8 minute read
Advisors and Advisory Groups Middle School students are assigned an advisor every year, and Upper School students are assigned advisors for two years. The advisor serves as an academic counselor, student advocate, or a liaison between the student, parent, or another faculty member. Middle School students begin each day in advisory groups and also will meet once during the seven-day rotation. Upper School students meet with their advisory groups once a week during community time.
Angkor, Ariston, Eccowasin, and Triad Harpeth Hall has four spirit clubs originating from our predecessor school, Ward-Belmont. Each student belongs to one of these clubs and participates in friendly athletic and academic competitions with the others. Students are randomly assigned to clubs unless the student has a family member who attended Harpeth Hall or Ward-Belmont and was in a specific club. Athletic and Wellness Center The AWC is the 60,000-square-foot fitness facility that includes the green gym, gray gym, and wellness, yoga, training, and weight rooms. Outdoor athletic spaces include the Dugan Davis Track and Soccer Complex, tennis facility, softball field, and a competition-size practice field.
The Bear Cave Harpeth Hall technology support is located on the lower level of the library and is open every school day from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. when school is in session. Students may take their laptops to the Bear Cave for repair, troubleshooting, or questions. Most repairs will take place within the same day (often within the hour). In the event that a laptop requires more extensive repair, the student will be provided with a loaner laptop until hers can be returned.
Bear Families Bear families are small groups of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students that meet together to play games and have fun. Eighth grade students lead all activities.
Bear Necessities Store The BNS is the school spirit store soon to be located in the Athletic and Wellness Center. At the store, families can purchase approved Harpeth Hall outerwear and spirit wear, along with fun accessories such as water bottles, car decals, and more. The store is open every Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. when school is in session. Additional HH logo gear can also be purchased online at the Sideline store. A link to the virtual store can be found in your back-to-school emails this summer and your weekly @HarpethHall newsletter during the school year.
Bullard Gymnasium This multi-purpose space in the heart of the Upper School will be under renovation for part of the 2021-22 school year as it is transformed into the Bullard Bright IDEA Lab, an innovative teaching, learning, and gathering space.
Campbell Plaid Harpeth Hall’s official uniform plaid.
Class Year A student’s class year is indicated by an apostrophe and the graduating year. For example, Jane Honeybear ’28.
Counseling Services Full-time, licensed counselors are available during school hours to address family, individual, and group counseling needs of our students. The goal of Harpeth Hall’s counseling department is to provide a safe and healthy environment for all students.
Faculty Office Hours From 7:30 to 8 a.m. each morning except during late-start Wednesdays, students may meet with teachers to ask questions about course material, homework, or class projects. HHPA Harpeth Hall Parents Association
The Hang-Up Sale Harpeth Hall’s gently-used school uniform sale is held monthly in the basement of Souby Hall. Sale details are promoted in the weekly @HarpethHall newsletter.
Honeybear Harpeth Hall’s school mascot
The Honor System An honor code for students that includes no lying, cheating, stealing, or bullying. All faculty reinforce the importance of honor and integrity in class. Students subscribe to the Honor Pledge and often sign it on assignments. The pledge states, “I have neither given nor received help on this test, and I will not discuss it until all students have completed it.”
Honor Day On the last day of school for all Middle School students, we honor the 8th grade class for the completion of the Middle School program. Students in 5th, 6th, and 7th grades are required to attend Honor Day.
Kirkman House Located on the Estes Road side of campus behind the Daugh W. Smith Middle School, Kirkman is the official residence of the Head of School. Advancement, HHPA, and other school events may take place at Kirkman House.
Lady of the Hall The Lady of the Hall is the most cherished award that a senior can receive. Selected by the Upper School faculty, staff, and student body, this young woman exemplifies the highest ideals of Harpeth Hall — integrity, kindness, and loyalty to others and to her school. Her character is as strong as her intellect. Each grade level selects a student representative to serve on the Lady of the Hall’s court at Step Singing.
Late-start Wednesdays New for the 2021-2022 school year, school will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday for Middle School and Upper School students.
Learning Resources The Middle School and Upper School learning specialists act as resources to recommend evaluations and develop individual learning plans for students. The learning specialists also reinforce skills including organization, time management, academic planning, study strategies, essay and research paper writing, and test taking.
Library The Ann Scott Carell Library serves all students in grades 5-12. It is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. when school is in session. Eighth grade students may study in the library after school until 4:45 p.m. and then must be signed out by a parent/guardian or go to Harpeth Hall aftercare. Upper School students may study in the library until 5 p.m.
The Library Board Room A meeting area on the lower level of the library.
The Jack C. Massey Center for Mathematics and Science The two-story building on the south end of the Upper School that houses the math and science departments.
The Max A student café in the dining hall that offers healthy options for purchase before and after school.
The Idanelle McMurry Center Our performing arts center houses Morrison Gymnasium where orchestra classes meet and the Frances Bond Davis Theatre, a 700-seat auditorium and community gathering space. Performing arts classes are held in this building.
MS The abbreviation for Middle School. The official name is the Daugh W. Smith Middle School. Patton Visual Arts Center Home to all visual arts and art history classes.
Pods Grade-level student gathering areas in the Middle and Upper schools. Pods for 5th and 6th grade students are on the lower level of the Middle School, and 7th and 8th grade pods are on the upper level. Class meetings are held in pods. In the Upper School, 9th grade students gather on the third floor of the Wallace wing, 10th grade students gather on the second floor of Wallace, juniors gather in the Massey lobby, and seniors gather in the Senior House and Gambill Courtyard.
PowerSchool Our online learning management system where students can access resources and assignments posted by their teachers.
Richards Room An 100-seat lecture hall on the second level of Patton Visual Arts Center. This space is used frequently for parent meetings.
Saturday School/Detention When a student does not abide by community rules and expectations, she may receive demerits and be required to serve a detention (Middle School) or Saturday School (Upper School). If a student cannot serve on a Saturday due to religious observance, another day is arranged.
School Colors Magnolia green and silver gray
Senior House Located between the Massey Center and Souby Hall, the Senior House is decorated, maintained, and used by the current senior class.
Smart Tuition Harpeth Hall’s online student tuition billing platform available at parent.smart-tuition.com.
Souby Hall The original brick building on campus that includes administrative offices. The building is named after Susan S. Souby, Harpeth Hall’s first Head of School.
Step Singing Held the Sunday before graduation, Step Singing is a year-end event when the leadership of the school is passed from the senior class to the junior class. At this ceremony, which was brought to Harpeth Hall from Ward-Belmont, the junior and senior classes sing their class songs on the steps of the library and honor the Lady of the Hall. All Upper School students are required to attend Step Singing, and Middle School students are encouraged to attend.
Sunnybrook The house behind the Athletic and Wellness Center where the Advancement and Alumnae Relations offices are located.
The TSSAA Athletic Dead Period A two-week period during the summer (June 28 - July 11, 2021) when all athletics cease per the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA). For detailed information concerning the dead period and other regulations, visit tssaa.org.
US The abbreviation for Upper School. The official name is the Hortense Bigelow Ingram Upper School.
Veracross The student database that includes online school/family directories, report cards, and student schedules. It is password protected and accessible through the current families page of the Harpeth Hall website.
Wallace Wing Located on the north end of the Upper School building, this wing houses the English, history, social sciences, and world languages departments. Ward-Belmont Formed in 1913 by the merging of Ward Seminary and Belmont College for Young Women, Ward-Belmont was a college preparatory day school and junior college. It was the first junior college in the South to receive full accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. After it closed in 1951, a group of Nashvillians founded The Harpeth Hall School. Harpeth Hall was modeled after and still derives many traditions from Ward-Belmont.
Winterim Started in 1973, Winterim is a three-week program in January that offers Upper School students experiential learning opportunities. Students in 9th and 10th grades return to campus after winter break with an alternative schedule that allows them to take courses that expand the Harpeth Hall curriculum. Examples include: finance, neuroscience, medical robotics, forensic science, sketch comedy and the female voice, the royal family, ukulele, and fencing. Juniors and seniors participate in a range of experiences including academic travel to places such as India, Chile, Kenya, and Great Britain; internships in locations such as New York City, Washington, D.C., and Nashville; language immersion trips in France, Italy, and Spain; and independent study opportunities.
Alma Mater O Harpeth Hall, O place beloved, Thy beauty crowns the hills; In strength and grace thy walls arise Above the woodland still. Our voices ring with happiness, Our hearts are filled with pride, As here each girl finds for herself The joys that will abide. So light of heart and free, we pledge Allegiance through the years. As old girls with the new girls share The pleasure that endears. Thy standard from the hilltop waves In dark magnolia green And of thy destiny so fair Proud privilege to sing! — Martha Corwin Gregory