Sudbury & Long Melford Community News, December 2020

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Have your say on Market Hill proposals The design concepts for the Market Hill area of Sudbury have gone on display in a shop window near to the area that could become a pedestrianfriendly space in the future.

Residents have been asked to have their say on proposals which reveal how Market Hill could be used for shoppers, visitors, and events. The new-look Market Hill area could boost footfall through the town to support shops and businesses, improve connectivity and town centre experience and become a focal point for the town.

Design concepts for Market Hill are available to view online

The design concepts were launched online last week and are now on display in the shop window at 10 Old Market Place, Sudbury. The display will provide an opportunity for residents visiting the town centre for exercise or essential shopping to view the plans in person. Despite a good initial response to the online public engagement, the deadline for responding has been extended to Monday 14 December. 5IF QSPQPTBMT GPS .BSLFU )JMM SFWFBM B ÚFYJCMF layout with three distinct areas which could be used individually or combined for events and


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Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |

market days. The design concepts have been developed using feedback from the ‘What Next for Sudbury?’ exhibition held earlier this year and from partners in the Sudbury Vision Steering Group. Local businesses, retailers and stakeholders have already had an PQQPSUVOJUZ UP DPNNFOU PO UIF QMBOT JO UIF Ă™STU QIBTF PG FOHBHFNFOU earlier this autumn. Babergh District Council, working in partnership with Suffolk County Council, commissioned WSP Consultants to develop the plans as part of the wider Sudbury Vision programme. Babergh District Council’s cabinet member for economic growth and Chair of the Sudbury Vision Steering Group, Cllr Michael Holt said: “With social distancing restrictions in place, we are unable to hold a public exhibition in the same way we did earlier this year. I encourage residents to view the proposals either online or on the displays if they are visiting the town centre for essential shopping or exercise and have their say before Monday 14 December.â€? At the start of this year, a public exhibition ‘What Next for Sudbury?’ welcomed over 800 people who had the opportunity to see and comment of a range of projects. The proposals for Market Hill and associated questionnaire will be available to access through Babergh District Council’s website and feedback must be submitted by 5pm on 14 December 2020: uk/markethillsurvey. Alternatively, the online survey can be downloaded and returned by email:

Sudbury set to showcase silk project Sudbury residents can explore more of the town’s silk industry whilst out on their daily exercise – with woven panels crafted by Creative Young Weavers and the local community now on display. The Creative Young Weavers exhibition, housed in a shop window in the heart of the town, opened on November 2. Silk woven panels created by the project, funded by the Arts Council of England and Babergh District Council, will be on display until January 2021. Guided by local textile artist Frin Arnold, participants used mini looms to work with waste cardboard and silk selvedge generated by Sudbury’s silk weaving process. These workshops also provided opportunity for TDIPPMDIJMESFO UP Ă™OE PVU NPSF BCPVU UIF JOEVTUSZ This initiative follows the success of the recent Sudbury Silk Stories project – showcasing the talented local workforce who produce some of UIF Ă™OFTU TJML DMPUI JO UIF XPSME Plans for Creative Young Weavers to begin in March were put on hold in response to the pandemic and subsequent lockdown restrictions. Following additional COVID-19 secure measures to ensure public safety, the initiative was remodelled, and the project was able to resume last month. Project co-ordinator Carole Creasey said “It was a challenge to remodel this project but we have been overwhelmed by the positive response and we are hugely grateful for the continuing support of Stephen Walters, Vanners and the community who all helped us to make this happen.â€? With some of the original schools no longer able to take part, supporters of the project and community groups were invited to contribute their own weaving sample for display. Groups, including Sudbury QH Women’s Institute, rallied together to provide 30 samples and this support continued when the project faced UIF DIBMMFOHF PG Ă™OEJOH B OFX WFOVF GPS UIF FYIJCJUJPO EVF UP $07*% restrictions. An alternative space was found with help from local contacts including Sudbury Town Council and the Tourist Information Centre. The vacant shop unit at 2 Market Hill, opposite the library, has been kindly loaned to the project by Carter Jonas and Stephen Maguire. 5IF FYIJCJUJPO XJMM Ă™MM UIF TIPQ XJOEPX BU .BSLFU )JMM BOE PSHBOJTFST BSF FODPVSBHJOH UIF QVCMJD UP UBLF B TFMĂ™F JO GSPOU PG UIF EJTQMBZ XIJMTU PVU PO their daily exercise. This can then be emailed or posted to social media using the information in the window – creating an online celebration and shining a spotlight on the town’s silk industry. For more information about Creative Young Weavers and Sudbury Silk Stories follow the project on Twitter and Instagram, or visit

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Sudbury solicitors offer guidance to increasing numbers of bereaved:

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The devastating impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has been highlighted by SFDFOU BOBMZTJT GSPN UIF 0GÙDF GPS /BUJPOBM 4UBUJTUJDT /FBSMZ NPSF EFBUIT have been recorded in 2020 up to and including September, compared to the same period in 2019*. This staggering loss of life means an increased number of husbands, wives, sons BOE EBVHIUFST BSF UIJT ZFBS ÙOEJOH UIFNTFMWFT JO UIF BXGVM QPTJUJPO PG HSJFWJOH for a loved one. At the same time they have to deal with the administration of their loved-one’s estate. *U DBO CF B CJH TIPDL UP CF OPUJÙFE UIBU ZPV BSF BO &YFDVUPS VQPO UIF EFBUI of a loved one. The gravitas of the role and sense of responsibility can seem PWFSXIFMNJOH BU BO BMSFBEZ EJGÙDVMU UJNF 3FDPHOJTJOH UIBU BO JODSFBTFE OVNCFS PG QFPQMF BSF ÙOEJOH UIFNTFMWFT EFBMJOH XJUI TVDI NBUUFST EVF UP UIF WJSVT NBOZ far sooner than they would have reasonably anticipated), Holmes & Hills Solicitors is offering free initial guidance to Executors*. The role and responsibilities of Executor The role of Executor is pivotal. Fundamentally, an Executor must handle all aspects of the deceased’s estate and distribute assets in accordance with the Will. Depending on the nature of the estate – meaning the assets owned by that individual - there are a number steps that must be taken by the executors, including, but not limited to: • Ensuring any property owned by the deceased is secured, as soon as possible; • Taking steps to check if the Will they have is the last Will that the deceased made; • Ascertaining the assets in the estate; • "EWJTJOH ÙOBODJBM JOTUJUVUJPOT PG UIF EFBUI BOE BSSBOHJOH UP TFUUMF BOZ MJBCJMJUJFT • "QQMZJOH GPS B (SBOU PG 1SPCBUF JG OFDFTTBSZ • Paying any Inheritance Tax and Income Tax that might be due; • Opening an Executor’s bank account to receive estate monies; • %JTUSJCVUF UIF FTUBUF UP UIF CFOFÙDJBSJFT VOEFS UIF UFSNT PG UIF 8JMM BOE DIFDLJOH JG UIFZ BSF FOUJUMFE UP SFDFJWF UIF NPOJFT J F UIFZ BSF OPU CBOLSVQU • Checking for unknown creditors. Risk to Executors It is important that all duties are carried out by the Executor correctly and full records are kept. Holmes & Hills warns that many Executors are not aware that their role carries personal liability in the event a matter is dealt with incorrectly, even if it was an honest mistake. Executors that have not yet applied for Grant of Probate can call 01787 275275 to obtain free initial guidance on their role and responsibilities from a specialist.


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A Christmas Carol This is my Theatre are bringing a performance of A Christmas Carol to St Peters in Sudbury on Wednesday 16th December at 5pm and 7.30pm. Performance will be following all the Government guidelines including being socially distanced and a full refund will be given if the event has to be cancelled. Audiences are invited to celebrate the festive season with the classic tale ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens, performed and brought to life in a stunning one act adaptation by This is my Theatre. With traditional DBSPMT GPS BMM UP TJOH UIJT XJMM EFÙOJUFMZ HFU BMM PG UIF GBNJMZ JO UIF NPPE GPS Christmas. For more information and to book tickets visit

Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |

The Mayor writes... By the time that you are reading this report, hopefully we will out of our second lockdown, but who knows where we will be heading after this, it looks like we may have a vaccine by Christmas which would be fantastic especially if it provides immunity as well. But we must not get carried away, we need to remain vigilant to avoid spreading this deadly virus, as JU XJMM UBLF TPNF UJNF CFGPSF UIFSF XJMM CF TVGÙDJFOU GPS UIF XIPMF PG UIF community. You would think that my workload would be diminishing during this period, far from it, yes the level of Mayoral activity has slowed down somewhat but is being replaced by the amount of activity in some of my other functions, although be it holding virtual meetings in the comfort of my own home, but I will cover some of those issues later in this report.

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We recently held the Mayors Christmas card competition which is held every year at this time with all Primary Schools in the area invited to take part. There are no losers as every entry has taken a great deal of thought and effort by every child, but one has to be chosen to be sent all over Suffolk and beyond to wish festive greeting to all of the other Mayors and %JHOJUBSJFT 5IJT ZFBSmT DBSE XBT QSPEVDFE CZ 4PÙF #SPXO 0m4IFB UIF joint runners up were Imogene Thompson and Miley Gardiner all aged 10 all from St Gregory’s VC Primary School, with Jessica Lock aged 5 ÙOJTIJOH UIJSE BOE 5SJOJUZ %FNIBN BHFE ÙOJTIJOH GPVSUI CPUI GSPN 1PU Kiln Community Primary School. There were 11 highly recommended GSPN 8BMEJOHÙFME 7$ 1SJNBSZ 5VEPS $ PG & 1SJNBSZ BT XFMM BT 8FMMT )BMM Community Primary school. Thank you to all the Schools and children that took part. I mentioned in my last report the consultation taking place over the Chilton 8PPET EFWFMPQNFOU JO UIBU SFQPSU * NFOUJPOFE UIBU JU JODMVEFE PG BGGPSEBCMF IPVTJOH * OFFE UP DPSSFDU UIBU UP NZ BQPMPHJFT GPS misleading you. Taylor-Wimpey who are providing the housing on the development are conducting a consultation exercise on the Design code, every household in the area should have received a letter explaining it, I hope many of you took part and had your say, you may still be able to make a contribution, ZPV DBO ÙOE JU BU XXX UBZMPSXJNQFZ DP VL Suffolk County Council have joined forces with Babergh/mid Suffolk District Council to present a draft of what they would like the future of Sudbury Market Hill to look like, you can take part in this exercise at, www. and in the search box, Sudbury market hill, where you will be able to enter the questions & answers box. The Boundary Commission are consulting on the future shape of the boundary divisions for Suffolk, the purpose is to reduce the number of County Councillors from 75 to 70 and to adjust boundary lines to provide each Councillor with a similar number of electorate. The reason I am mentioning this is because the Town Council discussed it and were concerned that the Sudbury electorate was being split between three separate divisions. That’s all for now, I am sorry from deviating from my normal report but I thought it was necessary to inform you of the issues that will be affecting you in the future, stay safe. Jack Owen Town Mayor for Sudbury

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3 Dairy Cottages Hall Street Long Melford Sudbury CO10 9JA Tel: 01787 311151 Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 5


Advertise your business in our Community News magazines... To advertise in any of our magazines (Hadleigh Community News, The Village Edition or Sudbury & Long Melford Community News), just give Jason a call on 01473 652354 or email A total of 17,800 copies of these local Community News magazines are delivered to homes and businesses monthly.

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0ROPOSALSÂ&#x;TOÂ&#x;BUILDÂ&#x;FULL Ă›BREÂ&#x;BROADBANDÂ&#x;INÂ&#x;3UDBURYÂ&#x;HAVEÂ&#x;BEENÂ&#x;LAUNCHEDÂ&#x; by East Anglia-based County Broadband. Copyright: Warren Page. Credit: County Broadband

Sudbury could join the UK’s top BROADBANDĂ’SPEEDSĂ’ASĂ’WORLD CLASSĂ’FULL ÂľBREĂ’ infrastructure is earmarked for the town Community leaders are urging residents in Sudbury to back proposals to CVJME B OFX GVMM Ă™CSF OFUXPSL VOWFJMFE CZ $PVOUZ #SPBECBOE XIJDI BJNT to transform the town’s digital connectivity into one of the most fastest and reliable in the UK. Around 8,000 homes are earmarked to receive the service and have been added to the community provider’s growing rollout of its new gigabitcapable digital infrastructure across rural East Anglia. The local project is being backed by a ÂŁ46 million private investment from Aviva Investors. Hyperfast network would replace the current part-copper Superfast FTTC JOGSBTUSVDUVSF Ă™CSF UP UIF DBCJOFU UIBU EBUFT CBDL UP UIF 7JDUPSJBO UJNFT XJUI '551 Ă™CSF UP UIF QSFNJTFT BOE EFMJWFS JNQSPWFE SFMJBCJMJUZ BOE provide speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps – nearly 20 times faster than the UK average. The infrastructure could be built and operational by spring 2022. Neighbouring villages Belchamp Otten, Belchamp St. Paul and Belchamp Walter approved the plans for their communities and had the network built earlier this year. In total, over 100 villages in north-east Essex, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk are earmarked in the rollout. Lloyd Felton, chief executive of County Broadband, said: “We would like to work with the people of Sudbury to build our brand new, GVMM Ă™CSF OFUXPSL UIBU XJMM provide the town with much needed reliable and faster broadband speeds now, and equip them for whatever the future brings. One thing the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us is just how important a dependable broadband connection Lloyd Felton, chief executive of is and the urgent need County Broadband. for a faster, more reliable Credit: County Broadband broadband service at home. “We are already well underway with dozens of similar projects in rural areas around Sudbury – and we are now looking forward to extending PVS GVMM Ă™CSF TFSWJDF UP SFTJEFOUT PG UIF UPXO JUTFMG CSJOHJOH BGGPSEBCMF lightning fast broadband services to residents and businesses. We’re asking people to register their interest online to help how we plan and QSJPSJUJTF CSJOHJOH SFBM GVMM Ă™CSF CSPBECBOE UP UIF UPXO “Over the next few weeks we will be hosting a series of online events with residents to answer questions about the project and will be working with the local authorities to provide more information about the service.â€? Prime minister Boris Johnson is relying on local providers like County #SPBECBOE UP BDIJFWF IJT ĂšBHTIJQ UBSHFU PG 6, XJEF HJHBCJU TQFFE connectivity by 2025. It forms part of his “infrastructure revolutionâ€? to catch up with the rest of the world and support the Covid-19 economic recovery. The news also follows fresh government advice to work from home until next spring. $JBSBO (SJGĂ™O 5PXO $MFSL BU 4VECVSZ 5PXO $PVODJM TBJE n4VECVSZ 5PXO Council is delighted to see that we will be one of the UK’s top performers for broadband speed and reliability. Covid-19 is forcing rapid changes, with many more residents working from home and local businesses building e-commerce platforms to support their high street presence. This world-class digital infrastructure will be vital to attract new business to Sudbury, helping the recovery and building resilience for the future.â€? Residents should visit to register their interest in the project which will enable County Broadband to plan and prioritise the rollout of its service.

Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |

Sudbury Library Hi everyone, It’s December already, the year seems to have gone by very quickly. We’re continuing to work hard to get the service back to some semblance of normal. I’m sure you can all appreciate, we really want to get everything back up and running for you, but we must do it in a way that is safe for staff and our customers. We’re really hoping that once the lock down is eased, we will be able to reopen the whole library for browsing. As with September when we offered browsing, if we can offer it again in December there will be a one-way system in place, and we will be limiting the number of customers allowed in at once. This is to ensure we comply with government rules on social distancing. There is a sanitiser station set up as you come into the MJCSBSZ BOE XF EP BTL UIBU DVTUPNFST BSF NJOEGVM PG UIF ÚPPS NBSLJOHT BOE follow the one-way system in place and if you come in as a family please stick together. Obviously, this is all subject to easing of restrictions. We are always available on 01787 321595 to answer any queries you may have about what we have in place to keep everyone safe, or the services we currently offer, so please call us if you want too. Thank you all for your continued support and patience, we really do appreciate it. We are working hard on a plan to introduce all the services you love, but I’m sure you will understand we need to make sure they are introduced safely. At this stage we do not have a solid timeframe from when we will be back to “normal”. We are reviewing things regularly, so hopefully we will be able to add things in as time goes on. Our current opening hours are as follows: Monday – Saturday 10:00 - 13:00 & 14:30 - 16:30 From all the team here at Sudbury Library, we hope you enjoy the festivities in whatever way you can this year and have a happy new year. We are looking forward to what 2021 brings, whatever that may be. .FSSZ $ISJTUNBT IBQQZ OFX ZFBS UP ZPV J LOPX JUmT B CJU FBSMZ Gareth

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December’s Advice Page

Is your club, society or charity in need of PRINT? call Jason on 01473 652354 or

Printing for Pleasure Ltd Elder House | Chattisham Ipswich | Suffolk | IP8 3QE

Local Community Community News


7600 copies of the The Sudbury & Long Melford Community News are delivered to local homes and businesses during the first week of each month We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month A total of 18800 copies of these Community News Magazines are delivered during the first week of each month

I’m a bit concerned about buying goods online. What happens if something goes wrong, or if I change my mind after seeing something in reality? I don’t have money to lose right now. You’re not alone being cautious about shopping online. Over the last year Citizens Advice Consumer Service has dealt with just under 123,000 cases in relation to online shopping. Most of the time, when you buy something online you automatically get a 14-day ‘cooling-off period’ which starts the day after you receive your order. There doesn’t need to be anything wrong with the item for you to get a refund. Many online sellers may offer more time, so make sure you check the terms and conditions before purchasing. There are some exceptions, like buying something bespoke or perishable, MJLF ĂšPXFST PS DIPDPMBUFT 5IFSF BSF BMTP FYDFQUJPOT JG UIF QSPEVDU JT sealed, like face masks or CDs. If you do decide to return your item, you need to tell the seller you don’t want the item within 14 days of receiving it. Once you’ve told the seller, you’ve got 14 days to send it back. The seller has to pay you the refund within 14 days from when they receive the item. You may have to pay the cost of posting something back to the seller, but you don’t have to return the item in its original packaging as long as you’ve wrapped it safely. If you don’t wrap it safely and the item gets damaged, the seller can reduce your refund. *UmT B HPPE JEFB UP HFU B DFSUJĂ™DBUF PG QPTUJOH GSPN 3PZBM .BJM XIFO ZPV post the item. You can use this to prove to the seller that you posted the item. *G ZPV CVZ TPNFUIJOH POMJOF BOE UIF QSPEVDU JT GBVMUZ J F JUmT CSPLFO unusable or doesn’t match what was advertised), you have 30 days to ask for a refund from when you receive it. However, you can choose to BDDFQU B SFQMBDFNFOU PS SFQBJS "GUFS EBZT BOE CFGPSF TJY NPOUIT UIF seller must offer you a repair within a reasonable timeframe. If this isn’t possible, they must offer you a replacement or a refund. Ask the seller for the easiest way to send the item back. You shouldn’t have to pay. If you order something and it doesn’t arrive, it’s the seller’s responsibility to make sure the item is delivered to you. If the seller used a courier, they TIPVME DIBTF UIF DPVSJFS UP Ă™OE PVU XIBUmT IBQQFOFE UP ZPVS PSEFS JUmT not your responsibility. Check the delivery address you gave the seller. Then contact them and ask where your order is. If the seller claims they’ve delivered it or don’t know where it is, you can ask for a redelivery. You might also be able to get a refund in some circumstances. Check out the Citizens Advice website or contact the Consumer Service helpline on 0808 223 1133 if you need more help. *Please note we are no longer seeing clients face to face until further notice* We are providing advice by telephone and email, Monday – Thursday, 10am – 1pm. Please phone 01787 321400 if you need advice and leave a message and someone will call you back when available. We will attempt three times to call you back, so please expect a call from a withheld number. You can also ring our Advice line on 0800 144 88 48 or 0300 330 1151. Alternatively, contact us via email at or by using the contact facility on our website Contact: Elaine Gorman Email: Sudbury & District Citizens Advice Keyse House, Acton Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 1QN

Maids of Melford Domestic and Commercial Cleaning

Our contact details are: Editor: Mr Jason Holder

t. 01473 656021 Sudbury Community News is produced by Printing for Pleasure Elder House, The Street, Chattisham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3QE 8

We established Maids of Melford eight years ago to serve businesses and homes in the local community. Services we offer include: Home cleaning, Spring cleaning, End of tenancy cleaning, Guest houses cleaning, Holiday LETĂ’ CLEANING Ă’ /FÂľCEĂ’ CLEANING Ă’ 0UB Ă’ "ARĂ’ ANDĂ’ Restaurant cleaning, Carpet cleaning, Oven CLEANING Ă’ "UILDERSĂ’ CLEANING Ă’ 3PARKLEĂ’ CLEANING Ă’ ALONGĂ’WITHĂ’WASHINGĂ’ANDĂ’IRONING Ă’0EACEĂ’OFĂ’MINDĂ’ISĂ’ guaranteed, we are fully insured and professional. We are offering an introductionary 10% discount to new clients; call Esme today on 07850 048375 to book.

Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |

Rotary Round-up Christmas Tree Festival It was with much disappointment that the decision was taken to not hold the annual Rotary Christmas Tree Festival in St Peter’s, because of continuing concerns about Coronavirus. This was despite having planned the event carefully to ensure the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors, and knowing that the festival raises most of the money which Rotary is able to donate to their chosen charities each year. Fees already received have been returned to potential exhibitors but we are grateful to those who have donated their fee to Rotary charities. Thank you.

Success After Stroke is an active and supportive self-help group for stroke survivors, based in Sudbury. Our team of professional therapists and dedicated volunteers are there to encour-age the rehabilitation, confidence and independence of our members. During Covid-19 restrictions we are currently unable to enjoy our twice weekly face-to-face meetings at the Stevenson Centre in Great Cornard. We are however offering the following services:

Twice weekly Zoom exercise classes ( Tues & Fri 9.30-10.30 am) with our Neuro Physiotherapist. Having planted 1,000 purple crocus corms, members pose with MP James Cartlidge and his wife (photo: Jerry Crawford) Crocus Planting While weekly meetings continue via a Zoom link, there was an opportunity for members to get together to help plant purple crocuses in readiness for next Spring’s World Polio Day. Gathering on the green area opposite The Croft, the group was joined by MP James Cartlidge and members of his family. Social distancing was observed and face masks worn as appropriate and the planting was completed in a very short space of time, on a dry and sunny morning in October. End Polio Campaign In 1985 Polio was still endemic, covering 125 countries with three types PG UIF EJTFBTF UZQFT BOE 0OMZ POF JO QFPQMF IBWF TZNQUPNT of the disease, which attacks the central nervous system. Type 2 was eradicated in 2015 and type 3 in 2019. This has only been possible through the on-going support and determination of Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, to ensure vaccination programmes are put in place. By 2020, the only Polio endemic regions are Afghanistan and Pakisan, a comparatively small area on the world map, but still devastating to those who contract the disease. To succeed in eradicating Polio, 200 billion doses of oral vaccine still have to be administered to more than 400 million children in over 50 countries each and every year. There has to be zero cases of Polio and zero environmental samples before the world can be DFSUJÙFE 1PMJP GSFF 5P BDIJFWF UIJT 3PUBSZ IBT DPNNJUUFE UP SBJTJOH million dollars each year to support global polio eradication. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation support the programme, doubling the amount raised by Rotary each year. In the UK there are approximately 120,000 survivors of Polio, including many who develop Post-Polio Syndrome after 30 to 40 years of having the disease. Rotary is working to identify and provide care for Polio survivors too.

Weekly Zoom conversation group (Friday 10.30-11.30am) with our Speech and Language Therapists. Monthly Zoom meetings for carers, held with our Mental Wellbeing therapist. In addition we have IT support for any member who feels they may need help in setting up their Ipad/tablet/ computer in order to participate in the above. Fortnightly news bulletins sent to all members, together with regular telephone contact with our volunteers. If you are interested in joining up as a member or simply wish to find out what we do and how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us: Sarahjane Lewis ( Manager) Telephone: 07434 931962 E mail :

Website: Facebook: Success After Stroke Registered Charity no 1115016

Special Greeting Cards President Sandra Armitage, a gifted water colour artist, specialising in QBJOUJOHT PG ĂšPXFST IBT DSFBUFE B HSFFUJOHT DBSE XJUI B QJDUVSF PG QVSQMF crocuses, which are being dedicated to the End Polio campaign, and have been on sale through the Club and to the wider Rotary membership in this district. Funds raised from sale of the cards will be donated to the End Polio campaign. For anyone wishing to purchase Sandra’s cards, please contact her via the Club’s web site or leave a NFTTBHF PO UIF $MVC UFMFQIPOF Thank you and Looking Ahead Sudbury Rotary thanks everyone who has generously supported our work, especially during the past year when fund-raising has been so badly affected. If you wish to contact Sudbury Rotary Club – perhaps with a view to becoming more involved in Rotary meetings and activities, please leave B NFTTBHF PO UIF $MVC UFMFQIPOF :PV DPVME USZ UIJT GPS free via a Zoom link to begin meeting other members of the Club! When groups begin to meet ‘normally’ again, your organisation might wish to invite a Rotary speaker to talk in more detail about the work of Sudbury 3PUBSZ BOE UIF JOUFSOBUJPOBM XPSL XIJDI 3PUBSJBOT EP UP CFOFĂ™U UIPTF JO need. The new promotional video “A year in the life of Sudbury Rotaryâ€? can also be shown, tracing just some of the activities with which members DBO CF JOWPMWFE 5IF Ă™MN DBO BMTP CF TFFO CZ BDDFTTJOH UIF $MVCmT XFC site: Rotarian Lesley Ford-Platt

Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 9

Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare Reg charity no 1124029

Kenny’s SESAW News

Free Site Visits and Full Bathroom Design Service Buy 5x25kg Ba of Salt T gs ablet for ÂŁ42 s .00


Hello, I guess this trail of biscuit crumbs, boiled sweets and tissues is from Mum’s pocket, thanks to my housemate, Pushy Penny. If Mum leaves her coat unattended, that naughty Yorkie wastes no time in raiding the contents. Nothing is safe, sometimes she chews a hole right through, hence the scattered contents. We hope the Lockdown has ended when you read this so that our plans are safe and not scattered. We should be selling ‘classy gifts’ and running a Tombola at the Festive Fair on Saturday 12th December at Bridge Farm Barn, Monks Eleigh, IP7 7AY. Christmas face masks will also be on offer, quite the musthave fashion accessory for humans! Sadly the Sudbury Christmas Tree Festival in St. Peter’s Church has been cancelled but we hope to attend the Langham Christmas Fair rescheduled for Sunday 6th December. We are still rehoming animals by appointment only but politely ask that nothing is left at the Sanctuary without prior arrangement. Everything must be quarantined to protect volunteers and bedding, food or sale goods left at random make this impossible. Thank you for your unwavering support and best wishes for a safe and peaceful Christmas from all of us, JODMVEJOH 0MMJF UIF #MBDL $BU BOE NF ,FOOZ UIF #PTT $IJIVBIVB SESAW Christmas Appeal 5IJT ZFBS GPS UIF Ă™STU UJNF FWFS XF BSF NBLJOH B $ISJTUNBT "QQFBM Unfortunately COVID-19 has severely curtailed our fundraising efforts but B SFHVMBS NPOUIMZ QBZNFOU GPS BT MJUUMF BT | NPSF JG ZPV XJTI XJMM IFMQ VT so much at the moment. If you would like to give someone a present that will help a needy animal throughout the year, please make cheques or BACS payable to Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare at NatWest Bank, Account No. 52717321, Sort Code 60-21-30. Alternatively, go to our sponsorship on our website at: or phone for a form. Thank you to all supporters, past, present and future. Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare, Reg.Charity No.1124029. Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. 01787 210888

The Sudbury Baptist Church BIG Christmas Tree!

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This year we will be celebrating Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ in different ways to normal, and because of the likelihood of continuing restrictions, our decorations will be outside for anyone walking past to see! We would love your help in decorating our big Christmas tree which will be PVUTJEF UIF $IVSDI CVJMEJOH GSPN UIF ÙSTU XFFLFOE JO "EWFOU "OZ BOE everyone can join in, and we pray that this simple act will help us to feel connected over this special season. The simple decorations will come ready prepared to make at home, and then you can make the trip to the tree outside the church building, on Church Street, when it suits you during the lead up to Christmas. For children and young people we have some extra Christmas goodie packs with a few treats and some activities for your own tree at home. We would love to give you these as a thank-you for hanging your decoration on the tree outside church. We will be in touch when we know how we can get these to you once the current Lockdown is over, hopefully by the beginning of December. If you would like a Christmas tree decoration pack delivered to your door so you can be part of the Sudbury Baptist Church Christmas Tree Star 1SPKFDU QMFBTF MFU VT LOPX CZ ÙMMJOH JO ZPVS EFUBJMT WJB UIF MJOL CFMPX c8nc7y5tlFDEzQ3xlWqT2y3TdA/viewform Thank you for taking part and making our tree a very special part of the community this Christmas time.

10 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |

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The generosity of the congregation of St Andrews Church in Gt Cornard, St Gregory’s Church in Sudbury and All Saints Church in Sudbury, provide much needed funds to support affordable counselling from Just Talk 2019 at The ExploringU centre for wellbeing at 54 Station Road in Sudbury. Reverend Chris Ramsey contacted Glenda Roberts, Director at JustTalk2019 to tell them that his parishioners would be raising funds to support the service, they raised in total ÂŁ1144.01 to help support the affordable counselling service that Just Talk 2019 provide. This means that this money will fund one hundred and fourteen sessions at ÂŁ10 each. At a time when the reports of a mental health crisis are being reported on a daily basis, many charities and counselling centres have closed or are only offering counselling sessions for existing clients over Zoom or one of the other Online platforms. JustTalk2019 are one of the very few counselling centres to be able to continue to offer face-to-face counselling support during the second lockdown. Working within the government guidelines for safe working, JustTalk2019 will continue to offer face-toface counselling unless the Government changes the guidelines. JustTalk2019 offers affordable counselling for people who would otherwise not be able to afford this much-needed service. It is only through the generosity of people like the parishioners St Andrews and St Gregory’s church, which we can continue to operate. The ÂŁ1114.01 pounds donated to our Bridge Fund is much needed in a world crisis. “We are so grateful to Reverend Chris Ramsey and his parishioners for reaching out to us. Their help and support is very much appreciated,â€? said Sharon Kendall, Placement Manager at the JustTalk2019. “We are constantly looking for new ways to fundraise so that we can continue to offer this essential affordable counselling service. Our team, who provide the counselling do what they can to raise funds to cover the cost of the counselling rooms, electricity etc. During these challenging times the need for counselling support has never been more important. We are seeing an increase in the number of calls from people looking for counselling support and our aim is to work without waiting lists, getting people the counselling when they need it. We work very hard to maintain this service and have student counsellors ready to PGGFS DPVOTFMMJOH XJUIJO B TIPSU TQBDF PG UJNF GSPN UIF Ă™STU DBMM This means that we are dependent on the generosity and the fundraising efforts of the people of Sudbury and in surrounding areas. We are currently working from our rented counselling centre in Station Road, but as demand for our service grows, we will need a bigger building, so our aim is to be able to afford our own building and continue our important work as the numbers of those needing counselling grow within the Sudbury community.â€? The team at JustTalk2019 would be delighted to hear from anyone who could make a donation to their Bridge Fund, or who could fundraise to help them to continue to keep this valuable service available to the people of Sudbury and the surrounding areas. If you would like to donate to our BRIDGE FUND - please email Info@ Or call: 0330 120 0279 We would love a bigger building in Sudbury to support the hundreds of people that require counselling, please get in touch as soon as possible if you are in a position to help.


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This advert is funded by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for the purpose of assisting James Cartlidge MP in the performance of his Parliamentary duties. Printed by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF

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James Cartlidge writes

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Member of Parliament for South Suffolk

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Last December was, like this one will inevitably be, an unusual Christmas. However, where the Yuletide of 2019 was disrupted by a general election, this year’s will be more fundamentally affected by Coronavirus. At that election I had the great honour to be re-elected for the third time in four and a half years as the Member of Parliament for South Suffolk. Despite the quite extraordinary impact of the pandemic, I’m proud that progress has still been made – where possible – on the promises I set out in my election address posted to every household in the constituency, 12 months ago. On the crucial issue of healthcare, I promised to support a rebuild of West Suffolk Hospital; and this was duly announced in October. I also promised UP EFMJWFS NPSF QPMJDF PGÙDFST *mN QMFBTFE UP DPOÙSN UIBU XF IBWF TJODF TFDVSFE OFX PGÙDFST GPS 4VGGPML UP CF JO QPTU CZ .BSDI DPWFSJOH Sudbury and Haverhill, with more to come. On the all important matter of infrastructure, at every election I’ve stood in since 2015 a hot topic has been the need to invest in and improve both the A12 and A14. In particular, local motorists will know the importance of the Copdock interchange in this regard. My election address promised to lobby for improvements to Copdock to be included as a scheme in the next 3PBE *OWFTUNFOU 4USBUFHZ 3*4 TUBUFNFOU JO .BSDI JU XBT EVMZ DPOÙSNFE that Copdock would indeed be part of the RIS pipeline of schemes to be developed in the years ahead. But as important as these achievements are, I’m all too aware of how the past year has been dominated by the impact of Coronavirus. Yet even here recent positive news on vaccines and mass testing offers much promise – and the possibility of better times ahead. Whatever shape our Christmas celebrations take, I wish each of my constituents an enjoyable and healthy festive period, notwithstanding Covid restrictions. I will be hoping for a return to normality in a less tumultuous 2021, and look forward to continuing my work as your MP. Merry Christmas one and all!

Patz Dayz Owt Well, what a year 2020 turned out to be!! Out of a year’s four holidays and at least one day trip each month, we ended up going on two days out in January and February before the dreaded virus put a stop top it. I did have one day trip when the coaches were back on the road again, and in February 30 people had booked on it, to go on a lovely long ride to Sussex in September, and an open air venue, blue sky and sunshine all day long, only 8 passengers were willing to go. I am afraid that is what will happen if I tried to continue, so I am very sorry, but PAT’S DAYZ OWT has come to an end. Age and Health put together have not helped me to consider carrying on. Thirteen years of volunteering successfully in organizing day trips and 5 day holidays for a virus to put an end to it all, plus I have not had such good luck myself health wise this year either, which does not help. So, I am very sorry, but JU IBT BMM DPNF UP BO FOE .Z ÙSTU IPMJEBZ HPU DBODFMMFE KVTU POF XFFL before we were due to go, the middle two really did not stand a chance to go, and the last lone was, thanks to Boris Johnson , cancelled with just two weeks to go. Any monies paid will be eventually returned to you, but I do not hold it myself, it was all passed on to the group company who did all the booking hotels coaches etc, - and owing to the virus are not at work at the moment, - but rest assured, all money is safe, and I will forward it once I receive it from them. I honestly do not think that even if I was willing to carry on I would not be able to get enough passengers willing to go to cover the cost of the coach. I would however, like to thank everyone who has travelled with me over the years, AS WITHOUT YOU THERE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A PAT’S DAYZ OWT.!!, and hope that you all enjoyed the outings as much as I did. It was a lot of work and responsibility, my proudest holiday was to Blackpool when I actually had three coaches and 126 passengers, and all staying in the same hotel at the same time, but the sad part was I had to leave poor hubby in hospital. I would like to thank Ron, my husband, for all his help, along with Steve, our driver, for many years giving us such comfortable rides, and his wife Karen when she could get time off work. Also, to Patrick, when he wasn’t working, who loved to help anyone, and was also very useful with helping luggage on our holidays. Lastly, I would like to thank Lester for helping with the adverts in the Sudbury and Melford magazine, often giving me a nudge that the time had come to do another entry. I sincerely hope you will all be able to enjoy Christmas 2020, and as I write this before December has been announced to our freedom or lockup has been arranged, may you enjoy your families to. I am lucky there, as all mine live close by. So, Happy Christmas, and may 2021 be a much improved year. HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. Maybe we will meet one day. OVER AND OUT. Pat Bennett. 01787 310982 07887 868259

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Further news from Stoke By Nayland Golf Club Order of Merit 8JUI UIF FOE PG UIF HPMĂ™OH TFBTPO UIF DPWFUFE 0SEFS of Merit competition, combining results from 25 competitions, has concluded. The winner, with 81 points, by a considerable margin, JT .BUU 8ZBUU QJDUVSFE SJHIU XIPTF DPOTJTUFODZ underpinned a great year for the 8 handicapper. )JT SVO PG UPQ QMBDFT HBWF IJN B TJ[FBCMF MFBE PWFS UIF SFTU PG UIF Ă™FME He was 4th overall in the Laird Stableford, including a 4th and 5th place in the early rounds. With a 4th place in Round 1 of the Club Championship too, Matt has seen his handicap drop from 10 to 8 since competitions resumed at the beginning of a July. *O OE QMBDF XFSF $ZSJM 8JMMJBNT BOE 3BMQI #BSUPO CPUI XJUI points. Women in Golf Charter 8F BSF EFMJHIUFE UP BOOPVODF UIBU 4UPLF CZ /BZMBOE IBT CFDPNF UIF Ă™STU Club in Essex to achieve ‘Women in Golf Charter’ status. Club President Lesley Garnett, with the help of Elaine Davidson, the Ladies section, the Club Committee, our Professionals and the Director of Golf, has been working tirelessly to put in place Stoke by Nayland’s commitments to the delivery of the Charter. -FTMFZ DPNNFOUFE n* IBWF FWFSZ DPOĂ™EFODF UIBU PVS JOJUJBUJWFT XJMM NBLF golf more inclusive and accessible for women and families at Stoke by Nayland. Women in Golf Charter: Lily May’s club Stoked for success Lily May Humphreys was once the shy and quiet girl on the practice range at Stoke By Nayland Golf Club in Essex. She remains grounded and humble, however the 18-year-old England international is fast becoming a big noise on the world stage. And now Lily May’s golf club is keen to encourage more women and girls to follow in her spikemarks and get into golf having become one of the latest clubs to sign up to The R&A’s Women in Golf Charter. The Charter is a club’s way of showing its commitment to not only boosting participation levels among women and girls, but also demonstrating the opportunities for a career within the golf industry. England Golf is a strong supporter of the Charter’s principles and this week endorsed a new programme, launched by The R&A, to build on the success of the campaign since its inception in 2018. The #FOREeveryone programme will complement the Women in Golf Charter initiative by providing resources and information for clubs and counties keen to embrace the idea. 4UPLF CZ /BZMBOE JT QSPVE UP CFDPNF UIF Ă™STU DMVC JO &TTFY UP TJHO UIF Charter. President Lesley Garnett – also the club’s Charter champion – has explained just why becoming a signatory was so important for her familyfriendly facility as they look to encourage a new group of women and girls to pick up a club and enjoy the game. “We were so happy to sign up for the Charter,â€? admitted Garnett. n* CFDBNF UIF Ă™STU GFNBMF 1SFTJEFOU PG UIF DMVC JO BOE XJUI UIJT DBNF a re-structuring of our committee and a chance to embrace new initiatives. “We have always been conscious of creating a family environment and encouraging juniors at the club. n8FmSF BMM WFSZ QSPVE PG -JMZ NBJO QJDUVSF XIP XBT NBZCF ZFBST PME and quite shy when she started out here. n/PX TIF IBT HPOF PO UP CFDPNF B UBMFOUFE BOE DPOĂ™EFOU HPMGFS BOE BO JOTQJSJOH Ă™HVSF IFSF BU 4UPLF #Z /BZMBOE “She loves playing in competitions and practising here when she can and she’s very generous with her time when we ask her to help with anything. “We would like more and more juniors to come through and we actively encourage parents to bring their children to the club and join in any junior programmes.â€? With the help of professional Roly Hitchcock, the club has embraced campaigns such as Girls Golf Rocks – run by England Golf and the Golf Foundation – and Get Into Golf with seven new female members joining on the back of the last programme. An innovative ‘Fortnight on the Fairways’ promotion also allowed beginners to try out golf as well as every aspect of club life for a two-week period in springtime before making a commitment to membership. Three of the club’s seven board members are women, ensuring their voice is heard when key policy decisions are made. Across the country, clubs and counties are pledging to make strides in developing the women’s and girls’ game. Lily May Humphries

14 Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |

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Top 3 Christmas Tree Tips 1. Choose the right tree

The fresher it is the longer it will last as the clock starts from the day it is cut.

2. Trim the trunk

Much like the flowers when you get them home, you need to trim the dry bit off the bottom. I would suggest taking six inches off, but the aim is to get down to the wet wood as the tree will have started to dry out. Drop it in a bucket of water and keep the bucket topped up, as a tree can easily absorb a gallon of water if it’s been cut a while.



2020 Innovation Award winners announced The winners of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council Innovations Awards have been announced at a virtual ceremony.

3. Putting the tree up

Position your tree away from sources of heat and the most important thing is to make sure the tree gets a daily drink. And when it’s all over ‌ Check the Babergh District Council website about Christmas Tree Recycling.

The awards recognised and celebrated organisations who are thinking PVUTJEF UIF CPY BOE ÙOEJOH OFX XBZT UP SFBDI DVTUPNFST CFDPNJOH NPSF sustainable or growing their business. Almost 30 businesses were shortlisted in 11 categories in a range of sectors including food, retail, technology, and customer service. The Shooting Star award, for most innovative company was presented to Stowmarket based Halo Service Solutions, while Challs International Ltd in Hadleigh were awarded Most Innovative SME.

Healing for Everyone

One of the stars of the evening was Modece Architects Ltd in Stowmarket who received three awards on the night: Most Innovative Microbusiness, Innovation in Sustainability and Innovation in Construction. The Tomorrow’s World award for technology was presented to Acorn Bots -UE GSPN 'SFTTJOHÙFME BOE UIF *OOPWBUJPO JO )FBMUIDBSF BXBSE XJOOFS XBT the Personal Training Centre in Sudbury.

Homeopathy is a gentle, effective form of healing. It is a complete system that can be applied to any condition or disease. Entirely natural remedies encourage the body and mind to heal themselves as a whole.

The Innovation in Customer Service award and High Street Innovation BXBSET XFSF QSFTFOUFE UP 8FTU 7JFX *5 -UE 4UPXNBSLFU BOE 'FSHVTPOmT %FMJ )BEMFJHI SFTQFDUJWFMZ XIJMF :VN :VN 5SFF 'VEHF CBTFE JO 8PPMQJU was presented with the Future Food award. The Rising Star award, which recognised the regions young innovator aged between 16-25 was presented jointly to Chloe Davis and Sophie Tapscott for their work and commitment to supporting other young people at The Mix in Stowmarket. The event was originally planned as a black-tie event but with COVID-19 restrictions, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils decided to take an innovative approach and hold the awards virtually instead. The awards ceremony was hosted by Paul Graham with the keynote speech delivered by Thea Goodluck, Tech Nation’s East of England Entrepreneur Engagement Manager. Cllr Michael Holt, Babergh District Council, cabinet member for economic growth said: n* XPVME MJLF UP DPOHSBUVMBUF BMM UIF XJOOFST GSPN PVS ÙSTU *OOPWBUJPO "XBSET FTQFDJBMMZ JO B ZFBS UIBU IBT CFFO TP EJGÙDVMU GPS NBOZ CVTJOFTTFT 5IF standard of entries was very high and demonstrates the incredible number of businesses we have in our district who are pushing the boundaries in UIFJS DIPTFO ÙFME o The winners of each award received a prize contributed by the category sponsor made up of a combination of a cash grant as well as bespoke professional advice, support, or training.

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