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Cultivar of the Month: Jack Frost
from Munkey Biz Issue 21
High Happy Munkey Fam and welcome back to “cultivar of the month”! This month’s pick caught me by complete surprise. As a New Yorker, I’m used to smoking cannabis not cultivated, processed, or even packaged in my home state. Whether my cannabis comes from cannabis hotspots like Oregon and California or Maine and Michigan, New Yorkers are known for being the biggest cannabis, not for growing. As a result of being a consumer, I’ve become intrigued with how and where my cannabis is cultivated. That's why when I got my hands on a ½ oz of Jack Frost organically cultivated indoors in Hawaii using traditional Korean farming techniques, I was in heaven!
Jack Frost is a classic hard-hitting cultivar made by crossing White Widow with Northern Lights #5. While I know there is a ton of “ZAZA” out there, sometimes a classic just hits you brand new! I ground up the bright green and orange flower and the pungent sweet smell of lemons and wooded wilderness filled the room. I rolled up a fat joint in a Blazy Susan paper and the ash burned extremely clean, the joint burned extremely slowly, and resin from the flower created an amber ring around the lit joint ember. Each inhale had a clean sweet candy taste, followed up by a smooth lemon pepper exhale. The most important part was that the high was quick and onset throughout my body, making me feel simultaneously more relaxed and focused. After smoking the entire joint I was definitely smacked but with clarity and focus to continue my day that set it apart from a lot of the flowers I have smoked in the past few weeks!
Not sure if it was the cultivation technique, the cultivar itself, or the fact it came from fucking Hawaii! But this Jack Frost proudly earned its spot as "Cultivar Of The Month!"