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Types of Gothic Architecture

Early Gothic (1120-1200)


• Early Gothic is the style of architecture that appeared in northern France, Normandy and then England • Key features: Increased exaltation of light, Opening of walls, Use of stained glass, Flying Buttress (Increased and elaborate) Pinnacles and spires Removal of tribune To achieve a new monumental appearance Full of balance and harmony

High Gothic (1200-80) "Rayonnant"

• High Gothic is a particularly refined and imposing style of Gothic architecture that appeared in northern France • Key features: New radiating window designs, Piercing of Rose windows, Monumentality was abandoned, series of supports increased in height without the depth in treatment of surfaces.

Late Gothic (1280-1500) "Flamboyant"

• These architectural designs were more colorful and vibrant than the “R ayonnant” style, focusing on flame like curve in the stone window to give more of an even flow and to create even larger ceiling spaces. • Key features: Embellishment of technical and decorative elements, Incorporation of Plant forms, Exuberant freedom curving, Twisting lines, Pointed tracery, Richest and most imaginative decorative themes

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