Portfolio P1

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呼吸 就是在花錢


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Dream Of Peony Pavilion Reviewing the dramatic spatial property ?

< Project type > < Keywords >

: Architechture

: Stream of consciousness / Way of seeing /

Subject and object / Artistic conception

< Time >

: September.2017-May.2018

< Location >


: Old Quater, Taichung, Taiwan

C h a p t e r 1 | I n t r o : Te n g a i t a n T h e a t e r

Chapter 1

I n t ro :

Te n g a i t e n Th e at e r

We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves.—<Way Of Seeing>John Berger

Seeing comes before words. What is your common way of seeing? Individuals act as the subject of self-consciousness and the object in others' mind, people realize their existence by discovering others' observations. However, once the existence of oneself disappears into the torrent of society, what perspective should we use to review and interpret the upcoming future?


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Site Analysis


C h a p t e r 1 ď˝œ I n t r o : Te n g a i t a n T h e a t e r

A naly sis of traffic flow

New Taichung Railway Station New Taichung Railway Station which completed in October 2018, actually reversed the people flow to the old quarter in Taichung and flourished this area.

TAROKO Mall TAROKO Mall has been around 10 years in Taichung Old Quarter and acts like the popular spot for locals to spend their weekend.

Old Quarter Of Taichung

A n a l y si s o f p e o pl e fl o w



Traffic flow


C o m m e rc i a l D i st ric t s / A higher proportion of tourists and students Tourists


R e si d e n t i a l A re a / Mainly local residents live in this districts Local residence

Population distribution

Old Quarter Of Taichung


People flow

Three factors for Tengaiten as an ideal site 1. New Taichung Railway Station rever sed the population flow to the old quar ter in Taichung and star ted to flourished this area.


2. The application for cultural heritage has failed repeatedly in the past two year s.


3. Tengaiten is just at the opposite of New Taichung Railway Station which has nearly 20000 people flow per day.






A B C D E F G H Residence.


Derelict buildings.







Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

てんがいてん げ き じ ょ う の 歴 史





2012-2016 1975-1993



Chap t er 2 ď˝œ Re- : Document a t ion and c onser v a t ion

Chapter 2 D o c u m e n tat io n

R e- : a n d c o n s e rvat io n

From culture hearths of Taichung Old Quarter to

the state between ruin and heritage, Tengaiten has

engaged different facilities and status in the past 80 years. Meanwhile, the state of coexistence between Tengaiten and its block directs this site to diversity and complexity so that certain issues gradually increased over the past 80 years.

Coexistence between Tengaiten and its block directs this site to diversity and complexity.


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion ď˝œ

Issues in Tengaiten block / Lose the order of architecture The unified architectural order in the block of Tengaiten is based on its process of histor y. The local residents' lifestyle and related facilities in the district in terms of the main function in Tengaiten completely changed once ever y renovation.

Iron fence blocking

Overgrowth of Weeds

Narrow alley

Personal clutters accumulation

Illegal structure

Unclear land right

/ Forgotten the inner part of history In the 80-year period, Tengaiten showed diver se oppor tunities to Taichung Old Quater. However, as well as the histor y has been abandoned, dismantling destiny of Tengaiten is in the upcoming future


Chap t er 2 ď˝œ Re- : Document a t ion and c onser v a t ion

/ Contrast on both sides of the road Outer road

Inner block

15000 individuals/day

100 individuals /day

Tengaiten is on the opposite of New Taichung Railway Station The population of pedestrian at the outer road at around 15000 per day. By contrast, the inner block in Tengaiten just around 100.

Diagram / Eternal Loop 9ď˝œ

Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion ď˝œ

Chapter 3

E t e r n a l l o op : c i rc u l at io n i n Te n g a i t e n bl o ok Process of construction Step 1 / Analysis Traf fic and people flow Buidling orientation Derelict buildings Corrugated iron fence

Step 2 / Dismantling & Assembly New assembly spaces New inner Buiding orientation

Step 3 / Construction & Coexistence Circulation of Eternal Loop ( Assembly spaces connection ) Entrance: Connection between inner and outer Coexistence buildings

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C h a p t e r 3 ď˝œ E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Perspective of the process

Connection / Coexistence buildings

Dismantling / Corrugated iron fence

A nalysis / Tengaiten Block

1 1ď˝œ

Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion ď˝œ

Eternal Loop Unity of Spatial Fragment

ď˝œ1 2

We fragment the symbolic concentric circle, which is in the centre of Tengaiten, to deconstruct it as several elements in Eternal Loop, such as window's orientation and direction of circulation. Therefore, directionality of space embedded in Eternal Loop.

C h a p t e r 3 ď˝œ E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Take the facade elements and experience of space in Tengaiten as a strategy to incorporate in Eternal Loop. Therefore, Eternal Loop conveys different spatial properties via familiar experience to local residents and new spatial perception to tourists.

Eternal Loop

Conceptual diagram The experience of passway in Eternal Loop just as similar to the process of climbing a mountain. People can peek out the destination in different sites of the route.


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion ď˝œ

Eternal Loop / Way of seeing

individual v.s individuals

individual v.s Objects


Local Residents

Fast walking

Theatre Staff



See a play

individual v.s self-conscious

Art Gallery

Drawing tea


& chat




TGT experience




Visit gallery

Visit TGT




Mind-Meandering / Space Of Introspection

ď˝œ1 4

Drama teaching


Living room



Static exhibition

Spend leisure time

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Eternal Loop Perception & Facilities & Programme


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Eternal Loop 1F Floor plan

A. Theatre B. Street vendor C. Caf 'e D. Open cinema E. Audiovisual Room F. Stage G. Ar t galler y H. Gardening park I. Shops J. Living room K. Accommodation L. Bar M. Librar y N. Dancing room O. Village god temple P. Script-reading stage

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C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k
















Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Eternal Loop 2F Floor plan

A. Theatre B. Street vendor C. Caf 'e D. Open cinema E. Audiovisual Room F. Stage G. Ar t galler y H. Gardening park I. Shops J. Living room K. Accommodation L. Bar M. Librar y N. Dancing room O. Village god temple P. Script-reading stage

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C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k











Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Eternal Loop 3F Floor plan

A. Theatre B. Street vendor C. Caf 'e D. Open cinema E. Audiovisual Room F. Stage G. Ar t galler y H. Gardening park I. Shops J. Living room K. Accommodation L. Bar M. Librar y N. Dancing room O. Village god temple P. Script-reading stage

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C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k







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Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |




E n f r a m e d s c e n e r y / To u r i s t s

E n f r a m e d s c e n e r y / TGT

Te n g a i t e n w e s t e l e v a t i o n

Pe e k i n g / L o c a l r i c e s h o p

Te n g a i t e n n o r t h e l e v a t i o n

Eternal Loop Opening & Experience of space

Enframed scener y / Objects

|2 2

Pe e k i n g / TGT

E n f r a m e d s c e n e r y / TGT

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Look up

L o o k u p/ TGT r o o f t o p

Background scene

B a c k g r o u n d s c e n e / TGT w i t h t o u r i s t s

TGT Facade Te n g a i t e n e a s t e l e v a t i o n

L o o k u p/ TGT r o o f t o p

Te n g a i t e n s o u t h e l e v a t i o n

G r a d a t i o n / TGT

2 3|

Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion ď˝œ

Eternal Loop Axonometric diagram

Theatre / Individual v.s Individuals Fuz z y obje c t and subje c t Fo cus on t he relat ionship bet we en audienc e and drama ac tor

Mind-Meandering / Space of introspection

A rt Gallery / Individual v.s Objects A high propor t ion of tour ist s . Fo cus on t he ex p er ienc e of ex plorat ion and jour ney.

Library / Individual v.s Self-conscious A high prop or t ion of loc al re sident . Fo cus on t he pro c e s s of as sembly and re st .

ď˝œ2 4

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Dream Of Peony Pavilion Rendering S t a g e Pe r f o r m a n c e / 2F T h e a t e r

Space of self-ref lection

Space of self-ref lection

Wa i t i n g a r e a / 2F T h e a t e r

Ve r t i c a l c i r c u l a t i o n / 1F T h e a t e r

Tr a n s i t i o n s p a c e / 2F T h e a t e r

2 5|

Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |


G a r d e n i n g p a r k / 1F A r t G a l l e r y

Pa s s w a y / 3 F L i b r a r y

A s s e m b l y S p a c e / 1F A r t G a l l e r y

C a f 'e / 1F L i b r a r y

Tr a n s i t i o n s p a c e / A r t G a l l e r y – L i b r a r y

Tr a n s i t i o n s p a c e / L i b r a r y – A c c o m m o d a t i o n

L o c a l r e s i d e n t s E n t r a n c e / 2F A r t G a l l e r y

R e s t i n g / 2F L i b r a r y

Chap t er 4 | Mind-Meander ing : A dv anc ed w a y o f seeing

Chapter 4 Mind-Meandering : Advanced way of seeing

Space of self-ref lection

In Wang Changling’s Notion of “Mind-Meandering”, the

Eternal Loop, "Mind-Meandering" creates a space for

to experience a space by extending individuals' feeling

and its block so that a new way of seeing architecture is

concept of Mind-Meandering breaks the limits for people to every detail of space, such as texture and scales,

throughout people's mind. Meantime, as the last step of

visitors to consolidate the states between Tengaiten developed by individuals' feeling.

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Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion ď˝œ

Only the circular corridor in the centre of Tengaiten is opened for visitors

in the Tengaiten Block and creates

Eternal Loop. Therefore, the experience of space in Tengaiten reconstruct

about the future of this site.

named "Mind-Meander", which give space for introspection at the end of

sensory modalities, which changed the overall impression of the Tengaiten block. Consequently, the subjective state of Tengaiten will be eliminated

ď˝œ2 8

opportunities for visitors to think

Epilogues ď˝œ Be ginning o f t he End

Epilogues Beginning of the End Dream Of Peony Pavilion interpreted as an annotation to the current and future state of the site, in order to get more attention from tourists and local residents so that Tengaiten will has the opportunity to face next challenge through individuals' pondering to the site .

In the end, the thick volume state of Tengaiten can be torn down , while the spirit of the site will eternal and fundamental existence in the block.

2 9ď˝œ

Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Superimposition Seeking opportunities in the wasteland of prosperity.

< Project type > < Keywords >

: Temperaty theatre

: Urban decay / Assembly space /

Coexicetence / Artistic conception

< Time >

: April.2017-May.2017

< Location >

|3 0

: Old Quater, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

C h a p t e r 1 ď˝œ I n t r o : Te n g a i t a n T h e a t e r



around Hsinchu Public Activity Center.This kind of superimposed state, which embedded in the historical and modern buildings, incorporates

nheritance of hisotrical memories

in the district around the site. Zhong-Zheng-

districts. Various textures in different

can be demonstrated as vital instances which

sculpt unique identifies to different

periods of time can be apparently seen

Intersection right ahead site

Tai Night Market, Hsin-Chu Assembly Hall

incorporated historical message on buildings.

Z h o n g -Z h e n g N i g h t M a r k e t / 2F

Hsinchu Public Activit y Center

3 1ď˝œ

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