Harlow Times Winter 2023

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Harlow Winter edition 2023

Inside: Essential Christmas and New Year information and a guide to what’s on this winter

In this edition

Pages 6 and 7 Pages 4 and 5

Restoring pride in Harlow

Fixing council housing

Neat and tidy streets as work continues on restoring pride around the town.

Council housing system overhaul proposed to give Harlow residents more priority.


News in brief Fireworks night, digital switchover, disability action panel, Potter Street community allotment and contacting the council over Christmas.

for the winter 18-19 Preparing Clearing snow, gritting priorities, and checking in on others. on this winter 20-21 What’s Things to do and see this winter in Harlow.

22 29-30

Community Lottery New lottery to support good causes to launch in new year. Christmas bin collections Revised collection dates and Christmas recycling tips.

Please recycle this magazine when you have finished reading it. Harlow Times is printed on 100% recycled paper, made from waste paper and old delivery boxes. This not only saves money, but is better for the environment.


Send us your views @HarlowCouncil

Pages 8 and 9 Rebuilding our town Building the foundations for a town centre rebuild and brand-new council housing.

Cover photograph: Arial image of Harlow from Parndon Mill, looking south. Image © Brian Thomas Photography. Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed. This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine. We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town. Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Swan Print Ltd. © Harlow Council 2023. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. View this licence: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/opengovernment-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk


Building Harlow’s tomorrow today Dear Resident, As we move towards Christmas and look ahead to next year, I feel that there is great confidence building about what the future holds for our town. We continue to make excellent progress in delivering our priorities which are to: fix council housing, restore pride in Harlow, rebuild our town, secure investment into Harlow and improve council services. Here’s how we’re getting on: On fixing council housing we’ve now cleared more than 70% of the housing repairs backlog in just six months. To fix how homes are allocated we’re asking for your views on radically changing the council housing system in Harlow to ensure that local homes are for local residents and those most in need are the ones that can access them. We’ve also introduced a new tenancy audit to ensure we are providing our tenants with the best possible support and to crack down on fraudulent practices.

With restoring pride in Harlow we’ve overhauled how we clean the streets of litter and rubbish including emptying litter bins and sweeping the roads more often. On roundabouts we’re rolling out a programme to significantly improve the look of them and on street signs, every blue street name sign that is broken, faded, damaged or aged will be replaced in the coming months. We’re rebuilding our town by clearing the way for the transformation of our town centre with the clearance of the Occasio House site ready for the new £20m Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter. The major transformation of the bus station, Terminus Street and Broad Walk will also start early next year. We’re also on site building the foundations for 103 new council homes for Harlow families across 11 different housebuilding schemes.

On securing investment into Harlow we’ve given the green light to a plan to secure over £1 billion of improvements to our infrastructure to support new housing developments. We’re also attracting new and thriving businesses to Harlow to create jobs and apprenticeships for local people. And finally, we continue to focus on improving council services so we’re more efficient and transparent, so you know exactly where your money is being spent. We’re also reforming our environmental and housing maintenance company, HTS, so it better serves our tenants and residents and delivers value for money. On each of our five priorities, we’re delivering for you to make Harlow a better place to live, work, raise a family and start a business. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Councillor Dan Swords Leader of Harlow Council


News in brief

Allotment handed over to local community

Contacting Harlow Council over Christmas Most of our services shut down between Christmas and new year. This helps save money on energy and building costs. You can still access services online, pay bills or contact us in an emergency. You can access many of our services and pay your council bills online: www.harlow.gov.uk Council bills can also be paid using the automated payment line: 01279 446600. We will be open 9am to 4.45pm Monday 18 December 2022 to Friday 22 December 2023. We will then be closed over Christmas and New Year. We will reopen at 9am on Tuesday 2 January 2024. Our maintenance company, HTS, will be providing 24/7 telephone support on 01279 446666 for emergencies including urgent council housing repairs during the Christmas and New Year period - 23 December 2023 to 1 January 2024. Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Council has handed over an allotment to a local charity to run to encourage people back to the facility as part of the council’s priority to restore pride in Harlow.

The project was the idea of local resident Colin Thorpe: “I’m so glad that we are now able to look after this allotment and want it to become a real community in itself. “The health and wellbeing benefits to users, as well as the community aspect and social interaction, are so important to cultivate; having an allotment also helps to promote self-reliance and can help reduce family shopping bills as you grow your own nutritious food.”

The allotment, at Dudley Terrace in Potter Street, is now managed by the Potter Street Health and Wellbeing Hub and is known as the Potter Street and Church Langley Community Garden. For more information about taking up a plot at the allotment, please email colin-thorpe@ btconnect.com or call 07767 783482.

New say for people with disabilities Harlow Council is setting up a Disability Action Panel to give residents with disabilities a voice in the decisions that the council makes.

The panel will give residents with disabilities a say and enable them to directly influence the way the council responds to issues of concern to them.

The panel will be chaired by the Leader of the Council and will include councillors from all political parties and Harlow’s MP. Residents with disabilities and representatives from charities and groups who work with people with disabilities will be invited to attend meetings.

The panel will be able to make direct recommendations to the council’s Cabinet for implementation and approval of expenditure relating to the recommendations. The panel will meet every three months.

News in brief

Thousands flock to annual fireworks


Read more and stay updated Visit the latest news section of our website at www.harlow.gov.uk/news to read more about these featured stories and other news from the council.

The way we communicate is changing Our old telephone lines are being replaced with a digital network. This means a more reliable, future-proof service that will support the UK and its residents for years to come.

The skies of Harlow Town Park lit up on Sunday 5 November with Harlow Council’s annual bonfire and fireworks night event.

It will affect anything that sends a signal through the old line from personal alarm buttons to old-style home telephones.

Celebrating its 45th year, the free-to-attend event included entertainment from Harlow Steelband ahead of the lighting of the bonfire. A spectacular 20-minute fireworks display followed. There was lots of feedback from people who attended the event, as well as lots of memories shared across social media.

“A childhood tradition that lives on almost 40 years later, loved the mixed silent and normal fireworks, and the bonfire was also amazing.” “We have family visiting from Canada so it was nice to show them what our town can do. Well done Harlow Council.”

Anyone with these services should check if the Digital Switchover will affect them, so their service isn’t disrupted. Find out what you, your family and neighbours need to do to be ready, visit: www.gov.uk/guidance/uktransition-from-analogueto-digital-landlines

“I really appreciated the slightly earlier start time, especially with school on the morning. Thank you for a lovely evening Harlow council.” Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Fix council housing

We’re fixing council

Clearing the repairs backlog The backlog in council housing repairs has now been slashed by over 73% since 1 June 2023, with Harlow Council remaining on track to ‘clear’ the backlog in housing repairs this year as part of its priority to fix council housing. Around 13,551 repairs have now been completed since the council and its maintenance company, HTS, radically changed the way they were addressing housing repairs earlier this year. The backlog has been reduced by over 3,893 jobs since 1 June. The council and HTS continue to be supported by several local subcontractors to clear outstanding repairs and have focussed on clearing the oldest jobs first. Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Turning around empty homes faster The turnaround of void council properties has also significantly improved meaning empty homes are coming back into use for Harlow families quicker. The turnaround time has reduced on average from a high of 56 days to 24 days. Significant improvements have been made in also reducing the overall number of voids within the system which has reduced from a high of 198 down to 96.

Fix council housing


housing Overhauling the council housing allocations system Proposals include: • Increasing the length of time that an applicant must have a local connection.

• A review into nomination rights to partner organisations to ensure council homes go to those truly in need.

• Removing local connection through family or working in the town except in exceptional circumstances.

• Ensuring that those placed in temporary accommodation by other councils do not have access to local housing over and above Harlow residents.

• Considering extra priority for those who were born in Harlow and still live here. • Removing priority band 4 of the register to ensure the council does not give ‘false hope’. A radical overhaul of how council housing is allocated is the focus of a public consultation and we want your views. The consultation runs until Friday 22 December and proposes changes to the allocations system to make sure Harlow homes go to Harlow families. The council’s Housing Allocations Policy determines how we let social housing in the area, both our own council homes and housing association properties. It sets out who is eligible to apply for social housing and who gets priority. There are currently 5,558 applicants on the housing needs register with around 3,000 applicants actively bidding for homes.

• Increasing the earnings threshold for eligibility to join the register. • Tougher penalties for those who refuse unreasonable offers of a council home. • More effective methods of matching adapted homes to those who need them.

We are also proposing changes that will make the policy easier to administer, simpler for applicants to understand and be significantly quicker. To have your say visit www. harlow.gov.uk/your-council/ have-your-say/consultations The results of the consultation will be considered in February 2024, with a view to starting a new way of allocating homes from 1 April 2024.

Tenancy audit inspections begin A programme of carrying out tenancy audits of council homes has started. The tenancy audit is a survey which is being carried out by council housing staff as part of an inspection of council homes across the town. The audit is helping to check that we are providing the right kind of services to our tenants

and that the details we hold about households is up to date and accurate. The audit is also enabling us to provide information on the support available to those who need it. Tenancy audits can also help to tackle breaches of tenancy and tenancy fraud, as well as identify safeguarding concerns and any other issues before they get worse. Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Restoring pride in Harlow

We’re restoring prid Cleaning up the streets The way that Harlow Council and HTS clean the town’s streets has been overhauled as part of restoring pride in Harlow. As part of the new cleaning regime, the town has been divided into four quarters with each quarter having a six-person team maintaining it day to day. Previously teams covered the town in a ‘wave’, working their way from one side of town to the other; operating in four quarters simultaneously enables them to better stay on top of keeping Harlow’s streets and estates clean. The result of these changes mean: • A significant reduction in litter and dumped rubbish as each area will be litter-picked more regularly. • Public litter bins being emptied every 2 days rather than every 3 days previously, with 134 extra bins installed over recent weeks. • Bins in council-maintained shopping areas are emptied daily. • Housing estate roads being cleaned every 6 weeks rather than every 8 weeks. • Detritus and leaves being cleared more regularly.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nicky Purse, cabinet portfolio holder for sustainability & environment, said: “I am very grateful to all the HTS operatives who have adapted to the new ways of working and, as ever, are out in all weathers working hard to keep Harlow clean. “Residents will see the benefits of these new practices with less litter and rubbish, public bins emptied more regularly, roads swept more often and leaves and detritus cleared more regularly.”

Restoring pride in Harlow


de in Harlow Restoring pride around the town

Sumners Farm Close: before

As part of our priority to restore pride in Harlow we have employed Clark Gardens to give landscaped areas within 6 supported housing schemes a makeover and the results have been amazing! Two of the schemes to benefit are Risdens and Sumners Farm Close. At the Risdens shrub beds were cleared and replanted and the grass tidied up and hedges trimmed. At Sumners Farm Close the outside area was given a proper makeover with paths being cleared of weeds, shrub beds tidied up and hedges trimmed.

Sumners Farm Close: after

Replacing broken, worn and old street signs Attention is now being turned to replacing street name signs across the town as part of Harlow Council’s priority to restore pride in Harlow.

From early next year any signs that are not up to date with the latest specification, worn, faded, broken, damaged or missing will be replaced with new signs.

There are nearly 3,000 blue street name signs and estate map boards in the town and each one has been inspected as part of a replacement programme.

Heritage estate name boards which date back to the 60s and 70s will also be restored or replaced depending on their condition.

Heritage estate name board

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Rebuild our town

We’re rebuilding our Putting the heart back into Harlow Town Centre With the Occasio House site demolition now completed, updated plans for the Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter have been released. The delivery of the new £20m Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter in Playhouse Square will be funded from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. The Arts and Cultural Quarter will form a new western gateway as part of the regeneration of Harlow Town Centre. The scheme will complement Harlow Playhouse’s current offer as well as bring forward a range of new and improved spaces such as: • Performance and exhibition spaces • New café and booking office for the Playhouse • Music school and recording studios • Flexible studio spaces • New location for the Gibberd Gallery Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

• Improved public realm to provide opportunities for performances and a new public square and park • High-quality residential apartments to support delivery of the scheme Updated plans were released in November for public consultation ahead of a planning application being submitted. Subject to planning approval work on the scheme is set to start early next year. The scheme will help put the heart back into Harlow town centre.

Next year promises to be an exciting time for the town centre with work also starting on the new sustainable Travel Hub and Interchange and improvements to Broad Walk. We will keep you updated on progress.

Rebuild our town


town Work starts on site to deliver new council homes The development will surround a central landscaped area, providing an improved link from Arkwrights to the existing community allotment gardens. All homes will be allocated to Harlow families on Harlow’s Housing Needs Register.

Work has started on building 103 new council homes for Harlow families as part of Harlow Council’s housebuilding programme. As part of the priority to rebuild our town, phase one of the programme is now underway, with work beginning at all 11 sites before Christmas.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said: “We are delivering on our priority to rebuild our town and that includes phase 1 of our Council House Building Programme. “Before Christmas, we will be on site starting work on 103 new council homes for Harlow families and the work at Arkwrights represented the first of those schemes beginning.”

Phase 1 will provide a mixture of houses, apartments, and bungalows to meet the different housing needs of residents: Arkwrights: 8 houses The Yorkes: 6 bungalows Woodleys: 6 houses Perry Road (former Lister House site): 24 apartments Staple Tye depot: 10 houses Parnall Road: 5 houses and 5 apartments Sherards House: 14 houses Pytt Field: 5 houses Potter Street Neighbourhood Office: 5 apartments Lower Meadow Garage site: 8 bungalows Elm Hatch: 6 apartments and 1 house

Arkwrights site

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Securing investment into Harlow

We’re securing inves £1.3 Billion Infrastructure Plan Approved • A need for early years provision and up to 12 new primary schools and up to 4 new secondary schools. • Approximately £299 million sustainable transport corridor network with £29 million for other measures such as walk and cycleway improvements. There is £201 million for highway infrastructure such as upgrades to M11 Junction 7, two river crossings and local road network upgrades. Harlow Council has approved a plan that will secure millions of pounds of improvements for Harlow as part of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town development. The approved infrastructure delivery plan details requirements for new schools, sustainable transport links, community and leisure facilities and open spaces as developments across the garden town area take shape. It also includes health and social care and emergency services, utilities, and flood defences. More than £1.3 billion of infrastructure improvements are detailed in the plan, with £794m coming from garden town developers. The benefits for Harlow and the Garden Town area, which could be included in planning agreements, are: Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

• A proposed community leisure centre including a 6-lane 25 metre pool, teaching pool, 4-court sports hall, fitness suite within Harlow. There will also be a new community sports hall and community halls. At the East of Harlow there will be a dedicated youth facility. • Upgrades to Harlow Town Park, and access to a new country park in Gilston, natural and semi-natural green space, amenity space and play areas at East of Harlow. • Town centre public realm improvements and new transport interchange and hub. • Refurbishment of Harlow Central library with possible future expansion and relocation. • Improvements to the Playhouse, Harlow Museum and Harlow cultural trails.

• Funding for healthcare provision required by the development of each new Garden Town site will be secured through agreements before planning permissions are granted. The plan will now need to be endorsed by the other Garden Town partners - Epping Forest, East Herts, Essex and Herts County Councils - before being fully adopted. Councillor Michael Hardware, cabinet portfolio holder for economic development, said: “We are working hard with our Garden Town partners to ensure that Harlow residents, businesses and community organisations get the maximum benefit from future growth. Working with our Garden Town partners we have already secured millions of government investment to upgrade roads, cycle tracks and infrastructure. “The plan includes many more millions of pounds in benefits we want for Harlow and that can be made possible through agreements with developers.”

Securing investment into Harlow


stment into Harlow Backing local business Part of our work to secure investment into Harlow is providing the right conditions for existing and new businesses to invest here and in some cases move back to the town!

Companies investing in Harlow Technology company, Japeto, has moved into The Arise Innovation Hub in Harlow Innovation Park. In 2022, the company won a highly competitive Smart grant from Innovate UK for an experimental development project. Japeto is revolutionising the way charities create their own AI-powered chatbots, making it simple and accessible for organisations without inhouse technical skills or coding know-how. In Harlow they are already developing chatbots for Harlow Citizens Advice Bureau and have been working with Harlow College. A company well worth keeping an eye on and shows that innovation is still alive and kicking in Harlow! The Harlow Hotel by Accor has spent £800,000 on refurbishing their 119-bed hotel which is a major investment into the town. The hotel, which also has 9 function suites, originally opened in 1960 as the Saxon Motor Hotel. It gained popularity and prestige when three World Cup football teams stayed there in 1966. Some 63 years on, the site continues to welcome visitors to Harlow.

Companies coming back to Harlow! Well-known local brand Stort Valley Spirits & Gifting has made a triumphant return to the town. The business was founded in 2020 by Emma and Rob Robson who are passionate about supporting small businesses, shopping locally, ethically and sustainably. After three years of successful growth, they now stock a wide range of products including drinks and food produce, all sourced from the local area. To accommodate the company’s increasing growth, the team relocated back to Harlow in summer 2023. The new site on Edinburgh Way has provided ample opportunity for growth and sits within a prime location in the centre of Harlow. Welcome back to Harlow!

For more information on business in Harlow visit www.harlowbusiness.org Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Improving council services

We’re improving coun Exciting plans produced to enhance Harlow Museum Plans have been unveiled for the future extension of education provision, extra exhibition space and a new café at Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens. The plans are the first stage of the council’s long-term plan for improving the museum service. The proposals include a new classroom in part of the Walled Gardens and extending exhibition space in the courtyard. A café and community space will be added on the side of the former scouts building on First Avenue. The plans aim to bring more schools into the museum, increase exhibition space for displays and artefacts, enhance visitor experience and provide new pedestrian routes into the museum. If the improvements get planning approval, it will begin the journey for the first major refurbishment of the museum since it opened in March 2002. The council will need to secure external funding to help deliver the plans. Work on applying for funding will start next year subject to planning permission.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Improving council services


ncil services New chair of HTS appointed

Improving HTS: delivering the best services for residents Harlow Council is reforming and modernising its maintenance company HTS which delivers high-profile environmental and housing maintenance services in the town.

• A new contractual basis for HTS’s work for the council, based more on costs and performance, will be in place by December 2023. • A new business plan for 2024 to 2025 will be in place by February 2024. • The company will be restructured into a single entity to provide greater efficiency and focus on delivering services for Harlow. • Additional non-executive directors will be recruited with specific professional expertise to support and develop the company.

HTS (Property & Environment) Limited

• Proudly serving Harlow •

Over the last year the council has commissioned several reviews of different areas of HTS to improve performance, efficiency and the council’s working relationship with the company. As part of the changes, it has been agreed that: • The immediate focus of HTS is on the delivery of the council’s priorities and to secure further savings and improvements in the business.

Joining HTS on its new chapter is Andy Belton who has been appointed the new non-executive chair.

The council has been encouraged with the recent progress HTS have made towards the delivery of its priorities. This includes reducing the housing repairs backlog, increasing the turnaround in empty homes and introducing new ways of looking after landscapes and cleaning streets.

Andy has over 30 years’ experience in executive roles in the technology and housing sectors and he is a proven and effective leader. He has a strong track record of enabling organisations to transform their operations. He said: “HTS has a vital role in supporting Harlow’s mission and I look forward to working with the HTS Board and management team in close partnership with the council. “In the short term, we’ll continue the work to improve service outcomes for residents and begin to modernise HTS so it can achieve first-class service delivery that is sustainable for all its stakeholders in the longer term.” A new permanent Managing Director of the company is in the process of being recruited. Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Looking back at 2023

A review of our year As we approach a new year, here are some of our highlights and achievements in delivering our priorities for you in 2023. Another Council Tax freeze delivered! April saw our commitment to support residents with the cost of living continue by freezing our share of the Council Tax bill for yet another year. We didn’t just freeze Council tax, we also invested millions into fixing council housing, restoring pride in Harlow, rebuilding our town, and improving council services.

Our priorities: Fix council housing Restore pride in Harlow Rebuild our town Secure investment into Harlow Improve council services

New partnership signals bold new era June witnessed a new partnership between the council and leading housebuilder The Hill Group being launched which will transform our town with new housebuilding schemes to support Harlow families. Within months the partnership was up and running with an agreed business plan in place with work starting on site for the partnership’s first regeneration schemes in Staple Tye.

Busting the housing repairs backlog In June, the council and its maintenance company, HTS, took radical action to change the way council housing repairs are fixed. The changes have had a positive impact with the backlog cleared by over 73% so far this year.

Regeneration Partnership

Our award winning parks Three of the town’s beloved parks and open spaces – Parndon Wood Nature Reserve, Harlow Town Park and Harlow Museum Walled Gardens achieved prestigious Green Flag status again in July. This places them among the best kept green spaces in the world!

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Looking back at 2023

Making way for a new future Large excavating equipment moved into the town centre in August to begin the demolition of the derelict Occasio House site. The buildings and the site were completely cleared by December making room for an exciting future and a new chapter in the rebuild of our town and Harlow town centre. The site will be part of the brand new £20m Harlow Arts and Cultural Quarter.

Council housebuilding boom begins In November, the foundations were laid for building 103 new council homes for Harlow families with work starting on site for the first of 11-council housebuilding schemes. The homes will be built using modern construction techniques and feature energy saving measures to help keep bills down.


Restoring pride around the town As part of our mission to restore pride in Harlow, several projects have been launched this year from improving the way grass is cut, restoring historic signs, cleaning up shopping centres to overhauling how the streets are cleared of litter and rubbish!

Residents have their say In September, the results from an independent town-wide residents’ survey were published, and they painted a picture of satisfaction! The survey revealed that an impressive 7 in 10 residents are satisfied with Harlow as a place to live. The survey was launched to give residents a greater say in the running of the council with the findings being used to help the council prioritise its future work.

Knife Angel: a powerful symbol of change

World’s best riders pedal into Harlow In September, residents witnessed the biggest sporting ever in Harlow when world class cycling came to town with the Tour of Britain men’s cycle race. In a tense and exciting finish along with Third Avenue the Dutch rider Danny van Poppel pipped British rider Ethan Vernon by a tyre-width to win stage six. On an extremely hot day hundreds of residents watched history being made.

Crafted from surrendered knives, the Knife Angel sculpture’s visit to Harlow in September served as a stark reminder of the impact of knife crime while inspiring change and unity within our community. Bringing the sculpture to town was the idea of local antiknife crime campaigner Mel Hopwood.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Gilden Park community infrastructure

Legally binding agreement secured for Gilden Park

An agreement has been secured with a consortium of housebuilders over the delivery of outstanding community facilities at Gilden Park after legal action was activated by Harlow Council. The council has been in ongoing discussions with Barrett Homes, Persimmon Homes and Taylor Wimpey over the delivery of a sports pavilion and pitches, allotments, community centre and retail units in accordance with the planning obligations relating to the Gilden Park development (known as a Section 106 agreement). The consortium has committed to new timescales for the delivery of these outstanding facilities after the council had filed injunction papers in July. The council’s injunction sought to stop the Gilden Park developers selling more houses until obligations were met or a suitable undertaking to provide Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

the outstanding obligations was given to the court and the council. The case was due to be heard in Court in mid-October but just before that the three developers agreed to revised timescales.

“This action not only made the Gilden Park consortium sit up and listen, but it has also sent out a strong message to housebuilders across the country.

A joint agreement has been lodged with the court, so the consortium now have a clear legal obligation to deliver the facilities within the agreed new timescales. Failure to stick to the timescales will trigger the injunction.

“The Gilden Park residents have been challenging the consortium for many years to address the lack of progress on community infrastructure. Our action has always been about standing up for Gilden Park residents who have been let down and failed with no local facilities to enjoy.

Councillor Michael Hardware, cabinet portfolio holder for economic development, said: “Back in July we took an unprecedented move in applying for an injunction to stop more houses being sold in Gilden Park. It is believed to be the first time a council has publicly announced such drastic action, which is rarely taken.

“Thanks to the persistence of residents and our legal action, we now have clarity on when these much-needed community facilities will be provided. But we will be keeping a close eye on every single part of the implementation, and we will not hesitate to take further action if there are any breaches.”

Council housing news


Join our Leasehold Standards Panel Council tenants: How are we doing? Earlier this year, changes were made to make it easier for social housing tenants to hold their landlords to account. Tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) are a set of new measures set up by the government which came into effect in April 2023, which require social housing providers like Harlow Council to gather, by law, data on how well they are performing in key areas. As part of the TSMs, we are required to: • Collect and report on our performance against TSMs from 1 April 2023. • Annually submit our performance against TSMs to the Regulator of Social Housing from June 2024. • Annually publish our performance against TSMs, including how we meet the regulator’s requirements, from September 2024. • Ensure that the data we collect is accurate, reliable, valid, and a transparent reflection of our performance against TSMs.

TSMs measure overall satisfaction with our housing services. This includes how well we look after our homes in terms of repair, building safety and cleanliness, handling complaints and enquiries and how helpful, inclusive and respectful our staff are. This data is collected through annual surveying of tenants about their experience. Surveys will be sent out based on a random sample of general needs tenants, equity share residents and those in temporary accommodation, and will be conducted via online and in the post. Whilst TSMs are a legal requirement they complement the work we already do to engage with our tenants and leaseholders, to ensure that we are doing a good job as a social housing provider. Regularly surveying our tenants will not only enable them to better hold us to account, it will also help contribute towards delivering on our priorities to fix council housing and improve council services.

The Leasehold Standards Panel is open to leaseholders who occupy their property, and works with the council to help shape its home ownership and housing services for the benefit of all its residents. The panel meets monthly at the Latton Bush Centre. Future meetings can be found on the council’s website at https:// www.harlow.gov.uk/events Panel members’ main aims are: • Represent the interests of all leaseholders in Harlow. • Work with the Home Ownership team and on service improvement plans. • Scrutinise services provided by HTS and contractors and review customer satisfaction on repairs and communal cleaning. • Review all leaseholder publications and communication, ensuring any law changes are included. • Have a say in achieving value for money through service charges. If you are interested in joining the Leasehold Standards Panel please email tenant.relations@ harlow.gov.uk or call the Home Ownership team on 01279 446305. Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Preparing for winter

Are you winter ready? Winter often brings a lot of different challenges, so it’s helpful to make sure we are all prepared. We’re ready to support you, but also ask everyone to do their bit too. Gritting Patches of ice or frost on the roads and pavements can make travel more difficult for cars and pedestrians. Essex County Council is responsible for gritting the main roads and footpaths in Harlow. You can check which roads are gritted at www.essex.gov.uk/gritters Harlow Council plays its part to make sure residents can get around safely by gritting areas such as the town centre, outside doctor’s surgeries and supported housing complexes.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Need extra support and help? UK Power Networks offer free support to those who need help during a power cut. To add your details to their priority services register visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk or phone 0800 169 9970. Affinity Water also has a priority services register which is free to join for customers who may require extra help. Visit www.affinitywater.co.uk for more information or call 0345 357 2406.

Severe weather updates The Met Office website, www.metoffice.gov.uk has lots of information to help you prepare for adverse weather conditions, storms or flooding.

Preparing for winter

Guide to clearing snow and ice

What you can do to help

There’s no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home, business or from public spaces. It’s unlikely you will be sued or held legally responsible for any injuries if you have cleared it carefully.

Keep an eye on the welfare of your elderly and vulnerable relatives and neighbours.

Do not use hot water. This will melt the snow, but will replace it with black ice, increasing the risk of injury.


Clear snow and ice from the front of your homes and businesses. See our guide to clearing snow and ice.

Removing the top layer of snow from your path will allow the sun to melt any ice beneath. Scatter ordinary table salt on the path or area you have cleared to prevent any ice forming and to stop it from refreezing overnight. Avoid spreading it on plants or grass.

Salt bins To help you treat icy conditions in your local area salt bins are provided throughout the town. The bins contain a salt and sand mix which you can use on public roads and pavements. It should not be used for private driveways.

Keep warm. Pensioners and low-income families may qualify for extra help and cold weather payments which are paid automatically. If you are worried about someone:

Around the town, Harlow Council has 38 salt bins and Essex County Council has 64 bins. Harlow Council’s bins have recently been audited with old or damaged bins replaced. All bins have been restocked.

• Knock on their door and ask them if they are alright. • If you’re still worried, please contact Social Services on 0345 603 7630. • If there is an imminent danger, dial 999 and speak to the emergency services.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


What’s on in Harlow

What’s on this winter Gibberd Gallery Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, CM20 1WG 11am to 4pm Monday to Saturday (Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays) Harlow Art Trust is calling out for all artists of any medium or genre to take part in the Harlow Open 2024.

Warm spaces offering a warm welcome Looking for a warm space to go this winter? We understand that with energy costs, keeping yourself and your family warm this winter can be difficult. However, there are warm spaces in Harlow you can visit throughout winter.

Harlow Playhouse, Playhouse Square, CM20 1LS From November, Harlow Playhouse will be providing a warm and inviting space in the bar and café areas throughout winter during its current opening hours: Monday to Thursday 10.30am to 5.30pm Friday to Saturday 10.30am to 10.30pm The Playhouse will be closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Sumners Farm Close, Phelips Road, CM19 5SL From November the small lounge at Sumners Farm Close will be open 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm throughout the winter with free tea and coffee available. For more information on warm spaces in Harlow visit

www.harlow.gov.uk/warm-spaces Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

The Open Exhibition 2024 at the Gibberd Gallery can be entered by any artist who was born, studied, currently resides or is working in Harlow, Uttlesford, East Herts, Epping, and Broxbourne districts. Please submit your artworks to Gibberd Gallery, Civic Centre, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG, on 5 and 6 January 2024, 11am to 4pm. For more information please email gallery@harlowarttrust.org.uk or call 01279 446404

Harlow Playhouse Playhouse Square www.playhouseharlow.com 01279 431945 Christmas Sing-a-long Bingo Friday 22 December


Join the Harlow Playhouse for an evening of Christmas SING-A-LONGA-BINGO. There’ll be singing, dancing, cocktails, Christmas cheer and of course PRIZES to be won, just match the songs on your bingo card with those sung by your host to win.

What’s on in Harlow This event is free, you can book tickets to secure your place via the website. Taking place from 7pm to 10pm, bar open till 11pm.

Blue Plaque competition The museum’s Blue Plaque competition is back! Running from March 2024 until mid-April 2024. For more information visit the Harlow Museum website.

Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens Muskham Road, Harlow www.harlowmuseum.com 01279 446222 Open 9.30am to 3.30pm (last entry 3pm) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Photo of Moor Hall Cricket Club c1906 from the book Cricket in Harlow by Alan Howick

Memorial University, Harlow Campus The Maltings, St John’s Walk, Old Harlow, CM17 0AJ Campus Games Hub Campus Games Hub offers a free, safe warm space for all the community. The Hub is a once-a-month fun ‘board games and cards’ evening. All ages and abilities welcome. Nutritious hot meal available. Open on the last Wednesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm. For more information call: 07760164800 or email darren.smith@mun.ca

Elf on the Shelf at Harlow Museum FREE Throughout December Mischievous elves are hiding around Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens. Each elf represents an important figure in Harlow History. Pick up a trail and see if you can find them all! The free activity is suitable for all ages. For more information please contact annalise.taylor@harlow.gov.uk.


Parndon Mill Gallery Parndon Mill, CM20 2HP www.parndonmill.co.uk info@parndonmill.co.uk Present arts Thursday 9 November to Saturday 23 December Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5pm Sundays 2pm to 4pm Five artists and craftsmen from here and further afield, offer their unique and affordable works for sale in this exhibition designed for giving to others or ones self!

Stay updated on events taking place You can find details on other events taking place in your town on the council’s website www.harlow.gov.uk and the Discover Harlow website – www.discoverharlow.co.uk If you organise your own events, you can get them listed on these websites by submitting the details at www.harlow.gov.uk/events

Harlow Cricket through 25 decades Saturday 27 April 2024 to Saturday 31 August 2024 FREE There will be an exhibition at Harlow Museum to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Harlow Cricket Club. It will showcase the history of the oldest organisation in the town, with photographs, artefacts and archives from Harlow Cricket Club. The exhibition will run alongside events held at the cricket club. Family activity programme Throughout 2024 Harlow Museum’s family activity programme continues, with themed events each holiday, starting with fashion for February half term. Visit the Harlow Museum website more information closer to the time.

Event and activity information is correct at time of going to press. Please always check first with the event organiser by calling their contact number or by visiting the relevant website.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Community Lottery

New Community Lottery supporting good causes in Harlow Harlow Council is delighted to announce the launch of Harlow Community Lottery in 2024, an exciting new fundraising initiative for good causes. The lottery will help provide local charities, voluntary organisations and other good causes with additional financial support, as well as give residents the chance to win a weekly cash prize.

A further 10p from every ticket will go into a Central Fund that will be distributed to more good causes, with the remainder being put towards prizes, operating costs and VAT.

When the lottery launches in February 2024, people will be able to purchase tickets online, and support the good cause of their choice.

Gatherwell has been appointed as an External Lottery Manager to run the scheme on behalf of the council.

Tickets will cost £1 a week. The draw will be weekly with a jackpot of £25,000, other prizes being £2,000, £250, £25 and 3 extra tickets.

The company has been identified as a specialist and leading provider of local authority lotteries in over 100 other areas across the UK.

Good causes will soon be invited to register to raise funds with Harlow Community Lottery and keep 50p from every ticket they sell.

Regular updates on the progress of Harlow Community Lottery will be posted on the Harlow Council website and Facebook pages.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Essex Police


Harlow Police Station is open Monday to Sunday, 9am - 5pm Tell us what matters to you. Email the team at HarlowCPT@essex.police.uk • Call 999 (emergencies) Report online: www.essex-police.uk or call 101 (non urgent enquiries)

#protectingandservingHarlow Cannabis in industrial unit In November, Harlow Community Policing Team executed a warrant issued under Section 23 of the misuse of drugs act at an industrial unit in the Mark Hall area.

Specialists from Dog, Roads, and Community Policing teams, as well as the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) also provide support.

Protect yourself from street robbery

Approximately 500 plants believed to be cannabis were found in the unit. Investigations are currently ongoing. Nitrous oxide is illegal As of 8 November, it is illegal to possess nitrous oxide for the purpose of getting high. This is classified as a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Fourteen arrests in one night: targeting cross-border crime Fourteen men were arrested in October after the latest operation targeting criminal activity along Essex’s borders with London and Hertfordshire. Eleven of the individuals detained were arrested for burglary or related offences.

Check the seller or buyer’s review history and feedback from other reviewers. Beware of accounts that may have been set up very recently with lots of favourable feedback that sounds similar.

It is now a criminal offence to possess nitrous oxide without a legitimate reason, as opposed to just supply and intent to supply. Under the legislation, repeat, serious users could face up to two years in prison while those convicted of supply it could face up to 14 years.

Operation Claymore is Essex Police-led but also involves officers from Hertfordshire, the Met and the National Police Air Service (NPAS).

We know nitrous oxide is heavily associated with anti social behaviour (ASB) and continues to be a major concern across our communities. This legislation will give officers more options when dealing with ASB.

The cross-force team track down vehicles believed to be involved in crime using hits from automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras, with a particular focus on areas in and around Harlow and Epping Forest.

Be fraud smart Auction and online marketplaces are a great way to get a good deal. Most items are genuine, but fraudsters use these sites to offer high value items like electronics or designer goods.

Look confident: You are less likely to be targeted if you look confident. Move with purpose and try to be aware of your surroundings. Know where you’re going: Plan your route. Think about what to take with you, especially if you’re going somewhere you haven’t been before. Keep to busy, well-lit streets, walkways and paths which are more likely to be covered by CCTV. Only take licensed taxis or minicabs booked by phone or mobile app. Hide it: Keep your mobile and valuables out of sight. If you’re using your phone it’s more likely to be snatched from your hand as you’re not paying attention to your surroundings. Never leave a mobile, any other device, wallet or purse on the table of an outdoor café, pub or restaurant. Same goes for any jewellery you might be wearing. Keep it covered when walking down the street. Important: If you’re threatened with violence, don’t risk your personal safety. Property can be replaced, you can’t. Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk


Harlow and Gilston Garden Town

From new town to garden town Residents can find out more about the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town and Harlow town centre regeneration projects every Thursday at a new drop in community space in the Harvey Centre.

Residents will be able to learn more about projects such as the new town centre Arts and Cultural Quarter and the new transport interchange hub that will upgrade the town’s current bus station.

Officially opened by Councillor Dan Swords, Councillor Michael Hardware and HGGT’s Naisha Polaine last month, the Discover Harlow hub gives residents a chance to speak with both the council and Garden Town teams about Harlow’s future.

The drop in community space was called for by residents through the Garden Town’s Your Quality of Life consultation project and HGGT’s Independent Chair, Guy Nicholson, commented: “These are very exciting times for Harlow and they herald the start of another chapter in the history of the town.

Funded by Government and the Garden Town partnership, the Discover Harlow hub will be open on Thursdays, from 10am to 2pm, and will host consultation events about the town centre and Garden Town plans.

“Behind this transition are five councils working together and committed to levering in the investment that will benefit existing residents first and support new residents as they come to join the community.

The Discover Harlow Hub is located next to The Works in the Harvey Centre.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

“Harlow has an extraordinary and unique opportunity before it, transitioning from a 20th century New Town to 21st century Garden Town.” Councillor Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said: “We’re delighted to give residents a central location where they can come in and see plans for both the town centre and the Garden Town. “Part of that regeneration is our new Arts and Cultural quarter which is already underway, Occasio House has been demolished and we’re delivering on our priority to rebuild the town.”

Princess Alexandra Hospital


Emergency department team recognised at Gems of Harlow awards ceremony The emergency department team at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT) has received the Gems of Harlow Award for their hard work and dedication. The event, hosted by Harlow Council on Monday 6 November, celebrated the achievements of local organisations, services, charities and people who make a real difference in the community. Polly Read, associate director of nursing for urgent and emergency care at PAHT, said: “We are delighted to have been recognised by Harlow Council for the urgent and emergency care services we provide.

“Our amazing team work around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to assess, treat and admit patients to ensure that they receive the right care, in the right place at the right time. “Our sincere thanks also to our colleagues across the hospital, partner organisations, and the local community for their support.”

“Along with emergency departments across the country, we continue to respond to a high demand for our urgent and emergency care services; the team go above and beyond to ensure that our patients receive high quality care and experiences. “This award has helped to give the team a real morale boost and bring a smile to their faces.”

Stephanie Lawton, chief operating officer at PAHT, said: “I am incredibly proud of the team for receiving this award, which demonstrates their commitment to putting our patients at the heart of everything they do.

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk



Are you ready to vote and have your say? The next Harlow Council local elections are taking place next year on Thursday 2 May 2024. There will also be an election for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. These are the first local elections since the ward boundary changes were made by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England and so all 33 councillor seats (3 in each ward) will be up for election, rather than the usual one third of seats. These elections allow Harlow residents to choose who they want to represent them as their ward councillor. Your councillors can take up issues on your behalf and are elected to represent your community.

Make sure you are registered to vote You need to be on the Electoral Register to vote in elections. Paying council tax does not automatically add you to the Electoral Register. The easiest way to register is online:www.gov.uk/registertovote The deadline to register to vote for the elections on 2 May 2024 will be Tuesday 16 April 2024. You don’t need to register to vote for each election so if you are already registered you don’t need to do anything unless your circumstances change. Email: elections@harlow.gov.uk Helpline: 01279 446042 Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Old Harlow Mark Hall Little Parndon & Town Centre

Great Parndon



Church Langley North & Newhall

Bush Fair

Church Langley South & Potter Street

Latton Bush & Stewards Sumners & Kingsmoor

Make sure you know where your polling station is These ward boundary changes also mean that some polling districts and polling stations have changed. Nearer to the election your polling station details will be shown on your poll card but you will also be able to find the details on our website www.harlow.gov.uk We are also due a UK Parliamentary General Election sometime before 31 January 2025. This is expected to be sometime in 2024, but we are likely to only get a minimum of 6 weeks notice. Do you want to earn some extra money? See the elections advert on page 28 for full details.

From May 2024 the ward boundaries within Harlow will change to those shown above.

Could you be a councillor? If you are passionate about your local community, you could be a local councillor and help make a difference in Harlow. Almost anyone can be a councillor, as an independent or as a member of a political party. Details about how to stand for election will be published on the Notice of Election (published six weeks before the election) and you can find guidance on the Local Government Association and the Electoral Commission’s websites: www.local.gov.uk/becouncillor www.electoralcommission. org.uk/i-am-a/candidate-oragent

Your Harlow Councillors


Harlow Council comprises of 33 elected councillors, responsible for agreeing policies about provision of services and how the council’s money is spent. Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 429443 Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Email: dan.swords@harlow.gov.uk

199A Hookfield, CM18 6QP Tel: 07736 333105 Email: kay.morrison@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour

Councillor Nicky Purse Conservative c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07838 238573 Portfolio Holder Email: nicky.purse@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07454 686809 Portfolio Holder Email: james.leppard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Stacy Seales Conservative c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07541 141166 Portfolio Holder Email: stacy.seales@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour 56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Lanie Shears Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07906 870935 Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Aiden O’Dell Labour

330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07506 699240 Email: aiden.odell@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Colleen Morrison Conservative

Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative

Councillor Alastair Gunn Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Councillor Joel Charles Conservative

Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative

Councillor James Griggs Labour 129 Broadfield, CM20 3PY Tel: 07877 424834 Email: james.griggs@harlow.gov.uk

Tel: 07850 261771 Email: alastair.gunn@harlow.gov.uk

Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk

Old Harlow


Tel: 07305 777819 Email: matthew.saggers@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour

Tel: 07445 390675 (Text only) Email: colleen.morrison@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07752 096765 Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07775 925274

Portfolio Holder Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nancy Watson Labour

Councillor Sue Livings Conservative

Councillor John Steer Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07908 518862 Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk

Vice Chair

Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk

Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Ash Malik Conservative Tel: 07761 780856 Email: ash.malik@harlow.gov.uk


Sumners & Kingsmoor

Councillor David Carter Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07729 406011 Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk

329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357 Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk

Tel: 07840 852349 Email: stephen.lemay@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Matthew Saggers Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Councillor Tony Durcan Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Portfolio Holder Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Staple Tye

Harlow Common

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Councillor Stephen LeMay Conservative

Tel: 420340

Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Chris Vince Labour

Little Parndon & Hare Street

Councillor James Leppard Conservative


Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07378 879710 Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk

Mark Hall

Councillor Kay Morrison Labour

Great Parndon

Councillor Simon Carter Conservative

Church Langley

Bush Fair


Councillor Dan Swords Conservative

Councillor Clive Souter Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Edwards Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Daniella Pritchard Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07710 529374 Email: daniella.pritchard@harlow.gov.uk

Cabinet Members Councillor Dan Swords - Leader of Harlow Council Councillor David Carter - Deputy leader and cabinet portfolio holder for housing Councillor Nicky Purse - Cabinet portfolio holder for sustainability and environment Councillor James Leppard - Cabinet portfolio holder for finance and governance Councillor Stacy Seales - Cabinet portfolio holder for community Councillor Michael Hardware - Cabinet portfolio holder for economic development

Tel: 422339 / 07593 793444 Email: john.steer@harlow.gov.uk

Essex County Councillors County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools. Harlow North Councillor Michael Garnett cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk Harlow West Councillor Michael Hardware cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk Harlow West Councillor Clive Souter cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk Harlow South East Councillor Eddie Johnson cllr.eddie.johnson@essex.gov.uk

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

The inclusion of free or paid for advertisements does not imply endorsement by Harlow Council of any product or service promoted.

Would you like to earn some extra money?

We are looking for people to help with running elections

We are always looking for people to assist at the elections in Harlow and there are 3 main roles we recruit for: Polling station staff – working at the polling station from 6.15am to 10pm on election day Counting assistants – helping to count ballot papers from 10pm on polling day Postal voting assistants – helping with issuing and opening postal votes, usually half or a full days work in the lead up to polling day For full details and to apply please visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/voting-and-elections/ working-elections The next planned elections in Harlow are the local elections in May 2024. Paid advert


Help teach a child in care they are special every day

Did you know there are a range of fostering options available? You can give a child a brighter future, filled with love, guidance and the confidence to achieve their dreams. Training is local, support is 24/7 and your family could receive on average £526.34 per child, per week. From as little as a weekend a month you can make a whole world of difference. Join our fostering community. www.essex.gov.uk/foster 0800 801 530

Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Christmas recycling


What to do with your extra Christmas waste We know there is going to be lots more waste this Christmas and we want to make sure nothing has to be left behind.

Extra recycling Recycling as much as possible is a great way to save resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. Wrapping paper, Christmas cards and most types of packaging can be recycled. Extra recycling should be put out as normal in bags that are not black or purple alongside your full bin or box. For more info visit www.harlow.gov.uk/recycling

Extra household waste We will collect one extra bag of household waste per household on the first non-recycling collection after Christmas Day. Any extra waste should be placed in a plastic bag next to your non-recycling bin or purple bags on your collection day.

Food and leftovers Food waste should only be wrapped in newspaper or placed in compostable liners showing this logo: You can put all of these in your fortnightly recycling collection

Extra food waste can be put in compostable liners on top of your caddy or in a small cardboard box. More information on what you can put in your food caddy, can be found at www.harlow.gov.uk/food

Take charge Dead batteries thrown away with the non-recycling can ignite or even explode when they’re damaged. We offer a free battery collection on non-recycling collection days. Batteries should be placed in a plastic bag or small cardboard box, clearly labelled and placed out for collection alongside your bin or purple bags on collection day. Do not put batteries into your non-recycling bin or purple bags. Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ battery-waste to find out what batteries the service will accept. You can put all of these in your weekly food waste caddy

Clean and dry paper, card and cardboard

cheese and dairy

Clean and empty glass bottles and jars

Clean and empty tins, cans and aerosols

bread, cake and pastries

There will be no collections from 18 December 2023 to 1 January 2024. Collections will then follow the catch-up schedule. You can check your revised Christmas collection days on our website. Other bookable services will also be suspended between Christmas and New Year.

Recycle your Christmas tree and we will turn your money into a donation You can recycle your real tree with us for just £2.50. We will donate all the money to the Chair’s charities; PACT for Autism and Plant Pots and Wellies, with Veolia matching every donation. Book a collection at www.harlow.gov. uk/green-waste If you have signed up for our fortnightly garden waste collection, put your tree out alongside your brown bin (or bags) on your collection day.

What to do with bins in extreme weather During heavy snow and in icy conditions, recycling and waste collections can be disrupted.

meat and bones Clean and empty plastic bottles

Green Waste Premium Service reminder

tea bags and coffee grounds

fruit and vegetable peelings

You should continue to put out your bins until they are collected, unless advised otherwise by us. For up-to-the minute information, please visit www.harlow.gov.uk Harlow Times | winter 2023 www.harlow.gov.uk

Revised Christmas and New Year bin collection days Normal Collection Day Date

Revised Collection Day Date





















Normal Collection Day Date

Revised Collection Day Date





















Normal Collection Day Date Mon


Revised Collection Day Date 09/01/2024 Tue

















You can also check your revised collection days at www.harlow.gov.uk Normal collection days return from Monday 15 January 2024 Harlow Times | winter 2023

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