HAMK Stories International Edition 2015

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STORIES International edition 2015

Amazing business train takes students across Finland FUAS Innovation summer school

FestĂŤ: Being active truly pays off!

Making dreams

come true Construction double degree students spend two years in Denmark

Award winning field robot 1

Contents World-class education in modern learning facilities.............. 3 Professional Higher Education.................................................... 6 HAMK’s bachelor’s programmes..................................................7 HAMK’s master’s programmes ....................................................7 Construction double degree students spend two years in Denmark .....................................................10 A robot designed by students led the field in a ­competition in Germany........................................................11 “The Most Desperate Moments Are Also the Most Fun Ones” ....................................................12 Work Shadowing ...........................................................................14 FUAS innovation school ..............................................................16 Pasi took part in a practical summer school .......................... 17 The earth shook in the crisis and catastrophe work simulation in Evo..................................................................18 Students, HAMK & Business Environment..............................19 Coming back home.......................................................................21 This is Finland................................................................................22

Bachelor-level degree programmes conducted in English: Construction Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Hämeenlinna

Electrical and Automation Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Valkeakoski

Master-level degree programmes conducted in English:


Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology Bachelor of Engineering Riihimäki

Business Management and Entrepreneurship Hämeenlinna

International Business Bachelor of Business Administration Valkeakoski

Social and Health Care Development and Management Hämeenlinna

World-class education in modern learning facilities Here at HAMK University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), we offer not only world-class education, but also modern learning facilities and methods. HAMK, with its seven campuses, is a state-recognised higher education institution with over 7000 students from 70 countries. We offer several bachelorlevel and master-level degree programmes, and around 10 double degree programmes with partner universities around the world. Six of our degree programmes are delivered in English and each field of education offers courses in English.

Our goal is to ensure that all aspects of the student’s life are taken care of, and we believe that a balanced everyday life provides the best framework for students to become outstanding global citizens and experts in their professional fields. Student wellbeing, in addition to issues regarding the academic environment, includes such areas as social integration, employment prospects and professional development during and after studies, study guidance services and comfortable housing conditions.

Learning is organised in terms of projects according to the needs and demands of the labour market. In order to link research and development into teaching, our students do real-life projects and write commissioned theses. Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovativeness are core elements of teaching. All students receive basic knowledge of entrepreneurship and business competence in their own field.

FUAS, the Federation of Universities of Applied Sciences, is a strategic alliance formed by HAMK, Lahti and Laurea Universities of Applied Sciences. We operate in the Greater Helsinki Metropolitan Area and have been nominated as centres of excellence for more than 10 times. Together we offer our students a very wide range of study opportunities.

Follow us: www.facebook.com/hamkuas www.youtube.com/hamkuas www.youtube.com/hamkstories (video blog from our students) www.pinterest.com/hamkuas twitter.com/HAMK_UAS instagram.com/hamk_uas




come true also the international evaluation of our activities. Preparations for the international evaluation of quality management to take place in 2016 have already started. PHOTO: Ville Salminen

I began in my current job as the President of HAMK in spring 2013. Before that, I had worked in different positions in our institution for almost 20 years. If I was to name one thing that has changed in that time, it would be our level of internationalisation. Twenty years ago, just a few of the teachers at the institute of technology where I worked spoke English – luckily, also the number of foreign visitors was low, not to mention that of foreign students. Initially I was afraid of the new developments, but soon I found myself thinking that my dream institution would involve real, genuine, effortless and interactive cooperation with international partners. My dream was a campus where students representing different continents, cultures and nationalities would enjoy working in the same projects and also share activities in their free time.

We have also initiated the goal-oriented development of our international research activities. HAMK is currently forming joint research groups with our international strategic partners. Sharing information, exchanging results and developing new ideas acquire a completely new dimension when work related to the project is being done simultaneously in China, Brazil and Denmark. This also means more effective utilisation of research results. The first training courses sold abroad and establishing the role of HAMK in the internationalisation of our Kanta-Häme and Southern Pirkanmaa regions constitute further interesting openings in this respect.

Today, more than 700 foreign students are studying in the six English-language degree programmes offered by HAMK, and hundreds of our own students have completed studies abroad. We are actively implementing teacher exchange programmes with our partner institutions, and have also recently launched researcher exchange activities.

I might even venture as far as to say that my dream would seem to be coming true. We still have some way to go. Even today, in our daily lives, few of us pick up the phone to call an international colleague to discuss research projects or student projects. On the whole, the more extensive benefits of internationalisation are still around the corner.

In an institution of higher education, the shrinking of the globe means not only active student and staff exchange but

Text: Pertti Puusaari, President, Photo: Ville Salminen

HAMK has around 7300 students around 700 staff members 5 fields of education 4 bachelor’s degrees programmes delivered in English 2 master’s degree programmes delivered in English 1 professional teacher education programme delivered in English


around 10 double degree programmes with ­ artner universities around the world p over 100 international partner institutions of higher education over 70 ongoing projects annual turnover around 70 million euros R&D funding around 5 million euros






Assurance at HAMK In Finland, the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) audits the quality assurance systems in higher education. The quality assurance system of HAMK was audited at the end of 2010. The overall status of HAMK’s quality assurance system is “advanced” - which is the highest level and the best ever of a Finnish higher education institution. At HAMK, quality assurance refers to the procedures, processes or systems that are used to secure and develop the quality of the institution’s education and other operations. Quality assurance comprises quality control and quality development. The HAMK quality assurance system refers to the entity formed by the quality assurance organisation, including its responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources.

Audited by FINHEEC

In Finland, the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) audits the quality assurance systems in higher education. The quality assurance system of HAMK was audited at the end of 2010. The overall status of HAMK’s quality assurance system is “advanced” - which is the highest level and the best ever of a Finnish higher education institution.

International Student Barometer 2010

HAMK students participated in the i-graduate International Student Barometer 2010. According to the results, 85% of our international students recommend HAMK.

Diploma Supplement Label

HAMK has been awarded a Diploma Supplement Label for 2013 – 2016 by the European Commission. The Commission (DG Education and Culture) awards labels to Higher Education Institutions that demonstrate excellence in applying the Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement Label is an honorary distinction.



Higher Education

Universities of applied sciences are multi-field institutions of professional higher education. The aim of studies is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills needed in expert functions in the world of work and to meet workplace requirements and development needs. Universities of applied sciences award bachelor-level degrees and master-level degrees. In all fields of study the curriculum comprises basic and professional studies, optional studies, a practical training period and a thesis. Higher education is funded by the State. Students enrolled in regular degree programmes pay no tuition fees, but do have to pay for their books and other materials, plus their accommodation and living expenses.

Duration in years


DOCTORAL DEGREES licentiate degrees

4 – 5



MASTER’S DEGREES Work experience 3 years

1 – 3


BACHELOR’S DEGREES Universities of Applied Sciences


Work experience

Specialist vocational qualifications

Further vocational qualifications


1 – 3

MATRICULATION EXAMINATION General upper secondary schools

VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Vocationals Institutions and apprenticeship training Work experience




1 1 – 9

0 ISCED classification


Additionals basic education BASIC EDUCATION (comprehensive schools) 7 – 15-year-olds Pre-primary education, 6-year-olds ISCED classification: 0 Primary education 1 Primary education or first stage of basic education 2 Lower secondary or second stage of basic education

3 (upper) secondary education 4 Post secondary education 5 First cycle of tertiary education 6 Second cycle of tertiary education


Electrical and Automation Engineering Construction Engineering International Business Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology

in Finnish: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Agricultural Industries Biotechnology and Food Engineering Built Environment Business Administration Business Information Technology Construction Management Construction and Civil Engineering Design Electrical and Automation Engineering Equine Industries Forestry Horticulture Information and Communication Technology Mechanical and Production Engineering Nursing Public Health Nursing Social Services Sustainable Development Traffic and Transport Management

HAMK’S MASTER’S PROGRAMMES in English: • Business Management and Entrepreneurship • Social and Health Care Development and Management

In Finnish: • • • • •

Bioeconomy Business Development Business Development Construction and Environmental Engineering Social and Health Care Development and Management Strategic Leading of Technology-based Business

Student exchange – International Semester at HAMK HAMK’s International Semester consists of courses specially selected to maximise your learning experience with us. These courses are delivered entirely in English and are meant for exchange students from our partner institutions and also for the students of HAMK. The studies last for approximately for one semester. For more information: www.hamk.fi/exchange international@hamk.fi


Start your trip to Finland

- apply online! •

Full-time bachelor-level degree programmes at www.studyinfo.fi in January

Part-time master-level degree ­programmes at www.studyinfo.fi starting in March

Check detailed application instructions at www.hamk.fi Any questions? Ask from admissions@hamk.fi tel. 358 3 646 4503

Entrance Exams outside of Finland! Did you know that HAMK is a part of FINNIPS-network? That means that we organize entrance examinations also outside of Finland in co-operation with other uniShould I send attachments to my application? versities of applied sciences. More inforIt depends on the country in which you have completed your qualificamation and list of the entrance exam tion. Please check our websites at www.hamk.fi for detailed instructions. countries from: www.finnips.fi

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to submit a language skills certificate? It depends on your nationality and also on the country in which you have completed your qualification. Please check our websites at www.hamk.fi for detailed instructions. Do I need to take an entrance examination? Yes, all applicants need to take an entrance examination. What is included in the entrance examination? The entrance examinations are usually field-specific. Further information about the content of different entrance examinations is available at www.hamk.fi. Can I take the entrance examination in my home country? The entrance examination locations are decided on a yearly-basis. Please check the entrance examination locations for next application round from our websites at www.hamk.fi.


Get a Bachelor ’s Degree in Finland! Entrance Exams on abroad!

• Check the website www.finnips.fi for information about 21 Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Finland • These UASs offer over 50 tuition-free Bachelor’s Degree Programmes fully conducted in English • Application to the degree programmes takes place through the Finnish national joint application system at www.studyinfo.fi Application period from 7th to 27th January 2015

CITY OF HÄMEENLINNA Traditional and vibrant educational and cultural town at the junction of nationally important rail, road and waterway network. Living up to its vision, Hämeenlinna is a lively, beautiful and pleasant lakeside town in Southern Finland. Inhabitants: 67 804 Distances: To Helsinki 98 km To Tampere 75 km

Study here: Construction Engineering, Master’s Degree Programmes


Degree Programme in Construction ­Engineering

Making a scale model in Via

Construction double degree students spend two years in Text: Marko Tuominen, photo: Johan Rikberg

Students in the degree programmes in Construction and Civil Engineering can take half of their studies at partner universities in Denmark. The graduates will have earned a double degree: they will have both a Finnish Bachelor of Engineering degree and a Danish Constructing Architect degree. The studies abroad will not extend the time needed to complete the degree. Naturally, the students can freely choose whether or not they wish to pursue a double degree. They can take the first academic year to find additional information and mull over their decision. Johan Rikberg is a third-year student who has one academic year at VIA University College in Denmark under his belt. - Personally, I was already finding out about double degrees before I applied to HAMK. Once we had started our studies, we received more information, and we also met students who had taken part in this programme, explains Johan. However, my mind was already made up. - The learning method used at VIA is the so-called PBL (Problem Based Learning) method, in which the tuition is student centred and the teacher’s principal role is to provide guidance. In addition,



the studies are team-oriented and teach good project management skills. We thus brought our team work skills back to Hämeenlinna as a sort of modus operandi, Johan stresses. The students spend alternate years at HAMK and at VIA , which puts them up against new challenges. Their studies progress at a different pace from others who started at the same time. - When I returned to HAMK this year, in particular, I had missed out on some of last year’s basic courses. Once back here, we had to move straight on to more advanced courses, which was challenging, Johan says, describing the details of his studies. - On the other hand, I have gained many valuable experiences during these years. The university town of Horsens is at a two or three hours’ train ride from Copenhagen. Horsens is located in Jylland , and it is thus part of the European continent. It has direct train connections to such cities as Berlin in Germany. - In other respects, too, all practical aspects of my stay were easily managed by an EU citizen, and finding somewhere to live through VIA’s partners was simple. Above all, if you keep an open mind, you will be fine abroad, says Johan.

You can specialise in steel constructions or environmental technology. You will also have a great opportunity to gain international experience while studying by doing a double diploma. Students who choose this alternative will do part of their studies (1.5 – 2 years) at VIA University College Denmark. You will graduate from HAMK University of Applied Sciences as Bachelor of Engineering and from VIA University College as Constructing Architect or Bachelor of Civil Engineering. At the beginning of your studies you will study the basics of building, construction and environmental engineering. Later, your studies will include subjects in the technical field and you will also gain project management and financial skills. Different kinds of study methods will give you a wide range of skills for the world of work. We will provide you with a high-quality education in cooperation with local and international construction and consulting companies. We operate in a modern environment where you can participate in research and development activities. Most of the final thesis projects will be done for different organisations outside HAMK. After graduating, you will be prepared to work all over the world. Future occupational titles can be for example Project Manager, Designer, Sales Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Municipal Engineer, Structural Engineer, Export Engineer, Promoter or Sales Manager. www.hamk.fi/constructionengineering


A designed by students led the field in a ­competition in Germany

It is the best thing we did during my studies

Text: TAINa Lehtomäki, photo: university of hohenheim

A field robot designed and built by students for targeted irrigation won first place in the freestyle assignment of a competition in Germany. In targeted irrigation, the robot measures soil humidity at certain intervals, and if the soil is dry, it waters the plants. Students in HAMK’s English Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering programmes from Valkeakoski and Riihimäki took part in a field robot event in Germany in summer 2014. It was organised as part of the DLG-Feldtage crop farming event. The three-day event attracted a total of over 23,000 visitors from 42 countries. HAMK’s field robot team consisting of international students had built the robot as part of their studies. Building, developing and testing the robot took almost a year. The robot project was part of a new format of teaching at HAMK. While building the robot, the students

translated their theoretical knowledge into practice. - The event gave us an opportunity to evaluate our skills at the international level, explains Markku Kippola, who tutored the field robot team. - It proved that our expertise is second to none. First place in the freestyle assignment showed that the students are able to put their innovative and challenging ideas to practice and make them work. Success in this summer’s event will inspire us to go for a more demanding project next year, Kippola enthuses. For the students, the project was challenging but motivating. Samrat Gautam, who led the field robot team, describes the project as rewarding and practically oriented. - It is the best thing we did during my studies, says Gautam. In order to take part in the event, the field robot team received support from the Claas Foundation and the Henry Ford Foundation.

Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation ­Engineering Studies focus on designing automation applications and on understanding the operating principles of automation targets, the structure of logics and automation systems, programming, instrumentation, and electrical design. The core competences deal with electrotechnology, engineering, electronics and device safety, basic circuits as well as processes, equipment and systems. We educate future engineers who are able to apply technical solutions in measurement technology, control engineering, electronics, telecommunications, electrical power engineering, programming and maintenance, as part of automation technology integration. In order to operate as a technical professional, you must have a blend of communication and team working skills, an advanced practical approach to technical knowledge, and an understanding of the financial management of a company. The jobs available for automation engineers include design, programming, consulting, purchasing and sales, project management, maintenance, administration and training. Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) careers include: Design Engineer, Automation Engineer, Program Designer, Factory Services Manager, Project Engineer, Sales Engineer, Testing Engineer, Quality Manager, Product Manager. www.hamk.fi/automationengineering


Sofia and Katariina about arranging Valkeakoski Christmas Fair:

“The Most Desperate Moments Are Also the Most Fun Ones” Text & Photo: Reima Kallinen

In the autumn 2013, Valkeakoski Campus Center was like a beehive, as the students had been organizing a very special event to launch the festive season in town. We caught up with two students from the degree programme in International Business to find out what the buzz was all about. “This is exactly why I applied to HAMK and International Business”, says Sofia Törrönen, a second-year student and the programme director of the Christmas Fair project. “This project has a real-life goal. It teaches you a lot both in theory and practice, and you get to see it come alive rather than just writing something on a paper and sending it to the teacher for a grade”, she explains. “And you learn a lot about decisionmaking, sometimes in a hurry, and also about taking responsibility for your decisions”, adds Katariina Hartikainen, a third-year student acting as the sales director for the project. “Sometimes you have to compromise, sometimes you just need to stick to your opinion and live with it – all of that teaches you a lot about yourself, too.” The Christmas Fair was held on the Valkeakoski campus on Saturday, November 30. By the time the doors


opened, over a hundred students from HAMK and other educational institutes in the region had worked for countless hours to make sure that everything ran smoothly for both guests and exhibitors. Both of these young women had a group of students to lead. Katariina took care of the sales team that was selling tickets to visitors and stand spots for exhibitors. Sofia was in charge of the programme team that organized the stage show – including a fashion show and Finnish Eurovision star Krista Siegfrieds’ gig, plus all the additional activities during the fair. Both had around 20 people working for them, and both sat on the board of directors. “Most importantly we act as a link within and between the teams”, as Sofia describes the directors role. Both teams were also multi-cultural, but that is just business as usual in Valkeakoski, the most international campus at HAMK. “Diverse backgrounds lead to diverse ideas and views”, says Katariina. For both women, the project was linked directly to two relevant courses, but in practice the workload grew far beyond that.

“As for the biggest personal challenge, it definitely was the scheduling – how to divide time between this project and other studies. Other than that, we learned that eventually everything works out one way or another”, Sofia says. And Katariina agrees: ”looking back, I’d say the most desperate moments have also been the most fun. Of course the expectations for the project were huge, but even though not everything went as expected, we are proud that we accomplished so much in such a short time.” And of course the Christmas Fair was a success, as thousands of visitors enjoyed the groovy Christmas spirit of the fair over the weekend and left very positive feedback about their experiences. When we asked if Sofia and Katariina would take on the project again, both answered that they definitely would. Both women are also ready to mentor new students if the project is repeated next year. “When the fair was over, we were relieved of course. But we’re glad we got to be a part of this thing. It’s taught us so much”, they said, praising the project.

Degree Programme in International Business We have students from over 30 nationalities making HAMK Valkeakoski Campus an international hub for various cultures. We offer multicultural, motivating and professional environment for you to study international business. You can choose International Management or Global Markets as a major. Former emphasizes management and leadership and the latter markets and marketing especially in Europe and China. The studies include a lot of real life projects and collaboration with local companies giving you an excellent opportunity for growing your professional network.

The BBA degree at HAMK International Business is more than a degree, it’s a professional and personal network for life. The study environment is challenging and motivating. Studies in other countries are also possible as an exchange student, practical placement or a short intensive period and excursion. Double degree with one of our partner universities in Germany, The Netherlands, France, Ireland or China is growing in popularity among our students. You get the degree diploma from two universities. www.hamk.fi/ib

CITY OF VALKEAKOSKI Valkeakoski, in the centre of Finland’s lakeland, invites you to enjoy its rich cultural offerings, lively summer events and high-level services. Inhabitants: 21 146 Distances: To Helsinki 145 km To Tampere 35 km To Hämeenlinna 44 km Study here: Electrical and Automation engineering, International Business


Work Shadowing – Learning by watching a professional at work

Text: Salla niittymäki, photos Bhupendra basnet

Work shadowing means that a student or a team of students spend one working day getting acquainted with the operation of a company and the work of a specified contact person. The idea is to introduce foreign students to Finnish workplaces and their future professional field. By shadowing a professional at his or her work for a day, the student sees in concrete terms what the company does, how it all works, what types of tasks a working day may hold and what the working culture in the company is like. The students shadow a professional at work for a day, observing everything they see and hear. The students then write a report of their time in the company and give a presentation to other students and their teacher.

CITY OF RIIHIMÄKI Riihimäki is a dynamic, small town in Southern Finland, with excellent transport links on the Helsinki–Tampere axis. Journeys within the town are short and services are close at hand. Inhabitants: 29 371 Distances: To Helsinki 63 km To Tampere 103 km To Hämeenlinna 28 km


Study here: Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology

Degree Programme in Mechanical ­Engineering and Production Technology The goal is to provide you with the modern engineering knowledge and skills needed in an international working environment. The courses in the core engineering subjects are studied during the first and second year. A number of courses in mathematics, physics, mechanics, mechanics of materials, hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics, electrical engineering, automation and manufacturing are essential for all engineers working in the area of mechanical engineering and production technology. Supervised laboratory exercises support the theoretical courses. These studies form the programme-specific studies and compulsory professional studies. You will graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering degree and be able to work in both design and operating tasks. You will have the necessary design, production and automation skills required in machine manufacturing. Additionally, you will be well-versed in materials technology, which is necessary in the selection of raw materials. Mechanical engineers are employed by industry and the public sector alike. Our graduates are well-recognised experts in cross-cultural teams and projects thanks to their strong skills in English and intercultural communication, which also opens the door to many career opportunities. The Riihimäki campus of HAMK University of Applied Science has a long history in mechanical engineering and production technology. www.hamk.fi/mecheng




– making the most of the summer! Text & photo: Merita aronen

The new FUAS Innovation School summer studies offer the students an opportunity to acquire skills they will need in the workplace. The scope of the FUAS Innovation School summer studies, which consist of virtual studies and a project completed for a company, is 15 credits. FUAS Innovation School offers the students networks, innovations, skills and experiences! During the summer, the students can develop their skills by completing projects where they solve challenges set by companies. The company project represents an excellent opportunity for the student to get to know business life and apply theory in practice.

Student projects link theory to practice At the start of a project, the students generally get to know their topic and the company for which the project is

completed. Students in the Automation, Mechanical and Production Technology programmes went to Joyride Games Oy in Forssa to familiarise themselves with their project theme, which was the concept design of a climbing wall. On their company visit, the students got a thorough introduction to the topic! Fun, useful and innovative – this is summer studies and company projects at their best! ”This project has helped me to take part in a practical activity and gave me chance to utilize my summer holidays by getting new knowledge and applying my own ideas. I`ve enjoyed my holidays and experienced a working life of an engineer with the help of this project” - a Mechanical Engineering student and a Fuas Innovation School 2014 participant

FUAS, the Federation of Applied Sciences, is a strategic alliance formed by HAMK, Lahti and Laurea Universities of Applied Sciences. We operate in the greater Helsinki metropolitan area and have been nominated as centres of excellence more than 10 times. Together we offer our students a very wide range of study opportunities.


Pasi took part in a practical summer school Text: Joonas Pylvinen, photos: Karin Pasila

HAMK student Pasi Soini has plenty of stories. As part of his Englishlanguage engineering degree studies, he took part in last summer’s FUAS Innovation School. Pasi and his team of Finnish and Nepalese students worked together on a project with Sisu Axles. The FUAS Innovation School consists of various summer school courses and is open to students of FUAS universities of applied sciences (HAMK, LUAS and Laurea). The package of courses on offer is worth a total of 15 ECTS – 8 ECTS from project work and 7 ECTS from business projects. Pasi’s group worked on a product development project for Sisu Axles using Codelma Oy’s development platform. In practice, the development work was done by listening to gear differentials using microphones and then looking at the data to find out what was wrong and why. Sisu Axles underwent internal changes during the project, however, and this meant that the research was put on hold. There wasn’t much data and the group were disappointed that they couldn’t use it to carry out any further analysis. They weren’t able to find out what result a broken differential gear would produce. But even

though the work was significantly hindered, Pasi’s group kept working on the product. In the end, only the finishing touches were missing. Pasi was really glad of the opportunity to work on a project in a practical setting rather than in a classroom and he hopes that HAMK or other FUAS members will organise similar projects in the future. – On top of all the experience relevant to my final degree work, the Sisu project could also lead to a potential work placement or even a job. But the experience also left room for improvement. According to Pasi, the amount of reporting and check-up meetings should be reduced for practical reasons. Pasi’s group also made a YouTube video for their project and even managed to win the video competition held between the other FUAS summer projects. – Our video stood head and shoulders above the others. It was kind of a training video and we didn’t get all suited up, Pasi comments. You can still see the video on youtube, www.youtube.com/HAMKuas, named Summer Project – Konetekniikka/Mechanical Engineering.

Pasi with his team mate Devraj Thapa


in partnership with HAMK University of Applied Sciences. – During the year, the students work online, and in the summer they come together to attend a shared intensive period, says HAMK Principal Lecturer Sari Miettinen. This year’s exercise in Evo simulated the aftermath of an earthquake. – The purpose of the simulation is to teach the students the practical skills that they need in various expert tasks in international crisis and catastrophe areas, Miettinen sums up.

A mobile positioning system developed as a part of the simulation

and tio n in th r a i s s e r i T he in t he c k s imu la s ho oskt ro phe wor cata Almost fifty Finnish and foreign students in a Master’s Ev o degree programme in Disaster Healthcare gathered in midTEXT: Sari miettinen, Photo: reima kallinen

August to rehearse their practical skills in Evo. The programme is administered by the University of South Wales in co-operation with the Master’s programme at HAMK. The students came to Finland to take part in an intensive period of an MSc Disaster Healthcare programme. This programme is implemented by the University of South Wales

Citynomadi took part in implementing the simulation in order to improve its geographical information system. This work is supported by the Tekes-funded Systech project. – A particular goal of a simulation such as this is to exploit or develop the system, in particular from the perspective of learning. The Evo simulation consisted of many phases, and the students moved around from site to site. In other words, learning took place in a variety of physical locations and situations, Miettinen explains. – The system enables us to shoot videos, allowing the students to reflect upon what they learned in the different situations, while everything is saved in correct locations on the map, Miettinen continues. This gives us access to many elements that are important in terms of learning, including a possibility for teachers to monitor what is happening at the various sites and to direct the entire session as required. In addition, we can watch the videos later on with the students, and this way also identify different learning processes.

Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care Development and ­Management (part-time studies) The objective of the degree programme is to provide students with the competence to work in expert, leadership and management roles in social and health care. The programme is especially focusing on the development and management of E-services, and modern and innovative development methods. The content of the studies is social and health policy and key development strategies at the international, national and regional level, change and innovation management in E-services, strategic management, human resource and knowledge management, social and health economics, and research and development methodology. New technologies make a big difference in education. The studies are carried out on virtual learning environment. There will be two intensive contact periods in the beginning and in the middle of the studies. E-learning includes virtual lectures, expert presentations, group work and study guidance in virtual classroom, and different learning assignments on e-learning environment. Virtual learning will utilize modern E-learning technology. At the beginning of the programme, students draw up a personal study plan (PSP) which helps them link prior learning to the intended learning outcomes of the curriculum. The PSP is reviewed and revised throughout the study programme. Students have group and individual tutors throughout the studies. www.hamk.fi/?????


Students, HAMK & Business Environment text: cathy vasile, photo: mirlinda kosova-alija

Taking an internationalisation course might be useful and interesting for most of the students studying business BUT doing an internationalisation project can be even more interesting and rewarding. In February 2014 I found out that the school offers us the possibility to do an internationalisation project as an alternative to completing a course. You can imagine I got interested right away and applied for it. A person like me who loves challenges, meeting new people and working in an international environment saw it as a great opportunity and got excited about the idea right away. My surprise and excitement grew even bigger after getting the answer from HAMK telling us the countries targeted by the project. Among these, Romania, my home country was chosen by SabriScan, a Finnish SME from Riihimäki, to establish a new branch. Imagine what a great opportunity it was: learning from a project that involves the country which you know best, where you will be able to apply your knowledge and bring ideas. HAMK did its best to support our team and we even had joint meetings with the company to discuss their needs and the terms of our collaboration. Of course most of the work was done by our team of students which I found one of the best teams I ever worked with: diverse both culturally and professionally. We were 4 people in our team: Päivi and Panu from Finland, Tami from Ethiopia and me (Cathy) from Romania. Imagine what a combination… plus our fields of expertise were so different (import-export, international sales, education, logistics & sales, management). I believe this project has proved that an international team can do so great

if the members are committed to the project, use their skills & knowledge the best way they can to provide the best results. Time was a challenge to all of us as we all had full-time jobs and of course other HAMK courses to attend in the meantime as the project lasted for about 3 months. Despite these we were able to deliver the report in time and even made a presentation in Raatihuone in Hämeenlinna where many companies were present as well as HAMK and important organisations in Kanta-Häme region. We also had a presentation at the company’s office in Riihimäki, in May 2014 where we met their CEO and Chief Engineer (main persons responsible for their internationalisation project). They were pleased to hear our results and recommendations for the project and promised to continue collaboration with HAMK in offering internship possibilities for their students. As a HAMK student you will have many chances to learn, grow and apply your knowledge; it’s up to you to keep your eyes and ears open for the opportunities that come. Be proactive, get involved and you will not regret it. Our team was very pleased with the project and we didn’t regret we choose this instead of a formal course: it was more fun and entertaining but in the same time it required great amount of work and commitment from all of us.

Master’s Degree Programme in Business Management and Entrepreneuship (part-time studies) The Degree Programme in Business Management and Entrepreneurship is intended for persons who wish to develop their international competences and know-how in international business. The studies develop the students’ understanding and knowledge of global business environments, strategic management and innovation as well as customer relationship management in international markets. The degree programme provides students with a Master’s degree (Master of Business Administration). The core themes of the degree programme include: Strategic Thinking and Managing Change, Global Business Excellence, Customer Focus in International Business, and Organisational Development. The studies are part-time studies and can be completed alongside a normal day job. The Students come approximately once a month on Friday to Hämeenlinna Visamäki campus. E-learning and virtual methods are used efficiently in group work. www.hamk.fi/bme




Thank you all mentors that make this to us! I will not never forget this learning experience! I’ll learn so much that I can’t even think clearly right now! (Business economics student Mira)

What exeperience, what a trip, what a learnig session! Unforgettable. (Business economics student Minna)

Author: Risto Järvinen

HAMK has devised a slightly different way of studying and developing their business ideas for its students: the Amazing Business Train. During the train journey from Hämeenlinna to Oulu and back, the students take part in an innovative module, either as individuals or supported by a team, and also earn five credit points. The course is suitable for all students with an entrepreneurial spirit regardless of their degree programme. The train journey offers an innovative and communal way of developing, experimenting with and testing business ideas, obtaining customers and seeking partners. In addition to HAMK experts, several business advisors, capital investment and business specialists and other interesting personalities join the students on their journey to comment on their ideas and serve as sparring partners. Besides credit points and a chance to develop their business ideas, the Amazing Business Train offers the students an opportunity to improve their team work and language skills, build networks and have fun with like-minded students.


I feel exhausted, but so satisfied with the result! I would never do the same alone, especially in so short time! Amazing how productive we all can be! The result, the productivity is what really encourage! (Automation Engineering student Yulia)

At first we were not that pushed, but the course turned out to be interesting and very useful. We met new people, received support with our enterprising activities and developed our cooperation skills. Get a team together and go for it! (Students of agriculture Linda, Oskari and Niklas from the Coetus cooperative.)

I was having a lot of fun! It is nice to delve this deep into what it takes to start a business. A trip of great insight! (International Business student Alex)

Coming back home Coming to Finland, back then when I started my journey, meant one thing to me, leaving behind home and the people I know, heading to the new and unfamiliar! I am FestĂŤ Isufi, second year student of International Business degree program at HAMK University of Applied Sciences and I could not be more happy and proud about it! The decision to come and study at HAMK is one of the best I have ever taken. I can see myself developing throughout this time not only academically but as an individual as well. All the projects I have participated have taught me something new, how to deal with unfamiliar situations and how to overcome the difficulties they might bring. I try to be as active as I can be and I can see that here, it truly pays off ! So far, besides the school courses I have been engaged in other projects such as Tutoring - where students get trainings on how to help freshmen to settle down in living abroad a university life, HAMKstories vlog creating videos about life in Finland, R&D center with me being Valkeakoski representative in

introducing student issues to HAMK management staff so they can take actions and improve when there is need. This year I will be Prezi Ambassador of HAMK, this project was brought by Prezi and HAMK is a great support towards it. Some other projects I’m looking forward to this year are also the Nordplus Intensive Week and Finnish-German Summit which will take place this semester. Being an International Business student has taught me that being a good student is not about reading a 500 pages book and memorizing every page. No! It is about being active, paying attention, talking to people, listening to them, learning from them and creating networks! This is what I have been doing (meanwhile reading some useful course books of course!) and so far it has been so good! And now, after summer ended, starting the second year of studies here at HAMK means one thing to me, coming back home! Text: FestÍ isufi, photo: Lend hadri


Finland is a peaceful country in northern Europe with four distinct seasons and nature-loving people. We have a strong and reliable education system, infrastructure, healthcare system in addition to an exciting cultural life. The Finnish people are friendly and hospitable. Many of us speak several foreign languages. You will certainly come into contact with the following Seven S’s: Sauna, Sisu (“guts”), Sports, Suomi, Safety, Silence and Sincerity. Famous news providers, such as the Economist Intelligence, Newsweek and Harvard Business Review, rank Finland high in innovation and education.

Geography • Total area 338,145 km² • 188,000 lakes • Capital Helsinki (ca 620,000 inhabitants) Climate • Four seasons • Cold winters (mean temperature in Helsinki in February -5.7 Celsius) • Warm summers (mean temperature in Helsinki in July +17 Celsius)

People • Population 5.4 million • Literacy level 100% • Official languages Finnish (92%), Swedish (6%) • Religion Evangelical-Lutheran (75%), Orthodox (1%)



Economy • Currency euro • GNP per capita €37,102 Governance • Parliamentary republic since 1917 • 200-member, single-chamber parliament elected every four years • Head of the republic is the President • Member of the EU since 1995


12 things about Finland by our international students 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Bring wool socks and mittens! Take your vitamin D! - Hanna, Supply Chain ­Management Be active - it’s all up to you! - Festë, ­International Business People drink lots of coffee and put milk in it - Mike, International Business People drink coffee 10 times a day! - Daria Finland is really non-formal. Officials are helpful and friendly. -Sergejs, Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology There’s freedom in studies, but along comes also responsibility - you are studying for yourself, not for school or others. No point in skipping classes! - Sergejs, Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology Small amount of people - Maria People dont do small talk - Ksenia People follow the rules - Anna Beautiful winter and christmas time - Anna, Maria and Ksenia Beautiful nature - foxes & squirrels - lots of lakes - Anna, Maria and Ksenia


e b o t re


t n e r e diff

! d n a l n i F n i y

d u t s – Why Finland?

 In the past decade, Finland has consistently ranked high in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).


 Excellent infrastructure and a well-functioning society.  Safe, clean and environmentally conscious.  Most Finns speak English. Rovaniemi

 Four beautiful seasons.  The home of Angry Birds, Super Cell, Linux, Kone and UPM.  8 Ss – Santa Claus, Sauna, Sibelius, Sisu, Social wellfare, ­Safety, Snow, Sky – Suomi



Kuopio Joensuu



Valkeakoski Lepaa Evo Forssa Mustiala


Hämeenlinna Riihimäki

Turku Helsinki

 Finland ranked as the best overall country, as well as the best high-income country and the best country for education (Newsweek, 18 August 2010).

Why HAMK?  HAMK has pedagogically highly-qualified lecturers, who are trained to combine theory, practice, and the latest educational technologies in their teaching.  There is no tuition fee.  Small class sizes ensure that teaching is engaging and lecturers have more time for each individual student.  HAMK has modern physical and web-based learning environments.  There are several options for student exchange mainly within the ­European Union. HAMK has more than 100 partner institutions around the world.  Our students have an opportunity to complete a double degree through our partner institutions.  The environment at HAMK is multicultural and international. We have students from over 60 different countries.

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