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Work Matters
Employment Keeping safe at work
Employers must ensure workplaces are COVID secure . Risk assessments and appropriate actions need to be undertaken to make sure this happens . This should include attention to groups of employees who may be more at risk including those who are BAME, disabled, over 70 and with underlying health conditions .
If you have concerns, advice and help is available from ACAS, the Citizens Advice Bureau and Trades Unions . ACAS: www .acas .org .uk/ coronavirus Call: 0300 123 1100 Visit: https://findyourunion .tuc . org .uk Visit: www .citizensadvice .org . uk/work Call: 0808 2787 856
Redundancy & job loss
If you are at risk of redundancy or think you may be about to lose your job, check your rights
at the Citizens Advice Bureau, ACAS or your trade union .
Visit: www .citizensadvice .org . uk/work/leaving-a-job/ Call: 0808 2787 856 Visit: www .acas .org .uk/ redundancy Call: 0300 123 1100
Need to retrain?
The world of work is changing, if you think you need different skills to help you get another job there are agencies that may be able to help: https://nationalcareers .service . gov .uk Call: 0800 100 900 Visit: www .aclessex .com Call: 0345 603 7635 Visit: www .harlow-college . ac .uk/study-options/part-timecourses-adults Call: 01279 868000
If you’re being made redundant you may be able to access support with training through government funding via the DWP/Jobcentre Plus by claiming Universal Credit . Visit: www .gov .uk/universalcredit The DWP will also contact employers when they declare redundancies to offer support from a range of partner organisations .
What to do if you lose your job
For guidance on what to do if you have lost your job due to COVID-19: www .gov .uk/guidance/ coronavirus-covid-19-what-todo-if-you-were-employed-andhave-lost-your-job
Engage Project
The Engage project is aimed at women who are unemployed or economically inactive and would like to move in to employment, education or training .
To participate you must have the right to live and work in the UK . This project will help you build a personal pathway to help you get to where you want to be .
kate@rainbowservices .org .uk Call: 07598 530305