Hannah Hartwell Component 2 IAD

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Component 2

Design Brief

I have decided to make my project on an old building next to Hornchurch Library. On the site there is a building which was used as a telephone exchange and now looks outdated. I specifically chose this area as it is in the centre of Hornchurch and is already surrounded by new developments. That is why I have decided on building a museum based on the history of Hornchurch . It will have separate spaces based on different time periods along with a small café and gift shop. The theme for the project is simple and complex and I have specifically been inspired by Viking knots and knots in general.

I would like my buildings/space to be:

Accessible to everyone

To make it functionally and aesthetically pleasing

Educate young people on Hornchurch's history

I would like my museum to have:

A small café area

Separate spaces for different time periods

An small theatre like area for educational talks

An outdoor area

Hornchurch Telephone Exchange

Hornchurch telephone exchange was open in 1985 and is still in use as a broad band and cable provider for people in the local area.

The building has classicarchitecture from this time the red brick and white.

framing. The main part of the building is spread over 3 floors. The building is surrounded by Hornchurch Library, Fire station and Queens Theatre. There are also a couple of new builds, which are apartment blocks

Primary Research of Site


Hornchurch Library is to the next of the site

Exterior consists of 3 main colours: red, blue and grey

Celtic knots

I firstly decided to use Celtic knots as my inspiration for the project from the theme simple and complex as at first the knot can look very complex but when looking closer they follow a simple repeated pattern.

Celtic knots found in architecture

Celtic knots are believed to symbolize the interconnectedness of life and eternity, though specific types of patterns and knots do have unique meanings.


Instead of just focusing on Celtic knots I have decided to research knots in general to give me more ideas and inspiration

A knot is defined as being one continuous piece of cord with no end that loops around itself

Secondary Research of Museums

Hiroshi Senju Museum Karuizawa

This museum is very light and airy due to all the natural light allowed in and also due to the high ceilings. This also gives an larger area for the art to be displayed on the walls.

Hongkun Museum of Fine Arts

This museums creates one pathway through it to make people walk the whole way through using the archways

Idea 1

I created this model by using one piece of wire and bending it and securing it with zip ties. I did this with no prior idea of the shape to create a shape that is random.

I like this unplanned shape as I can vision how it creates the basic shape of a building without having to make may changes for the first idea.

Farming Kindergarten

This building uses a knot as a plan view to create a building with different levels. It also creates a large green space in the middle of the building.

Idea 2

I have developed two ways of using this form to create a building one is making the building curve and flow with the shape of the building and the other using it as a structure that surrounds amore rectangular building.

Ron Arad Museum

This building uses the same idea of a frame wrapping around the building. However unlike my idea it is a lot more flowy and covers the whole building from the side.

I used the same shape from above but have weaved in a piece of purple wire to create a more complex form.

Idea 3

I used lots of strips of card only glued together at the end to create this flowing form that follow the shape of the wire structure underneath.

The inner building uses this shape made of rectangles to use the most of the space while still allowing the piece to go through the centre of the building.

I used the spaces left to create windows and doorways this allows the rest of the building to flow around these areas. This also helped me determine the scale of my building making it only one floor

Different material

I followed the same idea from my model above using a wire frame once again but instead of using card I used crinoline

With this model I like how the piece of the structure that cuts diagonally across the centre twists around itself making it more interesting. I also made the structure underneath curve with the shape of the building and dip under the twisted form so can uses as much space as possible.

Putting a second door allows the interior to flow around. From my earlier museum research, I have found this to be important as it makes people walk around the whole building and see all of it

The building will only have one floor allowing it to be 6m tall at its heights point allowing taller displays and an airier open feel

Further development

To make it so the exterior has no harsh changes from a flowing form to straight glass panels and door ways I have changes them to a flap is cut that curves into the building

As I have no longer got the windows on the vertical face I have made a sky light so some natural light still enters the building.

The change in doorways have made me change how the form of the building works as before it was just one form I have now split it into to separate pieces.

National Museum of Qatar

In the gift shop area this museum it is one long thin corridor like area this forces people to look at all the things on sale increasing the chance of purchase

The curves also make people more intrigued and want to know what is round the other side creating interest

Interior design

For the gift shop area, I have created different types of shelving following the same concept of knots.

Interior decor

Floor tiles

Have some specs of colour to differentiate from walls.

White walls

Create an airier feel

The main museum area is formed of large display cabinets in the middle used for educational talks and different types of shelves and display pieces and text surrounding the walls

LED lights

Used in display cabinets to increase interest

White acrylic For shelving in gift shop area

Hoogheemraadschap Van Delfland

This outdoor area sits in a courtyard space surrounded by other buildings. It uses this space to create an interesting area that links buildings together through multiple pathways

Site layout idea 1

From my research I like the idea of creating pathways through using raised plant beds. However, to make it fit in better with my building I have made them curve around the shape of my building

I also like the benches as they make the outdoor space more usable

Penda highlights global water crisis with meadow pathway installation

In this outdoor area they use lots of different heights to make the area more interesting. The height of the grass areas is also a lot higher blocking people from seeing over them

Site layout idea 2

Creating different levels and increasing vertical heights allows to block of certain areas like the main road that runs along the left side of the site

The pathways will be madeways will be made from wooden slates and will curve with the pathways

Angling the building makes it so it is not directly facing onto the road and also makes better use of the space to create pathways

Final design

These are the final design concept drawings which my final model will copy. I like how the model and site layout flow together making an interesting museum for people to visit.

The façade of the building will follow the same colours as Hornchurch library as they are next to each other

Final model

I am very happy with my final model I made everything by hand, I used trees and people to help represent the scale of the building. I have made sure my building fits well with my brief and specification by having a gift shop, educational talks area and is accessible.

Sketch up of structure under façade

Elevation views

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