The Drum Method Volume 2
ISBN 9798419628632
Volume 1:
Dotted notes, ties, pickup measures, meter changes, the dynamic levels 'forte' and 'piano'.
Volume 2:
Upstroke/downstroke, the flam, crescendo/decrescendo, accents, the rim click, the stick shot, the open hi-hat sound.

Volume 3:
The closed roll, alla-breve-measures, the tap, ghost notes, tempo changes.

Volume 4:
The double stroke, tempo changes, the ruff (drag).

Volume 5:
The paradiddle, swing-coordination

This book should not be worked through page by page. After a short introduction there are thematically different chapters, which - according to the needs of the respective student - can be worked on simultaneously.
Depending on the students preferences, abilities and experience you can start with any chapter; during the process you will find yourself working on various chapters at the same time.
This system gives the teacher the opportunity to arrange individual practice schedules without neglecting crucial aspects in the long term perspective. Notes in the book indicate when a technical topic has to be mastered first to continue with the next piece or exercise.
Note Values, Dynamic Markings, Tempo Markings, Repeat Signs
Hello! My name is Max.
I will guide you through this book and help you become a great drummer.

This book gives you the opportunity to take your drumming skills to the next level.
All it takes is regular practice!
Follow your teacher's instructions and include the practice sessions into your daily routine.
On you can find more info and material that goes with the book. This book belongs to:
Play the snare drum exercises in this book several times with each symbol standing for a different style of playing:
The first time play the pieces on the snare drum standing up; count aloud and walk on the spot.
The speech bubble tells you how to count, always walk on the beats that are underlined.
The cube means that you play the same piece on the drum set. Instead of walking, your feet play the bass drum and the hi-hat as a backing throughout the exercise. On the right side of the cube you can see when the bass drum is played and on the left side when you have to play the hi-hat with your foot.

Here you only count the quarter notes aloud, so no more 'and's or 'ta ta's (for triplets).
Finally you play the exercises along with a metronome.
After a while you can work on different exercises in this book simultaneously.
to do done
Every exercise with this symbol can be played with music, which you can find on the book's website

Work through these exercises the same way you did in Volume 1. Whenever you come across any new rhythmic figure that seems to be too hard to play, try to clap it first and then speak it using syllables like 'ta' or 'tam'.

The next piece is written in 6/8-time. This means that you count to 6 in each measure.
But here you do not count quarter notes, but eighth notes instead. From '1' to '2' it is only an eighth note step. When playing a piece in 6/8-time, you walk on '1' and '4'. These are the beats being felt in a 6/8-time.
You should start now with the flam exercises on page 56.

If this figure causes you problems, pick one of the two rhythms on the left side and play the crossed out notes on the rim of the drum. If that works, you can finally play those notes 'in the air' and you're almost there!

In the next exercise, you'll be playing triplets (three notes evenly spaced on one beat) for the first time.
In the first and the third line count '1+2+3+'.
In the second and in the fourth line count '1 ta ta 2 ta ta 3 ta ta'.
You will notice that the 'straight' eighth notes have a different feel to the 'round' triplets. In this exercise you always have one measure of silence to switch between the two feels.

Count 'as needed' means: '+' for eighth notes and 'ta ta' with triplets. This way of counting applies to all exercises where eighth notes and triplets co-occur.

Count 'as needed' means: '+' for eighth notes and 'ta ta' with triplets.

Play the upper line. On the website of this book you can find the teacher's part as a play-along for practicing.