Doložka MŠMT:
Mgr Ludmila Balíková, Mgr Kateřina Dvořáková, Ph D
• Article a/an
• Imperatives
• Plural nouns
• There is/are
• Classroom objects
• Colours
• The alphabet
• Numbers 1-100
• Subject pronouns
• To be - full & short forms
• Affirmative, negative
• Yes/no and wh-questions
• Possessive adjectives
• Possessive ´ s
• Demonstrative adjectives
• Present simple I, you, we they
• Affirmative, negative
• Yes/no questions, short answers
• Wh-questions
• Present simple he, she, it
• Prepositions of time
• Adverbs of frequency
• To have got - full & short forms
• Affirmative, negative
• Yes/no questions, short answers
• Wh-questions
• 3rd person singular
• Positions of adjectives
• Family members
• Days of the week
• Months of the year
• Seasons of the year
• Countries and cities
• Time
• Daily routines • Verbs have a shower, do homework …
• Free time activities play football, watch TV…
• School subjects
• Objects of everyday use
• Animals and pets
• Adjectives and their opposites
• Games
• Prepositions of place
• There is/isn´t/are/aren´ t
• Questions with Is/Are there…?
• Short answers
• Can/can´t for skills and abilities
• Questions with Can…?
• Short answers
• Furniture
• Things in the bedroom
• Rooms
• Typical equipment in other rooms
• Buildings and places in a town
• Sports and hobbies
• Musical instruments
• Saying hello • Greetings
• Introducing oneself • How are you?
• What´s this?
• Giving instructions • Sit down! Stand up!
• Classroom English • Pardon?
• What´s your favourite colour?
• Describing a room • Names and titles
• Making an interview
• Are you from Spain? • No, I´ m not.
• How old are you? • When is your birthday?
• Giving personal information
• Introducing a family
• Talking about days, months, seasons
• Introducing a home country
• Telling the time
• a.m. • p.m.
• What time is it? It´s 5 o´clock.
• Describing one´s typical day
• Asking about one´s day
• When do you get up?
• Asking about one´s habits
• How often do you ride a bike?
• Reading for comprehension
• Reading for comprehension
• Describing a school • School facilities
• Comparing two planets
• Correcting sentences
• Finding differences in the pictures
• Using a dictionary
• Playing a game
• Game´Hangman´
• Game ´10´
• Game Fizz Buzz
• Pronunciation • Short and long vowels
• Tongue twister
• Phonetic symbols
• Vocabulary list
• Guessing game ´A famous person´
• Interview with a famous person
• Memory game
• Poem ´My seven days of the week´
• Pronunciation • Word stress
• Vocabulary list
• General knowledge quiz
• Classroom survey
• Pronunciation • Ending [s, z] or [ɪz]
• Vocabulary list
• Looking up words
• Describing a bedroom
• Finding differences in the pictures
• Describing a house
• Describing a town
• Verbs that go with sports and hobbies
• Asking about abilities
• Playing a game
• Can you swim?
• A timetable
• Memory game
• Guessing game ´Animals´
• Word search puzzle ´Animals´
• Adventure game ´Find the treasure´
• Pronunciation • Same sound, different spelling
• Vocabulary list
• Game ´Find 5 shifts in the classroom´
• London´s places of interest
• Game ´Bingo´
• Classroom survey
• Final revision
• Vocabulary list
Work with a partner. Point to the people. Ask and answer questions.
□ Who´s this?
■ It´s Billy Rich.
Practise the dialogue.
Hello. I´m Lionel. What´s your name?
6a 1.4
Listen. Complete the dialogue. Then read it with your partner.
□ Lucy, how are you?
■ Hello Billy, I´m fine, thanks. ?
□ , too.
Hi. My name´s Billy.
■ OK. See you later
□ Goodbye.
Make a new dialogue with your partner.
□ H I´ m ´ s ?
■ H . My ´ s .
Walk round the classroom. Introduce yourself to five classmates.
4 1.3
Listen and repeat.
Good afternoon. Bye. Hello.
See you. Good evening. Goodbye.
See you later. Good night. Hi. Good morning.
Put the greetings from exercise 4 into the correct column. 5
Meeting someone Leaving someone
Make two new dialogues with your classmates. b
See you later!
Tip! Write new words and phrases in your vocabulary exercise book. Make three columns:
English word Phonetic transcript Czech translation cat kočka [kæt]
See page 15 and learn the phonetic symbols. They help you read words correctly.
Read and listen. Choose the correct answers.
Read and listen.
What´s this?
It´ s a spaceship.
It´ s an alien.
What´s this?
Label the pictures with the words from the box and complete a or an.
apple bag bin board book calculator calendar CD CD player chair clock computer desk door exercise book globe map mobile orange pen pencil pencil case poster pupil rubber ruler sharpener sponge teacher television umbrella window
a bin
Work with a partner. Point to the things around you. Ask and answer questions.
□ What´s this?
■ It´s a pencil.
□ What´s this?
■ It´s an apple.
Grammar Corner
We use a before a consonant. a pen
We use an before a vowel. an orange
Be careful! an hour [aʊǝ]
Read the text.
What to say:
I´m sorry, I don´t have a book.
I´m sorry, I don´t have an exercise book.
I´m sorry, I don´t have a workbook.
I´m sorry, I don´t have homework.
I´m sorry, I can´t hear you.
I´m sorry, I don´t understand.
Can you repeat that, please?
What´s this in English?
How do you say ´kniha´ in English?
What does ´ a guy ´ mean?
A: Thank you.
B: You´re welcome.
Excuse me, can I use the toilet, please?
b How do you say these in your language?
Excuse me, can I stay in bed?
Phil, draw ´a spaceship´ on the board.
I´m sorry, I don´t have a book.
It´s a pen. A book.
It´ s a man.
You´re welcome.
Tip! Learn the phrases on this page and use them normally as everyday expressions in your English lessons.
You will like that and English will be more fun!
Listen and repeat. White Grey Brown Blue Black
2 1.9 a black cat
Read the dialogues with your partner. Then make five new ones. 3
Green Pink Beige
Yellow Orange Red Purple
Listen. What colours do you hear?
□ What colour is the sun?
■ It´s yellow.
□ What colour are your eyes?
■ They are blue.
□ What´s your favourite colour?
■ My favourite colour is pink.
Listen and repeat.
Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
□ How do you spell ´umbrella´?
■ It´s U-M-B-R-E-double L-A. How do you spell ´ orange ´?
□ It´s O-R-A-N-G-E.
Listen and write the words your partner spells for you. 6
Tip! Learn to spell the letters of the alphabet. You will need that in many life situations.
9 1.12
Listen and repeat the numbers.
Listen. Complete the phone numbers.
Billy: 2 __ __ 6 __ __ 8 Lucky: 4 7
Ask and answer the questions with your partner. 10
□ What´s your phone number?
■ It´ s .
□ What´s the number of your house?
■ It´ s .
□ What´s your favourite number?
■ .
Play the game of ´Fizz Buzz´ . Stand in a circle. Start from 1. Say ´Fizz´ for all 4s and ´Buzz´ for all 7s. If you make a mistake or hesitate, you must sit down. Unit 1
Play the game of ´10´. Stand in a circle. Start from number 1. You can say up to three numbers.The person who must say 10 is eliminated. 1-2 3-4-5 6 7-8-9 10 1 2-3-4 Bye!
Listen and repeat.
Grammar Corner
To make plural we normally add –s ending.
One cat, two mice
Singular Plural
a dog two
a mobile three
a cat
Singular Plural two cats
a ball three balls
a pencil three pencils
Grammar Corner
Sometimes we add –s or –es and read the ending [ɪz] for easier pronunciation.
Singular Plural
an orange two oranges
a house two houses
a watch two watches
a glass two glasses
Grammar Corner
Some nouns are irregular.
a child four
a toothbrush five
a match six
a woman seven
a table eight
a box nine
an apple ten
Say how many things there are around you in the classroom. 3
There is one board.
There are three windows.
There are twenty people.
4 1.14
Listen. Billy and Lucy speak about their classrooms. Complete the chart.
1. Billy 2. Lucy
22 14 13
a man
Singular Plural two men
a woman two women
a person three people
a mouse two mice
Describe the picture.
There is a board. There are four chairs.
There are two mice! Yum Yum!
Read the pronunciation corner.
Short and long vowels
Match the words
box to
correct sound.
Learn the tongue twister. Say it three times quickly.
Yellow lorry
Red lorry
Read and listen.
Hello. My full name is Victor Hercule Frankenstein.
Hello, Mr Frankenstein!
Victor is my first name
Hercule is my middle name
Frankenstein is my surname
People sometimes call me ´Frankey´. It´s my nickname.
Ask and answer the questions with your partner. 2
1. What´s your full name?
2. Do you have a nickname?
Read and listen. 3 1.17
Good morning, Mr Rich. There´s a letter for you.
Good morning, thank you.
Hello, Frankey!
Read and listen to the text. 4 1.18
This is Mr Davis. He´ s our form teacher. At school we call him´Sir´. Mrs Brown is my English teacher. She´s married. Miss Linton is our Music teacher. She´s single. We call them ´Miss´ .
We use titles Mr, Mrs or Miss with surnames. Hello, Mr Andrews. Good morning, Mrs Chapman. Goodbye, Miss Richards.
Good morning, Miss!
æ cat [kæt]
ʌ Sun [sʌn]
ɑ: park [pɑ:k]
e pen [pen]
ɜ: bird [bɜ:d]
ɪ fish [fɪʃ]
і: tea [tі:]
ɒ dog [dɒg]
ɔ: board [bɔ:d]
ʊ book [bʊk]
u: pool [pu:l]
ǝ teacher [tі:ʧǝ]
aɪ fine [faɪn]
aʊ house [haʊs]
eɪ name [neɪm]
ǝʊ go [gǝʊ]
ɔɪ toy [tɔɪ]
ɪǝ ear [ɪǝ]
eǝ hair [heǝ]
ʊǝ tourist [tʊǝrist]
b ball [bɔ:l]
d door [dɔ:]
f football [fʊtbɔ:l]
g goal [gǝʊl]
h horse [hɔ:s]
j yes [jes]
k key [kі:]
l listen [lɪsn]
s sit [sɪt]
t talk [tɔ:k]
v viper [vaɪpǝ]
w window [wɪndǝʊ]
z zebra [zebrǝ]
ʃ shop [ʃɒp]
ʒ television [telɪvɪʒn]
ʤ Justin [ʤʌstɪn]
ʧ chair [ʧeǝ]
n nose [nǝʊs]
p parrot [pærǝt]
r run [rʌn]
What are these words?
ŋ singer [sɪŋǝ]
θ thing [θɪŋ]
ð mother [mʌðǝ]
[hǝlǝʊ] = ………………
[lʊsɪ] = ………………..
[plænɪt] = ……………..
m monkey [mʌŋkɪ] [brʌðǝ] = ……………... [gʊdbaɪ] = ……………. [hu:] = ………………...
brother /'brʌðə/ bratr but /'bʌt/ ale
Bye. /'baɪ/ Nashle.
cat /'kæt/ kočka
dad /'dæd/ tatínek
Fine, thanks. /'faɪn ,θæŋks/ Dobře, díky.
Good afternoon. /,gʊd 'ɑ:ftə'nu:n/ Dobré odpoledne.
Good evening. /,gʊd 'i:vənɪŋ/ Dobrý večer.
Good morning. /,gʊd 'mɔ:nɪŋ/ Dobré ráno.
Goodbye. /,gʊd'baɪ/ Nashledanou.
Good night. /,gʊd 'naɪt / Dobrou noc.
He can speak English. /'hi: kən spi:k ,ɪŋglɪʃ/ On umí mluvit anglicky.
Hello, my friends. /hə'ləʊ maɪ ,frendz/ Ahoj kamarádi.
How are you? /,haʊ ə 'ju:/ Jak se máš?
I´m … /'aɪm/ Já jsem …
It´ s … /'ɪts/ To je …
lazy /'leɪzɪ/ líný
My name´ s … /'maɪ ,neɪmz/ Jmenuji se …
mum /'mʌm/ maminka
our /'aʊə/ náš, naše
See you (later). /,si: ,ju: 'leɪtə/ Uvidíme se (později).
sister /'sɪstə/ sestra
Welcome to … /'welkəm ,tə/ Vítejte v …
What´s your name? /,wɒts ,jɔ: 'neɪm/ Jak se jmenuješ?
Who´s this? /,hu:z 'ðɪs/ Kdo je to?
world /'wɜ:ld/ svět
ə, ən/ neurčitý člen
alien /'eɪlɪən/ mimozemšťan
apple /'æpəl/ jablko
bag /'bæg/ batoh, taška
bin /'bɪn/ koš na odpadky
board /'bɔ:d/ tabule
book /'bʊk/ kniha
calculator /'kælkjʊleɪtə/ kalkulačka
CD /,si:'di:/ cédéčko
CD player /,si:'di: ,pleɪə/ CD přehrávač
chair /'tʃeə/ židle
classroom /'klɑ:srʊm/ třída (učebna)
clock /'klɒk/ hodiny
computer /kəm'pju:tə/ počítač
desk /desk/ lavice
door /'dɔ:/ dveře
English /'ɪŋglɪʃ/ angličtina
exercise book /'eksəsaɪz ,bʊk/ sešit
from /'frɒm/ z, od
globe /'gləʊb/ glóbus
map /'mæp/ mapa
mobile /'məʊbaɪl/ mobil
object /'ɒbdʒɪkt/ věc, předmět
orange /'ɒrɪndʒ/ pomeranč
pen /'pen/ pero
pencil /'pensəl/ tužka
pencil case /'pensəl ,keɪs/ pouzdro planet /'plænɪt/ planeta
poster /'pəʊstə/ plakát
pupil /'pju:pəl/ žák
rubber /'rʌbə/ guma
ruler /'ru:lə/ pravítko
sharpener /'ʃɑːpənə/ strouhátko
space /'speɪs/ vesmír
spaceship /'speɪsʃɪp/ kosmická loď
sponge /'spʌndʒ/ houba
teacher /'ti:tʃə/ učitel
television /'telɪ,vɪʒən/ televize
umbrella /ʌm'brelə/ deštník
visit /'vɪzɪt/ návštěva
What´s this? /,wɒts 'ðɪs/ Co je tohle?
window /'wɪndəʊ/ okno
Classroom instructions
Be quiet. /,bi: 'kwaɪət/ Buď potichu. Close your book. /'kləʊs ,jə ,bʊk/ Zavři knihu. Come here. /,kʌm 'hɪə / Pojď sem.
Don´ t eat. /'dəʊnt ,i:t/ Nejez. Don´ t move. /'dəʊnt ,mu:v/ Nehýbej se.
Don´t speak. /'dəʊnt ,spi:k/ Nemluv.
Draw. /'drɔ:/ Kresli.
Get up. /,get 'ʌp/ Vstávej.
Listen. /'lɪsn/ Poslouchej.
Look. /'lʊk/ Podívej.
Read. /'ri:d/ Čti.
Sit down. /,sɪt 'daʊn/ Sedni si.
Speak. /'spi:k/ Mluv.
Stand up. /,stænd 'ʌp/ Postav se. Take your pen. /'teɪk jə ,pen/ Vem si pero.
Write (on the board). /'raɪt ɒn ðə ,bɔ:d/ Piš (na tabuli).
Classroom language
Can I use the toilet? /,kən aɪ 'ju:z ðə tɔɪlɪt/ Můžu jít na toaletu?
Can you repeat that? /,kən ju: rɪ'pi:t ðæt/ Můžeš to zopakovat?
Excuse me. /ɪk'skju:s ,mi:/ Promiňte.
homework /'həʊmwɜ:k/ domácí úkol
How do you say… in English? /'haʊ də jə ,seɪ '… ɪn ,ɪŋglɪʃ/ Jak se řekne anglicky …?
I can´t hear you. /,aɪ kɑ:nt 'hɪə ju:/ Neslyším tě.
I don´t understand. /aɪ 'dəʊnt ,ʌndəstænd/ Nerozumím.
I don´t have… /aɪ 'dəʊnt ,hæv/ Nemám …
I´ m sorry. /,aɪm 'sɒrɪ/ Omlouvám se. please /'pli:z/ prosím (když o něco žádám)
Thank you. /'θæŋk ,jə/ Děkuji ti.
to stay in bed /,tə 'steɪ ɪn ,bed/ zůstat v posteli
What does … mean? /'wɒt ,dʌz … mi:n/ Co znamená … ?
What´s this in English? /,wɒts 'ðɪs ɪn ɪŋglɪʃ/ Co je tohle anglicky?
workbook /'wɜ:kbʊk/ pracovní sešit
You´re welcome. /,jər 'welkəm/ Není zač.
alphabet /'ælfəbet/ abeceda
beige /beɪʒ/ béžová
black /'blæk/ černá
blue /'blu:/ modrá
brown /'braʊn/ hnědá
colour /'kʌlə/ barva
favourite /'feɪvərɪt/ oblíbený
green /'gri:n/ zelená
grey /'greɪ/ šedá
How do you spell …? /'haʊ də jə ,spel/ Jak hláskuješ …?
number /'nʌmbə/ číslo
orange /'ɒrɪndʒ/ oranžová
phone /'fəʊn/ telefon
phone number /'fəʊn ,nʌmbə/ telefonní číslo
pink /'pɪŋk/ růžová
purple /'pɜ:pəl/ fialová
red /red/ červená
the Sun /ðə 'sʌn/ slunce
T-shirt /'ti: ,ʃɜ:t/ tričko, dres
What´s the number of your house? /,wɒts ,ðə 'nʌmbə
əv jə 'haʊs/ Jaké je číslo tvého domu?
white /'waɪt/ bílá
yellow /'jeləʊ/ žlutá
ɔ:l/ míč
box /'bɒks/ krabice
boy /'bɔɪ/ chlapec
car /'kɑ:/ auto
child /'tʃaɪld/ dítě
children /'tʃɪldrən/ děti
dog /'dɒg/ pes
girl /'gɜ:l/ děvče
glass /'glɑ:s/ sklenice
house /'haʊs/ dům
key /'ki:/ klíč
lorry /'lɒrɪ/ nákladní auto
man /'mæn/ muž
men /'men/ muži
match /'mæn/ zápas
monkey /'mʌŋkɪ/ opice
mouse /'maʊs/, mice /'maɪs/ myš, myši
people /'pi:pəl/ lidé
person /'pɜ:sən/ člověk, osoba
plural /'plʊərəl/ množné číslo
singular /'sɪŋgjələ/ jednotné číslo
table /'teɪbəl/ stůl
toothbrush /'tu:θ'brʌʃ/ kartáček na zuby
watch /'wɒtʃ/ hodinky
woman /'wʊmən/ žena
women /'wɪmɪn/ ženy
yum /'jʌm/ mňam
at school /,æt 'sku:l/ ve škole first name /'fɜ:st ,neɪm/ křestní jméno for /'fɔ:/ pro form teacher /,fɔ:m 'ti:tʃə/ třídní učitel(ka)
full name /'fʊl ,neɪm/ celé jméno letter /'letə/ dopis married /'mærɪd/ ženatý, vdaná
middle name /'mɪdəl ,neɪm/ prostřední jméno
Miss /'mɪs/ slečna, oslovení paní učitelky
Mr /'mɪstə/ pan Mrs /'mɪsɪz/ paní music /'mju:zɪk/ hudební výchova, hudba
nickname /'nɪkneɪm/ přezdívka single /'sɪŋgəl/ svobodný, -ná sometimes /'sʌmtaɪmz/ někdy surname /'sɜ:neɪm/ příjmení to call /,tə 'kɔ:l/ nazývat, říkat někomu, něčemu
1.19 Read and listen. Answer the questions. 2
1. What are the aliens´ names?
2. Who´s Pluto?
3. Is he friendly?
4. Are Billy and Lucy aliens?
5. Who´s Snickers?
6. What is he like?
I´m Tic and this is Tac. He´s my cousin. We are aliens.
I´m Billy and this is Lucy. Lucy isn´t my cousin. She´s my sister. We aren´t aliens. We are people. Who´s this?
Read the grammar corner.
This is Pluto. He´s an androterix. This is Snickers. He´ s a cat. Pluto isn´t very friendly. He´ s quite dangerous. Snickers is friendly but he isn´t very brave.
Replace the subjects with pronouns. 4
1. Billy is a boy. is a boy.
2. Lucy is my sister. is my sister.
3. Tic and Tac are aliens. are aliens.
4. Lucy and I are happy. are happy.
5. This bag is blue. is blue.
These are subject pronouns. We use them to replace the subject (person or thing) of a verb.
How do you say these in your language?
Tip! All things and animals in English are ´it´.You can only say ´he´ or ´she´ when you speak about your pets.
eg. There is a bird. It´s very nice. This is our cat. He´s so lovely.
Use chart 1. Make seven sentences.
I am at school.
This is the verb ´to be´ .
Put am, is or are into the sentences. 6
We are from space.
1. George my dad.
2. You from Britain.
3. I 11 years old.
4. Lucy 10.
5. They from space.
6. She very nice.
7. We happy.
8. Our house big.
9. Tic and Tac aliens.
10. He my friend.
Complete the sentences. Use the short forms of ´to be´ . 7
He ´ s quite dangerous.
1. He my dad.
2. I happy.
3. They here.
4. She old.
5. You from London.
6. It our house.
7. We at school.
8. My mum 35.
9. They friendly. 10. I at home.
1.20 Read and listen.
Pluto isn´t a cat. He´s an androterix. I´m not Tic. I´m Tac.
Correct the sentences. Use the short forms.
Snickers is a dog. Snickers isn´t a dog. He´s a cat.
1. Emily is Billy´s dad.
2. Tic and Tac are people.
3. I´m 15 years old.
4. Lucy is a boy.
5. We´re from the USA.
6. Lionel Messi is a singer.
7. I´m 50 cm tall.
8. It is Sunday today.
9. My parents are 90 years old.
10. Pluto is friendly.
1. To be: affirmative – full form
I am friendly. at school.
You are
He is
She is It is We are They are
11 years old. from Britain.
We usually use the short forms of the verb ´to be´ .
2. To be: affirmative – short form
You´ re
He´ s
I´ m friendly. at school
She´ s It´ s
We´ re
They´ re
11 years old. from Britain.
We make negatives by adding ´ not ´ behind the verb ´to be´. We usually use short forms.
3. To be: negative - full & short form
I am not I´ m not friendly. at school
You are not You aren´ t
He is not He isn´ t
She is not She isn´ t
It is not It isn´ t
We are not We aren´ t
They are not They aren t
11 years old. from Britain. nice.
1.21 Read and listen.
Are the statements true or false? 2
1. The spaceship is small.
2. Tic,Tac and Pluto are from space.
3. Tic and Tac are Pluto´ s masters.
4. Pluto isn´ t a cat.
5. Androterix is a dangerous animal.
6. Pluto is on the lead.
Is this your spaceship?
Yes, it is.
Are you really from space?
Yes, we are.
Are Tic and Tac your masters?
No, they aren´t. They´re my friends.
Are you a cat?
No, I´m not. I´m an androterix.
Snickers Pluto Snickers Pluto
Is an androterix a friendly animal?
No, it isn´ t.
Are you on the lead?
Read the grammar corner.
To be: yes / no questions
Write short answers. 6
1. Are you 15? No, I´m not.
2. Is Lucy Billy´s sister?
3. Are Tic and Tac aliens?
4. Is Snickers dangerous?
5. Are you a pupil?
6. Are Billy and Lucy cousins?
Are you
Am I friendly? dangerous?
Is he Is she Is it
Are we
Are they
11 years old? from space?
To make questions we switch the positions of the subject and the verb ´to be´ .
Turn the sentences into questions. 4
You are happy. Are you happy?
1. Your name is Billy.
2. They are from Britain.
3. Snickers is lazy.
4. Tic and Tac are aliens.
5. George is my dad.
6. Lucy is 10.
7. I am a child.
8. Your mum is 35.
7. Is George Billy´s dad?
8. Are Snickers and Pluto friends?
9. Is Lionel Messi a footballer?
10. Is your teacher a woman?
7 1.22
Complete the interview. Then listen and check.
Manager Hello, this Cristiano Ronaldo. He´s our new player. Welcome to Real Madrid.
Reporter you from Spain, Cristiano?
Cristiano No, I´m not. I from Portugal.
Reporter Areyou 20 years old?
Cristiano No, I . I´m 33.
Reporter Real Madrid your favourite club?
Cristiano Yes, it is.
Reporter Is the number on your T-shirt 8?
9. We are at school.
10. You are my friend.
Read the grammar corner. 5
Cristiano No, it . It´s 7.
Reporter Are your parents here with you?
Cristiano No, they .They are in Portugal.
Reporter you happy in Madrid?
Cristiano Yes, I am.
Reporter Thank you for the interview. Goodbye. Cristiano You welcome. Bye.
We use short answers with yes / no´ questions.
Question Short answer
Are you from space? Yes, I am. No, I´ m not.
Is he dangerous? Yes, he is. No, he isn´ t.
Are they friendly? Yes, they are. No, they aren´ t.
We always use subject pronouns with short answers.
The guessing game.Think of a famous person. Other pupils ask you yes/no questions to find out who you are.
Are you a woman?
No, I´m not.
Listen and repeat. Answer the questions. b
These are question words. We use them to ask ´Wh-questions´ .
What? When?
Whose? Which?
How? Why?
How do you say these in your language? b
Read and listen to the interview. 2a
Reporter Hello, my name´s John Green. I´ m a reporter. There are two guests here with me.
Tic & Tac Hello everybody.
Reporter What are your names?
Tic My name´s Tic and this is Tac.
Reporter How are you?
Tic & Tac We´re fine, thanks.
Reporter Where are you from?
Tac We´re from space.
Reporter How old are you?
Tic I´m 12 and Tac is 13 years old.
Reporter When is your birthday?
Tac My birthday is today and Tic´s is in May.
Reporter Happy birthday,Tac.Why are you on Earth?
Tic We are on holiday in your galaxy.
Reporter Who´s this creature?
Tac It´s Pluto. He´s an androterix.
Reporter Thank you for the interview. Bye.
Tic & Tac Goodbye.
1. Who is the man with the microphone?
2. What are the guests´ names?
3. Where are they from?
4. How old are they?
5. When is their birthday?
6. Why are they on Earth?
7. Who is Pluto?
Act out the interview in a group of three.
3 These are ´Wh-questions´. You must answer with more information. You can ´ t answer ´ yes ´ or ´ no ´ .
Read the grammar corner.
Where´s Billy? He´s at home. Who´s this? It´s my friend, Joe. What´s your favourite sport? Football.
Complete the question words. 4
1. Where is Lucy? She´s in the garden.
2. are these people? They are Mr and Mrs Adams.
3. colour is the Sun? It´s yellow.
4. do you spell your name, Billy? It´ s B-I-doubleL-Y.
5. is NewYork? It´s in the USA.
6. is Pluto on the lead? Because he´s dangerous.
7. is your birthday? It´s in July.
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
Where are Tic and Tac from?
is brother? old your How
7a 1.25 speaker 1 speaker 2
Listen.Two people speak about themselves. Complete the chart.
the family? Where are Rich
the garden? Who in is
full name age birthday where from phone number favourite day
is What surname? Lucy´ s
bWhat are the questions? Write them in your exercise book.Then practise the dialogues with your partner.
When is your birthday?
from? Where are Tic andTac your email? is What
Ask and answer the questions with your partner. Make your own dialogue.
What´s your name?
My name´s Little John.
Write questions for these answers. 6
1. How old are you? . I´m eleven years old.
2. . He´s from London.
3. .
My telephone number is 774 612 895.
4. .
My birthday is today.
5. . This is my cousin, Mary.
6. His name´s Peter.
Make an interview with a famous person. Prepare five yes/no and/or wh-questions to ask.
What´s your name?
My name´ s Charlie Chaplin.
Read and listen.
This is my family.
My grandfather is 62 years old. His name´s Henry.
My grandmother´ s name is Olivia. She´s 59.
My father´ s name ´ s George. He´s 37.
My mother´s 34. Her name´s Emily.
My uncle Alex, my mum ´s brother, is 36.
My aunt Sophia is 32.
This is me. I´ m 11.
My sister Lucy is 10.
Ask your teacher what these words mean in your language.
husband wife son daughter nephew niece grandson granddaughter
Excuse me, what does ´a husband´ mean?
This is my cousin David. He´ s 13.
My cousin Katie is 13, too.They are twins.
Read the grammar corner.
Grammar Corner
These are ´possessive adjectives´. We use them to say who has the thing.
Subject pronouns
I you he she it we they
Describe your family. Make your own family tree.
Possessive adjectives
my your his her its our their
Put the possessive adjectives into the sentences.
1. This is Billy. Lucy is his sister.
2. These are Henry and Olivia.Alex is son.
3. I´m Sophia. Katie is daughter.
4. This is Emily. George is husband.
5. I´m Lucy and this is Billy. David is cousin.
6. Look at the monkey. tail is long.
7. Billy: Who´s the boy in the photo, mum?
Mum: It´s Henry, grandfather.
Read the grammar corner.
This is possessive s. Like possessive adjectives, we use ´ s to say who has the thing.
Lucy is Billy´ s sister. Alex is Henry and Olivia´ s son. Mary is James´ s grandmother. This is my parents´ car.
1. Billy is Lucy´ s brother .
2. Henry is Emily´ s .
3. Lucy is Alex and Sophia´ s .
4. George is Emily´ s .
5. Katie is Henry and Olivia´ s .
6. Sophia is Alex´ s .
7. David is George and Emily´ s .
8. Alex is Lucy´ s
9. Olivia is David and Katie´ s ____________________
10. Emily is David´ s
Now complete the names. b
1. Billy is David and Katie´ s cousin.
2. David is grandson.
3. Sophia is aunt.
4. Katie is niece.
5. Emily is daughter.
6. Henry is husband.
7. George is ____________________ uncle.
Work with a partner. Ask and answer your own questions.
My aunt. Who´s your uncle´s son? Who is your mum ´s sister?
Listen.Whose things are these? 8a
1. Amy: mobile 5. Tom:
Write sentences. b
1. It´s Amy´s mobile.
Play a memory game. Repeat what other people say and add your own. 9
This is my poster.
This is Billy´s poster and this is my pen.
This is Billy´s poster, David´s pen, and this is my watch.
Listen and repeat the days.
Monday Tuesday ednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
What are these days?
Read and say the rhyme.
My seven days of the week
Billy Katie
Billy Katie
Read the dialogue with your partner.
□ What day is it today?
■ It´s Friday.
□ OK, bye. Have a nice weekend!
■ Thanks, you too. See you on Monday.
Listen and write the days you hear. 1.29
Read the grammar corner.
Grammar Corner
With days we use the preposition ´ on ´
It´s my birthday on Monday.
On Monday I am lazy
Tuesday makes me crazy.
On Wednesday I´m a little sad
But Thursday isn´t really bad.
Friday is party time
On Saturday I go to town.
Sunday is so quick
That´s my seven days of the week.
Hooray! It´s Saturday. I can stay in bed…
7a Listen and repeat the months.
How do you say these in your language?
Match the words to the correct pictures.
Read the grammar corner.
With months and seasons we use the preposition ´in´ Christmas is in December. It´s hot in summer.
Match the words to the pictures.
spring autumn c a b
Winter summer Unit 2 d
Match the months to the correct seasons.
spring autumn
Winter summer
Answer the questions. When is your birthday?
My birthday is in November.
1. What´s your favourite month?
2. What months are 31 days long?
3. When is Valentine´s Day?
4. What months are the summer holidays?
5. When is the end of the school year?
6. What´s your favourite season?
7. What season is Easter in?
Read and listen. Are the statements true or false? 1.31
1. Billy is from Scotland.
2. England is part of Great Britain.
3. Britain is the biggest island in the world.
4. Billy lives in Liverpool.
5. London is the capital.
6. London is a small town.
7. The British flag is green, yellow and black.
My home country is England. It´s a part of Great Britain. Britain is the biggest island in Europe. I live in London. London is the capital of my country. It´s a very big city. The colours of our flag are blue, red and white.
Which countries are these cities the capitals of? 3a
Canberra Madrid Prague
Berlin London Paris
Rome Beijing Moscow
Ottawa Washington
Canberra is the capital of Australia. b Listen and check. 1.34
Write where the people are from and what nationality they are. 4
Jack lives in Canberra. He´s from Australia. He´s Australian.
1. Pierre lives in Paris.
2. Hans and Olga live in Berlin.
3. I live in Prague.
4. Amanda lives in Washington.
5. Pablo and Manuela live in Madrid.
6. Lin lives in Beijing.
7. We live in Rome.
Write a text about your country. 5
Tip! When you travel abroad on holiday, learn a few basic words or phrases in the language of the country where you ´ re going to. You will see how happy the local people will be and your conversation will be much easier. ☺
Read the grammar corner.
These are ´demonstrative adjectives´ . We use them to point out specific people or things.
This - singular nouns which are close to you. That - singular nouns which are far away from you. These - plural nouns which are close to you. Those - plural nouns which are far away from you.
Complete the sentences with this, that, these and those. 8
Read the pronunciation corner.
1. How many syllables have the words from the chart got? Which syllable is stressed?
Put the words from the box into the correct column.
at home /,ət 'həʊm/ doma
big /'bɪg/ velký
bird /'bɜ:d/ pták
brave /'breɪv/ statečný
dangerous /'deɪndʒərəs/ nebezpečný
friend /'frend/ přítel, kamarád
friendly /'frendlɪ/ přátelský
happy /'hæpɪ/ šťastný
lovely /'lʌvlɪ/ roztomilý
nice /naɪs/ milý, hezký
quite /'kwaɪt/ docela
singer /'sɪŋə/ zpěvák
so /'səʊ/ tak, takže
tall /'tɔ:l/ vysoký
today /tə'deɪ/ dnes
What is he like? /,wɒt ɪz hi: 'laɪk/ Jaký je?
animal /'ænɪməl/ zvíře
club /'klʌb/ klub
cousin /'kʌzən/ bratranec, sestřenice
footballer /'fʊtbɔ:lə/ fotbalista
Hey, stop! /heɪ stɒp/ Hej, přestaňte
interview /'ɪntəvju:/ rozhovor
lead /'li:d/ vodítko
master /'mɑ:stə/ pán
new /'nju:/ nový
on /'ɒn/ na
parents /'peərənts/ rodiče
player /'pleɪə/ hráč
Portugal /'pɔ:tʃʊgəl/ Portugalsko
really /'rɪəlɪ/ opravdu, skutečně
small /'smɔ:l/ malý
Spain /'speɪn/ Španělsko
What? Where? Who?
ɪdʒ/ věk
birthday /'bɜ:θdeɪ/ narozeniny
Christmas /'krɪsməs/ vánoce
creature /'kri:tʃə/ tvor
Earth /'ɜ:θ/ Země
email /'i:meɪl/ email
everybody /'evrɪ,bɒdɪ/ všichni
football /'fʊtbɔ:l/ fotbal, fotbalový míč
galaxy /'gæləksɪ/ galaxie
garden /'gɑ:dən/ zahrada
guest /'gest/ host
holiday /'hɒlədeɪ/ prázdniny, dovolená
How old are you? /'haʊ ,əʊld ə ,ju:/ Kolik máš let?
microphone /'maɪkrəfəʊn/ mikrofon
reporter /,rɪ'pɔ:tə/ reportér
Where are you from? /'weə ə ,ju: 'frɒm/ Odkud jsi?
with /'wɪθ/ s
Question words how /'haʊ/ jak what /'wɒt/ co, jaký when /'wen/ kdy, když, až where /'weə/ kde, kam who /'hu:/ kdo whose /'hu:s/ čí why /'waɪ/ proč
ɑ:nt/ teta
daughter /'dɔ:tə/ dcera
father /'fɑ:ðə/ otec
granddaughter /'grænd,dɔ:tə/ vnučka
grandfather /'grænd,fɑ:ðə/ dědeček
grandmother /'græn,mʌðə/ babička
grandson /'grændsʌn/ vnuk
husband /'hʌzbənd/ manžel
long /'lɒŋ/ dlouhý
mother /'mʌðə/ matka
nephew /'nevju:/ synovec
niece /'ni:s/ neteř
photo /'fəʊtəʊ/ fotka
son /'sʌn/ syn
tail /'teɪl/ ocas
too /'tu:/ taky (na konci věty)
twin /'twɪn/ dvojče
uncle /'ʌŋkəl/ strýc
wife /'waɪf/ manželka
Possessive adjectives
my /'maɪ/ můj, moje
your /'jɔ:/ tvůj, tvoje, váš, vaše his /'hɪz/ jeho her /'hɜ:/ její its /'ɪts/ jeho (střední rod) our /'aʊə/ náš, naše their /'ðeə/ jejich
Sunday is my favourite day!
a little /,ə 'lɪtəl/ trochu bad /'bæd/ špatný cherry /'tʃerɪ/ třešeň
Christmas tree /,krɪsməs 'tri:/ vánoční stromek crazy /'kreɪzɪ/ bláznivý day /'deɪ/ den days of the week /,deɪz əv ðə 'wi:k/ dny v týdnu
Easter /'i:stə/ velikonoce
egg /eg/ vejce
flower /'flaʊə/ květina
Have a nice weekend. /'hæv ə naɪs ,wi:k'end/ Hezký víkend.
Hooray! /hʊ'reɪ/ Hurá!
kite /'kaɪt/ papírový drak
month /'mʌnθ/ měsíc
party /'pɑ:tɪ/ večírek, párty
quick /'kwɪk/ rychlý sad /'sæd/ smutný season of the year /'si:zən əv ðə ,jɪə/ roční období
snowman /'snəʊmæn/ sněhulák
swimming pool /'swɪmɪŋ ,pu:l/ plavecký bazén
Thanks, you too. /'θæŋks ju: tu:/ Díky, tobě taky. time /'taɪm/ čas to /'tu:, tə/ do to go /,tə 'gəʊ/ jít, jet town /'taʊn/ město wind /'wɪnd/ vítr year /'jɪə/ rok
Days of the week
Monday /'mʌndeɪ/ pondělí
Tuesday /'tju:zdeɪ/ úterý
Wednesday /'wenzdeɪ/ středa
Thursday /'θɜ:zdeɪ/ čtvrtek
Friday /'fraɪdeɪ/ pátek
Saturday /'sætədeɪ/ sobota
Sunday /'sʌndeɪ/ neděle
Month of the year
January /'dʒænjʊərɪ/ leden
February /'febjʊərɪ/ únor
March /'mɑ:tʃ/ březen
April /'eɪprəl/ duben
May /'meɪ/ květen
June /'dʒu:n/ červen
July /dʒu:'laɪ/ červenec
August /'ɔ:gəst/ srpen
September /sep'tembə/ září
October /ɒk'təʊbə/ říjen
November /nəʊ'vembə/ listopad
December /dɪ'sembə/ prosinec
Seasons of the year
Spring /'sprɪŋ/ jaro
Summer /'sʌmə/ léto
Autumn /'ɔ:təm/ podzim
Winter /'wɪntə/ zima
banana /bə'nɑ:nə/ banán
bear /'beə/ medvěd
beautiful /'bju:tɪfəl/ krásný
butterfly /'bʌtəflaɪ/ motýl
capital /'kæpɪtəl/ hlavní město
city /'sɪtɪ/ velkoměsto
country /'kʌntrɪ/ země, stát
elephant /'elɪfənt/ slon
flag /'flæg/ vlajka
funny /'fʌnɪ/ legrační
giraffe /dʒɪ'rɑ:f/ žirafa
gorilla /gə'rɪlə/ gorila
home /'həʊm/ domov
hungry /'hʌŋgrɪ/ hladový
island /'aɪlənd/ ostrov
part /'pɑ:t/ část sweet /'swi:t/ sladký the biggest /,ðə 'bɪgɪst/ největší to live /,tə 'lɪv/ bydlet, žít to look at /tə 'lʊk ,æt/ podívat se na to look hungry /tə 'lʊk ,hʌŋgrɪ/ vypadat hladově to run /'rʌn/ utíkat zoo /'zu:/ zoologická zahrada
Australia /ɒ'streɪlɪə/ Austrálie
Canada /'kænədə/ Kanada
China /'tʃaɪnə/ Čína
England /'ɪŋglənd/ Anglie
France /'frɑ:ns/ Francie
Germany /'dʒɜ:mənɪ/ Německo
Great Britain /'greɪt ,brɪtən/ Velká Británie
Italy /'ɪtəlɪ/ Itálie
Russia /'rʌʃə/ Rusko
Scotland /'skɒtlənd/ Skotsko
Spain /'speɪn/ Španělsko
the Czech Republic /,ðə 'tʃek rɪ'pʌblɪk/ Česká republika
the USA /ðə ,ju: ,es'eɪ/ USA
Wales /weɪlz/ Wales
Beijing /'beɪdʒɪŋ/ Peking
Berlin /bɜ:'lɪn/ Berlín
Canberra /'kænbərə/ Canberra
London /'lʌndən/ Londýn
Madrid /mə'drɪd/ Madrid
Moscow /'mɒskəʊ/ Moskva
Ottawa /'ɒtəwə/ Ottawa
Paris /'pærɪs/ Paříž
Prague /'prɑ:g/ Praha
Rome /'rəʊm/ Řím
Washington /'wɒʃɪŋtən/ Washington
What time is it?
Read and listen to the dialogue. 1.37
Excuse me, what time is it, please?
It´s five o´clock.
Thank you.
It´s four o´clock.
It´s half past one.
You´re welcome.
It´s a quarter past six.
It´ s a quarter to one.
It´s five past nine. It´ s twenty past seven. It´ s twenty-five to ten.
´s ten to eight.
Listen, check and repeat. 1.38
Read the text. How do we tell the time?
When the long hand is on the left side of the clock, we say how many minutes remain TO the nearest hour Then we say:
When the long hand is exactly at number 12, look at the number the short hand points to. Then we say:
We use half for thirty minutes past an hour and a quarter for fifteen minutes to or past an hour.
eg. We say: It´ s half past three. It´ s a quarter to six. It´ s a quarter past nine.
We don´t say: It´s thirty past twelve. It´s fifteen to five. It´s fifteen past eight.
When the long hand is on the right side, we say how many minutes PAST the hour it is Then we say:
It´s eight (o´clock).
It´s twenty to six. It´s ten past nine.
Listen. Joe describes his typical week. Complete the chart. 4a 1.39
c Work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about Joe´ s week.
When does Joe have a karate lesson?
He has a karate lesson on Friday from 5.30 to 7.
Write sentences about Joe.
1. Joe has football training on Tuesday from four to half past five.
Read the grammar corner. 5
From midnight till noon we say ´ a.m. ´
From noon till midnight we say ´ p.m. ´
With time we use preposition ´at´ .
I start school at 9 a.m. I go to bed at 9 p.m.
Put the words on the right next to the verbs on the left. 1a
to brush to do to finish to get to get to go to go to go
to go to have to have to have to have to play to start to watch
football training my teeth
Listen, check and repeat. 1.40
to school dressed
my homework up
football training breakfast school school to bed by bike home
Quentin describes his day. Complete the sentences with the expressions from exercise 1 .
Listen, check and repeat. 1.41
c What time do you do these activities?
Read the grammar corner.
Grammar Corner
This is the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. We use it to describe habits, stable facts, or actions that are usual, regular or repeated.
We call the tense ´simple´ because we simply take the infinitive without ´ to ´ and put it into an affirmative sentence.
I have a sister.
I have dinner at 7:00 p.m. You live in London. We play football on Wednesdays. They start school at 9:00 o´clock.
Affirmative with he, she, it is different. See p. 37.
Replace the pictures with the phrases from the box below. 4 I have a shower every morning.
5a 1.42
Listen. Four people speak about their typical Monday. What do they do at these times?
Now write about the people. b
I´m Billy. On Monday I get up at 7:30. I …
6 1.43
Listen. How do we make negatives?
I don´t get up at 7:30. I get up at 10 o´clock.
Read the grammar corner.
Grammar Corner
PRESENT SIMPLE negative needs the auxiliary verb ´do not ´ = ´don´t ´ . I don´t have a brother.
I don´t have dinner at 6:00 o´clock. You don´t live in Manchester. We don´t play tennis on Saturdays. They don´t finish school at 2:00 o´clock.
Negative with he, she, it is different. See p. 37.
get up have a shower
eat pizza play computer games play tennis read a newspaper ride a bike watch TV
Make the sentences in exercise 4 negative. 8
1. I don´t have a shower every morning.
1. I every morning. 2. Joe and Anna on Friday afternoon. 3. My parents in the evening. 4. We at weekends. 5. You in the morning. 6. Boys in their free time. 7. My sister and I after school.Our cat Snickers lives a wonderful life. Look at his normal day.
Snickers never gets up before 10:00 a.m. Then he always drinks a cup of tea.
After breakfast he usually sits in the armchair and watches football on TV.
At 12:00 he normally has a sandwich for lunch and goes out.
He meets his friends in the park every day and they often hunt mice together.
He loves one of his friends. He often gives her a present. But sometimes she doesn´t like it.
After dinner he always plays games on the PlayStation.
He normally goes to bed at midnight. He doesn´t help with housework but we love him. He´s our lovely pet!
Read the grammar corner.
PRESENT SIMPLE affirmative - 3rd person singular. When the subject is he, she, it, we normally add the -s ending to most main verbs.
He plays tennis at the weekend.
She gets up at 7:30.
It starts at 5 o´clock.
He has a brother.
We add -es if verbs end in -s, -z, -x, -ch, -sh, or -o
He watches TV from 8 to 10 p.m.
She misses her friends.
Jane goes to bed at 9 p.m.
Jack does karate.
Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.
Complete the sentences with don´t or doesn´t
1. Bob like orange juice.
2. I listen to hip hop music.
3. They live in London.
4. My cousin Jack play chess.
5. Mary do homework in the evening.
6. You have a shower in the morning.
7. Snickers like Pluto.
8. I go snowboarding.
9. It snow in Sahara desert.
10. School start at 7 o´clock.
11. We get up at 6 a.m.
12. Roger Federer play ice hockey.
13. Giraffes eat meat.
14. My sister and I play PC games.
Listen. Circle the correct option.
1. Katie her lunch at school. (to eat)
2. Pete books in bed. (to read)
3. We in Liverpool. (to live)
4. Mr Jones the car every week. (to wash)
5. My parents work at 5 p.m. (to finish)
6. Lucy her homework at 4 p.m. (to do)
7. Joe a shower every morning. (to have)
8. Children chocolate. (to like)
9. School at 9 o´clock. (to start)
10. Tim skiing every winter. (to go)
11. I TV from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (to watch)
12. My brother and I at home. (to help)
13. Lionel Messi for FC Barcelona. (to play)
14. They home at 3 p.m. (to come)
Grammar Corner
In a negative sentence with he, she, it we need the auxiliary verb ´does not´ = ´doesn´t ´ .
He doesn´t play tennis at the weekend. She doesn´t watch TV in the evening. It doesn´t start at 5 o´clock.
Jack doesn´t do karate.
Make the sentences in 3a negative. b
1. Katie doesn´t eat her lunch at school.
Write about the people.
1. Tracy doesn´t get up at 9 o´clock. She gets up at 8. She doesn´t go running in the morning. She …
6 What´s wrong? Correct the sentences.
1. The Sun shines at night.
The Sun doesn´t shine at night. It shines in the day.
2. The British queen lives in Paris.
3. Children teach at school.
4. Lionel Messi plays tennis.
5. Elephants fly.
6. Mice hunt cats.
7. Pluto likes Snickers.
8. Billy works in a shop.
9. Tic and Tac come from China.
10. We have breakfast in the evening.
On a tropical island there lives an old man He sails on the sea in his small boat every morning He always catches three fish - one for breakfast, one for lunch and one for dinner The rest of the day he usually spends on the sunny beach with his good friends or he sometimes walks around the beautiful island He´ s poor but he lives his happy life there and enjoys the free time he has got.
One day after lunch he relaxes on a golden beach when a rich tourist from a faraway country comes to him He can see a plate with a fish bone on it.
´Hello!´ says the tourist The old man opens his eyes and looks at the man
´Are you a fisherman?´ asks the tourist.
´Yes, I am, ´ answers the man
´Do you sell fish?´ asks the tourist.
´No, I eat all the fish I catch,´ says the man
1. Where does the fisherman live?
2. Is he rich?
3. What does he eat?
´But why don´t you sell fish? You can make money, ´ says the tourist.
´Really? Why do I need money?´ wonders the old man.
´You can buy a big boat,´ says the tourist
´Yes? Why do I need a big boat? I´ m happy with my old small boat,´ says the man.
´With a big boat you can catch more fish and make big money. You know,´ says the tourist, ´I work hard twelve hours a day and I´ m often tired. But I can afford a nice holiday on this beautiful island for three weeks every year! Isn´t that wonderful?´
´Yes, it is,´ says the old man
´So, sell fish, make money and you can relax on the beach all day!´ says the tourist. The old fisherman smiles at him and closes his eyes to continue sleeping…
6. Who does he meet one day?
7. Where is the tourist from?
8. What does the fisherman do with the fish?
4. What does he do during the day? 9. Why is the tourist often tired?
5. Is he happy or sad?
10. Why does the fisherman smile at the tourist?
Read about adverbs of frequency.
of These are adverbs of frequency.They say how often we do something.
1. The adverb goes before a main verb.
2. The adverb goes after the verb ´to be´ . We always brush our teeth in the morning. My dad is hardly ever ill.
3. The adverb goes between two verbs. I don´t often get up early.
Write the adverbs in the correct places. 3
1. I read books in bed. (always)
2. Tic and Tac travel in space. (often)
3. We are at home at the weekend. (usually)
4. Snickers helps with housework. (never)
5. My grandma rides a bike. (hardly ever)
6. I don´t play computer games. (often)
7. We have spaghetti for dinner. (sometimes)
8. Joe visits his grandparents on Sunday. (normally)
9. It is hot in summer. (always)
10. Quentin doesn´t do his homework. (often)
Work with your partner. Say how often you do the things in exercises 3 and 4.
I sometimes read in bed.
Look at other typical words that go with present simple.
… every ...
I have a shower every day.
We visit our grandparents every weekend. Peter goes to Italy every summer.
… on Mondays
I have a football match on Saturdays
Lucy finishes school at 3:30 on Tuesdays
We go shopping on Friday afternoons
… after, before ...
I watchTV before I go to bed.
We brush our teeth after breakfast. My little brother John goes to bed after dinner.
Write sentences about what you do: 6
- after school - every evening
- on Friday - on Sunday mornings
- every day - after dinner
never hardly ever sometimes often usually alwaysLook at the position of the adverbs of frequency in a sentence. b
Read and listen to the quiz. Choose the correct answers. 1.47
My name´s John Green and I´m here with the TV quiz
Score one point for each correct answer.The winner gets a wonderful prize - a holiday in Jamaica. Let´s start!
When does winter start?
a. In November
b. In December
c. In January
What do pandas eat?
a. Meat
b. Bamboo
c. Ice cream
Where does spaghetti come from?
a. France
b. Australia
c. Italy
What do you need for playing golf?
a. A racket
b. A bat
c. A club
b Listen and check. 1.48
Now check your score.
Do penguins fly?
a. Yes, they do.
b. No, they don´
Does Spain have a sea coast?
a. Yes, it does.
b. No, it doesn´t.
Where do giraffes live?
a. In America
b. In Antarctica
c. In Africa
What colours does the Chinese flag have?
a. White and blue
b. Red and yellow
c. Green and orange
What logo does Mercedes-Benz use?
What language do they speak in Mexico?
a. Spanish
b. English
c. German
What´s your score?
Read the grammar corner.
Grammar Corner
With questions we use auxiliary verb DO or DOES
PRESENT SIMPLE: yes / no questions
Do I look good?
Do you speak French?
Does he play tennis?
Does she listen to music?
Does it rain in Sahara Desert?
Do we start school at 9?
Do they come from Australia?
Short answers
Yes, you do No, you don´t Yes, I do. No, I don´t. Yes, he does. No, he doesn´t. Yes, she does. No, she doesn´t. Yes, it does. No, it doesn´t. Yes, we do. No, we don´t. Yes, they do No, they don´t
Do you speak English,Tac? Yes, I do.
Complete Do or Does into the questions and write short answers. 3a
1. your mum speak Spanish?
2. you play the piano?
3. Annie get up at 7 a.m.?
4. Joe´s parents come from Canada?
5. George start work at 9 a.m?
6. you go fishing?
7. Snickers eat pizza for lunch?
8. they have a shower after dinner?
9. David and Katie ride a horse?
10. Pluto like Snickers?
b Work with your partner. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 3a about you.
□ Does your mum speak Spanish?
■ No, she doesn´t.
Make a classroom survey. 4a
1. Copy the chart. Write five questions.
2. Walk round the classroom. When you meet someone, stop and ask him/her your questions.
□ Do you play the piano?
■ Yes, I do.
3. Speak to six people. Mark their answers.
4. Write a report.
How often do you: never hardly ever sometimes often usually always
1. eat bananas for breakfast? 1 11111
2. ride a bike to school? 11 111 1
1. One person never eats bananas for breakfast, five people sometimes eat bananas for breakfast.
2. Two people hardly ever ride a bike to school, three people often ride a bike to school and …
Read your report to the class.
Read and listen. Answer the questions. 1.49
1. Where do Tic and Tac live on Planet X?
2. Where does the king live?
3. What do they eat?
4. Do they eat meat?
5. How do they travel?
6. What do they do in their free time?
7. What do they do with the fish they catch?
8. Where do they go on holiday?
Where do you live?
We live in skyscrapers.
What do you eat?
We eat fruit and flowers. We don´t eat meat.
What do you do in your free time?
We go fishing. It´s very popular. But we always throw the fish back into the water.
What´s the life like on Planet X?
It´s very nice!
Where does your king live?
He lives in a skycastle.
How do you travel?
We travel by flying cars and supertrains.
Where do you go on holiday?
We go on holiday to other planets.
Grammar Corner
PRESENT SIMPLE: Wh-questions
Put the correct question words into the questions. How What When Where
question answer
do Tic and Tac eat? They eat fruit and flowers. does the king live? He lives in a skycastle. do you travel? We travel by flying cars. does she get up? She gets up at 7:30.
Make questions for these answers. Ask about the underlined words.
1. ?
I finish school at 3:30 p.m.
2. ?
After breakfast Pete brushes his teeth.
3. ?
My best friend lives in London.
4. ________________________________________________________________ ?
We visit our grandparents on Fridays
5. ________________________________________________________________ ? They sometimes play the piano.
6. ________________________________________________________________ ?
The football training starts at 4 p.m.
Write the correct prepositions of time.
the film start when does
Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 3 What time do they go home? 4
you what like do music Unit 3
read you often how do do English we why learn
1. September 6. my birthday
2. Tuesday 7. night
3. 8 o´clock 8. Easter Monday
4. winter 9. the weekend
5. midnight 10. the evening Listen and check.
When do we have to say [ɪz] at the end of some verbs after he, she, it? looks [lʊks] watches [wɒtʃɪz]
1. When they leave home?
2. Where does Mandy lives?
3. What sport play you?
4. What he do on Sundays?
1. Put the verbs into the correct column and add an -s ending.
-s, -z] for easier pronunciation. wash-washes
midnight /'mɪdnaɪt/ půlnoc
/'eɪ ,jem/ před polednem at /'æt/ v
half /'hɑ:f/ půl
karate /,kə'rɑ:tɪ/ karate o ´clock /,ə 'klɒk/ celá hodina (vyjádření času) past /'pɑ:st/ po
piano /'pjɑ:nəʊ/ piáno
p.m. /'pi: ,jem/ po poledni
swimming /'swɪmɪŋ/ plavání
quarter /'kwɔ:tə/ čtvrt table tennis /'teɪbəl ,tenɪs/ stolní tenis
afternoon /,ɑ:ftə'nu:n/ odpoledne every /'evrɪ/ každý in the evening /,ɪn ði: 'i:vənɪŋ/ večer in the morning /,ɪn ðə 'mɔ:nɪŋ/ ráno newspaper /'nju:s,peɪpə/ noviny pizza /'pi:tsə/ pizza to brush my teeth /tə ,brʌʃ maɪ 'ti:θ/ vyčistit si zuby to do my homework /tə ,du: maɪ 'həʊmwɜ:k/ udělat domácí úkoly to finish school /tə ,fɪnɪʃ 'sku:l/ skončit školu to get dressed /tə ,get 'drest/ obléknout se to get up /tə ,get 'ʌp/ vstávat to go by bike /tə ,gəʊ baɪ 'baɪk/ jezdit na kole to go home /tə ,gəʊ 'həʊm/ jít, jet domů to go to bed /tə ,gəʊ tə 'bed/ jít do postele to go to school /tə ,gəʊ tə 'sku:l/ jít do školy to have /tə ,hæv/ mít to have football training /tə ,hæv 'fʊtbɔ:l treɪnɪŋ/ mít fotbalový trénink
to have breakfast /tə ,hæv 'brekfəst/ snídat to have dinner /tə ,hæv 'dɪnə/ večeřet to have lunch /tə ,hæv 'lʌntʃ/ obědvat to have a shower /tə ,hæv ə 'ʃaʊə/ sprchovat se to play football /tə ,pleɪ 'fʊtbɔ:l/ hrát fotbal to start school /tə ,stɑ:t 'sku:l/ začínat školu to watch TV /tə ,wɒtʃ ,ti:'vi:/ dívat se na televizi
anyone /'enɪwʌn/ nikdo (v záporné větě)
armchair /,ɑ:m'tʃeə/ křeslo
badminton /'bædmɪntən/ badminton
before /bɪ'fɔ:/ před
chocolate /'tʃɒkələt/ čokoláda
cup /'kʌp/ šálek
desert /'dezət/ poušť
housework /'haʊswɜ:k/ domácí práce
ice hockey /'aɪs ,hɒkɪ/ lední hokej
juice /'dʒu:s/ džus
meat /'mi:t/ maso
park /'pɑ:k/ park present /'prezənt/ dárek queen /'kwi:n/ královna sandwich /'sænwɪdʒ/ sandvič
skateboard /'skeɪtbɔ:d/ skateboard tea /'ti:/ čaj to come /tə 'kʌm/ přijít, přijet to come from /tə 'kʌm frɒm/ pocházet z to drink /tə 'drɪŋk/ pít to fly /tə 'flaɪ/ létat together /tə'geðə/ dohromady, společně to give /tə 'gɪv/ dát to go out /tə ,gəʊ 'aʊt/ jít ven to go running /tə ,gəʊ 'rʌnɪŋ/ jít běhat to go skiing /tə ,gəʊ 'ski:ɪŋ/ jezdit na lyžích to go snowboarding /tə ,gəʊ 'snəʊbɔ:dɪŋ/ jezdit na snowboardu to go swimming /tə ,gəʊ 'swɪmɪŋ/ chodit plavat to help /tə 'help/ pomáhat to hunt /tə 'hʌnt/ lovit to lend /tə 'lend/ půjčit to meet /tə 'mi:t/ setkat, potkat se to miss /tə 'mɪs/ chybět, stýskat se, zmeškat to play computer games /tə ,pleɪ kəm'pju:tə ,geɪmz/ hrát počítačové hry to shine /'ʃaɪn/ svítit, zářit to teach /tə 'ti:tʃ/ učit to wash /tə 'wɒʃ/ umýt very much /'verɪ 'mʌtʃ/ velmi mnoho, hodně moc work /'wɜ:k/ práce, pracovat
Adverbs of frequency
adverb /'ædvɜ:b/ příslovce always /'ɔ:lweɪz/ vždy hardly ever /'hɑ:dlɪ ,evə/ sotva kdy, málokdy never /'nevə/ nikdy normally /'nɔ:məlɪ/ normálně often /'ɒfən/ často sometimes /'sʌmtaɪmz/ někdy usually /'ju:ʒəlɪ/ obvykle
beach /'bi:tʃ/ pláž
boat /'bəʊt/ loďka, člun
bone /'bəʊn/ kost
breakfast /'brekfəst/ snídaně
dinner /'dɪnə/ večeře
during /'djʊərɪŋ/ během
faraway /,fɑ:rə'weɪ/ daleký, vzdálený
fisherman /'fɪʃəmən/ rybář
free /'fri:/ volný, svobodný
golden /'gəʊldən/ zlatý
hour /'aʊə/ hodina (60 minut)
ill /'ɪl/ nemocný
life /'laɪf/ život
like /'laɪk/ jako
plane /'pleɪn/ letadlo
plate /'pleɪt/ talíř
rest /'rest/ zbytek
sea /'si:/ moře
spaghetti /spə'getɪ/ špagety
story /'stɔ:rɪ/ příběh
sunny /'sʌnɪ/ slunečný
there /'ðeə/ tam
tired /'taɪəd/ unavený
to afford /,tə ə'fɔ:d/ dovolit si
to answer /,tə ' ɑ:nsə/ odpovědět
to ask /,tə ' ɑ:sk/ zeptat se to buy /,tə 'baɪ/ koupit to can /,tə 'kæn/ moci, umět to catch /,tə 'kætʃ/ chytit to continue /,tə ,kən'tɪnju:/ pokračovat to enjoy /,tə ,ɪn'dʒɔɪ/ užívat si to go shopping /tə ,gəʊ 'ʃɒpɪŋ/ jít nakupovat to know /,tə 'nəʊ/ vědět, znát to make money /,tə 'meɪk mʌnɪ/ vydělat peníze to need /,tə 'ni:d/ potřebovat to relax /,tə rɪ'læks/ odpočívat to sail /,tə 'seɪl/ plavit se, plout lodí to say /,tə 'seɪ/ říct to sell /,tə 'sel/ prodávat to sleep /,tə 'sli:p/ spát to smile /,tə 'smaɪl/ usmát se to spend /,tə 'spend/ trávit (čas) to travel /,tə 'trævəl/ cestovat to visit /,tə 'vɪzɪt/ navštívit to walk around /,tə 'wɔ:k ə'raʊnd/ chodit po to wonder /,tə 'wʌndə/ divit se to work hard /,tə 'wɜ:k 'hɑ:d/ tvrdě pracovat
tourist /'tʊərɪst/ turista
tropical /'trɒpɪkəl/ tropický
weekend /,wi:k'end/ víkend wonderful /'wʌndəfəl/ báječný, úžasný
Isn´t that wonderful? Není to báječné?
Africa /'æfrɪkə/ Afrika
Antarctica /æn'tɑ:ktɪkə/ Antarktida
bamboo /'bæmbu:/ bambus
bat /'bæt/ pálka
club /'klʌb/ golfová hůl
coast /'kəʊst/ pobřeží
French /'frentʃ/ francouzština
genius /'dʒi:nɪəs/ génius
German /'dʒɜ:mən/ němčina
golf /'gɒlf/ golf
ice cream /,aɪs 'kri:m/ zmrzlina
Jamaica /,dʒə'meɪkə/ Jamajka
language /'læŋgwɪdʒ/ jazyk
Let´s start! /'lets ,stɑ:t/ Začněme! (rozkazovací způsob) little /'lɪtəl/ málo
Mexico /'meksɪkəʊ/ Mexiko logo /'ləʊgəʊ/ logo panda /'pændə/ panda penguin /'peŋgwɪn/ tučňák quiz /'kwɪz/ kvíz score /'skɔ:/ skóre the most /,ðə 'məʊst/ nejvíce to go fishing /,tə ,gəʊ 'fɪʃɪŋ/ jít rybařit to look good /,tə ,lʊk 'gʊd/ vypadat dobře to need /,tə 'ni:d/ potřebovat to rain /,tə 'reɪn/ pršet to ride a horse /tə ,raɪd ə 'hɔ:s/ jezdit na koni well /'wel/ dobře winner /'wɪnə/ vítěz
castle /'kɑ:səl/ hrad film /'fɪlm/ film fruit /'fru:t/ ovoce king /'kɪŋ/ král popular /'pɒpjʊlə/ populární, oblíbený
skyscraper /'skaɪskreɪpə/ mrakodrap
to dance /tə 'dɑ:ns/ tančit train /'treɪn/ vlak
written by René Frnkathe first edition 2018 A
except p 4 (Japanese tea garden) by Asamudra, p 4 (A large house with landscaped grounds) by Steve Morgan, p 5 (Lionel Messi) from http://4 bp blogspot com, p 7 (Justin Bieber poster) from http:// blog malaysia-asia my, p 11 (Cristiano Ronaldo) from http:// fristajlere deviantart com, p 14 (Uncle Fester) from https://dwilliamsart deviantart com by Danny Williams, p 29 (Butterflies) by Geoff Gallice, p. 46 (Staples High School) by WestportWiki, p. 46 (Calhan High School Gym) by David Shankbone, p. 50 (Tiger) from www.danasrgd. top, p. 50 (Rabbit) from www.pexels.com, p. 50 (Hamster) from www.photosfine. wordpress.com,p.55 (Stamp) from www.en.wikipedia. org, p. 55 (Newspaper) by Rtimages, p. 55 (An envelope) from www. en wikipedia org, p 56 (Scrabble) from www telegraph co uk, p 63 (Hotel Suite Living Room) by Derek Jensen, p 66 (Roger Federer) from www crown andcaliber com, p 66 (Chris Froome) from www revistacoche blogspot com, p 66 (Usain Bolt) from www wallpapersmela com, p 66 (Lewis Hamilton) from www motortrend com, p 67 (Katy Perry) from www katy-prism blog cz
by Reprotisk, Šumperk, the Czech Republic
je pětidílná řada učebnic zaměřená na výuku angličtiny pro děti ve věku 10-15 let, tedy pro žáky 5. až 9. ročníků základních škol. Učebnice je
koncipována v souladu se Společným evropským referenčním rámcem
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFRL) a po absolvování všech pěti dílů se předpokládá zvládnutí úrovně B1.
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