ACE c4 s28

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Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

giving more support to the e5–square Anand used it himself with both colours. Here Black often plays the rather strangelooking 6...Qc7 , which has been suggested and popularized among us - students of the GM A.N.Panchenko chess school - by Alexander Filipenko in the early 1990's. The point is clear - Black wants to play ...e6–e5 but he is not in a hurry to put his knight on g6, where it would be disturbed by his opponent's h-pawn. (Black also has other options, such as 6...f6 One of my games went 7.Nh4 g6 8.f4 Bg7 9.e5 0-0 10.Nf3 fxe5 11.fxe5 Nf5 12.c3 and here the thematic 12...c4! 13.dxc4 c5 14.0-0 Bb7 gave Black excellent compensation for the pawn, E.Najer - R.Scherbakov, RUSchT Tomsk 2001) 7.Ng5 (7.Nc3 Ng6 8.Ng5 e5 9.Qh5 d6 10.0-0 h6 11.Nh3 Be7 12.Kh1 Bf6 13.Ng1 with a draw was not too encouraging for White in Anand Grischuk, Wijk aan Zee 2003) 7...h6 (7...Ng6 8.f4 c4!? 9.dxc4 Ba6 was far from clear in Anand -Radjabov, Mainz (rapid) 2006) 8.Nh3 g6 9.f4 Bg7 and Black has obtained good play, Ponomariov Anand, Linares 2003.; White has also tried many other possibilities, such as 6.Ng5; 6.Nh4; 6.Nbd2; or even 6.Bd2 with a strategically complex position in all cases.]

Antalya Chess Express 2012 MayÄąs Cilt 4, SayÄą 28

Sorumlu EditĂśr/YayÄąncÄą: Dr Harun Taner

WCh 12 Anand,Viswanathan (2799) − Gelfand,Boris (2739) [B30] WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Scherbakov,Ruslan,Taner,Harun] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 [5.b3 e5!? was played in game 10.] 5...Ne7 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+ +!+$+ % &! !!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678 ] 6.b3 [White has to be more concrete in this position, he is trying to get a favourable pawn structure so he is trying to fix the opponent's doubled pawn when Black is deprived from the immediate .. .e6–e5.] [The routine 6.0–0 is absolutely harmless as Black has 6...Ng6 7.e5 (otherwise ...e6–e5) 7...f6; 6.Qe2 is White's common option,

6...d6 [Surprisingly, this is a novelty!] 1337

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

comes to mind when Black's knight arrives on g6. However, here White's e5–pawn is under attack!] [8.exd6 was met by 8...Qf6! and after 9.c3 White wouldn't be able to pressurise Black's c-pawns as he's got a serious weakness on d3.; but White had many possibilities to think about: 8.Qe2!?; 8.Bb2!?; 8.Nbd2!?; 8.Nc3!? and so on.]

[In the first game, in which 6. b3 occurred, Spassky - Gulko, Linares 1990, Black played the natural 6...Ng6 and after 7.Bb2 f6 8.e5 Be7 the game has been transposed into a harmless line for Black - then he plays 0–0, ...f6xe5, ...d7–d6 and ...e6–e5 but Anand would have certainly kept something else in mind, for example, 7. h4!?]

8...Nxe5 [A principled reply.] 7.e5 [Everyone has obviously been worried about this thematic pawn push, which clarifies the weakness of Black's doubled cpawns - that's why it has never occurred before.]

[In case of 8...h5 White would have comfortably considered many of those options, which have been mentioned in the previous comment.]

7...Ng6 [Diagram

9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.Nd2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + ! + + + + +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

+ + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+ + % &!+! $ !!+' ( ) *Q,- +). /012345678

] [In case of 7...dxe5 White could have simply continued by 8.0–0, putting pressure on the c5–pawn later by Nb1–d2–e4 and Bc1–a3. The capture 8.Nxe5?! looks like a blunder after 8...Qd4 but in fact it might be played, though probably not in the decisive game of the World Title Match: 9.Nc4 Qxa1 10.Bb2 Qxa2 11.Nc3 Qa6 12.Nd6+ Kd7 13.Nxf7 Rg8 14.0–0 followed by Qd1–h5, Nf7–e5 etc. Black's position is ruined but he has extra rook after all!]

White has successfully weakened Black's pawn structure though at the cost of a pawn. Now he going to exert pressure on the c5– pawn with good chances to eventually win it and still maintain the advantage thanks to his more compact pawn formation. Besides, Black's problem is not just his weak cpawns but his light-squared bishop - this is actually the point of White's strategy.] 10...c4!? [A brave and bold decision, which solves the problem of the bishop on c8!]

8.h4!? [This is usually the first idea which 1338

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

opponent's king though Black is still not so bad after 25...Rg8 thanks to his active major pieces - then he would think about . ..e5–e4, ...Qf4–d6 while White would collect the apawn...) 15...f6 (15...Qa4 16.Rb1 Qxc2+ 17.Bd2 Rd8 18.Rhc1 Qxa2 19.Qxe5.; 15...Rb8 16.Bd2 Qc7 17.Rab1 f6 18.d4.) 16.Rb1 and after 16...Qxa2 (16...Qa6 seems more reliable) 17.Bd2 Qa6 18.Rb3 Kf7 19.Rhb1 Be7 20.Rb7 Rhe8 21.h5´ and Black is under pressure. This is certainly not the line Gelfand would have chosen if Anand had kept queens on the board but without any doubt Black would have faced many more problems than in the game.]

11.Nxc4 Ba6 12.Qf3 Qd5 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + +$+ + !" #+!+!+Q+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678 ] 13.Qxd5 [Now it is White who wins the pawn but Black gets a very comfortable ending thanks to his strong pawn center and pair of bishops.]

13...cxd5 14.Nxe5 f6 15.Nf3 e5 16.0-0 [Keeping the king in center was hardly better - after 16.c4 Black could even have thought about 16...e4!?]

[I am sure that in his best form Anand would have played 13.Qg3!? without any hesitations. White had no risk while Black still has to solve some problems. A possible play would have been 13...Bxc4 (13...e4?! 14.0-0 exd3 15.Rd1.; 13...f6 14.0-0 Kf7 15.Kh1!? Be7 16.f4) 14.bxc4 Qa5+ and now: (14...Bb4+? 15.Ke2 Qd4 16.Qxg7) 15.Ke2 (15.Bd2 Bb4 16.Bxb4 Qxb4+ 17.Ke2 Qc3 18.Qxg7 Qxc2+ 19.Kf1 Qxd3+ (an attempt 19...0–0–0!? 20.Kg1 e4!? might be interesting but White would still hope for advantage: 21.Qxf7 (21.dxe4 Rhg8 22.Qxf7 Qxe4 23.g3 Rxg3+! 24.fxg3 Rd2 25.Rh2 Qe3+ 26.Rf2 Qxg3+ 27.Kf1 Qh3+=) 21...exd3 22.Qxe6+ Kc7 23.Qf7+ Rd7 24.Qf4+ Kb7 25.Kh2 d2 26.Rab1+ Ka8 27.Qf6 Rc8 28.Qe6 etc.) 20.Kg1 Ke7 21.Qg5+ Ke8 22.Rh3 Qf5 23.Qg3!? (Konstantin Sakaev gave 23.Re1 Qxg5 24.hxg5 Kf8 25.Rxe5 Kg7 26.Rc5 with advantage in the ending) 23...Qf4 24.Qa3 Rd8 25.Rb3 with an initiative against the

16...Kf7 17.c4 Be7 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) * +),- . /012345678 ] [17...Bb7!? might have been more accurate.] 18.Be3 [Perhaps 18.Bd2!? with the idea of installing the bishop on a5, might have kept White's hopes for an advantage alive.]


Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

18...Bb7 [Now an a-pawn push is also a decent option for Black.]

Grunfeld Defense. Peter Svidler can be satisfied.]

19.cxd5 Bxd5 20.Rfc1 a5 21.Bc5 Rhd8 [Diagram

1...c5 [The Sicilian Defense has served Gelfand well for his whole career and in particular in this match.]

+ + + + + + + + * + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 [Again the Rossolimo Variation, as in the tenth game.] 3...e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+ +!+$+ % &! !!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

] [21...Bxc5 22.Rxc5 Bxf3 23.gxf3 Rhd8 24.Rd1 Rd4 was possible, too.] 22.Bxe7 [A draw agreed. This game, and of course, the whole match, shows that Gelfand will be a very tough nut to crack in the rapid games - no one can predict the outcome...]

A local surprise. But at the same time the main theoretical move.] [Apparently Anand was disappointed by the variation 5.b3 e5!]

[Perhaps White could still play on with something like 22.Bxe7 Kxe7 23.Rc7+ 23...Rd7 (23...Kf8!?) (23.Nd2 a4) 24.Rxd7+ Kxd7 25.Nd2 a4 26.Nc4 but Black was okay.] ½-½

5...Ne7 [A flexible strategy in the spirit of Philidor's philosophy. Black's central pawns, including the one on f7, can move forward, depending on what White does. It's very important not to allow a complete blockade of the center and to give the bishops some room to operate. For example, with the pawn on d7 Black is prepared to meet the advance e4–e5 with the disrupting ... f7–f6.]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B30] WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Shipov,Sergey,Taner,Harun]

6.b3 [Diagram

1.e4 [As it turns out, the world champion's camp was not able to find a refutation of the 1340

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

13.Bg3 e5 14.Qe2 (14.f4 was tried later, without much success) 14...Bg5 15.Ne4 Bh6 16.f3 a5 17.a4 Ra7 18.Bf2 Raf7 19.Be3 Bxe3+ 20.Qxe3 h6 and Black has completely equalized, B. Spassky - B. Gulko, Linares 1990.] 7.e5 [A principled objection, and it would seem, a pawn sacrifice.] 7...Ng6 [He couldn't make up his mind to take the pawn!] [The path of accepting the present seems more important to me: 7...dxe5 8.0–0 (8.Nxe5 Qd4!) 8...f6 9.Nc3 Nd5 10.Ne4 Be7 11.Ba3 and ... I don't see what White does to develop his initiative. Of course, the champion knows better. After all he undoubtedly has come to battle with a stone hidden in his pocket.]

An interesting and non-standard move order. It was first used by Boris Spassky in a game with Boris (yes, another Boris) Gulko in 1990. The suspense in the position has to do with the question of whose pawn will move to e6 first. Boris (the third, the younger) is thinking a long time, trying to remember, comparing lines. Of course, besides the known answer 6. ... Ng6 he is considering 6. ... d6 with the idea of ... e6– e5.]

8.h4 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + ! + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

[6.Qe2 is the most commonly played move for White, and I simply must give as an example a game played by the world champion himself: 6...Qc7 7.Ng5 h6 8.Nh3 g6 9.f4 Bg7 10.c4 e5 11.Nc3 d5 12.0–0 0–0 13.g4 exf4 14.Bxf4 Qd7 15.exd5 cxd5 16.Rae1 Nc6 17.Nxd5 Nd4 18.Qg2 Qxg4 19.Ne7+ Kh7 20.Nxc8 Qxg2+ 21.Kxg2 Raxc8 and the chances of both sides turned out to be equal in a complicated endgame, R. Ponomariov - V. Anand, Linares 2003.] 6...d6 [As strange as it may seem, a novelty!]

A brilliant attacking move! Vishy is showing his fighting mood. He literally insists on the loss of his own pawn at e5.]

[First of all let me show the original game: 6...Ng6 7.Bb2 f6 8.e5 Be7 9.Nbd2 0–0 10.0–0 fxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.Bxe5 d6

[8.exd6 does not look good for the following reason: 8...Qf6 9.c3 Bxd6 , after 1341

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opponent and force the challenger to work over the board at a very early stage. There is already no question of an early draw in today's game, we can expect a serious battle! The clock shows 1:55 - 1:27. Gelfand cannot make up his mind. This is a very unpleasant moment for him. Black has no obvious counterplay, and it's not even clear at the moment what threats he should be defending. And time pressure is lurking in the distance... I suspect that the Israeli grandmaster is looking for some kind of cardinal decision, some way of radically changing the position, to confuse his opponent. It's possible that he is considering the return pawn sacrifices ... c5–c4 or ... e5– e4, which give Black hope of reviving his passive bishop on c8.]

which both sides have flaws in their pawn structure; 8.Bb2 looks more to the point, but I found a problem with it as well, namely 8...dxe5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.Bxe5 Qd5! with a fork on e5 and g2.] 8...Nxe5 [The challenge is accepted.] [The cowardly answer 8...h5 does not lose right away, but it was bad on positional grounds. After Black develops his bishop on f8 and castles short, the pawn on h5 could die at the hands of White's queen.; 8...Be7 also cannot be recommended, if only because of 9.exd6 Qxd6 (9...Bf6 10.Bg5) 10.Na3 with palpable pressure for White across the entire battlefield] 9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.Nd2 [Diagram

10...c4 [My premonitions did not deceive me! Boris did not want to defend passively for many moves in a row. Even the hint of a possible initiative for Black is balm to his soul. On either capture by White on c4, Black will soon play ... c6–c5 and the bishop will achieve freedom on the long diagonal. In case of the most likely capture with the knight, the continuation ... Bc8–a6 with the intention of trading on c4 also looks interesting. For the first time in the game Vishy is looking at the board with interest. A chance has finally turned up for him to think about something... He has more than enough time: 1:44 - 0:59.]

+ + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+ + % &!+! $ !!+' ( ) *Q,- +). /012345678 Black has snagged an extra pawn, but White has a lasting initiative. He has prospects of winning back the pawn on c5, but Boris is most likely more concerned with the activity of his opponent on the kingside. Notice how quickly Vishy is playing -- he is still following his prepared variations. I will pronounce the first small, local victory for the champion's forces -- he has managed to get the jump on his

[There were multiple scenarios for more restrained play. Here are my first sketches: 10...Be7 11.h5 h6 12.Qg4 0–0 13.Bb2 f6 14.Nc4 Qe8 15.Rh3 Bd8 (15...Qf7 16.Rf3!) 16.Kf1 Bc7 17.Re1 Ba6 18.Ba3 Qe7 19.Rg3 Rf7 20.Qe4 and one way or another White wins back the pawn, retaining an initiative; 10...Qd4 is a second 1342

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12.Qf3 [Anand answers with an attack on the c6 pawn.]

variation: 11.Rb1 Qd5 12.Qg4 f6 13.0–0 Kf7 (the bishop on f8 cannot be moved for the moment because of the weakness on g7) 14.Ne4 Be7 15.Qh5+! Kg8 16.Be3 after which the pawn on c5 will quickly succumb. It's important to realize that Black cannot transfer his bishop from c8 to e8 in view of 16...Bd7 17.c4 Qxd3 18.Rbd1 Qxe4 19.Rxd7 with decisive threats for White; 10...e4 was another way of pitching the pawn back, but it has a small defect: 11.Nxe4 e5 12.Qh5! and Black doesn't have a civilized way to defend his e5 pawn -12...Bd6 13.Bg5 (13.Ba3 0-0 14.0-0! is also not bad) 13...Qc7 (13...Be7!? 14.Bxe7 Qxe7 15.f4 exf4 16.Qxc5 with a clear advantage for White) 14.0–0 with the idea 14...0–0? 15.Nf6+! followed by mate.]

[I don't care how much nervous pressure there is, it was impossible to expect White to blunder a piece with 12.Nxe5? Qa5+!] 12...Qd5 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + +$+ + !" #+!+!+Q+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

11.Nxc4 [This move hardly deserved such long hesitation, because the captures with the pawns were clearly worse. Apparently Anand was simply thinking about the future...]

As one should have expected! Boris, in essence, intends to trade places with his opponents. Only two moves ago he had an extra pawn and the prospect of being subjected to the pressure of the opponent's initiative, but now he himself is striving for a position a pawn down with possible compensation... Black's two bishops have good prospects, and if he manages to open the position a little bit, his initiative will become a reality.]

[For example, 11.dxc4 is unattractive for White after 11...Qd4 12.Qf3 Bb7 13.c3 Qf4 14.Qxf4 exf4 15.Ne4 e5 and everything is in order for Black.] 11...Ba6 [Just so. Gelfand politely offers his opponent the present of a pawn at e5...] [On 11...Bb7 he might not have liked 12.Qh5 and the pawn on e5 will soon die, as the White queen does not allow the pawn on f7 to support its comrade. None of the variations give Black much hope: 12...Qd5 13.Bb2!? (with the idea of castling long) 13...Bb4+ 14.Kf1 0–0 (14...c5 15.f3!) 15.Qxe5 f6 16.Qe2 and it does not look as if Black gets real compensation for his pawn.]

[Passive measures would have allowed White to retain some pressure: 12...Rc8 13.Qg3 Bxc4 14.dxc4 Bb4+ 15.c3 Qd4 16.Bd2 Qe4+ 17.Kd1! Bf8 18.Re1 Qf5 19.Rxe5 Bd6 20.Rxf5 Bxg3 21.Ra5 Bxf2 22.Ke2 Bb6 23.Ra6 followed by the advance of a phalanx of queenside pawns.] 13.Qxd5 [Vishy did not hesitate for long.] 1343

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17.c4 [Just the right time.] [However, the unyielding 13.Qg3! , with threats on the e5 and g7 points, deserved serious attention.]

17...Be7 [Boris is handling this part of the game well. Quickly and with high quality! The advantage of the two bishops clearly give Black chances for a positive result from any future endgame. I have a suspicion that Vishy settled for too little with his trade of queens on d5. He was tempted by the extra pawn and presented his opponent a very pleasant position to play.]

13...cxd5 14.Nxe5 [Black has repaired his pawn structure. Now he must attack!] 14...f6 [14...Rc8 would be premature because of 15.c4] 15.Nf3 e5 [Diagram

[Now the move 17...e4 is no longer effective, for example, 18.dxe4 dxc4 19.bxc4 Bxc4 20.Rd1]

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

18.Be3 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ + !" #+!+! *$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) + +),- . /012345678

Beautiful! The pawn at c2 can now become the target of attack by Black's rook, and if c2–c4 White must reckon with the shot ... e5–e4, blowing up the center.]

With this move the champion is trying to provoke the advance ... d5–d4, which would stabilize the pawn structure. It's unlikely that the challenger will accept the invitation... On the other hand, it's worth pointing out the harmful effects of the move h2–h4 in this situation. Pawns don't move backwards. It's possible that Black can create some complications on the kingside. The clocks read 0:59 - 0:40.]

16.0-0 [Even so, I briefly looked at the continuation 16.c4 e4 17.dxe4 dxc4 18.0–0 and now if 18...cxb3 19.Rd1 White can claim an advantage in view of his large lead in development. But it's possible that the champion did not like 18. ... c3!?] 16...Kf7 [Sensible prophylaxis. Its point is revealed in the variation]

18...Bb7 [Once again a strong move. Black's white-squared bishop applies

[16...Rc8 17.c4 e4 18.Re1!]


Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

+ + + + + + + + * + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

serious pressure on White's position. If he can open even one rank on the right side of the board, White will be under attack. Another idea is to open the queenside with the moves ... a7–a5–a4. It seems that Black has no reason to complain about his life. And what is White to do? Breaking in the center is dangerous, because the Black bishops would run rampant. Apparently he must try to activate the queenside, where he does after all have an extra pawn.] 19.cxd5 [Playing for simplifications.] [I, not being at any personal risk (after all, I'm not one of the players sitting at the board in the Tretyakovsky Gallery), looked for a while at the risky variation 19.a3 a5 20.Bb6 Rhc8 21.Rfc1 with the intention of ... no, never mind. There are no clear plans for White here. Any active measure has something wrong with it.]

Exchanges are on the horizon. In principal, a complete liquidation of minor figures would promise Black a decent endgame, with many weak pawns in the White camp. As is well known, one of the advantages of the two bishops lies precisely in the fact that you can trade them off at the necessary moment. Let's take a look at the clock along with Gelfand: 0:55 - 0:23.]

19...Bxd5 [The bishop aims at both sides of the board with terrifying power. The pawn deficit has no significance for Black. The only chance I can see for White is a trade of dark-squared bishops on c5, but who will let that happen...]

[On 21.Nd2 Black plays 21...a4! with good counterplay; 21.Rc7 did not lead to any advantage because of 21...Rhc8 22.Rac1 Rxc7 23.Rxc7 Ke6 and again the pinprick ... a5–a4 is on the agenda.] 21...Rhd8 [As far as I can tell, Boris simply was reluctant to part with his gorgeous bishop on d5. Spending all this time in the Tretyakovsky Gallery has strengthened his aesthetic instincts!]

20.Rfc1 [The rook aims for c7 and is ready to support the move Be3–c5. Also there is an idea of transferring the knight through d2 to either e4 or c5. Or via c4 to b6, after the likely ... a7–a5. However, it is unlikely that Black will sit and do nothing. He has every right to attack the d3 pawn...]

[21...Bxc5 From the practical point of view it would be simpler to play 22.Rxc5 Bxf3 23.gxf3 Rhd8 and, for example, 24.Rc7+ (24.Rd1 Rd4 25.h5 Ra7 26.Rc4 Rd5 and ... Ra7–d7, as well as ... Kf7–e6–f5) 24...Kg6 25.Kh2 Rxd3 26.Rg1+ Kf5 27.Rgxg7 a4! and the contours of a draw are becoming apparent.]

20...a5 [... or organize the break ... a5–a4.] 21.Bc5 [Diagram


Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

games in case of a 2–2 tie. This feast of chess and trial of the opponents' nerves will begin the day after tomorrow at 12:00 Moscow time, three hours earlier than usual. I will try to think about how I can comment on this event... Please send in your own suggestions, dear readers, to the KasparovChess forum [on the Crestbook website -- DM]. This has been grandmaster Sergey Shipov with you. Thank you for your attention, and I'll see you soon!] ½-½

22.Bxe7 [Diagram

+ + + + + * + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

Anand,Viswanathan (2799) − Gelfand,Boris (2739) [B30] WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Pein,Malcolm,Taner,Harun]

and here Anand somewhat unexpectedly OFFERED A DRAW, which Gelfand quickly accepted.]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 [Diagram

[22.Nd2 was no worse, in effect telling Black to go ahead and trade bishops on c5.; 22.Bxe7 A possible continuation was 22...Kxe7 23.Nd2 a4 24.Rc7+ Kf8! 25.b4 a3! and Black's counterplay is not bad. What can I say? It's easy to understand the champion's decision. One can't say that playing for a win in the final position would be free of risk. Quite the opposite! The game just completed must be considered disappointing for Anand. In the opening he achieved a promising position and an hour time advantage -- what more could you possibly want? Gelfand held himself together like a champion with a fine sense of psychology. He correctly returned the extra pawn, and then provoked his opponent, tempted him with another pawn sacrifice, seized the initiative and escaped with only a mild scare. And so, the regulation time of the match has ended. The score is tied, 6–6! Now we await a tiebreaker consisting of four games of rapid chess and an unlimited number of blitz

+ + + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+ +!+$+ % &! !!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678 Game 10 was 5.b3 e5! which was a great novelty and gave Boris an easy draw] [5.b3 e5 6.Nxe5 Qe7 7.Bb2 d6 8.Nc4 d5 9.Ne3 d4 10.Nc4 Qxe4+ 11.Qe2 Qxe2+ 12.Kxe2 Be6 13.d3 Nf6 14.Nbd2 0–0–0 15.Rhe1 Be7 16.Kf1 Rhe8 17.Ba3 Nd5 18.Ne4 Nb4 19.Re2 Bxc4 20.bxc4 f5 21.Bxb4 cxb4 22.Nd2 Bd6 23.Rxe8 Rxe8 1346

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13.Qxd2 f6 14.Qb4 Qe7 15.a3 c5; 11...Bb4+ 12.Kf1!?; 11...Bb4+ 12.Bd2 Bxd2+ 13.Qxd2 f6 14.Qb4 Qe7 15.Qd6 Qxd6 16.Nxd6+ Looks like an edge]

24.Nb3 c5 25.a3 ½â€“½ (25) Anand,V (2799)-Gelfand,B (2739) Moscow 2012] 5...Ne7 6.b3 [Novelty Vishy puts Boris on his own for a change]

12.Qf3 Qd5! [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + +$+ + !" #+!+!+Q+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

6...d6 [Black intends e5 with a strong centre, White's next is logical] 7.e5 [Now Vishy can pursue the dark square strategy he intended in G10] 7...Ng6 8.h4 [What a bold move for a game where there is a world title and half a million at stake] 8...Nxe5 9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.Nd2 [e5 and c5 ar weak. Boris had a long think to 59 minutes used and came up with a dynamic and bold solution]

Boris wants the endgame with 2 bishops and space and gives up a second pawn]

10...c4 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+ + % &!+! $ !!+' ( ) *Q,- +). /012345678

[12...Qc7 13.0–0 Be7 14.Nxe5!; 12...Qc7 13.Bb2 Bxc4 14.dxc4 Bb4+=] 13.Qxd5 [13.Qg3 Bxc4 14.bxc4 Qa5+ 15.Bd2 Bb4!=] 13...cxd5 14.Nxe5 f6 15.Nf3 e5 16.0-0 Kf7 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * +),- . /012345678

Boris thought to 59 minutes!] [10...Qd4 Would instinctively be avoided by Boris as Vishy likely to have analysed complication with the computer 11.Rb1 Be7 12.Nc4 f6 13.Bb2 Qd5 14.Qh5+ g6 15.Qg4 0–0 (15...Kf7) 16.h5 g5˘] 11.Nxc4 Ba6 [11...Bb4+ 12.Bd2 Bxd2+ 1347

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

23.Rc7+ Rd7 24.Rac1 a4 25.Nd2 axb3 26.axb3 Ra3 White is still a pawn up. Black should hold but perhaps Vishy just couldn't stand the tension]

Black has ample compensation. Look how he has opened the game for the bishops and the light squared one is the key. To gain some space Vishy must consider c2–c4]


17.c4 Be7 18.Be3 Bb7 19.cxd5 [A sign Vishy sees no prospect of a win. A weak d3 appears Black has full compensation here]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B30]

19...Bxd5 20.Rfc1 a5!? [Not sure about that move TT was approaching 20...Rhc8 21.Rxc8 Rxc8 22.Bxa7 Ra8 Was very comfortable 23.Be3 Bxb3 Black stands very well but 24.d4 exd4 25.Nxd4 Rxa2 26.Rxa2 Bxa2 Bales out for a draw without problems]

WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Chess Evolution,Taner,Harun]

21.Bc5! [Diagram

3...e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 [White deviates from their previous game. It means, that Anand's team did not find any advantage after the strong 5.b3 e5 move!]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 [Just as in the 10th game of the match, Anand starts with 1.e4 and plays 3.Bb5 to avoid the Sveshnikov.]

+ + + + + + + + * + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

5...Ne7 6.b3!? [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

Of course Vishy wants one bishop off] [21.Rc7 Rhc8 22.Rac1 Rxc7 23.Rxc7 Ke6 24.Nd2 a4 25.Ne4= (25.Bc5 Bxc5 26.Rxc5 axb3 27.axb3 Ra1+ 28.Kh2 Ra2 29.Ne4 Bxe4 30.dxe4 Rxf2 Will be a draw) 25...axb3 26.axb3 Bxb3 27.Nc5+ Bxc5 28.Bxc5=] 21...Rhd8



And again, the World Champion chooses the b3 setup, which is practically a novelty in this position. The move itself was played several times, but with different ideas.]

Kxe7 1348

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

6...d6 [This is the real novelty. A very logical one, Black wants to build his optimal structure with e5. White must prevent it.]

does not work? 8.Nc3 Compared to the game, the Black knight has much nicer future... (8.Nxe5?! I doubt, that White wanted to play like this 8...Qd4! 9.Nc4 Qxa1 10.Bb2 Qxa2 11.Nc3 Qa6 12.Nd6+ Kd7 13.Nxf7 Rg8 14.Qh5 this should not be serious, even tough the position is not that clear. Or Anand was bluffing again?! Like in the 11th game with 13...Qa5?! 14...Nd5 (14...g6) ) 8...f6! 9.Ne4 Nf5 it goes to d4. Black is completely fine.]

[6...Ng6 was played the games, and I think Anand would have introduced the "real" novelty by playing 7.h4 After all, I found this interesting idea, trying to play similarly to the game. (7.Bb2 could not be his intention, since after 7...d6 he has nothing better, than 8.e5 which would transpose to the game, but there White played 8.h4!) 7...h5 Black has to prevent the h5–h6 push. 8.e5! Black must undermine this pawn, otherwise if Nbd2–c4 arrives he finds himself in big trouble. 8...d6 9.Nc3! this could be the point! The same sacrifice as in the game. (9.exd6 would meet by the really unpleasant 9...Qf6!) 9...Nxe5 10.Nxe5 dxe5 11.Qf3! White sacrifices a pawn. This a long term positional sacrifice, which is based on Black's poor pawn structure and the two bad bishops. Especially the one on c8 has no future in this game. It is locked behind his own pawns. The role of the dark squared bishop is not much nicer. It can also just defend the weak pawns. 11...Qc7 White has many different tempting plans. First of all, he castle to both sides. The bishop might be developed to attack the c5 pawn and also to make pressure on the e5 pawn. Definitely a very nice position for White. Despite having a clear pawn down, the computer is giving huge advantage for White!]

8.h4! [Arrived without thinking, very deep preparation. Finally the Anand Team is showing a "real" job!] [The idea was again to meet 8.exd6 by 8...Qf6! Forcing White to make an ugly move like c3, which does not fit to his ideas.] 8...Nxe5 9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.Nd2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+ + % &!+! $ !!+' ( ) *Q,- +). /012345678

7.e5 [Black's e5 had to be prevented again.]

We can say the same things, like in the 6... Ng6 line. Black is a pawn up, but his structure and his bishops are terrible. The one on c8 has no future at all, while the f8 is just good for protecting the pawns. Gelfand was falling into deep thought, at this point the World Champion had to feel really happy, because his opponent went under 1

7...Ng6 [Gelfand played it after 10 minutes of thinking.] [7...dxe5! should have been played. This is another interesting moment. How Anand wanted to compensate, since the take back 1349

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

hour and they were only in the 10th move. However, after 45 minutes of thinking, he came up with a fantastic idea.]

Excellent decision! This was the whole point of 10...c4! Instead of being a pawn up and suffering with bad pieces, Gelfand decided to sacrifice two pawns, and compensating it with a powerful bishop pair.]

10...c4! [Black prefers to sacrifice his cpawn in order to activate his bishops.] [On the logical developing with 10...Be7 White could play 11.Bb2 f6 12.Qh5+! g6 would be another big weakening, of what White could make use with an h5 push in the future. (12...Kf8 13.0-0 Black pieces are horrible. White can improve on his pieces with Rae1, Ne4 and at some point f4 could lead to very dangerous attack!) 13.Qh6 Kf7 14.Ne4 it is bad to look at the Black pieces.]

13.Qxd5 [13.Qg3 was interesting, but Anand pointed out at the press conference, that he rejected this move because of 13...Bxc4! 14.bxc4 Qa5+ 15.Bd2 Bb4 16.Bxb4 Qxb4+ 17.Kf1 (17.Ke2 Qc3) 17...0–0 18.Qxe5 Qd2 when Black is compensating well for the pawn.] 13...cxd5 14.Nxe5 [Suddenly White is a pawn up, but Black has the active pieces. What a dynamic move 10..c4!]

11.Nxc4 [After 11.bxc4 the White knight has no good square to occupy. It should stay on c4. 11...Rb8! to prevent Bb2 and prepares for c5–Bb7. Suddenly the "dead" c8 bishop starts to rule o the long diagonal.]

14...f6! 15.Nf3 e5! [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

11...Ba6 [The e5 pawn is immune, due to the check on a5.] 12.Qf3 [Very tempting move, but it probably spoils the advantage. Gelfand counters it in a nice fashion!] [12.Bb2!? could be an improvement. 12...Bxc4 13.dxc4ÂĽ and the endgame seems to be better.] 12...Qd5! [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + +$+ + !" #+!+!+Q+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

Black occupies the center. His next moves becomes clear, to play Kf7, Be7 and bringing the rooks. It is White's turn to find out something clever, but I think it is too late to hope for an advantage.] 16.0-0 Kf7 17.c4 Be7 [Black would like to play Rhd8, Bb7 and a5–a5, what actually White can not prevent. Suddenly the bishop pair started to 1350

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

all. 24.Rc7+ Kg6 Maybe Black is already slightly better. 25.f4 (25.Kh2 Rxd3 26.Rg1+ Kf5;) 25...exf4 26.Kh2 Kh6 27.Rg1 g6 28.Rg4 but of course, the game should end in draw.]

dominate on the board.] 18.Be3 Bb7 [It is very difficult to suggest a plan for White.] 19.cxd5 Bxd5 20.Rfc1 a5! [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+! *$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

22.Bxe7 [Diagram

+ + + + + * + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

Suddenly, Black overtook the initiative. It is White who has to make a draw.]

Draw agreed.]

[20...Rhc8 was perfectly fine as well, since the a7 pawn is indirectly protected 21.Nd2 (21.Rxc8 Rxc8 22.Bxa7 Ra8 and Black takes on b3 next move.) 21...Ke6 and the position is about even.]

[A demonstrating line could be 22.Bxe7 Kxe7 23.Rc7+ Kf8 24.Ne1 (24.Nd2 Bf7) 24...Bf7 with full compensation, if the a1 rook moves a4 is coming immediately, otherwise Rd4 and a4.] ½-½

21.Bc5! [A clever decision to get rid of the bishop pair, but this move is basically draw offer.]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B30] WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Milos,Gilberto,Taner,Harun]

[The invading with 21.Rc7 is just looking nice, but after 21...Rhc8 22.Rac1 Rxc7 23.Rxc7 Ke6 Black seems to be already better. He is going to push a4 next move.]

[A decisive game for the world championship title finishing in a draw in 22 moves is really sad. It is clear that none of the players are inspired and I don't see a favorite in the rapid games.]

21...Rhd8 [A bit strange to me, but it does not change the evaluation.] [21...Bxc5 was the most forcing way to equality. 22.Rxc5 Bxf3 23.gxf3 Rhd8 and the rook on the 7th rank is not dangerous at

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 Ne7 6.b3 [0.02/0] 1351

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

11.Nxc4 [0.44/0] Ba6 [0.23/0] 12.Qf3 [0.55/0] [12.Bb2 f6 and the white bishop is blocked.; 12.Nxe5?? Qa5+; 12.h5 is the computer suggestion but I can't see exactly what the idea would be.]

d6 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

12...Qd5 [Giving another pawn and definitively improving his pawn structure. 0.32/0] 13.Qxd5 [0.10/0] cxd5 [0.35/0] 14.Nxe5 [0.34/0] f6 [Now black has center and two bishops for the pawn. It is enough compensation. 0.22/0] 15.Nf3 [0.22/0] e5 [Diagram

A novelty. This allows the weakening of both the e5 and c5 pawns. Normal is 0.04/0]

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

[6...Ng6 7.Bb2 f6 8.e5 Be7 9.0–0 0–0 10.Nbd2 fxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.Bxe5 d6 13.Bg3 e5 As in Spassky-Gulko (1990).] 7.e5 [-0.23/0] Ng6 [0.20/0] [against the normal 7...d5 White would play something like 8.Ba3 Ng6 9.0–0 Be7 10.c4 (10.Nc3) 10...0–0 11.Nc3 and Na4 to pressure c5.; 7...dxe5 is also playable and would be similar to the game.]

In the English commentary, Vladimir Kramnik, upon seeing this position, said that given a choice, he would actually prefer to play black here. His bishop pair, powerful center, and possibility to attack weaknesses not only gives him full compensation, but is actually potentially dangerous for White. It would be very appropriate to start searching for a draw here, and Gelfand would even be well advised to decline it should it be offered. In contrast, Peter Svidler, in the Russian commentary, opined that White was slightly better here. 0.17/0]

8.h4 [forcing Black to capture on e5 or play ..h5 weakening g5. This move has to be played before White plays Bb2, because on c1 the bishop controls f4 where the black knight might try to flee to. 0.12/0] 8...Nxe5 [0.00/0] 9.Nxe5 [0.12/0] dxe5 [0.08/0] 10.Nd2 [0.09/0] c4 [This was not necessary, and was a voluntary decision by Gelfand. The idea is to open the game for the bishops, an idea that Anand approved of in the post-game conference. 0.28/0]


Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

Anand,Viswanathan (2799) − Gelfand,Boris (2739) [B30]

16.0-0 [0.21/0] Kf7 [0.16/0]

WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [H2Aq,Taner,Harun]

17.c4 [This pawn would be attacked and c4 is the safest choice. 0.20/0] 17...Be7 [0.14/0] 18.Be3 [0.14/0] Bb7 [Black might have played d4 but Boris prefers to wait for the right moment. In fact this was his last chance. 0.28/0] [18...d4 19.Bd2 Bb7 leads to an interesting position. 20.b4 would be an option for White.]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 Ne7 6.b3 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

19.cxd5 [Good decision! Instead of waiting Anand decides to do something. He will promote exchanges and try to make his material advantage count. 0.11/0] 19...Bxd5 [0.33/0] 20.Rfc1 [0.15/0] a5 [0.00/0] [20...Rhc8 seemed better, avoiding White's idea.]

Rare move] 6...d6N [Novelty] [6...Ng6 7.Bb2 f6 (7...d6 8.Nbd2 e5 9.Nc4 Be7 10.h4 0–0 (10...h6 11.g3 0-0 12.h5 Nh8 13.Qe2 Be6 14.Ne3 Qa5+ 15.Nd2 Bg5 16.f3 f5 17.exf5 Bxe3 18.Qxe3 Bxf5 19.0-0 Rae8 20.g4 Bd7 21.Ne4 Nf7 22.c4 Qd8 23.Rae1 a6 24.Re2 Qe7 25.Bc3 Nd8 26.b4 cxb4 27.Bxb4 Nf7 28.Qa7 Ra8 29.Qc7 c5 30.Be1 Qe6 31.Bh4 Rfc8 32.Qb7 Rcb8 33.Qc7 Kh7 34.g5 hxg5 35.Bxg5 Rc8 36.Qa5 Bc6 37.Be3 Rab8 38.Rg2 Qh3 39.Qxa6 Ra8 40.Qb6 Ra3 41.Rh2 Qf5 42.Qb1 Rc7 43.Kh1 Rb7 44.Qd1 Ra6 45.Rg1 Rab6 46.Bc1 Nh6 47.Qf1 Qf8 48.Qh3 Kh8 49.Bxh6 gxh6 50.Rf2 Rb1 51.Qe6 Rxg1+ 52.Kxg1 Re7 53.Qf6+ Qxf6 54.Nxf6 Re6 55.Ne4 Kg7 56.Rb2 d5 57.Nxc5 Rf6 58.a4 dxc4 59.dxc4 Rxf3 60.a5 Ra3 61.a6 Bf3 62.Rb7+ Kf6 63.Rb3 Ra1+ 64.Kf2 Bxh5 65.Rb4 Ra2+ 66.Ke3 Bf7 67.Na4 Be8 68.a7 Bc6

21.Bc5! [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + * + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678 White has a clear but small advantage.] 21...Rhd8 22.Bxe7 [and they agreed a draw. Really disappointing!] ½-½


Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

69.Nc5 Ra3+ 70.Kd2 Ra2+ 71.Kc3 Ra3+ 72.Rb3 Rxb3+ 73.Kxb3 h5 74.Kc3 h4 75.Nd3 Ke6 76.Nf2 Kd6 77.Kd3 Kc7 78.Ng4 h3 79.Ke3 Kb7 80.Kf2 e4 81.Kg3 Kxa7 82.Kxh3 Bd7 83.Kg3 Bxg4 84.Kxg4 e3 85.Kf3 e2 86.Kxe2 Kb7 ½– ½ (86) Toga II 1.4 beta5ug (slow) (2884)Hiarcs 12 (2938) CCRL 2008) 11.h5 Nf4 12.g3 Nh3 13.h6 g6 14.Qe2 Be6 15.0–0–0 f6 16.Qf1 Qd7 17.Nh4 d5 18.Ne3 Bd6 19.Nef5 gxf5 20.exf5 Ng5 21.fxe6 Qxe6 22.Qe2 Bc7 23.Kb1 Rab8 24.g4 Qd7 25.Nf5 Ne6 26.f3 a5 27.Qe1 a4 28.Ka1 axb3 29.axb3 Ba5 30.Qf2 Qa7 31.Kb1 Bb4 32.Kc1 d4 33.Ng3 Ra8 34.Ne4 Ng5 35.c4 Nxe4 36.fxe4 Qa1+ 37.Bxa1 Rxa1+ 38.Kc2 Ra2+ 39.Kb1 Rxf2 40.Rdf1 Re2 41.Rc1 Ra8 42.Rc2 Re3 0–1 (42) Toga II 1.4 beta4a 2CPU (2913)-Glaurung 2.0.1 64–bit 4CPU (2955) CCRL 2007) 8.e5 (8.h4 e5 9.h5 (9.Nbd2 Nf4 10.g3 Ne6 11.c3 h5 12.Qe2 a5 13.0-0-0 a4 14.Kc2 Ba6 15.Qe3 g6 16.d4 Bh6 17.Qe1 cxd4 18.cxd4 exd4 19.Nxd4 Nc5 20.Nc4 axb3+ 21.axb3 Bxc4 22.bxc4 Qb6 23.Ra1 0-0 24.f3 Na4 25.Bc3 Rfb8 26.Qb1 Qc7 27.Qe1 Qd6 28.Nb3 Nxc3 29.Qxc3 Qxg3 30.Rxa8 Rxa8 31.Rf1 0– 1 (31) Akman,O-Gulbas,C Konya 2008) 9...Nf4 10.g3 Ne6 11.Nbd2 d5 12.h6 g6 13.Qe2 Bd6 14.Kf1 0–0 15.c4 d4 16.Kg2 Rb8 17.Kf1 Ng5 18.Rh4 Nf7 19.Kg2 Qa5 20.Nb1 Rd8 21.Na3 g5 22.Rh5 Bg4 23.Rh2 Kh8 24.Rd1 Rg8 25.Rdh1 Bf8 26.Rd1 Rg6 27.Rdh1 Rb7 28.Bc1 Rxh6 29.Qc2 Kg8 30.Rxh6 Nxh6 31.Qd2 Qxd2 32.Bxd2 Rb6 33.Nc2 Nf7 34.Rd1 h6 35.Ra1 Bd6 36.Nh2 Be6 37.g4 Nh8 38.f3 Ng6 39.Kf2 Nf4 40.Bxf4 exf4 41.Nf1 Kg7 42.Rc1 Rb8 43.Nd2 a5 44.Rh1 Kg6 45.a3 Kg7 46.Re1 Kf7 47.Rh1 Kg6 48.Ke2 Bd7 49.Kf2 Kh7 50.Re1 Kg7 51.Rg1 Kf7 52.Rc1 Kg7 53.Rg1 Kh7 54.Re1 Kg6 55.Rh1 Be7

56.Kg2 Kg7 57.Kf2 Kh7 58.Ke2 Kg7 59.Kf2 Kh7 60.Ke2 Bd6 61.Kf1 Kg7 62.Kg2 Rh8 63.Kf2 Kg6 64.Rh5 Re8 65.Rh3 Be6 66.Rh2 Rb8 67.Rh1 Be5 68.Ke2 Bf7 69.Kf2 Be8 70.Ke1 Bd7 71.Ke2 Ra8 72.Rh2 Bd6 73.Kf2 Be6 74.Rh1 Bd7 75.Rh2 Be6 76.Rh1 Bc8 77.Rh5 Rb8 78.Rh1 Ra8 79.Rh5 Rb8 80.Rh1 Bd7 81.a4 Be6 82.Rh5 Be5 83.Ke2 Rh8 84.Ke1 Kf7 85.Kf2 Ke7 86.Rh3 Bf7 87.Nf1 Ke6 88.Nh2 Bd6 89.Kg2 Bc7 90.Kf2 Bg6 91.Kg2 Be5 92.Kf2 Bf7 93.Kg2 Rb8 94.Na1 Kd6 95.Nf1 Bxc4 96.bxc4 Rb1 97.Nd2 Rxa1 98.Kf2 Rxa4 99.Rxh6 Kc7 100.Rh7+ Kb6 101.Ke2 Ra1 102.Nb3 Ra2+ 103.Nd2 a4 104.Kd1 Ra3 105.Ke2 Ra1 106.Rh8 Kb7 107.Rh7+ Ka6 108.Rh8 Ra2 109.Kd1 Ra3 110.Ke2 Ra1 111.Kf2 Ra2 112.Ke1 Ka5 113.Kd1 Kb4 114.Nb1 Rf2 115.Rh7 Rxf3 116.Kd2 Rf2+ 0–1 (116) Toga II 1.4 beta4b 4CPU (No E (2969)Zappa Mexico BugFix 64–bit (2905) CCRL 2007) 8...Be7 (8...fxe5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.Bxe5 Qg5 11.Bg3 Be7 12.Nd2 0-0 13.0-0 Qd5 14.Qe2 d6 15.Ne4 e5 16.f4 exf4 17.c4 Qe5 18.Bf2 d5 19.Nc3 Qxe2 20.Nxe2 d4 21.Rae1 Bd6 22.b4 cxb4 23.Nxd4 Bd7 24.Ne6 Rfe8 25.c5 Bb8 26.Nd4 Bc7 27.a3 bxa3 28.Rxe8+ Rxe8 29.Ra1 Rb8 30.Kf1 Be5 31.Rxa3 Rb1+ 32.Ke2 Rb2+ 33.Kf3 Rxf2+ 34.Kxf2 Bxd4+ 35.Kf3 Bxc5 36.Ra6 Kf7 37.Kxf4 Ke6 38.Ke4 Kd6 39.d4 Bb6 40.h3 Be8 41.Ra1 Bg6+ 42.Ke3 Kd5 43.Rd1 a5 44.Rd2 a4 45.Ra2 Bxd4+ 46.Kd2 c5 47.Rxa4 c4 0–1 (47) Volek,R (2035)Bartos,J (2188) Teplice 2009) 9.Nbd2 0–0 10.0–0 fxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.Bxe5 d6 13.Bg3 e5 14.Qe2 Bg5 15.Ne4 Bh6 16.f3 a5 17.a4 Ra7 18.Bf2 Raf7 19.Be3 Bxe3+ 20.Qxe3 h6 21.Rae1 Be6 22.Qd2 Bd5 23.Nc3 Rf4 24.Ne4 R4f5 25.Ng3 Rf4 26.Ne4 Kh8 27.Rf2 Kg8 28.Ref1 Be6 1354

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

+ + + + + * + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

29.Ng3 R4f7 30.f4 exf4 31.Rxf4 Rxf4 32.Rxf4 Rxf4 33.Qxf4 Qf8 34.Qd2 Qd8 35.Ne4 Bf5 36.Qf4 Bxe4 37.Qxe4 Qd7 38.h3 ½â€“½ (38) Spassky,Boris (2560)Gulko,Boris (2610) Linares 1990] 7.e5 [D

+ + + + + + ! + + + + +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

Z0] [22.Bxe7 Kxe7 23.Rc7+ Kf8 24.Kf1 a4 25.b4 Rdc8 26.Rxc8+ Rxc8 27.Ne1 Rc3 28.a3 Ke7 29.Ke2 Rb3 30.Kd2 Houdini Aquarium (0:00:01) +0.06|d27] ½-½

] 7...Ng6 [7...dxe5 !? 8.0–0 f6 9.Na3 Nf5 10.Nc4 Be7 11.Nfd2 Ba6 12.Qh5+ g6 13.Qd1 Rb8 14.Bb2 0–0 15.Re1 Houdini Aquarium (0:00:33) –0.20|d23]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B30] WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Chess Tigers,Taner,Harun]

8.h4 Nxe5 9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.Nd2 c4 11.Nxc4 Ba6 12.Qf3 Qd5 13.Qxd5 cxd5 14.Nxe5 f6 15.Nf3 e5 [Diagram

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 Ne7 6.b3 [Wieder wählt Anand mit diesem Zug eine Nebenvariante und bringt Gelfand frĂźh zum Nachdenken. Zumeist wird hier 6.De2 oder 6.0–0 gespielt.] 6...d6N [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !!+' ( ) * ,- +). /012345678

+ + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

] 16.0-0 Kf7 17.c4 Be7 18.Be3 Bb7 19.cxd5 Bxd5 20.Rfc1 a5 21.Bc5 Rhd8 22.Bxe7 [Diagram 1355

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

WeiĂ&#x; bietet ein Bauernopfer an, um dann auf die schlechtere Bauernstruktur des Schwarzen zu spielen. "Eine sehr menschliche Idee!" '(Kramnik)]

Nach 18 Minuten wählt Gelfand einen Zug, der in keiner Datenbank auftaucht - also eine Neuerung.] [In allen Vorgängerpartien folgte 6...Ng6 z. B. 7.Bb2 f6 8.e5 Be7 9.Nbd2 0–0 10.0–0 fxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.Bxe5 d6 13.Bg3 e5 14.Qe2 Bg5 15.Ne4 Bh6 16.f3 a5 17.a4 Ra7 18.Bf2 Raf7 19.Be3 Bxe3+ 20.Qxe3 h6 21.Rae1 Be6 22.Qd2 Bd5 23.Nc3 Rf4 24.Ne4 R4f5 25.Ng3 Rf4 26.Ne4 Kh8 27.Rf2 Kg8 28.Ref1 Be6 29.Ng3 R4f7 30.f4 exf4 31.Rxf4 Rxf4 32.Rxf4 Rxf4 33.Qxf4 Qf8 34.Qd2 Qd8 35.Ne4 Bf5 36.Qf4 Bxe4 37.Qxe4 Qd7 38.h3 1/2–1/2 Spassky (2560) - Gulko (2610), Linares 1990] 7.e5 [Laut Vladimir Kramnik sehr prinzipiell, sonst spielt Schwarz seinerseits e5.] 7...Ng6 [7...dxe5 kam natĂźrlich auch in Betracht und es wäre interessant zu erfahren, was Anand daruf in petto hatte. Vermutlich einfach 8.Bb2 nebst Kompensation fĂźr den Bauern. (Schwer vorstellbar, dass Anand 8.Nxe5?! geplant hatte, aber so ganz trivial ist 8...Qd4 mit Doppelangriff auf den Springer und den Turm nicht. Nach 9.Nc4 Qxa1 10.Bb2 Qxa2 11.Nc3 Qa6 12.Nd6+ Kd7 13.Nxf7 Rg8 14.Ne5+ Kc7 15.Qh5 spielt WeiĂ&#x; mit einem Turm weniger, aber irgendwie lebt er noch. Schach ist ein verrĂźcktes Spiel... ;-)) ] 8.h4!? [Diagram

8...Nxe5 9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.Nd2 [Wieder taucht Gelfand lange ab und sucht nach dem richtigen Plan.] 10...c4!? [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + !" #+!+!+ + % &!+! $ !!+' ( ) *Q,- +). /012345678 "Wow", hallte es durch sämtliche Chats und ßberraschte auch die GMKommentatoren. Rund 30 Minuten hat sich Gelfand fßr dieses Rßckopfer des Mehrbauern genommen und hat fortan nur noch eine Stunde bis zum 40. Zug.]

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[10...Qd4 war bei vielen Kiebitzen der Hauptzug. z. B. 11.Rb1 (11.Ba3 lautet die spielbare Alternative, um sich das Recht der langen Rochade zu bewahren.) 11...Be7 12.Nc4 0–0 13.Bb2 Qd5 14.Ne3 mit unklarer Lage.] 11.Nxc4 [Fßr diesen Zug benÜtigte der Weltmeister seinerseits gut 20 Minuten. 11.dxc4 und 11.bxc4 waren auch nicht so abwegig.] 1356

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

keineswegs einfach.] 11...Ba6 12.Qf3 [12.Nxe5?? wäre ein kolossaler Bock, denn nach 12...Qa5+ wäre der Schimmel weg.]

22.Bxe7 [Diagram

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12...Qd5 [Eine Partie voller Bauernopfer und das in der letzten WM-Partie beim Stand von 5,5 zu 5,5...] [12...Qc7 hätte den Bauern behalten, aber dafßr auch die schlechte Struktur.] 13.Qxd5 [13.Qg3!? "Ein Kaffeehausspieler wie ich hätte diesen Zug gespielt. " (Bischoff)] 13...cxd5 14.Nxe5 f6 15.Nf3 e5 16.0-0 [

Hier bot Anand urplÜtzlich die Punktteilung an, welche Gelfand natßrlich erfreut akzeptierte. Nahezu alle Kiebitze und Kommentatoren verstanden nicht, warum der Weltmeister hier - bar jeder Verlustgefahr - die Stellung nicht ausspielte. Wie auch immer, nun muss die WM 2012 im Tiebreak entschieden werden.] ½-½

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Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B30] WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Milos,Gilberto,Taner,Harun]

Nun hat plĂśtzlich WeiĂ&#x; einen Bauern mehr, aber dafĂźr hat Schwarz das berĂźchtigte Läuferpaar.]

[Que una partida decisiva para el campeonato mundial termine en tablas en 22 jugadas es realmente triste. Esta claro que ninguno de los jugadores esta inspirado y no veo un favorito en las partidas rĂĄpidas.]

16...Kf7 17.c4 Be7 18.Be3 Bb7 [Nach 18...d4?! 19.Bd2 Bb7 20.b4 kĂśnnte sich die weiĂ&#x;e Bauernmehrheit am DamenflĂźgel bezahlt machen.]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 Ne7 6.b3 [0.02/0]

19.cxd5 Bxd5 20.Rfc1 a5 21.Bc5 Rhd8 [21...Bxc5 22.Rxc5 Bxf3 23.gxf3 sollte wohl mit einem Remis enden, aber laut einiger Top-GroĂ&#x;meister ist dies

d6 [Diagram


Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

+ + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+!+!+$+ % &!+!+ !! !' ( )$ *Q,- +). /012345678

forzando a las negras a capturar en e5 o a jugar ..h5 debilitando g5. Este movimiento tiene que jugarse antes de que las blancas realicen Ab2, porque en c1 el alfil controla f4, a donde puede intentar ir el caballo negro. 0.12/0] 8...Nxe5 [0.00/0] 9.Nxe5 [0.12/0] dxe5 [0.08/0] 10.Nd2 [0.09/0] c4 [Esto no era necesario y fue una decision voluntaria de Gelfand. La idea es abrir la partida para los alfiles, una idea con la que Anand estuvo de acuerdo en la rueda de prensa tras la partida. 0.28/0] 11.Nxc4 [0.44/0] Ba6 [0.23/0] 12.Qf3 [0.55/0]

Una novedad. Permite debilitar los peones tanto de e5 como de c5. Lo normal es 0.04/0]

[12.Bb2 f6 y el alfil blanco esta bloqueado.; 12.Nxe5?? Qa5+; 12.h5 es la sugerencia del ordenador, pero no puedo ver con precision cual seria la idea.]

[6...Ng6 7.Bb2 f6 8.e5 Be7 9.0–0 0–0 10.Nbd2 fxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.Bxe5 d6 13.Bg3 e5 como en Spassky-Gulko (1990).] 7.e5 [-0.23/0] Ng6 [0.20/0]

12...Qd5 [cediendo otro peon y mejorando definitivamente su estructura de peones. 0.32/0] 13.Qxd5 [0.10/0] cxd5 [0.35/0] 14.Nxe5 [0.34/0] f6 [Diagram

[contra la normal 7...d5 las blancas jugarían algo como 8.Ba3 Ng6 9.0–0 Be7 10.c4 (10.Nc3) 10...0–0 11.Nc3 y Ca4 para presionar c5.; 7...dxe5 tambiÊn se puede jugar y seria similar a la partida.]

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8.h4 [Diagram

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Ahora las negras tienen el centro y la pareja de alfiles por el peon. Es compensacion suficiente. 0.22/0] 1358

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

19.cxd5 [Buena decisiĂłn! En vez de esperar, Anand decide actuar. Buscara los cambios de piezas para hacer valer su ventaja material. 0.11/0]

15.Nf3 [0.22/0] e5 [En los comentarios en ingles, Vladimir Kramnik,al ver esta posicion, dijo que se se le diese a elegir, en realidad preferiria las negras aqui. Su pareja de alfiles, el poderoso centro y la posibilidad de atacar debilidades no solo le parecĂ­an una completa compensaciĂłn sino un peligro potencial para las blancas. Seria muy adecuado empezar a buscar las tablas aquĂ­ e incluso a Gelfand se le aconsejarĂ­a bien diciĂŠndole que las rechazase si se las ofreciesen. Por el contrario, Peter Svidler, en los comentarios en ruso, opinaba que las blancas estaban ligeramente mejor. 0.17/0]

19...Bxd5 [0.33/0] 20.Rfc1 [0.15/0] a5 [0.00/0] [20...Rhc8 parecía mejor, evitando la idea de las blancas.] 21.Bc5! [Las blancas tienen una pequeùa pero clara ventaja.] 21...Rhd8 22.Bxe7 [y acordaron tablas. Realmente decepcionante!] ½-½

16.0-0 [0.21/0] Kf7 [0.16/0] 17.c4 [Este peon seria atacado y c4 es la opciĂłn mas segura. 0.20/0]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B30]

17...Be7 [0.14/0] 18.Be3 [0.14/0] Bb7 [D

WCh Moscow (12), 28.05.2012 [Garcia,Leontxo,Taner,Harun]

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[La Ăşltima partida lenta del Mundial (cuyo desempate rĂĄpido empezarĂĄ el miĂŠrcoles a las 10.00 en Madrid) fue muy interesante, con un desenlace prematuro. KrĂĄmnik (ex campeĂłn del mundo): (+)La oferta de tablas en una posiciĂłn que sĂłlo ĂŠl puede ganar demuestra que Anand ha perdido la confianza en sĂ­ mismo[+].] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3! [(defiende e4 para evitar lo de la 10|_ partida: 5.b3 e5! 6.Nxe5 Qe7 )]

Las negras podrĂ­an haber jugado d4 pero Boris prefiere esperar al momento correcto. De hecho esta era su ultima oportunidad. 0.28/0]

5...Ne7 6.b3 d6!? [(novedad, tras 20 minutos; GuÊlfand evita el plan lógico, contra el que Anand estaría armado hasta los dientes: Cg6–d5–f6)]

[18...d4 19.Bd2 Bb7 conduce a una posiciĂłn interesante. 20.b4 seria una opciĂłn para las blancas.]

7.e5! [(respuesta instantĂĄnea)] 1359

Antalya Chess Express c4 s28

+ + + + + + + + * + + + + !" #+!+!+$+ % &!+ + !!+' ( ) ) + ,- . /012345678

7...Ng6 8.h4! Nxe5 9.Nxe5 dxe5 [(los peones doblados en c6 y c5, asĂ­ como la excelente cuadra en c4 para el caballo blanco compensan el sacrificio)] 10.Nd2 [Diagram

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(Anand mantiene un sano peón de ventaja, y GuÊlfand no quiere desprenderse de su potente alfil de casillas blancas; tiempo restante para llegar a la 40:57 y 16 minutos, respectivamente)] 22.Bxe7 [. Tablas, muy sorprendentes: es verdad que tras] [22.Bxe7 Kxe7 23.Nd2 a4 , las probabilidades de empate serían muchas, pero sólo las blancas podrían ganar, sin riesgo alguno.] ½-½

] 10...c4! [(35 minutos para devolver el peĂłn, a cambio de liberar los alfiles)]

WCh Match 2012 Crosstable

11.Nxc4 [(Anand pensĂł 19 minutos sobre 11.bxc4 , que tiene sentido para restringir al Ac8)]

Anand,V Gelfand,B

123456789012 ½½½½½½01½½½½ ½½½½½½10½½½½

11...Ba6 12.Qf3 [(Anand elige lo mås sólido; se podía intentar el plan Ad2, De2, 0–0–0, pero quizå la variante crítica sea 12.Bd2 e4! 13.Qe2 exd3 14.cxd3 Bc5 , y parece que las negras estån bien)] 12...Qd5! [(la actividad de los alfiles vale mås que un peón)] 13.Qxd5 cxd5 14.Nxe5 f6 15.Nf3 e5 16.0-0 Kf7 17.c4 Be7 18.Be3 Bb7 19.cxd5 Bxd5 20.Rfc1 a5 21.Bc5 Rhd8 [Diagram

Redaksiyon Dr Harun Taner


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