Harrier Magazine August 2013 Preview

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Hashing in

India France Malaysia Thailand USA

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Vol. 12 No. 8


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August 2013

J (Formerly Asia-Pacific Harrier)

www.harriermagazine.com Editor/Publisher Jim Edens publisher@harriermagazine.com Administration Lisa Sukita customerservice@harriermagazine.com Design / Artwork / Photos / Layout / Digital Edition / Website Jimmy Wilkins jwilkins@harriermagazine.com America Correspondent Sean Gilmour seanspg@gmail.com Europe Correspondent Julie Burgess jaburgess@planet.nl Contributors Editorial / Photos / Graphics Kurt Bodmer, Bronco Buster, Julie Burgess, CH3 POP Ladies, Juned “Rail Jerker” Choudhury, Crotch Thumper, Jim Edens, MaBouche, R.Stumbles-White, Randall Salisbury, Shaggy Shagless, & Hidden Asset, Dr. Pola Singh, Ian Slater, Lisa Sukita, Sash “Lord Krishna” Varma, Jimmy Wilkins, Paul Woodford **If we forgot anyone, please tell us. Contributors Welcome! * All submissions are subject to the editor’s axe or scissors. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the magazine, its advertisers, publisher or contributors. All Photos are (C) to the respective contributors (or their friends) or are from Wikimedia Commons, or (C) material is used under fair use for parody purposes.

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Editor’s Notes: Will the Hash world ever be the same after the Pan Asia 2013 disaster? Warm Beer, Crap Food and a Hangover offers some post Pan Asia reflections. Bronco Buster gives her progress report on Interhash 2014 coming up next year in Hainan. Back to the roots of hashing with Dr. Pola Singh’s feature on Mother Hash which turns 75 this year. On the other side of the pond, the Sans Clue Hash in Paris warmly welcomes all to the forth rendition of Freezing in Frogland. Pussy Riot is behind bars in the Kremlin, but Power of the Pussy is on the loose in Chicago. Incredible India shines with a Chennai H3 Anniversary Celebration, India Nash Hash, and the next Pan Asia Hash in Pondicherry.

Over 100 great HHH and running events in this edition, so start making plans to hash close to home, or just about anywhere on the planet. The Harrier Magazine Team in Asia, America and Europe looks forward to seeing you on trail soon. Happy hashing! Jim Edens

Editor-in-Chief & Founder Harrier Magazine - Fun on the run since 2002 International Edition with readers in 120 countries


! U O Y T N A W E W ! U WE WANT YO • Photos • Articles • Letters to Editor See your stuff published around the world! Submit yours to publisher@harriermagazine.com

ts n e t n o C e it. Interactiv y article to go to



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Features 10 14 22 26 32 44 54 66

Letters: Interhash 2014 Scam?? Warm Beer, Crap Food, & a Hangover Next Pan Asia: India! Letters: Collective Responsibility Freezing in Frogland IV Mother Hash Power of the Pussy Hashing in India: Chennai


On The Cover: “We’re not gunna take it!” Pattaya Hash clubs had nothing to do with the Pan Asia failure. (Thailand) Photo By Jimmy Wilkins


h Sing-a-long

32 Worst Event Ever:

Departments Editor’s Welcome Hash Boy Hash Calendar Running Calendar On the Ice Back Issues

Pinata wacking

4 65 76 93 100 112


Pan-Asia 2014 My beer is warm! The food SUCKS! I got lost in the rain!

Events Siagon 1200th Las Vegas RDR 2013 Pan-Asia India 2014 La Union 30th Anny Freezing in Frogland Popalooza Chennai H3 13th Anny Indian Nash Hash 2014 Asia PaciFIc Hash 2014 Snooky Island Hash 2013 Subic 20th Anny China Nash Hash 2013 San Diego RDR 2013 Pan Indo 2013 Indochina Mekong 2013 Hainan Interhash 2014 Brussels Beer Odyssey Snowflake Memorial Chiang Mai Chiang Mai 1000 Fiji Interhash 2016 Bid Amari Watergate Midnight Run

3 21 25 29 41 61 62 64 64 72 76 77 79 81 81 83 84 85 85 87 92

Letter to the Editor

Hainan Interhash 2014 Scam??!! by Bronco Buster Dear Editor: I am appalled to read about the disaster that was Pan Asia Hash in Pattaya in July. This is the latest major Asian event that has had financial irregularities in recent memory. There were whispers after 2006, documented problems in 2010, a rich hasher saved 2012, and this scandal in 2013. Is the Hainan World Interhash in 2014 next? Communication has been an issue, but the Hainan website (www.hainaninterhash2014.com) now has a very good introduction on its home page stating that one hasher has been appointed as liaison with English-speaking hashers and will update the site. He very clearly informs us that the organizing committee is unable to do anything more re planning until the Chinese authorities in Hainan decide what to let them do regarding venue, hotel, and trails. However, financially speaking, I see a number of problems developing. First, there is a disturbing quote on the Social Obligations section of the website regarding what Hainan will do with any money remaining from Interhash 2014: “Any profit from the event we will distribute as to local charities, Hash Heritage Foundation, next Interhash Organizer and maximum 20% balance to organizing chapters�.


What is that all about?? I would expect that the expenses the six Hainan Island chapters would be reimbursed, of course, but splitting 20% of leftover money? Must be a Chinese/Asian hash custom because in Europe, US, and Africa, the organizers do not/not ever/ever get paid in my experience. Hash events should be not-for-profit. Second, the hash community will only find out how the money was spent six months AFTER the Interhash: “Account & Auditors: We promise that 6 months after the event we will present the full accounts to all the participant chapters with the external qualified auditors report.” Or will we – what does ‘participant chapters’ mean? The six Hainan clubs on the Organizing Committee or all hashes from which participating hashers came?

Where the money goes makes a difference:

Best Event Ever: Interhash 2012, Java. Reportedly, it was partially funded by King Kong.

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by R.Stumbles-White


here’s an old joke. Two elderly women are at a Catskills mountain resort, and one of them says: “Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.” The other one says, ‘Yeah, I know, and such….small portions.” Well, that’s essentially how I feel about life, full of loneliness and misery and suffering and unhappiness, and it’s over much too quickly. That was part of Woody Allen’s opening monologue from ‘Annie Hall’, one of my favorite films, which came to my mind as an apt introduction to this commentary on Pan Asia Hash 2013 (PA 13).

Having read a selection of comments from those who were unfortunate enough to attend PA 13, it would seem fair to describe that event as an ‘unmitigated disaster’. But famous disasters, from the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava in 1854, to the tragic afternoon at Hillsborough Stadium in 1989, often bring about a process of recrimination, enquiry, reform and improvement. While it is easy and obvious to apportion blame for all that went wrong at PA 13, the purpose of this article is to consider what measures need to be taken to ensure that all the things that went wrong at PA 13 never go wrong again.

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Did you get any food at the on-on party? It was all gone before I got there.

Party? I was lost on-trail all night!




V I in Frogland

Down-down & out in Paris

by MaBouche, Shaggy Shagless, & Hidden Asset

“Paris. City of French people. Home of Quasimodo, Louis the 14th, Hercule Poirot and Sacha Distel. City of lovers, of artists, of the croissant, the cappuccino. City of moonlight, of dreams, of men in long coats meeting in brasseries at dawn.” – Alan Partridge Ah, Paris, with the boulevards, the avenues, surly waiters and overzealous police. But it’s not all bad news. Perhaps you’re a previous visitor to the City of Lights, or maybe you’ve always dreamed of taking in her delights, well now’s your chance. The Sans Clue Hash House Harriers could wet your appetite for cosmopolitan café-society with its forthcoming Freezing in Frogland IV (that’s IV as in 4, not IntraVenous). We haven’t started injecting beer… yet! The weekend is located the very heart of Paris on 11-13 October 2013. Imagine hashing in one of the world’s most


Check point in Paris



Hash eVENTs 2013

Compiled by

Calendar er

Flying Boog

Aug 1-4 2013: Sydney Thirsty H3 1000th. Sydney NSW, Australia. Aug 2-4 2013: Nittany Valley H3 1300th. Lock Haven PA, USA. Aug 9-11 2013: Fleet Hash City to Surf Weekend. Sydney NSW, Australia. Aug 9-11 2013: Lundy Island H3 25th Anniversary. Lundy Island, UK. Aug 9-11 2013: Scarborough H3 30th Anniversary & 2500th. Scarborough, UK. Aug 9-11 2013: Get a Life H3 Catalina Campout. Catalina Island CA, USA. Aug 9-12 2013: Little Rock H3 Camp Clearfork (clothing optional event). Camp Clearfork AR, USA.


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