February, 2013
find your opportunity, make it happen
Education Social Art & Culture Environment Sport & Outdoor Others
monthly brochure with opportunities for young people in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Content Volunteer of the month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Art & Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-17 Social. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-25 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-31 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-37 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-45 Our Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Useful Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
(From the left: Janno from Estonia, Katharina from Austria, Hanna from Belarus, Ieva from Latvia)
Editorial Greeting to everyone in February! It is so nice that days are starting to get longer and we all are getting more energetic, active and motivated. Who are we? We are four EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteers that now are living and working in Cluj-Napoca. We are from four different countries: Katharina from Austria, Hanna from Belarus, Janno from Estonia and Ieva from Latvia. We are working in the project Youth 4 community. Youth 4 community is a project of the “Support for Youth Development� Association (S4YD). The association was founded on 17th of December 2009 in Cluj-Napoca, being an NGO entirely dedicated to youth development. The goal of our association is to stimulate and support the active, civic and responsible participation of the young generation within the social, educational, cultural and economic aspects of the communities they live in. This brochure is a tool that you can use searching for different opportunities that you can take in life. We believe that even though this brochure can’t hold all the possibilities that you can have; still, it can be a nice way how to start your journey to more active and meaningful life. At the end of the brochure you can find our contact details in case you have any suggestions or questions. We hope that the brochure will be useful for you! Go through the pages and enjoy! Yours: Hanna, Janno, Katharina and Ieva
On the pages of our brochure you will find quite often the opportunities to volunteer: for short-term or long-term projects, for an institution or an NGO. And we promise you, that this is going to be a really exciting experience in your life, whatever you’ll do. In our second brochure you again can find a volunteer of the month, a “superhero”, a person who just lives around and does amazing things. This February we will introduce you Paula Arpadi, participant and volunteer in a unique exchange programme, organised by European Federation For Intercultural Learning (EFIL). Find out more on the next pages!
Volunteer Of The Month Tell us about your EFIL (European Federation for Intercultural Learning) volunteering experience. Volunteering for EFIL has provided one of the most challenging volunteering opportunities that I was ever offered and has also allowed me to have an input in the international community, to share my ideas and beliefs and learn about others, and also understand cultural differences and their conflicting values. The most important project I was part in was called European Citizenship Trimester Programme (ECTP) and it is one of the biggest projects that EFIL runs since 2009. It is a host-family and school-based exchange programme which provides pupils form all around Europe an immersion in another culture for 3 months focusing on intercultural learning with an additional strong focus on active European citizenship. Also, at the end of the exchange experience, just before coming back to their home country, all participants meet at the ECTP Camp in Brussels to share their experience, attend workshops and visit the EU institutions. Organising this camp in Brussels, together with other 34 volunteers from more than 15 countries in Europe was my last volunteering experience that took place in December 2012. It was one of the most interesting events I was part in – very well organized, full of young energy and big ambitions where everyone worked together smoothly for the purpose of achieving intelligent goals in an effective manner.
To learn more about EFIL, check the website: http://www.efil.afs.org
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How did you find about EFIL organization? EFIL is the European “representative” of AFS (and operates under the AFS umbrella) – which is a global organisation that facilitated one of the high-school international exchanges that I was part of. Back then, in 2009, EFIL had no presence in Romania whatsoever but on my arrival from Italy, when the exchange came to an end, I understood what my goals in life were and what I had to do next; and it all revolved around the international community and striving for fine international cooperation. EFIL started expending, and for its first project that included Romania, I got contacted and was invited to volunteer. I wrote back to them on the same day displaying contagious enthusiasm – as they have later witnessed.
What was the most challenging thing as a volunteer? When volunteering for different events, you’re often confronted with difficult situations – or let’s call them “uneasy” situations – that you have to handle gracefully, and overcome quickly for the benefit of the whole team. I think that the biggest challenge I had while having to “deal with these uneasy situations” was staying loyal and strong for the true goal behind my volunteering. It’s often too easy to lose yourself in the tension of miscommunication or a frustrating moment caused by a lack of interpersonal skills and forget why you’re there, why you’re doing it, what you are all fighting for… That’s what we should never be oblivious of. We shouldn‘t allow those thoughts lead us. 6
Volunteer Of The Month What does volunteering work mean for you? When I was invited by EFIL to start volunteering in Romania in order to help with the expansion of the organisation in my home country - it was a dream coming true. Mainly because I had always hoped (and still do) that through vounteering we can help our country to improve in those areas where no one cares to invest money into since they don’t bring any profit. However, I believe that “investors” overlook the fact that profit is not only the rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period but that it also stands for that sense of satisfaction that we get, as a community - or as a nation - from the not so visible aspects of society that we have improved in (like mutual respect, tolerance or even a better understanding of the international environment). And that’s where “my-life-goalsin-action” part steps in for me.
Give us a reason why youngsters should be volunteers. I can’t give just one: personal development, improving communication skills and team work abilities, learning about other people and how they relate to each other in both happy and stressful situations, tracking down those things you love in life, finding a way to follow your dreams – here, plenty of reasons to start volunteering as soon as possible; and also reasons to keep volunteering if you have already started. But beyond these, there are numerous other things that will probably bring incredible amounts of joy in your life through volunteering – things I might not even be able to put into words. 7
Around the Tres Courts Romania 2013 What: Romanian Competition for the Festival of Short Films “Tres Courts 2013” When: 24 January – 28 February 2013 Who: French Cultural Institute How much: free registration Deadline & Application: 28 February 2013, the movies collection and application form at Institutul Francez Cluj - responsible Raluca Mateiu Description: Encouraging and promoting local audio-visual creations is a priority of the festival. The “Around the Tres Courts Romania 2013” competition regroups short movies under 3 minutes made in Romania, the time being the only restriction to candidate. The movies can be fictions, documentaries or movies made with mobile phone. In the final selection will be around 20 movies, which will be projected in the festival cities. The jury will decide the winner of the Big Prize. In each city, the audience will vote for their favorite movie, and the director with the highest number of votes will win the Public’s Prize. The prizes are offered by Orange and French Cultural Institute Cluj. This prize consists of 250 euro and a diploma. Contacts & Links: Raluca Mateiu – Festival des Tres Courts coordinator, mob. 0745 396 678, e-mail: trescourt@institutfrancaisroumaine.com, raluca.mateiu@institutfrancais-roumaine.com / 8
Art & Culture Hedda Gabler What: a play by Henrik Ibsen, in Hungarian with Romanian subtitles When: 16 February 2013, 19:00 Where: sala studio of Hungarian Theatre of Cluj. Description: In the world of economic crisis, which speaks only of saving the money for the fear of losing social status, which lacks love and where relations are disastrous, there are no other interests than material worries, everything is about the characters trying to make sense of life believing in these pseudo-values. The drama seems to be the human mirror of today. Contact & Links: http://bit.ly/Hedda_Gabler
Nightlosers Concert When: 15 February 2013, 22:00 Where: Euphoria Music Hall How much: 10 lei in advance, 15 lei on the concert day Description: Nightlosers is a band founded in 1994, known for their music combining elements of American blues with authentic ardelenesc folklore. They became publicly known in the 90s thanks to songs like “Betivan Ratat” and the video for “Dragostea-i ca si o raie (Zavaidoc)”. The band, consisting of 5 musicians always makes an unforgettable show and gives you a lot of positive emotions. Contact & Links: http://nightlosers.ro/, http://www.euphoria.ro/
Art & Culture Paradise What: Theatre play (in French, translated into Romanian) When: 23 February 2013, 20:00 Who: Centre dramatique de l`OcĂŠan Indien Where: Music Academy Cluj-Napoca - Studio Room How much: 10 lei Description: The play talks about our current world, a well-known, yet denied reality, where the characters want their life to be of use. Listening to people`s stories is essential because it helps to transform people. 5 characters share their stories: they all live in a neighbourhood that changed its appearance: the grass was taken over by concrete, all they can see is multi-storey buildings and supermarkets. Is it possible to stay alive nowadays or we have to give up on our dreams and just be a living dead? Contacts & Links: http://www.institutfrancais-roumanie.com, http://www.cdoi-reunion.com/ 11
Death of a Salesman What: a theatre performance Where: Hungarian Theatre of Cluj When: 28 February 2013, 20.00 How much: 15 Ron, 10 Ron for students Description: When my brother, sister, and I were young, my father bought a video camera. He taped us all as we grew up. A few years ago, he gathered all the tapes into a single collection. It is both good and bad that he did this. Good because it is a wonderful family record. But bad because these tapes can be very embarrassing. You watch them and you think, “God, did I really wear THAT striped shirt with THOSE yellow shorts? I NEVER cut my hair that way!” Yet you cannot deny these unfortunate things - you’re seeing them right there on the TV, after all. So the real question becomes, “What do these things mean?” Then, and now. A striped shirt, yellow shorts, and a haircut that looks like a dead animal: a dollar for any man who can connect those dots. This is a gathering of a man’s family, and his stuff, and the people he knows. Welcome to the party. Contacts & Links: http://www.huntheater.ro
Art & Culture DADA Trans iT When: 15 February 2013, 19:00 Where: Studio „ArtClub“, National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca. How much: Free entrance, but number of places is limited Description: DADA Trans iT show is a spectacular collage of „pseudo-anarchic in 10 scenes break and final apotheosis“, based on texts by Dada Tristan Tzara, Hugo Ball, Kurt Schwitters, etc.. The texts have been adapted in dadaistic spirit, in current international socio-political context. Collage contains videos by Mauser Band, Planeta Moldova and Febre 39 and original moments of films, graphics and animation. The show is directed by Aristița Albăcan, director and teacher, Director of Studies in Theatre and Performance at the School of Arts and New Media, University of Hull, UK. She is a doctor of LMU in Munich, Germany and specializes in international and multimedia performances and contemporary performance. Contacts & Links: http://bit.ly/DADATransIT
Ștefan Magic Show What: extraordinary micromagic show with illusionist Ștefan When: 7 February 2013, 19:00 Where: Ceainăria QuiOneQuint, Str. Cismigiu Nr. 1 Ap. 14 How much: 15 lei, 30 places available, call to reserve a place: 0264 431707 Description: We offer an escape from the logic of everyday life in an encounter of the limits of reality, placing us to rationally impossible. Contacts & Links: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Qui-OneQuint/244928782264022?ref=stream
Art & Culture The Statement What: monoplay, one-woman show with Elena Ivanca When: 13 February 2013, 19:00 Where: „Euphorion“ Studio, National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca How much: 15 lei; for students and pensioners – 7.5 lei Description: An explosive one-woman show, where the actress interprets four female characters built and designed with scrupulous detail. Actress amazes audiences with her admirable comic instinct. It is a great demonstration of fantasy and virtuosity that is due to the wide range of means of expression she uses. Contacts & Links: http://bit.ly/Declaratie
Latvian Movie Night What: Movie Night When: 8 February 2013, from 20.00 till 2.30 For whom: for everyone who is interested Where: In S4YD office, Strada Octavian Petrovic 22-1, ClujNapoca (ring the doorbell) How much: Entrance is free Description: Movie night with three Latvian movies. Movies will be demonstrated in Latvian with subtitles in English. Movies are: “The defenders of Riga” (2007), “The Fisherman’s son” (1940) and “The Passengers” (2010). Take with you blankets, pillows and some snacks. Contacts & Links: Ieva Galeniece, evs.s4yd@gmail.com, 0721524446, http://www.facebook.com/support4youth/events
Art & Culture Alcoholics What: a theatre performance Where: Hungarian Theatre of Cluj When: 5 February 2013, 20.00 Description: The drama is based – on a, let’s say, “classical” way, – upon an interview. A seriously alcoholic woman, living in a small town in Transylvania, tells about her life, trying to understand how she arrived to her ruined state. At the time of the interview, our protagonist can be considered a “dry” or “freed” alcoholic; however, her sentences are still disjointed and fragmented, although incisive and tragically authentic. Éva, the beauty queen of the small town, prepares for a singing and acting career, and she falls in love with a famous actor from Bucharest, whose interest is only in a short-term romance. After this relationship, which wounds her deeply, Éva marries a veterinarian. Her husband remains faithful to her even in the most difficult situations, even when his wife bears him several children, the fruit of different, obscure relationships. How much: 15 lei, 10 lei for students Contacts & Links: http://www.huntheater.ro
BISMUN Conference in Bucharest What: Bucharest International Student Model United Nations Conference 2013 When: 20-25 March 2013 Who: United Nations Youth Romania For whom: Students Where: Bucharest, Palace of Parliament How much: With early registration (14 January-10 February) participation fee is without accommodation 60€ and with accommodation 100€. Later it will be 80€ and 120€. Application: You’ll find registration on www.bismun.com Description: BISMUN 2013 Conference will bring together approximately 230 participants, from Romania and from all over the world, making it the most important and complex MUN simulation in Romania. The main theme of the conference will be “Reshaping diplomacy in a world of continuous change”, being chosen because of the importance of diplomacy in the social, economic and political development of the XXI century. Contacts & Links: www.bismun.com 18
Social DayCul - Act Daily, Think Interculturally What: Training course When: 8-15 April 2013 Who: Pokret Gorana i Centar Volontera Pancevo For whom: Youth workers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors Where: Pancevo, Serbia How much: Participation fee is 30â&#x201A;Ź, all the other costs except 30% of travel costs will be covered by project grants. Application: Fill the application form and send it to daycul.tc@gmail.com until 15 February 2013 Description: By acknowledging the importance of culture in everyday life and understanding that these set of regulations differ from group to group that one belongs to, participants will understand that these topics are essence of intercultural learning and are important part of becoming sensitive to cultural differences. For the sake of comprehending obstacles (stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and violence) that occur during intercultural dialogue and finding possibilities for overcoming these problems, one first has to understand oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own culture. Contacts & Links: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/europeantraining-calendar/training/daycul-act-daily-think-interculturally.3303/ 19
European Voluntary Service in Poland When: 1 August 2013 - 30 April 2014 Who: Kujawsko-Pomorska Wojewódzka Komenda OHP For whom: Young people 18-30, age above 22 will be avantage Where: Toruń, Poland How much: 10% of travel expenses, everything else is covered by European Commission. Deadline & Application: send CV and application form to youth.in.action@wp.pl until 31 May 2013 Description: Volunteer will be mainly involved in work with young people with fewer opportunities because of various problems like economic, social, family or school. OHP‘s participants don‘t speak English. The tasks of the volunteer‘s include: 1. organizing activities for youth (15-25) to encourage them to be active (sport, film, art, ecology activities etc. - depends on volunteer) or involving in activities conducting by guardians, 2. helping in organizing free time for our participants (mainly who are accommodated in dormitory) by leading them for intercultural workshops, presentations about EVS or European countries, 3. helping in realization ideas and activities of our participants and develop their interests and so on. Contacts & Links: http://www.youthnetworks.eu/ShowVacancy. aspx?Vacancy=anna or send an e-mail to youth.in.action@wp.pl
Social It‘s All About Passion What: Training course When: 11-17 March 2013 Who: L‘Arcobaleno For whom: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/ tutors, educators, coaches, social workers Where: Lecce, Italy How much: Participation fee is 30€, food and accommodation will be fully covered and 70% of travel expenses will be reimbursed. Application: Register yourself in www.salto-youth.net and fill in the application until 15 February 2013 Description: Objectives for this training course are: To explore the concept of passion and its relevance to youthwork; To support participants to explore and discover their own passions; To support participants to connect their passions to their learning; To discover one’s strengths and connect them to passion(s); To learn to support other learners in discovering their passions; To support participants to implement the outcomes of the course in their daily life Contacts & Links: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/europeantraining-calendar/training/it-s-all-about-passion-explore-whatdrives-you-in-your-life-and-learning.3302/ or e-mail to Salvi Greco: itsallaboutpassion.training@gmail.com 21
Re-thinking Youth Participation Breaking Patterns, Changing Practice What: Seminar When: 23-27 April 2013 Who: CIMO National Agency of Youth in Action in Finland For whom: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Activists, volunteers, professionals working with youth participation Where: Vantaa, Finland How much: The Finnish National Agency will cover international participantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC; costs considering travelling to Finland, accommodation and meals during the activity and the activity costs. Application: Register yourself at www.salto-youth.net and fill in the application until 24 March 2013 Description: Whether you work for an NGO, a community or city, whether you are active in a youth initiative or youth democracy project, whether you volunteer in a youth group or are a youth worker, youth trainer, youth leader, youth activistâ&#x20AC;Ś JOIN US TO think again! Together with you, we want to improve the variety, innovation, quality and sustainability of participation projects in and beyond the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme Contacts & Links: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/europeantraining-calendar/training/re-thinking-youth-participation-breaking-patterns-changing-practice.3328/ 22
Social Volunteering in Habitat for Humanity What: Volunteering in Cluj When: Anytime Who: Habitat for Humanity For whom: Anyone Where: Cluj-Napoca How much: Free Application: If you want to help this organisation, send them an e-mail: info@habitatcluj.ro or fill in the application form on their webpage: http://www.habitatcluj.ro Description: Habitat for Humanity Cluj is helping families in need building them a new house or helping them to repair their existing house. Each family can fill the application and can become a volunteer in their organisation. If the application is approved and they have worked as volunteers, Habitat for Humanity will help them too. So, if you would like to build a house with your own hands and with this help people in trouble, become a volunteer! Contacts & Links: http://www.habitatcluj.ro/
Young Citizen‘s Assembly in Brussels What: Young Citizen‘s Assembly When: 2-7 April 2013 Who: Bureau International Jeunesse and DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, programme “Youth in Action” For whom: Youth workers, Youth leaders, representatives or volunteers of an NGO Where: Brussels, Belgium How much: The costs of the activity (programme, accommodation, food) are taken in charge by the BIJ. The costs of transport are taken in charge by the respective National Agencies. Application: Register yourself at www.salto-youth.net and fill in the application until 13 February 2013 Description: Objectives for this assembly are: To develop a common and mobilizing understanding of social justice in the youth field; To share and exchange about the various grass-root realities of the participants in the field of citizens’ action through media and social media; To increase knowledge of the possible actions and opportunities offered by these media; To create a joint citizens’ interventions through these different media and to initiate networking and follow-up processes among the participants. Contacts & Links: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/europeantraining-calendar/training/ajc-young-citizens-assembly-wediaonline-action-for-social-justice.3295/ 24
Social Youth Work and Youth Unemployment in Jordan What: Seminar When: 13-18 May 2013 Who: Jordan EMYU For whom: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Youth Policy Makers Where: An, Jordan How much: Each NA covers the travel cost of its participants (tickets, visas, vaccination and health insurance if applicable). MEDA costs and all the other costs will be covered by organisers. Application: Register yourself at www.salto-youth.net and fill in the application until 4 March 2013 Description: Objectives for this seminar are: To reach a deeper understanding for the relationship between unemployment and economic/ political instability; To provide participants with tools for more entrepreneurial initiatives; To make participants motivated to get engaged as active citizens for better economic reform. Contacts & Links: More information and application: http:// www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/youth-work-and-youth-unemployment-in-jordan.3272/ More information about EMYU Jordan: http://jordan.euromedyouth.net/ 25
How to Make Green Projects? What: training course When: 8-13 April 2013 Who: Agency of International Youth Cooperation (Lithuania) For whom: People over 18 years old, who are motivated to be more green in their life and to bring green ideas into action and come from non-profit organizations or initiative group Where: Lithuania Application: apply on the link (down) until 17 February 2013 Description: The aim of the training course is to provide an overview of green project management skills for daily life and work, also in the frame of Youth in Action programme. If you are interested in finding out about green projects or creating a change in your environment and inspiring others to take action too, or would just like to share your experience about green project development we invite YOU to this training course. We will create a space for 25 youth leaders and youth workers with different backgrounds, ages and experiences to learn, share, develop projects and network. Contacts & Links: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/europeantraining-calendar/training/how-to-make-green-projects.3308/
Environment 1st World Youth Sustainability Summit 2013 What: competition to participate in the summit When: 10-20 May 2013 Who: youthinkgreen - jugend denkt um.welt (youth initiative) For whom: People aged between 15 and 20, who possess basic knowledge on the fields sustainability and environmental policies, and have a good command of English Where: Berlin, Germany Application: To participate, you have to provide a CV, a motivation letter and some kind of presentation about yourself connected with the topic (more information on the website); send to info@youthinkgreen.org until 28 February 2013 Description: youthinkgreen calls for an “open competition” and with this invites young people, who would like to enrich the summit with their personal experiences, to get involved in dialogues among one another and design common solutions. Our current ways of living pose problems for our future. We know that we have to rethink and change them. Coming from all around the world, experts, representatives of sustainable ways of living and young people will come together to draft a common position paper on the topic “Youth and Sustainability in Everyday Life – Challenge, Reflect on and Develop New Global Ways of Living”. Contacts & Links: http://www.youthinkgreen.org/1st-worldyouth-sustainability-summit-2013/ 27
Rosia Montana Day What: Rosia Montana anniversary When: 6 February 2013, 18:00 Where: Casino Urban Culture Center, Gambrinus Pub How much: Free entry Description: This event marks the 1882 years` anniversary of the first documentary evidence on Rosia Montană. An event dedicated to the cultural, natural and intangible heritage, worthy of UNESCO recognition. 18:00 – Photo exhibition by Edmond Kreibik 20:00 – Documentary films projection:Short movie by Tică Darie “Rosia Montană – Town on a brink” by Fabian Daub 22:00 – Concert & After party Contact & Links: http://ziuarosieimontane.wordpress.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/583910038292804/?fref=ts
Environment Volunteering in “Let’s Do It Romania” What: Volunteer work When: Anytime Who: “Let’s Do It Romania” Cluj For whom: Anyone who is passionate about environment and is eager to be part of “Let’s Do It Romania” Cluj Where: Cluj-Napoca Application: send your motivation and department(s) chosen to marius.cobarzan@letsdoitromania.ro Description: LDIR Cluj is searching for volunteers ready to be involved in the organizing team, in the following departments: communication & PR, fundraising, logistics, IT, human resources – volunteers, relations with associations & foundations, relations with authorities and public institutions, relations with educational institutions. The key words which characterize “Let’s Do It Romania” are: respect for the nature, respect for the colleagues, correctness, transparency, proactive, consistency, availability, involvement, dynamism, flexibility. Contacts & Links: Marius Cobârzan, mob. 0751 090 764, e-mail: marius.cobarzan@letsdoitromania.ro; http://www.letsdoitromania.ro/, https://www.facebook.com/LetsDoItRO 29
Contest to Write for Teen Ink What: environmental writing contest Who: Teen Ink – magazine, website & books written by teens For whom: teenagers, who are interested in writing and environmental issues Prize: Winning stories are published in Teen Ink magazine and contest winners receive a copy of the magazine featuring their work Application: Submit entries through the website or by e-mail to submit@teenink.com. Deadline: There are no deadlines; entries are accepted throughout the year. Description: Hybrid cars? Organic food? Solar and wind energy? Pay-as-youthrow trash programs? Required recycling? If you have a plan to save the world, we want to hear about it. And if you know a lot about a current problem facing the planet – pollution, overpopulation, natural resource consumption/destruction – share your thoughts with others by writing a persuasive essay. Teen Ink will only consider original essays written by teens. Essays should be between 150 and 1,000 words. Possible topics include global warming, clean water, species preservation, air quality, the rain forest, alternative power and more! Contacts & Links: http://www.teenink.com/Contests/EnvironC.php 30
Environment “Criosfera 2013” National Symposium What: Symposium/Conference When: 18-24 February 2013 (21-23 February, Scientific Symposium) Who: Universitatea Populară „Emil Racoviţă“ For whom: Young researchers and explorers but students interested in environmental problems can also participate. Where: Universitatea Populară „Emil Racoviţa“ How much: 40 lei if you pay until 15 February 2013, 50 lei cash if you pay when you arrive at the Symposium Application: You can fill in the application on the symposium website: http://criosfera2013.weebly.com/inscrieri.html where you also will find instructions on how to pay. Description: “Criosfera 2013” National Symposium is the chance to see and meet up with scientists and people interested in cryosphere and other ice related issues. The participants will benefit from the experience of researchers and individuals and which have ensured a scientific community in Romania. Also, on the last day participants can take part in a field trip at Ceahlău National Park, a visit to the Toaca Meteorological Station where will be presentation about their activities and about opportunities to work in their place. Contact & Links: http://criosfera2013.weebly.com/index.html 31
Outdoor is More What: Training course When: 25 February â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 March 2013 For whom: recommended for Youth workers, trainers, people interested in the field of experiential learning. Where: Sudopark, Klokocov, Slovak Republic How much: accommodation, food, lectures and 70% of travel costs are covered by Youth in Action programme, 30% of travel costs and participation fee of 50â&#x201A;Ź are covered by participants Deadline: 10 February 2013 Application: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/outdoor-is-more.3294/ Description: The goals of the training are: to learn new winter outdoor activities, which can be used for the work with youth and other groups, to learn different methods of reflection after the activities, to provide environment where each participant will have many opportunities to practice, to understand role of the outdoor and closing of outdoor activities in the field of inclusion. Contacts & Links: Vladimi Randa, E-Mail: vladimir.randa@gmail. com, Phone: 00421949754146; http://www.salto-youth.net/ tools/european-training-calendar/training/outdoor-is-more.3294/
Sport & Outdoor Sustainability, Capacity and Development Camp What: Training course When: 31 March – 08 April 2013 For whom: recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers, High potential future leaders of the organizations. Where: North Germany, Germany How much: The fee for this training is 20€ for participants from all countries. The participants will have covered costs for food and accommodation, and 70% of their travel tickets will be covered if they are not more than: Romania 400€, Turkey 500€, Switzerland 350€, Italy 350€, Cyprus 500€. Deadline: 15 February 2013 Application: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/europeantraining-calendar/training/sustainability-capacity-and-development-camp.3254/ Description: Training course for youth leaders for building the capacity of their NGOs trough simulations, outdoor activities, small working groups and competitions within the group, learning by doing training with experienced trainers. Contacts & Links: Darko Mitevski, E-Mail: darko_mkd2001@ yahoo.com, Phone: 004917687626473 http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/ training/sustainability-capacity-and-development-camp.3254/ 33
Outdoors Bring More PBA What: Contact making seminar When: 12-17 March 2013 For whom: for 35 participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Youth in Action Programme countries, recommended for Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers. Where: Kuusamo, Finland How much: The Finnish National Agency will cover participantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC; costs considering travelling to Finland, accommodation and meals. The participants are entitled to acquire a travel insurance, which will cover unused travel tickets in the situation when tickets are not used. Deadline: 5 February 2013 Application: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/outdoors-bring-more-pba.3197/ Description: The activity brings together people who are interested in using outdoor activities as methods for learning in youth exchanges. It offers space for meeting partners, trying out methods and designing projects in snowy Northern Finland. Contacts & Links: Paavo PyykkĂśnen, E-Mail: paavo.pyykkonen@ cimo.fi, Phone: +358 295 338 547
Sport & Outdoor Cluj International Marathon 2013 What: Marathon When: 21 April 2013 For whom: for amateurs and professionals Where: Cluj-Napoca How much: Marathon fee is 25 Euros between February 1st and March 31st and 30 euros from 1st to 18th of April. For half marathon the fee is 15 euros between February 1st and March 31st and 20 euros from 1st to 18th of April. Registration for relays is 50 Euros between February 1st and March 31st and 60 euros in the period from 1st to 18th of April. Joining 6 and 2 km races is free. Deadline: 18 April 2013 Application: www.maraton-cluj.ro Description: You can run in one of your favourite events: Marathon (42.195 km), Half Marathon (21.0975 km, Marathon Relay (4x10,55km), Popular Race (6 km), Kids Race (2 km) Contacts & Links: www.maraton-cluj.ro
Salina Cup 2013 What: Table tennis tournament for amateurs When: 16 February 2013, entrance from 9.00, tournament is from 10.00 to 16.00 For whom: table tennis lovers, amateurs Where: Turda, Salina-Turda, sala Rudolf (90 metres below the ground) How much: Free Deadline: 15 February 2013 until 21.00, maximum limit of 35 participants Application: www.tenisdemasa.ro Contacts & Links: www.tenisdemasa.ro
Sport & Outdoor Oslea Hike & Ride Challenge 2013 What: Tournament When: 2 March 2013 For whom: for skiers and snowboarders over 18 years, experienced in free ride. Where: In Oslea Massif of Valcan Mountains, approximately 28 kilometers away from Uricani. How much: registration fee is 60 lei Deadline: 29 February 2013 Application: www.osleachallenge.com Description: Oslea Hike & Ride Challenge put to the test both endurance of the participants, who will have to climb initially 2.5 km, between 1300 and quota share 1940, and their riders skills in the descent competition (1.4 km). Racing will start at Campusel Retezat National Park area and will take place on ski and snowboard sections. First three places will be awarded in each category. Contacts & Links: www.osleachallenge.com, e-mail: clubulalpinvaleajiului@yahoo.com, telefon: 073 584 7561
The Power of Non-Formal Education What: International training course When: 19-24 March 2013 For whom: NGO members who wish to experiment with various techniques and methods used in non-formal education to acknowledge their role and importance in working with young people and in the activities of the Youth in Action projects. Where: Larochette, Luxembourg How much: an amount of 10 EUR will be charged as co-financing the course Deadline: for registration (both online and by mail) is 6 February 2013 (date of postmark) Application: Application form will be completed online in English (required registration in the site SALTO-Youth): http://www. salto-youth.net/mysalto/login/?pfad=/tools/european-trainingcalendar/application-procedure/3267/application/ Description: The main aim of the course is to improve the impact of nonformal education, the principles and methods of youth empowerment as true actors of society (from local to European level). Contacts & Links: http://www.tinact.ro/detaliu-calendar/IDevent/797; Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale, Calea Serban Voda nr. 133, Corp A, et. 3, Sector 4, Bucuresti, cod 040205 38
Education 1st European Youth Conference What: Youth conference on “Strengthening the Recognition of Non-formal Education in European Youth Work” Where: Cracow, Poland When: 19-25 March 2013 Who: Culture Goes Europe (CGE) - Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt For whom: If you’re familiar with non-formal education, took part at least in one YiA-Activity, a member of a NGO or youth organization, and you want to share your experiences, ideas and passion. Application & Deadline: You can find the application here: http://www.cge-erfurt.org/?p=2585, deadline is 22 February Description: Objectives of the project are: To facilitate the communication between the involved stakeholders; To foster the transfer of knowledge within the EU27; To increase the transparency and quality of YW and NFL activities. The activities are based on principles & practice of non-formal learning including various activities as open space, lectures/ speeches/inputs, floors include. exercises, simulations, which are creating situations for deeper personal reflection, followed by concentrated debriefing, work in small mixed groups, inputs, presentations & discussion of results. How much: A participation fee of 75 EUR, plus 30 % of the travel costs that you pay yourself. Contacts & Links: www.cge-erfurt.org, Juliane Heinz, E-Mail: office@cge-erfurt.org, Phone: +49 361 60 21 515 39
I Want to Become a Polar Explorer! What: an essay contest for high school students When: 15 January – 15 February 2013 Who: Universitatea Populară Emil Racoviţă Piatra Neamţ, Revista National Geographic Romania For whom: High school students Where: the jury committee is in Piatra Neamț but you don’t have be there in person. Deadline: 15 February 2013 Description: An open contest for high school students on polar exploring. Students have to submit a 2 A4 page informal essay and send it to the jury. The premier will take place on 23 February at “Criosfera 2013” National Symposium, held in Piatra Neamț. Contact & Links: http://exploratorpolar.wordpress.com/
Others The European Parliament - ‚Why Should I Care?‘ What: Competition For whom: People in age 16-30 years, citizens of the EU and Croatia Prize: An all-expenses-covered, once-in-a-lifetime trip to Brussels for 20 winners to present their entries, exchange ideas with decision makers and like-minded young Europeans, and see the EP at work. Deadline: 28 March 2013 Application: One entry per individual or group. The entry needs to be original, that is, it should not have been previously submitted to another competition. Description: Have you ever wanted to express YOUR passionate opinion about the significance of the European Parliament to the lives of EU citizens? Have you ever itched to participate in a pan-European initiative alongside other young and like-minded individuals? Have you ever dreamt of MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the European integration project? NOW is your chance to get your ‚creative juices‘ going and tell us in an innovative and convincing manner why the European Parliament matters to you and why there is a need to vote in the 2014 European parliamentary elections. Contacts & Links: ep.competition@epc.eu, more information and guidelines you can find in: http://www.epc.eu/prog_forum. php?forum_id=30&prog_id=1 41
The European Charlemagne Youth Prize What: Competition When: The final winners will be announced on 7 May 2013 For whom: Applicants should be 16-30 years old. The participants must be citizens or residents of one of the 27 member states of the European Union. Prize: The prize for the best project is €5000, the second, €3000 and the third, €2000. As part of the prize, the three final laureates will be invited to visit the European Parliament (in Brussels or in Strasbourg). Deadline: 18 February 2013 Application: www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu Description: “The European Charlemagne Youth Prize” aims to encourage the development of European consciousness among young people, as well as their participation in European integration projects. The Prize is awarded to projects undertaken by young people which foster understanding, promote the development of a shared sense of European identity, and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community. Contacts & Links: www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu
Others Startup Weekend Cluj When: 1-3 March 2013 How much: 45 Euro, 35 Euro for students Description: Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback. Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a cofounder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups. The official Startup Weekend Cluj language is English. The organizers, the pitchers, the coaches and the jury will be speaking English. Contacts & Links: http://cluj.startupweekend.org/, cluj@startupweekend.org 43
Youth Bank Dinner V.I.P. What: Fundraising dinner, business consulting and details from the backstage of the most successful program “Youth Bank” When: 21 February 2013, 19:00 Who: Fundația Comunitară Cluj For whom: Anyone Where: Piano Cazola, str. Virgil Fulicea, nr. 3 How much: 150 RON Description: Youth Bank Cluj, a team of youngsters determined to put their mark on their own city. Motivated and enthusiasts, they raise funds for projects of local development, which will be implemented by youngsters, too. The amounts obtained within the event will be used for the projects proposed and implemented by Cluj youngsters. Shortly saying “youngsters for youngsters and for their city!” Contacts & Links: Larisa Dragos – coordinator programe tineri, Fundatia Comunitara Cluj, mob. 0757 382 426, e-mail: larisa. dragos@fundatiacomunitaracluj.ro
Others Become a Leader! What: Internship When: 2 weeks during March - May Who: American Chamber of Commerce in Romania For whom: 3rd, 4th year students Where: Romania Deadline: 13 February 2013 Application: The applicant must provide a Curriculum Vitae, two pages essay with your vision regarding the future of Romania – “Leading in Romania” and fill in the application form Description: The aim of the program is to give to those talents an unique opportunity to watch, interact and learn from top business elites in the country and perspectives and visions related to future professional paths as well as to bring the top Romanian young minds together in order to think, vision and take ownership in regard to the future of the country. Students will have the chance to see how things are done at companies by shadowing the executive team. Also participation at the AmCham Romania Annual General Meeting on March 2013 is included. Contacts & Links: http://www.amcham.ro/index.html/ articles?articleID=1343 45
Our Partners
Links Useful Links to Search for More Opportunities: yy www.informaretineret.ro
yy www.youthnetworks.eu
yy www.eurodesk.ro
yy www.europa.eu/youth
yy www.evoluntar.ro
yy www.youthforeurope.eu/
yy www.resursetineret.ro
yy www.comunicatedepresa.ro/
yy www.voluntar.ro
yy www.voluntarinlume. millenniumcenter.org
yy www.tinact.ro yy www.tinapse.ro yy www.voluntareuropean.ro yy www.stiriong.ro yy www.blogunteer.ro
yy www.facebook.com/ support4youth/ yy www.salto-youth.net yy www.ongcluj.ro
monthly brochure with opportunities for young people in Cluj-Napoca, Romania Made by: EVS volunteers (Youth 4 Community project) Support for Youth Development Association 22 Octavian Petrovici Street, Ap. 1, 400018 Cluj-Napoca Tel. +40-364-43743 evs.s4yd@gmail.com, blog: evs.s4yd.ro
find your opportunity, make it happen
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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