Pastor, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Peckville, PA • Diocese of Scranton
hat contributed to your desire to become a priest? I suppose that I, like most young boys in a Catholic parish elementary school, thought about the priesthood at a very early age. However, those thoughts dissipated during my high school years. During my freshman year at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh a priest approached me for the very first time and asked if I ever thought about or considered priesthood. I think that was a pivotal and defining moment in my discernment process. How would you describe your childhood? I have great memories of my childhood. My only sibling, my sister Mia and I were very close. We are only
“The round church-where there’s room for everyone.”
about 18 months apart in age and we are both adopted. I believe that bond made our relationship stronger. (For the record: we are not biological siblings; rather, our relational bloodline is one of love and 22
“My First Christmas”
common respect). We had many mutual friends and as we got older, we actually grew closer throughout our high school and college years. As a child my mother had a particularly loving relationship with her siblings, therefore so many