In loving memory of Harry Vallance z”l Hershel ben Akiva z”l
Service Times
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Noach
30 Tishrei 5778 20 October 2017
Shabbat (Rosh Chodesh) Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Mincha followed by Seudah & Ma’ariv
Shabbat Ends
Security team: Pink
Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz
Leining 30 38 26
Maftir 890 1062 695
Haftarah 1131 1375 41
Thought For The Week
Mincha & Ma’ariv
The story of Noach does not have a happy
tionships, society was trying to avoid the
ending. Rashi tells us that Noach’s sons’
consequences of their inappropriate and
descendants were even less moral than
immoral activities, rather than modifying
the generation destroyed in the Flood.
their behaviour.
Candle Lighting * Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows Norman Luft Reuben Berg Stuart Marks Carol Marks
Father Father Father Husband
22 October 2 Cheshvan
Jill Silver
Michael Rappaport Mother Gordon Rosenthal Father Eliott Cohen Mother
21 October 1 Cheshvan
23 October 3 Cheshvan
Ronald Polak Tessa Frieslander
Father Father
25 October 5 Cheshvan
Stephen Lee
Behjat Sarir Ruth Abisgold
Mother Mother
Talisa Ross Gidon Ross Limor Ross Barbara Rosen Joanne Gilbey
Mother Mother Mother Daughter Sister
24 October 4 Cheshvan
26 October 6 Cheshvan 27 October 7 Cheshvan
Kiddushim 21 October Sarah & Darren Massel
Taking The Hint
Known as the ‘Dor HaFlaga ‘ – the gen-
Chayim Arukim
eration of dispersion - they challenged
Our society is sophisticated enough to
the authority of Hashem by building the
know that you cannot build skyscrapers
Tower of Babel. Despite their immorality,
to reach G-d or to avoid Divine punish-
they thought they could escape from the
ment. But sometimes we try to justify
fate of the previous generation by building
actions that we know are wrong, thinking
a tower which would be higher than any
that we can hide from the consequences.
flood waters. In doing so they ignored the
Luckily, we can read the lesson of the
lesson that Hashem had tried to teach
Dor HaFlaga in this Parasha each year
them and rejected the need for repenting
to remind us that we cannot challenge
and correcting their behaviour (teshuva).
the authority of Hashem in the world, or ignore His commandments to behave
I remember the late Lord Jakobovits zt”l
morally at all times.
speaking out courageously in the 1980s when the world first became aware of
Rabbi Joel Portnoy
AIDS. He said that by recommending the use of ‘safe’ sex, instead of advocating sexual abstinence and monogamous rela-
Shabbat Weather
28 October Unsponsored
AM Chance of Rain
4 November Tracey & Jeremy Lee
11o Overnight Low
14o High
First Aliyah - 14 verses While the rest of society descended into anarchy and corruption, Noach is told he will be saved for his righteousness, and must build an ark which will provide refuge for every species of animal and bird. Second Aliyah - 16 verses Noach is commanded to take seven pairs of any kosher species, as opposed to one pair of other species. Noach and his family board the ark, and the flood commences. Third Aliyah - 22 verses The rains continue for 40 days and nights. After 150 days the waters start to subside, and Noach sends out a raven (unsuccessfully), and latterly a dove, which did not return on the second attempt, indicating that the earth was once again habitable. After one full year in the ark, the earth had dried. Fourth Aliyah - 15 verses G-d commands Noach to leave the ark. Noach builds an altar and offers sacrifices. G-d promises to never again curse the earth as He had just done. G-d then blesses Noach and his sons to “Be fruitful and multiply”. G-d allows mankind to eat meat, but prohibits murder, suicide, and consuming limbs ripped from living animals. Fifth Aliyah - 10 verses G-d tells Noach that he will never bring a flood to destroy the world again, and He designates the rainbow as the sign of this covenant. Sixth Aliyah - 44 verses Noach plants a vineyard and becomes drunk, resulting in a bad situation with his son, Ham, who is later cursed. His other two sons are blessed for coming to Noach’s aid. Noach’s 70 descendants are named. Seventh Aliyah - 32 verses The story of the Tower of Babel. This leads to a great dispersion. The Parsha concludes with the ten generations from Noach to Avraham.
This week we explore what was lost when the Flood came to the world
Life Before The Flood Although mankind no longer lived in the Garden of Eden, their lifestyle before the flood still resembled that of the Garden. Life was good. It was a life of uninterrupted serenity and enjoyment. For example, children were conceived and born on the same day. A newborn child was immediately able to stand and walk, and also had the ability to speak. Furthermore, no child would ever die during his parent’s lifetime - infact, all parents would live to see not only their children but also their grandchildren.
The generation before the Flood possessed enormous physical strength, as the verse says (6:14) “There were giants on earth in those days”. They were able to uproot whole cedar trees and considered lions and panthers as harmless as fleas. Their strength did not diminish in old age, but, on the contrary, it grew with age. This strength only disappeared after the Flood.
They lived very long lives, spanning hundreds
h died When Noac aham r v at 65O, A 58 y ad was alre ! years old
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism
of years. Only when they sinned did Hashem say (6:5) “And his days shall be a hundred and twenty years”.
need no rain. We get an abundant supply of water from different sources; we have the streams and wells of the earth!”
They knew no suffering of any kind.
Since they rebelled against G-d with the very goodness that He bestowed upon the world, He punished them with that same substance; rain water.
They sowed once every forty years and the earth produced a sufficient amount for the following forty years.
G-d would have continued to show patience...if not for the additional crime of robbery
They did not have to endure excessive heat or cold since there were no changing seasons, but the weather was a continuous, enjoyable and mild spring climate. It was only after the Flood that G-d changed this.
As a result of having these benefits, they cast off G-d’s authority, saying, “For what purpose do we still need Him? We do not even require His help to obtain water, since we
What were the crimes of those generations? They were guilty of worshipping idols, bloodshed and immorality. They were punished because they chose to ignore G-d’s commandments. Nevertheless G-d would have continued to show patience and restraint if not for the additional crime of robbery. This was deemed more serious because robbery undermines the basis of all civilisation, as it is common sense that one may not steal another’s property.
Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to
Parsha Stats Noach is the 2nd of 54 sedras 2nd of 12 in Bereshit Written on 230 lines in a Torah (ranks 15th) 153 verses - ranks 4th (Joint 1st in Bereshit) 1861 words - ranks 11th (6th in Bereshit) 6907 letters - ranks 13th (6th in Bereshit)
Did You Know Noach has the shortest verses in the whole book of Bereshit. The mitzvah of ‘P’ru U’rvu’ is mentioned three times in this week’s parsha, whereas it was only mentioned once last week. The seventh portion of this week’s Torah reading is the longest in the Torah.
Tip #1 Constant Presence
The most essential rule for improving concentration is to keep in mind the verse (Psalms 16:8) “Shiviti Hashem Lenegdi Tamid” - I have placed G-d before me constantly. At all times throughout the day, not just during prayer, we are required to keep in mind that we are in the presence of Hashem.
Throughout your davening today, try and think about to whom you are praying. The King of Kings is sitting in front of you on his Heavenly Throne, ready and waiting to hear what you have to say. In the same way we are careful not to mumble our words in conversation, we should be careful to articulate our prayers with great attention.
The arithmetic of Noach’s years (600 before+ 300 after = 950) seems to not take the year of the flood into account. Some look at the Flood as a period of ‘suspended animation’, where the laws of nature, and perhaps time, were not in effect.
Just For Fun Question: Did all the animals on the ark come in pairs? Answer: No, the worms came in apples!
In The Spotlight Ariella Massel
This week’s kiddush is hosted by Sarah and Darren Massel to celebrate the recent birth of their daughter, Ariella, in July. Ariella is a gorgeous, laid back, content baby, who loves playing with her older sister, Dalia, 3. The pair are growing really close, even though Dalia has had to adjust to no longer being the only child! Sarah & Darren moved to Hale last year as they were attracted by the community, and the countryside. With several friends in the area, Ariella will have a very busy social life! She is Also looking forward to her first family holiday; a trip to Israel in December to visit her twelve first cousins! Ariella will be joined this week by her grandparents, Elissa & Neil Sevitt from Leeds, and Norma Massel from Cheadle. We wish Mazaltov to them and to Sarah and Darren, and we thank them for their hosptitality.
Mazaltov to Ruth Benson and Leila Spiero on Coby’s engagement to Emily Cohen. Dinah & Tony Crystal on the birth of a granddaughter.
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or
Nikki & Stephen Lee, Linda & Barry Price and to Rosalind & Eddie Price on the occasion of Robyn & Joshua’s forthcoming marriage.