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Money Matters

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Keeping Well

Keeping Well

Food costs

Harlow Foodbank provides emergency food and care parcels to individuals and families during times of crisis .

All public referrals can be made through Harlow Citizens Advice . Professional referrals to Foodbank can be made via Harlow Frontline .

Harlow Food Bank via Harlow Citizens Advice Call: 01279 724575 Email: harlowfoodbank@ mrct .org .uk Visit: www .harlowcab .org .uk

Job loss/ redundancy

You might be told you are at risk of redundancy if your employer has to reduce their workforce . Facing redundancy can be stressful and confusing . If you are worried about money, concerned that you have been discriminated against or that your redundancy is unfair, or if you need help to claim benefits such as Universal Credit, contact Harlow Citizens Advice .

Harlow Citizens Advice Bureau

Call: 0808 2787 856 Visit: www .citizensadvice .org .uk Further information about redundancy and your rights can also be found on the following websites: www .gov .uk provides information on redundancy rights and help to find work .

Money Saving Expert:

www .moneysavingexpert .com/ family/redundancy-help/

ACAS: www .acas .org .uk/your-


Looking for work?

The Transition Project provides a free service to help anyone looking for work .

They offer weekly clinics, with remote but personal support by phone, email, Zoom and Skype .

The Transition Project

Call: 01799 500543 Email: swtransitionproject @gmail .com Visit: www .transitionproject .co .uk

Be scam aware

Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations and the police . They spend hours researching you for their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment . Stop and think . It could protect you and your money .


Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe .


Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests . Only criminals will try to rush or panic you .


Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud .

Help stop loan sharks

It is now quicker and easier for people to report loan sharks and access support . A new Stop Loan Sharks app has been launched which includes a contact form and phone number to report loan sharks . If you need support get in touch via the app or call the 24-hour helpline on 0300 555 2222 .

Take Five to Stop Fraud

Visit: takefive-stopfraud .org .uk

Action Fraud

(To report fraud or cyber-crime, Monday to Friday 8am-8pm) Call: 0300 123 2040 If you are deaf or hard of hearing, text phone: 0300 123 2050 Visit: www .actionfraud .police .uk

Get help to stay connected

To help reduce loneliness and social isolation (virtually), Rainbow Services are able to loan technical equipment for a period of one week at a time, for those that are eligible, so that they can remain socially connected . A Digital Buddy could be made available to offer support to get connected


jemmaw@rainbowservices .org .uk Call: 07849 090 735

The app is free to download on both iOS and Android devices on the App Store and Google Play Store . Citizens Advice Harlow provides information and advice on subjects including benefits, debt, employment, housing, immigration, consumer, pensions, legal, energy, warm homes and family issues .

For webchat and email advice visit www . harlowcitizensadvice .org .uk

For telephone and video call appointments please call 0808 2787 856 and leave a message .

For help on claiming Universal Credit call 0800 144 84 44 .

Textphone: 18001 0800 144 84 44

To speak to an adviser call Essex Adviceline: 03444 770 808

Textphone: 03444 111 445

Main advice line: 0800 144 88 48

Textphone: 0800 144 88 84 Monday to Friday 10am-4pm

Harlowsave Credit Union

Harlowsave Credit Union is a local community financial co-operative, offering flexible savings and loan options . Call: 01279 451234 Email: admin@harlowsave .coop Visit: harlowsave .coop

Help with your council bills

Please contact Harlow Council straight away if you are having genuine difficulty in paying your Council Tax or housing rent . They will consider your circumstances and work with you to agree realistic repayments .

Council Tax helps to provide services to you, so if you are able to pay Council Tax it is important that you do so . Council Tax also pays towards services run by Essex County Council including Adult Social Care as well as paying for services provided by Essex Police and Essex Fire Service .

If you are having difficulties you can email the council at council .tax@harlow .gov .uk or call 01279 446688 .

You must pay rent as part of your tenancy agreement . This income provides tenants with housing-related services which includes the ongoing maintenance of homes and carrying out of repairs .

The council will work with you to resolve any arrears that arise . They only ever take recovery action as a last resort and only against tenants who are able to pay their rent but choose not to .

If you are having difficulties call Harlow Council on 01279 446655 .

Help with your Council Tax

You can apply for Council Tax Support to help you pay your Council Tax if you’re on a low income or claiming benefits . You may also be able to claim Housing Benefit if you’re claiming this support .

Visit www .harlow .gov .uk or call us on 01279 446655 to apply .

Help with your rent

Many tenants who have experienced financial difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have been working closely with the council, receiving advice and support and making realistic agreements to address arrears that may have mounted up .

You may be able to receive extra short-term help with your rent by applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) .

You can claim a DHP if you already receive the housing element of Universal Credit, or receive Housing Benefit, but need help to meet your rent .

Payments may be made by a single lump sum payment, or by on-going weekly payments, and are intended to provide short term financial assistance .

Visit www .harlow .gov .uk/ benefits for an application form or call 01279 446655 .

Different ways to pay

During lockdowns residents have found other ways to pay their council bills without needing to visit the Civic Centre . Other ways to pay include:

• Setting up a Direct Debit • Online www .harlow .gov .uk • 24 hour automated payment line 01279 446600 • Standing orders • Bank transfer

For more on payment options visit www .harlow .gov .uk or call us on 01279 446655 .

Support for Leaseholders

If you are experiencing genuine financial difficulties in paying your annual service charges or major works invoice, please contact Harlow Council’s Home Ownership team on 01279 446206 or email homeownership@harlow .gov .uk

If you receive a state pension or you are unemployed, Universal Credit may, in some cases, offer you financial support . If you have a mortgage provider you can approach them, explaining your situation and they may pay the invoice on your behalf and add the amount on to your mortgage .

Please do not ignore these invoices as recovery action can be taken to collect the monies owed.

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Get the app.

Download the NHS COVID-19 Test and Trace app today by searching for “NHSCOVID-19” in the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone.

View area risk level


Get alerted if you’ve been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus


Lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district


Get alerted if you have recently visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus


Check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a free test


Helps you book a test and get your result


Keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice

To download the NHS COVID-19 app, search for “NHSCOVID-19” in the App Store / Google Play Store on your phone

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