For gentlemen and their sons Appointments? . . .
Local Community News February 2016 Community News
You must be joking!!! 11 Gaol Lane, Sudbury
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Save Free Parking in Sudbury! the Sudbury Town Team. In a survey of businesses in Sudbury Town Centre in January 2014, free car parking was the main issued which was raised as the most important factor to the success of their business in the future. Stephane Chapotot co-owner of The Secret Garden in Friars Street said "business rates are a large proportion of our costs and on top of that as a business we also have to pay for our bins to be emptied, what are these business rates going towards if we are also going to lose free parking for our customers?" Another survey carried out by the Sudbury Town Team and Gainsborough's House of visitors and residents who visited the town centre which come out in June 2015 showed that 31.7% came into Sudbury because of the free parking and 27.3% would like more free parking available. Jane Hatton from the Sudbury Town Team said "Local authorities should see free parking as a service for local people not a short term method to raise money and more importantly as a way of supporting their market towns. ...continued on page 3.
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Sudbury’s businesses are proud to be able to offer their customers 3 hours free parking in their District Council Car Parks. However, there is currently a review by Babergh District Council who are considering starting charging for the currently free period and businesses are very concerned by how this will affect their trade. There has been a lot of publicity about how High Streets all over the country are struggling, initially it was the competition from out of town shopping, who not only benefit from being able to offer free parking but also have lower business rates, now it is the growth in online shopping, which again does not have the same high levels of business rates. Reports can be found to show evidence that shopkeepers overestimate the proportion of customers that travel by car. However, these reports relate to metropolitan areas rather than small rural towns where many people have no option but to drive to the shops. Keeping three hours free parking in Sudbury is important to both businesses, visitors and residents as demonstrated in two recent surveys carried out by
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...continued from front page
Save Free Parking in Sudbury
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It has been proven in other towns that when they lose free parking it discourages people from using the town centre, towns where parking charges have been introduced have then had to offer hours when parking is free to increase footfall but the damage to their town centres has already been done". Chris Storey from Sudbury Chamber of Commerce added "A careful scrutiny of the details surrounding the location of Sudbury, access to the town and other retail centres and the particular challenges of the town centre should make it absolutely clear that three hours free parking is essential if the town centre is not to decline significantly. From a purely economic perspective the council should not have any grounds for bringing in charges. The town is dependent on this for its future prosperity and a more retrograde step is hard to envisage. Reducing the long term rateable value of the town centre – which is likely to result from such an act – together with the reduced employment and wellbeing derived from the town centre would reduce long term local government income and be far more costly than the small income car parking charges would produce. The Chamber in conjunction with the Town Team remain resolved to fight these proposals and ensure that the town centre can have a long term viable and successful future for the benefit of all, including Babergh District Council.” If you have any comments or thoughts on Sudbury losing free parking please leave your comments at or email
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Local Community Community News
Winners of the Sudbury Christmas Mince Pie Competition The four winners of the Christmas Mince Pie Competition was Mrs Brenda Balls who won a cream tea for two at The Secret Mr Simpson receiving his Garden, 21 Friars Street, Mr John Smith voucher from Deborah who won the £10 voucher from Thomas at the Bridge Project Sainsbury's, Cornard Road, Mr Simpson from Sudbury who won the £10 voucher for the Courtyard Café at The Bridge Project, 20 Gainsborough Street. and Mrs Sarah Titford who won the meal for two at Pizza Express, 37 Market Hill including a bottle of Prosecco. The Secret Garden had the favourite mince pie as voted by their customers.
The Sudbury & Long Melford Community News is hand delivered direct to 7600 local homes and businesses during the first week of each month We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month A total of 18,800 copies of these local Community News magazines are hand delivered to homes monthly
Our contact details: Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 Mrs Sarah Titford receiving her voucher from Agata Szczecinska in Pizza Express
Mrs Brenda Ball with her son Michael receiving her voucher from Lauren Stannard in The Secret Garden Sudbury & Long Melford Community News is produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF
Changing Times at The Bridge Project
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
As many of you will know Anesta Newson, founder and Chief Executive of The Bridge Project, is retiring this year. Over the past 2 decades Anesta has taken The Bridge Project from a small initiative run in a barn at her home in Ballingdon to a thriving charity embedded in the local community. From our Bradbury Courtyard premises in Gainsborough Street we provide a safe supported working environment for adults with learning disabilities in our kitchen and café, as well as operating a hot meals delivery service for the elderly. We also provide a weekly drop-in session for adults recovering from mental health problems; social activities including a lunch club and whist drive for the over 60s and our weekly Synergy Café run in conjunction with Sue Ryder for people with dementia and their families. "It's brilliant and humbling to see. The learning disability students are cooking meals and refreshments for everybody, it's totally integrated and fun, everybody helps everybody. It's one of the most positive environments I've been in" said Anesta. Anesta's replacement is Jo Searle. For many years Jo has worked in the voluntary sector for both national and smaller charities, most recently in London. Jo says "To have a chance to come to such a wellregarded, well run organization in the town where you live is amazing. I feel very privileged and incredibly excited about it because I can identify with the values of The Bridge Project and what they have created. I want to build on the brilliant things we do and increase that - ultimately I want to make sure it is here for another 20 years".
News from Sudbury Library The scaffolding in the Library has been removed at last and the work to the front screen to save the Staff and Customers from the winter draughts is almost completed. Now we are turning our minds to our next events. On the 18th February Gladis Garcia -Soza will be talking on the "The Secret life of the Gainsboroughs and on the 17th March David Burnett will be telling us about the research and writing of his latest book "Chilton- a journey through time". Both talks are in the Library at 7pm for 7.30 and tickets are £5 per talk. On the 4th February there will another Harry Potter night, last years Harry Potter event was very successful and popular with all the young people and adults who attended, this is a free event but it is vital that a booking is made as numbers are strictly limited. Every week there are regular day time groups in the Library and over half term there will be special events for the younger members. Do call in and see what your local Library has to offer. Marie Lewis, Chair Friends of Sudbury Library
Looking after the Hearts of West Suffolk Upeat Heart Support starts another year, very grateful for all the fundraising that has been done both from within the group and also the outside help which has been forthcoming, from local businesses, from the Suffolk Foundation based in Ipswich and from our own local councillors who have been particularly helpful. Our fundraising is a necessary part of our group. We receive no money from the British Heart Foundation or the NHS and need these funds to keep helping all the new heart patients that will inevitably keep coming. As a self-financing charity with professional cardiac nurse and exercise instructor support, we offer rehabilitation exercise sessions, a sympathetic ear and practical help to anyone with cardiac problems, their families and carers. Sessions are held at The Delphi Club, Alexander Road, Sudbury CO10 2RR Tuesdays 9.15am to 12.30 The Newbury Community Centre, Bury St. Edmunds, IP32 6RW, Mon/Wed/Fri mornings Hardwick Middle School, Bury St. Edmunds IP333 2PD Fridays evenings For more information call 01449 774333 or 01359 232678.
Christmas Window Display Competition The winner of the Christmas Window Display is Holmes & Hills Solicitors in North Street with the runners up Nanook in Friars Street. Nearly double the amount of votes were received from the public compared with previous years and it has been amazing to see so many beautifully designed windows throughout Sudbury. The competition was really tight with 98 votes for Holmes & Hills and 89 votes for Nanook. The competition was organised by the Sudbury Town Team and supported by The Best of Angela Watson and Dean Stanhope of Sudbury. Phil Davies from Holmes & Hills Holmes & Hills receiving the winners certificate said “Our team in Sudbury are really pleased to have won the window dressing competition, especially up against such stiff competition. I think the Sudbury Town Team should be congratulated for their efforts in organising the competition and for the work they do to support local business all year round. A lot of towns do not have such an enthusiastic and active committee.” Corinna Green from Nanook said “We at Nanook feel passionate about our community and keeping the town exciting. It is the second year that the students from TGS have created a unique Christmas display for our shop window”. For details of the prize draw for the winner of the hamper donated by Waitrose visit Clare Earthroll receiving the Jane Hatton runners up certificate
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The Royal British Legion Sudbury & District Branch Sudbury and District had an excellent Poppy Appeal and we wish to thank all our Collectors and helpers and most importantly you the Public for generously supporting the Appeal which today stands at £41,371.39 almost £1000 more than the whole of 2014/2015 Appeal! The poppy Awards night will be held on 16th February for all Members and Collectors to attend. Speakers for February 9th will be Jennie Antill ‘History of St Petersburg and April 12th Speaker is Peter Hesketh – Circumnavigation of the World by Container Ship. These two evenings are open to anyone who wishes to come along and the evening finishes with a small buffet. We are asked to pay £1.50 to help with both the food and Speaker as British Legion funds cannot be used. 2016 is the 100 year anniversary of both the Battle of the Somme 1st July to 13th November 1916 and also the Naval Battle of Jutland fought 31st May to 1st June 1916. Ideas are now being formulated as to how we can commemorate these two events. Armed Forces Day will be held on the Market Hill in Sudbury on Saturday 25th June with a short Parade from the bottom of the Market Hill to the Town Hall for Veterans only. Please consider giving your support to this event. A welcome by the Mayor followed by Prayers. Coffee and Tea are served in the Town Hall afterwards. Membership is not limited to Service or Ex Service people anyone is eligible to be a member. If you would like to join the Sudbury & District Branch please contact our Membership Secretary Colin Smith on 01787 379704. Other Enquiries to The Chairman and Poppy Appeal Organiser: Stuart Hume on 01787 374277
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Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare Reg charity no 1124029 That pesky Ollie (the Black) Cat was at the computer again, trying to usurp me as author of Ken’s SESAW News! Lucky I was here to take over and give you some breaking news just before Community News deadline. We have launched the “Amazing Maisie Appeal” on JustGiving to help fund life changing treatment for a long suffering dog. Maisie the Springer endured seven years of pain and could hardly walk due to a birth defect. She certainly couldn't run and for a Springer that is horrendous. Upon her arrival at SESAW our vet, Simon, diagnosed the problem and performed life changing surgery. A few days later, Mum was hand feeding her with Christmas dinner as Maisie faced six weeks of bed rest. She already manages so much better and rewards her carers with a lick as her dressings are changed. If you could say a dog was smiling, that's Amazing Maisie. Donation towards the cost of Maisie's treatment accepted via our website and in person at the Sanctuary or at Swayne and Partners in Long Melford. Ollie says his fellow black cats and kittens are still being overlooked. He is also worried about two of his friends, homeless due to their owner’s illness. Baby and Julian are handsome long haired, black and white cats, looking for an adult only home where they would be the only animals. If you are the special person they need, please leave a phone message or email Mum. We still have tables available at our Spring Sale in the Old School, Long Melford on 10th April. This has proved a very successful venue for sellers and Public alike so why not book a £10 space to sell your excess things? Phone 01206 263269 or visit our website to download a booking form. Time to click send before I press the wrong key and delete my hard work. It's also time I had a little nap by the Rayburn so move over everyone and make space for me, Kenny the Boss, Chihuahua. Suffolk and Essex Small Animal Welfare, Reg.Charity No:1124029, Open 10-1pm Thurs-Sun at Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Tel: 01787 210888. email:
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Bridge Project Film and Supper Club Wednesday 24th February February's film is The Wonders.In Italian with English subtitles, this richly textured drama centres on a family of beekeepers living in stark isolation in the Tuscan countryside. The dynamic of their overcrowded household is disrupted by the simultaneous arrival of a silently troubled teenaged boy taken in as a farmhand and a reality TV show intent on showcasing the family. Both intrusions are of particular interest to the eldest daughter, Gelsomina, who is struggling to find her footing in the world. Price per head is £15.00, to include supper. For most films the café opens at 6.00 pm with a buffet supper served at 6.30 pm. The film is showed from approximately 7.30 pm. If there is exceptional demand we may offer 2 sittings – this will be confirmed at the appropriate time. To book for these events please contact or telephone 01787 313691
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Do you look after a Partner, Relative, Friend or Neighbour? Do you feel isolated or need someone to listen? You’re not alone. We can help. We offer a range of free services, information and advice to anyone, of any age, who is looking after someone with an illness, disability or age related condition, who could not manage alone. Suffolk Family Carers GP link worker, Sophie Gower, will be at Hardwicke House GP Surgery on the 2nd Monday of every month, Meadow Lane Surgery on the 1st Tuesday and 4th Wednesday and Cornard Surgery on the 3rd Thursday of every month, to provide information, guidance and emotional support, or just for a chat! Look forward to seeing you. Contact: 01473 835407/
News from Sudbury Rotary Club The New Year is traditionally a time to look back and to look forward. As reported last month, Rotary was busy in the run-up to Christmas, with the annual Schools Concert (children from Pot Kiln School, one of the four schools that took part are pictured), and with Sudbury Talbot, our sister club in Sudbury, we organised the Christmas Tree Festival in St Peters and Father Christmas’ grotto. Over the past six months we are pleased to have been able to help a large range of organisations with our fund-raising and working projects: as well as our activities leading up to Christmas. These have included creating a sensory garden, Kids Out (taking children to Colchester Zoo), supporting Rotary’s Youth Leadership candidate, litter picks, school interviews, planting purple crocuses in schools and at the Ecofair to raise awareness of the End Polio Now campaign, visits to Eden Rose Coppice and to the state-of-the-art Environmental waste facility at Great Blakenham. We continue to collect spectacles to send to Africa; we have helped with the collection for the Sudbury fire victims and have made donations to the Home of Hope in Lebanon, the proposed Community Kitchen in Sudbury, and towards flood relief in Cumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire, to Autism Anglia which now has a base in Sudbury, for transport to a Youth Peace Conference in Norwich and nearer home for those alone for Christmas We now look forward to another busy year. As well as our continuing projects and fund-raising activities which will include a Schools Environment Project involving many schools in the district, we have a full calendar of events. Already the town’s former Mayor, Robert Spivey has been to talk to us about the town’s links with Mali and the aid project going on there. A local author Clive Sorrell takes us “From Faction to Fiction”. By the time that this article is published we will have enjoyed a Burns Night supper and future events include a talk by the new area co-ordinator for health services, a wine tasting, our annual Crucial Crew event for schools, and Spring Open Gardens. There will be more details of our activities in future issues but in any case why not come along to one of our lunchtime meetings and find out more about us. We meet every Monday at the Mill Hotel at 12.30pm, for lunch and a chance to meet each other. As well as our lunchtime meetings, we hold both fundraising and fun events (often the same thing!) throughout the year. If you would like more information contact our secretary Roger Green on 07787 470876 or look us up on our website. or Google Sudbury Rotary Club.
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By Deborah Abbott, lawyer at Holmes & Hills The last time I took a cab, I asked the driver if he had ever been asked to: ‘Follow that cab!’ ‘No’ he laughed, ‘that kind of thing only happens in films’. If someone had asked me at the start of my legal career to estimate the amount of times I might be called upon to attend someone who was dying, to make their Will, I would have said ‘maybe once or twice?’ - Sadly this has not been my experience and I am unable to count the amount of times I have done so. One survey recently said that at least half the population had not made a Will. Another survey put the figure as high as two thirds. Why do we put off making a Will? I suppose it is because we have a reluctance to consider our own demise. The daft thing is, we all know it is going to happen one day... It is never easy to attend to legal matters following the death of a loved one as we are still in a state of shock and grief. However, the legal process has to begin and it greatly assists those we leave behind if we have made a Will that sets out our wishes. This is particularly important for couples who may not be married because if they die without a Will in place, the law determines who is to receive their estate – and a partner for the purposes of the law is not a person automatically entitled to receive a share in your estate. Making a Will is very important for couples who may have children from previous relationships and want to ensure that their money will pass to their own family. This can be a sensitive issue between couples – but it doesn’t have to be so. It is possible to draft a Will making sure that your spouse/partner is provided for in the event of your death and ensuring that ultimately your family will inherit your estate. We are all living longer and another real concern for many people is paying for long term care. This is especially the case for older couples who are worried that when one of them dies the other may go on to require some form of long term care. In certain circumstances, a Will can be drafted to ensure that some (if not all) of an estate can be protected for your beneficiaries. It might be a bit late for a New Years’ Resolution but there really is ‘no time like the present’ for sorting out your financial affairs. Even if you have already made a Will, it might be a good idea to review it and see if it still meets all your requirements and accurately reflects your wishes. If you want to make changes to your existing Will then the forthcoming promotion is for you too. Holmes & Hills Solicitors, 96 North Street, Sudbury. Suffolk CO10 1RF Tel: 01787 275275
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Solgar Award-Winning Formulas and Products - Unique offers only at your Independent. The Solgar range stocked at Health Foods For You in Sudbury offers quality nutritional supplements, education, and service. The ongoing mission is to provide consumers with top-quality, innovative, science-based nutritional supplements to support their total health and well-being. Most of the range is suitable for vegetarian, vegan and free from diets. A rigorous quality control system in place tests products at multiple stages – from raw material to finished product. Solgar has its own on-site Quality Laboratory that ensures that each product leaving its door meets the Gold Standard™ for excellence. All of these making Solgar the perfect choice for your supplement range, from multi vitamins, sports nutrition, omega oils, vitamin B, D and C to more targeted lines for specific conditions – sleep, immunity and stress for example All the staff at Health Foods For You is trained to be able to offer options and advice on the whole range available in store. The newly launched “Solgar Gold Club Loyalty Scheme” allow Jane’s customers to collect 5 stamps, one given for any Solgar purchase within the whole range. Once the card is full the customer can chose from a list of popular products and have one absolutely FREE! Jane will also be offering throughout all of February 25% off selected lines. This will be a quarterly event allowing customers to stock up or try new lines. Saving You Money. Having realised that everyone likes a bargin Health Foods For You are offering amazing deals on various other food ranges every week. Jane has worked hard with her suppliers having built up a good relationship over the last four years, so that new and popular ranges can be offered at fantastic prices. Buy One Get One Free - Organic raw buckwheat, organic pumpkin seeds, and coco- nut and buckwheat flour are among some of the current offers. Jane is aiming to have a quick turnaround to keep these fresh and varied for all her shoppers! For more information and advice please call 01787 828262 or visit 11a Friars Street your friendly independent. Telephone orders are available, and we welcome all enquiries. Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00 - 4.00pm Friday 9.00 - 5.30 pm; Saturday - 9.00 - 4.00 01787 828262
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Sudbury Hypnosis Episode IV: A New Therapy Room Back in 2014 I was working from various locations around Suffolk, building my reputation as a hypnotherapist. After a series of searches for the perfect place to work I became resident at a local gym. It was a great place for many reasons, but it still wasn¹t ideal. The dream was to get my own place, but everywhere I saw that was within my budget was either too far out of town, too large, or had some other kind of compromise. In early 2015 I found out about a property on Gainsborough Street in the centre of Sudbury. I went and had a look and its was a lovely old building, but it needed a fair bit of work and it was still too big for me on my own anyway. By pure chance I had a friend that was looking for an office space. It occurred to me that maybe we could rent the place together, it would be perfect! Enthusiasm builds I mentioned the idea to my friend and he thought it was a great idea. I also knew a physiotherapist that needed to find a space to work, and he said he would be happy to rent a room from me a couple of times a week. As my prospective new business partner and I were in the process of doing the sums, I mentioned this idea to a number of other therapists, all of who thought it was a good idea, and so Gainsborourgh Therapy Rooms was born. Gainsborough Therapy Rooms, Open for business It took a lot of work to get the place up and running. We had to do a number of repairs, clean from top to bottom, replace all sorts of bits (including almost every light fitting in the place!), but eventually the building was fit for use. In June 2015 I saw my first hypnotherapy client in Gainsborough Therapy Rooms and a week later our (now resident) physio began working here the place was up and running! Into the future We now have 2 fully kitted out therapy rooms, with recliners, massage beds, sound system and everything else a therapist might need. We¹re getting a good variety of therapists using the place now too, we¹ve even had Buddhist meditation class. We still have more to achieve but we have big plans, and 2016 is looking great for us! Call now on 07967 473691
orthcoming Events at SbN Hotel
Valentine’s Day Events Friday 12th – Sunday 14th February Romantic Candlelit Dinner – just £39pp &IWTSOI GSYVWI HMRRIV KPEWW SJ GLEQTEKRI SR EVVMZEP VIH VSWI JSV ]SYV ZEPIRXMRI Valentine’s Disco, Saturday 13th February – just £24.95pp 7GLSSP HMRRIV XLIQIH GSYVWI FYJJIX PMZI (. [MXL HERGMRK WGLSSP HMWGS JERG] HVIWW STXMSREP
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Ten Minutes to Change Your Life! Peake Fitness at Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa is proud to support The British Heart Foundation, and is staging a “Love your Heart” Open Evening on Thursday 25th February from 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm. The event is free to attend. The British Heart Foundation encourages us all to consider taking control of our own heart health, and this is a great time of year to decide to make even the smallest of changes that can have an impact. The following is just a small section of the vast range of advice they offer. Being active helps keep your heart healthy. If you are active every day you’ll be less likely to develop coronary heart disease. You are in control – by taking ten minutes a few times a day to get active, you could change your life. Being active helps lower your risk of coronary heart disease because it exercises your heart, helping to keep it strong; helps lower your cholesterol and helps lower your blood pressure, which means your arteries are less likely to clog up. It can also help you feel more relaxed, have more energy and give you a sense of achievement. However, being active doesn’t have to mean running a marathon, or swimming like an Olympic champion - gentle, everyday activities like walking, and climbing stairs are great ways to get started, and will help to lead you on to more structured and challenging exercises, which you can build into a routine. What can I do? Make small changes like walking rather than driving, and taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. Take a walk every day – to work, to the shop, or to see a friend; set a date and take your kids, grandchildren, pets or friends to the park. Time to push it! The type of activity that helps your heart the most will make you feel warmer, breathe harder and make your heart beat faster than usual. What can I do? - Set aside some time in your week for activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, exercise classes or team sports like football or netball. - Aim to work up to at least 150 minutes of this type of activity a week. You can spread this out over the week however you like. Remember – every ten minutes counts. These are suggestions for generally healthy adults. If you have any health issues please talk to your doctor before you start any new activities. Next steps If you’d like to find out more about being active, download and print an A4 activity tracker, and/or further BHF publications, and gain more British Heart Foundation advice, go online to
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The Peake Fitness “Love Your Heart” Open Evening Event: Thursday 25th February 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm. This is a free event offering: Healthy Heart Presentations and further advice on exercise and well being Free Cholesterol Testing Biometric and Body Composition Analysis Delicious Healthy Heart Food Treats Healthy Heart Advice and free BHF publications Free Fitness Testing (bring kit!) Fabulous Joining Fee Offer: If you join Peake Fitness as part of the Open Evening event, a nominal £15.00* Joining Fee will apply, and we will donate it directly to the British Heart Foundation! *Our normal subscription rates then apply. To reserve your place, or for more information please call 01206 265841 or 265820 or email
WHAT’S ON at ST PETER’S FEBRUARY 2016 Thurs 4th Sun 7th Thurs 11th Sat 13th Thurs 18th Thurs 25th Fri 26th Sat 27th
Kettle & Fish - a peaceful café/information centre Organ Recital with Nigel Brown Kettle & Fish - a peaceful café/information centre Mayor's Charity Craft and Gift Sale Kettle & Fish - a peaceful café/information centre Kettle & Fish - a peaceful café/information centre Farmers Market Imagine....Craft and Gift Fair
9:45 3 9:45 9 9:45 9:45 9:30 9
– – – – – – – –
2 4 2 4 2 2 2 4
OPEN DOORS PROGRAMME On days when there is no event in the Church, the Friends of St Peters operate an Open Doors programme. Weather and availability permitting, volunteer Stewards will welcome visitors between 11 am and 1 pm during the winter months and from 11 am to 3 pm from March onwards.
Sudbury’s Kinderkid SUDBURY
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Ken Overman of Sudbury, in his 93rd year, has lived a life somewhat unique in the annals of our townsfolk. A few years ago Ken asked me to pen his biography. Somewhat taken back I replied, “Ken, we’ve been mates some 25 years but except for the fact that you’re Jewish and a Freemason, I know Ken and his wife Stella nothing about you!”. Well, what a tale he in happy retirement had to tell. Born Kurt Manfred Oppenheimer on the 27th August 1923 in Hungen, Germany. The only thing that set Ken apart from his schoolboy compatriots was his Jewish faith. His father Herman had even bravely fought on the western Front with the German Army throughout the Great War as a Pioneer. Ken’s childhood up to the age of eleven was somewhat uneventful. Although the Jews had unjustly borne the stigma of being held partly to blame for Germany’s ills (together with financiers, freemasons and others) Ken and other Jews were more scorned and ignored than overtly persecuted. After all, had not Herman Oppenheimer and others of his religion fought bravely for the Kaiser? In 1938 Ken and his father were rounded up and taken to the local prison where together with all local Jewish men and youths they were forced to run the gauntlet whilst they were brutally beaten by the Nazis, many of whom they had lived among. When finally released they returned to the wreckage of their home. The house had been looted and smashed. Ken’s mother had been assaulted and stabbed in the arm and as she was Jewish the local hospital refused to treat her. For Ken and his father their ordeal had only just begun. The same month they were shipped to Buchenwald concentration camp to endure more humiliation and beatings, the train stopping at towns and villages en-route to pick up their fellow Jews. Herman and Ken were freed in December but soon Ken was told to leave. Passage to Britain had been arranged for the fifteen- year- old on the famed Kinder transport train, but with the proviso that he depart by the 1st January. As the train was not due to leave until the 5th the local Gestapo continued to harass him until he finally boarded. The Kinder transport had been formed by Jewish, Quaker and other Christian groups, with the co-operation of the British government, to rescue mainly Jewish children from Nazi Europe. The first party of 200 arrived in Harwich on 2nd December 1938 and by the time war was declared in September 1939 a further 10,000 children had arrived in Britain - a notable and noble achievement by our Parliament and the British people. Many other countries were far more reticent with the United States accepting only about 1,000. Their future value to our society cannot be over estimated. They were later to serve in nursing, the armed forces and the war industry. At least four were to become holders of the Nobel Prize. The transport parties went by train to Holland and then usually to Harwich. From that port many were entrained to Liverpool Street Station where they were united with foster parents. A poignant memorial stands today at the station entrance. Unveiled by the great Sir Nicholas Winton who himself had been instrumental in the saving of some 670 children from occupied Czechoslovakia. But Ken’s life took a different path. He arrived, a fifteen - year old German teenager, at Harwich on the 6th January 1939. To the children life became a disorganised lottery. Many were taken in by families, Jewish and Christian. The majority had an understanding and kind home life. Some were little more than servants or farm hands. But they were to survive. Yet no family was keen to adopt a shaven headed teenager from a concentration camp. He was definitely not the prettiest kid in Dovercourt’s Warner’s holiday camp, temporarily used as a refugee centre with the proviso that the camp would be empty and pristine in order to accommodate the summer’s English holidaymakers. Few had prophesied the advent of hostilities! Ken and the other remaining residents were dispersed to various hostels across the Home Counties. The North Kensington Jewish community had opened a hostel in St. Marks Road and from there he was sent to a Jewish school to learn English. And as for the Dovercourt camp? Before its subsequent demolition for a housing site it served as the set for the famed TV comedy series Hi de Hi. With the outbreak of war with their homeland they believed that they would be readily accepted as allies in the fight against Fascism. Far from it. They were still treated, as many immigrants since, with suspicion and sometimes outright hostility. Being under 16 Ken was graded as a Friendly Enemy Alien (who thought that one up?) and was spared internment. He soon found employment as a watch - glass fitter near Hatton Garden. The majority of refugees were encouraged to join the Pioneer Corps. Ken steadfastly refused, he wanted to fight! He finally got his chance when in October 1943 he was to enlist in the Royal Armoured Corps. Following training Ken was sent to Egypt where he was to see out his war
service. Stationed near Cairo his services as an interpreter were often called upon at the adjacent German Prisoner of War camp but although desperate of news from his homeland none of the inmates were of Hungen. As a driver/mechanic he was soon a corporal, serving on Shermans and the superior Comet tanks. His service record was exemplary, medical category A1. Promoted to Sergeant in March 1947 Ken was discharged and transferred to the reserve in October of that year. However, after his discharge from the Army Ken returned to Hungen. He found his family home was by now occupied by a neighbour who had purchased it from the wartime government for a pittance. Some miserly compensation was paid to Ken and his sisters but he had no desire to remain there. But one memory still haunted him. He demanded of the Burgomaster the location of his mother’s stolen piano. Having ascertained the guilty party he demanded and got due restitution for same. It wasn’t the money, just the satisfaction of getting some small compensation from those who had looted his home. Upon reverting to civilian life the entrepreneur in him came through. After a varied career in the catering industry and the wall paper business he was to purchase a property in South London which he then converted into selfcontained flats. This scheme being profitable he expanded with a further site in Islington and then purchased Crofton House in Sudbury, Suffolk, all converted to flats. Ken had moved to Long Melford where he was to join the local Conservative party and serve as a district councillor, assuming the poison chalice as chairman of the planning committee, not a move to court popularity! But Ken, as always, brought openness and honesty to the role. At this time he embraced freemasonry, and quietly and with dignity he made his way through the ranks, perfecting his ritual and serving as Master in 1994. He became a noted resident of his adopted community, a member of the Long Melford breakfast club and history society and served as president of the local Gainsborough Probus club. It was while campaigning as a prospective councillor for Babergh District Council that Ken was to make his mark. Long Melford’s primary school, having closed, was put up for sale by Suffolk County Council. The building was well used by the village hosting youth groups, play schools and the like. Ken formed and chaired the Community Association and fundraising got underway with countless begging letters going out to local worthies and groups. Thankfully the building was saved and by judiciously disposing of the adjoining headmasters and caretakers accommodation the old school was put on a firm financial footing for future generations. Today, some twenty years later, it is a great asset to the village, hosting book and antique sales and many groups and associations. Ken’s foresight was recognised by his fellow villagers by him being appointed Life Vice President of the Long Melford Community Association. To Ken it was his way of repaying his debt to both his adopted country and to the village for the many years of happy retirement he had enjoyed there. Today, that well used asset is a standing reminder of how our “Kinderkid”, like so many others, served his adopted land. Thankfully Ken’s four siblings were to survive and flourish. But his parents, grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins were to die in Theresienstadt and Auschwitz. And as for my Brother and friend Ken. Now in his nineties he lives, quietly retired in his adopted Sudbury, with his wife Stella. Recently he has suffered ill health but for one of his advanced years he still attends his Probus and Masonic lodge meetings. He and his few remaining contempories are a living reminder to us all that the evil of Fascism was defeated and that such, to quote the words of Churchill, “a perverted science”, must never again be acceptable among civilised men. They are the men, and women, who were to prevail so that human decency could again flourish. Without their sacrifice we would today be living as a subjugated race. I know that Ken is very reticent regarding those dark times but without his courage in reliving those days this story could not have been written. Ken, and the other Kinderkids, have enriched our society, as have many immigrants to my country. But above all his tale should stand as a warning against At Liverpool Street Station, “The Kinderkids” intolerance and racism. And why did I write Ken’s biography, well I am minded of the words and deeds of that great liberator, General Dwight Eisenhower, supreme commander of the allied troops in Europe. At the liberation of the camps he forced the neighbouring populous to see for themselves the evil carried out in their name. He summoned the world media and press to witness and photograph the horrors they had exposed and when asked why he wisely prophesised, “Because at some time in the future some son of a bitch is going to deny that this ever happened”. And perhaps, in some small way our dear friend Ken’s account will confirm that great General’s words and serve as a warning to generations to come. Peter Thorogood
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
IT worx - Technology Tamed Computer Help and Advice My name is Ian Fovargue and I operate a computer repair, advice and technical support business. Based in Boxford, Suffolk. Computers and the Internet are now a part of our everyday lives. It is said that having internet access is as important as having electricity or water. I'm not sure I quite agree with that philosophy but yes it's becoming more and more difficult to pay bills, get information and communicate quickly without having an internet connection, and either a computer, tablet or smartphone. When I set up my part time business 5 years ago I soon realised that many people were struggling to make technology work for them and were frustrated with the technical support they received when problems occurred. I visit people in their own homes and over the years I have built up a large customer portfolio. My services include the repair of computers (mac or pc), virus removal, upgrades, tuition, advice, wireless networking and setup of new equipment.Through personal recommendations my business has grown from strength to strength. In January 2016 I will be operating "ITworx" as a full time job. This will enable me to visit customers, at times that fit in with their needs, during the day or early evening. If you need help or advice then give me a call. I can visit you at home with prices starting at £35 for the first hour. Phone: 01787 210031 or 07866 015953 Email: Web:
East Anglia Potato Day 2016 Saturday, 13th February 2016 - 9.30am to 1.30pm - admission: £1.50 at MidSuffolk Showground, Stonham Barns, Stonham Aspal, nr Stowmarket, IP14 6AT (on A1120 - just off A140) 80+ varieties of seed potato - tubers sold individually plus various stalls including King Seeds, master composters, refreshments, tools, seed-swap etc. Potato Day is organised by 3 gardening groups, Norfolk Organic Group, SuffolK Organic Gardeners and Ipswich Organic Gardeners Group Jill Carter
16106_SWANWeavers_HadlieghSudbury&Villages_Ad_Layout 1 15/01/
Weavers’ Hugs… with love This February Weavers’ House Spa at the Swan at Lavenham is celebrating love in all its forms. Love runs deep for us all, be it friendships, relationships or even loving yourself. Our ethos is to put a large dose of love into all of our treatments, to truly understand our clients and to ultimately make them feel amazing. Our Weavers’ House Hug for two in the double suite is the ultimate treatment for all couples, be it friends or lovers. Like the weave of love, where feelings for another are interlaced and woven together, our exclusive massage techniques deeply penetrate the muscles and our nurturing body rocking will take you to a world of peacefulness. This full body experience includes a scalp, face, hands and foot massage, complete with hot stones to lull your muscles to sleep. Our signature luxury Champagne and Truffles Facial is a celebration of the skin, containing ingredients such as champagne, silk, diamonds, gold and black truffles. The facial will leave your complexion glowing, more youthful and instantly wonderful. Our couples will all receive a glass of champagne and truffles and a red rose. Our Weavers’ House Hug (two hours vacation) complete with a glass of champagne each, truffles and a romantic red rose, with use of our steam room, sauna and outdoor vitality pool and your very own fluffy white robe is £265 for two sharing in our couples suite. And why not enhance your experience…. If you would like a romantic night away book a stay in one of our charming rooms complete with dinner from the house menu, a bottle of champagne and a Temple Spa ‘Do not disturb’ gift for you both to take home, followed by breakfast the following morning. Lavenham is truly a romantic getaway and perfect to unwind and reconnect. From £280 per night for two sharing. However you wish to celebrate the love this February, we have something for everyone. To schedule your Weavers’ House Hug and romantic night away, call Weavers’ House Spa on 01787 246 246, email or visit
What’s On in Sudbury February is the month for romance and if you are looking forward to Valentine’s Day why not come to Sudbury to have a meal, go shopping, visit the exhibition at Gainsborough’s House or take a romantic walk along the river. Sudbury has a fine selection of pubs, cafes and restaurants, many offering local food and drink. One such restaurant is the Secret Garden in Friars Street who have a special Valentine weekend on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 with a theme food and wine matching dinner, booking will be essential. Another restaurant to try is newly opened in Gaol Lane, The Loft which is a family run restaurant offering delicious homemade food and has received some great reviews. The Martin Weaver Show is on at The Quay Theatre on Saturday 13, vocalist Martin Weaver’s has entertained at some of the country’s top venues and been on many top rated television programmes. Regular events in St Peter’s include craft fairs, exhibitions, concerts, Kettle and Fish café every Thursday and the farmers’ market on the last Friday of the month. The Sudbury Festival of Performing Arts is competitive festival open to people of all ages commences a month of events with Dance from the February 13th at Ormiston Sudbury Academy. To find out more just visit New for 2016 in Sudbury are the guided walks around Sudbury, find out more about the diverse history of Thomas Gainsborough, Simon of Sudbury, England’s silk capital and much more. Sudbury’s businesses are proud to be able to offer 3 hours free parking. However, there is currently a review by Babergh District Council to start charging, find out more at and leave your comment. To find out more and for a full list of all the events visit the Sudbury Tourist Information Centre located in the library or a list of all the events can be found on the What’s On page at Jane Hatton, Sudbury Town Team
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Ryman League outfit AFC Sudbury has opened the clinic at its state-of-art Wardale Williams Stadium. The clinic provides knowledgeable, personalised treatment of all sporting injuries and is headed by one of the UK’s most experience sports injury therapists, Brian Swift. Now in his second season with the club Mr Swift obtained his FA Diploma in Sports Injuries whilst as Colchester United Football Club where he spent 13 Brian Swift treating a patient at Sudbury’s seasons. He is vastly new sports injury clinic. experienced in a number of sports including football, rugby, cricket, athletics, golf and basketball. During Mr Swift’s varied career he has worked with many well-known professional and amateur sports people including weightlifter Zoe Newson who won a bronze medal at the 2012 Paralympics. “We noticed there was nowhere in Sudbury which has a clinic dedicated solely to sporting injury and yet there is a huge sporting community in the town. We felt the club was the perfect place to set up the clinic and we look forward to providing this specialised service to the people of Sudbury and the surrounding area,� he said. The new clinic is fully equipped with two treatment beds, medicine balls, weights and ultrasound equipment to help with rehabilitation and relief of a wide range of sporting injuries. Anyone wanting to know more about the sports injury clinic at the Wardale Williams stadium can visit its website at or telephone 01787 376213.
Award winning interior design, creating beautiful, elegant and timeless interiors in the heart of Suffolk 16
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Peter Thorogood... The Lunatics are Truly Running the Asylum! From the echelons of the Reptile House down to Toy town here in Sudbury do we truly deserve the buffoons we term decision makers or are they really the best of the bunch? The rather photogenic Environment Minister assures us that Britain’s flood defences are sound whilst portrayed behind her a bridge that has withstood the elements for some 500 years is swept away. The incompetent absentee Sir Philip Dilley eventually resigns having been supported by his bosses whilst telling porkies as to why he chose, at the most inopportune moment, to swan off to warmer climes. All this whilst trousering some £100,000 per annum while communities were devastated on his watch. At the same time underling Pam Gilder departed for pastures greener with a pay off of £112,000. Our diminutive cuckold Speaker chooses to prioritise transgender loos in the reptile house whilst Britain floods! Surely his time would be better spent keeping an eye on his shapely wife and the criminal misdemeanours of his flock. However, down here in Gods own country we cannot be smug. Although spared the worst of the storms we are still governed by a County Council whose decision making is in the least questionable. Only a few years ago they employed the most expensive overlord in the country, who, after receiving the highest salary on record took her reputation elsewhere. At that time it was decided to replace retiring police officers with PCSOs and some 166 were eventually recruited, trained and equipped, and to be fair, given the limited powers available to them, performed their civic duties well. Now even that cost cutting but expensive exercise is proven redundant. And I quote from Mandy Coleman of Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team “PCSOs will be cut from 166 to 98 and 26 police officers will not be replaced following retirement”. So are we to be informed as to why and at what cost these Support Officers were hired in the first place? Are our local Councillors so short-sighted as to not realise that future cuts would have to be made or does no manager in the public sector ever produce projected accounts to examine viability? And has not the effect on those who enlisted to serve their community and now consigned to the scrapheap been considered. A 50% saving in Councillors expenses and a radical look at the pension schemes (including early retirement) in the public sector would have been the preferred option, but of course that is akin to asking turkeys to vote for Christmas. Now I finally broke my time honoured rule, no I have not become a vegan or teetotaller, I, after abstaining for over thirty years finally voted. Realising that our politicians are, in the main, incompetent, I flatly refuse to put my good name to our electoral system. Also I never watch televised “reality” shows such as the X Factor or Strictly preferring to dwell amongst like minded folk in a suitable drinking hole. However, I was so angered by prissy politically correct responses to a few rather ill chosen words by our courageous new world heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury, that not only did I enrol in order to vote for him, but even endured the mind numbing misnamed Sports Personality of the Year. And no, it seems I was not in a minority by so doing. From foreign students who try to have the statue of Cecil Rhodes removed from the college he founded (this while benefitting from scholarships he originally founded) and ignoring the excesses of the current crop of African dictators, to those government funded advisors who seek to “advise” me to curb my couple of gallons of Guinness a week. Who the hell are they all to tell me how to live my life? No, I didn’t concur with Tyson’s views and no, I am not quite yet an alcoholic, although the misgovernance of my country is driving many of us to the solace of a friendly bar where we can ponder on the woes of modern society. So please, politically correct Britain, stop imposing your ever more ridiculous views on the likes of us, and allow us the luxury of seeing out our remaining years in the illusion of a once great state where free speech and thought needed no guidance from the likes of you! Peter Thorogood - Usual emails and moans to and not to the Editor!
We are a leading Aluminium Foundry and due to continued expansion we have immediate vacancies for the following: FOUNDRY MANAGER Experienced Foundry Manager required to focus on improving levels of productivity and efficiency within the foundry departments. The principal role will be to supervise and co-ordinate the employees through operational control. Ideal candidate will have a min. of 5 years strong managerial experience in the Foundry Industry. Ability to make things happen especially under pressure essential. Good working knowledge of modern manufacturing cost down techniques including waste/scrap reduction. Knowledge of Epicor, Sharepoint and KPI’s an advantage.
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Sudbury Mayor’s Report A Happy New Year to you all, in a year that we will face many challenges which may prove decisive in the future, with many things that we as a community have taken for granted, I refer to the retention of a 2 appliance Fire station, Free short stay car parking, preserving and developing Belvue House for the benefit of the whole community, the development of the Hamilton road area with the inclusion of a Cinema and having a bus station that meets the aspirations of its users and that we can be proud . We face a real threat of losing one of our Fire Appliance due to the County Council’s determination to cut £1.3m from the budget, even though the evidence suggests that it could put the lives, businesses and citizens at greater risk, recent incidents tend to support this view, if you haven’t already taken part in the consultation response, then I urge you to do so, a public meeting will be held at the Town Hall on February 3rd at 7pm when you will be
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For more information: Call 01473 824480 email: Utility Installation Projects Ltd. Valley Park, Hook Lane, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5PH 18
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
able to question the decision makers and listen to their explanation. Babergh District Council look like they may well be discussing Car parking charges in Sudbury and Hadleigh in the near future, it is currently being considered by the Political group in control of the District Council so is likely to become policy unless they can be persuaded otherwise by local Councillors and overwhelming Public opposition. The Community Bid for the development of Belvue House will be under consideration soon and is something all of us should have an opinion on, Sudbury has changed over the years and lost some of its historic buildings, it will be a shame if we lose another one without even a whimper from local people. The Sudbury Steering group held a Public meeting on Friday 15th January to consider the three options under consideration for the future of the Bus Station, the reason for the Bus Station to be moved to another location was explained by Lindsay Barker the Strategic Director for Place, who explained that to redevelop the area which would include a Cinema they were unable to get a developer on Board who would agree to develop the area with the Bus Station as part of it. The Chairman of the group, Councillor Simon Barrett made it clear at the commencement of the meeting that none of the options being considered included retaining the Bus Station at its current location. The three options under consideration were, a split Bus Station in East Street and part of the Girling Street car park, with the other two options of moving the Bus Station into the Girling Street car park area, the main difference between the two options was in the first option the Buses would drive in and reverse out, the second option would mean that the Buses would both drive in and out, all three would include a toilet and plenty of waiting shelters. The Public were then invited to ask questions and there were plenty asked by the large gathering and quite a lot of disquiet that the audience were not given the opportunity to express a view on keeping it where it was. The group in its deliberations and taking into consideration the views expressed by the public rejected the split option as being too expensive and not supported by the majority of the public, after debate they voted for option C, which was to move it to the Girling Street car park area although recognising that it was not without its faults, loss of 71 parking places, loading bays and Blue Badge Holders parking could conflict with Bus movements, problems with Buses navigating safely into Girling Street, the movement of vehicles in Girling Street which is aggravated by the delivery vehicles servicing Iceland, the 99p store and the Silkworm. Consideration needs to be given to the residents in Girling Street if the Bus shelters were left as in the drawing with the likelihood of people causing a nuisance when the Buses cease to operate around 6.30pm. Onto my Civic duties, which included a number of Carol Services and Christmas meals with some residents and Staff from our local Residential Homes. Which brings us on to Christmas day, when Maureen and I carried out our duty of presenting vouchers to around 17 of our elderly Male residents, which could be used to purchase items of clothing from Peddars or Winch & Blatch. This historical event dates back to 1668 when local trader and Alderman Nathaniel King, bequeathed in his Will that the proceeds from the rent charged on the ‘George street Inn’ which incidentally stood where the Edingburgh Wool store now stands, should be used to buy sufficient material to make 10 overcoats to be given to the poorer elderly Men of Sudbury, which is a tradition that has continued to this day by the Municipal Charities. Then off to visit many of the residents and Staff with a box of chocolates tucked under my arm, we visited Hazel Court, Catchpole Court, William Woodhouse and the Red House. It was nice to see how well the residents were cared for on Christmas day, before heading home to enjoy our festivities. It wouldn’t be me if I finished my report without mentioning the Sudbury Carnival, still on the August Bank Holiday Sunday, the 28th of August and hoping it will get better every year. We have few new volunteers and have decided to start from the Train Station and finish at Belvue Park where we will hold a whole load of events. My daughter Alison is heading the event this year so we are waiting to hear from you if you would like to join the Procession or get involved in the events in Belvue Park. How to contact us, Mob 07917 850240 07758 673450 we’d love to hear from you! Just a few charity raising events to tell you about, meet the Mayor coffee mornings on Saturday the 6th February and the 5th March at the Town Hall, a Craft & Gift exhibition on Saturday 13th February, a Charity Curry night with entertainment provided by ‘KarmaKats’ at the ‘India Restaurant’ on Monday February 22nd, tickets can be obtained from the Town Hall, and a Fashion Show at the Edingburgh Wool shop on the 16th March, hopefully you can join me at all or at least some of these events. Jack Owen, Mayor of Sudbury
Long Melford Open Gardens Bank Holiday Monday 30th May 2016 We welcome any garden that wishes to join in with this year’s event, please email to register your interest. Melonie & Robert Clubb
The ‘Mindfulness’ Mania The concept of Mindfulness is being spoken of a lot these days… Is mindfulness something weird, esoteric and only for the ‘spiritual’ among us? Nope… it’s for anyone who experiences stress and worry… A lot of the time we are caught up in our heads - thinking of the past or future, planning, imagining, worrying - and these emotional stresses cause tension in our muscles, short temper, depression, anxiety…. the list goes on…. Mindfulness is gaining popularity the world over - it combines meditation, breathing techniques and paying attention to the present moment to help us change the way we think, feel and act about our daily life experiences. It works wonders for de-stressing and can be practiced by anyone, anywhere- you don’t have to follow any particular religion or be odd to use mindfulness. Brenda Louw is offering a down-to-earth, practical and hands-on INTRODUCTORY COURSE to Mindfulness in Long Melford on Monday Evenings: 7.30-8.15pm. 21 & 28 March & 4 & 11 April. £40 for the full course. Concessions available. No previous experience is necessary. Booking essential. Brenda also offers group and individual sessions in Mindfulness for pain management. Exciting news is that ChillOut Yoga Teacher Training, established in 2007, is starting in September this year in Long Melford. This is a hands-on, down-toearth professionally registered 200 hour course will give you a secure foundation in the skills of teaching yoga, encouraging you to develop your own style as a safe, confident and effective professionally registered yoga teacher. Some attend the course not necessarily wanting to teach yoga, but to deepen their own knowledge. "Brenda is an experienced, wise and inspirational teacher. She provides a kind, constructive and nurturing learning environment. Brenda allows students to deepen their own practice and supports different individual styles. It is a comprehensive, intensive and all-encompassing course covering the many facets of Yoga. Brenda openly shares her deep knowledge and unquestionable enjoyment of Yoga and teaching. The course gave me the self-confidence and wide ranging skills to teach Yoga. I thoroughly enjoyed the ChillOut Yoga Teacher Training Course and wholeheartedly recommend it." Paula Anne McAdams If you interested in attending any classes, workshops or training offered by Brenda, contact her on: or 07791 385240
Hands-on, down-to-earth drop-in classes
at The Old School, Long Melford Gentle Yoga • Power Yoga • Chair Yoga Guided Meditation & Relaxation Mindfulness & Pain Management ALSO
Yoga Teacher Training Become a professionally registered Yoga Teacher with ChillOut Yoga’s 200 Hour Training starting September 2016
Contact Brenda Louw (YRT) 07791 385240
Sudbury Dramatic Society Sudbury Dramatic Society based at Sudbury’s Quay Theatre are looking forward to their first production of 2016, Shadowlands by William Nicholson, on at The Quay from Tuesday 1st March to Saturday 5th March. Shadowlands is the humorous and unsentimental true story of the relationship between popular author and academic, C.S. Lewis, writer of the Tales of Narnia series of children’s books, and the divorced American poet, Joy Davidman. Set in Oxford in the 1950s, their relationship begins with long distance correspondence but, once Joy arrives in Oxford, she delights Lewis, who goes through a marriage of convenience with her to enable her to remain in England. From these tentative and timid beginnings their relationship develops into a deep and abiding love. However, when Joy becomes terminally ill it comes to a tragic, but ultimately optimistic conclusion. The characters of Lewis and Joy are played by two SDS actors with proven track records with the society, Neil Arbon and Heidi Bernhard-Bubb, who will do justice to this very moving and poignant love story. However, as director Peter Drew says, “The success of Shadowlands depends on the ability of all the cast to work together to create a whole” and Shadowlands aims to do just that. Don’t miss the powerful love story that is Shadowlands and remember to bring a hankie or two! Shadowlands is on at The Quay from Tuesday 1st to Saturday 5th March at 7.45pm. Tickets are available from The Quay Theatre Box Office on 01787 374745 or online at
Sudbury Bowls Club
Newton Green appoints New Manager
Playing in a County match with her partners Susan Monkman and Paulette Baukham in Ladies Triples for Sudbury Indoor Bowls Club, Penny Hill stole the show last weekend in the last end. The match was played at the Quay Lane club against a team from Risbygate (Bury St.Edmunds). The Sudbury team slowly pulled away to take an 11-3 lead thanks to Paulette in the ninth end finding the jack with all three of her bowls packed tightly round it, to which Risbygate had no answer. Playing in her first year at this level Susan Monkman had a creditable game but Left to right: Penny Hill, it was Penny who floored everyone with the last Paulette Bauckham, bowl of the match and the score standing at 14 Susan Monkman - 14. Susan had put her first bowl on the jack and was holding shot but then it was moved twice and was poised six inches from the back ditch. A Risbygate (toucher) bowl was all but resting on the jack and they also had a toucher in the ditch. Paulette kept Sudbury hopes alive by drawing in –again with a toucher – and it was laying second bowl. Penny had to get closer to the jack and not go in the ditch or go in the ditch and take the jack with it and still be closer to it than Risbygates’ bowl. Penny put her last bowl down – touched the jack and her bowl went with it into the ditch landing closer to the Risbygate one already there. Match to Sudbury 15-14 and they now wait to see who they play in the next round. Sudbury Bowls Club, Quay Lane, Sudbury CO10 2AN
The Fortnightly Tea Dances at The Delphi Club, Sudbury, 2.00 - 4.15 pm
Feb 3rd - Brian’s Music Feb 17th - Town House Sound Admission £3 including Draw Ticket & Refreshments We enjoy our dancing which supports Cancer Research UK, St. Nicholas Hospice and other local good causes
The new manager of Newton Green Golf Club will be 27-year-old Ben Tawell. A six handicap golfer, he has performed a number of administrative roles at Rushmere Golf Club, Ipswich, where he has played in the Stenson and Hambro teams. His father Bob is club manager at Rushmere, and Ben takes up his place at Newton in the New Year. He succeeds the retired Carole List. Ben has been at Rushmere for nine years, after gaining A levels at Copleston High School, and his move to Newton means he will have to give up his parttime role as a coach at the Ipswich Town Youth Academy. With his partner Rachel, he has two young children, and has recently been looking to develop his career by attending golf management training. He said: “At Rushmere I have been able to achieve a solid grounding in all roles of the sport, from working with the green keepers, bar management and administration. “Newton Green is a club which has been moving forward impressively in recent years and the appointment gives me the chance to help the club continue on that path.”
Stoke by Nayland GC Seniors’ American Greensomes In difficult weather conditions the Stoke by Nayland green staff did well to prepare the Constable Course for the Seniors’ American Greensomes competition, which was played all on main greens. The SBN Committee has sanctioned the use of a ‘Divotend’ in competitions to aid play in winter conditions and to prevent damage to the course. The greenkeepers have noticed a real Roger Davies, Seniors’ Captain difference on both courses with Lionel Hatch, Alan Line less divots. The winners were Roger Davies and Alan Line with a creditable 34 points. In second place were Roger Fleuty and Tony Reeves with 33 points, on count back, from Alan Austin and Keith Oxborrow. Winter League The Stoke by Nayland Winter League has reached the knock out stages after 11 leagues played with the winners and runners up going through. They have been joined by the best third place teams to give 22 pairs in the final stages. The matches have to be played by the 7th February; the format is 4 Ball Betterball matchplay. Mail on Sunday Classic The Stoke by Nayland Ladies team has a bye in the first round of the Mail on Sunday Classic. The men have been drawn, at home, to play Colchester Golf Club on 6th February.
Stoke-by-Nayland Ladies Golf Section
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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Sadly the golf courses at Stoke-by-Nayland are suffering along with everything else due to the heavy rain experienced over the past several weeks. Thursday, 9th January was scheduled for a 9 holes competition to be followed by a social event. The golf part of the day was cancelled as the courses were deemed too slippery and wet to be enjoyable. However, the social event went ahead with Lady From left, Annie Major, Ladies Secretary, Captain, Betty Cox, providing Lilian Osbourne, social member an amusing and entertaining and Lady Captain Betty Cox afternoon which included a Guess the Theme Tunes quiz, a special raffle prize of a massage which she provided herself, and a tombola. Many of the ladies had baked cakes for all to enjoy and together with tea and coffee a light lunch was enjoyed by all. It was a very friendly and well attended social with approximately 30 ladies present who appreciated being inside whilst watching the rain pound against the windows.
Long Melford Parish Report Councillor Richard Kemp Tresco, New Road, Long Melford, Suffolk CO10 9JY 01787 378149
Blue badge fraudsters fined in Council crackdown Three blue badges have been seized, and six people fined in Ipswich town centre following a blue badge enforcement day. The day was arranged in partnership by Suffolk County Council, Ipswich Borough Council and the East Suffolk Districts. Parking officers took the street to crack down on incorrect and fraudulent use of the disability scheme. In total 148 badges were checked with eight expired badges handed in and three indate badges seized for misuse. Six Penalty Charge Notices were issued for related offences – including nonbadge holders parking in disabled bay and a badge holder remaining in bay over the 3 hour time limit. Cllr Rebecca Hopfensperger Suffolk County Council’s cabinet member for Adult Care said: "I am aware that the majority of blue badge holders use their badges responsibly and in accordance with the rules; however this operation has shown clear examples of blue badges still being used for the convenience of people who are not entitled to them. These cases demonstrate fraudulent use of the badge with vehicles being parked dishonestly in designated disabled bays. This of course prevents genuine badge holders, people actually in need of help, from using them. Drivers should consider the problems this misuse causes for people with genuine need. If we catch drivers using blue badges without the named holder present, we will prosecute. I am also pleased that a number of blue badge holders and members of the general public commented on how pleased they were that the enforcement day was being undertaken.” Cllr Philip Smart, Parking services and the Environment portfolio- holder at Ipswich Borough Council said: "We were pleased to take part with our colleagues at the County Council to ensure that only people who need blue badges are given them. This was a successful crackdown and is evidence that we will not tolerate fraud.” Suffolk County Council will remain vigilant about standards in Care Homes County council chiefs have responded to criticisms raised about the state of care homes in Suffolk after it emerged nearly 50 of those inspected last year had failed to meet standards. The EADT recently reported that three more care homes had been rated inadequate by Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors in recent weeks, bringing the total number in 2015 to seven, with a further 40 deemed to be requiring improvement. Sarah Adams, health and adult care spokesman for the Suffolk County Council’s Labour group, said the latest inspections showed the county council’s continued failure to fulfil its responsibilities and criticised the authority’s decision to take more money out of the system for care homes. In response, Rebecca Hopfensperger, who is responsible for adult care at the county council, has highlighted the increasing numbers of care homes rated “good” in Suffolk, which she said had risen by 15 to 73 since the EADT’s last report on care homes in October. She said the proportion of care homes failing to meet standards was similar to that reported in October. “The council remains vigilant about the standard of care provided in care homes and continues to intervene to provide support and guidance to homes that are not meeting the expected standard,” she added. Responding to criticisms about the county council’s involvement with the private sector over care homes, Ms Hopfensperger added: “We transferred 16 care homes to Care UK in December 2012, with a requirement for Care UK to build 10 new purpose built care homes to replace the 16 homes. All 16 care homes have since been returned to the council, and 9 of the 10 new homes are now open providing purpose built facilities for people with complex care needs, with Glastonbury Court due to open soon. The council is working with Care UK as the new services are established and to ensure that quality of care provided meets the required level.”
Sudbury Area Cancer Support Group for Adults (18+) with Cancer and their Carers Are you or someone you care for affected by cancer and would like support, friendship & information at this difficult time? We are a team of cancer survivors, healthcare professionals and volunteers working together to provide a local support group in a relaxing environment where people with similar problems can share experiences, obtain information and take part in social activities. Our group is open to anyone affected by cancer whether undergoing or having completed treatment, and their carers. Meetings are free and open to anyone whether from Sudbury, Great Cornard, Clare, Long Melford, Glemsford, Lavenham, Bures, Hadleigh, Halstead and North Essex Villages. Meeting Dates / Times Wednesday 24th February 7 – 9 pm The Kernos Centre Chris Boatwright, Founder and Clinical Director will talk about this Registered Charity which offers counselling to whoever needs it, whenever they need it, as long as they need it. Wednesday 16th March 7 – 9 pm Music in our Bones Fran Flower, Jennie Fisk and Tracy Sharp will provide a ‘taster’ session for our group to enable members to experience the way singing can lift our spirits and increase our sense of well-being. Wednesday 27th April 7 – 9 pm Relaxation Techniques Ruth and Phil invite you to take part in a demonstrate of relaxation techniques to help you look after your wellbeing when you’re feeling stressed or busy. Wednesday 25th May 7 – 9 pm Suffolk Family Carers Ashley Bartlett will talk about Suffolk Family Carers and the support they can provide carers. All meetings comprise a 1 hr. formal activity followed by a chat over light refreshments - we look forward to welcoming you. For more information, or a chat about our group contact Ruth or Phil Worsley Tel: 01787 370978 or email: Supported by Suffolk Community Foundation and Macmillan Cancer Support 08:34 Page 6 Print Ad NEW quarter:Layout 1 2/10/15
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Pat’s Dayz Owt Wed Feb 24th Brick Lane Theatre, London, Fully booked. March sees us on our first 5 day holiday for 2016 to Scarborough, spaces available at time of writing. Wed 30th March Scotsdale Garden Centre, Cambridgeshire, time for lunch too. Wed 20th April Felixstowe, with carvery lunch at Best Western Hotel or pay coach fare only and do your own thing. Wed 18th May Margate Further details can be obtained from Tourist Information in Sudbury Library, or ring Pat Bennett on 01787 310982, mobile 07887 868259, preferably afternoon or evening.
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Dates for your Diary... Sudbury VIP's (Visually Impaired People), on the 1st Wednesday of every month we have a coach outing, on the second Wednesday of each month we have a coffee morning at the Christopher Centre, Gainsborough Street, 10am - 12pm and on the last Wednesday of every month we have an afternoon tea at the Christopher Centre, Gainsborough Street, Sudbury,2pm - 4pm - all events are open to anyone with a visual impairment Bridge Project - Paint Your Own Ceramics Prices start from £1.25 per item. Contact 01787 313691 or to book. Courtyard Café@The Bridge Project, 20 Gainsborough Street, Sudbury CO10 2EU Why not follow us on Twitter to get daily special updates? Bridge Project - Tuesday Lunch Club Roast lunch served in our Pavilion Room for older residents of Sudbury and surrounding villages. Roast Dinner £5.00; Dessert £2.00 Contact 01787 313691 or to book. Courtyard. Sue Ryder Synergy Café @ The Bridge Project Mondays 11.00 am to 3.00 pm Tel 01787 313691 or for information 20 Gainsborough Street, Sudbury CO10 2EU. Why not follow us on Twitter to get all event information? @Bridge_Sudbury January/Feb 21st Exhibition - ‘A Rare Insight Into An 18th Century Artist’s World’ Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury. CO10 2EU. Open 10am-5pm. Admission £6.50. Tel: 01787 372958. Tuesday 2nd February Quay Film – A Walk in the Woods, Quay Theatre, Sudbury 2.30pm & 7.30pm Tickets £5 (Friends £4.50). Tel: 01787 374745 Wednesday 3rd February Flix in the Stix, ’45 Years’ Lavenham Village Hall, Church St. CO10 9QT 7.30pm. Tickets £4 Tel: 01787 248599. Email: Thursday 4th February Quay Live Opera – La Traviata, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 6.30pm Tickets £15. No Concessions. Tel: 01787 374745 Thursday 4th February Harry Potter: Witchcraft & Wizardry. Sudbury Library, Market Hill. CO10 2EN 5.30pm – 7.00pm. FREE entry but booking essential. Come dressed up or in your best muggle outfit! 01787 242570 Thursday 4th February Stepping Out in Suffolk - Health Walks- Lavenham. Meet at 12pm at the Cock PH. CO10 9SA. Tel: 01473 229292 Friday 5th February Quay Music - Joanna Eden - Joni & Me, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm Tickets £12. Friends £11.00. Tel: 01787 374745 Friday 5th February Fleece Jazz – David Gordon’s Ragtime Band, Stoke By Nayland Hotel, CO6 4PZ 7.30pm Tickets £15. Students half price. Box Office 01787 211865. Saturday 6th February Quay Drama – The Night We Scared America, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm Tickets £15 (Friends £14.00). Tel: 01787 374745 Sunday 7th February Quay History Sundays, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm Tickets £7 Season of 6 for £36.00. Tel: 01787 374745 Sunday 7th February Organ Recital with Nigel Brown, St. Peter’s Church, Sudbury. CO10 2EH 3pm-4pm Sunday 7th February Bell Ringing Practice - All Welcome, St. Peter’s Church, Sudbury. CO10 2EH 5.30pm – 7.30pm Sunday 7th February Table Sale. The Old School, The Green, Long Melford,. CO10 9DX 9.30am. Admission 50p Tables £6. Tel: Rosey 01787 319120 Sun 7th/14th/21st February Snowdrop Sundays, Hedingham Castle, CO9 3DJ 11am – 4pm. Includes mulled wine & falconry displays. Tel: 01787 460261 Tuesday 9th February Stepping Out in Suffolk - Health Walks - Sudbury Shorter Walk. Meet at 12pm at Quay Theatre, CO10 2AN Tel: 01473 229292 Friday 12th February Quay Music – The Revolvers, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN. 7.30pm Tickets £13 (Friends £12). Tel: 01787 374745 Friday 12th February Fleece Jazz – Jim Mullen + Zoe Francis, Stoke By Nayland Hotel, CO6 4PZ 7.30pm 14/3/13 09:14 Page 1 Tickets £15. Students half price. Box Office 01787 211865. Friday 12th – Sunday 14th February – Valentine’s Candlelit Dinner. Treat your loved one to a romantic dinner this Valentine’s weekend. You’ll enjoy a 3-course menu, a glass of champagne each on arrival and a red rose for your valentine. Call 01206 265837 or email to book.
Local Community Community News
We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email to the address below and it will appear in the next issue.
Local Community News
Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month Tel: 01473 823366 To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 Community News Sudbury & Long Melford Community News is produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF
Telephone Community News on 01473 823366
Saturday 13th February Mayor’s Charity Craft & Gift sale. St. Peter’s Church, Sudbury. CO10 2EH 9am – 4pm Saturday 13th February – Valentine’s School Disco. Join us for an alternative take on Valentine’s Day. From 7.30pm you’ll enjoy a school dinner themed buffet and dancing to a live DJ! Just £24.95pp. Call 01206 265837 or email to book. Saturday 13th February Quay Music –The Martin Weavers Show, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm Tickets £9 (Friends £8). Tel: 01787 374745 Sat 13th / Sun 14th February Snowdrop Celebration, Daws Hall Nature Reserve, Henny Road, Lamarsh, Bures CO8 5EX. Free Entry 12am – 3pm. Suitable for all the family, sorry no dogs. Email: Tel: 01787 269766 Sat 13th-Sun 21st February Snowdrops & Spring Bulbs, Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, CO10 9BA 11am – 4pm. Book online: Adults £8.30, Child £5.60, Family £24 Telephone 01787 310207 Sunday 14th February Assington Farmer’s Market, The Street, Assington. CO10 5LW 10am – 4pm Tel: 01787 211610 Thursday 18th February A Talk: Gladis Garcia- The Secret Life of the Gainsborough’s, Sudbury Library, Market Hill. CO10 2EN 7pm. Tickets £5. Tel: 01787 242570 Thursday 18th February Stepping Out in Suffolk - Health Walks - Long Melford. Meet at 12pm at Cherry Lane garden Centre. CO10 9DH Tel: 01473 229292 Friday 19th February Fleece Jazz – Mike Paxton Quintet, Stoke By Nayland Hotel, CO6 4PZ 7.30pm Tickets £18. Students half price. Box Office 01787 211865. Friday 19th February Quay Music - Absolute Bowie : Ziggy Stardust Show, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm. Tickets £19 £35 for both nights. Tel: 01787 374745 Saturday 20th February SUDBURY’S SECOND REGULAR GUIDED WALK!!!!!! Meet 11am inside Sudbury Library. No need to book, just turn up. Tickets Adults £5, Children £4 available from The Tourist Information Office Tel: 01787 881320 Saturday 20th February Quay Music –Absolute Bowie : 1974 onwards. Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm Tickets £19 £35 for both nights. Tel: 01787 374745 Sunday 21st February Quay History Sundays, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 7.30pm Tickets £7 Season of 6 for £36.00. Tel: 01787 374745 Monday 22nd February Quay Film – He Named Me Malala, Quay Theatre, Sudbury CO10 2AN 2.30pm & 7.30pm Tickets £5 Friends £4.50.Tel: 01787 374745 Monday 22nd February The Mayor’s Charity Curry Evening, India Sudbury Restaurant, 58 North street, CO10 1RE 7:30. Buffet Meal £20 . Tickets and details: Sudbury Town Council 01787 372331 Tuesday 23rd February Stepping Out in Suffolk- Health Walks- Sudbury Shorter Walk. Meet at 12pm at Quay Theatre, CO10 2AN. Tel: 01473 229292 Tuesday 23rd February Talk: Caring & Cartooning at Belle Vue, Long Melford Village Hall, CO10 9LQ 7.30pm. £2 admission for members. £2.50 non-members. Tel: 01787 370598 Email: Wednesday 24th February Bridge Project Film and Supper Night, £15.00 per head including 3 course buffet supper and film show. Film - The Wonders. Please call 01787 313691 or contact to book Thursday 25th February Quay Live– As You Like It, Quay Theatre, Sudbury 6.45pm Tickets £15 (No Concessions). Tel: 01787 374745 Thursday 25th February – Peake Fitness Healthy Heart Open Evening. This is a free event from 7pm to 9pm with delicious healthy heart treats and free cholesterol testing as well as advice on exercise and wellbeing. An fantastic joining fee offer will be in place on the night – call 01206 265841/820 or email for more information. Friday 26th February Fleece Jazz – Renato D’Aillo Quartet + Deelee Dubé, Stoke By Nayland Hotel, 7.30pm Tickets £18. Students half price. Box Office 01787 211865. Friday 26th February Sudbury Farmer’s Market, St. Peters, Market Hill. CO10 2EH 9.30am – 2pm Tel: 07704 627973 Friday 26th February Dad’s Army: A talk by Elizabeth Brown, Sudbury Society, Friars Hall, School Street, Sudbury 7.30pm Admission: Members £2, Visitors £3 Fri 26th/Sat 27th February 7th Chappel Winter Beer Festival 2015, The Goods Shed, Chappel Station. 11am – 11pm. Train tickets now available from Sudbury Tourist Information. Book festival tickets online. Saturday 27th February Craft and Gift Fair, St. Peter’s Church, Sudbury. CO10 2EH 9am – 4pm. Free Entry Sat 27th/Sun 28th February Snowdrops & Spring Bulbs, Kentwell Hall, Long Melford 11am – 4pm. Online prices: Adults £8.30, Child £5.60, Family £24 Tel 01787 310207 Sunday 28th February – SbN Wedding Open Day. Join us from 12noon to 4pm for this free event where you can enjoy a glass of bubbly and canapes on arrival, a look at our gorgeous banqueting suites dressed for the occasion and ask our dedicated team for advice on your wedding. All engaged couples will receive a goodie bag on arrival! Thursday 3rd March Health & Wellbeing Workshop, We can help those affected by cancer get the most out of life. 09.30am – 3.30pm, Lunch provided. At the Stevenson Centre, Great Cornard, Sudbury, CO10 OWD. Call Lilla or Pete on 01284 713023 or email Saturday 5th March (10am-3pm) & Sunday 6th March (9am-12noon) – Golf Membership Open Weekend. Join us at our Open Weekend for your chance to view our golf courses, welcoming Clubhouse and ProShop. Plus there will be an exclusive membership offer. Call 01206 265841 or email for more information.
Monks Eleigh Bygones Collectors Club
Bygone Exhibition Long Melford Village Hall 14th February 10.30 am - 4 pm
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