead Cock Public House. Here, both Rider and Horse were able to rest-a-while and refresh themselves supported by our team of stewards. It was within this team that Lyn (The Boss!) decided to place one of her maintenance boys, having been allowed down from the roof repairs, to help handle the horses and I’m pleased to say that, following orders from Jet and Rocky, the horses were very good to him and most let him think he was in charge. In fairness, the Riders were good to him also although not totally convinced of the “Being in Charge” bit. The event also proved a success for the Centre’s Coffers by raising over £1,400 from Sponsorship and Entry Fees; many thanks to all of you! I’d liked to have been part of it myself but, getting a long enough power cable was a problem? Now for the second memory challenge of the day! Do you recall my mentioning Rebecca in the last Blog? You do? Great! I will now relate to you “Rebecca’s Story” a tale of a typical Shelley Rider. Rebecca Page started riding at Shelley in March 1995 when she was 4 ½ years old. She is a Quadriplegic which means that all four limbs are affected by her Cerebral Palsy. Because her trunk muscles were not strong enough to enable her to sit up and balance by herself, she began riding with an able bodied Rider sitting behind her for support. Gradually, as her muscle tone improved, she was able to ride by herself. The walking movement of the various ponies and horses that she rode helped to improve her balance and muscle tone, aided also by 10 minutes before each ride on BABS, another Mechanical Horse (That’s before me and yes, BABS is still here). She achieved Grade 1 in riding and Grade 3 in Horse care, but as her teenage years progressed Rebecca found it increasingly difficult to balance on a moving Horse and to weight-bear or walk on her legs. With the use of the hoist she was nevertheless, able to ride BABS but was delighted when I arrived as she found that I gave her more confidence and balancing was easier. She was also able to pluck up enough courage to ride my smooth canter. The enjoyment of meeting this challenge prompted her to create a picture of me galloping through water, which won 3rd prize at the National Championships Arts & Crafts competition in 2008. Sadly, for me, Rebecca has now stopped coming to ride at Shelley as, following her successful A level results, she has a place at Anglia Ruskin College, Cambridge, to study English. The Herd, as well as the Helpers, will miss her dimpled smile and wonderfully generous personality and we all wish her every success for the future. Thank you, Rebecca, for kindly allowing me to tell my reader your full story. I’m sure it has greatly enhanced their understanding of what the Shelley Centre is about and I will miss you. You’ve nothing to do now, you’re saying? Not so say I! I’ve Hannah, George and Abigail to look after, not to mention the wet weather Riders so must dash…………..back in a month. Don’t Forget! – The Website: Telephone: 01473 824172
The Hair Academy 112 High Street, Hadleigh
Specialising in fashion cuts and colour. Also available are gents and children’s cuts, perms and chemical straightening. Contact us for a free consultation
01473 822772 osis
Ring for an appointment now on
Walk in customers always welcome
Hadleigh Community Primary News Do we have a budding George Formby amongst us? Thanks to a generous donation from a parent and money from the HSA, Mrs Broadbent was able to purchase 31 ukuleles for the music department – enough for every child in key stage 2 to have one during music lessons. The instruments are brightly coloured and children are quickly able to learn some basic chords. There has been a very enthusiastic response from all of the children, and despite Mrs Broadbent needing to spend hours tuning them; she is delighted that all children are able to learn to play an instrument. Music thrives at Hadleigh Community Primary We are very fortunate to have a specialist music teacher at our school. Mrs Broadbent teaches recorders to key stage 2 children in various groups as well as the flute as an after school activity. However, are you aware of the other musical offerings we have? Hadleigh Community Primary also has a teacher who runs a clarinet club, Mrs Cooper who teaches violins from year 4 onwards, and all children from year 4 onwards have the opportunity to join the choir which, at present, boasts 68 members! On top of all this, Music School takes place on site every Thursday afternoon, run by Mrs. Ute Cooper. Harvest time 10 children from Year 3 visited Partridges Farm on Wednesday 30th September to harvest produce and bring it back to school for our Harvest display and assembly with Pastor Frost. Maybe you heard our live broadcast on BBC Radio Suffolk? During the year all pupils in Year 3 will visit Partridges Farm looking at the growing year and bringing produce back to the school kitchen for Mrs Vicary and her team to cook for School Lunch. We would like to thank Charles and Kim Partridge for making these visits possible. Year 4 Children enjoy splashing about in their wellies! On Thursday 17th September, year 4 visited Bildeston Primary School as part of their ‘habitats’ topic in Science. The Bildeston School staff were very accommodating and helpful while our children had great fun stream dipping and attempting to find a range of minibeasts. None of this would have been possible without the help of the High School who allowed us to ‘borrow’ 3 of their staff as part of their primary liaison. We would like to thank all members of the Science team at Hadleigh High for their continued support.
Under new management Young family business, recently refurbished
OPEN FOR FOOD AND DRINK ALL DAY AND EVERYDAY Traditional Homecooked Food produced by Qualified Chef’s LUNCHTIME SPECIALS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 2 MAIN MEALS FOR £10.00 Homemade Chips THREE COURSE MEALS ONLY £15.95 Freshly Cooked Sunday Roast £7.95 Every Sunday between Noon and 4 pm
Look forward to seeing you..... Book a table now to avoid disappointment!
TEL: 01787 210474 HADLEIGH KITCHEN & BEDROOM STUDIO 86-88 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EF Tel/Fax: 01473 827666 Est 1997 Fully fitted or DIY, you will still receive the same personal service and attention to detail
William Ball, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Crown, Kingswood and Cuisine Pyram Kitchens Neff Master Partner All other leading brands of appliances Opening hours: 10am-5pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am-4pm Saturday
Out of School and Holiday Club in Hadleigh Term Time: 3.15pm to 4.30pm or 6.00pm & School Holidays: 8.00am to 6.00pm
For further information telephone: 07944 204120 or Email enquiries to: With New Renovated Facility, New Equipment, New Outdoor Area & Hot Meals for those attending until 6pm
FULLY INCLUSIVE LONDON SHOWS Tues 12 Jan Sat 23 Jan Sat 30 Jan Sat 30 Jan Sat 6 Feb Sat 6 Feb Sat 20 Feb Sat 27 Mar
Jersey Boys.....................................................£47.50 Sister Act .......................................................£47.50 Phantom of the Opera ....................................£48.50 Les Miserables................................................£47.50 Dirty Dancing.................................................£86.75 Grease............................................................£78.50 Sister Act .......................................................£47.50 Mamma Mia ...................................................£81.80
Tickets now available for the New Andrew Lloyd Webber Show
“Love Never Dies” Saturday 10th, 17th & 24th April 2010 £92.50 inc. A £10 per person deposit will secure your booking, with the balance payable 4 weeks prior to date
SPECIAL EVENTS Sun 22 Nov Sun 22 Nov Sat 28 Nov Sun 29 Nov Sun 29 Nov Sat 5 Dec Sat 5 Dec Sun 6 Dec Sun 13 Dec 19/20 Dec Sun 7 Feb Sun 21 Feb 28/29 May Thurs 17 June Sat 10 July
Birmingham ‘Frankfurt Xmas Market’...................£28.00 Festive Gift fair at Birmingham NEC.....................£28.00 Bury St Edmunds Xmas Market..............................£8.50 Mortorcycle Show at Birmingham NEC (Inc) .........£43.00 Good Food Show at Birmingham NEC ..................£26.00 Norwich ..............................................................£11.00 Lincoln Xmas Market...........................................£30.00 Clothes Show Live at Birmingham NEC (Inc) ........£60.00 Winter Wonderland & London Xmas Lights ..........£18.00 Co-op Juniors Christmas Special (Inc) ..................£26.00 Strictly Come Dancing The Live Tour (Inc) ...........£65.00 “X Factor” The Live Tour (Inc)...............................£60.00 Chelsea Flower Show (Inc)...................................£65.00 Royal Ascot Ladies Day .......................................£62.00 Hampton Court Flower Show (Inc).......................£45.00
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Lakeside, Bluewater & Romford 14th, 21st, 28th November and 5th December ONLY £14.00
SHOW PACKAGES Wed 2nd Dec Tues 19th Jan Sun 13th Jan Sun 24th Jan
Lion King & Meal at Maxwells..............................£66.00 Legally Blonde & Meal at Maxwells......................£74.00 Seniors Day Out - London Aquarium, Fish & Chips & ticket for ‘Wicked’ ........................£57.00 Hairspray & Sunday Carvery Lunch .....................£62.50
Please note all our Excursions, Short Breaks and Holidays Pick-Up in Hadleigh For further details on our great value-for-money excursions and short breaks, call in to our Office at The Coach Depot, Ipswich Road, Hadleigh or phone (01473) 212521 or 823243 16
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
HADLEIGH HEROES During the course of researching the articles which were first published in H.C.N. as a series telling of those men from Hadleigh who died as a result of their service in H.M. Forces in World War Two (1939 / 45), my research revealed that the names of three men were missing from the Town War Memorial. Additionally two of those names were also missing from the Roll of Honour in St. Mary’s church. A further name was found to be missing from both the War Memorial and the Roll of Honour dating from World War One, (1914 / 18). After extensive enquiries I was able to confirm to Hadleigh Town Council that these men were residents of Hadleigh at the time of their death, even though they may not have been Hadleigh born and that their names were not inscribed on their original hometown war memorials. Two of these men died as a result of their war service after discharge and were officially listed as casualties and granted Commonwealth War Grave recognition. Once these facts had been established Hadleigh Town Council and the P.C.C. of St. Mary’s church could not have been more supportive. In the case of the missing names on the town War Memorial, Hadleigh Town Council sanctioned their immediate correction. Whilst St. Mary’s Parochial Church Council, were required to go through Diocesan channels. The omitted names were duly inscribed on the Town War Memorial during the installation of the memorial to Sharron Elliott and will be dedicated on Remembrance Sunday, 8th. of November. The names to be added on the Roll of Honour will be dedicated at the Remembrance Day service in St. Mary’s, the cost of which has been met by generous donors and for which the Town Council has acted as stakeholder on my behalf. World War One THOMAS SALMON, Suffolk Regiment, of Stone Street, Hadleigh. Died as a result of gas inhalation on the Western Front, France, 1916. His war grave is in the town cemetery. Age 44 years. World War Two LAWRANCE G.BILLING, Royal Army Pay Corps of Pond Hall, Hadleigh. Served in the First World War, Leicestershire Regiment. Recalled as a reservist in1939, commissioned and served on Special Duties. Perished when the S.S. Coamo was torpedoed in the Atlantic, 1st. December 1942. One of only nine officers in the R.A.P.C. to die on active service. Age 44 years. The sea is his grave. GEOFFREY N. HOLBROOK, Honourable Artillery Company of Priory Farm (Hall), Hadleigh. Son of a Royal Navy Victoria Cross holder and step brother of Nelson Dixon also of Priory Farm, who lost his life as a naval officer on a Q ship in 1940. Lt. Holbrook was in a forward position directing artillery fire and was killed by American bombers who were sent to support British forces crossing the River Senio. He is buried in Ravenna War Cemetery, Italy, age 24 years. EVELYN G. MARTIN, O.B.E., R.N.V.R., of Ivy Tree Lane., Hadleigh. Awarded O.B.E. for service in World War One, re-enlisted in 1939, age 58. Commissioned as a Sub Lieutenant rising to Commander in Operational Supplies. Winner of the Fastnet Yacht Race, Commodore of The Royal Ocean Yacht Club and member of the Martin’s Bank family. Died as a result of his war service, his war grave is in Hadleigh Cemetery. Age 64. My appreciation and most grateful thanks go to the following sponsors. H.M. Spindler, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. P.A. Stapleton, Hadleigh Farmers Association, Hadleigh Thrift Shop, Masonic Lodge of Virtue, The Rotary Club of Hadleigh. Fred Breyer
WAR MEMORIAL REDEDICATION SERVICE Hadleigh Town Council will be holding a Rededication Service at Hadleigh War Memorial on Wednesday 11th November 2009 at 11.20am as the following names have been added: Thomas Salmon, Lawrence G. Billing Geoffrey N. Holbrook, Evelyn G. Martin OBE Staff Sergeant Sharron Elliott The above are also being added to the Roll of Honour in St. Mary’s Church. The Service will be conducted by The Very Rev’d Martin Thrower, Rector of Hadleigh, Layham & Shelley and Dean of Bocking. 01473 823884
Library Link Family Fun Day Hadleigh library had a fantastic Family Fun day this year. Staff dressed up in costumes kindly supplied by Comic Capers to make it a fun packed day. We had knights and princesses, pirates and witches plus Snow White. With thanks to children’s author Roy Thomas for his fabulous storytime, the children enjoyed the adventures of Percy the Fisherman. We had play activities provided by Playstation to keep children entertained and Sir Lancelot and Guinevere aka Ken and Lee Oliver kept in tune with their costumes and had their own fantasy workshop, helping children draw mythical figures. Our Babybounce session by Jean gave us a taster for the regular session we have during the week on Thursday mornings from 10 to 10.30. A visit by our local Children’s centre promoted the fantastic facilities available for children 5 and under. Michelle our Sunday Officer and her daughter, Chelsea, kept us entertained with different types of music. Rebecca as Snow White stayed awake long enough to paint faces. And our Sunday officers Heidi (Winnie the Witch) and pirate David made everyone welcome and as always promoted our fantastic services. A big thank you to all the staff for their hard work in organising such a special event for Hadleigh Library. If you missed us this year, look out for us next year. You won’t be disappointed! Top Time If you didn’t already know Hadleigh library now has it’s own Top Time group called Full of Life, suitable for the over 55s. The sessions are Wednesday mornings from 10.30 to 12.00. We recently had an interesting talk about food miles kindly presented by Jane Haylock of The Idler bookshop. It created some interesting debates about the impact of buying produce from far away and the subsequent carbon footprint this causes. Over November we have the following, our first Wednesday is a chance to socialise, make new friends and chat over refreshments and let us know the sorts of activities you would like to take part in. On the 11th November Brandon King one of our Stock Team will be in to talk about our stock and answer questions you may have about how we choose stock for libraries. The 18th November is a chance for you to bring in or discuss books, cds and dvds that you would like to review or recommend. You can even discuss ones which you didn’t like! Quiz morning is Wednesday 25th November. As well as a great opportunity to meet other people for long term residents of Hadleigh, it is also ideal for those who have just moved into the area and would like to meet people and find out what our library has to offer. If you would like more information please speak to a member of staff or telephone 01473 823778. New book collections If you enjoy your fantasy reading we have a large collection called Dragon Magic with an array of different fantasy writers to enjoy. Our Well Woman display has books containing a wealth of information on women’s health. If you need any help finding the displays please ask a member of staff. It’s Free! Tell your friends and family - It's free to join the library and everyone is welcome. Did you know that with a library card you can borrow up to 20 books for free? You can also borrow CDs, DVDs, computer games and spoken word such as story cassettes for a small charge – ask our staff for details. You can use the internet for free in every library too – our computer system means that you can book in advance to surf the net or just pop in and see if a PC is free.
Caught your eye? Advertise in colour from only £30.00 plus VAT Telephone Matt on 01473 823366
Tim Allen Windows ea rs of tradi ng y 5 1 g n t i a r b Cele
Over 30 Years Experience
PVC-u Conservatories, Windows, Doors, Fascias, Soffits, Bargeboards etc. Also Extensions & General Building Replacement Sealed Units
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10 Year Insurance Backed Guarantee
Hintlesham Golf Club
Christmas Party Night Friday 4th December
3 Course Dinner & Dancing until midnight - £27.00 per person Table of Two and Group Bookings Welcome Please call Catherine on 01473 652761 for further information
Christmas Carol Concert Sunday 20th December £5 Adult - £2.50 Child Arrival 4.30pm for Mulled Wine & Mince Pie Tickets available from the main office, please call 01473 652761
Hintlesham and Chattisham School News Hintlesham School is very pleased to welcome 10 new starters to the school at the start of this year. The school roll stands at 72. The school delivers a warm friendly family atmosphere whilst maintaining a vibrant and exciting curriculum ensuring that pupils thoroughly enjoy school, and this contributes to their excellent personal development and well-being. Year 2 have recently just had a ‘money day’ organised by Ipswich Building Society which was enjoyed by all, full of fun and games which the children found exciting. KS2 had a visit from East Anglian Traditional Music Trust who came for half a day on a Victorian Harvest Workshop. The children learnt all about the life of a Victorian child during Harvest time. The older children have had a residential week at Kingswood Activity Centre in North Norfolk. Each child had approximately three hours a day working individually on their I.T. skills, as well as taking part in exciting physical activities such as quad-biking, wall climbing and zip wire. There are a few vacancies in year groups throughout the school. If you are interested in your child being part of our school, please contact the school office to make an appointment on 01473 652344, email: or view the school via our website Mrs S Cross, Headteacher
NEW! from 6th November
CAFÉ CHURCH at St Mary’s Every Friday morning from 9.30am to 12noon Fresh coffee – croissants – a look at the newspapers Toddler and children’s activity area 10am Join us for a short all-age communion service Use the chapel as a place to stop and be still for a while
Christmas Bazaar Saturday 28th November 2009 St. Mary’s Church, Hadleigh 10.00 am until 2 pm Grand Raffle - £100 first prize Cakes, gifts, Books, Tombola and much more
Visit Santa in his Grotto Free gift from Santa for all primary age children Join us for morning coffee 10 am until 12 noon
Jackie’s Luscious Lunches
St Mary's Church, Hadleigh The Dean writes…….. Dear Friends Remember, re-member The layout of the title is deliberate: thy hyphen helps us see the meaning behind the word ‘remember’. To dismember is to take apart – and to re-member is to put back together. So, in connection with memories, our own memories help us to put back together the story of our lives. Remembering is generally seen in a positive way in the Bible. In the Old Testament (especially in Deuteronomy), the Israelites are told to remember Abraham’s calling, that they were slaves in Egypt, their wandering the desert, the giving of the 10 commandments, and the gift of the Promised Land. In other words, they were told to remember their faith story – to remember what God had done. In the New Testament we are told to ‘Do this in remembrance of me’ – words that are at the heart of the Eucharist (the Communion Service). Again, it is about remembering our faith story – but not just a past event, but as an event that is relevant to the present, and to the future. Remembering can of course be painful if it relates to sad or difficult times in our lives – but such memories are also very important to us. They are also part of our story and have played their part in shaping us and making us the people we are. So, rather than being forgotten, the act of remembering painful times and experiences can allow God to bring healing to our lives. In remembering we can often see how things fit together, and can see what God has done through the times of both joy and sorrow. November is known in the Church as the ‘Kingdom Season’ – the season of remembrance. On Sunday 1st November (All Souls) we remember and give thanks for the lives of those who we love but have died. There is a special service at St Mary’s Hadleigh on that day at 4pm. Some invitations have already been sent out, but please take this letter as an invitation if you have not yet received one. It is always a precious and special time. Sunday 8th November is Remembrance Sunday when we remember those who offered their life and died in war or conflict. All the main services at the parish churches will have An Act of Remembrance. Can I commend to you both of these acts of worship – they are opportunities to re-member in a positive way. I pray that they may be a real opportunity to meet our God who offers resurrected life everlasting and knows each of our stories in an intimate way.
served from 12 noon until 1.30 pm For more information contact Patsy 823295 or Sue 823376
Poets Corner Soraya Happy 21st Birthday Soraya, my beautiful girl The years have flown by in a whirl It seems like yesterday when you sat on my knee I am blessed to have you, I am as proud as can be So on this special day, I wish you happiness You really are a wonderful person, you are the best.
Love from Mum & Darman 18
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
With my love and prayer
November Services in the Community Services at the Row Chapel Services at the Row Chapel take place each Tuesday at 11.00am, with Holy Communion on the first Tuesday, 3rd November, with Morning Prayer on the other Tuesdays. Holy Communion at Sydney Brown Court Our Communion Service in the lounge at Sydney Brown Court will be at 10.30am on Thursday 5th November. Holy Communion Service at Friars Hall Our Holy Communion service this month takes place on Thursday 5th November, 3.30pm. Churches-Together in Hadleigh Sunday Service The CTiH Service this month is at Friars Hall 3.30pm on 22nd November and will be led by the Salvation Army. Everyone is welcome to come and join in with the residents at our short act of worship.
Join us as we Celebrate the saints 7.30pm High Mass at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh Friday 20 November – St Edmund Monday 30 November – St Andrew
Capel St Mary
o.i.r.o £425,000
A detached house with a good size garden. Accommodation 3 bedrooms, living and dining room, conservatory, ensuite shower room.
Lower Raydon
Extended three bed semi detached period property with fantastic views.The house has period charm and is somewhat larger than 1st appearances suggest.
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A large family home situated on a private driveway of 5 houses, this property has a large garden to the rear and 3 reception rooms.
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A fantastic opportunity to acquire a superb maisonette at an affordable price. Buy 50% for £64,000 and pay rent on the remainder via Flagship Homes.
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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Overlooking fields to the front and with a large back garden this substantial four bedroom detached house will appeal due to its size and location.
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A wonderfully extended 4 bedroom house with flowing ground floor accommodation.
A substantial newly built four bedroom house, set in a small cul-de-sac.
This 3 bedroom bungalow has large gardens and is offered chain free.
With farmland views, this three bedroom detached bungalow has undergone a process of refurbishment.
With a good sized garden, we are pleased to offer this well presented four bed detached family home.
This 3 bedroom detached house sits on a good size plot with field views to the rear.
This refurbished two bedroom bungalow has a good sized established rear garden.
An individual detached house set in good sized mature gardens to the front and rear.
01473 827135
Hadleigh’s Footpath Volunteers November 2009 walk
Hadleigh Catholic Parish Parish Priest: Fr Michael Vulliamy (01473 810095) Deacon: Rev. Andy Morton (01206 263367) Sunday: Sacred Heart, Nayland: 9.15 a.m. St Joseph’s, Hadleigh 11 a.m. Monday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh Tuesday: Sacred Heart, Nayland Wednesday: Thursday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh
9.25 a.m.
Mass Mass (followed by tea and coffee) Mass (includes Morning Prayer)
Mass No Mass
9.25 a.m.
Mass (includes Morning Prayer)
Friday: St Joseph’s, Hadleigh
9.25 a.m.
Mass (includes Morning Prayer)
Saturday: Sacred Heart, Nayland
9.30 a.m.
Latin Mass
For any changes to the times of week-day Masses please consult the Parish Newsletter, or contact Father Michael or Deacon Andy. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after week-day Masses, or by arrangement with Father Michael.
The Jolly Meat Company Ltd
5197 Shop Opening Advert
This is the final walk of the 2009 season and will take place on Saturday 14th November. This has been our most successful season so far, and the footpath volunteers would like to thank Hadleigh Town Council for their help and continuing support, and to all the walkers who have joined us this year. We will leave St. Marys School at 10am and we will walk to Elmsett via Red Hill, Aldham Church, Aldham Priory, Hintlesham Priory, Willowbrook, Potash Farm, and on to Elmsett. We will return to Hadleigh by bus arriving back at 1.30pm. Every body are welcome including dogs on leads. We recommend that strong shoes, or walking boots should be worn as the walk can be rough and wet in places. Further information about this walk, and the other activities of the footpath volunteers please contact Hadleigh`s Footpath Warden David Warner on 01473 823156, or 07749 732941.
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce AGM Priory Hall, Benton Street, Hadleigh IP7 5HZ Wednesday 19 November at 6:00pm If you would like to stand for a position please Contact Lovis PassfieldTaylor for the appropriate forms prior to the AGM. Due to the unusual economic circumstances that continue to exist, the AGM will once again include an opportunity to ask Anthony Hilton (Business and Financial Commentator for the Evening Standard) questions about the credit crunch. The turmoil has affected most of us in one way or another. The meeting will finish at approximately 7:30pm with free drinks and a light bite. Potential members are welcome to attend and see just how active Hadleigh Chamber are, putting in a huge voluntary effort to help promote and protect local businesses. For catering purposes, please confirm your attendance by telephoning Lovis Passfield-Taylor on 01473 829147. Alternatively email
Page 1
Reasons to be Jolly – Part 5
We are well into the shooting season now and it seems the good folk of Hadleigh enjoy their game. We stock a full range including partridge, pheasant, wild duck as well as hares when they come along. After numerous requests we have also started stocking venison and mutton on a more regular basis. If you fancy something a bit different then come and see us. As usual all requests welcome! Of course the biggest reason to be jolly is the approach of Christmas. Hopefully this year will be a very jolly affair indeed! We have opened our Christmas order book so that you may order your free range Suffolk turkey now. We offer a choice of white or bronze turkeys as well as geese, three bird roasts and anything else you can think of. Due to a number of enquiries we have launched ‘Pig in a Day’ – a pig butchery training day. We will be providing lessons in knife care and knife skills as well as hands-on instruction in the butchery of pigs. The course will New Butchers Shop, specialising in run on Sundays, 0900hrs to 1500 locally sourced, high welfare produce hrs and will include coffee, a fine Opening Times: lunch, a souvenir to take home and Monday - Saturday 8am - 5pm plenty of jolly banter. We hope the The Jolly Meat Company Ltd, 83 High Street, course will be informative and good Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 5EA fun. Please contact Charlie or Sam Tel: 01473 810119 in the shop for more details. Finally, the Jolly pork production project is under way. Our hope is to provide all our own pork, and at the moment we are experimenting with different breeds and crosses to establish the best product for our customers. As you can see from the photo, our pigs are free range and happy in their wooded home. On a final note of jolliness, we have introduced ‘Bargain Tuesday’ – 10% discount across the board – just to give us all something to look forward to at the beginning of the week! 20
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Harry from Mcfly helps to launch Kersey Christmas Fayre in support of Teenage Cancer Trust Harry Judd, the drummer in chart topping band McFly, took time out from his busy schedule to join Martha Evans, aged 7, to help launch the 2009 Kersey Christmas Gift Fayre in support of The Teenage Cancer Trust. This year’s highly popular, annual Christmas Fayre, will be held on Saturday 28th November from 10.30 am – 4.00 pm at St Mary’s Church, Kersey. There will also be a Preview Night “Shopping by Candlelight” on Friday 27th November from 7 pm – 9.30 pm when visitors can shop while listening to traditional Carols sung by ‘Festive Notes’ and enjoy a glass of mulled wine and delicious seasonal food kindly provided by Sarah Firstbrook of Cook to Order. Visitors to the Fayre will be able to find a wide range of high quality and unusual gifts including children’s toys, jewellery, hand made soaps, festive candles and wreaths, ceramics, kitchenware and gifts for foodies, Christmas cards, gift wrap and lots more. There will also be an opportunity to sample delicious festive fayre including mulled wine, mince pies, home-made soups and freshly baked cakes kindly provided by Kersey’s finest chefs! Proceeds from the Preview Night and Fayre will be donated to St Mary’s Church and The Teenage Cancer Trust, the charity devoted to improving the lives of teenagers and young adults with cancer, at the request of former Kersey resident Martha Evans, who is thriving in her battle against leukaemia. Martha was thrilled to learn that Harry Judd had agreed to help launch this year’s Fayre, as an Ambassador for the Teenage Cancer Trust. “I am delighted to help support the Kersey Christmas Fayre” Harry said “Having seen the work of The Trust at first hand, I know that it has an incredibly positive impact on the lives of teenagers and young adults with cancer. I hope that the Fayre will raise lots of funds to help The Trust continue its great work” The special Preview Night and The Kersey Christmas Fayre are being sponsored by Carter Jonas. “It is such a great pleasure to continue to be associated with such a well organised event that generates such a lovely festive atmosphere and raises funds for charity.” said Caroline Edwards, on behalf of Carter Jonas. For further information regarding ‘Shopping by Candlelight’ on Friday 27th November or the daytime Gift Fayre on Saturday 28h November please contact:
Hadleigh Naturalists’ Society Invite members and visitors to the following meetings Monday 2nd November Illustrated talk: Wildlife Pot-pourri, Arthur Watchman Monday 7th December Illustrated talk: Chile in the shadow of the Andes, Ian Rose Visitors £2 Talks held at Town Hall (Dining Room) Market Place, Hadleigh at 7.30 pm
New Autumn ranges now in
ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY NLP and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) HUGH CLOVER (MA Ed), MABCH, MCAHyp, UKCHo MASTER NLP PRACTITIONER More than 15 years experience: Caring and confidential help with relaxation, stress, phobias, confidence, sleep, smoking, weight, unwanted habits, and many other psychological, emotional and physical problems. Hugh is experienced working with children.
WHY NOT TAKE A LOOK AT HUGH’S WEBSITE?: WWW.HUGHCLOVER.CO.UK For further information please contact Hugh on 01206 323089 or email (Easy access and parking just off the A12 between Ipswich and Colchester) Member of the Dedham Vale Network of complementary therapists and practitioners
Baker Interiors KITCHENS, BEDROOMS & BATHROOMS Excellent range of kitchens & bedrooms available from leading manufacturers including Zimmer, Sigma, Crown & our entry level kitchen Crown Lifestyle. We also supply appliances from leading brands.
Baker Interiors offer a complete service from design & supply to a full installation service including building, tiling & electrical work. Contact John or Jo on 01473 828366 or email
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Visit our website Page 1
Lavender Hall Kindergarten for little minds to flourish
For children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 52 weeks of the year.
At Lavender Hall Kindergarten we provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to learn through play.
Hadleigh 01473 826100 East Bergholt 01206 299511
Silver Jewellery Scarves - Watches - Repairs - Batteries
The Jewel Box 5 Maiden Way, Hadleigh 01473 824862
Firewood Logs Traditional Split Dried Swedish Hardwood IN BUILDERS BAGS* DELIVERED DIRECT TO YOU
£65.00 per bag Delivery within 15 mile radius of Ipswich
LOG LINE 01473 680021 Providing carbon neutral heating from sustainable forest resources *One bag contains approx two hundred pieces
Firewood Logs coming to town - Swedish Style From Sweden’s forests, traditional split, dried Birch and Beech firewood logs are coming to town on a weekly delivery service. Locally based timber importer NWT who have direct interests in Swedish sawmills have arranged for these Mills, currently supplying their domestic, Danish and North european markets to expand their productions as the UK is set to become a major customer. A combination of increased environmental awareness and dissatisfaction with ever increasing energy costs has resulted in a substantial upturn in demand for wood-burning stoves and increasing use of logs for existing open fires. Using carbon-neutral wood for space and water heating is a very cost effective way of reducing the carbon footprint of a house. The dry, mainly Birch logs, usually destined for the pulp and paper mills will be diverted to the sawmills where they will be split, cut and crated for delivery to Sweden’s west coast for fortnightly shipment into Ipswich. Sweden’s stringent forestry controls ensure that every log is certified from sustainable forest resources. Supplies are guaranteed throughout the winter months and deliveries will be made in builders bags via crane off-load to domestic customers and in larger crates for bulk buyers. Log Line 01473 680021, delivery within 15 mile radius of Ipswich
All major debit and credit cards accepted
Could you be a School Governor? NWT Distribution Limited
There is a vacancy for a Community Governor at our school in Hintlesham. This is an interesting and challenging opportunity to work with the Headteacher, staff and other governors to continue its excellent work and keep it as a much valued part of our community. Please phone Justin Allen (Chairman of Governors) 01473 652429 for more information.
Orangerie Victoria House, Market Place, Hadleigh. Tel: 01473 823600
Festive Fayre Menu 2009 Red Pepper and Roast Tomato Soup Duck and port Pate King Prawn and Crayfish Cocktail Pan Fried Mushrooms in Garlic Butter Turkey Parcel stuffed with Chestnut, Orange and Port and wrapped in Smoked Bacon Lamb Shank with Rosemary, Red Wine and Sundried Tomatoes Salmon Tail Fillet with White Wine Sauce Stuffed Portabello Mushroom Lattice Venison Pie All served with selection of seasonal Vegetables, Roast Potatoes and Parsnips Traditional Christmas Pudding with Hot Brandy Sauce Mince Pies with Fresh Cream Profiteroles with Chocolate Orange Sauce Lemon Roulade Brandy Basket filled with fresh berries and drizzled with fresh cream Coffee and Mints
Two Course £12.95 per person Three Course £15.95 per person Bookings and pre-orders only - £5 deposit required Available Tuesday to Friday lunchtimes during December 22
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
News from The Station Hello again from Hadleigh Police Station Many of you will now be aware of the recent assault that occurred close to St Mary’s Primary School. Whilst the offence took place after the pupils had entered the school, it is in no way acceptable for anyone to act in this manner in a public place especially around our schools. There are specific offences relating to persons causing a nuisance on school premises and we will investigate all reports relating to any anti-social behaviour of this nature. The adult population is responsible for setting a positive example to our children and hopefully teaching them right from wrong. With parents behaving in a violent manner towards others how can we expect our future generation to behave any better? On a lighter note the evenings are drawing in and the weather is deteriorating it is a good time to make sure our cars are prepared for the winter months. Make sure antifreeze and screen clean levels are topped up and keep a warm blanket or coat in the boot in case of a breakdown. Can I also take this opportunity to remind residents of how to react on the roads when faced with an emergency service vehicle that is responding to a 999 call. Always listen and be aware of vehicles using sirens, flashing headlights or roof lights. The main thing to do is not to panic. Consider the route of the emergency vehicle and take appropriate action to let it pass. If necessary, pull to the side of the road and stop but do not endanger other road users. When passing the scene of an accident do not be distracted or slow down unnecessarily (ie. Brake sharply) as this may cause another accident or further congestion. If you see anything suspicious or have information regarding any type of crime please contact us on 01473 613500 or ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 The Mobile Police Station will be in the Market Place on Friday 13th November between 17:00 & 18:00am – for those of you that wish to discuss local matters. Until next time, Matt PC 1455 Paisley Hadleigh Police Station 01473 613500
* NO VAT ! Professional Engine Diagnostics Tuning & Repairs We Come to You at Home or Work
01473 822603
Speak Direct To An Engineer For Good Solid Advice
Hadleigh Healing Society November is upon us with the dark mornings and even darker nights. For those who work full time it seems as if they never see daylight. The thought of winter with its fog, frost, and possibly deep snow depresses a lot of us. We all feel better when the days are bright and the sun is shining, problems seem a little easier to handle. The news is not quite so depressing and we feel better in ourselves. This has been a particularly difficult year for everyone in so many ways and it is going to take a lot of perseverance before things come right again and confidence is restored. If you are finding it difficult to cope and would like someone to talk to our healers are there to listen to you, all in confidence. Please come along and let us help you. There is no charge and the healers are all volunteers. We are a registered charity and our aim is to help people. Telephone: 01473 823282 for an appointment or visit our website: or come along to our Open Morning on the second Saturday of the month. You will be very welcome.
The Bowen Technique consistently achieves good results for a wide range of muscular-skeletal problems including Lower Back Pain Sciatica Whiplash Injury Tennis Elbow Frozen Shoulder Sports and other Injuries Roger Graham PhD ECBS Polstead 01206 262519 or 07860 624239
TOPPESFIELD COTTAGES We have two stylish properties in the Hadleigh area accommodating 2 or 4 people Family or friends wanting to visit, but no space to put them up? Why not offer them a pleasant break in one of our comfortable cottages. Bookings for weekends and short breaks are available throughout the year.
Contact Gale for more details 01473 829129 /
HADLEIGH CHARACTERS John Legan John Legan, proprietor of ‘Tresses,’ 56 High Street, will be known to many in Hadleigh. Like the traditional hairdresser, John is a first class conversationalist. He is of AngloFrench extraction: his father was born and brought up in France and his mother in Scotland. Both parents served in the RAF. His father, a pilot, served for a while with a Free French squadron, and first met his mother in the station NAAFI. They were married in 1941. John was born in 1947, which makes him 62. John’s father stayed in the regular RAF post- war, serving in a variety of countries. Thus John spent much of his early life years outside Britain. He told me that, though of Catholic parentage, he was baptised in Famagusta, Cyprus, by Archbishop Makarios. Later on, Egypt, India and Malaya, became countries where he went to local schools. Asked if this John, what a Pollack! adversely affected his education, John said no, “in fact the contrary is true, it gave me a broader outlook on the world and its diversity of peoples. I grew up with a philosophy of live and let live.” John told me he had fancied being a barber since the age of ten, when his father was based at RAF Wattisham. He earned a bit of pocket money, 10 bob a week sweeping up the floor and doing other odd jobs at the base hairdressers, “it was there I developed an interest both in hair cutting and serving in the regular forces. On reaching service age I wanted to be a pilot, like my Dad, but could not due to being colour blind. So I joined the Royal Engineers instead, the airborne section, and was attached for a while to a battalion of the parachute regiment. My service life was spent mainly in Germany, but included brief periods in Aden, Borneo and Singapore.” He was impressed with Singapore, “We could do with a little of their style of government in Britain.” John told me he was sorry to leave the army in 1971. He was medically discharged after breaking a leg during a parachuting exercise, “I then did a few odd jobs pending a nine month course in hairdressing funded by the forces.” On completion he worked for a while at barber’s shops in Ipswich and later for a British company which had a contract with the US Air force at Lakenheath. “The terms of their contract involved a percentage of the takings being ploughed back into the US version of NAAFI. I ended up running the base barbers shop on my own for a short while. This experience fired an enthusiasm to work for myself. I found a job in Ipswich but kept my eyes open.” In 1987 Mrs Nash, the then proprietor of ‘Tresses,’ advertised an upstairs room as available for gents hairdressing. John moved to Hadleigh in a self employed
capacity. Last year Mrs Nash decided to sell and John took over the business as a whole. “It has been far from easy since,” he said, “I bought in the middle of a recession. Things are difficult, but one pulls through somehow. I sometimes have to rob Peter to pay Paul.” John’s hobbies, fishing, gardening and smallholding, and have been passions from an early age. His yen for gardening came when he and his parents lived in Wattisham, in a house with a large garden, “They were not the slightest bit interested in gardening but strangely enough it came to me naturally.” John went on to tell me he first married at nineteen, but his wife died some years ago in a car accident. He married again in the late 1980’s and divorced seven years later. He has a daughter aged 20 and a partner, a barrister, who knows the East End like the back of her hand. She works for the NHS. Asked about retirement, John said he cannot afford to retire. He lost much of his hoped for pension in the John with daughter Kirstie pension fund collapse of a few years back, for which he blames the present government, “but as long as I have my garden, allotments and chickens, and of course my fishing, I get along not too badly. Sometimes I sit down to a meal and every single part of it has come from my own sources. If push comes to shove, I can always get by, at least as far as food is concerned.” Finally we came to family and religion. John said he had never got on too well with his father, he has few happy memories of him, but his Mother was an ‘absolute angel.’ He wondered sometimes how she had put up his Dad, probably by dedication to her religious beliefs. John said his own faith had never been very strong despite the fact he had been an altar boy. This resulted from mercenary instincts rather than religious inclinations, “as an altar boy I received the equivalent of 50p for a wedding and 12p for a funeral!” A few years ago John met a gentleman, Stewart Belbin, who raised funds for the RNLI. He interested John in doing the same. Since then, John said, he had helped raise several thousand pounds for the RNLI, “by jumping out of aeroplanes, doing marathons and head shaves, kayaking the River Stour.” This year he and members of his staff intend towing a ten ton truck to every pub in Hadleigh to raise funds for ‘Help the Heroes,’ troops returning from Afghanistan, “I get servicemen in here and we chat. Our servicemen today face dangers and disablement to a degree never experienced when I was in the forces. At the same time they have to put up with the idiocies of critics who are pained to know why civilians in Afghanistan are sometimes casualties. Such people have never faced an enemy not wearing a uniform and situations where women and children are often used as a deliberate protective screen.” John Legan is a most interesting personality. Moreover, he is an excellent barber and raconteur. His business is worth a visit. R.L. O’Shaughnessy
at Hadleigh Guildhall 10 am on Tuesdays Elaine 07946 815148 5.45 pm on Thursdays Yvonne 07971 921093
08700 75 46 66 24
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
John and friends fundraising for the RNLI
Hollow Trees Festive weekend Flyer V2 14/9/09 15:16 Page 1
Hollow Trees Festive Food Weekend Presents a
FWeestiveekeFndo d Saturday 7th November
Sunday 8th November 10.00 am - 4.00pm
* Talk to the Producers * Taste the Products * Ideas and Inspirations
Everyone at Hollow Trees is delighted to be named as the Best Farm Shop in Suffolk in the 2009 East Anglian Daily Times Food and Drink Awards. We thank all our customers for voting for us and hope you will join us for a celebration weekend. Hollow Trees Farm Shop core business is good quality home produced and local speciality food. It is how the business began over 23 years ago and it is what we still do best. We still grow a range of vegetables all year round as well as producing beef, pork and lamb on the farm. As our range of products from local producers has increased in the farm shop it is easy to feel a little remote from these suppliers. So please make a date in your diary and come to our food festival on: Saturday November 7th and Sunday November 8th 10.00am until 4pm Over the course of the weekend more than 50 of our business partners will be on site giving tastings of their superb produce and answering any queries you may have about the product. It will also be a good time to do some Christmas shopping and plan your food and drink requirements for the forthcoming festive season. Throughout the weekend there will be many special offers across all our ranges. There will even be an opportunity to win a local free range Bronze turkey for Christmas. It is our way of saying thank you to our most valued customers, suppliers and friends. Entry is free and the farm shop, farm trail and coffee shop will be open as normal during the weekend. Hollow Trees Farm is in the village of Semer, near Hadleigh (postcode IP7 6HX) on the A1141 Hadleigh to Lavenham Road. It is just 3 miles off the Hadleigh bypass, 12 miles from central Ipswich and 8 miles from Sudbury. Directions can also be found on our web site at or telephone 01449 741247.
Home Grown Vegetables Home Produced Meat Local Foods Plant Centre Pet Foods Farm Trail
Hollow Trees Farm Shop, Semer, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6HX Tel: 01449 741247 Email: On A1141 Hadleigh/Lavenham Road
Open Mon - Sat 8.30 - 5.45 Sun and Bank Holidays 9.00 - 5.00
Tel 01449 741247
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Royal National lifeboat Institution Hadleigh Branch
The Cock Inn Polstead
The sum of £353.49 was collected in Hadleigh High Street on Saturday 5th September 2009. Many thanks to all those who kindly made a contribution. Forthcoming Fund Raising Events RNLI Christmas Cards and Souvenirs will be available at the following times: 3rd & 20th November 11 am - 2 pm at RNLI Office Magdalen Road 27th November “A Chilli Night in Polstead” Supper & Live Music £10 a head
St. Mary's offers a 'Living Exhibition' of School Life Ever wanted to get a pupils' eye view of what a modern primary school is like - at first hand? Or perhaps you are a parent or grandparent of a pupil who just wants to have a better idea as to what and how children are learning? Or maybe you are just curious to see what goes on in your neighbourhood school? Well, St. Mary's Church of England School in Hadleigh is offering the local community the chance to come in and do all of these things! On Wednesday 7th October from 6pm to 8pm, it is inviting in past and present parents and grandparents, past pupils and other local residents to come into the Stonehouse Road school and experience activities in a range of areas of learning including PE, Science, Maths and Early Years as well as view some of the recent work produced by pupils from across the age range and have the chance to talk informally with teachers and governors about all aspects of the School's work". According to deputy Head Teacher, Mark Girling "as a school heavily influenced by Christian principles of care and openness, the idea behind the information evening was to give anyone with a connection to St. Mary's the chance to get a better idea as to the school's approach to modern day teaching. So rather than having a series of dry talks, we'd rather give everyone the chance to actually take part in a range of activities - for example, by having a go at science experiments or by participating in maths games! We hope to offer a fun and informative couple of hours by presenting a sort of 'living exhibition' of what St. Mary's is all about"
HADS Juniors I would like to congratulate all the juniors that took part in Wind in the Willows, you handled it very well considering the numerous parts you all had to play resulting in you each having a lot of costume changes, WELL DONE. The show went really well and I would like to thank the backstage crew for their help (this one wasn’t an easy job) and my mum for her help with the costumes, there was over 70 stashed in her sitting room. Thank you also to Bethany Seager who choreographed the show despite her own full week of dance training. Thank you for the adult HADS members also for giving up their time to support me, I hope you enjoyed dancing Charleston at rehearsals and to the parents for their support throughout. I can’t name everybody so thank you to you all. Keep your eyes open for my next venture. Niki Seager - Director
10% OFF
FESTIVE LUNCHES AND DINNERS Available 1st - 24th December MENU To Begin With Crayfish and Greenland Prawns Paprika Mayo Cocktail Spicy Parsnip Soup with Parsnip Crisps Ham Hock Terrine with Piccalilli Vegetables Warm Goats Cheese Salad, Rocket, Baked Plum Tomatoes and Sautéed Pears To Follow Roast Suffolk Turkey with All the Trimmings Smoked Haddock Fillet Wholegrain Mustard en-Crusted on a bed of Sugar Baked Tomatoes, Seasonal Vegetables Creamy Leek, Broccoli and Stilton Linguine (V) Braised Steak and Suffolk Ale Casserole served with Horseradish potato To End Individual Steamed Xmas pudding with Brandy Sauce Warm Apple and Cinnamon pie with creamy custard Warm Chocolate Fudge cake and Cream Clementine and Cointreau Jelly served with Vanilla Ice Cream Coffee or Tea and Mints
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Now taking bookings for Christmas Parties from the 1st to 23rd December Enjoy a superb meal or just a relaxing drink in comfortable stylish surroundings Food served: Wednesday to Saturday 12.00 noon to 2.30pm evenings 6.00pm to 9.30pm Sundays 12.00 noon to 5.30pm
Tel: 01473 810200 Stone Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6DN (B1141 Lavenham/Bildeston Road)
Great Christmas Ideas! Christmas Gift Wrap up Lessons Hampers for Christmas Vouchers a Personal Trainer for Christmas
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This Amazing Christmas Package Includes: 5 one-to-one half hour lessons PLUS a 9 hole lesson with the Pro – all for the normal price of 4 half hour lessons! The price also includes practice balls and use of the video analysis system. Package cost: Head Teaching Professional Roly Hitchcock £100 Assistant Professionals Andrew Tokley and Sarah Graves £80 Tailor-made Pro Shop Gift Vouchers are also available and can be used for any items in the shop –to include equipment, and designer clothing from Galvin Green, Ralph Lauren and Puma and much more! Visit the Pro Shop and have a good browse around or call 01206 265812 for information
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The Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa • Keepers Lane • Leavenheath • Colchester • CO6 4PZ
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Available from Peake Spa Reception by visiting, or calling 01206 265820/822, or you can purchase selected items at the Online Gift Store at Also a great selection of special Decleor Christmas Gift Packs will be on display in Peake Spa.
The Hadleigh Rifle Club in their 40th Anniversary Year The Hadleigh Rifle Club has come a long way since it’s inception in October 1969. The driving forces behinds its formation were the late Peter Boulton, the famous film producer, Ray Gant the current President, and other past and present members. Club activities began at the then home of Peter Boulton, 56 George Street, with Peter’s back garden acting as the rifle range! Ray Gant remarked, “There wouldn’t be a chance in hell today of such a happening. Health and Safety would be on us like a ton of bricks. We started off with Peter as chairman and myself as Team Captain” Ray Gant, pictured recently with his The years have not curbed Ray original membership card issued 1969 Gant’s enthusiasm, “We meet every Tuesday evening and now have both a ‘Rim Fire’ section and an Air Rifle group. Recruitment is ongoing. We even have a few female members but not many. Age limits are 12 plus for air rifle, 14 plus for rim fire. We are planning a fortieth anniversary celebration.” Hadleigh Rifle Club is one of the oldest clubs in town. It has 30 plus members in the Rim Fire section, i.e. firing cartridge ammunition, and about 18 youngsters in the Air Rifle section, formed last year. The latter has boosted membership of young people who will ultimately graduate to Rim Fire. Under rifle club rules members can only shoot on approved ranges, usually military, as here in Hadleigh at the Army Drill Hall. There is no other connection with the military other than rental for use of the hall. Membership costs are a mere £60 for a year for rim fire shooting and £30 for air rifle. Rim fire members can use both facilities. The club owns five rifles for use by members but, “once a new member is bitten by the sport he or she will normally break their neck to get a rifle of their own.” Credit for club successes rests primarily with Peter Boulton and Ray Gant, respectively Chairman and Team Captain, over the first 21 years of the clubs existence. Ray was then presented, 1990, with a carriage clock in recognition of his services. Since then he has served nine years as Chairman followed by the last ten years as President. Club achievements include a large membership: eight teams A to H with four shooters in each team; the winning of several trophies over the years; currently doing well in the Southern Counties league, with Norman Milldown as Captain. Hadleigh Rifle Club teams have won several medals and badges in competitions with other clubs but also run their own shoots. Trophies awarded for internal shoots include the Newble Cup presented by Peter Boulton’s beautiful wife, Marie. She may well have been have been the character portrayed in one or more of his most successful films. Other cups awarded internally include the Peter Branch Cup; the Kings Head Cup named after the pub; the Barry Bohane Cup; the David Simpson Rosebowl; the Ray Gant Anniversary Shield, presented by Ray to honour the Rifle Club at its thirtieth anniversary in 1999. Shooting is usually at normal ring targets of varying size, but is sometimes at animal targets with specific body target areas depicted. One hopes this does not offend ardent animal lovers! There is also a Lucky Number Target, which any target shooter can win, skilled or otherwise. Asked the distinction between a sporting rifle and a target rifle, Ray said both could be of the same calibre, usually 0.22, but the former have telescopic sight front and rear, and require a special permit allowing the shooting of vermin. Target rifles have aperture sights and no magnification, and cannot be used anywhere except on approved ranges. “There is an upsurge in the numbers of people interested in target shooting,” Ray Gant said, “though not a pronounced one. The incident at Dunblaine led to problems for clubs. Government indulged in its usual knee-jerk
reaction: withdrawal of all pistol shooting permits. This despite, I think, the first such incident ever involving a member of a pistol and rifle club. The ban on pistol shooting has undoubtedly weakened Britain’s chances at international competitions. Clubs are, of course, rightly subjected to random checks by the police to ensure compliance with regulations. The object of rifle clubs, Ray said, is to encourage competitive shooting and interest in the sport, to raise the standards of skill exhibited and the enjoyment of inter club competitions, “Years ago we used to have an annual presentation in the old town hall, have dinners and a ball. We got together more, but times change. Nowadays, rather than committee meetings, we tend to use text messages, mobiles and e-mail. An AGM today is more a combination of AGM and Presentation at a pub without the added festivities. Times change, something probably every generation says as theirs Peter Boulton, founder of the club in 1968. begins to fade out and is replaced by the new. Things cost so much more today Peter was honorary life president until his death in March 2003 and people are always in a hurry.” Maybe so, but not everything changes. There are always, in every generation, a few people who exhibit enthusiasm, skill and dedication in all they do. Subject to the new generation at Hadleigh Rifle Club finding another Ray Gant, its future is assured. But this is probably more easily said than done! R.L. O’Shaughnessy
2009 Club members on the range
Mulberry Maids The Domestic Cleaning Experts Family Business offering: all Domestic Cleaning, Regular Cleans Spring Cleans and One-off Cleans Holiday and Rental Properties All tailored to meet your needs Hadleigh Rifle Club members in a photograph taken around 1980
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Friars Hall Nursing Home Where Care and Dignity Go Hand in Hand A home for you with nursing care in the heartland of beautiful Constable Country A FEW RESIDENTIAL BEDS ALSO AVAILABLE
Tastefully furnished Visiting Library Hairdresser Chiropodist Excellent Food
The White Hart Hadleigh
Christmas Menu from 1st to 24th December Starters Smoked Salmon on Toast Brochette topped with a Poached Egg and Salad Garnish Home-made Carrot and Coriander Soup served with Crusty Bread Pan Fried Warm Calves Liver & Bacon Salad Deep Fried Brie and Camembert wedges with Cranberry Sauce and Salad Garnish
Hadleigh Chamber of Commerce Hadleigh Local Food During WWII and for some years after food in this country was rationed. Despite the lack of imported fruit and vegetables such as bananas, oranges and onions our diet was healthier then than it is now. Gardens and parks were dug up and planted with vegetables and many people kept chickens or rabbits. Today, because of the credit crunch, many people are again growing their own vegetables and keeping livestock.To find out more about how our mothers and grandmothers coped in kitchens with limited food, few fridges or electrical gadgets come along to a talk and demonstration The KITCHEN FRONT in the Guildroom on Monday, 16th November at 7.30 p.m. Admission £2 on the door A 1940’s recipe named after the Minister of Food, “Woolton Pie” Ingredients: 1lb (450g) seasonal vegetables, diced 1tsp vegetable extract 3-4 spring onions, sliced, 1tbsp oatmeal Place all the ingredients in a pan with just enough water to cover and cook for 10 minutes, stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Allow to cool then place in a pie dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and cover with a crust of potato. Bake in moderate oven until nicely browned. Serve hot with brown gravy. For further information contact Jane Haylock 01473 827752 or
The ‘Hospice’ Christmas Fayre at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club, November 19th 2009 From unusual quality children’s toys to tasty treats for foodies, Stoke by Nayland’s annual fundraising Christmas Fayre is a Santa’s cave for sophisticated shoppers. With around 50 stalls this year – and a huge waiting list for other sellers – its is bound to prove popular and usually draws in people from all over north Essex and Suffolk. It is known locally as the Hospice Fayre and all proceeds go to St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich. Stalls will include some old favourites and new additions divided into categories of gifts, home and leisure, children’s toys and books, jewellery, clothing, cards, decorations, books, accessories and food. Local author Lorna Maxwell, who penned the Amazing ABC Adventure Book, will be signing copies of her book. She lives near Bures. Among the sellers will be soap suppliers Second Nature, Dedham Bookshop, Pippins Farm Shop and Essential Accessories. It will take place at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club on Thursday 19th November from 9.30am to 3.30pm. Entry is £4 on the door. Two entrants for the price of one after 2pm. Refreshments and lunch will be available. Everyone welcome. Laura Backhouse, community fundraiser at the Hospice, said: “This is a fabulous event for festive shoppers and is organised by a committee of dedicated volunteers who give up their time for free. It raises thousands of pounds for St Elizabeth Hospice – which is the best Christmas present we could ask for!” For more information call the Hospice fundraising team on 01473 723600, email or visit
Roast Turkey Breast, Pigs in Blankets, Chestnut Stuffing, Roast Potatoes & Parsnips Steamed Tower of Salmon layered with Salmon Mousse & Spinach, topped with Hollandaise sauce Rack of Lamb with Rosemary and Red Wine Sauce Three Cheese & Onion Tartlet served with Salad or Vegetables (all served with Potatoes and Fresh Seasonal Vegetables)
Puddings Christmas Pudding with Brandy Butter Sauce Home-made Mulled Wine Crème Brulee with Home-made Biscuit Winter Berry Cheesecake Mince Pies and Coffee
£16.50 per head (Supplement of £2.50 on Cheese & Biscuits) 30
01473 822206
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Happy 21st Heidi on 30th November Love Nan XXX
Academy Building Contracts Ltd - A new venture Academy Building Contracts Limited has been established since 2003 and in addition to its usual services is now expanding its business into the drainage market. After carrying out works for local authorities in the Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk areas during the last six years, within the general property maintenance and fencing field, Academy is now, through this new venture, also supplying an emergency call out drainage service to a local authority’s housing stock. With experienced operatives and a fully equipped van, with the latest in jetting and CCTV survey technology, it can now offer a full drainage service 24 hours a day to the domestic and commercial customer. • High Pressure Jetting • CCTV Camera Surveys • General Drain repairs and Maintenance • Insurance Work and New drains From the smallest blockage job to relaying drainage pipes, no job is too big or too small and offered at a competitive price. So if you have any drainage problems that need to be addressed or general building works required please contact Academy Building Contracts Ltd. Unit 101, Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh IP7 6BQ Office 01473 826104 Mobile 07940 935539 24Hr Call Out: 07940 935539 / 07548 997683
Elmsett Fellowship Brass Band Christmas Concert
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General Building and Property Maintenance
Fencing Specialists, Domestic, Contract & Agricultural Work
All aspects of fencing Groundworks CCTV Drain Surveys
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Office: 01473 826014 Mobile: 07940 935539 24Hr Call Out: 07940 935539 / 07548 997683 Unit 101, Lady Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh IP7 6BQ
The band is holding their annual Christmas concert on Friday 11th December at 7 pm in the Elmsett and Aldham village hall. The programme will include various Christmas carols and other seasonal music plus a visit from Father Christmas! Refreshments will be served plus there is the opportunity to win an early Christmas present from the raffle. Admission is free but there will be a retiring collection in aid of the charity “Action for Children” (formerly known as “National Children’s Homes”). The band will also welcome concert contributions from members of the audience. These need to be planned into the programme in advance so If you would like to take part please speak to either Band master Jon Tricker on 01473 658449 or Band Secretary Kath Sutton on 01473 657146 before November 16th .
SERVICES Antique & Modern Furniture Restoration Specialists in traditional upholstery French Polishing Cabinet Making Rushing Guilding Any restoration of furniture or related items Curtain making/alterations Loose Covers
SALES Highest quality restored furniture sympathetically restored including Chesterfield Sofas Armchairs Canterburys Sets of Chairs & Singles Furniture Sold on Commission Valuations Free Estimates Large range of fabrics & trimmings
Visit our website to see our stock of restored chairs for sale
67 High Street Hadleigh Tel/Fax: 01473 829337 Looking Glass 135x95.indd 1
21/1/09 09:16:11
Pretty Victorian village cottage
Fine Tudor cottage & large outbuilding
Monks Eleigh
Key Features: 3 bedrooms sitting room dining room fitted kitchen bathroom period features large garden popular village outbuilding
Key Features: 3 bedrooms sitting room kitchen/dining room bathroom en suite bathroom 40ft outbuilding gardens 1/3rd acre (sts)
Price: £225,000
Price: £365,000
Charming residence in excellent order
Enviable position with stunning views
Key Features: 2 bedrooms large sitting room fitted kitchen/dining room bathroom pleasant garden garage no chain popular village location
Key Features: 3 bedrooms sitting room study kitchen/dining room utility room bathroom shower room double garage large garden
Price: £205,000
Price: £315,000
One Market Place Hadleigh
Beautiful Chocolate Box cottage
A striking detached town residence
Key Features: 2/3 bedrooms period features countryside views kitchen/diner large sitting room study detached garage large gardens
Key Features: 5 bedrooms 2 reception rooms study utility kitchen/breakfast room utility bathroom 25ft games room double garage
Price: £240,000
Price: £470,000
Spectacular Victorian Farmhouse
Classic Georgian village residence
Chilton, Nr Lavenham
Key Features: 5 double bedrooms 3 reception rooms study Kitchen/breakfast room bathroom 2 en suites cartlodge/garaging gardens 3/4 acre (sts)
Key Features: 3 double bedrooms 3 reception rooms study kitchen/breakfast room utility bathroom shower room gardens 1/5th acre (sts)
Price: £745,000
Price: £385,000
t: 01473 828121 w:
News from St Mary’s School
The Gift Basket We have a selection of gifts which will match any budget, including jewellery, stationery and 100% natural bath products.
If you need a gift for someone special or just want to treat yourself, then visit us at
Open 7 DAYS A WEEK (Including Bank Holidays) Sunday to Thursday Noon - 2.30 pm, 6pm-11.30pm Friday & Saturday Noon -2.30 pm, 6pm-Midnight
51 High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk
TEL: 01473 823744 Royal Masala
Salmon Masala
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Gant & Nayler Building Contractor Ltd
Restoration and Refurbishment Extensions, Barn Conversions Listed Building Work, Flint Work, Patios etc Offering a high standard of workmanship and a professional service at competitive rates For free estimates and advice please contact: Russell Gant Tel: 01473 827856 Mobile 07790 035130 ‘Willowbrook’, Overbury Hall Road, Layham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5NA 34
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Celebration Evening – Wednesday 7 October On Wednesday 7 October St Mary’s Primary School in Hadleigh held a Celebration Evening to which pupils, parents, grandparents, previous pupils and people in the local community were invited to spend time in school looking at a range of activities covering a number of areas of the curriculum. Visitors were able to wander around and take part in many of the activities, which included the areas of Early Years, Maths, PE, Library, French, Science, Music, Computers, Behaviour and Special Educational Needs. Also on hand were the Parent Support Group who showed how they had raised a fantastic £5000 this year towards the re-development of the Courtyard, our school cook, who had baked some delicious tasty samples of her current menu, our successful Breakfast Club which provides parents with a safe place to drop their children off before school and members of the Governing Body and Staff who were on hand to chat with everyone. Although the weather was miserable that evening around 80% of families attended and comments that were recorded after the evening were as follows: • What a fantastic evening! Had a great time! (Member of St Mary’s Church) • Brilliant evening. Great to be able to look around the whole school. (Parent) • Really enjoyed the evening – Mali (Year 6 pupil) made an excellent guide! (Parent) • A great idea, helping to promote the school. A good opportunity to see resources and classrooms – well done. (Parent) A week later we then held a very successful Share Day. Harvest SHARE Day – Friday 16 October SHARE is a programme that is being promoted across Suffolk to help schools improve links between home and school, build partnerships with parents and provide a variety of learning experiences. We feel at St Mary’s that it is important that our school and parents work closely to support their children and learn together. We decided to link our first Share Day to our Harvest Festival the week before. That meant that all of the activities were linked in to either a harvest theme or Autumn. In the morning the Reception and Key Stage 1 children worked with their parents and school staff on a variety of activities which included Fruit Kebabs, Windmills, Natural collages, Plate Scarecrows, Corn on the cob, wordsearches and colouring activities. While they were doing this the Key Stage 2 children were taking part in activities in their classrooms. After a lunch which was also enjoyed by some parents who were able to stay all day, the children swapped over and it was the turn of the Key Stage 2 children to work in the hall and outside with parents and staff. Their activities included making clothed models of scarecrows, cheese and onion scones, Fruit friend game, Windmills, Corn on the cob, Acrostic poems, word searches, construction and an outdoor shelter making activity. Both groups enjoyed their time, and judging from the comments of parents, they found it an extremely valuable activity. Comments included were: • Good fun and nice to do different activities with children. • Brilliant – lovely to share activities we wouldn’t necessarily do at home. • Very well planned. My daughter enjoyed participating and was totally interested in all she was doing. Perfect level for their age and the adults just to assist! • Good to see all the parent interacting with their children – What fun! • All the children enjoyed it. There were lots of different activities and the outside art was fab! Feedback suggests that holding a day like this once a term would suit many parents, and ideas for future days included Christmas, Easter, Themed events, different curriculum areas e.g. maths games and outdoor games. We would like to particularly thank Jacqui Loose, Extended Schools Southern Area SHARE C0-ordinator for her input and also Mrs Gloria Powell (Teaching Assistant and Governor) and Mrs Teresa Fraser (Parent and Support Group Chair) who worked tirelessly to make sure that everything was ready and went to plan on the day – giving up much of their spare time to support the event. Also we would like to thank all those parents who came in to join us, and particularly those who took time off their normal work to join us – it was the first of many I’m sure!
Rotary Review CLUB ACTIVITIES: As you will see from the accompanying advertisement members are hoping to promote a second Rotary club in Hadleigh and district. Members believe that a new Club will fill the gap left by the demise of Round Table and The Lions in the town. A new style Rotary Club should meet the requirements of the active business community which appears to need shorter, more focused meetings at more convenient and flexible times than offered by the present Club. Founder members will be able to shape the club to their own satisfaction aand we urge anyone remotely interested in trying a new venture for the town to make contact so that an initial information meeting may be arranged. Of course if you would enjoy a more traditional and leisurely meeting and are free on Thursday evenings you may be assured of a warm welcome at the current Club. Either choice e would like to hear from YOU !! CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: This will soon be upon us and at the moment the Club is urgntly in need of help with taking the float around the town. If you are experienced in towing , have a suitable vehicle and are free for approx 2hrs between 6pm and 8pm on any of the following dates, the Club would like to hear from you - December 16,17,21,22,23 or the morning of Christmas Eve [ 8.45-9.00 and !2.15 - 12.45]. Please ring the telephone number below by Nov 6. SPEAKERS 1 Les Hymas, our local furniture restorer spoke about his early life as a diamond cutter and later valuer with De Beers, the famous diamond merchants, before changing course to learn the art of furniture restoring after 30 years in the diamond trade.After training and work experience he opened for business first in the Dedham Craft Centre before moving to Hadleigh. He explained the process of restoration which is long and labour intensive but gives great satisfaction when completed. He also gave a brief history of furniture making from the time of hollowed out trees to modern times. Backs were added to seats in 13-14 centuries whilst the 17 and 18 centuries produced some of the best furniture by such famous designers as Chippendale and Hepplewhite. Les runs restoration courses at Groton Village hall. Jan, a Samaritan from a nearby branch, gave members an insight into the work of the Samaritans. The movement was startd by Chad Varah in London in 1953 when he identified a need for people in distress to talk about their problems with an independent listener who would not judge or condemn them . It should be an emergency service with immediate availability. Over the years his dream has come true with 200 branches throughout the Uk open 24 hours a day 365 days a year taking some 7 million calls each year. There is full confidentiality and no information is passed on to anyone including oganisations such as Police or Social Services. Samaritans are open when Childline is not so many calls are from children and there is no other help organiation which oper ates such a full service - there is always a samaritan branch within easy reach whilst E-mail and text are also used now mainly by younger adults. Samaritans do not give advice but listen and talk over problems. There is not always a happy solution but at least all options have been explored. A Samaritan must be a good listener, non judgemental, open minded and able to chat easily to anyone. The cost of running a typical branch is about £35000 pa and apart from a modest grant from the local authority branches must do their own fundraising often with the help of a friends organisation. FUTURE PROGRAMME: November 12 Tony Dagnall - the history of Jodrell Bank November 19/26 speakers to be announced December 3 Special General Meeting For all information relating to Hadleigh Rotary Club please contact Rotarian Alan Williams tel no 01473 830229.
The Friends of St. Mary’s Church
CHRISTMAS MEMORIES EVENING Friday 4th December 2009 at 7.00 pm Come and listen and join in an evening of memories of the festive season. The evening is intended to prompt your memories from a range of topics explored one at a time. This spontaneous event is anticipated to provide an enjoyable evening of Christmas nostalgia, helped along by mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince pies.
YOU MAY BE SURPRISED! Designed to suit the requirements of modern family and business life, we are planning to form a complementary new Club for active businessmen and women in the town.
What is your perception of Rotary?..….it may be something like this. •
A club for older men
Long boring meetings
Uninteresting speakers
Weekly attendance compulsory
Too great a commitment
The opportunity for charitable work, both at home and abroad
Admittedly, most of the negative views may have been true of Rotary in the past.
- All clubs are dual gender.
- As short or as long as members wish. Maybe breakfast, lunch or evening and may or may not include a meal.
The venue and meetings may be wherever and take the form that members decide.
- Weekly meetings, but attendance requirements are flexible.
Some fixed costs but others are
- Decided by members
kept at a reasonable level. There is some charity work involved, but members decide when and how much - e.g. fund raising or community work. Rotary gives you the opportunity to socialise more with your peers, exchange business ideas and local news, meet new friends, give a little back to the community and enjoy the benefits of fellowship in the larger family of Rotary. A warm welcome awaits you at any club in Britain and Worldwide.
If you are enthusiastic and community minded, live or work in or around Hadleigh and would like to know more ring BRIAN HAVIS on:
(01787) 210116or oremail email: 01787 210116 For even more information visit the national website
01473 828888 13 Meadows Way, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5DX Full range of beauty treatments including: Darphin facials • Reflexology • Wedding Make-up • Waxing • Electrolysis Red Vein & Skin Tag removal • OPI Gel Overlays • Manicure & Pedicure Indian Head Massage • Eyes • Hopi ear treatment
Hadleigh United Reformed Church, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DL The United Reformed Church is a national, mainstream Christian denomination with its roots in the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. We worship one God, expressed in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to Jesus in our worship and by loving and caring for all without exception. Here in Hadleigh we are part of Churches Together in Hadleigh and have good relationships with all the other Churches. We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am and worship in an informal, but reverent manner, balancing the best of traditional and modern worship. At the same time there are activities in Sunday Club for children and young people of all ages. At other times of the week we meet for prayer, Bible Study and friendship. We are also very much involved in our community through the many activities that take place in our buildings, and especially through our links with the Ansell Community Centre. For more information call Jim on 827895,
Advent The church’s season of advent commences on the final Sunday of November and marks the countdown to Christmas. But it is much more than just remembering that Jesus, God’s Son, was born on the first Christmas. The season of Advent reminds us that Jesus will return one day to receive those who put their trust in him. But there is something even more important that Advent reminds us of and that is the continuing presence of Jesus every day and every moment of each day. Jesus has promised that he will never leave us and that is a promise of great strength and comfort that we can hold to whenever life is difficult and we face challenges. As we prepare for the Christmas celebrations next month, let us do it by remembering and living in the knowledge that God in Jesus is with us always. For more information, contact Jim (827895)
What do you think....about assisted suicide.....over a drink? There has been much in the news recently about a person’s right to end their own life and about the position of those who might help them, if the person is physically incapable of taking their own life. It is still a criminal offence to help someone commit suicide. Guidelines have been laid down about when a prosecution might be more likely. Will it result in pressure on those who are dependent to end their lives? Is it more humane to permit someone to assist, where needed? Come along and share your views. This is an informal discussion group for men, who want to talk about important issues. Come and enjoy a drink and air your ‘Pints of View’! We don't expect to have all the answers, but we do enjoy learning from the different insights that we each bring. Simply turn up to see what is going on. Next meeting: 8.00pm Wednesday 25th November The George Public House (back room) All welcome! For more information, contact Jim (827895). 36
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
The Beauty Rooms introduce the Axxium Gel System by O.P.I. Nails At the Beauty Rooms we are dedicated to listening to what our clients want and need. So therefore after much research we are excited to introduce the O.P.I. Axxium Gel System. The system offers you the O.P.I. colours you love in a glossy, lightweight, soak off gel formula that lasts up to two weeks before infills. Perfect for holidays, special occasions and those impatient ladies who hate waiting for nails to dry! At the Beauty Rooms we believe caring for the natural nail is just as important as making them look good so a mini manicure is included when having the Axxium Gels applied. For the month of November we are pleased to introduce our clients to the the Axxium Gel Manicure for £24.50 (Normally £30.00). To book your appointment or for more information please contact Zoey or Amy at The Beauty Rooms on (01473) 828888
Hadleigh Thrift Shop Late in August we filled a van with blankets, sheets, toys, musical instruments, clothes, shoes etc. and sent it to Albania. It was driven by Pastor Martin and his friend Aaron, who are members of The Ask Of The Lord Church in Silent Street, Ipswich. The Church members raised all the money needed to get the van to Albania and back. Darrell Thompson, who lives in Hadleigh helped us with all the paperwork needed - thanks go to her because it was quite a job. The van arrived back in Hadleigh without a scratch. Below is a list of organisations helped over the last 2 months: Alison Fracella Research Trust, Hadleigh PCC Xmas Bazaar, The Great East Swim, Angel Court Travelling Expenses, The Shelley Centre, Memorial For Local Heroes, Hadleigh High School (Astro Turf), Hadleigh Community Playgroup Xmas Party, Hadleigh & District Angling Society (towards a disabled toilet) and Hadleigh Elderly People’s Welfare Committee (for Xmas Vouchers).
Playstation Pre-School The staff and children are continuing to enjoy playing in our fantastic new environment following the summers refurbishment and redecoration. The lovely outdoor area and all weather canopy for outside play is proving invaluable- particularly as the new sand-pit in the decking area is proving very popular!!! We have also enjoyed welcoming those new children also which started recently. Our new observation area is also going down very well. The children loved the sunflower head and pumpkin on it. If you have any items you feel the children would like please bring them in to leave on the table to share with us! We had a sponsored teddy toddle round the school field the end of the last summer term - well done to all our children who took part. This raised an incredible amount- over £300 which has gone towards lots of new toys and equipment to play with so thank you so much for all your support! The children liked their prize medals for participating!! We are now in the midst of planning a special Christmas party for all the children- details to follow. .. Calling all parents/ grandparents/ friends/ aunties/ uncles why not come in with your little one during a session to see how they play and what they get upto even if it is for just half an hour or so, maybe you could join in with a craft activitity or even read a book? We enjoy you coming in and so do the children- no need to let us know just drop by when you can spare the time! Finally and most importantly a new date for your dairyon Saturday 14th November- we are holding a grand opening and family fete from 1-3pm at the Play Station (see separate advert) please come along to support us, see our new pre-school and, if you are currently considering a playgroup for your child, why not come and take a look at what we can offer? Please telephone Playstation on 824271 for enrolment details or to arrange a visit
Playstation Pre-School Hadleigh Grand Opening & Family Fete Saturday 14th November, 1 pm to 3 pm Raffle, Refreshments & Hot Snacks, Xmas Activities, Tombola, Bric-A-Brac, Toys & Books
Grand Opening 1 pm by a Special Guest
Payroll time consuming? Are you finding the administration of your payroll time consuming, diverting energy and resources from core activities of your business? The task is made all the more difficult by the growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation together with the regime of penalties for non-compliance. Walter Wright, who have been serving the local community for over 35 years, took the decision to formalise our Payroll Service and form a Payroll Department, this is now headed by Carole Bourner. We administer more than 100 payrolls, ranging from 1 – 150 employees. Our payroll staff could relieve you of this burden by providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including: • Customised payslips • Administration of PAYE, national insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, etc • Completion of statutory forms, including year end returns, to issue to your employees and submit online to HM Revenue & Customs • Summaries and analyses of staff costs • Administration of incentive schemes, bonuses, and ex-gratia and termination payments • Administration of pension schemes Even if you have only a few employees, you can make savings by engaging us to administer your payroll. We have a standard scale charge for monthly/weekly payrolls for up to 25 employees, for more than 26 a specific quotation would be supplied. In all cases we will fully discuss your requirements, should the reports be other than our standard, we will agree with you any additional costs. Telephone Helpline for Employment, Health & Safety and Business Legal Advice. We also provide for our clients, whether or not we manage your payroll a legal telephone helpline for all employment matters. For more details please contact Carole Bourner. The economical benefit of outsourcing your payroll to us will outweigh your internal costs and free up your staff’s time. For a free no obligation quotation to outsource your payroll with us, please contact Carole Bourner on: 01473 822143 or email: We look forward to hearing from you.
R Y L E N E S C AT T E R Y Wallow Lane, Naughton Nr. Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 7BZ 5 luxury boarding in a rural location where each cat is an individual
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Reliable, experienced friendly owners Young/old felines boarded Long/short stays Extra attention re: medical/dietry needs Night/Day vet on call Essential vaccinations Single/family heated & insulated chalets Lots of Cuddles and T.L.C.
Tel: 01473 658747 email:
The Hair Lounge is expanding From the end of November 2009, our clients old and new will be able to relax and unwind in the new upstairs space of the Hair Lounge. We will be offering new services including the Paul Mitchell Wash House for luxurious hair and scalp treatments and more space for our colour work with the added bonus of a nail lounge so clients can enjoy nail extensions, manicures and hand treatments during their visit. We are looking to recruit experienced hair stylists and a nail technician. If you are interested please call Jo or Lee on 01473 829089.
Open Monday to Thursday - 9.30am - 6.00pm Friday - 9.30am - 7.00pm Saturday - 9.00am - 5.00pm
The Hair Lounge, 71 High Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5DY, Tel: 01473 829089
The best things in life are free... Well not in this case. When you apply a security update for one of the programs on your PC, beware of uninvited software that wants to come along for the ride. Vendors are increasingly crossing the line and installing unsolicited commercial software or services when installing security updates. OK what am I on about? It's like this: everyone and their dog wants to install a browser toolbar. You install an update and in the dialogs, which virtually nobody reads, is a box which asks if you want to install such-and-such toolbar. Helpfully the answer is filled in for you. Yes you do want the toolbar. Lucky you. I have seen computers where there are so many toolbars installed that there is only a tiny space for content in the web browser window. Most of these are fairly harmless but some are malign and can spy on you in one way or another. But often they interfere with each other and can cause your browser to crash or be slow. Mostly they are fairly easy to get rid of but why oh why should we have to go to the bother. Apple is notorious for tricking users into installing its Safari browser as part of an iTunes or QuickTime update. The latest Java update released on Aug. 11, includes seven security updates and fixes a few bugs. What the release notes don't document, however, is that this update comes with a surprise. It offers to install a 30-day trial of some backup software or Microsoft's Bing toolbar. Helpfully the install is preselected. Now this is just not on. It is a violation of trust and changes security updates into just another marketing exercise. In the meantime for any help and advice contact Nick Kotarski 07790 842 968 / 01206 299 568 or visit
Hadleigh Healing Society The Hadleigh Healing Society is organising a demonstration of Clairvoyance and Psychic Art with Brian Neal and Tina Bird. This is being held at The Guildhall, Hadleigh on 28th November at 7.30pm. Come along and see for yourself these inspirational clairvoyant mediums and psychic artists at work. Entrance fee £4. All very welcome.
Please write to: Kelvin Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email:
is if you have the required cleaning materials on hand. A big thank you to the two kind ladies who saw my predicament and provided the means to clean the wheels. Dog owners of Hadleigh and area clean up after your dogs. Be responsible and aware of other people using footpaths and pavements. Mavis Gordon
Dear Sir Dear Sir In response to R.A. Smith (HCN letters October 2009) I felt it only right that I offer the Policing response to the issues raised. Firstly, it is our priority to deal with anti-social behaviour in the Hadleigh area at weekends, and it is recognized that some of this behaviour is linked to the consumption of alcohol. We already engage with the public in many ways, and by appealing directly through the HCN we look to build more support for the introduction of a designated public place order (DPPO). I would agree that minor crime, including vandalism, can have a direct link to persons drinking alcoholic drinks on the street, and we often find that the areas of damage are concentrated to the parks and footpaths where we know the drinking takes place. However, there are currently no laws in place preventing adults in Hadleigh drinking alcohol on the streets. We do not have the power to seize alcohol from adults, or disperse them from public places. I would also like to point out that there is no power of arrest available for people who are merely just drunk. We have to be able to prove that an offender’s behaviour was disorderly, or that they were incapable of looking after themselves in order for us to make an arrest. We work very closely with the licensing department at Babergh, and with all licensed premises in Hadleigh to make sure that our public houses are run in a safe and responsible manner. We have also carried out test purchase schemes with local shops to reduce the amount of alcohol sold to under 18’s. Although there are offences of selling or serving alcohol to those who are drunk, it is not an offence for an adult to purchase alcohol when sober. It therefore makes it extremely difficult for us to carry out enforcement against premises when they are not committing offences at time of sale. We continue to target the problem areas in Town, and deal with offences when found. We rely upon the support and input from the local community, and again ask that you contact us with your experiences of drink related disorder around Hadleigh to help with the DPPO process. Proving criminal activity at any level requires evidence, and we are committed to building the evidence to improve the quality of life to our residents. PC 1455 Matt Paisley
Dear Sir I saw recently reported that in order to further increase their income, Babergh District Council are once again thinking of introducing car parking charges in Hadleigh to the detriment of customers and employees of shops and businesses in the High Street, I immediately wondered if these charges would include their own car park and indeed if, or should that be when, given the go ahead, do Babergh District Council think Tescos will charge car owners a parking fee in order to use their store? G. Keeper
Dear Sir Congratulations to everyone involved in the St Mary's School Parents' Information Evening last month. It was a wonderfully colourful, engaging and informative way of demonstrating the School's core values and the incredibly diverse ways in which those values are being expressed. I particularly appreciated my daughter's sense of excitement and pride as she guided me round the whole School pointing out both her work and that of other pupils. The Evening demonstrated why St. Mary's is such a credit to Hadleigh and why it has created such a caring and effective teaching environment. Paul Simon
Dear Sir It was a lovely sunny autumn morning and I was pushing my companion in her wheelchair admiring the wonderful colours of the trees along the river at Toppesfield Bridge. To my horror I noticed that wheels of the wheelchair were covered in dog mess. When you take an ownership of a dog it is for life and you have to clean up after it. Some people shirk this responsibility. It is not only irresponsible but unpleasant having to clean up wheelchairs, buggies etc afterward before you can stow them in the boot of your car. That 38
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
We are very fortunate here in Hadleigh to have obtained the services of two National Health Service Dentistry Practitioners at the Family Dental Practice in Meadows Way. I would invite those people in Hadleigh and also those from the surrounding villages, who would like NHS Dental treatment or those of you who would like to get your teeth checked out, to pop into Reception at Meadows Way, or if it is more convenient, to telephone the Receptionist at the Dental Surgery on 01473 823999, who will be very happy to arrange an appointment for the initial check. Cllr. R Whiting
Dear Sir As I was unable to support or play in the recent Hadleigh Tennis Club singles tournament (subject of an article in the September edition) can I thank Ellen Williams for her “spectators” view of the event. I would also like to further add my congratulations to the winners for their achievements. However can I also offer greater thanks to the members of the club who organised this and other “fun” tournaments throughout the season, and for keeping community and junior tennis going in Hadleigh. Wimbledon it is not! Neither is it intended to be. That is why the court facilities reflect a community facility provided by Hadleigh Town Council and supported by the volunteer committee and members of Hadleigh Tennis Club. When the facility was originally provided one of the courts was boarded to enable five a side football to be played upon it, as it was for a number of years. Having played at the club for over 25 years can I say how welcoming, friendly and supportive I have found the members. I would encourage anyone wishing to play tennis in Hadleigh to join us even if on occasions your friends will have to look over the gate to admire your “Andy Murray” drop shot. Peter Richards
Dear Sir Have you bought your book yet? (Hadleigh the Portrait of a Suffolk Town) which can be purchased at Keith Avis here in the High Street. This book contains the photographs taken by the late Peter Boulton.The pictures were graphic in as much that early pictures were taken soon after the second world war. These were austere times, things were in short supply, clothing was on ration, everything was on ration, but under the circumstance, we did well. Something that was rife, just after the war, was head lice, It was decided that a Nit Nurse be employed to visit schools on a weekly basis, to check all heads for lice, then it was up to Mum to rid us of these little pests, with a solution and a double sided nit comb. At a school I attended in Feltwell Norfolk, we were writing a composition, all except the boy sitting next to me, who was sat waiting, The teacher said, Why aren't you writing? “You hain’t towd me what to put down, teacher” “well, this is a composition, write what's in your head”, in a tone of injured pride, he exclaimed, “there ain't nothin in my head teacher”. This was the boy who I caught the lice from, those were the days. John Caley
CHRISTMAS WREATH MAKING WORKSHOP In Aid Of British Diabetic Association
Sunday November 29th from 2- 5 pm At HINTLESHAM COMMUNITY HALL £9 per person, this includes a wreath base, tuition and refreshments. Please bring a large carrier bag of foliage and decorations of your choice. Ribbon and wires will be available if needed. To book your place and for further information ring: Pauline on 01473 652278
Brett Valley WI Group Meeting 2009 Lavenham WI hosted the Brett Valley Group meeting. The President Joyce Jardine welcomed members from Hadleigh Evening, Elmsett and Aldham, Nedging with Naughton and friends to the Lavenham Village Hall, a modern facility that was completed in 2005. The WI Adviser Sue Bevan reminded members that the Suffolk West Federation will soon be 90 years old. She also explained changes in the system for voting for National Resolutions by using the magazine WI Life. This should ensure all members have a chance to vote. Each institute gave a report on the highlights of their previous year’s activities which, in addition to monthly meetings, included outings and events arranged by the West Suffolk Federation and the WI National Headquarters. The competition of hand knitted and sewn clothes and a toy for a child of up to two years of age was won by Nedging with Naughton. The Speaker was Sheila Parker who originally came from Liverpool. As a teenager she was friendly with Beatles Paul McCartney and George Harrison. At classes she proved to be a talented dancer and singer. Following an audition at the age of 16 she became a Tiller Girl. After a few years she responded to an advertisement to become a Vernon girl. Sheila worked with many of the pop stars whose pictures adorned the bedroom walls of our generation. They included Cliff Richard, Adam Faith, Jo Brown, Billy Fury, Dickie Valentine and Craig Douglas. We sang along to their famous hits. They don’t make records like that nowadays do they?! The Highlight of that part of her life was an appearance at the Royal Command performance. Ann Rivers thanked Lavenham for a most enjoyable meeting and as president of Elmsett and Aldham WI invited us all to the 2010 meeting which they will be hosting. Philippa Carruthers
Thank You The coffee morning for The National Eczema Society held on the 3rd October, I would like to thank all the shops that donated raffle prizes, those that gave up there time to help, also those that attended. The money raised so far £388.00 Monica Girling
Hadleigh Evening WI Along with other institutes in West Suffolk members of Hadleigh Evening WI have been invited to and are looking forward to Group and County Christmas celebrations. They include a Carol Service at St Mary’s Church Bury St Edmunds and Christmas lunch prepared by the Executive. The speaker Peter Hall gave an interesting talk which he entitled “Fun with the Neighbours.”This turned out to be an insight into human relationships and negotiation. Peter concluded with important words, firstly six – “I admit I made a mistake”. Five – “You did a good job”. Four “What is your opinion?” Three “Would you mind?” Two “Thank you”. Finally least important “I”. These neighbours turned out to be reasonable like most people provided you “were in their shoes”. Neighbours from hell would have been a different talk! The Annual meeting will be on 17 November in the Seminar Suite above the library starting at 7.30pm. Following the business there will be a bring and buy auction. Visitors and new members are welcome. Philippa Carruthers 01473 823057
Raydon Airfield during WW2
An illustrated talk by Graham Cross Saturday, 21st November 2009, 7:30pm Raydon Village Hall Tickets from 01473 310320, £8.00 each - under 18’s £4.00 Including “Rations and a nice cuppa”
Hadleigh High A Specialist Science School High Lands Road, Hadleigh Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5HU Headteacher: Cathy Tooze BA (Hons) Deputy Head: Mike Taggart BA Telephone: 01473 823496 E-mail: Website:
Officially Green!
Dear Reader, We have enjoyed a very calm and positive start to the school year this term. Year 7 has settled well and it has been lovely to welcome them into our school community. The new three-lessons-per-day timetable has proved to be a huge success. Both staff and students are sure that more learning and deeper learning are enabled by the longer lessons. Less time is wasted through movement around the school site and the general calmness of the school’s atmosphere is even more noticeable. We were delighted when planning permission was granted for our new flood-lit Astro-turf sports’ facility. Work is already well underway. This will be a fabulous new resource for our students during PE lessons and after school, and for our Leisure Centre users. We hope that the build will be completed and ready for use before Christmas.
Cathy Tooze Headteacher
Hadleigh High can proudly call itself a ‘Bronzelevel eco-school’! This prestigious title was given to HHS because of the massive effort made to improve the awareness of climate change within the school. The steps to this award were fairly simple, however they could only be completed with whole school support. This shone through, and Hadleigh High School was given the bronze award. We look forward to hopefully achieving silver in the future.
Sponsored Walk 2009 The school’s sponsored walk, which was mentioned in last month’s report, was a great success. The walk was a tiring 8 miles, and took place on the 25th September. The students and staff all walked from Hadleigh to Polstead then back, following a different route. The students were very enthusiastic about the fancy dress idea, which ranged from a Student riding an Ostrich, to students painted blue. The walk raised approximately £6000, half of which will be donated to Macmillan Nurses, with the remaining amount being used to purchase a Gerbil Cutter for C.D.T. (not used to cut gerbils, but a device to mould and cut plastic cleanly!), and to establish an outdoor class room and school wildlife area. One form chose film characters as their theme.
Choosing the ‘Write Path’.
No membership Pay as you go, come up & visit Children’s Trampoline, Hadleigh Leisure Centre Football, Highlands Road Hadleigh Karate, B.Ball, Dance, Athletics
01473 824441
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Last year, Hadleigh High School took part in the ‘Write Path’ project. This involves an author’s story travelling around the world, with students at different schools from a variety of countries adding an extra paragraph to a developing story. This year, HHS are revisiting the exciting project and twelve Year 7 students will be taking part. The book is then published and sold, and can be purchased world-wide, from Stockport to Saigon! ‘It was successful last year, but this year it should be bigger and better!’ said Mr. Martin, the school librarian leading the project. The ‘Write Path’ project was set up to encourage many more eleven to twelve year olds into creative writing, and with the help of five top authors, the book should be a great success.
News from the Art Department Screen-Printing Workshop The Art Department recently ran a screen-printing workshop for Year 11 GCSE Art students. Linking to their current “I, Me, Mine” project, students were given a whole day in which they produced an excellent body of work to support their coursework. External experts were invited in to help support the workshop and both commented, on numerous occasions, about how impressed they were with the quality of the work and the attitude of the Hadleigh High School students. “Peace is…” Exhibition Hadleigh High School Students are exhibiting Artwork in an exhibition entitled “Peace is…” that will be running from the 22nd to the 25th of October at the Ansell Centre in Hadleigh. Everyone is welcome, so we hope to see you there!
Hairdressing Headlines…
English and Drama News
Hadleigh High School’s Salon Services Department is pleased to welcome Theresa Ward. Miss Ward is part of Indola Hair Services, and will be leading a seminar for Year 11 salon students in early December about ‘up-dos’ and product usage. This is just before the Christmas Competition for salon students, where they are able to promote their skills and compete against each other for a prize. This year, the competition theme is ‘fairies’ - should be interesting! Salon Services is absolutely delighted to be joined by a successful hairdresser, which in turn reflects their own success - a 100% pass rate in the past three years. Many students have gone on to apprenticeships or college. One ex-salon student, Sally Root, is now working for a major hairdresser in Ipswich: John Michael. Mrs Binder, Head of Salon Services, says that she is “very proud” of the students.
The Shakespeare Schools’ Festival – ‘Twelfth Night’ Hadleigh High School has always been renowned for putting on entertaining shows for the annual school production, but on the 6th October this year, a group of Year 11 students helped extend their skills to a wider audience when they showcased their talents at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester. Preceding their performance of ‘Twelfth Night’, the cast attended a workshop, designed to further develop their understanding of the play, run by the National Youth Theatre at Colchester Arts Centre. The performance was part of the ‘Shakespeare Schools’ Festival’, where Hadleigh were one of four schools to present condensed, half hour versions of a Shakespeare play. The play was very well received, and praised by the festival’s director.
Sport, sport and… you guessed it, more sport! Another year of sport has begun at Hadleigh High with many new teams being established. The football teams have a fit-to-burst fixture list. The Year 10 team recently played at home to Thurlston, in their third fixture so far, coming out with a very impressive score of 9-0 to Hadleigh. Well done to all who played: Drey Wright, James Robinson, James Vowles, Martin Greenacre, Ryan Salisbury, Olly Hanley, Ben Berry, Ally Newbigging, Callum Clarke, Teddy Targett, Declan Blayney, Harry Evans, Brett Crisp, and Ben Riddleston, manning the guns in goal. With the rugby season starting, the PE department have strived to create a successful foundation for rugby union in the school. The Rugby Club has been established again, with coaches from Hadleigh Rugby Club, popping in on the odd session, giving tips for the budding players. The Year 10 and 11 rugby team , put together for the first time this season, have six games, including the one played on Tuesday 6th October against Northgate. The team, having never previously played together, performed very well, with half of the team consisting of footballers, and the other half of Hadleigh Rugby Club members. Overall, this year looks to be a very fruitful one for sport at Hadleigh High School.
To the City of Lights! On the 20th of October, budding linguists from Years 10 and 11 leave to go to Paris. Here they will explore the glorious city and become accustomed to the French culture. The highlights include a tour of the Eiffel tower, and a trip to the renowned Louvre Art Museum.
Jake Cardy , Eva Shepperson and Tom Fitzgerald play the comic trio. Written by Jake Grimsey, Martin Greenacre, Samuel Clarke, Liam Self, Lucy Evans & Georgia Redgrave
Walter Wright
The Sound of Music
n Association With adleigh High School Working Together for the Future of Hadleigh
The Music department has been busy as usual. This term sees the Swing Band performing gigs in Woolpit and Whatfield in November, as well as preparing for a string of Summer bookings for 2010. We are delighted to be asked back to perform at the Bury Christmas Fayre, an event we have had the pleasure to open for the last six years. This year, Mrs Rande will be taking the flute group and an acoustic vocal duet to Bury to perform on stage on Angel Hill on 27th November. We are also looking forward to taking the GCSE Music students in Years 10 and 11 to see the musical, Hairspray, in London on Sunday 22nd November. As part of the GCSE Music course, we have to research and understand the history and features of musical theatre, so this trip should provide an educational and exciting opportunity to see the professionals at work. Our fantastic student band, Steel Pictures, is off to Monkey Puzzle Recording Studios with Mrs Rande in November to start their glittering careers on CD. We look forward to hearing their finished tracks. All the clubs are in full swing this term, ready for the school concert on Thursday 10th December. However,we will be seeing a new edition to the line-up, a jazz band. Mrs Rande is particularly looking forward to having this group in the set list thanks to a brilliant idea and support from a Year 8 trumpeter, Arthur Glazin. The Wind Band tour line-up is gradually coming together and we are happy to announce that Kennedy Martin in 7E has come up with the winning t-shirt design for the tour. Our production, ‘Bugsy Malone’, is looking great. One song in particular is looking good with the boys learning a fabulous dance. Look out for it in our show next February.
Need to free up valuable time Outsource your Payroll to us Contact Carole Bourner for a free no obligation quotation
Letter from Layham St. Andrew’s – your local church
school closed on 30 April 1922 when the numbers attending were not sufficient to justify the two teachers needed to cover such an age range. The Managers’ Minute Book for Layham Voluntary School sets out some of the details of expenditure needed to keep the place going. I was amused to read a comment from a School Inspector who noted in February 1912: “The offices (pit system) are only emptied once a year and are liable to be a nuisance in hot weather. The pail system might be introduced with advantage”! ‘Offices’ is a very old word for ‘privvy’. A year later the bills approved during the quarterly Managers’ Meeting included a payment of £5 to Mr G Partridge of Water Farm for emptying the pits. In that same meeting bills were approved as follows: Bedford Groves (Shavings) £2, J.Smith (Faggots) £5.3s, Mr. Stow (Oil) 9s Dunningham (Sweep) £1
Services in November November 1st 10.20am Family Worship November 8th 10.50 Remembrance Sunday Service. This service starts at the war memorial November 15th 9.15am Holy Communion November 22nd 9.15am Holy Communion November 29th 10.30am Benefice Eucharist
Bertie Lines We were sad to hear of the sudden death of Bertie at his home on 30 September. Berie was a member of St Andrew’s for many years and had lived in Upper Layham since the age of 3. His wife Gladys died last year.
Sunday Lunch November 29th in the Village Hall 12.00 for 12.30, £7.50 for two courses plus coffee. Reduced rates for children. All welcome. To book please contact Sonia on 822220 or Audrey on 822081
Thank you to all who supported: The Andrew Sterling Concert Special thanks to our sponsors. A great musical and social occasion was enjoyed by all resulting in £605 being raised for church funds.
Picture of school today
Bedford Groves was the village carpenter and wheelwright and would have been in a good position to provide wood shavings – presumably to light the fires in the winter months. Faggots (bundles of sticks) would have been the fuel for the stoves. Mr Stow supplied household goods delivered around local villages by horse and cart. The oil will have been for lamps. He lived in what is now known as Stows Cottage on Upper Street. Mr Dunningham was a builder from Raydon who performed the vital task of keeping the chimney clean.
Power supplies Controversy rages over the possible routes for more electricity pylons. If you have strong views you should represent them to your District Councillor (, County Councillor ( or direct to the National Grid (via their website:
The Scarecrow Festival A great fun day for all age groups resulting in a further £275 being raised for church funds. Pictured here is the winning entry – the haywain with farm workers by Noel Herring. Can he win for a third time next year?
The Mill Pond Layham Playing Field Basketball unit Photographed here are the gang who erected the basketball unit. Clive Holder came along voluntarily to drive the digger – he is a real friend of Layham Playing Field. The rest of the group are Jordan and Allister Moat, Neil Riches, Dan Moat, Colin Brown and John Millman. By the time you read this the backboard and the hoop and net will be in place.
100 Club 100 Club tickets have been sold to subscribers during October. Thank you to all those members of the community who support the work of the Playing Field Management Committee. The results of the first draw of the new 100 Club Year will be announced in the next Community News.
From the Archives This month the feature is from the archives at Bury St Edmunds Record Office. Many of you will know that we had a school in the village at one time. It was in the building next to the church and was housed in what now acts as a garage for the house. There are two classrooms in that building – one for the very young children at the rear and a large room for everyone else – up to the age of 13 years. The old picture clearly shows the two classrooms as well as a porch. The modern picture shows the building as it is now – almost hidden from the road by a tree. The 42
Picture of school 100 years ago
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
This year there is a coating of duckweed over almost the whole of the mill pond. Whilst this weed always grows on the River Brett during the summer, I have never seen such an impressive covering.
Layham Village Hall needs more Committee Members We are a small but friendly and relaxed committee who meet up regularly to oversee the running and upkeep of our village hall. Our meetings are short (generally an hour at most)and are usually held once every other month. We organise 1 or 2 fundraisers a year such as quiz or curry nights and these help fund the maintenance of the hall. The majority of our members have been on the committee for many,many years and have helped oversee the super renovation of the kitchen, windows and now the new heating which is being installed over half term. However, naturally some of our members would now like to have the chance to step down from their positions and so we would really like to encourage new members from the village to come on to our committee. Perhaps you have recently moved into the village and would like the chance to get to know your neighbours or perhaps you would just like the chance to have your say. The village hall has stood in the village for over 80 years and has been the hub of the community ever since. We are all so much busier these days but if you could spare a few hours of your time, here and there. We on the committee would be very grateful. While you would also be helping to preserve the hall for future generations. If you think you would be interested or would like to have a chat about it. Please give me (kim) a ring on 824734.
Layham Playgroup Playgroups Driving Ambition!’ Not content with providing fun & excitement for the children, a determined bunch of parent ‘thrill seekers’ recently took on the ‘Ladies Driving Challenge’, to raise funds for the playgroup. Spurred on by the thought of further wonderful new resources for the children, our ‘Game Girls’ had an exhilarating day driving tractors, diggers, articulated lorries, dune buggies, sports cars & not to mention a fire engine dressed in full firemen’s uniforms! Many thanks to Wendy Debenham for organising such a fantastic day and well done to everyone who took part in raising a whopping £324.00. A big thank you to all our staff, parents, children & visitors who made our Autumn ‘Open Day’ such a great success. Parents and visitors alike were enveloped by our childrens infectious enthusiasm, particularly with the Farm Shop role playing area which experienced a very brisk & eager trade, matched only by the wonderful muffins on offer as refreshments! The headlong rush of excitement from Harvest through to Christmas continues unabated for our children, with our current theme of ‘Winnie the Witch’, leading on to activities linked with Divali & Bonfire Night. )With Christmas only around the corner, plans for our Family Christmas Craft and Gift Fair in Hadleigh are well advanced, all stalls now fully booked and Father Christmas has inked in a firm date in his busy diary to pay us a visit. (See separate advert for details). Finally many thanks to Lee Ramplin for replacing the Village Hall notice board, although much loved we now have a terrific new one to show off our fantastic playgroup! If you are looking to creatively occupy your 21/2 – 4yr old and would like an information pack or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Clare on 01473 828626 or email us at
Midday Supervisor required Come and join the small, friendly staff team at Hintlesham School and help to look after our children at lunchtime. Days - Mon - Fri Time - 11.50 - 1.15 For further information or an informal chat, please contact Mrs Cross on 01473 652344. We look forward to hearing from you!
Christmas Craft & Gift Fair 11am to 3pm Saturday 12th December 2009 Ansell Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh Large number of carefully selected stalls & tea shop selling tea, coffee, mince pies and cakes. Father Christmas will be paying a visit at 2 pm Entry is FREE This is an ideal opportunity to absorb soome Christmas cheer All proceeds will going to Layham Playgroup
CHRISTMAS MENUS NOW AVAILABLE 2 courses £12.95, 3 courses £16.95
Christmas Day Lunch £39.95 3 courses plus Coffee and Mince Pies Restaurant available for Private Functions and Meetings
Sunday Roast £5.95 Food Served: Friday, Saturday and Sunday Lunchtimes Wednesday to Saturday Evenings
Real Ale, Real Food, Real Pub Outside play area Outside Bar Service available, please phone for details
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Bathrooms and Tiling Gas & Oil Boiler Installation Tel: 01473 829863 Mobile: 07766 446200 15 Dunton Grove, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5HD
TEL: 01473 747117 FAX: 01473 240509
Royal British Legion Hadleigh Branch & Club Branch News: The Branch is getting busy now with organising the Poppy Appeal and the Remembrance Parade. Timings for Remembrance Parade are as follows: Sunday, 8th November, RBL, Standard Bearers, Dignitaries, Wreath Layers and REME Detachment will meet at 1.45pm at the RBL George Street, to collect Poppy Wreaths. The parade will muster in George Street at 2.10pm to march at 2.15., preceded by The Stowmarket Boys Brigade along the High Street to the War Memorial for the Poppy Wreath laying ceremony. The Band, Standard Bearers and RTEME Detachment will then march to the Playground, the Hadleigh County Primary School, Station Road, to join the Main Parade, who would have already assembled. RBL, Dignitaries, and wreath layers will make their own way to join the Main Parade to avoid over congestion of traffic at Benton Street. The now assembled parade, again preceded by the Band, will march along the High Street to Market Place, to attend the Non Denominational Service of Remembrance to be held in the URC Church. Wednesday, 11th November 2009, RBL Members and supporters will assemble in George Street at 1045 am, to observe at 1100am, the two minutes silence, the Royal British Legion Standard Bearers will attend the Re-dedication of the names added to the War Memorial and the Sharon Elliott Memorial at 1120 at the War Memorial. A service will be held by the very Rev’d Martin Thrower. Sabine Harvey. Branch Secretary. Club News: Chairman’s Report News from The Committee and myself: Again I can start with good news for our drinking members. We can still come up with special offers now we have changed over from the Greene King Brewers to Scottish & Newcastle Brewery. John Smiths £1.95 cask Lager. McEwans £.195 plus 0thers offers. Look out for our November Saturday night entertainment. 1st Nov Quiz night with Charles. 8.15pm All Teams Welcome. 4th Nov Gentlemen’s Evening. Tickets available £9.00. 7th Nov Venus Girl Duo. Don’t miss this one. 12th Nov Games Nite V. Wattisham. 14th Nov The Buster James Band. 21st Nov Blazes and Friends (Sola out) 28th Nov Tonys Karate Evening. 29th Nov Charles Quiz Night. All Teams Welcome. Premier Snooker Team Thursday Nights at Home 5th, 12th & 26th. Please support our team. Every Monday night. A Darts Team at home. Darts at its best. Players required for the B Team. Contact Tony. - Use it or loose it. Subs now due. Sun Rowing Special at Layham Road Sports Ground. 1015 KO. RBL Legion FC needs also your support. Manager John Bunging on Younger Players with more than useful Experience Players. Royal British Legion Women’s Section; Tuesday 3rd November 2009, who wants to be a ‘Millionaire’.7.30pm start. All women section members welcome. Memories: The 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month will always commemorate that epic date in 1918 when the guns fell silent on all the battlefields around the world, on land, on the sea and in the air. Such was the slaughter in WW1 that this moment in time has served to remember the dead not only of WW1, but also of WW2 and all later campaigns such as Suez, Korea, Iraq, Falklands, The Gulf, and Afghanistan. We must also never forget those who suffered permanent body and /or mental wounds. Across the blood soaked shell-shocked earth of Flanders and Picardy in WW1, the wild Red Poppy proliferated its colour reflecting the blood spilt in battle. On 15th May 1915, in the dark of the concrete bunker that served as the ‘Essex Farm’ Casualty Clearing Station, Lt Col John McCrae, a Canadian Doctor, amid the fetid stench of blood, pain and the dead found inspiration for his immortal and most famous poem of The War, ‘Flanders Fields’ In 1921, The British Legion, now The Royal British Legion, was formed to give practical help and companionship to Ex-Members of HM Forces and the Red Poppy was selected as the emblem for fund raising. From the 11th November 1921, when the first Poppy Day was held, The Poppy Appeal has become a key annual appeal. We know that as always you will give generously and wear your ‘Poppy with Pride,’ as we remember those throughout all The War’s who gave their lives that we might live in freedom with justice, and without fear. In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row That mark our place: and in the sky, The larks still bravely singing fly, Scarce heard amid the guns below
We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high, If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields. 44
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Community Playgroup We have continued our topic of “Shapes and Colours” and the children have had lots of fun at the craft tables making colourful Elmer the Elephant replicas with tissue paper squares and vegetable printing with apples and potatoes. Everyone has enjoyed watching the changing of seasons and we have spent time looking at the autumnal colours during our nature walks around the meadows. The children have used crayons to do some bark rubbing, made some lovely leaf paintings and have also collected lots of acorns in our garden. Belated thanks to those who took part in September’s sponsored walk. The children will soon have some new toys to play with as a result of the sponsorship. We were delighted to welcome so many people to our open morning and hope you all enjoyed your visit. If anyone would like to arrange to come and see a normal playgroup session, please do contact us. Please contact Rachel on 822647 for further information, enrolment details or to arrange a visit.
d Church of Eng l e i f la n at trolled Pr
im n Whntary CoSet in the beautiful ary Sch d oo lu o l rural Suffolk countryside V Offering exciting educational opportunities and exceptional standards in a stimulating environment
News from Whatfield CEVCP School
Contact us at: Whatfield CEVC Primary School Rectory Road, Whatfield, Suffolk IP7 6QU.
Firstly, we would like welcome all the new children who joined the school in September. We hope that they have a fruitful and enjoyable time whilst at Whatfield CEVCP School. What an exciting start to the Autumn term we have had. The retirement of our headteacher, Mrs. Joan Wardle, at the end of the Spring term after over seven very happy years of her at the helm, left us looking for a new Head. Miss Claire Price, KS1 teacher, very kindly stepped into the breach for the Summer term whilst the Governors searched for the right person to take over. As you can imagine this was not an easy task as we had to make sure that we chose the right person for this exceptional school. We are very happy to say that we have found that person in the guise of Ms Lynne Golding. Ms Golding has proved to be perfect in the role of Head as she cares very much for Whatfield Primary School, its pupils, staff, and its future. We also said goodbye to Mrs. Lin Bolton, the School Secretary, at the end of the Summer term, but are very happy to have replaced her with Mrs. Rebecca Taylor, who has slotted into the team very well. We would like to say a very big ‘thank you’ to Mrs. Wardle for all that she did for Whatfield School, and to Mrs. Bolton for her contribution. We would also like to give a big welcome to Ms. Golding and Mrs. Taylor. From new members of staff to a well established member; in October Mrs. Mary Squirrell, our caretaker, celebrated 40 years of service at Whatfield School. She always works very hard for the school, doing far more than her job description requires: cakes are made for staff birthdays, catering for fund raising events, plants appear for the school garden, etc. etc. - the list is endless. Everyone at the school really appreciates all that she does and send her many congratulations. Here’s to the next forty! The Friends of Whatfield School are holding a Remembrance Dance – 1940s Night on Friday the 13th November. 7.30pm to 11.30pm at Whatfield Village Hall. Tickets are £6.50 (adults only) and include a buffet and are available from Whatfield School on 01473 823309. 10% of the profits will be donated to the Help the Heroes Charity.
Tel: 01473 823309 Fax: 01473 828406 E-mail: Head teacher Lynne C. S. Golding
BIRCH FARM Children’s Day Nursery Healthy rural setting offering excellent childcare enjoying fantastic facilities from 0 to 8 years. Full or sessional care available from £2.38 per hour FREE education sessions for 3 & 4 years Termly pre-school if preferred. Leave your child confident they will be happy, safe and stimulated all day
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Experienced teacher and singer (Opera, Shows, Musicals, Jazz etc)
For more details about any of the above activities on offer at ‘The Barn’ telephone 01473 652152 or 652249 Birch Farm, Silver Hill, Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3NJ
ANSELL SNACKS Enjoy lunch at Hadleigh’s Community Café. Friday 20th November 12 noon – 1.30 pm The place to meet old friends and make new ones • Are you housebound? If you have a kind friend or neighbour who would fetch lunch for you, we would be happy to provide it. Please send your own plates. • Do you enjoy playing games? There will be the opportunity to play table top games such as Scrabble, dominoes or cards after lunch. • Are you a carer? There is plenty of room for wheelchairs in the Ansell Centre. • Meals cost £2 for home-made soup and roll or £2.50 for a more substantial dish such as filled jacket potato. Price includes a cup of tea or coffee.
Friday 20th November at 7.30 pm
Have You Seen Our New Signs?
Festival October 22nd – 25th
THE YOUNG VICTORIA (PG) Costume dramas have become favourites with our patrons and “The Young Victoria” will excel on subject, costumes and historic locations. During its 104 minutes duration, scenes set in Westminster Abbey, Lincoln Cathedral, Blenheim Palace, Arundel Castle, Wilton House and Belvoir Castle form an essential backdrop to this highly charged romantic film. “The Young Victoria” was released earlier this year and is based on the young life of Queen Victoria (Emily Blunt) and her “made in Heaven “ marriage to Prince Albert (Rupert Friend). However, this film presents a fresh and quite fun perspective on a monarch we’ve only generally seen as old and in mourning. High emotions at times strain the threads of the royal corset during the development of this love story – but that is no bad thing! In the film Queen Victoria is portrayed as a feisty, intelligent heroine whose love and courtship of Prince Albert is conveyed beautifully with their exchange of letters and glances as their relationship blossoms. The film has received minor criticism for some historical inaccuracies, including H.M Queen Elizabeth who said some of the costumes were too German - but our Monarch is a stickler for accuracy! Historical accuracy or not – you will not be disappointed in the overall splendour of The Young Victoria. Do come early on Friday 20th November to ensure you get a seat. Admission as always is £3 and £2 for accompanied children - the performance starts at 7.30pm with a break for refreshments during an appropriate interval.
You will find Hollywood in Hadleigh in the Ansell Centre
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
At the time of going to press the Peace Festival was still to happen so we cannot include any photos or the results of the photographic competition in this edition. However, we hope everyone who came to the festival found a friendly welcome and enjoyed their time at this community event. We would like to thank everyone who helped in any way, either by producing an exhibit, by singing or dancing, or by helping with setting up, stewarding, serving refreshments or clearing away. The festival was organised by the ACC and churches in Hadleigh. Special thanks to Joyce, Milly and Anita for all their hard work.
CONTACTING THE ACC • Call Eve on 827888 • Call Jan on 823413 • Email Jan at • Take a look at our website -
WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? Next to the United Reformed Church and behind the Ram Public House in Market Place. Access through the church garden.
Hadleigh High School Association
BINGO ’09 AT HADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY 20TH NOVEMBER First game st arts at 8.00 pm Refreshments available - Raffle Accompanied children welcome F U N F O R AL L TH E FAM I LY If you require a lift ring Anit a on 01473 829777
Beaumont Community Primary School The children of Beaumont Primary have been very active recently! They have enjoyed participating in a Hip Hop Dance club, a Yoga class, multiskills sports and several football matches. Shown here are the school football team at the Premier Sport tournament, which was held at East Bergholt Primary. The team spirit was excellent and after some superb performances we came third in the competition. Also, our dancers had a great time at the Hip Hop Dance Festival at St Mary’s. The children have continued to support the project started by two of our year 5 pupils in the summer holiday, through which we are helping soldiers serving in Afghanistan. We held a competition to design a logo for the project – well done to all the children who entered. Thanks to the Hadleigh Charity Shop for supporting the competition. Alexandra Boyd, an actress from Coronation Street, visited the school to hand out the prizes – congratulations to the winners! Alexandra Boyd said of the project, “It’s important to raise awareness of the bravery and hardship of the lives of our soldiers. I’m sure the packages sent to the troops from PARCELS FOR SOLDIERS will make being so far away from home a little easier.” The winning logo is shown below. Thank you to all the children who donated toiletries and other gifts, which will be sent in shoeboxes to Afghanistan. Thanks to Dean Thrower, who visited the school to celebrate Harvest in assembly. He helped us to think about what Harvest is and why we should be thankful at this special time. At Harvest time, we always raise money for Etenesh, the Ethiopian child we sponsor. There was an excellent response – the money raised helps to pay medical bills and allows Etenesh to go to school. Also, we were able to buy some mosquito nets to help her local community. The children have elected a new School Council. The School Council Members represent the children from their classes. They find ways to improve playtimes and help to improve the school. Recently, they have helped to buy some new playground toys and started a litter-picking project to tidy up the school grounds. The children have been very lucky to participate in two drumming events recently. A professional percussionist demonstrated his drumming skills and then the children all had a go at performing with different percussion instruments. We were also pleased to host a drummer from Sierra Leone, who told stories that related to rhythm patterns to be played on ‘djembe’ African drums. Once again, the children had a chance to perform and show off the drumming skills. Great fun!
Nicholas J Salway BSc (Hons) Ost Lucinda A Salway DO Registered Osteopaths Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 820123 Mobile: (07913) 417020 Home visits available where appropriate
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Hadleigh and District Flower Club
Landscape Contractors
At the October meeting the AGM was held, the existing committee were re-appointed with the exception of Mrs Audrey Nelson who after 21 years service resigned due to other commitments; Audrey was thanked for all her work, Angela Rogers was welcomed as a new committee member. The chairman Mrs Norma Bolton thanked the members and the committee for their support in making the club so successful during 2009. Following the formalities Mrs Christine Makings from Stock in Essex demonstrated her title “A story book of flowers”. Six arrangements were created using a wide variety of flowers and folliage, which were eagerly taken home by the lucky raffle winners. The flower club always welcome visitors at their monthly meetings, look in the Dairy Dates section at the front of the Community News for details. The flower show to be held in Hadleigh Town Hall is our next major event. The theme of the show is “Christmas is Coming” do come along and get some ideas for decorating your home for the festive season. The show is open between 2 and 5 p.m. on Tuesday 3rd November entrance is FREE. Tea and cake will be on sale.
EST. 1965
Block Paving • Brick Work • Patios Fencing • Pergolas • Planting Turfing & Seeding • Ponds • Design Service We also carry out all types of tree work, fully qualified N.D. (Arb). Maintenance Service, Grass Cutting, Hedges, Clearance Fully Insured • Estimates Free
British Association of Landscape Industries
Tel: 01473 652881 Fax: 01473 6522882 "Martins" , The Street, Chattisham, Ipswich IP8 3QF
Hadleigh & District Garden Club John Hewson, a Horticultural Consultant from Great Barton was our speaker at the October meeting of the Hadleigh and District Garden Club and spoke to us on the subject of chemical free gardening. He also made a big feature of trying to sort out our individual garden problems from the bare patches of ornamental conifers to the non-emergence of seeds. All in all an interesting and informative evening was had by all. Neeedless to say we reminised over what our parents had used in the past and dare I say it, ourselves, to combat pests and deseases before the word ‘organic’ became the buzz word in gardening. It was of course pointed out that we were all encouraged to use what are now known to be health risk substances. Red lead and parafin to discourage mice from eating newly sown peas to D.D.T. for practically everything that moved (including the “goodies”) was the order of the day and thereafter, onward and upward to comparitively recent times. Now of course we have so many restrictions we are not supposed to use washing-up liquid water for garden use - how long before we won’t have any for the kitchen? Ruth Allen 822323
Taoist Tai Chi Taster for Fidelis Although the complete repertoire of Tai Chi movements totals 108, the ladies of Fidelis recently experienced just a ‘taster’ of these. Harry Koh and his fellow volunteers patiently demonstrated and talked the assembled group through the first four positions until the ladies could manage them alone. Not a word was spoken and the three rows of loosely clad beginners was a picture of concentration. In spite of the supreme effort to remember what to do next it still proved to be a most relaxing and rewarding experience. It’s mental and physical advantages are well documented and this has certainly contributed to the rise in popularity of this art in many parts of the globe. Harry, who has been involved with the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Great Britain for many years, is not only an accredited instructor but also the Chairman of the Society’s Suffolk Branch. It seems that all accredited instructors are volunteers and all income from classes goes to the Society, a registered charity. While we completed our therapeutic evening with some refreshments, Harry and his team deftly demonstrated all 108 flowing movements without faltering. It was clear that we all had a long way to go and our evening was definitely just a beginning. Happily it will be possible for the smitten, bitten or converted to continue as a beginners’ class is available in Hadleigh on Monday evenings. For further details Tel 07532 003771 Email Jan Devey 48
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Hadleigh Gardens Personal Thoughts Since last month we have had a little rain. We need some more to make Winter digging easy, but the lack of rain does not matter too much now that most of the thirsty crops are gathered in. The word thirsty reminds me that it has been a very good year for my wine grapes, and I have had good yield on both my red grape Rondo in the fruit cage, and my green grape Muller Thurgau on the pergola and garage wall. In both cases the juice is now fermenting nicely. A few weeks ago I was travelling up Station Road at about 9 am when a muntjac deer came calmly out of a garden on the left side, crossed the road, and trotted down Wilson Road. Since then I have disturbed one in my garden dozing quietly in the middle of a double hedge that seperates my garden from my neighbours. I think that this explains some of the previously unexplained plant damage that I have suffered this year. At the moment I still do not know how it is getting in. My back garden is surrounded by high hedges hiding chain link fencing. I thought that these were muntjac proof, so in theory the only way in is the narrow passage past my back door. It is the right time of the year to trim the hedges, and as I do it I will check whether there are any holes through or under the chain link. This Autumn I have been experimenting with growing some of the oriental vegetables that can be sown after the conventional crops are cleared. A chinese cabbage variety has hearted up nicely, and we are enjoying eating it. Weather Records September was an extremely dry month with only 17.2 mm (0.7") of rain at Kersey. Since 1997 when I started collecting these figures there has only been one September with less rain, and that was in 1997. This low rainfall has reduced the 3 month figure to 89.2 mm (3.5"). Since 1997 the 3 month figure for September has only been lower than this in 2003. For the year to date the figure now stands at 335.7 mm (13.2"). Last year at this time it was 563.4 mm (22.2"). The maximum temperature in September was 27 Cel (81F), and the minimum was 8 Cel (46 F), These values are fairly typical for our Septembers. Ground temperature in mid October was 11 Cel (52F) which is typical for the month. Hints November is a good month to have a tidy up. Clear the dead plants out of those containers and baskets. Clean them up and put them away until next year. Clear leaves off of paths before people slip on them. If you only use a greenhouse for tomatoes clean it up and leave it tidy ready for the Spring. If you use your greenhouse throughout the year, the shading will need to be cleaned off, and the glass cleaned to give the best possible light to plants during Winter. Most of the 2010 seed catalogues are now available. Few of them now restrict themselves to seeds. They generally also offer "plug" plants, bulbs and perennials. As such they are a good read for the dark evenings. Now is about the right time to make an autumn sowing of one of the hardy broad beans like Aquadulce if you want to try it. The beginning of the month is still OK for planting sets of the Japanese onions. John Rye
Brighten up your garden! Why not contact Trevor on: 01473 824315 / 07850 630389 for full Garden Services Grass Cutting Hedge Cutting Pruning Weeding and Borders Tree Work Garden Clearances Patios Pressure Washed
Shrubs, Conifers, Trees Perennials, Fruit Bushes AUTUMN & WINTER BEDDING PLANTS, PANSIES, WALLFLOWERS and STOCKS We also offer a Picture Framing Service
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Hadleigh & District Flower Club Show
“CHRISTMAS IS COMING” Tuesday 3rd November 2p.m. to 5p.m. Hadleigh Town Hall FREE entry, refreshments available
Over 100 more products reduced See the full list on our website -
HADLEIGH & DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Monday 9th November In the community room at The United Reformed Church 7 .30 pm
A Talk on Ickworth Vines & Tasting by Jillian Macready Members £1 visitors £2
Available while stocks last
Unit 7, Lady Lane Industrial Estate Hadleigh, Suffolk. Tel: 01473 823839
Bowling Club We enjoyed our closing day 'ladies v gentleman' in warm sunshine, the men won by one shot overall! This was followed by fish and chips in the clubroom with plenty of trips to the bar. A few days later we had a 3 bowl pairs day, also in warm sunshine. The winners were Ray and Margaret Clarke and the runners up were Eileen Simpson and Audrey Nelson. There was very good support for the Finals weekend and the results were :WINNER/S RUNNERS UP Men's singles Ray Clarke Bob Davey Open singles Peter Miller Dianne Miller Ladies // Pat Bates Peggy Hogsden Handicap // Brian Bourner John Hynard Two wood // Peter Miller Pam Linge Elsie May // Pat Bates Barbara Tryon Open pairs Doug Doust Fred Creed Sylvia Doust David Stokes Men's pairs David Kemp David Stokes Laurence Griggs Dan Grimwood Tom McCrory Eric Hogger Mixed Pairs Judy Saunders PamHorley Ladies Pairs Peggy Hogsden Pat Bates Pam Linge Judy Saunders Mixed Triples David Kemp Clive Joseph Roger Sparkes Dianne Miller Judy Saunders Ray Clarke John Ward Winners were:- Sheila Larwill, Mick Morenou, John Leathers, Pat Lloyd, Sharon Mallett and Tom McRory. Subs:- David Kemp and Jamie Leeks. We now look forward to our winter social programme. Pam Linge
Hadleigh Utd Under 12’s This is the first season that the team have been able to play in a league. Due to circumstances last year saw the boys playing friendlies only, and with the management choosing teams in leagues above us - the boys did really well. So on to this season, Sat 5th Sept - Away to Sporting 87, 12-0 win to Hadleigh Sat 12th Sept - Away to Sizewell and Knodishall, 6-1 win to Hadleigh Sat 26th Sept - Away to Bacton, 4-1 win to Hadleigh Sat 3rd Oct - Away to Brantham Athletic (Cup Game), 2-0 win to Hadleigh Sat 10th Oct - Home to Trimley Red Devils, 1-0 win to Hadleigh Sat 17th Oct - Away to Whitton Sports Centre, 0-0 draw Trimley Match : Both teams looked strong, with Hadleigh having the slight edge in the first half. The boys certainly come alive on the pitch and performed well, with yet another goal from our top scorer Owen Clemson. In the 2nd half, Trimley had several chances on goal, but with our man of the match goalie, Billy Holland using his magic touch, again supported by a great defence team, we managed to keep Trimley to a 1-0 win. Thanks to our loyal group of supporters, which surprisingly increased in size at our 1st home match, your support and encouragement (but of course NO coaching) is much appreciated. Congratulations boys, we’re extremely proud of your progress, Let’s keep it up!!! Oh and Thanks must go to a certain Hadleigh fire fighter for a real good show - well done ref, you gave us all something to laugh about!!!! Thanks must also go to our management team Pete and Julian, who recently attended FA training to ensure the boys have the best possible training, also to everyone who helps out on training nights and those who turn up that little bit earlier to help set up. Continuing on from our recent successes - we are on the look out for some further sponsorship. Our boys desperately need some nice warm training tops as an essential and would love some nice warm jackets and possibly kit bags. Just to give us that professional touch. If you are able to help with any amount, please contact Clare on 01473 828626 or email on for further information. We appreciate times are hard but your help is essential. This could be an ideal advertising opportunity for a minimal layout, as we can often get your company name printed onto our kit. Many thanks. 50
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Dolphins get taste of Open Water Swimming
Some of the Hadleigh Dolphins from Hadleigh Swimming Club have got a real taste for Open water swimming, especially after their successful medal haul at the East Regional Championships in Norwich this summer. This time they were competing in two of the four Open Water Great Swims sponsored by British Gas. These events attract all types of swimmers, from Elite swimmers,some of which are current world and Olympic champions, to Good Club swimmers, triathletes and Leisure swimmers. Eight of our senior squad travelled to the Lake District at the beginning of September, to compete in the Great North Swim at Lake Windermere. Over 3,000 swimmers participated in the 1 mile swim over 2 days. The swimmers are divided into " waves "of half hour slots. Each wave contains over 100 swimmers. Conditions at Windermere were Sunny and windy, with choppy water. Wet Suits were recommended but not compulsory. Eight Dolphins swimmers started in the same wave and competed well. Tom Olive, aged 17 finished 2nd in the wave and 49th overall in a respectable time of 22:38 mins. Nathan Garrity, aged 17 and Kern Death (master swimmer) finished in 3rd place in 22:39. Followed by Truan Death (master) in 23:12 and James Baalham (master) in 26 minutes. Sixteen year old Abi Malster was 1st woman home in the wave and 141st overall in 25.04, with Shan Bendall (16 years) in 27:33 and Master swimmer Laura Salisbury in 32:58. At the end of September, The Great East Swim was staged at Alton water, Suffolk. The distance, again one mile. Conditions were different. It was a warmer day and the lake was calm and pond-like. This aided much faster times. Wet suits were not compulsory. 1,500 swimmers were competing. Seven Dolphins competed this time and set off in the second wave together. Duncan Goodhew (ex-olympian and swimming ambassador) was at the starts to encourage swimmers. Master swimmer and Head coach, Kern Death lead the wave from the start and finished 1st in the wave and 6th overall in a fabulous time of 21:10 time. Tom olive finished 2nd in the wave and 13th overall in 21:50. Nathan Garrity was 3rd in the wave and 15th overall in 21:53. Truan Death was 4th in the wave and 18th overall in 22:07. James Baalham was 40th overall in 24;14. Abi malster was again first woman home in the wave and 51st overall in 24.40 and Shan Bendall exited the wave smiling all the way to the finish in overall 121st position in a time of 26:51. All seven swimmers finished in the first ten in their wave and everyone smashed their Lake District times. The squad were fortunate enough to have attracted the attention of Duncan Goodhew and were privileged to spend time talking with him. Later in the day some of our swimmers also were photographed with world and Olympic open water swimmers, Keri-ann Payne and Cassie Patten. Hadleigh Dolphins hope to attempt all 4 Open Water Great Swims in 2010 and we wish them congratulations for their excellent swims and good luck for next year. Any one interested in swimming for fun, leisure and competitively, indoors or out visit our website for more information or visit Hadleigh pool from 7pm on a Monday or Wednesday night. We have non-swimmers,Improvers, fitness and competitive swimmers from age 5 to all age adults. We are a small family friendly club. Come and see for yourselves. You are very Welcome.
Ipswich Town Community Trust Matchday Experience
Ipswich Town Community Trust are launching a brand new Night-Match experience for those aged between 12-16 years old. The experience will begin four hours before kick-off and will incorporate a whole range of fun activities for those involved including a behind the scenes tour of the Portman Road stadium, a football session lead by FA qualified coaches, a match ticket for the child and one accompanying adult (RRP £42*), a matchday programme and an opportunity to perform a Guard of Honour for the players as they take to the pitch. The new Night-Match Experience builds on the Matchday Soccer Experience, which is still being run for younger children between the ages of five and 12 years at Portman Road for matches that take place at weekends. These Matchday Experiences still offer all the same activities as the Night Matches, but the coaching sessions are tailored to a younger age group. Price: The total cost for these Match Experiences are £55 per child and includes all the activities mentioned above, as well as a ticket for the child and one accompanying adult. A discounted price of £45 per child is offered on group booking of 12 children or more, and exclusivity on particular matches is offered for groups of 30 children or more when booked early. If you would like to book a place please contact Amanda Ward on 01473 400749 or e-mail Experiences Still Available Night-Match Experiences Match Ipswich Town v Date Peterborough United Tuesday 8th December 09 West Bromwich Albion Tuesday 26th January 10 Plymouth Argyle Tuesday 23rd March 10 Matchday Experiences Match Ipswich Town v Date Sheffield Wednesday Saturday 21st November 09 Blackpool Saturday 12th December 09 QPR Monday 28th December 09 Middlesbrough Saturday 6th February 09 Cardiff City Saturday 13th February 09 Bristol City Saturday 27th February 09 Scunthorpe United Saturday 13th March 09 Barnsley Saturday 20th March 09 Reading Saturday 3rd April 09 Doncaster Rovers Saturday 17th April 09 Sheffield United Sunday 2nd May 09
Start Time 4pm 4pm 4pm
Kick-Off** 7:45pm 7:45pm 7:45pm
Start Time 1.20pm 11am 11am 11am 11am 11am 11am 11am 11am 11am TBC
Kick-Off** 5:20pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm TBC
*Please note that the Recommended Retail Price of the tickets suggested is based upon Grade B match prices. The true value of these tickets could be more or less depending upon the grade of the match. **Times and dates of games are subject to change either due to postponements caused by poor weather conditions or by TV commitments.
Hadleigh Rugby Club Hadleigh RFC 1st XV The start of the 25th Anniversary Season has been a mixed bag of results with positive outcomes on the playing side. After a very good game against high flying Harwich it was a surprise defeat against Mistley in the Suffolk Shield that started the month of October. A long list of unavailability through injuries and commitments prevented head coach Adam Miles from fielding his strongest fifteen against a very determined Mistley side. The dishevelled team disappointingly lost 31 – 8 and were left contemplating the next league game away to Lakenham – Hewitt in Norwich. The defeat was soon put behind them and with the availability of some of the players the team, although still weakened, faced the Norwich outfit more confidently having put Mistley and the Shield behind them. With key players like Crisp back on the wing and Warburton once again driving on the forwards the early exchanges proved to be hard and furious. Lakenham were first to take advantage and crossed the line with a number 8 pick up and drive. When the Hadleigh forwards eventually regained their legs after the long journey and possession was increased allowing the quicker Hadleigh backs to become more prominent in the game. Simple errors however allowed Lakenham to slip off the hook several times and increased their lead to 10 – 0 A further try towards the end of the first half saw the teams turn round with Hadleigh losing by 17 – 0. After the half time talk, spirits were higher and the hungry back line of Hadleigh were able to take full advantage of good possession by the forwards. The speed of Crisp proved too much for the Lakenham defence as they were penetrated time and again. Tries followed and even prop forward, Davey was able to outrun opposition to drive over for a well earned try. Eventually Hadleigh were able to breathe relief as the game ended in a 17 - 27 win for the visitors. Their sites once more are set on the challenge of a high position in this league. Hadleigh RFC 2nd XV Hadleigh 2nd XV played their first game of the new season in October having decided to put out a competitive but friendly group of players for a game each month. Their first outing was against a strong Mersea Island team who travelled to Hadleigh. Hadleigh were able to field 18 players on the day but as mersea arrived with a diminished squad of 12 Hadleigh generously gave them 3 players. The strength of the Mersea forwards proved too much for Hadleigh in the first half and gained considerable possession which led to an early lead through a try. Hadleigh backs living meagrely off limited possession by the forwards were very lively and several strong runs through the centre by Cameron and his centre partner threatened the Mersea defence on numerous occasions. Just before half time Mersea increased their lead and turned around 12-0 to the good. The game flowed and ebbed in Hadleigh’s favour during the second half but an intercepted try to the game beyond them. The game did have to be interrupted for a very unfortunate injury to the Mersea winger who sustained a dislocated elbow and was taken off to hospital. Following this Hadleigh did get a consolation try and ended their first venture of the 2009 / 2010 season with an enjoyable game played in an excellent rugby spirit. We are still looking for players at the club and if you wish to participate in our senior games at 1st XV or 2nd XV level then why not come along to the club training nights on Thursday or come and watch a game and enjoy a sociable drink with the members. For further information you can contact Alan Murray on 01473 652448, chief coach Adam Miles on 07766 067823 or club captain Jim Hammond on 01473 827965.
Clairvoyant Medium Evening Due to popular demand, Wayne McHugh is returning to the Hadleigh United Football Club, club house on Wednesday 9th December. Doors open at 7.30pm, tickets are on sale at £10 per person which includes a complimentary glass of wine, admission is by ticket only. To book your ticket ring Donna Ramsey on 07917 730516. This has become a very popular evening with the last being a complete sell out. It is advisable to book your tickets early to avoid disappointment as they are already selling fast.
Hadleigh United F.C. Youth Under 11’s
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Very hot weather greeted the 18 Ladies competing for the recent Scratch Championship played oiver 36 holes. It proved a test of stamina as well as golfing skill with the Gainsborough then the Constable course played in one day. Sue Coopoer came through to win with scores of 84 and 93, total 177, and Pamela Randle came second with a total of 180. Roz Clements won the Shield for the best nett score of 143.
Courses now running Wednesday mornings and evenings Tel: 01473 311636 or 07940 521266 Gift Vouchers available
Closed Lunch 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm 11.30am - 1.45pm
TEL: 01473 823374 52
Regular readers will be aware of the sponsored bike ride which recently took place to raise funds for the under 11’s. Pictured are the boys in their new winter jackets which they received from the money raised. Again thanks to all who took part in the bike ride and those who sponsored them. The boys are training hard and the season is continuing well with some excellent football being produced. Weekly match reports can be found at Results 3.10.09 Sutton Heath 0 - Hadleigh United A 4 3.10.09 Sutton Heath 1 – Hadleigh United B 4 10.10.09 Hadleigh United A 5 – Kesgrave 1 10.10.09 Hadleigh United B 3 – Kesgrave 0 17.10.09 Framlingham 1 – Hadleigh United A 0 17.10.09 Framlingham 3 – Hadleigh United B 1 Fixtures 7.11.09 Home v Witnessham League 14.11.09 Away v Framlingham Cup 21.11.09 Away v Trimley Friendly 11 a side 28.11.09 Away v Brantham League
Sue Cooper - Stoke's New Ladies Scratch Champion
Woodlands Road, Raydon IP7 5QE
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Hadleigh United under 11’s in new sponsored Jackets
4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm
9.00pm 9.00pm 9.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.00pm
SOUTHERN FRIED Lip Licking Flavour
169 Angel Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
TEL: 01473 823374
Hadleigh Youth Sponsored by RAF
Hadleigh Rugby Club Under 15s Youth Team has been sponsored this season by the RAF. A new set of shirts was given its’ first outing in an away game against a strong Sudbury side. Hadleigh were unlucky to lose a close fought game in which they showed how much their pre season training had benefited them. The next game against a powerful Woodbridge team was hampered by sickness resulting in nearly half the squad being unable to play. A nearly full strength Hadleigh team finally showed what they were capable of against Haverhill on 17th October when they won 10-5 with tries from Irving and Caine. The level of determination and control shown by the Hadleigh team was such that the score line did not reflect their dominance. The Youth squads at Hadleigh are relatively small compared with bigger clubs. We are always looking for players to join what is one of the fastest growing clubs in the area. Hadleigh coaches are regularly going into both Hadleigh High and East Bergholt Schools to support the development of their rugby teams. Any prospective players are welcome to come to the club where the atmosphere is always friendly and supportive. We are particularly eager to recruit players for the U13s and U15s squads. Training for these groups is on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm to 8.30pm and Sunday mornings from 10.30am to 12.00pm. All training and matches take place at our Layham Road pitches. We will be playing fixtures against Colchester, Clacton and Stowmarket over the next month. For further information, contact Tim Kerr (Youth Coach) or 07710537651
Hadleigh Under 8's V Trimley Red Devils, 26th September 2009 What another great performance from both teams, great defending by Ellis Girling which forced the ball up the field. Have to mention the brilliant diving saves which Nat Francis did during the game to achieve the man of the match award. Final Score was Hadleigh 0 - Trimley Red Devils 1. The second team was fast paste match which kept the spectators riveted. Hadleigh had numerous chances to score but the ball just wouldn't go in. Sam Lewis also proved himself an excellent goal keeper and Own Tampion a worthy man of the match. Final Score Hadleigh 0 - Trimley Red Devils 0. Both teams played exceptionally well again. Well done lads.
Hadleigh Goldstar Athletic Football Club (Sponsored by Taylor & Sons Property Agents) Three matches to report on since last H.C.N, First match we entertained Chantry Blues in a league match which we won 2-1 after a somewhat sluggish start against a strong Chantry team, which saw them take the lead after 23 minutes, with the scoring remaining until the 78th minute when we final cracked the Chantry defence for "Deano" Dennett to place his shot in for the equaliser. With Chantry players not as fit as Goldstar we staged a very late rally when a good pass by James Gilderson found "Deano" Dennett again with time to shot in from a tight angle. Our next match took us to Humber Doucy Lane, Ipswich to meet E&D Athletic, in this match we started better than the previous one and were 1-0 up after 28 minutes, when play from "Butch" Rose in goal found Ashley Munson his through ball found "Beachy " Goodchild for "Deano" Dennett to fire in. We then had to wait until the 74 minute for our second (and winning goal) as E&D proved hard to break down, the goal came courtesy of a palmed clearance by the E&D keeper. "Beachy" Goodchild fired in a loose ball which was cleared with Keiran Dilloway collecting the loose ball to fire in. This win put us in second spot in the league (correct at time of writing notes), with have the same points as Holbrook but they have scored more goals. The third match to report saw us in action against Sudbury "Horse & Groom", in a second round match of the Suffolk Sunday Shield. In this match we started like "Greyhounds" out of the traps going one up after 12 minutes with Tim Rix getting a rare goal from a "Snowy" Dennett cross, on 20 minutes we were two up with a "Beachy" Goodchild goal, straight from the restart we scored again this time "Snowy" Dennett scoring. Horse & Groom pulled one back as they caught our defence static. "Dilly" scored our fourth early in the second half, before "Horse & Groom" scored again. With ten minutes left Danny Colthorpe made sure of the win with a close range shot. Another three wins for which all the players MUST BE congratulated for, as Manager Kevin has had to change the side most weeks due to player availability and also some astute substitution decisions during matches have produced the victories. After last months notes Bob "the flag" Grimsey is thinking of having some signed photos of his legs produced for some some strange reason!! At the "Horse & Groom" match it was noted that work has started on the new "Astro Turf" pitch, this proved a problem for the Goldstar Committee as regular supporter "Nigel" noticed a Bulldozer, Dump Truck & Digger, "Nigel" being a digger driver had to be restrained as he wanted to "play diggers" rather than watch the match. Question How many people does it take to put a "water bottle carrier" together?? Answer is 3 as Secretary Keith attempted to put one together, he enlisted the assistance of two others, but guess what? once assembled with the bottles in it, once lifted it fell apart, after the third attempt (its now in the scrap bin). Congratulations go to Jack Wilkinson for winning his First Suffolk County Under 18's Cap. Finally a "get well soon" to Nick Rix after his recent operation. Next Matches Nov 1st home Rickinghall (Sunday Shield), 8th home Aldeburgh, 15th away Alderton 22nd home Alderton, 29th away Holbrook.
Thank You Stephen & Sheila Mason would like to say thankyou to all family friends and neighbours for their love and support, all gifts and donations since their grandaughter was diagnosed with cancer.
No charge for advice and estimates A free fitting service for all carpets and vinyl supplied (over 10 Sq. Mtrs.)
DAVID POTT - HADLEIGH (01473) 822700 10 Ann Beaumont Way, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 6SA
The Hadleigh Hares Here, There & Everywhere! The past 6 weeks have been a busy time for the Hadleigh Hare runners. After a quiet summer the pace has been upped & the Hares, both senior & junior have been out competing across 2k, 10k & half marathon distances between them; just what is needed before the Hadleigh 10 & the cross country season which starts in earnest on 15th November. Hadleigh 10 Mile Race On the 22nd November we will be staging the Hadleigh 10 mile race and 2k Fun run. This is the club’s showcase event so if you are not running please come out and support the runners and club. If you wish to volunteer to help run the event you can contact us though the website Hadleigh Hares A.C Celebrates 25th Anniversary! I think it’s fair to say that all past, present & future Hares owe a great debt of gratitude to
HADLEIGH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Ute Cooper
Leader: Alison Butler
Christmas Concert December 6th 6.30 pm at St Mark’s Catholic Church, Hadleigh Our Annual Christmas Concert will be at the beginning of next month on December 6th. at the Catholic Church (half way up Angel Street). The programme is still being finalised but will include such old favourites as a suite from Handel’s ‘Water Music’, and a shortened version of Tchaikovsky’s popular ‘Romeo and Juliet’. There will be other pieces we are sure you will enjoy and as usual we shall include the playing of popular carols for you to sing – not often that you have the opportunity of being accompanied by an orchestra! We are most grateful to Fr. Michael and the Catholic Church for hosting our Concert again this year and we do invite everybody to join us for this popular evening. As usual there is no charge for entrance, but we are so sure that you will enjoy the evening, that there will be a plate at the back as you leave for you to express your appreciation and help us to defray the costs of the concert and to make a donation to the Church. Looking forward to seeing you on Dec 6th at 6.30 p.m.
THE HADLEIGH 10 MILE ROAD RACE and a Junior Fun Run From Hadleigh U nited F.C. Duke St Hadleigh Suffol k Sunday 22nd November 2009.Start 11am (2k at 11.05) PERMIT No. 2009 10010 UNDER UKA RULES
A scenic undulating course through the beautiful Brett Vale PRIZES TROPHIES FOR 1st, 2nd and 3rd MENS AND LADIES TROPHIES FOR 1 MAN OVER 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65+ AND 1st LADY OVER 35, 40, 45, 50, 55+ TEAM PRIZES (3 to score) FOR 1st MENS AND LADIES TEAMS. st
Memento to ALL FINISHERS of both races £ 5 0 T O 1S T MA N UN D ER 4 9 m 5 0s EN T R Y F EE S 1 0 Mile R ac e
£5 0 1S T LA D Y U ND E R 5 7m 3 0s
AF FI LI A TE D £1 0, U N AF FI LI A TE D £ 12. MIN IMUM A G E 1 7.
Fun Run 2k
£ 2 . Mini mu m Ag e 4 & o ve r ( 4 & 5 mu st be a c co m pa nie d )
En t ri es on t h e da y ad d £2.
For result sheet please send an extra S.A.E. or check website Cheques payable to HADLEIGH HARES A.C. CLOSING DATE 13th NOVEMBER 2009. ENTRY FORMS + 9X7 S.A.E. TO: 1 BUCKENHAM ROAD, HADLEIGH, SUFFOLK, IP7 5SD MP3 Players are not allowed you will be disqualified
- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - Had le ig h 1 0 m… …….. or Had l eig h Jun ior 2k… …..
First name .........................………………. Surname………….........................………..SEX;M/F....……….. FULL ADDRESS....................................................................................………………………………………… .................................................................................................................………………………………………….. POST CODE..................………………D.O.B........................…….. AGE ON RACE DAY...............…… TELEPHONE NUMBER.....................……………………………………………………………………………………………. AFFILIATED CLUB...............................…………………………. AFFILIATION NO……………………… I declare that I will abide by the laws and rules of the UKA. I am aged 17 or over and I accept that the organisers will not be liable for any loss, damage, action claim or expenses, which may arise in consequence of my participation in this event. I declare that I will not complete this race unless I am in good health on the day and that, in any event I will only compete at my own risk. SIGNATURE.....................................................................(or signature of parent for Jnr Race)
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
the founders of our club. Back in the spring of 1984 Robert Carr & a small group of fellow enthusiasts (Roger Sweatman, Gary Scott, Julian Allen & Julie Green) held a meeting at East House about starting a running club. Mr. Carr was elected Chairman & the rest, as they say, is history! From those humble beginnings the Hares have multiplied & we now have approx 100 senior members & 46 juniors. The club’s success is the result of many volunteers working tirelessly over the years and we are eternally grateful for all the hard work they have put in. Hadleigh Hares Athletic Club run three sessions a week for adults (all abilities & ages welcome) & one for juniors (age 8-16); see below for dates & times: Monday Junior Night 6.00 p.m – 7.00 p.m Monday Beginners Night 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Tuesday Ladies Night: (All abilities welcome) Thursday Club Night: 7.00 p.m. meet at Hadleigh Leisure Centre Please turn up at the start of one of our sessions and have a chat with our coaches if you are unsure about attending. Alternatively please look at our website Langham 10k & 2k Fun Run On Sunday 13 September 2 senior hares took part on the Langham 10K. There were 119 finishers with Mike Rosbrook coming a very respectable 66th place with a time of 47.39 .David Ingleby finished 73rd with a time of 48.14. In the fun run junior hares Kirstie & Kieran Airlie excelled; Kirstie finishing 8th from 55 finishers (and 2nd in her age group) & brother Kieran winning the boys U8 trophy – well done to all Dedham 10k & 2.2k Fun Run This popular run, set in beautiful Constable country on the Essex / Suffolk border, was run in perfect weather conditions on Sunday 27th September. Seven senior hares along with six junior hares took part with head coach Clive Pinnion leading the seniors’ home in 27th place out of 275 finishers. Well done to Helen & John Norman for taking part in their first ever competitive race. Many congratulations also to all our junior runners who did brilliantly, especially to Kirstie Airlie who came first in her age group –Dad Brian (who ran around with his son Kieran) must be getting very nervous as he has to contend with not one but both children soon to outpace him!!; Results as follows: Clive Pinnion 41.19, Steve Hunt 43.22, Darren Allen 47.07, John Norman 52.36, Steve Alcock 58.03, Deborah Stewart 62.21, Helen Norman 62.22. Kieran Bleasby 4th in his age group, Kirstie Airlie 1st in her age group, Alana Bleasby 2nd in her age group, Kieran Airlie 4th in his age group, Ellenor Norman 16th in her age group, Elizabeth Stewart 13th in her age group. A massive well done to all those competing. Great North Run Many congratulations to Sara Nicole who ran in this years Great North Run which took place on 20th September . In perfect weather condtions Sara finished the 13.1 mile course in a new personal best of 1.57. In the process Sara also raised £200 for the MS Society . Run To The Beat Half Marathon Another hot sunny September day saw Martin Alabone, Alex Chisnall & Lisa Smith take part in the run to the beat half marathon in London. The route starts at the O2 arena & takes competitors through some of London’s finest parts. The race also promises live music throughout the run to motivate the runners but sadly on this occasion failed to deliver! However our hares, who were joined by three of our triathletes, were not to be deterred & managed, along with 10,000 other runners to finish the 13.1 mile course. Well done to Lisa Smith who set a new personal best shaving off a full 15 mins from her previous half & to Alex Chisnall who ran her first half marathon: Results as follows: Alex Chisnall 2:01:33, Marian Aitken 2:07:18, Martin Alabone 2:07:18, Doug Grimwade 2:07:18, John Chisnall 2:07:33, Lisa Smith 2:07:34 Felixstowe Half Marathon In stark contrast to 2008, this years’ Felixstowe half marathon was held under sunnier blue skies! Six hares competed with Steve Hunt the first hare home achieving 49th place out of a total of 467 finishers. Congratulations to John Norman running his first half & Deb & Andrew Stewart who ran their second half marathon in 5 weeks, setting personal bests. Results as follows:Steve Hunt 1.34.40, Darren Allen 1.45.39, David Dulake 1.46.30, Andrew Stewart 1.48.52, John Norman 2.08.48, Deb Stewart 2.09.22 Royal Parks Half Marathon More than 15,000 runners took part in the Royal Parks half-marathon on Sunday 10th October. The route which takes runners through Hyde Park, St James's Park, Kensington Gardens and Green Park and past Buckingham Palace, Marble Arch and the Palace of Westminster is a great occasion. Many congratulations to Tina Dixon who along with husband Dave, son & daughter in law took part raising more than £1800 for Livability. Tina completed the course in 2.00.12.
Hadleigh United Under 10s Kirton Kestrels under 10s v Hadleigh United under 10s Date: 26 September, Venue: Felixstowe After finally navigating our way to the pitch using LongNav (Longmans dodgy copy of SatNav). The A's were sprung into action on account of us turning up slightly late. Kirton started brightly and brought a flurry of attacks in the first 10 whilst Hadleigh held firm. A speculative cross/shot from Lewis Sowman looped in the goal under the crossbar and undid the Kestrels hard work and momentarily knocked the wind out of their sails. Jack Orriss was resolute in centre midfield and managed to make an excellent pass through to Caeal Casey who took on the huge centre back and fire past the keeper. 2-0 from 3 shots. Lewis Jeffrey had a stirling performance between the sticks, managing to claim every shot on target. Kirton started the 2nd half much the same as the first although this time got reward with a goal. With 10 minutes remaining they added a 2nd and having been 2-0 down felt relived to hold on for a point. The whistle blew early! Much to ours and Mark Hughes' disappointment. Final Score: Kirton Kestrels 2-2 Hadleigh United A The B's went into this game knowing they had to step up. 2 good performances prior to this game returned no goals and no wins. From the first whistle to the last they gave everything. George Smith had a very good game as did Kiera Hines. Conor Gregg got off the mark for the season bundling through a ball over the line midway through the first half. Oliver Smith made the change from defence to centre midfield and fired an excellent shot goalwards to make it 2-0 just before the break. It was so important that the result ended Hadleigh's way and the team talk reflected just that. They all gave a good account of themselves in the 2nd half and held on for all 3 points with a clean sheet. I'm proud of this result and hope we can achieve the same next week!! Final Score: Kirton Kestrels 2-0 Davy Hadleigh United B Date: 3 October 2009, Venue: Millfield Piggeries, Suffolk Cup Hadleigh United under 10s v Trimley Red Devils Hadleigh progressed to the next round of the Suffolk Cup with a scintillating performance against a very capable and competitive Trimley team. A brace of goals from an effervescent Caeal Casey combined with a vicious shotcum-cross from Jack Orriss and a slide rule finish from Lewis Sowman proved too much for the visitors in surely one of the finest games to grace the Piggeries in many a year. Credit should also go to Trimley and a top-notch set of supporters who added, rather than detracted, from the friendly atmosphere. Final Score: Barmy Army A 4-2 Red Devils In an equally entertaining encounter the Bee Barmies regrettably lost out to a late goal in the second period of extra time. They had so nearly won it in normal time courtesy of a Magga effort which crashed off the bar with the 'keeper stranded. Final Score: Barmy Army B 0-1 Red Devils (aet) Date: 10 October 2009, Venue: Piggeries, Hadleigh United v St Johns Just when we thought we couldn't bear any more excitement the Millfield faithful were treated to an absolute humdinger in this encounter against our perennial adversaries St Johns. Hadleigh took the lead early in the first half courtesy of a penalty won, and converted, by ol' pretty himself, Caeal Casey. Any thoughts of an easy ride were quickly dispelled however when a venomous strike from the St Johns number 6 cannoned off the bar with Lewis Jeffery well beaten. The resultant loose ball was then neatly tucked away by an onrushing St J's attacker. The whites of Hadleigh were then hit by a "sucker punch" at the beginning of the second half. Mister Max had scarcely sold half of the half-time pub card before the number 6 (yes him again) rocked the home team with an absolute blooter (as our friends north of the border would say). 1-2. And frankly not looking good. However we need not have worried. Fresh from a half-time re-application of overpriced hairgel Caeal Casey (a kind of Samson sponsored by L'Oreal) outstripped the St J's defence and neatly tucked the ball away. 2-2. To complete a most satisfactory day for the Barmies Caeal Casey sent over a teasing free-kick from the right which brushed one of the fibres of Jack Orriss' shirt for the winner. It was slightly hard on St Johns and in particular their number 6 who surely gave one of the most complete displays seen this year. Final Score: Barmies 3-2 St Johns Although lacking some of the panache of the first game Barmies B put on another fine showing against a combattive and determined St Johns second string. A late second half corner from St Johns, turned in off their attacker's buttock (if I'm not very much mistaken) appeared to have given the Oranges victory until Connor Gregg chased the mother of lost causes and somehow managed to bundle the ball home past a slightly bemused 'keeper for a welldeserved point. In the new spirit of Perestroika pervading the Millfield Piggeries this year I am happy to report that the St J's fans were incredibly vocal but.........both generous and indeed charming in defeat. It felt indeed rather like a Woodstock for football fans without the substance abuse. Peace man!! Final Score: B Barmies 1-1 St Johns B Mister Max
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Telephone Matt on 01473 823366
C H R I ST M A S FAY R E S a t u r d a y 1 4 t h N ov e mb e r The Sa l v a t io n A rm y , D u ke St r e e t 10 .0 0 am to 2 .0 0 pm Cake, Gifts and Tombola (Prize every time!) Tea, Coffee and Filled Rolls
AINGER HOLBROWS LTD The Specialist Car Centre 115 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EJ Telephone (01473) 823286 Fax (01473) 824559
Servicing, MOT’s, Repairs, Tyres Diagnostics, 4 Wheel Laser Alignment Batteries and Exhausts
SERVICING MOT’S AND REPAIRS For all makes of vehicle Quality selected, fully prepared, guaranteed used cars. Any make of new car supplied. Courtesy car available on request Personal service guaranteed
Ford Focus
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1.25 Freestyle
Based in Hadleigh
Kersey Car Sales 2009‌..a strange year in the used car market! 2009 has seen an unusual trend in the value of used cars. Since January the UK’s used cars have followed a steady rise of about 3% a month, meaning the average price of our used car stock gradually increasing throughout the year. This has been caused mainly by the scrappage scheme, as with all the new cars being sold no part exchanges have filtered through, leaving the used car dealers battling to secure their stock and therefore forcing the prices of the limited stock up. Another factor is that a lot of companies are holding back from changing their fleet cars, instead deciding to run their current vehicles over a longer period. However I have noticed during the last couple of weeks prices seem to have peaked and I feel with the scrappage scheme ending soon (Feb 2010) that prices will probably start dropping again back to the old trend. I have also seen more calls/sales during the last couple of weeks which hopefully means that people are starting to feel more confident about spending once again!
Stuart Crawford
PEUGEOT 206 SW VERVE 1.4 HDI 5dr, a/c, alloys, cd, fogs, abs, 49k, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ÂŁ5995 FORD FUSION PLUS 1.4 TDCI 5dr, a/c, alloys, cd, e/w, e/m, 24k, Black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ÂŁ6995
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ÂŁ120 ROAD TAX / 50-70 MPG
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NISSAN NOTE SE 1.6 5dr, a/c, alloys, abs, c/l, e/w, e/m, 45k, Met Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOLD
99 07 06 06
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(06/56) VW GOLF S 2.0 SDI 5DR, SILVER ÂŁ7995
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Telephone Stuart on 01473 827038 62 60 56 44 27 1
Hadleigh Invitation Summer Darts League Finals And Presentation Evening The second season of the summer darts league came to a climax with the finals and presentations being held at the British Legion on Monday 28th September. The evening got under way with all eight teams contesting the league k/o cup, playing a possible five games consisting of one single leg of darts 501 with a "flying" start, first to three progressing to the next round.The British Legion were first to take this giant leap by beating the Ram Jets 3-1, The Cock then beat Hintlesham Social Club 3-2, The George took out a spirited Edwardstone team 3-2, and the Ram disposed of league champions Eight Bells 3-2.The two semi finals went all the way as the Legion beat the Cock and the Ram ended the challenge of The George. In the final last years runner up the Ram went one better to take the spoils from a gallant Legion side 3-2. Next up was the doubles competition with a pair from each club taking part, playing the best of three legs 501"flying" start.The semi-finals saw the Eight Bells pair of Paul Leathers/Melvin Tilbury take on Edwardstones James Pipe/Matt Halsall with the Bells pair coming out on top in this one.The George pair of Colin Hynard/Darren Witt took out Daniel Wells/Joey Gilderson from the Ram Jets.The Final went the way of the George pair, after going one leg down they rallied to take the next two legs for a 2-1 victory after the Bells pair missed vital doubles. Next on the oche was the singles competition, again with one representative from each team taking part.The Rams Carl Baldwin beat Michael Sparkes from the Jets, Hintleshams Neville Lay disposed of the Legions Karl Harvey, Geoff Parmenter from the George took out Tony Smith from the Cock in a close fought contest, whilst surprise of the round went to John Paul Rainsford representing Edwardstone who produced some inspired darts to beat the in form Ivan Clements from the Eight Bells. In the semi-final Geoff Parmenter saw off Carl Baldwin, and John continued his hot form to take out Neville Lay. The Final saw Geoff produce an awesome display of darts to finally end Johns winning run to take the singles title 2-0. League Chairman John Martin presented the following trophies-: League Winner Eight Bells League R/U The George Wooden Spoon Edwardstone White Horse Captains cup winner Anthony Nicholls (Ram) Captains cup R/U Neville Lay (Hintlesham social club) Knock out cup winner The Ram Knock out cup R/U British Legion Doubles winner Colin Hynard/Darren Witt (George) Doubles R/U Paul Leathers/Melvin Tilbury (Eight Bells) Singles winner Geoff Parmenter (George) Singles R/U John Paul Rainsford (Edwardstone White Horse) Not a trophy for this one but worth a mention was the high check out by Michael Sparkes from the Ram Jets for his 141 finish. I would like to thank Pauline and Jan for selling a truck load of raffle tickets, all the volunteer chalkers, the RBL for their hospitality, Melvin for his masterful organisation throughout the season and on this finals night, the landlords of the respective teams for their support, and last but by no means least you the players who turn up every week to play the darts. See you all next year. Colin Hynard
Hadleigh Rugby Club Eastern Counties Div. 2
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Car sales Service and repairs on most makes of vehicles Petrol and Diesel Sales Tyre, exhaust and battery fitting M.O.T. Testing Air-conditioning servicing and recharging Latest equipment and diagnostic technology Free use of courtesy car or free collection and delivery service Free car valeting with every service
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Hadleigh Carpet Bowls Club 2003 53 Reg Renault Megane 5Dr Hatch 1.4i
1999 V Reg Ford Puma 1.7i
Blue, Clean Full service history
Red, Very Clean Full dealer history
2003 53 Reg Peugeot 307 SW 1.6i Estate
2000 X Reg Vauxhall Astra Auto Estate
Green, New MOT Service History
only 52665 miles 2 owners, FSH
SMALL CARS 2005 55 REG NISSAN MICRA 1.2i 3dr ONLY 26169 MILESN CLEAN CONDITION ALL ROUND GOLD...£4495 2005 55 REG VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2i 3DR SILVER ONLY 21945 MILES FSH VERY CLEAN ..............£4495 2004 04 REG FIAT PUNTO ACTIVE BLUE 3dr 1.1i NEW M.O.T ON PURCHASE P.A.S C/L ................£2995
Following a fine away win over Elmsett the Hadleigh team clinched the Division A title in this years Summer League and were invited to take part in the Finals Day at Needham Market on September 13th.The other four Division Winners provided quality opposition with a fair sprinkling of County players among them. Nevertheless the Hadleigh team put on a great performance - winning two encounters and losing by the narrowest of margins in the other two. In the end the team achieved a creditable third place and the enclosed picture shows the squad with the Division A trophy. We now move on to the 2009/10 Winter League and have our sights firmly set on promotion to the top flight this season. If you would like to come along and try your hand at carpet bowls you would be made most welcome as we are looking for new members of any age. No experience is needed, as instruction will be given. Even if playing competitively may not appeal to you, we do meet twice weekly, Mon and Thurs 7-10pm (Mondays are usually our home games within the League). Our venue is the main hall at Hadleigh Primary School, Station Rd Hadleigh. For further information you may contact our Secretary: Angie Mondon tel:01449 740010. We look forward to meeting you.
Hadleigh United Under 8’s
2006 56 Reg Citroen Berlingo Manual Panel Van
2006 55 Reg Ford Ranger Double Cab
White, 38385 miles 1 Owner
White, 4X4 FSH, Very Clean
Back Row – Jake Ingram, Max Cullinane, Sam Lewis, Harry Patchett, James Smith, Jake Phillips. Middle Row – Kane Leathers, James Hughes, Marley Marston, Kieron Airlie, Thomas Rupp. Front Row – Owen Tampion, Ewan Baxter, Marcus Peters, Ellis Girling, Nat Francis, Rio Simpson.
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
FUN AND CARING ENVIRONMENT - LUNCH CLUB ‘TILL 1PM SAFE, SECURE INDOOR & OUTDOOR PLAY AREAS Fees per session £6.50 • Lunch Club £1.50 Monday – Friday 9.15am – 12.15pm Polstead Village Hall
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Spaces Available for 2yrs – 5yrs Fees per session £6.50 Lunch Club £1.50 For more information please call:
Aimee Perry: 01206 263959 / 07799 706927 Ofsted Registered Charity No: 1022728
Hadleigh United Football Club Sponsored by Hadleigh Tyre Group
Hadleigh united have been very busy in recent weeks. In the ridgeons League a trip to Woodbridge resulted in a good win for Hadleigh by three goals to one. After a goalless first half Chris Leys put Hadleigh in front before a great goal from Chris Cowan was followed by a third from Craig Payne. The next league match saw Wivenhoe at Hadleigh with goals from leading scorer Payne and Chris Williams giving Hadleigh a two goal win. Next up was another home match against the young Cambridge United apprentices who were the league leaders. The visitors won by two goals to nil as Payne received a red card in the second half. Another league match at the Millfield saw Needham Market win courtesy of three goals in the second half. Our goalkeeper Aaron Benstead saved a penalty. A home match against Dereham saw three points come our way after we were behind at the interval. Late goals from Darius Laws and Chris Williams gave Hadleigh a narrow win. In the FA Vase Hadleigh lost by the odd goal of five after extra time at Rothwell Corinthians. Our scorers were Liam Jennings and Craig Payne. A league cup match at Cornard ended two goals each but Hadleigh came out on top in a penalty shoot out after an exciting contest. The first round of the Suffolk Premier Cup saw Hadleigh at home against Felixstowe and a thrilling match ended in the seasiders favour by the odd goal of five. Felixstowe took an early lead but Hadleigh went in front before half time with goals from Craig Payne and Ronaldo Wright. But the seasiders scored twice in the second half to reach the next round. Hadleigh reserves picked up three points at Halstead with Dale Munson scoring the only goal of the game in the second half. A Chell Trophy match against Long Melford was won by three one with goals from Jason curtis, Ben Goodchild and Aston Leathers. A trip to Leiston St. Margarets in a Suffolk Cup game saw a one goal win with Ben Goodchild on target for Hadleigh Reserves to earn a place in the third round. Prizewinners in the latest monthly draw were John Day, David Presley and Neil Henderson. Brettsider Hadleigh United Fixtures First Team fixtures in November for Hadleigh United begin on Tuesday 3rd with a home match against Haverhill. On Saturday 7th we travel to Histon and then a county game is staged at Hadleigh on Saturday 14th. A long trip to meet Wisbech should be a good day out on Saturday 21st before the month ends with a home game against Mildenhall on Saturday 28th. The Reserves entertain Wivenhoe on Saturday 7th before another home match in a Suffolk Cup third round contest follows on Tuesday 10th against Walsham. An away match against Wivenhoe takes place on Saturday 21st before a trip to Felixstowe ends the month on Saturday 28th. Our Ridgeons Youth Team will be at home to Brantham on Thursday 5th and away at Cornard on Wednesday 11th. Cornard are due to visit Hadleigh for the return match on Tuesday 17th. All fixtures were correct at the time of writing these notes but are subject to change as cup matches take priority. All the up to date fixtures are on the club website which is updated daily. Terry Adams
First Win for Youths Hadleigh United’s youth team gained their first Ridgeons League win of the season at the fifth attempt when they beat Coplestonians by two goals to one away from home. Hadleigh were behind at the interval but Chris Browning scored twice in the second half. Terry Adams
Hadleigh Tyre Group
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MOBILE: 07836 338288
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01473 828574 07880 716171
Have your company listed for £6.25 + VAT per month (Min insertion 4 months) For more information call Matt on 01473 823366
Accountants / Financial Services Burac Accountancy....................01473 826160 March Consulting ......................01206 263900 Thompson Financial Consulting.01473 828973 Walter Wright ............................01473 827656 Edward Jones Investments........01473 829147 Builders / Property Maintenance C.A. Builders..............................01473 824404 D.J. Upson.................................01473 829364 Emmersons Builders .................01473 270264 Gant & Nayler ............................01473 827856 L.J. Norman...............................01787 210831 R.D. Sears .................................01449 743117 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 T.J. Griggs .................................01473 824315 D.R. Payne General Handyman..01473 823880 G.C. Property.............................01473 823559 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 Hadleigh House Care .................01473 829200 H.P.M.........................................01473 823704 Mark Rowland ..........................01787 211687 Chris Ready Carpenter...............01206 392965 Butchers Andrews ....................................01473 827720 Jolly Meat Company ..................01473 810119 Cafe/Coffee Shop Katies ........................................01473 828884 Crockery Barn............................01473 890123 Carpentry P. Crisp ......................................01473 415727 Carpets / Flooring A.J. Carpets ...............................01473 822240 David Pott..................................01473 822700 Hardwood Flooring ....................01473 822282 Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Parts Ainger Holbrow..........................01473 823286 Kersey Car Sales........................01473 827038 L.S. Eaves..................................01206 262123 Suffolk Rural Enterprises...........01473 652232 Cartune......................................01473 822603 Complete Car Services ..............01473 828991 Eurospeed .................................01473 823172 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Paul Wilding ..............................01473 827272 Rackhams..................................01473 747117 SHR Auto Services ....................01473 824581 Eurospeed Tyre and Garage.......01473 823172 Hadleigh Tyre Group..................01473 827827 Jump Start.................................01473 822111 Catering Smugglers ...................................01473 82888 Ceramic Tile Merchants Bromley & Fitch.........................01473 829339 Child Day Care Birch Farm..................01473 652152 / 652249
Lavender Hall.............................01473 826100 Chimney Sweep Eco Sweep.................................01359 232335 Cleaners David & June Green...................0800 6951472 Mulberry Maids .........................01473 827338 Double Glazing, Windows & Doors Alton Windows ..........................01473 716318 Andy Grimsey ............................01473 823584 Surefix .......................................01473 827004 Tim Allen Windows....................01473 827086 Driveways / Patios Morlan .......................................01473 823396 Dry Cleaning Press Gang ................................07881 810710 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical....01473 829222 B. V. Hicks Elecrical ...................01473 822005 Electricians Andrade Electrical......................01473 412353 C.J.W. Electrical.........................01473 823369 Coramar Electrical Services .......01473 828210 K. Ruffell....................................01473 828464 Estate Agents Abbotts......................................01473 827135 Frost & Partners ........................01473 823456 Morton Smith & Sands..............01473 828121 Taylor & Sons ............................01473 828280 Farm Shops Hollowtrees ...............................01449 741247 Partridges..................................01473 822191 Florists Rosebud Florist .........................01473 823703 Suffolk Flower Company............01473 827698 Funeral Directors Hunnaball ..................................01473 748808 Kingsbury & Saunders ..............01473 823117 R. Gwinnell ................................01473 824440 Garden Machinery Repair M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 W. J. Green ................................01473 823839 Garden Services CLA & NJ Martin........................01473 652881 Claremont Nursery ....................01473 652330 D. R. Payne................................01473 823880 Garden Maintenance Services ...01473 828231 Grass To Glass...........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ................................01473 824315 Golf Clubs Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Stoke by Nayland Club...............01206 265818 Hardressers Tresses ......................................01473 823592 Barber Stop ...............................01473 829635 Hair Academy ............................01473 822772
Jon Cutter..................................01473 823688 Karen Waspe .............................07763 577093 Hardware M. W. Partridge ..........01473 824183 / 822333 Health Care D. J. Dunstone...........................01473 823755 Hadleigh Boxford Practice .........01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery............01473 823092 Hadleigh Osteopaths..................01473 828585 Hearing Care Centre...................08000 962637 Hugh Clover...............................01206 323089 Looking-Glass Dental Practice...01473 823003 Nicholas Salway Osteopath .......01473 820123 Home Design / Improvement Baker Interiors...........................01473 828366 Kitchen & Bedroom Studio ........01473 827666 Paul James Blinds .....................01473 206090 Rendall & Wright .......................01787 375076 I.T. Services Birkfield Computer Services ......01206 298479 Home Computer Services..........0800 4488356 J.C. Computers..........................01473 657283 Nick Kotarski .............................0800 7813744 Jewellery / Gifts The Jewel Box ...........................01473 824862 Kennels / Cattery Rylenes Cattery .........................01473 658747 Kitchen Appliance Repairs Colin Lockwood.........................01473 730534 Leisure Hadleigh High Leisure Centre ....01473 824441 Perris Archery............................01473 311636 Miscellaneous Co-op ........................................01473 681650 French Tuition with Carole .........07905 298595 Karen Benson ............................07712 115970 Les Hymas Upholsterer .............01473 829337 R.R. Beechener Headstones ......01473 823575 Singing Lessons ........................01473 824833 Spokes Cycle Repair..................01473 658529 Toppesfield Cottages .................01473 829129 Mobility Services Hadleigh Mobility Centre ...........01473 823235 Newsagents Keith Avis ..................................01473 823131 Nursing Homes Friars Hall ..................................01473 822159 Laxfield House............01787 247340 / 247495 Painting & Decorating Keith Gardner.............................01473 828574 Simon Farthing ..........................07823 333451 Pest Control Laurie Pest Control....................01473 310807 Picture Framing The Framestore..........................01473 822334
Airports & Special Events Doctors & Hospital Appointments
Phone Les 01473 827096 Mobile 07850 318582
Plant Hire Eastern Contractors...................0800 3161365 MTM Plant Hire .........................01787 312007 Plastering BLC............................................01449 615556 Plumbing & Heating A. Cutts......................................01473 823051 Buddha ......................................01473 828581 Gallagher ...................................01473 828806 Hadleigh Heating Services.........01473 824957 Roundhouse ..............................01473 829741 Rowland & Simpson..................01473 823914 Seager Home Solutions .............01473 824884 Spear .........................................01473 829863 Printers Keith Avis Printers .....................01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways China Garden.............................01473 828838 Hintlesham Golf Club.................01473 652761 Queen’s Head, Layham ..............01473 827789 The Cock Inn, Polstead..............01206 263150 The George ................................01473 822151 The Kings Head .........................01473 828855 The Ram ....................................01473 822171 The Terrace................................07917 730516 White Hart, Boxford...................01787 211071 White Hart, Hadleigh..................01473 822206 China Garden.............................01473 828838 Grays Fish & Chips ....................01473 823374 Pizza Town.................................01473 829999 Weavers Spice............01473 829104 / 828825 Scrap Metal Parkwood Autos ........................01473 658605 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .............................01473 822694 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire .....................01473 824256 G&L Waste Bags .......................01449 741999 Solicitors Gibbons Solicitors .....................01473 822488 Storage Elmsett Storshops .....................01473 822162 Taxi Beaumont Cars ..........................01473 827096 Hadleigh Executive Travel ..........01473 828222 Town & Country Cars ................01473 828999 Voyager Travel ...........................01473 828102 Travel Beestons ....................01473 212521 / 823243 Tree Surgeons Greenwoods ..............................01449 740472 Weight Loss Just Peachee .............................07792 334443 Slimming World ........................08700 754666
CJW Electrical Industrial & Domestic Installations • Rewiring • Showers • Security Lighting • Extra Sockets • Replacement Fuseboards • Telephones CRAIG WELLS 8 Jordayn Rise, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5SY Tel: 01473 823369 Mob: 07900 918652 Hadleigh Community News is produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.
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