In4YOUth Brochure January

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January, 2013

find your opportunity, make it happen

Education Social Art & Culture Environment Sport & Outdoor Others

monthly brochure with opportunities for young people in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Content Volunteer of the month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Incubator 107: Best Non-Formal Education Project . . . . . . . . . 9 Art & Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17 Social. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-21 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-27 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-35 Activities of Youth 4 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-38 Useful Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

(From the left: Janno from Estonia, Katharina from Austria, Hanna from Belarus, Ieva from Latvia)


Editorial Hello in January! New year - new opportunities! Who are we? We are four EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteers that now are living and working in Cluj-Napoca. We are from four different countries: Katharina from Austria, Hanna from Belarus, Janno from Estonia and Ieva from Latvia. We are working in a project Youth 4 community. Youth 4 community is a project of the “Support for Youth Development” Association (S4YD). The association was founded on 17th of December 2009 in Cluj-Napoca, being an NGO entirely dedicated to youth development. The goal of our association is to stimulate and support the active, civic and responsible participation of the young generation within the social, educational, cultural and economic aspects of the communities they live in. This brochure is a tool you can use searching for different opportunities that you can take in life. We believe that even though this brochure can’t hold all the possibilities that you can have; still, it can be a nice way how to start your journey to a more active and meaningful life. At the end of the brochure you can find our contact details in case you have any suggestions or questions. We wish you a happy, successful, active and inspiring year. Find your opportunity and make it happen! Yours, Hanna, Janno, Katharina and Ieva 3

On the pages of our brochure you will find quite often the opportunities to volunteer: for short-term or long-term projects, for an institution or an NGO. And we promise you, that this is going to be a really exciting experience in your life, whatever you’ll do. In our third brochure you again can find a volunteer of the month, a “superhero”, a person who just lives around and does amazing things. In January we would like to introduce you Dorin Budușan, the volunteer from Incubator107@Cluj, a non-formal educational project, which helps people to share their passions and knowledge with their fellows.


Volunteer Of The Month Tell us about your relation with Incubator107. Was it a love story or a novella with an unexpected ending? My story with Incubator107 started in December 2011. A friend of mine, Oana-Teona Banu (from the NGO Apertura), told me about the project and that she was going to coordinate it in Cluj and asked me if I wanted to be part of the team. I did a little research on the project and it seemed a really good opportunity. The project started in Bucharest about two years ago at the initiative of Macaz Association. Basically they wanted to create a framework and a space where anyone could teach anyone anything. This means that if you have a certain skill or a hobby and you want to share it with others you can have a workshop and Incubator107 provides the framework for this. The aim is to encourage people to discover and follow their hobbies. It was a real success in Bucharest, so the team wanted to spread the idea throughout the country. This seemed like a great idea so I accepted the invitation. I started in April 2012, when I met Stefana Popa who initiated the project in Bucharest and she gave me all the details I needed to know. At the time I had a fulltime job but I was kind of disappointed and demotivated so the Incubator seemed like a great opportunity to do cool stuff again. In April I went to Bucharest to see how they organize “nocturna” (a monthly event where we present the set of workshops for the current month) and in May we had our first “nocturna” in Cluj and the first set of workshops. Now I am responsible for this and other events in Incubator107 Cluj and also for representing the >> p. 6 5

<< p. 5 project at different festivals around the country.

What inspires you to work as a volunteer? For me, it’s about doing something for the community and leaving your mark. I’d rather have this feeling of accomplishment than the feeling you have when you have sold something for the company you are working for.

Your prognosis for the future of incubator107 and other non-formal educational hubs? Well, Incubator107 is a self-sustainable project based on donations. People coming to our events are encouraged to leave a donation in order to maintain the sustainability of the project. We don’t have other funds so our plans for the future include finding ways to finance our events. But firstly we have to work more on building a stronger community around the project. Non-formal education is extremely important nowadays, especially because formal education in Romania is mostly based on accumulating information, not acquiring skills, which are more needed when you start working, for example.

Tell us about the most exciting volunteering/learning experience for you from Incubator107. One of the best experiences I had was traveling throughout 6

Volunteer Of The Month the country last summer to represent Incubator107 at different festivals. I’ve met a lot of great people and came back to Cluj with a lot of good energy. I also had the opportunity to be in CROS Camp, which is a great camp on non-formal education. There I‘ve met a lot of trainers, coaches and people with very inspiring life stories. It’s also exciting when we have the chance to recommend people that had workshops in Incubator107 to different companies, festivals or for different projects. It’s a way of thanking them for accepting to be part of our community and it’s great to know that we can promote them and their work.


Volunteer Of The Month << p. 7

Why should youngsters be volunteers? As I said, volunteering helps you acquire skills that are vital if you want to be well integrated in society. You can’t learn these skills in school. Volunteering is also a great opportunity to meet passionate people so you can also consider the networking aspect.


Incubator107: Best Non-Formal Education Project What’s the mission? Incubator107 is the place where anyone can teach and learn anything. We want to grow in people the desire to learn from others, and to teach others. We are always open to fresh workshop proposals from what happens in the life-after-work. We are looking for passionate crafts people, no matter if they are experts or beginners.

How is it organized? There is set of workshops every month, which usually has a general topic (or at least a common name) starts with a Nocturna (Saturday night with presentation of the workshops and small concerts) and continues with daily workshops in the evenings.

How can I participate? yy Visit Nocturna; yy Participate in workshops (with optional donation to trainers and organizers); yy Volunteer for the project (help in organization, promotion, finding interesting people); yy Share your hobby or passion on your own workshop.

How to contact the team? Website:, Facebook: http://www .facebook .com/Incubator107Cluj, e-mail:


Ruins True Refuge What: Dance theater. Collective creative spirit of Samuel Beckett When: 19 January 2013, 20:00 Where: Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Description: The show was made in 2010 in cooperation of Hungarian Theatre and Sushi Center for the Urban Arts in San Diego, inspired by the short story „Lessness“ by Samuel Beckett. The performance, which consists of a series of individual acts and alludes to undetermined desires via metonymy, reaches as far as the metaphorical image of the pronouncedly Western and Christian story: to the crucifixion, to the acceptance of the father’s will. Contacts & Links: more details: http://www. php?eid=259&did=1345. Tickets are available at theater cash desk or online on 10

Art & Culture Swan Lake - The Ice Ballet When: 17 January 2013, 18:00-21:00 Where: National Theatre of Cluj- Napoca Description: After last winter’s success with The Nutcracker, this year the St. Petersburg State Ballet proposes Cluj Swan Lake, the most loved compositions of Tchaikovsky, who found international fame thanks choreography taken all in St. Petersburg at the end of the nineteenth century. Over two tons of ice will be installed at the National Theatre for the show which promises to be a spectacular performance, with outstanding choreography and dozens of lavish costumes. The audience will be charmed by the romance between Prince Siegfried and Odette, transformed into a beautiful swan with a curse. How much: between 96 and 366 RON Contacts & Links: 11

One Flew Over The Cuckoo‘s Nest What: a famous story by Ken Kesey translated into Romanian and interpreted on the stage When: 24 January 2013, 19:00 Where: National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca Description: The novel, which was included in Time Magazine’s „100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005“ list, is set in an Oregon psychiatric hospital, the narrative serves as a study of the institutional processes and the human mind as well as a critique of Behaviorism and a celebration of humanistic principles. The story, narrated by the gigantic but docile half-Native American inmate „Chief“ Bromden, focuses on the antics of the rebellious Randle Patrick McMurphy, who faked insanity to serve out his prison sentence for statutory rape in the hospital. It’s an exciting story on the edge of humanity and insanity, making us think about the category of “normality” of the people, about friendship and power. How much: 30 lei, 25 lei, 15 lei, 10 lei; 7.5 lei – discount for students and pensioners. Contacts & Links:


Art & Culture Training in Angolian Capoeira What: training in Capoeira - a martial art that combines elements of dance and music. When: Every Tuesday and Thursday, 19.00 Where: Fabrica de Pensule, Strada Henri Barbusse 59-61 Description: Capoeira Angola is struggling, it is dance, it is playing. It is education that we received from Africans how to become free. It‘s body language spoken even by animals. It‘s a great game to understand we are part of all - the world in miniature. Responsible for courses are Bogdan Rakolcza and Adi Tudoran Cimpoeşu, students of Mestre Lua Santana. Please bring a pair of lightweight sneakers and loose clothing. How much: The first workout is free, monthly fee is 70 RON or 10 RON/ session. Contacts & Links:


The Gate What: theatre play by Hathรกzi Andrรกs, director and scenographer Tudor Lucanu When: 18 January 2013, 19:00 Where: National Theatre of ClujNapoca Description: What would happen if we had the power to make only the choices we want in life? If we were not permanently placed in a position to choose between what is possible and what we want to become possible, how relevant would the very act of choice be? POARTA (the gate) is a distinction between what we seem to be and what we are, but also a gateway to what we want to be. You just need the courage to discover the limits and accept them in order to make up the true inner being. The gate requires courage to look at yourself, recognize the darkness inside, your real form, undisguised, naked and fragile, and accept it. Only when we are at peace with ourselves we will be reconciled with what is outside of us. How many of us really be willing to make this transition? How much: 15 lei; 7.5 lei for students and pensioners Contacts & Links: 14

Art & Culture Idiotul What: a theatre play based on the famous book by Dostoievski When: 22 January 2013, 19:00 Where: National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca Description: Prince Myshkin, the main character of the novel by F M Dostoievsky, epileptic, was kept away by disease for years from his motherland Russia. When he gets back from a hospital in Switzerland, he finally renews life with a bright new consciousness of the world around him. As a sort of experiment, Dostoievsky send this man, innocent and „pure“, who believes that „beauty will save the world“ back to Russia which is unhappy, desperate and unsure of their own destiny. The experiment failed, as human beings are not able to see anything outside of their own world, trapped in their own mediocrity. Explore the encounter between Myshkin, a naive outsider, with a world that does not want to be saved. How much: 40 lei, 30 lei, 25 lei, 15 lei, 10 lei; 7.5 lei – discount for students and pensioners Contacts & Links: 15

African Faces What: photo exhibition from the African motorcycle tour When: until 17 January 2013 Where: Cărturești Cluj-Napoca, Iulius Mall Description: In June 2011, architects Ionut Florea and Ana Hogaş took a career break in order to go to Africa. They traveled alone with a motorcycle and a tent for 420 days, for 55,000 kilometers and tomore than 20 countries: Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Kinshasa), Zambia, Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt. During this journey they made pictures of everything they met, and Carturesti host some of the best portraits of the two adventurers. How much: free entrance Contacts & Links: For 2013, the couple plan a new expedition, this time in South America, on two motorcycles. Their story can be read from the beginning and watched at 16

Art & Culture Workshop on Musical Communication When: every Monday, 19:00 Where: Fabrica de Pensule, Strada Henri Barbusse 59-61 Description: Music is beyond the individual creative act, a communication language. Other than verbal communication, communication operates under the principle of harmony in music. Any of those who sing together in harmony have an impact on the whole group. In the workshops on musical communication the trainers approach this phenomenon from multiple sides of musical collective, which is something specifically human. They will provide all sorts of tools, known or unknown, modern or ancient. How much: 10 RON is the contribution for rent, and donations for trainers are welcomed, regardless of the amount. Contacts & Links:


Getting Your Voice Heard What: training When: 6 - 10 March 2013 Who: National Agency of Norway For whom: Teams of 2-3 young people (age 16-20) and a youth worker/leader interested and willing to develop international youth democracy projects Where: Oslo, Norway How much: All costs except participation fee will be covered by National Agency of Norway Deadline & Application: Deadline for application is 25 January 2013, you can fill in and send the application via training/getting-your-voice-heard-ii.3216/ Description: The training will be based on the participants‘ previous experience, competence, needs and motivation. Through group work, brainstorming, simulation, games, debates and discussions, the participants will develop projects and prepare applications for grants from Youth in Action. Contacts & Links: For more information about training, reimbursement and possible participation fee, contact with Romanian National Agency: Irina Giulescu, e-mail: irina.giulescu@anpcdefp. ro or with National Agency of Norway: katrine.daviknes@bufdir. 18

Social EVS in Germany What: European Voluntary Service in Germany When: 6 May 2013 - 5 May 2014 Who: Coordinating organisation is Steinbeis Innovation Centre European Projects and host organisation is Heil- und Erziehungsinstitut Sonnenhalde For whom: Young people aged 18-30 who are willing to work with handicapped people (Basic German is recommended) Where: Görwihl, Germany How much: 10% of travel expenses, everything else is covered by European Commission Deadline & Application: For applying send your CV and projectrelated motivation letter to Description: The Curative Education Institute Sonnenhalde in Görwihl is an institution for children and young people in need of special care of the soul. It accommodates children and young people from the age of 6, who are mentally or psychologically handicapped (e.g. Autism, conspicious behaviour, multiple handicapped). Volunteers get the opportunity to contribute – under guidance of staff members – to the support and leisure time program of the orthopaedagogical institute Sonnenhalde. Contacts & Links: aspx?Vacancy=steinbeis-evs-sonnenhalde; about host organisation: 19

Non-Discrimination in United Europe What: a “Youth in Action” training course When: 14 - 21 April 2013 Who: IDA Network, sending organization in Romania – Support for Youth Development Association For whom: youth workers and youth leaders Where: Bulgaria Description: The project aims at increasing the political and civil involvement of young people, integration of minorities and majority, utilization of new instruments for opposing racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, increase of the knowledge about the significance and the benefits from the inclusion, encouragement of the embracement of minorities in the community‘s economic, social and political life. Contacts & Links: Marius Berescu, tel. 0728860568, e-mail:


Social Natural Alternative to Antibiotics What: Conference When: 17 January 2013, 18.00 Who: A.D.A.M. Cluj For whom: For everybody Where: Biblioteca Judeţean Octavian Goga, 4th floor How much: Entrance fee is 2 lei Description: ADAM Cluj invites you to an informative session „Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics“ sustained by the doctor Oana Corfariu . You’ll get answers for questions like: Are there natural alternatives to antibiotics? Are they as effective as traditional antibiotics? When and how we can we use these? At what age we can use these? For what conditions? All these issues will be discussed more fully in the seminar „Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics“, trying to give you a guide for successful treatment of various diseases! Contacts & Links: More information about event is available here:


Volunteering in Uganda When: 20 May – 2 August 2013 Who: MILECHILD (MILE =Safaris/Tours +Internship/Volunteerism, CHILD= underprivileged children) For whom: people more than 18 years old, who are interested in environmental issues and Ugandan culture Where: Masaka, Uganda Application: deadline for applying is 1 May 2013 Description: EcoVillage Uganda‘s mission is to promote knowledge and training on environmental conservation and sustainable development for rural communities. The aim is to blend environmentally friendly solutions with traditional farming techniques as practiced by farmers on their families‘ land. In order to ensure it, the association is working with indigenous communities throughout Uganda. Volunteers get to understand the environmental issues Uganda has been undergoing in the last years, and to live an enchanting experience in a traditional Ugandan village. Contacts & Links: contact person: Giulia Bondesan, for more information you can write to; http://www.


Environment Be in Nature, Like It, Love It, Protect It What: EVS in Bulgaria about ecological education by doing outdoor activities in the nature When: 7 July - 12 December 2013 Who: Active Ideas Bulgaria For whom: young people from 18 30 years Where: Haskovo, Bulgaria Deadline: 2 February 2013 Description: The aim is ecological education, by doing outdoor activities in the nature The main tasks of the volunteer are to develop leisure time activities for young people in Haskovo: yy Hiking in the mountains, camping, caving... yy Scouts movement. yy Take care about the nature. yy Clean the forest. yy Plant trees. yy Ecological Workshops for art recycling. Contacts & Links: You can find project info and application form on 23

EVS Artist Coach with Theater Circus and Dance What: European Voluntary Service in Luxembourg When: 1 June 2013 - 30 May 2014 For whom: For young people in age 18-30 years Where: Bertrange, Luxembourg Deadline: 1 February 2013 Description: The role of EVS volunteers in the organisation: Assisting the educators in supervising people with disabilities - Active participation in group life (12 artists with disabilities) and participation during the activities in the sheltered workshop: helping to dress, kitchen activities, cleaning ; Participation in arts activities: warmup, design and drawings, performing training, games, dance, circus techniques, discussions, readings, visit of museums and theatre performances etc. Contacts & Links: Contact person: Claude Englebert , Organisation: Ligue HMC collectif DADOFONIC aspx?Vacancy=evs---artistcoach-with-theater-circus-anddance 24

Sport & Outdoor Working with Children at Nakuru Children Center What: European Voluntary Service in Africa When: 5 February - 30 March 2013 Who: Coordinating organisation: Tropics International Volunteering program For whom: For young people in age 18-30 years Where: Ritt Valley County, Kenya Deadline: 30 January 2013 Description: Tasks of the volunteer in the project: Environmental conservation, teaching children, construction of new projects, organizing a mock Olympic games with the children, cooking local food, painting, cross-cultural exchange, expedition to the local mountains, etc. Contacts & Links: Contact person: Jeremy Mirie, aspx?Vacancy=working-with-childre-at-cheppema-center


New Media and Sport Adventure What: European Voluntary Service When: 1 June - 31 December 2013 For whom: For young people from 18-30 years Where: Vrontados, Greece Deadline: 18 January 2013 Description: The „Media and Sport Adventure” project focus is on the creation of Cultural and Educational “New Technologies” projects, like Web pages, DVD’s, and Videos, offering to young people who live in Chios Island and to the Europeans information about many subjects.The European volunteer, under the guidance and help of TES’s people, will work together with our youngsters, and help them to get in touch with the European Dimension & New Technologies and to inform them about how to reach new possibilities in the field of Education, Employment, Sport, Entertainment, etc. Contacts & Links: Contact person: Psoras Dimitrios, Organisation: Experimental Technology Education Sports aspx?Vacancy=new-media-and-sport-adventure


Sport & Outdoor 3D Technology Education Sports What: European Voluntary Service in Greece When: 1 July 2013 - 30 May 2014 For whom: For young people from 18-30 years Where: Vrontados, Greece Deadline: 18 January 2013 Description: The „3D - Technology Education Sports” project focus on New Technologies and is taking part in Chios Island. The European volunteers, under the guidance and help of TES’s people, will work together and they will search for new possibilities in the field of New Technologies, Education, Sorts, Entertainment, etc.They will help the young people in Chios Island to open new horizons. It is really important for the youngsters who live in a place like Vrontados, to have information about the opportunities they have, to open discussions about this and help them. Contacts & Links: Contact person: Psoras Dimitrios, Organisation: Experimental Technology Education Sports


Grant Proposal Writing What: Training module When: 21 - 23 January 2013 For whom: Youth workers, Project Coordinators, Volunteers, NGO members, Members of informal groups of young people, Representatives of public institutions directly involved in working with young people Where: Alba County Volunteer Center, Alba-Iulia Deadline: 17 January 2013 Application: Description: At the end of this training, participants will be able to develop, plan and write eligible projects under the Youth in Action; use structure / format online request funding specific to the Youth in Action; use the non-formal and informal Youth in Action program for initiating specific activities, respecting European values promoted by this program. Contacts & Links: Rozalia Timar, email:, telephone: 0744165456


Education Workshop on Motivation When: 19 January 2013, 10.00 - 13.00 Where: Bucharest, Calea 13 September, 71, bl.69, sc.A, 2nd floor, ap. 5 Description: During the course you will make exercises on effective personal and professional satisfaction. Learn to self-motivate, be persistent and constantly achieve your goals. Realize what you made you delay and prevent the achievement of your targets and learn how to counteract them. The course is interactive, it will discuss personal issues. Participants will receive materials with useful information and practical exercises will be done to overcome the difficulties. At the end of the course participation certificates will be issued and certificates of practical workshops for students of psychology (for up to 10 h). The trainer is Elena Cozma, psychologist-psychotherapist with the right of free practice. How much: 70 Euro/person. Can be paid directly at the course. People who have attended courses before will only pay 50 lei. Application: Send an email to contact@cabinetdepsihoterapie. ro to the topic: „Course Registration motivation.“ Add a name no. phone. You will receive confirmation of registration. Contacts & Links: 0733.558.031,, 29

Youth Exchange in Bosnia and Herzegovina Who: Team for Youth Association, Baia Mare When: 13 - 24 March 2013 Where: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Description: The project theme is „EuFuTour - Reading Street as promotions of the common messages and Intercultural Europe�. Participants must be between 18 and 25 years, know English and have a valid passport. Romanian team will consist of 6 participants, one of whom will be the leader (above 25 years). How much: Like all youth exchanges, 70% of transport costs and 100% of the costs of accommodation and meals are provided by the organizers. Deadline & Application: Those interested in more details are requested to send an email to, until 15 February 2013. Contacts & Links:, tel. 004 0751 105 501


Others EVS in Ukraine Who: ACT Association (RO) and Civic organization Alliance (UKR) Where: Donetsk, Ukraine When: 1 March – 1 October 2013 For whom: 1 Romanian youngster (18 – 30 years), with basic knowledge of English, willing to live in Donetsk Region Description: There will be 12 volunteers from different countries in this 7 months project. The project aims both towards volunteer social and personal development, providing with opportunities for intercultural learning, new skills and abilities development, multilinguism and European Awareness.The volunteers will be charged with designing, organizing, and implementing, in conjunction with local counterparts and youngsters from their hosting communities, a variety of activities: sports and environmental activities, group games, thematic workshops, youth camps, walks , visits, music and dance, cultural awareness and learning activities, etc. Deadline and Application: send your application (CV in and Motivation letter) to until 25 January 2013. Results will be made public in 28 January 2013. How much: all the costs (accommodation, food allowance, local transport , language courses, 80 EUR/month pocket money) and 90 % of travel costs will be covered by the project. Contacts and links:,, 31

Internship in CRPE What: Part time internship When: 1 February - 30 April 2013 For whom: Students or graduate/postgraduate students of European studies, international relations, political science, communication and journalism or with an interest in European policies; How much: Unpaid Deadline & Application: Send the application file with European format CV and a cover letter with subject “project research� to until 27 January 2013 Description: duties of the internship: implementation of European policies researches to be published by the end of the internship, research assistance, online platforms update, translation and editing, update databases, coordination / assistance in organizing events, involvement in administrative activities. Contacts & Links:


Others BEST (Better EVS Skills and Techniques) RELOADED What: a “Youth in Action” partnership building activity When: 11 - 16 March 2013 Who: TREX EVS Association, sending organization in Romania – Support for Youth Development Association For whom: youth workers and youth leaders who are working on European Voluntary Service or have plans to be involved in EVS projects Where: Izmir, Turkey Description: The project’s aim is to make known the history, timeline and future of EVS. Also, its objectives are to create new partnership and projects about volunteerism and mobility. Contacts & Links: Marius Berescu, tel. 0728860568, e-mail:


CV – Curriculum Voluntarius What: a “Youth in Action” training course When: 17 – 23 March 2013 Who: Centre E8, sending organization in Romania – Support for Youth Development Association For whom: youth workers and youth activists Where: Belgrade, Serbia Description: The training will bring together participants from Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Greece to explore diverse ways of engaging youth in volunteering activities on grass root level. The participants will have a space to share their experience and know-how and will also be provided with various tools and techniques that can help them motivate young people to be active volunteers in their local communities. Contacts & Links: Marius Berescu, tel. 0728860568, e-mail:


Others Elements of Formation and Functioning of an NGO What: Training module When: 24 - 26 January 2013 For whom: Youth workers, Project Coordinators, Volunteers, NGO members, Members of informal groups of young people, Representatives of public institutions directly involved in working with young people, One of young people who want to get involved in projects and to establish a NGO Where: Craiova How much: No participation fee Deadline: 18 January 2013 Application: Description: At the end of this training, participants will be familiar with the legal context for the scope and steps to setting up an NGO, will be able to develop organizational structure related to an NGO, will acquire basic knowledge and skills of organizational management, will be familiar with the various funding opportunities (Youth in Action Programme, etc.). Contacts & Links: Adina Marina Calafateanu, email:, telefon: 0741075409


Christmas Workshop On 14th of December 2012 we celebrated the 3 years since “Support for Youth Development” Association was founded. In the first part of the evening we held a workshop. We started with a sweet surprise: a presentation about how to make nice and tasty Gingerbread houses. During the evening we collectively ate the house until its fundaments. We presented Latvian, Estonian and Austrian Christmas traditions, followed by challenging snowflake making (some of the participants even managed to make 3D snowflake!). It was great that the people were so excited about the snowflakes making, so many different models were made and we could see a joy in everyone’s eyes when they discovered that the snowflake looks great and is unique. Then we did some international Christmas carolling, by singing at the same time “Oh, Christmas tree” and “Jingle bells” in Estonian, Latvian and German. Maybe somebody would say that it sounded like a “Cats‘ concert” but we had a lot of fun. The whole event was very christmassy as before we managed to decorate the office with a little Christmas tree, lights and other decorations. Read more about our activities on the blog of the project: 36

Activities of Youth 4 Community

making a challenging 3D snowflake

singing Christmas carols Š photos by Janno Soosaar


Activities of Youth 4 Community

Janno giving a speech at S4YD‘s project „Speakers‘ Arena“

Ilinca Toderean: volunteers‘ Romanian teacher and organiser of the Speakers‘ Arena © photos by Stefan Fekete


Links Useful Links to Search for More Opportunities: yy







yy www.voluntarinlume.

yy yy yy yy

yy support4youth/ yy yy

yy yy

yy In4YOUth/370769679679636

monthly brochure with opportunities for young people in Cluj-Napoca, Romania Made by: EVS volunteers (Youth 4 Community project) Support for Youth Development Association 22 Octavian Petrovici Street, Ap. 1, 400018 Cluj-Napoca Tel. +40-364-43743, blog:


find your opportunity, make it happen

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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