USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Coaches’ Education Grant Proposal By USA Wrestling Association
Title: Step into the Future
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Table of Contents Title: Step into the Future
Name & address of tax exempt organization
Brief history of organization, mission, principal programs, & accomplishments
Purpose of the request
Necessity of project & Specific solutions to be reached
Project implementation & timeline for installation
Expected contributions to the population served by the project
Benefits of Bronze Online Program to Coaches
Benefits of project to operations of USA Wrestling
Amount Requested
Appendix A (Design approach) Appendix B (Development process) Appendix C (Outline of course content) Appendix D (Pricing summary)
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Title: Step into the Future Name and address of tax exempt organization United States of America Wrestling Association 6155 Lehman Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Phone: 719-598-8181 Tax ID#: 36-2667348 Contact person: Harris Kalofonos, Director of Partnership Marketing Email:
Brief history of organization, its mission, principle programs, & accomplishments Organization USA Wrestling is the Olympic sport organization for amateur wrestling in the U.S. Since 1969, USA Wrestling has strived to reach new heights and has guided America’s teams to great achievements. In 1983, the U.S. Olympic Committee designated USA Wrestling as the National Governing Body for the sport, assigning it all responsibilities of managing the Olympic wrestling team and of the grassroots efforts for freestyle, Greco-Roman and women’s freestyle wrestling. Mission Today, USA Wrestling’s mission is to responsibly advocate, promote, coordinate, and provide opportunities for amateur wrestlers to achieve their full human and athletic potential. USA Wrestling’s principle programs include the following: a. Provide financial support to elite athletes as they seek their Olympic dreams b. Offer resident training programs with high credentialed coaching c. Provide quality competitions and events to prepare USAW’s athletes for top performance d. Foster grassroots development of the sport e. Link, educate and expand the wrestling community As part of the organization’s grassroots and competitive opportunity efforts, USA Wrestling holds approximately 40 events and sanctions about 2000 annually for all ages. In addition, USA Wrestling connects with the U.S. wrestling community through the Internet, magazine publications, memberships, coach’s clinics and major fundraising events. Accomplishments Since the beginning of the organization, USAW has achieved several significant accomplishments, which have had major impacts nationally and internationally in the sport of wrestling and the Olympic movement in the U.S. This has lead to a consistent 5% overall membership growth on average over the past 12 years.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Major accomplishments at an international level a. Women’s wrestling was included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 2004. b. Increase in international participation by 50% over the past 10 years. c. 1st place USA Wrestling team at 2007 Greco-Roman world championships. d. After being recommended by the International Olympic Committee to be excluded from the core sports of the Olympic Games, wrestling was able to retain its Olympic status primarily due to the international efforts USAW speared in the period of February 2013-September 2013. e. In the London 2012 Olympics, USAW came home with four medals along with five athletes placing in the top ten. Men’s Freestyle Gold Medal – Jordan Burroughs at 74KG Gold Medal – Jake Varner at 96KG Bronze Medal – Coleman Scott at 60KG Women’s Freestyle Bronze Medal – Clarissa Chun at 48KG Major accomplishments at a national level a. Increased memberships (athletes, coaches & clubs) at 5% growth on average over the past 12 years. b. Organized 40 national and regional events annually. c. Established a successful online presence (website: that was established in 2000 and 14 years later enjoys over 40 million pageviews annually. d. Published six magazine issues titled the “USA Wrestler” annually. e. Social media presence has grown significantly since it started in 2009. a. Facebook has over 350,000 “likes.” b. Twitter has over 80,000 followers. f. Organized, managed and sustained for the past 20 years a successful residents program for elite athletes to be trained by the best coaches in the nation at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. g. Established a framework to educate wrestling parents at h. Developed initial coaches’ education program.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Purpose of the request Purpose of the request USA Wrestling, in conjunction with the US Olympic Committee, is creating an online coaches’ education platform for its bronze level coaching program. The bronze program is the most widely utilized coaching education course at USA Wrestling because it is required for all coaches desiring to coach at state, regional and national level events. High school coaches comprise the majority of our certified coaches, and they are key ambassadors of our sport to local wrestling communities around the country. Coaches play a key role in developing social, physical and mental skills in our young people and USA Wrestling is investing in developing our coaches to ensure that they are well equipped with the skills needed to educate and motivate studentathletes with the right tools. The bronze program currently certifies roughly 2,500 coaches annually and is delivered via online webinar and through in-person clinics. USA Wrestling intends to partner with an online learning company to build the bronze curriculum into a program allowing coaches flexibility in delivery. USA Wrestling is working closely with the US Olympic Committee and with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) organization to build updated and relevant information to ensure coaches have the most up to date information to use in developing their athletes. With the online version of the bronze program, coaches will have the ability to sign in to their membership profile, complete a lesson, and sign out at any time that is convenient with their schedule. This will help ensure that time spent on coaches education is focused to provide a better learning environment and improved retention. The current webinar process consumes 514.83 hours of time for USAW. The online program will bring interactive videos from world-renowned wrestling coaches and athletes sharing their experiences that directly relate to the skills we want to reinforce in our coaches. One section of the proposed online program is known as “Job Aids." In this section, coaches can go back to the course outline at any time, even after completing the course, to utilize resources in a virtual reference library. This library will have links to instructional videos, additional readings, tool guides for coaches, athletes and parents, skill developmental charts and other information that is essential to coaching success throughout a wrestling season. By building a new online program, USA Wrestling can not only improve the quality of education our coaches receive but can also eliminate 495.5 hours a year it spends leading the inefficient webinar based course. Our goal is to increase the number of coaches being educated annually by 23% with the implementation of the new online program.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Current Program Outlines Online Webinars The current online webinar is hosted in two days with daily two-hour sessions. This requires a USA Wrestling staff member to publicize, organize, present and follow-up with up to 300 coaches per session who desire the certification. This format lacks the ability to access instructional videos or reference library information and makes it difficult to determine individual engagement in the learning process. Phase 1:Planning TOTAL TIME: 208.83 Hours Step 1: Schedule a date 5 weeks in advance 1 Hour Evaluate schedule (30 Minutes) Identify convenient dates for instructors and participants (30 Minutes) Step 2: Promote Webinar 7.83 Hours Create email templates (30 Minutes) Schedule a targeted email blast (60 Minutes) Create social media (Facebook & Twitter) posts (60 minutes) Schedule social media posts (50 Minutes) Create and post article for (3 Hours) Contact via email state leaders to inform coaches/clubs (90 Minutes) Step 3: USAW staff member mails course material to registrants 200 Hours Course Materials (10 min x 1,200 coaches) USA Wrestling's Bronze Level Coach's Text Book Testing Materials and Participant’s Packet Letter to coaches on ways to submit the test for grading Phase 2: Hosting TOTAL TIME: 6 Hours Step 4: USA Wrestling staff member preps and hosts webinar 6 Hours Phase 3: Certifying TOTAL TIME: 300 Hours Step 6: USA Wrestling staff member hand grades each test 200 Hours
10 minutes per test x 1,200 coaches
Step 7: USA Wrestling staff member confirms certification on USAW 100 Hours membership website for each coach that passes the test and follows up with personal emails to all coaches.
5 minutes per certification x 1,200 coaches
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Necessity of Project and Specific solutions to be reached The grant funding awarded to USA Wrestling for updating its coaching education program would be used to work with an online learning company to design and maintain an online education course for our coaches. 1. Meet standards a. USAW needs to align their coaches’ education program with the standards of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC). USA Wrestling’s current program does not meet the requirements.* 2. Time Management a. An online program that is accessible at all times without a USA Wrestling staff member present. Some coaches need to get certifications last minute for a tournament. The webinar format does not allow for this last minute option. 3. Engaging program a. USA Wrestling’s current programs are not audibly or visually engaging. To include these features, USA Wrestling will provide video learning content and quizzes throughout the course. 4. Long-term financial plan a. Cost to take the bronze certification: $75 (same cost as current webinar) USA Wrestling projects certifying 3300 coaches next year with the current delivery methods. Under the current system, roughly 2500 coaches are certified each year. As we near the end of 2014FY, we have observed a slight decrease from previous years, which has added the necessity of implementing the new program. We suspect that the growing trend of user-friendly online systems have made our outdated program even more unappealing. However, with the new online program, the combination of the user-friendly, informative nature of the course, a burgeoning youth wrestling demographic, and the network effects created by more certified coaches will lead to a drastic increase of coaches certified. This projection is underpinned by USA Swimming’s own online learning program, which increased the number of certified coaches by 400%. USA Wrestling estimates the new online learning program may generate an additional $155,250 in year one. This projected revenue was calculated considering a reduction in in-person coach’s clinics and an increase in total number of coaches certified due to the convenience factor of the online platform. That amount would be sufficient to cover program maintenance fees and provide the office of coaches education a budget for expenditures designed to help train the trainers, expand and update curriculum, provide coaches with *
See Appendix B USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
travel opportunities abroad for development, and to sponsor elite level coaching events. These events will help facilitate USA Wrestling’s ability to reach out to elite silver and gold level coaches around the country to help share their knowledge base with other members. USA Wrestling plans to share the lessons learned with this online training program’s successful implementation with both the 47 National Governing Bodies of the US Olympic Committee as well as the international organizations in sport to help promote the positive roles coaches can have in mentoring their athletes. This decision would not be an attempt to impose a certification system on international coaches but rather a means to spread easily accessible information in order to make coaches around the world more informed and more able. 5. Productivity a. Because the current program is inefficient, USA Wrestling spends an unnecessary amount of time on avoidable issues throughout the year. USA Wrestling now spends approximately 514.83 hours annually on the program. USA Wrestling can eliminate 208.83 hours of work, because it will no longer have the extensive time costs associated with hosting the inefficient webinars, all while providing higher customer service to our members. 1. USAW’s new program will be accessible 24/7 to coaches that wish to become bronze certified. Coaches will still have the option of attending an in-person coach’s clinic in their state at least once a year. 6 additional hours of time, previously spent running the webinar, will not be required with the new online program’s implementation. USAW eliminates 300 hours by not having to grade tests, update the membership system or reply via email with test results. 1. The online program will sync to USA Wrestling’s membership database marking coaches as certified to provide immediate access for coaches (current delays can be several weeks). 2. The online program grades and logs the test results immediately once the user is finished with the course. 6. Corporate Partners Involvement a. USA Wrestling has been able to strategically leverage support from current sponsors in developing the new online program by showcasing the benefits members will receive from them. Liberty Mutual Insurance Play Positive 1. Will provide free video content from world-renowned coaches and athletes USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
2. Free insurance information and 10% discounts for clubs and coaches 3. Parents and coaches will receive a toolbox replete will additional information concerning coaches development b. USA Wrestling’s partnership with key sponsors allows it to promote both sport safety and develop a positive relationship between coaches and USA Wrestling’s partners in promoting the advancement of coach’s education. MusclePharm 1. Free content on nutrition and using supplements safely and effectively Matguard 1. Free guidance on promoting skin cleanliness and safety Tanita 1. Free information on maintaining healthy weight management tools Maximized Living 1. Free information to help members locate chiropractors who are experienced in treating wrestlers
Project implementation & timeline for completion Once USA Wrestling achieves the required funds for the online project, the course development will take approximately 18 weeks. (The curriculum is already completed and awaiting funding for online development.)
Expected contributions to the population served by project USA Wrestling serves over 230,000 members and provides education to over 2,500 coaches a year at the bronze level. Based off projections of wrestling from the youth level to the collegiate level, we estimate that there are a total of 53,000 coaches for all of these levels, of which only 12,500 have been certified. The key to continued growth in the sport of amateur wrestling is that USA Wrestling provides coaches the highest quality education so coaches can obtain the appropriate skills to best coach and motivate our athletes and future Olympians. Beyond coaches, this program will be available for parents, administrators and tournament/event organizers.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Benefits of Bronze Online Program to Coaches: 1. Convenient access to certifications for all USA Wrestling coach members 2. Reduced confusion at Regional and National Events (no required bronze course scheduling) 3. Increased membership estimates: USA Swimming increased coach certifications from 1,000 to 5,000 in their first year of online education 4. Providing a consistent educational message for USA Wrestling coach members 5. Quick turnaround for providing updated coaching tools to membership base 6. Will provide “contact hours” helping coaches with Continuing Education Units for career advancement
Benefits of project to operations of USA Wrestling 1. 2. 3. 4.
Increase in productivity Meet USOC coaches education standards* Higher quality education Provide opportunity for USAW corporate partners to be more engaged with the community 5. A program that after the first year will produce a profit net of maintenance costs 6. The online program will thereby increase the budget of the NCEP, allowing for more elite level coaching events for silver and gold memberships across the country that will further build relationships between coaches and USAW staff. 7. NCEP Improvements: The online program’s generated revenue and saved time allow for further dedication to other NCEP programs Apprentice Coach Program Travel ($7,000 annually) Bronze Online Program Maintenance ($12,000 annually) USOC Mobile Coach APP ($2,000 annually)
NCEP Support for State NCEP ($25,000 annually)
See Appendix B USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Amount requested Total amount needed for project: $143,500 Estimated budget of project: ePath Learning’s estimated fixed price for development of the online eLearning course as defined herein is: Start-Up Costs: o Analysis/Design Prep = $14,000 o $23,750 per courseware hour x 4 hours = $95,000 o Implementation fee = $4,500 Maintenance Costs: o Prepaid registration blocks (5,000 blocks) = $17,500 o Annual costs to online provider = $12,500 this is based on $5100 annual fees and $5/registrant – therefore this is a function of the number of coaches certified TOTAL = $143,500
This is based on our preliminary evaluation of the provided course material. Cost estimation will be validated by ePath Learning and USA Wrestling upon completion of Analysis phase.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Appendix Appendix A (Development process) Appendix B (USOC Coaches Education Standards) Appendix C (Pricing Summary)
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Appendix A: Development process The most successful projects result from a strong partnership between the vendor and the client, and partnerships are built with open and honest communication. The process is divided into functional phases and each phase includes a step for client review and input. Continuous communication and client review ensures that the final deliverables meet your expectations. Figure 1: Design and Development Phase The following table reviews the major milestones in the development of an eLearning course. Milestone Project Kick-off
Design Prep
Live Specification
Phase 1 Storyboards
Phase 2 Storyboards
Purpose Introduce the online learning provider and USA Wrestling project team members, develop a common understanding of the mission and scope of the project and agree to the process, roles and responsibilities, and deliverables. The online learning provider, working as needed with USA Wrestling, will identify and organize content, determine instructional strategies, and create high-level outlines for each course being developed. The online learning provider will document analysis results and design parameters in a Design Plan. The online learning provider will develop a six to ten screen prototype (called a Live Specification) to demonstrate the functionality and the look and feel chosen to best convey the content of the courses. The Live Specification will consist of the templates that will be used throughout the course. The online learning provider will create a high-level “rough draft” of the content that will appear in the course. The purpose of Phase 1 storyboards is to ensure that course content is covered adequately and that USA Wrestling approves of the flow and general style of the course. Phase 1 storyboards contain design ideas and concepts that will be filled out and finalized in Phase 2 storyboards pending USA Wrestling’s approval. Upon approval of Phase 1 storyboards, USA Wrestling and the online learning provider will have a very clear road map for the final course. Phase 2 storyboards convey the sequence of instruction for the online course, with a description of the content screen, including the presentation text, scripts, and descriptions of the visuals, interactions, links, and supporting information and resources. To ensure accuracy, USA Wrestling will have an opportunity to review the storyboards for each module prior to production. Phase 2 storyboards reflect the final text and graphic descriptions and describe the exact way in which content will be produced and, ultimately, delivered to the learners. In the development phase, the online learning provider will take the content from the Phase 2 storyboards (at this point approved by USA Wrestling) and create the actual online course. This includes all the media elements, graphics, flash, and embedded questions and scenarios that will be used in the courseware. After development is complete, the course will be put through ePath’s Quality Control process and posted for the USA USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
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Alpha Review
Beta Review
Final Acceptance
Wrestling’s first review, known as the “Alpha review.” USA Wrestling will review all elements in their final form. Changes at this point should be relatively minor. The Alpha review is not the time for major structural overhauls or major content changes. If major content changes are requested after the Alpha review, out of scope charges will apply. USA Wrestling’s comments from the Alpha review will be implemented on all elements. The Beta review serves as USA Wrestling’s final review of content in its entirety to confirm that all agreed-to changes have been made. USA Wrestling will provide written acceptance.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Appendix B: USOC Coaches Education Standards1
D5: Teaching and Communication
D4: Growth and D3: Physical Conditioning D2: Safety and Injury Prevention D1: Philosophy Development and Ethics
C.N.S. REVIEW CHECKLIST AND TOTALS Standard 1: Develop and implement an athlete-centered coaching philosophy Standard 2: Identify, model and teach positive values learned through sport participation Standard 3: Teach and reinforce responsible personal, social, and ethical behavior of all people involved in the sport program. Standard 4: Demonstrate ethical conduct in all facets of the sport program. Standard 5: Prevent injuries by providing safe facilities Standard 6: Ensure that all necessary protective equipment is available, properly fitted, and used appropriately. Standard 7: Monitor environmental conditions and modify participation as needed to ensure the health and safety of participants. Standard 8: Identify physical conditions that predispose athletes to injuries. Standard 9: Recognize injuries and provide immediate and appropriate care. Standard 10: Facilitate a coordinated sport health care program that includes prevention, care, and management of injuries. Standard 11: Identify and address the psychological implications of injury. Standard 12: Design programs of training, conditioning, and recovery that properly utilize exercise physiology and biomechanical principles. Standard 13: Teach and encourage proper nutrition for optimal physical and mental performance and overall good health. Standard 14: Be an advocate for drug-free sport participation and provide accurate information about drugs and supplements. Standard 15: Plan conditioning programs to help athletes return to full participation following injury. Standard 16: Apply knowledge of how developmental change influences the learning and performance of sport skills. Standard 17: Facilitate the social and emotional growth of athletes by supporting a positive sport experience and lifelong participation in physical activity. Standard 18: Provide athletes with responsibility and leadership opportunities as they mature. Standard 19: Provide a positive learning environment that is appropriate to the characteristics of the athletes and goals of the program. Standard 20: Develop and monitor goals for the athletes and program. Standard 21: Organize practice based on a seasonal or annual practice plan to maintain motivation, manage fatigue, and allow for peak performance at the appropriate time. Standard 22: Plan and implement daily practice activities that maximize time on task and available resources. Standard 23: Utilize appropriate instructional strategies to facilitate athlete development and performance Standard 24: Teach and incorporate mental skills to enhance performance and reduce sport anxiety.
Standards in bold were previously not met with the webinar program USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
D8: Evaluation
D7: Organization and Administration
D6: Sport Skills and Tactics
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal Standard 25: Use effective communication skills to enhance individual learning, group success, and enjoyment in the sport experience. Standard 26: Demonstrate and utilize appropriate and effective motivational techniques to enhance athlete performance and satisfaction. Standard 27: Know the skills, elements of skill combinations, and techniques associated with the sport being coached. Standard 28: Identify, develop, and apply competitive sport strategies and specific tactics appropriate for the age and skill levels of the participating athletes. Standard 29: Use scouting methods for planning practices, game preparation, and game analysis. Standard 30: Demonstrate efficiency in contest management. Standard 31: Be involved in public relation activities for the sport program. Standard 32: Manage human resources for the program. Standard 33: Manage fiscal resources for the program. Standard 34: Facilitate planning, implementation, and documentation of the emergency action plan. Standard 35: Manage all information, documents, and records for the program. Standard 36: Fulfill all legal responsibilities and risk management procedures associated with coaching. Standard 37: Implement effective evaluation techniques for team performance in relation to established goals. Standard 38: Use a variety of strategies to evaluate athlete motivation and individual performance as they relate to season objectives and goals. Standard 39: Utilize an effective and objective process for evaluation of athletes in order to assign roles or positions and establish individual goals. Standard 40: Utilize and objective and effective process for evaluation of self and staff.
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Appendix C: Pricing Summary Annual Course Maintenance USA Wrestling requests the services of an online learning provider to support them in the maintenance of the course. The online learning provider will provide an Instructional Designer or one or more Graphic Artists to update text, still graphics, animations, audio, videos and questions requested by USA Wrestling. The online learning provider shall interface with the USA Wrestling Project Manager who will provide technical direction and approval of the updates. The USA Wrestling plans to set aside funds annually for the online learning provider to provide maintenance and upgrading to the courseware. Precise costs for each upgrade task will be determined based on each independent request, and will be considered as a ‘time and materials’ arrangement. Hourly rates will be based on the assignment of the specific resource required, e.g., Instructional Designer $110/hr., Graphic Artist $90/hr., Narrator $300/hr. Subsequent Annual Course Maintenance will be invoiced at the contract anniversary. Unallocated Course Maintenance funds can be rolled over into the following year. Therefore, if a balance still exists at the end of a contract year, USA Wrestling can request that subsequent invoicing be postponed until the fund balance is exhausted. At the moment, USA Wrestling plans on allocating the existing revenue after covering maintenance costs to increase the budget of the NCEP in order to plan more elite coaching events.
The Implementation and ongoing costs to provide USA Wrestling with a license to ASAP are as follows: Implementation fee-- $4500. This is a one-time fee that includes all set up activities, such as Home Page design, determination of specific reporting needs, design of Course Completion Certificates, support and assistance for integration activities (as noted above in ASSUMPTIONS, USA Wrestling is responsible for all integration programming), initial administrator training sessions (up to five people), definition of customer learner attributes and cost center structures, as needed. There are two primary components to ongoing pricing: A Monthly Maintenance Fee and a Per Course Registration Fee. Fees to USA Wrestling
Monthly Maintenance Fee—includes all hosting, software upgrades, training and ongoing personal support from a dedicated Client Service Specialist. Per Course Registration Fee--this fee is paid at the time a learner is registered for any course OR standalone exam. This is a one-time fee; the same course or exam can be taken by the same user any number of times without re-incurring this fee.
At USA Wrestling’s option, you may prepay for a block of Course registrations for a discounted rate. These prepaid registrations must be consumed within 12 months or they lapse. See the table below for the available block options. USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”
USA Wrestling – Grant proposal
Prepaid Registrations
One Time Fee
Terms - Allows unlimited number of courses - Includes free technical support for builders and administrators. (Those that have been officially trained by ePath Learning.) - Includes 2GB of Data Storage. Additional 5GB blocks available at $50/month. - Phone support is limited to no more than one hour of ad hoc calls per day - Includes free service updates - Plan requires a 2-year commitment - Payment terms are NET 30
USA Wrestling – Partnership Marketing Department “Developing ideas into experiences”