NaJuWo2012 Invitation

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NaJuWo2012 - Invitation JB Germany proudly presents the invitation NaJuWo 2012. In this invitation you’ll find the first relevant information such as who can attend, where to go to and an introduction to the staff. Of course further information will follow but for now this should be enough. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us ( We are doing our best to solve all problems and answer any questions. Here we go! W hat is the NaJuW o? First of all, NaJuWo stands for National JB Weekend, which in reality it is not anymore but at some point became international. For many years now, the NaJuWo is a weekend on which participants from all over work on a specific topic and we always try to include it in the four content areas of CISV as a whole.

W ho is invited? All Juniors aged 15 to 25 years in their hearts. So go ahead and invite all your friends who you once met in your local JB, in camps or elsewhere. You can also invite people who are not part of CISV, yet and we will try to accommodate them as well. W hen? Friday, November 30th until Sunday, December 2nd. Check-In time on Friday is from 11am till 1pm which means this event starts earlier than normal. This has several reasons, the most important one is that a weekend that starts in the evening on Friday does not leave a lot of time for working on the content. So please be there on Friday noonish. We will arrange a snack during arrivals. If you already want to arrive on Thursday because it is more convenient for you, please let us now and we will try to arrange a place to stay for the night. Departure on Sunday will be at 12o’clock. W here? CISV House, Sarenweg 12-14, Hamburg, Germany Costs? 35! for National JB’ers. 15! for international Guests. W hat is this year’s topic? 2013 CISV as an organization will focus on its content area Human Rights. Like last year we will forestall this topic. Since it is a very wide-ranged topic we chose to put our main focus on Positive Discrimination. Again we will invite a guest speaker who can give us professional input on the theme. More information on this will follow in Info Pack #1.


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