g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Wishing the community Shanah Tovah!
Service Times
Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech 24 Ellul 5777 15 September 2017
Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Mincha followed by Seudah & Ma’ariv
Shabbat Ends
Selichot with the Shabbaton Choir
Weekday Shacharit
Mincha & Ma’ariv
Please refer to the
Yom Tov timetable
Security team: Yellow
Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz
1086 1316 878
1202 1480 883
Thought For The Week It’s Within Our Reach We read Parashat Nitzavim during these
There is no concept of irretrievable break-
days of Selichot – extra daily prayers for
down in the relationship between us and
forgiveness during the month of Ellul. The
Hashem. In our prayers we refer to Him as
Selichot prayers give us the opportunity
‘Avinu Malkenu’ – our Father and our King –
* Selichot
for introspection before Rosh Hashanah, so
because He judges us simultaneously with
Chayim Arukim
that we can admit to ourselves where we
justice and with mercy. There is a parallel
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows
have gone wrong during the past year, and
duality in the way that we approach Him to
ask Hashem to put us back on the right
repent. We recognise that He has ultimate
Howard Lee Nina Lee Nina Lee Michael Rappaport
Father Husband Mother Father
track, so that we can start the New Year
power over our lives, so we approach in fear
with a renewed commitment to the Torah
of His judgment. But we also know that He
Philip Science Stephen Cohen Denise Simon
Father Brother Mother
and its mitzvot.
loves us like a father loves his children, and
Michael Gould Sidney Kaye Ben Goorney
Father Father Mother
John Blaskey Roger Blaskey Tony Raynes Linda Dwek
Mother Mother Mother Mother
Candle Lighting
19 Sept 28 Ellul
20 Sept 29 Ellul
21 Sept 1 Tishrei
22 Sept 2 Tishrei
that He will forgive the sincere penitent. It may seem like a daunting task, but our
It is up to us to choose to life (Devarim
Parasha reassures us that keeping the Torah
30:20) and to open our hearts to him dur-
is not so hard. It is not beyond our reach – it
ing Ellul when He is listening out for our
is in our mouths and in our hearts (Devarim
Selichot prayers
30:14). Hashem will always be there to help
us if we make the first move towards Him,
16 September Katherine & Paul Nathan
however far we have strayed.
23 September Unsponsored 30 September Unsponsored
Rabbi Joel Portnoy Shabbat Weather AM Partly Cloudy 14o High 8o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 20 verses On the final day of his life, Moses gathered all the Jews to enter them into a covenant with G-d. The covenant included all future generations. Moses warned the Israelites not to be tempted by the lifestyles of the other nations. Second Aliyah - 6 verses Moses warned of the dire consequences for those who forsake their covenant with G-d. Also discusses communal responsibility for not appropriately punishing individual sinners. Third Aliyah - 8 verses The Jews will be exiled from their land due to their sins, but eventually will return to G-d, and will return to Israel. Enemies who persecuted them will be cursed. The Israelites will once again serve G-d, and will be blessed. Fourth Aliyah - 12 verses Jews are given Free Will. Choices will result in blessings or curses. Moses tells the people that he is not permitted to cross into Israel with them. Instead, Joshua will lead them, and G-d will go before them and destroy their enemies. Fifth Aliyah - 7 verses Moses summons Joshua and tells him to be strong and courageous. Moses writes the entire Torah and gives it to the Kohanim and the Israelite elders. Moses gives the commandment of Hakhel (assembly). Sixth Aliyah - 6 verses G-d informs Moses and Joshua that when the Israelites abandon G-d, He will hide His face from the nation, and they will be subjected to evils and troubles. Therefore, G-d says to write the song of ‘Ha’azinu’ and teach it to the Jews. Seventh Aliyah - 11 verses The song which Moses and Joshua write will bear testimony that these events are in fact punishment for their sinful behavior. Moses gives the Torah scroll to the Levites. Moses then gathers the entire nation to hear the song.
Nitzavim is always read on the Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we relate a staggering story from the Talmud
The Torah Is Not In Heaven Moshe told the Jews, “the Torah is no longer in Heaven - I brought it down to earth and revealed it all to you. Therefore, do not say ‘if only we had another Moshe who would bring us the Torah from Heaven and explain it to us, we would study’”. Rather, He gave the power to the Sages to judge matters of halacha on earth. Any ultimate decision must reflect the opinion of the majority of these authorities
A miracle transpired whereby the carob tree moved one hundred amot forward.
The Talmud relates the following story (B.M. 59b):
We are bidden by the Torah not to heed even a Heavenly Voice in halachic matters.
A dispute arose among the Sages whether or not a certain type of oven could become ritually impure. R’ Eliezer ben Horkenos, perhaps the most outstanding Sage of the generation, declared the oven in question pure, while the other Sages considered it impure. R’ Eliezer presented arguments to support his view, but the Sages, who were the majority, would not accept them. “If the halacha is as I teach,” exclaimed R’ Eliezer, “may the carob tree here in the courtyard confirm it!”
“We don’t accept proof from a carob tree,” the Sages protested. Even though G-d changed the laws of nature for R’ Eliezer, they still said his halachic decision is still wrong. “If the halacha is as I teach, let the river demonstrate it!”
At that, the river began to flow backwards. “We don’t bring proofs from rivers,” the Sages protested. “If I am right,” insisted R’ Eliezer, “let the walls of the Study Hall prove it!” As the walls began to cave in, R’ Yehoshua called out, “What business do you have with a dispute among Torah scholars?”
Immediately, the stopped falling.
Finally, R’ Eliezer proclaimed, “If I am right, let Heaven prove it!” A Heavenly Voice was heard: “The Halacha is always as R’ Eliezer teaches”. Rabbi Yehoshua arose and declared, “We are bidden by the Torah not to heed even a Heavenly Voice in halachic matters. The Torah is no longer in Heaven, but is established by a majority of Sages on earth.” Later one of the Sages, R’ Natan had a revelation of the prophet Eliyahu and questioned him, “What did G-d say at that time?” Eliyahu replied, “He smiled with satisfaction and exclaimed, ‘My sons won, my sons won’. The Heavenly Voice was meant as a test for the Sages, whether or not they would follow the majority opinion as commanded by the Torah, and they passed the test. . Based on ‘The Midrash Says’, by Rabbi M. Weissman
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk
Parsha Stats Nitzavim & Vayeilech are the 51st and 52nd of 54 sedras 8th and 9th of 11 in Devarim Written on 159 lines in a Torah 70 verses - ranks 48th (10th and 11th in Devarim) 1210 words - ranks 42nd (8th and 10th in Devarim) 4698 letters - ranks 39th (8th and 10th in Devarim)
Sponsorship Opportunity We are looking for sponsors for the Childrens Kiddushim and lunch over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Of the different tithes that had to be separated from your produce, on the 3rd and 6th years of every 7, you had to separate 10% to give to poor people.
Thank you.
Sing It Loud and Proud
Nitzavim & Vayeilech are the two shortest sedras in the Torah, but have the longest verses in the Torah. Parshat Nitzavim contains one of the clearest indicators that Human Beings have been given Free Will to choose how we should behave in any situation.
Please contact the Shule office if you can help.
Tip #46
Did You Know
The song at the Sea is such an important part of Pesukei Dezimrah that one should prioritise its recital even if you do not have the time to complete all the other parts of the section. Why is this so? The Ten Plagues illustrated that G-d controls every facet of nature at will. Millions of Jews witnessed the Exodus. The climax of those miracles was the splitting of the sea, such that the Haggadah relates that the miracles at the sea were five times as
great as those that took place in Egypt. That event was celebrated by the entire nation with this Song. Therefore, we say it every day, so that we can almost re-live the experience. In fact, many are careful to sing the song according to its cantillation, in order to stir their connection to this dramatic moment, because at that time, the People felt a new and higher degree of awe, and their faith increased immeasurably.
The sixth portion of this week’s parsha is the longest portion in the entire Torah with 63 verses (excluding weeks when we combine to parshiyot).
Just For Fun Sadie: Shanah tovah! When did you get that new dress? Phyliis: I just bought it yesterday! Sadie: Urgh...that’s so last year!
In The Spotlight Jack Nathan This week we celebrate Jack’s barmitzvah, and he will be completely focused on the job at hand (despite the fact that his beloved Everton face Manchester United on Sunday!). Our Barmitzvah boy has a heart of gold, even if he does a slightly mischievous sense of humour! Loyal to the core, he sticks up for his friends and family, and is always looking to make sure everyone is at peace. Jack is an avid sportsman. He plays for Sale United, and is the vice-captain of the football team at Cheadle Hulme, and also plays rugby and cricket. He is also displaying some blossoming entrepeneurial skills, although he struggles to balance his business with his time in school! He has a strong work ethic, as is proved by his commitment to his preparations for today.
We wish Mazaltov to: Rena & Jeff Caplan on Calvin’s engagement to Zoe Rose. Yaeli & Sammy Davila on the occasion of Ben’s barmitzvah. Sara & Eugene Esterkin on the birth of a grandson. Gail & Roy Gabbie, and to Suzy Kaitcer and Roy Kaitcer on Lucy & Marcus’ engagement. Wendy & Jeremy Herz on the occasion of Jamie’s wedding to Joel Yarm. Katherine & Paul Nathan, and Jacqueline & Joe Rich on the occasion of Jack’s barmitzvah. Tracey & Martin Polak, Joy & Ronnie Polak on the birth of a grandson and great grandson.
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk
Jack will be celebrating with friends and family, including sister Charlotte, as well as Grandma Jen, Grandma Jacqueline and Grandpa Joe Rich OBE. It is that this time that we remember Grandma Iris and Grandpa Gershon Nathan z”l. We wish Mazaltov to Katherine and Paul, and we thank them for their hospitality.