:90 UP TO :120 2020 CHEROKEE FEDERAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT: PROMO VIDEO FADE IN MUSIC CUE: A down-tempo section of “Finding Hope” by Sebastian Haas INT. LIVING ROOM – DAWN MEDA NIX is looking out through the window of her back porch. She walks into the living room to prepare for the day. Nearby, there are family photos, one or two photos of Meda that were taken during her military service and her Cherokee Nation Medal of Patriotism. Meda walks to her front door. She takes along a mask and a photograph. She opens the door and walks outside. EXT. ON THE ROAD – DAY Meda drives down the road. EXT. CHEROKEE VETERANS MEMORIAL - DAY Meda gets out of her car and closes the door. As she stands up, she puts on a mask, but we can’t make out the message on it, yet. She walks to the memorial. Nearby, flags are flying. Once she is at the memorial, the message on her mask become clear. It reads: PROUD CHEROKEE VETERAN Meda salutes the flag. END MUSIC CUE MUSIC CUE: An up-tempo section of “Finding Hope” by Sebastian Haas EXT. WASHINGTON, D.C. – DUSK (ARCHIVE) Across the water, we can see the Washington Monument.
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ANIMATION OVERLAY A diagonal line with a dot at the lower-left of the line appears. A number tracks the movement of the dot and counts up as it follows the line, starting at $10,000,000 (TEN MILLION) and ending at $6,100,000,000+ (SIX POINT ONE BILLION+) which becomes part of the super. SUPER: $6,100,000,000+ IN CONTRACT WINS SINCE 2012 A second diagonal line appears, with a number tracking the line from 0 (ZERO) to 5000+ (FIVE THOUSAND+), which becomes part of the super. SUPER: 5,300+ FEDERAL MISSIONS COMPLETED SINCE 2012 DISSOLVE TO a collage of professional headshots. SUPER: AN ARMY OF AMBASSADORS The collage takes the shape of a U.S. map. SUPER: IN 50 STATES The collage takes the shape of a map of the world. SUPER: AND 20+ COUNTRIES The map of the world rearranges into a large grid of photos. SUPER: 3,400+ STRONG. EXT. FIGHTER JET FOOTAGE (ARCHIVE) Fighter jets move in formation. SUPER: A Mission-Driven Team EXT. OPEN OCEAN – DAY (ARCHIVE) A naval vessel moves over the water. SUPER: Of Limitless Innovation EXT. SKY – DAY (ARCHIVE) Drones are in flight. SUPER: And Deep Technical Expertise original.file 9/28/21 16:24:21
INT. ELECTRONIC GUTS OF DRONE – DAY (ARCHIVE) The words follow the general path of the PCB traces (e.g. the shiny metal lines). SUPER: CYBERSECURITY SUPER: DATA ANALYTICS SUPER: CLOUD APPLICATIONS SUPER: TELEHEALTH SUPER: LOGISTICS DISSOLVE TO: EXT. OFFICES – DAY (ARCHIVE) A handshake. SUPER: Committed To Building A Brighter Future EXT. HILLS ON A FARM – DAWN (ARCHIVE) The sun is just beginning to rise. SUPER: Solving America’s Greatest Challenges INT. PHOTO OF A WARFIGHTER – DAY (ARCHIVE) SUPER: And Serving Her Mission BLACK SUPER: Moving Forward For One Cause The music becomes quieter. The Cherokee Nation seal appears for a moment. Behind it... INT. CHEROKEE IMMERSION SCHOOL CLASSROOM – DAY Meda Nix enters her workplace. She places the photo she brought along beside her laptop. INT. FAMILY HOME – DAY
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Colored pencils rest beside a pencil sharpener and a NEARLY FINISHED THANK-YOU CARD. A GIRL finishes breakfast with her family. Her MOM shows her a flash card in Cherokee, the girl answers, and her mom flips it over. The girl smiles. Mom turns on the girl’s laptop on a desk in a study area. INT. VIRTUAL CLASSROOM – DAY The girl puts the last few flourishes on her THANK-YOU CARD as HER TEACHER, Meda Nix, instructs the VIRTUAL CLASS. INT. CHEROKEE IMMERSION SCHOOL – DAY Meda shares a photo of herself during her military service with the class. INT. VIRTUAL CLASSROOM – DAY The girl holds up her card, written in the Cherokee language, which reads, “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.” INT. FAMILY HOME – DAY The girl puts down the card and salutes her teacher. SUPER: BUILDING THE FUTURE BLACK CGI: ANIMATED CHEROKEE FEDERAL LOGO FADE OUT
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