CWCC Portfolio 4

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Bespoken Advice for doing business in Hong Kong and China Free advisory on how to set up a company in Hong Kong and China

20% discount for NEW CLIENTS from 1 Jan 2015 to 31 Dec 2015 - Incorporation of Hong Kong Limited Company - Accounting, payroll, statutory audit and taxation services in HK

CWCC is a licensed CPA (Certified Public Accountants) firm established in Hong Kong in 1986. We are also one of the first foreign CPA firms to establish a mainland office in 1994. Today, we have a network of offices in China wholly owned by CWCC including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanchang and Macau. In view of the increasing trade between Spain, Latin America and China, we set up a Latin American and Spanish Business Advisory Department (Latin Department) in 2006 exclusively for Spanish speaking clients. Promotion valid until 31 December 2015

Contact: Thomas Wong Tel: +852 2157 8364 . .

Year of the Goat


CWCC Latin Department Certified Public Accountants



NON-CPA Not conversant with current accounting standards and taxation requirements

Eligible to represent any individual before the IRS and audit support

Working with layers of agents acting as intermediaries for a pool of qualified CPAs

Able to offer customized, strategic and proactive advice and services to their clients

Signing off on books without doing the proper checks

Personalized experience to their clients: Knowledge of both financial and operational aspects



Unlicensed firms: Management of their clients without verifying the information Often miss-do audits, prompting their clients to eventually go back to certified accountants

CPA Certified Public Accountants Subscribe to our Newsletter Connexo


A partner operating a transparent Providing all the necessary services in one Being a great help for foreign investors A CPA knows your specific needs

Hong Kong Epicentro de los negocios internacionales Reconocido como uno de los centros financieros más importantes a nivel mundial, con sencillo cumplimiento fiscal, gozando de excelente ubicación y siendo la puerta del comercio entre China y el resto del mundo. Entre estas y muchas más razones Hong Kong es la mejor plataforma para hacer negocios. En CWCC llevamos 29 años acompañando a empresarios e inversionistas del mundo entero en la concepción, implementación y operación de sus proyectos de negocio en y con China. Somos una firma China que cuenta con una Unidad especializada en América Latina y España (Latin Department). Nuestro Departamento Latino se centra en servir a empresarios latinoamericanos y españoles estableciendo sus operaciones en Hong Kong y China, apoyándolos en todo su desarrollo.

Hong Kong ocupa el 2 de los 10 mejores lugares de negocios en el mundo GRUPO DE NEGOCIOS DEL BANCO MUNDIAL 2014

¿Por qué CWCC? - Única firma de contadores públicos certificados (CPA) en Hong Kong con una unidad de asesoría empresarial específicamente para negocios hispanos, brasileños e italianos. - Extensa red de contactos para facilitar su gestión comercial y empresarial - Diez profesionales, hispanohablantes nativos y chinos con un excelente dominio del español. - Amplia gama de servicios: Apertura de empresas en China y Hong Kong, Secretario Corporativo, Apertura Bancaria, Contabilidad y Servicios Fiscales. Contact: Suscríbase a nuestra Newsletter Connexo

Hong Kong Epicentro dei commerci internazionali Riconosciuto come uno dei centri finanziari piu' importanti a livello mondiale, con un semplice sistema fiscale, godendo di una posizione stategica Hong Kong e' la porta del commercio tra la Cina e il resto del mondo. Oltre a queste e molte altre ragioni, Hong Kong e' la piattaforma migliore per fare business. Per 29 anni, CWCC ha aiutato impresari e investitori globalmente nella creazione, svilippo e crescita dei loro progetti commerciali in e con la Cina. Siamo uno studio commercialista che include un dipartimento specializzato in Sud America, Spagna e Italia (Latin Department). Il nostro Latin Deparment si focalizza nel servire impresari sudamericani, spagnoli e italiani a stabilire le loro operazioni a Hong Kong e in Cina, supportandoli per tutto il processo.

Hong Kong si e' classificata 2° posto al mondo per facilita' di fare business WORLD BANK GROUP'S DOING BUSINESS 2014

Perche CWCC? - Unico studio commercialista (Certified Public Accountants CPA) in Hong Kong con una unita' di revisione contabile specificatamente sviluppata per il commercio spagnolo, brasiliano e italiano. - Estesa rete di contatti per facilitare la gestione commerciale e aziendale. - Dieci professionisti, nativi spagnoli, cinesi e italiani con una eccelente conoscenza dello spagnolo - Ampia gamma di servizi: Apertura di imprese in Cina e a Hong Kong,Servizi di Segretariato d'impresa, Apertura Conto Corrente, Mantenimento Libri Contabili e Servizi Fiscali. Contatto: Sottoscivi alla nostra Newsletter Connexo

Hong Kong International Business Hub Recognized as one of the most important global financial centers, with a simple taxation system and a strategic position, Hong Kong is the gateway to China and the rest of the world. These and other reasons make Hong Kong the best platform to do business. For more than 29 years, CWCC has been assisting overseas entrepreneurs and investors in the set-up, development and growth of their business projects in and with China. We are a Certified Public Accountants (CPA) firm with a department specialized in Latin America, Spain and Italy (Latin Department). Our Latin Department focuses on offering services to Latin American, Spanish and Italian businessmen to establish operations in Hong Kong and Mainland China, assisting them throughout the whole process. Why CWCC? - Extended network of contacts to simplify the business management. - A strong team of 180 professionals with 10 native Spanish, Portuguese and Italian speakers. - Broad range of services: Incorporation of companies in China and Hong Kong, Company Secretary, Bank Account Opening, Bookkeeping and Taxation Services.

Hong Kong ranked 2nd of the 10 most business-friendly places in the world WORLD BANK GROUP´S DOING BUSINESS 2014 Contact: Subscribe to our Newsletter Connexo

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