Books,CD's & DVD's for sale

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Equip Your Life.

Spiritual Warfare Books Spiritual Warfare is real and rampant in our day and our age! Preachers and missionaries have been shoving it under the blankets far too long, and it is time that we deal with the issues at hand. It is time that we look deeper into the lives of people and begin to deal with the real issues of life. Not the leaves on the tree but the root that is feeding the leaves on the tree.What is the roaring lion (Satan) trying to do to our families and churches? It is time that we step into the Spiritual Battle and take our rightful place in Christ and begin to help those people that are hurting deep down inside. Pastor Smith has been dealing with Spiritual Warfare for nearly 20 years. Not by choice, but by the leading of God’s hand. Available to you are the tools that you will need to see lives changed, people set free, and God be glorified!

The Hole Of No Hope

by Tom Sooter Product# TLS001 $10 In this book people can find hope when there seems to be no hope. From this book “The Hole of No Hope,” you will learn to take the unexpected circumstances of life and find how God is truly working all things together for good. The material in this book has helped people all over America to get set free Also In DVD from their helpless and hopeless position Product# in which they were never meant to be. DVD007$10

The Authority of the Believer

by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III Product# MS004 $5 You will be energized in your faith as you discover the authority of the believer, the source of this authority, the giving of this authority, and the purpose and extent of this authority. If ever the enemy would want to hide a truth from the church it would be this one. For as a believer walks in the Spirit, from the position that he has in Christ in harmony with God’s Word, his prayer life becomes no longer a begging session Also In but a weapon for God to use to do great Enhanced damage to the kingdom of darkness. Audio MSA004 $10

We Wrestle Not Volume I & II $15 each by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III In a world that has deep spiritual, mental and physical questions, the answers are available for those who simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. After being set free, the Christian soldier must know the forces that he is fighting. We Wrestle Not II gives the warrior a look into the forces of evil, who they are, where their origin is and how the victory is ultimately won.

Also In Enhanced MSA002 Audio MSA003 $15 each

Product# MS002 Volume 1 Product# MS003 Volume 2

The Battle Is The Lord’s

by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III Product# MS005 $5 In this easy reading book you will read about how to recognize and fight the right enemy.You will be challenged to learn about yourself and how to become familiar with the weapons of our warfare.The armour of God will be presented in a way that you can effectively appropriate your weapons.Too many of God’s children are fighting the wrong battles. Remember those who use “carnal” weapons will die by those weapons.

satan’s M.O.

by Joe C. Murray Product# JM001 $10 Satan is working diligently to destroy churches and families. Joe Murray in his book, satan’s M.O., lays out clearly how satan is destroying homes and churches and gives clear guidance on how to protect your family or church.

What is the roaring lion (Satan) trying to do to our families and churches?

Books & Booklets Preach Beyond Borders by Gilbert Anger Product# GB001 $10 As you read this powerful book, you will have to deal with some vitally important facts.All I ask of you is that you will not turn it off when you come across something that cuts across your philosophical position or across your programmed ideas of what missions are all about and how they are to be managed. If we are going to reach this world in the short time we have left, we must decide to do all we can to “get it right.” This is what Preach Beyond Borders is all about. This 215 page book covers everything from the local churches’ responsibility to its missionaries and the missionaries’ responsibility to its mission field. Pastors, future missionaries, and lay people in the churches will be encouraged and strengthened through this book, Preach Beyond Borders.

Psalms Help for the Hurting Heart by Dr. Anthony Fusco Product# AF001 $3 For many years, I have read the book of Psalms. They have been a help to me in times of trial and joy.This book is not intended to be a commentary. Its purpose is to enable the reader to step back and grasp the large picture that each Psalm presents. The contents of this book are my thoughts for each psalm with some practical application.

Straight Paths Volume 1 & 2 by Pastor Thomas Smith Product# TS001 Product# TS002 $15 each God has given Pastor Thomas Smith the ability to communicate truth through these devotional guides. These devotions are so biblical and so full of truth, that they will build up Christians who are following our Lord Jesus Christ, and at the same time, give milk to the newborn. They will be an encouragement to the person who is heading up a Bible study in his or her home or trying to get their walk with God in line with the paths of God.


1 2 3 4 5 Be Being Filled

Product# JM003 $5 by Joe C. Murray Be Being Filled with the Holy Spirit deals with the importance of living the spirit-filled life and its significance in our daily relationships. It speaks of how one sin can prohibit the Holy Spirit from filling us until that sin is confessed and made right. It shows husbands, wives, parents, teenagers, children, and employees the importance of being spirit-filled in order to be what God would have them to be at home or in the work place.This book places an emphasis on confession and repentence immediately after committing a sin. This is the key to being continually filled with the Spirit.

The Gifts of the Spirit Product# JM002 $5 by Joe C. Murray

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are literally the Lord Jesus Christ living His resurrected life through us. When the Lord was here on earth He did everything Himself. He did all of the preaching, teaching, exhorting, delivering, and healing. Now, however, He has divided His life up among many members, which makes up the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, the New Testament Local Church. Every Christian has at least one of these motivational gifts of the Holy Spirit found in Romans chapter 12. And in order for the church to be impacting and effective we must learn from God’s Word and God’s men what our gift is and how to use it.

The Cause and Cure for Christian Ineffectiveness Product# JM004 $5 by Joe C. Murray

Why is it that Christians are not making the difference in this world? What is the difference from the New Testament Church of the Bible and the churches of today? Why is it that the New Testament Church of the Bible turned the world upside down and the churches of today are not turning the world upside down? We can try and excuse our churches and say it is because it is a different day and age, or we can accept the fact that we have rendered ourselves powerless.The cure for the ineffective Christian is not more money, but more of God’s Holy Spirit Annointing. This booklet will change the effectiveness of any believer that will appropriate the truths.

Help For Hurting Christains

Think It Not Strange

For many years now people have been telling me that we Christians are a hurting people. This is almost the first topic in conversation; there are so many hurting Christians. I agree, the saints are hurting. There are several reasons for this hurting and in this booklet (or chapter) we will see one of the main reasons along with the Biblical solution for that reason. Our study is in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4.

It was about 1977 in a casual conversation with Evangelist Manley Beasley that I learned the difference between being filled with the Holy Spirit and being anointed with the Holy Spirit. In Think It Not Strange you will see one of the reasons that Christians have trials that result in suffering emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. We are taught in 1 Peter 4:14 that “If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you;…”

Product# JM002 $5 by Joe C. Murray

Product# JM004 $5 by Joe C. Murray

Spiritual Warfare DVD’s It’s All In The Head DVD $30 Product# DVD002 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III As we grow in technology in our nation images are being placed everywhere. Billboards are becoming more and more graphic, television shows are becoming more obscene, internet is putting more images into people’s minds like never before. The mind is the battlefield between God and Satan. Strongholds are built up in the mind, images are stored up in the mind, knowledge is kept in the mind, and thoughts are thought up in the mind. So the question is,“What do we do with all of these images or how do we destroy these strongholds in our lives?” Through the wisdom of God and the understanding of our position in Christ, Pastor Marvin E. Smith opens up the Word of God and teaches how to deal with these four areas of our lives.

Do You Have A Earthly Or Heavenly Inheritance DVD Product# DVD003 $10 On this 8 Part DVD series by Joe C. Murray you will find the help that you need to walk in the Spirit day by day. It is here that you will learn to have a holy hate for your sin nature, and how to put Christ on the throne of your heart and take self off the throne. We must give God His rightful place before we can ever live the Spirit-Filled life. These messages were recorded during chapel at the Harvest Baptist Bible College.

Facing & Accepting Adversity No matter who you are and no matter what you are going through you will have adversity. If you do not understand the purpose and the designer of adversity, the adversity will receive the glory instead of the God who created the adversity!These five messages will change your perspective on adversity and the purpose of it!

DVD Product# DVD008 $30

CD Product# CD007 $20

MP3 Product# MP3007 $10

Don’t Give Place To The Roaring Lion DVD Product# DVD004 $10 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III I Peter5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” God has given Pastor Smith much insight on how the roaring lion (Satan) is destroying young people and adults. At Grace Baptist Church in Gaylord, Michigan, during their annual camp meeting, he was given a message that would alter the thinking of himself and many other pastors around America. It is time that we stop giving place to Satan in our lives and begin to take back that which we have already given to him.

The Hole Of No Hope DVD Product# DVD007 $10 by Tom Sooter On this DVD people can find hope when there seems to be no hope. From this DVD The Hole of No Hope, you will learn to take the unexpected circumstances of life and find how God is truly working all things together for good. As you watch this DVD you will be helped just as it has helped people all over America to get set free from their helpless and hopeless position in which they were never meant to be.

Also In Book

Product# TLS001$10

Preparation For Spiritual Warfare DVD Product# DVD005 $10 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III People ask often-times “Why must we prepare for Spiritual Warfare?” “Why do we need to be so alert to what the enemy is doing?” Young people in the world and in our churches are falling into the traps of Satan everyday. Not just tens and twenties, but thousands of young people are falling into the traps everyday. Our young people must be prepared for the Spiritual battle that they are about to face in America. The enemy is coming faster than we can imagine, and we are not ready to face what is coming our way. As Pastor Smith says, “The church is like a person lying on the beach watching the waves roll in, and then begins to look off in the distance and sees the tsunami, but decides to continue to watch the waves.” Churches, we must wake up to this spiritual tsunami and decide today that we are going to prepare our young people for what is ahead of them.

Spiritual Counseling Why We Don’t Counsel DVD $10 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

All across America, we are receiving phone calls from pastors asking for help with problems in their churches. Problems are arising more and more everyday, and Satan has a plan for each ministry.The question that is often raised is “Why Don’t We Counsel?” At Grace Baptist Church in Gaylord, Michigan, during their annual camp meeting, Pastor Smith gave some very cut and dry answers on why we do not counsel. But he also gave many reasons why we should counsel. Pastor Smith has given his life to finding answers to why people are hurting, why people are schizophrenic, why people are cutting themselves, and why people will not forgive. On this DVD Pastor Smith gives Scriptural reasons why every pastor can and should counsel their people.

School of Counseling 2008 Harvest Baptist Bible College has hosted their 2nd annual school of counseling. Pastor Smith covered sessions on The Authority of the Believer, Schizophrenia, Understanding Self-Infliction, and Why Some Don’t Get Free. While others, Bob Buchanan Jr., Mike Absher, Marvin Smith IV, Anthony Fusco, and Alice Smith covered other topics such as: Closing the Doors, It’s All In The Head, Ministering To Depressed Believers, The Battle Is The Lord’s, Restoring Trust in a Broken Marriage, The Hole of No Hope, Depression - A Biblical View, and Overcoming Sexual Sins. This series of teachings will help you as a pastor or a parent with those who are hurting in your life.

School of Counseling 2009 Harvest Baptist Bible College has hosted their Third Annual School of Counseling. Pastor Smith and his staff covered sessions on Adversity University, Cutting & Eating Disorders, Helping People Out of Sexual Sins, How To Make Your Wife A Radiant Woman, It’s All In The Head, Marriage Monsters, Principles To Maintaining Freedom, The Road To Reprobation, Understanding Marital Intimacy, Why Some Do Not Get Set Free, Wisdom For Counseling, and Husbands Respected This series of teachings is recommended for pastors, Sunday school teachers, and Christians interested in helping others.

DVD Product# DVD001 $30

CD Product# CD001 $20

MP3 Product# MP3001 $10

DVD Product# DVD015 $30

CD Product# CD015 $20

MP3 Product# MP3015 $10

Spiritual Warfare Audio

CD Product# CD002 $20 SprirtualWarfare Volume#1

CD Product# CD003 $20 SprirtualWarfare Volume#2

by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

1. What Happens When The Doors Are Shut 2. Warring Against Satanic Schemes 3. The Armor of God and Putting It On 4. The Gates of Hell 5. Four Key Dimensions for Dealing With The Invisible Foe 6. Understanding The Foundation For Warfare Counseling 7. Cleansing Your Home 8. Territorial Spirits 9. The Principles for Maintaining Freedom 10. Experiencing the Power of Crying Out To God 11.We Are not Defenseless

MP3 Product# MP3002


1. Binding and Loosing In Warfare Prayer 2. Lies That Teenagers Believe 3. Lies That Women Believe 4. Lies That Preachers Believe 5. What Are Soul Ties 6. Developing A Warfare Mentality 7. Getting Serious 8. Mind: It’s All In Your Head 9. Emotions:Your Developer Broke 10. Will: Breaking The Habitual Lifestyles

MP3 Product# MP3002

The Authority of the Believer CD Product# CD006 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

One might say,“What right do I have to enter into the throne room of God?” or he/she might say,“What right do I have to command the demons of Satan to stand down?” The believer has been seated together in heavenly places and seated at the right hand of the Father.All Angels and demons are under his power in that position. All authority has been given to the believer that is appropriating his position in Christ. MP3 Product# MP3002



CD Product# CD004 $20 SprirtualWarfare Volume#3 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

1. Helping Men and Women Out of the Bondage of Sexual Sins Part 1 2. Helping Men and Women Out of the Bondage of Sexual Sins Part 2 3. Breaking Generational Curses 4. Spiritual Warfare Praying 5. The Foundation of Schizophrenia 6. Why Don’t We Counsel? 7. Forgiveness: The Key to Freedom 8. Guarding Your Mind To Save Your Heart 9. The Truth About Antidepressants and Antipsychotic Drugs Part 1 10. The Truth About Antidepressants and Antipsychotic Drugs Part 2 11. Would Somebody Tell Me The Truth 12. I Got Set Free

MP3 Product# MP3002


The Battle Is The Lord’s CD Product# CD005 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

Too many times in this life we are fighting battles that do not really matter. In this series, The Battle Is The Lord’s, Pastor Smith breaks down the battle so we can be sure we are fighting the right battle. We are to make sure that we know who our enemy is not, who our enemy is, know our enemie’s devices, know ourselves, and know what our weapons are. If we learned these major areas of life the conflicts we have with people would be minimal. We must learn to fight the right battles! MP3 Product# MP3002


Practical Teachings Message Of The Month Product# CD015 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

Pastor Smith’s Message of the Month is availavle to you! In Recent days we have had many people ask if they could order Pastor’s Best Message. We now make that availale to everyone.

Why We Believe What We Believe Product# CD011 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

“Why do we believe what we believe?” Young people and adults are asking, “Why don’t we listen to rock music, go to the dances, dress immodestly, drink alcohol, and go on dates. Why do we use the King James Version Bible, why are we Independent Fundamental Baptist, and why do we believe that courtship is God’s plan for finding your marriage partner?” These are questions that are being raised and here are the answers to all of those questions. Learn today Why We Believe What We Believe!

MP3 Product# MP3011 $10

Ten Scriptural Convictions Product# CD008 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

In our life it is very important for us to have convictions. In this series Pastor Smith gives ten different convictions that every person could and should live their life by. Some of the convictions are: “God alone Is Sovereign and the Bible Is His Inspired Word and the Final Authority for My Life” “My Marriage Is A Lifelong Commitment To God and My Marriage Partner” and “My Words Must Be In Harmony With God’s Word. God has used these messages for many years now to strengthen families and churches.

MP3 Product# MP3008 $10

True Christian Living Product# CD010 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

What is True Christianity? In these messages Pastor Smith keeps it very simple when it comes to living the true Christian life. Subjects that are covered are: Walking In The Spirit, How To Attract Sinners Like Jesus Did, Dealing With Moral Impurity,The act of Justification, Santification, and Glorification. This series of messages will help keep your heart and mind stayed upon the proper Person while on journey in the Christian life.

MP3 Product# MP3010 $10

How To Have A Spiritual Marriage Product# CD014$20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

Marriages are falling apart all around us and the answer is not found in secular counsellors, but in the Word of God. Spiritual basis must be the foundation for every marriage. These messages teach old and new marriages how to have a right foundation for their marriage.

MP3 Product# MP3014


The Heart issues Product# CD012 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

In this 14 part series of messages by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III on the importance of keeping the heart right, Pastor Smith covers the 12 good hearts versus the 12 bad hearts found in the Bible. Proverbs 4:23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

MP3 Product# MP3012


Ten Products of Prayer Product# CD009 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

Prayer is the one thing that will cause God to release His blessings on our lives. When one begins to pray God leans His ear towards that person and produces different characteristics in the life of that praying individual. Prayer Produces: Power, Brokeness, Faith, A Desire/Burden, Unity, Protection and Deliverance,Wisdom and Insight, Mercy and Grace, Ministry Opportunities, and Holiness. Every characteristic that God wants in the life of His children.

MP3 Product# MP3009


Praying For The Lost Product# CD013 $20 by Pastor Marvin E. Smith III

A Person cannot get saved unless someone has prayed for them. God’s Word gives us an outline on how to pray effectively for the lost. It is your job to pray for your lost loved ones and your friends. But the question that is raised is, “How do I pray effectively for my lost lovedtt one or friend?” Order these CD’s and learn how to effectively pray for the people in your life that are lost

MP3 Product# MP3013


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Harvest Baptist Church P.O. Box 430 614 2nd Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501



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