“Glorious” Heritage Open Day It was a glorious day in Sudbury on the 12th September with the sun shining from mid-morning onwards in a cloudless blue sky. This was Heritage Open Day with lots happening in the town and St Peters open all day with events centred around photography organised by the Friends. Visits to the main roof of St Peters to take photographs of the town from high up were really popular. Getting to the main roof though is a bit of a challenge, it included a spiral staircase, a ladder and a very very small door out to the sloping roof. We had a replica of this ever so small DOORÒ ONÒ THEÒ GROUNDÒ ¹OORÒ SOÒ PEOPLEÒ
could try it before going up. That certainly generated some laughs and photo opportunities on the day! And WEÒCANÒCONµRMÒTHATÒ3UDBURYgSÒ-AYOR Ò Jack Owen, is pretty nifty on his feet and got through it easily. Last month the Friends asked for photos of Sudbury to be shown as part of this event, you sent in more than 400 which is a great result. We loved them all and showed them on a continuous loop lasting nearly 40 minutes. People loved watching it and spotting where each one was taken. And it really showed just how interesting and beautiful Sudbury is.
Two local photographic clubs, Sudbury and Halstead, had stands in 3TÒ0ETERgSÒTOÒSHOWÒOFFÒTHEIRÒMEMBERSÒ pictures and to talk to people about all things camera and photography related. Just talking to someone about all the different types of cameras and which is best for what was a real eye opener. Plus seeing all the different effects you can get with some quite basic tweaks to your camera, made you realise what you were missing. For anyone interested in photography joining a local club is a great way to get more out of your camera. CONTINUED PAGE 2
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We a looking to recruit a Full Time Warehouse Operative The position is full time 8.30am to 5.00pm, 5 days a week Experience in a warehouse environment and Forklift Truck License is required. If you are interested in joining our team lease send a letter of application and CV to Roma International PLC Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 6BQ, UK
The heritage part of photography was covered by local photographer Steve Le Grys. He had his box camera with him, a replica of the ones used in the 1850s, and demonstrated how photography was done JO UIPTF FBSMZ ZFBST &BTZ UP GPSHFU OPX IPX EJGÙDVMU JU XBT UIFO from getting enough light to create the picture before the days of electricity, getting the picture in focus, then coating a sheet of glass with chemicals, dunking it in silver iodide while in a dark room then sliding the glass into the box camera to take the picture. Immediately afterwards you take out the glass, go back to the darkroom and EFWFMPQ BOE ÙY UIF QJDUVSF 4UFWF CSPVHIU BMM IJT FRVJQNFOU UP 4U 1FUFST JODMVEJOH IJT NPCJMF EBSL SPPN XIJDI ÙMMFE B DBS USBJMFS BOE more. So now when you see old Victorian photographs of some Scottish loch, you understand just how much hard work went into taking that picture. This was a lovely day in St Peter’s, everyone who came was so happy to see something happening in the town. All the Friends have to do now is get some more events going in St Peter’s, not so easy at the moment but we all here love a challenge! Hilary Spivey
Make your Will, safely, this summer At Holmes & Hills Solicitors we understand the importance of ensuring your and your loved ones’ legal interests are protected; but we also understand that you may have some concerns about coming in to an PGÙDF UP DPNQMFUF ZPVS 8JMM 8F CFMJFWF JU JT PVS KPC UP GBDJMJUBUF BOE TVQQPSU ZPV JO NBLJOH ZPVS 8JMM JO UIF TBGFTU QPTTJCMF NBOOFS BOE IBWF following extensive review of government guidance, set out a number of ‘Safe Service Standards’ that will be in place when you come to one of PVS PGÙDFT Our team of expert lawyers will minimise the amount of time you have UP TQFOE JO PVS PGÙDF :PVS MBXZFS DBO QSPWJEF FYQFSU MFHBM BEWJDF through telephone or video calls in order to take your instructions. This appointment will usually take around one hour. If it is necessary for you to BUUFOE UIF PGÙDF PVS MBXZFST XJMM BEWJTF ZPV PG UIJT EVSJOH ZPVS DBMM Holmes & Hills’ Safe Service Standards include, but are not limited to: • Perspex screening in place in each reception area, receptionists wearing face shields; • Upon arrival you will be taken directly to the meeting room, to avoid sitting in a communal waiting room; • Perspex screen across the table between you and your lawyer; p :PVS MBXZFS XJMM CF XFBSJOH B GVMM QSPUFDUJWF GBDF TIJFME BOE B GSFTI QBJS PG HMPWFT p :PV XJMM CSJOH BOE VTF ZPVS PXO QFO • Appropriate social distancing will always be maintained between you and your solicitor; • The meeting room will have been fully cleaned before your arrival and will be cleaned between each appointment; • Hand sanitiser will be available in the main reception area as well as in each meeting room; • Face coverings will be provided and any client in the building must wear one unless they have a medical reason not to; p *G ZPV BSF VOBCMF UP BUUFOE POF PG PVS PGÙDFT XF NBZ CF BCMF UP NFFU ZPV BU ZPVS IPNF JO B HBSEFO TFUUJOH UP DPNQMZ XJUI TBGF EJTUBODJOH UP TJHO ZPVS 8JMM PS UP XJUOFTT ZPVS 8JMM UISPVHI BO PQFO XJOEPX JG B HBSEFO TFUUJOH JT VOBWBJMBCMF )BWJOH B WBMJE 8JMM SFNBJOT UIF POMZ XBZ UP FOTVSF ZPVS FTUBUF JT MFGU JO BDDPSEBODF XJUI ZPVS XJTIFT 8JUI )PMNFT )JMMT 4PMJDJUPST DPVQMFT TBWF CFUXFFO BOE PO MFHBM GFFT XIFO NBLJOH .JSSPS 8JMMT BU the same time. Married couples, long-term couples and civil partners all CFOFÙU GSPN UIF TBWJOH 4OÂ&#x;ÚNDÂ&#x;OUTÂ&#x;MOREÂ&#x;ABOUTÂ&#x;MAKINGÂ&#x;7ILLSÂ&#x;WITHÂ&#x;(OLMESÂ&#x; Â&#x;(ILLSÂ&#x; or our Safe Service Standards, call 01787 275275 ANDÂ&#x;SPEAKÂ&#x;TOÂ&#x;AÂ&#x;MEMBERÂ&#x;OFÂ&#x;OURÂ&#x;0RIVATEÂ&#x;#LIENTÂ&#x;$EPARTMENT Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;
Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
Photo: Stephen Binks t.07706 979222
Full Time Warehouse Operative
The Mayor writes... Surprisingly I have been fairly busy since my last report to the Sudbury & Long Melford Magazine, even though we are still plagued with this dreaded virus the Town Council has had plenty on the agenda. 8F EPOmU TFFN UP CF BOZ DMPTFS UP ÙOEJOH PVU XIP UIF VOGPSUVOBUF TPVM whose bones were found in the river Stour a few weeks ago, whilst the Police and the forensic team have carried out extensive tests the GBDU UIBU UIF SFNBJOT XFSF JODPNQMFUF NBEF UIFJS UBTL NPSF EJGÙDVMU Any information however small that may help the Police to identify the person should be given to the Police at, Sudbury.snt@suffolk.pnn., you can also use that to report any crime in the Sudbury area. There has been a lot of discussion about the restrictions on parking on the Market Hill both at Town Council meetings as well as in the community at large, there is no easy answer that would satisfy FWFSZPOF UIF NPTU JNQPSUBOU BOE TJHOJÙDBOU JTTVF UP DPOTJEFS XBT how to keep people safe at a time when the virus is spreading to more QFPQMF JO 4VGGPML 8F XFSF NJOEGVM UIBU BMUIPVHI UIFSF IBT OPU CFFO B TJHOJÙDBOU JODSFBTF JO UIF #BCFSHI BSFB OFWFSUIFMFTT UIF WJSVT IBT increased over the last month or so. A healthy and vigorous debate took place at our virtual extraordinary meeting held on Monday September 14th in which all issues were debated, the Council decided by 9 votes to 5 to keep things as they are, this will remain for the next 3 months at least. At a special ceremony on September 2nd two Freeman of Sudbury XFSF BQQPJOUFE OPX *mN TVSF NBOZ PG ZPV IBWF RVFTUJPOT BCPVU UIF 'SFFNBO XIFSF EPFT JU PSJHJOBUF XIP RVBMJÙFT XIBU BSF UIF CFOFÙUT NBZ CF TPNF PG UIF RVFTUJPOT BOE NBOZ NPSF 5IF QPTJUJPO PG UIF Freeman of Sudbury dates back to Anglo Saxon times when it was SFDPSEFE JO UIF %PNFTEBZ CPPL PG PG #VSHFTTFT 'SFFNFO living in Sudbury at the time of Edward the Confessor. Over the centuries many rights were given, shopkeepers & businessmen were able and expected to buy the right to be Freemen of Sudbury for the QSJODFMZ TVN PG E PME NPOFZ JU HBWF UIFN ÙTIJOH SJHIUT BOE FOBCMFE them to ‘graze 2 heads of cattle’ on some of the meadows surrounding 4VECVSZ XJUI 8JEPXT 8JEPXFST BMMPXFE UP HSB[F IFBE 5PEBZ only admission to the Freemen is by birth or having an Apprenticeship with a Freeman. I visited the extension to Gainsborough House with several of my Town Council colleagues on the 8th September, it was pleasing to see the progress that is being made, when it is completed it will expand the Tourism footfall in Sudbury with the opportunity to hold many exhibitions and presentations. I also visited the photographic exhibition in St Peters Church on the 12th which presented many wonderful photos including the wildlife that grace the open spaces around Sudbury.
Physiotherapy • Clinical Pilates • Reflexology • Pelvic & Women’’ss Health Physio • Acupuncture • Sp Sports orts & Swedish Massage • Respiratory & Paediatrric Physio • The MummyMOT OT
That is all for now, Jack Owen, Town Mayor for Sudbury
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Parish Report
- October 2020
Richard Kemp COVID-19 UPDATE - Summary Latest Government advice is available here: Latest SCC information is available here:
Changes to Children’s Centres challenged by opposition On 25 August, the Cabinet agreed to reduce the number of Children’s Centres in Suffolk from 38 to 17 full-time and 11 part-time Family Hubs. 8 centres will be repurposed for nurseries or SEND provision, whilst 2 will DMPTF QFSNBOFOUMZ $IBUUFSCPY JO *QTXJDI BOE $BUFSQJMMBS JO 8PPECSJEHF The council has said that this is not a cost-saving exercise and that any savings will be used to fund additional staff for outreach work. However, I am very concerned that the loss of so many centres will have a detrimental FGGFDU PO GBNJMJFT QBSUJDVMBSMZ UIPTF JO SVSBM BSFBT XIP NBZ OPX ÙOE JU NPSF EJGÙDVMU UP BDDFTT TVQQPSU BESPOKE JEWELLERS & GOLDSMITHS
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Jewellery repairs and restorations Valuations Bespoke design service Diamond and precious stone specialists Goldsmith’s workshop on the premises
98-99 High Street, Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9PZ • T: 01787 881 181
My group worked with the Labour group to collectively challenge the Cabinet’s decision. This challenge has been accepted as valid by the counDJMmT .POJUPSJOH 0GÙDFS BOE TP UIF EFDJTJPO XJMM CF TVTQFOEFE VOUJM JU IBT been looked at by the Scrutiny Committee on 11 September. The Scrutiny $PNNJUUFF XJMM FJUIFS DPOÙSN UIF $BCJOFUmT EFDJTJPO PS BTL UIF $BCJOFU UP reconsider the decision.
Update on school transport arrangements for September 4VGGPML $PVOUZ $PVODJM IBT DPOÙSNFE UIBU JU XJMM JOJUJBMMZ OPU CF PGGFSJOH TQBSF TFBUT PO TDIPPM USBOTQPSU 5IJT JT EVF UP TPDJBM EJTUBODJOH SFRVJSFments, which have reduced the capacity on school buses. However, parents may be able to apply for a spare seat from October half term. 5IF DPVODJM IBT BMTP DPOÙSNFE UIF BSSBOHFNFOUT GPS NBTLT BOE TPDJBM distancing on school transport. The rules vary depending on the type of transport used: %FEJDBUFE DMPTFE SPVUFT WFIJDMF POMZ DBSSJFT TDIPPM DIJMESFO q TPDJBM distancing will not apply, face coverings are recommended for children aged11+ 4IBSFE SPVUFT NPTU QBTTFOHFST BSF QVQJMT CVU NBZ CF TPNF NFNCFST PG UIF QVCMJD q QVQJMT TIPVME PCTFSWF TPDJBM EJTUBODJOH HVJEFMJOFT XJUI NFNbers of the public but they can sit next to members oftheir family or school, face coverings are mandatory unless a child is exempt from wearingone
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Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
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Property Management and V Va aluers
Perrywood plans major redevelopment of their Sudbury site Perrywood’s mission is to offer a memorable garden centre experience, delivering wow customer service and giving employees, customers and the community a reason to smile. The current garden centre building isn’t the high standard their customers and team would expect so they are planning to invest in this site and build an inspirational garden centre surrounded by plants and trees, that will grow with our business. In line with their vision and values our brand new centre, at Perrywood Sudbury, will: p #F B NPEFSO QVSQPTF CVJMU HBSEFO DFOUSF XIFSF UIFZ DBO MPPL BGUFS PVS customers and inspire more people to bring plants into their lives. • Improve the site to be the best that it can be with a fabulous range of facilities including a new restaurant. • Create a space where their team enjoy coming to work, with new job opportunities for local people. • Put Perrywood Sudbury at the heart of the of the local community with event spaces, wildlife areas and leisure opportunities for local people to enjoy. p 5FBDI WJTJUPST BCPVU BOE QSPUFDU UIF TJUFT ĂšPSB GBVOB BOE XJMEMJGF Subject to planning permission they will be be moving forward with an investment in Perrywood Sudbury, building a stunning new Garden Centre in a landscaped environment. The overall site is larger than at Tiptree, but the garden centre plans are a similar size to Tiptree. As a family run business they are looking forward to growing Perrywood Sudbury to create a special place among the plants, that customers, our team and local people will enjoy. “We are extremely positive and optimistic about the future. The demand for gardening and indoor plants has never been higher; we saw many PEOPLEÂ&#x; GROWÂ&#x; ĂœOWERSÂ&#x; ANDÂ&#x; VEGETABLESÂ&#x; FORÂ&#x; THEÂ&#x; Ă›RST TIMEÂ&#x; DURINGÂ&#x; LOCKDOWNÂ&#x; ANDÂ&#x; DISCOVERÂ&#x; THEÂ&#x; BENEĂ›TSÂ&#x; FORÂ&#x; THEIRÂ&#x; PHYSICALÂ&#x; ANDÂ&#x; MENTALÂ&#x; WELLBEING Â&#x; 4HISÂ&#x; new and much improved garden centre would help us meet our company vision to get more plants into people’s lives, and would bring more jobs & opportunities to Sudbury/the region.â€?
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Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 5
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Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
Hadleigh Nursing Home Welcome to Jan as our new home manager Hadleigh Nursing Home’s new manager Jan Seal brings with her more than 30 years’ experience in the care sector. She said she was delighted by the warm welcome she had received from staff, residents and their families. g)T SÂ&#x; BEENÂ&#x; AÂ&#x; DIFĂ›CULTÂ&#x; TIMEÂ&#x; FORÂ&#x; RESIDENTSÂ&#x; and their families who could not see each other for more than three months because of the coronavirus lockdown. However, everyone has been very understanding and supportive,â€? she said. “Since the easing of the lockdown, our family visits in the garden have been going well and we will have plans for indoor visits, subject to government guidance, when the weather changes.â€? es really well and her door was She said she was keen to get to know families always open for relatives to talk to her about any concerns or ideas for improving the service. Jan started her nursing career at the age of 18 and spent many years with the NHS mostly in community based roles, from community matron to out of hours coordinator working alongside the GPs covering a large area of Essex. She said: “I then went on to be the registered manager of a complex care company in Southend where I worked closely with commissioners developing bespoke packages of care for both adults and children allowing them to be supported at home. “In 2014 I went to work as a care quality facilitator working alongside the regional manager overseeing nine homes for a large company in the London area; through this I began my career in nursing home management. “I really felt that for most of the residents in nursing homes it would be the last chapter of their lives, and that if I could improve their experiences then it would be a privilege for me.â€? She said her vision for Hadleigh was to make the home as homely as possible, a cheerful relaxed environment where the residents could enjoy the beautiful grounds. “I hope that I can reach out to the community within Hadleigh and look at ways to enhance our residents’ experience,â€? she said. (ADLEIGHÂ&#x;.URSINGÂ&#x;(OMEÂ&#x; Â&#x; WWW HADLEIGHHALL CARE
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News from The Christopher Centre It has been another busy month at The Christopher Centre I am very pleased to say. 8F IBWF TFFO CPPLJOH SJTF XJUI TFWFSBM WFSZ JOUFSFTUJOH 6 " HSPVQT GSPN -BUJO MBOHVBHF UP U3A wine appreciation society choosing to book XJUI VT 8F BMTP IBWF B OFX 4BUVSEBZ NPSOJOH Pilates class and we are looking forward to a Tuesday morning chair yoga class beginning in a couple of weeks time. Our Monday morning Open House ‘drop in ‘continues to offer a safe haven GPS NBOZ NFNCFST PG PVS DPNNVOJUZ UIBU Ă™OE UIFNTFMWFT JTPMBUFE PS NBSHJOBMJTFE GPS XIBUFWFS SFBTPO 8F IBWF OPX FYUFOEFE .POEBZT 0QFO House to include a Community lunch. Open House ‘drop in’ 10 a.m. to 12 noon, refreshments, relax, and chat Open House Community lunches 12 noon to 2 p.m. The Community markets on the last Saturday of the month are doing very well, we have received some lovely feedback from members of the public that have really appreciated the Community spirit of these events. 8F IBWF QBSUJDJQBUFE JO UIF 0QFO 4UVEJPT FWFOU UI UI PG 4FQUFNCFS promoting local art and artists. Our own Christopher Centre Arts and Craft HSPVQ 5IVSTEBZ NPSOJOHT VOUJM EJTQMBZFE UIFJS XPSL BOE FOKPZFE some positive feedback. The Christopher Centre have a Hall Safe covid-19 policy and all groups/ individuals booking with us will receive our risk assessment and Special conditions of booking during covid-19. All groups must ensure they follow all the guidelines and record members details for track and trace purposes. Contact us email or for bookings bookings@ Visit our website to keep up to date with what is going on. A big thank you for the continued support we receive from our Community. 4ERESAÂ&#x;"ISHOPÂ&#x; #ENTREÂ&#x;MANAGER Â&#x; The Christopher Centre 10 Gainsborough Street Sudbury CO102EU To book a stall email or Tel: 01787 313914 4HEÂ&#x;#OMMUNITYÂ&#x;MARKETSÂ&#x;AREÂ&#x;THEÂ&#x;LASTÂ&#x;3ATURDAYÂ&#x;OFÂ&#x;THEÂ&#x;MONTHÂ&#x;UPÂ&#x; ANDÂ&#x;COMINGÂ&#x;DATES Â&#x;3EPTÂ&#x; TH Â&#x;/CTÂ&#x; ST Â&#x;.OVÂ&#x; TH Â&#x; 4IMESÂ&#x;OPENÂ&#x;FROMÂ&#x; Â&#x;A M Â&#x;TOÂ&#x; P M Â&#x;LUNCHESÂ&#x;FROMÂ&#x; Â&#x;NOON
We have a vacancy for a Part Time Funeral Arranger in the Sudbury Branch This is a job share role working 2 ½ days a week Wednesday 12.30pm - 5pm, Thursday and Friday 9am - 5pm Salary: £10,148.00 pa To apply for this vacancy please email with your CV and covering letter Closing date: 16th October 2020
11 Gainsborough Street, Sudbury CO10 2EU 07380 988224
Breakfast - Lunch Home Baked Cakes & High Teas DOG Friendly G/F + Vegan Options Fully Licensed Courtyard Garden Available for private hire OPEN Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 9:30 Call to book a table 07380 988224
Sudbury Community News - Connecting & Celebrating Community News & Events 7
Free Site Visits and Full Bathroom Design Service Buy 5x25kg Ba of Salt T gs ablet for ÂŁ42 s .00
Trade Countering b for plumlies supp
Don’t Forget! Our Bathroom Showroom is open Weekdays 7.00 am - 5.30 pm and Saturdays 8.00 am - 12 noon Plumb Mate Ltd, Unit 2a Seager Court, Crockett Road, Hadleigh
Tel: 01473 810088 • Fax: 01473 810055 Email:
1SFTFOUBUJPOT PG DIFRVFT by David Lowe, President of Sudbury Rotary 201920, to his three chosen charities. Photos: Jeremy Crawford
Rotary Club of Sudbury Each new president of Sudbury Rotary chooses the charities for which he or she would like the Club’s support to raise funds. David Lowe, who retired as president at the end of June, decided he wished to support Success "GUFS 4USPLF 5IF $JUJ[FOT "EWJDF #VSFBV $"# BOE UIF 4U Peter’s Regeneration Project. %BWJE IBE Ă™STU DPNF BDSPTT UIF 4VDDFTT "GUFS 4USPLF DIBSJUZ XIFO IF visited an art exhibition in St Peter’s, Sudbury. He was so impressed with their work that he decided to choose them as one of his Rotary charities. It is an active and motivated self-help group which supports members XJUI UIFJS SFIBCJMJUBUJPO DPOĂ™EFODF BOE JOEFQFOEFODF UP QSPNPUF RVBMJUZ of life, and is supported by dedicated volunteers and therapists. Pictured JT %BWJE QSFTFOUJOH B DIFRVF GSPN 4VECVSZ 3PUBSZ GPS | UP -PVEPO Greenlees, fundraiser for Success After Stroke. 5IF $"# XBT PSJHJOBMMZ GVOEFE CZ UIF (PWFSONFOU XIFO JU XBT GPSNFE JO CVU TJODF UIF FOE PG 88 IBT OFFEFE UIF TVQQPSU PG HSBOUT BOE EPOBUJPOT UP DPOUJOVF JUT WJUBM BEWJDF TFSWJDF OFFEJOH | B ZFBS UP make this possible. 4VECVSZ $"# XBT TFU VQ PWFS ZFBST BHP BOE HJWFT BEWJDF PO JTTVFT TVDI BT EFCU CFOFĂ™UT FNQMPZNFOU DPOTVNFS SJHIUT IPVTJOH MFHBM matters, immigration and health. During lock down the local service has not been possible face-to-face at UIFJS PGĂ™DFT JO 4VECVSZ CVU IBT CFFO QSPWJEFE WJB UFMFQIPOF BOE FNBJM CZ staff and advisers working from home. From 23 March to the end of July $"# IFMQFE QFPQMF XJUI JTTVFT WJB FNBJMT BOE PWFS telephone calls! %BWJE XBT EFMJHIUFE UP QSFTFOU B DIFRVF GPS | UP &MBJOF (PSNBO GSPN $"# XIP TBJE UIJT XPVME CF VTFE UPXBSET UIF DPTU PG TFUUJOH VQ B OFX DPNNVOJDBUJPO TZTUFN TP UIBU DMJFOUT DPVME HP JOUP UIF PGĂ™DF BOE see and speak to someone face to face via linked screens. This would be especially helpful where cases were more complex and also enable advisers to view clients’ paperwork via a full-sized screen. St Peter’s was David’s third charity choice following a talk at one of Rotary’s lunch-time meetings. This historic venue is in dire need of repairs and there are plans to extend the facilities to make it a more versatile cultural venue. Hilary Spivey, who is Chair of the Friends of St Peter’s SFDFJWFE B DIFRVF GPS | GSPN %BWJE "OE GVSUIFS BĂ™FME c 8JUI QFSTPOBM EPOBUJPOT BEEJOH UP UIF BNPVOU PG | EPOBUFE EVSJOH B TUSFFU DPMMFDUJPO JO "VHVTU B EPOBUJPO PG | IBT CFFO TFOU UP TVQQPSU the Home of Hope in Lebanon, which offers a safe haven for orphaned children, many of whom are Syrian refugees. Looking ahead 8IFO HSPVQT CFHJO UP NFFU lOPSNBMMZm BHBJO ZPVS PSHBOJTBUJPO NJHIU XJTI to invite a Rotary speaker to talk in more detail about the work of Sudbury 3PUBSZ BOE UIF JOUFSOBUJPOBM XPSL XIJDI 3PUBSJBOT EP UP CFOFĂ™U UIPTF JO need. The new promotional video “A year in the life of Sudbury Rotaryâ€? can also be shown, tracing just some of the activities with which members DBO CF JOWPMWFE 5IF Ă™MN DBO BMTP CF TFFO CZ BDDFTTJOH UIF $MVCmT XFC site: Plans are being worked on in the hope that the Christmas Tree Festival will still be held, as it is one of the major fund-raising activities of the Rotary year and contributes to funds raised for the President’s chosen charities. During 2020-21 President Sandra Armitage is hoping to raise funds for the ,FSOPT $FOUSF JO 4VECVSZ BOE 4U /JDIPMBT )PTQJDF JO #VSZ 4U &ENVOET Despite the lock down, if any anyone wishes to contact the Rotary Club q QFSIBQT XJUI B WJFX UP CFDPNJOH NPSF JOWPMWFE JO 3PUBSZ NFFUJOHT BOE BDUJWJUJFT QMFBTF MFBWF B NFTTBHF PO UIF $MVC UFMFQIPOF :PV DPVME USZ UIJT GPS GSFF WJB B ;PPN MJOL UP CFHJO NFFUJOH PUIFS NFNCFST of the Club! 2OTARIANÂ&#x;,ESLEYÂ&#x;&ORD 0LATT
Telephone Sudbury Community News on 01473 652354 |
Sudbury Library Hi everyone, here we are in October already, time just seems to be ÚZJOH CZ 8FmSF DPOUJOVJOH UP XPSL IBSE UP HFU UIF TFSWJDF CBDL UP TPNF semblance of normal and we are getting there slowly. I’m sure you can all appreciate, we really want to get everything back up and running for you, but we must do it in a way that is safe for staff and our customers, so we BSF TMPXMZ SFJOUSPEVDJOH TFSWJDFT XIFO XF ÙOE B XBZ PG EPJOH UIFN TBGFMZ 8FmSF SFBMMZ QMFBTFE UP IBWF SFPQFOFE UIF XIPMF MJCSBSZ GPS CSPXTJOH PO 21st September. There is a one-way system in place, and we are limiting the number of customers allowed in at once to 14, this is to ensure we DPNQMZ XJUI HPWFSONFOU SVMFT PO TPDJBM EJTUBODJOH 8F IBWF QVU NFBTVSFT in place to ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible. There will be sanitiser stations set up around the library, and we do ask that customers BSF NJOEGVM PG UIF ÚPPS NBSLJOHT BOE GPMMPX UIF POF XBZ TZTUFN JO QMBDF and if you come in as a family please stick together. Our Current Services "ROWSING q UIJT JT UIF NBJO TFSWJDF DVTUPNFST IBWF CFFO BTLJOH GPS BOE we’re pleased to be able to offer it again. There is now access to the main library, mezzanine, and children’s library, feel free to come in and have a look around. #OMPUTERÂ&#x;SESSIONSÂ&#x;- you can book a slot on our public computer for 3050 minutes at a time for one session per day. 0HOTOCOPYINGÂ&#x; - this is self-service only Scanning - we are offering a TDBOOJOH TFSWJDF JG ZPV XBOU UP TDBO EPDVNFOUT UP B 64# TUJDL ZPV DBO do that on our photocopier. If you want to scan documents to an email address, we can also do that for you. 2ESERVATIONSÂ&#x; q 0VS SFTFSWBUJPO TZTUFN IBT CFFO VQ BOE SVOOJOH GPS B GFX NPOUIT OPX :PV DBO SFTFSWF CPPLT GSPN BSPVOE UIF DPVOUZ FJUIFS by phoning us on the number below or visiting our website, details are also below. Select and collect - Much like the reservations you can call us or complete the online form available on our website. The staff in the library will select a few books for you based on what you would like and what is available in ~Sudbury at the time. Thank you all for your continued support and patience, we really do BQQSFDJBUF JU 8F BSF XPSLJOH IBSE PO B QMBO UP JOUSPEVDF BMM UIF TFSWJDFT you love, but I’m sure you will understand we need to make sure they are introduced safely. At this stage we do not have a solid timeframe from XIFO XF XJMM CF CBDL UP nOPSNBMo 8F BSF SFWJFXJOH UIJOHT SFHVMBSMZ TP hopefully we will be able to add things in as time goes on. Â&#x;/URÂ&#x;CURRENTÂ&#x;OPENINGÂ&#x;HOURSÂ&#x;AREÂ&#x;ASÂ&#x;FOLLOWS -ONDAYÂ&#x; Â&#x;3ATURDAYÂ&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x;)FÂ&#x;YOUÂ&#x;HAVEÂ&#x;ANYÂ&#x;QUESTIONS Â&#x;PLEASEÂ&#x;GETÂ&#x;INÂ&#x;TOUCHÂ&#x;WITHÂ&#x;US 4ELEPHONEÂ&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; %MAILÂ&#x;3UDBURY LIBRARY SUFFOLKLIBRARIES CO UK 7EBSITEÂ&#x;WWW SUFFOLKLIBRARIES CO UKÂ&#x;
What does ‘society’ really mean? As so many businesses and organisations have had to review their viability and how they operate with covid in mind, the Sudbury Society has been thinking how we could do more to help local independent businesses and community groups to survive and thrive. 8F XBOU UP XPSL PVU IPX UP CFTU TVQQPSU PVS DPNNVOJUZ UIBU UPHFUIFS NBLF up the fuller ‘society of Sudbury’. As a civic society, our role could be that of a connector, bringing together different sectors as we are well placed to bring people together for the common good. Through networking, we will hopefully also generate interest in the town, the characters behind the scenes and what’s on offer to a wider audience. So in that spirit, is there an appetite amongst local businesses and organisations for us to arrange professionally run networking events to share strategies, or to promote the diverse range of businesses/ groups out there by shining a spotlight on a different one each month in our e-newsletter? Maybe there are common town themes/ideas we can all join our voices to campaign for? Please drop me a line at press@ if you like the sound of this and want to get involved. 8FmE MPWF UP IFBS GSPN ZPV 8IFO XF SF TUBSU PVS NPOUIMZ UBMLT JO UIF 5PXO )BMMmT "TTFNCMZ 3PPNT we’d also welcome any local business, charity or other organisation making contact to come and present to our membership and tell us your story. Our talks are open to everyone and not just our membership so everyone is welcome to attend. The more we can support our existing community of businesses, sole traders, charities, voluntary groups, parents, pensioners, neighbours and young people, the better it will for our town and for us of us who enjoy living and/or working here. 8F BMM IBWF B QBSU UP QMBZ JO NBLJOH 4VECVSZ UIF CFTU JU DBO CF XIFUIFS by shopping locally, attending local events, supporting local causes and speaking up for our town. Let’s share ideas, celebrate what we do well and collaborate on issues where we can do better. !NGIEÂ&#x;"ENTLEY
Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare Reg charity no 1124029
8IBU B TUSBOHF TVNNFS it’s been, with no visitors at the Centre except by appointment. I miss my public and sympathise with the many humans who are staying at home. There have been few dogs in, some cats, kittens and rabbits plus lots of wildlife including a young kestrel. After recuperating BU 4&4"8 JU XBT successfully releasing from the garden where it was found. 8F TUJMM DBOOPU BDDFQU CSJD B CSBD BOE HFOFSBM IPVTFIPME JUFNT CVU XF can take clean, undamaged clothing for recycling. Please leave in CLEAR plastic bags only to ensure contents are visible. Regretfully, soiled clothes and bedding have been found hidden in black plastic sacks in the past. 5IBOL ZPV UP UIF PSHBOJTFST PG UIF .&#$$ 1MPVHI %BZ GPS JOWJUJOH 4&4"8 UP UIF FWFOU JO (U 8BMEJOHÙFME MBTU NPOUI 8F TPME MPUT PG WJOUBHF JUFNT and many supporters and their dogs stopped for a socially distanced chat. Hopefully we will take part in some festive events, COVID restrictions QFSNJUUJOH CVU XF EP OFFE HPPE RVBMJUZ JUFNT GPS +FBOFUUFmT QPQVMBS Tombola, Sheila’s ‘classy’ stall and more vintage things. Contributions can CF MFGU BU 4&4"8 PS QIPOF UP BSSBOHF DPMMFDUJPO :PVS DPOUJOVFE TVQQPSU JT SFBMMZ BQQSFDJBUFE WJB +VTU(JWJOH UIF QPTU collection pots and occasional mystery donors. During one of my security QBUSPMT POF XFU FWFOJOH JO "VHVTU * OPUJDFE TPNFUIJOH MFGU PVUTJEF 8JUI much effort I dragged it indoors and we discovered a kind person had left UIFJS n3BJOZ %BZ 'VOEo GPS 4&4"8 5IBOL ZPV GPS FWFSZ QSFDJPVT QFOOZ PG UIF | XIJDI XJMM IFMQ DBSF GPS UIF BOJNBMT JODMVEJOH NF ,FOOZ UIF #PTT $IJIVBIVB 3UFFOLKÂ&#x; Â&#x;%SSEXÂ&#x;3MALLÂ&#x;!NIMALÂ&#x;7ELFARE Â&#x;2EGISTEREDÂ&#x;#HARITYÂ&#x; .O Â&#x;3TOKEÂ&#x;2OAD Â&#x;,EAVENHEATH Â&#x;#/ Â&#x; 00 Â&#x;4EL Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; EMAIL Â&#x;INFO SESAW CO UKÂ&#x;WWW SESAW CO UK
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This advert is funded by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for the purpose of assisting James Cartlidge MP in the performance of his Parliamentary duties. Printed by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF
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TV & Audio Solutions (Formerly BV Hicks Ltd)
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October heralds a new season on the plot, the summer crops of tomatoes, beans, courgettes and sweet corn giving way to celeriac, parsnips, leeks and a variety of brassicas. 8JUI UIF NBKPSJUZ PG UIF TPXJOH PWFS GPS UIF ZFBS XF TUBSU UP UIJOL BCPVU OFYU TFBTPO 8F VTF UIF nOP EJHo NFUIPE PG WFHFUBCMF HSPXJOH XIJDI involves not digging the soil but applying a 5 cms layer of well rotted compost or animal manure to the surface and letting mother nature do UIF SFTU /P EJH TPJM JT GVMM PG CFOFÙDJBM PSHBOJTNT BOE NJDSPCFT XIJDI IFMQ QMBOUT UP ÙOE OVUSJFOUT BOE NPJTUVSF So the Autumn is a great time to start a vegetable plot! Simply apply B DBSECPBSE MBZFS PO UIF TPJMmT TVSGBDF BOZ CSPXO DBSECPBSE XJMM EP and cover with a 15cm layer of animal manure or compost. Pull any weeds when they appear and plant your vegetables directly into the bed next Spring. 8IFO UIF DPNQPTU JT JO TIPSU TVQQMZ XF TPX B XJOUFS NJY PG HSFFO NBOVSF DSJNTPO SFE DMPWFS BOE XIJUF NVTUBSE 5IJT TVQQSFTTFT XFFET QSFWFOUT OVUSJFOU MFBDIJOH BEET PSHBOJD NBUUFS BOE ÙYFT nitrogen for following crops, adding diversity to the plot during the winter months. There are two crops that we sow JO 0DUPCFS (BSMJD BOE #SPBE #FBOT %VSJOH UIF ÙSTU IBMG PG UIF month we plant individual cloves TP UIF UJQT BSF DN JO CFMPX the soil surface,15cm apart and in rows 30cm apart with a mulch PG DPNQPTU BQQMJFE 8F XBJU patiently and in late JanuaryFBSMZ 'FCSVBSZ UIF ÙSTU TIPPUT appear above the surface. 5PXBSET UIF FOE PG 0DUPCFS XF TPX PVS #SPBE #FBOT WBSJFUZ l"RVBEVMDF $MBVEJBm " MBSHF WFSZ IBSEZ MPOHQPE DVMUJWBS GPS BVUVNO PS FBSMZ TQSJOH TPXJOH JO EPVCMF SPXT DNT BQBSU 4JOHMF TFFET BSF planted 7cms deep and 25 cms apart in the row. Enjoy your garden, Doug & Dot .EXTÂ&#x;MONTH Â&#x;0LANNINGÂ&#x;FORÂ&#x;NEXTÂ&#x;YEARÂ&#x;ANDÂ&#x;MAKINGÂ&#x;COMPOST
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Ladies with a Van FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE Ladies with a Van is an environmentally friendly, family-run business offering: 8BTUF SFNPWBMT )PVTF HBSEFO HBSBHF DMFBSBODFT Domestic and commercial, Collections / deliveries, Convenient time guaranteed, An easy alternative to skip hire Items we take include: Wood, Hardcore, Carpet, Furniture, Household waste etc 8F PGGFS B GBTU SFMJBCMF BOE IBTTMF GSFF TFSWJDF /P KPC JT UPP CJH PS UPP TNBMM 8F DBSSZ PVU TJOHMF JUFN DPMMFDUJPOT to a full house clearance. All jobs considered. Our prices are not just competitive, but we are also an easy alternative to skip hire. Saving not only time, but money. 8F UBLF PVU SFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT WFSZ TFSJPVTMZ BOE PVS NJTTJPO JT UP BWPJE MBOEÙ MM CZ SFDZDMJOH BOE SFVTJOH XIFSF QPTTJCMF -ONDAYÂ&#x; Â&#x;4HURSDAYÂ&#x; Â&#x;3ATURDAYÂ&#x; AMÂ&#x;kÂ&#x; PM &RIDAYÂ&#x; Â&#x;3UNDAYÂ&#x; AMÂ&#x;kÂ&#x; PM 1SJDFT TUBSU GSPN | TP QMFBTF DBMM PS FNBJM GPS B GSFF OP PCMJHBUJPO RVPUF 2ELIABLEÂ&#x;ANDÂ&#x;PROFESSIONALÂ&#x; Â&#x; 0LEASEÂ&#x;CONTACTÂ&#x;+ERSTIE 0HONEÂ&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x; %MAIL Â&#x;LADIESWITHVAN YAHOO COM
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I’ve just had my hours cut at work. I’d like to take on a second job, but there’s nothing around. It sounds ridiculous to talk about Christmas now, but I’m already worrying! I usually start buying the kids a few presents early to spread the cost - but that’s going to be impossible this year. How can I make less go further, without going into debt? I’m sorry to hear about the cut in your hours, and what it means for you. 0OF XBZ UP TUSFUDI IPVTFIPME ÙOBODFT JT UP TIPQ BSPVOE GPS UIF CFTU EFBMT PO ZPVS NPCJMF QIPOF BOE CSPBECBOE EFQFOEJOH PO UIF EFUBJMT PG ZPVS QSJDF QMBO BOE PO VUJMJUJFT TVDI BT FMFDUSJDJUZ *OTUBMMJOH B water meter can also sometimes bring savings. It’s worth checking your insurances and subscriptions - cancel any you don’t need and shop around for the others. It’s normally cheaper if you don’t leave it until just before the renewal date. If your children are school age there may be help available with uniforms, technology and free school meals. Citizens Advice website, has more details. " GBMM JO JODPNF NBZ NFBO ZPVmSF FMJHJCMF GPS CFOFÙUT FTQFDJBMMZ JG ZPVmSF B QBSFOU PS DBSFS 5IF CFOFÙUT DIFDLFS UVSO VT PSH VL JT particularly useful. It sounds like you’re normally very organised, and I’m sure this will stand you in good stead. Make a list of the cost of your priority outgoings - such as housekeeping and essential travel - against your new income. It’s easy to slip into overdraft, or miss a payment, and it can then become more and more expensive - and stressful - to get on the right track and out of debt. Likewise, think carefully about any ‘buy now pay later’ deals - they’re not always the best option long term. If you are worried about debt, here at Citizens Advice we have specially trained advisers available to help, so please do get in touch. *Please note we are no longer seeing clients face to face until further notice* 8F BSF QSPWJEJOH BEWJDF CZ UFMFQIPOF BOE FNBJM .POEBZ q 5IVSTEBZ BN q QN 1MFBTF QIPOF JG ZPV OFFE advice and leave a message and someone will call you back when BWBJMBCMF 8F XJMM BUUFNQU UISFF UJNFT UP DBMM ZPV CBDL TP QMFBTF expect a call from a withheld number. :PV DBO BMTP SJOH "EWJDF-JOF PO PS 0300 330 1151. Alternatively, contact us via email at advice@ or by using the contact facility on our website Contact: Elaine Gorman Email: Keyse House, Acton Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 1QN
Sudbury Fitness Community Wellbeing Hub Launches for World Mental Health Day!
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October’s Advice Column
12/02/2019 10:30 LAUNDRY SERVICES
"U 4VECVSZ 'JUOFTT $PNNVOJUZ 8FMMCFJOH )VC PVS BJN JT UP PGGFS B range of resources and approaches to suit different personalities and levels of support needed; with both local information and national 24 IPVS OVNCFST GPS UIPTF JO DSJTJT 8IJMTU UIFSF BSF PUIFS NFOUBM IFBMUI resources locally, we felt that some members of the community were TUJMM OPU HFUUJOH UIF TVQQPSU UIFZ QFSTPOBMMZ OFFE 8JUI SFHVMBS GSFTI content from motivational articles, top tips and simple challenges, to full on training sessions; we hope to really push mental and physical health to the forefront of the community; making it more of a focal QPJOU BT JOUFHSBM GPS UIF XFMMCFJOH GPS UIF XIPMF DPNNVOJUZ *U JT BMTP our aim to instil a better overall understanding of mental health within 4VECVSZ BOE GVSUIFS BÙFME XIJMTU BMTP CSFBLJOH EPXO UIF TUJHNB 5IF current pandemic has unfortunately meant that even more people now have mental health issues or are feeling stressed or low for a number PG SFBTPOT XIJDI VMUJNBUFMZ BGGFDUT PWFSBMM IFBMUI 'PS 8PSME .FOUBM )FBMUI EBZ PO UI 0DUPCFS XF BSF PGÙDJBMMZ MBVODIJOH UIJT MPDBM support hub for Sudbury; which will continue to grow and assist the community with their mental and physical health. Further resources are being added and we are bringing together partnerships with relevant local organisations. There is always someone who understands! At Sudbury 'JUOFTT $PNNVOJUZ 8FMMCFJOH )VC XF BJN UP CF authentic and real whilst steering you in the right direction, to get you back on track and be the best version of you.Please visit for further information, regular motivational support and vital mental health contacts.
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Virtual Mental Health Festival Aims to Address the Issue of Male Suicide and Nurturing Men’s Mental Health IUUQT CJU MZ ;G*Q+:
(MFOEB % 3PCFSUT %JSFDUPS PG +VTU5BML ,JE #BUDIFMPS XJMM CF previewing The Good Mental Health Festival on Solar Radio and via The &NPUJPOBM 8FMM #FJOH -JGF QPEDBTU TIPX IUUQT XXX NJYDMPVE DPN uxwbob/good-mental-health-fest-preview-with-glenda-d-roberts-kidbatchelor/ A 2019 report from the Mental Health Foundation revealed that overall, men BDDPVOUFE GPS UISFF RVBSUFST PG 6, EFBUIT CZ TVJDJEF JO %BUB GSPN UIF 8PSME )FBMUI 0SHBOJ[BUJPO 8)0 GPS UIF TBNF ZFBS QBJOUT UIF TBNF CMFBL QJDUVSF 8JUI NFO OFBSMZ BT UISFF UJNFT NPSF MJLFMZ UP EJF PG TVJDJEF than women. According to the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 1 in 8 men have a common mental health problem. However, men may be reluctant to seek support for their mental health or disclose mental health problems to loved POFT q BOE UIJT SFMVDUBODF DBO CF POF PG UIF GBDUPST GPS NFOmT TVJDJEF In line with this, two leading mental health organisations in the UK have banded together to host the Good Mental Health Festival preceding the 8PSME .FOUBM )FBMUI %BZ PO 'SJEBZ UI 0DUPCFS BU BNq QN One of the highlights of the Good Mental Health Festival is a keynote talk from Dan Keeley, a mental health activist, founder and mission director at "3&8&0,6, BOE B $BMNFS "NCBTTBEPS Through an immersive keynote talk, Dan will share his full story and why he is committed to creating a world where every single one of us has the courage, support, and safe space to speak up when we’re suffering, and XIZ UIF DPOWFSTBUJPO BSPVOE UIF QPXFS PG WVMOFSBCJMJUZ q QBSUJDVMBSMZ XJUI NFO q JT POF PG UIF NPTU WJUBM DPOWFSTBUJPOT XF DPVME CF IBWJOH BT B TPDJFUZ in the times we’re living in. The Good Mental Health Festival is a one-day virtual mental health festival which will feature positive mental health talks, presentations, and workshops. 5IF GFTUJWBM q PSHBOJTFE CZ $BMNFS BOE 1TZDISFH q BJNT UP JEFOUJGZ XBZT PO how we can nurture our mental health and wellbeing. Good Mental Health Festival will also underscore the importance of thriving in our work and all aspects of our lives. Calmer is an award-winning training organisation that empowers entrepreneurs, freelancers, and business teams to nurture good mental health and wellbeing. Award-winning entrepreneur, author and founder of Calmer, Tania Diggory, TIBSFT l8F BSF TP FYDJUFE UP MBVODI UIJT GFTUJWBM JO DPMMBCPSBUJPO XJUI Psychreg, to provide an empowered approach to exploring mental health. 8F GFFM UIFSF JT B OFFE GPS NPSF GPDVT PO UIF WBSJPVT TUBUFT PG NFOUBM IFBMUI 8IJMF XF DBO FYQFSJFODF NFOUBM IFBMUI TUSVHHMFT XF DBO BMTP ÚVDUVBUF in how we feel from day to day depending on many circumstances, and indeed we can experience positive mental health. ‘This event aims to explore what that looks like, and empowers individuals UP FNCSBDF QSBDUJDBM TUSBUFHJFT UFDIOJRVFT BOE SFTPVSDFT UIBU DBO TVQQPSU B UISJWJOH TUBUF PG NFOUBM IFBMUI q OP NBUUFS XIBU DPNFT ZPVS XBZ JO MJGF m Meanwhile, Psychreg is recognised by Vuelio as one of the top mental IFBMUI CMPHT JO UIF 6, BOE IBT CFFO SFDFOUMZ OBNFE l#MPHHFS PG UIF :FBSm CZ UIF .FOUBM )FBMUI #MPH "XBSET ,OPXO BT UIF XPSMEmT ÙSTU CMPH QTZDIPMPHJTU 1TZDISFH GPVOEFS %FOOJT Relojo-Howell shares: ‘I’m thrilled that Psychreg will be co-hosting this important event with Calmer. Our shared ethos allows us to add fresh and nuanced perspectives to the wider conversations within mental health and wellbeing. ‘GMH Festival aims to highlight ways in which we can nurture our mental IFBMUI BDSPTT EJGGFSFOU BTQFDUT PG PVS MJWFT TP UIBU XF DBO BMM ÚPVSJTI BOE thrive.’ The Good Mental Health Festival is a global virtual event and actively encourages participation from countries where there is a scarcity of conversations around mental health and wellbeing. " POF EBZ QBTT UJDLFU UP UIF FWFOU DPTUT | BOE DBO BMTP CF QVSDIBTFE lB MB DBSUF TUZMFm BU | QFS UBML #PPL ZPVS UJDLFUT IFSF A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the event’s charity partner, #F ,JOE .PWFNFOU XIJDI XBT FTUBCMJTIFE XJUI UIF BJN PG BNQMJGZJOH UIF power of kindness through education. Their mission is to provide access to education for women and children that is academic, vocational and experiential, and their purpose is to fund projects that educate, create sustainable impact and transform hearts and minds. For more information and to book an interview with the founders Tania Diggory and Dennis Relojo-Howell, please contact: goodmentalhealth. Tania: 07969 552 775 | Dennis: 07522 681 266
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Holloween Goes Ahead! 8F BSF WFSZ FYDJUFE UP BOOPVODF UIBU PVS )PMMPXFFO FWFOU XJMM CF happening again in 2020. Some things will be a little different, but despite offering a little less, the Hollow Trees Farm Holloween celebration is still the best! The Holloween Trail is a ‘trimmed twist on the norm’ but there will still be lots of spooky fun for everyone to enjoy. There will be all our usual friendly animals to feed, ropes to swing on, poles to climb and lots of fun and BEWFOUVSF BMM SPVOE "OE /&8 GPS JT B HPMG DPVSTF MJLF ZPVmWF OFWFS seen before. Our fantastic Magical Mini Golf will certainly challenge you all! The special Holloween Trail will also include the popular Cresta Run 4MFEHFT UIF 4PSDFSFSmT 4USBX 4UBDL BOE UIF XJME 8JUDIFT 8PPE 4BEMZ UIJT ZFBS XF DBOOPU PGGFS B 4QPPLZ #BSO .B[F PS JOÚBUBCMFT CVU SFTU BTTVSFE UIF )PMMPXFFO 5SBJM NBZ CF TNBMMFS JO TJ[F CVU JUmT HPJOH UP CF #*( on fun and still a Great Day Out! There will be lots of pumpkins on sale too, grown on our farm by Farmer #PC XJUI MPUT PG DBSF BOE BUUFOUJPO HJWFO UP FBDI BOE FWFSZ POF 8FmWF got large, small, knobbly and smooth; we are sure there’s a pumpkin just waiting for you, whether it’s to carve a spooky face on or to turn into deliciously tasty soup. Throughout all of the Holloween event, outdoor seating and picnic areas will be available for you to enjoy food from our Farm Café takeaway menu. There’s lots of lovely homemade food on offer, both hot and cold! The Farm Café Takeaway menu is available to pre order online with 20% off ZPVS ÙSTU POMJOF PSEFS UPP Alternatively, you can book a table in the newly refurbished Farm Café, the number of tables available will be limited due to social distancing so during Holloween it is strictly bookings only and group size limits will be subject to government guidelines. For more details and to book visit www. 1SF #PPLJOH GPS UIF )PMMPXFFO 'BSN 5SBJM FWFOU JT &44&/5*"- :PV DBO CPPL CZ WJTJUJOH PVS XFCTJUF XXX IPMMPXUSFFT DP VL 5JDLFUT BSF | QFS person with children 2 years and under free. The Holloween tickets will be BWBJMBCMF UP CPPL PO MJOF GSPN 5IVSTEBZ TU 0DUPCFS POXBSET 8F look forward to seeing you soon! 4EL Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x;Â&#x;WWW HOLLOWTREES CO UK
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Telephone & request a brochure or book a free demonstration 5VU ,SLJ[YPJ )SVJR :HS[ :VM[LULYZ -9,, :HS[ +LSP]LY` (33 4HRLZ VM >H[LY :VM[LULY :LY]PJLK
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