APRIL 2021
BELLE VUE’S FUTURE CONFIRMED A new era for Belle Vue House and an entrance for Belle Vue Park to welcome town centre visitors were agreed by cabinet members of Babergh District Council. Council-owned land comprising of Belle Vue House, the car park and the northern part of the old swimming pool site, was openly marketed between December 2020 and February 2021, with the six bids received from both community and commercial organisations reviewed against a set criteria including long term sustainability, price and deliverability. All bids sought to retain and restore Belle Vue House. Due to the inclusion of commercially sensitive information, councillors had to hear details of the bids in a closed part of the meeting, but the recommended proposal in the report was approved. This proposal was to create a new retirement living development plus a conversion of the existing Belle Vue house back into private living accommodation with up to 100% of the capital receipt from the sale of the site to be reinvested into the creation of the proposed new entrance for Belle Vue Park by the Council. The new entrance to the park will provide residents and visitors with a welcoming and fully accessible public space and an improved connection to the town and will be complemented by a new café and new toilets. Continued page 2
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Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 1
Is it time to go Green? At Tomlinson Groundcare we are celebrating our thirtieth anniversary in business this year. Over the years we have added to UIF UZQFT PG FRVJQNFOU XF PGGFS 'PS UIF ÙSTU UJNF JO HFOFSBUJPOT the outdoor power equipment market is changing, with fossil fuels beginning to be replaced by cleaner, greener energy. When you visit our large showroom at Buxhall, you can view most of the John Deere range of ride-on lawnmowers and try before you buy plus there is a small AL-KO ride-on for customers with limited access to their gardens. We supply petrol powered 2 stroke equipment from Echo but XF BSF ÙOEJOH NPSF CBUUFSZ QPXFSFE FRVJQNFOU JT CFJOH TPME On display is a whole range of battery powered equipment from mowers to hedge cutters from AL-KO, EGO and Pellenc and we can also order in ECHO and Etesia if required. Battery equipment can deliver petrol-matching power without the noise, fuss and fumes. It is comfortable to use, with impressive run times and fast recharge. You have the freedom to work exhaust and emission free, the ideal choice for the environmentally conscious gardener. If you have never tried battery power and are thinking of upgrading your garden equipment it is certainly worth talking to the sales team to see if it suits your requirements. The Tomlinson Groundcare sales team is very impressed with the range of battery powered lawnmowers and tools which are in our showroom and available to try. We have both domestic and commercial customers using battery powered products and have had very positive feedback.
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Continued from the cover. The land being sold does not include Belle Vue Park, which councillors have pledged will remain as a valuable green asset for the town to enjoy for generations to come. The land being sold is also only part of the old swimming pool site as the remainder will be retained for the creation of the new park entrance. . Babergh District Council’s cabinet member for economic growth and Chair of the Sudbury Vision Steering Group, Cllr Michael Holt said: “The proposals we received were very varied and we considered each application as well as all the submitted objections against a set of criteria BOE IPX UIJT EFDJTJPO XPVME VMUJNBUFMZ CFOFÙU 4VECVSZ * BN EFMJHIUFE that we have been able to make a decision that secures the future for Belle Vue House and the surrounding land. n$POÙSNJOH UIF GVUVSF GPS #FMMF 7VF JT QBSU PG PVS XJEFS WJTJPO GPS 4VECVSZ which includes rejuvenating the town and creating a place where people want to live, work and visit for many years to come.” There are several other initiatives being developed as part of the Sudbury Vision including potential for more pedestrian-friendly and improved ÚFYJCMF TQBDF BSPVOE .BSLFU )JMM UIF JOUSPEVDUJPO PG DSFBUJWF XBZÙOEJOH and encouraging more people to walk and cycle into and around the town. Last year, together with Sudbury Town Council, businesses in Sudbury were invited to join the Virtual High Street initiative, which provides a digital window for the high street, connecting many local, independent businesses with their customers. 5IFSF IBT BMTP CFFO TJHOJÙDBOU JOWFTUNFOU JO MFJTVSF GBDJMJUJFT JODMVEJOH improvements to the public swimming facilities, extending the space for dance and community activities as well as expanding and upgrading UIF HZN GBDJMJUJFT BU ,JOHÙTIFS -FJTVSF $FOUSF #FMMF 7VF 1BSL IBT BMTP CFOFÙUFE GSPN JOWFTUNFOU JO OFX FRVJQNFOU BOE MBOETDBQJOH JO UIF QMBZ park, a new multi-use games area and a new skatepark.
Advertise your business in our Community News magazines... To advertise in any of our magazines (Hadleigh Community News, The Village Edition or Sudbury & Long Melford Community News), just give Jason a call on 01473 652354 or email A total of 17,800 copies of these local Community News magazines are delivered to homes and businesses monthly. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month. Further details about advertising and our magazines, including our current rates, can be found by going to 2
Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
The Mayor writes... It’s been a bit of a busy month, not with the robes & chain so much but chairing the Town Council, it has been necessary to hold several additional Council meetings this year and also in December when it is unusual to hold full Council meetings. The reason is that we have found it necessary to challenge certain decisions that the District Council have been making affecting our Town without fully consulting us or the community and ignoring the outcome of the Public consultation held over the future of the Belle Vue House and Park. I appreciate the need to get on with many of the projects that have been scheduled for Sudbury, opening up the entrance to Belle Vue Park and bringing the House back up to a decent standard, making Market Hill a more pleasant area, developing the Hamilton Road area into a community asset with a cinema, all of these issues have been on the agenda for a long time, and the Town Council are anxious to see these developments resolved. But they have to be achieved with the support of the community, the District Council’s attitude is that they are the only ones who know what is best for Sudbury, but that isn’t the case, PVS NFTTBHF UP UIPTF 0GÙDFST BOE $PVODJMMPST XIP BSF CFIBWJOH MJLF B dictatorship, is please engage with the Sudbury community so that we can work together to achieve what is best for Sudbury. With the rollout of the vaccine making it more likely that we can get out of UIJT JTPMBUJPO JO UIF OFYU NPOUI PS UXP XF OFFE UP SFÚFDU PO BMM PG UIPTF families that have been devastated by this dreadful virus, with that in NJOE JU JT IPQFE UIBU NBOZ QFPQMF XJMM CF SFÚFDUJOH GPS B NPNFOU PO UIF dreadful toll it has had on our community, I hope many people will have joined with me on the Town Hall steps at 12 noon on the 23rd March, the "OOJWFSTBSZ PG UIF ÙSTU MPDLEPXO PS CZ TUBOEJOH PO UIFJS EPPSTUFQ GPS B minute’s silence in memory of the many people who have tragically lost their lives to Covid 19. I with many others joined the Kernos Centre at their AGM on Friday 19th March, the reason for mentioning them is that they are genuine local charity who rely totally on the support of local donations and provide support and counselling for those who suffer from stress, anxiety and mental issues. The current situation has resulted in an increase in mental health issues across our community, Kernos has seen an alarming increase, especially amongst the young, who have needed their support over the last 5 years, so if you feel you would like to help a local charity, I cannot think of a more deserving case. Last but certainly not least I will be visiting the Red House, all precautions taken obviously, to see a wonderful Lady called Pam who will be 100, I am really looking forward to it as it is one of the most enjoyable parts of being the Mayor. That’s it for now stay safe, and hopefully things will get back to normal soon. All the best, Jack Owen Town Mayor for Sudbury
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Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 3
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Local Community Community News
7600 copies of the The Sudbury & Long Melford Community News are delivered to local homes and businesses during the first week of each month We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month A total of 18800 copies of these Community News Magazines are delivered during the first week of each month
Our contact details are: Editor: Jason Holder
t. 01473 656021 Sudbury Community News is produced by PFP Print Ltd
Elder House, The Street, Chattisham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3QE 4
Rotary Round-up Well, the purple Rotary crocuses have, yet again, brightened various areas around Sudbury, but have now faded, and other more impressive Spring ÚPXFST BSF DIFFSJOH PVS EBZT BT XF look forward to being able to meet up again with people we have not seen face-to-face for so many months. How much we have missed meeting with family and friends for so long! A recent development for Sudbury (Suffolk) Rotary has been linking with another Sudbury Rotary Club, but this one in Ontario, Canada. Their speakers have covered ‘The power of education: Indigenous rights, resistance and resilience’, ‘Climate Reality in 2021’ and on 12 April the Dexter - a ‘cutest topic will be ‘Supporting Humanitarian pooch’ contestant Work in Nicaragua through a Canadian Coast to Coast Virtual Bike Ride (7,176 km)’. Sudbury UK will join the Canadian club at 5.00 p.m. British time. The Pooches on Parade virtual dog show was launched on 12 March and will run until 9 April. This event is designed to raise funds for The Kernos Centre in Sudbury and for St Nicholas Hospice. On-line entries with photographs will be accepted until 9 April and judging will take place on 14 April. Categories include: funniest, saddest, best dressed, cutest and TDSVGÙFTU " | EPOBUJPO JT TVHHFTUFE GPS FBDI EPH FOUFSFE BOE QSJ[FT XJMM be ‘Virtual Rosettes’ for Best in Class and Highly Commended. Entries can be submitted via or the Sudburyrotary. com web site Rotary members are looking forward to being able to resume our faceto-face lunch time meetings, and are planning to extend invitations for potential Rotarians to come along to more informal get-togethers and EJTDVTT QPTTJCMF QSPKFDUT UP CFOFÙU PVS DPNNVOJUZ Recently, Club members contributed food and household items and cash donations to Sudbury Community Depot, which supports people moving GSPN IPNFMFTTOFTT JOUP BDDPNNPEBUJPO BT XFMM BT UIPTF ÚFFJOH GSPN domestic violence and for families struggling to make ends meet. This group has been supported by Rotary members since it was set up. Unfortunately, because of Covid-19 restrictions the decision has had to be taken to cancel the annual Crucial Crew event for primary school children in years 5 and 6; this will be a considerable disappointment to schools who had hoped that the event would be able to go ahead. Events in April will include a visit from another of Rotary’s international scholars, Cerise Siamos (from the USA), will explain her research at Cambridge University into Disease Prevention and Treatment. To contact Sudbury Rotary Club please leave a message on the Club telephone (07787 470876). Rotarian Lesley Ford-Platt
Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
Photograph: Johann Ford
Jacqueline Cooper, Solicitor at Excello Law Limited
Who is not looking forward to the lengthening days and warmth of spring, but also the gradual easing of lockdown rules, hoping that lives and businesses can recover some measure of pre pandemic normality? How wonderful it will be to be able to make appointments at hair salons again, BOE FOKPZ CSPXTJOH JO IJHI TUSFFU TIPQT CFGPSF DIPPTJOH B OFX PVUÙU PS B birthday present or anything that has not been available in recent months from a supermarket, a DIY store or garden centre. Is this still the stuff of dreams or dare we allow ourselves to believe this might soon be a reality? For those reading this who are business owners or commercial landlords, it is not hard to imagine that you will continue to have to meet challenges. Are your business premises now too large for your post pandemic or QPTU #SFYJU SFRVJSFNFOUT *T JU EJGÙDVMU UP QBZ ZPVS SFOU JO GVMM TP ZPV are considering your exit strategy or a renegotiation? Perhaps you are a commercial landlord faced with tenants’ requests for rent reductions or rent free periods or your tenants want to sub-let part of their premises to assist with outgoings. Perhaps the dynamic has changed in your partnership or limited liability partnership or limited company and you need advice as to the possibilities available and how to manage them. Or perhaps you need to attract new investment to ease your burden and wonder about the possibilities available within your business structure and how you might manage that. Some businesses may have evolved over the last year and need to review or renew their terms and conditions PG TBMF PS TVQQMZ UP FOTVSF UIFZ SFÚFDU UIF OFX SFBMJUZ BOE PS BTQJSBUJPOT and others might be emerging from recent chaos and need a broad range of start up business law advice. For competitively priced legal advice with any such issues contact Jacqueline Cooper at Excello Law Limited: 07771 750478 / 01449 744511 or - Jacqueline Cooper is based mostly in the Sudbury/ Lavenham/Hadleigh area
Communication has never been so important By Hearing Care Centre Clinical Lead Audiologist, Simon Myhill RHAD FdSc FSHAA A big part of communication is being able to hear well and to contribute to conversation whether it is one to one or in wider groups. Being asked to stay away from friends and family has been tough on us all and we have all come to understand the value of phone calls, video calls and social media. Even though we have spent less time with our loved ones than we ever have done, the ability to communicate well in those limited opportunities has been increasingly important. However, now that vaccines are more prevalent and there is the promise of restrictions easing, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We all look forward to socialising once again with loved ones in gardens, homes, pubs and restaurants. We might even be able to attend a live entertainment event with a crowd before the end of the year. This of course means that the challenges to communicating in those demanding listening situations will make a return as the world around us gets nosier again and I want people to be ready to enjoy life to the fullest once we are able to again. If you have noticed a deterioration with your hearing, then we recommend JO UIF ÙSTU JOTUBODF IBWJOH B TJNQMF IFBSJOH DIFDL 'PS NPTU QFPQMF hearing loss is a very gradual process and it can be other people who CFHJO UP QPJOU JU PVU ÙSTU -PDLEPXO IBT BMTP IFJHIUFOFE PVS BXBSFOFTT of these issues. For example, we’ve watched more TV than we ever have done, at times it can be noticeable when one member of the household prefers the volume up louder than the rest! The good news is we can help with an initial assessment to establish whether there is a problem with your hearing or whether it could be something as simple as blocked ears. To book an appointment for a hearing assessment please call 01473 9OU CAN ÚND US LOCALLY AT (EALTHY "Y $ESIGN IN (ADLEIGH AND AT 3UDBURY #OMMUNITY (EALTH #ENTRE For more information visit
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Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 5
online just before Christmas, it received a lot of positive feedback from those who attended and now, if you missed it, you can book on one of another three dates and join in the fun – tickets to join the online Murder Mystery event are back on sale for 3ATURDAYS TH TH 24th April at 7.30pm
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Choose your date, buy your team ticket and get your ‘bubble’ together, then between you can try to solve the mystery, all from the safety of your own front room. You will see documents, videoed interviews and get the chance to question the suspects yourself all brought to you through the magic of 21st century technology. All you need is PC, an internet connection and email address, plus of course a bit of brainpower! At the end, the teams will decide who-they-think-dunnit, submit their own SFQPSUT BOE UIFO XBUDI UIF ÙMNFE TVNNJOH VQ BOE DPODMVTJPOT GSPN UIF indefatigable Inspector Sheerluck. 4EAM 4ICKETS FOR THE EXTRA DATES OF 4HE -AGIC ,ANTERN -YSTERY ARE AVAILABLE BY FOLLOWING THE LINK FROM THE 3$3 WEBSITE AT WWW SUDBURYDRAMATIC COM
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¶3RRFKHV RQ 3DUDGH · On-line entries with photos accepted from 12th March 2021 @ suggested donation of £5 per class Entries close on 9th April and judging takes place on 14th April 2021 ‘Virtual Rosettes’ for Best in Class DQG Highly Commended Categories Funniest Saddest Best Dressed Cutest Scruffiest!
And April also sees the publication of an RY exciting new book celebrating 3UDBURY $RAMATIC 3OCIETY k 4HE &IRST H 9EARS WRITTEN BY 3ARA +NIGHT WITH e ,IZ #OLE and the help of an extensive d archive kept at The Quay Theatre, added to by interviews with past and presentt d members and full of memories and photographs. It is well known that SDS converted the Quay Theatre building themselves in the late 1970s, from a riverside warehouse, and that it now operates as a separate charity. Less well known is that the society was formed from a base at the Victoria Hall in Prince Street, and also performed in the old Gainsborough E GPS 5IFBUSF OPX UIF *OÙOJUZ /JHIUDMVC BOE GPS convalescing WW1 soldiers in Belle Vue House House. Nowadays SDS is a still major contributor to The Quay Theatre contributing JO UIF SFHJPO PG | L BOOVBMMZ CVU QSPEVDUJPOT IBWF CFFO PO UPVS fundraising in locations as exotic as Westwood Park, Great Maplestead and Spain. The book has been published with the aid of grants from Sudbury Freeman’s Trust, and from Councillor Jack Owen. Sudbury Dramatic Society – The First 100 Years will be available initially via for £12.99.
(Passed dogs are also acceptable)
Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
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New poplars snug in green tubes while the old wood is cleared away
Eden Rose Coppice Last month you read about all the work going on in Armes Wood, situated behind Sainsburys. This month we have news from Eden Rose Coppice, not far from the back of Waitrose. As with our other sites, Armes Wood and Brickmakers in Ipswich, we provide a safe outdoor natural environment for the support of people living with life-limiting conditions. In addition, the charity provides community and peer support through engagement with woodland projects and other green therapies. Whilst it has been sad not to welcome groups into the wood for what feels like a very long time, our volunteers have been able to work (socially distanced and in restricted numbers) on maintaining the health of the wood. We have had to have some of the huge poplars (originally imported from Canada) taken down by Suffolk Tree Services, as they were becoming unsafe. But that has PQFOFE PVU UXP HMBEFT XIFSF XF IPQF XJME ÚPXFST XJMM QPQ VQ "OE JU IBT created a lot of chippings to boost the paths in the wood and on Mayor’s Walk! We aim to have a circular path round the wood that is wide and level enough for wheelchair users, and side paths for more mobile visitors to explore. The brash is converted into low hedging lining the paths, and that makes wonderful wildlife habitats as it slowly decomposes. Luckily, we have been given two black poplars, rare and native to Suffolk, by the Stour Valley and Dedham Vale Trust. We have planted one near the boundary with Mayor’s Walk and one nearer the centre. These are large saplings, some seven feet tall, so we will be nurturing them until they are established. We have also had a donation of some silver birch trees XIJDI XJMM TPPO ÙMM TPNF PG UIF SFNBJOJOH HBQT 5IFZ TFFN UP FOKPZ UIF coppice, those already planted are doing well. This winter we have put JO BCPVU NPSF IB[FMT MFGU PWFS GSPN UIF NBTT QMBOUJOH JO "SNFT 8PPE and the Autumn planting in the hedge on our boundary with Mayor’s Walk. By the time that we are able to welcome groups back into Eden Rose Coppice it will once more be a haven of peace and tranquillity right in the heart of Sudbury. 4O ÚND OUT MORE VISIT WWW WITHNATURE ORG )F YOU WOULD LIKE TO VISIT contact us by email or text: 0800 772 3755
&OR THE ,OVE OF THE ,AND Like everyone else, I have been in lockdown at home for the last year. I’m lucky in that I have a large garden and lots of shed room but I still missed seeing family and friends. To make up for this loss I decided I would write my life story hoping it would be of interest to our daughters, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. )BWJOH XPSLFE PO ÙWF WFSZ EJGGFSFOU GBSNT JO &BTU "OHMJB BOE &BTU Yorkshire and spent two years National Service in the army driving armed ÙHIUJOH WFIJDMFT GPS UIF 3"0$ NZ TUPSZ JT RVJUF B WBSJFE POF I have contacted many of the people mentioned in my book, ‘For the Love of the Land’. The book is now completed, printed and ready to go. It starts in East Bergholt where I was born and went to school and spent UIF ÙSTU UISFF ZFBST BU XPSL *U UIFO NPWFT PO UP NZ UXP ZFBST MFBSOJOH at Chadacre Agricultural Institute and the following two years National Service mainly in Liverpool. I was stationed in Seaforth, which incidentally was where I met Enid, a city girl and my wife to be. We married on 1st April 1961, yes, 60 years this year. I worked as a Foreman for two of the best known names in East Anglian agriculture. Due to the historical content of East Bergholt and the number of people involved in BHSJDVMUVSF * IBWF PSEFST GPS PWFS ÙGUZ CPPLT before it was even printed. The book is now available for sale at Hollow Trees Farm, Semer nr. Hadleigh, Ipswich. I can also supply from my home 01245 237522. The book is priced BU | QMVT | Q Q 1SPÙUT GSPN UIF book will be shared equally between RABI and Chelmsford City MENCAP. Please make Price cheques payable to Alan Adcock£9.50 (Book Charity).
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Sudbury Community News ews - Connecting & C Celebrating Community News & Events 7
News from The Christopher Centre
Is your club, society or charity in need of PRINT? call Jason on 01473 652354 or
PFP Print Ltd Elder House | Chattisham Ipswich | Suffolk | IP8 3QE
*UmT IBSE UP CFMJFWF JU IBT CFFO B ZFBS TJODF UIF ÙSTU MPDLEPXO GPS $PWJE * UIJOL we have all felt the strain at various times and the frustration and disruption it bought to our everyday lives, but now I believe we are seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the long tunnel. For those that suffer from mental health issues, including addiction, anxiety BOE MFBSOJOH EJGÙDVMUJFT JU IBT CFFO QBSUJDVMBSMZ EJGÙDVMU BOE JO TPNF DBTFT unendurable. We have been extremely fortunate in that we have been able to continue to support some of our most vulnerable members of the Community during this stressful period. ‘Open House’ at The Christopher Centre every Monday morning has been able to offer a safe and secure haven to share problems and enjoy some company (albeit with social distancing) followed by a home cooked lunch. With that in mind we are looking for volunteer pudding(sweet) makers to join our team. If you can make a pud once a month please contact us via email info@ The Sudbury Community Depot housed at The Christopher Centre has been extremely busy throughout the lockdown period ensuring that those moving into temporary or permanent accommodation have all they need to help make this transition run as smoothly as possible. Both The Open House and The Community Depot are extremely grateful for the support we have received from our local Community, Suffolk Community Foundation and our local Babergh and County councillors. We have not been able to resume our Saturday Community markets which proved to be so popular from July to December 20. We do hope we can re start them as soon as we can. We have been holding a monthly Saturday ‘take away’ fundraising event on the second Saturday of the month which has proved very popular. Our next one will be Saturday 10th April. Curries need to be pre ordered and collected. Our menu for April is: -BNC .BESBT $IJDLFO +BMGSF[J #MBDL FZFE CFBO DVSSZ WFHHJF 7FHHJF #BMUJ We have 2 special curries in April for lovers of heat: Veggie Vindaloo , Fiery hot 7- ingredients Lamb curry (Rajasthani recipe) To order email or ring and leave a message 01787313914. "MM DVSSJFT BSF | QFS QPSUJPO BOE BSF BDDPNQBOJFE CZ SJDF For non-curry lovers we have Shepherds pie and our April special Quiche. Like everyone else we are looking forward to returning to normal and seeing the $ISJTUPQIFS $FOUSF PODF BHBJO CV[[JOH XJUI BDUJWJUJFT 5FSFTB
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Afternoon Tea at SbN
The heated terrace at SbN
Springtime opening, Easter treats and great dining options at SbN During the recent lockdown we were delighted at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club to have the opportunity to open up our golf courses to welcome local villagers and residents to walk freely around the courses, lakes and woodland to enjoy the many stunning views this corner of the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty has to offer, and which many non-golfers may not have seen. Now that lockdown is coming to an end, thankfully, and the golf courses will be opening up once again to members and visiting golfers from 29th March, we respectfully request that local residents refrain from walking over the golf courses for their own safety from that date, and keep to the public footpaths, and permissive paths and circular walks as designated by the Leavenheath Parish Council. For more details about these walking routes please WJTJU UIFJS XFCTJUF QBHF BU IUUQ MFBWFOIFBUI TVGGPML DMPVE GPPUQBUIT Looking at our other facilities at SbN, we are pleased to say that our Pippin Store will continue to provide delicious hot and cold takeaway food from our excellent Sports Bar menu, and mouthwatering takeaway Afternoon Teas – as well as hot drinks and snacks for walkers and golfers. Be sure to make the most of our delicious Easter 3 Course hot Sunday Lunch offering for delivery locally, or takeaway, and special Easter Afternoon Tea – all available to order via Pippin on 01206 264265 by noon Thursday before Easter weekend. Our outdoor terraces at the Hotel will soon be opening again on the 12th April, in time for some lovely spring weather hopefully – and even if there is still a chill in the air, we have introduced glass screens and heaters on all of our outdoor spaces so you can relax on sofas and enjoy great food, wine and beautiful views over the lake in cosy comfort! Not long then until 17th May when our three newly refurbished restaurants will be opening up to welcome you inside for a choice of dining styles and a great selection of menus, depending on your mood. All of our restaurants offer their own stylish outdoor, heated terraces, so you can enjoy each dining experience al fresco. There’s also plenty of space for tables of 6 and for 2 households both inside and out! If you have joined our SbN Community Discount Card scheme for local residents then you will be able to enjoy generous discounts of food and drink in all of our restaurants and bars – as well as discounts off spa treatments, hotel stays and much more. If you wish to join, free of charge, all you have to do JT WJTJU PVS XFCTJUF QBHF BU XXX TUPLFCZOBZMBOE DPN DPNNVOJUZ BOE BQQMZ GPS B DBSE XIJDI XJMM CF TFOU PVU UP ZPV CZ QPTU &OR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR OPENING PLANS 2EST 2EASSURED INITIATIVES #OVID 0ROMISE AND SPECIAL OFFERS PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE AT or email We all look forward to welcoming you back very soon!
Stoke by Nayland R E S O R T
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SbN COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CARD k ǪÝƴĈŻƴşüƴƴDZşǓƏƴkŵ ƴ DZƴǫħÝŔƴDZşǓƴǓƝÝƴDZşǓƏƴk¥Nƴ şŊŊǓŔĭƹDZƴ ĭƝ´şǓŔƹƴ ƏÍƴ kĭĔŔƴǓŵƴƹşÍ DZƴ ƹƴ Stoke by Nayland Resort, Keepers Lane, Leavenheath, Colchester CO6 4PZ
Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 9
Orchard Barn News
Physiotherapy • Clinical Pilates • Reflexology • Pelvic & Women’’ss Health Physio • Acupuncture • Sp Sports orts & Swedish Massage • Respiratory & Paediatrric Physio • The MummyMOT OT
Hadleigh Physiotherapy Limited d The Clinic, 111 George Street, Hadleigh, Sufffolk IP7 5BP Telephone: 01473 810185 Email:
0ARENTS k 'RANDPARENTS #ARERS Are you looking for a different and exciting way to interest your children in nature? Join us, with leader Ross Piper, on Saturday 24 April for a FREE .JOJCFBTU *EFOUJÙDBUJPO TFTTJPO BOE make a cob brick to take home for wild bees to live in. Messy outdoor fun! Time: 11 am – 1 pm or 2 pm to 4 pm Booking is essential and children must be accompanied by an adult. ,OOK OUT FOR MORE FAMILY DAYS k ONE 3ATURDAY EACH MONTH. 7E ARE CURRENTLY PREPARING FOR THE WORKING PARTY TO RE LAMINATE THE EARTH ÛOOR OF OUR -EETING 2OOM IN THE "ARN We have removed the top JODI PG UIF PME ÚPPS BOE OPX IBWF LH PG DMBZ XIJDI XBT EVH GSPN PVS site, drying in the polytunnel. This will be crushed by hand to a powder and mixed with sand, straw and water to make the new surface. Made with environmentally friendly materials sourced locally, it will last for many years and will also help to keep the Barn cool in the Summer and warm in the Winter. $URING OUR EXCAVATION OF THE S ,ONG (OUSE we found many interesting objects which are now in our on-site Museum. Do have a look on our website where Roger, from our excavation team, has put UPHFUIFS TIPSU CPPLMFUT BCPVU UIF ÙOET q " .JTDFMMBOZ PG 'JOEJOHT q XJUI QIPUPHSBQIT BOE B TIPSU IJTUPSJDBM TVNNBSZ PG FBDI ÙOE IUUQ XXX PSDIBSECBSO PSH VL PMEIPVTF IUNM Many of these are related to farming and some also reveal a wonderful insight into the social history of the day. This QIPUP TIPXT B ÙSJOH NFDIBOJTN GSPN B ÚJOUMPDL QJTUPM XIJDI XBT GPVOE JO UIF ruins of the Long House, possibly from B #SPXO #FTT SJÚF VTFE CZ UIF #SJUJTI Army from 1722 – 1832. !LL ACTIVITIES WILL BE IN SMALL GROUPS MOSTLY OUTSIDE AND SOCIALLY DISTANCED )F YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING ANY OF THESE PLEASE CALL 3ARAH ON OR EMAIL HER AT SARAH ORCHARDBARN GMAIL com
.FNCFST PG 4VECVSZ V B IBWF CFFO PWFSDPNJOH UIF EJGÙDVMUJFT PG UIF past year, keeping in touch, motivated and active, learning laughing and living and all without breaking any rules! Think of an activity and there is probably a group in Sudbury u3a: Art, Architecture, 10 pin bowling, book clubs, creative writing, table tennis, walking, woodcarving, wine tasting, languages, photography, holidays… in fact almost 80 groups in all! And if there isn’t the one you’re looking for we have the ability to enable you to get one going with support from the group’s coordinator.
• • • • •
Jewellery repairs and restorations Valuations Bespoke design service Diamond and precious stone specialists Goldsmith’s workshop on the premises
98-99 High Street, Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9PZ • T: 01787 881 181
Many activities have continued during lockdown, facilitated by Zoom including our recently held AGM, having completed the elections on line and by post prior to the meeting. Brian Orton (Right) was elected as our new Chair after serving as treasurer for six years and last year as vice Chair. He and a strong committee have plans in place for resuming our full programme of activities and events as the COVID 19 restrictions are eased. 4VECVSZ V B JT BGÙMJBUFE UP UIF 5IJSE "HF 5SVTU B OBUJPOBM PSHBOJTBUJPO aimed at retired and semi-retired people with groups all over the UK. If ZPV XBOU UP NBLF OFX GSJFOET MFBSO B OFX TLJMM HFU PVU BOE HFU ÙU BOE socialise more, or perhaps you have recently moved to Sudbury, have a MPPL BU PVS XFCTJUF IUUQT V BTJUFT PSH VL TVECVSZ
10 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
Babergh and Mid Suffolk in the running for ‘Council of the Year’ #BCFSHI BOE .JE 4VGGPML %JTUSJDU $PVODJMT BSF KPJOU ÙOBMJTUT JO B OBUJPOBM DPNQFUJUJPO UP ÙOE lUIF $PVODJM PG UIF :FBSm q SFDPHOJTJOH UIF BVUIPSJUJFTm innovative service improvements in supporting their communities through Covid and beyond.
Ventanilla Blinds
The councils fended off competition from more than 100 other organisations OBUJPOXJEF UP CFDPNF ÙOBMJTUT JO UXP PUIFS DBUFHPSJFT q $VTUPNFS 'PDVT and Asset Management and Regeneration.
Rollers • Verticals • Roman • Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians • Sheer Rollers Conservatory Blinds • Blackout Blinds Perfect Fit Pleated, Roller & Venetian Awnings • Garden Sails • Roller Curtains
The councils’ planning enforcement team is recognised in the Customer Focus category, for streamlining processes and using technology to TQFFE VQ JOWFTUJHBUJPOT BOE QVU JOGPSNBUJPO BU PGÙDFSTm ÙOHFSUJQT JO PSEFS to improve the service for residents.
01787 313677 or 07966 371963
The joint entry by Babergh and Mid Suffolk in the iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards 2021 saw them named this week alongside Mid BOE &BTU "OUSJN #PSPVHI $PVODJM BOE 8JHBO $PVODJM BT ÙOBMJTUT GPS UIF prestigious Council of the Year title.
In the Asset Management and Regeneration category, our economic development team are hoping to pick up an award for Sudbury Virtual High Street, developed with Sudbury Town Council and our Sudbury Vision partners. The online platform for Sudbury’s traders has provided an innovative solution for businesses forced to close their doors during lockdown. The overall Council of the Year award meanwhile, is reserved for those deemed ‘outstanding’ in transforming their services and creating vibrant communities – with recognition of the councils’ joint working and use of technology in helping communities to thrive and be places that their residents are proud to call home. #LLR *OHN 7ARD LEADER OF "ABERGH $ISTRICT #OUNCIL SAID “This nomination couldn’t have come in a more challenging year. The pandemic HAS PRESENTED US WITH UNPRECEDENTED DEMANDS AND DIFÛCULT DECISIONS over how best to support our district and its recovery post-Covid. I am delighted that we are in the running for Council of the Year 2021 and would LIKE TO THANK ALL COUNCILLORS OFÛCERS AND PARTNERS WORKING WITH US TO HELP deliver our visions for our towns and communities – ensuring Babergh continues to be somewhere people are proud to call home for years to come.” #LLR 3UZIE -ORLEY LEADER OF -ID 3UFFOLK $ISTRICT #OUNCIL SAID “It’s WONDERFUL TO HAVE BEEN NAMED AS ÛNALISTS IN THREE CATEGORIES k PARTICULARLY for Council of the Year. The last 12 months have taken an unimaginable toll on so many people, but I am immensely proud that we have not only supported our communities through the immediate response to the pandemic, but also in how we have progressed ambitious and innovative plans to help transform our district and ensure a healthy post-Covid future for all our residents.”
HAIRDRESSING Ladies and Mens Cutting & Styling All Colouring techniques including Highlights Tinting Balayage Remy Nano Hair Extensions Wedding packages
3 Dairy Cottages Hall Street Long Melford Sudbury CO10 9JA Tel: 01787 311151
#HIEF %XECUTIVE OF "ABERGH AND -ID 3UFFOLK $ISTRICT #OUNCILS !RTHUR Charvonia said: “Our employees have risen to the challenge of Covid-19 MAGNIÛCENTLY SHOWING RESILIENCE AND RELENTLESS FOCUS TO SUPPORT OUR communities, but we have also continued to be innovative in our thinking about how to make a real difference to our residents’ quality of life postCovid. I am delighted that their dedication to Babergh and Mid Suffolk has been recognised in this way.” 5IF DPVODJMT NVTU OPX XBJU VOUJM UIF ÙOBM PO 8FEOFTEBZ 4FQUFNCFS UP TFF JG UIFZ DBO TDPPQ B UPQ BXBSE :PV DBO ÙOE PVU NPSF BCPVU UIF QVCMJD TFDUPS USBOTGPSNBUJPO BXBSET BOE BMM TIPSUMJTUFE ÙOBMJTUT PO UIF iESE website.
Why not inform 7600 homes around d Sudbury and Long Melford what is happening at your club or society? email and it will appear in our next issue.
Compare our circulation to the best selling newspapers in this area, we think you’ll be surprised! Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 11
Due to Covid-19, I am r unable to run my regula advice surgeries. y As such, if you require an e on: assistance, please call m
020 7219 4875
This advert is funded by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for the purpose of assisting James Cartlidge MP in the performance of his Parliamentary duties. Printed by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF
12 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
James Cartlidge writes
TV & Audio Solutions (Formerly BV Hicks Ltd)
Member of Parliament for South Suffolk
Are you having trouble setting up or operating your TV / Audio or DVD? Has your equipment stopped working? Does your TV need a re-tune?
On 15th March the Prime Minister published one of the most important policy documents of recent years: the Government’s ‘Integrated Review’ of foreign policy and defence. We may have spent much of the last year at home, with international travel foregone, but it remains the case that a huge part of protecting our national interest lies beyond these shores. I was delighted that the Integrated Review set out a very ambitious program, strengthening existing ties – e.g. through NATO, so crucial in countering Russia adventurism – but also looking to build new alliances, especially in the growing markets of Asia. " lUJMUm UPXBSET UIF "TJB 1BDJÙD SFHJPO DPVME CF QBSUJDVMBSMZ TJHOJÙDBOU JO UIF post-Brexit context, where we now have the ability to strike independent CJMBUFSBM USBEF EFBMT UIBU ÙU PVS EJTUJODU FDPOPNJD DJSDVNTUBODFT Effectively we have an entire new lever of economic policy and that must be focused on those markets likely to deliver the greatest increase in trade. As such, it was pleasing that the PM announced his visit to India next month to strengthen ties with the world’s largest democracy. The 6, XJMM BMTP TFFL UP KPJO UIF 5SBOT 1BDJÙD GSFF USBEF BHSFFNFOU 5IFTF SFNBJO EJGÙDVMU BOE DIBMMFOHJOH FDPOPNJD UJNFT EVF UP UIF QBOEFNJD CVU as we emerge, building new export markets will be a key way to drive the prosperity that delivers well paid jobs for local people. A highlight of the review was our commitment to science and technology at the heart of our vision of ‘Global Britain’. We will be building huge new DBQBDJUZ JO DZCFS XBSGBSF XIFSF UIF DPOÚJDUT PG UIF GVUVSF BSF MJLFMZ UP CF GPVHIU 8F IBWF BMTP DPNNJUUFE UP CFJOH B lTDJFOUJÙD TVQFSQPXFSm – and with our success in developing a Covid vaccine we have surely demonstrated our great potential to build on our long-standing history of BDIJFWFNFOU JO UIJT ÙFME It may still be some time before visits abroad are again commonplace. Nevertheless, it’s right that we set out how we see our place in the world, and a strong, optimistic global vision based on free trade and strong defence is surely the ideal place to start.
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Dr Paul Rolfe & Associates • Dental Surgeons The Old Clock Shop, Little St Mary, Long Melford, Suffolk, CO10 9LQ
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It’s normal for your energy bills to change depending on the time of year and how much gas and electricity you’re using. But if your bills seem strangely high, then it’s important to investigate why. Firstly, check your meter is working properly and your usage has not gone up, even accidently. Also check what heaters you have and whether you’re using them correctly. Night storage radiators and immersion heaters can cause extremely high bills if used incorrectly. There are a few things worth looking into. It could be that your bill is an estimate, in which case you need to give your supplier a new meter reading. If it’s not an estimate, check your last meter reading to see if it matches the one on your bill. If you still don’t have an answer, your supplier might have raised their prices. In any case, you’re doing the right thing to contact them. Customer service varies between suppliers and unfortunately, we hear of many bad experiences like yours. We also know the problem has worsened during the pandemic. If you’re struggling to get through to them, you could make a formal complaint. We offer advice on how to do this and things to DPOTJEFS ÙSTU 8F QVCMJTI B DPNQBSJTPO UBCMF PO PVS XFCTJUF XXX DJUJ[FOTBEWJDF PSH uk every three months which rates suppliers’ customer service, based on things like telephone wait time, email response time and the accuracy of their bills. Have a look for yours to see how they fare against others. If they’re low on the list, consider switching to a different one. If you’d like to talk it through with someone, get in touch with Sudbury & %JTUSJDU $JUJ[FOT "EWJDF 8F BSF QSPWJEJOH BEWJDF CZ UFMFQIPOF BOE FNBJM Monday – Thursday, 10am – 1pm. Please phone 01787 321400 if you need advice and leave a message and someone will call you back when available. We will attempt three times to call you back, so please expect a call from a withheld number.
Car sales Service and repairs on most makes of vehicles Petrol and Diesel Sales Tyre, exhaust and battery fitting M.O.T. Testing Air-conditioning servicing and recharging Latest equipment and diagnostic technology Free use of courtesy car or free collection and delivery service Free car valeting with every service
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Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 13
Telephone & request a brochure or book a free demonstration 5VU ,SLJ[YPJ )SVJR :HS[ :VM[LULYZ -9,, :HS[ +LSP]LY` (33 4HRLZ VM >H[LY :VM[LULY :LY]PJLK
14 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
For total peace of mind... We are leading installers of Electronic Fire & Security Systems a family run company with over 30 years experience in design, installation & maintenance of these systems, giving you and your family total peace of mind. Burglar & Fire Alarms CCTV & Access Control
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Perrywood Sudbury helps communities to get growing in 2021
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Across Suffolk, we have seen more than ever the joy and therapeutic CFOFÙUT UIBU HBSEFOJOH DBO CSJOH UP QFPQMFmT MJWFT 1FSSZXPPE BJNT UP get more people growing in 2021. They will be supporting three charities who use gardening to help vulnerable groups, including the unemployed, adults with mental health issues and children. This year, Perrywood Sudbury will be supporting:
!CTIV'ARDENS – located at Belle Vue Park, Sudbury as well as other sites around the town and in Ipswich. This charity helps young people BOE BEVMUT MFBSO QSBDUJDBM TLJMMT HBJO DPOÙEFODF EFWFMPQ GSJFOETIJQT BOE improve health & well being through local gardening projects. Perrywood Sudbury will be supporting them with donations of seeds, plants and compost for their projects in Sudbury as well as raising funds for staff costs and training. !BBERTON 2URAL 4RAINING – with training locations in Halstead and Wormingford, this charity provides practical and skills training alongside therapeutic support to individuals in Suffolk, Essex and surrounding areas. Courses focus on rural skills, environment and horticulture. Perrywood will be raising funds for laptops and tools as well as supporting their well being planting scheme at all their training locations. These organisations are very closely linked to the Perrywood vision to inspire people of all ages to get more plants in their lives and enjoy gardens and gardening. Gardening and connecting with nature have been proven to positively affect people’s mental health. It can help them relax and de-stress, especially now, when the NHS is overstretched. More and more people suffer from mental health problems. Susannah Robirosa, Fundraising & Development Manager, ActivGardens, says: “We are absolutely delighted we have been chosen by Perrywood. They will be supporting our work in Sudbury’s park and other local green spaces to bring people together to learn skills and improve their local environment, make friends and build a sense of community, and grow both their physical and mental health and overall sense of well-being. This is a welcome boost after a challenging year, when being outdoors feels more important than ever.” Jacqui Stone, CEO, Abberton Rural Training, says: “We are thrilled to be chosen by Perrywood, and we look forward to a blossoming relationship with the staff and customers over the coming months. This support will make such a huge difference to individuals and families, many of whom are isolated and disadvantaged.” 1FSSZXPPE 4VECVSZ XJMM BMTP CF TVQQPSUJOH UIF (SFFOÙOHFST $IBSJUZ B national charity that builds inspiring gardens for children’s hospices. Hannah Powell, HR & Communications Director, Perrywood, comments: “We are potty about plants and know how powerful they can be. Gardening DBO IFMQ QFPQMF UISPVHI EJGÙDVMU UJNFT BOE HJWF UIFN OFX TLJMMT #Z supporting these wonderful local organisations, we can get more people growing and improve many people’s lives.” |
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Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 15
With concert halls, museums and galleries unable to open, many people are missing their usual involvement in the arts. The Arts Society Sudbury JT BJNJOH UP ÙMM UIBU HBQ 5PHFUIFS XJUI PVS TJTUFS TPDJFUZ 4PVUI 4VGGPML g mont monthly illustrated lectures streamed live via Zoom. These we are offering lectures are given by experts - you may even recognise some from The Antiques Roadshow, others as broadcasters on Radios 3 and 4 - chosen for their knowledge, presentational skills and entertainment value, on topics ranging from the architecture of Zaha Hadid; 20th century glass; to Scandinavian art. Guests are welcome to ‘try us out’ free of charge by contacting Jan on 01787 374044 or emailing: and we will send you a Zoom link for the next lecture:Tuesday 20 April 11:00
Mad, bad and fasci to know – the colourful ancestors of the Dukes of Bedford. Lecturer: Geri Parlby Wine merchants, poisoners, mine owners and creators of afternoon tea – the colourful history of one of England’s oldest aristocratic families and the fascinating art that surrounds them.
Chilton Woods comprises of 289 acres of land, to the north of Woodhall Business Park, spanning the parishes of Acton, Chilton, Long Melford and Sudbury, with plans for the site ultimately including 288 affordable homes for lower income house-hunters and a new school. Since outline planning permission was granted for the site in 2018, planning PGÙDFST IBWF XPSLFE DMPTFMZ XJUI BQQMJDBOU 5BZMPS 8JNQFZ BOE PUIFS stakeholders on the package of infrastructure to accompany these proposals, with more detailed plans coming back to the planning committee meeting – held virtually to ensure public safety during the current coronavirus outbreak. "GUFS JOQVU GSPN QMBOOJOH PGÙDFST PCKFDUPST UIF BQQMJDBOU DPVODJMMPST q BOE subsequent debate – the committee voted by 8 to 2, with one absention JO GBWPVS PG BQQSPWJOH UIF PGÙDFS SFDPNNFOEBUJPO UIBU SFTFSWFE NBUUFST outlining details of the scheme, be granted, subject to conditions. Members also agreed that the required Construction Environmental Management Plan (a pre-requisite of development starting) should be referred to Planning Committee for consideration. This in addition to a Design Code for the wider development – giving more detailed design guidance – which will be decided on at a later date, following extensive public consultation and engagement.. A new distributor road will also be created by the developer to adjoin these points to the site and form a link between residential and employment land, supported by Suffolk Highways together with further highways improvements to be funded by the applicant, including plans for a new roundabout and key junction improvements on the A134 to mitigate the development’s impact PO MPDBM USBGÙD 5ISFF UPVDBO DSPTTJOHT XJMM BMTP CF JOTUBMMFE UP IFMQ FOTVSF pedestrian safety. 4JHOJÙDBOU VQHSBEFT XJMM CF NBEF UP GPPUQBUI BOE DZDMF MJOLT GSPN UIF development to the town centre, nearby schools and other amenities. Funding will also be allocated for a travel plan – promoting greener modes of transport q BOE UIF EFWFMPQFS XJMM DPOUSJCVUF | UP GBDJMJUBUF B SFHVMBS QVCMJD CVT service serving residents and the wider community.
Over time, the development will also offer shops, cafes and restaurants, a community hall, and shared workspace on site – further eliminating the need for residents to use a car.
Published by Richard Kemp, Agent/Candidate, Tresco, New Road Long Melford CO10 9JY. Printed by PFPPrint Ltd IP8 3QE
0VS 4PDJFUZ JT BGÙMJBUFE UP UIF OBUJPOBM DIBSJUZ 5IF "SUT 4PDJFUZ BOE PVS objective, through lectures and visits, is to broaden our knowledge and enjoyment of the arts in its widest form. In ‘normal’ times, lectures are held at the Quay Theatre in Sudbury on the 3rd Tuesday in the month at 11:00. New members are welcome.
Suffolk County Council Elections A
Man d r elfo
for Solving Local M atte r
Due to popular support, Richard Kemp your County Councillor for over 28 years, will be standing again in the coming local elections on
MAY 6th “ from the one man without a dog team”
Keep Calm
If you do NOT get one please ring me on 01787 378149 and I will get one delivered.
16 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
Another obligation imposed by the council as part of the overall development, is the provision of 288 ‘affordable homes’ – enabling residents on the council’s IPVTJOH SFHJTUFS UP CFOFÙU GSPN MPXFS SFOUT UIBO UIF MPDBM NBSLFU SBUF Opportunities for shared ownership will also be offered, helping low-income families struggling to get on the housing ladder to buy their own home. Half of the site will be designated public open space, including a community woodland, allotments and children’s play areas. A sports pavilion, offering QMBZJOH ÙFMET BOE DIBOHJOH GBDJMJUJFT JT BMTP JODPSQPSBUFE JO QMBOT Additional demand for school places will be met by proposals for a new primary school, including pre-school facilities, on site. 1MBOT BMTP JODMVEF BDSFT PG FNQMPZNFOU MBOE FBSNBSLFE GPS PGÙDF TQBDF research and industrial units, a hotel, a household waste recycling centre, and a district heating network energy centre. It is anticipated that this will generate approximately 1,900 new jobs in Babergh. To further support the council’s blueprint for addressing climate change, 5BZMPS 8JNQFZ NVTU FOTVSF UIF IPNFT BSF FOFSHZ FGÙDJFOU UIBU UIFZ DBO support electric vehicle charging points, and that steps to encourage biodiversity are also taken.
.ATURE S 4EMPLE /PENING /FFERS #ANNABIS &ACIAL Nature’s Temple Beauty salon offers cruelty free, vegan-ethical, holistic beauty treatments. The salon has its very own award winning skincare range infused with essential oils which will suit even the most delicate skin. Our bespoke CANNABIS FACIAL has to be a must after the year we have all had! CBD is known for its healing, soothing and antiJOÚBNNBUPSZ QSPQFSUJFT 0VS PSHBOJD MPDBMMZ NBEF $#% PJM PGGFST BO IPVS facial with extreme hydration properties whilst smoothing lines, wrinkles BOE CPPTUJOH UJSFE TLJO "O BNB[JOH $#% JOGVTFE NBTL BOE DBOOBCJT moisturiser make this the ultimate calming facial experience. Leaving you deeply relaxed, chilled and with a beautiful healthy glow. We have this on PGGFS GPS UIF NPOUI PG "QSJM BU | TBWJOH | Cannabis products have been popular within the shop as a food supplement for nearly 4 years, with many people experiencing life changing results. We have an organic range of oils, sprays and capsules to suit everyone’s challenges.CBD has been known to help anxiety, sleep, mood, epilepsy, arthritis, and support menopause and wellbeing. We have many customers who share testimonies of getting fantastic pain relief. and still enjoy things they enjoy doing without having to take painkillers. As an established reputable business you can be assured of premium quality as not all CBD products offer the best forms of full spectrum cannabis. The latest addition to the range is proving to be so popular, CANNABIS TEA! Available in tea bags, loose or blended with peppermint to support digestion issues, customer feedback has been shared to be as good as the real thing! One tea bag will make you 3 cups of the most relaxing tea you’ll ever have. Anyone who is interested in renting a room and joining the team can contact Jane directly - www.healthfoodsforyou. DP VL JT XIFSF ZPV DBO CVZ BMM ZPVS TVQQMFNFOUT BOE [FSP XBTUF SFÙMMBCMFT 0SEFST PWFS | XJMM SFDFJWF '3&& 1 1 Thank you for continuing to support and shop local. Our current Opening Hours are Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm, Wednesday late night until 9.00pm 01787 828262 or the Salon on 01787 377948
CACI Non Surgical Face Lift Only £25.00 saving £10.00 for first treatment This full facial treatment for men & woman lifts, tightens and tones facial muscles, whilst improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A totally relaxing treatment with noticeable and dramatic results.
CBD Cannabis Facial Only £45.00 Saving £15.00 Shop & Book Online: Tel: 01787 377948 ◆ 76 North Street ◆ Sudbury ◆ Suffolk ◆ CO10 1RF
Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 17
Hello from Sudbury Library
Free Site Visits and Full Bathroom Design Service Buy 5x25kg Ba of Salt T gs ablet for £42 s .00 &
We’re very excited to announce that we now have a new library manager, 2ACHEL 4AYLOR Rachel has worked with us before and many of you will know her from her previous positions within Suffolk Libraries. Gareth has moved on, within the company and we wish him well. That leads me nicely to our other piece of wonderful news; we are currently working on a plan to reopen safely. We already offer reservations and our Select and Collect service. 3ELECT AND #OLLECT JT BWBJMBCMF PO MJOF KVTU ÙMM PVU UIF GPSN PO UIF website, call in, or ring us at the library on 01787 321595.Our wonderful team will have a look at your requests and choose a selection of books for you to come and pick up. Do give this a try if you haven’t already; lots of QFPQMF XIP IBWF VTFE UIF TFSWJDF IBWF CFFO QMFBTBOUMZ TVSQSJTFE ÙOEJOH authors and even whole genres they didn’t know they liked! Our current opening hours are -ONDAY 3ATURDAY AM TILL PM AND 2.30pm till 4.30pm. We cannot offer browsing yet but we will try to get your bundles of books 3ELECT AND #OLLECT PS SFTFSWBUJPOT GVMÙMMFE BT quickly as we can, just bear in mind that COVID 19 restrictions are still in place and some things are taking longer than normal. We thank you for your patience. We’ll still be putting together some of our on-line offering, along with colleagues at other Suffolk Libraries, so have a look at the website and click on the links. If you or someone you know needs to borrow a laptop, we can help with this too. We have a scheme called $EVICE TO YOUR $OOR which you can take advantage of by ringing 07735 609303 or send an e-mail to DEVICETOYOURDOOR SUFFOLKLIBRARIES Lines are open Mon-Fri 9-12pm and you can leave a message out of hours. We are also planning Suffolk Libraries Day on March 20th. There are lots of on-line events and a SCARECROW TRAIL. Come along to the library and see our -ARY 0OPPINS GVMM TJ[F TDBSFDSPX :PV DBO ESBX ZPVS PXO TNBMMFS scarecrow or come along to the library and have a go at naming ours for a small donation. :PV DBO BMTP ÙOE VT IFSF 3UFFOLKLIBRARIES CO UK OR ON &ACEBOOK 4WITTER )NSTAGRAM AND 9OU4UBE Other contacts are:- e-mail Sudbury. Our central services contact is help@ and their telephone number is . If you’d prefer us to call you, for any reason at all, let us know and we can join you up to our g0HONE A &RIENDs scheme. Our extended library family will be making calls to anyone who would like a chat. In the meantime, stay safe, keep smiling and sort out some book reservations! Andrea, Sudbury Library
Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare Reg charity no 1124029
Trade Countering b for plumlies supp
Don’t Forget! Our Bathroom Showroom is open Weekdays 7.00 am - 5.30 pm and Saturdays 8.00 am - 12 noon Plumb Mate Ltd, Unit 2a Seager Court, Crockett Road, Hadleigh
Tel: 01473 810088 • Fax: 01473 810055 Email:
As Easter approaches, our SESAW volunteer, Karen, who specialises in looking after our rabbits offers some seasonal advice. “Rabbits running, playing and grooming each other is a lovely sight but sadly they are often neglected because people assume they are easy to look after and don’t realise they can live for ten years. Rabbits should be neutered and receive yearly vaccinations, regular worming and health checks. They need a spacious exercise area attached to a roomy hutch as a place to rest in, NOT A PRISON. They are not solitary by nature and happily live in pairs or groups. Unlike Bugs Bunny, rabbits do not just eat carrots! The diet should consist of 80% good quality hay, small amounts of commercial feed and leafy greens. They DO NOT like being picked or carried around so children should play with them at ground level. If you understand that having a rabbit is NOT an easy or short term commitment, then please offer a home to a rescue rabbit after Easter.” That just leaves enough space for Karen’s contact details when you have ÙOJTIFE ZPVS DIPDPMBUF FHHT CVU NBLF TVSF UP LFFQ UIFN BXBZ GSPN BMM the dogs including me, Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua. Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare, Registered Charity No.1124029, Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP.
18 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
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