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The Harpeth Hall Uniform
If you have any questions, the following offices are open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. • Advancement Office • College Counseling Office • Athletics Department • Communications Department • Bear Cave/Technology Help Desk • Middle School Office (8:30 to 10:30 a.m. • Office of Admission Tuesday and Thursday and Financial Aid or by appointment) • Souby Hall • Business Office • Upper School Office
Daily Uniform The Harpeth Hall uniform includes the Campbell plaid skirt (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee), long- or short-sleeve white, green, or gray polo shirts with the HH logo, tall or calf-length white socks, and uniform shoes. Dress Uniform Campbell Plaid skirt (no shorter than 3-inches above the knee), long- or short-sleeve white button-down shirt with HH emblem, tall or calf-length white socks, and uniform shoes. Note: Students may also wear the dress uniform shirt as part of the daily uniform, if desired. Lanyard and Security Access ID Card The Harpeth Hall lanyard and security access ID card are part of the uniform and must be worn visibly around the neck at all times. Uniform Shoe The approved shoes for 2021-2022 are white or gray athletic shoes with white or gray shoelaces. Outerwear During the winter months, a student may wear her own winter coat to school and when moving from building to building; however, only Harpeth Hall outerwear may be worn inside the buildings. P.E. Uniform All Middle School students will receive a P.E. uniform (white T-shirt and athletic shorts with the HH logo) on the first day of P.E. class. While Upper School students may wear athletic clothing with the HH logo purchased from the Bear Necessities Store or clothing issued by the Athletics Department, they, too, will receive a P.E. uniform in wellness or strength and conditioning classes. Additional uniform guidelines can be found in the 20212022 Student Handbook, available before school starts. Dress for Middle School Dance Classes Middle School students in grades 5, 6, and 8 wear black leggings and the HH logo P.E. T-shirt for classes. Seventh graders do not change clothes, and the school supplies tap shoes if a student does not have her own. Athletic Uniforms The HH P.E. T-shirt and shorts should be worn for Upper School wellness and athletic practices.