The Queen’s Gambit Music from the Netflix Limited Series This Netflix limited series about an unlikely young chess champion won 11 Emmy Awards, including “Outstanding Music Composition” for its dramatic score by Carlos Rafael Rivera. Our folio features 14 songs from the soundtrack arranged for piano solo, including: Beth Alone • Beth’s Story • Ceiling Games • The Final Game • Jolene! • Main Title • Methuen Home for Children 1957 • Moscow Invitational 1968 • Ohio US Championship 1967 • Playing Townes • Sygrayem (Let’s Play) • Take It, It’s Yours • Training with Mr. Schaibel • You’re Gloating. 00430334 Piano Solo $19.99 (EAN 978-1-705163-351) (UPC 1-96288-06436-7) SOUNDTRACKS Stranger Things Music from the Netflix Original Series If you can only take one songbook with you to the Upside Down, make sure it’s our matching folio to Stranger Things! Featuring the iconic theme music and other works from composers Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, this collection also includes 17 pop songs heard throughout the first four seasons of the wildly successful Netflix series. Songs include: Africa • Cold As Ice • Every Breath You Take • The Ghost in You • Master of Puppets • Never Surrender • Running Up That Hill • Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) • Stranger Things Main Title Theme • Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go • You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) • and more! 01068799 P/V/G $19.99 (EAN 978-1-705174-470) (UPC 1-96288-09538-5)

unique spin on ten contemporary clas sics for worship.
Classics 10
Contemporary Worship Richly-Arranged Hayes Pianist/composer Mark Hayes his These include: 00385387 Piano $14.99 978-1-705154-755) (UPC 1-96288-02268-8)
intermediate piano solos, infused with rich harmonic language and hints of jazz, will be welcome in both church and home. Songs
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) • Cornerstone • How Deep the Father’s Love for Us • In Christ Alone • Living Hope • Lord, I Need You • Open the Eyes of My Heart • 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) • Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me • Your Name.
Main Theme • Touch the Sky (Brave) • and 00534894 Pianomore! Solo $19.99 (EAN 978-1-705166-369) (UPC 1-96288-07548-6) Top Gun: Maverick Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack The sequel 30 years in the making, Top Gun: Maverick was worth the wait as audiences flocked back to theaters to see Tom Cruise return to action. Like the original Top Gun, the soundtrack is pivotal to its success and features some of today’s top hitmakers as well as the iconic original hit “Danger Zone.” Our folio features seven songs from the soundtrack arranged for piano and voice with guitar chord frames: Danger Zone (Kenny Loggins) • Great Balls of Fire (Miles Teller) • Hold My Hand (Lady Gaga) • I Ain’t Worried (OneRepublic) • The Man, the Legend/Touchdown • Top Gun Anthem • Top Gun: Maverick (Main Theme). 01067502 P/V/G $19.99 ORDER 1-800-554-0626TODAY!
2 PIANO SOLOS SOUNDTRACKS Adele for Piano Solo –3rd Edition This updated edition features 14 Adele favorites from her whole career through 30 in lovely piano solo arrangements. Songs include: Chasing Pavements • Easy on Me • Hello • Make You Feel My Love • Rolling in the Deep • Skyfall • Someone like You • When We Were Young • and 00820186 Pianomore.Solo .............. $19.99 (EAN 978-1-705171-998) (UPC 1-96288-08759-5)
Piano Solos arr. Mark
Lorie Line –The Heritage Collection Volume 10: Praise and Worship ed. Mark Adler This collection features 14 praise and worship songs arranged by Lorie Line for piano solo, including: Chain Breaker (Zach Willliams) • Firm Foundation (He Won’t) (Maverick City) • Go Rest High on That Mountain (Vince Gill) • Hold On to Me (Lauren Daigle) • Say I Won’t (MercyMe) • Scars in Heaven (Casting Crowns) • and more. As with all Lorie Line collections, the book includes arrangements for begin ners, intermediate players, and advanced readers and players so the developing pianist will find something to play during their entire musical journey! 01073390 Piano Solo $34.95 Pixar for Piano arr. Kevin Olson 15 beloved songs from the Pixar movies arranged especially for piano solo. The accessible arrangements are for inter mediate to early advanced level pia nists and are designed for solo recitals as well as mood-setting music to spe cial Includes:occasions!Bundle of Joy (Inside Out) • If I Didn’t Have You (Monsters Inc.) • The Incredits (The Incredible) • Lava • Married Life (Up) • Ratatouille

PHILLIP KEVEREN SERIES Pop Ballads – Second Edition arr. Phillip Keveren This updated collection features 16 favorites carefully and creatively arranged by Phillip Keveren for easy piano. Songs include: And So It Goes • City of Stars • Clocks • Home • I Will Remember You • Perfect • Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head • Right Here Waiting • A Thousand Years • and 00366021 Easymore. Piano $14.99 (EAN 978-1-705137-093) (UPC
Piano Chord Voicings in All Styles by Mark Harrison When you play a song on the piano from a fake book or sheet music, do you ever get the feeling that the chords don’t sound right for the musical style of the song, even if you’re construct ing the chords correctly? If that’s the case, you need to learn how to voice the chords appropriately for the style you’re playing, whether you’re reading from a chart or playing from memory. Chord voicing is the art of interpreting the chord symbols to sound correct for the style. This is the “secret sauce” that will help your playing sound more pro fessional! Pianist, composer/arranger, educator, and author Mark Harrison introduces you to piano chord voicings for these essential styles: blues, classic rock, cool jazz, country, funk, Gospel, hip-hop, modern rock, pop ballad, smooth jazz, and many more! The piano chord voicing concepts are demonstrated with over 90 audio tracks, including play-along rhythm section accompaniment in all the styles!
3 EDUCATIONAL PIANO Halloween Classics for Two 9 Haunting Classical Duets arr. Kevin ComposerOlsonShowcase Sometimes music that is hundreds of years old makes the best Halloween music! Kevin Olson has expertly arranged some of the most eerie music of the great composers. Perfect for Halloween recitals but also for suit able at any time of the year! Titles: Danse Macabre (Saint-Saens) • Funeral March (Chopin) • Funeral March of a Marionette (Gounod) • Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg) • Lacrymosa (Mozart) • Night on Bald Mountain (Mussorgsky) • Ride of the Valkyries (Wagner) • The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Dukas) • Toccata in D Minor (Bach). 00668183 Intermediate $12.99 (EAN 978-1-705168-615) (UPC 1-96288-08068-8)
VOCAL Vocal Studies for the Contemporary Singer by Anne Peckham Berklee Press Take your singing to the next level! This collection of contemporary-style vocal etudes and exercises will help you to develop valuable vocal skills for performing contemporary commercial music styles. These original studies will keep your practice routine fresh and challenging, while targeting specific technical goals to develop and maintain vocal skills. Online audio has demonstrations of the studies and allows you to sing along with accompaniment tracks. Listening recommen dations and study songs in a variety of styles demonstrate how these techniques are used in contemporary singing. 50449611 Book/Online Audio $24.99 (EAN 978-1-705166-192) (UPC 8-84088-51529-4)
00365842 Book/Online Audio $19.99 978-1-705136-744) (UPC 8-40126-96224-6) 8-40126-96275-8) $14.99 978-1-705113-943) (UPC 8-40126-94303-0)
Soothing Piano Worship 20 Peaceful Sacred Songs for Piano arr. Phillip Keveren 20 mood-setting sacred arrangements for every church pianist. May be used as pre ludes, offertories, or reflection. Songs include: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) • Cornerstone • Holy Spirit • How Great Is Our God • King of My Heart • Living Hope • O Come to the Altar • 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) • What a Beautiful Name • Who You Say I Am • and more. 00357169 Piano Solo

51487542 Study Score $23.95 In 2022, we're celebrating our 75th anniversary with even more of what you expect from Hal Leonard: the most innovative & popular print releases, the most efficient and effective distribution of MI gear & tech brands, & the best service in the industry! Ask your sales rep about our anniversary special.
Alexander Scriabin: Twelve Etudes Op. 8 ed. Valentina Rubcova fing: Boris Giltburg Henle Urtext Edition Scriabin’s early Etudes op. 8 are at the heart of virtuoso piano repertoire, their methodical and pedagogical intent clearly visible. However, they are also 12 character pieces, revealing Scriabin’s whole creative universe from the dreamy and poetic to the powerful and passionate. Fingerings provided by renowned pianist Boris Giltburg.
The edition offers a critically sound read ing, based on the original sources, of Giuseppe Verdi’s Les vêpres siciliennes It restores the poetic and musical text of the first performance, which took place at the Théâtre de l’Académie Impériale de Musique in Paris on 13 June 1855. This edition features a reduction for voice and 50603965 piano. $40.00 (EAN 978-1-705163-832) (UPC 1-96288-06640-8)
Arnold Schönberg: String Quartet No. 2 Op. 10 with Soprano Part ed. Ulrich Scheideler Henle Urtext Edition This chamber music work, composed in 1907/08, marks a turning point not only in Schönberg’s output, but also for the history of modern music in general. Majorminor tonality, obligatory for centuries, is increasingly abandoned over the four movements in favour of a free atonality. This break with music-historical tradition goes hand-in-hand with a further breach of convention; in the last two movements, Schönberg includes a solo soprano singing settings of two poems by Stefan George. The new Henle edition is edited by Schönberg specialist Ullrich Scheideler reflecting the latest state of research. The Henle Urtext edition publishes this modern classic in a new, generously laid out music setting.
Guiseppe Verdi: Les Vepres Siciliennes Ricordi
51481486 Piano Solo .................$20.95
The three volumes of the “Années de pèlerinage” (Years of Pilgrimage) are a core part of Liszt’s pianistic output. While the first two collections comprise travel impressions from Switzerland and Italy in the 1830s, this final one, pub lished only after a long interval in 1883, reflects a spiritual journey.
Several newly-discovered or newly-ac cessible sources have been consulted for Henle Urtext’s revised edition, with the accompanying texts reflecting the latest state of research. French pianist Cédric Tiberghien provides the fingering.
51481494 Revised Edition $27.95
Franz Liszt: Années de Pèlerinage, Troisième Année ed. Peter Jost Henle Urtext Edition
CLASSICAL PIANO SHEET MUSIC SERIES Christmas ArrangementsCarol Classical Piano Sheet Music Series Please see the Christmas section for a complete description. 00664563 Piano Solo $12.99 (EAN 978-1-705168-271) (UPC 1-96288-08028-2)

Canadian Fiddle Tunes 60 Traditional Pieces Schott World Music Series ed. Iain Fraser Schott Author of Scottish Fiddle Tunes Iain Fraser presents a collection of 60 pieces for solo violin. Drawn from the rich tradition of Canadian folk music, the collection covers a range of regional styles including Celtic, French Canadian, Métis, and Newfoundland. The volume includes notes on the tunes and recordings of all pieces available for free download. German and French translations of all texts are available as PDF downloads from the Schott Music website.
Eastern European Fiddle Tunes 80 Traditional Pieces for Violin Schott World Music Series ed. Pete Cooper Schott Following the success of Irish Fiddle Solos and English Fiddle Tunes, Pete Cooper’s new book contains a rich selection of tunes from many Eastern European countries including Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, and pieces from the Klezmer tradition. There are 80 tunes in a variety of styles: mazurkas, polkas, kolomyikas, freylekhs, horas, csárdás, legenyes,sîrbas, rucenitsas, kopanitsas, etc. The material is wide-ranging in complexity, including very simple pieces as well as many more challenging tunes requiring intermediate to advanced technique. As with many other books in the series, there are MP3 files that can be downloaded for free, with all the pieces performed by Pete Cooper.
49046866 Book/Online Audio $24.95 (EAN 978-1-705162-446) (UPC 1-96288-06254-7)
Vienna Forever Waltzes, Polkas and Marches by Strauss and Others arr. Wolfgang Birtel Schott Perfect repertoire for a New Year’s concert with a small ensemble: lively polkas, hearty marches and fast waltzes are included in this volume. Wolfgang Birtel has written more than 20 won derful and rousing arrangements for violin and piano of well-known and lesser-known pieces. In addition to important composers such as Strauss father and Strauss son, the collection also includes lesser-known names such as Fucik or 49046770 Komzák. $26.99 (EAN 978-1-705155-547) (UPC 1-96288-02334-0)
49046868 Book/Online Audio ...............................................................................$22.99 (EAN978-1-705162-460)(UPC1-96288-06256-1)
Friedrich Dotzauer: 12 Exercises Op. 107 Schott Essential Exercises Series Schott The Études Op. 107 contain some of Dotzauer’s best-known études of medium difficulty, in the 1st to 4th position and with major technical prob lems such as arpeggios, velocity, string crossings, slow and fast bowing, double stops, two-part playing, and more. 49046692 $15.99 (EAN 978-1-705147-481) (UPC 8-42819-11358-4)
ORDER 1-800-554-0626TODAY!
Friedrich Dotzauer: 18 Progressive Exercises Op. 120 Schott Essential Exercises Series Schott Dotzauer études have been part of the standard repertoire in cello lessons for generations. Johann Friedrich Dotzauer (1783-1860) was among the major cel lists and cello pedagogues of the 19th century and knew what makes a good étude: it should deal specifically with a certain technical problem and at the same time not be monotonous, but musically 49046642 appealing. $15.99

Press This choral compilation brings together beloved carols and new seasonal lyrics with celebrated music from Bach, Handel, Mozart and others. As a collection, you can use this resource throughout Advent and Christmas, or use the optional narration to present the entire work as a cantata. A full line of support products is available to enable your performance options.
Songs include: Canon de Noel; Procession of Light; A Classic Advent Flourish; Advent Alleluia; Celebration for Advent; He Shall Feed His Flock; An Etude Carol; Christ Is Born! Let Earth and Heaven Rejoice; Adoramus Te; Christmas Jubilate.
This set of two familiar seasonal tunes is arranged for quick success. Intended to be used throughout all of Advent, the music is both approachable and filled with anticipation, with a different text for each week. The addition of handbells and an option for congregational participation will enhance and heighten the season’s spirit of joy. This will be your opening, closing and theme for a light-filled Advent observance. Distinctive!
00365676 SATB/opt. Handbells $2.10
Advent Introit and Blessing “Rejoice, Rejoice with Music” and “Share the Light”
00428602 SATB/Congregation $9.95 00428603 Full Orchestra (Digital) $375.00 00428604 String Quartet (Digital) $175.00
00428609 Preview Pak ......................................................................................... $16.99 00428610 Part Dominant Tracks (My Library Audio)
Joseph M. Martin Shawnee Press
00428605 Accompaniment Tracks (My Library Audio) $79.99 00428606 Split Tracks (My Library Audio) $89.99 00428607 Preview CD $16.99 00428608 CD 10-Pak $79.99 $64.99
Christmas Classique
A truly unique offering for the holidays, this one-ofa-kind resource puts congregational participation to front and center in the service of song. Ideal for a Lessons and Carols service or community carol sing, this compilation will be an essential part of your choral library. From tender manger cradle songs to glorious shouts of praise and adoration, this singular resource will give thoughtful worship planners the tools they need for an inclusive worship experience. Songs include: Joy to the World; Away in a Manger; O Come, All Ye Faithful; God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen; O Little Town of Bethlehem; The First Noel; Silent Night.
A Gathering of Carols, Choir and Candlelight ShawneeVarious
00428623 SATB $9.95 00428624 Score and Parts (Digital) $300.00 00428625 Accompaniment Tracks (My Library Audio) $79.99 00428626 Listening CD $16.99 00428627 10-Pack Listening CDs $79.99 00428628 Preview Pack (SATB Book/Listening CD) $16.99
Shawnee Press
The Coming Joy arr. Joseph M. Martin Shawnee Press Sweeping the listener up in the arms of celebration and praise, this anthem captures the anticipation of Advent. Mary’s joy becomes our hope as familiar mel odies are reimagined in this seasonal sensation.
A Weary World Rejoices A Chamber Cantata for Christmas
00418083 SATB $2.20 00418090 Full Orchestra (Digital) $69.95 00418091 Handbells – 3-5 Octaves (Digital) ...$35.00 6
Joseph M. Martin/arr. Stacey Nordmeyer
For such a time as this comes a work that will bring hope and light to your community of faith. Decorated with beloved carols and engaging original anthems, this “chamber cantata” is brimming with the joy of Christmas and arranges for success with well-crafted, impactful and accessible selections. The scripture based narration will affirm the Christmas message. Songs include: Overture of Joy; A Weary World Rejoices; Redeem, Restore, Renew; Arise! Rejoice!; Come, Graceful Rose; Away in a Manger; Sing, O Heavens; Beautiful Star; Cantique de Nöel. 00428738 SATB $9.95 00428739 Score and Parts (Digital) $375.00 00428740 Accompaniment Tracks (My Library Audio) $79.99 00428741 Split Tracks (My Library Audio) 00428742 Listening CD $16.99 00428743 10-Pack Listening CDs $79.99 00428744 Preview Pack (SATB Book/Listening CD) $16.99 00428745 Part Dominant Tracks (My Library Audio) $64.99
A Cantata for Congregation and Choir arr. Heather Sorenson Brookfield Press

CHORAL & CLASSROOM Bucket Blast: Rock Hits Tom Anderson Get rockin’ as you jam along on buckets and percussion to songs that you love! Everything is from helpful warm-ups authentic rhythms, grooves and suggestions. Iconic rock songs like Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock ‘n Roll,” The Beatles “Drive My Car” and “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple are the musical foundation for play-along fun. Full scores are provided for the teacher, along with digital access to play-along audio recordings and separate PDFs of bucket drum and optional percussion instrument parts. 00391771 Book with Online Audio & PDFs $29.99 (EAN 978-1-705157-046) (UPC 1-96288-02972-4)
(My Library Audio)..............................................
The Holly and the Ivy (with “Sans Day Carol”) A Litany and Anthem for Hanging of the Greens arr. John Purifoy Shawnee Press This inspired pairing of two beloved carols is filled with seasonal satisfaction. Finely crafted choral parts mingle effortlessly with sensitive piano writing to create the perfect spirit for any Advent or Hanging of the Greens 00419568 SATBservice. $2.20 O Savior of Our Fallen Race Keith Getty/Kristyn Getty/arr. David Angerman Shawnee Press Moving freely like a chant, this ancient text is profound in scope and authenticity as it follows the journey from humanity’s sin to God’s salvation. Luminous images of God’s holiness mingle with the music’s cloistered rev erence, offering a deep sense of mystery and majesty. Score and Parts (fl 1-2, ob, cl, hn 1-2, perc 1-2, bgtr, hp, syn, pno, vn 1-2, va, vc) available as a digital download. 00339990 SATB/opt. Oboe ................................ $2.30 00344789 Score and Parts (Digital) $69.95 A Peaceful Christmas arr. John Leavitt Hal Leonard Sacred Shimmering with beauty, this gentle gathering of beloved carols offers a pristine moment for seasonal programming. These songs can be presented a cap pella, or can be accompanied by piano or hand chimes, or both, making these arrangements a unique and flexi ble resource for worship services and holiday concerts. Songs include:Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming; What Child Is This?; Away in a Manger 00428613 SATB opt. a cappella $3.95 00428614 Handchimes/Handbells – 3 Octaves (Digital) $65.00 00428615 Accompaniment Tracks (My Library Audio) $44.99 00428616 Part Dominant Tracks $39.99 Sing Lullaby arr. Heather Sorenson Shawnee Press Drawing from folk this lovely manger moment is blessed with flowing vocal lines and pristine piano patterns. All is calm and peace in this lush utilizing the full richness of the choir. Score and Parts (chm, tmp, perc, solo vn, vn 1-2, va, vc, db) as a 00422599 SATBdownload. $2.35 00422600 Score and Parts (Digital) $45.00
ORCHESTRA Baba Yetu Christopher Tin/arr. Robert Longfield 04492843 Score and Parts $60.00 Waiting on a Miracle (from Encanto) Lin-Manuel Miranda/arr. Robert Longfield 04492847 Score and Parts $55.00 The Family Madrigal (from Encanto) Lin-Manuel Miranda/arr. Larry Moore 04492859 Score and Parts $55.00 Two Oruguitas (from Encanto) Lin-Manuel Miranda/arr. Robert Longfield 04492863 Score and Parts $55.00

Christmas Sentiments 19 Nostalgic Songs arr. Phillip Keveren The Phillip Keveren Series 19 wonderful seasonal songs for the aspiring pianist and/or singer clev erly arranged by Phillip Keveren. Songs include: Because It’s Christmas (For All the Children) Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song) Mary, Did You Know? Merry Christmas, Darling River • Star of Bethlehem Who Would Imagine a King 00666204 Easymore. Piano $14.99 978-1-705168-486) (UPC 08053-4)1-96288-
Christmas Songs It’s time to play all the songs you keep streaming over the holiday season! This
Christmas Around the World 12 Piano Arrangements in Progressive Order This volume of the Jennifer Linn Series takes piano students around the world with 12 carefully-leveled arrangements of Christmas songs. The songs are presented in a progressive order so students can learn new skills as they advance through the book. Songs include: Dormi, Dormi, Bel Bambino (Italian) Go Tell It on the Mountain (AfricanAmerican spiritual) Los Peces En El Rio (Latin American) Sleep Little Dove (Alsatian) The Wexford Carol (Irish) Wsrod Nocnej Ciszy (Polish). 00729782 Intermediate $12.99 978-1-705170-151) (UPC 1-96288-08456-3)
Christmas Vocal Duets
Believe • Christmas Time Is Here • A Holly Jolly Christmas • Mary, Did You Know? • Merry Christmas, Darlng • Sleigh Ride • Walking in the Air • White Christmas • Winter Wonderland. 00664570 $19.99 (EAN
features 40 of the most popular pop Christmas songs arranged for piano and voice with guitar chord frames. Titles include: All I Want for Christmas Is You • Blue Christmas • Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) • I’ll Be Home for Christmas • It’s Beginning to Look like Christmas • Jingle Bell Rock • Santa Baby • White Christmas • and more. 00666189 P/V/G $22.99 (EAN 978-1-705168-370)
includes 15 interme diate-level popular Christmas songs arranged for any combination of two voices and piano. Songs
for 2 Voices and Piano
This collection include: 978-1-705168-295) 1-96288-08030-5)
Most-Streamed collection (UPC 1-96288-08048-0)
• and

9 ORDER 1-800-554-0626TODAY! WILLIS MUSIC COMPANY Christmas Pop Favorites for Piano Solo Willis Music 18 beautiful piano solos of Christmas favorites for festive occasions, featuring arrange ments by Glenda Austin, Eric Baumgartner, Melody Bober, Randall Hartsell, Naoko Ikeda, Carolyn Miller, Carolyn Setliff, Jason Sifford, and Melanie Spanswick. Songs include: Blue Christmas • Do You Want to Build a Snowman? • Mary, Did You Know? • Somewhere in My Memory • Where Are You Christmas? • and more. 00688517 $16.99 (EAN 978-1-705169-186) (UPC 1-96288-08297-2)
Christmas Cocktail Jazz Jazz Piano Solos Series Vol. 65 Each volume in the Jazz Piano Solos Series features exciting new arrangements of songs which define a series. This Christmas edition features 27 favorites perfect for your holiday Christmas in New Orleans • Cool Yule • Silver Bells • What Are Doing New Year’s Eve? • White Christmas • and 00675319 Pianomore.Solo $19.99 978-1-705168-875) (UPC 1-96288-08195-1)
pieces, with
The Classical Piano Sheet Music Series includes of intermediate-level an easy-to-use coil binding so the music lays flat, This volume including: Away in a Manger God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen • In dulce jubilo • In the Bleak Midwinter • Once in Royal David’s City • Still, Still, Still • Sussex Carol • and 00664563 Pianomore. Solo $12.99 (EAN 978-1-705168-271) (UPC 1-96288-08028-2) Mary, Did You Know? Piano Solo Sheet Music The holiday favorite arranged in piano solo 00729751 format. $4.99
features 20 lovely holiday favorites,
ensuring smooth page turns.
PIANO SOLO Carol Arrangements Classical Piano Sheet Music

10 CHRISTMAS (CONTINUED) Christmas Meets Jazz 15 Famous Christmas Songs illusration: Alexandra Korn ChristmasSchott Meets Jazz contains 15 popular Christmas carols in jazzy piano arrangements and thus continues the successful “... meets Jazz” series by composer and arranger Uwe Korn. The style ranges from the sensitive jazz ballad to rocking and swinging rhythms to the lively “Jingle Bells Samba.” The high-quality recordings for download, which contain each title in a piano solo version and a version for piano with a band including play-along versions, guarantee, together with the moody Christmas illustrations, a happy jazzy Christmas party. Text in English and German. 49046871 Book/Audio Online $21.99
E-Z PLAY TODAY 100 Most Beautiful Christmas Songs E-Z Play Today #53 A giant Christmas collection with easy-to-read and
play arrangements for all keyboardists! E-Z Play Today songbooks feature simple arrange ments with authentic-sounding chords and melody lines with a min imum number of page turns. The books also include lyrics for ultimate playing and sing-along enjoyment. This collection features a variety of holiday favorites, including: Baby, It’s Cold Outside • The Christmas Shoes • Christmas Time Is Here • The Little Drummer Boy • Mary, Did You Know? • Merry Christmas, Darling • O Holy Night • Silver Bells • Ukrainian Bell Carol • and many more! 00348318 $27.99 (EAN 978-1-540097-347) (UPC 8-40126-93000-9) INSTRUMENTAL Canadian ChristmasBrassQuartets This collection features eight arrangements in that distinctive Canadian Brass style for two B-flat trumpets and two trombones. Contents include: Angels We Have Heard on High • Ding Dong! Merrily on High • The First Noel • Go, Tell it on the Mountain • God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen • Hark! The Herald Angels Sing • In dulce jubilo • Joy to the World. 00729767 Conductor’s Score $12.99 00729763 Trumpet 1.............................................................................................. $10.99 00729764 Trumpet 2 $10.99 00729765 Trombone 1 $10.99 00729766 Trombone 2 $10.99 Christmas Carols for Violin Duet and Piano For Classical Players Series 17 intermediate arrangements of holiday favorites for violin duet with piano. Contents: Angels We Have Heard on High • Away in a Manger • Deck the Hall • Coventry Carol • The First Noel • In dulce jubilo • Lo, How a Rose E’re Blooming Silent Night • What Child Is This? • and more. 50605216 $16.99 (EAN 978-1-705168-288) (UPC 1-96288-08029-9)
Relaxing Christmas Piano Solos If you’re feeling stress this holiday season, sit down with these 23 soothing favorites. Arranged in a gentle, approachable style, they’re relaxing to learn and relaxing to play. Songs include: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) • Christmas Time Is Here • The Gift • Somewhere in My Memory • Walking in the Air • White Christmas • and 00849749 Pianomore. Solo $16.99 (EAN 978-1-705172-162) (UPC 1-96288-08875-2)

Christmas Hits for Easy Guitar 28 holiday classics arranged for easy guitar with notes and tab so all players can enjoy their favorite songs around the Christmas tree. Songs include: All I Want for Christmas Is You • The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) • Christmas Time Is Here • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas • I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus • I’ll Be Home for Christmas • Jingle Bell Rock • Last Christmas • My Favorite Things • Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree • Santa Baby • Silver Bells • White Christmas • Wonderful Christmastime • and more.
00731527 Easy Guitar with Notes & Tab $14.99 (EAN 978-1-705170-168) (UPC 1-96288-08458-7) Christmas Songs for Solo Classical Guitar arr. David Jaggs David Jaggs has over 1.3 million views on his YouTube channel fea turing his masterful and beautiful classical guitar arrangements of popular songs. This new collection features 20 of his arrangements of Christmas favorites, including: All I Want for Christmas Is You • Fairytale of New York • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas • I’ll Be Home for Christmas • It’s Beginning to Look like Christmas • Merry Christmas, Darling • My Favorite Things • Santa Baby • Silver Bells • Walking in the Air • White Christmas • and more.
A Charlie Brown Christmas for Solo Jazz Guitar This folio features all your favorites from the beloved classic Christmas time TV special arranged for solo jazz guitar. Perfect for holiday gigs or simply playing alone under your Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Songs include: Christmas Is Coming • Christmas Time Is Here • Fur Elise • Hark, the Herald Angels Sing • Skating • What Child Is This • and more. 00662816 Solo Guitar $19.99 (EAN 978-1-705168-257) (UPC 1-96288-08014-5)© 2022 PEANUTS Worldwide LLC
00911063 Book/Online Audio $24.99 (EAN 978-1-705172-438) (UPC 1-96288-08981-0) 11
Christmas Guitar Duets Grab a friend and your 6-strings and make some beautiful Christmas music for your family and friends! 25 holiday classics arranged for guitar duet, including: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) • Christmas Time Is Here • Feliz Navidad • Happy Xmas (War Is Over) • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas • A Holly Jolly Christmas • Jingle Bell Rock • Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! • Mary, Did You Know? • Silver Bells • Somewhere in My Memory • This Christmas • White Christmas • and more. 00662853 $14.99 (EAN(UPC978-1-705168-264)1-96288-08023-7)

The Life and Times of Kinky Friedman by Mary Lou Sullivan Globe Pequot/Backbeat Kinky Friedman has always maintained his Kinkster persona and hidden Richard Friedman from the public eye. Using one-liners, humor, and occasional rudeness, he follows the advice of his friend Bob Dylan to keep an aura of mystery. Author Mary Lou Sullivan spent many contentious days and nights at Kinky’s Texas Hill Country ranch before he trusted her enough to open up and speak candidly.
01100118 Softcover $22.95
From the 1970s music scene in L.A. with Tom Waits and the Band, to political platforms advocating legal ized marijuana, this is the candid account – based on dozens and years of interviews – of the larger-than-life Texan who is still writing books and songs, recording albums, and performing for enthusiastic audiences throughout the world.
“Other people locked themselves away and hid from their demons. Townes flung open his door and said, ‘Come on in.’” So writes Harold Eggers, Townes Van Zandt’s longtime road manager and producer, in My Years with Townes Van Zandt: Music, Genius, and Rage – a gripping memoir revealing the inner core of an enigmatic troubadour, whose deeply poetic music was a source of inspiration and healing for millions but was for himself a torment struggling for dominance among myriad personal demons.
My Years with Townes Van Zandt Music, Genius, and Rage by Harold F. Eggers, Jr. with L. E. McCullough Globe Pequot/Backbeat
Softcover now available!
Music + Revolution Greenwich Village in the 1960s by Richard Barone Globe Pequot/Backbeat
Richard Barone unrolls a freewheeling historical narrative, peppered with personal stories and insights from those who were there.
Bruce Springsteen – Like a Killer in the Sun: Selected Lyrics 1972-2017 ed. Leonardo Colombati Globe Pequot/Backbeat Bruce Springsteen – Like a Killer in the Sun, originally published in Italian, is the definitive book on the work of Bruce Springsteen, showing his unique narrative talent and offering an accurate critical examination of his poetics. It presents 117 among his best lyrics, expounded and annotated with the philological care used for the classics of literature.
01100119 Softcover $29.95
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Everything’s Bigger in Texas
In Music + Revolution: Greenwich Village in the 1960s,
Even before the Beatnik Riots of 1961, New York City’s Greenwich Village was the epicenter of revolutionary movements in American music and culture. But, in the early 1960s and throughout the decade, a new wave of writers and performers inspired by the folk music revival of the 1950s created socially aware and deeply personal songs that spoke to a generation like never before. Message and music merged and mirrored society.
12 GLOCKENSPIELOCARINA REFERENCE/TRADE BOOKS Children’s Songs for Ocarina This super fun collection fatures 30 popular hits arranged for 10-, 11-, or 12-hole ocarinas, including: Baby Shark • Castle on a Cloud • Dance Monkey • Happy • Happy Birthday to You • The Hokey Pokey • Imagine • It’s a Small World • Over the Rainbow • This Land Is Your Land • Tomorrow • We Don’t Talk About Bruno • Yellow Submarine • You Are My Sunshine • and more. 01068017 $9.99 (EAN 978-1-705174-388) (UPC 1-96288-09492-0) Disney Favorites for Ocarina This collection features 30 Disney favorites arranged for 10-, 11-, or 12-hole ocarinas. Songs include: Beauty and the Beast • Circle of Life • Dos Oruguitas • Friend like Me • Into the Unknown • Let It Go • Reflection • Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz) • We Don’t Talk About Bruno • When Will My Life Begin? • and more! 01068016 $10.99 (EAN 978-1-705174-371) (UPC 1-96288-09491-3) Also Available: 00366074 Hal Leonard Ocarina Starter Pack $39.99 HalGlockenspielLeonard Method A Beginner’s Guide with Step-by-Step Instruction for Glockenspiel by Evelyn Glennie The Hal Leonard Glockenspiel Method is designed for anyone just learning to play the glockenspiel. This easy-to-use guide provides step-by-step lessons and metic ulously graded music by leading percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie. Video tutorials, demonstration audio, and accompaniment back ing tracks are also included, making this book ideal for individual or group 01075546 learning. $14.99 (EAN 978-1-705175-798) (UPC 1-96288-09869-0)
01100117 $22.95

Octa Bongos Designed as a hybrid between a cajon and traditional bongos, these unique octagonal-shaped playing bongos feature playing surfaces measuring 7” and 8.5” in diameter that produce distinctive sound characteristics. Additionally, these bongos are playable on both sides, with the lighter-colored surfaces bringing out higher notes, and the darker surfaces playing lower tones. 00839411 MSRP $129.99 • MAP $79.99 Pro Series Sombaty
29 Series Graffiti Cajon Constructed from 100% sustainably-harvested Siam Oak Wood, this cajon is equipped with four rubber feet for added stability when playing. Hand-made and individu ally-tested to ensure superior sound quality. 00839410 MSRP $399.99 • MAP $249.99
These goblet drums feature a long history of being used in belly danc ing music in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Eastern Europe. Each Tycoon Pro Series Doumbek is individually hand-made by high ly-skilled craftsmen in Egypt with a heavy-duty 0.6” thick aluminum body with genuine mother of pearl. Includes a profes sional-level padded carrying bag with every Pro Series 00839415 StellaDoumbek. MSRP $509.99 • MAP $299.99 00839416 Luna MSRP $509.99 • MAP $299.99 Siam Rainstick
Cajon Basa
An excellent addition to any cajon, allowing the player to add different patterns and beats to his/her cajon play. Fits any cajon on the market and is universally mountable anywhere on a cajon using Velcro and sticky tape. 7.5cm in diameter and 6.5cm wide, equivalent to Tycoon’s smallest-sized Cabasa. 00329146 $44.99
These goblet drums feature a long history of being used in belly dancing music in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Eastern Europe. Each Tycoon Pro Series Sombaty is individually hand-made by highly-skilled craftsmen in Egypt with a heavy-duty 0.6” thick aluminum body with genuine mother of pearl. Includes a professional-level padded carrying bag with every Pro Series Sombaty. 00839412 Red Diamond MSRP $599.99 • MAP $349.99 00839413 Pearl Oasis MSRP $599.99 • MAP $349.99 00839414 Sand Blossom MSRP $599.99 • MAP $349.99 Pro DoumbekSeries
Tycoon’s Siam Rainsticks are now offered in two new smaller sizes – 40cm and 60cm. The inner chambers are designed to provide a longer-lasting “rainstorm” sound effect. Lightweight and highly durable. 00839417 40cm ................. MSRP $59.99 • MAP $39.99 00839418 60cm MSRP $84.99 • MAP $54.99

PERFECT GIFT ITEMS FOR 4TH QUARTER STARTER PACKS Hal Leonard Vocal Starter Pack Includes The Hal Leonard Vocal Method and Samson Q6 dynamic 01115080 microphone. $54.99 Hal Leonard Tin Whistle Starter Pack Includes the Hal Leonard Tin Whistle Method and Oak Classic Pennywhistle in D. 01115081 $25.99 Hal BodhránLeonardStarter Pack Includes the Hal Leonard Bodhrán Method and 12” bodrhán from Waltons Music. 01115082 $84.99 Hal Leonard Recording Starter Pack Includes the Hal Leonard Recording Method and PreSonus AudioBox USB 96 Studio. 01115083 .............................................................................................................................................................. $199.99 Hal LoogLeonardStarter Pack Includes the Mini Acoustic Guitar in White. 01115409 Hal Leonard The Beatles Ukulele Starter Pack Includes The Beatles Ukulele Chord Songbook and The Beatles “Love Is” Design Ukulele. 01115568 $79.99 Hal Leonard DJ Starter Pack Includes The Hal Leonard DJ Starter Pack, First 50 DJ Techniques You Should Know, DDJ-REV1 DJ Controller, and HDJ-CUE1 DJ Headphones from Pioneer DJ.$379.99 14

Tonex Capture TONEX Capture is an all-in-one accessory that makes it easy to capture your real amp’s tone perfectly, with or without microphones. It’s the ideal way to Tone Model your gear using the TONEX software, but also the perfect re-amping system. First, TONEX Capture connects to the output of your audio interface, matching the impedance to Hi-Z to feed into your amp at just the right level. Then, the attenuation stage sits passively between your amp and cab, sending a perfect copy back to your interface at a safe volume. The end result is a pristine copy of your amp’s real tone, ready for TONEX modeling or any other use you can imagine!
500 lbs. load 03726175 .capacity...................... MSRP
BT500S-2 Bluetooth 2 Foot Switch Controller AirTurn New and improved version of the BT200S-2! Now with Bluetooth 5, you can get more power, speed, and range from your setup. Enjoy 200+ hours of use with each battery charge, along with an even faster and more responsive experience. Foot switch control in a stombox design that easily integrates with your pedal board!
00364900 MSRP/MAP $299.00 with 30-52” extension & $399.99 • MAP $249.99
INSTRUMENTS/GEAR 15 PRO MONITORSREFERENCE iLoud Precision IK Media Handcrafted in Italy, iLoud Precision is a breakthrough in nearfield monitoring. It combines state-of-the-art DSP with a superior electro-acoustic system, a combi nation only possible with IK’s unique 25 plus years’ expertise in both loudspeaker design and digital signal processing. This advanced processing, combined with custom power amplifiers, delivers true phase and time coherence, an ultra-linear frequency response and extended low end. Enjoy a new level of audio accuracy, detail and performance from your studio monitors. Includes X-MONITOR: an advanced control application for Mac and 01114216 MTMWindows MSRP/MAP $1199.99 01114217 5” Monitor MSRP/MAP $899.99 01114218 6” Monitor MSRP/MAP $999.99 BLUETOOTH
MSRP/MAP $89.00
CONTROL PEDALS DUO 500 Dual Wireless Pedal Controller with Removable Bluetooth Handheld Remote AirTurn New and improved version of the DUO 200! The AirTurn DUO 500 began over a decade ago as a simple page-turner for sheet music readers. Today, it has become the best pageturner on the market due to its high-quality and long-lasting design. Featuring tactile, silent switches, the DUO 500 is nearly indestructible. The DUO 500 has a longer battery life, greater range, and faster connectivity than its previous model and competitors. Plus, it is completely customizable for keystrokes, shortcuts, switching types, MIDI, and so much more! MSRP/MAP $109.00
Raster 2 Digital Delay Pedal Red Panda The Raster is a 1600 ms digi tal delay with a pitch and fre quency shifter integrated into the feedback path. Forward or reverse delay can be shifted once or have continuously shifted repeats. Three delay ranges allow you to precisely dial in resonant feedback and instantly change delay time with rhythmic shifts. The feed back control has infinite repeats at 3 o’clock and chaotic, textured feedback loops at higher levels.
ACCESSORIES Folding Multi-Utility Cart Gator Cases Folding multi-utility cart
QUAD 500 Four Pedal Wireless Controller AirTurn New and improved version of the QUAD 200! This silent and professional wireless foot switch with four custom programmable pedals now includes Bluetooth 5 that will help you get more power, speed and range from your setup. Enjoy 200+ hours of use with each battery charge, along with an even faster and more responsive experience. MSRP/MAP $139.00
01114215 MSRP/MAP $199.99

Jimi Hendrix Gibson Psychedelic Mini Replica Guitar Axe Heaven AXE HEAVEN® is proud to present an incredible officially licensed minitaure guitar collection with Gibson and the Jimi Hendrix Estate. These model tributes represent electric guitars Jimi Hendrix has played before mil lions of fans during his career and 00910684 screened.
influenced multiple generations of players around the world. Each model guitar includes incredible art that is hand-painted and silk
This miniature replica model honors the legacy of Gibson electric guitars. Regardless of the fact that George Harrison and Eric Clapton rocked a ‘6a SG Standard, that model year was clearly a standout for SGs in gen eral. The clunky side-pull vibrato had been replaced by the dependable Maestro Vibrola. The neck profiles had increased in size, resembling the profile found on 1959 Les Pauls. And the balance, playability and look of the SG seemed to come into its own. For all those reason and many more is why we decided to create a handcrafted model afer this iconic insstrument. 00910686 MSRP/MAP $24.99
PRSRT U.S.RATESTDPostage PAID Winona, MN Permit #24
Gibson 1959 Les Paul Standard
MSRP/MAP $59.99 Kiss Lunchbox Aquarius A great item for young and the young at heart! Nice design and sturdy construction is what you’ll get with this KISS tin lunch box. Beefy handle and latches with a fully embossed front cover. 00910683 ................................. MSRP/MAP $14.99 Hal Leonard Wrapping Paper Music-themed wrapping paper perfect for wrapping gifts for the musician in your life! Each set includes 3 sheets of 24” x 36” wrapping paper, folded with cardboard for 00285992 Guitarsrigidity. and Reindeer Theme $5.99 00285993 Blue Guitars & Snowflakes Theme $5.99 00285994 Red & White Holiday Guitar Theme $5.99 00356872 Golden Piano Keys $5.99 ORDER 1-800-554-0626TODAY! See page 8 for Christmas2022releases!
Cherry Sunburst –6" Holiday Ornament
Axe Heaven This miniature replica model honors the Holy Grail of electric guitars. The cherry sunburst stain on this handcrafted collectible is an amazing reproduction of the classic original solid body instrument. 00910685 MSRP/MAP $24.99
Gibson 1964 SG Standard
Cherry Guitar – 6" Holiday Ornament Axe Heaven