Ezra’s library opens in memory of a special little boy
Ezra’s library opens in memory of a special little boy
Pages 4 and 5
We’re transforming Harlow’s housing
New council homes being built at rapid pace.
Pages 6 and 7
We’re renewing our neighbourhoods
Play areas next on the list for major upgrades.
Have your say on climate change
Pages 14 and 15
We’re delivering highperforming services
Investing in building Harlow’s future.
We have a plan to tackle climate change and we want your views.
All aboard – bus service update
Your guide to the new temporary bus station plus a new bus service comes to town.
Are you winter ready?
Severe weather advice and where to get support this winter.
What’s on this winter
From the panto to free mental health support workshops, it’s all going on in Harlow this winter.
Have a waste-less Christmas
You guide to reducing, reusing and recycling your Christmas waste.
Please recycle this magazine when you have finished reading it. Harlow Times is printed on recycled paper.
Send us your views
Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed.
This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine.
We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town.
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Dear Residents,
2024 has been quite the year and as we look forward to the opportunities of 2025, I would like to reflect on the year we’re about to leave behind.
We’ve been working day in, day out to deliver our six missions to transform the future of Harlow. Not everything has gone right – it never does. But we’ve changed the way Harlow Council works and have put us on the footing to transform our town over the next four years with strong finances, and a true desire to deliver lasting change.
Whilst it is not possible to detail everything that has been achieved; I do want to draw your attention to some highlights:
On transforming Harlow’s housing, we cleared the housing repairs backlog, cut turnaround times on empty homes by 63% and overhauled the way we allocate our council homes to ensure that local homes are for local people.
On renewing our neighbourhoods, we’ve totally changed the way we maintain our green spaces, started a programme to upgrade our roundabouts, replaced over 1,400 street name signs, and created hundreds of new residential parking spaces.
On rebuilding our town, we’ve turned the tide on decline in the town centre with our once in a generation programme to rebuild the town centre underway so you can once be proud of a thriving town centre with new bars, restaurants, a market, live music venue and so much more besides.
We’re also building more new council homes than we have in the last 30 years combined.
On securing investment for Harlow’s future, we’ve been named as the UKs top Tech Hub and we’ve secured hundreds of millions of pounds into groundbreaking industries to create new jobs and opportunities for Harlow’s young people.
We’ve also seen the start of over £1.3 billion of major infrastructure upgrades to ease traffic, rebuild our cycle track network and ensure our town has the infrastructure it needs to grow further.
On protecting our communities, we’ve worked with the police to drive down anti-social behaviour across the whole town and been part of the Clear, Hold, Build initiative to crack down on crime in The Stow.
On delivering high-performing services, we’ve start a major transformation of the way the council works to ensure it is as efficient as possible, invested tens of millions of pounds to improve much-loved community assets such as our paddling pools and splash parks, Pets’ Corner, the museum and the Playhouse.
We’ve done all of this – and so much more – whilst freezing the amount of council tax you pay to us and ensuring that we’re in an incredibly strong financial position, something so few councils can say currently.
That is why I believe we were named the second most improved council in the country this year.
Whilst we’ve so much more to do, this year we’ve changed the way the council works and started our plan to transform our town. Next year, we’ll deliver yet further.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and thank you as ever, for your support whilst we rebuild our town.
Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council
Calling all dance and theatre groups - Celebrate Harlow is coming back in 2025!
We are searching for creative, talented dance and theatre groups to join in an evening of celebrating all things Harlow. This is your group’s chance to perform on the live stage at Harlow Playhouse!
Register your interest as soon as possible at https://selfserve. harlow.gov.uk/service/ Celebrate-Harlow-registrationform
Selected acts will have the chance to perform at this special showcase on 20 March 2025.
Sign up for our email newsletter and get the latest news straight to your inbox.
Our newsletter goes out to residents every fortnight and features our consultations, our latest plans, and other opportunities for you to have your say.
If you would like to receive the regular updates, you can sign up on our website: www.harlow.gov.uk/ newsletter-sign-up
A new outdoor library has opened at the Town Park Learning Centre in memory of a local little boy.
Ezra was 21 months old when he sadly passed away last year due to complications related to Holt-Oram Syndrome, a condition that affects the upper limbs and heart.
To honour Ezra’s love of the Town Park and reading books, his family with the support of the council created a little library where people can take a book, bring a book or share a book.
You can visit Ezra’s Little Library outside the Learning Centre in Harlow Town Park, Edinburgh Way, CM20 2QG.
In the last edition we reported that work had started on a new enclosure at Pets’ Corner for the arrival of some secret new animals.
Although there is still a lot of work to be done, the construction of the enclosure is making great progress as the electrics are currently being installed.
The main development is due to be completed by end of December, with the new animals due to arrive early next year.
Stay tuned on the Pets’ Corner Harlow Facebook page as the work progresses.
The skies above Harlow Town Park were once again lit up when Harlow Council’s annual bonfire and fireworks night took place on Sunday 3 November.
Celebrating its 46th anniversary the event is one of the biggest free-to-attend displays in the East of England.
There was lots of feedback from people who attended the event, as well as lots of memories shared across social media:
“Thank you, Harlow Council. It was a fantastic display, as always. Best we’ve seen for a few years.”
“Nowhere within miles competes with Harlow’s effort. Brilliant ‘free’ event.”
“Was a great show. Loved the ending. Well done again Harlow Council. Great atmosphere too.”
“Lovely event great bonfire and fireworks. Thank you Harlow Council.”
The Chair of the Council is looking for local vocal talent as Live Lounge returns to Harlow Playhouse on 7 February 2025.
This event celebrates the incredible musical talent right here in Harlow while supporting the Chair of Harlow Council’s chosen charities for 2024/25: Harlow Steelband and Rainbow Dementia Services.
Limited performance slots are available, so send us your audition videos to chair@ harlow.gov.uk by 16 December 2024 for your chance to shine.
Most of our services shut down between Christmas and new year. This helps save money on energy and building costs. However, you can still access services online, pay bills or contact us in an emergency.
You can access many of our services and pay your council bills online: www.harlow.gov.uk
Council bills can also be paid using the automated payment line: 01279 446600.
We will be open 9am to 4.45pm on Monday 23 December and open 9am to 12 noon on Tuesday 24 December 2024.
We will then be closed over Christmas and New Year. We will reopen at 9am on Thursday 2 January 2025.
Our maintenance company, HTS, will be providing 24/7 telephone support on 01279 446666 for emergencies including urgent council housing repairs during the Christmas and New Year period.
Did you know that you can watch some
www.harlow.gov.uk/ webcasts
Construction work continues across several council housebuilding sites around the town as new homes start to emerge from the ground up.
Major progress is being made to build a total of 44 new council homes on three sites in Staple Tye and 6 homes in The Woodleys.
Construction work is also set to start to provide 8 new homes in Lower Meadow and 7 in Elm Hatch. The new homes in Lower Meadow will be purposebuilt modular homes to support local people facing homelessness.
The first phase of the council’s housebuilding programme will provide 103 homes. These will be a mixture of houses, apartments, and bungalows to meet the different circumstances of Harlow families in housing need.
Seven flat blocks in Morley Grove have been refurbished with major fire safety upgrades.
Several fire safety measures were part of the refurbishment, with decoration to ceilings and walls with fire-retardant paint, wooden cladding being replaced with fire-retardant material and wooden balcony railings being replaced with steel.
Cladding on the underside of porches was also replaced with fire-retardant materials.
Flat block entrance and communal doors were replaced with new fire-retardant doors, along with attached cupboard/ store doors in communal areas. In addition, the 56 flats within the blocks received new front doors.
The flat blocks are all five storeys high and were built around 1963. The extensive works programme follows a fire risk assessment and in-depth surveys.
The council is investing £120 million this financial year in its mission to transform Harlow’s housing. More flat blocks and schemes will receive major refurbishments and fire safety upgrades in the coming months.
In November we launched our new online housing allocations system, designed to make it quicker and easier to apply to join the Harlow Housing Needs Register.
The new system has been introduced as part of the major changes made to the council’s Housing Allocations Policy, which came into effect in April 2024. These changes were made to ensure that local homes are for local people and that those most in need have better access to council housing.
If you joined the Housing Needs Register before 4 November, you will need to register on the new system if you haven’t already done so. Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/council-housing for more information.
Harlow Council has reported excellent performance in bringing empty council homes back into use.
The Finance, Performance and Risk Report that was viewed at a recent Cabinet meeting showed strong performance under the council’s mission to transform Harlow’s housing.
The turnaround of void properties has significantly improved, meaning empty council properties are coming back into use for Harlow families quicker.
The turnaround time has been cut on average by 63% from a high of 56 days to currently 21 days. This has been achieved through several time-cutting factors. This includes an
increase in the amount of long-term void properties being brought back into use and a reduction in refusals when properties are offered to families on the Housing Needs Register.
Significant improvements have also been made in reducing the overall number of voids within the system, which has reduced by 39%.
Berecroft play area has undergone a major refurbishment as part of the council’s mission to renew our neighbourhoods.
The council worked with the Berecroft Residents Association to come up with plans which were completed in October thanks to an investment from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund.
Works included five-a-side football and volleyball court lining, new goals and nets, a cycle track complete with a roundabout and zebra crossing, hopscotch floor lining, snakes and ladders floor lining, new floodlights and a timer clock to control them. Three new benches have also been installed.
Further funds from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund have been allocated to supply more playground and play area upgrades over the coming months.
Zulqar Cheema, Chair of the Berecroft Residents Association, said: “We are pleased to get the project finally done and as we wanted it. With the help of Councillor Gunn, who managed to get us the funding to start the project, and HTS who made sure that our vision was properly realised, we now have a space which makes the place more friendly and colourful, and is a magnet for the children to use the area.”
Other residents have also responded positively to the completed project:
“Thank you, the kids thought it was great and loved playing the floor games and running around the track. X”
“Awesome, Looks lovely, thank you Berecroft Residents Association and everyone that made it happen.”
As part of the council’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, shopping hatches across the town have received a facelift to improve their look.
A number of hatches have benefited from renewed fascias and canopies, new LED lighting, benches, bins and cycle racks, and pothole and footpath repairs.
Drains have been cleared and repaired where necessary, walls, floors and ceilings have been jet washed and repainted, car parking spaces have been relined and hatches have received new signage.
In addition to the improvements, Katherines Hatch and Slacksbury Hatch are both having their flat roofs completely replaced.
HTS and Harlow Council have collected an International Green Apple Environment Award 2024.
The award recognises the work that both HTS and the Council have undertaken in partnership to improve the environment through the management of litter and engagement with the community.
Over the years the council has won several Green Apple awards!
Our town centre is now starting to see real change taking place as work to transform Broad Walk and the bus station is underway.
Construction work has now begun in Broad Walk, which will see the creation of high-quality, welcoming spaces, including the complete repaving of Broad Walk, Cross Street and East Walk.
Brand new LED lighting and CCTV provision, street furniture and the introduction of much needed green, landscaped spaces to complement and continue existing landscaping within The Water Gardens will also be created.
The scheme is funded through the Government’s Town Deals programme, forming part of Harlow’s Towns Fund programme.
This phase marks a milestone in transforming Harlow town centre and supports the council’s aspirations to provide a highquality and safe retail, leisure and residential destination at the heart of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.
The scheme is being delivered in phases, beginning at The Water Gardens end of Broad Walk and working north, finishing at Market Square. The scheme will take 12-18 months and businesses will be operating as usual, with pedestrian access always maintained during opening hours.
Changes have also begun at the bus station, with the move to a temporary site to enable the next phase of construction of the new transport hub and interchange.
The temporary bus station has now been set up at the Post Office Road car park and will be in place for 18 months while the redevelopment takes place. All existing bus services will continue to run during the relocation.
The temporary bus station includes 8 bus bays with shelters, 8 layover bays, new pedestrian paths, cycle stands, a new kiosk and waiting area, and improved lighting and CCTV.
The new hub and interchange will provide a bright and welcoming atmosphere for public transport users and connect with the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town sustainable transport corridor which is currently under construction.
Residents may notice activity inside and around the old BHS store in the Harvey Centre.
Work is taking place in preparation for the demolition and redevelopment of the site next year. The work is being coordinated with The Hill Group and will allow for the future redevelopment of the site as part of the Harlow Regeneration Partnership.
The former BHS store, although part of the Harvey Centre, is a separate building and the lease was returned to the council last year.
The demolition will enable the partnership to build a mixeduse development on the site.
Both are subject to planning permission.
This redevelopment is another phase of the comprehensive rebuilding of the town centre the council is delivering.
This includes the Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter, Broad Walk, East Walk, Cross Street, Market Square, Terminus Street and the bus station, Post Office Road and much more besides.
The famous ‘Harlow Mural’ by Joyce Pallot and Henry Collins which was in the old upstairs BHS café is being relocated to a new permanent home in the Harvey Centre, in Playhouse Walk (opposite the shop kiosks).
Harlow Council has successfully secured £20m of government funding after the money was confirmed in October.
The Long-Term Plan for Towns funding which was originally announced for Harlow in March was put under review by the government.
The government has since confirmed that the Long-Term Plan for Towns programme will be retained and reformed.
The £20m will be used to support the regeneration of the town centre over the next 10 years. It is in addition to other public and private funding the council has worked hard to secure.
Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said:
“When the funding was put under review, we lobbied for it to be retained, and we welcome the fact the government has listened.
“We look forward to working with the government to deliver this programme for Harlow.
“The council has now secured over £70 million in government funding for the town centre in recent years.”
A new study has crowned Harlow as the UK’s number one tech hub, offering the ultimate combination of high salaries and affordable living for tech professionals.
The research, conducted by TalkTalk Business analysed key factors like salaries, job opportunities, and cost of living to identify the best locations for tech talent. Harlow came out on top, surpassing even established tech hubs like London.
The report also highlights the town’s family-friendly environment, with affordable childcare options offering a high-quality of life.
Councillor Michael Hardware, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, said:
“We are on a mission to secure investment for Harlow’s future and that means working hard with our partners to bring even more investment into the town.
“This study puts Harlow way ahead of other areas for tech hubs, which shows that our hard work is paying off. Harlow is an attractive place for business and as a place of opportunity and a highquality of life for talented tech professionals who want to work and live in our great town. The future is looking very bright for Harlow!”
We’re awarding grants to 22 local small and medium-sized businesses to invest in digital improvements.
Funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Digital Business Boost Grant aims to enhance the digital capabilities and resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Harlow. Eligible businesses were able to apply for grants of up to £2,500, which must be match-funded.
The initiative provides Harlow-based SMEs with the opportunity to adopt and upgrade digital solutions that can improve their online presence, increase productivity, safeguard against cyber threats, and implement advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The council will be allocating grants totalling over £36,000.
We are pleased to announce our new Harlow business premises page as part of the Harlow Business website.
The new webpage aims to further support economic development and business in Harlow, creating an environment where local businesses, as well as newcomers to the Harlow business community, can easily discover locations to establish their operations.
Whether you are looking for an office, retail space, workshop, commercial garage or something more specific the webpage allows you to explore a variety of options. The page will be updated regularly with new premises as they become available.
To find out more information about the business premises page or to browse current availability, visit: www.harlowbusiness.org/ news/new-premises-page/
Essex Police is offering more ways for our communities to stay up to date with its work across Essex.
The e-newsletter, Dispatch, delivers news, information, and advice from Essex Police.
Dispatch is a ‘one stop shop’ for local police news – direct from the source. Sign up is completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Every Monday subscribers receive an email which details work carried out across the force. It includes news articles from the Police website, posts from social media pages, crime prevention advice and more.
And if you’re looking for something that’s more focused on where you live or work – they offer 14 district editions of Dispatch too, which are sent out every Wednesday.
To sign up please visit www.essex.police.uk and search Dispatch.
In November, the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner, Roger Hirst, and the Deputy Chief Constable of Essex, Andy Prophet, visited Harlow. They met council officials to find out more about the impact hotspot patrolling has had in the Town Centre where more than £88,000 has been allocated for dedicated patrols.
The group got an insight from officers from Harlow Community Policing Team and the council’s Community Safety team, and spoke to local people who were keen to share their experiences of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the town centre.
ASB has fallen by 11.1% in Harlow in the past year. Since 2019, it is down by 70% with the number of offences dropping from 2,989
to 896 in the year to the end of October compared to the same period five years earlier.
Councillor Joel Charles, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Public Protection, said: “The launch of the anti-social behaviour hotspot response project is an opportunity to target those who think it is acceptable to cause harassment, alarm and distress in communities across the county.
“It is a welcome step forward that the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has chosen Harlow to be part of this countywide project to stamp out antisocial behaviour. The council is committed to supporting all efforts to ensure Harlow remains a safe place to live, work and visit.”
A new community hub where people in Harlow can access help from the police and other public services opened in The Stow at the end of October.
The hub, located in the shopping centre, is part of Clear, Hold, Build - a Home Office-backed project where Harlow Council, Essex Police, the NHS and local charities have been working together to address underlying issues affecting the local community and tackle offending.
The hub will host outreach sessions from the council’s community safety, housing and revenues and benefits teams on a regular basis.
In addition, Essex Police along with other community organisations will be holding their own sessions at the hub.
The hub will have a permanent kids’ zone where youngsters can play whilst their guardians find out information about local groups and services.
The council’s Community Safety team will be available at the hub for residents to speak to on Mondays between 9am and midday and Thursdays between 10am and 12.30pm. Housing teams will be available on Wednesdays between 2pm and 4pm.
Plans have been approved for a new café and the future extension of education provision and exhibition space at Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens.
The original plans unveiled in November 2023 were revised following feedback from the public and organisations. The museum will now be extended into the courtyard instead of into the gardens.
The extension is part of a long-term plan for enhancing the museum. The plans include new exhibition space, a new reception and washroom, along with a café, teaching space and community space as part of an extension to the former scouts building on First Avenue. Works will also take place to enhance the landscaping around the site.
The plans are designed to bring more schools into the museum, increase exhibition space for more displays and artefacts, enhance visitor experience and provide new pedestrian routes into the museum. The designs were developed using funding secured by the council from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Councillor Danielle Brown, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing, said:
“We have listened to the feedback we received on the original proposals and have revised the plans which are exciting for the future enhancement of one of our much-loved community services.
“It is an exciting time for the museum with works taking place to restore the garden walls and major upgrades have just been completed to the facility’s indoor lighting and other internal improvements, and there is more to come!”
Harlow Council is to spend up to £2 million to further improve its services for residents and deliver even more to transform the town.
The council has the flexibility, as set out by the government, to use capital receipts (money from selling assets) to fund revenue costs of transformation, regeneration and reform projects.
The funding will support the major transformation of the way the council works and delivers its missions and to ensure that the council continues to provide value for money for its residents.
The money will be used for different projects such as the regeneration of the town centre, building skills and education of future generations and making council services better for residents.
Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said:
“We are embarking on a major transformation programme of how the council works for its residents and staff and the town is undergoing a major rebuild.
“This £2million is an investment to do even more to transform our town and deliver three of our key missions to rebuild our town, secure investment for Harlow’s future and deliver high-performing council services.
“The money is not coming from borrowing or raising council tax or from cutting services, but from unallocated capital receipts which are just sitting in the bank and have been for many years. This is now money which will be put to good use and will literally change our residents’ lives.”
Bin collections up, call waiting times down
The council’s most recent joint finance and performance report shows that we are performing strongly against our targets.
In a recent report to Cabinet, performance improved on key factors such as:
• Bin collections – now running at 99.9% on time collection rate
• Turnaround time on empty homes – are well within target
• Call wait times for residents –which are well below target
• Tens of millions of pounds of investment into upgrading council houses and flat blocks – with nearly all projects on track
• Tens of millions of pounds of investment into upgrading community facilities such as the Playhouse, Harlow Museum, Latton Bush Centre and playgrounds – with nearly all projects on track
Performance targets are set annually and progress on these is reported to the council monthly, highlighting areas where services are performing well as well as those where we can improve.
These indicators are used to drive more effective performance across the council and to ensure residents are receiving the highquality service that they expect.
April saw our commitment to support residents continue by freezing our share of the Council Tax bill for the third year in a row. We didn’t just freeze Council Tax, we also invested millions into delivering our missions and we continue to live well within our budgets.
More than 1,400 blue street signs across the town have been updated as we replaced every single sign which was not up to date, or was worn, faded, broken, damaged or missing. We also tackled one of the most overgrown roundabouts in the town, with the transformation of Queensgate Retail Park roundabout.
Working with our partners we secured more than £265,000 from Sport England. The funding will be used in the town to raise physical levels and address inequalities that prevent people from being active.
In July Harlow Council was highly commended in the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards 2024, making us the 2nd most improved council in the country.
In July Parndon Wood Nature Reserve, Harlow Town Park and Harlow Museum Walled Gardens achieved prestigious Green Flag status again. Looked after by staff and volunteers, these places are among the best kept green spaces in the world!
Here are some of our highlights and achievements in delivering our missions for you in 2024. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Top leisure brand, David Lloyd Clubs, is coming to town all thanks to our work to secure investment for Harlow’s future. A state-of-the-art health, fitness and wellness facility will create 80 to 100 new jobs plus 60 construction jobs.
The first phase of our council housebuilding programme is now well underway with the construction of new homes on three sites in Staple Tye and on sites in The Woodleys and Lower Meadow.
The rebuild of Harlow Town Centre is also well underway with the construction of two out of four major transformation schemes started. Works have started on the redevelopment of Harlow Bus Station and the transformation of the streets in Broad Walk, Cross Street, East Walk and Terminus Street.
As part of our work to protect our communities a new Safe To Go Stow community hub was launched in October. The hub is part of the Home Office Clear, Hold, Build initiative in The Stow led by Essex Police.
A major overhaul of the council housing system was agreed in February and came into force shortly after. The changes are part of transforming Harlow’s housing by making sure that local homes are for local people in housing need.
Secure investment for Harlow’s future
Protect our communities Deliver high-performing council services
We are encouraging you to have your say on our plans to tackle climate change and reduce carbon emissions in Harlow.
In 2019 Harlow Council declared a climate emergency, which set out several climate change pledges. This was followed by an agreed target to hit net zero by 2040 and the development of a Carbon Reduction Plan to reduce the council’s own carbon emissions.
To build on these pledges the council has developed a broader Climate Change Strategy for the town as a whole.
The strategy sets out how the council can achieve net zero through its own activities and how it can influence the wider community and local economy to deliver reductions in emissions for the town.
The Climate Change Strategy outlines several actions, projects and proposals, some of which require further work to be developed. It also identifies difficult issues with delivering some of the actions.
Here is a summary of the seven key objectives, the whole document can be viewed at www.harlow.gov.uk
This objective focuses on the council’s operational buildings and vehicles which it uses for providing services to the public (including HTS and other contracts such as refuse collection). This section also looks at improving staff ways of working and how we interact and communicate with residents.
This objective focusses on how we will make residential homes, new and existing, more sustainable and energy efficient. Ensuring future homes are even more sustainable, both during their construction and through their lifetime, without relying on fossil fuels and unsustainable methods.
This objective considers how we consume and use resources, identifying ways to reduce waste, reuse resources and recycle. The responsibility of waste management is shared across many partners. Businesses also have responsibility for how they dispose of their waste and how they can minimise waste, recycle and reuse.
The aim of this objective is to provide a viable sustainable transport system for Harlow to enable people to choose buses, cycling and walking for journeys. This will also help reduce pollution, reach net zero targets, provide more reliable journeys and improve the health and wellbeing of residents. This objective supports the Transport Strategy for Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.
A large majority of green spaces in Harlow are owned by the council which has a lot of control over the way these spaces are maintained and managed and what their purpose can be. As the local planning authority, the council can also manage how future green spaces are maintained and how they can contribute towards mitigating climate change and reducing CO2 emissions.
This objective aims to support local businesses wishing to become more sustainable especially small to medium sized businesses (less than 250 employees) which make up 90% of businesses worldwide and 99% in Harlow. Businesses should also consider the sustainable transport actions identified in Objective 5.
It is important that the council takes the lead in encouraging communities, partners and stakeholders to reduce their emissions. Actions set out in the strategy, particularly those that centre around council buildings and operations, will aim to establish good examples and good practice for what could be delivered across the district. There are lots of opportunities for the council to pioneer and champion net zero and sustainable projects and schemes.
The consultation ends on Friday 20 December 2024.
To have your say, please complete the online questionnaire using the QR code printed below or visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/consultation.
A downloadable copy is available on the Harlow Council website. Comments can also be made in the following ways:
Email: comments or completed consultation questionnaire to: myharlow@harlow.gov.uk
Post to: Forward Planning, Harlow Council Offices, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow CM20 1WG
Climate change refers to long term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas), which produces heat-trapping gases.
Net zero is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases that’s produced and the amount that’s removed from the atmosphere. It can be achieved through a combination of emission reduction and emission removal.
The bus station has now temporarily moved to Post Office Road. This is to help speed up the delivery of the new sustainable transport hub and interchange at the current bus station site.
The temporary arrangement will be in place for at least 18 months. Existing bus services are continuing to run for the duration of the relocation.
The temporary bus station includes:
• 8 bus bays with shelters (labelled A-H).
• Pedestrian pathways to provide safe and convenient access.
• Sheffield cycle stands for 40 bicycles.
• Kiosk and waiting area at John Robson House.
• Improved lighting and CCTV provision.
List of temporary bus station stands:
Connecting to the sustainable transport interchange and hub will be the new public travel routes that are coming forward as part of Harlow & Gilston Garden Town.
With HGGT’s five council partnership committed to increasing travel options that can help lower car dependency for local journeys, the new routes will prioritise walking, cycling and rapid bus services across the wider area.
Construction on the first route began in early 2024 with works taking place between Burnt Mill roundabout and the Town Centre and including new public realm, trees, signage and lighting.
We appreciate residents’ patience while the works are being undertaken. While there’s current inconvenience there will be long-term benefits.
Once completed the new routes will help to reduce future traffic congestion in and around the town.
A new bus service by First Essex Buses is operating Monday to Saturday (except public holidays) covering Old Harlow, Edinburgh Way, Harlow Town Centre, Harlow Train Station and Princess Alexandra Hospital.
The new 407/417 service is funded by Essex County Council with Section 106 money from the Gilden Park development.
For more information on the bus service please visit: www.firstbus.co.uk/essex or call 0345 646 0707.
Councillor Alastair Gunn, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Garden Town, said: “We are working hard to rebuild our town and secure investment in Harlow’s infrastructure. The work to build the new transport hub in the Town Centre and to introduce new bus services is about providing alternatives for people so that we all have a range of options for how we travel across Harlow.
“By supporting us all to walk, cycle, or take the bus more often offers big environmental and health benefits, from reduced air pollution to more physical activity, which would see people in our community leading longer and healthier lives. Delivering this investment in better transport options is also crucial, if we’re to reduce congestion as Harlow grows.”
There’s no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home, business or from public spaces. It’s unlikely you will be sued or held legally responsible for any injuries if you have cleared it carefully.
Do not use hot water. This will melt the snow, but will replace it with black ice, increasing the risk of injury.
Removing the top layer of snow from your path will allow the sun to melt any ice beneath.
Scatter ordinary table salt on the path or area you have cleared to prevent any ice forming and to stop it from refreezing overnight. Avoid spreading it on plants or grass.
To help you treat icy conditions in your local area salt bins are provided throughout the town. The bins contain a salt and sand mix which you can use on public roads and pavements. It should not be used for private driveways.
Around the town, Harlow Council has 38 salt bins and Essex County Council has 64. Harlow Council’s bins have recently been audited with old or damaged bins replaced. All bins have been restocked.
Keep an eye on the welfare of your elderly and vulnerable relatives and neighbours.
Clear snow and ice from the front of your homes and businesses. See our guide to clearing snow and ice.
Keep warm. Pensioners and low-income families may qualify for extra help and cold weather payments which are paid automatically.
If you are worried about someone:
• Knock on their door and ask them if they are alright.
• If you’re still worried, please contact Social Services on 0345 603 7630.
• If there is an imminent danger, dial 999 and speak to the emergency services.
You may be eligible to claim Pension Credit, even if you own your home or have savings.
You can check your eligibility at www.gov.uk/pension-credit or by calling 0800 99 1234.
For tickets visit www.harlowplayhouse.com or phone 01279 431945
Dick Whittington until 5 January 2025
Join us on a dazzling adventure for the 2024 Pantomime, “Dick Whittington,” starring Harlow favourites Jimmy Burton-Iles and Ben Parsley.
Seeking fame and fortune as he journeys through panto land, Dick faces the wicked King Rat and his rat horde, who are threatening global chaos. Dick and friends must do all they can to save the day!
This year brings a spectacular blend of everything you’ve come to expect from a Harlow Playhouse pantomime. An unmissable festive treat for all the family!
The Great Christmas Sleigh Ride by Kevin James until 24 December
It’s Christmas Eve. Lily is so excited and, with the help of her brother Jack, determined to deliver her letter to Father Christmas in person.
The Great Christmas Sleigh Ride is a fun-filled, sing-along, interactive festive show for 2 to 6 year olds, their families, preschools and nurseries.
After the performance, children will get the chance to meet Santa and receive a special Christmas gift.
You can find details on other events taking place in your town on the council’s website www.harlow.gov.uk and on the Discover Harlow website at www.discoverharlow.co.uk
If you organise your own events, you can get them listed on these websites by submitting the event details at: www.harlow.gov.uk/events
Gibberd Gallery Civic Centre, Harlow 11am to 4pm Monday to Saturday Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays
Harlow Open 2025 is almost here and the Harlow Art Trust is calling out for all artists of any medium or genre to take part. The Open Exhibition 2025 at the Gibberd Gallery can be entered by any artist who was born, studied, currently resides or is working in Harlow, Uttlesford, East Herts, Epping, and Broxbourne districts.
Please submit your artworks to Gibberd Gallery, Civic Centre, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG, on the Friday 10 or Saturday 1 January 2025, 11am to 4pm.
For more information, please email gallery@harlowarttrust.org.uk or call 01279 446404
Harlow Museum and Walled Gardens Muskham Road, Harlow www.harlowmuseum.com 01279 446222
Open 9.30am to 3.30pm (last entry 3pm) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Wassail Winter Festival
Saturday 14 December 2024 from 10am to 5pm
Wassailing is a traditional English ceremony that involves singing, dancing, drinking, and making noise to encourage a good harvest in the coming year. Join Matipo Arts in Harlow Museum’s walled gardens for a winter festival with a twist.
Filled with secular celebration and merriment, browse our artisan makers and community stalls, grab a hot bite
to eat, and get stuck in with activities, performances, and wassailing traditions for the whole family. The event is free to attend, with ticketed performances and donation based craft activities.
Storytelling 10.30am (30mins)
Join our storyteller, tucked away in a hidden corner of Harlow Museum’s walled gardens for half an hour of interactive tales of green men, robin red breasts, and the turning of the season.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/wassail-winter festivalstorytelling-tickets-1076534235879? aff=oddtdtcreator
Wassail Late 3.30pm (1hr 30mins, including a 15-minute interval)
Join us for a festive celebration of local talent and the turn of the seasons in Harlow Museum’s walled gardens.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/wassail-winter-festivalwassail-late-tickets-1076568638779? aff=oddtdtcreator
For more events and activities this winter visit our website:
Paringdon Pirates Women’s Walking Football Team is looking for new players. Whether you have played football before or want to try it for the first time, everyone is welcome. We have an over40s league team for those who want to get competitive, but if you are younger or just want to have fun at training, come and have a go!
For more information, please contact Anna on 07759 283041 or email annahutson27@hotmail.com
Mental Health Toolkit: The Essentials Workshops
For all Harlow businesses and organisations this training, which is free for a limited time, helps you understand emotional health and equips you to support wellbeing in your workplace.
Learn what it means to be emotionally healthy, why it’s important and how emotional health supports physical health.
2025 Workshops take place on:
Wednesday 8 January, at the Latton Bush Centre
Friday 7 February, at the Latton Bush Centre
Tuesday 4 March, at the Civic Centre
Friday 28 March 2025 at the Health and Wellbeing Centre, Osler House
Tickets are usually £75 each but these sessions are free thanks to Harlow Council.
Book your place today: https:// mentalhealthtraining.org.uk/mhtessentials/
Harlow Sculpture Marathon
Team Challenge
Residents are invited to form teams of up to 6 friends or family to virtually walk the Harlow Sculpture Marathon.
The route takes you along a marathon of Harlow’s sculpture collection before continuing to Athens, the site of the original marathon. The challenge starts on 11 January and finishes on 16 February 2025.
Sign up online at sculpturemarathon. bigteamchallenge.com or download the Big Team Challenge app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
If you download the app, please enter sculpturemarathon.bigteamchallenge. com.
Harlow Council comprises of 33 elected councillors, responsible for agreeing policies about provision of services and how the council’s money is spent.
Councillor Mark Ingall Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Kay Morrison
199A Hookfield, CM18 6QP
Tel: 07736 333105
Email: kay.morrison@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07378 879710
Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Matthew Saggers Conservative
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07305 777819
Email: matthew.saggers@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Hannah Ellis
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Email: hannah.ellis@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor David Carter
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 420340
Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Lanie Shears
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07906 870935
Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Aiden O’Dell Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07506 699240
Email: aiden.odell@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Michael Houlihan Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07557 419591
Email: michael.houlihan@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Jake Shepherd Labour
169 Northbrooks, CM19 4DQ Tel: 07802 626326
Email: jake.shepherd@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Daniella Pritchard
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07710 529374
Email: daniella.pritchard@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Tony Edwards Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07544 374168
Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Dan Swords - Leader of Harlow Council
Councillor Michael Hardware
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07775 925274
Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Dan Swords Conservative
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Email: dan.swords@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 865673
Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Stacy Seales
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07541 141166
Email: stacy.seales@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Alastair Gunn Conservative
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07850 261771
Email: alastair.gunn@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Luke Howard Labour
184 Torkilsden Way, CM20 1FE
Email: luke.howard@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Stefan Mullard-Toal Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Email: stefan.mullard-toal@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Nancy Watson Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07908 518862
Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor James Griggs
129 Broadfield, CM20 3PY Tel: 07877 424834
Email: james.griggs@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Emma Ghaffari
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07850 655864
Email: emma.ghaffari@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Clive Souter
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07850 667900
Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Russell Perrin
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1W
Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor David Carter - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing
Councillor Danielle Brown - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing
Councillor Joel Charles - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Public Protection
Councillor Hannah Ellis - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services and Transformation
Councillor Alastair Gunn - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Garden Town and Planning
Councillor Michael Hardware - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development
Councillor James Leppard - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance
Councillor Nicky Purse - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability
Councillor James Leppard
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07454 686809
Email: james.leppard@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Danielle Brown
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Email: danielle.brown@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Nicky Purse Conservative
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG
Tel: 07838 238573
Email: nicky.purse@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour
330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA
Tel: 452252
Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Tony Durcan
329 Rundells, CM18 7HN
Tel: 414357
Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Linda Clark Labour
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 01279 641481
Email: linda.clark@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Sue Livings
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 422339
Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Michael Garnett
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 437401
Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Joel Charles
c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07752 096765
Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk
Essex County Councillors
County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools.
Harlow North
Councillor Michael Garnett cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk
Harlow West
Councillor Michael Hardware cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk
Harlow West
Councillor Clive Souter cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk
Harlow South East
Councillor Andrew Johnson cllr.andrew.johnson@essex.gov.uk
Each Christmas UK households produce 30% more waste than at any other time of year, but there are things we can all do to make a difference.
Christmas wrapping paper
Choose paper that’s made from recycled paper, without glitter, foil or metallic bits on as these can’t be recycled. Anything covered in glitter must be placed in your general waste.
Try alternatives to traditional paper by using cloth (that can be reused) or brown paper, or how about wrapping a gift within a gift, such as a scarf or tin?
Christmas cards
How about sending an e-card or donating instead of buying cards?If you do buy, remember to choose cards without glitter, foil or metallic bits on so that they can be recycled.
Christmas gifts
It’s estimated that £42 million of unwanted Christmas presents are thrown away every year.
This Christmas why not make your presents more meaningful by gifting experiences, such as tickets for a concert, meals out or memberships for hobbies.
Christmas food
With over 4 million platefuls of food binned over Christmas it pays to be more mindful of how much food we buy.
Try to plan your meal in advance, only buying what you need and will eat. Leftovers can be used on Boxing Day or frozen to reuse another day. For more ideas visit www.lovefoodhatewaste.com
Unfortunately, polystyrene cannot be recycled in Essex. Please make sure you put polystyrene products in your general waste and not your recycling collection.
If you are packing an item to post and would usually use polystyrene, try scrunched up newspaper.
Many items such as bows or ribbons can be saved and reused. If this is not possible, and they include glitter, foil or metallic bits, remove them and put them in your general waste, not your recycling collection.
If you’ve followed our waste-less Christmas guide and still have extra waste and recycling, please follow the guide below to make sure nothing is left behind.
Recycling as much as possible is a great way to save resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
Most types of wrapping paper, Christmas cards and packaging can be recycled
Extra recycling should be put out as normal in bags that are not black or purple alongside your full bin or box.
For more information visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/recycling
You can put all of these in your fortnightly recycling collection
We will collect one extra bag of household waste per household on the first non-recycling collection after Christmas Day.
Any extra waste should be placed in a plastic bag (nothing you want to keep) next to your non-recycling bin or purple bags on your collection day.
Food waste should only be wrapped in newspaper or placed in compostable liners showing this logo:
Extra food waste can be put in compostable liners on top of your caddy or in a small cardboard box (such as a cereal box).
You can put all of these in your weekly food waste caddy
More information on what you can put in your food caddy, can be found at: www.harlow.gov.uk/food
There will be no green waste service collections from 23 December 2024 to 6 January 2025. Collections will follow the catch-up schedule from 7 January 2025; you can check your revised Christmas collection days on our website.
As usual other bookable services will also be suspended between Christmas and New Year.
Recycle your Christmas tree and we will turn your money into a donation
You can recycle your real tree with us for just £2.75. We will donate all the money to the Chair’s charities Harlow Steel Band and Rainbow Dementia Support Network, with Veolia matching every donation.
Book a collection at: www.harlow.gov.uk/ green-waste
If you have signed up for our fortnightly garden waste collection, put your tree out alongside your brown bin (or bags) on your collection day.
Mon 06/01/2025
You can also check your revised collection days at www.harlow.gov.uk
collection days return from Monday 13 January 2025
What to do with bins in extreme weather During heavy snow and in icy conditions, recycling and waste collections can be disrupted. You should continue to put out your bins until they are collected, unless advised otherwise by us. For up-to-the minute information, visit www.harlow.gov.uk