Fod portfolio1

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Haoting Guan 871900


Foundation of Design: Representation

Selected works - 2017 /University of Melbourne /Bachelor of Design



How to draw a croissant? Module 1


Flatness vs Projection Module 2


Pattern vs Surface Module 3


Frame vs Field Module 4

Personal Details birth nationality

1998 China

Education 2014-2016 2017 - present

Comouter Skills Photoshop illustrator Indesign Rhino

UNSW Foundation course studies in Nanjing Bachelor of Design in University of Melbourne

How to draw a croissant? Firstly, take the pictures of the croissant in top view and elevation. Then, using Photoshop to make the background more clean and neat.

How to measure a Croissant? Firstly, use the tracing paper laying on the 1:1 scale printed croissant pictures. Using the pencil to trace the outline of it. Then trace the cut section, use rule to draw the grid line on the drawings and draw the dots of each intersection point. After that, rotate the section plan at 45 degree and laying on the first trcacing paper. Finally, joining the intersection points to creat the section outline of the croissant.

After cutting the croissant into three small part. Using scanner to scan the section cut and print it out for the next step. The scanning has been proceed by Photoshop, so that the details of the section can be seen clearly. The step of tracing will be much more easier.


Setting tracing paper on the scanning sction part and reconstruction the croissant.g

Flatness vs Projection

The making of new Mario world. During the whole process of module two,my idea is to create a floating island covered by the clouds. First I tracing the oringinal mario world from 2D to 3D, then I use the illustrator to add the colour. The basic colour is not bright because I want to create a sense of mystery. I used darker colour instead of using gradient tool to make the mario world more real and three-dimensional. The original world is too simple, so I added a castle and a swimming pool to make the world more interesting and playful. When I draw the pool I learned from the app game “mounment vally� which give people the sense of visual illusion. To show the island is mario world, I added some classcial mario characteristics. Moreover, I used different colour to emphaise the cloud to make it more colourful.


01 Original Mario World

03 Research

02 Working Process

Inspirational pictures from the internet of iso pictures of Monument Valley and Super Mario

Printed Mario worlds and tracing paper aligned at 45 degrees uing the set square. Lines are projected onto 200 by 200 mm box drawn at the center of the tracing paper and axonometric projection drawn with the set square. T- Square and pencil.


Once completed the drawings and the interation between two worlds and middle space in the mario world is designed, an overlay of A3 tracing paper is placed on top of it and the axonometric drawing of the mario world is traced with 0.05 fineline pen and 0.4 fineline pen for the section cut edges.



The second version of my mario world with more details between the two original worlds. Adding the swimming pool, castle and some characters inside. The background was based on the clouds.

The third verison of my mario world with the main change of my coulds backround. The clouds have been designed more realistic and interesting.


The original design of my mario world with simple detail in the middle and background.


The final version of my mario world has been field with colour in illustrator. The main colour is shaded to make the world more mystery by covering the clouds.


Pattern vs Surface The making of new landscape This is the southwest setting view of my 3d panelling. I used three different scale to attach on my terrain so I can creat a sense of gradient, from the small scale trapezoide to the large one following the direction of diagonal line. This pattern can create the feeling of the movement of the rhythm of the terrain.




original terrain


deleting some of the modules in the terrian to create the rhythm of gradient



lofted surface and paneling grid


three basic modules in three different sclae


using the function of tabs of panelling tool to create the three modules


the finished laser cutting model



using 3D panelling tool follwing the curve attractor to fill the original terrian

using the laser cut template to layout the cutting modules

the process of making model, use double faced tape to glue the tabs

Frame vs Field

Cities & Signs 2: Zirma

Key Light Dark movement Stare

ensure you include your scale bar

Glance 0




Crowds Perspective 9

Perspective 1

The idea of city of Zirma is redundant and confusing. Different people have different views of the city in their mind. My idea is to take the memories of two different groups of people. One scene is to show the memories of travelers and the other view is from the traveling copanions of Marco Polo. The first scene with a blind black man shouting in the crowds, a girl with a puma and a lunatic teetering on a skyscraper’s cornice. These characters give me the feeling of creating a city of dark, evil, full of strangers just like the “gotham city” in Batman world. On the other hand, the characters are fat lady wating for the train, tatto artists on sailors and one drigible floating in the air. These things remind me the life in 19 century, it’s more peaceful than the other side of the scene. That’s why different people have different opinions about one thing.

The view of the scene show the depth and space. The characters in the first scene won’t affect the second perspective scene.

Perspective 2 The space of the view is the digonal opposite side of the quad which gave me the space to create the order and story.

Perspective1 In this view, I want to creat a sense of normal day life in this view so that it can be compared with the second view to have big contrast. I choose the pictures of characters in 18.19 century, so the whole scene won’t be a conflict. The background of the roof is the branch which represent the idea of open space. The background behind the column create a more opening space.

Perspective2 In this scene, I want to ceate a sense of dark and mad city. Which is why I choose to use the joker to replace the lunatic in the story. In this view, there are many wanted poster on the street and the gotham city as the background. Using these elements can create the sense of the city full of crime and madness.


This isometric view from a south east perspective. This view is the basic structure of the old quad. Firstly, using the command of “make 2d� in rhino changing the 3d model into 2d so that the linework can be edited in the illustrator.

This is the isometric view with symbols to illustarte the story and the movement of the characters which is more easily to understand the space.


Reflection 1)In this subject I have learned how to think differently.Exploring key ideas addressed in the lecture and put them into practice using a variety of representation techniques including hand drawing, model making, 2D vector based drawing and 3D modelling using different architectural software. In additon, I also learned how to manage data, information between different software, how to represent spatial information, how to draw and model with care and develop a critical eye. 2) I have learned how to use different digital software to express my ideas, such as Photoshop for processing the pictures of characters or background effect; Illustrator for adding the colour and tracing the pen drawing outline into digital drawings; rhino for making models; indesign for the layout of journal and template. 3) One of the problems during each the module is the time management. At first stage of the module, I seem not very intense for the due, until the last week, madly asking friends and making the module. Also, another problem is that whenever I meet some issues I asked friends instead of the tutors, because it’s more fast. However, my friends usually don’t understand the task well either.


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