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Keeping Well

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Work Matters

Get a flu vaccine

The flu vaccination is important because:

if you are at higher risk from coronavirus, you are also more at risk of complications from flu if you get flu and coronavirus at the same time, you may become more seriously ill it will help to reduce pressure on the NHS and social care staff who may be dealing with coronavirus

The flu vaccine is given to people who: are 65 and over (born on or before 31 March 1956) have certain health conditions

are pregnant are in a long-stay residential care

receive a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick live with someone who is at high risk from coronavirus (on the NHS shielded patient list) are frontline health or social care workers

If you are aged between 50 and 64 and you are not in a clinical risk group, you may be offered the vaccine later in the winter season . In the meantime, please be patient . This will allow GPs to focus on vaccinating those most vulnerable first .


Livewell is a campaign that engages with families, communities and individuals to provide information about all that is on offer in Essex to improve health and wellbeing .

There are 6 main strands: startwell – Giving children and young families the best start in life . staywell – Clinical wellbeing, a state of health . Working together to ensure access to the best clinical services . feelwell – A state of mental wellbeing . Improving the access to services that address mental wellbeing . eatwell – Raising awareness on healthier eating . bewell – People of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities can benefit from being physically active . agewell – Plan now for the future, for a healthier retirement . Visit: www .harlow .gov .uk/ community/health-andwellbeing

Keep active

Staying active is really important in order to stay physically and mentally well .

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get more activity into your day . Research shows that people who fit moderate activity, such as walking, into their daily life burn more energy than those who make weekly visits to the gym .

Stay active at home

The Active Essex website has lots of ideas and tips on how to stay active whilst at home .

There is also a free library of online exercises on the Keep Essex Active YouTube channel .

Visit: www .activeessex .org/ keep-essex-active

YouTube channel:

www .activeessex .org/ keep-essex-active-youtube

The NHS also has a library of exercises to help with strength, flexibility and balance .

Sitting exercises:

https://www .nhs .uk/live-well/ exercise/sitting-exercises/

Strength exercises:

https://www .nhs .uk/live-well/ exercise/strength-exercises/

Flexibility exercises:

https://www .nhs .uk/live-well/ exercise/flexibility-exercises/

Balance exercises:

https://www .nhs .uk/live-well/ exercise/balance-exercises/

Strength and Balance classes

A free strength and balance service has recently started for adults living in the district or registered to a GP practice in Epping Forest, Harlow or Uttlesford .

Held at venues throughout these districts, the 12-week seated exercise programme can help build strength, improve mobility and keep people moving .

The groups are small (up to 5 people) and all venues have measures in place to ensure you are able to remain socially distanced .

You can also attend a live virtual class from your own home if you prefer .

Call: 01992 564561 Email: csreception@ eppingforestdc .gov .uk

Eat well

Eating healthily can often be more challenging when spending more time at home - for example, there may be more temptations around .

By eating a range of fruits and vegetables you can help boost your immunity .

Try to stock up on healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, olives, dips and veg to dip into them!

Planning meals throughout the day can be helpful too .

Link well

The Essex Wellbeing Service’s Link Well services help to connect you to specialist organisations across the county . Find out more information on the services available at www .essexwellbeingservice . co .uk/link-well/community-1

Weight management

My Weight Matters is a free weight management programme for adults living in Essex . It focuses on eating a healthy balanced diet, managing your portions and helping you to be more active in your daily life . It’s not a ‘diet’ or quick fix solution, but instead supports you to lose weight in a safe, controlled way and to change unhealthy habits .

My Weight Matters Call: 0800 022 4524


acecicweightmanagementadults@nhs .net


www .acemyweightmatters .org

Using the NHS and other health services

At the moment it can be hard to know what to do if you’re unwell or have concerns about your health . Your GP services are open, always have been and will continue to be . It’s important to get medical help if you think you need it, keep any appointments or procedures you have booked unless you’re told not to go and to go to hospital if you’re advised to . If patients need to speak to a nurse or GP they will be triaged over the telephone or online . After this, the practice will let patients know what sort of appointment they will have . This will be a telephone consultation, a video call or a face-to-face appointment . Face-to-face appointments are still taking place, but only if it is essential . Safety measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of Coronavirus . GPs and nurses may also be wearing protective clothing to keep you both safe . Please be patient and be kind as our staff continue to do their best to make sure you get the best care possible . NHS services have made changes to make sure it’s safe for you to be seen during coronavirus . There are also ways to get medical help and prescriptions online or over the phone .

Health information and advice

The best place to get accurate health information is the NHS website www .nhs .uk or your GP surgery’s website .

Help and support from a GP If you need to contact a GP, do not go into the surgery in person - either call your GP or visit the GP surgery’s website .

Repeat prescriptions

If you have a repeat prescription that you usually request at your GP surgery or pharmacy, you can do this online .

Do not go to your GP surgery or pharmacy to order prescriptions . Call them if you cannot order your prescription online .


If you have a hospital appointment, it’s important to go . Your hospital will contact you with more information about what you need to do .

Dental treatment

In England, some routine dental treatments are now available again .

If you think you need urgent dental treatment:

Call your dentist

Use the NHS 111 service if you cannot contact your dentist or do not have one .

Sexual health clinics

Call a sexual health clinic if you need help or advice about sexual health issues like sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or contraception . Alternatively visit www .essexsexualhealthservice . org .uk or call 0300 003 1212 .


If you need contraception, call your GP surgery or a sexual health clinic as soon as possible . Only go in person if you’ve been told to .

Urgent medical help

If you need urgent medical help, use the regular NHS 111 online service .

Emergency medical help

For life-threatening emergencies, call 999 for an ambulance .

Try to avoid going straight to A&E instead of calling an ambulance .

Essex Befriends

Offering befriending services to people over 18 who are carers, older people, those experiencing mental ill health or have a learning disability .

Contacts are currently by phone, video call, email or texts . Where it is appropriate and safe, Befrienders can also meet in outside spaces . Call: 0300 770 1263 Email: essexbefriends@affc . org .uk www .essexbefriends .org .uk

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