Ha'azinu 5777

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g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E

Wishing the community Shanah Tovah!

Service Times


Parshat Haazinu Shabbat Shuvah

Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat


(Candle Lighting)






Mincha followed by 18:15 Shabbat Shuvah Seudah & Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends


Weekday Shacharit

Mincha & Ma’ariv


















2 Tishrei 5777 22 September 2017

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Thought For The Week First Steps At this time of year, we seek a connec-

list is not new: it is as old as Judaism itself.

tion with Hashem that will transform our

Yet instead of building a solid relationship


lives. We say Al Chet for many things,

with the Almighty and with each other, we


we pledge money on Yom Kippur and we

keep ourselves busy by frantically “self-

* Selichot ** Kol Nidrei (Mincha at 14:00)

dress in white. Yet at the end of the

identifying” with Israel or being “a Jew at

to the family of Ivor Harris and to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows

day when the Shofar sounds, we can all

heart”, so when the cold winds of realisation

too easily remain as unconnected as ever.

finally blow, we find it very hard to change.

That’s because merely dive-bombing the

This year, let’s enhance our spiritual con-

Al-mighty with token gestures of change

nection by committing ourselves to the

and the frantic buzzing of seasonal tefilla,

Mitzvot that are easy for us. Adopt a new

won’t get us through the glass divide

vision of those around us, a tolerant and

between us and our Creator. We simply

loving one, with a renewed understanding

need to realise that shifting our daily direc-

of the different challenges each of us faces.

Candle Lighting

Chayim Arukim

Vivienne Newgrosh Tony Woolf Peter Woolf

Mother Mother Mother

25 Sept 5 Tishrei

Ella Lentin



Anne Cohen Jennie Mond Victor Levenson Francis Greibach Charles Greibach

Father Father Father Mother Mother

27 Sept 7 Tishrei

Ronnie Abrahams



Trevor Duschenes Michael Gould Brenda Kay Barbara Hamburger

Father Mother Mother Father

really matters goes on throughout the year. Between Man & G-d, are we really doing all

brave enough to embrace a new Mitzvah, –

Colin Gee Gwen Greene Roy Gabbie

Mother Brother Father

we can – in tune of course with the spiritual

whether between Him and us, or between

place we currently occupy – to increase our

us and our fellow man – for each type of


24 Sept 4 Tishrei


26 Sept 6 Tishrei


28 Sept 8 Tishrei


30 Sept 10 Tishrei


tion, even just a little, is all it takes to make the Yamim Noraim count, because what

Remember, the Al-mighty does not ask us to split the Red Sea or bring forth water from a rock – he asks only that we are

observance of Mitsvot such as Shabbat and

Mitzvah is a critical, spiritual avenue of

23 September Angela Chalkin

the laws of Kashrut? Between Man & Man,

growth and change.

30 September Unsponsored

repair a relationship with someone in our

7 October Tracey & Jeremy Lee and Linda & Barry Price

could we judge others more favourably or family who has become estranged? Are we doing all we can for our loved ones? - The

Rabbi Joel Portnoy



First Aliyah - 6 verses The heavens and earth are called upon to be witnesses to Moses’ words. The Torah is life to this world, like rain and dew are to vegetation. G-d is righteous and just, and all corruption stems from His children. Second Aliyah - 6 verses Moses beseeches the Israelites to contemplate their history, starting with the Tower of Bavel. When that generation sinned, G-d could have destroyed humanity, but instead chose to spare them. In the desert, G-d protected the Israelites with clouds, caring for His nation, and guiding them. Third Aliyah - 6 verses Moses speaks of the future. G-d will settle them in the Land of Israel and provide them with their every need, but Israel will abandon G-d and stray after idols and abominable activities. Fourth Aliyah - 10 verses G-d will become incensed by the Jews’ behavior. He will hide His face from them, and will send invading armies, wild beasts, plagues, demons, and famine. Fifth Aliyah - 11 verses If the nations were wise they would have understood that the Israelites’ misery comes as a result of their actions. However, G-d will have a change of heart and will show them that all the gods which they had worshipped were unable to help them when He unleashed His punishments against them, for only G-d has the ability to injure or heal, cause death or bring life. Sixth Aliyah - 4 verses Then G-d will turn His wrath against Israel’s oppressors. At that time, the nations of the world will sing the praises of Israel. With this, the song of Ha’azinu concludes. Seventh Aliyah - 9 verses Moses and Joshua teach this song to the Jews. G-d then tells Moses to climb up Mount Nebo, so he can view the land of Israel from afar before he passes away.

In a Sefer Torah, the Song of Ha’azinu is written with a big gap in the middle of each verse.





Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week, we get a glimpse of Hashem’s ‘Masterplan’

A Day In The Life Of Elijah Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi fasted many days and prayed that he should receive a revelation of the prophet Elijah. Finally, Elijah appeared and granted him one wish. R’ Yehoshua asked to accompany Elijah on his travels, to learn wisdom from his deeds. Elijah warned that he would not be able to bear the sight, and he will trouble him with his questions. Elijah agreed on condition that R’ Yehoshua would have to return home if he asked even one question about the miracles he would see. Elijah and his companion travelled to a poor man’s hut. The husband and wife were sitting at the entrance. They invited the travellers to stay in their home. They were served food and drink, and lodged there overnight. In the morning Elijah prayed to G-d that the poor man’s cow die. The sight almost broke R’ Yehoshua’s heart, but he controlled himself and did not press Elijah for an explanation. The next night they lodged

in the home of a wealthy man, who was utterly inhospitable. He refused to feed them. Before they departed in the morning, Elijah prayed that a damaged wall of his house be rebuilt. This happened immediately. R’ Yehoshua’s heart burned with anger over the apparent injustice, but he restrained himself again. That evening they lodged in

Know that G-d never punishes out of anger, but only because justice requires it. the synagogue of a wealthy community, whose more ‘important’ members sat on silver benches. They sneered at the guests and treated them badly. Yet in the morning, Elijah blessed the rich members that they should all become leaders. The next night they were welcomed in a different community, were treated well, and were blessed that they should only have one leader.

At this point, R’ Yehoshua demanded an explanation. Elijah explained that Hashem had decreed that the poor man’s wife die on that day. He petitioned to Hashem to accept the cow as a redemption for her life. He prayed for the rich man’s wall to be rebuilt because had he dug down to the foundation he woulud have discovered gold and silver. He prayed that the rich congregants all become leaders, because in that situation dissention and strife inevitably ensue, precipitating the dissolution of the community. He prayed for the generous congregants to have one leader so that they can all prosper. He added, “if you see a wicked man thrive, do not despair, as it is evil for him. If you see a tzaddik suffering, know that G-d never punishes out of anger, but only because justice requires it. His reward will come to him over time.. Based on ‘The Midrash Says’, by Rabbi M. Weissman

If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk

Parsha Stats Haazinu is the 53rd of 54 sedras 10th of 11 in Devarim Written on 92 lines in a Torah 52 verses - ranks 51st (8th in Devarim) 614 words - ranks 52nd (9th in Devarim) 2326 letters - ranks 52nd (9th in Devarim)

Sponsorship Opportunity We are looking for sponsors for the Childrens lunch over Yom Kippur.

Thank you.

The Power of 15

According to most opinions, Ha’azinu does not contain any mitzvot. Maimonides includes ‘Yayin Nesech’ in the count. Ha’azinu is only read between Yom Kippur and Sukkot 39.5% of the time. 60.5% of the time, it is read on Shabbat Shuva between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Please contact the Shule office if you can help.

Tip #47

Did You Know


As discussed previously, Pesukei Dezimrah starts and ends with a blessing. Yishtabach is the final prayer of this section. Upon examining this prayer, you will notice that it is loaded with different expressions of praise about Hashem. In fact, there are fifteen separate expressions used. There are also fifteen words in the final blessing. Why did the composers of this prayer choose this number as a central theme?

The number fifteen alludes to the fifteen ‘Shir Hama’alot’ psalms that were composed by King David. Also, fifteen is the numerical value of the Divine Name, ‫יה‬, which were the letters used by G-d to create heaven and earth. Therefore, this alludes to the idea that everything is Gd’s and He is the Creator; a very fitting conclusion to a section designed to draw our attention to this fact.

The lessons of Torah are compared to dew, rain showers, and downpours. All are water, which is often compared to Torah, but they have different intensities and speeds. So too, Torah must be taught to people at the speed and depth which each individual can handle and benefit from.

Just For Fun Abe: Rabbi. I know tonight is Kol Nidrei, but City are playing! What should I do? Rabbi: That’s what record is for! Abe: So I can tape Kol Nidrei?!




In The Spotlight Angela Chalkin

This week’s kiddush celebrates a very unique occasion for a Hale member, as we bid farewell to Angela, who will be making aliyah in the coming weeks. Angela has lived in Hale for nearly 40 years, after settling here with her late husband, David. She has been involved in several initiatives over the years, including hosting the Rabbi’s weekly shiur for women in her home. Their three children - Amanda, Daniel and Alexander - were all educated at the nursery and in North Cheshire. Now that her daughter, Amanda, is living in Tel-Aviv with her husband, Kobi, and recently born son, Nadav, Angela feels ready and excited for this new chapter in her life. Angela never felt a particular Zionistic urge to settle in Israel, but with so many friends and familiar faces in Herzliya, she is ready for the challenge! She is open to learning the language at Ulpan, but feels she may find it harder than her daughter did! Her moving date will be confirmed with Nefesh b’Nefesh once her visa is issued.

Angela invites the whole community to share in her simcha on the first Shabbat of the year. We thank Angela for her hospitality, and wish her Mazaltov on the new adventure, and many years of health, happiness, and ‘hatzlach raba!’

Mazaltov to If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk

Angela Chalkin upcoming Aliyah.



Suzanne & Edward Cobb on the birth of a grandson.

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