2011 Shawnee Worship Songs ­ New Music for Lent, Easter & Spring

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New Music for Spring, Lent & Easter


Also featuring selections from: brookfield press daybreak music and more‌

New Music for Spring, Lent & Easter


Worship S ongs

Bigger And Better Than Ever…

Welcome to the Spring 2011 edition of Worship Songs. With this issue we mark a new day for this promotional effort. Worship Songs will now include not only Shawnee Press sacred publications but also new releases from the sacred divisions of Hal Leonard. Now you will have the chance to review new publications from Brookfield Press, Daybreak Music, and selected anthems from Fred Bock Music each spring and fall. That means more options for your church music programs with music from composers like John Leavitt, Benjamin Harlan, Keith Christopher, John Purifoy, Penny Rodriguez, and many others. Of course you will still hear from our Shawnee Press regulars: Don Besig, Nancy Price, Patti Drennan, Lee Dengler, Heather Sorenson, David Angerman, David Lantz, Michael Barrett, Tom Fettke, Lloyd Larson, Cindy Berry, Brad Nix, Bert Stratton, James Koerts, Douglas Nolan, Vicki Tucker Courtney, along with the rest of our talented writers and composers. Shawnee Press now has access to the vast Hal Leonard catalog of copyrights, which is a treasure trove of creative opportunities for our arrangers and writers. This will be a great resource for our editors as we search out the “best of the best” material for our releases. All of these musical advantages, joined with Hal Leonard’s state-of-the art warehouse and customer service, are a recipe for success that will take us into the future with confidence. Now, more than ever before, it is my great pleasure to say . . . Let the music begin!


Joseph M. Martin Director of Sacred Publications for Shawnee Press

Order all the titles featured here and more from any music retailer. For more information about Shawnee Press publications, please call toll-free


or visit www.shawneepress.com. Prices, contents and availability subject to change without notice and may vary outside the U.S.A.

New Choral Publications Sometimes I Hear God’s Music Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: Music Appreciation, General, Festival, Easter Scripture: I Samuel 16:23; I Corinthians 14:15 1 This classic J. Paul William’s anthem is the first release in our Legacy series. This edition of the best-selling choral is presented with a newly engraved score complete with updates by the composer, a fresh orchestration by Stan Pethel, and offered for the first time in SSA and TTB voicings. 35020872 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027618 SSA �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027619 TTB ����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027620  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027621  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Agnus Dei Words and Music by Michael W. Smith Arranged by Lloyd Larson Uses: Holy Week, Lent, Communion Scripture: John 1:29; I Corinthians 5:7 A modern sacred classic by contemporary Christian artist Michael W. Smith is touched 3 with arranging excellence in this offering for Holy Week or anytime. Elegant fluid Lloyd Larsen part-writing and a supportive keyboard part characterizes this beautiful selection. Includes Sop. Sax part or a substitute C inst. part. 35027634 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.05 35027636  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato) Arranged by Mary McDonald Uses: Easter Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6 A classic Easter hymn is transformed into a glorious anthem celebrating the joy of 4 Christ’s resurrection. Include the piano, organ, congregation, brass and handbells for an unforgettable worship moment. The ST. DENIO melody is rich with jubilant spirit and this arrangement maximizes its effervescence. The enduring acclamation of faith is an ideal call to worship! 35027664 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027665  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$30.00 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

At the Foot of the Cross Words by Susan Naus Dengler Music by Lee Dengler Uses: Holy Week, Communion Scripture: John 19:31-37 A meaningful portrait of grace is painted by this thoughtful offering for Holy Week. Unadorned voices add to the bittersweet 5 quality of this moving passion text that gathers us to the cross and reminds us of God’s eternal and boundless love. 35027691  SATB, a cappella ���������������������������������������������������$1.80

Let the Singers Assemble Words by Joseph M. Martin Music by Joseph M. Martin and David Angerman Uses: General, Call To Worship, Music Appreciation, Concert Scripture: II Chronicles 5:13-14 This admonition from Scripture is an exciting opener for any worship service or sacred 6 concert. Bold leaps and dotted rhythms create a regal call to worship and praise. Brass, organ and percussion complete the package. 35027511 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027512  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$35.00 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Music by Patricia Mock Arranged by Brad Nix Uses: Christ the Shepherd Sunday, General, Lent Scripture: John 10:3 7 For Christ the Shepherd Sunday, here is a gentle reminder of the faithfulness of the Savior’s love. Brad Nix Tender melodic lines along with the flute engage the listener while an easy to learn vocal arrangement enables your choir to sing with beauty and grace. Includes flute part. 35027663 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

A Hymn of Joyful Praise (Incorporating “Rejoice, the Lord Is King”) Words by Folliott Pierpoint Music by Joel Raney Uses: General, Thanksgiving, Concert Scripture: Isaiah 6:3 8 Incorporating a classic hymn text and a beloved hymn tune, this celtic-style song leaps from the page like a sacred dance of praise. The general text makes it useful anytime but it could also be used for Thanksgiving Sunday or even Christ the King Sunday. The flute and percussion add a certain folk quality while still maintaining its sanctuary sensitivity. 35027766 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

Gather at the River (Incorporating Shall We Gather at the River) Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, All Saints Day, Lent, Baptism Scripture: Psalm 23; John 7:38; Psalm 1:3 Commissioned by the Susquehanna Conference 9 of the United Methodist Church for their inaugural session, this melodic anthem is rich with Joseph Martin poetic imagery leading the faithful to plant the tree of faith by the waters of salvation. An appropriate choice for baptisms, All Saints Day or church renewal services, this melodic song incorporates the beloved American hymn, Shall We Gather at The River highlighting the message of grace. 35027603 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

1 = CD Track Number

Please see page 20 for the complete track list.


Make a Jubilant Noise Words by Bert Stratton Music by Vicki Tucker Courtney Uses: General, Palm Sunday Scripture: Psalm 98:4; Psalm 100; Luke 35-38 This versatile anthem sparkles with joy and life. A usable two-octave handbell part adds to programming flexibility and the driving piano 10 part is a positive engine of energy. Two texts are provided to increase the usefulness and value of this short, powerful song of praise. 35027658 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

Lamb of God (Redeemer of the World) Theme from Beethoven’s Pathetique By Michael Barrett and David Angerman Uses: General, Lent, Easter Scripture: John 1:29; I Corinthians 5:7 With its inspiration based on Beethoven’s Pathetique sonata, this worshipful declaration is 11 perfect for the traditional/transitional church. The noble declaration can also be used as a worship chorus with your congregation or praise team. 35027642 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027728  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027729  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Praise the Lord On This Glorious Day! Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price Music by Don Besig Uses: General, Call To Worship Scripture: Psalm 118:24; Psalm 31:7 The celebrated writing team of Don Besig 12 and Nancy Price brings us an anthem useful anytime during the year. The rolling piano Don Besig & part and easy handbell part perfectly decorates Nancy Price the chorals and gives this impressive worship song a powerful impact. Great as a call to worship! 35027598 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Words by John Newton Additional Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio Arranged by James Koerts Uses: General, Revival, Pentecost, Easter, 13 Lent, Praise Team Scripture: Acts 12:7 One of the most popular of modern worship songs is this version of the classic hymn, Amazing Grace. Listed consistently as one of the most used congregational resources, this finely crafted choral piece now offers choirs an opportunity to celebrate the message of this inspiring song. 35027571 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 35027572  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99


Lift Your Eyes and See the Glory Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Transfiguration Sunday Scripture: Exodus 24:12-18; Psalm 2; II Peter 1:16-21; Matthew 17:1-9; II Peter 1:12-18 This quintessential anthem for Transfiguration 14 Sunday is set to the beloved hymn tune, HYFRYDOL. The joyful anthem incorporates strong unison singing for a powerful statement of faith. Consider involving your congregation to create a new hymn possibility for this important Sunday of the church year. 35027692 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027693  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027694  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Christ On Calvary Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Clare C. Toy Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday, Tenebrae Scripture: Matthew 27:45-54; John 19:34; Matthew 27:51 The shadows fall hard as the message of this piece is delivered. Dark, brooding sonorities 15 weave a veil of sorrow as we visit Golgotha and all of its power. Simple imitation and effective melodic sequencing lead us through the tableau of tears. It is only at the end that we are reminded that this suffering servant was indeed the Son of God and in his death God’s will was fulfilled. A true testament of grace for churches everywhere. 35027684 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Words by Samuel Frances Music by Susan Buckley Cumbie Arranged by Patti Drennan Uses: General, Pentecost, Youth, Praise Team Scripture: Ephesians 3:17-18 16 A classic hymn text gets a makeover in this contemporary prayer celebrating the boundless grace and charity of the Savior. The arranger adds a distinctive urban gospel harmonic language to this setting that praise teams could also teach to the congregation. Includes violin part. 35027659 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

Bring What You Have Words and Music by Cindy Berry Uses: Stewardship, Dedication, Ordination, Baccalaureate Scripture: Ruth 3:1-5; Ruth 4:13-17; Mark 13:38-44 A message of stewardship and dedication 17 is the spiritual center of this anthem. The invitation: to bring to the Savior our gifts Cindy Berry great and small so they can multiply for God’s glory. An affirming confirmation of each person’s giftedness, this anthem is ideal for ordinations and dedicatory moments where the laity are encouraged in their individual ministries. 35027622 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Risen Today! Words and Music by Jay Althouse Uses: Easter Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6 The rhythmic drive of this festive Easter anthem is an exciting opener to your spring worship services. A fiery piano part provides the fuel for the boundless energy in this 18 positive and hopeful proclamation of life! 35027650 SATB �������������������������������������$1.80 35027651  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$30.00 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

The Question Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Lent Scripture: Psalm 8 This anthem provides a unique spiritual perspective on Psalm 8 offering choirs a chance to express heart-felt adoration to the Creator. This enigmatic piece draws the 19 listener close especially during the finale with its messages of hope and promise. 35027513 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027660  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027662  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

And Can It Be That I Should Gain Words by Charles Wesley Music by John Purifoy Uses: Lent, Easter Scripture: Philippians 2:7-8; Romans 5:8; Hebrews 4:16 20 The words of Charles Wesley resound through the sanctuary again in this fresh lyric re-setting. Expressive lines characterize the melodic patterns and the moving piano accompaniment sweeps the listener up in the arms of this promising text. Some surprising harmonic moments color this arrangement with pleasing hues that will renew your appreciation for this beloved sacred poem. 35027717 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Mighty to Save Words and Music by Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan Arranged by Heather Sorenson Uses: General, Praise Team, Youth Scripture: Isaiah 26:3; Isaiah 63:1; Matthew 21:21; Zechariah 4:6-7 This popular contemporary praise piece now 21 takes a bow as a choral octavo. Skillfully arranged, this anthem is a great encouragement to traditional congregations attempting to include newer worship styles within a service. The accompaniment wonderfully supports the piece and brings it to new heights of expression. 35027591 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 35027592  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Arranged by Stan Pethel Uses: Easter Scripture: John 20:1-9; Matthew 27:64; Romans 1:4 The joy of Easter is revealed in this buoyant 6/8 Easter affirmation. The celebrated ODE 22 TO JOY tune is re-metered to create a lilting dance-like effect that is quickly endearing to Stan Pethel the listener. A refreshing piano accompaniment mingles with a bright trumpet descant to complete the package! 35027625 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

The Lord Is Lifted Up Words and Music by Kenny Woods and Billy Crockett Arranged by Benjamin Harlan Uses: General. Ascension, Easter, Lent Scripture: John 12:32-34; John 3:14-15; Numbers 21:5-9; John 6:63; Acts 1:9 23 Christian recording artist Steve Green recorded this powerful song of exaltation now set beautifully for choir. Ideal for Ascension, this acclamation rises from the choir to proclaim the glory of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with soaring melodic lines and classical harmonic progressions. The piano writing takes on an almost symphonic quality as the anthem crescendos to an impressive climax. 35027590 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90

’Tis So Sweet By Heather Sorenson Uses: General, Lent Scripture: Psalm 22:4-5; Ephesians 1: 12-13 There is a timeless quality to the message of this well-known hymn text and when lifted from the pages of the hymnal and placed in this new musical framework it becomes an 24 expressive testimony of faith to the grace of Heather Sorenson the Savior. Rich melodic lines and luxurious harmonies move the anthem into the listener’s heart with a sacred word of assurance. 35027644 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027645  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027646  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Let the Rocks Cry Out Words and Music by Robert Sterling Uses: Palm Sunday Scripture: Luke 19:37-40; Mark 11:8-10; Psalm 98:4 A vocal “tour de force,” this sizzling anthem of praise will challenge and delight your choir 25 with its rhythmic vitality and energy. Offering a fresh alternative for Palm Sunday, the mixed Robert Sterling meter sections are easily learned and the repetition throughout the anthem assists the learning process. Celebrate the ancient prophecy fulfilled in this triumphal choral shout of praise! 35027655 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

In the Stillness of this Moment Words by Joseph M. Martin Music by Joseph M. Martin and David Angerman Uses: General, Lent, Communion Scripture: Psalm 46:10; Joshua 1:8 This contemplative call to worship surrounds the sanctuary with a sense of quiet reflection. 26 The message affirms the ideals of being still and discovering the wonder of God’s presence in our hearts. The tender melody arches like a prayer and covers the piece with a spirit of expectancy. The piano part is a pleasing support for the carefully crafted vocals. 35027725 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80


The Joyful Spirit In My Song Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price Music by Don Besig Uses: General, Pentecost Scripture: Psalm 143:10; Psalm 27:11; Luke 1:79; Proverbs 3:6 27 Bubbling over with jubilant praise this general anthem reminds us of the beauty of creation and the loveliness of our fellowship in Christ. 35027727 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

Come, Holy Spirit Words and Music by John W. Peterson Arranged by Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi Uses: Pentecost, Reformation Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 A classic inspirational song from the late John W. Peterson is crafted into an evocative 28 anthem that takes the words of his dramatic Pentecost song of praise and lifts it to new Tom Fettke expressive levels. A chronicle of the Christian church, this anthem pleads for God’s Spirit to lead and guide us now as in the times of the great revivals. This is a pertinent message for the modern church and its mission. This choral challenge is a true sermon in song. 35027624 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90

Step Into the Joy Words and Music by David E. Hamilton and Sandi Patty Arranged by Patti Drennan Uses: General, Pentecost, Concert, Youth, Praise Team Scripture: Philippians 4:4; Psalm 33:1; Nehemiah 8:10 29 Here is a blistering blast from Sandi Patty’s best-seller list arranged with all the jazzy attitude and unbridled joy of the original. Choirs, praise teams and youth choirs will love the sassy, brassy spirit of this jubilant praise song! A good soloist with some soulful vocal freedom will make this an unforgettable part of your spring programming. 35027593 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.05 35027633  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$30.00 35027594  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

A Rose in the Valley from The Rose of Calvary Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Lent, Memorial Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:1; Psalm 23:4 This breathtaking anthem is a hopeful paean of grace for your church family. Using the images of the “Rose of Sharron” this imaginative text 30 conveys to all the assurance of God’s presence and watch care as we journey through the valleys of life. A truly memorable melody moves effortlessly in a pleasing 3/4 meter supported by full choral textures. The brilliant orchestrations create a theatre experience for the listener. This anthem from the celebrated The Rose of Calvary Easter cantata is available here for the first time as an individual octavo. Includes an alternate Communion text. 35027757 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027758  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027759  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99


Man of Sorrows Words by Philip P. Bliss Music by Heather Sorenson Uses: Lent, Holy Week, Tenebrae, Communion Scripture: Isaiah 53:3 There is a sanguine quality to this sacred art song that is profoundly impacting to 31 experience. The harmonic syntax is unconventional and filled with theatrical word painting offering choirs an opportunity to concentrate on interpretation and tone quality. A soulful violin part adds depth and color. For candlelight communion or Tenebrae services, this combination of powerful music with a classic Holy Week text is a very thoughtful choice. 35027632 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

Christ Is Always with You Words by Bert Stratton Music by Patti Drennan Uses: General, Ascension, Memorial, Healing Scripture: Matthew 28:20; Psalm 139:7 As the flute hovers reverently above a gentle 32 flowing piano line the heart is prepared to receive a message of quiet hope in this general Bert Stratton use anthem. With easily learned parts the focus can be placed on maximum expressiveness as you prepare and present this special piece for Ascension or any other time when our faith journey needs assurance. 35027626 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

An American Celebration Arranged by Brant Adams Uses: Patriotic, Memorial Day Scripture: Genesis 18:18; I Chronicles 16:28 Raise the flag for a grand commemoration of our heritage of freedom in this medley featuring some of the most celebrated patriotic songs. From This Is My Country to God Bless 33 America, this essential repertoire for concerts pays homage to our nation. The idiomatic orchestration adds to the fun and gives directors creative options for their presentation of this exciting work. Invite the audience to join in the final chorus for a sure-fire winner! 35027711 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.20 35027712  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027713  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

The Garden Path (from Footprints in the Sand) Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: Lent, Holy Week Scripture: Psalm 23:4; Proverbs 4:18; Revelation 21:24 The journey of faith passes through shadowed valleys and times of challenge. By walking 34 with Christ through the shadows of Holy Week we discover that the road to the cross is paved with purpose and that when we walk the path of sorrows we never walk alone. Using the traditional spiritual Lonesome Valley as well as original material, this extraction from the best-selling cantata Footprints in the Sand is a meaningful choice for Lenten or Holy Week services. 35027748 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027749  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027750  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

The Old Rugged Cross Arranged by Doug Andrews Uses: General, Holy Week, Good Friday, Revial, Senior Adult Choirs Scripture: Galatians 6:14; I Corinthians 1:18; Colossians 1:20 A gospel evergreen is dusted off and given a 35 new harmonic polish in this tasteful octavo. Colorful chord substitutions in the keyboard Doug Andrews infuse the piece with a novel atmosphere and the sensitive part writing aids learning and allows for additional interest. This is everybody’s favorite gospel hymn with its beloved text that strikes a sentimental chord with congregations everywhere. 35027723 SAB ���������������������������������������������������������������������� $1.80

New Anthems from We Sing the Almighty Power of God Words by Isaac Watts Music by John Leavitt Uses: Call To Worship, General, Creation Scripture: Exodus 20:11; Psalm 149 Master musical craftsman John Leavitt has set 37 this traditional hymn text to a new uplifting tune. The rhythmic vitality is engaging for John Leavitt singers and will prompt your congregation to a new worship height. 08752162 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 08752163  Chamber Orchestra (Print and Digital) �������������$35.00 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99

Shouts of Hosanna! Words and Music by John Purifoy Uses: Palm Sunday, Holy Week Scripture: Mark 11:8-11 Vividly capturing the imagery of Christ entering Jerusalem, this Palm Sunday anthem from John Purifoy is ideal for the procession of palms. Easily learned and sung, this is a 38 fresh and creative work for a busy church music season. Includes parts for timpani and triangle. 08745067 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.70 08745129  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.95

On This Day of Rejoicing Words by Charlotte Lee Arranged by Douglas E. Wagner Uses: Easter, St. Thomas Sunday Scripture: I Peter 1:8 The traditional Simple Gifts tune is given a fresh treatment with a modern text by Charlotte Lee. With the declarative text, “Christ lives 39 and so do we,” this is an anthem of joy and hope that will enhance your Easter worship celebration. The optional trumpet part is included and will add an extra bit of sparkle to your presentation. 08752058 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99

Includes Full Accompaniment Tracks!

LiteTrax Accompaniment CD

Stretch your music budget with these exceptional quality accompaniment tracks for 13 anthems on one convenient CD. Includes: Come Down, Angels; A Hymn of Joyful Praise; The Joyful Spirit In My Song; Let the Singers Assemble; Magnify the Lord; O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus; Risen Today!; Savior of My Heart; A Shout for Joy; Song of a Faithful Servant; This Is My Father’s World; We Welcome Glad Easter; What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend. 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

O Sons And Daughters, Let Us Sing! Words by Jean Tisserand Arranged by Penny Rodriguez Uses: Easter Scripture: Matthew 28:7 The Neo-Renaissance flavor provides a beautiful backdrop for this novel Eastertide anthem. The 40 optional hand drum and tambourine will add a nice color to your worship presentation. 08751730 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99

Surely He Has Borne Our Grief Words and Music by Mark Hayes Uses: Good Friday, St. Thomas Sunday Scripture: Isaiah 53:4 This sterling Mark Hayes offering sets the classic Isaiah text with beauty and poignancy. Mark’s careful craftsmanship of the text with 41 the music is rich choral writing. The optional cello obbligato will add passion. 08743373 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99

Come Down, O Love Divine Words by Richard Littledale Music by Penny Rodriguez Uses: Pentecost, Dedication, General Scripture: Acts 2:2-3 The chorale-like treatment of this beautiful text is a delight to sing and hear. A flowing melody woven into rich harmonies make this 42 lyric come alive as a plea for God’s spirit to come and dwell within us. 08752161 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

For All the Saints Words by William W. How Music by Ralph Vaughn Williams Arranged by John Purifoy Uses: All Saints Day, Eternal Life, Heaven, Christian Heritage Scripture: Hebrews 12:1 43 One of the most revered hymns of the church is given special treatment here by John Purifoy. John Purifoy The optional brass and percussion parts may be used with piano or organ accompaniment, generating a noble rendition of this majestic anthem. 08752167 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 08752168  Chamber Orchestra (Print and Digital) �������������$35.00 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99


New Anthems from

There Is a Redeemer Words and Music by Melody Green Arranged by Keith Christopher Uses: Lent, Easter, Assurance, General Scripture: I Corinthians 1:30 This song has become a standard for congregations and choirs of our generation, finding its way into hymnals and songbooks 1 of all genres. This choral setting will be appealing to choirs and congregations alike. 08752097 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90

Risen Up! Words by Marti Lunn Lantz Music by David Lantz III Uses: Easter, Concert, Praise Scripture: M atthew 12:39-40; 17:23; 20:19 Spiritual-like in nature, this original anthem will quickly become a favorite of your choir 2 in both rehearsal and worship service. The choral parts are easy to grasp, and your singers David Lantz III will enjoy singing behind the baritone soloist. 08752146 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

The Road to Calvary Words by Susan Boersma Music by David Lantz III Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday, Communion Scripture: J ohn 19:17 Jesus’ lonely walk to Calvary is described here – right up to the point where He ultimately 3 finished His work alone. The quote, “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley,” provides a fitting ending for this meditative and reflective anthem of Calvary. 08752147 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Worthy Is the Lamb Words and Music by Darlene Zschech Arranged by Heather Sorenson Uses: Eastertide, Praise Team, Youth Scripture: R evelation 5:12; John 1:29 From the popular Hillsong worship movement comes one of their most popular worship choruses now set for choir and orchestrated for 7 traditional church use. This gradually building song of praise lifts our hearts to the throne of the Almighty with words of affirmation and adoration to the Lamb. It is sure to be accepted with joy by choirs of all ages as the sounds of this dynamic piece echo through the sanctuary. Solid choral writing and a powerful accompaniment characterize this sure-fire setting. 35027595 SATB �������������������������������������������������������������������� $1.90 35027597  iPrint Orchestration ������������������������������������������ $60.00 35027596  StudioTrax CD �������������������������������������������������� $26.99


Elements of God’s Love Words and Music by Tom Fettke Arranged by Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi Uses: Maundy Thursday, Holy Week, Easter, Communion, God’s Love Scripture: John 6:35 The creative work of Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi bring us this expression of God’s deep 4 love for all people. A meaningful anthem for Maundy Thursday, you will also find this work appropriate for communion and other services any time of the year. 08752188 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Oh the Deep, Deep Love Words and Music by Bob Kauflin Arranged by John Hudson Uses: Praise, Lordship, God’s Love Scripture: Jeremiah 31:3 With a traditional text and new tune by Bob Kauflin, this worship song is quickly being embraced as a modern hymn. The violin 5 obbligato adds to an already sensitive and meaningful anthem of God’s love. 08752169 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99

Sing Me Up to Heaven Arranged by Keith Christopher Uses: Praise, Heaven Scripture: I Thessalonians 4:17 Choirs and ensembles of all types will enjoy preparing and presenting this a cappella medley of three popular heaven songs: I’ll Fly Away, There’s a Land That Is Fairer Than Day, and 6 When We All Get to Heaven. Keith Christopher 08752182  SATB a cappella ��������������������$1.80 08752183  SSA a cappella ������������������������������������������������������$1.80 08752184  TTBB a cappella ���������������������������������������������������$1.80

Brookfield Press/Daybreak Music BonusTrax CD – Vol. 10, No. 1

BonusTrax are value-packed accompaniment CDs. In addition to being an excellent performance accompaniment option, they’re valuable rehearsal tools in a pianist’s absence, for sectional rehearsals, or as a performance demonstration. Titles include: We Sing the Almighty Power of God (John Leavitt), On This Day of Rejoicing (arr. Douglas E.Wagner), O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! (arr. Penny Rodriguez), Surely He Has Borne Our Grief (Mark Hayes), For All the Saints (arr. John Purifoy), Oh the Deep, Deep Love (arr. John Hudson). 08752160  BonusTrax CD ����������������������������������������������������$29.99

Words of Assurance, Hymns of Hope Arranged by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Lent, Memorial Scripture: I John 3:1; 2 Corinthians 4:15; Deuteronomy 33:25; Luke 11:3 Two Swedish hymns embrace in this sacred coupling appropriate for times when comfort 8 is needed and music becomes ministry to the heart. Children of the Heavenly Father and Day by Day both remind us of the constancy of grace and the truth that “God will share our burdens and heal our spirits.” Warmth in the basic harmonies endears the message to the heart and the gentle piano part lends support and atmosphere. A thoughtful choice for funerals or memorials! 35027673 SATB �������������������������������������������������������������������� $1.80

The Light of Endless Love Words by Jan McGuire Music by Mark Hayes Uses: General Scripture: Psalm 52:8; Psalm 136:2 Here is a splendid original composition that describes the wonder of God’s unconditional 9 love for everyone. Replete with beautiful images of grace, the expressive qualities of Mark Hayes the music perfectly compliment the heart-felt emotion of the words. A soaring theme mingles with a beautifully crafted accompaniment making this an artful and worshipful selection for concerts or sanctuary usage. 35027623 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

The Mercy Testament (A Worship Set of Comfort and Healing) Words and Music by Heather Sorenson Uses: Candlelight Services, Healing, General Scripture: Psalms 31; Psalms 34 This new resource to the ministry of the church addresses the deep need we have for 10 comfort, hope, and healing. Using narration, readings and choral singing, this brief service of encouragement provides many options for thoughtful directors enabling them to adapt the work to their individual circumstances. The use of Be Still My Soul as a musical pillar lends an air of the familiar to a work replete with fresh concepts and emotive musical elements. Refreshment for the soul! Performance time: 12-15 minutes. Includes cello part. 35027731 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.95

Given for You from Song of the Shadows New Edition Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin and Douglas Nolan Uses: Communion, Maundy Thursday, Holy Week, General 11 Scripture: Luke 22:19 J. Paul Williams The upper room is the scene for this tender song for communion or Maundy Thursday. A winsome solo creates intimacy and the rich choral response is an emotional call to purpose for the banquet of grace. Available for the first time with its orchestration and individual track, this pull-out from the celebrated cantata Song of the Shadows is essential repertoire for the sanctuary choir. 35027751 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027752  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027753  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Come Down, Angels Arranged by Patti Drennan Uses: General, Youth Choir, Concert Scripture: John 5:4; Daniel 7:10; Matthew 26:53 This concert pleaser, suitable for church and school choirs, brings a cheerful jazzy quality to the new music paired with a traditional 12 spiritual text. The piano part also provides great fun for the accompanist. 35027627 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

This Is My Father’s World Arranged by Cindy Berry Uses: General, Thanksgiving, Creation, Senior Adults Scripture: Psalm 50:12; Genesis 1-3; Colossians 1:15-20 Sometimes a pure and simple approach is best when arranging a song of great musical 13 and lyrical integrity. This adaptation of the immortal hymn takes that approach and creates a choral gem that is sure to be a favorite. The flute and cello parts are musical magic and the choir writing is vocally complimentary. A short excursion into the minor mode adds depth and sets up an inspiring climatic crescendo that is very effective. 35027643 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

SHAWNEE CLASSICS Best Performing Anthems of ALL TIME! Have You Seen My Jesus? Words and Music by Douglas Wagner Uses: Easter Vigil, Easter Sunrise Scripture: John 10:13; Mark 12:10 This unique composition is an Easter vigil masterpiece. The listener is taken to the garden along with Mary as she begins her search for the crucified Christ. The light of 15 resurrection will soon replace the sadness of the three days of darkness and yet this final moment of reflection is an important prelude to the alleluias of Easter. Unaccompanied voices add to the drama. 35008966  SATB a cappella ����������������������������������������������������$1.50

Ring Ye Bells of Easter Morning Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price Music by Don Besig Uses: Easter Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10; 16-20 Alive with an almost classical spirit this a cappella gem is a must-do anthem for your 16 choir or ensemble. This madrigal of praise is ideal for developing a rhythmic precision in your choir while providing an exciting moment in your spring worship gatherings. 35018360  SATB a cappella ����������������������������������������������������$1.80

This Is My Word Words and Music by Pepper Choplin Uses: General, Evangelism Scripture: John 15:7; John 1:1 A monumental work that challenges us to share the Word of God with all! A memorable melody that gradually builds in intensity and purpose is supported by confident harmonies 17 and rich accompaniment. The orchestration Pepper Choplin option brings this noble declaration to an amazing height. A true winner! 35023173 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35023174 Orchestration �����������������������������������������������������$50.00 35023175  A/P CD ���������������������������������������������������������������$26.99


I Am Redeemed Words by J. Paul Williams Music by David Lantz III Uses: General Scripture: Psalm 107:2; Galatians 3:13; Job 19:25 From the Legacy Series comes a ballad that reminds us of Christ’s sacrificial death on 19 Calvary. A message of mercy and promises fulfilled, this anthem is a beautiful marriage of text, poetry and purpose. The crescendo that crowns the chorus is a moment of high emotion reminding us of the victory that is at the center of our faith in Christ. The tasteful piano styling adds flavor to the ambience of the piece and the gentle rhythmic pulse of the accompaniment is idiomatic to this memorable original. 35010025 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.25

He Chose to Die Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Patti Drennan Uses: Good Friday Scripture: Titus 2:13-14; Matthew 20:28; Mark 9:12 From the opening sounds of a lonely cello to the final hushed whispers of the choir, this 20 Holy Week anthem is an expressive portrait of grace. The text reminds us of the boundless love of Christ as He chooses Calvary to become the Redeemer of the World. The melody caresses this sensitive text with a delicate touch and the deep sonorous qualities of the part-writing create an atmosphere of profound contemplation 35008986 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.00

Prepare Ye the Way (from “A Time for Alleluia”) Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: Advent, Lent, Palm Sunday Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-21; Luke 3:1-6; Isaiah 40:1 The words of Isaiah the prophet jump from the pages of this anthem as a celebration of 21 God’s promise to send a Redeemer. This is a good choice for the season of Advent or Lent as it asks the believer to “prepare the way” for the arrival of Christ and the lectionary offers opportunities for these words of preparation to be incorporated into worship. The memorable harmonic progression on the words “Comfort Ye my People” is a rich and expressive moment for the choir and gentle quiescent codetta is a restrained touch that adds an elegant finale to this scripture based anthem of encouragement. Multiple usages! 35027754 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027755  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027756  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Come, Nourish Me Words by Herb Frombach Music by David Lantz III Uses: General, Communion Scripture: John 15:1-8; Psalm 34:8 This unique anthem for communion is full of images of how God nourishes our souls with goodness: “Christ is the vine, the Lamb, the 22 Living Bread, the Living Wine.” These images are ideal as an invitation to the table of grace, and the music with its sensitive contours is the perfect cradle for such beautiful thoughts. 35027628 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80


What Feast Will You Bring? Words and Music by Charles McCartha Uses: General, Stewardship Scripture: Luke 14:12-24; Matthew 25:35-40 This anthem presents a needful message that challenges us to be the hands and heart of 23 Christ in our world. We are “blessed to be a blessing,” and this admonition is presented with important New Testament references abounding. The minor mode is used to add depth and the tasteful flute obligato acts in dialogue with the winsome vocal lines. 35027734 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Savior of My Heart Words and Music by Sheila Walsh, Bonnie Bielec and John Hartley Arranged by David Angerman Uses: General, Lent Scripture: Psalm 42:1-11; Jeremiah 17:7; Titus 2:13 24 From the Simply Sacred series comes a setting David Angerman of a contemporary song filled with assurance and comfort. Pleasantly set for choir, this tuneful prayer is a tender expression of faith and warmly reminds us of the Savior’s saving grace. 35027637 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

The Glory of Spring Words by Bert Stratton and Barbara Furman Music by Vicki Tucker Courtney Uses: General, Lent, All Saints Day, Baptism Scripture: I Corinthians 15:1-4; Genesis 8:22; Isaiah 43:7 The restorative spirit of resurrection is evident in this Celtic-style anthem for Easter. 25 Paralleling the glory of the risen Christ with the natural images of spring reminds us that our natural world and spiritual world are recreated through God’s glorious light. Includes handbell part. 35027629 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

What Wondrous Love! Traditional Folk Hymn John Purifoy Uses: G eneral, Lent Scripture: John 15:13; Psalm 36:7; Romans 5:8 A choral re-interpretation of this old hymn text brings new focus to certain parts of the 26 beloved poem and creates and artful moment for your special music moment. Beautiful choral tone painting and interesting harmonic stacks are tonal gifts to a creative director and to audience alike. The everlasting song of life is a universal theme and no hymn text captures this better. 35027720 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

A Commission of Faith Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Reformation, Pentecost, Church Heritage Scripture: Ephesians 3:16-21 Taken from Ephesians 3, this inspiring new Scripture anthem can be a true choral challenge for both your congregation and 27 choir. Rich harmonies propel this artful anthem to colorful episodes and an effective climax. A full use of choral dynamics helps create expressive contrast and the anthem comes to a powerful conclusion as the choir calls the church to worship and service. 35027639 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Magnify the Lord Words and Music by Jon Paige Uses: General, Call To Worship, Youth Scripture: Psalm 34:3; Psalm 18:46 This anthem mixes traditional and contemporary in the same song with a joyful musical language that dances between the two styles. Delivering a message lifted from 28 the Psalms, the piece bridges the gap for churches providing traditional/blended worship services. Youth and adults will connect with its jubilant praise-worthy message. 35027721 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

SHAWNEE SELECT Proven Successes From Previous Releases Jesus Is All the World to Me Words and Music by Will L. Thompson Arranged by Mark Hayes Uses: General Scripture: Colossians 3:11 Expertly arranged, this gospel hymn “chestnut” is a favorite in many denominational hymnals. 30 The flowing piano part, replete with harmonic color and refreshing chord substitutions, lends a freshness of spirit to this classic. A message of confidence in the relationship we have with the Savior, this will be welcome addition to your hymn anthem library. 35011459 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.85 35011461  A/P CD ���������������������������������������������������������������$24.95

On the Day of Pentecost Words and Music by Douglas Nolan Uses: Pentecost Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 The birthday of the church is described in detail in this interesting anthem scored with thoughtfulness for two-part choir. Delivering the message of the “rushing, mighty wind” 31 and the “tongues of flame,” this anthem sets the tone for a celebrative service honoring the Spirit of God among us. The lilting 6/8 meter along with the minor mode add a singular quality to the music. This anthem is easily and quickly learned! 35016049  2-Part Mixed ��������������������������������������������������������$2.00

On Christ I Stand Words by Edward Mote Music by Benjamin Harlan Uses: General, Pentecost, Reformation, Church Heritage Scripture: Matthew 17:25-26 A standard hymn text “The Solid Rock” is 32 sensitively set with a sturdy new melody with outstanding results. The chorus is an Benjamin Harlan outstanding moment affirming the foundations of our faith, and makes a great choice for church heritage Sundays or services during the season of Pentecost. The quiet, refined ending brings the piece to a reflective conclusion. 35016018 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Sunrise Resurrection Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: Easter, Easter Sunrise Scripture: Luke 24:1-12 Sunrise Resurrection has the spirit of an early American folk or square dance – a truly celebratory piece of music that is quite 33 different from the usual Easter proclamation. The contrasting slower, legato solos are quickly overtaken by the unrestrained joy and exuberance of the choir. Ideal for use as an anthem or an introit for Easter. 35022187  2-Part Mixed ��������������������������������������������������������$1.40

Bound for Greater Things Words and Music by Ken Medema Arranged by Gail Scott Uses: General, Graduation Scripture: Psalm 119:105 This inspirational work by Ken Medema and Gail Scott with its contemporary driving 34 rhythm will be a delight to youth and young adult choirs as well as to those adult choirs that are “young at heart.” Originally composed for the Young Calvinist Federation, the message is that on our pilgrimmage as Christians, we are bound for greater things. Hence, Bound for Greater Things can be used anytime during the year especially on occasions when honoring graduates. Optional congregation participation allows everyone to catch the spirit and join in the journey toward greater things. 35002335 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.75

A Joyful Psalm Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Call To Worship, Concert Scripture: Psalm 100; Exodus 25:8; Habakkuk 2 A driving psalm of praise with brass and percussion punctuates this mixed meter “tour de force” with a festive sensibility that 35 energizes any worship gatherings. Some counterpoint interacts with richly harmonized choral styled writing for a good balance of compositional elements. Incorporating God Himself Is With Us, this anthem provides a lofty call to worship for choirs of distinction. 35011737 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.25


Song of a Faithful Servant

Words by Bert Stratton Music by Vicki Tucker Courtney Uses: General, Lent, Youth Scripture: Luke 11:1; Romans 15:4; Psalm 27:11-14 In this prayer anthem, the writers have chosen a unison voicing to achieve clarity of purpose 41 and clearness of message. Because of its simplicity, choirs of any size or skill level can use this winsome piece throughout the year. A refreshing change from the ordinary, the anthem is sure to be a favorite with your choirs. 35027726 Unison ������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

All My Trials Traditional Spiritual

Words and Music by Ashley Brooke Uses: Palm Sunday Scripture: Luke 19:14-21; John 12:13; Philippians 2:5-11 This charming piece for Palm Sunday incorporates both adult and children’s voices. The addition of an easy handbell part seals the 42 deal on this festive winner. Sounding like regal trumpets, the piano calls the piece to attention setting the stage for a theme based call and response work. The piece works splendidly as a processional for the entry of the palms. 35027724 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Arranged by Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi Uses: Holy Week, Lent, Memorial Scripture: James 1:12; Romans 8:37 A traditional spiritual receives a new treatment in this lyric arrangement suitable for schools or churches. Many popular singers have 37 recorded this song but it is most beautifully realized by the sounds of a choir. Strive for freedom of interpretation as the lush harmonies unfold for an outstanding effect. A thoughtful choice for Lent or general use. 35027640 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027641 SSA �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Immortal, Invisible Words and Music by Laura Story and Ed Cash Arranged by James Koerts Uses: General, Praise Team, Youth Scripture: I Timothy 1:7; James 1:17 Alive with Celtic spirit, this contemporary Christian hit carries beautifully into the choir loft. Filled with majesty and mystery, the text 38 comments on the character of God while the chorus adds a spirit of joyful praise. Add the violin and percussion to lend an authentic folk feel to this splendid song of praise. 35027588 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 35027589  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

SIMPLY SACRED Easy, Effective Anthems What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend Words and Music by Cindy Ovokaitys Arranged by Stewart Harris Uses: General, Youth Scripture: Psalm 22:4-5; Ephesians 1:12-13; John 15:13 40 From our Simply Sacred series and bubbling over with joy, this positive reminder of God’s presence in our lives is a brief but effective choice for contemporary or traditional worship gatherings. The repetition makes this a great “one rehearsal wonder” and the SAB voicing is useful for slim Sundays. Youth will love this one with its simple syncopation and added rhythm section. 35027688 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027690 2-Part ��������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99


Jesus, Teach Me

Words and Music by Don Besig and Nancy Price Music by Don Besig Uses: General, Lent, Ordination, Retirement, Revival Scripture: Matthew 25:21; Matthew 10:25; Luke 12:43 Reflecting words of encouragement to those who 36 dedicate themselves to the work of the Lord, this beautiful ballad of faith is an effective selection for both ordination and retirement commemorations. Beautifully crafted, the anthem invites all of us to consider commitments in our own lives. The optional part for flute adds a charming touch! 35027599 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

Palm Sunday Introit

Fill Us, Lord Words and Music by Stan Pethel Uses: General, Pentecost, Revival Scripture: John 14:26; Mark 16:17; Luke 11:13 This simple prayer for God’s presence in our lives is ideal for Pentecost, revivals or general use. A memorable tune reaches out to the 43 heart of the listener and challenges the church to a closer walk with the Savior. A distinctive yet supportive piano part adds an attractive element to complete a very satisfying anthem. 35027614 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Words by Charles Wesley Music by Cindy Berry Uses: E aster, Call To Worship Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6 The beloved Charles Wesley text is revisited with joyful results in this Easter offering for 44 church choirs of any size. The lilting 6/8 meter creates an infectious spirit that instantly engages the listener. The accessible SAB voicing makes the piece a “must have” for smaller choirs. 35027305 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Have Mercy Words and Music by Lee Dengler Uses: H oly Week, Good Friday Scripture: Isaiah 53:3; Isaiah 56; John 19:30 This choral tapestry is a tone poem of grace. Using the ancient cries of “kyrie eleison” (Lord have mercy), the composer crafts a poignant reflection of God’s sacrificial work on the 45 cross. Rich, traditional choral writing surrounds Lee Dengler the somber color of the work making this an excellent choice for Good Friday. 35027672 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

A Heart to Praise My God Words by Charles Wesley and Joseph M. Martin Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Lent, Communion Scripture: Revelation 2:17 A beloved text by Charles Wesley is delicately decorated with an expressive melody in this original setting. Ideal for Lent, this call for holiness and 1 humbleness reminds us to emulate the character of Christ in all we say and do. The optional flute part is very effective and the “Alleluia” section is truly memorable. 35027602 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

Blessings of Love

How Beautiful the Church of God Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Lent, Pentecost, Ordination, Unity Scripture: Romans 10:13-15; Philippians 2:1-13 J. Paul Williams and Joseph M. Martin celebrate 3 the fellowship of the “body of Christ” in this anthem of affirmation. Special encouragement to singers, teachers, and pastors highlights the anthem’s message perfect for use with ordinations or church staff dedications. 35027630 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Words by Bert Stratton Music by David Ashton Uses: Communion Scripture: I Corinthians 3:21-23; John 17:11, 20-23; Ephesians 2:8 This is a winsome choice for choirs to offer during communion highlighting images of 2 unity and fellowship at the table of the Lord. Although brief in performance time the piece brings a long lasting impact with its memorable melody and message of grace. 35027718 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Proven Winners!


Fanfare and Hymn for Easter Morning

Keep Me Near the Cross (with “Near the Cross”)

Arranged by Paul Sjolund This is a vibrant and triumphant piece that emphatically announces Christ’s resurrection. It is built around the hymn Christ the Lord is Risen Today and contains excellent organ, brass, and percussion parts. 08738122 SATB �������������������������������������$1.70 08738473  Instrumental Parts ���������������$25.00

Arranged by Edwin Willmington Edwin Willmington uses the words of Fanny Crosby for this Communion/Lenten selection. The writing is simple and solid, moving and meaningful. 08747087 SATB �������������������������������������$1.70 08747209  Rehearsal CD ����������������������$19.95


Wait Upon the Lord

Come Share the Lord Words and Music by Bryan Jeffery Leech Arranged by Keith Christopher This classic communion song by Bryan Jeffery Leech has been given new life by veteran arranger, Keith Christopher. The vocal parts are very accessible for any choir and provide a musical invitation to the Lord’s Table. The 6 orchestration creates a welcoming atmosphere for any congregation. 08750150 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$2.25 08750152  Score and Parts ���������������������������������������������������$25.00 08750151  Accompaniment CD ������������������������������������������$19.95


All Loves Excelling

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Words by Jennette Threlfall and Jeff Redd Music by Lowell Alexander Arranged by Robert Sterling This treasured anthem takes the most popular of Palm Sunday hymn texts and presents a new melody that allows us to feel the celebration that consumed the streets of Jerusalem that 7 triumphant day. 08751051 SATB �������������������������������������$1.95 08751052  Accompaniment CD ������������������������������������������$19.95

Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Jan Sanborn With the lyrics of J. Paul Williams, and the music of Jan Sanborn, new life is breathed into Psalm 42. The music soars with the eagles and the words speak right to your heart. 08739900 SATB �������������������������������������$1.70 08739962  Rehearsal CD ����������������������$19.95


Words by Charles Wesley Music by Joseph M. Martin Joseph Martin’s compositional skills bring a fresh spirit to the theme of God’s amazing love. An optional soprano descant decorates the music that almost sings itself. 08751661 SATB �������������������������������������$1.95


A Shout for Joy!

Words and Music by Brad Nix Uses: General, Lent, Evangelism Scripture: Romans 10:14-15; Isaiah 52:7 A strong call to share the gospel with others is contained in this sermon in song. A traditional musical style provides a dramatic emphasis to the anthem beginning with a through14 composed section articulating a passage from Romans. The middle section follows with a crescendo of purpose using words from the Old Testament. Together the two Scriptural admonitions create an inspiring moment for your choir and congregation. 35027654 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

A Noble Theme

Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: Patriotic, Memorial Day, Heritage, Church Anniversary, Concert, Unity Scripture: Psalm 133:1; I Corinthians 1:10 15 Composed especially for the town of Rock Hall, Maryland for their tri-centennial, this anthem brings together the concepts of legacy and destiny and achieves a prayer of thanksgiving as well as a challenge for the future. A powerful ballad style and a memorable chorus provide the musical foundations while the modulatory bridge builds intensity to a bold exclamatory conclusion. For civic gatherings or church heritage events this is an essential choral resource. 35027745 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027746  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$60.00 35027747  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Uses: General, Trinity Sunday, Concert Scripture: Psalm 45; Isaiah 6:3 From our Cathedral Series comes an anthem that expands the expressive potential of your ensemble. The composition’s colorful harmonic tapestry demands a sensitivity to 12 sectional balances. A creative use of added tones builds a “wall of sound” effect and the appearance of Holy, Holy, Holy, wraps the piece in arms of warm, worshipful sonority. 35027653 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

From the Celebrating Grace Hymnal: In Christ We Live Words and Music by Jane Martin and Donn Wisdom Arranged by Heather Sorenson Uses: General, Lent, Church Dedication Scripture: Romans 8:1-10; Mark 9:38-50 From the Celebrating Grace hymnal series, we showcase a new hymn anthem regal in 13 character and style. The primary melody meshes wonderfully with the noble qualities of the text that celebrate unity in Christ and a personal commitment to serving Him. A dramatic coda concludes the anthem with an exclamation point of praise. 35027719 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80


How Will They Know?

Words by Susan Naus Dengler Music by Lee Dengler Uses: General, Easter, Concert Scripture: Psalm 20:5; Isaiah 12:3; Habakkuk 3:18 Composed with unique harmonic style, this celebration for Easter or general use brings to 11 the sanctuary a variety of sounds and colors. Quasi-bolero rhythms open the anthem followed by a more conventional lyric middle section that reminds us of the redeeming work of Christ. Two trumpets and percussion add spice and complete this singular springtime offering. 35027685 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027686  iPrint Orchestration �������������������������������������������$25.00 35027600  LiteTrax CD �������������������������������������������������������$44.99

Community of Faith from (“Of Faith and Freedom”)

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Arranged by Patti Drennan Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday Scripture: Matthew 27:28-29 In this unique arrangement, the celebrated PASSION CHORALE is arranged for choir, congregation, piano and organ. With its 16 essentially traditional approach, the piece gives churches a fresh option for use during Lent or Holy Week gatherings. The hymn ends with confidence maintaining the spiritual focus of its final words, “Lord, let me never outlive my love for Thee.” 35027722 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

Three A Cappella Blessings Arranged by Marvin Gaspard Uses: Service Music, Benedictions Scripture: Numbers 6:26 Here is an essential resource for your chapel choir. Tenderly set by the arranger, the warm harmonies of these service pieces deserve a 17 place in your choir folder for use anytime. Rotating the brief but effective benedictions will give you variety and effectiveness. Titles include: An Irish Blessing, A Parting Blessing, and The Lord Bless You and Keep You 35027730  SATB a cappella ����������������������������������������������������$1.80

MUSIC FROM Rejoice, Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing! Words by Edward Plumptre Music by Paul Leddington Wright Uses: Genercal, Concert, Thanksgiving Scripture: Philippians 4:4 From the celebrated text by Edward Plumptre comes a brilliantly crafted setting of one of his 19 most well-known hymns. This arrangement dances with unbounded joy filled with a rhythmic flair that is pure delight. The organ is featured in a wonderful way with ample musical contrast to make this a standard among the settings of classic hymns. 35027733 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95

Dance in the Rain Words and Music by David S. Gaines Uses: Contest, Concert, Ash Wednesday Scripture: Psalm 149:3 Treble voices shine in this artful original anthem ideal for concert or contest usage. A positive message of hope in the face of trials is poetically presented decorated and supported 20 by a flowing romantic keyboard writing. Expressive choral music at its best! 35027732 SSA �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80

Worship Songs Jr.

Specifically for Children. Versatile enough for easy adult anthems. Marvelous Song Words and Music by Tom Eggleston Uses: General, Festival Scripture: Psalm 98:1; Psalm 100:1 Alive with joyful energy this is a great festival choice for mass choir gatherings. The mixed meter element offers a refreshing challenge for choirs and there is plenty of lyrical contrast to 22 make this piece a great pedagogical tool. 35027687  Unison/2-Part Treble ������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD �����������������������������������$44.99

I Sing the Mighty Power of God Words by Isaac Watts Music by William Monk Arranged by James Koerts Uses: General, Spring Concert, Creation Day 23 Scripture: Jeremiah 10:12-13 The text of this anthem was written by Issac Watts in 1715 and published in a collection Divine and Moral Songs for Children. This carefully considered arrangement allows younger voices once again to discover the wonder of this special text. 35027762  2-Part Treble ��������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ������������������������������������$44.99

Welcoming the King Words and Music by Ruth Elaine Schram Uses: Palm Sunday Scripture: John 12:11-19; Zechariah 9:9-15 The energy of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem is captured in this lilting song of praise. Fill the sanctuary with “Hosannas” and the sound of handchimes calling the faithful 24 to behold the coming King. Includes optional Ruth Elaine Schram handbells or handchimes. 35027765 2-Part ������������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ������������������������������������$44.99

Jesus and the Twelve Words by Bert Stratton Music by Vicki Tucker Courtney Uses: General Scripture: Mark 3:13-19; Acts 1:15-26 Learn the names of Christ’s chosen Apostles in this fun to sing anthem for the young. Clever words and a catchy tune work in tandem in 25 this sacred novelty song. 35027763 Unison ����������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ������������������������������������$44.99

Consider the Lilies Words by Alice Brotherton Music by Mark Williams Uses: General, Spring Concert Scripture: Luke 12:27 This song is a precious message of God’s protection and provision for our lives. The lovely melody arches with sensitivity to the 26 words and an optional second part adds warmth and tenderness. 35027760  2-Part Treble ��������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ������������������������������������$44.99

What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend Words and Music by Cindy Ovokaitys Arranged by Stewart Harris Uses: General Scripture: John 15:13 A lightly syncopated melody provides a contemporary spirit to this positive reminder 27 of God’s presence in our lives. 35027690 2-Part ������������������������������������$1.80 35027688 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ������������������������������������$44.99


He’s Alive Forevermore


Words and Music by Cindy Berry Uses: General, Spring Concert Scripture: John 20:11-18; Ephesians 2:5-6 Here is a joyful Easter celebration for choirs of any age. Festive writing meets a jubilant message! 35027761  Unison (w/ Descant) �������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ����$44.99

Jesus, Teach Me Words by Bert Stratton Music by Vicki Tucker Courtney Uses: General, Lent, Youth Scripture: Luke 11:1; Romans 15:4; Psalm 27:11-14 In this prayer anthem, the writers have chosen a 29 unison voicing to achieve clarity of purpose and clearness of message. Because of its simplicity, Vicki Tucker Courtney choirs of any size or skill level can use this winsome piece throughout the year. A refreshing change from the ordinary, the anthem is sure to be a favorite with your choirs. 35027726 Unison ������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD �����������������������������������$44.99

Riding on the Road to Jerusalem Words and Music by Herb Frombach Music by Ashley Brooke Uses: Palm Sunday Scripture: Luke 19:35-38 The Palm Sunday event is the setting for this exciting choral for young voices. Brief 30 moments of two-part writing enhance this primarily unison offering and the infectious syncopations make this a charming and effective choice. 35027764  2-Part Treble ��������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027689  CelebrationTrax A/P CD ������������������������������������$44.99



Words by J. Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin Fred Bock Music Company This anthem creatively tells the story of Jonah in a fun and spirited setting. Ideal for grades 4-8. 08738285 2-Part ������������������������������������$1.60

I Am His Lamb



Words and Music by J. Paul Williams and Lloyd Larson Fred Bock Music Company A flowing and beautiful setting of Psalm 23. Remember this for Lent or any Shepherd Sunday. 08738307 2-Part ������������������������������������$1.60 08739029 SATB �������������������������������������$1.60

Sing, Sing a Joyful Song Words by J Paul Williams Music by Joseph M. Martin Fred Bock Music Company Another Houston Children’s Chorus winner, this general anthem of praise contains inviting rhythms and joyful melodies that young voices love to sing. A delightful accompaniment 34 track is available separately. 08748574 2-Part ������������������������������������$1.95 08748575  Accompaniment CD ������������������������������������������$24.95

CelebrationTrax A/P CD

Exceptional quality accompaniment tracks, plus performance tracks featuring the Houston Children’s Chorus for 9 anthems on one convenient CD. Includes: Consider the Lilies; He’s Alive Forevermore; I Sing the Mighty Power of God; Jesus and the Twelve; Jesus, Teach Me; Marvelous Song; Riding on the Road to Jerusalem; Welcoming the King; What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend. 35027689  CelebrationTrax CD ������������������������������������������$44.99

From the Educational Division How Can I Keep from Singing? Arranged by Becki Slagle Mayo This arrangement for SSA voices is unique and accessible for developing choirs. The opening and closing antiphonal refrain, major and minor modes with homophonic and contrapuntal harmony, beautifully paints the 35 text asking, “How can I keep from singing?” 35026743 SSA ���������������������������������������$1.95 35026761  PianoTrax CD 2010 �������������������������������������������$44.99

An American Anthem (with America the Beautiful, My Country, ’Tis of Thee) Arranged by Greg Gilpin Two patriotic blockbusters are fused here in an exciting gospel style. The 3/4 meter and chord progressions create a fresh feel to these 36 classics. The solo with an original melody is paired with the established text in the Greg Gilpin 4/4 meter section, leading into a strong and powerful ending that uses descant. Perfect for mass choir numbers and finale selections. 35027095 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027096 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027097 2-Part ��������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80 35027098  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

I Got a Robe Arranged by Becki Slagle Mayo Beginning with individual vocal entrances in a gospel-ballad feel, this arrangement of the popular spiritual quickly becomes jazzy and syncopated in style with a walking vocal bass line. Lively with a contrasting bridge section, a descant is added to the ending chorus creating 37 a choral full of diverse teaching, learning and performance options and excitement. 35026775  SATB (opt. descant) ��������������$1.80 35026776  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99

Rise Above the Walls Words and Music by Greg Gilpin This powerful ballad asks us to recognize our differences, see beyond them, and let love lift us all “above the walls.” Orchestrated by Mark Hayes, this piece can serve as a closing number or a theme for any multicultural program or need. It will definitely inspire and 38 challenge your singers and audiences. A new classic! 35026762 SATB �������������������������������������$1.95 35026763 SAB �����������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35026764 2-Part ��������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35026765  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99 35026766  Digital Orchestration �����������������������������������������$60.00

Love Has Always Been Our Song Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Written for Tim Seelig in celebration of his 20 years as Artistic Director of the Turtle Creek Chorale, this inspirational ballad’s lyrics capture the many different musical moments choral singers, teachers, directors, 39 and listeners have experienced in the genre. “Love has always been the reason we sing.” 35013460 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$1.95 35026688  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$26.99


New for Lent and Holy Week Whispers of the Passion Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin The creative team that brought you The Lenten Sketches and Covenant of Grace now present a work filled with intensity and passion. In this work the silent witnesses to the last days of Christ speak in 5 soliloquies that testify to the timeless message of grace. These monologues are followed by beautiful musical moments that present original anthems as well as traditional Lenten hymns. This work, designed primarily for Holy Week performance incorporates simple symbols, (Palms, Chalice, Robe, Crown of Thorns and Cross) to be presented as the work unfolds. Whispers of the Passion is supported by a complete line of products that will add a variety of options for churches of any size. With a 30-35 minute performance time, this flexible work can be integrated into a regular service or can even be done progressively over the weeks leading up to Good Friday. Reflect upon the gift of grace and the price of redemption as you experience the emotion of this inspired cantata. 35027674 SATB ��������������������������������������������������������������������$8.95 35027675  Printed Chamber Orchestration ����������������������$250.00 35027676  iPrint Chamber Orchestration �������������������������$250.00 35027677  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$80.00 35027678  Listening CD �����������������������������������������������������$15.99 35027679  10-Pack Listening CDs ��������������������������������������$65.00 35027680  Preview Pack (Book/Listening CD) �������������������$16.99 35027681  RehearsalTrax CDs (part-predominant, reproducible) ����������������������$64.99 35027682  Digital Resource Kit ������������������������������������������$59.99



Best Selling Cantatas for Lent and Holy Week The Lenten Sketches Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin From the composer of Song of the Shadows, Harvest of Sorrows and The Weeping Tree comes a brilliant new innovative cantata for Holy Week, The Lenten Sketches. The work is a series of tableaus illustrating the pivotal final days of Christ’s earthly ministry, the triumphal entry, the last supper, the garden of Gethsemane and the crucifixion. With a performance time of approximately 30 minutes, the cantata is easily integrated into a worship event. 35026778 SATB ���������������������������������������������������������������������$8.95 35027066  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.99 35027068  Preview Pack (Book/Listening CD) �������������������$16.99 35027067  10-Pack Listening CDs ��������������������������������������$65.00 35027069  RehearsalTrax CDs (part-dominant, reproducible) ���������������������������$64.99 35027065  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$80.00 35027064  Printed Chamber Orchestration ����������������������$250.00 35027063  iPrint Chamber Orchestration �������������������������$250.00 35027070  Digital Resources Kit �����������������������������������������$59.99

Covenant of Grace A Cantata for Holy Week or Easter Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin Incorporating new anthems as well as familiar hymns, the cantata celebrates God’s faithfulness and his everlasting promises; appropriate for either Holy Week or post-Easter presentations. Approximate performance time: 45 minutes. 35004838 SATB �������������������������������������$8.95 35004842  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.98 35004841  Preview Pak (Book/CD) �������������������������������������$16.99 35004848  CD 10-Pak ���������������������������������������������������������$65.00 35004847  RehearsalTrax CD ����������������������������������������������$64.95 35004839  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$80.00 35004840 Orchestration ���������������������������������������������������$350.00 35004845  iPrint Orchestration (CD-ROM) ���������������������$250.00 35004846  Digital Resource Kit �������������������������������������������$59.95

The Weeping Tree Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin This profoundly moving work for Holy Week is destined to become a classic! Approximate performance time: 25 minutes. 35022875 SATB �������������������������������������$7.95 35022877  Preview Pak (Book/CD) ������$16.95 35022880  Chamber Orchestration ���$250.00 35022882  iPrint Orchestration (CD-ROM) �����������������������$175.00 35022881  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$80.00 35022878  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.98 35022879  CD 10-Pak ���������������������������������������������������������$65.00 35022876  RehearsalTrax CD ����������������������������������������������$64.95


Footprints in the Sand A Journey to the Cross and Beyond Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin From the inspired pen of Joseph M. Martin comes a sacred work that traces the steps of the Savior from Galilee to Emmaus. Performance time: 45 minutes. 35007055 SATB �������������������������������������$7.95 35007057  Preview Pak (Book/CD) ������$16.99 35007056 Orchestration ��������������������$350.00 35007061  iPrint Orchestration (CD-ROM) ���������������������$250.00 35007065  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$80.00 35007058  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.98 35007060  CD 10-Pak ���������������������������������������������������������$65.00 35007064  RehearsalTrax CD ����������������������������������������������$64.95

We Were There A Dramatic Choral Experience for Easter By Pepper Choplin Versatile and adaptable to any performance time, a great resource! Performance time: 50 minutes 35025251 SATB �������������������������������������$7.95 35025243  Preview Pack (Book/CD) ����$16.95 35025245 Orchestration ��������������������$350.00 35025242  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$80.00 35025244  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.98 35025241  10-Pack Listening CDs ��������������������������������������$65.00

Once Upon a Tree By Pepper Choplin A work of great emotional depth told from the witnesses’ perspective. Performance time: 45 minutes. 35016181 SATB �������������������������������������$9.99 .35016189  Preview Pak (Book/CD) ������$18.99 35016186 Orchestration ��������������������$350.00 35016191  Accompaniment CD �����������$80.00 35016192  Listening CD ����������������������$15.98 35016185  CD 10-Pak ���������������������������������������������������������$65.00

Song of the Shadows A Service for Holy Week or Tenebrae By Joseph M. Martin Tracing in song the last days of the Savior, this work is a deeply moving worship experience. Performance time: 35 minutes. 35021135 SATB �������������������������������������$7.99 35021157  Preview Pack (Book/CD) ����$16.99 35021153 Orchestration ��������������������$350.00 35021156  Accompaniment CD �����������$80.00 35021158  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.98 35021155  CD 10-Pak ���������������������������������������������������������$65.00

New & Best-Selling Keyboard and Vocal Collections Seasons of Song Vocal Solos for the Entire Year By Joseph M. Martin The book covers the entire church year making this an indispensable addition to your sacred library. Fully orchestrated accompaniment tracks give singers many wonderful options for performance. All of the arrangements are taken from the album Seasons of Song, performed by Sue Martin. Contains: Coming Home • Nothing Left to Say • Such is the Way of God’s Love • I Love to Sing the Story • Rose in the Valley • Jesus, Lover of My Soul • O Holy Night • And the Stars Sang • The Weeping Tree Theme • Empty Now • It Is Well With My Soul • Everywhere Christmas Tonight • The Remembering • and more. 35019322  Vocal Solo Collection ����������������������������������������$22.95 35019324  Vocal Solo Collection/StudioTrax CD ��������������$64.95 35019321  Listening CD ������������������������������������������������������$15.99 35019323  StudioTrax CD ���������������������������������������������������$49.95


Simply Beautiful Simply Beautiful brings together some of the brightest and best of today’s keyboard arrangers. Mary McDonald, Heather Sorenson, Cindy Berry, Dan Forrest, Joel Raney, Joseph Martin and many others combine to make this an essential collection for your sacred keyboard needs. Simple to moderately difficult, these hymn arrangements and original sacred compositions are intended to give the church pianist plenty of new material for their service playing needs. 35027735  Piano Solo ����������������������������������������������������������$16.95

Gospel Gold Sacred Treasures for Piano Featuring Arrangements from: Cindy Berry, Patti Drennan, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, and others Some of today’s best pianists and arrangers have gathered to celebrate the best timeless gospel hymns in this compilation that is sure to be a hit with any church pianist. Includes: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus • ’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus • Just a Closer Walk with Thee • Do Lord • Rock of Ages • He Keeps Me Singing • and many more. 35027306  Piano Solo ����������������������������������������������������������$14.95

Evensong Quiet Songs of Hope for the Church Pianist

Evensong is an outstanding compilation featuring quiet songs of hope and reflection. Perfect for communion playing, memorial services or special music, this musical menagerie features new and favorite songs from some of your favorite writers and arrangers, including: Cindy Berry, Vicki Tucker Courtney, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Joseph M. Martin, James M. Stevens, and others. Includes: Going Home • Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus • Improvisation on Balm in Gilead • I Am His and He is Mine • His Eye Is On the Sparrow • Fairest Lord Jesus • All Through the Night • My Jesus, I Love Thee • Nearer, Still Nearer • and more. 35006102  Piano Solo ����������������������������������������������������������$18.95

The Ultimate Wedding Music Kit Music, Planning, Tips, and More for the Perfect Wedding Book/2-CDs Pack The Ultimate Wedding Music Kit contains a wealth of classic wedding music in one book. From preludes to processionals to candle-lighting music and more, it’s all here. There are also 2 CDs included containing demonstration performances of each song so you can hear the music in advance for careful preparation. The CDs also include accompaniment tracks for rehearsal or use in the wedding. In addition, there are tips on selecting music for your wedding, hiring musicians, “staging” your wedding music and more! 35024502 P/V/G �����������������������������������������������������������������$29.95

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Sacred Nocturnes By Heather Sorenson Beautiful arrangements for offertories, communion, and other special events. Includes: I Will Arise and Go to Jesus • Be Thou My Vision • This Is My Father’s World • At Day’s End • Shall We Gather at the River • A Reflection on the Cross • All Through the Night • Be Still My Soul • Nearer, My God, to Thee • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus • ’Til We Meet Again 35018775  Piano Solo ����������������������������������������������������������$18.95 35018777  Enhanced Listening CD �������������������������������������$16.95 35018776  Book/CD Pack ����������������������������������������������������$29.95



At the Foot of the Cross Have You Seen My Jesus? Ring Ye Bells of Easter Morning Sing Me Up to Heaven Three A Cappella Blessings


Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) American Celebration, An Bound for Greater Things Come Down, Angels How Can I Keep from Singing? I Got a Robe I Sing the Mighty Power of God Jesus Is All the World to Me Keep Me Near the Cross (with Near the Cross) Lord Is Lifted Up, The Mighty to Save O Sacred Head, Now Wounded O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Old Rugged Cross, The On This Day of Rejoicing Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Sing Me Up to Heaven This Is My Father’s World ’Tis So Sweet We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato)


Bound for Greater Things Fanfare and Hymn for Easter Morning For All the Saints Joyful Psalm, A Let the Singers Assemble O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! Shout for Joy, A! Shouts of Hosanna!


Consider the Lilies He’s Alive Forevermore I Am His Lamb I Sing the Mighty Power of God Jesus and the Twelve Jesus, Teach Me Jonah Marvelous Song Palm Sunday Introit Riding on the Road to Jerusalem Sing, Sing a Joyful Song Welcoming the King What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend


Come Down, Angels Community of Faith Consider the Lilies Dance In the Rain Hymn of Joyful Praise, A I Sing the Mighty Power of God Joyful Psalm, A Let the Singers Assemble Noble Theme, A Rejoice, Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing! Risen Up! Shout for Joy, A Step Into Joy


Bound for Greater Things O Sacred Head, Now Wounded We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato)



All Loves Excelling Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Bound for Greater Things Christ Is Always With You Come Down, Angels Come Down, O Love Divine Come, Nourish Me Commission of Faith, A Consider the Lilies Fill Us, Lord Gather at the River Given For You Glory of Spring, The Heart to Praise My God, A How Beautiful the Church of God How Can I Keep from Singing? How Will They Know? Hymn of Joyful Praise, A I Am His Lamb I Am Redeemed I Sing the Mighty Power of God Immortal, Invisible In Christ We Live In the Stillness of the Moment Jesus and the Twelve Jesus Is All the World to Me Jesus, Teach Me Joyful Psalm, A Joyful Spirit In My Song, The Lamb of God Let the Singers Assemble Lift Your Eyes and See the Glory Light of Endless Love, The Lord Is Lifted Up, The Love Has Always Been Our Song Magnify the Lord Make a Jubilant Noise Marvelous Song Mercy Testament, The (A Worship Set of Comfort and Healing) Mighty to Save Noble Theme, A O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Old Rugged Cross, The On Christ I Stand Praise the Lord on This Glorious Day Rejoice, Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing! Rise Above the Walls Rose In the Valley, A (from The Rose of Calvary) Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Savior of My Heart Shout for Joy, A! Sing, Sing a Joyful Song Sometimes I Hear God’s Music Song of a Faithful Servant Step Into Joy There Is a Redeemer This Is My Father’s World This Is My Word ’Tis So Sweet Question, The Wait Upon the Lord We Sing the Almighty Power of God What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend What Feast Will You Bring? What Wondrous Love! Words of Assurance


Glory of Spring, The Make a Jubilant Noise Palm Sunday Introit Praise the Lord on This Glorious Day We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato) Welcoming the King

INCORPORATING HYMN TUNES Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Gather at the River Hymn of Joyful Praise, A I Sing the Mighty Power of God Jesus Is All the World to Me Joyful Psalm, A Keep Me Near the Cross (with Near the Cross) Lift Your Eyes and See the Glory O Sacred Head, Now Wounded O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us ’Tis So Sweet We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato)


OBBLIGATO INSTRUMENT Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Hymn of Joyful Praise, A Immortal, Invisible Man of Sorrows O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Oh the Deep, Deep Love On This Day of Rejoicing Song of a Faithful Servant Surely He Has Borne Our Grief What Feast Will You Bring?


American Celebration, An Community of Faith Garden Path, The (from Footprints In the Sand) Lamb of God Let the Singers Assemble Lift Your Eyes and See the Glory Prepare Ye the Way (from A Time for Alleluia) Question, The Risen Today! Shout for Joy, A! Sometimes I Hear God’s Music Step Into Joy ’Tis So Sweet We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato) Worthy Is the Lamb


Fanfare and Hymn for Easter Morning Let the Singers Assemble O Sacred Head, Now Wounded We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato)


Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Immortal, Invisible Mighty to Save Risen Up! Sing Me Up to Heaven Step Into the Joy O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Worthy Is the Lamb


Come Down, Angels Garden Path, The (from Footprints In the Sand) I Got a Robe


Let the Singers Assemble Praise the Lord on This Glorious Day We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato)


Come Down, Angels Immortal, Invisible Jesus, Teach Me Magnify the Lord Mighty to Save

O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Step Into Joy What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend Worthy Is the Lamb


Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) And Can It Be That I Should Gain Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Elements of God’s Love Fanfare and Hymn for Easter Morning Have You Seen My Jesus? He’s Alive Forevermore Lamb of God Lord Is Lifted Up, The O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! On This Day of Rejoicing Ring Ye Bells of Easter Morning Risen Today! Risen Up! Shout for Joy, A! Sometimes I Hear God’s Music Sunrise Resurrection We Welcome Glad Easter (Choral Hymn Fanfare and Concertato) Worthy Is the Lamb


Christ On Calvary Have Mercy He Chose to Die O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Old Rugged Cross, The Road to Calvary, The Surely He Has Borne Our Grief


Agnus Dei All My Trials At the Foot of the Cross Christ On Calvary Elements of God’s Love Garden Path, The (from Footprints In the Sand) Given For You Have Mercy Man of Sorrows O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Old Rugged Cross, The Road to Calvary, The Shouts of Hosanna!


Agnus Dei All My Trials Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) And Can It Be That I Should Gain Garden Path, The (from Footprints In the Sand) Gather at the River Glory of Spring, The Heart to Praise My God, A How Beautiful the Church of God How Will They Know? I Am His Lamb In Christ We Live In the Stillness of the Moment Jesus, Teach Me Keep Me Near the Cross (with Near the Cross) Lamb of God Lord Is Lifted Up, The Man of Sorrows Prepare Ye the Way (from A Time for Alleluia) Rose In the Valley, A (from The Rose of Calvary) Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Savior of My Heart Song of a Faithful Servant There Is a Redeemer ’Tis So Sweet Question, The What Wondrous Love! Words of Assurance

MAUNDY THURSDAY Elements of God’s Love Given For You



American Anthem, An Marvelous Song Sometimes I Hear God’s Music

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Let the Rocks Cry Out Make a Jubilant Noise Palm Sunday Introit Prepare Ye the Way (from A Time for Alleluia) Riding on the Road to Jerusalem Shouts of Hosanna! Welcoming the King




Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Come, Holy Spirit Come Down, O Love Divine Commission of Faith, A Fill Us, Lord How Beautiful the Church of God Joyful Spirit In My Song, The O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus On Christ I Stand On the Day of Pentecost Step Into the Joy


Hymn of Joyful Praise, A Rejoice, Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing! This Is My Father’s World

SPECIAL SERVICES ALL SAINTS DAY For All the Saints Gather at the River Glory of Spring, The


Christ Is Always With You Lord Is Lifted Up, The


Gather at the River Glory of Spring, The

CHRIST THE SHEPHERD Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us


CHURCH HERITAGE Commission of Faith, A Community of Faith For All the Saints On Christ I Stand


Agnus Dei At the Foot of the Cross Blessing of Love Come, Nourish Me Come Share the Lord Elements of God’s Love Given For You Heart to Praise My God, A In the Stillness of the Moment Keep Me Near the Cross (with Near the Cross) Man of Sorrows Road to Calvary, The Rose in the Valley, A


All My Trials Christ Is Always With You Rose In the Valley, A (from The Rose of Calvary) Words of Assurance


Bound for Greater Things Christ Is Always With You Memnrcy Testament, The (A Worship Set of Comfort and Healing)

MUSIC APPRECIATION Let the Singers Assemble Sometimes I Hear God’s Music


Bring What You Have How Beautiful the Church of God Song of a Faithful Servant


American Anthem, An American Celebration, An Community of Faith


Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Immortal, Invisible Mighty to Save Risen Up! Sing Me Up to Heaven Step Into Joy Oh the Deep, Deep Love O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Worthy Is the Lamb

REFORMATION Come, Holy Spirit Commission of Faith, A On Christ I Stand


Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Fill Us, Lord Old Rugged Cross, The Song of a Faithful Servant


Bring What You Have What Feast Will You Bring?


Christ On Calvary Man of Sorrows

TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY Lift Your Eyes and See the Glory


Community of Faith How Beautiful the Church of God


Covenant of Grace Lenten Sketches, The Weeping Tree, The Whispers of the Passion

I Sing the Mighty Power of God This Is My Father’s World We Sing the Almighty Power of God


Track List cd1



1. Sometimes I Hear God’s Music

1. There Is a Redeemer

1. A Heart to Praise My God

3. Agnus Dei

2. Risen Up!

2. Blessings of Love

4. We Welcome Glad Easter

3. The Road to Calvary

3. How Beautiful the Church of God

5. At the Foot of the Cross

4. Elements of God’s Love

6. Let the Singers Assemble

5. Oh the Deep, Deep Love

5. Fanfare and Hymn for Easter Morning

7. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

6. Sing Me Up to Heaven

8. A Hymn of Joyful Praise

7. Worthy Is the Lamb

9. Gather at the River 10. Make a Jubilant Noise

8. Words of Assurance, Hymns of Hope

11. Lamb of God (Redeemer of the World)

9. The Light of Endless Love 10. The Mercy Testament

12. Praise the Lord On This Glorious Day!

11. Given for You

13. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

13. This Is My Father’s World

14. Lift Your Eyes and See the Glory 15. Christ On Calvary 16. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 17. Bring What You Have 18. Risen Today! 19. The Question 20. And Can It Be That I Should Gain 21. Mighty to Save 22. Alleluia! Christ Is Risen 23. The Lord Is Lifted Up 24. ’Tis So Sweet 25. Let the Rocks Cry Out 26. In the Stillness of this Moment 27. The Joyful Spirit In My Song 28. Come, Holy Spirit 29. Step Into the Joy 30. A Rose in the Valley 31. Man of Sorrows 32. Christ Is Always with You 33. An American Celebration 34. The Garden Path 35. The Old Rugged Cross 37. We Sing the Almighty Power of God 38. Shouts of Hosanna! 39. On This Day of Rejoicing 40. O Sons And Daughters, Let Us Sing! 41. Surely He Has Borne Our Grief 42. Come Down, O Love Divine 43. For All the Saints


12. Come Down, Angels 15. Have You Seen My Jesus? 16. Ring Ye Bells of Easter Morning 17. This Is My Word 19. I Am Redeemed 20. He Chose to Die 21. Prepare Ye the Way 22. Come, Nourish Me 23. What Feast Will You Bring? 24. Savior of My Heart 25. The Glory of Spring 26. What Wondrous Love! 27. A Commission of Faith

6. Come Share the Lord 7. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna 8. Keep Me Near the Cross (with “Near the Cross”) 9. Wait Upon the Lord 10. All Loves Excelling 11. A Shout for Joy! 12. A Noble Theme 13. In Christ We Live 14. How Will They Know? 15. Community of Faith 16. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 17. Three A Cappella Blessings 19. Rejoice, Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing! 20. Dance in the Rain 22. Marvelous Song 23. I Sing the Mighty Power of God 24. Welcoming the King 25. Jesus and the Twelve 26. Consider the Lilies

28. Magnify the Lord

27. What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend

30. Jesus Is All the World to Me

28. He’s Alive Forevermore

31. On the Day of Pentecost

29. Jesus, Teach Me

32. On Christ I Stand

30. Riding on the Road to Jerusalem

33. Sunrise Resurrection

32. Jonah

34. Bound for Greater Things

33. I Am His Lamb

35. A Joyful Psalm

34. Sing, Sing a Joyful Song

36. Song of a Faithful Servant

35. How Can I Keep from Singing?

37. All My Trials

36. An American Anthem

38. Immortal, Invisible

37. I Got a Robe

40. What a Wonderful, Wonderful Friend

38. Rise Above the Walls

41. Jesus, Teach Me 42. Palm Sunday Introit 43. Fill Us, Lord 44. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 45. Have Mercy

39. Love Has Always Been Our Song 40. Whispers of the Passion 41. Simply Beautiful

! s e d i v o r p

Traditional, Contemporary and Blended Worship Music from Today’s Leading Sacred Composers and Arrangers:  Joseph Martin ✦ Don Besig ✦ Nancy Price ✦ Lloyd Larson ✦ Pepper Choplin ✦ Heather Sorenson ✦ Patti Drennan ✦ and Others

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New Music for Spring, Lent & Easter


Featuring the Music of:

David Angerman

Cindy Berry

Don Besig & Nancy Price

Vicki Tucker Courtney

Lee Dengler

Patti Drennan

Tom Fettke

David Lantz III

Lloyd Larson

Joseph Martin

Brad Nix

Heather Sorenson

Bert Stratton

J. Paul Williams

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