Harlow Times Autumn 2024

Page 1

In this edition

Pages 3 and 4

We’re transforming our housing

Building new homes for Harlow.

Pages 10 and 11

We’re securing investment State-of-the-art David Lloyd Club coming to Harlow.

Pages 12 and 13

We’re protecting our communities

Huge investment secured to boost physical activity.

News in brief

Calling all photographers, Council Tax Support Scheme consultation, Pension Credit information, Honorary Aldermen appointed, museum garden walls restored.

Your councillors Contact details for your local councillors.

Our annual update to council tenants and leaseholders on how we are doing and what we need to improve.

Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed.

This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine.

We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town.

Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Warners (Midlands) plc.

© Harlow Council 2024. You may re-use this information (excluding logos and copyright images) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. View this licence: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/ open-government-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk

Things to do, see and visit this autumn in Harlow.

Please recycle this magazine when you have finished reading it. Harlow Times is printed on recycled paper.

Send us your views

Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.

Enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk

Cover image: On site building new council homes in Staple Tye.

Getting on with delivering your 6 priorities

Dear Residents,

As we move out of a busy summer and into the autumn, I wanted to provide you with an update on the work we’re doing every day to deliver our six new missions to transform our town. These missions are based on your priorities so you can hold me directly accountable for what we are delivering for you.

On transforming Harlow’s housing we’re getting on with building new council homes with the first bricks laid as part of three housebuilding schemes in Staple Tye. This is part of a wider programme to build hundreds of new homes for Harlow families. Our latest housing annual report, which you will find on pages 17 to 24 sets out how our housing services are performing, but more importantly what we need to improve on for our tenants and leaseholders.

On renewing our neighbourhoods we’re brightening up various areas around the town. A new colourful mural inspired by local schoolchildren has bought fresh colour to our town park and helped to renew the area around the paddling pool. The work of our staff, volunteers and residents who work together to keep Harlow’s green spaces well maintained has been rewarded with three green flags and an international green apple award!

On rebuilding our town we’re getting on with rebuilding the town centre with two out of four of our fully funded multi-million-pound regeneration schemes now underway with more to come. We are rebuilding the bus station and getting on with work to transform the streets around the town centre.

On securing investment for Harlow’s future, we continue to attract new businesses to Harlow. The official green light has been given to major leisure brand David Lloyd Clubs opening a state-of-theart leisure club near Newhall. From electricians to surveyors we are also giving new opportunities to local businesses who want to help us to rebuild our town.

On protecting our communities we’re working with the Police to address serious crime and antisocial behaviour in The Stow. We know residents and businesses feel that we have left behind this area, and we’re now doing something about it with a targeted approach to tackle the issues. To improve residents’ health and wellbeing we’ve successfully secured £265,000 from Sports England to provide new opportunities for people to keep active around the town.

On delivering high-performing council services we continue to monitor performance across the council closely and keep our budgets in check to help maintain a strong and healthy financial position. We’re investing in and transforming services across the council to make sure we deliver for you.

I know we need to continue to rebuild trust with you, but we remain on the right track. We will work day and night to deliver on your priorities.

I look forward to updating you again in the winter on our progress.

Are you ready to vote?

The Annual Canvass for 2024 is nearly complete and the new electoral register will be published on 7 January 2025.

If you have been sent a white A3 canvass form, please respond by Tuesday 31 December 2024

The quickest way for you to respond is online at www. householdresponse.com/ harlow.

You will need the security codes that are printed on the letter or you can email registration@harlow.gov.uk

The canvass form is not a registration form, so any new eligible individuals will be asked to register by visiting www.gov.uk/registertovote

Please register by Thursday 19 December 2024 so that your name is included on the new electoral register.

For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/votingand-elections or visit www. electoralcommission.org.uk/ i-am-a/voter/

You can contact us on 01279 446042 or email: elections@harlow.gov.uk

Calling all photographers

The Chair of the Council has launched his annual photo competition and is encouraging local photography buffs to get involved.

Whether it be our green spaces, sculpture collection or fantastic community, anything that you consider to be the very best of Harlow, capture it on camera and send it in.

The competition runs until 1 November. Winning photos go on display in the Gibberd Gallery from 12 December until 1 January 2025.

If shortlisted, you’ll be invited to the opening event at the gallery on 12 December where the winners will be announced.

Photos can be digital or physical, old or new. Email digital photos to chair@harlow.gov.uk, or bring physical copies into the Civic Centre.

Have your say on Council Tax support

This year we’re looking at whether to significantly change the working age Council Tax Support Scheme from 1 April 2025. Under the proposals, those on the lowest incomes would receive more financial help than they currently do.

There are no changes for pension age applicants as they are part of the national scheme. Our proposals for the working age support scheme aim to:

• make the scheme easier to understand and access,

• provide an increased level of support for households on the lowest incomes,

• make the scheme work better with the Universal Credit system,

• support families and applicants who receive a disability benefit,

• take away the need for constant changes in awards.

You can have your say at www. harlow.gov.uk/consultation. The consultation will run until 5pm Friday 15 November.

The first Honorary Aldermen of the town

History was made in August as Harlow Council appointed three former councillors as the first Honorary Aldermen of the town in recognition of their remarkable public service.

The honorary titles were handed to Simon Carter, Eddie Johnson and Mark Wilkinson at a special ceremony in the Civic Centre’s Council Chamber.

All three retired as councillors in May. The titles recognised the remarkable service all three have given to Harlow. Between them they gave more than 75 years of public service to Harlow.

The ceremony was hosted by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Dan Swords, and Chair of the Council, Councillor Andrew Johnson.

Are you over State Pension age, or know someone who is?

You may be eligible to claim Pension Credit, even if you own your home or have savings.

People who claim Pension Credit may also be able to get:

• The Winter Fuel Payment and other help with heating costs

• Help with rent and Council Tax

• A free TV Licence for those aged 75 or over

• Help with the cost of NHS services, such as dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments

You could be eligible for Pension Credit if your weekly income is below £218.15 or £332.95 if you have a partner who lives with you. Qualifying income level may be higher in some circumstances.

You can check your eligibility at www.gov.uk/pension-credit or by calling 0800 99 1234.

Wall restoration project underway

A project to restore the historic Grade II listed garden walls at Harlow Museum is set to be completed soon.

Harlow Council is working with specialist company Messenger to undertake the works.

The project involves removing and replacing the old mortar and damaged bricks. Areas where repairs have been made stand out bright and clean from the older brickwork. This is to give an idea of how the lime mortar would have looked hundreds of years ago when the walls were first built.

The project will ensure the walls are safe and in good repair for many years to come.

The project is all part of investing in our much-loved community services with further works planned.

Did you know that you can watch some council meetings online?

Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/webcasts

We’re transforming

Harlow young people helping to build the homes of tomorrow

The first bricks have been laid in Harlow Council’s housebuilding programme with local apprentices helping to build brand new council homes.

Building work is underway at three housebuilding sites in Staple Tye, known as the Staple Tye Renewal Scheme. This scheme will provide 44 highquality new council homes for Harlow families.

This forms one part of the council’s wider housebuilding programme which has an ambition to deliver hundreds of new homes for Harlow families.

The three developments are:

Perry Road (the former Lister House) – 24 council apartments comprising a mix of one-bedroom and twobedroom homes, along with new commercial space and high-quality amenity space

Former Staple Tye council depot – 10 council houses (five 2-bedroom and five 3-bedroom)

Parnall Road – mixture of five council flats and five 3-bedroom council houses

All homes will be allocated to Harlow residents on the Harlow Housing Needs Register.

Construction is being handled by the Hill Group, which along with Harlow Council is an equal partner in the Harlow Regeneration Partnership. Workers have been on site since July, and completion of all three sites is expected between summer and winter 2025.

One of the first bricks of the new homes on the former Staple Tye depot site was laid by Councillor Dan Swords, the Leader of the Council.

Harlow’s housing

Among the team helping to build the new homes is apprentice Jack (pictured above on the left) from Harlow who is part of an apprenticeship programme with GSQ Brickwork.

Councillor Dan Swords, said:

“It was also really encouraging to meet Jack, a local apprentice who has the opportunity not only to go on and have a successful career in the construction industry, but to help build new homes in his own community.

“Our housebuilding programme will not only transform the lives of people who need a place to live, but the lives of people who are helping to build the new homes for our town!”

Important information if you are currently on our Housing Needs Register

Back in April this year, we introduced major changes to the way we allocate housing in Harlow. As part of these changes, we’ve been working on a new online application system, designed to make housing applications quicker and easier.

On Monday 4 November, at 9am, we will be introducing our new online application system.

In the meantime, if you are currently on the Housing Needs Register and in Bands 1-3 you will soon be receiving a letter inviting you to register on the new online system, along with all the details you will need to register.

You’ll still be able to bid for housing in the usual way during this time.

We’re renewing our

A colourful mural for the Town Park paddling pool

An arts project has brought fresh colour to the Town Park with a new mural inspired by the work of local children. The mural decorates the wall surrounding the paddling pool, which was in need of repainting.

‘Be kind, be honest, be wild’ was created by artist Els Morris, with creative input from students at The Downs Primary School.

Morris worked with around 120 children in 4 classes at The Downs over 3 days, with children painting letters and animals inspired by their connection with nature, which Morris then brought together in the final design.

Painting a mural in a UK summer is no easy task, and Morris had to dodge the rain to get the mural finished in time for the paddling pool opening in July. Thankfully, she received help from both the Town Park volunteers and HTS.

The project was part of a mini residency programme called A Healthier Future arranged by Harlow Creates, a subgroup of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board, led by Harlow Council.

Celebrating Harlow’s green spaces

Parndon Wood Nature Reserve, Harlow Town Park and Harlow Museum Walled Gardens have all once again received Green Flag Awards, placing them among the best kept green spaces in the world.

It is Parndon Wood’s 16th consecutive award, the Town Park’s ninth in a row and the Museum Garden’s fifth.

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, recognises and rewards wellmanaged parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the UK and around the world.

The Town Park and Harlow Museum Walled Gardens are maintained by council staff, HTS and volunteers. Parndon Wood Nature Reserve is maintained by council staff and volunteers.

Councillor Nicky Purse, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said: “Well done to everyone involved in this fantastic achievement, it is a great accomplishment to continue achieving Green Flag Awards and reflects the high standards of care which goes into maintaining these green and open spaces – it’s because of you that we have reason to be so proud of our green spaces.”

HTS and Harlow Council secure international environmental award

HTS and Harlow Council have been named collectively among winners of the International Green Apple Environment Awards 2024.

The award recognises the work that HTS and the council have undertaken in partnership to improve the environment through litter management and community engagement. Both HTS and the council have worked hard to improve the visibility of the town’s litter bins,

invest in new ones and better maintain them to reduce litter.

Innovative solutions include QR codes on bins to report ones which need emptying and geographic information systems to map their locations and empty full bins more regularly.

This has led to Harlow being named among the top places in the country for the least amount of litter in a Keep Britain Tidy audit in May 2024.

Contributing to the achievement has been the work to overhaul the way that streets are cleaned across the town.

Both the council and HTS have worked closely with the local ‘Wombles’, volunteers who regularly carry out litter picks, as well as other community groups to provide equipment, education, and support.

We’re rebuilding our

Transforming the town centre’s streets

Next phase of rebuilding town centre starts

Construction works on the next phase of the rebuild of the town centre with the transformation of Broad Walk began in September.

After months of planning and the completion of detailed designs, Conamar have set up a construction compound in Market Square. Invasive site investigations have also taken place across Broad Walk ahead of the construction work starting.

The multi-million-pound regeneration of Broad Walk will create high-quality, welcoming spaces, including the complete repaving of Broad Walk, Cross Street and East Walk, brand new LED lighting and CCTV provision, street furniture and the introduction of much needed green, landscaped spaces to complement and continue existing landscaping within The Water Gardens.

The scheme is funded through the Government’s Town Deals programme, forming part of Harlow’s Towns Fund programme.

This phase marks a milestone in transforming Harlow town centre and supports the council’s aspirations to provide a highquality and safe retail, leisure and residential destination at the heart of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.

The construction work is beginning with Cross Street. The scheme will be delivered in phases working at The Water Gardens end of Broad Walk first, moving north and finishing at Market Square.

The scheme will take 12-18 months and businesses will operate as usual, with pedestrian access always maintained during opening hours.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said: “This scheme sees the transformation of Broad Walk as the council starts another phase of rebuilding our town centre.

“Important outdoor areas of the town centre will be transformed with green landscaping, new pavements and new street furniture to create a safer, brighter, more welcoming place for shoppers, visitors and potential investors.

“This is all about putting the heart back into Harlow’s town centre and it’s just one part of the town centre that we are rebuilding. Work to transform the bus station and Terminus Street is well underway, plus work starts early next year on the new arts and cultural quarter and plans will shortly be confirmed for the redevelopment of Market Square.”

our town

Next phase of transport interchange moving ahead

Planning permission has been granted for the change of use of Post Office Road car park to a temporary bus station, following approval at the council’s Development Management Committee in September.

Moving the bus station to the Post Office Road car park site will help to speed up the delivery of the new sustainable transport hub and interchange. It will be another milestone in the multimillion pound-project, funded by Government as part of the Town Deals and Harlow’s Towns Fund programme.

The temporary arrangement will be in place for 18 months. All existing services will continue to run for the duration of the relocation.

Once constructed, the temporary bus station will include:

• 8 bus bays with shelters

• 8 layover bays

• New pedestrian pathways to provide safe and convenient access

• New Sheffield cycle stands for 40 bicycles

• New kiosk and waiting area at John Robson House

• Improved lighting and CCTV provision

• Widening of the car park entrance and exit to allow for bus movement

Post Office Road car park will be closed from Monday 14 October 2024, after which construction will begin in preparation for the temporary bus station to be up and running from December 2024.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said:

“The temporary move allows us to speed up the delivery of a brand-new bus station and transport hub for the town centre.

“It means that we can get on with the next phase of transforming this area without having to work around an operational bus station.

“Moving stands to this location will cause the least amount of disruption to bus users while construction is taking place. This approach means services will only have to move once and will be out of the way of construction when it begins, moving back once the transformation project is completed.”

We’re securing investment

New David Lloyd Leisure Club secured for Harlow

A new David Lloyd Clubs stateof-the art health, fitness and wellness facility is coming to Harlow.

The new club near Newhall has been given planning approval and will create 80 to 100 new jobs on top of around 60 construction jobs.

The new family-friendly club will include:

• A new state-of-the-art gym with personal training.

• Heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

• K ids indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

• Stars swimming and tennis coaching programmes.

• Premium group exercise studios.

• Family facilities including indoor soft play and DL Kids Club.

• Match-quality tennis, padel, pickleball and badminton facilities.

• Luxury Spa with Spa Garden.

The club will also feature a stylish clubroom for members to meet with friends or enjoy a bite to eat, as well as large and inviting spaces to work, relax and socialise.

Family sits right at the heart of David Lloyd Clubs and plans include a range of facilities for children as well as adults including a soft play, and spaces for after-school and holiday clubs, offering fun and active childcare solutions for parents outside of school hours.

Work is due to start on site later this year.

Stuart Caswell, Property Director, David Lloyd Clubs, said: “We are delighted to be able to bring a new David Lloyd Club to Harlow. It’s great news for the local community as, not only will it allow local residents to enjoy happier healthier lives, it will also create numerous jobs across a range of roles in the sports and hospitality sector.”

© David Lloyd Leisure

investment for Harlow

Businesses respond to the call to help rebuild Harlow

A range of businesses from local electricians to local surveyors have registered their interest in helping to rebuild our town.

In September 40 businesses attended a ‘Meet the Buyer’ event held in the Civic Centre hosted by Harlow Council and the Hill Group for the Harlow Regeneration Partnership.

The partnership is an equal partnership between Harlow Council and The Hill Group.

The partnership is building new homes as part of the council’s housebuilding programme and helping deliver other regeneration projects.

Aimed at local companies with potential contract opportunities for all trades available, the event highlighted the importance of businesses being a member of Constructionline: www.constructionline.co.uk

Councillor Michael Hardware, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development said: “We want to support as many local businesses as possible so they have the opportunity to help us rebuild our town as part of our mission to secure investment for Harlow’s future. Therefore, it was pleasing to see so many businesses answer the call to get involved in our regeneration programme.”

The Hill Group is looking to increase its supply chain in Harlow. For more information email supplychain@hill.co.uk.

For more information on working with Harlow Council visit www.harlowbusiness.org or email business@harlow.gov.uk

We’re protecting our

More than £265,000 has been secured for Harlow from Sport England as part of its Place Partnership Programme. The funding will be used in the town to raise physical levels and address inequalities that prevent people from being active.

The investment was secured following a joint application by Active Essex, Harlow Council, Rainbow Services, and West Essex Health & Care Partnership. The application identified Harlow as an important area to revitalise local communities through physical activity, movement and sport.

Huge Sport England investment secured to boost physical activity

Organisations will work together to understand the issues and barriers facing people to get active and develop local solutions.

Funding will be invested into leadership and networking, evaluation and learning, and delivering projects.

There will be a range of projects promoting active, healthy and inclusive lifestyles until the end of March 2025.

Projects include the launch of Essex Pedal Power Harlow which will provide eligible residents with a free bicycle. Families will also be able to take part in Cycle. Create. Move.

This will offer movement and creativity sessions, delivered from cargo bikes in Bishopsfield and The Stow starting in October half-term. There will be more exciting opportunities for residents to get involved in as the work progresses.

Rainbow Services are currently undertaking research that will inform the content of the next application to Sport England for funding from April 2025 to March 2028.

Residents are invited to take part in the research by scanning the QR code and completing the online form. Participants will be eligible for entry into a prize draw to win a range of family friendly prizes.

Safe to Go Stow

Since its launch in May 2024, the Essex Police led initiative Clear, Hold, Build has been making progress in The Stow.

The Stow was the first area in the county to benefit from the scheme, which brings police and public services together to tackle offending and the underlying issues affecting the local community to develop a strong and resilient neighbourhood.

The aim is to make The Stow a safer place to live, work and shop and somewhere that people want to go to. Harlow Council has been playing an active role in this project, working closely with Essex Police and other agencies to deal with antisocial behaviour

and criminal activity. This includes regular patrols in the area by the council’s Community Safety team, and supplying the police with vital CCTV evidence to help tackle crime.

The police have also successfully been carrying out warrants to disrupt the crime and disorder that has been blighting the area.

The council is providing a shop unit, which has been set up as a neighbourhood hub and drop-in centre for different agencies to connect with the community.

The hub is called Safe to Go to Stow (named by a Cooks Spinney School student) and is a place from which the council and its partners can support the residents, visitors, and businesses of The Stow.

Have you considered joining Harlow Neighbourhood Watch?

It costs you nothing to be a member, but by participating you can help to prevent crime being committed in your area. You may also wish to join with your neighbours in making the town a safe place to live.

What are its aims?

• To increase public participation in preventing and detecting crime.

• To promote good citizenship and greater public awareness through Neighbourhood Watch Groups.

• To help increase community safety and reduce the fear of crime.

• To improve police and community liaison.

Harlow Neighbourhood Watch is funded by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex and work as volunteers to support Essex Police and Harlow Council’s Community Safety Team.

When you join, you will be provided with some useful items to help you protect yourself and your property. You will also receive regular email updates, weekly blogs and guidance to help you avoid scams.

Want to join?

Scan the QR code or email harlownw.membership@gmail.com

We’re delivering high-performing

Staff celebrate retaining zoo licence

Pets’ Corner has once again retained its zoo licence following a successful inspection.

The popular facility, situated within Harlow Town Park, is now licensed to house exotic species whilst being open to the public for another 6 years.

The rigorous inspection, which took place in July, aims to ensure that Pets’ Corner is meeting all the expected standards that go with keeping animals of this nature.

Councillor Danielle Brown, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing, said: “Congratulations to all of the staff and volunteers at Pets’ Corner for another successful zoo licensing inspection.

“This success once again highlights the team’s hard work and dedication to maintaining the high standards required for keeping animals of all shapes and sizes. They work 365 days of the year, in all weathers, caring for the Pets’ Corner family.”

Stop press f Stop press

We are investing in major upgrades to playgrounds and play spaces in the town as part of our Neighbourhood Renewal Fund programme. Look out for more about these projects in the winter edition of Harlow Times.

Pets’ Corner prepares for secret new arrivals

It is an exciting time at Pets’ Corner with works starting on building a new secret animal enclosure.

The enclosure will occupy the space of an unused pond that has stood empty for several years. The pond hasn’t been able to be filled due to restrictions around Avian Flu and having to discourage wild birds from Pets’ Corner. This has provided an opportunity to create a new use for the area which will provide a home for the new arrivals.

The works are part of a programme funded by the council to continue improving its range of muchloved community services around the town. This year the council is spending over £32 million to carry out upgrades to the Playhouse, Pets’ Corner, Paddling Pools and splash parks, Harlow Museum, and the Latton Bush Centre.

Stay tuned on the Pets’ Corner Harlow Facebook page as the work progresses and for more information on the new arrivals which will be revealed this winter!

high-performing services

New waste strategy will improve services

We are pleased to announce that we have adopted the new waste strategy for Essex, which will help reduce landfill waste and increase the amount of waste the town recycles and reuses.

The Waste Strategy for Essex is an ambitious plan for managing recycling and waste in the county for the next 30 years. It sets out how the Essex Waste Partnership will work together to reduce the impact on our environment from dealing with the things we throw away.

The strategy will not impact on the frequency of the bin collection and recycling services provided in Harlow. However, it will change where Harlow’s waste goes with a commitment to stop using landfill sites by 2030. It will see new services introduced like all residents in flat blocks having access to food waste recycling collections by 2026 and every household having access to recycling services for plastic film by 2027. The strategy will help ensure residents can reuse and recycle more, while keeping costs down and protecting the environment.

Last year over 4,500 people had their say on the draft Waste Strategy for Essex, and their feedback was used to develop the final version.

For more information on the strategy visit: www.loveessex.org/waste-strategy-essex

The difference our staff make

In September our staff from the Leah Manning Centre took some of their service users on a canal boat trip down the river. Our older residents enjoyed the scenery, driving the boat and having a nice picnic on board.

Everyone had a great day and enjoyed receiving certificates for their excellent driving skills!

The Leah Manning Centre is one of several highperforming community services we deliver that make a difference to people’s lives.

Harlow Council comprises of 33 elected councillors, responsible for agreeing policies about provision of services and how the council’s money is spent.

Councillor Mark Ingall Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Kay Morrison


199A Hookfield, CM18 6QP

Tel: 07736 333105

Email: kay.morrison@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07378 879710

Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Matthew Saggers


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07305 777819

Email: matthew.saggers@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Hannah Ellis


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: hannah.ellis@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor David Carter


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 420340

Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Lanie Shears Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07906 870935

Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Aiden O’Dell Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07506 699240

Email: aiden.odell@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Michael Houlihan Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07802 192566

Email: michael.houlihan@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jake Shepherd Labour

169 Northbrooks, CM19 4DQ

Tel: 07802 626326

Email: jake.shepherd@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Daniella Pritchard Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07710 529374

Email: daniella.pritchard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Edwards Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07544 374168

Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk

Cabinet Members

Councillor Dan Swords - Leader of Harlow Council

Councillor Michael Hardware


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07775 925274

Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Dan Swords


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: dan.swords@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 865673

Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Stacy Seales


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07541 141166

Email: stacy.seales@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Alastair Gunn Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07850 261771

Email: alastair.gunn@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Luke Howard Labour

184 Torkilsden Way, CM20 1FE Email: luke.howard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Stefan Mullard-Toal Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Email: stefan.mullard-toal@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nancy Watson Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07908 518862

Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor James Griggs


129 Broadfield, CM20 3PY Tel: 07877 424834

Email: james.griggs@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Emma Ghaffari


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07850 655864

Email: emma.ghaffari@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Clive Souter


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07850 667900

Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Russell Perrin


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1W

Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor David Carter - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing

Councillor Danielle Brown - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing

Councillor Joel Charles - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Public Protection

Councillor Hannah Ellis - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services and Transformation

Councillor Alastair Gunn - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Garden Town and Planning

Councillor Michael Hardware - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development

Councillor James Leppard - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance

Councillor Nicky Purse - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability

Councillor James Leppard


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07454 686809

Email: james.leppard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Danielle Brown


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: danielle.brown@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nicky Purse Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07838 238573

Email: nicky.purse@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Maggie Hulcoop


330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA

Tel: 452252

Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Durcan


329 Rundells, CM18 7HN

Tel: 414357

Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk

Vacant pending By-Election on 10 October 2024

Councillor Sue Livings


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 422339

Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Michael Garnett


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 437401

Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Joel Charles


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07752 096765

Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk

Essex County Councillors

County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools.

Harlow North

Councillor Michael Garnett cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk

Harlow West

Councillor Michael Hardware cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk

Harlow West

Councillor Clive Souter cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk

Harlow South East

Councillor Andrew Johnson cllr.andrew.johnson@essex.gov.uk

Bush Fair
Church Langley North & Newhall Great Parndon
Latton Bush & Stewards
Church Langley South & Potter Street
Mark Hall
Little Parndon & Town Centre


Welcome to the Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report 2023/24

Each year the tenants and leaseholders of Harlow Housing Standards Panels work together with Harlow Council to provide feedback on the annual report. It highlights aspects of services that we believe are important and useful for tenants and leaseholders to know and identifies plans for improvement. These panels also examine performance to assess how your housing services are being delivered against regulatory requirements, as well as meeting the expectations of customers.

Why we produce an annual report

The production of an annual report is a requirement of the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH), which regulates social housing in England. It sets out standards that social housing providers should meet and they can act if these standards are breached. Harlow Council, as a landlord, is responsible for ensuring the regulatory requirements are met in a transparent and accountable way. This report shows how tenants and leaseholders are involved in examining performance as well as helping to shape and improve services.

The view of the council

Last year was extremely challenging, with rising inflation resulting in a cost-of-living crisis. We recognise that this has placed significant pressures on our customers, and we are prioritising tenancy sustainment and support to help those who find they are struggling. Our staff are working hard to provide welfare and debt advice and support to help people keep their tenancies.

Rising inflation and increased service demand have placed significant financial pressures on the council - with rising material, energy, fuel, sub-contractor and pay costs providing additional pressures on service delivery.

Despite all the challenges, we were able to clear the housing repairs backlog, introduce a new housing allocations policy focusing on Harlow homes for Harlow people and carrying out tenancy audits to ensure we provide tenants with the right services.

The introduction of new legislation and regulation from the Building Safety, Fire Safety and Social Housing Acts keeps our focus on making sure we provide safe and secure homes. We’re dedicated to effectively engaging and listening to our customers, tailoring services to meet individual needs, and providing an environment where people feel safe in their neighbourhoods.

We want to continue to provide new homes in the town. There is a huge demand for affordable housing and we see rising homeless cases coming through to our teams. We will continue to invest in our housing stock and seek additional funding to improve energy ratings in current housing stock, with the aim of providing decent homes, tackling fuel poverty, and reducing carbon emissions.

Finally, we want to empower our customers by placing them at the heart of everything we do. We offer a wide range of opportunities for you to give your views, making sure your voice is heard and encouraging you to help us continue to tailor and improve the services we offer and influence our decision making through robust governance. You can provide feedback on reports like this one and work on projects to help improve homes and neighbourhoods.


For information on this report contact: Community Engagement Lead Zulfi Kiani-Mackintosh. Call 01279 446655, or email: zulfi.kiani-mackintosh@harlow.gov.uk

This standard focuses on providing opportunities for tenant involvement and empowerment; supporting customers to scrutinise and improve services; having a clear focus on good customer service, choice and complaints and having a clear understanding and response to the diverse needs of our customers.

Involving tenants and leaseholders

Tenant Involvement and Empowerment

You can use these measures to understand how well we are doing. Harlow Council has 22 TSMs, reflecting themes and issues set out in the Social Housing White Paper. 12 are collected through tenant perception surveys and 10 from registered providers’ management information. Below are results for 2023/24:

This standard is one of four that registered providers of social housing, like Harlow Council, must comply with. We want as many customers as possible to tell us what they think through a variety of ways. You can share your views at tenant and leaseholder events held throughout the year, housing consultations and estate inspections. Visit our website for more details.


If you are not happy with the service you have received, the council will attempt to resolve the issue straight away. If this is not possible, you can log a complaint (stage 1). You can then request a further investigation (stage 2) and if you are still not satisfied, you can take your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman, an independent body that deals with disputes between landlords and tenants.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The Regulator of Social Housing has created a new system for assessing how well social housing landlords in England provide good quality homes and services. In addition to revised consumer standards, there are a set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) that social housing landlords must report on.

Home Standard

This standard focuses on the provision of quality homes that meet the Decent Homes Standard, a cost-effective repairs and maintenance service, the health and safety of customers, and the provision of an adaptations service that meets customer needs.


You can report a repair by:

• telephoning the repairs centre on 01279 446666 (best if your repair is urgent).

• using your MyHome account.

• visiting the Civic Centre, where a free phone service is available direct to the repairs centre.

• email repairs@htsgroupltd.co.uk

• If your repair is about damp or mould, you need to report this to us online.

It’s really important to let the council know if you cannot attend your repairs appointment.

The percentage of annual service charges collected for 2023/24 was 98.21%.


Harlow Council, as landlord, is responsible for 2,601 leasehold properties. The leaseholder(s) are responsible for repairs and maintenance to the interior of their home. Day-to-day repairs and maintenance to the structure, and communal areas are carried out by HTS on behalf of the council and costs are recovered from leaseholders through the annual service charges. Major or planned works will be consulted on with leaseholders.

The Leasehold Standard Panel review items from their annual work plan which includes service charge monitoring, scrutiny of the management fee, review of service charge invoices and statements and documentation provided, compile the leaseholder survey and agree this with officers from the council and review the results.

88 leaseholders took advantage of the council’s prompt payment discount (compared to 66 in 2022/23).

72.43% of leaseholders paid by direct debit (compared to 72.8% in 2022/23).

6 Complaints were received. 3 of these complaints were not upheld, 2 partially upheld and 1 upheld.

26 Compliments were received.

840 formal notices for major works were served.

292 leaseholders applied for a loan from Harlow Council since the introduction of improved payment options (274 in 2022/23).

Tenancy Standard

This standard focuses on the way homes are allocated and how tenants are supported to maintain their tenancy.

The voids and Housing Options & Advice teams carry out the day-to-day process of managing properties from ‘keys in to keys out’, so that empty homes are let at the right quality standard.

The percentage of rent collected for 2023/24 was 98.50%.

298 applicants were home seekers, 193 were transfers and 57 were homeless. 393 of these were placed in general needs properties, 60 in supported housing and 95 in housing association properties.

Tenancy Support

The tenancy support team support vulnerable customers by using a ‘condition matters’ approach where necessary. The team helps those experiencing issues with hoarding, excessive cluttering, malicious damage, problems with managing rent and bills and poor property condition.

During the year, they contact vulnerable customers and provide support, through a journey that results in them feeling more independent in maintaining their tenancies.

Between April 2023 and March 2024, the council housed a total of 548 households:

Band 1: 103

Band 2: 351

Band 3: 94

Band 4: 0

123 tenants have been supported by a tenancy support officer in the past year

66 financial incentive payments have been authorised for those tenants that have downsized to a smaller property

42 MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) meetings have been attended

13 sanctuary referrals have been made

As part of recent Government White Paper requirements, the council is introducing Tenancy Audits. Housing officers will visit tenants and make sure all tenancy and property details are up to date.

Ease of bidding process:

Neighbourhood and Community Standard

This standard focuses on the cleanliness and safety of neighbourhoods and communal areas; the promotion of social, environmental, economic wellbeing and the prevention and tackling of anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Tenancy Enforcement

During the year the council has continued to work with and provide support to those tenants suffering financial difficulties affecting payment of rent, while taking appropriate action to deal with those tenants who persistently failed to maintain payments:

• The council obtained 80 possession orders for non-payment of rent.

• 8 tenants were evicted for non-payment of rent.

In addition:

1 tenant was evicted for anti-social behaviour.

Anti-social behaviour injunction orders were obtained against 2 tenants.

5 tenants were evicted for other reasons.

As part of the requirements relating to a new Government White Paper, the council will introduce tenancy audits, where housing officers will visit all tenants to make sure our tenancy and property details are up to date.

Harlow Council’s housing service makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood:

Harlow Council’s housing service keeps communal areas clean and well maintained:

Making Money Matter

Harlow Council continues to improve services and ensure value for money by learning from other housing providers and developing ways of comparing performance.

This information is shared in quarterly performance progress reviews, in the annual report to tenants and leaseholders and in Harlow Times magazine.

We review the quarterly performance and financial housing reports at the Housing Standards Board with tenant and leaseholder representatives. The Housing Revenue Account Business Plan is also reviewed to ensure it is sustainable and



How do I apply?

Pension Credit could give you around £3,900 a year, on average, to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Plus, you could get the Winter Fuel Payment.*

Check eligibility

Use the quick online calculator to check eligibility and how much you could get.

Apply online

Visit gov.uk/pension-credit to apply online.

Alternatively, you can call the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234.

Have the following information ready

National Insurance number

Information about any income, savings and investments you have Bank details

Wait to hear from us

You will be notified by post when your claim has been assessed.

Free household recycling

Be a bright spark

Did you know we can collect your electricals for free?

All your old electricals from fridge-freezers to hairdryers can be collected for recycling through our bookable service. This is a simple way to dispose of your unwanted items – even the really small ones such as electric toothbrushes or shavers, as these shouldn’t be put into your waste bins, bags or boxes.

To book your collection is easy, simply visit our website and complete the bulky waste booking form. Select the items you wish to recycle and choose a collection date.

Place your items out for collection on your boundary by 7am on your collection day.

For more information or to book your collection, please visit www.harlow.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling or call Contact Harlow on 01279 446655.

We also collect batteries

We have a separate free collection for batteries to be recycled which is very important as disposing of batteries in your waste bins, bags or boxes can cause fires on the collection vehicles.

All you need to do is put the batteries in a separate cardboard box or plastic bagwe will take the box or bag, so do not use anything you want to keep.

Make sure the box or bag is clearly labelled ‘batteries’ and leave it next to your wheelie bin or purple bags on your non-recycling collection day*. You can check your collection days on our website.

*This service is not currently available at flats or communal properties.

recycling services

Material Matters

Did you know we can collect your clothes and textiles for free?

All your old textiles from t-shirts to bedsheets can be collected for recycling through our bookable service. This is one of many ways you can dispose of your unwanted items as these shouldn’t be put into your waste bins, boxes or bags.

To book your collection visit our website and complete the bulky waste booking form. Select the items you wish to recycle and choose a collection date.

Place your items out for collection on your boundary by 7am on your collection day – remember to place the textiles in a bag and clearly label it ‘textiles’. We will take the bag, so do not use anything you want to keep.

Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/bins-andrecycling to find out more information on recycling and reusing your textiles or to book your collection.

What’s on this autumn

Harlow’s free fireworks display set for 46th year!

Harlow Council’s annual fireworks and bonfire night takes place on Sunday 3 November 2024 at the Showground in Harlow Town Park.

Admission to this popular event is free. This year the event will once again start at an earlier time with the bonfire lit at 6.15pm and the fireworks display from 6.30pm.

The event will be celebrating its 46th year, having been organised by the council every year since 1978 (not held in 2020 due to the pandemic). For the safety of those attending, Fifth Avenue, Park Lane, School Lane and some roads serving these roads will be closed between 5.15pm and 8.30pm on the day of the event.


The Sainsbury’s roundabout to the First Avenue roundabout will also be closed from 6pm to 8.30pm.

There will be limited parking available for Blue Badge holders only at Showground car park before 5.45pm - people parked in this car park will not be able to leave until the Fifth Avenue road closure has been lifted.

Free parking from 4pm to midnight at the Water Gardens car park (CM20 1AN) and from 6pm to 8pm in the Altham Grove (CM20 2PW), School Lane (CM20 2QB), and Wych Elm car parks (CM20 1QP).

Full details can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk

Bikeability Level 1, Level 1 & 2 and 3 and Learn to ride courses

To book, please visit link essex.cycleready.co.uk/publicbooking

There is a £15 non-refundable booking fee

Gibberd Gallery

Civic Centre, Harlow 11am to 4pm Monday to Saturday Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays

A Common Sun, by Tom McDonagh Monday 23 September to Saturday 2 November

Harlow Art Trust proudly presents A Common Sun by Sculpture Town Artist in Residence (STAIR08), Tom McDonagh.

The exhibition features ‘The Chorus’, a light installation that explores solar myths, emerging technologies and how we find balance within a fractured environment. There will be displayed research materials and Tom’s thoughts as he explores the question ‘what proximity to the sun do we wish to have?’

Alan Burgess – Mainly Multiples Saturday 9 November to 7 December

As part of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Gibberd Gallery, Mainly Multiples celebrates the paintings of Alan Burgess.

This exhibition showcases a rich selection, including the Arnison Crag Triptych that is part of the Permanent Collection. This watercolour was gifted by Lady Patricia Gibberd and the artist in 2004 to mark the gallery’s opening.

Alan is a life-long painter whose works in oil, acrylic and watercolour capture the vitality of the natural world.

He has exhibited throughout his career, starting with The Young Contemporaries in 1958. Well-known projects include travelling the UK to paint all of the 50 Great British Trees selected for Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee.

Harlow Museum and Walled Gardens

Muskham Road, Harlow www.harlowmuseum.com 01279 446222

Open 9.30am to 3.30pm (last entry 3pm) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

October Half term:

Clay Ammonites

29 October, 10am – 12

Harlow Museum has some wonderful examples of these spiral shaped fossils on display - come along and make your own clay ammonite to take home with you. £3, bookable, keep an eye on the museum website for booking instructions.

Paper Plate Dinosaurs

31 October, 10am to 12, 1pm to 3pm

Imagine a time when Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs swam in the ocean above where we now live. Take home your own 2D model dinosaur.

Bikeability half-term courses

28 October to 1 November 2024

Level 1, Level 1 & 2 and 3, and Learn to ride courses available.

There is a £15 non-refundable booking fee. To book, please visit: essex. cycleready.co.uk/publicbooking

Care Workshops

Harlow Playhouse, Playhouse Square, Harlow, CM20 1LS

Every Tuesday from 5 November to 10 December, 11.30am to 2.30pm

Join Rhiannon Faith Company for 6 weeks of free creative workshops. Use creative writing and movement to explore personal experiences of living with and without care. Weekly ‘care café’ after each workshop – an opportunity to socialise and discuss mental health over a cup of tea, supported by a counsellor.

Open to everyone aged 18 and above. To join or if you have any questions, email Anna at info@rhiannonfaith.com or call 07763 255324

Cycle. Create. Move. Bishopsfield and The Stow

28 October – 1 November

Cycle. Create. Move provides free child and family friendly movement and creativity sessions delivered from cargo bikes by veloartists and veloactivators in open spaces around Harlow.

For more information please email: gallery@harlowarttrust.org.uk

Harlow parkrun 10th anniversary

Harlow Town Park, School Lane, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2QD

Saturday 9 November at 9am

Join us to celebrate Harlow parkrun’s 10th anniversary, a free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event.

Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate –it’s up to you!

For more information visit: www.parkrun.org.uk/harlow/

Harlow Playhouse

Playhouse Square, Harlow www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk 01279 431945

Dick Whittington

29 November 2024 to 5 January 2025

The Great Christmas Sleigh Ride for 2-6 year olds and their families 7 December to 24 December 2024

All event and activity information is correct at time of going to press. Please always check first with the event organiser by calling their contact number or by visiting the relevant website.

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