TRON KIRK: 12 Closes EXHIBITION Fleshmarket Close: Market life Exhibition Han Sumardi Ng . 40219378
tron KIRK’s 12 closes exhibition Abstract: Tron Kirk 12 Closes Exhibition: Fleshmarket is a proposal for an exhibition which explore the theme of market life in relation to interpretation of the Fleshmarket close (one of the selected 12 of 12 closes project) Project Aim: The exhibition will aim as a media for people to learn the history of fleshmarket close as one of the market space in Edinburgh and its surrounding markets ei: Fruit market, Waverley market) that used to be in the city through interpretation of life story in gaming and multi sensory experiences.
tron KIRK’s 12 closes exhibition Target Audience: The exhibition is targeting people of various age, however due to the nature of the exhibition that included a lot of gaming, It’s specifically aimed for children and teenager (age 5 - 16). Visitor Experience: The design and the element of the exhibits are based on the idea of market space, where people sold their goods from the carts. The whole exhibition is divided into 3 main sections: The history panels, multi sensory experience and the gaming sections. Source: (picture just for display purpose and has no relation with Fleshmarket close)
entrance / exit
Mural wall of old market in edinburgh Cart 1 Semi Transparent Projection Screen
Cart 6
Section 1: Section 1, will emphasis on the visual experience, where images, models, and display will be place.
Cart 6a
Cart 5
Cart 3 Giant Installation
as you walk in the room first you will experience the walk to the market, which is presented through the wall mural of different market.
Cart 2 Section 2:
Cart 4
Section 2, will emphasis on multi sensory experience, through smell and sounds.
Sound wall about conversation in market Section 3:
Floor Plan: The whole exhibition floor plan will emphasis on the journey of different markets.
Section 3, will emphasis on interaction. wether its between people or between people and thing.
entrance / exit
Visitor Flow
Mural wall of old market in edinburgh Cart 1 Semi Transparent Projection Screen
Cart 6
Cart 6a
Cart 5
Cart 3 Giant Installation
Sound wall about conversation in market
Cart 2
Cart 4
The visitor flow of the exhibition site is in U shape (where the flow is leaded by the section and divider. Also for the wayfinding, the cart in each section will be in different colour (colour coded as in screen) However in the section3, the exhibition space is more open, where visitor can walk around to try different games and take photography.
Mural wall of old market in edinburgh
Section 1:
Cart 1 Semi Transparent Projection Screen Cart 6a
ural wall of old market in edinburgh Cart 6
Cart 5
Cart 3
Giant Installation
Cart 2
Cart 4
Cart 1
Sound wall about conversation in market
i Transparent Projection Screen
Section 1 will start with the mural journey of different market in Edinburgh during the past, which include: - Grassmarket, Haymarket, Fruit Market, Fishmarket, and end with Fleshmarket. Cart 1: Cart 1 will give out the information about the Fleshmarket close through digital images and hanging photograph (will be explain in further part)
Cart 6a Cart 3
Cart 2
Cart 2: Cart 2 will give out the information of architecture of Fleshmarket close through scale model and some famous character that can be moved by button Cart 3: Cart 3 will display the scottish coin and also some scale where kid can interact with.
Section 2:
Mural wall of old market in edinburgh Cart 1
Section 2 will be highlighting on the multi sensory experiences
Semi Transparent Projection Screen
Cart 6
Cart 6a Cart 2
Cart 5
Cart 3 Giant Installation
Cart 4: Cart 4 will be the smell cart, where visitor can smell different goods that are sold in market.
Cart 4
Cart 5
Sound wall about conversation in market
Giant Installation
Sound wall about conversation in market
Cart 4
Sound wall: the sound wall will have some conversation of market space which will trigger when someone stands in certain distance.
Section 3:
Mural wall of old market in edinburgh Cart 1
Section 3 will be highlighting on the interaction and gaming
Semi Transparent Projection Screen Cart 6a
Cart 6
Cart 5
Cart 3 Giant Installation
Cart 2
Semi Transparent Projection Screen Cart 4
Sound wall about conversation in market
Cart 5
Cart 6
Cart 6a
Giant Installation
Sound wall about conversation in market
Cart 5: Cart 5 will be the digital games, 4 gaming booth in one cart, allows people to play together. Cart 6: Cart 6 and 6a, will be a Photo Booth cart, where people can dress into 17 century clothing and take photo.
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: SECTION 1 Scoop: The purpose of the wall is to tell the story of different market in Edinburgh through images. Exhibit: The wall will exhibits 5 different digital mural (fleshmarket, fish market, fruitmarket, haymarket, and grass market) Experience: Some character on mural will have slightly movement through animation, to create more sense of busy place.
Visual reference how the mural will look like
Interpretation board: In Edinburgh, once existed different kinds of market, the market system started because people start to think about hygiene in old town, so they create a space where certain goods would be sold as the result there were Fleshmarket, Fishmarket, Haymarket, Grassmarket, and Fruitmarket.
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 1 Scoop: Historical images of Fleshmarket & other market that existed in Edinburgh (Source: Capital collective) Exhibit: There will be 2 main exhibits on the cart: 1. Digital archives of story (scanning press cut from Edinburgh library archive) 2. Printed images that form a timeline (through flipping the card) Experience: Visitor are encourage to flip and touch the screen to see the images of markets in Edinburgh
Visual reference about display on cart
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 1 Index: 1. Drawer, can be pull and inside there is print out article about news in market place 2. Digital archive about image of Fleshmarket close, Waverley market (Source: Capital collective) 3. Interpretation board 4. Printed out photograph of the close
Interpretation board: Remembrance of the market spaces in Edinburgh during the old days. Due to the change of way of life and law, in Edinburgh there is no anymore wet market. Flip along the images to see how its like to be in market during that period of time.
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 2 Scoop: Interactive architectural model of Fleshmarket close, where there will be some button to move certain notable character in the past (relation between place and human) Exhibit: Exhibit will be in form of model (town model) and there will be 4 characters that will move (like in train track) when the button is pressed. Visual reference about display on cart
The characters are: 1. Deacon brodie and the house of clark (gambling house) 2. Fishwife & Peatie Eating house 3. Meat Porter Becles & the cart 4. Little boy and the Plout
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 2 Index: 1. Digital Screen that tell about the characters, and buttons to trigger the movement of each character 2. City miniature, model of flesh market close and it’s surrounding 3. Interpretation board.
g n i k l a W il a r T
Interpretation board: Certain character in the past has strong relation with Fleshmarket, wether its a place where they sold their goods, wether is a place for them to chill, or wether is the place where they are making their living. Press the button to find out the link between the character and the space now!
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 3 Scoop: Cart 3 will be displaying the old Scottish coin, currency that is used in past and as well as the price of the meat during that time (Source: Price of meat in 16’s) Exhibit: The exhibits on this cart will be the Scottish coin display cabinet (exists in National museum of Scotland) and also the scale and miniature of animal (with chip inside, so when its put on the scale it’ll know what kind of good being placed on) and then it will tell the price that need to be paid Experience: Visitors (kids) are encourage to use the scale to find out how much will certain meat cost but putting them on the scale
Visual reference about display on cart
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 3 Index: 1. Digital scale with slider to set which year of meat will cost, and the screen will show the price instead of the weight 2. Meat miniature, with chip in each meat so when its put on scale it will tell the price 3. Display of Scottish coins 4. Interpretation board
the butcher
Interpretation board: Meat Scale; Price of the good has been up and down through the period of time, weight the certain meat below to see how the meat cost each year. Coin collection: before the union of Scotland and England, Scotland has it’s own currency and coins,.
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 4 Scoop: A box of scented goods to represent the smell in market, wether its the general unpleasant smell, or the relaxing smells of herbs. Exhibit: there are 3 main sections of the exhibits, •
first, is the herb section that will have about 8 different herbs
Second, the smell of meat product and dairy
Third, the smell of Edinburgh in general ( portfolio/smell-map-edinburgh/)
Experience: The cart will provide smells experience, through opening and closing the jar and lids.
Visual reference about display on cart
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 4 Index: 1. section 1: smell of market: fishy smell, wet market smell, cheese smell, and slaughter house smell 2. Section 2: Meat & diary section: Smell of smoked bacon, black pudding, haggis, and cheese 3. Section 3: contains herb jars: rosemary, coriander, parsley, dill, Thyme, basil, Tarragon, and cinnamon
f f i . . n . S niff S
Interpretation board: Market could be distinct from any other space because of it’s own specific ‘odour’, certain products in the market could either emit nice smell (ei. herbs) or stinky smell (ei. fish). Let’s find out which one smells good and which one stinks!
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: SECTION 2 Scoop: Sound plays an important role to create a market ambience, through conversation or buzzing noise people walking and shouting will bring live the whole market experience in the exhibition Exhibit: The exhibits for this space will be in form of sound scape (sound of market space and all the equipment in the space) Experience: Experience will be encountered when people are walking in certain distance to the censor (as shown in the image on right)
Interpretation board: ‘How can I help ye?’ ‘Twa pound each’! that was the buzzing noise that you could heard in old Scottish market, whole selling and buying transaction, bargaining and chit-chat created a soundscape of market live.
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 5 Scoop: Interactive gaming The purpose of the exhibition space is to be informative and playful through gaming and multiple senses experiences. Exhibits:
Experience: The gaming experience could be personal or group experience, personal as in a visitor trying his/her best to beat the game. And shared experience as they are working together to solve the problem
Interactive gaming there are two different games that can be proposed in the concept: 1. Find the boy with pigeons on his pocket (Where is Waldo game) 2. Meat Porter (style of game like pizza frenzy where people have do deliver the meat to customer)
Game reference on cart
GAMES CART Index: 1. Screen for games (total 4 screens, 2 on each side) 2. Interpretation Board for the game
Interpretation board:
3. Instruction on how to play the game
Meat Porter: Meat Porter Becles could carry 6 sheets in one go, can you beat him in speed and strength in this game? Boy with Bird: Fleshmarket used to be home for ‘plout’ or bird market, and it’s not unusual to see boy with pigeon or two, could you possibly find the boy in the crowd?
FLESHMARKET CLOSE TRON MUSEUM: CART 6 Cart6: Cart 6 is spilt into 2 different cart, first cart is for a prop for photo, and the second one is for costume where people can use it. Experience: Cart 6: Cart 6 and 6a, will be a Photo Booth cart, where people can dress into 17 century clothing and take photo.
Visual reference about display on cart, left: to hang the clothes and props, right: Fruit and veggie cart for photo
1. Left cart, is for a prop for photo, 2. Right cart, is for costume where people can use it.
Interpretation board: Ever wonder how will you look like in 17’s style clothing pushing cart full of fresh veggie? why don't you dress up and pose!
Index: 1. Seating
2. Seating
As the exhibition has more playful theme across the element, there will be an installation in shape of scale where children can play (like jigsaw) but the purpose is to inform people about a market system called barter.
3. Interpretation board
Exhibit: The installation will be in the shape of scale, the installation works like a jigsaw, where visitor need to play in pair. Experience: The experience that visitor gain through this installation is playful experience.
Interpretation board: Scale is a measuring component that tell you exactly how much goods weight, in fair trade, the scale will reach balance when the left and right wing hold the same weight of items.
REFERENCEs: Gemmels, P. (no date) Full text of ‘A short history of the old green markets and of the Waverley market: With appendix, house of lords decision on the market case / by Peter Gemmell’. Available at: shorthistoryofolgemm/shorthistoryofolgemm_djvu.txt (Accessed: 26 April 2016). Gibson, A.J.S. and Smout, T.C. (1994) Prices, food, and wages in Scotland, 1550-1780. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. McLEAN, D. (2013) Lost Edinburgh: Waverley market. Available at: lost-edinburgh-waverley-market-1-2961046 (Accessed: 26 April 2016). ROYAL-MILE.COM ROYAL MILE CLOSES: FLESHMARKET CLOSE (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2016). Scotsman News (2014) Waverley market returns to its roots. Available at: waverley-market-returns-to-its-roots-1-3351127 (Accessed: 26 April 2016).