Doložka MŠMT:
Mgr Ludmila Balíková, Mgr Kateřina Dvořáková, Ph D
Unit 1
• Be + adjective
• Have got + noun
• Present simple
• Adverbs of frequency
• Object pronouns
• Ordinal numbers
• Must x don´t have to
• Have got revision
2 Now
• Adjectives to describe people
• Nouns to describe people
• Housework
• Festivals and celebrations
• Sports
• Adjectives to describe feelings
• Present continuous
• Affirmative, negative
• Yes/no and wh-questions
• Present simple vs. continuous
• Like + gerund: I like swimming.
• Gerunds: Reading is great.
• Past simple be
• Past simple regular verbs - affirmative
• Past simple irregular verbs - affirmative
• Past simple negative
• The weather
• Means of transport
• The solar system The planets
• Past simple questions
• English school system p32
• Ago, yesterday, last week
• Large numbers 100+
• Intensifiers (1) very, really, so
• Adverbs of manner badly, well, fast
• Decimal numbers
• Maths expressions
• Time units
• Money Currencies p46
• Parts of the body
• Parts of the head
• Clothes items
• Countable vs. uncountable nouns
• Some vs. any
• How many? vs. How much?
• A little vs. a few
• Shapes p60
• Food & drink
• Food packaging & quantities a box of milk
• Describing people´s physical appearance
• Talking about duties at home
• Asking about one´s habits • How often do … ?
• Using object pronouns • I like her.
• Reading and speaking about festivals
• Expressing obligations • I must see the doctor.
• Talking about popular sports in GB and the USA
• Describing a possession with ´have got´
• Talking about Christmas presents
• Describing one´s holiday
• Asking about one´s feelings • How are you feeling today?
• Talking about one´s best friend
• English vs. Czech school system
• Talking about a trip
• Describing the weather
• Reading for comprehension
• Describing one´s accident
• Asking about one´ s past
Did you have a happy childhood, Grandpa?
• Reading about money
• Shopping phrases
• Reading for comprehension
• Answering mathematical problems
• Describing the body & clothes
• Listening for comprehension
• Describing how you do things
• Using shapes
• Reading about famous places
• Food categories
• Talking about favourite food and eating habits
• Listening for compehension
• Ordering a meal in a restaurant
• Conversation in a shop
• Cooking
• A recipe
• Reading about meals in Britain
• Game´Guess your classmate´
• Classroom survey
• Pronunciation • [g] or [dʒ]
• Tongue twister
• Do you know …? Popular sports in GB and USA
• Vocabulary list
• Personality quiz
• Pronunciation • Different pronunciation of ´A´
• Tongue twister
• Do you know …? School system in England
• Vocabulary list
• Pronunciation • -ed ending [d], [t] or [ɪd]
• Find someone who …
• Pronunciation • Silent letters
• The story of money
• Do you know …? Money, money, money
• Vocabulary list
• Amazing Guinness World Records
• Time Quiz
• A Fashion Show
• Pronunciation • The same vowel sound
• Do you know …? Wonders of the World
• Vocabulary list
• Odd one out activity
• The Memory Game
• Do you know …? World´s oldest pizzeria
• Pronunciation • v vs. w
• Final revision
• Vocabulary list
1 Read and listen.
2 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. There are two people at the bus stop.
2. The person has got a moustache.
3. Billy thinks it´s Rosie Adams.
4. Rosie´s got long straight fair hair.
5. The person at the bus stop isn´t tall and fat.
6. The person is a girl.
Billy Hey, look, it´s Jenny Taylor over there.
Lucy Where?
Billy The small girl with long fair hair at the bus stop.
Lucy No, it isn´t Jenny Taylor. Jenny is tall and plump. That girl is quite slim. I think it´ s Rosie Adams.
Billy Rosie Adams?? No way. Rosie is very small and she´s got short curly brown hair.
I´m sure it´s Jenny.
Lucy OK, let´s go and see.
Lucy Hello, Rosie! How are you?
Boy Excuse me? I´m Garry.
Lucy Oops, sorry!
Put the words from the boxes under the correct pictures. Check their meaning on page 16.
Hair short medium long
curly straight wavy
Other features
dark fair
colour style length glasses freckles
bald moustache
big ears beard
Describing people to be + adjective
4 Read the grammar corner.
I ´ m tall and slim.
You / We / They ´ re bald.
He / She / It ´ s quite small and plump.
to have got + (adjective) + noun
I / You / We / They ´ve got long/fair hair.
He / She / It ´s got a moustache/freckles.
5 Complete the correct forms of to be or to have got.
1. Robert tall and plump.
2. My sister freckles.
3. I short dark brown hair.
4. They very slim.
5. Megan medium length curly hair.
6. Our grandpa a long beard.
7. I bald.
8. Mandy and James blue eyes.
9. You very tall.
10. All my cousins glasses.
Listen. Tick the people they describe. 7 Describe a classmate. Other people
b Describe the other two people.
Will small and fat. is must guess who it is.
My person is tall and slim. He/she has got brown eyes and long dark brown hair. He/ she has got glasses. Is it Carrie?
Yes, it is.
Read and listen.
In our family everybody helps with the housework.
2 Answer the questions.
1. How does Lucy help at home?
2. How often does she vacuum the floor?
3. Does Billy feed Snickers?
4. What does Billy do five times a week?
5. Does dad clean the windows?
I feed Snickers every day and I load dishes into the dishwasher five times a week.
I set the table and I vacuum the floor three times a week.
6. What does he do in the garden?
7. How often does mum do the shopping?
8. Who cleans the windows?
9. Why doesn´t Snickers do anything?
I wash the car twice a month and I mow the grass once in two weeks.
Look at the pictures. Number the expressions in the box.
What do I do? I don´t do anything. I have people to do it.
b Listen, check and repeat.
wash up water the plants make the bed cook the dinner take out the rubbish tidy your room paint the fence sweep the floor
c How do you help at home? Tell the class.
4 Read the grammar corner.
Present simple Present simple • affirmative
I / You / We / They set the table every day.
He / She / It sets the table every day.
I / You / We / They don´t set the table
He / She / It doesn´t set the table
5 Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of the present simple.
Billy three times a week. (wash up) washes up
1. I the floor four twice a week. (vacuum)
2. Jenny the windows. (not clean)
3. My parents the shopping once a week. (do)
4. You in the house very often. (not help)
5. Gill the bed every morning. (make)
6. Our grandma the grass. (not mow)
7. I the fence once in five years. (paint)
8. Joe hardly ever his bedroom. (tidy)
9. My sister and I our car once a week. (wash)
10. James out the rubbish. (take)
6a Study the adverbs of frequency.
We use these expressions to say how often we do something.
I have a shower
I vacuum the floor
I eat pizza
I visit London
I go to school
I wash the car
I travel abroad
once a day. twice a week. three times a month. four times a year. five times a week. once in two weeks. twice in six months.
bTell the class how often you do these things.
… have a shower?
7 Answer the questions about yourself. I have a shower once in two days.
1. … eat fish?
2. … drink cola?
3. … have dinner in a restaurant?
4. … ride a bike?
5. … learn English?
6. … brush your teeth?
7. … read a book?
8. … see your best friend?
9. … use your computer but not for games?
8 Write what they do and how many times a week they do it.
Joe cleans the windows once a week.
Read and listen. Correct the sentences.
1. There are three people with David.
2. Lucy knows the people.
3. Billy remembers the boy from hospital.
4. The girl goes to the same class as Billy.
5. The boy and the girl are cousins.
6. They live far away from David´s house.
Billy Do you know the two people with David?
Lucy No, I don´t. Do you know them?
Billy I know the boy. I remember him from the last football training. He´s a good goalie.
Lucy And who´s the girl?
Billy I know her from school. I think she´s from class
7E. She goes to ICT lessons with me.
Object pronouns
2 Find the object pronouns in the text and put them in the grammar corner.
Subject pronouns
I you he he it we they
Object pronouns it
David Hey, Billy, Lucy! Come and join us.
Lucy Hello, David.
Billy Hi. How are you?
David Hi. This is Jim and this is Bella. They´re twins. They´re new in our school and they live next door to me. They want to meet you.
Lucy Hi, guys. I´m Lucy.
Billy I´m Billy.
Jim My name´s Jim and this is my sister Bella. Bella Nice to meet you.
Lucy Nice to meet you, too.
3 Read and study the sentences.
subject of a sentence
This is my mum. She likes me. I like her. object of a sentence
4 Complete the correct pronouns.
1. I need help. Can you help ?
2. Jenny plays tennis. I often play with .
3. My parents are great. I love .
4. Ronaldo is an excellent footballer. I like
5. We are at home now. Come to see .
6. That´s my mobile. Give to me.
7. You´re a good friend. I like
5 Read the grammar corner.
Do you know them? • Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.
Does he live here? • Yes, he does. / No, he doesn´t.
7a Lucy asks Jim and Bella about their lives. What are her questions?
How old are you, Jim?
Lucy: Jim: I´m 12 and my sister is 12, too. We´re twins.
1. Lucy: Bella: I go to class 7E.
2. Lucy: Jim: Yes, I do. I play football. I´m a goalie.
Where do they live? • They live next door to me.
How does she help at home? • She sweeps the floor.
6 Complete the questions with Do or Does.
Where you go on holiday in summer? do
1. Peter speak Spanish?
2. Where your grandparents live?
3. How often your mum go shopping?
4. Mandy and Jane play volleyball?
5. it often rain in Britain?
6. Why we learn English?
7. What time your brother get up?
8. you know Mr Clark? He´s our new coach.
1. Copy the chart. Write four questions and the names of four classmates you choose.
3. Lucy: Jim: Bella rides a horse.
4. Lucy: Bella: I ride a horse three times a week.
5. Lucy: Jim: I like History and Music.
6. Lucy: Bella: Yes, I do. I go shopping and I wash up.
7. Lucy: Bella: No, he doesn´t. Jim feeds our dog.
8. Lucy: Jim: I know David from football training.
9. Lucy: Bella: At weekends we usually visit our cousins or grandparents.
3. Write their answers under their names. Make a classroom survey.
2. Go and ask your questions to the people.
4. Write a report.
1. go to the cinema? twice a year 3 times in 6 months once a month twice a month
2. vacuum the floor? once a week every day twice a week 3 times in 2 weeks
Read your report to the class.
? ? ? ?
? ? ? b 9
Read and listen. Match the texts with the pictures. Write numbers 1-5 into the boxes.
Here is my school project on holidays and festivals that we celebrate in Britain.
NewYear´sDayison1Januaryandthefirst dayofthecalendaryearIt´sapublicholiday inBritain.Thatmeanspeopledon´ tgoto workandchildrendon´tgotoschoolOn NewYear´sEve,31December,peopleusually haveaparty,andatmidnighttheyjoinhands andsingatraditionalsong´AuldLangSyne´ Thentheyletofffireworksandcelebratethe NewYear
14Februaryisaspecialdayforpeoplein loveIt´scalledValentine´sDayChildren, parentsandfriendssendValentine´scards orgivepresentsorflowerstosomeone theylove.Thisdayisn´tapublicholiday.
WecelebrateHalloweenon31October Childrendressupaswitches,ghostsor devilsTheygotootherpeoples'houses, knockonthedoorandaskfortreatsThey say ´Trickortreat´.Peoplegivethem sweetsorchildrenplaysometrickson them.Halloweenisn´tapublicholiday.
InBritain,Christmasisprobablythemost important holiday of the year On ChristmasEve,24December,wedecorate aChristmastreeandchildrenhangup stockingsbythefireplaceortheirbed TheybelievethatSantaClausleaves presentsthereOnChristmasDay,25 December,weopenthepresents.Wehave atraditionaldinnerWeeatroastturkey withvegetablesandatraditionaldessert calledChristmaspuddingOnBoxingDay, 26December,weusuallygotosports eventsFootballorhorseracingarevery popular25and26Decemberareboth publicholidays.
Easterisn´tasetdate.InBritain, wecelebrateEasterontheSunday followingthefirstfullmoonafter thefirstspringdayGoodFriday andEasterMondayarepublic holidays.OnGoodFridayweeat hotcrossbunsIlovethemOn EasterSundayparentshideeggs inthegardenandchildrensearch forthem
1. Children in Britain go to school on 1 January.
2. 31 December is called New Year´s Eve.
3. People open their presents on 24 December.
4. On 26 December people normally stay at home.
5. Valentine´s Day is on 14 February.
6. Children go trick-or-treating in normal clothes.
7. Easter Sunday is always on 25 March.
8. People go to work on Easter Monday.
Answer the questions about the festivals.
1. When do they celebrate New Year in Britain?
2. Where does Santa Claus leave presents?
3. What do people eat for Christmas dinner?
4. Who do people send Valentine´s cards to?
5. Is Valentine´s Day a public holiday?
6. What do children say when they ask for sweets at Halloween?
7. When do they celebrate Easter?
8. What do parents do on Easter Sunday?
Ordinal numbers
• tell the position of something in a group or list.
• We always use ordinal numbers with dates.
5 Put in the correct ordinal numbers.
1. March is month of the year.
2. May is month of the year.
3. August is month of the year.
4. October is month of the year.
5. Monday is day of the week.
6. Tuesday is day of the week.
7. Thursday is day of the week.
8. Saturday is day of the week. 9.
is letter of the alphabet. 10.
Be careful with the spelling of the red numbers!
See the more ordinal numbers on p. 74.
is letter of the alphabet. 11.
is letter of the alphabet.
What´s the date today?
• We always say ´the´ before ordinal numbers. There are lots of ways how to write a date: 2
Look how we write and read dates. 8 Write
It´s the sixth of May.
But we read them all like this: the second of September
What´s wrong? Match the pictures with the problems. b 10 Listen and check.
1. I´ve got a toothache.
3. My pencil is broken.
I must eat something.
2. I´m hungry.
4. I m tired.
I must see the dentist.
I must go to the bank.
I must buy a new pencil.
I must have a rest.
2 Read the grammar corner.
I´ve got a toothache. I must see the dentist. You´re hungry. You must eat something. He´ s thirsty. He must drink something.
We´ re tired. We must have a rest.
They´ re ill. They must stay in bed.
5. I haven´t got any money.
3 Write what you must do.
The rubbish bin in your kitchen is full.
I must take the rubbish out.
1. It´s 7:45. You´re still in bed on a school day.
2. It´ s your mum ´s birthday tomorrow.
3. There are lots of dirty plates in the sink.
4. You´re very thirsty.
5. All the flowers in your house are dry.
6. Your cats are hungry.
11 Listen. Write what these people must do.
Jack must learn for a History test.
5 Read the grammar corner.
I / You / We / They don´t have to get up early
He / She / It doesn´t have to get up early.
7 Put in don´t or doesn´t.
My little brother have to do any housework. doesn´t
1. I have to wash our car.
2. My dad have to work in the evenings.
3. We have to wash our hair every day.
4. They have to clean the windows.
5. My sister have to cook the dinner.
6. Snickers have to do anything.
7. You have to help me. It´ s easy.
6 Write what they must or don´t have to do.
The window is clean. The dog is hungry.
They don´t have to clean it.
The car is dirty.
The fridge is full.
The dinner is ready.
8 Go back to page 6. Look at the pictures in exercises 1 and 3a. Say if you must or don´t have to do the housework activities.
I must load dishes into the dishwasher, but I don´t have to do the shopping.
[g] or [dʒ]?
9a Mark the words that have [g] sound with a tick ✓ and mark the ones with [dʒ] with a cross .
globe giraffe get guest orange goodbye sponge Germany single Biology grandma gym
12 Listen, check and repeat.
c. Say this.
b. A dangerous grey gorilla goes to a garden and says goodnight to an orange giraffe.
There are lots of sports that people all over the world like doing or watching. Here are some of the sports that are very popular in Britain and in the USA. Do you know them? Do you play or watch any of them?
1 13 Read and listen to the text. Write the names of sports below the pictures.
In Britain the sport number one is football. Everyone loves it. In fact, England is the cradle of football The best teams, like Manchester United, Chelsea or FC Liverpool, play in the Premier League Thousands of fans go to watch their matches every week.
In Britain, rugby is very popular, too Wales, England and Scotland are all in the top ten national teams in the world.
A lot of children play field hockey, or just hockey, only at school. But it becomes more and more popular in Britain and the women ´ s national team is one of the best in the world
In the USA the most popular sport is undoubtedly American football. When the final match of the season called the Super Bowl comes, thousands of people watch it on the stadium and millions watch it on TV
Also baseball is one of the most popular sports for Americans Their men ´ s national team is the world´ s number one. These two sports are so popular that the question ´´Do you play football or baseball?´´ is quite common.
You can see many children or adults play basketball in cities of the USA. The best players, like LeBron James or Kevin Durant are NBA stars
Ice hockey is a very popular sport, too. The world´ s best players play in seven Canadian and twenty four American NHL teams
Make a list of four popular sports in your country. Add names of teams or athletes.
Sport Team / athlete
Share your ideas with the class. b
3 14 Listen. Complete the popular sports in these countries.
Do you know …?
Read the text. What sport is it?
This sport originally comes from Canadian Indians Now it´ s popular in Canada and the USA. It´ s a team sport Two teams, each of ten players, try to get a small ball into the other team´ s goal. The players use a long stick with a net at the end The players wear helmets.
What do we call this sport?
help: a) curling b) lacrosse c) netball
You can find the correct answer on page 77.
'bɒld/ plešatý
beard /'bɪəd/ vousy, bradka
build /'bɪld/ postava
curly /'kɜ:lɪ/ kudrnatý
fair /'feə/ světlý
fat /'fæt/ tlustý
feature /'fi:tʃə/ prvek, znak
freckles /'freklz/ pihy
glasses /'glɑ:sɪz/ brýle
hair /'heə/ vlasy
Let´s go and see. /'lets gəʊ, ænd si:/ Pojďme se podívat.
medium /'mi:dɪəm/ střední
moustache /mə'stɑ:ʃ/ knír
No way. /'nəʊ ,weɪ/ V žádném případě.
Oops! /'ʊps/ Jejda (citoslovce pro malou nehodu)
over there /'əʊvə ðeə/ támhle
plump /'plʌmp/ baculatý
slim /'slɪm/ štíhlý
straight /'streɪt/ rovný sure /'ʃʊə/ jistý; I´m sure … Jsem si jistý … wavy /'weɪvɪ/ vlnitý
abroad /ə'brɔ:d/ zahraničí; go abroad … jet do zahraničí anything /'enɪ,θɪŋ/ nic (v záporné větě) clean /'kli:n/ čistit, umýt
dishwasher /'dɪʃ,wɒʃə/ myčka na nádobí do the shopping /,du: ðə 'ʃɒpɪŋ/ nakoupit, udělat nákup feed /'fi:d/ nakrmit fence /'fens/ plot
housework /'haʊs,wɜ:k/ domácí práce
I have people to do it. Mám na to lidi. into /'ɪntə/ do load the dishes /,ləʊd ðə 'dɪʃɪz/ dát, vložit nádobí make the bed /,meɪk ðə 'bed/ ustlat postel mow the grass /,məʊ ðə 'grɑ:s/ sekat trávu
once /'wʌns/ jednou
set the table /,set ðə 'teɪbəl/ prostřít stůl
sweep /'swi:p/ zamést
take out the rubbish /,teɪk aʊt ðə 'rʌbɪʃ/ vynést odpadky
tidy /'taɪdɪ/ uklidit
twice /'twaɪs/ dvakrát
vacuum /'vækjʊəm/ vysávat, vyluxovat
water /'wɔ:tə/ zalévat
far away /'fɑ:r ,əweɪ/ daleko
goalie /'gəʊlɪ/ brankář (hovorově)
guys /'gaɪz/ lidi (při oslovení skupiny) Hi, guys … Ahoj lidi.
join /'dʒɔɪn/ připojit se; spojit last /'lɑ:st/ minulý, poslední meet /'mi:t/ seznámit se next door /,nekst 'dɔ:/ vedle (v domě) Nice to meet you. /,naɪs tə 'mi:t jʊ/ Rád(a) vás poznávám. remember /rɪ'membə/ pamatovat, vzpomínat same /'seɪm/ stejný
ask for /'ɑ:sk fɔ:/ požádat believe /bɪ'li:v/ věřit by /'baɪ/ u called /'kɔ:ld/ nazvaný celebrate /'selɪ,breɪt/ slavit date /'deɪt/ datum decorate /'dekə,reɪt/ ozdobit dessert /dɪ'zɜ:t/ dezert, zákusek, moučník devil /'devəl/ čert, ďábel dress up /'dres ,ʌp/ převléknout se event /ɪ'vent/ událost, akce festival /'festɪvəl/ slavnost, festival following /'fɒləʊɪŋ/ následující
full moon /,fʊl 'mu:n/ úplněk ghost /'gəʊst/ duch hang up /'hæŋ ,ʌp/ pověsit hide /'haɪd/ schovat (se)
holiday /'hɒlɪdeɪ/ svátek
horse racing /'hɔ:s reɪsɪŋ/ dostihy
hot cross bun /'hɒt krɒs bʌn/ mazanec important /ɪm'pɔ:tənt/ důležitý
knock /'nɒk/ zaklepat
leave /'li:v/ nechat
let off fireworks /,let ɒf 'faɪə,wɜ:ks/ vypustit ohňostroj
mean /'mi:n/ znamenat most /'məʊst/ nejvíce
play a trick /,pleɪ ə 'trɪk/ provést vylomeninu probably /'prɒbəblɪ/ pravděpodobně project /'prɒdʒekt/ projekt
public holiday /,pʌblɪk 'hɒlɪdeɪ/ státní svátek roast /'rəʊst/ pečený; péct search /'sɜ:tʃ/ hledat send /'send/ poslat
set date /,set 'deɪt/ ustanovené datum someone /'sʌm,wʌn/ někdo stockings /'stɒkɪŋs/ punčochy sweets /'swi:ts/ sladkosti
traditional /trə'dɪʃənəl/ tradiční treat /'tri:t/ koleda turkey /'tɜ:kɪ/ krocan, krůta vegetable /'vedʒtəbəl/ zelenina witch /'wɪtʃ/ čarodějnice
dentist /'dentɪst/ zubař
dry /'draɪ/ suchý
full /'fʊl/ plný
get /'get/ dostat
grandma /'græn,mɑ:/ babička
have a rest /,hæv ə 'rest/ odpočinout si
must /'mʌst/ muset
ready /'redɪ/ připravený, nachystaný
see the dentist /,si: ðə 'dentɪst/ jít k zubaři
something /'sʌmθɪŋ/ něco
still /'stɪl/ stále, pořád
thirsty /'θɜ:stɪ/ žíznivý
tomorrow /,tə'mɒrəʊ/ zítra
toothache /'tu:θ,eɪk/ bolení zubů
/'ædʌlt/ dospělý
all over the world /ɔ:l əʊvə ðə 'wɜ:ld/ po celém světě
American /ə'merɪkən/ americký, američan
athlete /'æθli:t/ sportovec
become /bɪ'kʌm/ stát se
Canada /'kænədə/ Kanada
Canadian /kə'neɪdɪən/ kanadský, kanaďan
common /'kɒmən/ běžný
competition /,kɒmpɪ'tɪʃən/ soutěž
cradle /'kreɪdəl/ kolébka
each /'i:tʃ/ každý
everyone /'evrɪ,wʌn/ všichni, každý člověk
fact /'fækt/ fakta, skutečnost
fan /'fæn/ fanoušek
favourite /'feɪvrɪt/ favorit, oblíbenec
field hockey /,fi:ld 'hɒkɪ/ pozemní hokej
final /'faɪnəl/ finálový, závěrečný; finále
fun /'fʌn/ zábava
goal /'gəʊl/ branka
helmet /'helmɪt/ helma, přilba
Indian /'ɪndɪən/ indián, indiánský
in fact /,ɪn 'fækt/ ve skutečnosti
in the top ten /,ɪn ðə 'tɒp ten/ v nejlepší desítce
just /'dʒʌst/ jen
million /'mɪljən/ milión
national /'næʃənəl/ národní
net /'net/ síť, síťka
only /'əʊnlɪ/ jenom, pouze
originally /ə'rɪdʒɪnəlɪ/ původně
page /'peɪdʒ/ strana (v knize)
Scotland /'skɒtlənd/ Skotsko
season /'si:zən/ sezóna
star /'stɑ:/ hvězda
stick /'stɪk/ hůl
support /,sə'pɔ:t/ podporovat, fandit
thousand /'θaʊzənd/ tisíc try /'traɪ/ pokusit se, zkusit undoubtedly /ʌn'daʊtɪdlɪ/ bez pochyby various /'veərɪəs/ různý wear /'weə/ nosit (na sobě)
15 Read and listen. Look at the pictures. What day is it?
I´ve got three books and a new mobile. What have you got, Lucy?
What have you got, Snickers?
I´ve got a new guitar and the latest Katy Perry CD. What about Snickers? What has he got?
I must look. But I hope I´ve got a new television, a new mobile, a new play station, a new bike, a new skateboard, a tennis racket, a dartboard, a …
Correct the sentences.
Billy has got a new bike.
Billy hasn´t got a new bike. He´s got a new mobile.
1. Billy has got three presents.
2. Lucy has got five presents.
3. Billy has got two books.
4. Snickers has only got three presents.
5. Lucy has got a new piano.
6. Snickers knows what he´s got.
7. Billy has got yellow pyjamas.
8. Lucy has got a Beatles CD.
9. Snickers has got two red boxes.
10. Billy has got a white mobile.
3 Read the grammar corner.
Have got Have got • affirmative
I / You / We / They have got a new phone
He / She / It has got a new phone.
Have got • negative
I / You / We / They have not got a new phone.
He / She / It has not got a new phone.
Rewrite the sentences. Use the short forms of have got.
They have got a laptop.
They´ve got a laptop.
1. I have got two sisters.
2. She has got a hamster.
3. You have got short fair hair.
4. He has got small eyes.
5. We have got a big house.
6. It has got a nice garden.
7. They have got a new car.
b Make the sentences negative. Use the short forms of have got.
They haven´t got a laptop.
5 Is or has? Write the correct verb.
He´s a teacher. - He is a teacher.
He´s got a dog. - He has got a dog.
1. He´s got a new friend. -
2. John´s married. -
3. It´s a beautiful day. -
4. She´s got two children. -
5. Her daughter´s thirsty. -
6. It´s dark brown. -
7. She´s got lots of books. -
8. He´s twelve years old. -
9. Mandy´s got a nice cap. -
Have got - questions
6 Read the grammar corner.
Have got • yes/no questions
Have you got a cat? • Yes, I have. / No, I haven´t Has he got a laptop? • Yes, he has. / No, he hasn´t
Have got • Wh- questions
What have you got in your bag? • I´ ve got an apple.
What has she got in her bag? • She´ s got an orange.
7 Complete the questions with Have or Has.
Why you got three bicycles? have
1. Paul got a brother or a sister?
2. Where in your house you got a TV?
3. I got blue or green eyes?
4. Mary got a pet?
5. your house got a balcony?
6. your parents got a cottage?
7. How many badges your brother got?
8. we got enough time?
16 Listen. Circle the sentence they say.
I´ve got a brother. I haven´t got a brother. B A
1. I´ve got a brother. I haven´t got a brother.
2. She´s a good teacher. She´s got a good teacher.
3. John´s tall. John isn´t tall.
4. Has she got a dog? Have you got a dog?
5. He´s ten. He´s got a pen.
6. He´s got a nice day. It isn´t a nice day.
7. It´s on the tenth floor. It´s got ten floors.
8. I´ve got two clocks. It´s two o´clock.
A great day out
17 Read and listen. Eva is describing her holiday. Is she enjoying her time?
Hi, my name ´ s Eva. We´ re on holiday in Germany. We´ re staying at our parents´ friends´ house. We´ re here for five days. Today is Tuesday. We´ re on an all-day trip. We´ re having a great time.
Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Eva´s family is on holiday in Germany.
2. They´re staying in a hotel.
3. They´re here for a week.
4. It´s Tuesday today.
5. Eva is swimming at 10 o´clock.
6. They aren´t having lunch at 2 p.m.
7. The German flag is white, green and blue.
3 Look in the text. Complete the sentences.
We at our parents´ friends´ house.
´re staying
1. We great time.
2. I football with some local boys.
3. Our mum it, too.
4. My sister Susan .
5. Susan just me.
6. At the moment we dinner.
Present continuous
4 Read the grammar corner.
Present continuous • affirmative
I ´ m (am) watching TV.
He / She / It ´ s (is) sleeping.
We / You / They ´ re (are) playing tennis.
We use the present continuous tense to describe an activity happening now.
Go to Workbook < Grammar sumary > p. 68
6 Write what they are doing. Check the new words in the Vocabulary list on p. 30.
5 Put the verbs in the brackets into the present continuous.
He´s picking apples.
´m reading
I my favourite book now. (read)
1. Andy his homework. (do)
2. We in the park now. (walk)
3. Tia spaghetti bolognese. (make)
4. You an e-mail. (write)
5. Mandy on the sofa. (sit)
6. They a marathon today. (run)
7. It at the moment. (rain)
8. My parents to the shops. (go)
9. I on the bus. (get)
Present continuous negative Grammar
7a Read the grammar corner.
Present continuous • negative
I ´m not watching TV.
He / She / It isn´t sleeping
We / You / They aren ´t playing tennis.
b Make the sentences in ex. 5 negative.
´m not reading
I my favourite book now. (read)
18 Listen. Tick what they are doing.
Malcolm Naomi Jeremy Joe / Annie
Tracy Jane / Tom
What … doing?
TV ✓ football
cinema homework
guitar PC game
ping pong swimming
book music
school shops
b Write true sentences about the people.
Malcolm is watching TV at the moment. He isn´t playing football.
Billy Lucy
the dialogue. Complete the gaps with the red words in the grey boxes.
Billy is away from home for ten days. He´s at a football training camp. He loves it there. He´s having a great time. He phones home every day. He´s talking to Lucy at the moment.
Hi, Lucy. Are you at ?
Yes, I am.
Are you doing anything?
No, I´m lying on the
I´m having a morning.
lazy home sofa
Billy Lucy
Billy Lucy
Billy Lucy Billy
Billy Lucy
Is at home?
Yes, he is.
What is he doing?
He´s watching a on TV.
Is mum watching TV, too?
No, she isn´t. She´s shopping.
What is she buying?
She´s buying some .
film food dad
And where´s Snickers? I want to say
´Happy ´ to him.
He´s in your bedroom.
What is he doing in my bedroom?
I don´t know exactly, but I can hear music.
Is he touching my CD player??
Wait, let me check what ´ s there.
happening Birthday loud
Answer the questions.
1. Why isn´t Billy at home?
2. What is Lucy doing now?
3. What is dad watching on TV?
4. Is mum at home? Where is she?
5. Whose birthday is it today?
6. Where is Snickers?
7. What is he doing there?
8. How many cats are there in Billy´s bedroom?
Lucy Billy Lucy
Billy, calm down and listen. Snickers is having a . It´s his birthday today, you know.
Why is he having the party in my ?
What´ s on there?
Billy, you don´t want to know …
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Look at the picture of Billy´s bedroom. What are the cats doing? Write sentences.
Snickers is drinking cola.
Two cats
GrammarPresent continuous - questions
4 Read the grammar corner.
Present continuous • yes/no questions
Are you watching TV? • Yes, I am. / No, I´m not.
Is he reading a book? • Yes, he is. / No, he isn´t.
Are they swimming? • Yes, they are. / No, they aren ´t.
Present continuous • Wh- questions
Where are you going? • I´m going to school.
What is he eating? • He´s eating an ice cream
How are they going on holiday? • They´re going by car.
time you a having are good?
Are you having a good time?
1. wearing is today what she?
2. to music he is now listening?
3. they travelling are where?
4. I dreaming am?
5. now doing is what she?
6. are London why to going they?
7. the having we moment break a at are?
6a Look at the pictures. Number the adjectives in the box.
excited bored sad surprised angry tired happy scared 4
7 Choose the feelings from exercise 6a for these situations.
1. After hard work in the garden.
2. You have nothing to do.
3. You get a nice present.
4. You´re at home alone at night.
5. You´re watching a great film.
6. You lose your mobile.
7. You win the first prize.
8. Somebody steals your bike.
c How are you feeling now? Tell the class.
8 21 Listen. How are they feeling now?
… feeling
Name Luke Sophie Ryan Nancy Alex Unit 2 1 23
1. Lucy and Emma don´t see each other very often.
2. Emma normally sits next to Frank at school.
3. Lucy is sitting next to Daniel today.
4. Today the class isn´t having English.
5. Lucy doesn´t often play the flute in Music lessons.
6. Lucy is an excellent flute player.
best friend
It´ s Thursday today Emma isn´t at school She´ s seeing the dentist so I´ m sitting next to Frank He normally sits next to Daniel but Daniel´ s ill. He´ s lying in bed now. We normally have English this lesson, but today we ´ re having Music because our English teacher, Miss Atkins, isn´t here. In Music lessons I often play the guitar, but today I´ m playing the flute because the guitar is broken I can ´t play the flute very well. But I´ m trying my best ☺.
Answer the questions.
What´s Lucy´s best friend´s name?
Her name´s Emma.
1. What do they do in their free time?
2. Do they sit next to each other at school?
These sentences are wrong. Correct them.
Emma is Billy´s best friend.
3. Why isn´t Emma at school today?
4. Who is Lucy sitting next to?
1. It´s Wednesday today.
2. Lucy and Emma never do any sports.
3. Daniel is playing at a tennis tournament today.
4. They don´t have English on Thursdays.
5. The English teacher´s name is Mr Bale.
6. Lucy isn´t playing the guitar because she can´t play it.
7. She´s playing the drums today.
Emma isn´t Billy´s best friend. She´s Lucy´s best friend. 24
5. Do they normally have Music on Thursday?
6. Why isn´t Lucy playing the guitar today?
7. What are the girls doing in the picture?
4 Read the grammar corner.
Present simple I sit next to Emma every day. (permanently)
Present continuous
I´m sitting next to Frank today. (only one day)
We use the present simple with always, every week, once a month etc. We use the present continuous with now, at the moment, today.
6 Mark the correct sentences with and the wrong ones with .
I have breakfast every morning. I´m having breakfast every morning. ✓
1. What do you do at the moment? What are you doing at the moment?
2. We go abroad on holiday twice a year. We´re going abroad on holiday twice a year.
3. I usually go to school by bus. I´m usually going to school by bus.
4. Where are you going? - I´m going to the park. Where do you go? - I go to the park.
5. Look! It rains. Look! It´s raining.
6. I´m often visiting my grandma at the weekend. I often visit my grandma at the weekend.
8a 23 Listen. Write what they normally do on Saturday and what they´re doing today.
Name Oscar Emily Thomas Lily
today normally goes out,
5 Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple or continuous.
b Write about the people.
´m washing up
I at the moment. (wash up)
1. He hardly ever his homework. (do)
2. We in the park at the moment. (walk)
3. Today Mia a pizza for dinner. (have)
4. I about twenty emails a week. (write)
5. Mary her favourite film now. (watch)
6. Tom a shower every morning. (have)
7. I skiing in the Alps every winter. (go)
8. They always when they see it. (laugh)
9. My dad to work by bike today. (go)
10. My mum in a clothes shop. (work)
7 Look at the pictures. Write what Lucy usually does and what she´s doing today.
Lucy usually an apple for breakfast, but today she grapes.
Lucy often the guitar in Music lessons, but today she the flute.
Lucy normally to school by bus, but today she by car.
Lucy normally TV in the evening, but tonight she a book.
1 2
24 Read and listen to the dialogue. Tick Billy´s answers and write his score.
Billy Lucy
Billy Lucy Billy
Billy, there´s a nice questionnaire in the latest issue of Bliss magazine. Do you want to try it?
What is it about?
It´s about what you like or hate doing, what makes you happy and things like that.
How long does it take?
Not long, just a few minutes.
OK, let´s do it.
Do you know yourself well? Try this questionnaire and find out what you like or hate doing, what is important, what makes you happy or sad, and what you ´ re good at.
1 What do you like doing at the weekend?
a. staying long in bed
b. watching TV
c. going on a trip
2 What do you hate doing?
a. reading books
b. doing homework
c. being bored
3 What do you think is important?
a. looking good
b. making lots of money
c. having a nice family
4 What makes you happy?
a. playing online games
b. eating a nice meal
c. being with your friends
5 What makes you sad?
a. having no wi-fi signal
b. losing something
c. hunting animals
6 What are you good at?
a. lazing
b. painting
c. swimming
Check what personality you and Billy are on page 27.
b Write about Billy. Use his answers.
Gerunds • nouns made from verbs
I like swimming in the sea.
Our dog hates washing his fur.
Flying in a hot air balloon is fantastic.
To make a gerund we put -ing at the end of a verb.
4 Complete the sentences with gerunds. badminton is great fun. (play) Playing
1. makes me nervous. (fly)
2. your teeth is important. (brush)
3. tigers is very bad. (hunt)
4. hard makes me tired. (work)
5. books isn´t boring. (read)
6. a rock is dangerous. (climb)
Letter ´ a ´ - different pronunciation
3 Write 5 things you like/love doing and 5 things you hate doing. Use gerunds.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
5a Find out what your partner is good or bad at. Ask questions and put or next to the activities.
A: Are you good at skiing? A: Are you good at singing?
✓ skiing running juggling cooking dancing
b Write about your partner.
Peter is good at skiing. He´s bad at singing. …
6a Sort out the words according to the pronunciation.
What personality are you?
Score: 0-4
Your life is very simple. You are clearly a passive person and you haven´t got any real hobbies or friends.
[æ] man, , ,
] call, , ,
c. Say this.
ball tall hall date
same favourite
apple fat catch
father dance fast
25 Listen, check and repeat.
A bald man named Jack has a black cat on his back.
Score: 5-8
You´re quite practical. You follow the middle way. You aren´t really passive, but you haven´t got big ambitions.
Score: 9-12
You´re a very active person. You are never bored. You´re sensitive, too. You love people and people love you in return.
✓ 27
The school system isn´t the same in all countries of Great Britain. Scotland is a bit different from England or Wales. In this text you can find some information about schools in England.
1 26 Read and listen to the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
School days are from Monday to Friday School usually starts at nine o'clock in the morning and finishes at about three o'clock in the afternoon
In most schools pupils wear a uniform. Education is free and compulsory for all children between the ages of 5-16
Compulsory education has got two stages:
- 6 years of primary school for 5-11 year olds
- 5 years of secondary school for 11-16 year olds
At the age of 16 pupils take an exam called the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
After that some pupils leave school, some go to technical colleges and some continue study at secondary school for two more years and take an A-level exam These final two years are called the sixth form Then the pupils can go to university
1. Children don´t go to school at the weekend.
2. Pupils don´t normally wear a uniform.
3. Children aged 5-16 don´t have to go to school.
4. Compulsory education is for 13 years.
5. All pupils leave school when they´re 16.
6. They finish the sixth form with an A-level exam.
2 Answer the questions.
1. What age do children start school?
2. How long is compulsory education?
3. How long do they stay at primary school?
4. What age do they finish compulsory education?
5. Do pupils take an exam when they are 16?
6. What do they do when they finish the sixth form?
27 Listen. Billy speaks about schools and the school year in England. Tick the correct answers.
1. When does the school year start?
a. in August
b. in September
c. in October
2. When does the school year end?
a. at the end of June
b. at the beginning of July
c. in the second half of July
3. How long are the summer holidays?
a. 4 weeks
b. 6 weeks
c. 8 weeks
4. How many terms (or semesters) are there?
a. 6
b. 5
c. 2
4 Topics for a class discussion.
5. Which is correct?
a. There are lots of school events during the year.
b. There are only a few events during the year.
c. There aren´t any school events during the year.
6. Which is correct?
a. All children have their lunch at home.
b. All children have a school lunch in the canteen.
c. Some children have a school lunch and some have a packed lunch.
1. Compare the English and the Czech school system.
2. What do you think? Is it a good or bad idea to wear a school uniform?
Read the text. What cities are these universities in?
There are two very famous universities in England. One of them is the oldest university in the English-speaking world Thousands of students from all over the world study there. Every year there´ s a traditional boat race on the River Thames between the boat clubs of these universities.
Do you know the names of the two cities?
a) Newcastle and York
b) Manchester and Liverpool
c) Oxford and Cambridge
You can find the correct answer on page 77
cottage /'kɒtɪdʒ/ chata, chalupa enough /ɪ'nʌf/ dost, dostatek great /'greɪt/ skvělý
hope /'həʊp/ doufat
latest /'leɪtɪst/ poslední, nejnovější pyjamas /pə'dʒɑ:məz/ pyžamo
What about … (you)? /,wɒt əbaʊt 'ju:/ A co … (ty)?
afraid /ə'freɪd/ bojící se; be afraid of … bát se něčeho all-day /'ɔ:l deɪ/ celodenní at the moment /,ət ðə 'məʊmənt/ v tuto chvíli, teď brick /'brɪk/ cihla, kostka (ze stavebnice) build a house /'bɪld/ postavit, stavět dům enjoy /ɪn'dʒɔɪ/ bavit se, užívat si get on the bus /'get ɒn/ nastoupit do autobusu
have a great time /,hæv ə greɪt 'taɪm/ mít se skvěle lake /'leɪk/ jezero
marathon /'mærəθən/ maratón
mop the floor /'mɒp/ mopovat, vytřít podlahu
now /'naʊ/ teď, nyní
pick apples /'pɪk/ trhat, sbírat jablka
repair the car /rɪ'peə/ opravit, spravit auto
stay /'steɪ/ bydlet (ne trvale), pobývat
surf /'sɜ:f/ surf, surfovat
swim /'swɪm/ plavat
take a photo /'teɪk/ vyfotit
trip /'trɪp/ výlet
walk the dog /'wɔ:k/ vyvenčit psa
We´re here for five days. Jsme tu na pět dní. What a day! /'wɒt ə ,deɪ/ To je ale den!
Wow! /'waʊ/ No teda! Jů! Senzace! (vyjádření úžasu)
angry /'æŋgrɪ/ naštvaný, rozzlobený bored /'bɔ:d/ znuděný, nudící se excited /ɪk'saɪtɪd/ nadšený, vzrušený happy /'hæpɪ/ šťastný sad /'sæd/ smutný
scared /'skeəd/ vyděšený, bojící se surprised /sə'praɪzd/ překvapený tired /'taɪəd/ unavený
alone /ə'ləʊn/ sám, samotný
away /ə'weɪ/ pryč, daleko
calm down /'kɑ:m daʊn/ uklidnit se check /'tʃek/ zkontrolovat, ověřit dream /'dri:m/ snít, sen exactly /ɪg'zæktlɪ/ přesně
feel /'fi:l/ cítit se
feelings /'fi:lɪŋ/ pocity football training camp /'kæmp/ fotbalový tréninkový tábor happen /'hæpən/ stát se, dít se, přihodit se hard /'hɑ:d/ těžký, tvrdý hard work dřina have a break /,hæv ə 'breɪk/ mít pauzu, přestávku have a party /,hæv ə 'pɑ:tɪ/ mít párty have nothing to do nemít nic na práci let /'let/ dovolit, nechat lie (lying) /'laɪ/ ležet lose /'lu:z/ ztratit, prohrát loud /'laʊd/ hlasitý night /'naɪt/ noc at night v noci phone /'fəʊn/ telefonovat, volat prize /'praɪz/ cena steal /'sti:l/ ukrást talk (to) /'tɔ:k tə/ mluvit (s) touch /'tʌtʃ/ dotýkat se, sahat wait /'weɪt/ čekat What´s going on there? Co se tam děje? win /'wɪn/ vyhrát you know /,jə 'nəʊ/ vždyť víš
broken /'brəʊkən/ rozbitý, pokažený, zlomený clothes shop /'kləʊðz ,ʃɒp/ obchod s oblečením drums /'drʌmz/ bubny, bicí each other /'i:tʃ ,ʌðə/ spolu, navzájem etc. zkr. et cetera /ɪt'setrə/ atd., a tak dále excellent /'eksələnt/ vynikající, excelentní flute /'flu:t/ flétna go for a walk /,gəʊ fə ə'wɔ:k/ jít na procházku grapes /'greɪps/ hrozny permanently /'pɜ:mənəntlɪ/ nastálo, trvale the Alps /,ði: 'ælps/ Alpy evropské hory tournament /'tʊənəmənt/ turnaj try one ´s best /'traɪ/ snažit se co nejlépe
active /'æktɪv/ aktivní a few /,ə 'fju:/ několik
ambition /æm'bɪʃən/ ambice, ctižádost back /'bæk/ záda be bad at /'bi: bæd æt/ být špatný v (něčem) be good at /'bi: gʊd æt/ být dobrý v (něčem) boring /'bɔ:rɪŋ/ nudný clearly /'klɪəlɪ/ jasně, zřetelně fantastic /,fæn'tæstɪk/ fantastický find out /'faɪnd ,aʊt/ zjistit follow /'fɒləʊ/ následovat, jít po … fur /'fɜ:/ srst, kožich hate /'heɪt/ nenávidět
hot air balloon /'hɒt eə bə'lu:n/ horkovzdušný balón
hunt /'hʌnt/ lovit
in return /,ɪn rɪ'tɜ:n/ na oplátku
issue /'ɪʃju:/ vydání, číslo (časopisu apod.)
lazing /'leɪzɪŋ/ lenošení; laze /leɪz/ lenošit
long /'lɒŋ/ dlouho
make money /'meɪk mʌnɪ/ vydělávat peníze
make sb happy … udělat někoho šťastným
meal /'mi:l/ jídlo (hotové, uvařené)
middle /'mɪdəl/ střední, prostřední
nervous /'nɜ:vəs/ nervózní
no /'nəʊ/ žádný
passive /'pæsɪv/ pasivní
personality /,pɜ:sə'nælɪtɪ/ osobnost
practical /'præktɪkəl/ praktický
questionnaire /,kwestʃə'neə/ dotazník real /'rɪəl/ skutečný, opravdový
sensitive /'sensɪtɪv/ citlivý
signal /'sɪgnəl/ signál
simple /'sɪmpəl/ jednoduchý, prostý
take /'teɪk/ trvat
things like that /'θɪŋs laɪk ðæt/ a podobně way /'weɪ/ cesta
What is it about? /'wɒt ɪz ɪt ,ə'baʊt/ O čem to je? wi-fi /'waɪ'faɪ/ wifi (bezdrátové připojení k internetu) yourself /jɔ:'self/ sebe
/,ə'bɪt/ trochu about /,ə'baʊt/ asi, okolo, přibližně
A-level exam /'eɪ levə ,ɪgzæm/ maturita at the age of … /,æt ði: 'eɪdʒ əv/ ve věku … beginning /bɪ'gɪnɪŋ/ začátek club /'klʌb/ klub
compulsory /kəm'pʌlsərɪ/ povinný
education /,edjʊ'keɪʃən/ vzdělání
English-speaking /'ɪŋglɪʃ ,spiːkɪŋ/ anglicky mluvící exam /'ɪgzæm/ zkouška famous /'feɪməs/ slavný, známý final /'faɪnəl/ závěrečný, konečný free /'fri:/ zdarma
GCSE /'dʒi: 'si:'es 'i:/ zkouška na konci povinné šk. docházky information /,ɪnfə'meɪʃən/ informace leave /'li:v/ odejít, opustit most /'məʊst/ většina only /'əʊnlɪ/ jen, pouze packed lunch /,pækt 'lʌntʃ/ balíček s obědem, oběd (z domu) primary school /'praɪmərɪ ,sku:l/ základní škola race /'reɪs/ závod
school system /'sku:l ,sɪstəm/ školní systém
secondary school /'sekəndərɪ ,sku:l/ střední škola
semester /,sɪ'mestə/ semestr (určité období školního roku)
sixth form /'sɪksθ ,fɔ:m/ poslední 2 roky na střední škole
stage /'steɪdʒ/ stupeň, fáze, etapa student /'stju:dənt/ student study /'stʌdɪ/ studium, studovat
take an exam /,teɪk ən 'ɪgzæm/ dělat zkoušku
technical college /'teknɪkəl ,kɒlɪdʒ/ průmyslová škola
term /'tɜ:m/ část školního roku (u nás pololetí)
the oldest /,ði: 'əʊldɪst/ nejstarší
university /,ju:nɪ'vɜ:sɪtɪ/ univerzita, vysoká škola
28 Listen and read about the Rich family. Answer the Snickers´s question.
The Rich family weren´t at home last weekend. Where were they?
Billy, mum and I were in the Lake District. Snickers was there with us. It a was a nice trip. The weather was good It wasn ´t sunny, but it wasn ´t wet. It was good for hiking.
But Mr Rich wasn´t there. Where was he?
I wasn ´t on the trip with my family I was at work Sometimes I must work at weekends
Where were you last weekend?
b Are the statements true (T), false (F) or the text doesn´t say (DS) the information?
1. The Rich family were away from home last weekend.
2. They were in Scotland.
3. Dad was there with them.
4. The trip to the Lake District was nice.
5. The weather was good because it was sunny.
6. There were lots of people in the mountains.
7. Dad wasn´t on the trip because he was ill.
8. He always works at weekends.
Complete the sentences with was or were.
I at a football match yesterday. was
1. Harry ill last week.
2. We in the park last Friday.
3. You at the cinema on Monday.
I / He / She / It here yesterday.
We / You / They ill last week.
Past simple: to be • affirmative & negative was wasn ´t were weren ´t
We use the past simple tense to talk about a completed action in the past.
4. Jason and Wendy in Egypt in 2015.
5. I at my grandparents´ on holidays.
6. They in New York last year.
7. It a beautiful day yesterday.
b Rewrite the sentences. Make them negative.
I at a football match yesterday. wasn ´t
Past simple Grammar
4 Read the grammar corner.
Past simple: to be • yes/no questions
Were you at the cinema? • Yes, I was. / No, I wasn ´t.
Was he at school? • Yes, he was. / No, he wasn ´t.
Were they ill? • Yes, they were. / No, they weren ´t.
Past simple: to be • Wh- questions
Where were you yesterday? • I was at the cinema.
When was she in London? • She was there on Friday.
Why were they at home? • Because they were ill.
5 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
Saturday it rainy last was?
Was it rainy last Saturday?
1. tired match you the were after?
2. born was when Mandy?
3. they night were last where?
4. the was good film?
5. Terry and Bill at were restaurant the?
6. on mobile was desk the your?
6a 29 Listen. Billy talks to his friends on the phone. Where are they now? Where were they yesterday? What was it like? Complete the chart.
What was it like? now France yesterday
The weather
b Write about the people.
Jim is in France now. Yesterday he was in Paris. It was ….
7a Look at the pictures. Number the expressions in the box.
It´ s snowy. It´s windy. It´s cold. It´ s sunny. It´s hot. It´s rainy/wet. It´s cloudy. It´s stormy.
b 30 Listen, check and repeat.
c What´s the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday?
Then something unexpected happened Someone called my name. I stopped eating and turned round. There was Rob, a boy from my class.
We travelled to the Lake District by train. It was a long journey from London to Windermere But I enjoyed it because we played card games and I listened to music
I ordered spaghetti Bolognese. It was delicious I liked it very much
Then we started to be hungry so we walked to the centre of the town and tried to find a restaurant. There was a nice Italian one in the square.
When we arrived at the hotel, we checked in and we unpacked our suitcases
b 31 Listen and check.
Past simple GrammarPast simple • regular verbs (-ed ending)
Past simple: -ed ending
Sort out the verbs according to their past simple pronunciation. Use the past tense.
arrived, ,
I / He / She / It here yesterday.
We / You / They ill last week.
checked, _____________ ,
wanted, ,
Go to Workbook < Grammar sumary > p. 70
c. Read the verbs in bold in ex. 1a correctly.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the brackets. Use the past simple.
Peter with Mary. (dance) danced
1. I school when I was 6. (start)
2. Tom tennis last weekend. (play)
3. They on the trampoline. (jump)
4. We at my aunt´s house. (stay)
5. Annie a film yesterday. (watch)
6. You me with English. (help)
7. The baby all night. (cry)
8. She some money for food. (need)
9. We the Tower Bridge. (cross)
10. It raining on Monday. (stop)
5a Read the text and fill in the gaps. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. Check their meaning in the Vocabulary list on page 44.
return settle sail call die want explore travel land
was born in Italy in 1451. In August 1492 he the Spanish flag across the Atlantic Ocean. He to get to India. But instead, he on an unknown island in ´the New World´. He the island ´San Salvador´. Then he a lot of other islands in the Caribbean Sea. He to Spain in March 1493. Since then, Christopher Columbus and his group of sailors to the new continent three more times and many of them there to start a new life. Columbus
b 33 Listen and check.
6 How do we read years? Look at the rules.
We write 845 and say eight forty-five
We write 1451 and say fourteen fifty-one.
We write 1506 and say fifteen oh six.
We write 1900 and say nineteen hundred
We write 2000 and say two thousand
We write 2005 and say twenty oh five.
We write 2019 and say twenty nineteen
Note: With years we use the preposition ´in´ .
7 Write the years in full.
fourteen ninety-two
8 34 Listen. Write the years you hear.
1a Read the texts. Choose the correct headings to the stories.
a. A big eater
b. An unlucky cyclist
c. A careless skier d. A lucky escape
Last week I was at my cousin´ s birthday party. There was so much delicious food! I ate too much and drank too much cola. I had stomach ache for three days Now I´ m alright but I know did a stupid thing. Josh, 15
When I was 10 years old, I went skiing in Austria with my parents One day, the weather was I wasn´t careful. I fell and broke my leg. A helicopter took me to hospital.
Two years ago we had a car accident A man in a van hit the back of our car. Luckily, nothing happened to us. We got out of the car and helped the man. We drove him to hospital
Yesterday I sat on my bike and rode to the shop I just went past the park when a dog ran across the road right in front of me I avoided the dog but I fell off and hurt my arm
There are lots of verbs with an irregular past simple.
2 Read the grammar corner.
b Find and underline the verbs in the past simple.
3 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in the brackets.
Oliver a new camera. (buy) bought
1. I your brother´s name. (forget)
I / He / She / It here yesterday.
We / You / They ill last week.
Past simple • irregular verbs present • past present • past go - went have - had fall - fell eat - ate break - broke ride - rode
Go to page 75 and check < Irregular verbs list >
Jessica her mobile. (lose)
They in Paris in 2005. (meet)
Someone my bike. (steal)
5. Oscar in the sea in Italy. (swim)
6. My mum me some money. (give)
7. Thomas late for school. (come)
She him the truth. (tell)
I you an email. (send)
2. 3. 4. 8. 9. Liz, 134 Read the Snickers´s note.
Here are some typical expressions that we use with the past simple.
G Ago
Learn how to use
´ ago ´ in exercise 5.
two days a week five years in 2005 last
5 Rewrite the sentences. Put the verbs into the past simple and use ago.
I /meet/ Rebecca yesterday morning.
I met Rebecca one day ago.
1. We /buy/ our car in September.
2. They /go/ to Italy last summer.
3. Bob /do/ the project on Saturday.
4. My uncle /build/ his house in 2008.
5. I /fly/ to the USA last Christmas.
6. Rose /lose/ her keys last Tuesday.
Means of transport
morning afternoon evening ago
night Monday week month year
6a 35 Listen. Five people talk about the things they did in the past. Complete the chart.
What did broke his arm
b Now write about the people.
James broke his arm in January.
7 Tell the class when you last did these things.
• eat pizza
I last ate pizza two weeks ago.
• drink cola
• ride a bike
• learn English
• buy some clothes
• get up late
Look at the pictures. Number the words in the box.
• go to the cinema
• lose something
• send a message
• feel sad
• take a photo
b 36 Listen, check and repeat.
How many more do you know? Tell the class.
Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the words in the banners below.
said this after he left the lunar module and made his first step on the .
A mission called started on 16 July . Three American astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael flew to the Moon where they landed four days later
and check.
Armstrong and Aldrin got out of the module and enjoyed their time on the Moon´ s . They didn´ t stay out there long, only 2.5 hours and they didn´ t walk far away from the module. They took and collected 21 5 kg of lunar material which they brought back to .
In total, they spent about 21 hours on the Moon Then, they started their journey home. They didn´ t have any during the flight and they safely returned to Earth on 24 July 1969. They became heroes and moved the world into a new era.
"That's one small step for a man, one leap for mankind."Armstrong, an American astronaut,
2 Are the statements true (T), false (F) or the text doesn´t say the information (DS)?
1. Neil Armstrong was a British pilot in 1969.
2. The crew landed on the Moon.
3. They landed there on 20 July 1969.
4. The mission was called Apollo 12.
5. The three astronauts walked on the Moon.
6. 50 million people watched them on TV.
7. They stayed on the Moon´s surface for 3 days.
8. One of the astronauts died on the way home.
9. They landed in the Pacific Ocean.
10. The journey to the Moon and back took 8 days.
I went to Spain I didn´t go to Germany
I / He / She / It here yesterday.
You came on time. You didn´t come late.
We / You / They ill last week.
He broke his arm. He didn´t break his leg. We arrived yesterday We didn´t arrive today
They played tennis They didn´t play chess
4 These statements are wrong. Read the text in the exercise 1 again and correct them. They didn´t land on Mars. They landed on the Moon.
Armstrong and Aldrin landed on Mars.
1. They came from Russia.
2. The mission started on 16 June 1970.
3. The flight to the Moon took ten days.
4. Neil and Buzz walked on the Moon for 8 hours.
The solar system
5. They made a video of the Moon.
6. They collected 97 kg of lunar material.
7. They spent 3 days on the Moon in total.
8. They returned to Earth on 31 August 1969.
5a Write the names of the planets in the solar system. Translate them into your language.
the Sun
a. Did you have a computer or a mobile?
b. Where did you go on holiday?
c. Did you have a happy childhood, Grandpa?
d. What did you do with your friends?
e. Did you have a lot of friends?
f. Why did you move there?
g. And where did you live?
B: ?
G: Oh, yes, I did. I was a very happy child.
L: ?
B = Billy G = grandpa L = Lucy 2.
G: Yes, I did. There were lots of boys and girls around and I had plenty of friends.
B: ?
G: I was born in Portsmouth. We lived there until I was four. Then, we moved to a village called Niton. It´s on the Isle of Wight.
L: ?
G: Because my dad got a new job there.
Read the grammar corner.
Past simple • yes/no questions
Did he play tennis? • Yes, he did. / No, he didn´t
When did she arrive?
• She arrived at 5 o´clock.
B: ?
G: We always went out and spent all day on the beach. We played football and other games.
L: ?
G: I didn´t travel much on holiday. We weren´t rich so we didn´t go abroad. We hardly ever left our village. I remember we once visited London.
B: ?
G: Ha ha! No, I didn´t. Such things didn´t exist in my days. We were glad we had a football. We didn´t own much but we were happy children.
b 39 Listen and check.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. see when film the you did?
2. Sunday did last do what you?
3. did move year the Coles where last?
4. Sarah for late why come did school?
5. at who the meet cinema you did?
4 Read the text. Ask your teacher the questions below. Fill in the missing information.
an American actor, was born in (?), California, on (?). He had two brothers and (?) sisters. He loved sport, especially (?) and (?). As a small child, he appeared in a few TV commercials and he starred in some
▪ What sports did he love?
▪ When did he die?
▪ Where was he born?
TV shows and soap operas. Then he became well-known after the films like Meet the Deedles (1998), Varsity Blues (1999), or The Skull (2000). But the real fame came in the successful film (?) in 2001. After that he became a star. Unfortunately, he died in a car crash on (?).
▪ Which film made him a star?
▪ When was he born?
▪ How many sisters did he have?
Go round the classroom and ask. Write the name of the first person who answers positively.
Now write about the people.
Silent letters
8. got up before 6 this morning
Read your report to the class.
cJessica went to Greece last summer. Thomas ate pizza for dinner yesterday.
6a Find and underline the silent letters in these words.
Pronunciation corner
• example listen [lɪsn] walk [wɔ:k] autumn [ɔ:təm] write [raɪt] daughter [dɔ:tə] eight [eɪt] answer [ɑ:nsə] know [nəʊ] castle [kɑ:sl] half [hɑ:f] guitar [gɪtɑ:]
40 Listen, check and repeat. b.
c. Identify and write the words.
T H E S T O R Y of
Before money
History of money
Money today
technologies barter pay
´Money makes the world go round!´ coins save
41 Listen and check. Check the new words in the Vocabulary list on p. 45.
2a Match the countries to the currencies that people use there.
a. € 1 euro = 100 cents
2. The USA
3. Germany
4. Russia
5. Japan
b. ₽ 1 ruble = 100 kopeks
c. ¥ 1 yen = 100 sen
d. £ 1 pound = 100 pence
e. $ 1 dollar = 100 cents
b Ask your teacher to check your ideas.
What currency do they use in Britain, sir?
important century
42 Listen. Circle what Billy wants to buy in the shop and complete the dialogue.
a. a ruler and three pencils
b. a book and two pens
c. a book and a poster
Hi, yes. How much is that , please?
It´ s £4.99, please.
And how much are these ?
They´re 99p each.
Right. Can I have a and two , please?
Anything else?
No, thanks. That´s all.
That´ s £6.97, please.
OK, here you are. b
Hello. Can I help you? Goodbye.
Thank you. Bye.
Practise the dialogue with your partner. Then make four new dialogues for these things.
4 Read the text.
Do you know …?
… that currencies have their own ´World Beauty Contest´?
Are you surprised? It´ s true.
Every year a jury from the International Bank Note Society choose from a large number of banknotes from all over the world and vote for the winners The Miss Money 2017, the latest winner, is the Switzerland 10 Franc banknote.
Do you like it?
In which European country does the contest take place? help:
a) Switzerland b) Norway c) Greece
You can find the correct answer on page 77
at work /ət 'wɜ:k/ v práci district /'dɪstrɪkt/ oblast, okres, čtvrť Egypt /'i:dʒɪpt/ Egypt
hike /'haɪk/ jít na túru hiking /'haɪkɪŋ/ turistika
mountain /'maʊntɪn/ hora
weather /'weðə/ počasí
yesterday /'jestədeɪ/ včera
The weather
It´s cloudy. /ɪts 'klaʊdɪ/ Je zataženo/oblačno.
It´s cold. /ɪts 'kəʊld/ Je zima.
It´s hot. /ɪts' hɒt/ Je horko.
It´ rainy/wet. /ɪts 'reɪnɪ/wet/ Je deštivo/mokro.
It s snowy. /ɪts 'snəʊɪ/ Sněží.
It´ s sunny. /ɪts 'sʌnɪ/ Je slunečno.
It´ s stormy. /ɪts 'stɔ:mɪ/ Je bouřka.
It´s windy. /ɪts 'wɪndɪ/ Fouká vítr.
across /ə'krɒs/ přes
arrive /ə'raɪv/ přijít, přijet by train /baɪ 'treɪn/ vlakem (7. pád - kým, čím)
call /'kɔ:l/ nazvat, nazývat
centre /'sentə/ centrum, střed
check in /'tʃek ɪn/ ubytovat se, zapsat se (v hotelu)
cross /'krɒs/ přejít přes…
cry /'kraɪ/ plakat, brečet
delicious /dɪ'lɪʃəs/ chutné, skvělé (jídlo)
die /'daɪ/ zemřít
discover /dɪ'skʌvə/ objevit explain /ɪk'spleɪn/ vysvětlit explore /ɪk'splɔ:/ prozkoumat grandparents /'græn,peərənts/ prarodiče instead /ɪn'sted/ místo toho
journey /'dʒɜ:nɪ/ cesta (vlakem, lodí apod.)
jump /'dʒʌmp/ skákat
land /'lænd/ přistát
order /'ɔ:də/ objednat (si)
return /rɪ'tɜ:n/ vrátit se
sailor /'seɪlə/ námořník
settle /'setl/ osídlit, usadit se
since then /sɪns 'ðen/ od té doby
stop /'stɒp/ přestat, zastavit
suitcase /'sju:t,keɪs/ kufr, zavazadlo
surprise /sə'praɪz/ překvapit, překvapení
the Atlantic Ocean /ðɪ ,ət'læntɪk 'əʊʃən/ Anlantický oceán
turn round /'tɜ:n ,raʊnd/ otočit se unexpected /,ʌnɪk'spektɪd/ nečekaný
unknown /ʌn'nəʊn/ neznámý
unpack /ʌn'pæk/ vybalit
accident /'æksɪdənt/ nehoda, úraz ago /ə'gəʊ/ před (nějakou dobou)
Austria /'ɒstrɪə/ Rakousko avoid /ə'vɔɪd/ vyhnout se break /'breɪk/ zlomit, rozbít careful /'keəfʊl/ opatrný
careless /'keəlɪs/ neopatrný cola /'kəʊlə/ kola (coca cola)
cyclist /'saɪklɪst/ cyklista
eater /'i:tə/ jedlík
escape /ɪ'skeɪp/ únik, uniknout fall /'fɔ:l/ spadnout fall off /'fɔ:l ɒf/ spadnout z (něčeho) forget /fə'get/ zapomenout get out of /'get aʊt əv/ vystoupit z … go past /'gəʊ pɑ:st/ projet kolem (něčeho) hit /'hɪt/ trefit, zasáhnout, udeřit hurt /'hɜ:t/ zranit (se) lucky /'lʌkɪ/ šťastný luckily /'lʌkɪlɪ/ naštěstí means of transport /'mi:nz əv 'træns,pɔ:t/ dopravní prostředky message /'mesɪdʒ/ zpráva much /'mʌtʃ/ mnoho, hodně nothing /'nʌθɪŋ/ nic skier /'ski:ək/ lyžař stomach ache /'stʌmək ,eɪk/ bolení břicha tell /'tel/ říct, vyprávět, povědět too /'tu:/ příliš unlucky /ʌn'lʌkɪ/ nešťastný, smolný
Means of transport helicopter /'helɪ,kɒptə/ helikoptéra, vrtulník motorbike /'məʊtə,baɪk/ motorka plane /'pleɪn/ letadlo school bus /'sku:l bʌs/ školní autobus ship /'ʃɪp/ loď taxi /'tæksɪ/ taxi train /'treɪn/ vlak van /'væn/ dodávka
astronaut /'æstrə,nɔ:t/ astronaut, kosmonaut bring back /'brɪŋ ,bæk/ přinést zpět crew /'kru:/ posádka era /'ɪərə/ éra, věk flight /'flaɪt/ let giant /'dʒaɪənt/ obrovský in total /,ɪn 'təʊtəl/ celkem, dohromady later /'leɪtə/ později leap /'li:p/ skok
lunar module /'lu:nə 'mɒdju:l/ lunární (měsíční) modul
mankind /,mæn'kaɪnd/ lidstvo
material /mə'tɪərɪəl/ materiál
million /'mɪljən/ milión
mission /'mɪʃən/ mise
move /'mu:v/ posunout, pohnout, přestěhovat
pilot /'paɪlət/ pilot
problem /'prɒbləm/ problém
Russian /'rʌʃən/ ruský
safely /'seɪflɪ/ bezpečně
solar system /,səʊlə 'sɪstəm/ sluneční soustava
stay out /'steɪ ,aʊt/ zůstat, pobývat venku
step /'step/ krok
surface /'sɜːfɪs/ povrch
The Pacific Ocean /tə pə'sɪfɪk 'əʊʃən/ Tichý oceán which /'wɪtʃ/ který
Mercury /'mɜ:kjʊrɪ/ Merkur
Venus /'vi:nəs/ Venuše
Earth /'ɜ:θ/ Země
Mars /'mɑ:z/ Mars
Jupiter /'dʒu:pɪtə/ Jupiter
Saturn /'sætɜ:n/ Saturn
Uranus /jʊ'reɪnəs/ Uran
Neptun /'neptju:n/ Neptun
actor /'æktə/ herec appear /ə'pɪə/ objevit se around /ə'raʊnd/ kolem, všude as /æz, əz/ jako
be born /,bi: 'bɔ:n/ narodit se childhood /'tʃaɪldhʊd/ dětství
commercial /kə'mɜ:ʃəl/ reklama
crash /'kræʃ/ havárie, nehoda
exist /,ɪg'zɪst/ existovat, být
fame /'feɪm/ sláva
glad /'glæd/ rád
go abroad /,gəʊ ə'brɔ:d/ jet do zahraničí go out /,gəʊ 'aʊt/ jít ven
grandpa /'græn,pɑ:/ dědeček
half /'hɑ:f/ polovina, půlka
isle /'aɪl/ ostrov
job /'dʒɒb/ zaměstnání, práce
knife /'naɪf/ nůž
lamb /'læm/ jehně, jehněčí
own /'əʊn/ vlastnit, mít; vlastní
palm /'pɑ:m/ palma
plenty of /'plentɪ ,əv/ hodně, spousta
sign /'saɪn/ značka, cedule
soap opera /'səʊp ,ɒpərə/ telenovela
star /'stɑ:/ hrát (hlavní roli) ve filmu successful /,sək'sesfʊl/ úspěšný
such /'sʌtʃ/ takový
sword /'sɔ:d/ meč then /'ðen/ potom, pak TV show /,ti: 'vi: 'ʃəʊ/ televizní show (zábavný pořad) unfortunately /,ʌn'fɔ:tʃənɪtlɪ/ bohužel, naneštěstí until /,ʌn'tɪlt/ až do (nějaké doby)
village /'vɪlɪdʒ/ vesnice well-known /,wel 'nəʊn/ známý
(Anno Domini) /‚eɪ 'di:/ našeho letopočtu banknote /'bæŋk‚nəʊt/ bankovka
barter /'bɑ:tə/ výměnný obchod
BC (Before Christ) /‚bi: 'si:/ před naším letopočtem bead /'bi:d/ korálek
beauty /'bju:tɪ/ krása
cash /'kæʃ/ peněžní hotovost
century /'sentʃərɪ/ století choose from /'tʃu:z ‚frɒm/ vybrat z (něčeho)
contest /'kɒntest/ soutěž
credit card /‚kredɪt 'kɑ:d/ kreditní karta
currency /'kʌrənsɪ/ měna (peněžní)
development /‚dɪ'veləpmənt/ rozvoj
disappear /‚dɪsə'pɪə/ zmizet entertainment /‚entə'teɪnmənt/ zábava
European /‚jʊərə'pɪən/ evropský
exchange /‚ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ/ vyměnit
Franc /'fræŋk/ Frank (švýcarská měna)
future /'fju:tʃə/ budoucnost gold /'gəʊld/ zlato, zlatý goods /'gʊdz/ zboží gradually /'grædjuəlɪ/ postupně household /'haʊs‚həʊld/ domáctnost however /‚haʊ'evə/ avšak internet /'ɪntənet/ internet jury /'dʒʊərɪ/ porota medical care /‚medɪkəl 'keə/ zdravotní péče merchant /'mɜ:tʃənt/ obchodník payment /'peɪmənt/ platba make a payment ……… zaplatit, provést platbu save /'seɪv/ šetřit service /'sɜ:vɪs/ servis, služba silver /'sɪlvə/ stříbro, stříbrný system /'sɪstəm/ systém Switzerland /'swɪtsələnd/ Švýcarsko take place /'teɪk ‚pleɪs/ konat se technology /‚tek'nɒlədʒɪ/ technologie trade /'treɪd/ obchodovat valuable /'væljʊəbəl/ cenný, hodnotný
Turkey /'tɜ:kɪ/ Turecko
various /'veərɪəs/ různý
vote /'vəʊt/ zvolit without /‚wɪ'ðaʊt/ bez work /'wɜ:k/ fungovat
written by René Frnkaillustrated by René Frnka
the first edition
except the photos from www pexels com on p 10 (christmas tree, halloween, easter, fireworks, valentine´ s day), p 14 (field hockey, football, rugby, darts, american football, ice hockey, basketball, baseball), p 15 (lacrosse), p 24 (park), p 28 (girl and boy in school uniform), p 29 (children at school, girl and boy in school uniform, boat race), p 36 (boys and girls), p 37 (taxi, motorbike, helicopter, school bus, plane, ship, van, train), p. 38 (astronaut on the moon), p. 39 (sun and planets), p. 41 (Paul Walker), p. 43 (banknote), p. 46 (Timur Gareyev, chess pieces), p. 47 (M. K. Maharana, H. Mijazaki, M. Beaumont, A. Vorobyeva), p. 49. (sun, earth, space, clocks), p. 51 (boy), p. 52 (people in the sun), p. 53 (clothes items, woman, man, boy, girl), p. 54 (pyramid, starfish), p 56 (Colosseum, Eiffel tower, Angel falls), p 57 (Ayers rock), p 60 (boys and girls), p 63 (boys and girls), p 68 (fish and chips, full english breakfast, noodles), p 69 (pizzeria) and from Dagmar Frnková on p. 55 (Golden Gate Bridge)
Bez písemného souhlasu autora se prísne zakazuje kopírovat, reprodukovat nebo šírit jakoukoliv cást této publikace. ˇ ˇ
je pětidílná řada učebnic zaměřená na výuku angličtiny pro děti ve věku 10-15 let, tedy pro žáky 5. až 9. ročníků základních škol. Učebnice je
koncipována v souladu se Společným evropským referenčním rámcem
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFRL) a po absolvování všech pěti dílů se předpokládá zvládnutí úrovně B1.
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