Riparian Urbanism

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What are the critical issues?



Service Infrastructure Web 1 2 3 4 5


Megacities and future megacities are urbanizing primarily within sensitive coastal environments

Coastal areas within Mumbai’s region have been under sever scrutiny over the past decade, particularly along Thane creek. Without intervention Mumbai may lose the last of its dwindling mangrove forest and become increasingly susceptible to flooding, disease, and specie extinction.

Growing scale of informal city encroaching sensitive ecological areas

CRZ has failed to adequately protect Mumbai’s coastal region

Mumbai’s Slum Redevelopment Authority has been unsuccessful at instituting fair and equitable relocation strategies.

Mumbai has the lowest ratio of green space per capita than any other major city in the world.

Mumbai’s transportation is highly centralized, overburdened, and inadequately connected across the bay.

what is the infrastructure? what service does it provide? what is its capacity? who is it serving? what are the threats?

A to the infrastructure B from the infrastructure


90% of the world’s rapidly urbanizing megacities are within coastal areas.

Access to the coast has significant economic benefits such as ocean navigation, coastal fisheries, tourism and recreation. Because of these benefits, human settlements are often more concentrated in the coastal zone than elsewhere. As population density and economic activity in the coastal zone increases, pressures on coastal ecosystems increase. Among the most important pressures are habitat conversion, land cover change, pollutant loads, and introduction of invasive species. These pressures can lead to loss of biodiversity, new diseases among organisms, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, siltation, reduced water quality, and a threat to human health through toxins in fish and shellfish and pathogens such as cholera and hepatitis A residing in polluted water.

Mangrove Economy

Rank Megacity



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 24 25

Japan South Korea Mexico India India USA Brazil Philippines USA China Japan India Pakistan China Indonesia Egypt Argentina Russia China Bangladesh Turkey Brazil Iran UK Nigeria

33,800,000 23,900,000 22,900,000 22,400,000 22,300,000 21,900,000 21,000,000 19,200,000 18,000,000 17,900,000 16,700,000 16,000,000 15,700,000 15,300,000 15,100,000 14,800,000 14,100,000 13,500,000 13,200,000 13,100,000 12,500,000 12,500,000 12,500,000 12,300,000 11,400,000

Tokyo Japan Seoul Mexico City Delhi Mumbai (Bombay) New York City São Paulo Manila Los Angeles Shanghai Osaka Kolkata Karachi Guangzhou Jakarta Cairo Buenos Aires Moscow Beijing Dhaka Istanbul Rio de Janeiro Tehran London Lagos

1 ha of mangrove gives a commercial return of $30,000/yr




Mangrove Infrastructure Timeline

$705 3,4000,000

Mumbai Mangrove Hardening

CO2 Sequestering $573



Carbon Offset Value Mangrove Economy (per mangrove area) *million US dollars



forestry agriculture other


235km (28%)

191km (22%)

103km (12%)

204km (24%)


2008 160km (18%)

437km (52%)


176,295 $5




294,190 $9



Population in million


65km (18%)

39km (11%)

437km (52%)

463km (63%)

Hardening of the edges across the region Mumbai is a prime example of a megacity that is suffering from extreme ecological degradation due to urbanization within coastal environments. Mumbai has lost 40 percent of its mangrove forest in the past decade. Land fill and development, industrial pollution, sedimentation, dredging and informal settlement are the main causes of the mangrove disappearance. Mangroves forests are important because they provide vital functions for coastal areas, including pollution filtration, flood and surge protection, wildlife habitat, and coastline stabilization. Mangroves also increase the diversity for ecological DNA that protects sensitive coastal ecology from monoculture, which could potentially lead to serious disease epidemics in fish, shellfish and humans.


Mangroves Threatened Edge Slums Urbanized Area




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